tendebill · 7 months
I love the idea of Ezio being unused to being flirted with. So he just, short-circuits whenever Leonardo flirts with him.
(Leonardo finds this endearing)
hi this ask is super fucking old but i have had this sketched out in my sketchbook and i have spontaneously decided to finish it up today instead of sleeping
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made two versions cuz ik my handwriting can be hard to read. i wanted to draw this digitally initially (like 80 years ago) but womp womp i did this instead. sorry if they look funky, i haven't drawn them in a while :')
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dansfull · 4 months
me gustaría intentarlo aunque ya no haya tiempo
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toiletwipes · 1 year
It's from the new lovejoy mv and I'm simping
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Youre a simp. Big time.
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arcadiansummer · 2 years
kokobot baby i am not interested in these mental health topics bc i am one of them. kissing ur head softly tho
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sajdd · 2 months
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NPC grian my bolved
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ioautomeris · 4 months
Venti my bolved
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valiantdust · 2 years
I am too angry to sleep so I may as well post about this.
Alexander Darwall is a hedge fund manager who owns 4000 acres of Dartmoor. He has contested the right of the public to camp on his land. And he has won.
This has been portrayed in the media as a loss of the 'right to roam'. This is a stupid way to phrase it. We never had the right to roam. We have never had the right to wander and live on the land. The Romani people and travelling communities whose way of life is criminalised know this - but of course there isn't so much of a mention of the 'right to roam' until white middle class people think their children's dofe expedition might be threatened.
Anyway, I digress. Despite my badly-worded cynicism, this is a loss, and I am furious.
I am local. I have always lived in Devon, between the two moors. My dad knows the westcountry like the back of his hand. He and I could cross the county with our eyes closed. The tors and rivers and moorland raised me as much as he or my mum did.
And still, neither of us would claim Dartmoor as our own. Because it is not our land to claim.
But, as is the insurmountable self-centredness and inconceivably egotistical nature of the rich, Alexander Darwall visits the westcountry a couple times (as all rich people do, to recline in their seaside holiday cottage for the two weeks of the year that the ghost town they've driven all local people out of is actually populated, by other posh pricks, only to fuck off again and leave behind poverty and a decimated housing market), and decides that the local people can't be trusted with such beautiful land, and thinks he deserves to own it. And manage it.
Because of course the local peasants couldn't know anything about conservation. We don't have a connection to this land, oh no, nothing as strong as the connection between a rich man and the estate he can shoot pheasants on.
It makes my blood boil. The evil of it, the condescension. People like Alexander Darwell know nothing about the moor. It's not just about walking on it a few times: when you're local, you know it. You've seen it in all of its forms, all months and all seasons, you've seen it at its most beautiful and most ugly, you've endured its cold to stare at the stars, you know its history and you've followed its standing stones, walked silently and respectfully past its tombs and barrows, you've replanted trees and held the earth in your hands, you've counted the deer bolving, you've built the structures that will rewet the moorland and return its life, you've sampled the soil from the bottom of trenches and carefully replaced every layer to disturb it as little as possible, and you've sweated and ached to see all of these things and give all of this to the moor.
And still, the land is not yours to own! You can do all of this - I have done all of this - and still the land is not yours, and it is not mine.
And you can do none of this, and you should still have a right to access it. That is the point of our conservation efforts.
Conservation is the old men and women who I've planted trees with, the archaeologists I've uncovered my county's history with, my dad and his colleagues working on projects to protect the moor and the climate that is harmed by the loss of carbon-rich peat.
Conservation is not a hedge fund manager privatising the land for profit. It is not the mindless, evil promise of capital, that compels Alexander Darwall to build fences around Dartmoor and lock up his land. His land. I feel sick typing it.
Because ultimately, this was done for profit. There is contempt in it - Darwall has no respect for local people who aren't far-right politicians he can buy - but the main motivation is money. The national park will now give him money, money which should be spent on conservation projects but is now going into an evil millionaire's pocket, and the rich cunts who can't wait to butcher the pheasants and deer that should be existing wild, in naturally-sized populations, will give him money to shoot and hunt on his land and leave the carcasses there to rot.
