#bohemian rhapsody imagine fanfic
history repeats itself ~ gwilym lee
word count: 2836
request?: yes!
“hey, i saw you wrote for Ben Hardy so I was wondering if you would write for Gwilym Lee? If not ignore this lol. I was thinking something like he meets the reader on set and they immediately hit it off, and the resemblance of her to Brian May’s wife is uncanny (let’s pretend he’s had just the one) and it’s kinda like a history repeats itself thing? idk if that made since. maybe Brian and Roger noticing and just being so amazed seeing that happening in front of them? thank you, and obviously since i have no explanation skills take complete control!”
description: when she gets cast to play the wife of a rock legend, everyone realizes how similar she and her on screen husband look to the originals
pairing: gwilym lee x female!reader
warnings: swearing, rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It was such a small role, one that didn’t even have any lines. But to me, it was huge. It was a small role in a massive blockbuster movie: the Freddie Mercury biopic. It would be the biggest job of my career. Up until that point, I had only been an extra in a few sitcoms. Having a small, silent role as Brian May’s wife in a Freddie Mercury biopic may seem like a small step up from what I’m used to, but the scale of the movie made it a massive deal for me.
I wasn’t sure if I’d get the role. There were hundreds of other actresses just like me - desperate for even the smallest roles in such a big film - were lined up to meet the director and casting director. It was such a small chance of getting it I thought. Until I walked into the room and both of their eyes widened when they landed on me.
“Holy shit,” the casting director breathed. “She looks just like her.”
I was cast on the spot. I nearly sobbed in happiness. I managed to keep the tears in until I got to my car and could call my parents to give them the news.
A few months later, I was preparing for my day on set. It was a party scene that was taking place at Freddie’s mansion at the height of their career. The other band members - Brian, Roger, and John - were there with their wives/girlfriends. The scene mostly required us to sit by our assigned on-screen husbands while they conversed. It was an easy day, and it was only going to take one day of filming, but I was still nervous. I had already met up with the director and some of the cast involved in the scene, but today I was going to be meeting the main four actors and two members of Queen.
I was just finished with wardrobe and was on my way to hair and makeup when I came across one of the main actors, Gwilym. I had been told about him after being cast, since he was the one playing Brian May, but I hadn’t met him yet. I suddenly felt nervous as I approached the hair and makeup trailer, where Gwilym was stood outside the door also waiting. He looked up as he heard me approach and smiled.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” I said back. “I’m (Y/N).”
“Gwilym. Nice to meet you.” He reached out and shook my hand. I hoped he couldn’t feel how my hands were shaking. “You’re playing Brian’s wife, right? Well, my wife I guess.”
I chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, that’s me. I’m getting all dolled up for my one day on set to film my one, dialogue-less scene.”
“Hey, there’s no such thing as small parts remember.”
I made a face at him. “You sound like my old theater teachers.”
Gwilym cringed. “That’s the last thing I’d ever want.”
I laughed. The door to the hair and makeup trailer opened and two other extras came out. The stylist greeted us and told us to come in. I sat in one chair while Gwilym sat in the one next to me. I watched the stylist grab a long, brunette wig and place it next to Gwilym.
“I’m gonna have to do Gwilym’s wig firs since that’ll take the longest,” she told me. “So, sit tight, and try not to mess up your wardrobe too much.”
I nodded and gave her a thumbs up.
I watched the process of applying Gwilym’s wig. It really did take a long time. First, a bald cap had to be applied to Gwilym’s head. Then, the wig was placed on his head in a few different ways to figure out the best placement. Once that was figured out, the wig had to be pinned down in a way that made it look natural on his head, and not like a wig.
“So,” Gwilym said, trying his best not to move his head. “Since we’re going to be here a while, and since we’re playing a married couple, I suppose we should get to know one another.”
“Sure,” I said with a laugh. “What do you want to know?”
“Is this your first movie?”
“It is. Until now I was just an extra in a few sitcoms. I had one line once, that’s the extent of my career.”
“Well, extras are important. Without them, a scene would look so stupid if it was just the main characters.”
I shrugged. “I know that, and I know every actor has to start somewhere, but I’ve been doing this for roughly five years. Performing Arts schools are expensive and I sometimes worry I made a mistake persuing acting.”
I saw Gwilym’s eyes quickly look over at me before looking back at the mirror in front of him. “It’s never a mistake to chase your dreams. It just takes time. You have to play the small parts in order to get experience for the big ones.”
“You’re right. It’s just taking so long. But I’m here now, so that’s a step up.” I shook my head. “Anyways, away from my career insecurities. Tell me a bit about you.”
We talked throughout his wig applying process. We exchanged embarrassing childhood stories, talked about how we got into acting, general details about one another. I had forgotten about the fact that I was waiting to have my own hair and makeup done by the time Gwilym stood from his chair.
He looked at himself in the mirror before turning to me. “How do I look?”
I tilted my head as I looked up at him. “Scarily like Brian May.”
He chuckled. “That’s good, then. They won’t fire me anytime soon. I’ll see you on set?”
I nodded and watched him go. I felt a little disappointed by the fact that he was leaving. I had really enjoyed talking to him. The next time I’d see him would be on set for the scene, where we wouldn’t be able to talk, and then once that ended I’d never see him again.
The stylist started going my hair and makeup. She showed me a picture of Brian and his wife in the early 80s, which was when the scene was set, as the inspiration for my look in the scene. It was subtle, but it was clearly 80s. It didn’t take as long as Gwilym’s had, and soon enough, I was on my way again.
I stepped out of the trailer just as Gwilym was walking up again. He was now in his costume, looking so much like a young Brian May that it was scary.
“Right on time,” he said. “I was coming back to walk you to set.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” I said, but I was touched by the offer.
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to, so I am.” He offered an arm to me, like a gentleman. I took it and we started walking to set. “Besides, it’s a big scene with a lot of people. It might be nerve wracking to walk on set by yourself with all those people.”
“It is. Especially with meeting the rest of the main cast at the same time.”
“Oh, they’re all a bunch of wankers, you don’t have to worry about meeting them.”
I giggled. “You can’t say that about Brian May and Roger Taylor, though. And they’re going to be on set, too.”
“No, you’re right. But they are very kind. You don’t have to worry about meeting them. I’m sure everyone will like you. Even if they didn’t, who cares? You won’t have to see them again after today.”
He had a point, but it was still sad to hear out loud. I had been preparing for this day for so long, excited for my first big project. And now, within a matter of hours, it would all be over. I’d be sent back home, waiting for the next role to come up, hoping that maybe this movie could help with that role being a bigger one than just an extra. Back to my normal, boring life.
Saying goodbye to Gwilym.
I had managed to shock myself with that thought. I had only known Gwilym for maybe an hour and a half, but the thought of only having this day with him brought on a bit of sadness. He was so kind, and he seemed so genuine. I had never been on a set where the main actors even acknowledged that the extras existed, let alone be nice enough to walk one to set after talking to her for some time.
Not to mention he was extremely handsome. Especially when he smiled, like he was smiling at me now.
God, don’t develop a crush on the guy you’ll never see again after today.
My heart rate jumped the second we walked on to set. Gwilym wasn’t lying when he said there was going to be a lot of people in the scene. The mansion set was packed with people, so full that there was just barely enough room to move around. I was hoping this was the only amount of extras that were set to be in the scene, or else I think my nerves would go into over drive.
The director spotted Gwilym and I almost immediately and led us over to where we were set to be for the scene. Rami, Joseph, and Ben were already sat around having a laugh as we walked up. They happily greeted Gwilym, and he then introduced me to the lot of them. They were very nice and welcomed me in almost immediately, but it was still pretty surreal to be there with them. Especially Joseph, who I had seen in Jurassic Park when I was just a kid. I almost felt out of place there, but I could tell I wasn’t alone. I introduced myself to the other girls who were playing Ben and Joseph’s on screen love interests, who also looked just as out of place as I felt.
We were all sat around together when the buzz in the room suddenly turned into a hush. It wasn’t hard to know what had just happened: they had arrived.
Brian May and Roger Taylor themselves.
Rock and roll royalty.
I looked over and my heart leapt into my throat at the sight of them. It was hard to believe that they were actually real. I had been listening to Queen’s music all my life, but it wasn’t until this moment that I truly realized that these legends were actual real people.
Actual real people who were walking towards us.
I jumped when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked over to see that it was Gwilym’s hand. When I looked at him, he smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back, the nervousness in my stomach being replaced with butterflies. His hand moved down my arm and squeezed my own. I squeezed his hand back.
“My God.”
I looked up to see Brian and Roger stood over us. I tried to put on my best smile, hoping it wasn’t as obvious as I felt it was that I was shaking. Brian was looking between Gwilym and I, a look in his eye that I couldn’t quite place. Reminiscent, maybe?
“They did a spot on job casting for this movie,” Brian commented. “It feels like I’m looking into a mirror with you two.”
“If there mirror were about 50 years younger,” Roger teased.
“You speak from experience, don’t you old man?” Brian retorted. I couldn’t help but chuckle at their banter. Years of friendship and knowing one another, and they were still cracking jokes and poking fun. I hoped to be like them with my friends when I got older. “What’s your name, love?”
It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. In fact, there was nothing going on in my head at all. It was like I had completely forgotten every little thing I had ever learned in my life. How does one continue to function after Brian May calls them “love”?
“This is (Y/N),” Gwilym said, saving me from my colossal choke.
“Yes,” I finally managed. “Sorry, my name is (Y/N). I’m a little nervous.”
“Nothing to be nervous about, darling,” Brian said. “You already have the look of my wife down. And it seems you and young Gwilym here have already gotten quite acquainted.”
I didn’t realize that Gwilym and I were still holding hands. I expected him to let go at that moment, as if he were just realizing as well, but he didn’t. Instead, he kept hold of my hand, giving it another reassuring squeeze. I wondered if the blush on my face was noticeable under the makeup.
The director called for places, so Brian and Roger took their places off set. I let out a sigh of relief after they were gone and moved into place with Gwilym.
“See?” he whispered to me as we were passed glasses of fake champagne. “They’re not that bad.”
“Their presence alone is a little terrifying,” I whispered back.
“But you got through it. Seems Brian’s taken a liking to you. Although, that’s not surprisingly considering how lovely you are.”
I was convinced this was all some sort of very long, very detailed dream. I was going to wake up at any given moment.
The scene went by very smoothly. It wasn’t hard to just look between the boys as they spoke, smiling when I was supposed to smile, offering a sour look when Rami arrived, acting as a rather rude Freddie. It felt like Gwilym was moving closer to me with each take that we did. First we started off sitting in separate chairs, until the director asked if we would switch and sit in the couch that Joseph and his lady friend had been sat in. Gwilym had moved towards me at the start of that take, and by the final take of the day our bodies were touching and his arm was around me. I was glad I didn’t have any lines, or else I would’ve likely forgotten every single one of them.
When the director called cut and said it was a wrap on the scene, I tried not to let my sadness show. The extras started to file out of the room, going to get read for a different scene that they were filling for. Not me, though. I was going to wardrobe to get my outfit taken back, and then I was going home. If I was lucky, I would be invited to the premiere, otherwise I would never see any of these people again.
I wouldn’t see Gwilym again.
Ben, Joseph, and Rami were kind enough to give me a hug and tell me they were happy to have met me. I told them likewise and started my way back to the wardrobe trailer.
“(Y/N)! Wait!”
I turned to see Gwilym rushing up towards me.
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your next scene?” I asked him.
“Yes, but I wanted to talk to you before you left,” he said. “Look, I know this is a bit presumptive to ask because we only really spoke to one another for that time in hair and makeup, and I have no idea if you’re even single so maybe I’m about to make an ass out of myself, but I wanted to ask you if you’d like to go out this evening once I’ve finished on set.”
Everything in my brain? Gone.
Every last bit of it.
I couldn’t believe this was happening. It had to be a dream, right? There was no way it was real. I would’ve pinched myself if it wouldn’t have made me look like a total idiot in front of Gwilym.
“Yes,” I said. “ I mean, yeah, sure, I - I would love that.”
His face lit up. “Yeah? Okay. Here, let me give you my number.”
We both realized we didn’t have our phones, so we had to do it the old fashioned way - Gwilym found a pen and paper, and wrote down his number for me. I took the paper and shoved it into my pocket.
“I’ll text you once I’m no longer part of the 80s,” I said, gesturing towards my outfit.
He chuckled. “And I’ll do the same.”
We both stood, just looking at each other for a moment. It wasn’t until Gwilym was called back to set that we finally, reluctantly, broke away to go out separate ways. I put my hand in my pocket and closed it around the piece of paper containing Gwilym’s number. I smiled to myself, having to restrain myself from skipping happily towards wardrobe.
I guess history really does repeat itself, I thought with a laugh.
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The Dress, Ben Hardy
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Word Count: 3k~
Fashion has always been something I enjoyed. My fiancé, who has a good fashion sense himself, always lets me dress him any chance I get. Even when he goes to significant events like big award shows, my decision-making with clothes is still requested without fail every time.
"(Y/n), can you help me pick out my suit?"
"(Y/n), what shoes would be best?"
"(Y/n), which outfit should I wear?"
And with a smile, each time, I would respond happily.
"Of course, Ben."
Yet, every time I dress him, he somehow convinces me into dressing up as well before heading out into the scene with his arm wrapped tightly around my waist as my head rests on his chest. I enjoy dressing up Ben, and he seems to enjoy watching me get dressed up as well.
Tonight is no different, except the event is much smaller than the usual events we go to. This time, it's just a simple get-together for Ben and his cast members from Bohemian Rhapsody. Just as five rolled around, two hours before the dinner, Ben asks the question I got used to hearing after two years of being together.
"(Y/n), would you mind helping me?" I hear Ben ask, his head peering around the corner as his blonde locks fall against his forehead. From the living room couch, I smile and stand up before heading over to him as he explains. "I can't decide what to wear."
"I'd love to help you, love," I assure him, kissing his cheek. I watch his lips turn up into a sweet smile before I walk into our bedroom, his footsteps following behind mine. Looking into our closet, I quickly pluck out the set of clothes I like. The outfit is casual, but it's one of my favorites. The pants hug his legs just enough to accentuate his muscles, and I can't help but love them.
