#bone inlay mirror
vigilantedelmaule · 11 months
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Transitional Powder Room Inspiration for a small transitional powder room remodel with a dark wood vanity, undermount sink, shaker cabinets, and quartzite countertops.
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xxdemonicheartxx · 11 months
Flight Rising flights but as art mediums:
There are some overlaps in mediums since dragons are so tight knit and far spread
Earth: tile work/mosaics, jewelry work, ceramics, stone sculpture, chalk, clay work, plaster, leather work, rain chains
Water: plaster work, woven tapestries, shell jewelry and chimes, pearl inlays, decorative sails and flags, basket weaving, sandstone carving, watercolors, mirrors and glass sculptures
Shadow: optical illusions, black and white photography, puzzle boxes, uranium glass work, maybe iron work, mycology arrangements, shadow boxes, gouache, anything that involves glowing in the dark
Light: stone carving and gold foiled painting, sometimes tapestry weaving to depict an image or scene, impressionism, oil paint, tempera, portraiture, clothing and attire, mirrors, pigment making
Plague: hyper realism, and taxidermy, ceramics, bone carvings, tattoos, ink block prints, collage art, murals, leather work, totems and large outdoor installations
Nature: floral arrangements, dye work, wood work, candle making, hot wax painting, landscaping, rain chains, wind chimes, tapestries, needle felting, carpentry, animal cosmetics (haircuts, animal safe dye, nail and claw painting, etc), apparel/clothing, pigment making
Ice: needle felting, wood carving, quilting, ice carving and sculpture, snow sculptures, knitting, the art of tea blends, dried plant arrangements, carpentry, fabric weaving, tapestries, crochet, wood burning, blanket weaving, candle making, dye work, wood turning
Fire: welding, decorative weapon smithing, glass blowing, wood burning, wrought iron, stained glass, latticed metal, terracotta, ceramics, obsidian and basalt carving, graphite, slate, charcoal
Wind: paper mache, ribbon mediums, basket weaving, sonorous sculptures, wind chimes, feathered attire, really tall and thin structures/sculptures, jade carving, blanket weaving
Arcane: resin, stained glass, welding, intricate silver work, collaborative neon work with shadow (they need that special eye for glow in the dark), crystal carving, zen gardens, bonsai art, screen printing, photography, illuminated manuscripts, clothing and apparel, gold foil work, abstract art
Lightning: bronze cast sculptures, sand sculptures (when lightning strikes the sand and turns it to stone) aluminum casts poured into ant colonies/hills, pop art, up-cycled art, photography, art that is still capable of being utilized and interacted with because people and dragons are part of the medium, assemblage art, banners and flags
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
hi kat! just wanna say i just binge read when the dead tree flowers & arcana, and thank you for introducing me to one granta omega!! i can't believe he's not more well known in sw fandom although his character is just so cool?? alao his background: a force blank person who's the son of qui gonn's former padawan?? like cmon people, the fic potential alone is massive. so once again thank you for writing about him 💕 looking forward to whatever plot he plans next!
I'm so glad you've been enjoying my new fixation lol. Granta is so much fun, and not as obscure as a lot of characters I latch onto, so it's surprising to me too that he's not used more in fandom, even as just an antagonist.
From something entirely different but still Granta-focused:
There's a wild thing bleeding out in the sands of Korriban, collapsed at the feet of the towering statue of a long-dead Sith Lord like some sort of offering.
Myles stops, even though he shouldn’t. Even though there's on a timetable and up against a deadline, and Jaster will definitely do something stupid if he’s left alone for more than thirty minutes. Something catches his eye, though, pulls his feet to a stop in the deep red sand, and he turns and looks despite all the stories, despite all the good sense he likes to think he has.
There's a wild thing bleeding out in the sand, and it takes Myles a long second of looking to be able to tell whether it’s man or beast.
It’s a man, probably. A man in dark leather and dark cloth and steel, the sand around him turned from scarlet to rust with how much blood he’s already lost, his dark hair like a tangled web of shadow spilling over his face and across the dune.
 “Myles?” Montross asks, impatient, but something keeps Myles from being able to pull his gaze away from the crumpled figure. Maybe it’s the boneless sprawl of his body, or maybe it’s the way one hand is stretched out, reaching for something Myles can't see. Maybe it’s the face Myles can half-see, fine-boned and handsome, with a scruff of stubble that tries for roguish and falls flat at absentminded.
Maybe it’s the fact that, even to Myles's stunted Force-sense, there's something overwhelmingly strange about the man, absent and shadowed and halfway to gone, even when Myles is looking right at him.
“Keep going,” he tells Montross, waving the squad on. “I’ll catch up.”
Montross doesn’t argue, just tips his head and keeps going, calling the warriors around him onward with a gesture. Myles watches them trudge up the next dune, then turns, picking his way through the deep sand as he approaches the base of the statue. It’s a grand one, even if it’s half-buried, the face cracked away into smooth and featureless stone. There are markings around the base, a wide swath of pedestal that’s deeply carved and inlaid with metal. Not gold or treasure hunters would have ripped it up long ago, Myles thinks critically, but enough to catch the sunlight and burn.
The dying man is sprawled across the inlays, one hand reaching towards the base of the statue, one hand pressed against a wound in his chest. There are scorch marks in his light armor, just a breastplate of interlocking scales, but—the fact that he’s even wearing it is interesting. Most people who aren’t Mandalorians don’t tend to bother.
“Still hanging on?” Myles asks, crouching down over him as blood smears across inlayed stone, though he can see the heartbeat flickering on his HUD. Living doesn’t always mean alive, where wounds like that are concerned.
Through a tangle of black hair, lashes flutter, rise. There's a rasping breath, and dark blue eyes fix on Myles with all the ferocity of a nexu caught in a hunter’s trap, brutal and vicious and terrified.
Man or beast, Myles thinks, amused despite himself. Maybe the line isn't quite as definitive as he’d thought.
“I guess you are,” he says, and pulls his helmet off. Korriban is ferociously hot with the sun up, and it feels like being trapped in a vast mirror that reflects the heat and light back on them, turning the desert into a land of mirages and tricks of the eye all around them. It bleeds a shine of red and gold into the air, something that flickers and burns. The man is cold to the touch when Myles reaches for him, though, skin clammy from blood loss, and he can't fight it when Myles rolls him over onto his back.
There's a lightsaber wound burned into his chest, right through his armor, and the metal is melted and warped and fused to his skin.
Myles cocks his head, some edge of awareness that a Jedi is probably nearby twisting itself through a much sharper sort of assessment. The lightsaber wound isn't bleeding; that’s from what looks like the shrapnel of an exploded blaster, buried in the man’s side where his jacket and breastplate didn’t provide quite as much protection as they should have. Survivable, Myles thinks, calculating times, the man’s size, how much blood he must have lost already. It’s the wound that’s killing him, not the lightsaber burn. Maybe exposure, too; his lips are dry and cracked, and with the heat what it is, he won't survive the trek back to civilization even if his wound miraculously patches itself up.
