#bombay cat!keith
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aritrevel · 7 years ago
more unbeta’d witch!lance with his familiar!shiro because i think i have a problem
It had been weeks. A little over a month. But Lance was finally coming back today.
Shiro waited patiently at the front door in his dog form, body tensing at every noise that his ears, swiveling wildly, picked up.
He could feel eyes boring holes into him from afar. Keith had been watching him sit in front of the door for a little over half an hour now. He hasn’t moved since Allura left to go pick up Lance from the airport. It was a mixture of both sickeningly sweet and pathetic, but they knew Keith would probably react the same if Allura ever left. Not that he’d admit that, of course. Keith had a reputation to uphold.
The familiar sound of muffled voices and a key being jingled into the lock had Shiro up on his feet, circling eagerly as he held back his excited barks, tail slicing through the air. The moment the door was open wide enough, Shiro barreled past Allura and jumped on Lance, barking and panting and trying his best to lick at Lance’s face.
“Kashi!” Lance yelped, stumbling to regain his footing with the added weight of his familiar. “I missed you, too, you big baby. But I’ve got to get inside.” Shiro got down from Lance’s waist and followed him as he entered Allura’s home, rolling in luggage. He shifted his weight from paw to paw like he was dancing as he watched Lance put all of his things down near the couch, stretching his arms and back, no doubt sore from carrying his belongings.
Lance let himself flop on the couch. Not even a moment passed before he was patting the spot next to him and Shiro was in his lap, soaking his face and any other part he could reach with his saliva, squirming with excitement. All Lance could do was scrunch up his face and futilely try to avoid Shiro’s rough tongue while burying his hands in his fur, scratching and petting lovingly.
The two were engrossed into their own world, oblivious to the way Allura and Keith watched them silently. A soft smile graced Allura’s features as she witnessed a bond like no other. Her thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of Keith brushing up against her, demanding her attention. She didn’t hesitate to bend down and scoop him up in her arms, cradling him to her chest as she gently scratched between his ears. As much as she loved watching Lance and Shiro together, she didn’t know if she could handle such a bundle of energy.
“Takashi, stop climbing all over me!”
Yeah, Allura would rather stick with Keith.
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sui-senka · 6 years ago
If the Try Guys were cats
Ned (abyssinian)
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Keith (maine coon)
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Zach (devon rex)
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Eugene (Bombay)
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bombay cat
russian blue
turkish angora
munchkin cat
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tokyoteddywolf · 8 years ago
What Have I Done
Shance Companion AU info -Hybrids have A/B/O classifications, humans do not. -Shiro is an Omega. He will go into heat and want kittens like crazy. He'll get super clingy and vocal, and rub against anything and everything. Pants and boxers will get soaked so he won't want to wear any clothes, and his pecs will get swollen and uncomfortable and need constant massaging. Basically just Sub!Shiro for my corrupted soul :3 -Keith is a Cat/Wolf Hybrid, owned by Hunk, and is a very grumpy Beta Alpha. He has two classifications because of his conflicting species, so his body screams "Beta" while his attitude cries "Alpha", if that makes sense? -Pidge builds Shiro's arm, though she's half Owl Hybrid herself and has a separate pair of wings on her back. She's living proof that humans and Hybrids can "breed" so to speak, with a Beta Owl Hybrid father and a human mother and her half Owl brother Matt who also has wings. She's an Alpha, though weak. Matt's a Beta. It's not that uncommon for Hybrids and Humans to date or get married and have kids, actually. -Hybrid/Human children are referred to as Halflings. Some have animal features, some do not. But they will always have a classification of Alpha, Beta or Omega. It's commonly Beta, since humans have no classification and thus don't experience the same things as Hybrids. -Shiro used to be a part of Zarkon's Hybrid Arena, as the Champion fighter. As Shiro was getting older than the prime fighting age (Shiro is currently 27), there were plans to use him to breed the next set of fighters for the ring. He was promised to another Cat Hybrid Alpha named Sendak on his next heat, but escaped the Arena with the help of another Hybrid, a Bat Beta named Ulaz. -Pidge's father and brother are in Zarkon's smuggling ring of Hybrids, and Pidge has been trying to track him down with the help of the police, run by Allura's father Alfor. In return, she helps