Handing Ben the black button-up top with beige pants, I pick out his brown oxfords and sit down on the bed with them beside me. With a smile, Ben clambers into the beige pants, eliciting a small laugh from me. "I can't help that I'm a bit clumsy!" He points out, making me laugh even more.
"At least you recognize it," I joke, watching his slightly red cheeks dim down to a pink hue. I watch as he moves onto his shirt, sliding the arms on and straightening it out before beginning to button it. Before his fingers reach the second bottom-button, I stop him.
"Come here." I tell him, moving to stand on my knees on the bed to meet his height. Despite this, he still manages to tower over me by a few inches, making him smile.
Brushing Ben's hands away from the shirt, I begin buttoning it myself before moving onto roll up the dark sleeves. I finish the left one without a problem and switch over to the right one, my hands brushing against his skin each time I do so. Like the other arm, I stop at the middle of his bicep just as Ben leans forward and plants his lips against mine, therefore preventing me from doing anything else.
Giggling, I move my hands from his arm and up to his face as I kiss back at his eager lips. "Mmm, Ben," I say his name, only to be interrupted by another kiss. "I have," another kiss. "to get," another one. "ready too."
Finally listening to me, he pulls back with a smirk and plops down next to me on the bed, watching me as I stand to go into the closet. "Wear the (f/c) dress," I hear him say from the bed.
"Which one?" I ask, popping my head out of the closet. I soon find myself biting my lip as I gaze at Ben as he rests back against the bed, using his elbows to hold himself up while his legs spread out against the edge of the mattress. Right now, he looks comfortable while, at the same time, utterly delectable.
"My favorite," He simply answers, smirking at his own coyness. Shaking my head with a small laugh, I move to my side of the closet and find the dress he's talking about. Pulling the hanger from the metal rod, I hold it out to look at it and see if there's anything wrong with it. Thankfully, it's still the same (f/c) dress that Ben loves. It could be the neckline of it that makes Ben like it so much, or it could also be the soft, velvety material that it's made out of. Or, maybe, it's because the dress hugs me in all of the right spots, and Ben just can't help himself after a long night of unintentional teasing.
Pulling my clothes off and slipping on the dress, I slide into some black pumps before walking back into the bedroom, earning a wolf-whistle from the man I love. The action causes me to smile and roll my eyes, knowing I'm probably going to have to deal with his hands on me for the rest of the night. "There's my sexy fiancé," Ben announces before standing from the bed and walking over to me.
Almost immediately, his hands find their way to my fabric covered hips while his lips lower down to mine. "Uh-uh," I tell him, placing my hand on his chest. "I still have to do my makeup and hair, and I know that if I don't do it now, we will be late."
"But, babe!" Ben exclaims, his arms pulling me closer to him. "You don't need makeup!" He tells me with a smile, causing me to blush.
"But don't you like that lipstick that I always put on with the dress?" I ask Ben, watching him fight the urge to let me go until he finally, but begrudgingly, releases his hold on me.
"Alright, fine," He gives in, stepping back while dramatically hanging his head low. "But I'll be waiting!" He exclaims, popping his head back up with a contagious smile. "Patiently..." He bids, slowly walking backward out of the bedroom with his hand waving up and down.
Once again, I smile and roll my eyes with a shake of the head at his goofiness before heading into the bathroom and finish getting ready. I do my makeup and hair the way I usually do, prompting Ben once again to pull me close to him when I walk into the living room. Thankfully, it only takes fifteen minutes for Ben to temporally satisfy his urge to kiss me, making me glad that my lipstick is smudge-proof.
It only takes a few minutes to arrive at the restaurant, quickly finding Rami and Lucy already seated in a booth. "Did we make you guys wait?" I ask, sliding into the empty side of the booth before Ben so he can sit in front of Rami.
"No, not at all, lovelies," Lucy assures us, both she and Rami giving us bright and happy smiles. "We just got here, actually," She assures me, nodding her head once. "Somebody wanted to kiss me and then not stop when we were getting ready."
At her words, Rami looks down with a dark blush painting his cheeks and a smile that practically shouts "not sorry" taking over his lips. I giggle at her words before looking over at an innocent-looking Ben and giving him a small smirk. "Sounds like someone I know too!" I chide, watching as he gains the same look on his face as Rami's. Both of our guys are so alike, and I can't help but love it.
Conversations between us all come and go as we get our drinks and dinner, having a great time as we all joke around and share stories with one another. Once we finish our meals, we don't head out, and instead, Ben heads over to the bar to fetch him and Rami a pint. Choosing to stay at the booth with Rami and Lucy as they talk to each other, I stare at the love of my life while he talks with the bartender. A few seconds pass before a cute blonde moves to stand beside him and speak up, making my smile turn into a frown as I continue staring.
I trust Ben and all, but that doesn't mean that I'm not bothered by the flirtatious look the woman's giving him or the fact that he's talking to her as if he doesn't notice this. With the way she keeps throwing her hand, I can tell she's flirting, and if I weren't mistaken, the smile on his face shows that he doesn't mind it. Ben knows I can see him, so why is he doing this in plain view?
I hate to admit it, but as I watch it all go down, I feel my self-esteem lower as well. The blonde woman is beautiful, to simply put it. She could get anyone in this bar, and yet, she's trying to get the man that's mine - the man I love. Now that I think about it, Ben could get anyone in this entire world, but he chose me... why?
"Miss?" I hear a voice speak up to the right of me, causing me to look over and see the waiter standing at the end of our table with a small smile. "Did you hear me?"
With a flustered smile, I wave my hand with a shake of my head. "I'm sorry, I didn't," I tell him, blushing with embarrassment. "I wasn't paying attention," I explain. I was too busy staring at Ben and the girl at the bar that I didn't even hear the poor man ask me a question.
"It's alright," The man assures me with a polite nod and smile. "Can I get you anything, hon'?" At his question, I shake my head and thank him before he walks away. Only a couple of seconds pass before I see Ben in the corner of my eye returning with two glasses in his hands, handing one to Rami before sitting beside me. His eyes don't meet mine, and for some reason, he looks almost mad. Going by the fact that the woman back there was blatantly flirting with him and he didn't stop her, I can't help but grow a little upset as well, except my annoyance is for a reason.
Thirty minutes pass before we're all standing from the booth and bidding happy goodbyes before heading to our cars. Thankfully, Lucy and Rami didn't seem to notice me and Ben not speaking to each other, which is good since I wouldn't have known what to say. Meanwhile, Ben hasn't even spared a glance at me once and has chosen to practically ignore me with dull hums as answers to my questions. The ever-growing silence and distant attitude from Ben only further my frustration, and despite trying to pass it off and forget about it, Ben's not letting me by not responding to me.
Once we reach our home, I park the car and turn it off before we head out of the car and into the house, wordlessly. When we walk in, Frankie remains in her bed, feeling the apparent tension between her two owners as our footsteps sound a bit heavier and stiffer than usual. Walking past the couch, I toss my purse onto the plush seat and head straight to the bedroom. Surprisingly, Ben follows me, only stopping in his stride when I do so.
Turning around, I look at his flustered form and grow confused. His cheeks are red and puffy, almost as if he were huffing like a child, and his blond eyebrows are furrowed together in what seems to be aggravation. Not to mention his arms are crossed against his chest, causing the rolled sleeves of his shirt to stretch against his biceps as he taps his foot against the carpet soundlessly, almost like he's waiting for me to speak up, and so, I do.
"What is your problem?" I ask him, trying to sound as calm as ever, but unfortunately, a few hints of malice come out, making Ben let out an angered sigh.
"Oh, I don't know," He answers, shrugging his shoulders dramatically while shaking his head, his eyes squinted. "Other than the fact that you and the waiter were flirting when I left the table for a few seconds, I don't know what could ever be the problem!"
His words take me by shock. The waiter and I barely exchanged ten words - and none of them were even remotely flirtatious. I guess the term "hon'" could be considered flirty, but the guy seemed like he was just doing his job and being a nice person at the same time. Why is Ben getting so upset over this?
"We were not flirting!" I defend myself, my lips parted in utter disbelief. Ben barely listens to my words before speaking up once more.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" He imitates me from earlier in a high pitched voice while impersonating what could be considered a troubled and overly dramatic version of me.
"Oh, it's not a problem doll-face," This time, his voice seeps with venom in a raspier and less-deep tone than his usual voice. He must be impersonating the waiter.
Despite Ben using the wrong term, I still find myself shaking my head at his childish antics before shooting back. "Oh, so you were jealous of the damn waiter for merely talking to me whenever you were over by the bar, flirting back and forth with some chick while I was waiting for you!" I point out, crossing my arms before throwing my hand in front of me in a questioning manner. His face then plays the same shocked and almost confused reaction like mine does, making me scoff. "Wow, Ben, I can totally understand your reasoning."
"We weren't flirting back and forth!" He argues as if he were offended. His reddened cheeks puff in exasperation while he uncrosses his arms. "She told me she was a big fan of my work, and I thanked her!"
"Ben, she was staring at you with 'fuck me' eyes!" I sadly exclaim, throwing my hands up in an exasperated motion as tears fill my eyes. His face seems to soften at my sudden mood change. "And I didn't want to face the fact that I was jealous, but then, I started thinking about how easily I could lose you to any other woman that might come around and be better than me in every way," I slowly confess, turning my eyes to the floor beneath my feet. Ben then moves closer, wrapping his arms around me and gently pulling me close to him. Despite being so pissed at him, I feel my instincts take over as I nuzzle my head closer to his chest and slowly wrap my arms around his middle.
"And it hurt. So, yeah, I got lost in my own little world with my insecurities, and then the waiter came up, and I didn't hear him talking to me," Looking up at him, I stare into his green eyes as they stare down at me, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "I swear, Ben, I wasn't flirting with him-" Ben cuts me off.
"I know, I know, baby," Ben assures me, one of his hands rising from my waist to run his thumb over my cheek. "And, I swear, I wasn't flirting with that girl either," He promises me. "She was in my way of getting back to the table and then she started talking, and despite trying to get past her, the only way I got her to move over was whenever I smiled and thanked her over and over again. You are the only woman for me, for the rest of my life, and the only one I will ever need or want," He promises, staring down into my eyes with the utmost honesty just before he lets out a sigh. "When I walked closer and saw the waiter looking you up and down..." Ben goes on to explain, shaking his head and closing his eyes. "I hate to admit it, but I wanted to beat the living-shit out of that guy."
At his words, I giggle and stand on the tips of my toes to press my lips against Ben's soft ones. Instantly, he kisses me back as his hand on my cheek grows firmer and his arm around me pulls me closer, giving us no space between our bodies - just the way we like it.
After a few seconds of passionate kissing, we pull away, leaving us both breathless as his thumb slides up to brush over my now swollen bottom lip. "How were you able to tell that the woman was staring at me with 'fuck me' eyes from so far away?" He asks, his voice clouded with an almost cocky tone.
"Because I've been looking at you with the same gaze for the past two hours," I explain, watching a smirk make its way onto Ben's lips. Soon enough, I find myself being playfully tossed onto the bed while Ben makes his way down my body, lightly nipping at my thighs as he pushes the bottom of my dress upward, his hands lingering on my bottom as he does so.
"I don't know how I've been able to keep my hands off you this entire night," Ben confesses, "And, I have to admit," he starts, his green eyes peering over the bunched-up fabric of my dress. "even though I love this dress, I feel like ripping it off right now," He mutters, making me laugh. Despite his current animalistic feelings, I know he could never rip one of his favorite dresses of mine - he loves to see me in it too much.
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vixemi · 9 months
Idk if anyone will know what I’m talking about but I’m trying to find a imagine about Roger Taylor played by Ben Hardy who cheats on reader with a fan I believe. Let a girl know if you find it.
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gingersp1ce547 · 5 months
ok it’s jojoever i have brainrot now i need to assign stands to every qsmp eggs
ramon : Killer Queen - bombs + cat what more do i need to say
Chayanne : Pearl Jam - Just making extremely good food
Tallulah : Hermit Purple - Thorns design that reminds of Rose
Leo : Purple Haze - Color matches + rabid dog vibes
Sunny : Emerald green - using jewels to fight is perfect for her
Empanada : Paisley Park - don’t have an explanation, em just gives me yasuho vibes
Pepito : Bohemian Rhapsody - go make spider-man real king
Dapper : Gold experience - gruesomely killing your enemies with your knowledge of living creatures is such a dapper thing
Pomme : Sex Pistols - go my little sniper queen
Richas : Heaven’s door - Perfect for an artist with a taste for fofoca
Dude i saw the word sex pistols in the context of stands my brain went “part 5? PART 5!” Like a dog hearing its name being called so im more than happy to brain rot with you bout all of this!
-killer queen is so perfect for ramon. If he had it during the election arc, fit would have to have stopped him form making foolish a speck of ash on the floor after he arrested tazercraft
-chays fits so well from a symbolic, “stands are a reflection of ones soul” perspective too. Like even though he’s a warrior, at heart he the main thing he cares about is taking care of his family though both physical protection and just general wellbeing. Such a good pick for him
-Hermit purple is such a good pick with tallulah. Im imagining phil sighing as he pulls out another camera for her to destroy before they eventually start having super cheap ones on hand for that exact purpose
-Listen i see purple haze for leo, i get it i can see the vision. But my fugo loving brain refuses to let go of what purple haze means for him as a stand symbolically and wants to give it to q!cellbit EVEN THOUGH WERE ONLY TALKING ABOUT THE EGGS.
Anyways in context of only assigning stands to the eggs 100% i think she should get out purple haze, but if were talking about everyone i also think born this way would be a really good fit for her and i cant quite explain why outside of the vibes just mathcing in my head
-sunny would so be besties with emerald green. Like tubbo would have to not only give sunny stuff but also it. I can totally see her giving it a nickname and its own room and stuff
-Your so right about empanda having yasuho vibes. Something about the crypticness of the power of paisley park coupled with all the shit both the characters have been though mashes really well together
- Bohemian rhapsody is so fucking funny for pepito. Especially because like idk if youve ever read any jojo’s fanfics but theirs this really good one called chimera were long story short the ascended version of dio from eyes over heaven goes to another universe and just fucks with the dio their by basically forcing him on a part jumping self-betterment arc? Anyways during it the author had the reason ungalo’s life became so shit was because he accidentally used his stand to make the story of holes come true with him acting as the main character and now every tine i think about that stand i cant not think of that.