I am angry. I am so, so angry.
I have every intent to camp on Darwall's land. I will break his locks and tear down his fences, and every local who can should do the same.
Dartmoor is no one's. But if it must belong to someone, it should belong to us, and not to him.
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dhaliwalmanjit · 1 month
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aabled Aade Aaded Aagalf Aak Aakey Aal Aan Aapet Aaport Aar Aarbant Aarint Aariël Aark Aastoe Aate Aative Ablated Able Ablieve Abs Acally Acony Acur Adom Adorse Adriete Adrovam Ady Aga Agre Aiscal Ald Alderia Aler Aleroug Aligant All Ally Almith Amative Amendy Amet Ametrio Ammine Amy Anake Anantal Ancious Ando Andy Ane Ang Anian Aniaphy Ank Annome Ano Anocray Ans Ansin Antaal Anted Anth Antic Antive Antje Antoary Apandes Aptible Arcaly Areting Aring Ark Arkino Arrow Arse Art Artic Arupt Ary Ascomy Assian Ast Astunch Ate Aud Aug Aurieng Bable Ban Bant Baran Bard Barga Bark Barkje Bas Basible Bastork Bated Batic Beadog Beart Bed Bel Beld Beran Bia Biabby Bicarm Bioul Bious Bir Bish Bite Ble Blemn Bleon Bles Blese Blespen Bletlet Blion Blumse Boal Bobek Bol Bolve Bong Bowlet Brizzly Bron Buff Bugh Bught Bul Bur Buric Cal Cale Calise Calth Cane Cang Capper Cary Cascan Cated Catious Cattrus Cervate Cha Chal Chale Chan Cher Chesse Chible Chime Chimel Chint Chog Chrit Classh Cle Clous Clugnox Coa Cob Cobje Cobse Code Colanis Colitic Colke Coll Colt Com Coman Con Cona Conal Coner Coneve Conful Coninee Cont Conthor Coose Coot Cordtak Corious Cormle Corn Cors Cort Corty Cory Coult Coursel Cous Cousive Cowas Cowl Cra Craable Cracous Cran Cre Cred Cresp Crot Crowl Crupon Crus Cud Cul Cultje Curbolt Cureal Curillo Curte Cury Cus Daafrot Daerat Damer Damus Dar Darbiss Darien Davight Daviou Deal Ded Dees Dele Deliek Delo Den Dens Dess Dete Deve Dew Diant Diante Dic Dica Dices Die Dieperm Dil Dilly Din Dious Dis Dish Disking Dist Docke Dol Doles Don Dorazy Dous Dow Dowl Dried Drier Drous Dul Dulane Dule Dulsid Dunk Dus Eadal Eadrit Eathine Eette Efaw Efowl Ele Elishad Ellis Elo Elt
Emarrog Eming Emins Emous Endale Ent Enve Envully Erful Ess Eve Excian Exious Exy Fail Faing Fant Fat Fative Feeafje Fene Fenje Ficenar Fick Fict Fid Fient Fieve Fina Finke Fir Fird Firdse Fireble Fired Firent Firieng Firy Fis Fiscal Fiss Fist Fisted Fistive Flad Flard Fleda Fling Floyal Flybus Flypse Fole Fonia Fonke Foo Foonat Foose For Fore Forn Fow Frachim Fraille Fraina Fre Frea Frect Fred Free Freer Freflee Frele Frik Fron Frow Frud Gal Gande Gart Gel Gelic Gen Genje Ger Gerk Gia Gian Gibitic Giciaas Gidowl Gieral Ging Give Glactle Gle Glexy Glish Gocer Goel Goent Golke Goonk Gootert Gootive Gor Gorogm Gra Grat Greld Grelish Grelly Grent Gres Gresous Gric Griekey Grog Guagus Guak Gue Guelp Guid Guidsh Guile Guingry Guitz Gusil Hadming Hairey Hal Haldere Hamet Har Harai Harses Hary Hatre Haud Hautef Hautse Haw Heal Hean Heardse Heark Hed Hee Heernes Heous Her Herenew Hes Het Hids Hight Homar Honk Honoi Hous Hum Humes Huncow Hundew Hysive Icaning Icork Ied Ien Ierne Ight Imand Iming Imone Impar Imple Impre Imse Inake Inantul Inar Inbo Inbray Inco Incrous Inded Indemu Indieke Indulve Ine Inegal Ineorna Iney Ing Ingbeke Inger Ingrie Innet Ino Inost Invidsh Ird Ireact Irrow Itemijk Itunke Jaades Jaaker Jaal Jaalia Jaan Jacara Jach Jagle Jane Japate Jass Jast Jastic