with their armory and weaponry, as well as being their hacker. -Hunk is a Vet who works most of the time at a Hybrid Shelter when he isn't needed at the hospital. He's extremely sweet and kind to the Hybrids, but is a hurricane force of fury if he finds evidence of physical or sexual abuse on any of his patients. He's the one who deduces that Shiro was forced to fight in Zarkon's arena. -Lance works at a clothing store run by Allura, who is also studying to become the next police chief after her father, but was put in charge of the clothing store instead, "for experience" as Alfor put it. Lance often works to exhaustion, which is very bad. This is important for later ;3 -Shiro gains a severe attachment to Lance, terrified of abandonment since that was how he ended up in the Arena in the first place after his original owners dumped him there as a kitten for money. -It's to the point Shiro follows Lance everywhere, even to work, and yowls loudly if Lance goes somewhere he can't follow. Allura doesn't mind letting Shiro wander the store as long as he doesn't mess with anything or get fur on the products. In fact, all the workers come to adore the Omega Cat Hybrid, often buying him little toys to mess with and a Hybrid bed to nap in at Lance's checkout station. -Hybrids have the ability of human speech, though Keith uses it primarily for complaining and Pidge cusses a lot. -Shiro does not speak at all, only uses sounds. He was never taught how to talk, because talking was punished at the Arena and the habit is so deeply ingrained in him that he's practically a mute. He can make sounds, like meows, purrs, growls and various other cat noises, but he just cant speak in words. Lance makes it his mission to slowly get Shiro used to talking, and the first time Shiro says Lance's name he starts crying. This will be a chapter later. -Coran is a nurse at the Vet's, and every single Hybrid adores the funny mustached human to bits. -Various Hybrids include; Feline Hybrids, Canine Hybrids, Reptilian Hybrids, Ocean Hybrids (often referred to as just Mer Hybrids), Rodent Hybrids, Equine Hybrids, and Feathered Hybrids. There are also various subclasses, aka breeds, like Shiro being a Maine Coon Cat Hybrid, Pidge being a Tawny Owl Hybrid, and Keith being a Bombay Cat/Gray Wolf Hybrid. -Lance's house is pretty small, a two bedroom one bathroom place with a living room, kitchen, dining room, front door and back door, and a pretty okay yard in both front and back. Everything is completely personalized aside from the guest room (later Shiro's room) with pictures of the ocean, shells, books, a black couch, tv and movies, a laptop, most of the rooms painted blue green or soft beige, carpeted floors a nice shade of indigo, etc. -When Keith meets Shiro, he immediately turns into a protective packmate. He will growl at anyone he doesn't like around Shiro, and guards the Omega like a sheepdog with a flock to look after. Basically adoption, which Lance and Hunk find hilarious because the Maine Coon Cat is a bit larger than the Gray Bombay. -will add more later, this is just world building! :3
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hoisoy · 8 years ago
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Lance: Blue is a sleek and slender Siamese cat with gorgeous blue eyes. I remember reading in one post (I will link it here if I find it again) that the blue lion chose Lance as its paladin instead of the others with no hesitation so I wanted Blue to be the most loyal to Lance. When the two first met, she chose Lance first instead vice versa. Also, she is the most friendliest and Lance loves her so very much. [Lance can be very overprotective of her because he feels as if he isn’t worthy of her]
Pidge: Green is an orange Tabby cat (the color is similar to Pidge’s hair) that loves to show off, especially to Pidge. She is the smallest cat but has the most energy. When Green smiles, it appears like a smirk (like Pidge does). She loves the outdoors while Pidge loves technology so Green will often try to convince her to come outside which usually involves her sitting on Pidge’s laptop. Essentially, Green just wants Pidge to appreciate nature [and her more].
Hunk: Yellow is a Himalayan cat who is the most fluffiest cat in the group. She has the most fur because the yellow lion is said to have the most bulkiest armor. In addition, she likes to lay on top of Hunk’s stomach as if she is protecting him. Like Hunk, Yellow likes to eat so she enjoys watching him cook and then proceeding to eat the meal Hunk makes afterwards, together. She is kind and love snuggles.
Keith: Red is a Bombay Cat who is very temperamental just like the red lion. When Keith and Red first met, Red would scratch him endlessly when he got close to her. Eventually, Red starts to warm up to him because Keith does these small acts which makes her trust him. Soon enough, Red becomes very protective of Keith and will attack anyone who will try to harm him including the other paladins. She acts like a mother to Keith.