But anyways him and roier would abuse the fuck out of his stand and it would in fact be hilarious
-As a giorno lover, dapper is so giorno coded. He would be so fucking unstoppable with that stand even without it being its requiem version. I can so see him using it to fuck with his dad for funnsies too.
-Pomme would be so sweet to the pistols too, she would make sure they get the best treats. I think at first she would struggle with keeping them in line but with etoiles help she would be the perfect balance of stern and sweet.
-richas with heavens door would be the absolute worst. Like the biggest menace ever. He would use it on his parents to make it so they could never give him a bath again and then they would have to find a work around for what doesnt count as bath but still technically got him clean until their able to convince him to reverse it.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Sometimes I like to think about how some of our past jojo characters reacted to bohemian rhapsody in part 6. Just imagine walking outside and seeing generic anime character™ going at it with generic dc/marvel hero™ and going ah shit. here we go again. and just calling up all the relatives you know to see who the hell is behind this mess
-fanfic author anon
almost every person involved in Plot Things woke up that day, saw everything going on outside, and collectively decided "you know those days when you wake up and decide 'yeah this might as well happen'?"
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oraclechats · 8 months
I'M BACK. Life swept me away but I'm slowly listening to the eps I'm missing. Just finished the BorRap ep and I have some thoughts. First of all, I think that movie is terrible. It's bad. I saw it in theatre with my friends and I walked away thinking, eh-whatever. But I have to give the movie some merits because it did pull me in starting from the second act and I was very hyped when the First Aid scene came on. However, it's definitely super mid, verging toward terrible. So, secondly, imagine my fucking surprise when it was nominated for Best Picture. I was like, haha this is a prank, only to check the official website and see it there. HOLY shit, my jaw hit the floor. Did the US run out of movies that year for Best Picture???? Like, was there really no other movies that can take BorRaph's spot????? I had a moment just staring at the screen of my laptop and felt like I was in the Twillight Zone. (I can see Rami being nominated for Best Lead Actor tho, he was really good so I understand the nomination)
Thirdly, I caught wind of the BorRap fandom. I was taking a break from tumblr then, but it was kinda growing on twitter, that even tho I was in a very very different fandom space, I heard about it. Now hearing what I'm hearing from the podcast, quite eye-opening lmao. Like, when you discussed the fanfics... I was screaming in my head hahahahaha
Fourth, I have seen the 911 BoB/TP fic... and just not gonna click on it. Life's too short and all that.
it's especially egregious given the fact that that year was so stacked with movies that were Literally eons better than Bohemian Rhapsody. i was Literally just yelling about how that was supposed to be the year of BlacKkKlansman and instead it got double teamed by both Greenbook and BoRhap and it's truly the most disappointing shit in the world. like we can make the case rami Was the best performance in the category at the oscars but idek if I believe that anymore, given the fact that Vice was a movie i detested and Bale was still acting circles around Rami like staring wide-eyed at shit for two hours straight. not to Mention Bradley Cooper, who campaigned way too hard for Best Director when had he focused harder on trying to get Best Actor he would have been a shoo-in, and A Star is Born is Regrettably a movie that gets better every year in a way that BoRhap decidedly does not.
the globes are a joke at the best of times so the wins that night were pretty alright, but that Best Picture win and then subsequent oscar nom are just.....that chaps my ass my dudes. whole ass movie could have been written on a cocktail napkin like Showgirls (which is actually Way more fun to watch than BoRhap) 😘💃
and in regards to That 9/11 fic.....stay tuned lol
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I actually got into Queen bc of Sweeny Todd believe it or not. Despite being one of the most popular bands, y'know, EVER- i hadn't ever listened to queen on purpose. (Imagine my shock after realizing We Will Rock You, Champions, Bohemian Rhapsody, etc were all by the same people!!) Anyway, a mutual friend overheard me talking about Sweeny Todd so we got to talking about how much we enjoyed his witty lyrics. At some point we're talking about our favorite versions and covers and he shows me Freddie's cover of send in the clowns (he was already completely obsessed with him and Brian specifically). Obviously it wasn't the best audio quality but I still liked his voice and, bc of my aforementioned cluelessness, quipped that he should get into the music business. I'm sure you can imagine how it went from there...
lol, Sweeny anon again. just realized misspoke in that last ask. I really enjoyed his piano playing, and I liked his voice from some other clips he showed me immediately after.
Wait a minute, anon.
I never heard of Freddie doing “Send In the Clowns” before, so I looked on YouTube and found piano-only audio. Where does that audio come from? How do we know it’s from Freddie?
If it’s real, though, why the fuck did none of you tell me Freddie played a Stephen Sondheim song?
This appeals specifically to my brain!! Wtf!!! The piano performance is very emotional, though I wish we had vocals to go along with it. If it’s real, I’m actually not surprised that “Send In the Clowns” would resonate with Freddie. This feels like a tidbit in a fanfic my extremely specific interests would churn out lmao. I wonder if Freddie also liked “Being Alive”?
Anyway, back to your larger point. Yes! You get it! I swear, the reason why I like both Queen and Sondheim is because a lot of their music was smart. Both had more simplistic songs, of course, but also quite musically complex songs with clever lyrics. Granted, I never sat down to listen to other bands’ discography much, but I have a feeling a wouldn’t like many other bands besides Queen if their music lacked that theatrical element of complex music with smart lyrics. The Queen-to-theater pipeline is a thing lol
I wonder how Freddie would’ve felt about Sweeney? Maybe he’d think it was delightfully morbid lol. After all, the tone Sondheim originally went for was intentional melodrama, and Freddie loved that!
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sappymix1 · 1 year
they definitely could. i went to a concert in one of the places for a diff artist before, and they were playing random songs while waiting for the opening artist to come out. i can imagine it already: the lights glow pink, blue, green with those circle-y patterns, heatwaves comes in, everyone is vibing! then the band walks up to the stage to warm up and spotlight (or everest) instrumentals start before dream comes in to sing his first song!!!
yeah that’s how it is at almost ever concert i go to! the venue will generally play stuff but for some bands they’ll choose a specific song that plays before they start every night :) like green day with bohemian rhapsody. except instead of green day this would be dream minecraft. and instead of bohemian rhapsody it would be the song from the angsty fanfic abt him and his bf
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mightyfineblog · 6 years
‘Pulse’ Ben Hardy x Reader
Summary: Getting caught in the act, Ben won’t let you slip away that easily. He teases and denies you the greatest pleasure all day and night.
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: SMUT, daddy kink, toys, control, denial, overstimulation, degradation, a slap. Basically FILTH to the MAX.
So here is it. Enjoy:
“Princess, I’m home” Ben closed the door behind his back. “Y/N, are you home, babe?” he looked around the living room to find it empty.
Coming up by the bedroom, he heard noise. Frowning, his heart dropped, before placing his hand on the door knob.  He was sure he heard moans, your moans. With a gulp, he opened a crack hesitantly, before completely coming onto the door frame. He sat there, completely in awe of the view before his eyes.
You, spread on the satin sheets, wearing his favourite sheen black shirt. He bit a lip as he looked you up and down, studying your activity. In the middle of the bed, you were laying with eyes were closed, head thrown back onto a pillow, hair messy. Looking further down, your left hand was squeezing your breast, thumb and index fingers working your nipple. Rolling it, pinching, squeezing. Your mouth was open, whispering his name “Oh Ben. Please Ben, right there baby”.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest as, his graze continued to go lower. Your legs were nicely apart, knees high. Your right hand, oh two fingers were buried deep inside of your evident wetness. They were steadily pounding, as your hips were moving up to meet your palm.
Ben frowned even more, and cleared his throat. Lifting an eyebrow, he spoke “Already started without me?”.
“Fuck!” you opened your eyes, but after the moment of shock was gone, you smirked as you continued even louder. “Do you like watching, Mr. Hardy?” you moaned.
He was furious, but kept his cool, as he came to sit next to you. Grabbing your hands in his fist, you whined, at the loss of pleasure. With both wrists he brought you to meet him.
“Oh babygirl” he cooed “You’ve no idea, how much, I’d love to watch you.”
You tried to meet his lips, but he was faster to crash and push your down again. You wiggled underneath his touch. He was strong and demanding, completely dominating your kiss. He pulled away and looked deep into your eyes, before groaning. His lips went straight to your neck, while his fist kept your wrists together between your breasts. He nipped and sucked, making you clench your thighs, needing more.
“Ben” you whined.
“You need something doll?” his lips were sucking on the soft skin underneath your collarbone.
“I need you” you whined again.
“Do you now?” he cooed.
“Yes, I’ve thought about you all day” you confessed.
He pulled away and hovered his lips over yours “Seemed like you were doing just perfectly without me, eh?”
“No, no, I need you” you puppy eyed him.
“Gotta earn it, love. But right now, all you earned is punishment, for starting without me.” He left you hot and bothered, all panting. At the door, he turned around “Oh, we’re going for dinner in an hour. Get ready. You’ll get what you deserve.”
You wanted to scream at the thoughts what he had in mind for you. But for now, you decided to follow his order.
After a quick cold shower to calm yourself down, you wanted to consult with your boyfriend about the dress code of wherever you were going.
“Ben, babe” you skipped to him in the kitchen. He making was coffee.
“What’s up doll?” he kissed you, like nothing happened earlier.
“Was wondering, what should I wear?” you snuggled under his arm, pressing a kiss onto his neck. One hand on his lower back, while the other casually leaning on his chest.
He kissed your temple “Something sexy, angel. We’re going to Sketch.”
You chuckled and grinned widely at him “I loove the place.” You jumped on your toes to give him a kiss on the lips. He tasted like sour coffee, because he never put sugar in it. Licking your lips you bit them, and cocked your head to the side.
“Mighty impatient today, aren’t we?” he smiled devilishly.
“You make me wet, just thinking about you.” You cooed and kissed him again.
He pulled you away “Hurry up now, love. Don’t wanna be late. Put the glitzy mini on” he smirked and slapped your arse away. You giggled and ran to get dressed.
Once you were ready, all dolled up, really cute, you casually stepped down the stairs, into the living room. Ben was sat on the sofa opposite the staircase. His expression was an open book. Eyes undressing you, lips pressed together. You felt powerful at this moment, despite of earlier. Propping yourself between his legs, you placed hands on his shoulders “Ready, Ben?”
“There’s one more thing, before we go.” He smirked. His hands went searching for something in his pockets, while you patiently waited.
“Close your eyes, baby girl.” He bit his lip. “And hold out your hands”
You did as told, standing with open hands, you felt something soft and rubbery being placed in your palms. Flickering your eyes open you were in awe.
“What in the Devil’s name is this?” you stared at the curvy pink ‘toy’.
“This my darling, will go in your tiny-iny knickers.” He carefully started. “And then, you’ll see how it works.” He licked his lips, head cocked to the side. “What do you say, angel?”
You stayed in awe for a few more moments, processing the situation. Until you eventually nodded. He nodded while his mouth mimicked talking.
“How do I put it on?” you breathed out. He smiled devilishly “Let me.”
He took it off your hands, as they fell to the side, unsure what exactly to do.
He slid on his knees “Open, love” he tapped your thighs. Spreading your legs apart, you waited. Ben rolled up your dress and smiled at your lacy underwear. You placed your hands on his shoulders, to keep steady, as your legs went further apart, giving him more access. He tugged at the hem of your knickers and hummed. Sliding the curved toy between your folds, you let a small moan. Finally positioning it up to your core, it was set in place. Nicely pressed against the rougher skin of your inside, the rounder part of the toy was hugging your curve perfectly like two curved fingers, meanwhile the smaller part fell on place right on your clit.
He smiled as he repositioned your underwear and dress. Standing up, he placed a kiss on your bare shoulder. His hand went to the back of your neck, as his lips pecked yours, carefully not to ruin your lipstick.
“Now, now. Your punishment starts tonight.” He threw and arm around your shoulders, prompting you to walk out.
“Ou” you sighed as you made a few steps.
“How does it feel, baby?” he cooed as he locked the door.
You gulped “Weird. New. Good”.
He hummed. On the way to the restaurant, he didn’t stop grinning, while you still felt quite embarrassed.
On a red light, he took his phone out, grinning as wide as you never seen him. He was onto something.
“Aaah” you squeaked, suddenly feeling light vibrations from new tool between your legs.
“So you control it with your phone?” you lifted a brow.
“Technology these days, darling” he grinned, as the lights turned green and he sped up, forcing your head to fall flat on the seat.
Once at Sketch, he decided to give you some time off at first, to not know when he would turn it on. Meeting with the rest of the boys, you were shown to your booth. The place was amazing, very sultry and chic. It’s pink velvet décor, always made you feel extravagant. Tonight though, you couldn’t focus on else, but the thing between your legs and your boyfriend.
You sat next to him, clinging onto him, like a puppy. He played a few times with the settings, which made your jaw clench and your core pool in wetness. You knew this was going to be your punishment, but decided to not give up that easily.
Your hand would slide off from time to time under the table, and grab on his thigh. You squeezed his trousers in your fist, when he turned the setting higher.
“Ben” you murmured through clenched teeth “Don’t you think it’s too late, we have an early day tomorrow?!”
“Nah, angel, the night is still young.” He poked your nose.
You were growing impatient, so when he turned up the strength of vibration high again, your hand squeezed his crotch. You wanted to let him know how you feel, in public.
He gave you a sharp look, warning you to play nice. Your grip loosened when he turned it down. But then again to the highest setting, making you squeak in high-pitched voice.
“Everything alright, Y/N?” Joe across the table frowned.
“Um, yeah” you tried to keep it together “Just need some fresh air, ‘tis all” you nodded. “Right, Ben?” your eyes wandered to meet his.
“You sure, love?” he seriously asked back.
“Let’s go get some fresh air, shall we?” you tried not to pant.
