#bokuaka drable
owlyflufff · 3 years
Whenever Koutarou is tidying up the living room or washing the dishes or doing whatever is left for the night, there are instances where he can clearly hear his husband across the room.
Only his voice is angry. Frustrated. Booming.
Koutarou understand that in a second.
So, he practically neglects all other chores and heads straight for the source of all the commotion. 
The thing about his beloved Keiji is that he has a tendency of getting stressed.
 A lot.
Koutarou has admittedly only seen the bare minimum of stress and anxiety Keiji can accumulate from work as the two of them are busy with their own professions. Koutarou’s guilty, he has been for the longest of time which is why he does everything he can in the early morning and dead of night to ease the tension in his husband. 
This being no exception.
For you see, even outside office hours, Keiji has a tendency of receiving phone calls from his fellow associates in their work place. Most of which are to discuss story lines, fix plot holes and simply seal the deal for the content in the next chapter. 
It’s rare for Keiji to get frustrated within a phone call, especially since Udai had always been the one he speaks to the most and the two of them have never once gotten into a debate when it comes to the storyline.
But, on the occasion that Keiji gets into an argument with someone else. When someone is incapable of understanding the logic Keiji has laid out for them. On the instance that an associate opt to find some sort of argument to counter Keiji’s even though it was already clearly in Keiji’s favor. 
He’d stressed. He’d get anxious, and it came in the form of many ways.
It came in the form of stuttering across the line. It came from walking back and forth. It came from frantic hand movements of one hand as the other held the phone. It came in the form of yelling, an innocent attempt to help the other person on the line understand.
But there are just some associates that refuse to listen. Of course they refuse to listen. They’re stubborn and naive, and simply Keiji can’t reach them as much as he tries.
It stresses him out, more than anything. Having to control one’s frustration within a phone call turns overwhelming.
That is until Koutarou arrives. 
Koutarou would slowly approach his husband as the latter lashes out across the phone. As tears start forming in his eyes. 
From there, Koutarou would wrap his arms around Keiji’s waist from behind and kiss him anywhere and everywhere he could reach. His hair, his cheeks, his shoulder. Koutarou would plant soft kisses to lighten the burden on Keiji as he continues to speak to the person across the phone. He would hold his hand to try and stop it from shaking. He wouldn’t say a word, because he knows Keiji understands his intentions. He would be there, he would simply be there for Keiji. 
As Keiji’s voice mellows down and whatever worries he’s had fades into nothing, Koutarou thinks to himself.
He wants to keep giving Keiji his kisses.
He wants to keep giving Keiji his comfort.
He wants to keep giving Keiji his assurances.
He wants to keep giving Keiji his affection. 
His love.
And give to him he will. 
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owlyflufff · 3 years
The last time Akaashi made a wish on a birthday candle was when he was 7.
Since then, he hadn’t believed in birthday wishes. The banners, party decorations and food had merely felt like display. It was a waste of money, a waste of food potentially and a waste of everyone’s time having to celebrate about the day he was born in this world.
He hasn’t seen the need to make his birthdays so extravagant.
So important.
Don’t get the wrong idea, Akaashi doesn’t hate birthdays. He does appreciate them, but the thing about him is that he had always seen the logical side of things. With that, Akaashi had never truly seen the reason why people put so much effort into celebrating over one little moment in his life, why they valued it so much.
He was born into this world just like any other person. That was that, so why make it such a big ordeal?
Birthday wishes were his favorite thing about birthdays once upon a time, he remembered how eager he was, wobbling on the stool just to reach the cake and blow the candle. He had the spirit back then, felt like he was on top of the world every time he would let out his little wish and blow on the candle. 
Some wishes came true, most of them didn’t.
As he spent more time reading books where logic had seemed more reasonable over emotion. As he eventually inherited the more practical and calculating side of his parents, the light that once shined in Akaashi’s eyes had gone dim.
In the slightest. Only in the slightest. 
Birthday wishes were just an extra tidbit you could merit off from along with a cake and some gifts, Akaashi had considered. And he stayed with that logic until he became 16. 
Having to worry about which high school he would go to and the prospect of immersing in a new environment made him nervous at most. So with that, he caved in for once and let himself believe birthday wishes could come true. 
He whispers.
And he snuffs out the flame from the birthday candle.
Months pass him by, then it all comes together. 
It came in the form of something loud. Something that had almost hurled himself into a fleet of stairs and across the hallway just to see him. It came in the form of something eager, too eager. 
It came in the form of an enigma named Bokuto Koutarou.
So here Akaashi was, in his first year of high school and already fearing for his life as Bokuto had covered his eyes and led him all the way to Fukurodani’s gym. 
Akaashi had expected this, it was November 5 after all. 
The thing is, the preparations were the same. But the feeling wasn’t. 
