looseinthecatroom · 2 years
Dreams just like us fr
He really saw Hob Gadling in 1589 and went: “You’re stable?? Happy?? Heterosexual*???
I’ll be over there chatting with the art twink if anyone needs me.“
Then Hob comes back in 1689 like “I’M FILTHY, TRAUMATIZED, MISERABLE, YET FULL OF HOPE” and Dream is really like:
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“At last. A blorbo.”
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ive been playing so much neopets lately… here is the gallery i started in it the other day:
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antimisery-core · 4 months
ya’ll wincest shippers need de-wormer. i will not be elaborating.
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ef-1 · 6 months
love shipping, i think shipping is great 👍 super duper love when people imprint on relationships and use them as a source for creativity and content creation!!!!
Definitely dont take it so religiously that you veer into weird, mean spirited Larry territory though 🤠🫶
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capitalisticveins · 9 months
Okay after being so bored that ive somehow decided to listen to Morgan (shocker i know) ive come to a conclusion
These two are gonna be so involved with The Balance im not joking in the slightest
The only thing deterring this is the timeline, since Morgan and his listener(April 2022) are 3 months ahead of The Balance(Jan 2022) but like we can keep Sunshine in that basement a lil longer👀
I already have a scenario in mind where either Morgan/his listener or Blake would have to hide being a seer from the other but that raises suspicion bc the other knows theyre a seer already and omg if theyre not in The Balance I will cry
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dpaints · 2 years
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So glad to have my painting “I may have to steal your soul “ included in @fresheyegallery show Bona Fide opening Friday March 31 from 6 to 8pm. Hope everyone can stop by then! #bonefide #fresheyegallery @fresheyegallery @darrellhagan #artopening #surrealism #artgallery #groupshow https://www.instagram.com/p/CpsbZcauAmU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ayy-junipei · 5 months
On the subject of the degradation of fanfic communities, you guys need to fucking start commenting and engaging with fics positively again. I've been seeing a lot of fics, 200+ kudos only 3 comments. You survived all the way until the end and you won't even give compliments to the chef?
On the flip side, I saw a popular fic just straight up deleted because most the comments they got were update requests. The author got sick of it and ollied outied for their mental health.
Then I have homies in a fandom Discord sobbing my ear off because they put 10+ hours into a chapter of their robot yaoi epic, just to get a singular sparkle heart emoji. That's not engaging with it at all that's just proof you consumed buddy. Kudos 2 Electric Boogaloo.
It's EZPZ. Just say "Nice! I liked the part where __ did __ that was so __!" Badda bing badda boom that's a bonefide comment bone appetite.
Afraid someone's gonna point and laugh at you for admitting you read a Starscream x Megatron fuck or die fic? That's what the guest comment feature was built for, you plank. Get out there and start telling those cringe authors that you appreciate the quality of the slop.
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sporkandpringles · 9 months
my problems with discovery's spore drive have nothing to do with the wacky mushroom science. Like this is Star Trek™ not some bonefide diamond on the Moh's Scale of Sci-Fi hardness like The Martian. I know to expect the writers playing a bit fast and loose with physics and how the real world works. I'm here for that wackniess, actually. Love me some technobabble about mycelial spores or tetryon particles or whatever! the thing that doesn't work for me is the way the spore drive acts narratively, and how the technology was introduced within the timeline of the series. Like it's just obvious that the writers aren't willing to let anyone else but Discovery have access to the spore drive. They twisted up the Glenn in season one, so Discovery is the only ship with a spore drive. They hemmed and hawed about genetic modification in season 2 so no one else got a spore drive. They purged records of the spore drive's existence from history and claimed that no one else had tried to make anything like it in 900 years despite a massive dilithium shortage and canonical search for other methods of propulsion in season 3. And then at the very end, just when you think, oh hey maybe the entire population of Kwejian will make for a nice crop of new spore drive pilots, the writers fucking blow up their whole planet just so they don't have to let anyone else have the spore drive. And to be fair, they can't really let anyone else have it, or else Discovery loses it's right to be "the only one we can turn to in a crisis". And that's really all it has going for it. So, I get it! Still hate it, though. And, even moreso than all the silly narrative contrivances that are used to nerf transporter technology so that the plot can still happen, this bothers me. Because sure, all the ion storms and interference can get a bit stupid. We all make fun of star trek for inventing a technology that could immediately yoink our blorbos away from their problems, only to turn around and force it to not work when it's needed most. But at least there isn't just one ship that has the ability to use the transporter at all. That would be ridiculous. Everyone would want their own transporter. And yet, that's the situation we have in Discovery. Only one ship can travel across the galaxy in the blink of an eye. The show writers keep contriving to keep it that way. And given how useful instantaneous travel is, the fact that it hasn't been replicated once, by any species in the galaxy, not just the Federation, in 900 years is just stretching the limits of my willing suspension of disbelief.