“After you m’lady.” He extended his arm for you. Gracefully taking it, you faked a smile  as you tried not to stumble on your way out. Once outside, he pulled you into the dark alley nearby.
Pinning your body to the wall, he grinned, then bit his lip. You panted even more, as he brought up his phone and sped the vibration up.
“Fuck, Ben” you squirmed under him.
His lips hovered over yours, he was lustful and dominating, but you couldn’t cohere do to anything about it. The throbbing in your core was getting stronger.
“How does that feel, baby girl?” he cooed at your neck “Do you really think, I’d let your little tantrum slip away that easily? That’s your punishment for being a bad girl.”
“I’ll be good, I won’t do it ever again without your permission, I promise” you whined, as your hands reached for his neck. Your back arched, eyes felt heavy, your mouth was shamelessly open. The knot in your stomach was building up, as the vibrations were right on the two places where you needed them the most.
You went to moan louder, but Ben’s hand shut your mouth “Look at me” he demanded, so you opened your eyes, but suddenly it stopped. You whined in protest, but he was keeping your mouth shut.
“See, I was willing to let you come tonight, right here, on the street. But, your neediness during dinner, only made it worse for you.” His voice stern. “Now keep your little mouth shut, or else.” He pulled away and dragged you behind him back in the restaurant.
Once back at your table, you were growing very frustrated. Your hand was constantly on his neck, you tried to kiss him whenever you could. All just make him give in.
The boys were noticing, and giggling at the desperate sight of you.
“Mate, how long haven’t you satisfied Y/N? She’s melting on you.” Rami cackled at Ben.
He just shook his head and murmured under his nose “Careful, mate.” He then took your hands and put them in your lap. His rough hand was keeping your wrists together, unable to move. You whined, not giving a damn that you were in public. Ben sat his fork down, and sighed.
“I think we’ll call it a night.” Then turned to you “Right, sweetie?”, his voice was deep and husky. You swallowed and nodded.
Once back at the flat, he acted as nothing had happened, like he hadn’t tortured you all day and night. He casually striped off his clothes and laid on the bed. His back flat against the headboard, phone on the bedside table, he was clicking on his laptop.
You ran straight to the bathroom, stripping off your clothes, you wanted him, you needed him and this punishment was playing on your last nerve. So, deciding to take matters into your own hands, you were going to seduce him in a way you knew he’d give in. Putting on the sexiest lingerie you had, plumping your lips a little, running your hands through your hair to add some volume. You leaned against the door frame. With one arm on your hip, you swung your legs toward him.
He lifted his eyes and looked you up and down, before piercing your graze with warning look. You shrugged a little, but decided to go on.
Crawling onto the bed on all fours, you made your way up to his hips. Lowering yourself between his knees you perched your arse in the air. He lifted his eyes over the screen and admired the view in front of him. You hissed and went to nip on his thighs, running your hands with long strokes, you were sure he’d give in.
Way to go girl.
He shut the laptop and threw it to the side. Cocking his head, his lips pressed together “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Getting what I want” you moaned extremely close to his shaft. When your hand reached to palm his boxers, he grabbed it in the air and lifted you up. Pulling you close to him he examined your existence.
“Now, now, doll. You just violated your rights. You want to come? Is that what you want?”
You nodded eagerly.
He shoved you to the side and stood up. “Apologise. Now” his voice stern.
You crawled up to him “I’m sorry”.
“Sorry, what?”
“Sorry, daddy” you purred.
“I don’ think you’re sorry, yet. Lay on your back.”
You obeyed.
He took a silver ribbon and straddled you. Pinning your hands above your head. He tied them up in a nice, firm bow. “Keep ‘em there” he ordered and hovered over your lips.
His hands run up and down your arms a few times, while his lips were kissing everywhere on your face, but your lips. You whimpered. His thumb shushed your lips. Pulling away he observed your sight. “My, my, so eager” he shook his head.
He ran his tongue along your neck, tasting your heavy perfume on your pulsating veins. Soon enough, his lips found your breasts. He nipped at your nipples through the lacy fabric of your bra. Both of his hands squeezed each boob, which made you moan.
His mouth travelled down to your navel, but stopped before reaching your heat.
Abruptly he pulled away and went to the drawer. Pulling out shiny vibrator, he turned it on the lowest setting. You looked with dripping mouth.
“Gonna be a good girl now?” his husky voice pierced your ears.
“Y-yes” you managed, while bracing yourself for what’s to come.
“Give daddy a show, and you’ll be rewarded.” He put the vibrator straight on top of your lacy thong. The vibrations were making your pulse go wild. You found yourself lifting your hips to get more friction. Instead he pushed you down and changed the setting to the hardest. “Don’t move, princess”
You whined, with shut eyes you tossed your head back. Pulling your tied wrists forward, his hand pinned them above your head again. “Said, don’t move”
“Fuck, Ben, daddy! Please. I can’t take this anymore” you cried out, as your legs began to shake. He abruptly pulled away, which made you curse even more.
Sliding off your thong, he held it in his fist. Leaning down, he licked his lips “Glistening and dripping, all for me” closing his eyes, his tongue licked harshly between your folds up to your throbbing clit, feeling the over sensitive bud. You cried out in frustration.
“Keep your little mouth shut” he ordered. Straightening you up, he untied your hands and rubbed your wrists, feeling your pulse on your, now evident veins.
He flipped you over and steadied you on all fours. Rubbing your bum, he shoved down his boxers and sprung his hard cock free. Groaning from deep within, his one hand kept your bum, while the other pumped his erection a few times.
You whined from anticipation “Daddy, come oon”.
“Ready princess?”
“As ever” you clenched your jaw.
He pushed hard, all the way in, making you yelp. Not giving you time to adjust he started thrusting mercilessly.  Both hands spreading your bum cheeks, he admired your little cunt.
“God! Your tight pussy. Needing some stretching, don’t you?” he pulled all the way out and pushed again, making you fall flat on your chest.
“Up, doll.” He grabbed your waist and pulled you up again to meet his hips. His pace was fast, furious, angry and needy.
He grabbed your hair in his fist and pulled your head back, making your back arch. “Fuck, daddy” you whined. “You like that? Hmm? That what you wanted?” he grunted in your ear.
Before you could speak, you felt the hard vibrations against your swollen clit once again.
“Fuuck!! Daddy” you cried out. “Can’t. Fuck!”
Tears were falling from the corners of your eyes, as the sensation was becoming too much at this point.
He pulled you hair again and cooed “Poor baby girl. Look at you, can’t handle daddy, making you cum. Hmm? After you begged so much?”
You were screaming incoherently as your walls tightened on his cock, which never slowed down. “Need you to come around my cock, my little slut” he whispered, pushing you over the edge. “Who do you belong to?”
“You, Ben. All yours.” you screamed.
You kept crying as your body didn’t stop shaking. It was the most intense orgasm you ever had. Through closed eyes, you saw stars, your body was uncontrollably trembling, the only thing keeping you in place, was his strong grip.
As he rode out your orgasm, he was finding his. “Can you take daddy’s cum?” he slapped your bum cheek. Your head fell down of your shoulders “Y-y-yes”.
With one final thrust, his hands let go of your hips, pushing you down on your face, he released his hot mess. The hot liquid covered your walls, making you clench around him once again, as he fucked you.
Grunting behind you, he pulled out, leaking it down your shaky legs. He stood for a while catching his breath, before laying on his back next to you.
He pulled you under his arm, as you sobbed on his sweaty chest. After a few more minutes, he stroked your hair as his other hand cupped your cheek, making eye contact with you. You reached and placed a kiss on his swollen red lips.
“Did I hurt you, babe?” He was back to his soft and caring self.
You shook your head, unable to form a sentence. He straightened his back against the headboard, taking your whimpering body in. You laid your head in the crook of his neck “God, I love you so much, Ben.”
“I LOVE YOU MORE” he softly spoke, rubbing your back.
“Let’s get cleaned up babygirl.” He stood off, reaching for your hand.
You tried to stand up, but stumbled. Catching you in his arms, he carried you to the bathroom.
Running a hot bath, he laid with you between his legs, leaving you to lay your back against his strong chest.. Letting the hot water soothe your sore bodies, you cuddled for dear life.
Oh god, I’ll rot in hell. Please, please tell me what you think. Any feedback.
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justiceformeplease · 2 years
Ben hardy x reader beach day
Warnings:kinda bad description of getting stung by jellyfish (i never got stung so uh ye)😭 and fluff
Word count: 843
I know it's autumn but there's still a heatwave in my country
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You and Ben were at the beach Because of how hot it was, even though you had an umbrella, it felt as if your skin was melting into the blanket you were lying on. While Ben was gone, probably in the water swimming trying to cool off, you really wanted to go ahead and jump into the water, but because of the heat, you felt too exhausted to even get up.
A few minutes went by and you saw Ben run up to you like he wanted something. "Everything OK?" You asked casually, "oh ye ye, you know everything is fine." It went silent for a second. You were about to speak again but you got picked up by Ben bridal style and you squealed in surprise, "what are you doing baby?" You didn't want to go to the water, you didn't want to swim, and you were trying so hard to get out of his tight grasp on you but it was impossible and as he got closer to the shore you held on to him tighter "Ben nooo pleasee!" you begged him to let you go but he didn't budge and all of a sudden you were falling and landed in the water "BEN!" You shrieked trying to chase him down.
You were wrapped in a towel because of how soaked you were, and you had Ben hugging you from the side, laughing lightly. You grumbled, "It's not funny, I look like a wet rat." You grumbled, "It is kinda funny tho." You were pouting and looked at Ben and he just smiled and booped your nose.
After a little bit of drying off, you dragged Ben along with you as you strolled around the beach, stopping frequently to pick lovely shells that you would then show him with a wide grin "Benny!" Ben was admiring the shell you had gathered when you said, "Look at this one, it's so gorgeous" "So pretty." Ben replied admiring the smile on your face. You and Ben continued to walk the beach hand in hand while you both collected shells and you didn't realize he was talking about you, not the shell and how pretty you were.
As you were picking up shells, you were going to pick up another one when all of a sudden you stepped on something and it made your foot sting. "Ouch!" You yelped as Ben, who was a bit behind you, came rushing to your side asking if you were OK. "What happened?" "Did you get hurt?" You looked down to see what you had stepped on, and it was a jellyfish! Ben followed your eyes and saw what you stepped on, so he asked you to sit down on the dry part of the sand so he could see your foot. It was a reddish-purple colour and it was a bit swollen. You were trying to keep it together in tears as it did hurt quite a lot. "Yep, we'll have to cut the leg off, babe." You shrieked, "I'm kidding." Ben laughed, "but we have to get you home so I can put an ice pack on it."
The car ride home was about 20 minutes, so Ben put on some music "Ben this song is so bad change it please" Ben gasped dramatically and put his hand on his chest like somebody had shot him, you giggled "how dare you y/n y/l/n say that this song is bad it's one of the greatest songs to ever be made in history!" You sighed"fine but after this song I'm putting on my song which will be so much better than this weird grandpa music" "GRANDPA MUSIC!" Ben gasped shockingly again "i have never heard such fool language" he tutted, which made you and him laugh together.
When you got to Ben's house, he helped you walk to the couch because it stung anytime you put pressure on your foot. You layed down on the couch, and Ben went to the kitchen to get a pack of ice. When he came back, He sat himself carefully under your legs so your legs were perched up on his lap and he could slowly put the bag of ice on your foot, and as he did, you winced a bit, but you were overcom with the soothing feeling of the ice on your stung foot. Ben decided to turn on a movie to distract you from the pain a bit, maybe.
two hours later, the movie was finished and the sun was already starting to set. Ben looked over at you, about to ask something when he noticed that you had dozed off to sleep. He decided to not disturb you, so he carefully put the ice bag on the coffee table and lifted you up, bridal style, very slowly as to not wake you up. He got to his bedroom and put you down on his bed. After he put you in bed he also got in bed himself and fell asleep with you cuddling together.
I'm thinking about making a Joe mazzello fic maybe?? Idk how do you guys feel about that 🤨
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deaksownthis · 3 years
I wonder how many times y/n has gotten a UTI for not peeing after sex
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader oneshot where Joe and reader take their 1 year old daughter to an amusement park and Joe goes on the kid rides with his daughter while reader watches with a big smile and takes lots of pictures and videos of them and while watching her little family, reader remembers how she met Joe in college and it was love at first sight?
Sure thing! I hope you like it!
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The reader here identifies and presents as female.
Word Count: 1K
Warnings: Some swearing, babies, but just a lot of fluff.
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It was a bright day at Disneyworld. The sun shining so high it hurt a little. It was hot and Joe’s arms looked a little sunburnt, but you had too much fun to care about that. He said there would be aloe vera later. What mattered now was how much fun you were having, especially with your little girl on your side.
Already she was one year old, and the trip was made for all of you to have fun as a family. Would she not remember this? Maybe not, but you would! Even as you rolled her in on the stroller, she was smiling, and her big eyes were looking everywhere. So many bright, pastel sights, caramel smells, and loud, joyful music caused her to kick her chubby legs in delight.
“Hey look there!” Joe pointed out.
There was a ride full of bright pastel teacups spinning around on a wheel as the riders inside made the teacup itself spin. It played the colorful, whimsical opening of “Very Merry Unbirthday” delightfully as the riders cheered.
“This looks fun, doesn’t it! And the Disney Adult blog I read has it listed as safe for her age- she can go!” Joe insisted.
Before the trip, Joe researched Disney World religiously. He wrote down and planned every detail to the hour of your trip. He insisted Disney was different from your average run-of-the-mill amusement park. You had to plan and secure Fast Passes for any of the Good Stuff ™ and even figure out which characters would be there that day. Any baby could take a cute picture with one of them and your phone was full of your daughter with smiling princesses and button-nosed animals.
Rides were different.  But with a little one year old girl, the Mountain Roller Coasters were out of the question. He made a list of rides that she could go on with you and you tackled them all, braving lines that were only forty minutes as opposed to the usual two hours from Joe’s Machiavellian Fast Pass and hour strategy. You went on Small World, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Country Bear Jamboree, Winnie The Pooh (your daughter’s personal favorite so far!), Jungle Cruise, and Peter Pan. Now you were tired of rides for the moment, but Joe wanted your daughter to experience every ride she could- and The Teacups were next on the list. You had all just braved long lines to get some refreshing lemonade on this hot day. Joe’s dole whip was already devoured and discarded in the trash bin nearby.