Joal Joarie Joch Johanus Johark Johaud Jose Joself Josna Joste Kan Kanuse Kee Kia Kill Kin Kincat King Kingm Kne Knekent Kner Koentje Komel Kray Kraying Lacenin Lam Lamu Lar Leasped Lemined Let Lian Liblay Lied Lighted Lineke Lionek Liplark Lis Lish Lished Lishon List Litoiso Live Loacon Loe Logame Lono Lorn Lorp Lorty Lose Losious Lous Low Lowl Loyak Luelf Lug Luudus Mablue Mack Maded Madedo Maden Magazy Mage Magen Magent Magerp Mal Malded Man Mandic Mani Mar Maretic Mari Marik Marnus Marre Marroak Martive Mast Mat Mate Matheep Matic Mating Maxed Meacoon Mele Melego Ment Mentaly Mentive Mers Mespik Met Metful Midne Midyba Miebal Mina Ming Mint Minus Miret Miticia Moderve Modist Modna Molen Mon Monalog Mone Monete Mony Moo Moofly Mookal Mord Morm Mory Most Mouray Mous Moutth Mus Nach Nack Naitive Nalish Nally Nam Nammit Naptife Narmle
Ned Neet Nelic Nes Ney Niane Nicart Nious Nitchic Niël Nockbo Nockwid Norbus Noster Obart Obnont Obsea Obure Obvigh Offird Oper Opet Opha Ophar Opous Orly Orm Orneve Osectle Ous Pable Paive Pandic Pang Panise Pantje Pard Park Paslo Paspant Pastard Paste Pat Patiot Pear Ped Pedeang Pen Penise Penth Per Perawk Perik Perman Pers Petes Phal Phameet Phee Phy Pid Pighty Pik Pimard Pine Ping Pird Pirteng Piscoly Plar Plight Poing Pois Poke Pole Polishy Pombo Pon Pona Ponek Ponk Pontal Ponzo Por Pory Pous Praing Pran Pre Pree Pref Presp Prest Pri Prile Pring Prion Prions Proate Prog Prommie Pron Prose Protim Prus Pught Pul Pummic Pupid Purk Pus Quare Quel Quelle Quewd Rable Ran Rand Rane Rant Ras Ratifus Ratint Reaging Reart Reas Reater Recawk Redel Redic Reitte Rel Relhelf Relow Renesel Rente Rentive Rep Res Ress Ret Rey Rhic Ric Rieks Rieng Rildepe Rimple Rited Rizzly Roft Rom Ronke Rooma Roon Rost Rous Rowl Sad Sagiver Same Sanatte Sang Sangal Santed Sconist Scruud Scura Seat Sed Sedam Sen Seneks Senge Ser Serus Shal Shard Sharma Sher Shruin Shyps Sig Sil Siog Sisth Sive Ske Sle Slo Slows Slueble Slught Slus Sluuk Smin Smous Smée Snamble Sob Sold Soleer Somatty Soment Sop Sopones Sopuna Sorady Sory Sout Spaston Spelder Sper Spiele Spir Spon Spum Spus Squel Stal Starm Ster Sther Sticall Stijn Stin Stious Suak Suale Submi Sul Sumb Sumbas Sund Sunrar Sus Swar Swileck Sworow Synch Tak Tedem Tenim Tentje Ter Terape Term Thed Thent Thful Thiea Thiefle Thod Tibut Tic Tifier Tiful Tion Tive Tivenus Tocks Tof Toish Tompat Tomper Ton Tont Tonvull Top Tor Torgal Torm Tors Tort Trachte Tral Trarsed Tratic Tray Tret Triam Trider Triele Trient Tristed Troate Trow Truping Trusin Tug Tuouse Turcent Ture Turel Turos Uls Una Und Undee Une Unfiss Unflee Unful Ung Unger Unred Unree Unreser Unress Uns Unsina Unt Uzbel Uzzark Vable Vagine Vagjer Vak Vat Vee Ver Vie Vijs Vine Visia Vity Vul Waldran Walemal Walp Warian Wary Wha Whal Whar Wids Wied Wijn Wijs Wilded Wiles Wilis Winic Wole Womin Wor Workbow Wormat Wornoi Yal Yous
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lifeaschoi · 1 year
SOTD.! ft. Vive Nine | .00097
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---------------------------------------------------------   ● Head | Lelutka | Raven
● Body | eBody | Reborn
● Skin | PF | Yasmin --------------------------------------------------------- ● Hair | Punklist | Charlie
● Shirt | INDIGO | Bolve Draped Top
● Bottoms | INDIGO | Fekne Ruched Skirt
● Shoes | CULT | Frankie
