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fruttymoment · 1 year ago
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Do you remember saving the world.
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salambrahim · 1 year ago
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motivatemycollegelife · 10 months ago
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A bar with a library??? Heaven ❤️
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ncutii-gatwa · 6 months ago
honestly think if i didn’t have the hat films boys i would be in a very dark place rn. they bring so much joy to my life when everything seems lost. im so glad i found them and they’re still going
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gladsimagination · 1 month ago
Shoutout to the hat films side of tumblr still reblogging from me, love you guys
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multifandomhoodies · 7 months ago
Do you think any of those IBM employees at nasa ever explored each other's bodies
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jakascoo · 10 months ago
Boo: As top in this relationship, I think we should- Erik: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
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hellsbellssinclub · 1 month ago
I am terrible at writing flirting dialog and future me is going to be hating me so much when it comes to editing this mess.
That being said I am over 5k into this rare pair hell fic and I am having fun
mostly anyways.
I am going to smash this out one way or another and then cry when I edit it later as always
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gardenerofedens · 2 months ago
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succulent-pott · 6 months ago
I need to sleep that box is making me confused 😭
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the-inkwell-variable · 1 year ago
The weather was mild, with a periwinkle sky that blushed violet and pink at the horizon.
I'm gonna throw up is this not the most beautiful description of a sunset you've ever seen
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alsmaffy · 1 year ago
incredibly late to the party but trott's blond again praise the lord
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jakascoo · 1 year ago
Erik: Is something burning? Boo, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. Erik: Boo, the toaster is literally on fire.
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d1tz · 2 years ago
I made a grave realization
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piece-of-mined · 1 year ago
Honestly, I don’t want the live action to just be a shot-by-shot remake of the animated series. That would be pointless imo.
I’m excited to see that they have 8 hour-long episodes planned. (Which totals a longer runtime than season 1 of the original.) I’m looking forward to seeing a slightly different interpretation of the series.
i honestly think that the live action atla series will be really good. from the trailer, it looks promising. also, as a diehard sukka shipper, i'm so so so excited to see a new portrayal of that relationship, especially since the episode "warriors" is likely about the kyoshi warriors. i'm so excited to see how they expand suki's character! give me all the suki content !! also, this might be an unpopular opinion, but i can't wait to see how they retell the book 1 story. i absolutely love it as is. it's flawless to me. however, it'll be really cool to see how they potentially rearrange some of the storylines and add in certain characters (kyoshi, ozai, azula, etc.) that didn't originally appear until later. i'm so curious to see how they rework the story to fit the format of eight 1-hour long episodes.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months ago
After the whole mess with the Brotherhood is handled in Soft Boiked au, Wukong has another situation to handle. MK now knows he's a Stone Monkey, the same species as Wukong himself. He may also suspect Wukong to be his biological parent, although Wukong goes on record to say that no, Yubei was the only kid he actually birthed, MK may be his cub in his heart, but they share no biological connection that Wukong is aware of.
But even if MK isn't biologically Wukongs, they have the situation of his true form. Specifically, teaching MK how to Monkey. Wukong thinks it'd be easy, MK already acts so much like a monkey it's hard to imagine him struggling, but the problem isn't that he can't act like a monkey. It's that he doesn't have the confidence to do so knowingly. He can climb and groom just fine, but when it comes to things like diet and soaring through the trees, the way macaques do, he struggles. He gets grossed out at the thought of picking through someone's hair and eating bugs, he hesitates when he should use the branch he just climbed as a springboard to reach the next tree, he feels uncomfortable doing thinks like chirping and hooting. His upbringing makes him hesitate to listen to his natural instincts, and while it's nothing against Pigsy or Tang, it's just that societal expectations of modern China are causing MK to hold back.
Wukong had faced a similar problem when he'd gotten back from the Journey, after spending so many years being punished for 'hyperactive and unsocietal behavior' up until Tripitaka had it beaten over his head that Wukong was not only pregnant but that these were normal monkey things and not disrespectful in nature at all, he struggled to adapt to being a monkey again.
The fact that MK was already dealing with self esteem issues and then got stuck in a scroll with a ink demon in the shape of his monkey form that would only dig at those insecurities only made it worse.
MK is in for a loooong learning montage after learning he's a Stone Monkey, thats for sure!
It's not an easy road.
Lots of "George of the Jungle"-esque mishaps involving tree climbing occur.
Could have it been a little easier if MK had been raised as a monkey demon? Yes. But he also would have faced greater social challenges, not to mention if any of Wukong's enemies "sensed" what he actually was.
And don't even get MK started on the "picking bugs out of each other's fur and eating"-part. He found a tiny garden spider crawling in Macaque's fur during a troop grooming session and nearly passed out.
MK, trying to psyche himself up to eat the bug: (*gags*) Macaque, sniffs himself thinking that's the problem: "What? I showered recently." Yuebei: (*reaches up and steals the bug from MK, eating it instead*) MK: (*very grossed-out sigh of relief*) "I love you, mooncake."
He feels like he's behind even little Yuebei of all people when it comes to learning to Monkey! At least she can chirp and hoot without anyone looking at her weirdly...
Wukong sighs and jokes it's like teaching two cubs at once.
Luckily, MK isn't alone. Turns out, Wukong has gone through the very same thing he has nearly twice over! Subodhi canonically strikes and punishes Wukong for happily jumping and hooting when he's excited for class, so Wukong literally had his instincts beaten out of him. And later still when he became Bimawen and a Peach Attendant, he found himself subconsciously suppressing his "monkey" habits in order to avoid criticism from surrounding celestials.
While the Tang Monk had been confused by Wukong's monkey habits, he adapted to them - with a lot of "gentle" persuasion from Guanyin, Ao Lie, Sha Wujing, and many of the allies they made along the way of course.
Afterall, part of Tripitaka's character development is him starting out close-minded and opening himself to the fact that people just gonna act and be different. After Tripitaka learned that Heaven and even Wukong's first master had punished and resented his nature, he especially made sure Wukong understood that he didn't want him to see his behaviours as "unnatural". Just him.
MK also gets a lot of encouragement from the rest of his "troop".
Pigsy and Tang feel really bad not being able to indulge MK's natural behaviours as a cub, but they were always understanding that he was just their special little guy. If he was hyperactive or overstimulated, they had ways to address it. I love hcs of Tang being neurodivergent, so he when sees Baby MK throwing tantrums and just be like "Mood."
Red Son and Mei secretly begin flexing their own natural behaviours so MK doesn't feel as left out. Though MK was def confused the first time he got friendly-headbutts and nips.
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