“You go on ahead, I just would like my drink.”
“Are you sure, Y/N?” Joe asked.
“Yes, I am! Go have fun with your daughter!” you said.
All of you were wearing matching shirts with your own color-coded Mickey ears, sunglasses, shorts, and comfy walking shoes. Joe scooped the girl in his arms.
There’s a kiddie ride and you’re in that section. Yes, it was tiring, but it was fun and bright. Above all were two things: one, your daughter got to experience it and have fun. And secondly, Joe, who’s a giant kid himself got to experience it and have fun.
You sat there, sipping the Lemonade. It was so sweet it took everything in you not to just chug it down in a second. You watched as Joe, carrying your little girl, was progressing closer and closer to the ride. Indeed, he found way to keep her entertained. He even pointed to where you were sitting with the stroller. He waved with his hand and your daughter followed suit, smiling. She was indeed a wonderful combination. The best of Joe and the best of You all rolled up into one person. She was a miracle and the love of your lives.
It still took a little while. Looking through the photos taken so far today, there was so much genuine love it beamed off of Joe’s smile. The way you looked at each other like you were good enough to eat as you took photos in front of Cinderella’s Castle. Then when your daughter was with Daddy to meet her favorite characters, she was either beaming with her big eyes or shyly cuddling dad for comfort.
He made his way up and the Cast Member secured both dad and baby were secure onto the ride. Even the cast member seemed to smile and fall under your daughter’s cute smile.
You glanced to your right, seeing one parkgoer, dressed in the purple and yellow colors quoting Rapunzel with Flower crown ears watching the ride while snacking on a Giant, Mickey Shaped Pretzel. You struggled not to laugh at the irony, considering how you and Joe met.
They were serving giant, soft pretzels at the cafeteria and you were excited. After a hard, long morning of classes you were starving and it sounded amazing to you. It was one of the few cafeteria foods that wasn’t absolute shit.
So you got over there, ready for that pretzelly goodness. Facing another line that was too damn long. When you finally got to the promised land of that area…there was only one.
You reached to get it when you saw a white hand meet yours to touch the pretzel. It grazed against your own instead.
Who on earth would want your pretzel! They had some nerve! You turned to them only to find the cutest boy you had ever laid eyes on. Yes, there were ripped, hot guys. Yes, there were suave, tall-dark-and-handsome types. But this guy was…approachable. Human. Yet divine all the same. He was a  red-haired boy with hazel eyes, a sharp nose, and of medium height.
His eyes widened, looking right back at you, piercing into you. For a second you just stared at each other. Then, snapped back to reality, you turned your head to the single pretzel. His own followed yours.
Sweeping with your hand to present it, you said  “you should have the pretzel”
He shook his head.
“No- you, should get it!”
 “No, you!”
Your heart picked up as the words flew out.
“How about we split it?”
You couldn’t let such a cute, seemingly single guy get away from you!
He let out a little laugh and a smile. “Why, sure thing! Doesn’t bug me at all!”
Using tongs, you got the pretzel on your plate. Then taking a silver knife, you cut it in half and gave it to him.
“Here you go,” you said.
“Are you…are you sitting with anyone?”
“No” you replied.
“Well, neither am I…”
“I don’t even know your name!” you insisted.
“Name’s Joe.”
“I’m Y/N.”
Both of you found a spot and were chatting, getting to know each other. Joe was easy to talk to and always listened to what you had to say. He was studying film. Oh God, please not a film bro, you prayed quietly as you chewed on your soft pretzel. Thankfully, his tastes were not full of four-hour slogs or hour-long exploitation films trying to pass sexual violence as art. No, not at all! He was very sweet and bright with excellent taste. In fact, he was an actor!
“No way, what were you in?” you asked.
“The biggest one was when I was a kid…I was Tim in Jurassic Park!”
“No! Shut up! With Laura Dern and Jeff Golblum??”
“Yup! He even gave me a Beatles album!”
You had gotten up to go get some dessert to continue the conversation, but your foot caught onto a puddle of slippery Coca Cola spilled onto the floor. Your foot lost its stability and you started to trip.
That is, until Joe reached down to catch you with his arms.
Just from that look, feeling safe in his arms- his eyes piercing yours and yours piercing his, you knew you found someone truly different.
“WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Joe cried.
His voice cut you back to the present day. Joe was cheering on the teacups as happily and passionately as any roller coaster. Your daughter let out a laugh and in her security seat, even she was lifting her chubby arms to enjoy the ride. The wind whipped through them as they spiraled in their purple teacup.
Thank God for the soft pretzel. Thank God for the soda on the floor. Such small things, yet they led you to such indescribable happiness and the two people who loved you and who you loved in turn more than anything.
Taglist: @seraphicmercury @queenlover05 @yourlocalmusicalprostitute
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michelle-is-writing · 7 months
Family, Ben Hardy
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Word Count: 1.8k~
Warnings: mention of having kids, all of the family members are made up.
Ben's family wasn't gigantic, as he didn't have many siblings; however, he did have a lot of cousins who also had a lot of kids, which he still considered to be his nieces and nephews. This meant that family gatherings were always full of small children running around playing, occasionally getting an adult to join them in their fun activities. Sometimes it would be one of Ben's younger cousins, but because Ben loved his nieces and nephews to death (and he could never say no to them), he was the primary target of their games.
Upon walking onto Ben's parent's back patio with him beside me, I quickly give him a kiss on the lips just as one of his six-year-old nieces runs up and tries to drag him onto the yard where all the kids play football (or soccer, if you're in America). Smiling, he gives me one quick wave before blowing a kiss and yelling, "I love you!" It's nothing unusual - all of the kids love Ben.
It's only a matter of seconds before Ben is rolling around in the grass with his nephews and nieces as he playfully fights for the ball they're trying to hide from him. The sight makes me smile as the overwhelming sense of love I have for Ben rushes over me, causing my heart to beat like a hummingbird. Not to mention the slowly growing baby in my womb happens to make every sweet scene ten times more emotional as well.
"He sure does love kids," I hear a sweet voice say beside me, causing me to turn my head and see Ben's mom beside me. Almost immediately, I hug her, smiling as she hugs me back and holds me close, her sweet demeanor reflecting the one that Ben has. "When are you two going to have some?" She asks with a laugh, rubbing her hand on my shoulder.
Biting my lip, I pull away from the hug with an even brighter smile before answering. "Hopefully," I tell Ben's mom, taking her hand in mine before pressing it to my stomach. "This one will be here within the next six to seven months."
Almost instantly, she picks up on the blatant revelation before gasping with a grin and hugging me again, almost jumping out of her shoes. "This is wonderful!" She nearly shouts, making me laugh. Pulling back once more, she puts her hands on my shoulders to look at me. "You're pregnant!" She squeals, tears making their way to my eyes at her excitement.
"Ben doesn't know yet," I quickly tell her, receiving a confused look back from her in response. "I wanted to surprise him this weekend, and I just found out a few days ago," I explain as she moves a hand up to rest on my shoulder. With my explanation, she nods and smiles, placing her other hand on my stomach once more.
"You're not that far, are you?" She asks, receiving a head shake back from me.
"No, I think I'm only eight weeks along," I tell her, watching her light up as she turns her head toward Ben's dad as he walks closer.
"Honey, honey!" She beckons him over with a wave of her hand. Smiling, he stops beside her as she takes his hand in hers and places it against my stomach, just as I had done with her moments ago. "We're going to be grandparents!" She whisper-shouts to him with the same excited grin from moments ago.
Just like her, Ben's dad smiles brightly before hugging me, giving my back a few pats before pulling away. "That's fantastic," He says, hugging his wife to his side. "Although, I can tell Ben doesn't know yet."
With a confused smile, I question him, gaining an amused chuckle back. "I think if he knew, he wouldn't let you out of his sight," He explains, making both me and Ben's mom laugh. He's probably right.
Soon enough, Ben's parents go and greet other members of the family while I turn back to watch Ben play with the kids. It's nothing unusual to see the kids try and topple him over, and after a minute of them doing so, he always falls over purposely to make the kids laugh and feel victorious.
Although, what isn't normal is to see one of Ben's nephews, Jeremy, by himself in the garden area. From afar, he looks upset. You can tell by his hunched over form that he's trying to hide himself from the rest, and the sight alone makes me sad. Everyone else is having so much fun - so, why is he trying to be alone?
Walking down the steps of the patio, I walk across the pure green lawn and step onto the concrete stairs of the garden before sitting down beside the small boy. Jeremy glances over at me, only to quickly wipe away his tears.
"Jeremy, honey, what's wrong?" I quickly ask the small boy, placing my hand on his back, which prompts him to lean closer to me. Ben and I have been around these kids since they were little and could barely crawl, it was only expected that they grew close to us.
"Nothing, Auntie (Y/n)," He promises, despite his voice wavering. I frown at this, running my hand over his arm as he rests his head on my arm, trying hard not to resume crying.
"Jer, I know it's not "nothing" - it has to be something," I urge him, looking down to see him closing his puffy and red eyes. I need to know if something is really wrong with him.
After a few seconds, the seven-year-old lets out a sigh before talking. "Everyone is better than me," Jeremy mutters, kicking away a pebble with a gentle nudge of his foot.
"Why do you say that?" I ask, pushing away the hair that had fallen in his face.
"Because they are!" Jeremy practically thunders, only to quickly apologize at his outburst. "It's just... I'm not good at football like Uncle Ben or my cousins..." He further explains, "I'm not good at sports at all, really... everyone's just better than me at everything."
Not knowing what the right thing to do is, I do the first thing that comes to mind and pull him closer to me. "No, they aren't," I tell him, quickly resuming as he begins to cut me off. "And do you want to know something?"
"What?" The seven-year-old asks, peering up at me through crystal green eyes, just like Ben and Ben's father. It must be something passed down in the family; maybe mine and Ben's child will have his forest-like eyes as well.
"I think you are good at sports, but sports don't really matter - what matters is that you are such a kind, soft hearted boy who doesn't deserve to be sad ever," I begin, smiling down at him. "So, don't worry about sports, there are much more important things to worry about. Okay?"
A few seconds pass as Jeremy ponders my words before smiling brightly and practically jumping up from the garden steps. I was expecting him to be a bit cheerier, but I wasn't expecting a total turnaround in his sullen attitude. "Thanks, Auntie (Y/n)! You're gonna be the best mom!" The little boy shouts before running off to join the other kids in what I could assume is another game of football.
Meanwhile, I continue sitting in my spot on the stone steps, thinking about Jeremy's words just as he had done with mine. Smiling to myself, I miss the larger body moving to sit next to mine just before I jolt as I feel familiar arms wrap around me and pull me close. Jerking my head up to see who it is, I let out a small laugh once I see Ben's face, his blond locks matted against his forehead from sweat.
Smiling, Ben gazes down at me as his chest lightly heaves with each breath that enters and leaves his lips. The kids probably did a number on him, going by his reddened cheeks and panting. Not to mention the small drops of sweat sliding down his flustered skin and onto his (what used to be a nice) jumper.
"I heard what you told Jeremy," Ben mutters, moving close to press his lips against my temple. He then moves his hand to my stomach, causing me to accidentally hold my breath. "You are going to be a fantastic mom one day."
Just like earlier with his mom, tears begin forming in my eyes as I wrap my hand around his larger one on my stomach. Glancing back up at him, his eyebrows furrow once he sees my tear-laced eyes. Before he can ask me anything, I quickly explain myself. "Hopefully, in thirty-two weeks, I'll have the opportunity to do so," I tell him, watching as he slightly leans back a bit to look over me.
"Are you...?" He begins, only to stop himself as I nod. Almost instantly, a grin takes over Ben's features as he pulls me against him, moving his lips on top of mine while his arms hold me tightly against him. The tears in my eyes then fall without hesitation just as he moves to wipe them away.
"I'm so happy, darling," He tells me, standing and taking me with him as the grin returns to his face. As soon as I'm on my feet, Ben rewraps an arm around me and pulls me close, causing me to gaze up at him with an almost dopey smile. "No wonder Mum hasn't been able to stop grinning," he notes, giving my side a gentle squeeze before we both step back onto the lawn.
As soon as we do so, the kids run back to Ben and try to tug on my hand. "Auntie (Y/n)!" Berniece, one of our younger nieces, grins up at me. "Can you come and play?"
"Actually, Auntie (Y/n) was about to go rest," Ben tells the kids, making me turn to him with an eyebrow raised. Although, I can't help the smirk that comes to my lips - sure enough, Ben's dad was right. "In fact..." Ben mutters just before bending down to place his other arm under my legs and pick me up, resulting in me quickly gripping onto him for my life.
"Ben!" I shriek his name, making all the kids laugh. Ben just continues smiling as he looks at me in his arms, his dad's loud and happy voice from the porch following the sound of the kids' laughter.
"What did I tell you?!"
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borhap-au · 3 years
Stargazing with Ben. 
“So what’s that one?” Ben pointed at the sky, showing you a random set of stars. It was well into the night, you were lying on a blanket, on a hill. You wanted to show him everything uncle Brian taught you about cosmos when you were a little girl.
“You’re looking at it all wrong,” you chuckled quietly, shaking your head. “Those are two different constellations. They’re called Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Look, there is its head, and the rest is its body.” You got closer to him and pointed with your finger exactly where the stars were. He nodded his head, understanding more or less where they were located.
“What’s an Ursa?” he asked, looking at you. He smiled, but it was one of those smiles reserved only for people whose view makes one’s heart skip a beat. His eyes were full of love and devotion.
“It’s a Latin word for a bear. They’re basically two bears, a small one and a bigger one,” you explained and Ben looked at you shocked.
“Bears?” he asked, the way he’d normally say ‘are you joking?’ and looked at the sky once more, trying to figure it out. “They don’t have any legs!” You chuckled at his remark. He was in fact right, but it was still adorable how little he knew about the sky that he could observe every single night.
