#bong-hwan jang
prongsmydeer · 1 year
The Most Romantic Lines in Mr. Queen:
King Cheoljong to Bong-hwan: “Why did it anger you so much?” “So? Did you figure it out?” “No, I cannot seem to figure it out. So, I decided to accept it, although I cannot understand it. That a blessing to others, may not be a blessing to you.”
King Cheoljong to Bong-hwan: “I’ll comfort you tomorrow.” “Your existence is comforting enough.”
Bong-hwan to Byeong-in, about Cheoljong: “You asked me why it has to be the King. Let me answer that question now. If someone has to be King, I think he’s the best one. He’s the most king-like out of everyone. So don’t stop me from going and casting a precious vote to the King.”
King Cheoljong to Bong-hwan: “When you weren’t in the Palace, I was surrounded by darkness, like there was a blackout. Oh, ‘Blackout’ means...” “No need to explain. I understand how you feel. I felt the same way.”
Bong-hwan to King Cheoljong: “If you really are from the future, then you must know the ending of this fight too. What happens?” “You’re going to lose. But I’m going to bet everything I’ve got on you.”
Bong-hwan to King Cheoljong: “So, you put all the eggs in my basket.” [Laughs] “Yes. All in. I went all in on you.”
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shadowofdarkness22 · 8 months
The moment Cheoljong FINALLY figures it out.
So, I've been sitting on this edit for years because its incomplete and I didn't want to show it until it was. But, I'm not sure WHEN I will finish it so I'll just post it here in its raw form for you all to enjoy until the day I want to sit and finish it.
Also we all wished we had this scene in the drama. T_T
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osgoss · 1 year
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(I met you, and then I lost you, and nothing really felt the same after that.) - redux, rebirth, resurgence by juurensha on ao3
Hi hi I really had to get this out of my system and just, draw them. I love cheolbong sm and I've been thriving off of the ao3 fics for a while now so i had to quote one of my fav cheolbong works! The art isn't related to the fic, but I might make something based off the fic, who knows 👀 enjoy <33
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haomnyangz · 1 year
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the uncanny counter + letterboxd reviews
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rosyfingered-moon · 2 years
Mr Queen fic masterlist
Noticing an influx of comments on my Mr. Queen fics now that it’s on Netflix, so here gentle readers is a masterlist. I spent the better part of a year writing these stories, most of which are novel-length!
Are you a cheolbong truther, and wish the show would have committed to the wacky queer love story of our dreams? Or does your heart beat for the silenced Kim Soyong, who got pushed out of her own narrative? I’m here to fulfill all your fix-it needs! ❤
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Mrs. Queen
Summary: She has always been good at hide and seek. A retelling of Mr. Queen from Kim Soyong's point of view.
This was my first MQ retelling where Soyong and Bong-hwan are both awake and bickering inside their mind, wrestling for control. Soyong/Cheoljong endgame; Bong-hwan is mostly around to matchmake and cause trouble like the gremlin he is.
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And I, and Silence
Summary: Jang Bong-hwan can feel his mind disintegrating, and he is looking for a way back to Seoul. Suddenly Kim Soyong is back. And, as it turns out, she is already married.
The last thing Kim Soyong remembers is jumping into the lake. Now she’s back mid-story and forced to fend for herself without any memory of what has happened in the past few months. Lots of angsty pining, gratuitous Emily Dickinson references, and the birth of my most beloved crackship ByeongJin (Jo Hwa-jin/Kim Byeong-in).
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The Raw Ingredients
Summary: After a miserable year in Seoul, Bong-hwan finds a way back to Joseon. When she returns everything is very different from how she left it.
We’ve got magical trans girl Bong-hwan returning to Joseon, only this time in the body of a lowly palace maid. How ever will she get to her king? Well, with a little help of cunning minister Kim Soyong, of course.
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Summary: Sobong returns to her king.
A ficlet with the same basic premise as The Raw Ingredients but much shorter.
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The White Grass
Summary: Kim Soyong discovers the hard way that her clan would do anything to ensure that the next royal heir comes from the Kim bloodline, no matter who they have to hurt to do it. To survive in the palace she makes a deal with the king. AU where Jang Bong-hwan never came to Joseon. This one has some dark and gritty dubcon sex! It’s also got a Kim Soyong who girlbosses, gaslights, and gatekeeps her way to power in a patriarchal government, and accidentally falls in love with her husband along the way.