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Hot take: I hate it when RWBY rewrite protray WF as this full on evil organization or try to manipulate faunus discrimination/pain for evil person benefit (I have seen people rewrite as Adam being Amon from Legends of Korra; where he isn't actually a faunus but a man to pretend to be a faunus)
Imo using an oppressed group pain whether a real life group or in universe group is always a cheap move to have an evil person for the sake of being evil.
The closet evil person that I can think of in rwby who has no overly sympathetic backstory is Tyrian.
That's not even a hot take, baby, that's just you seeing racism and rightfully calling it out.
Anyone who sees a fucking person permanently disabled by a slave brand and a person who's orphaned by the same enslaving company and goes, "huh, what if the organization they're participating in that strives for racial equality through extreme means because nothing else has worked to even prevent such tragedies was evil?", is a bonefide idiot and a racist as hell.
That's literally propaganda to separate the "good minority" who doesn't fight back from the "bad minority" who were forced into extremism due to systematic oppression. And like, the discrimination against Faunus is still there; it's still being exploited for an evil benefit, and that benefit is The Schnee Dust Company. Not the WF, the mega-corporation that legally own slaves and mutilate them while driving small businesses into bankruptcy. The company that the protagonists still supports well into Volume 4 and beyond with their Dust supply even though their friend Blake outright tells them that the SDC is immoral and exploitative.
And like, there's already antagonists in the show who are evil for evil's sake; Watts, the Branwen grunt bandits, Salem herself. None of them are the in-universe minority group, yet no one in this brain-dead FNDM ever goes, "they're exploiting another person's pain for their evil benefit", on the same level they do to the WF. It's straight up racism, point fucking blank.
Honestly, I would even argued that Tyrian would still be sympathetic even if we don't know his backstory because of the type of Faunus he is and how society might have treated him. Not to mention he's another example of the meta racism of CRWBY alongside Adam, Sienna, Tock, and Ilia. Notice how the "good" Faunus characters are mostly with cutesy animals with nice traits to look at (cat and bunny ears, monkey and dog tail, sheep horns) while the "bad" Faunus are the ones with scary looking traits (bull horns, venom tail, bat wings, camouflage). Hmmmmmm.
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crimsonhydrangeavn · 6 months
how do the Li act when they drink? Like if we went to a bar or club, how would they act?
While Garret would prefer to have you all to himself, he isn't a stranger to grabbing a couple of drinks at one of the nicer spots in Saint Anne's. He would play the role of a charming boyfriend ( or furture boyfriend) in front of you, but the second you turn your back on him he's glowering any anyone who even remotely looks at you. When it comes to alcohol, it takes a lot to get him drunk, and he never lets himself get to that point because it would easily become bad for everyone involved. Marcelo is a huge party animal and would absolutely have a blast introducing you to all of the other regulars and showing you off to all of his friends. He only really drinks on the weekends, and it can range from a couple of beers to getting absolutely wasted. Though, he's an incredibly happy drunk and becomes a lot more physically affectionate with you, playfully dragging you out onto the dance floor whenever there's a song he likes, which tends to happen pretty often. Camilla isn't a stranger to bars and clubs. She isn't nearly as well known as Marcelo, but she's always been able to make friends easily so it's always a good time with her. When she is feeling a bit tipsy she becomes even more of a social butterfly and ends up befriending the staff, scoring you both some free drinks on the house. Her alcohol tolerance is moderate, but she would much rather drink at home with you to save some cash than spend it on cute but weak cocktails.
Rita honestly doesn't have much experience going out to bars or clubs. However if you showed an interest in it she would absolutely join in, if only to make sure you got home okay. She's also a lightweight so she usually stops drinking after the first one.
