naomiinyun · 1 year
Today's Indigenous Peoples Day in Brazil, and I'm feeling a lil bit more attacked, every single channel that my grandma watches, are saying lots of shit and romantizicing the Fucking Indigenous Genocide, the fucking colonialism..
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wastelandbabyblue · 2 years
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murtaghs-thorn · 2 years
now i have to deal with a whole country of moping people at least until carnaval season, i.e. late february. again. don't get me wrong: uncomparably worst things almost happened this year alone, and maybe because of that i got more sensible to the collective energy and tired of being anxious, i guess???
well... ying and yang, i guess...
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The Direct Links Between Southern Brazil’s Massive Flooding and Climate Denial
Right-wing groups are peddling false claims that the heavy rainfall that led to the region’s disastrous flooding in May is not related to climate change.
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On May 9, volunteers and emergency workers were still rescuing people and animals who remained stranded on the sixth day of flooding on the streets of Rio Grande do Sul’s capital, Porto Alegre. Social media images of the rooftop rescue of a horse named Caramelo shocked the world. 
A day before the dramatic rescue, Porto Alegre’s deputy mayor, Ricardo Gomes, appeared on a livestream wearing a cap with the Brasil Paralelo logo. Brasil Paralelo is a far-right media company with a streaming platform focusing on “journalism, entertainment, and education,” as its website states. The company was founded in Porto Alegre in 2016 and serves as a main channel of climate denialism among right-wing groups in Brazil. By wearing the Brasil Paralelo logo, Gomes associated himself with an institution that experts say is a purveyor of climate denialism, at the height of a climate-related disaster. 
Some days later, Ricardo Felício, a professor of Brasil Paralelo’s education wing who has also appeared on many of the platform’s documentaries, wrote that climate change did not cause the extreme rainfall in South Brazil. He published his opinions in the Revista Oeste (West Magazine), a print and online publication that caters to far-right followers of former President Jair Bolsonaro, saying “CO2 has nothing to do with it!” 
Southern Brazil was under water for the entire month of May, and two months later, it’s still facing the consequences of the worst flood in its history. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced – 180 have died, and 32 are still missing. 
Porto Alegre’s mayor, Sebastião Melo, and Deputy Mayor Gomes have led its city council since 2021. Both were elected in the wake of Bolsonarism and won decisive victories. And both have faced media criticism for failures in managing the city’s emergency responses to the flood and for failing to update its anti-flood system.
Continue reading.
Brought by @sataniccapitalist. Thanks!
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professorfaber · 9 months
books finished (not necessarily started) this year
only marking ‘strongly recommend’ (👍) and ‘don’t recommend’ (❌️). well and molière is molière lol
The Fascist Revolution: Toward a General Theory of Fascism by George Mosse (January 2) 👍
The Ba‘th and the Creation of Modern Syria by David Roberts (January 19)
The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke (February 20) 👍
The Brown Plague: Travels in Late Weimar and Early Nazi Germany by Daniel Guérin (March 6) 👍
Fascism in Brazil: From Integralism to Bolsonarism by Leandro Pereira Gonçalves and Odilon Caldeira Neto (March 22)
Iraqi Arab Nationalism: Authoritarian, Totalitarian, and Pro-Fascist Inclinations, 1932–1941 by Peter Wien (April 5)
Bunch of Thoughts by M.S. Golwalkar (April 11) ❌️
Hebrew Fascism in Palestine, 1922–1942 by Dan Tamir (April 18)
Latin American Dictatorships in the Era of Fascism: The Corporatist Wave by António Costa Pinto (May 2)
L’École des femmes by Molière (May 17)
A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 by Stanley Payne (May 30) 👍
Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn by Jonas Nilsson (June 20) (extremely doesn’t count, basically a pamphlet) ❌️
French Colonial Fascism: The Extreme Right in Algeria, 1919–1939 by Samuel Kalman (August 23)
The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How To Get Good at It by Kelly McGonigal (October 11)
Fascism in Spain, 1923–1977 by Stanley Payne (October 27) 👍
Inside Latin America by John Gunther (November 10)
It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis (November 24)
i have ambitions of finishing wynot’s polish politics in transition over the weekend but that’s probably not going to happen
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undertoweyes · 2 years
Gringos will never understand how magical realism is so deep rooted in Latin America.
Yesterday, in the middle of Brazilian elections, bolsominions were spreading fake news about Lula being related to satanism, then someone in twitter founded a video of Bolsonaro doing a speech in the masonry and then things went very crazy.
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People on Twitter started to creat and spread on Facebook their own fake news on how Bolsonaro was actually selling Brazil to baphomet so he could win the elections.