“You have to use a little imagination, Benny. They’re stars, not one of these connect the dots worksheets,” you got closer to him and rested your head on his chest. He put his arm around you and pet your back. “Plus, some people say those smaller stars can be viewed as the legs of Ursa Major. One way or another, you have to know they were named centuries ago. People used to draw a few lines on the walls of a cave and called it art. Things have changed,” you explained, moving your hand slowly on the side of his body.
“Alright, alright, I get it now,” he nodded his head. “But you have to admit, it takes a lot of faith and imagination to believe they are in fact two bears,” he chuckled and you agreed.
“Maybe it was easier for me to understand and accept it because I was a little girl then. Children have more imagination than adults, or at least they’re more skillful at using it. I just looked and believed.” You looked at his face smiling. He put his hand under his head to get it higher and see you better. Then he smiled as well.
“So Brian taught you, huh? I guess that’s like the best thing ever. Being taught about stars by an astrophysicist who’s also a rock legend,” he chuckled softly, and then he added, “second best, of course. After being taught by you.” He leaned towards you and kissed your forehead. You blushed a little and looked down, being surprised by such a sweet and unexpected compliment.
“Well, thank you, but trust me, he explained it much better. He’s the one that got me hooked on the topic. Did you know my old room had the Solar System stickers on the ceiling? They glowed in the dark. He bought me them,” you smiled under your breath remembering that. You didn’t know uncle Freddie personally and you didn’t remember uncle John. So Brian was the closest to your heart from the band, apart from your dad of course.
“That’s so cool. And now you can share your knowledge with an ignorant like me,” his smile uncovered a little embarrassment he must’ve felt because of it.
“Can you see that one? Those stars form sort of a snake, do you know which ones I mean?” You asked, trying to point him in the right direction.
“Yeah, yeah, I think I know what you mean,” he squinted his eyes, examining the sky.
“That’s called Draco. Do you know what Draco means?” You asked, kind of already expecting the answer.
“Of course I do. I grew up in the 1990s in England, everybody knows Harry Potter,” he smiled proudly. “By the end of the 90s I already knew how to read and it was my favorite book. Draco means a dragon. And these stars kinda look like one… Just slightly malnourished,” he joked and you chuckled with him.
“I just love how judgmental you are towards the people who named these constellations,” you chuckled some more.
“I can totally be judgmental, I know so much about the universe already,” it was obviously a joke, but on second thought, he was right.
“Much more than the people who named them, for sure. For example, what’s in the center of the Solar System?”
“The Sun. And the Earth circles around the Sun, not the other way around. I’m so knowledgeable I cannot deal with myself,” he laughed and then kissed your head.
“And what’s the name of the Polish astronomer who discovered that?” This question was met with silence, so you smiled under your breath and answered it yourself. “Nicolaus Copernicus. His work was titled ‘On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres.’ And you should at least know Galileo!”
“I do, I do! But I cannot sing that high, for the life of me,” his laugh once again filled up the quiet atmosphere.
“Well, can you at least sing that low?” You asked, and he, of course, had to try it. It was quite funny, hearing his attempt, but also quite cute. He tried so hard to impress you. “Very well. Almost like the original.” He smiled proudly when he heard that compliment and hugged you.
“Thank you,” he kissed your head again. Maybe he liked the smell of your shampoo.
“So, what’s our galaxy called? You know, the one Solar System is in,” you asked, not giving up on the plan to teach him about the universe. He hesitated, trying to remember.
“Bloody hell… I didn’t expect a test, I might’ve prepared better,” he smiled apologetically.
“There’s a chocolate bar named like that… It’s a very good one, and it looks completely different in the US and in the rest of the world. You probably know it in the blue version…,” you tried to direct him to the right answer.
“Milky Way! Man, I used to love them as a kid,” he smiled remembering. “I’d love to eat one now. Damn, the list is getting bigger and bigger,” he chuckled, and you looked at him curiously.
“The list? What list?” you asked him, looking him in the eyes, interested.
“Of things I dream of. Something I’d love to do, you know,” he shrugged, smiling. You raised your brow.
“So, what else do you dream of? Anything I could help with?” You asked him, smiling.
“Well… I always wanted to be kissed under the stars,” you smiled widely hearing that. “You know, I’m not very romantic, but that’s just something that seems like fun-“ he wasn’t able to finish, because before he did, you kissed him. He smiled kissing you back. Ben leaned in your direction and put his hand on your cheek. You prolonged the kiss as long as you could because secretly you dreamt of being kissed under the night sky too. Or just of being kissed by Ben. When you stopped kissing, he softly kissed your forehead.
“That was nice,” he said, smiling at you. You smiled back, as he brought you closer to himself. You rested your head on his chest. “We should do that more often,” he added.
“Yes, I also think you need many more lessons,” you smirked, looking at him.
“I meant the kissing,” he explained and winked to you.
“Oh, I know,” you muttered under your breath and looked at the sky again, being grateful for that one shooting star you made a wish to. It certainly came true that night.
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angrylizardjacket · 2 years
how to measure time
Summary: Ash Taupin flies Millie Taylor to LA as a surprise for Queen, but before the band arrives, they catch up over coffee.
A/N: this was meant to be a much longer fic but also i think it makes a nice moment from my drafts. @misscharlottelee 's Millie Deacon was the first queen OC i loved beside my own chaotic gal. just something short and sweet for an AU of these two, also ngl hope this doesn't awaken anything in me (read: make me want to write too much about queen again)
Ash finds herself yawning over coffee with Millie when Queen finally gets to the LA leg of their latest international tour. She's already been here a week, had flown over ahead of schedule, trusting her team to keep the costumes in order and in check, so she didn't have to fit all the meetings people had wanted with her into the three days they were in town before the next stop.
"You okay there?" Millie's smile is kind and fond across the table, and her eyes are alert, hands wrapped around her mug of tea.
"LA exhausts me," Ash says flatly, managing to practically inhale half of her black coffee in one go, which only has Millie wrinkling her nose, "how about you, Millie-Lou? The hotel nice?"
"Perfectly lovely, of course," though she hesitates, looks a little put upon, "but you know you didn't need to -"
"If it weren't me it would'a been Freds, or Rog himself; 's no skin off my nose, th' boys 'll tell ya he's been missing you like crazy," Ash's tired demeanour lightens for a moment, and she looks over to where Millie and Roger's daughter, Louisa, was sipping her own, much cooler, much weaker cup of tea, glancing at her mother every so often, "and that li'l bug of yours," she says fondly, and Louisa, who had been on her best behaviour, sitting calm and quietly, finally sensing she's being spoken about, looks to Ash with wide, blue eyes, but she doesn't say anything, just looks to her mother as if to ask what was going on.
"We miss him too, don't we?" Millie smiles down at her daughter, who beams and nods, turning back to Ash.
"Dad's so cool, but he's so far away and now I'm really excited to see him!" She announced, every bit as chipper as her parents, bouncing a little in her seat.
"And...?" Millie prompted, stroking her daughter's hair softly. Louisa looks to her for a moment, confused, "th..."
"Thank you, Aunty Rocket!" Positively beaming, she looks back to Ash as she finally understands what her mother's prompting.
"You're very welcome, bug," Ash tells her sincerely, casting an adoring look to Millie, the same she gave every time Louisa called her Aunty. Like Freddie, she'd been given the familial title as an honour, which she wore with pride.
"How Elton's new album coming along?" Millie enquires, while Lousia, since the seal of quiet had been broken, was now using her little hands to search her mother's pockets and purse for drawing equipment.
"What I can gather from Bern's excited phone calls, it's going well," Ash says, everything about her relaxing, softening at the mere mention of her husband, smiling into her coffee, "I would have brought him out here too, but you know how album making goes; didn't want to disturb the workflow," she says, a little forlorn, and Millie reaches out to place a hand on one of Ash's that was still holding her cup, a moment of kind warmth and understanding, how hard it is to love someone when the two of you never seem to be in the same place for long.
"Miss Lou -" the moment breaks, however, as Louisa tries to discretely slide from her chair and beneath the table, and her mother's voice turns stern.
"I can't find a pen," Louisa said, like it was a proper explanation, sounding a little guilty, but Millie says her name again, and Louisa wriggles back into her seat.
"You can't wander off on your own," Millie admonished, though there was care in her voice and Louisa made a resigned grumble of understanding, put out. Ash, however, chuckles, her momentary sadness forgotten as she reaches into her own bag by her side, pulling out a travel-sized sketch book and a few pencils of varying colours.
"All you gotta do is ask, Bug."
"Exactly," Millie gives her daughter's hair a little ruffle, "you know until you're old enough to wander 'round on your own, you can always ask an adult you trust and we'll be able to help you."
"When am I old enough?" Louisa looks doubtfully at her mother, holding a bright green pencil above a new page of the sketchbook.
"When you're a thousand," Ash teased, to which the little girl scowled.
"We'll talk about it with dad," Millie corrected, trying to repress her own smile so her daughter knew she was taking this seriously.
The girls catch up over brunch, with Louisa excitedly making nonsense drawings and eating too many pancakes for her little tummy beside them, and as they're heading back to the hotel before lunch, Louisa's holding Millie's hand, and clutching her various drawings in the other, complaining of a stomach ache, all the while yawning, the hearty meal having made her sleepy.
"You know Doug Weston's asked me to come to the Troubadour for lunch," Ash mentions casually, "he loves you, I'm sure he'd love to have you come say hi." Beside her, Millie hesitates, looking down at her grumpy, sleepy daughter.
"I don't think the Troubadour's somewhere Lou should be just yet," Millie hesitates, "it would be different if the band were here already, but I don't have anyone to watch her," and Ash nods with understanding.
"I brought Audrey with me," she points out, and Millie's expression immediately turns considering; Ash's personal assistant Audrey had proven herself to a kind and reliable babysitter for Millie in the past, and if there was anyone outside of Millie's family or found-family, she'd trust Audrey.
"We can ask her," Ash offered, "if she says no, completely understandable, but if she'd happy to watch the Bug for a bit, I'd love to have you at lunch, and you can come back at any time," it was a solid and seriously tempting offer, and finally Millie conceded with a grin, quietly excited to get the afternoon to spend with Ash in one of the few placed they'd frequented in LA in their younger days.
Audrey lights up when they knock on her hotel door, apologising - for asking her a favour, for Louisa being in a mood, for not being able to bring her to the Troubadour -
"Don't worry about it, I'd just be hanging around you like an awkward little fly; I know you all say relax, but it's Doug Weston, you know? I can't relax!" She laughs, even as Louisa has stormed past her, as much as she can considering how adorable she is, and clambered onto the bed. Audrey was a stellar personal assistant, and when she was comfortable she was easy-going and adaptable, but she also happened to be the single most socially anxious person Ash had ever met, and appreciated that her job usually had very little non-professional socialising involved.
"I'm not sleepy," Louisa calls from the bed, laying as stiff as a board on top of the covers, on her side, with her arms crossed tightly.
"Alrighty, Miss Lou," Audrey responds over her shoulder, smiling bright, "well there's a channel here that's all cartoons that I think you're gonna like."
"She's gonna be asleep in fifteen minutes," Millie said fondly, gazing over at her still-stubborn daughter.
"If anything happens -" Ash turns to Audrey, who gives a bright smile.
"I've got the number for Doug's office, I'll call immediately; anything else? Do you know how long you're planning on being out?"
To this, both Ash and Millie hesitate, looking at each other.
"I, uh, I actually am not quite sure," Millie admits apologetically, but Audrey waves her off easily.
"If you plan on staying out past her dinner time, just give me a call, or pop in if you wanna recommend what she have, but if room service is okay and you aren't too worried, then Miss Lou and I should be all good. We won't head anywhere; I plan on doing some paperwork if she gets to sleep, but there's some good cartoons they're playing, I caught a rerun of The Jetsons not long ago -"
"Jetsons!" Louisa cheers from where she's already secured herself a prime position in the middle of the neatly-made bed closest to the TV.
"Don't know what I'm worried about," Millie says faintly, "she's taking a holiday from her holiday here," shaking her head with fond amusement, she thanks Audrey again.
"Love you mum, be good!" Louisa calls without looking away from the TV, to which all three women at the door collectively aw.
"Will do, Lou, and you be good for Audrey," Millie calls fondly, "love you."
And as they're shutting the door, Louisa is already beginning to yawn.
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benismyqueen · 3 years
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Resumen: Después de meses de intensos coqueteos en el set de Bohemian Rhapsody, decides dar a Ben el mejor regalo de cumpleaños.
Advertencias: +18 (smut)
A/N: Es mi primer smut así que lamento los fallos y si os incomoda.
Palabras: 5.126
Te miras en el espejo observando el reflejo que proyecta. Solo eres tú con unos pantalones de cuero negro muy ajustados, tus amadas botas negras con un poco de plataforma y un jersey blanco medio metido en tus pantalones. Sabes que estás guapa, así quieres lucir. No quieres lucir demasiado arreglada y desentonar entre tus amigos, pero sí llamar la atención.
Ya han acabado oficialmente las grabaciones de la película Bohemian Rhapsody, y no sabes si estar emocionada o triste. Te has acostumbrado a volar alrededor de los chicos y Lucy, pese a ser una actriz extra sin lineas. Probablemente los mejores meses de tu vida. Echarás de menos las charlas con Lucy detrás de las escenas, las bromas con Joe incluso dentro de escena provocando muchas tomas falsas, incluso los momentos de Rami siendo una persona extremadamente cariñosa.
Pero al que más echarás de menos es a Ben. No pudiste evitar caer profundamente enamorada en el primer momento que lo viste. Definitivamente los rubios no eran tu tipo, pero esa cara bonita con esos ojos verdes tan llamativos te llamaron la atención. Tuviste que luchar mucho para evitar que se te cayese la baba cuando lo veías en esas ropas de los 70'. Pero además de ser increíblemente guapo, es una persona muy sencilla y humana. Siendo muy tímido la mayoría del tiempo, siempre con una sonrisa genuina cuando estás cerca y sus mejillas sonrojadas cuando Joe hace alguna broma. Realmente encajásteis.