Shiro: Black is a Maine Coone cat who is somewhat smaller than her breed should be but is still relatively big. In addition, Black used to belong to Zarkon so she and Shiro had a weaker bond in the beginning, compared to the others and their cats. However, Shiro tried everything he could to strengthen their relationship thus, Black loves and accepts him. Shiro even gave her a set of wings to wear which is her favorite item. 
[When Shiro disappears, Keith takes care of Black in his stead.]
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spaceydragons · 8 years ago
y’all remember my VLD as dogs post
this? yeah?? now consider this. VLD as CATS
Shiro- Japanese Bobtail
Keith- Bombay (mixed)
Lance- Havana
Pidge- Munchkin
Hunk- Main Coon
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kiotuki-moved-blog · 8 years ago
Hello!! Thank you for visiting my info page, it really means a lot! ❤ I use Tumblr on my iPad like…90% of the time, so it’s much easier to write my info page on here! ♪
This page is quite long - sorry! x3 But I’ll put an asterik (*) next to the most important sections, so feel free to skip the other bits ~
💚 Before you follow 💚 *
→ Don’t follow me if you fit the regular DFI criteria (you’re a TERF, racist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, nasty towards the LGBT+ community or if you’re just a rude/mean person in general)
→ I’m pro self-dx!
→ Do not interact (reblog, follow, like) if you’re a kink, DD/LG, CG/L or littlespace blog, even if you’re “SFW”. You will be blocked on sight.
💚 About me 💚 *
→ My name’s Daniel! You can also call me Danny though.
→ I sometimes use other names, nicknames and stuff, so you can call me any of those too ~
→ I’m 17 (3rd of August 1999)
→ I don’t label, or talk about my gender.
→ I use he/him pronouns mainly! But I also use they/them sometimes, and she/her very rarely.
→ I’m from a small, kinda crappy town in England, UK.
→ I’m panromantic.
→ I’m autistic.
→ I’m mentally ill (BPD + anxiety. There’s other stuff, but it would take me too long to list & explain them all…so…yeah)
→ I’m a second year college student! I’m currently studying animal management and maths.
→ My Hogwarts house is Slytherin!!
→ My personality type is INFJ, and my star sign is Leo ~
→ I’m a COCSA + CSA survivor (don’t even think about asking for ‘details’).
→ I’ve been an inpatient on a psychiatric ward twice, and, uh, I’ve been hospital free for like…almost two years now? I’m not sure, I have no concept of time.
→ I’m at college 5 days a week, so unless it’s a weekend (or half term or something like that) then the chances are I’ll be mega busy during the day…plus the wifi network at my college has Tumblr blocked… ;u;
→ I have a boyfriend - they’re amazing, and I love them!!
💚 Kins & stuff 💚
I’m okay with people sharing the same kins, synpaths and comfort characters as me!
→ Keith Kogane (synpath)
→ Fluttershy (synpath)
→ Hau (comfort character)
→ Lana (comfort character)
→ Mallow (comfort character)
💚 Favourite… 💚
→ Colour(s): Black, bubblegum pink and yellow.
→ Food(s): Cheesecake, pasta, chocolate and hazelnut spread sandwiches (without the crust), bombay potatoes, kidney bean rice, strawberries and fruit salad ~
→ Drink(s): Tea, coffee, chocolate milkshake, hot Ponyo drink, apple juice and Arizona Fruit Punch.
→ Animal(s): Otters, ferrets, cats, leopard geckos, rats, dogs and moths.
→ Place(s): Cornwall, my bedroom, the car, London and my Nana Gwen’s big sofa.
→ TV show(s): Lewis, Endeavour, Law & Order UK, Silent Witness, Death in Paradise, The Office, Parks and Recreation, Waterloo Road, Doctor Who + lots of different documenteries!
→ Cartoons: Voltron: Legendary Defender, The Amazing World of Gumball, Spongebob Squarepants, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and What’s New Scooby-Doo.
→ Movies: Jurassic Park (I, III and III), Jurassic World, Rise of The Guardians, Big Hero 6, Aladdin, Tangled, Zootropolis, Lilo & Stitch, The 10 Year Plan, The Princess and The Frog and Hotel Transylvania.