The Jedi that tried to kill him left him to die slowly. That’s a hell of an act of mercy from a righteous and compassionate monastic order.
A little amused, Myles drags his fingers through tangled hair, shoves it out of the man’s face, and jerks his hand up just before he gets bitten for his troubles. There's a full-body wrench, like the man is trying his level best to move, but he collapses again a moment later with a ragged, desperate sound, fingers scrabbling futilely at the sand.
“What are you, an animal?” Myles asks, raising a brow, and catches the man’s jaw, tipping his head. He’s breathing hard, exhausted and fading, fine spasms shaking him, and Myles cocks his head. “I can save you,” he says, and dark eyes flicker to him, narrow. “But I'm Mandalorian. Once I do, your life belongs to me. No matter what I want to do with it.”
There's a pause, so long that Myles almost thinks the man can't hear him—
A laugh, raspy, wild, that shakes through the man like a spasm. One blood-soaked hand rises, wavering, and Myles almost thinks it’s going to fall bonelessly to the sand again.
Instead, it lands on Myles's breastplate, a smear of crimson against the blue and gold of the metal. The man stares at him through his tangled hair, bloody teeth bared, eyes burning, and rasps out, “Please.”
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divineinlaycreations · 5 months
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Bone Inlay Mirror Frame. Special 25% discount on Trays. SHOP NOW!! Etsy: Divineinlaycreations
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boneinlayartsblog · 6 months
"Illuminate your Space with Bone Inlay Mirror Frames Designs." . Shop Now - https://www.boneinlayarts.com/
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pushpa-exports · 11 months
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Floral Design Silver Mirror Frame
The Floral Design Silver Mirror Frame is a stunning blend of nature-inspired artistry and elegance. Its intricate floral carvings and silver finish beautifully frame the mirror, adding a touch of sophistication and style to your living space. Elevate your interior decor with this exquisite and decorative mirror frame.
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leasthaunted · 2 years
Black Friday
  Black Friday
Cody Franks
Cynthia checks her purse one more time before leaving the house. Mentally going through the checklist to make sure she Isn’t forgetting anything: Wallet, phone, keys, gift list, chap-stick, silver dagger covered with blood-infused runes… Check. Everything accounted for. 
“Alright Honey! I’m heading out!”, she yells down the hallway with her hand resting on the front door knob. 
Her husband leans out through the living room entrance, he’s holding an infant against his chest and gently patting it on the back. It has just been fed. From inside the living room the sounds of bright and distracting children’s cartoons can be heard, as well as squeals of laughter from their two other children. 
“Have you got everything?” He asks.
“I’m pretty sure? Did we decide what we were getting your brother?”
“Gift card from GameHalt. You have your blade?” 
Cynthia sighs, “Yes. Did you order that heated blanket for my mom yet?”
“Last week. How about the Bone Armor? Are you wearing your Bone Armor?”
She lifts up her shirt to reveal the gray plates that glow with spiraling intricate silver inlay. “And I’ve got on the Amulet of Fore-Warding. So stop worrying! I’ll be okay.”
Her husband smiles at her placatingly, “Alright. You know I worry. Plus last year you were pregnant and I don’t know, you might have just forgotten how crazy it gets out there?”
“It’s only Holiday Shopping.” She tells him, “You just worry about the kids mister!” She blows him a kiss and heads out the door. 
Outside she walks down the drive towards her midsized maroon SUV Hybrid. Mid stride she lifts up her right hand and does a complicated hand gesture and a ring on her middle finger flashes with blue otherworldly light. Behind her the typical suburban two story house is momentarily encapsulated in a matching blue bubble that quickly fades out. A bird slams into the invisible barrier, which flashes blue, and then the bird disturbingly slides down to the ground. 
While getting into the car Cynthia scans the neighborhood. Christmas decorations already cover the houses and lawns of several of her neighbor’s houses. Many of the driveways are empty, signaling either that the people living there had already left for the big shopping day, or that they were unfortunate enough to have to actually be working that Friday. She starts the car and backs out of the driveway and then makes her way downtown. 
It takes her twenty minutes of circling the parking lot before she follows an elderly woman at a snails pace as she walks down an aisle. Cynthia turns on her signal to indicate that she is waiting for the space. She waits patiently for the old lady to slowly back her equally old blue station wagon out of the spot. Before Cynthia can turn in however, a little red sports car zips in and steals her place. 
“Mother fucker!” Cynthia yells out as she lays on her horn, “I was waiting for that spot!”
The driver of the red car, a smarmy looking business dude, gives her a little wave and a shit eating smile. 
Cynthia extends her arm and raises her middle finger. She rotates her hand in a circular motion with the finger raised and mutters a short curse under her breath. All four tires of the sport car suddenly start bleeding air. 
“Bitch!” The business dude yells as he jumps out of his car.
Cynthia smiles at him and shrugs her shoulders. She silently mouths the words, “What happened?” Before laughing and driving off. 
He raises his right hand, palm out and reveals that he is wearing a studded leather gauntlet with a green emerald in the center of the palm. A jet of green energy rushes out of it and towards the back of Cynthia’s car. 
“Oh, no you don’t!” She says as she watches his actions in the rearview mirror. She raises her right hand, the one with the blue stoned ring on it and snaps her fingers. The jet of green energy bounces off the protective blue bubble and rebounds on the business dude. It strikes him in the chest and he lets out a blood curdling scream as his blood indeed does curdle and turn into cheese. He falls over dead.
“Oops.” Cynthia says. Then declares aloud to the inside of the car as if she has an audience, “You all saw it. That spot was mine, I was within my rights. And that last bit was’n even my fault. It purely self defense. Got it?” There is no response. “Good, Glad that’s settled.” 
Another ten minutes of driving around and Cynthia is able to secure a parking place. Soon she finds herself towards the back of a rather long line that stretches around three sides of the large rectangular shopping mall. 
The line is filled with the typical shoppers that one would expect to see on the busiest shopping day of the year. There is the to be expected ugly holiday sweaters featuring reindeer, holly berries, dragons, elves, and gnomes. Some people in line appear to be in shopping parties. 
Cynthia eyeballs a group that is a little ways past her in the line. The four of them are wearing matching sweaters with  “One Ring to Yule Them All” written in evergreen boughs on them. The party consists of a tall man wearing a horned helmet and carrying a mace, a short old lady with a face like an apple doll holding a broom, A man with a dark brown beard and a diamond stud in his ear, and lastly a bleach bottle blonde with a Prada bag and a short sword in a gilded scabbard on her hip. 
