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ya-no-la-quiero · 1 year ago
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Jarhat Pacheco
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hazlo-con-concha-nomas · 4 months ago
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- Elena Poe.
~Café con leche~
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caostalgia · 6 months ago
Dedicandote mis versos desdé el otro lado del universo, aunque estos lleguen a ti cuando ya este muerto.
Julsen Bastian
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welele · 9 months ago
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Detrás de cada cartel hay una historia.
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ohsemeji · 10 months ago
Vivir con esa esperanza, que cada día estoy más cerca de morir.
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neuroconflictos · 6 months ago
Dedicandote mis versos desdé el otro lado del universo, aunque estos lleguen a ti cuando ya este muerto.
Julsen Bastian
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nfumbewalk · 3 months ago
Graveyards: All About Them
First, here are things to do in a graveyard. This includes what to bring and what you can do plus some etiquette.
First, have decency and respect.
If you plan on gathering anything, bear the correct offerings. Such as: A small (1/2 oz) of hard liquor, payment (9 to 27 pennies), Jasmine incense joss stick, bouquet of flowers, Florida water (preferably homemade) OR Kananga water, also homemade - both of these are sacred to the muertos, but to draw them to you, Kananga water works best; good sized piece of Quartz, double terminated to use for housing a muerto temporarily (yes, you can put a muerto in a crystal but they must be transferred to a vessel and pacted within 2 days - no more than this.)
For protection in a graveyard, especially if you are very sensitive/psychic: Wear a white bandana on your head before even going in. And don't wear black when you go there. Why? As a daily wearer of black clothing, I noticed a big change when I wore all white to the graveyard. It's actually more powerful. White radiates healing power and seems to quiet the muertos, but it also gives them a sense of relaxation and peace when you are around them. They are easier to communicate with. I noticed that black seems to tangle up communication. I don't know why. I guess that white flows better. But I hate it because I instantly get white filthy. LOL!
Some ppl say that there are no dead souls at the graveyard, that they don't hang out there. That's wrong. Some of the muertos do hang out by their grave, watching over it. Many of them can be like sentinels. Rodolfo says he used to protect his grave but as soon as I found him and started visiting, he wanted to just be with me. I got that distinct feeling, so I picked him up one day. I didn't realize how successful I was!
Graveyard Work: That includes gathering dirt, Siphoning the Earth with a Baston de Muerto, curses and hexes, and other full blown rituals -these can be done - but homage must be paid to the Earth in the graveyard. The best way of doing this is a buried offering of your own blood on a piece of small parchment which is placed in a very small glass corked bottle. This buried offering gives you a real relationship with the land that holds these muertos. It is very deep respect. And no, there is NO gatekeeper in graveyards, That's a widely professed misconception. I have never once been approached or sensed any "gatekeeper" of any kind. All that there is - in a graveyard - is known as the "heart" of the graveyard. This is the central zone. It is sensed by feeling where you notice an electrical charge the strongest and a smell of the freshest air that you have ever experienced. I like to do my work there unless I'm at Rodolfo's grave.
What exactly to expect with graveyard work? Is it dangerous? Don't get your expectations up too high. Graveyard work is great and very powerful, but you are not exactly going to see flashing lights and muertos dancing. It is often very low key. But the results of graveyard work can be fantastic! It is only dangerous if you go into the graveyard with no knowledge of what this work entails. This is NOT for beginners! If you know nothing, you may get a spirit attachment and that can be hard to remove. Try the precautions I mentioned above.
Don't leave empty handed. Gather an item from the Earth of the graveyard besides dirt. I'm not talking about robbing graves. I'm talking about something like a white Quartz that is often on top of graves, or any other rock that has been sitting on a grave. This is another powerful totem that you can use in your practice to represent and draw Death Energy to you, It does NOT need cleansing. Cleansing would ruin it.
Kindness for the Earth and muertos - Please pick up any garbage that you see in the graveyard. People are litter bugs and I hate seeing trash hanging around a beautiful place that I venerate.
What NOT To Do In The Graveyard
Don't take this resting place lightly.
Don't yell or scream.
Do not run around in a graveyard unless there are trails. (We have them here in Oregon). Running is very loud to the muertos. Would you like your grave stomped on?
Don't litter.
Do NOT desecrate a grave, tip over, break, or steal a tombstone. It is not funny.
Do not have intercourse in a graveyard, It is very disrespectful. Not kinky.