→ Anime: Fruits Basket, Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, Sailor Moon, Love Live! School Idol Project and K-ON!
→ Books: The Mortal Instruments, Fallen, Noughts & Crosses, The Magic Faraway Tree and Forever Amber.
→ Music artists: Laurence Fox, Ariana Grande, TWICE and Girl’s Day.
→ Emojis: 😸🤙🏼🕵🏽👒🐶🦑🐇🐁🌻☄️🌈🍓🗡🔮🎀
Thank you so, so much for reading! If you can, please message me a “★” or like this post! But if you can’t, then it’s 100% okay!
Have a great day! 🎀
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sasuhinasno1fan · 8 years ago
Matchmaking cat
@lolakinsart, I am your backup Santa for @voltron-ss. So when you said fluffy shklance, I thought. I was going to do a YouTuber au, but it was Lance filming a video and it just seemed so long winded. It was a lot of talking and not a lot of shklance interaction, though Lance did mention his amazing boyfriends a lot. So I decided to pull from the story of how Lance met Keith in that universe and do this instead. Hope you like it and it’s somewhat fluffy for you.
Lance blinked down at the black cat that stood near the animal shelter he worked at. The cat had short hair and was long. His knowledge of cats wanted to say it was a Burmese, but that didn’t seem right. The cat had on a purple harness and a chequered collar but no tags were hanging from it.
“Where did you come from?” he asked. The cat just blinked and jumped up, Lance scrambling to catch her. All the movement made Blue meow from her carrier that was hanging from his shoulder. Seeing that he had cats to deal with, he pulled open the door and went inside. Allura was sitting behind the front desk and looked up when he walked in.
“Lance, hello. Who’s this?”
“I found her outside. I think she belongs to someone, but she doesn’t have any tags.” He carefully dropped the carrier on the ground and let Allura get a closer look at the cat in his hands. “I think she’s a Burmese, but I’m not sure.”
That cat purred as Allura starched under its chin. “I think it’s a Bombay. They’re similar to Burmese, hence to the confusion. But how did she get here?”
Lance shrugged, “any apartment nearby? The park? I don’t know. It couldn’t have been that long ago, she’s not dirty or anything.”
“You can work the desk so she can be out here. If she’s lucky, her owners will come looking for her.” Lance let the cat down on the counter and let Blue out of her carrier. Blue jumped up and sniffed the other cat. She must have decided she was fine with her and jumped down to where the computer was, curling up on top of the keyboard. Lance was just glad to see the computer was off.
“Well,” he told the black cat, “I guess you’re our guest.” Allura gave him his job of sorting files and left to go check on the other cats.
Lance filed away, the black cat only coming to bother him when he pulled out a pen to write something. She swatted at it as he wrote and he could help but look at her in a ‘are you serious’ kind of way. He had just finished the pile when the door opened. The person who came through had black hair and a frantic expression. He was talking to someone on the phone.
“Takashi, calm down. We’ll find her. She couldn’t of-” he stopped when he saw the black cat sitting on the counter and yelled, “Kuro!”
Kuro, as Lance guessed her name was, jumped down from her perch and went over to the man, jumping up into his arms. He seemed stunned, just staring at her as she meowed innocently.
“Um…” Seeing he wasn’t alone, the guy looked at Lance. He quickly told whoever he was on the phone with where he was and hung up. “So I’m guessing that’s your cat?”
“My boyfriend’s but yes.” Lance tried not to deflate. The guy was cute, but Lance was not going to flirt with a guy in a relationship. “Thanks for watching her.”
“No problem. She was sitting by the door when I was coming in. she’s not wearing tags so sorry I couldn’t call.”
The guy looked a bit sheepish. “That was my fault. She has tags, it just that she was using her iFetch yesterday as they were making a lot of noise so I took them off. I meant to put them back on when we went to the park, but I forgot. I didn’t think it would matter but I turned my back for two seconds and she was gone.”
“iFetch? She plays fetch?”
“You can blame her dad. She likes it so I can’t complain that it keeps her occupied.”
“I guess. I’d try to remember to put her tags on. Is she microchipped? It’ll make it easier for her to be found.”