Y con los días creció una tensión bastante fuerte entre vosotros. Todo el mundo pudo notarlo. Esas miradas constantes, incluso cuando cada uno estáis en un extremo diferente del estudio. La forma en la que siempre parece mantener el contacto, incluso cuando no es necesario, estando extremadamente cerca. Pasando detrás tuyo bastante pegado con una mano en la parte baja de tu espalda. "Disculpa, amor" mientras busca su camerino. O cuando estás preparando un café y se sitúa detrás tuyo muy cerca, casi puedes sentir su aliento en tu cuello, y toma una taza con una mano mientras la otra da un apretón cariñoso en tu cadera.
Todos pudieron verlo.
Lucy tuvo muchas conversaciones contigo sobre Ben y la tensión dolorosa que ambos desprenden. "Necesitas hacer un movimiento" Pero nunca lo pensaste realmente. Él te gusta, lo quieres, lo deseas, es malditamente horrible lo mucho que deseas besarlo y quitarle la ropa. Pero acaba de salir de una relación muy larga. Casi 10 años. Casi comprometido.
Definitivamente no serías la chica que rompe su mala racha, la que deja su ropa a los pies de su cama y por la mañana se va sin tomar una ducha. La chica a la que promete llamar y no lo hace, y no quiere que sea el chico que olvida todos estos meses después de una noche en la cama.
Pero hoy es su cumpleaños. Hace una pequeña reunión con el cast, también en modo de despedida, no se verán hasta que hagan la promoción, y tú tendrías que esperar a la premiere. Puede que sean los últimos días que pases a su lado, y quieres hacerlo. Estás destinada a no verle más de todas formas.
Recoges tu chaqueta y el regalo de Ben y vas a su casa.
"¡Mackenzie!" Lucy grita y envuelve sus brazos en tu cuerpo. Ya ha tomado  varias copas de champagne.
"Siempre un placer, Macky" Rami aparece detrás de Lucy y deja un beso sobre su cabeza.
"¡No me lo puedo creer!" Un Joe algo bebido grita cuando Mackenzie entra en el salón de la casa. "¿En serio has traido como regalo un sobre con dinero? Eso lo hacía mi abuela cuando era un niño"
Rueda los ojos y siente como sus mejillas se encienden.
"No sabía que regalar a un hombre rico, disculpa"
"A su favor diré que no hacía falta ningún regalo" Ben aparece por la puerta con algunas cervezas. Parece ser el único junto a Rami sobrio. "Has tardado"
"Perdona, me costó encontrar la dirección." Envuelve los brazos en su torso mientras Ben algo incómodo por  intentar no tirar las cervezas envuelve un brazo en sus hombros y deja un beso en su cabeza. "Feliz cumpleaños, Ben"
"Sabes que podía ir a buscarte" Ben frunce el ceño pero enseguida sonríe y deja un beso en su frente. "Gracias"
Se separan y mientras Ben deja las cervezas en la mesa, Mackenzie se sienta junto a Lucy. Le extiende el sobre para que pueda cogerlo, y Ben rodando los ojos con una sonrisa lo coge y lo deja sobre un estante con libros.
La tarde pasa rápido, con risas y recordando los momentos más locos y divertidos que habéis pasado estos meses. Las fiestas los días de descanso de rodaje, y todas las borracheras de Joe que dejaron momentos épicos. Casi lloras de risa cuando recuerdas aquella vez que Lucy rompió una jarra de agua en el set y para que nadie se diese cuenta la ayudaste a retirar el agua con las toallas de los camerinos, aún así el suelo quedó algo resbaladizo y cuando Gwilym llegaba tarde se cayó de culo en el suelo. Y ahora meses después sois capaces de admitir vuestra travesuras.
"Creo que ha llegado mi hora" Empiezas a sentir un poco el paso del tiempo y de las copas por tu organismo. "Debería irme"
"Pero si es muy pronto, ¿que dices?" Lucy pone un puchero mientras Ben se mueve incómodo.
"Puedes quedarte, Joe se queda a dormir."
"Que va, mañana tengo el vuelo muy pronto y aún tengo que terminar las maletas. Vuelvo a casa." Lo dices con una sonrisa triste mientras te levantas.
Miras el sobre que le has dado a Ben en la estantería del salón. Ni siquiera lo ha mirado. Suspiras mientras niegas con la cabeza. Este es el último día. Se acabó.
"Puedo llevarte mañana" Ben quiere que te quedes, te mira ansioso. Aún está bastante sobrio mientras los demás están demasiado bebidos.
"No, no. Tranquilo, es tu cumpleaños, disfruta. No quiero que mañana tengas que levantarte temprano por mi."
"No me importaría."
"Ben, insisto" Sonríes mientras te pones la chaqueta. "Muchachos estáis todos muy borrachos para recordarlo mañana, pero os echaré de menos. Nos vemos en la premiere."
Ben se levanta y te acompaña a la puerta. "Entonces... Nos veremos en la premiere" Está con las manos dentro de los bolsillos de sus pantalones.
"Feliz cumpleaños, Ben" Te acercas y vuelves a envolver tus brazos sobre su torso. Ben suspira mientras envuelve las suyas en tu espalda e inclina su cabeza sobre tu pelo, inhalando tu olor. "Nos veremos en la premiere."
Levantas la cabeza y te encuentras con sus ojos verdes. Te está mirando de esa forma peculiar. Tiene los labios entreabiertos, intentando decir algo.
"¿Sabes? En unos meses tendré la premiere de 6 underground, sería bueno verte"
"Suena como un plan"
Sacas las llaves del coche alquilado de tu bolso y te diriges al coche.
"Espero que te guste el regalo Ben, úsalo bien" Antes de que pueda reaccionar te metes en el coche y huyes a tu habitación del hotel. En algunas horas verá tu regalo y podrás morir de verguenza. Solo tendré que verlo una vez más. Solo una más. Ni siquiera lo recordará ese día.
Cuando llegas al hotel te encargas de sacar la ropa para el día siguiente, y tener todo preparado para levantarte de la cama e irte al aeropuerto. Tardas unas dos horas en concienciarte de que tienes todo bajo control y no te olvidas de nada. Así que te metes por fin en la cama en ropa interior, y dejas el móvil cargando en tu mesita, junto a los auriculares y la mochila con tu libro favorito, el pasaporte, el billete de avión y la cartera. Será un viaje largo.
Desde la cama puedes ver en la esquina de la habitación el regalo de navidad que te dió Lucy. En verdad fue unas semanas antes. Sabe lo mucho que te gustan los calendarios de adviento, y que los sigues día a día, así que decidió hacer uno a mano, y metió pequeñas chocolatinas, bombones y mensajes bonitos en cada cajita. Es todo rosa lleno de corazones.  Comiste cada chocolate todos los días, y guardaste con mucho cariño todos los mensajes de amor que te dejó. Pero obviamente en su mente retorcida no podía ser todo tan bonito, así que para el día 24 te dejó un regalo muy especial. Ese día cenaste con los chicos y algunos familiares que pudieron asistir a la cena en el restaurante.
Te pidió que llevases la pequeña caja en el bolso, quería ver tu reacción cuando descubrieses el regalo. Y minutos antes de medianoche, cuando la mayoría ya estaban pasados de copas, te pidió que vieses el interior.
Rodaste los ojos mientras sentías el fuego en tus mejillas. Miraste a todos los lados verificando que nadie se había dado cuenta. Era un preservativo.
"¡Lucy!" Casi te ahogas con tu propia saliva. Tu amiga a tu lado sonríe con una mirada cómplice. "¡Da mala suerte no seguir el calendario de adviento día a día!"
"Aún te quedan 10 minutos para media noche, deberías agradecerme te voy a dar el mejor regalo de navidad!" Te da un golpe en la rodilla mientras mira a Ben. Está hablando con Rami con una copa en la mano.
"¡Ni de broma!"
"¡Vamos, Mackenzie! Solo necesitáis un empujón" En ese momento Ben mira a las chicas y sonríe a Mackenzie mientras guiña un ojo. "¿lo ves? Realmente lo tienes ahí."
"Tienes una mente muy retorcida, ¡sabes lo supersticiosa que soy!"
Lucy rueda los ojos y se levanta del sofá.
"Me voy con los chicos. Tienes 10 minutos. Úsalo bien" Y con una sonrisa se gira y va al otro extremo de la sala junto a Joe.
Por supuesto que nunca llegaste a usarlo, cuando llegaste al hotel dejaste la caja dentro del calendario, y desde ese día no volviste a tocar ni una caja. Tienes varios días sin abrir, pero te da igual. Suspiras y te giras para evitar mirar el dichoso calendario. Cuando cierras los ojos sientes unos muy leves golpes en la puerta. Sientes como el corazón se detiene y verificas en tu móvil que son casi las dos de la mañana.
Ignoras los golpes. ¿Quién demonios puede ser a esas horas? Quizá tu mente paranoica lo imaginó. Pero cuando vuelves a cerrar los ojos, vuelves a oirlos, esta vez más fuerte y más insistentes. Te levantas con mucho cuidado de no hacer ruido, y cuando llegas casi a la puerta escuchas una voz.
"Mackenzie" la voz de Ben al otro lado vuelve a parar tu corazón. "Soy yo"
Corres con ansiedad hasta la silla cerca del balcón donde has dejado un jersey, golpeándote en la pierna el armario y te lo pones por encima. Enciendes la luz esta vez y mirando el reflejo en el espejo colocas un poco tu pelo. Cuando abres la puerta Ben está con una mano en la nuca. Te mira con los labios entreabiertos y rápidamente su vista va a tus piernas desnudas. El jersey te tapa poco más que la tanga en encaje. Te mueves un poco incómoda y cruzas tus piernas.
"Eh..." Ben aclara su garganta y mueve sus ojos a los de ella. "Abrí el regalo." Lleva su mano al bolsillo trasero de sus pantalones. "Hubiese sido muy humillante si lo hubiese abierto con Joe delante" saca del bolsillo el preservativo y te muerdes el labio con fuerza. "Me ha costado una hora llevar a Joe a la cama y llamar un taxi para los demás"
"Tenías prisa"
"Bueno, quería abrir mi regalo." Ben se acerca un paso, sin sobrepasar el umbral de la puerta. Está junto a ti, sin tocarte, pero puedes sentir su aliento sobre tus labios.
"¿Quieres pasar?" susurras.
"Estaría decepcionado si después de venir aquí no me invitas a pasar" Se te escapa la risa mientras das un paso a un lado y lo dejas entrar. Antes de poder cerrar la puerta sientes los brazos de Ben sobre tu cintura, abrazándote. Te acerca a él, sin dejar ni un centímetro entre vosotros, y con los labios cerca de los tuyos.
"¿Está bien?" con un suspiro asientes con la cabeza. Un segundo después Ben junta sus labios con fuerza con los tuyos mientras con la pierna cierra la puerta de la habitación. Ambos suspiráis cuando vuestros labios se tocan y Ben aprovecha ese momento para intensificar el beso metiendo su lengua en tu boca. Lo abrazas mientras el rubio pone una mano sobre tu cuello, evitando que te alejes, y pone la otra sobre tu muslo, rozando la tela del jersey y con los dedos jugando subiendo y bajando la tela unos centímetros.
Jadeas sintiendo los dedos de Ben sobre tu muslo y te alejas del beso en busca de oxígeno. Ben no te deja alejarte mucho, ya que pone sus labios sobre tu cuello, besando la piel expuesta mientras retira el pelo con su mano, y la vuelve a poner sobre tu cuello. No puedes más, sientes que algo explota en tu interior cuando sientes sus labios en tu cuello y su mano en la otra parte.
"Ben" gimes su nombre mientras buscas apoyarte en la pared, sientes que en cualquier momento tus piernas pueden fallar. Ben aprieta tu muslo cuando la escucha gemir.
"Joder" Apoya su frente en la tuya. "¿Todo bien?"
Esta vez eres tú quién lo besa, mientras tiras de su cinturón hacia ti, juntando las caderas. Esta vez es el turno de él de gemir, mientras te coge por tus muslos y hace que enredes las piernas en su cintura. Subes tus manos a sus mejillas, y lo besas. Gimes en su boca cuando sientes su erección contra ti. Sientes la tela del pantalón vaquero contra tu núcleo medio desnudo por la tela de tu tanga, y te mueves un poco contra él mientras gime.
Ben sonríe en mitad del beso, y aprieta tu culo. "¿Podemos tomarlo con calma?"
Intenta regular tu respiración. Tienes las mejillas sonrojadas y a penas sientes las piernas. Llegados a este punto no crees que puedas ir muy despacio, pero si el lo quiere así, lo intentarás. Asientes con la cabeza mientras Ben contigo en brazos se dirige a la cama.
Se sienta en el borde de la cama contigo en su regazo, una pierna a cada lado suyo. Te quita el pelo de la cara y te besa. Besa tus labios, tus mejillas, y por último se detiene en tu cuello. Suspiras mientras te mantienes quieta en su regazo. Con calma, piensas. Una mano está sobre tu cuello y la otra rápidamente se cuela debajo de tu jersey y acaricia tu espalda. Llevas tus manos a su cuello, y acaricias su nuca con cariño. Tus dedos se encuentran con el pelo de la parte trasera de su cabeza y lo envuelves con tus dedos. Te dejas caer en su regazo sintiendo su erección contra el muslo. Tiras un poco de él para separar la cara de tu cuello y llevas tus labios a los suyos. Ben se deja besar, mientras lleva sus manos a tus caderas, y las mueve contra él. Ambos gemís mientras te separas de él, mordiendo su labio.
"¿Puedo?" Pregunta con los ojos brillosos tocando con sus manos la tela del jersey. Asientes mientras él tira de la prenda sacándotela en un segundo. No tienes sujetador. Ben gime al verte, y lleva una de sus manos a tu pecho. "Eres preciosa" Susurra mirándote a los ojos. Pasa su dedo pulgar por tu pezón y suspiras.
"Por favor"
Ben lleva su boca a tu otro pezón. Primero le da un beso y luego pasa su lengua por su alrededor antes de jugar con él entre sus labios. Dejas escapar un suspiro mientras su mano juega con el otro pezón. Mueves tus caderas de forma automática necesitando sentirlo, mientras llevas una de tus manos a su hombro y con la otra juegas con el pelo de su cabeza.
