lapazdelmar · 3 months
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No creo en un lugar llamado olvido, aunque el tiempo me dé alguna que otra bofetada de realidad.
¿Y sabes por qué?
Porque te quiero de tal manera que no doy opción al amor para aburrirse.
Mis oídos te escucharán una vida entera, mis ojos te dirán “te quiero” aunque no te vean y mis manos… ¡ay, mis manos! han nacido solo para acariciarte.
Buenas noches amor
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aliasanew · 2 years
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Publicado el 9-II-2023 (JUEVES)
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chicosanchez · 4 months
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¿Nos preparamos V.i.r.u.s de la Bofetada? Humor cientontífico.
Para verlo entra en este enlace: https://chicosanchez.com/blog/f/%C2%BFnos-preparamos-virus-de-la-bofetada-humor-cientont%C3%ADfico
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12endigital · 10 months
Detenida la responsable de la guardería de Elche por abofetear y maltratar a dos niños de 8 y 18 meses
Agentes de la Policía Nacional han detenido a una mujer, trabajadora y gerente de una guardería ubicada en la localidad alicantina de Elche, por presuntamente maltratar a dos menores de ocho y 18 meses, según han confirmado fuentes de Jefatura. El Grupo I de la Brigada de Policía Judicial de la Comisaría de Policía Nacional en Elche abrió una investigación tras la denuncia interpuesta a finales…
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peliydoritos · 1 year
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nicknewage · 2 years
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É isso mesmo hein aaaaaa #tbt 2016 💙 Início do meu mundinho #lgbtqia + 🏳️‍🌈. Conheci essa gatinha e pepita no mesmo dia na boate @bofetadaclub Rio, na época ainda tinha bofetada no Rio e eu divulgava então tive a oportunidade. Foi um dia incrível, bem no início da minha vida lgbt+ então tive diversos momentos como esse por trabalhar com divulgação e tudo isso por que eu sempre tive uma boa imagem na internet, desde meus 14 anos já tava nessa e já usufruía de serviços VIP para influenciadores pela empresa @thestatusclub e também de forma autônoma já que eu consegui coisas que o The Status não tinha acesso. O que quero passar pra vocês com esse assunto é que vocês podem ser o que vocês quiserem, vocês só precisam conquistar as coisas e por isso você ter o “respeito e reconhecimento” para pedir tais benefícios. Eu tinha diversos benefícios quando usava e alguns eram por ex, ter desconto para pular de asa delta ou para comprar @yogoberryoficial , tinham diversos benefícios e também uma classificação baseada no seu alcance e afins. Queria ver uma empresa como tal hoje em dia… . . . #liaclark #bofetada #drag #empresa #influenciador #nickswaelen #filosofo #audiovisual #drag #lgbt #trabalho #job #blogueira (em Bofetadaclub Rio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUxfuloLh-S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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welele · 1 year
La elegante
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stclli · 2 months
te prestaría mis apuntes | préstame tus apuntes | quiero conocerte mejor | espero caerte bien | me gusta hablar contigo | espero que nos entendamos mejor | quiero ser tu amigue | eres mi amigue | te considero de mis mejores amigues | quiero cuidarte | no quiero que te pase nada malo | pienso que eres linde | no sé cómo me haces sentir | me confundes a veces | me alegra que estés en mi vida | quisiera entrenar contigo | no me caes bien | tendría una cita contigo | quiero que sepas sobre mi pasado | quiero saber más de ti | me lo paso muy bien contigo | me siento segure contigo | te daría un beso en (frente/mejilla/labios) | sostendría tu mano | te daría un abrazo | dormiría a tu lado | me emborracharía contigo | te pegaría una bofetada | quisiera estar en las mismas clases  | pelearía a tu lado  | me gustaría estar en el mismo equipo  | odiaría estar en el mismo equipo  | te traicionaría  | nunca te traicionaría | fuera de reverie seríamos amigues  | fuera de reverie no seríamos amigues  | si te veo en un café, te invitaría  | si te veo en un café, te evitaría.