The guy nodded when the door opened again. This guy had black hair as well, but his was cropped and his fringe was dyed white. He looked relieved at the sight of Kuro and the guy holding her.
“You found her, thank goodness.”
“Yeah. She was here with, um…” the guy looked at Lance and looked a bit lost.
“Oh, I’m Lance. Yeah, she was outside the building when I was coming in.”
“Right. I’m Shiro and this is my boyfriend Keith.” Lance assumed Shiro was a nickname then. “I swear we’re actually good pet parents. Keith was at the park waiting for me to get off for lunch and Kuro escaped somehow.”
“She’s never done this before though.”
Lance could see that both had been really worried and waved his hand. “Hey, it’s ok. You guys were worried and went looking for her immediately. She might have seen something and then took off after it. If you really want to, you can try one of those really long leashes if you think she’ll take off again.”
“Long leash. Ok thanks. And really, thank you for taking care of her.”
“It’s no problem. She was a sweetheart, minus playing with my pen while writing.”
Keith pointed to Shiro, “Yeah, that’s his fault.”
“Yeah. Anyway, thank you again.”
“No problem. Bye Kuro.” The cat meowed as her owners left, talking to her as they walked down the street.
Lance sighed. Both the guys were really cute and they seemed happy in their relationship. Lance didn’t want to automatically say he wanted to be part of their relationship without getting to know them first, but the chances of that happening where pretty slim.
Or so he thought. Lance had been coming back from lunch break to find Kuro sitting by the front door of the shelter. Her harness was on and he could see the heart shaped tag hanging from her collar. She let herself be picked up this time as Lance stared at her.
“How the heck did they lose you again?” there was one number on the back of Kuro’s tag so Lance called.
“Hello?” Lance recognised Shiro’s voice. He sounded out of breath and kinda panicked.
“Um, hey. This is Lance, from Altea Shelter. I found your cat Kuro the other day.”
“Oh my goodness, she’s there isn’t she?”
“Yeah. She was sitting outside. I take it you guys are looking for her again?”
“Yes, we’ll be right there.”
Lance hung up and looked at Kuro. “You’re a bundle of trouble aren’t you?” Kuro just meowed at him. Blue had taken over his chair behind the desk, so he sat in one of the chairs for people who came to try and adopt pets. Kuro curled up on his lap and fell asleep. Lance was surprised she found herself there again. Shiro sounded worried on the phone and was relieved when he said Kuro was back at the shelter. Keith himself looked utterly relieved when he came in that first time and saw Kuro sitting there. They weren’t bad pet parents. Kuro was happy to see them too, so she didn’t run away cause she felt like she was in danger. So how come she ran away again?
The door opened and Shiro came in, looking around and seeming to untense at the sight of Kuro.
“There you are. Why’d you run off this time? Lance, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine. She’s not hurt and that’s the good thing.”
“We unhooked her to untangle her leash and she darted off.” Kuro woke up and let Shiro pick her up. “I don’t know if something spooked her, but I think just keep the leash on.”
“Do you think she’s getting bored of going outside?”
“We bring toys in case of that. I feel horrible that she keeps running off if there’s something I can do.” Shiro really did care. It was concerning as to why Kuro kept taking off.
“I guess the leash is your best bet and keeping an eye on her.”
Shiro sighed, “I guess so. Thank you again.”
“No problem. Bye.”
Shiro had left when Pidge, one of his co-workers and Allura’s girlfriend poked her head out from the back room.
“Was that Shiro? White fringe, really buff, scar on his nose?”
“Yeah? Why?”
Pidge got this look on her face. “Nothing. Though I heard him. He’s friends with my brother.”
“Yeah, the cat that appeared her the other day is his and I found her outside a while ago. Shiro’s worried about her running off.”
“And Keith? He worried too?”
Lance felt very confused as to what Pidge was trying to get at. “Yeah. I met him first when he came in and found Kuro.”
Pidge hmmed. “So, they’re pretty cute.”
“Pidge, what are you planning? I’m sure you know they’re dating. Just cause I’m poly doesn’t mean I’m a home wreaker.”
“I know that. I also know that they’re both poly as well, so you don’t have to feel bad.”
“Pidge,” Lance walked behind the desk and picked Blue up, sitting down before placing her on his lap, “they’re probably not looking for anyone else in their relationship now. Just cause I think they’re cute doesn’t mean I’ll force myself on them.”