Lo separas de tus pechos y lo besas. Ben vuelve a pasar ambos pulgares por tus pezones mientras un escalofrío te recorre la espalda.
Cuando consigues separarte de él, tiras del dobladillo de su camiseta y se la quitas. Pasas tus manos por su pecho, y dejas que un dedo recorra sus abdominales. Dejas caer tus labios sobre su clavícula y dejas pequeños besos, para luego succionar con fuerza. En ese momento no eres consciente de que le dejarán unas marcas terribles, pero no te importa cuando sientes las manos de Ben apretando tu cadera. Mueves tu boca a su cuello y lo muerdes. Deja escapar un gemido.
"Vas a ser mi muerte" Dejas escapar una risa. Usando las uñas sin mucha fuerza las pasas por sus hombros mientras lo besas. Deja descansar sus manos en la parte baja de tu espalda mientras sus dedos juegan con la tira del tanga. Tus manos se mueven por su pecho, bajando hasta su estómago, y se detienen en el dobladillo del pantalón, jugando con el botón y paseando tu dedo índice entre el pantalón y su bóxer.
"¿Puedo?" Sientes que vas a morir cuando lo preguntas. Luchas por no estar ansiosa o que al menos que él no lo note. Asiente con la cabeza y sientes como deja de respirar cuando desabrochas el pantalón y bajas la cremallera. Cierra los ojos y echa la cabeza hacia atrás cuando deja de sentir la presión del pantalón en su miembro.
Cuando parece que se recupera, te gira, haciendo que caigas sobre la cama. Con la ayuda de tus talones y tus brazos te mueves hacia el cabecero de la cama. Ben se deja caer encima tuyo sin llegar a aplastarte. Sientes que está a punto de preguntarte si estás bien, así que con una sonrisa pones tu mano en su nuca.
"Está bien" aseguras antes de besarlo. Llevas tu mano a su estómago, y después de acariciarlo, con el dedo índice juegas con la goma de su bóxer. "¿Por qué no te lo quitas?" Ben deja de besarte y te obedece. Se baja de la cama y deja los pantalones por ahí tirados. Es increible. Una cosa es imaginar su cuerpo, o ver alguna foto de alguna sesión, pero verlo en persona, acalorado y con la respiración entrecortada por la excitación es otra cosa. Sonríes viendo su bulto en el bóxer. Tú lo has provocado. Es tuyo.
Ben se deja caer sobre tu cuerpo de nuevo, y deja besos húmedos en tu cuello, bajando por tus pechos, cuando piensas que no puedes estar más excitada, baja sus labios por tu estómago. Se detiene con los labios sobre tu piel, y te observa con una sonrisa. Con tu mano retiras el pelo de su frente, y sin romper el contacto visual, baja aún más sus labios, y con los dientes estira y deja que te golpeé la goma de tu tanga. Gimes elevas las caderas. Ben se ríe mientras deja un beso sobre tu centro por encima de la ropa.
"¿Hay algo con lo que te sientas incómoda?, o alguna sugerencia, que te guste especialmente..." Sube a tu altura y deja descansar su mano en tu estómago.
"Solo... Solo quiero que me toques"
Ben deja un beso en tu frente y baja los dedos hasta tu tanta. Durante un momento juega con el elástico, mientras te mira de costado, con su cabeza apoyada en su brazo. Tienes los ojos cerrados y respiras con dificultad. Sin esperártelo mete dos dedos debajo de la prenda y nota tu humedad. Gimes mientras agarras su brazo con fuerza.
"Tócame" Susurras. Ben mueve sus dedos hacia tu humedad, frota los dedos en tu entrada, recogiendo un poco de lubricante. Lleva los dedos a través de tus labios, gritas cuando llega a tu clítoris. "¡Joder!" Juega con tu centro, acariciando los labios, bajando a tu entrada y volviendo a subir a tu clítoris. No lo toca directamente, juega alrededor de él, haciendo que te retuerzas de placer y de ansia.
Mete aún más la mano, y sin esperártelo introduce dos dedos en ti. "¿Estás bien?" Aprietas el agarre en su brazo y te quedas muy quieta.
"Ben... No creo que dure mucho"
"No hay problema, amor. Tenemos tiempo." Besa tu sien y mueve sus dedos. Al principio de forma tranquila, dejando que te acostumbres a él, a su toque. De vez en cuando con el pulgar frota tu clítoris, haciendo que eleves las caderas y de esa forma sus dedos llegan aún más profundo. Gimes su nombre, sientes que estás haciendo un desastre, notas como el sudor recorre tu cuerpo y el pelo se te pega en la nuca. Estás cerca, y Ben lo nota en sus dedos, nota como te tensas a su alrededor, y no puede hacer otra cosa más que acelerar el rítmo y frotar tu núcleo con su pulgar. El orgasmo te golpea haciendo que tiembles y despues de tanta tensión acumulada, te dejas ir, dejando de sentir otra cosa que no sea el colchón debajo tuyo.
Ben retira su mano. Estás con los ojos cerrados, intentando recuperarte, cuando sientes a Ben retirar tu tanga. Está sentado a los pies de la cama, con una toalla del baño húmeda en sus manos. Con cuidado te limpia haciendo que gimas.
"Lo siento"
"Estoy sensible. Está bien." Se siente bien la toalla húmeda, y se sienten bien las manos de Ben sobre tus muslos. Deja un beso cerca de tu ingle.  "Ven aquí" Con una sonrisa vuelve a subir a la cama y se queda a tu altura.
Buscas sus labios y lo besas. Juegas con su labio interior haciendo que Ben gima y sienta como su polla late. Deja caer la cadera contra la tuya y lo sientes. Bajas una de tus manos hacia sus boxers, y esta vez sin jugar, introduces tu mano. Parece que su pene salta buscando tu contacto mientras Ben gime. Buscas el ángulo para tocarlo, subes y bajas la mano varias veces, hasta que te detienes en su punta. Paseas el pulgar humedeciéndolo con su presemen, y lo usas como lubricante en toda su longitud. Ben deja caer su cabeza en la almohada, junto a tu oido, jadea.
Juegas con la velocidad de tus movimientos, hasta que sientes como está a punto de correrse. Detiene tus movimientos con su mano, intenta regular su respiración. "Espera" se quita los boxers, y frota su longitud en ti. Sientes como vuelves a encenderte. Te está buscando, está preparándote. Busca tu clítoris con su polla y lo frota.
"Ben" arqueas la espalda mientras muerde tu hombro. "Por favor"
Te mira a los ojos buscando tu permiso. Asientes con la cabeza mientras te muerdes el labio. Ben no pierde el tiempo buscando el preservativo en sus pantalones. Se lo pone rápidamente con las manos temblorosas mientras te mira. Estás sobre tus codos viéndolo. No crees haber tenido nunca a un chico luciendo tan sexy. Vuelve a colocarse encima tuyo, y repite el proceso de antes, sientes sus dedos en tu entrada, extendiendo tu humedad como lubricante. Te dejas caer en la cama mientras gimes.
"Ben..." gritas con ansiedad.
"Ya voy, amor." Y justo después notas como entra en ti. Lo hace poco a poco, dejándote que te acostumbres a él. Pero te duele tanto no tenerlo dentro, que con tus piernas lo empujas dentro de ti. Ambos gemís y muerdes el hombro de Ben para no gritar.
Se mueve lento, poco a poco, y no muy profundo. Quiere asegurarse de no hacerte daño, y de durar más de 5 minutos. Mordisqueas el lóbulo de su oreja mientras gimes, y eso lo lleva al límite. Besas su cuello, y dejas marcas en él, en ese momento no te importa. Necesitas hacerlo. Busca tus labios y te besa mientras esta vez entra más profundo en ti.
"Más fuerte, Ben" Lloriqueas cuando te hace caso. En todas las veces que has estado con un chico, confundían fuerza con rapidez. Te sorprende lo mucho que Ben te entiende, y lo bien que lo hace. Lleva sus dedos a tu clítoris, y lo frota con rapidez. "Ben, no creo que pueda durar mucho más" dices sobre sus labios.
Parece no importarle cuando acelera sus embestidas, y sientes en tu interior los espasmos que recorren su polla. Gimes mientras te aprietas aún más sobre su polla, sientes que te corres, pero no importa porque Ben también lo hace unos segundos después. Deja caer su frente en tu clavícula y lo abrazas. Un sudor cálido recorre su espalda, y sientes como vuestros cuerpos quedan prácticamente pegados por el sudor.
Deja caer besos sobre tu pecho, y muerde tu pezón mientras sale de ti. Dejas de sentir ese calor en tu interior y lo miras. Tiene sus ojos en ti. Te quita el pelo de la cara y te besa.
"Creo que es el mejor regalo de cumpleaños que he tenido"
"¿Nunca te han regalado sexo por tu cumpleaños?" Bromeas acariciando su nuca.
"Nunca me han regalado un preservativo en un sobre." Muerde tu labio inferior y te sonríe. "Un regalo original"
"Moriría de verguenza si lo llegas abrir delante de todos."
"No sería mi culpa" Levanta la mano con inocencia. "Me alegro que lo hayas hecho. Esto debió de pasar antes " Mueve su mano por tu cadera. Vuelve a besarte y se levanta de la cama. Te incorporas y apoyas tu espalda en el cabecero de la cama. Ves a Ben moverse por la habitación completamente desnudo y sientes que nunca podrías cansarte de mirarlo.
Entra en el baño sin cerrar la puerta, y por el reflejo del espejo ves las marcas de besos y mordidas por su cuello y su clavícula. Se quita el preservativo y lo anuda antes de tirarlo en la basura. Usa una de las toallas para limpiarse y vuelve a la cama. Sigues su ejemplo y te limpias con lo toalla que dejó sobre la mesilla. Se tumba en la cama te besa. Por todo el cuerpo.
"¿Puedo?" pregunta entre tus piernas. Te incorporas sobre tus codos y lo miras. Besa tu clítoris, besa tu entrada, y utiliza su lengua por tus labios. Suspiras llevando una mano a su pelo, y tiras de él. "Ben, para"
Haces que se acerque a ti, mueves tus caderas y lo empujas sobre el colchón. Lo necesitas a él. Te subes sobre sus caderas, y te mueves. Pone las manos en tus muslos y los aprieta mientras echa su cabeza atrás.
"Mierda" Gime. Pero no de placer. Frunces el ceño. "No tengo más preservativos" recuerda.
En ese momento llevas tu vista al calendario de adviento. Sigue en la esquina de la habitación y en ese momento te alegras de no haberlo tirado. "¡Espera!" te bajas de la cama con rapidez y te acercas al calendario. Sacas la cajita del día 24 y te acercas a la cama. Ben está incorporado sobre sus codos viéndote confundido.
"¿Ese es el calendario de Lucy?"
"Calla. No digas ni una palabra" Adviertes mientras te subes a su regazo y abres la caja. Ben deja escapar una carcajada mientras sus manos descansan en tus muslos. "¡Ben!"
"¡Lo siento!, ¿en serio te regaló eso?"
"Es humillante"
"Un poco" reconoce metiéndote el pelo detrás de la oreja. "¿Por qué lo hizo?"
"Supongo que notó que ambos lo deseábamos" Te encoges de hombros. "Estaba destinado para el día 24"
"¿No es mala suerte no usarlo ese día?" pregunta.
"Lo es." admites. "Supongo que este año tendré una suerte de mierda"
"Bueno, me tienes a mi" Se sienta en la cama contigo encima y te besa. Dejas caer la caja al suelo y dejas el preservativo encima de la cama.
"¿Extra grande?" Pregunta con una sonrisa viendo el preservativo. "¿Lucy y tú habéis hablado de mi tamaño?"
Golpeas su hombro "Para empezar, no." Se ríe con fuerza haciendo que a ti tambien se te escape la risa. "Y que sepas que es un engaño, el preservativo normal se adapta a todos los tamaños, el extra grande es un engaño para que los vanidosos se dejen más dinero"
"Estoy bromeando, amor"
Te acerca con una mano sobre tu cuello y te besa. No con ansiedad, ni con lujuria. Es un beso tranquilo. Un beso de quién tiene todo el tiempo del mundo, y los únicos labios que desea besar.
Después de dos veces, ambos caéis en la cama cansados. Ben no tarda en quedarse dormido después de fumar un cigarro, y tú tapas tu cuerpo con la sábana, y esperas que pase la hora que te queda antes de coger tus pertenencias y coger el avión. ¿Fue un error? No lo parecía cuando lo besabas ni cuando follábais. Pero todo se ve de forma diferente cuando estás en frío. ¿Sería incómodo?, ¿se iría en cuanto se despertase?, ¿te volvería a llamar?, ¿te diría que fue solo una noche?, ¿significó para él lo mismo que significó para ti? Sientes la como te ataca la ansiedad mientras Ben ronca ligeramente.
Cuando llega la hora te levantas con cuidado. Buscas la ropa que hay sobre el suelo, y te la pones en silencio lo más rápido que puedes. No puedes ducharte, eso lo despertaría, y honestamente no quieres tener esa incómoda conversación del "día después". Abres la puerta y con cuidado sacas las maletas. Sientes el sudor recorrer tu espalda, son tres maletas grandes y no es fácil arrastrarlas con cuidado sobre el suelo de madera. Cuando lo consigues llamas al ascensor y dejas las maletas en un lado.
Llegas a la habitación, solo te queda tu bolso, y el móvil con el cargador. Cuelgas tu mochila en el brazo y te acercas a la cama. Ben tiene media cara contra la almohada, y la boca ligeramente abierta. Le apartas un poco el pelo con la mano, y le besas la mejilla.
"Supongo que se acabó" Tus ojos se llenan de lágrimas. Realmente lo amas, es la persona más gentil, divertida y amable que conoces. Y has tenido la oportunidad de conocer su lado sexy. Y solo por una noche ha sido tuyo. Pero no estáis en la misma página. Acaba de salir de una relación muy larga, una persona con la que se quería casar. Y aunque te duela, sabes que aún le queda mucho para superarlo.
"Ojalá me encuentres cuando estés listo" Y con esa última frase, abandonas a Ben en la habitación del hotel. Pero olvidaste que allí también dejaste tu corazón.
¿Segunda parte?
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