“Oh shit.” Cynthia says to her self and tries to look inconspicuous, but unfortunately the blonde notices her.
“Cynthia?!” She yells. “Cynthia Brookes is that you?”
Now Cynthia has no choice but to acknowledge, “Susan? Susan Stonemason? Is that you?”
The blonde, Susan, lets out a little squeal and turns to her companions. “Hold on a second. I see a friend I need to go say hi to. Hold my spot.”  
Susan moves quickly towards Cynthia, her designer heels clacking on the cement sidewalk. She walks just like a wind up doll that has been been given a few too many turns of the key. 
“Cynths! How good to see you!” She says when she gets to Cynthia. Susan gives her a quick up and down with her eyes and smiles, “And look at you! You’re looking great! I can hardly tell you had a baby!”
Cynthia narrows her eyes only a fraction, but maintains a fake smile. “Thanks Susan. And you’re looking fabulous yourself! And who says a divorce adds a few pounds?”
The two share a laugh that is as real as the spray-can snow that covers the nearby storefront windows. 
“So how have you been? We miss you at the PTA meetings.” Susan asks. 
Cynthia tries to think of an excuse that doesn’t reveal the truth, “Oh, you know.” She says, “New Baby and all. I’ve been working from home and just getting in some me time. You know how it goes.” But what she wanted to say was, I quit going because I couldn’t stand you and your meddling group of whack-job parents who wouldn’t know tact or decency if it crawled out of your cauldron and bit you on the ass… Her smile and fake sincerity gave none of that away however. 
“So, are you here to do some shopping?” 
What the hell do you think I’m here for? Why is anyone here today? She thought. But instead she just nodded her head and said, “Yep.” 
“Got a big list this year?” The blonde Susan asks.
“Not too bad. I recently took up knitting, as something to do while the baby naps or while pumping. So most people are going to get hats this year. I’m just here for a few things. Can’t knit a playstation am I right?” 
“And you came alone? Wow, you really are doing well post pregnancy! I came with my crew.” She nods her head to indicate the three other people in matching holiday sweaters. 
“Bill had to stay with the kids.” Cynthia tells her. “I’ll do fine. I’m sure.”
Susan laughs, “I bet you will!” The line starts to move. “Well, maybe I’ll see you inside! Good Luck Cynths!” 
“Yeah. You too Susan.” Mentally Cynthia gags.
Near the entrance, the Mystery Shoppers have set up their booth. Their black hooded robes worn in such a way to completely shroud their faces in darkness.  No one has actually seen any of their faces before, and some people like to joke that they actually have no faces at all. That The Mystery Shoppers were more than just the mall priests, but possibly the physical manifestations of the free market itself. But this was only rumor. 
One of the shrouded figures comes up to Cynthia. It is holding an iPad with a card reader plugged into it. “Exxxcussse me ma’am…” A voice wheezes from the shadowed pit that possibly somewhere in it’s depths contains a face, “Haaave you conssssssidered sssshopper’sss insssssurance?” 
“Not Interested.” Cynthia says.
“Ooooohhhhh. But you cannn nneverrr be ssssshureee of what might hhhaaaaapen to your gooodssssss. Thievesssss. Goblinsssss. Eldritch Portalllsssss into netherrrr rrrealmsssss…”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Hoooow about, a blessssinggg theeennnn? Ssssmallll feee. Guaranteed ssssatisssfaction. Lotssss of hard toooo find itemsssss thisssss year. A blesssssingg could go a loooong way…”
“No thank you.” Cynthia says a bit more firmly. She is wondering if she is going to have to get a little physical  in order for the mall priest to get the hint.
“Areeee you sssssureeee? How about a ssssacrificeee to the Capitalissssm Dragon? Tissss the reassssonnnn for the ssseassssonnnnn.”
Before Cynthia can respond the sliding doors of the mall open. A group of shoppers come out with laden shopping carts. Some of them look a little worse for wear. Bloody and singed sweaters, limps, and some blank stares are present in the crowd. As they leave another batch of shoppers are admitted inside. Cynthia can see Susan and her party being ushered inside and soon enough She herself is allowed in. 
The world changed one Friday in November 1963. The cold war between the ideals of Capitalism and Communism was at its height. The American CIA had been looking for a way to win at any cost. It is a well known fact that in the closing days of the second world war, The United States and their ally The Soviet Union competed against each other in open secret to secure as many top Nazi scientists as they could each get their massive hands on to further their own agendas and plans against each other. 
In addition to the rocket scientists and physicists that the United States secured, there were also a number of occult specialists from within the higher echelons of the Nazi Party who were secretly given amnesty in exchange for the use of their expertise. 
And it was with their aide that the CIA hatched their most bizarre, daring, and unfortunately successful plan…
Using occult spells, artifacts, and a good number of chalk circles on stonework floors with dribbley candles, a grand spell was begun. The key component was the right sacrifice at the right place to open a portal to another dimension. To access unlimited capitalistic powers, and once and for all eliminate the looming specter of communism from the world. 
The occult scryers and CIA remote viewers, with the help of a metric shit ton of LSD, identified the correct sacrifice and the location. All that was necessary was to activate the right sleeper agents and get them to Dallas in time.
But when that magic bullet passed through the back of a certain presidents head it did more than expand his mind… It completed the spell alright, but in doing so it allowed for something else to enter into our world. And so it was that on that first Black Friday the Capitalism Dragon was able to enter into our realm. And in doing so an unbreakable connection between two dimensions was established. From that day forward, Magic became a common and unavoidable aspect of daily life. 
And every year the Capitalism Dragon needed to be appeased by the one thing that could continue to give it power. Unbridled conspicuous consumption.
Inside the mall Cynthia is momentarily overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of Black Friday. Colorful blasts of magic sweep through the air to explode loudly and messily. Screams and battle cries mix with the clang of steel on steel to create a near deafening cacophony.  She ducks an errant fire ball as she runs over to try and secure a shopping cart.  The shopping mall actually consists of seven floors, but instead of rising upwards, the levels descend in concentric rings. Down at the bottom is a shrine to the Capitalism Dragon and a swirling portal. Every hour on the hour The Mystery Shoppers throw some poor soul who’s credit limit has been reached through the portal to be devoured by either the dragon itself or one of the many other nameless monstrosities that call its dimension home. 
Cynthia parks her cart behind a mall map kiosk and uses the momentary refuge to check her gift list. Comparing it to the backlit map on the kiosk, she mentally reorganizes the list to match the most efficient route of attack. She takes a few deep breaths as she makes a series of gestures and hand patterns in the air.  She looks like an orchestra conductor. The rings on her hand start to glow and leave rainbow trails of light behind her hands. An iridescent bubble of protection encircles Cynthia and her cart. The bubble is the same color as an oil slick on a puddle. It flashes for a moment and then fades out of regular human sight. 
