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All of you know my love of PRIDE & PREJUDICE, and how I love collecting different editions. I thought I’d show off one here —it’s the full story plus Martha Stewart recipes thrown in at the end of the chapters. Old fashioned berry layer cake, French almond macarons and gingerbread icebox cake?!? Yes, please. - 📚. Funny thing, I used to love collecting and reading cookbooks. I would drive Ken crazy by reading them at night, after we had eaten dinner, because I would pause to read them and ask him if the recipe sounded good. His response? How can I think about that when my stomach is full? 😂 - 📚. #forevermymrdarcy - 📚. Do you collect editions of a certain book? - 📚. cookie recipe: @pickypalate Circus Animal Cookies - 📚. 📚. 📚. #bookstagram #bokreviews #favoritebooks #prideandprejudice #booksandcookies #bookish #stressbaking #homemadecookies #pickypalate #romancebooks #classicbooks #marthastewart #bookreviewer #booktuber https://www.instagram.com/p/B_8D18Dg_-y/?igshid=umnr6rfch378
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lharvey250 · 7 years ago
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MY RATING ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️▫️ PUBLISHER Spiegel & Grau PUBLISHED July 11, 2017
A compelling tale of a Berkeley mom who mysteriously disappears, and her young daughter’s quest to find her.
SUMMARY Billie Flannigan vanished on a solo hike in California’s Desolation Wilderness a year ago. Her husband, Jonathan and daughter, Olive, are still reeling from her disappearance. Had she been abducted, or murdered, or had she accidentally fallen into the ravine? The police had searched for nine days, they found her shattered cell phone and a hiking boot, but her body was never recovered. Olive, 15, was at school one day, standing in the middle of a hallway, when she had her first vision of her mom. Her mom was wearing a dress and was standing on a beach, and was beckoning Olive to come find her. Olive begins a hopeless quest to find her mother.
“You’re going to be just fine. Her mom was always right about that, wasn’t she? Right up until the day when nothing was fine all.”
Jonathan and Billie had been married for sixteen years, and it had been love at first sight. They married only six weeks after they met and after sixteen years, Jonathan thought he knew everything there was to know about Billie. He was wrong. He had recently, uncovered secrets from her past that sent him on his own quest for the truth.
“Maybe this is why they say love is blind: Who you want people to be makes you blind to who they really are.”
REVIEW What an enthralling and quick read! WATCH ME DISAPPEAR is a meticulously woven family drama of a search for answers to Billie’s disappearance. Alternating perspectives of Jonathan and Olive makes the story robust and compelling. Just when we think we know everything about Billie and her worldly and colorful past, we are surprised again and again. A stunning story about the secrets we keep from those we love the most.
“All memoirs are lies, even those that tell the truth. They can’t help it, because the longer we live the more our fixed past keep changing.” -Gregory Cowles, New York Times Book Review of a Mary Karr book as quoted in Watch Me Disappear
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kaye-mac-reads · 3 years ago
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"Every habit is initiated by a cue. We are more likely to notice cues that stand out."
Title: Atomic Habits Author: James Clear Genre: Self-Help Was it worth the hype? Yes
Goodreads Review: I love that it shares clear and very doable steps on how to actually change how you do things. Building good habits and breaking bad ones with the ultimate goal of making a better version of YOU.
Notable Parts: The 1st law of Behavior Change is "Make It Obvious". The 2 most common cues are time and location.
Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
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takeeachdayonebookatatime · 5 years ago
The  post that has to many you’s
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It is a nice warm day so grab your book, put on some short’s and a t-shirt  and some flip flops if you wear that type of foot wear also grab a snack don’t forget to bring the water bottle outside with you, if you need some shade set up an umbrella if you  don’t an umbrella find some shade under a tree there are options to how  you could sit outside if you have a deck you could sit on it, pull up a lawn chair, blanket or a folding chair all are perfect ones to enjoy the nice warm weather outside in your backyard also don’t forget the bug spray and sun block it is not cool to look like a tomato  and it will hurt if you do turn into a tomato put some after sun or aloe Vera on it .
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danielleurbansblog · 6 years ago
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101 Great American Poetry from 19th-20th centuries & The Four Great Tragedies by Shakespeare #williamshakespearebooks #book #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #new #recommended #mustreadbooks #tbr #amazon #goodreadschallenge2019 #literature #classics #amreading #reading #popularreads #bookblog #bookblogger #blogger #bokreviewer #reviewer https://www.instagram.com/p/BtUILV6lVKf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f53p9zq9lbpv
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krystisyaandwine · 8 years ago
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Have you added #luckyinlove by @kasiewest to your TBR lists yet?! If not you need to! Find out why in the description below! Serious 😍😍😍😍😍 . . . In this new contemporary from YA star Kasie West, a girl who wins the lottery learns that money can cause more problems than it solves, especially when love comes into the picture. . Maddie doesn't believe in luck. She's all about hard work and planning ahead. But one night, on a whim, she buys a lottery ticket. And then, to her astonishment -- . She wins! . In a flash, Maddie's life is unrecognizable. No more stressing about college scholarships. Suddenly, she's talking about renting a yacht. And being in the spotlight at school is fun... until rumors start flying, and random people ask her for loans. Now, Maddie isn't sure who she can trust. . Except for Seth Nguyen, her funny, charming coworker at the local zoo. Seth doesn't seem aware of Maddie's big news. And, for some reason, she doesn't want to tell him. But what will happen if he learns her secret? . With tons of humor and heart, Kasie West delivers a million-dollar tale of winning, losing, and falling in love. #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #instabook #bookphotography #ireadya #ya #yalovin #yalovin #yabooks #yaforlife #yaforlife #bookblog #bookblogger #bokreviewer #youngadultbooks #yacontemporary #yaandwine
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menkybook · 8 years ago
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Penulis: Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie
Penerbit: Grasindo
Halaman: 259 halaman
Cetakan: I
Tahun: 2017
ISBN: 978-602-375-806-7
Pertama kali membaca karya Ziggy ini yang ada di benak saya, “Aku banget!” dalam hal imajinasi. Super. Ternyata ada karya yang mampu memanjakan imajinasi dengan unik. Ya, namanya juga imajinasi pasti unik. Hehe. Tapi Ziggy punya gayanya sendiri dalam berimajinasi.