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maozne18 · 2 years
wait a sec i have just realised:
mark snuffy, judging by his name, is from the uk. he's also called the "CROWN messenger". zlatan ibrahimovic, the player he's based on, was caught having... ambiguous behaviour with an another teammate of his
chris PRINCE is british and the "perfect hero". he's also based on cristiano ronaldo, a deeply closeted player
methinks i have uncovered a new pairing
Sorry but I do not want these men to be British-
Me thinks Marc could be either Spanish or Italian actually for self indulgent reasons and Chris is portuguese for extremely self indulgent reasons
No one is as mentally ill and crazy about football than tugas dm me and ill send a few examples-
And about that thing of football players, literally google anything and you’ll find pics of them smacking each others asses gropping and what would be considered sex if in private and with their clothes off sjsjsjs
Google Totti, he actually might be the guy Marc is based on👀 got the nose and everything
Now Ronaldo oh boy, yeah you can say hes closeted portugal is extremely old fashioned and he grew up in an island thats even more olf fashioned yadda yadda so yeah it might be hard to admit that he is only time will tell
Anywayss I legit can only tell once they have interacted, its all about chemistry for me lavi and noa have it chris and noa dont.
Im saying this cause i kinda want marc all to myself oop but i do think your right now that you mention it they might also have something going on-
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dropsofsciencenews · 2 months
Episode 11 online!
🇮🇹 Italiano Ed eccoci qui con l'episodio 11 del nostro podcast di Drops of Science. Questa volta vi racconteremo degli straordinari denti dei varani di komodo, dell'origine degli zaffiri, di api schiaffeggiatrici e tanto altro. Vi unite al viaggio? Il podcast è gratuito e disponibile su tutte le piattaforme di ascolto streaming e in tre lingue.
🇪🇸 Español Y aquí estamos con el episodio 11 de nuestro podcast de Drops of Science. Esta vez les contaremos sobre los extraordinarios dientes de los dragones de komodo, el origen de los zafiros, abejas bofetadas y mucho más. ¿Te unes al viaje? El podcast es gratuito y está disponible en todas las plataformas de streaming y en tres idiomas.
🇬🇧 English And here we are with episode 11 of our Drops of Science podcast. This time, we will tell you about the extraordinary teeth of Komodo dragons, the origin of sapphires, slapping bees, and much more. Will you join the journey? The podcast is free and available on all streaming platforms and in three languages.
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adribosch-fan · 9 months
🤚😨 | La bofetada
La administración Biden “ha prometido apoyar” a Venezuela y fomentar la democracia, pero la liberación de Saab contradice su mensaje DESTACADAS ESTEFANY ESCOBAR Y RORY BRANKER Photo by Jacques LE HENAFF on Unsplash Destacado Suscriptor, La liberación de Saab es una concesión sumamente preocupante realizada por Estados Unidos, ya que no solamente representa una traición al compromiso con los…
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ztoa99 · 2 years
Centros comunitarios y mayores benefician la salud mental de los mayores | Noticias
Centros comunitarios y mayores benefician la salud mental de los mayores | Noticias
SUNBURY – Después de que Susan Detty y su esposo perdieron a su hijo hace cuatro años, los amigos que conocieron en el Centro Comunitario para Adultos de Sunbury fueron una parte very important de su recuperación afligida. Susan Detty, de 71 años, de Sunbury, ha asistido al centro comunitario para adultos, anteriormente conocido como Nice Motion Heart, durante al menos 10 años con sus amigos. Los…
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aliasanew · 1 year
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chicosanchez · 4 months
¡Y ahora el virus de la bofetada!¡Lo que faltaba!
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callofdudes · 1 year
Once again gracing the feed, cause the people deserve it so so much. Being best friends with Alejandro and Rudy headcanon please !!!