She reaches into her purse and pulls out the silver blade covered in blood runes. It grows in size until it no longer resembles a dagger, but instead a short double edged sword that glows with a faint red haze at the edges. 
Raising the sword over her head Cynthia points it in front of her and lets out a roaring bellow, “Aaaaaaaaarrrggghhhhh!!!!!!” And she charges into the fray that surrounds the Bed Bath and Great Beyond.
Hours later and a few levels lower Cynthia takes a moment in the food court to enjoy an over priced lemonade and a Sausage On-a-Bun. She uses the down time to consult her list. Fortunately the food court is the one part of the mall where all magical hostilities are forbidden. 
Cynthia is pleased to see that her list is almost completely taken care of. Unfortunately the last few items on her list appear to be located on the lowest level. 
One of the unforeseen consequences of the first Black Friday in addition to the availability of magic to the average person, was that a new physical force had entered into our universe. It seems that in the dimension of The Capitalism Dragon, Narrative was one of the driving forces of reality. Now that the two dimensions were connected, narrative held almost as much sway on the day to day operations of our universe as did quantum and Newtonian physics. 
What this meant was that the lower the level of the mall logically meant that the more popular the stores, and therefore the more difficult the struggle to acquire their goods would be. Cynthia and Bill made it a point to never put anything on their shopping list that would require a trip to the lowest level. Close to the portal. 
But alas, when they had made the list, and they included the Dancing Vegetable Garden Homunculus Doll that their daughter Becky wanted, they did not know that the ugly potato headed doll would turn out to be the must have item of the season. So now Cynthia knows that because it is one of the last items on her list, and that it is probably going to be the rarest, that means that it would undoubtedly be located on one of the lowest levels. And what’s more, she knows that there would only be one left, and that she was going to have to fight for it. That’s just how these things worked.
She pulls out her phone to send a text to Bill to check in on the kids and ask what he wants her to pick up on her way home later for dinner. 
As Cynthia is doing this her attention is no longer on her cart and she isn’t paying attention to her surroundings. 
The apprentice thief is inexperienced. This is actually his first Black Friday, or at least his first as a thief. Depending on how well he does, and if his master is pleased with the goods he is able to pilfer, he will finally earn his black slippers and be a full fledged member of the thieves guild. Scanning across the food court he looks for his next score. He sees Cynthia sitting at a table next to her cart which is laden with bags from various stores. She is looking down at her phone and not paying any attention to the cart. 
The thief starts to make his way in her direction by a long and winding path through the food court. He stops to read the menu at the Sbarro before making a show of looking indecisively back and forth from its menu to the menu of the Griffin Express in the booth next to it before he looks over at the Sausage On-a-Bun which Cynthia is sitting closest to and makes his way in that direction. 
Once in front of the purveyor of sausages and lemonade he looks up at the menu, but starts to slowly move backwards closer and closer to Cynthia’s cart. Pretty soon he is practically within arms reach. He takes a glance over his shoulder to case the cart before making his move. A bag with the words, GameHalt, in black and red lettering sits right at the top. 
In a quick motion the thief turns and lunges arms out to grab the plastic loops at the top of the bag. A bright flash of light and a loud bang fills the air. The thief is tossed back through the air a good fifteen feet before he slams into the counter of The Sausage Onna Bun. His hair is standing straight out and smolders. His eyebrows are completely gone and a small trickle of blood comes out of his nose. He opens his mouth and coughs out smoke. 
Two hooded mystery shoppers appear out of nowhere and scoop the thief up by lifting him under his armpits. He tries to struggle, but the pain of a few broken ribs prevents much of a fight. He starts to groan and goes slack as the figures in black robes drag him towards the escalator that descends to the lowest level. This will be his last Black Friday.
Cynthia now stands before the ThrallMart that occupies the second to lowest floor. She takes a moment to refresh her protective wards, and she reaches under her shirt and closes her eyes. The intricate inlay on her concealed bone armor begins to glow, so that when she moves and the fabric of her orange sweater shifts the moonlike glow of magic can be seen in the gaps. She braces her self and putting her back into it, charges the cart into the wide open maw of the ThrallMart entrance. 
Inside she is immediately blinded by the fluorescent lights. Cheery holiday music blares out of unseen speakers. And standing there to welcome her to the store is one of the Thralls in a blue vest. 
The ThrallMart Thralls were people once. But at some point they had signed their lives over to the store. This usually was the result of either severe financial pressure. After all ThrallMart offered a pretty sizable discount to the Thralls. But being Thralls, they work for free. But depending on the terms of the contract It is possible to earn their humanity back. Although it is a rare occurrence. 
The other reason to become a Thrall was ease the burden on one’s family if they are too old. It may be soul sucking forced servitude, but it beats a rotting away in an old folks home. 
“Uhh. Hi there.” Cynthia says to the thrall. “I’m looking for a Dancing Vegetable Garden Homunculus Doll? Do you have any left?”
The Thrall lets out a strange gurgling noise and raises its rotting arm to point across the store where a sign can be seen that says TOYS. There also just so happens to be bright flashes of light and explosions in that direction. 
“Right. Thank you.” Cynthia says to the Thrall
The thrall just shrugs its shoulders and turns to greet the next shopper with an unearthly shriek. 
On her way to the Toy Aisle Cynthia has to deflect a few would be attackers. She feels a little bad as she severs the hand off of a middle aged woman with a bee hive hairdo. But the woman was trying to shoot a hex at her, so it was fair game. 
After deflecting quite a few magic missiles and warding off a couple of Gucci Trolls Cynthia finally makes it to the toy aisle. And sure enough as narrative would have it, there is a nearly empty display table of Dancing Vegetable Garden Homunculus Dolls. A single cardboard box left on the table in the middle of an aisle. The potato headed child smiles from the packaging. Cynthia knows that it looks too easy. She looks around before making her move, and looking directly to the other side of the aisle her eyes meet with a pair of blue eyes beneath  finely coiffed bleach blonde hair. Fuck.
“Cynthia? Is that you?” Susan calls down the aisle.
“Hey Susan.” Cynthia calls back. “How’s it going?”
“Oh you know how Black Friday is.” Susan says with a shrug, “Had to chop off a few heads, had to sacrifice a member of my party. But All in all? Pretty great! Just one last item on my list. You?”
Cynthia takes her eyes off of Susan to look at the stupid smiling face on the cardboard box in the middle of the table in the middle of the toy aisle. 
“Oh Cynths!” Susan laughs, “This is just so perfect! Are you here for the Homunculus doll too?”
“God damned Narrative.” Cynthia spits. 
Both woman start charging their carts down the aisle towards the lone doll in that sits equidistant from them. 
