jcplana · 5 months
El terror / The horror.
Mientras usted lee este texto, el hábito de ser entretenidos por una ficción que muestra muertos que caminan hace ficción de las imágenes que muestran quietos cadáveres en una ciudad bombardeada.  —— As you read this text, the habit of being entertained by a fiction that shows the walking dead makes fiction of the images that show still corpses in a bombed city.
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LUFTWAFFE-STALINGRADO-ARTE-PINTURA-STUKAS-OFENSIVA-BOMBARDEOS-SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL-VIII CUERPO-VON RICHTHOFEN-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: LUFTWAFFE-STALINGRADO-ARTE-PINTURA-STUKAS-OFENSIVA-BOMBARDEOS-SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL-VIII CUERPO-VON RICHTHOFEN-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- En la primera parte de la Batalla de STALINGRADO, frente del Este en Rusia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el VI Ejército de la Wehrmacht tuvo la ayuda del VIII Cuerpo de la Luftwaffe al mando del Mariscal Von Richthofen, los Stukas efectuaron muchas misiones de bombardeo selectivo para facilitar el paso de los soldados, bombas sobre objetivos estratégicos en la gran ciudad industrial del Volga,sus esfuerzos no fueron suficiente para vencer la heroica resistencia de los ejércitos soviéticos que defensaron cada edificio de forma dramática. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros.
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elbiotipo · 2 months
Every time I think about the Viking probe experiments and the fact that they might actually have found biosignatures on Martian soil but that's it, it was labelled a false positive and the experiments were not repeated in subsequent missions I go insane. What do you mean nobody sent another probe to figure it out, what do you mean "oh hey we almost found evidence of metabolism. must have been the wind. no need to check this again". Che NASA son pelotudos ustedes o que onda.
I will make a post (or even a video) talking about it, with citations and everything, one of these days.
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heinous-bitch · 1 year
lo único que podría haber mejorado a Argentina 1985 es mencionar que videla se murió en la cárcel sentado en un inodoro
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who hates operación triunfo more edgelords who thing they're above a silly music contest or fans of operación triunfo
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conobarco · 2 months
im gonna say it, i find eddie diaz annoying
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mkultra2030 · 8 months
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Roi Lopez Rivas 
¿Por qué EEUU apoya tanto a Israel? Sus historias como país son identicas: se basaron en el genocidio de la población nativa. Roi Lopez Rivas@RoiLopezRivas·3h¿Por qué EEUU apoya tanto a Israel? Sus historias como país son identicas: se basaron en el genocidio de la población nativa. https://pic.twitter.com/cOfHfsHwIL
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sudaca-swag · 8 months
y después piensan que no importa a nivel internacional el gobierno local de turno que elijas
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Pero por otro lado la idea de que la muñeca barbie es así super feminista es tan ??? Los estadounidenses fundamentalistas son una plaga que no entienden un juguete y piensan que entienden la biblia, pero por favor
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crosma · 9 months
Tentar não pensar dói tanto quanto quando me dou conta que meu inocente devaneio entre nós dois nunca vai se concretizar, é como se constantemente estivesse bebendo algo muito desagradável, porque apesar de tentar tirar a idéia de você de mim, sempre que tento me livrar sinto que ela se esgueira de volta para dentro, esperando meu descuido para me bombardear novamente
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ninfoqueen · 1 year
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Ele sempre fica caladinho e para de me bombardear de mensagens quando peço meus amantes para mandarem mensagem do meu celular…
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captainmera · 9 months
ok ,entonces tengo un OBVIAMENTE SHIP por Theo y Oliver , así que bombardeare con preguntas románticas !
Who would be more romantic? Who is the one who cares more about the other? Who would take care of who in a cold (why is that super romantic? I don't know), who would blush more at the other's comments? Who has more protective attitude? .....and I'll stop for now
Jag kan inte spanska! xD Ser du hur skumt det här är? Hahahaha!