Pidge looked almost disappointed. “Fine. But they are ok with another person, just so you know.”
“Ok thank you.” Pidge went back and left Lance to think. Hearing that they were poly made Lance hopeful, but he wasn’t about to throw himself at them, if they didn’t want him. He’d rather wait until he had an idea.
Lance had a day off and was at a coffee shop when he heard something scraping against the window he was sitting next to. He looked over and almost choked on his coffee. Kuro was scratching at the glass. He looked and saw a leash clipped to her harness, so he was sure her owners were very far. Sure enough, Keith came to the window and picked Kuro up. Lance noticed his hair was pulled into a ponytail and his bangs were pulled back. That was not fair, he looked too cute. Keith looked through the window and stilled at the sight of Lance. Lance gave a small wave, with which Keith replied with a sheepish grin. Shiro appeared not long after and looked almost guilty at the sight of Lance.
“I swear we’re good pet parents.” Lance had moved outside, sitting at a table with Keith and Shiro, Kuro curled up in Shiro’s lap, asleep against his arm.
“Well, I’d find it hard to believe except you have the leash on like I suggested and you two turn into concern parents when she goes missing.”
“This time we saw her take off, but thankfully I still had most of the leash so it wasn’t hard to go after her. We were sure we tired her out but I guess not.”
They looked so conflicted. They were worried and Lance wanted to help them.
“Maybe she’s bored going out every day and doing the same thing? You take her out every day right?”
“Yeah. I work at home so it’s an easy way to get her exercise.” Keith answered.
“Maybe she wants something new. If you guys are up for it, maybe you could get another cat so she could have a companion?”
The two dark haired men looked at each other. “Well, Keith did want to get one, but he was fine with Kuro so he never bothered.”
“It’s something new for Kuro. Maybe with the new cat she won’t want to run off. You’d have to keep the cat inside until they get used to each other, but they’ll be able to play with each other.”
“If it gets her to stop, sure.” Shiro said, scratching behind Kuro’s ear. “Thanks a lot Lance. I know this is a weird situation, but thanks for being understanding.”
“It’s no problem, really. I’m gonna miss her visiting.” And them.
“We can adopt from Altea Shelter.” Keith offered.
Lance thought. There was a new kitten that came in, a runt of the litter but extremely feisty. He had a feeling she’d fit in perfectly. “I might have just the cat. If you want, you can do a home stay adoption. See how she lives around the house and if she’s a good fit, she can stay.”
Lance checked that the Somali kitten was ok in her carrier. A tote bag held the food she had been on as well as some litter. He walked into the apartment complex and took the elevator to the 7th floor. 7d was where Keith and Shiro lived. Apparently it was a loft apartment so there was enough space for the new kitten to be around and Kuro as well. He knocked on the door and it swung open, Keith on the other side.
“Hey, I come carrying a possible new member of the family.”
“Perfect, come on in.” the place was big. The area he walked into was the living room, dining room attached with an open kitchen. He saw a large barn door blocking off another area. “That’s where the bedroom is, Kuro’s in there.” Sure enough, Lance could see Kuro’s paws poking through the bottom of the door. Shiro came from the kitchen.
“Lance, hi.”
“Hey, so ready to meet the kitten?”
Lance put the carrier down in the living room and opened it. Confidently, the little red kitten walked out.
“She’s a female, about 12 weeks. She was brought in with her brothers but she’s the runt so she wasn’t adopted as quickly. But she’s very playful and Somalis can be very affectionate.”
“I can see that.” Keith was wearing sweatpants, which caught the attention of the kitten as she started playing with the ends of his pants, getting her claws stuck.
They all sat on the living room floor watching the little kitten run around and getting into things. Lance could see that Keith and Shiro had fallen in love with her. They did keep an eye whenever she went near the barn door. Lance could see Kuro’s shadow as she sniffed the new thing within her territory, but she didn’t seem to be hissing, which was a good sign.
“I’d keep them separated for maybe a week, but I do suggest feeding them on opposite sides of the door so they can associate something good with each other.”
Keith pulled the kitten into his lap, where she started playing with his fingers. “You know a lot about cats.”