Like Marcelo, Teagan is a bonefided party animal. It takes a lot of effort on your part getting them to leave before the clubs close at 2AM. If given the chance, they would stay out all night long. The more they drink the clingier they become and the likelihood of pulling you into the bathroom for a quickie skyrockets the longer you both stay out.
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ace-and-ranty · 2 years
It’s the bonefide, card-carrying hero crashing in your life when you’re busy being as selfish as possible to keep yourself alive, keeping your head down so school doesn’t kill you. It’s being utterly alone until someone comes around and gives you an excuse to start saving people. It’s having to be the sensible one in this relationship because your dumbass hero keeps trying to get themselves killed. It’s telling yourself you’re only being sensible when you’re really being very fucking selfless actually!!
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indigitalembrace · 3 months
Oh, I...
Everyone else seems to trust me... All of this being on my shoulders... I hope I'm capable enough... this is always so.. so much..
Of course you can trust me...! I wouldn't want you being uncomfortable though, don't wanna rush you or anything... do you want to wait..? Maybe talk to him first..? I know you don't entirely know me at... at all... But I promise im.. I'm the best one for the job aside from a bonefide KLAE employee...
And I don't think there's too many of those around anymore..
- 🦐
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geminiagentgreen · 4 months
If AI would be used in things like automated tamping plates and other heavy equipment used for construction, we could have bonefide druids.
But no, AI is being used for "art" and business...
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cyber-junkyard · 5 months
love how americans say "bona fide", like oh is Dark Souls a bonefide action-RPG? Hell yeah it is
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yudidoodles · 9 months
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So I play Crush Crush cause I like the art right- and as a certified monster fucker I just had to do some concepts/redesigns during their Halloween event- I used a humanoid monster generator to get inital ideas for some of them and then just went ham
Explanations under the cut
Starting from the left, Green and Red are just my sona as a pixie and gorgon, because I like lamias and fairies shaddup
Blue is a harpy, nuff said
Pink - I honestly wasn't a fan of Jelle? Bonchovy is fine but like ehhhh I wanted slime Bonnibel since I figured she could be like jello- so Jellybeli/Bonnijelli was created. So soft, if you try to touch her though you WILL dissolve
Purple - Ok Cassie's is more of a joke since her monster design is actually a really cool one imo- started as me making her a vampire, then I replaced all the C's with crosses, so now she's Tassie lmao
Dark Green - Spectrum's design just,,, UGH so here we have a fae Iro- when she appears she does the standard "May I have your name?" after which point she goes by your name. She's also supposed to be a bit uncanny, mouth stretching too far, wrong numbers of fingers, but who cares, she's a great cook ;)
Grey - Ok listen,,, Quillzone baffles me- WHY IS THE CATGIRL A ROBOT??? So I made her a bonefide werecat, with the patterning based on the cat Quill has with her also lets be honest this was a real easy way they coulda appealed to the furries if they weren't cowards
Yellow - And then there's Bearverly... she's a biblically accurate angel (Bea-not-afraid) who starts as rings of eyes and graduates to sexy babe still with rings and eyes everywhere at the last level
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mekinere · 11 months
Tagged by @defender-of-wilderness
Tagging: Your mother's house
what is your astrological big 3?
im a bonefide aquemini
last song?
God Loves You by JPEGMAFIA (I listen to music constantly to drown out tinnitus, and Scaring The Hoes is a good album)
currently reading?
I'm actually inbetween books right now! I can't focus on reading on my phone or to audio books, and I haven't bought a book recently so
last movie?
I went to watch The Marvels with my brother, since he really likes MCU movies. It was really fucking bad. I don't like the MCU. The movie I liked BEFORE that was Annihilation. First time watching it all the way through (I kept watching it at 4am) was really good and I want to read The Southern Reach Trilogy now.
it’s karaoke night at your fave dive bar, which song are you singing?
Beneath the Brine by Family Crest. All of their songs are like love songs written by some dude cursed in the 1400s to live forever as long as he plays music who happens to also be a hopeless romantic.
addendum: I cannot sing.
currently working on?
Uhhhh rigged question I have 5 projects and have half assed all of them. My big one is definitely Era of Ink, my up and coming West March inspired open world DND campaign. I decided I like my homebrew world too much and am homebrewing every single creature, as well as a few other things (I don't care for anything in DND but it may be the only system I could convince all of my friends to use) (also I love my silly little OC world(I dont know how people refer to their worlds))
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