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authenticstyleco · 5 years ago
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Fine Silky Touch Bath Glove by Authentic Style&Co.
This medium hardness special skin glove is made of 100% natural viscose and silk.
It is a natural peeling material and it does not consist of any artificial (harmful) materials inside. This bath glove is very good for back and legs. It helps your skin to have the most natural and brilliant colour.
"Bye Bye Cellulite"
- Deep Exfoliating Mitt Body Scrub
- Turkish Hammam Bath Glove
- Skin Exfoliating Bath&Spa Mitt
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mcavusoglu · 3 years ago
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Keseleyin gitsin! Cildi yenileyen Artistry Signature Select™ Vücut İçin Parlaklık Veren Peeling, kurumuş hücreleri nazik fakat etkili bir şekilde gidererek cildi yumuşacık, pürüzsüz, yenilenmiş hissetmenizi sağlar. Topuklar ve dirsekler gibi sert kısımlar da dahil olmak üzere, cilt yüzeyindeki matlaşmış ve kurumuş hücre birikimini nazik fakat etkili bir biçimde soyarak giderir. #amway #amwaytürkiye #amwaytürkiyeltd #amwaylife #signatureselect #peeling #bodyscrub #bodypeeling #ciltbakımı #skincare #vücutbakımı #güzellik amway.com.tr/tr/login/register/customer/abo/7956751 Bu linke tıklayarak kayıtlı müşteri olup tüm ürünleri indirimli alabilirsiniz (Bornova, İzmir) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd_NJ1qI_H8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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giancarloriccio · 4 years ago
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Risveglia il tuo corpo! Dalla stimolazione del tessuto sotto la doccia con il detergente al ginkgo, alla pulizia profonda con il peeling al sale, per levigare la pelle ed aumentare l'assorbimento del siero botanico anticellulite ad azione intensiva. Puoi incentivare l'azione drenante aiutandoti dall'interno con Aloe vera. Ecco una proposta di Beauty Care drenante a 360° Sull'etichetta di ciascun prodotto è riportata la modalità di utilizzo. Puoi acquistare autonomamente su www.organic-life.it con il codice 267900 #organiclifeitalia #benessere360 #estrattibotanici #beautycare #bodypeeling #drenante #trattamenticorpo #cellulite #aloevera #ginkgo #centella #vegancosmetics https://www.instagram.com/p/CNt0neMA_Vz/?igshid=1y0xg068itxzy
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michaladamski1987 · 4 years ago
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Dziś z Zielonym Laboratorium, marką tworzącą kosmetyki o prostym składzie z surowców naturalnych o wysokiej biodostępności i skuteczności. Do produkcji używane są najwyższej jakości nierafinowane oleje roślinne, ekstrakty oraz olejki eteryczne, które stanowią nie tylko doskonałe substancje aktywne, ale nadają również kosmetykom wymiar aromaterapii. ✔️ Żel do mycia ciała, energetyzujący z żurawiną i jabłkiem to najdelikatniejszy sposób na skuteczne oczyszczenie skóry podczas kąpieli. Naturalny żel pod prysznic posiada dobroczynny skład, dzięki któremu Twoja skóra pozostanie nie tylko dokładnie oczyszczona, ale także odżywiona, co w efekcie regularnego stosowania poprawia jej kondycję. Naturalny żel pod prysznic posiada drobinki żurawiny, które posiadają dobroczynny wpływ na zachowanie młodego wyglądu skóry. Sok z jabłek zawiera prowitaminę A, witaminę C, B1, B2, B6, E, a także cenne pektyny, bogactwo soli mineralnych, sporo cynku, potasu i żelaza. Olej słonecznikowy ma działanie przeciwzapalne. Zmiękcza i wygładza skórę. Przeciwdziała powstawaniu wolnych rodników. Oliwa z oliwek ma właściwości nawilżające. Zawiera też przeciwutleniacze, takie jak witamina A i E. Drobinki żurawiny zawierają witaminy A i C, witaminy z grupy B oraz żelazo, wapń, magnez, fosfor i jod. ✔️ Peeling do ciała detoksykujący z rozmarynem i pietruszką to gwarancja delikatnego oczyszczania skóry ze złuszczającego się, martwego naskórka. Delikatny masaż skóry pobudzają mikrokrążenie, a mikroelementy zawarte w soli poprawiają jej kondycję. Oferowany naturalny peeling do ciała posiada bogaty skład odpowiadający za wysoki poziom nawilżenia skóry w trakcie jej oczyszczania. Kliknij i dowiedz się więcej: https://zielonelaboratorium.pl/ #uroda #zielonelaboratorium #zielonelab @zielone.lab #kosmetyki #cosmetics #kosmetykiweganskie #vegan #vegancosmetic #vegancosmetics #żeldomycia #showergel #showertime #peeling #peelingdociała #bodypeeling #perfectbody #beautybody #bodycare #bodycareproducts #polskichłopak #polskichlopak #polishboy #instaboy #polishguy #instaguy #influencer #influencerstyle (w: Michał Adamski) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKV6fvdgcgr/?igshid=1kto1zpkafyk2