Susan raises up an up until now concealed crossbow and gives a shout as she pulls the trigger. The string gives a cinematic twang as it loosens its bolt towards its target. 
The bolt strikes Cynthia in the middle of the chest, a flash of magic moonlight signals the impact. 
Cynthia lets go of her cart and drops to her knees, she winces as she feels the impact on her patella and knows she will be walking with a limp for a few days. In a quick motion she tucks and rolls to her right, and stretches out her hand in a finger gun motion. As soon as she can see Susan from around the table that her cart is just now slamming into, she lets loose with a blast of blue energy from her magic ring… 
The sun has already gone down and the parking lot is illuminated by the sodium glow of the street lights. Cynthia limps along with her cart towards where she parked her car. As she passes under one of the lights the contents of her cart are illuminated. The stupid grinning potato face of a Dancing Vegetable Garden Homunculus doll smiles skyward from inside the topmost bag. 
A quick trip through a drive-thru later and Cynthia is pulling up into her driveway. She grabs as many bags as she can carry, including the food and makes her way inside. She will come back for the rest of the bags after she eats and takes a shower. Or better yet, she’ll make Bill come out and get them.
“I’m home!” She calls down the hall as soon as she closes the door. 
Bill comes out of the now quiet living room. He carries the sleeping baby. He walks up to her and gives her a quick kiss, “So, how was it? As crazy as you remembered?” 
“Somehow worse?” Cynthia answers. “How were the girls? Did they behave themselves?”
“Like little gremlins.” Bill smiles. They’re sleeping right now. Should I wake them up for dinner?”
“No.” Cynthia says, “Wait until after you get the presents inside. I’m going to take a hot shower.” 
A few hours later after the children have been fed and put back to bed. Cynthia and Bill sit in the living room. Cynthia sits on the floor and drinks a glass of wine while bill sits behind her on the couch and massages her shoulders. 
“So I got most everything on the list.” She tells him, “And I ran into Susan Stonemason. Remember her?”
“Unfortunately yes.” Bill says with a sour face, “And how is Susan?”
Cynthia smirks as she rubs her chest where hours earlier her bone armor had deflected what would have been a lethal crossbow hit, “I think there’s going to be an opening on the PTA Board.” Cynthia replies in answer. 
Bill looks down at his wife with a mixture of awe and fear. 
“So,” Cynthia says, “Have you gotten the USB Altar out of storage yet?”
“No…” Says Bill, “Why?”
“Because,” Cynthia tells him, “You’ve got a lot of work to do on Monday. It’s Cyber Monday, and I’ll be damned if I’m the one dealing with Amazon this year!” 
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angel-0f-verdun · 2 years
07 Murderess
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Previous Chapter
The wind chilled my bones as I followed Evy through the many vendor shops in this little town. The wet clothes on my body made everything that I was feeling worse at that moment. I felt naked without my hijab, I wore it because those who are native to Egypt always had a way of staring me down, I couldn't describe the feeling it gave me. Though I had experienced this one too many times when I was trying to find my brother. This is one of the reasons I preferred to travel at night, I didn't want to see the stares I knew were on my back like a target. Evy didn't seem to notice the stares I was receiving, just as I was debating stealing a hijab from the vendor we were passing Evy pulled us into a tent. The feeling immediately dissipated. She spoke to the ladies telling them what we needed and handed them the money before I could even have a second to think about it, I was surrounded by women.
They stripped my body of my wet clothes that were sticking to my skin and put me in a silky see-through dress with a halter neckline that crossed over itself in the front and clasped at the back of my neck. They placed an ornate black corset on me, which I wasn't expecting, the silver inlay was gorgeous. It was still a light and breezy outfit and the ladies made sure I could breathe in the corset. The final touch was a veil, the silver on mine shown in the sun catching the light beautifully. Although it was not my usual pick the mirror in front of me made me look like a dark entity. I was impressed with the stoic woman looking back at me in the mirror, she seemed powerful. For the first time, I smirked at myself in the mirror and she did the same. The moment passed quickly as Evy grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the shop, I barely had time to thank the ladies that gave us the clothes. I looked at Evy as she discretely asked me how she looked. They had clothed her with the same beautiful silk that I had on, however, her dress almost seemed goddess-like, unlike mine which matched the dark aura I felt around me constantly. The dress wrapped around her figure with a sash of coins that accentuated her body. She looked stunning, the veil they placed around her face was see-through and beaded with gold sparkles, it emphasized the makeup around her eyes.
"Prepare yourself for my brother's reaction," I mumbled into her ear. She giggled at that, and I smiled at her encouragingly. They really would make a cute couple. We walked toward the camel vendor where Jonathan was shouting at the man that he only wanted 5 camels. Rick yelled something at Jon as he grabbed the reins and started directing the camels toward us.
"You probably could have got them for free, all we had to do was give them your sister." He mumbled to Jon.
"Yes, awfully tempting wasn't it?" Jon chuckled back at him. Rick looked up seeing Evy and me for the first time.
"Awfully..." Rick breathed out, I rolled my eyes at the cheesy moment that they were sharing, going to the camel I had decided was mine and mounted up, pulling my body over the huge animal. I patted its neck while the others mounted their own camels. The morning sun was rising into the sky as we made our way out of the town. The warden had caught up to us, unfortunately, he survived the boat incident. I was less than satisfied with that, but he would be dead soon. I shook my head, how did I know that? It was like there was another voice in my head that said that.
"Never did like camels, filthy buggers, they smell, they bite, they spit" Jonathan complained, I sighed feeling the rays of the sun hit my body attempting to ignore him.
"I think they're adorable" Evy smiled leaning forwards to pet hers on the head. Just at that moment the man who was annoying me the most started singing a song. I tried not to let it bother me, feeling the heat that the black silk soaked up on my body, I was nice and warm. I held onto that feeling happily letting my mind drift back to a time when I was a teenager, before I knew it I was asleep in a dream.
Rick and I were teens, trying to make it on our own as we had been kicked out from the orphanage in Cairo after turning 16. I remember I was about 14 years old at the time and had no idea what was happening, Rick was 16 at the time and he was trying to show them that he was able and willing to take me on as his responsibility. This was far from the truth, but as he said, we must stay together. From there on out he was considered my guardian. The orphanage did not put up much of a fight as they were ready to be rid of us, we were quite the troublemakers inside. There was no telling what we would get up to outside these walls.