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Whatever Souls Are Made Of
Summary: Kim Soyong and Jang Bong-hwan are the same soul reincarnated. On the same night, 170 years apart, they both drown. That’s when things get weird.
In this story Sobong is just one (1) person, but with two sets of memories from two points in time. There’s some multiverse theory, library sex, and a journey of self-discovery for our dear genderfluid queen! This is my personal favorite of the bunch.
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rederiswrites · 2 years
In Any Life, In Any Body
Did something I haven't done in a long time, and wrote. Did something I've never done, and wrote post-canon fix it fic. But if ever a show called for it, it's Mr. Queen.
For 19 1/2 episodes, we got a beautiful, complex, and inherently queer story. Then we were meant to accept a tragedy as a happy ending. I needed to believe that two people who managed to love each other across time and regardless of sex or gender could have another chance.
The 5 Letters represent one of the great mysteries of King Cheoljo’s legacy. The question is this: Who was Jang Bong-hwan?
The name appears only in two of the Letters and the famous graffito at Gungnamji Lake. There is no other record of anyone by that name who might have had contact with the King. These letters reveal a surprisingly metaphorical and poetic side of the King, but to the author’s mind, the shortest and simplest is the most moving and strangely tragic of these.
Bong-hwan touched the page. He already knew it by heart. It appeared a dozen times in the books scattered around him. But he could not read the words aloud.
“Bong-hwan. I never called you by your name. I did not truly see you until you were gone. Bong-hwan. I pray every night to see you again in another life, in your world. Bong-hwan. Now that you are gone, I know what it was that I loved. I would love you in any form. Bong-hwan. May I know you again, in any life. In any body. Bong-hwan.”
(Read the rest on AO3)
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ofqueensandwitches · 1 month
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As long as I’m on your side, you’re bound to win.
Mr Queen (2020)
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
Throughout the years, King Cheoljong and Queen Cheorin ruled Joseon together. Peace reigned for many years, the country prospered, their people were happy, and so were the royal couple. The heavens blessed them with five healthy and handsome princes, and they have been happier than ever.
However, a couple of months before their 10th year of marriage, they found out that the queen has conceived once more, and on that very same day when her mother and father got married, the princess came into the world.
Of course, the kingdom rejoiced...
Lady Choi however, had mixed emotions, she dreaded the day that a tiny Kim So-yong would come into this world. The queen was already a handful, then the crown prince came. After that, a series of pregnancies and childbirths which brought the second, third, fourth and fifth princes, all born within the decade.
The queen didn't really expect to fall pregnant again, but Lady Choi did, especially when her majesty swore not to conceive again...a vow she makes every single damn time she gives birth. In all fairness, the queen loves all of her children more than life itself, perhaps she just hated the whole pregnancy process. The older lady couldn't blame her, no mother enjoys the nausea and vomiting, being sensitive to everything, weird food cravings, feeling tired all the time, back pains and so on. Not to mention the endless pre-natal education which she already memorized by now, and of course, labor pains and actual childbirth are always the worst.
The king had been supportive of course, always making sure to provide everything his wife needs, comforting her, being with her at the birthing bed while enduring her loud mouth (Lady Choi lost count on how many times the queen cussed her husband while pushing their child into the world). However, when the princess was finally born they were ecstatic, she inherited her mother's beauty. But Lady Choi swore she heard the king mumble a prayer for her daughter to NOT inherit her mother's...unusual personality, at least not all of it. For the record, each of his sons had gotten some of the queen's traits, but he has a feeling that the princess is going to inherit much more.
The royal couple always say that their children are the most wonderful gifts they've ever received, but for the nannies who look after the royal children, it's a nightmare. The chaos brought about by five young boys in the palace has become a normal thing, so it's no longer surprising for someone who sees or comes across a nanny running after or frantically looking for a royal child. They're at their wits end, and who understands them better than Lady Choi herself? That explains why she and the royal cook have been getting more company at the bamboo forest.
"I'll give her a year, when the princess learns how to walk, the new nanny will be joining us," said Man-bok.
Lady Choi scoffed, "Oh please, the moment the princess starts to crawl it will be hell for the nanny, I'd say it's about seven months," she said with confidence.
Placing a bet for how long a nanny would last until they snap had been the old couple's habit since the birth of the king's heir. So far, Lady Choi had a more precise prediction than the royal cook.