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peos-kozmetik · 6 years ago
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Mineral Esanslı Tuzlu Peeling   Colmar Mineral Esanslı tuzlu peeling, içindeki tuz ve mineral yağlar sayesinde el ve vücuttaki ölü hücrelerin atılmasını sağlar. Güneş lekeleri, hamilelik lekeleri, cilt lekelerini ve çilleri(çil maskesi) giderir. Ciltteki gözeneklerin yenilenmesiyle pürüzsüz ve canlı bir cilde kavuşursunuz. Pürüzsüz bir cilt için evde cilt bakımı yapmanızı sağlayan cilt temizliği ve cilt yenilemede etkili en iyi cilt bakım ürünüdür. Yüz haricinde tüm vücut bölgelerine rahatlıkla kullanılabilir. Pürüzsüz ışıl ışıl bacaklara, canlı ve parlak dekolteye kavuşmanızı sağlar. Sir ağda ve epilasyon işlemlerinden veya dar elbise giymeden dolayı meydana gelen kıl dönmesi ve batık problemlerinin giderilmesinde çok etkilidir. El ve ayakların işlem sonrasında pamuk gibi olmasında çok etkilidir. Selülitli bölgelerde masajla uygulandığında, selülitlerin giderilmesinde çok başarılıdır. Düzenli ve sürekli kullanımda vücut lekelerinde(leke giderici peeling) etkilidir. Özellikle koltuk altı, kasıklar ve bikini bölgesi  kararmasında başarılı sonuçlar almanızı sağlar. Cilt canlandırıcı maske göreviyle yumuşak ve ipeksi bir görünüme kavuşturur. Cildinizin nefes almasını sağlar. Not: Yüz Kullanımına Uygun Değildir. Kullanım şekli;   Şişeyi iyice çalkaladıktan sonra elinize alacağınız bir miktar peelingi uygulayacağınız bölgeye birkaç dakika masaj yaparak sürünüz. Ardından havlu veya ılık su ile durulayarak temizleyiniz. Güzellik merkezleri ve cilt bakım merkezlerinin tavsiyesi ile en iyi cilt bakım ürünleri, cilt bakım maskeleri, en iyi kil maskesi, peeling ürünleri ve cilt temizleme ürünleri en ucuz fiyata peoskozmetik.com adresinde… www.peoskozmetik.com 08504411577 02722144625 05552041572 #ciltbakımı #ciltlekeleri #ciltbakımıvegüzellik #ciltbakımıürünleri #ciltbakımıadana #ciltbakimrutini #ciltbakimkremi #Peeling #tuzlupeelimg #kıldönmesi #batık #colmar #pürüzsüzcilt #vücutbakımı #vucutpeelingi #peoskozmetik #body #skincare #bodypeeling (Peos Kozmetik) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx26q_IhKQe/?igshid=10kpc1xk6g97k
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spicule365 · 3 years ago
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SpongillaTech® Spicule Treatment Body peeling 1 treatment
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keoshaclinic · 5 years ago
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jakegalvez · 6 years ago
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As promised, continuing my skin care procedures 3 weeks after all my beach trips. 😉 Doc San Luis advised me previously to come back for my Flawless Signature Body Peel. This @myflawless exclusive is an intensive whole body micro peeling treatment which uses multiple types of fruit acids to deliver a smoother, fairer and more radiant skin. ✨ Perfect treatment if you want a skin reset after all the summer getaways 🌊 This service is available in all Flawless Face and Body Clinics 👍🏼 #flawlesssignaturebodypeel #bodypeel #skincareph #jakegalvezxbeauty (at Flawless Face and Body Clinic) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxgHCsfl_Dh/?igshid=4sfyg4wojfbr
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thedeafzebra · 6 years ago
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The honey products from the Mother's Day bundle are now available separately, AND now there's a face mask too! Honey, especially manuka honey, has amazing skin benefits. And, Posh's honey is sustainably sourced! Link in bio! #honey #manukahoney #handcream #skinstick #bodymask #bodypeel #facemask #dryskin #eczema #psoriasis #acne https://www.instagram.com/p/BwaybPxAz04/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h3p10lbsq664
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poshykaren · 6 years ago
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Starting tomorrow you can purchase a Mother’s day bundle till April 7th. With manuka honey and royal jelly how can you go wrong?! I can’t wait to grab mine. #poshykaren #poshintheknow #perfectlyposhbykaren #pamper #mothersday #bundle #limited #manukahoney #royaljelly #handcreme #bodypeel #love #newproducts #bestingredients #crueltyfree #loveyourself #responsiblyresourced #madeintheusa #loveyourmama https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv2vTV8A3g2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6bx016xlz0nv
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applecakechan · 5 years ago
quarantine tag meme
I was tagged by the Sweet and Wonderful @shi-thappensallthetime​
Thank you :)