Bertanya-tanya kenapa Ziggy memilih wujud bus untuk tokoh utamanya. Saya menebak-nebak sendiri, mungkin dipilih bus karena dia bisa ditumpangi Beliau yang suka mondar-mandir. Atau mungkin juga sebagai simbol ke-bukan-apa-apaan sebuah benda yang bahkan tidak bisa dikatakan sebagai makhluk. Entahlah, yang jelas si saya sebagai bus ini tokoh favorit saya.
Sebagai sosok gendut yang tidak ada apa-apanya dibandingan Nad yang mungil dan berpengetahuan luas, si saya ini begitu kalem menampilkan dirinya dalam tiap perjalanan. Kalem karena ketidakberdayaannya sebagai sosok bus, benda mati.
Saya banyak takjub dengan segala makhluk yang dimuntahkan dari imajinasi Ziggy. Ikan julung-julung, Chinar, anak-anak Chinar, Si Jahanam, dan tentunya sosok Beliau. Seketika saya punya angan novel Ziggy ini diangkat ke film animasi. Soalnya saya jadi kepikiran kartunnya studio Ghibli saat membaca novel ini. Terlebih saat melihat ilustrasi cantik karya Ziggy sendiri dalam novel ini.
Kisah yang penuh cinta. Cinta secara universal yang dituturkan dengan sederhana dan unik. Analogi-analogi dan simbol-simbol yang dipilih Ziggy untuk merepresentasikan tentang kebaikan, kejahatan, cinta, dan waktu terasa enak.
Banyak kalimat yang bisa dijadikan kutipan. Kalimat-kalimat sederhana tapi bermakna. Saya tidak akan mengambil satu dari kalimat tersebut untuk saya cantumkan di sini. Apa yang bisa diambil adalah, ada banyak cara untuk menunjukkan rasa cinta, dan cinta hanya perlu dirasa ketika ia tidak tersampaikan secara lisan. Ihiw~ Wenak~
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kjsimmill · 5 years ago
Book review: Jay Veloso Batista - The Vardoger Boy (@JayVBatista)
Book review: Jay Veloso Batista - The Vardoger Boy (@JayVBatista) #bokreview #amreading #hsitoricalfiction
In Jay Veloso Batista’s, The Vardoger Boy, Raga had warned Finn it was there, but not soon enough for him to evade the attack. He had been about to start his newest adventure, learning the way of the sea, aboard his uncle’s ship when the mast troll had attacked. He was done with the Realm Between, but it was not done with him. Not by a long shot. The troll demands a fare to allow them the use of��
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Re-reads and inspiration. I’m completely using my current read as my inspiration for my next @redaspenlove manicure. Do you do that, too?!? 😂 - 📚. 💅🏻. 📚. #redaspenlove #booksandnails #bookish #bookstagram #christytomlinsonbeauty #bookreview #confessionsofashopaholic #shopaholicseries #sophiekinsella #sophiereadssophie #bokreviewer #booktuber #bookreview #currentlyreading #dialpress #favoritebooks #romancebooks #romancereader #manicure https://www.instagram.com/p/B3fV-RCA0DH/?igshid=13gkjprc7xpdz
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takeeachdayonebookatatime · 5 years ago
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takeeachdayonebookatatime · 6 years ago
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kjsimmill · 6 years ago
Book review: The Knowing - JB Straton's Story - Brit Lunden (@caroleproman )
Book review: The Knowing - JB Straton's Story - Brit Lunden (@caroleproman ) #bokreview #amreading #IARTG #bookworms #romance #supernatural
JB had known from the moment his eyes first met Ellie’s that they were meant to be. His grandma had called what he experienced the knowing. He was drawn to her beyond anything he had before experienced. She was a rich Yankee, he a poor peanut farmer with only the promise of an unfulfilled dream as a football star. He was talented, but was certain he was trapped, forever destined to remain a…
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kjsimmill · 7 years ago
Book review: Anne-Rae Vasquez - Reveal (@write2film )
Book review: Anne-Rae Vasquez - Reveal (@write2film ) #Bokreview
Cristal had been given orders, relayed from the Almighty himself via Rafael. Her mission, to infiltrate Global Nation and send Bezel back to hell. She had all but given up hope, of either achieving her quest, or being rescued by the Truth Seekers. For twelve months she was a captive, but the time has come for action,  and help appears to come from an unlikely source. Demons themselves seem…
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kjsimmill · 7 years ago
Book review: Headshot: One in the Gut by Matthew Siege
Book review: Headshot: One in the Gut by Matthew Siege #Bokreview #LITrpg
Ryan had always been a gamer, he had tried so many AR games, but none of them had been quite like Headshot. It was free to play, if you were willing to play a zombie that is. Who better to provide sport and populate the world with zombies than the ‘mindless masses’? The name of the game was to make it to the end of the week, taking down as many Survivors as you could. Death meant you couldn’t log…
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