It wasn't long before we realized that the only way to live was to earn money. Or I should say steal money, it wasn't too hard once we met Izzy Buttons. Rick learned quickly the ways of a con artist. It wasn't hard considering Rick was growing into his looks. The women fawned over him and men wanted to be him. It wasn't until a bank job in Marrakesh that we had more than enough money to live in an apartment. Rick had become overly enthused with a girl he had met, I could never remember her name. But I wasn't even with him at the time, I was with Izzy, and we were flying in his airplane. The job itself was simple Rick would go in rob the bank and hopefully get out unscathed based on what he called "intelligence" although we all knew he was going to try to bribe them with his stupid eyes. I would never understand his obsession with himself. Izzy and I had been instructed to hide in the sun, when Rick gave the signal we would then fly in low for the pickup. When we did, there was trouble, a few of those who were securing the area had shot Izzy, and he tumbled out of the plane, which wasn't too terrible considering he had flown us in a bit too low for my liking. I managed to maneuver the plane out of sight and land not too far away. By the time I had walked myself back to Izzy with some medical supplies. Rick was waltzing up with some belly-dancer girl, money in hand. She probably thought she was going to get a cut of the money but there would be hell to pay if she thought that.
I awoke late in the night; my camel had moved its way toward Ricks and I knew this was my opportunity if I wanted to let him in on what was happening with me. I debated the idea in my head not sure if I really wanted to bother him with the silliness that I thought was actually happening. If it happened again, it would be something to mention. The camel that Rick was riding groaned next to me alerting me that it was time to announce that I was awake.
"How much further?" I whispered to my brother.
"Not too far," he said looking around the darkness around us. I knew better than to ask him what was wrong.
"Someone's following us," He said as he nodded his head towards the ridge. There were at least ten figures on horses just observing us as we traversed the desert.
"They seem peaceful, no need to start the theatrics just yet" I whispered back to him. Feeling around for my bag that Rick had gathered from our room before the ship went to hell. He had strapped it to the back of my camel, I assume while I was sleeping. I slowly rooted around in there, searching for one throwing knife. I found one and pulled it out hiding it within my sleeve.
"I agree, let them be" He nodded. I enjoyed the silence for a while before Jonathan whacked the warden with his crop for snoring too loudly near his ear. I released the veil from its hold near my ear and let it drop down. I took a deep breath taking in the crisp cool air. It was refreshing, like a cool drink on a summer day. All too quickly the night faded away and the orange of the sky replaced it. We started to come up near a dome-looking rock formation. I saw the Americans and Beni slowly walking up toward us as well.
"Good morning my friend" Beni shouted to us. A growl emanated deep within my throat. It was a sound I didn't even know I made until Rick looked at me with eyes of concern. The sheer amount of horses the group had was inconceivable.
"What the hell we doing??" Henderson asked Beni clearly not used to living in the moment, always looking for the next thing.
"Patience, my good barat'm, patience." Beni chiding him, I wanted to rip his head off.
"Remember our bet O'Connell, first one to the city, 500 cash bucks." I rolled my eyes, this man really had no manners, he was chewing on something too loudly and talking as if he had too much spit in his mouth.
"100 of them bucks is yours if you help us win that bet," one American I had played cards with said directing his attention to Beni. I remembered him briefly sitting across the table from me. He reminded me of a snail.
"Oh, my pleasure" Beni replied. Rick's camel let out a groan and Beni decided to capitalize on the opportunity.
"Hey O'Connell, nice camel" Rick smirked and patted its head. He didn't even grace Beni with a reply.
"Get ready for it." He muttered to us.
"For what?" Evy asked him looking from the direction we were about to travel in towards Rick.
"We're about to be shown the way." He explained to her. As we waited the sun rose quickly over the desert. It created a sort of mirage, showing the rocks that were hidden prior.
"Will you look at that?" Henderson breathed out.
"Can you believe it?" The American said.
"Hamunaptra" Burns smiled.
"Here we go again." Rick groaned. The sun glinted on what I assumed was a golden statue inside the city. The yelling started quickly after as we started to race towards the city on our camels and horses.
"Zig zig zig zig hut hut hut" I heard Evy uttering to her camel to get him to move fast. I started clucking hoping that it worked like a horse. I ended up near Beni and Rick. Beni was hitting his camel with his crop very hard, I could see why it didn't want to obey him. As soon as he started hitting my brother I knew my opportunity had come. I brought my camel closer to him, it felt as though a force overtook my body I brought the knife I had hidden in my sleeve early out into view. I slashed specifically at Beni's forearm creating a parallel cut that would stun him enough to stop whacking my brother. It wasn't just a scratch, it was a deep cut that I knew would hurt and need stitches for. Blood poured out from the wound I had caused. I smiled at him as his eyes met mine he gasped, almost as if he saw something else beneath my irises. He was trying to grab the scarf from around his neck to staunch the bleeding. Before he had the option, Rick pulled him from his camel and threw him to the ground. He ducked and covered as he hit the ground rolling away from us as his camel started to run away from him.
"Serves you right," Evy said to him as she watched what had happened. Rick caught up to me as I had flown past Beni's camel.
"What the hell was that??" He asked me.
"Punishment," I replied to him nonchalantly.
"We'll talk when we win this bet," Rick said sternly to me. As Evy caught up to us she kept chanting her little diddy to make her camel go faster. She and Rick shared a smile and the camel groaned loudly galloping towards the city of Hamunaptra.
"Wooo!!! Go Evy, Go!!" Jonathan happily cheered his sister on, and just like that we had won the bet leaving the American's in our dust. 
Next Chapter
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hpcreationsgifts · 15 days
Your Home deserves this Masterpiece. Bone Inlay Mirror Frames . Shop Now!! www.hpcreationsgifts.com
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trueenewshub · 1 month
Jaipur stirred by Raffles
IMC WEB DESK NEW DELHI: There are times when all you want is move away from the city bubble and find yourself immersed in splendor. Well for all those beings, Raffles Jaipur has opened its heritage doors wide open.
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This goes above and beyond the top-notch!
An ode to Rajasthani craftmanship, Raffles Jaipur reveals herself slowly.
Conceived by Randolph Grey Design, Raffles Jaipur meets the landscape evolution as it reflects a shift to the wants of a modern-day traveler yet keeping its magnificent past intact.
Carved from pure white marble, the retreat has been handcrafted by skilled artisans, blending the age-old traditions and techniques of Mughal and Rajputana architecture.
50 guestrooms and suites are each unique in layout and décor, all with an expansive balcony complete with an outdoor soaking tub or plunge pool.
Design details within stay include painted corniced ceilings and golden murals, as well as furniture with camel bone inlay, locally-sourced artifacts and carpets woven in Jaipur.
Upon arrival, a Shikar tent alludes to royal Mughal expeditions, while hand-carved sandstone columns in the hotel’s courtyard, each inspired by different eras of Rajasthani architecture, allude to the region’s past.
Opulent Mughal furnishing and patterned marble floors adorn a spacious grand hall, from which a hidden mirrored door guides guests to a light-filled atrium, reminiscent of the design of women’s quarters in the Mughal court.