● Accessories | Ryvolter | La Foulard Basket Bag | Majesty | Watch Charm Watch --------------------------------------------------------- ● Details
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tendebill · 6 months
boops you with my paws >:3
feeling boopable rn >:3c
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dansfull · 6 months
me acuerdo la cantidad de cosas que vivimos juntos y me parece hasta surrealista que ahora, después de seis años de no saber de vos, hayas vuelto más insoportable que nunca con vernos, con hacer algo, cuando en su momento yo era la que estaba atrás...
me perturba que me hayas presionado tanto por mensajes al punto de tener que bloquearte. me molesta todo de vos, me das asco. algo que en su momento me parecía hasta gracioso, lindo, tierno, ahora me da tremendo asco hijo de re mil puta. no puede ser que no estés haciendo nada de tu vida todavía. pasaron seis años. lo unico que haces es laburar y fumar porro. no estudias ni lees nada. todo el día con ese celular de re mierda.
yo siempre intento pensar que las cosas que hace la gente es de buena fe. siempre intento justificar o pensar lo mejor. pero no tiene sentido. no te hablo y seguis mandandome mensajes. no te das cuenta de que no quiero q me hables si no te contesto? qué mas necesitas? me bombardeas el instagram, con reels, fotos, "qué onda desaparecida". no te das cuenta enserio? yo creo que te haces el pelotudo o directamente te falla la cabeza y en el fondo perdiste todo el amor propio que te quedaba, toda la verguenza, te sentis poderoso, impune, porque seguis viviendo en un pasado en el que yo moría por un contacto tuyo. pero las cosas cambiaron y ya en mi solo generas asco.
me gusta que las cosas cambien. es una bendicion, pero a veces tambien puede ser una tortura.
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toiletwipes · 1 year
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Peaches has blessed us another pretty white boy
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charlestonantiq · 6 years
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Lots of new colorful items have just arrived! Come take a look! We have plenty of free parking and air conditioning! #charlestonantiq #lasvegas #antiques #vintgage #decor #midcentury #collectibles #bolv #colorful #fun #explore #summer #Nevada (at Charleston Antique Mall)
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mcmullansirishpub · 4 years
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It’s First Friday. The one day of the month when the pub offers Oysters in a Half Shell. Come down to the pub and enjoy a dozen shucked oysters and a pint of Guinness for $19. #oysters #firstfriday #lasvegas #happyhour #lasvegas #mcmullansirishpub #bolv (at McMullan's Irish Pub) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2tWWCnTJ6/?igshid=1nf883mw541e7
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notjustantiques · 4 years
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We have been nominated for Las Vegas Review Journal’s Best of Las Vegas!!! Please vote daily at the link below thru Sept. 30. ☑️☑️☑️ How to vote: Go to Shopping Go to Consignment/Thrift & Antiques Cast your vote! ✨❤️✨❤️ #BOLV #dtlv #thrift https://www.votebolv.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CFpTY7qHt2x/?igshid=1pjnv4rq22tfq
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