And thank you for this ask! :'D <3
Both of them care for the other just as much. :) They just support one another where the other needs it. They don't have the same needs!
Oliver is the most blushy though. He's a rather shy person (sober, anyway. Drunk Oliver is very confident).
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They are both protective. Theodore is just..... Well, he's a witch:
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ibwr world building lore stuff:
Witches are, in the world of IBWR, a little unhinged. People fear them, they're seen as a "necessary evil" by the church and society in general. People seek them out for various reasons and aid. Often taboo things. In public opinion, witches must be a little... evil.. To be able to do certain things.
It leaves witches socially ostracised at the same time socially desired and renowned. It's fickle to navigate. They're basically the dark fairy god mother left uninvited to the party, but if they show up anyway nobody's gonna throw them out. Their association is a flex to pull, but also at the same time an association you want at arms length.
So real and genuine friendships are hard to come by for them.
This resulted in witches, generally, sticking to themselves and their families. The public opinion is that witches don't have have friends, and if they do those people will soon live to regret it. People think witches' friends are only for business or pleasure. If you're not business then you're pleasure, and if you served your purposes you're ditched without remorse. <- At least that's what people think. It's not baseless, but also not totally true.
Witches has built up, because of this, this mask of confidence that they lean into - that they're untrustworthy and mischievous, lustful and morally dubious. It's just a terrible circle, really. "IF YOU HATE ME, FINE, THEN I WILL BE ALL OF THAT WITH PRIDE!!! FEAR ME!!" like, okay, you just want friends don't you.
Because people seldom like them, at least genuinely, they become very loyal friends to those that do. Maybe a little scarily loyal. You like me? Like for real? Okay then I will help you get away with murder. Oh, that's too much? I mean, what do you mean you don't want anything?? I can give you everything. Name it and it's yours.
Witch culture revolves a lot around deals and contracts, so when they meet people (like Oliver) who asks for nothing in return they try to make up for it, it makes them a little nervous to receive something without having to return a favour. Which makes them a little too inclined to jump to their loved ones defence - out of both love and duty.
And, lucky for Theodore, Oliver is good at declining that behaviour. Which teaches Theodore he's actually loved. And that not everything is transactional. That also works great for Oliver, who has always felt like he owed the world something, so he ensures nobody feels they owe him. It leaves them both with an established genuinely: They love because it's simply that. Love. No keeping scores, no malicious or selfish intent.. Just... As close to unconditional as you can get.
Theodore still needs to work on jumping into HAHA LET ME END YOUR ENEMIES though. It's how witches show love. it's a bit toxic but that's part of his arc, he's learning who he is outside of his family and the way he was raised.
He's just as much an Ashdown witch as any of his family is. Generational trauma and family trait is not something you escape just because you can see it for what it is. Sometimes it takes a different voice in you. But it's there. You may think your family's sense of loyalty is toxic but yours isn't. We are all a little blind and needs help seeing ourselves sometimes.
Oliver isn't without his toxic traits too. He's really blind to his worth and chooses to be okay with bad things happening to him because he thinks he deserves it - He was raised to believe that he has to be quiet and put aside, that his needs are secondary and that if he wants to be loved he must allow others to use him.
His logic doesn't work, and Theodore - who's blunt and has an honest relationship with Oliver, can be frank and poke him about it "if that's true for you, then it must be true for me. If bad things happen to me, that must mean I deserve it too. Rules cannot apply to one person alone. It doesn't work like that. You can't say I deserve to be heard and loved unconditionally, and then not apply it to yourself. practice what you preach." And Oliver needs to be reminded of that sometimes. Theodore is a good reality check for Oliver.
Theodore lifts Oliver off the ground when his depression makes him lay face down in dirt. And Oliver holds Theodore back from acting on his impulsive negative emotions.
But they also encourage the other on their positive traits.