Lance shrugged, “well I’ve been working at the shelter since I dropped out of college. I couldn’t find what I wanted to do, so I stopped and found Altea.”
“Vet?” Shiro suggested
Lance shook his head, “chemistry isn’t my best subject. I’d rather be working to get the animals adopted.”
“Lines like that must get you all the ladies.” Keith teased.
Lance decided to use this as an opening. “It would, but then when you mention your both pan and poly, that kinda fizzles away pretty quickly.”
“Ah. Which excuse do they give you? You’re poly, so you’ll cheat on me? Or your pan, so you cheat on me?”
“Or a favourite of ours, you’re poly, so why don’t you want to sleep with me and my boyfriend?”
So Pidge was right. They reactions pretty much made it obvious they were poly. Lance pushed back the hope. Just cause they were didn’t mean they’d want another person in their relationship.
“Eh, both usually. They’re loss, I am an amazing boyfriend and love animals. What more can you want?”
Both guys laughed at him but didn’t tease him on his statement. It was getting really hard to not want to be with them. He wanted to fit in and be happy with them. But he wasn’t going to approach that without their go ahead.
A couple days had passed and Lance kept in contact with them. They sent text with updates and pictures constantly and just talked to him with what he had been doing. Kuro wasn’t running off with her new sister to play with. Red, as she was named, loved the outdoors, though she kept getting stuck in trees. There had been a few times Lance was sure the two were flirting over text but he didn’t want to push anything if he was wrong.
That question got answered when Keith and Shiro came by one day. Keith actually looked a bit nervous.
“We were wondering if you wanted to get coffee?” Keith asked before Lance could greet them.
“Um, like to hang out or?”
“Like a date. We’ve been pretty interested but we didn’t know if you would be ok in a poly relationship but you said your fine and then we thought you’d say no because we kept losing Kuro.” Shiro explained.
“I wasn’t going to say no cause of that. I could tell you were worried about her.”
“Also, this is gonna sound weird, but we’re pretty sure Kuro was trying to matchmaker us.” Lance raised an eyebrow at Keith statement. “it’s just, Kuro actually doesn’t like a lot of guys, even those we’ve tried dating and even when you had your day off, she was able to find you. We think she was trying to get us together after that first time.”
Match making by a cat. Well this was new. But Lance was not going to let that stop him.
“Well I’d hate to prove her wrong. I’d love to go to coffee with you.”
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aritrevel · 7 years ago
mostly unbeta’d witches!lance & allura with their familiars!shiro & keith + this was suppose to be a ficlet but it ran away from me
i’m sorry if the ending is awkward and abrupt and just w e i r d
Okay, so maybe the media was right, and Lance just happened to be an outlier when it came to familiars.
With a soft, fond smile on his face, Lance watched as Shiro slept soundly in his dog form, side flank raising and falling slowly in time with his deep breaths and body stretched out. His eyes were drawn to the black ball of fluff curled up on his familiar’s side, tucked securely within itself. His mind started to wander down Memory Avenue, but was stopped by Allura returning from her kitchen with two mugs in her hands. He shifted his focus from their familiar to her, grinning as she settled down next to him before handing him a mug, which he took gratefully.
“God, I love your tea,” Lance gushed after chancing a sip, sighing blissfully afterwards.
“Sometimes, I think that’s the only reason you stick around,” Allura teased as she blew on her own cup, watching the steam move in the direction she blew.
Lance didn’t deny her comment, bringing his mug back to his lips with raised eyebrows as he avoided eye contact. He heard a dramatic gasp next to him before there was pain blossoming in his bicep where Allura smacked him, making him yelp and almost spill his tea.
“Can you maybe chill?” Lance hissed as he shot Allura a glare. “You almost made me drop my tea!” That was the last thing he wanted to do. He gingerly sipped at the hot drink, brows still furrowed in mild irritation.
“Well, what did you expect when you don’t deny my comment?” Allura hissed back, face set into her own annoyed expression.
Lance rolled his eyes. “You know that you’re more than just the Queen of Tea to me,” he reassured her as his face relaxed, losing its traces of irritation. His gaze drifted back to Shiro, only to see that his familiar was now awake and gazing back at him, tail swishing lazily against Allura’s carpeted floor. They must have woken him up. And if he was up that meant—
“Did you enjoy your nap, Keith? Hey, wait! Let me put down my tea first,” Allura rambled as she hastily set her mug down on the coffee table in front of them. Keith, the Bombay cat that was resting on Shiro, took up the vacant space in Allura’s lap, purring lowly as he felt hands gently run through his fur. “You’re such a needy cat,” Allura huffed despite her fond smile. Keith only purred louder.