Inspired by the primarily plant-based culinary tradition of the Zenana, food at Arkaa, the hotel’s specialty restaurant, uses local ingredients sourced from nearby micro-farms.
And all these ingredients come together to create that Kashmiri gucchi pulao with crackling spinach raita and their own reinvented jaituni paneer. The haldi tawa macchi, with fresh turmeric and stone-ground spices infusing your perfectly cooked Indian Ocean catch will only leave you with the fondest memories.
Libations at Writers Bar feature freshly-ground spices and herbs sourced from the hotel’s garden, including the Jaipur Sling, a localised take on the famed Singapore Sling.
With views of the rolling Aravalli Hills, rooftop bar Sehara serves Mediterranean-inspired dishes with an emphasis on Italian specialties.
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falisha-enterprises · 1 month
Handmade Excellence: Exploring Pakistan’s Wooden Handicraft Artistry
Pakistan’s rich cultural heritage is vividly reflected in its traditional arts and crafts, with wooden handicrafts standing out as a prime example of artisanal excellence. These handcrafted pieces not only showcase the intricate skills of local artisans but also offer a glimpse into the country’s vibrant traditions. In this article, we will delve into the world of Pakistani Wooden Handicrafts, exploring their history, craftsmanship, and the reasons behind their enduring appeal.
The Legacy of Wooden Handicrafts in Pakistan
Wooden handicrafts have been an integral part of Pakistan’s artisanal tradition for centuries. The craft has been passed down through generations, each era adding its unique touch to the art form. From intricate carvings to functional pieces, wooden handicrafts are a testament to the country’s rich cultural tapestry and artistic flair.
Historical Roots
The history of wooden handicrafts in Pakistan dates back to ancient times when wood was used not only for functional purposes but also for artistic expression. Historically, skilled craftsmen would create elaborate wooden furniture, decorative items, and religious artifacts, which were often adorned with intricate carvings and inlay work.
Mastery in Craftsmanship
One of the key factors that set Pakistani wooden handicrafts apart is the exceptional level of craftsmanship. Artisans employ a variety of techniques to create their masterpieces, each adding its own unique touch to the final product.
Intricate Carvings
Pakistani artisans are renowned for their skill in wood carving. Traditional designs often feature floral patterns, geometric shapes, and motifs inspired by nature. These carvings are meticulously crafted by hand, showcasing the artisan’s precision and attention to detail. The use of chisels and other hand tools allows artisans to achieve a level of intricacy that machine-made products often lack.
Inlay Work
Inlay work, which involves embedding pieces of materials such as ivory, bone, or metal into the wood, is another hallmark of Pakistani wooden handicrafts. This technique adds depth and complexity to the designs, making each piece a true work of art. The combination of different materials creates a striking contrast and enhances the overall aesthetic appeal.
Traditional Joinery
Traditional joinery techniques are also employed in creating wooden handicrafts. These methods, which involve interlocking wooden pieces without the use of nails or screws, ensure the durability and strength of the finished product. This approach not only contributes to the longevity of the item but also reflects the craftsmanship that has been refined over generations.
Types of Wooden Handicrafts
Pakistani wooden handicrafts encompass a wide range of products, each with its own unique charm and functionality. Here are some of the most popular types:
Wooden Furniture
Wooden furniture, including chairs, tables, and cabinets, is a significant part of Pakistan’s handicraft tradition. These pieces often feature intricate carvings and inlay work, adding a touch of elegance to any home. Traditional designs are complemented by modern touches, creating furniture that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Decorative Items
From intricately carved frames and mirrors to ornamental boxes and trays, decorative wooden items are highly sought after. These pieces often serve as conversation starters and add a unique touch to home décor. The craftsmanship involved in creating these items ensures that each piece is a one-of-a-kind work of art.
Wooden kitchenware, such as spice boxes, cutting boards, and spoon stands, combines functionality with artistic flair. These items are often handcrafted with intricate designs and are made to last, making them both practical and beautiful additions to any kitchen.
The Appeal of Wooden Handicrafts
The enduring appeal of Pakistani wooden handicrafts lies in their unique combination of artistry, functionality, and cultural significance.
Artistic Expression
Each wooden handicraft piece is a canvas for artistic expression. The skill and creativity of the artisans are evident in every detail, from the choice of wood to the final carving. The result is a product that is not only functional but also a beautiful work of art.
Cultural Significance
Wooden handicrafts often carry cultural and historical significance. Traditional designs and motifs reflect the rich heritage of Pakistan, and owning a piece of these crafts allows individuals to connect with and appreciate the country’s artistic legacy.
Handmade wooden products are often crafted from locally sourced, sustainable materials. This focus on sustainability ensures that the environmental impact of production is minimized and supports local economies.
Buying Pakistani Wooden Handicrafts
When purchasing Pakistani wooden handicrafts, it’s important to choose reputable sources to ensure the authenticity and quality of the products. Crafts Emporium, for example, offers a wide range of authentic Wooden Handicrafts In Pakistan, each piece meticulously crafted by skilled artisans.
Tips for Buyers
Research the Craftsmanship: Understand the techniques and styles used in creating the handicrafts to appreciate the artistry involved.
Check for Authenticity: Ensure that the product is genuinely handmade and not mass-produced.
Consider the Material: Different types of wood and finishes can affect the quality and durability of the product.
The Future of Wooden Handicrafts
As global interest in artisanal and handmade products continues to grow, Pakistani wooden handicrafts are gaining recognition on the international stage. The blend of traditional techniques with contemporary designs is paving the way for new opportunities in both local and global markets.
Innovation and Tradition
Artisans are increasingly incorporating modern designs and techniques while preserving traditional methods. This fusion of old and new ensures that wooden handicrafts remain relevant and appealing to contemporary audiences.
Supporting Local Artisans
Supporting local artisans not only helps preserve traditional crafts but also promotes sustainable practices and strengthens local economies. By purchasing handmade wooden items, you contribute to the continuation of this rich artistic heritage.
The artistry and craftsmanship behind Pakistani wooden handicrafts are truly remarkable. From intricate carvings to traditional joinery, each piece reflects the skill and creativity of its maker. By understanding the factors that contribute to the value of these crafts, you can make informed choices and appreciate the unique beauty of Pakistani wooden handicrafts.
For those looking to explore a wide range of high-quality Pakistani Handicrafts, Crafts Emporium offers an excellent selection. Whether you’re looking for a statement piece of furniture or a decorative item, their collection showcases the finest in traditional and contemporary wooden craftsmanship. Embrace the beauty of handmade excellence and bring a piece of Pakistan’s rich heritage into your home.