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The thing is that one of the biggest supporters of Bolsonaro are evangelical churches, especially neopentecostal, and for ages they’ve always associated masonry with satanic cults. And when this video reached his followers they went into a tailspin.
The damage was so big that Carlos Bolsonaro, his son and the evil mind behind Bolsonaro campaign, had to go in twitter and try to put out the fire, fuck even Malafaia, one of the biggest names of evangelical bolsonarism, had to make a video about it.
So yeah, a video about masonry did more damage to Bolsonaro’s image than any damage he did to the economy.
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idkimnotreal · 2 years
i mean, but the thing is, why though?
on jan 6 there was a clear intent at a coup d’etat in the united states by trump. the police were ordered to stand aside.
on jan 8, the police was also ordered to stand aside in brazil, apparently, most of all by the governor of brasília. but... i just don’t get what they intended to achieve with that. because now we not only have millions to spend with taxpayer money to repair the buildings, but we also possibly lost documents and objects of historical significance. 
but for what? the buildings were all empty. january is recess for the brazilian congress. the supreme judges also weren’t at the supreme court today. lula was visiting a town in são paulo to show support because of a natural disaster. the buildings were empty, and they lunged. at the buildings. destroying national symbols and expensive furniture. 
where is the patriotism in that? what’s the... objective? i do understand the people themselves who were doing that because they’re, pardon the bluntness, crazy, in an altered state etc. but someone paid for that. someone paid the bus/caravan drivers to take 4 thousand people to brasília to do... that. and to what end? the government still stands - buildings are just brick and plaster, for all that they mean. this will just provoke retaliation. 
i don’t understand. i keep expecting reason from bolsonarism, and perhaps that’s dumb of me. i just don’t get it. it seems having a low iq is as much an achievement as having a high iq.
(edit: no i get it. they thought they could control the mad fascist mob, like they would just stand there like people did in june 2013 and the federal government would be helpless against it. like a pacific “takeover” with people paid to go to the federal capital. this is even funnier because they thought they could control bolsonaro supporters. i mean they’re not called “cattle” for nothing - aimless depredation was the LEAST you could expect if they were let into the capitol)
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oddthesungod · 2 years
there are a lot of funny coincidences in life, the most recent one in my life is the fact that out of all of my cousins, the one I have that's the great-granddaughter of an actual dictator turned to bolsonarism and the far-right.
life is funny like that lol
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klimtjardin · 2 years
Bolsonarism* é uma DOENÇA
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dejuncullen · 2 years
Eu ainda estou bem puta, perdão por estar postando isso aqui.
Boy, eu sou nordestina e vejo claramente a merda que foi esse desgoverno inclusive no meu estado (PE) .
É foda ter que aturar bolsonarism* aqui, imagina ter que encarar que em outros estados ele ficou em primeira opção. Um absurdo!!!
Sério, quem vota nele deve ter um total de zero empatia. Devem ter tido NO MÍNIMO uma vida cheia de regalias desde a infância, ao ponto de não conseguir enxergar a desgraça que esse demônio esta fazendo com o país.
Gente, saímos de um Brasil que era lembrado com sorriso no rosto para um Brasil chacota.
A consciência não pesa?
Sem contar as incontáveis mortes na pandemia e agora com muita gente passando fome.
Quanto sangue precisará ser derramado para a galera acordar?
Cresci em berço evangélico e hoje repudio qualquer igreja que apoia esse genocida (praticamente todas). É triste saber como se corrompem facilmente com meros fake news, e não é atoa que a maioria dos votos vem dessa classe que desde sempre foi alienada por pseudo pastores.
Eu realmente não sei mais o que esperar. Tenho esperanças, é claro, mas mesmo assim a sensação de impotência é grande.
Hoje, quando voltei da votação, chorei ao som de "Rap da Felicidade " e "Apesar de você", dado que reflete bem a nossa realidade. Desde sempre a classe mais baixa foi desvalorizada, tratada como burro de carga. E novamente citando o nordeste: eu, como nordestina, sei bem o que é comer o pão que o diabo amassou nesse desgoverno.
Estou cansada de não ser ouvida, de ter meus direitos negados, de ser tratada como lixo por esse ridículo.
Espero do fundo do meu coração que ele saia e que todos os podres apareçam, pois não são poucos e não adianta esconder por debaixo dos tapetes.
O karma virá, tenho fé!
E lembrem-se, gafanhotos: Votem consciente nesse segundo turno. É o seu futuro em jogo e o meu tbm. Não quero passar mais 4 anos nessa situação terrível em que estamos. Vamos juntos mudar tudo isso.