Oliver cheers Theodore on with his goals and dreams, gives him room to be authentic to the parts of himself he's repressed. He encourages him in areas where Theodore is sensitive or insecure. He validates him. And Theodore gives Oliver the space to feel safe and unjudged. He can be wholly himself and not feel like he's a burden for needing something. Oliver can speak freely and Theodore enjoys his thoughts on things, he requests his opinion and values his insights (which is good for Oliver's self-esteem).
They're both patient with one another, and put effort and time into trying to understand what the other is going through and needs.
They're friends as much as lovers.
The double taptap shoulder thing I used in my fanfic is.. it's actually.. from them. <XDDDD Oliver do that. I am regretting it a smidge that I used it for huntlow now XDDDD
I wish I was further in my story so I can like.... SHOW ALL OF THIS ALREADY *SOBS* NOT JUST TALK ABOUT IT. *CRIES*
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elbiotipo · 5 months
Una vez en un intento de salvar un lagarto overo (larga historia, no se pudo), el rescatista con el que hablé me contó que los reptiles, por motivos que los dos desconocemos pero deben tener su explicación, sobreviven mucho después de muertos. Sus reflejos siguen activos, el cuerpo sigue andando. Me contó de un yacaré al que le dieron un tiro en la cabeza, el animal ya estaba muerto del todo, pero seguía caminando como si estuviese vivo, en círculos, agitando la cola, sin saber por qué, por puro acto reflejo, aunque ya estaba muerto y sin cerebro.
Algo así es Estados Unidos bombardeando otros países.
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maluyoongi · 4 months
o tumblr n satisfeito em me bombardear com esses perfis duvidosos q todo mundo já viu agora tá me mostrando perfil de foto de idol gg manipulada por ia. simplesmente já vi aquela menina do lesserafin de l1ngerie e a wonyoung em posição sugestiva. EU NAO AGUENTO MAIS. POR FAVOR TUMBLR MELHORA. eu n tenho coragem de abrir meu tumblr do lado da minha família ou no ônibus pq a qualquer momento pode ter uma bund4 na minha cara. pelo amoooooorrrrr
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biwifeenergia · 5 months
me fascina ver a los yankis discutir si votar a no a biden chicas nunca van a votar a un presidente que no sea un cerdo imperialista porque así es su país! "ay pero biden aprobó bombardear mil países y torturar inmigrantes 🥺" todos sus presidentes van a hacer eso!
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letras-de-maye · 2 months
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“Y él contestó: He aquí, yo hago pacto delante de todo tu pueblo; haré maravillas que no han sido hechas en toda la tierra, ni en nación alguna, y verá todo el pueblo en medio del cual estás tú, la obra de Jehová; porque será cosa tremenda la que yo haré contigo”.
Éxodo 34:10
Esperar no es fácil, el enemigo tratará de bombardear tu mente con negatividad, no te extrañe si aquellos de quienes esperas ayuda o consejo positivo, al contrario te impulsen a rendirte, pues satanás a través de ellos te dirá que todo está perdido y mientras tu mundo parece derrumbarse, alrededor lo ves sombrío, entonces empiezas a caer en la trampa creyéndole al padre de la mentira.
Hoy te digo, Abre tus ojos...
Aquel que partió el mar en dos, cerró la boca de los leones, e hizo que el fuego no quemara en aquel horno, protegiendo de manera sobrenatural a sus hijos, es el mismo Dios de hoy, y lo sigue haciendo, te ha guardado, cada lucha y cada prueba te ha sostenido. ¿Porqué dudas ahora? Nada sobrepasa Su Poder. Cree en Sus promesas y mantén firme tu fe, porque tu victoria está cercana.
Cree, porque cosas tremendamente grandes y poderosas hace Él con los que se mantienen creyendo, bajo Su abrigo serán fortalecidos, y en lo oscuro del camino sentirán Su presencia.
Sólo confía, porque esas cosas grandes son para el que es obediente, para el que se levanta cada día declarando palabra positiva y esperando ese de repente, sigue adelante, mañana darás testimonio de lo que hoy imposible aparenta ser.
—𝓒𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝔂𝓮.
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