Do not invoke/evoke Demons in a graveyard unless you know what you are doing. This can open you up widely for a demon/spirit attachment. I said lowercase "demon." That is my difference between known Demons and demons that are low level "lesser demons" and are not in a hierarchy. They can be extremely dangerous. These demons are NOT worshipped. Never give them blood. Once you have a lesser demon's name, it loses power and it's a lot easier to banish. I've done this four times successfully. It's very heavy and quite difficult but my method works.
Do NOT "ghost hunt" in a graveyard (or anywhere else!). It is extremely disrespectful and the muertos will leave. If there is any EMF involved, the muertos will not come back for a very long time or it will anger them so much that they will retaliate. They do NOT like EMF. That's why they love Shungite and Orgonite so much - gets rid of EMF. This is MY theory that I've studied and put to work. Rodolfo LOVES the Orgonite pyramid I put on his altar. To a muerto, EMF is like a huge bass speaker vibrating in their ears very loudly. Annoying? Yeah, I think so.
Do not talk shit about the muertos in a graveyard. This is obvious, right?
Refrain from drug and alcohol use in a graveyard. Picnics are acceptable though.
Well, I think I hit a lot of angles here. I hope this helps or is interesting. I'm not trying to be harsh with "rules." It is mostly common sense or just rules of thumb to keep in mind for a nice, safe, and meaningful visit to the graveyard for work or general visitation,
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hexehaus · 2 months ago
Necromancy Oil
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Here's me, about 2 years ago. My muerto (dead) is behind me in blue denim. His face with a moustache is there, you can see his arms are raised, and his hair is dark brown. Rodolfo is always with me. He's not completely bound to his vessel. I asked my sister-in-law, the atheist, to look at this photo and tell me if she sees another person behind me and I got a big "No." What do you see?
The recipe!
Mineral oil as a carrier
Human cremains or bone dust "polvo de muerto" (pinch) - absolutely cannot be animal bones
Grave dirt (actual dirt, gathered, offered, and paid for) not a substitute)
This recipe requires actual human remains and those cannot be substituted. The oil will not do its job at all without the Polvo de Muerto. No scent should be added just in case you come across muertos who don't like odors.
If you really must scent the oil, Musk, Civit, or Ambergris is acceptable to many muertos. These are mild enough. Use faux oils.
WARNING: This recipe will bring muertos to you! But it is for "divination with the dead" and other death work. Watch it!
If you think this oil is too hard to make, then you don't want to really practice with muertos. If you think you don't need these ingredients to make necromancy oil that works correctly, you haven't experienced real death energy yet and are mistaken. Try substituting and get paltry results, go ahead. You should be dizzy, see stars and wilt by feeling such power.
M.M. 💖💀💖
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viejospellejos · 2 years ago
no estaba muertoo estaba de parrandaaa
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norlanjose · 1 year ago
Sere breve:
Esto de ser yo no está saliendo como creía...
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muerteria13 · 8 days ago
What is Muerteria?
Muerteria is a newly discovered path which is an amalgamation of Palo Mayombe, Necromancy, Necrosophy, and Espiritismo. These influences have led to a rich tapestry of ideas and beliefs that can change the mind of the curious observer! Muerteria seems to mystify everyone that comes across it. The influences broken down:
Palo Mayombe: Muerteria received the Vessel tradition from a Puerto Rican Palero. The way it is made is different than others. But, Paleros don't spread their secrets. I was lucky that I got to know it! Palo is famous for their deep faith, extremely potent sorcery cooked up with their large ngangas stuck with sticks and a kriyumba (skull).
Necromancy is by definition is "divination by means of the muertos" (dead). Or talking to them. Necromancy is not a path or a spiritual belief system. And neither is Necrosophy. That means the wisdom or knowledge of the muertos. Espiritismo is the practice of spiritism which holds misas, séances, communes with muertos, and believes in a supreme god who is the omnipotent creator of the universe. Spiritism was founded in the mid-19th century by the Frenchman Allen Kardec. Note: Muerteria is NOT pagan.
It is also believed that there is a spirit world inhabited by discarnate entities that can gradually evolve intellectually and morally. In Muerteria, we believe by giving the muertos water and flame and praying for their elevation, we are sharing spirit, substance and light with them, therefore meeting their once human desires. And inviting them to share our space makes us and them a lot happier.
The Vessel
The vessel is very important in Muerteria. Its the whole of your muertos existence. It not only holds power, it holds life. The vessel should be received 6 mos to a year into official study of Muerteria. So soon? Yes. The student must learn the responsibility of the vessel, how to care for it and its use. So its best to start out early on with the vessel.