Thank you for gracing us with your presence @itsscromp 😌 always a pleasure to have you.
Being best friends with Alejandro & Rudy
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Alejandro is generally a very touchy person. And if not touchy then very verbally aggressive in his affection. You are no exception to this. He's always right there, loud and proud of you. Encouraging you.
Rodolfo is much quieter. He keeps his hands to himself and gives you reassuring nods or occasional encouragement.
The two are like day and night and it was hard to get used to both of them each. But they complimented each other nicely.
Starting with Rudy, at first his mute expressions set you off a little. You were unnerved slightly as first by his silent, watching eyes. Always on you, always watching and yet you were unable to read him. You admit you might have been a tad scared of him at first.
Until he started to speak, loosening up around Alejandro when you were all together and it finally gave you the opportunity to crack into him and understand him some more.
Slowly Rudy became a little more expressive around you. His training always kicks in and sometimes he forgets to smile, or it's strained when he tries. But you know he means well and slowly that smile loosens and feels natural around you.
You make him smile.
Whenever going on beach outings Alejandro would much rather stay on the beach by the food and drinks. While Rodolfo is always in the water. He loves to surf and when you wanted to learn he immediately perked up in a way you hadn't seen before.
He is skilled on his board, and the first time you heard him really laugh was after attempting a trick and falling like a ragdoll into the wave.
Despite the laughter he was still very concerned for you but still.
You loved to play videogames with Rudy. Even if he had way more experience with videogames, and he'd been playing them longer. It was always fun.
And they both could make the most amazing food. Rudy always has a music playlist he puts on when him and Alejandro are cooking. Often Alejandro trying to push Rudy out of the way and get you out of the kitchen so he can cook for you two.
"Y/n- get out of my kitchen, estoy tratando de hacer que la comida, Te voy a dar una bofetada con esta espátula si no salir!" I'm trying to make you food, I'll slap you with this spatula if you don't get out! (Apologies if the translation is wrong.)
"Ok ok, I'm sorry oh mighty cooking one." You back out of the kitchen, chuckling. You know he doesn't mean any harm, he's just passionate.
"Rudy! Smash bros, with me while cooking king is doing his thing."
Rudy chuckles, leaving his speaker in the kitchen. "Fine, but don't expect to win."
"I will too win!!"
"No you won't."
"Yes... yes I will!"
"Not a chance."
"Rudy stop that!"
He chuckles and sits down, taking his controller.
He did in fact beat you. No surprise though.
Ale loves to cook for you both. He loved to cook for everyone but other than affection and words of affirmation, food is his love language. He absolutely loves showering you in delicious pounds of food. Making sure You're well fed every single time.
Both of them get pretty touch starved. Along with being proactive, they too are in the group of soldiers who happen to get carried away in their work far too often.
It has happened a few times where you've had to drag them away from their desks or get them out of the sun and make them take a break. Or they'll get so exhausted on their own they'll drag themselves to come find you.
Whenever Rudy gets to the point of needing emergency cuddles you better be prepared to never move from that spot again.
Rudy slipped into your office, noticing you were particularly busy. He could work around that. Instead of trying to grab your attention he pushed the chair back slightly. Getting down on his knees and leaning forward to wrap his arms around your waist, forehead on your knees. He closes his eyes, relaxing.
You smile softly, noticing his attempt to not disturb you. You run your hand over his scalp and through his hair. "Hey Rudy."
He hums in reply, not moving.
"I'm almost done and then we can go somewhere more comfy ok?"
Rudy hums again, nodding a little.
Ale in the same sense. But he's at least cuddly in a way that if you need to get up for the bathroom or vice versa then he will let you go. Rudy won't. So better be prepared.
They both care for you and incredible amount as well. Ale was always joyful around you but when you get hurt or kidnapped or anything he's afraid. Confidence going down and nerves working up as he scrambles to do everything he can. He manages to keep it together with Rudy until they get in and find you.