Bokuto, along with the rest of Fukurodani, had thrown an enormous surprise party for Akaashi. Washio had offered ridiculous party hats. Konoha and Sarakui had been the ones leading whatever birthday program they planned out. Komi had brought out the karaoke box (someone save Akaashi-). Fukurodani didn’t train the entire day, anything and everything was spent in celebrating Akaashi’s day. 
It was like any other birthday.
The only difference was, Akaashi had found himself enjoying it all.
And...was he smiling? Wait, he’s laughing too?!
Bubbles of laughter had erupted from him the moment Fukurodani had hurdled him into a group hug. At the end of the day, he had returned home with a gigantic brown plush owl.
Courtesy of Bokuto Koutarou.
In fact, a lot of the birthday ideas and planning were courtesy of Bokuto. The thought of it had Akaashi sinking his face into the head of his owl plushie all through the night. 
Akaashi thought it was over. He had himself convinced that whatever happiness he had gained from today’s celebration was just fleeting. Oh how wrong he was. 
Now every year, Bokuto had always one upped himself when it came to Akaashi’s birthday. It would be a tragedy, Bokuto had once said to Akaashi, an absolute crime if he didn’t make Akaashi’s day the best day every year. 
And he did, every year without fail, he had made Akaashi’s birthday more special than Akaashi could have ever asked for. 
It came in the form of gifts, of songs, of surprises. Some extravagant, some so ridiculous it had Akaashi rolling on the floor for the first time in his life. 
As the more surprises had yet to come, unlike the young child who’s excitement for birthdays had faded, Akaashi had longed for what Bokuto had planned for him on his birthday, concealed by a constant expression of indifference and a mountain of deadpan comments.  
In reality, he wouldn’t ask for anything else, couldn’t ask for anything more and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Bokuto would always give to him, never once stopped even. He and Fukurodani had made his birthday more memorable than the next. Even after highschool, when they had all grown up and not everyone could celebrate as much as they wanted to and simply sent text messages, Bokuto had personally met up with Akaashi just to celebrate his birthday.
Bokuto’s presence was a constant in Akaashi’s birthdays. His love was a constant in Akaashi birthdays.
Every single one of them. 
The last time Akaashi made a wish on a birthday candle was when he was 16. 
He hadn’t made a wish since then. 
He can still remember what he whispered on that day where he had found himself in a moment’s of worry. The words he had whispered before snuffing out the flames on the candles. His birthday wish:
Please grant me a miracle.
Now, Keiji’s a lot older. A pair of glasses rest all snug at the bridge of his nose. 
With the way that Keiji resides comfortably in the four walls of an apartment. The way a feeling of a finished birthday celebration still settling in the atmosphere. The way he can still catch a glance of the five layer cake from across the kitchen. The way that Koutarou’s arms envelope him in a warmth he can’t explain, their rings shining all the brighter. The way they laugh and sing to the music playing all around them. The way that Keiji can hear Koutarou’s voice as he whispers sweet nothings and promises of love he has kept and yet to keep. The way Keiji can feel the touch of Koutarou’s lips on his own,
Keiji believes in birthday wishes once more. Only, he hadn’t thought of making another one since then.
Since that wish he had made when he was 16.
After all, it came true. 
There wasn’t anything else Keiji could ever wish for. 
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owlyflufff · 3 years
Fukurodani having a water gun fight and Akaashi's first victim is Bokuto.
Jokes on him though when he points the water gun at his boyfriend and the water causes Bokuto's hair to droop downwards and it's the cutest sight Akaashi has ever seen.
Akaashi weakness number 1: Bokuto
Akaashi weakness number 2: Bokuto with his hair down
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owlyflufff · 3 years
Something isn't right.
Along the 50+ messages Koutarou has sent over to Keiji, not a single one is given a response. Not even the small icon indicating Keiji is typing showed up on his screen. Keiji hasn't been online for a while now. One hour, two hours, three hours pass. Koutarou is still left unanswered.
Training is only half way finish but Koutarou has been feeling uneasy since this.
The noise the MSBY gym has been flarring up, mainly the bickering of Atsumu and Sakusa meanwhile Hinata tries to be the man of reasoning, echoes across the expanse. Only for the it to be left unnoticed by one Bokuto Koutarou.
This is a first. The only time Keiji turns off his phone is during meetings of utmost importance or when his deadlines needed completion. Koutarou would have known if a surprise meeting are to happen since Keiji always makes sure to text him the details before muting his phone for the rest of the day.
So then, what happened?
The news comes to him short and slow. But it's enough for Koutarou to gather his things and bolt out the door like his life depends on it.
A fire.
It has happened all too quickly, their captain approach him with the news flashing before his eyes against the phone screen, the very building that his husband works in has been engulfed in flames, the text underneath explaining the event but Koutarou has already connected the dots. Enough for him to excuse himself and depart immediately.
By the time Koutarou arrives in the hospital, he's lucky enough to be the only one in line by the front desk.
Keiji is safe. His room is not too far from where Koutarou is standing. The news alone is enough to bring all of Koutarou's composure back as he makes it to Keiji's room.