A sudden cloud of red and black smoke engulfed the feline, causing both Allura and Lance to cough violently. The smoke soon fell away to reveal a slender male with black cat ears jutting from his head and a sleek, black tail swaying languidly in the air. A red silk robe clothed him and stood out against his pale complexion. He oozed everything Lance associated with cats: elegance, laziness, superiority, spoilt.
Allura wasn’t fazed by her familiar’s sudden transformation, continuing to pet the head that rested in her lap. Lance opened his mouth to ask her about how she got Keith to wear clothes, but that’s when Shiro decided he was a lapdog, much to Lance’s dismay.
“Takashi!” Lance exclaimed as the Siberian Husky hoisted his entire body onto Lance’s lap, forcing him to lean against the back of the couch in order to accommodate his size. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips as Shiro twisted his head to try to lap at Lance’s face, wanting his attention. “You’re just as bad as Keith.”
Allura giggled softly as she watched Lance bury a hand into Shiro’s coat, giving the canine the attention he so desired. They were two whipped witches with their spoilt familiars. She couldn’t help remembering the first time they met, both them and their familiars.
Allura had taken Keith to the park, letting the cat bask in the sunlight on the bench they occupied. To many, it was unusual to see a cat at a park, but Allura liked getting Keith out of the house every now and then. Besides, he seemed to enjoy the direct sunlight if his constant purring was any indication.
With a book in her hands, the pair relaxed on the bench, enjoying the tranquil atmosphere around them. Until it was suddenly shattered by a frantic stranger running up to them.
“Hi! Sorry, uh, have you seen a Siberian Husky by any chance? He’s my dog and he’s seemed to run off,” the stranger rambled, eyes full of panic as they continued to flicker around, searching for his companion.
“No, I have to say—“ A loud hissing interrupted Allura’s words, surprising both her and the stranger. They turned their gaze to where Keith was standing, hackles raised, hair standing on end, and spine arched. The picture of a ticked off cat. “Keith! You stop that,” Allura scolded with pinched eyebrows. Keith ignored her and continued to hiss at the guy who interrupted his sunbathing, ears pressed flat against his head.
Suddenly, there was distant barking drowning out the hissing, and it got louder as it got closer until it was right next to them. The stranger looked beside him and gasped, dropping to his knees to face the dog that joined them.
“‘Kashi, where did you go?!” He exclaimed, scratching behind the Siberian Husky’s ears, but the dog was focused on the cat still hissing at them, challenging him with his own growling. “Takashi, calm down. It’s just an irritated cat,” the stranger reassured. When his dog didn’t quit, he got back to his feet and shot an apologetic smile towards Allura.
“I’m sorry about all this. He’s usually so friendly, even if others aren’t,” the stranger explained with a shake of his head. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him.”
Allura had an inkling as she stared at the Siberian Husky. She’s been a witch for quite some time now, and she knew when she spotted another familiar. “Well, cats and dogs never really get along,” she commented. “Name’s Allura, by the way.”
“Lance,” Lance replied as he tried to hold his familiar back. “We should get going. It was nice meeting you!” He turned on his heel, and directed his familiar away from Allura and Keith, chastising him all the while. Allura could only watch with a small smile. She had a feeling they’d see each other a lot more.
“Allura, how did you get clothes on Keith?” Lance’s question pulled her out of her reminiscing. Shiro was now straddling him in his human form, and was very naked, nuzzling his face. The fact that the dog familiar was comfortable enough to transform in front of them made Allura grin. Their bonds had definitely come a long way, especially Keith’s and Shiro’s.
“I’ll text you the spell so you can use it at home.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” Lance gushed as Shiro flicked his tongue against his lips, making Lance turn a dark shade of red.
Giggling, Allura and Keith watched in amusement as Lance tried to get Shiro to stop licking his mouth. It was one thing to do it while he was a dog, but as a human was completely different. They were an interesting duo, and Allura was grateful their accidental meeting in the park led them to where they are now.
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