Rescuing you they finally can hug you tightly and hug you in absolute relief.
Rudy unlocked the door, opening it and rushing in, Ale following. Their eyes immediately locked onto your body at the back of the room tied to a chair.
"Querido Señor gracias - y/n!! ¡Estás bien!" Dear Lord thank you- y/n!! You are ok!
Alejandro rushes up to you, kneeling down. He tilted your head, cursing when he saw your wounds. Rudy came over and cut the ropes, gently bringing your arms down.
"There, just relax, we've got you."
"Rudy... Al..." you whispered, looking at them with droopy eyes, filling with relief.
"We're here y/n, we came as soon as we got word. We're getting you home ok?"
They are incredibly respectful when if you introduce them to your family. They trust you and invite you into their family that they invite you down to celebrate holidays with them like Day of the Dead and Christmas. Really any holiday, or special occasion they make sure you get an invitation, whether you can go or not.
"So... you set these up for loved ones??" Al nodded, showing you the ofrenda that they had made for you. "And for you, for anyone you know."
You reach in your jacket and pull out the photo you keep there over your heart, smiling seeing it. Walking over and putting the photo up. "I miss you..." you whisper, seeing the photo surrounded by the flowers and gently flickering candles.
Rudy and Al also having their photos set up of family and fallen close friends.
You were glad you were invited to join in this special celebration with them. It made you feel special and a part of them family in a new way.
Alejandro is very open about his background. Telling you how he grew up, about his family, crazy and funny stories growing up working hard in the military. He always gets a laugh out of you.
Rudy is a little more hush hush about it. While Alejandro doesn't tell you things about Rudy he knows Rudy wouldn't appreciate, it just makes him more of a mystery.
Alejandro teaches you self defense and loves to spar with you all the time. Intense training, casual, he loves it all.
Rudy teaches you how to use a giant police taser.
Rudy has many taser, all shapes and sizes, he teaches you to use them all.
"Are you sure this will actually work on the field??"
Rudy nods. "Of course it will. Just turn it on and-" The taser crackles as he jabs it. "Get them where it hurts. Stomach or below really does the trick."
"Rodolfo!" Alejandro chides him from across the room. Rudy just nods to you. "He knows I'm right."
It's a chaotic, loving relationship you have with them. They do everything to make you smile, happy, comfortable, and they are amazing role models of respect. (most of the time 🤭)
Let's be honest they were the rowdy ones when they were in the military in the younger years and nothing has changed. They aren't called Los Vaqueros for nothing y'know.
So they do become incredibly rowdy. Smart men but you are a little stunned when they are put in a room together they go dumb. They do some wild shit together and often end up dragging you into their antics.
Yes, yes Rudy plays pranks and no one is safe. But instead of pranks he calls them solutions. He rigged air horns in the barracks when the recruits felt like getting up slightly later so 5:30 on the dot they go off in every room. He always can hear it from far away and it's a joy.
He did it to you once. You were pissed at him but this time he managed a smile, playing it off like nothing and inviting you on his morning run around base before it started to really warm up.
Hiking buddies.
Like you can hike with all of them but these guys are the hiking guys. They both have a very good grasp on the nature around them, Alejandro knowing more about the wildlife when Rudy is way into all the plants, fungi, and what not.
Not only is it a beautiful hike in nature but it's also pretty nice to learn some stuff along the way.
Both of them tell dad jokes. It's a rule, they just do. Rudy started doing it a lot more when he realized Ghost also has dad jokes for you and then Al picked up on it and now you're aren't safe from anyone.
Dad jokes everywhere. Rudy's are a little more morbid and along Ghost's lines but Al just had really shitty ones that make you smile.
And there is probably so so so much more that I'm missing right now but I hope this suffices for now. Go out into the world and take a Vaquero with you.
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welele · 1 year
No sé, en el fútbol funciona
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