It wasn't long after they heard rustles, like someone was coming. To their surprise it was the new nanny, she looked like she hadn't slept for days and was clearly exhausted. "Oh my are you alright? You seemed so stressed out," the royal cook worriedly asked.
The new nanny looked like she was about to cry, "The princess is driving me insane! She really doesn't like me."
"How can you say that?" it was Lady Choi's turn to ask.
"She's the calmest baby when she's with her parents, but when she's with me she won't stop crying and squirming! And her brothers..."
"Why? What did the princes do?"
"They said their sister despises me," the nanny said miserably.
"Those little rascals," Man-bok muttered under his breath.
"Well...children do prefer to be with their parents than other people, the crown prince was like that when he was a baby," said the first prince's nanny, "Just give it some time, she'll get attached to you. I'm not saying it'll get easier after that, no way. In my case, I've been hearing complaints from some elders saying that the first prince is arrogant. But he's not, he's actually confident and assertive, kind, wise and just, he has all the qualities of a king this country needs."
The other nannies joined the conversation. The second child prefers being outdoors (meaning he escapes from the palace almost all the time which stresses the shit out of his guards and nannies), but his adventurous side has made him brave, bold, and street smart. The third born is a smooth talker, he knows how to get himself out of trouble with words, but he is the most level-headed and a true gentleman. The fourth son is usually quiet and prefers to read or practice calligraphy, but when he talks he is very direct and brutally honest. The fifth son, the youngest prince and a ball of energy can already identify almost all of the ingredients used to prepare their meals and likes to banter with the royal cook, however he is also the sweetest and most loving among the siblings.
They may differ in personalities but if there's one thing the boys have in common, it's their love for the king and queen. They have immense respect for their father and they take good care of their mother even at such a young age. Lady Choi commends how the king and queen are raising their children.
"The royal children aren't who you'd expect them to be, but when you really think of it, they're just...children," said the nanny to the second prince.
"They're not perfect, but seeing them grow into fine young princes, you'll realize that our job isn't so bad after all." said the fifth prince's nanny.
"Come to think of it, it's actually amusing how the queen birthed six charming yet mischievous babies, isn't it royal cook?" asked Lady Choi.
"Oh Lady Choi, we have the king to thank for their charms, and their mischievousness? We all know where they got it from."
They all laughed, the bamboo forest had been a safe space for Lady Choi since coming into the palace. It also brought her and Man-bok together, and now the nannies whom they have formed a close friendship with. At least now Lady Choi and the royal cook know that they aren't the only ones who are losing their minds yet still continue to serve the royal family as best as they could.
"But if it really bothers you dear child, you may let all of your feelings out, it will be our little secret," Lady Choi winked at her.
The new nanny nodded, took a deep breath and yelled as loud as she could. With her newfound friends and the bamboo trees as witnesses, "I can't wait until the princess gets older," Man-bok whispered to Lady Choi, they both snickered as they watched the poor young woman pour out her emotions.
She sure has a lot to rant about, and probably more in the future.
The Bamboo Forest (by: Iris)
This fanfic is solely based on the KDrama, Mr. Queen and has nothing to do with the real Cheoljong and Cheorin, as well as Korea's history.
Also, this has been sitting in my drafts for a couple of weeks. I've been imagining what Cheoljong and Cheorin's (from the show) kiddos would be like since I kinda feel sad that I didn't get to see their baby be born but...oh well.
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lookingkindofdumb · 2 years
Mr Queen - The Ending
Okay, so, I have seen a lot of commentary about the ending of Mr Queen being ‘The Worst of the Worst’ of it being ‘homophobic’ and a ‘blight on Queer rep’.
These points might be valid - it is an unsatisfying ending and I was personally rooting for Jang Bong-hwan staying in the past and, you know, creating a whole new history. But. There are some incredibly valid reasons why the ending ended like it did.
One: (and honestly a pretty important one) is so the show was aired. It ended on a (very queer) heterosexual note, which was probably vital in getting the show air time. 
(I don’t think the ending made enough sense to have been what the writers were going for - not with how brilliantly the rest of the production was done. So I don’t think it was meant to convince us.)
If the show had ended how many watchers wanted it to - Jang Bong-hwan and Cheoljong together - then it may not have been around to watch. 
(And, honestly, shows not going the way I want paves the way for glorious fix it fanfiction.)