The Baston de Muerto
Also known as "Dead Man's Staff." This is a very important tool in Muerteria. It is used to call muertos. It is held pointed to the ground in a certain posture, then with your inner vision, the Earth is siphoned while sacred words are spoken. The staff is slipped upright in your hand and three raps are made on the floor as you incant your muertos name. This is done at all four directions. The power that is witnessed is not the same as some witches rite!
Cleaning the "living" altar is important. You can use simple Florida Water and don't forget a gentle Lavender smudge or if it needs more cleansing, use Rosemary. Sage can be used but it is not seen as powerful as Rosemary, especially for items you are consecrating. Rosemary is the Frankincense of the herbal world. Use minimal salt. Unless you want the muertos to leave. The water glasses must be washed and filled every three days. Unless you are ill or otherwise compromised.
Holy Days or Riptein
There are four holy days during our season of Riptein. Riptein, broken down means "Ripping Time." None of these holy days is influenced by pagan or Christian holidays. I cannot discuss the intricacies of these rites in this short treatise.
Harborim - The Awakening, April 21st
Darim - The Revelation, July 17th
Sensain - Fading Light, September 29th
Miktain - Gathering Light, February 19th
Muerteria is focused on the muertos, but also practitioners too. This is made to be a comfortable path, not a stressful one. For that reason, there are:
All Solitary Practitioners: No groups exist and should not. Those who practice Muerteria do keep in touch with each other though.
NO initiations. This is very much on purpose. I encountered people charging thousands of dollars for initiation rituals. No thanks.
NO rank. Sure, we have Elders, but no competition.
Not to say you cannot ask for a dedication ritual if you want to formally want to dedicate yourself to the muertos.
Special Jobs in Muerteria:
The Divinatory States: Since one of the most important things in Muerteria is divining, we have openings for "State Diviners." These are people who are particularly good at scrying. The Tarot would be next. We do not use Rider-Waite tarot decks. Only Marseilles. There's good reason, so ask!
Gatekeepers: These folks are the ones who hold the wisdom of making vessels and are behind Riptein rituals. Sometimes they have nefarious plots but not very long before their booted out. Luckily there are not more of them.
Veneficium: Herb and potion experts.
Mediums: Those who speak for the muertos.
Goety: Professional sorcery administrators, #1-5.
More may be added.
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polarhoid · 11 months ago
Mi amigo es un muerto. Se llamaba Jacobo. O más bien se llama, porque como dicen los cursis: uno no pierde su nombre si aún queda alguien que lo recuerde [hasta que todos los que lo recuerdan se mueren y entonces pues ya nadie tiene nombre]. Pero, me estoy desviando del tema. Conocí a Jacobo en tercero de primaria y un día dejamos de verlo y otro día la maestra Lupita dijo en la asamblea: a Jacobo le dio leucemia y se murió. Nos quedamos sorprendidos y una que otra maestra se echó a llorar.
Tres horas más tarde ya jugábamos en el recreo.
Por qué te moriste, Jacobo, le digo a mi amigo. Pero él no me responde. Y no es que no me conteste porque ya esté muerto. No, los muertos sí contestan, aunque -por lo general- sólo hablan puras incoherencias. Pero, otra vez, ya me fui por otro lado. Quizás mi amigo Jacobo no me contesta porque en realidad ni éramos amigos y, cuando se murió, él estaba en quinto y nunca me dirigió la palabra. Pinche, Jacobo, por qué te moriste si eras mi amigo. Y es que así somos las personas y qué se le va a hacer si nos gusta hablar de nosotros mismos y de lo mucho que nos duele que se haya muerto Jacobo. Y sí: por qué te moriste, Jacobo, por qué te moriste.
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Jaicú valevergista y desproprocionado # 2, en donde reflexiono sobre los fantasmas y la imposibilidad de sufrir genuinamente.
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kriz-smthn · 2 years ago
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Something I love about studying Graphic Design and Visual Arts is that I can make fan art for the assignments, and it's completely valid.
So yeah, Death because I had to make a contrast composition using Warm and Cool colours.
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caostalgia · 6 months ago
En otro momento, no abrirás tu corazón para sepultarme en la falsedad de mil flores de plástico. Anhelarás buscarme y, al ver mis lágrimas, sabrás que nadie te sintió como yo. Pero ya estaré muerto, y escondido en tus recuerdos me sentiré eterno.
Julsen Bastian
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welele · 7 months ago
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erick-saqui · 1 year ago
Hablo de que por mi parte ya hace años que estoy muerto,
lo descubrí desde entonces me divierto.
—Chulito Camacho y Violadores del verso, Pasa la vida.
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