His husband has been resting. From a distance, Koutarou can make up a few bandages wrapped around Keiji's arms but that's as far as it goes.
Nothing fatal.
From there, Koutarou watches over him and refuses to leave his side. The only time he would leave is to purchase food for himself and Keiji if ever he is to wake up soon. Which Keiji does eventually.
It's the middle of the night when he does.
"Koutarou?" Keiji's voice shatters the silence, his throat dry.
Koutarou didn't cling unto his husband quickly and earnestly like he usually does the moment he sees him. He does the opposite. As if touching fragile glass, Koutarou's trembling fingers reach over to caress Keiji's face. He's here.
He's safe.
Keiji leans against his touch, the look on his face still trying to gain a sense of recollection. Yet, amidst his confusion, Koutarou anchors him all the same.
"I'm glad you're awake Keiji." Koutarou speaks in between a sob and a smile. A soft smile graces his lips as he tries to compose himself. The few tears he has shed already betraying this front.
"Hold on, I'll get you some water." The hand initially holding Keiji's face goes down to hold Keiji's hand as Koutarou bends over to get a water bottle he has purchased.
Koutarou lets a few minutes pass between them of complete silence. He didn't want to rush Keiji. Only wanting to give him enough time to adjust again after such an incident.
"How are you feeling?" Koutarou asks, his hold on Keiji's hand a little firmer.
"A lot better, thank you." Keiji looks at him with reassurance, he holds unto Koutarou's hand just as much
"Do you remember anything that happened?"
"There was a fire and...wait." Keiji's features shift altogether. Koutarou knows that look of concern when he sees it. "How long have I been here?"
"Around three days."
"Three days, and...are you're telling me you've been here this entire time?"
"Of course Keiji! Where else would I be-"
"But what about training?"
"It's alright, I told coach about my leave and he excused me." Koutarou continues to say with a smile, yet Keiji's concern only grew more visible at every answer.
"Koutarou you didn't have to do all this for my sake. You have a match coming in a few days don't you? Surely this will hinder your performance-"
The edge in Koutarou's voice alone is enough for Keiji to silence himself. Not in the way that it was meant to shut him up, but in a way that Koutarou is to pave another path of understanding for him. And Keiji lets him.
Koutarou reaches over to caress Keiji's face again. The look in Koutarou's has never been more sincere.
"I love you more than any victory a match could give me." Slowly, Koutarou brings their foreheads to rest against each other and Keiji swears that his warmth comforts him through and through.
"Keiji, I would rather lose a hundred volleyball matches than lose you."
Nothing left is said between them, not when everything else is shared. Soft kisses, hugs, and a night's worth of cuddling in each other's arms. Koutarou and Keiji let the day pass them by.
Full of reassurance and relief.
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owlyflufff · 3 years
The thing about Bokuto, Akaashi learns, is that Bokuto only squeezes himself in corners or underneath tables and the likes when his moods are very much downhill.
A regular Bokuto emo mode would consist of his hair dropping downwards and simply a sad looking owl. On the rare event that his emo modes have spiraled down completely, his boyfriend's mannerisms were of simply retreating into anywhere and everywhere he could hide himself in.
The chances of cheering him up were lower than a regular emo mode.
Being the caring boyfriend that he is, Akaashi resorts to one last option. The only thing that can lighten the burden on his boyfriend. His personal trump card: knock knock jokes.
Yes. Knock knock jokes.
Contrast to what everyone knows about Akaashi, he can tell some pretty good knock knock jokes. Bokuto alone knows that. Afterall, he is the only one Akaashi tells them to during the worst emo modes.
Be it a table or anywhere really, Akaashi always knocks on the surface and provides Bokuto a knock knock joke everytime.
To Bokuto, it might not immediately put him back on his feet, but even the smallest (and silliest) of gestures Akaashi does for him is enough.
It always will be.
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owlyflufff · 4 years
When a long distance relationship commences between Bokuto and Akaashi as Bokuto is constantly travelling from one country to another, Bokuto gives Akaashi a small owl plushie that resembles him. Almost.
The features on the plushie all too familiar. So, everytime Bokuto would be off travelling and after every one of their calls just to check on each other, Akaashi would hold the owl plushie close and drift off to sleep peacefully.
This goes on for a few times but then once, Bokuto had arrived back in Japan earlier than expected. It's late at night by the time the team arrives so with this, he dosen't call Akaashi to pick him up. He returns to their apartment eventually and his heart softens to see Akaashi clinging unto the owl plushie dearly. Slowly, he takes the plushie away from his arms and replaces it with himself, reciprocating Akaashi's warm hold on him. He brushes a few streaks of his boyfriend's hair and plants a kiss to his forehead before falling asleep.
Akaashi wakes up in the morning first and what follows is a joyful reunion and a series of cuddles and laughter between the two of them.
Bokuto always returns, safe and loved in the arms of his home. And Akaashi, amidst the owl plushie he keeps close to heart, will always have his arms open for him. Waiting for the one he loves most.
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