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Two: it turned a popular trope completely on its head - it unfridged a woman.
Kim So Yong was, essentially, dead. 
The ending brought her back to life at the expense of the main male character (or at least, initially representing as male - genderqueer/trans Jang Bong-hwan rights!).
It brought back a side/background character to play the title role, to be happy when she thought it impossible.
Yeah, from a Cheolbong perspective, it sucks. But Kim So Yong is living the good life. 
(Even if she probably would be happier if they switched bodies properly rather than, you know, literally taking a backseat in her own life.)
Three: it gave an almost perfect show a big, visible flaw.
(This is not saying the show is faultless or pristine clear.)
Without this ending I, personally, would have been content to watch the show on repeat for years and never consider anything else.
With an ending that felt...incomplete, well, that leaves fanfiction, world building and head canons galore (bring on the hyper fixation!).
People like to fix imperfect things, like to keep poking things into place until it settles that ‘just so’ urge.
That ending? Poke away.
The ending of Mr. Queen.
Do I like the decision? No.
But I don’t have to.
It served a purpose.
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mayday396 · 29 days
"OH! But Cheoljong and Kim So Yong, fell in love at first sight, they loved each other before the events of the sh-"
Even with my Hetero eyes, I can see that Cheoljong fell in love with Jang Bong Hwan, albeit unknowingly, ITS GOING TO BE DOOMED YAOI IN THE LONG RUN.
Jang Bong Hwan's soul was in So Yong's Body:
He was the one that cooked in the Royal Kitchen
He was the one that gave modern Exercises to the Rebels
He was the one that fought alongside his King
He was the one that introduced different governmental system ideas to his King
Is So Yong gonna do that? No
Cheoljong may be a fool in History, but here he is a tactician, he is going to fucking notice why his WIFE, his QUEEN, is ACTING DIFFERENTLY
What happened to the audacious attitude she had?
What happened to her cooking skills?
What happened to her knowledge of the Future?
What happened to her Rebellious and fighting spirit?
Instead fucking embrace it, sure if you want to censor it like China did with "Go Princess Go" or "Mo Dao Zu Shi" fine go ahead, it's gay enough to survive censorship, but to cancel this while in the height of its popularity is a crime.
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zarahjoyce · 11 months
Mr. Queen Fic: resurgence (Jang Bong Hwan/Cheoljong)
He isn't an expert in emotional fucking baggage because mostly he just gave them away, kept none for himself. Obviously. He's too cool for that shit. But Bong Hwan's pretty fucking sure now that what he's feeling is missing Cheoljong. In a way that made him feel like his entire chest was raging all the time. - or a fix-it fic of sorts to Mr. Queen's ending.
Notes: So I rewatched this KDrama!!! When I first saw Mr. Queen, I was obsessed with Prince Yeongpyeong and Hwa-Jin (even wrote a story for them). Now though, I get why people didn't like the canon ending because AAAAAGH.
So I wrote my own fix-it fic. Not sure if it makes sense, but it made me happy writing it hihihi.
(also this is technically my first M/M fic so THERE'S THAT TOO)
ao3 link!
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prongsmydeer · 1 year
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Please watch Mr. Queen
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shadowofdarkness22 · 1 year
I woke up from a strange dream that bothered me and decided (as a distraction to make myself feel better) that I'm going to post little snippets of ideas I had for other cheolbong fics if I ever finished No Touch Cafe. Will I ever get to them? I have no idea, but for now, enjoy!
Mute!Bong Hwan/CEO!Won Beom
Won Beom saves Bong Hwan from assholes trying to beat him up and they nearly break his hand. As Won Beom is treating his wound:
“It’s already hard enough for you to communicate as it is.” Won Beom says softly as he wraps the bandage around Bong Hwan’s hand. "Hands are the very things we use to hurt or comfort, to create or destroy." he swipes his thumb over Bong Hwan’s hand as though he could take away all the pain with a single touch. "But for you, it's how you communicate." Won Beom looks at Bong Hwan, who's looking back at him with an unreadable expression. "You've already lost one voice. It would be cruel for you to lose another."
Bong Hwan pulled his hands away gently. "I would have found another way," he signed slowly, staring at Won Beom with a determined intensity. Won Beom couldn't help but smile.
“Yes, you would." he agrees.