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fair-deal-handicrafts · 2 months
Fairdeal Handicrafts Bone Inlay Mirror Furniture❤️ Home Decor Living Designer . Order Now - https://fairdealhandicrafts.com
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mogulinterior · 2 months
Creative Tuscan Mediterranean Design and Interior
Mediterranean colors are known for their ability to evoke a sense of tranquility and warmth, encapsulating the essence of the region’s breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture. The combination of the deep blue sea and the clear sky creates a mesmerizing backdrop that is complemented by warm terra cotta, lavender, and yellow tones, all of which contribute to the overall charm of this color palette. These earthy hues not only provide a rich, romantic feel, but also reflect the rustic beauty of the Mediterranean doors. In the Tuscan color palette, the emphasis on gorgeous russet oranges and other earthy, unpretentious hues adds a touch of warmth and elegance reminiscent of a captivating sunset. The use of copper and russet shades further enhances the romantic and flattering ambiance, making the decor truly inviting and enchanting. Find Us At:-Etsy MOGULGALLERY
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Burnished bronze urns, filigree carved chests and wrought-iron cabinets create a Mediterranean look, but with a Moroccan influence. Rich embroidered textiles and colorful embroideries create a kaleidoscope of design. Moroccan curtains and silks add a lavish feel and are stunning wall treatments.
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Coffee and end tables made from old Indian doors and windows give a deep, rich warmth of something that’s been around for a long time. The vibrant colors of Indian textiles like the handmade mirror cloth pillows and sheer gauzy curtains give the room an ethereal touch. Pashmina beddings with paisley motifs and jamavar designs reflect your cultural identity. Bone inlay cabinets and side tables embossed with brass, an old hope chest at the foot of the bed complete the rustic look. Antique carved doors and panels from India make beautiful unique headboards and resemble doorway arches seen in Spanish architecture.
You can create a unique Spanish Colonial dining room by visualizing a ceiling with old banjara textiles, the mirrors throwing off reflections onto the architectural columns that accent the doorway. Add a decorative element to the room with rich hued draperies that complement the rustic woods of the columns. The long Spanish-style bench made from old Indian Corbels is whimsical and yet gives a traditional feels setting the tone for the rest of the home.
Spanish rustic decor at https://mogulgallery.etsy.com.
Mogul InteriorFollow On
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furniturecastle1 · 4 months
Choosing the Perfect Furniture: Your Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to Furniture Castle, where your quest for the ideal furniture meets our unparalleled expertise. Choosing the right furniture can be overwhelming, whether you’re redecorating your living room, updating your dining area, or transforming your bedroom. Our goal is to make this process smooth and enjoyable by offering you a diverse catalogue of high-quality, stylish furniture. In this blog, we’ll answer some common questions to help you select the best pieces for your home.
How to Choose the Perfect Living Room Furniture?
What are the key factors to consider when selecting living room furniture?
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Size and Layout: Measure your space to ensure the furniture fits comfortably without overcrowding.
Style and Aesthetic: Choose pieces that match your personal style and complement your existing decor.
Functionality: Consider how the furniture will be used. For example, do you need storage solutions or multifunctional pieces?
Quality and Durability: Invest in high-quality pieces that will withstand daily use.
At Furniture Castle, we offer a wide range of living room furniture, from sofas and coffee tables to entertainment units and accent chairs, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your space.
What Should I Look for in Dining and Kitchen Furniture?
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Space and Size: Measure your dining area to determine the appropriate table size and number of chairs.
Material and Finish: Choose durable materials like wood or metal that are easy to clean and maintain.
Comfort: Ensure chairs are comfortable and provide good support.
Style: Match the furniture to your kitchen and dining area’s decor.
Furniture Castle offers a variety of dining and kitchen furniture, including dining tables, chairs, bar stools, and storage solutions, all designed to enhance your dining experience.
Essential Tips for Choosing Bedroom Furniture
What are the essential tips for selecting bedroom furniture?
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Bed Size and Style: Choose a bed that fits your space and matches your style, whether it’s a platform bed, canopy bed, or upholstered bed.
Storage Needs: Consider dressers, nightstands, and wardrobes to keep your bedroom organized.
Comfort and Quality: Invest in a high-quality mattress and comfortable bedding for a good night’s sleep.
Personal Touches: Add personal touches with accent pieces like benches, mirrors, and lamps.
Furniture Castle’s bedroom furniture collection includes everything from beds and mattresses to dressers and nightstands, ensuring your bedroom is both stylish and functional.
Why Consider Bone Inlay and Mother of Pearl Furniture?
Why should I consider Bone Inlay and Mother of Pearl furniture for my home?
Bone Inlay and Mother of Pearl furniture are unique and luxurious additions to any home. Here’s why they stand out:
Artistic Design: Each piece is handcrafted with intricate patterns and designs, making them unique.
Elegance and Sophistication: These pieces add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room.
Versatility: They can be used in various settings, from living rooms to bedrooms, and even as statement pieces in hallways.
At Furniture Castle, we offer a stunning selection of Bone Inlay and Mother of Pearl furniture, including coffee tables, dressers, and mirrors, each crafted to perfection.
Customised Furniture Solutions at Furniture Castle
Does Furniture Castle offer customized furniture options?
Yes, Furniture Castle provides customized furniture solutions to meet your specific needs and preferences. Here’s what we offer:
Customized Doors: Whether you need new doors for your kitchen cabinets or a unique entryway, we can create customized doors to match your style.
Tailored Designs: Work with our design team to create furniture pieces that perfectly fit your space and aesthetic preferences.
Choosing the right furniture is crucial for creating a comfortable and stylish home. At Furniture Castle, we are committed to providing you with high-quality, beautiful furniture that meets your needs. Whether you’re looking for living room furniture, dining sets, bedroom pieces, or unique Bone Inlay and Mother of Pearl designs, we have something for everyone. Explore our diverse catalogue and let us help you transform your home.
1. How do I measure my space for new furniture?
Measure the length, width, and height of your room. Also, consider the doorways and hallways for furniture delivery.
2. What materials are best for kitchen furniture?
Durable materials like wood and metal are ideal for kitchen furniture as they are easy to clean and maintain.
3. Can I customize my furniture order at Furniture Castle?
Yes, we offer customization options for doors and other furniture pieces to meet your specific needs.
4. How do I care for Bone Inlay and Mother of Pearl furniture?
Avoid direct sunlight and use a soft cloth for regular dusting. For stains, use a mild detergent and water solution.
5. What are the delivery options for Furniture Castle?
We offer various delivery options, including in-store pickup and home delivery. Contact us for more details.
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divineinlaycreations · 5 months
Bone Inlay Mirror frames. Flat 25% OFF!! Offer valid for 3 days only. SHOP NOW!!! Etsy: Divineinlaycreations
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boneinlayartsblog · 5 months
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"A Touch of Artistry Bone Inlay Mirrors for Every Room" . Shop Now - https://www.boneinlayarts.com/collections/bone-inlay-mirror-frame
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