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shinidamachu · 2 years
Hi Sid. I'm not from Brazil but amidst your elections, I hope that you are well. 😊💓
Thank you so much! That's very sweet of you.
Well... I'm honestly not as okay as I thought I'd be, but I'm better now that the dust has settled than I was yesterday, when the results came out.
See, Brazil has always been a very divided country, politically speaking. And historically, a run-off for presidency, especially between a left-winged and a right winged candidate is nothing new.
The thing is: Bolsonaro's not a right winged candidate. He's a far right winged candidate. A genocine, a straight up fascist who flirts with nazism and allowed almost 700k brazilians to die in the pandemic because he wouldn't buy the goddamn vaccine, encourage people to stay at home or wear a mask. He underastimated COVID-19 and made fun of people while they died from lack of oxygen.
And I'm a little mad at myself because I allowed myself to be hopeful that four years of this shit would be enough for people to defeat him in the first round, like the polls indicated, but that's not what happened. Over 50 million brazilians voted for this guy even still.
That's very scary and disappointing because this is very close to the votes he got in 2018. Only in 2018 we could excuse people's behavior because Bolsonaro presented himself as an outsider. Even if the left knew exactly who he was and what he would do, other people didn't really know him and payed to see what his government would be like. Now that they do, they still choose to vote for him.
It's all very sad because they aren't being fooled. They aren't voting for him because of their "hatred for corruption" or because of the goddamn economy. It's clear now: they're voting for Bolsonaro because they see themselves in him. They agree with his anti-black, women, envirimentalist, indigenous and LGBTQIA+ ideologies.
And while the left winged parties were busy casting their energy in getting this man out of office, a lot of his allies were ellected for congress, some of them with eight years long terms, which is gonna be a real pain in the ass to fix in the decades to come.
It's just... heartbreaking to see first hand how a country I love so much can hate me and people like me with such intensity. Lula will win the run-off and that's a very important first step, but the road ahead still looks long and bleak because even if Bolsonaro gets defeated, bolsonarism won't go down this easily. That much was clear last night.
Anyway, I'm allowing myself to feel sad and bitter for now, but tomorrow's a new day and we have a lot of work to do. This is not over yet.
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This agreement [with the Brazilian Labour Party] was both praised and condemned by both sides, and the integralist’s support to the state government took the headlines of the state press. In a message to the integralists from Rio Grande do Sul, [Salgado] tried to convince the activists to advocate for the coalition between Brizola (running for governor) and integralist Guido Mondin (running for senator): “Leonel Brizola: a new mindset with the potential to lead a government suited to the needs of our time! Guido Mondin: a candidate that clearly represents the populist nature of the PRP.”
The PTB also struggled to justify its relationship with the people who represented Brazilian fascism. One question was constantly aimed at Brizola: “I do not consider the PRP a right-wing party. Instead, I focus on its agenda and political action, which anyone may analyze and examine. I consider other national right-leaning political forces to be more reactionary, such as the UDN and Lacerda.”
“Integralism Between Democracy and Dictatorship,” Fascism in Brazil: From Integralism to Bolsonarism by Leandro Pereira Gonçalves and Odilon Caldeira Neto
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'That flag is ours': LGBT+ Parade colors Paulista Avenue in green and yellow in Brazil
In addition to retaking symbols hijacked by Bolsonarism, the parade focused on this year's elections
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Thousands of people took to Paulista Avenue and Consolação Street on Sunday (02) for the 28th edition of São Paulo's LGBT Pride Parade. A large part of the crowd wore green and yellow and flew the Brazilian national flag, as requested by the event organizers.
“The flag is ours,” the participants shouted as soon as the march began, at around 1:30 p.m. (local time).
This year's main presentations included singers Pabllo Vitar, Glória Groove and Sandra de Sá.
Brazil’s Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship, Silvio Almeida, attended the event. He spoke to the public and said “The LGBT Pride Parade is a moment to emphasize and highlight national unity, [and] that all Brazilians must be respected”. Almeida was accompanied by the National Secretary for the Rights of LGBTQIA+ People, Symmy Larrat.
Under the motto “Enough of Neglect and Backsliding in the Legislature – Vote consciously for the rights of the LGBT+ population”, it was attended by politicians such as federal deputy Erika Hilton (Socialism and Freedom Party), who spoke on the “trio elétrico” (a kind of sound truck). 
Continue reading.
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sasukesun · 2 years
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“chainsaw man, eat the bolsonarism”
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lesbianderson · 2 years
Today my 6yo cousin who’s basically my soulmate is out of a breathing tube after 2 months in the ICU and Bolsonar* lost the elections
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