Purely written snippet as a joke of the bath scene, but like... way gayer?? Basically a pwp lmaooo
“Would you like me to fuck you?” Cheoljong asked, his voice low.
“Or would you like to fuck me?” Won Beom asked, tilting his head.
“Which do you choose then?” Cheoljong asked seriously, him and Won Beom looking at Bong Hwan expectantly. Bong Hwan scoffed.
“Fuck both of you,” he said harshly, fully intending it to be an insult. Instead the two of them grew wider grins. Cheoljong immediately slid behind him, his hands grazing across Bong Hwan’s chest as his chest pressed against his back. Won Beom slid into Bong Hwan’s lap, settling comfortably enough as though he always belonged there.
"So be it." Cheolbong purred into Bong Hwan's ear.
Bodyguard AU with a mix of modern and Joseon. The one I really want to write one day. But here's a little taste. 👀
"Loyalty? Why the sudden change? I know for a fact that joining my side gets you nothing." Cheoljong said.
"You're right. I don't receive any benefits. I will be risking my life to help you win."
"Then why??"
"If I may be so bold, Your Majesty." Bong Hwan steps closer and refuses to break his gaze from the king. "It's because I love you."
Cheoljong steps back in shock as Bong Hwan towers over him.
"I've always thought it was immense loyalty, and had treated it as such until I realized my thoughts were never as innocent as they should be." He stares at Cheoljong. "What I feel for you is different from anything I have ever felt before, and it makes me feel alive." he steps closer, his hand reaching up but never quite getting close. He pulls away and steps back. "I know what I feel can never be reciprocated, and I will never expect you to. But do not push me from your side. Use me as you will, and I will tear down all your enemies with just one word from you. That I promise you, My King."
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asiandramabuzz · 3 years
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Mr. Queen (철인왕후)
Starring Shin Hye Sun as Kim So Yong/Jang Bong Hwan and Kim Jung Hyun as King Cheol Jong
Country: South Korea
Release Year: 2020
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photodumppps · 1 year
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Just finished watching Mr. Queen starring Shin Hye Sun & Kim Jung Hyun :)
Here's my quick review about it:
The reason why I pushed myself watching it because of the plot. Well, it's not a typical plot for me (though I've watched Secret Garden similar to this one). I was curious how will the story flow thinking that a soul of some random guy went inside a queen of a historical era. The first question I've asked: How did they fall in love with each other? Well, based on how I perceived the episodes of MQ, the fact that Bong Hwan and So Yong did not swap with their bodies was out of the picture. I think the main reason why the two–Cheol Jong and Bong Hwan (inside So Yong's body) have numerous intimate scenes because obviously, So Yong is there. It's crazy how I've come into conclusion that BH & SY are connected and mixed their personality with each other that's why there are scenes that BH tries to resist all the affection SY felt for CJ, while SY is (the girl's head over heels on him so she's always on the go) make sense.
So, the second one I've convinced to formulate is: Did Cheol Jong fell in love with So Yong or fell in love with Bong Hwan considering he's inside SY's body? A confusing moment for me everyone. Because I can't ignore all the moments CJ with him, or just maybe CJ thinking about him (e.g. he made "Queen's Dictionary” to understand the queen better; on the last episode, the King noticed something changed about the queen, he felt he lost something after the assassination during enthronement, so on).
So yeah, aside from unsatisfied ending for our Chef Bong Hwan's story, what should I add? Mr. Queen is a fun and warmhearted drama. The casting was great and I love the team hong yeon, lady choi, & queen <33 I hope they did not just leave the importance of BH on the whole plot and his back story just to be clear.
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issela-santina · 1 year
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Four magical scenes set in open water, where light has a diminished reach.
Our Flag Means Death — As Edward “Blackbeard” Teach lingers in the open water, before him is a vision of his lover Stede Bonnet, trident in hand, as a merman with a fabulous goldfish-like tail.
Mr. Queen — Jang Bong-hwan is held and kissed by a princess, Kim So-yong (later Queen Cheol-in), who had swum to him from out of nowhere. A green aurora-like light forms a wide circle around the two.
The Shape of Water — The Asset kisses Eliza Esposito, whose red dress opens up in the water while her left shoe drifts away from her foot. Not that she needs it any longer.
Swiss Army Man — Hank discovers a bit of a win-win upon kissing the lips of the undead Manny, who bubbles with air through a grin.
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