1. Are you staying home from work/school?
- I “work” from home (not really lol)
2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
- Im with my parents and my younger brother
3. Do you have pets to keep you company?
- Yess my dog and my bearded dragon^^
4. Who do you miss the most?
- Honestly everybody, even my colleagues bc im sooo bored :((
5. When was the last time you left your home?
-Today I went to the postoffice to send a friend a mask and I went to the drugstore lol
6. What was the last thing you bought?
-A facemask, A mask for my feet lol, haircolour, bodypeeling aaaand tea
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
- Im stressed (depressed) lol tbh the first few days were great but now all I do is overthink.. I cant realx a secound im very bored and cant keep my mind busy so its just all over the place making me think bad things about myself :((
8. Are you a homebody?
- Yep
9. What movies have you watched recently?
- Does “Possibly in Michigan” count?
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
- Sooo many concerts tbh, also the wedding from my cousin :/
11. What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel?
- cant think of anything lol
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel?
- My year in Skorea... could be there but no, miss Corona postponed it to a unknown date :((
13. Do you have any new hobbies?
- sewing i think
14. What are you out of?
- affection? Lol
15. What music are you listening to?
- A lot of indie i think, also been listening to a lot of sad/depressing music lately ups
16. What shows are you watching?
- Watching a german tv show with my parents atm hehe
17. What are you reading?
- nothing...
18. What are you doing of self-care?
- nothing really, does being lazy count?
19. Are you exercising?
- sometimes, its my “work” i gotta do from home lolol
20. How’s your toilet paper supply?
- got enough
21. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
- i colored my hair but i was planning on doing that anyway haha
I tag @cryptcombat @napally @insomniaxsun and @quarter0master
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lambreindia · 4 years ago
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Reduce the appearance of cellulite and soften rough dry skin on your body with Spa Amber Body Anti Cellulite range. The amber extract and anti-cellulite complex in the products deliver the benefits of caffeine that stimulates microcirculation in the skin helping the fat burning process. Spa Amber Gel Peeling Body Scrub: This anti-cellulite scrub gently peels away dead skin cells and reduces the appearance of cellulite as you massage it into the skin. It also evens out stretch marks caused by dehydration and slow skin circulation. The product deeply cleanses the skin, removes impurities, and helps in the skin renewal process. Spa Amber Body Butter: A rich, anti-cellulite body butter that conditions skin, smoothening the rough texture. It reduces cellulite and prevents stretch marks caused by dehydration and sudden decrease in skin elasticity and firmness. It contains a high percentage of natural fruit butter like cocoa and shea butter that regenerate dry skin and improve skin firmness and elasticity. Shop now, click the link in bio. #anticellulite #bodybutter #bodypeeling #bodyscrub #sheabutter #cocoa #dryskincare #dryskin #stretchmarks #naturalfruit #firmness #skinelasticity #kbeautyindia #jbeautyindia #indianblogger #Lambreindia #lambre https://www.instagram.com/p/CI-h6GAlaQv/?igshid=5t29xpdmvh39
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blogforyoucosmetic-blog · 7 years ago
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Hallo meine lieben Beauty Mäuse 😍 heute habe ich mal Körperpeeling Samtweich von der Badefee @badefee 😍💘😍 ein sehr cooles Produkte ❤️ ❣fühlt sich sehr gut auf der Haut an und ist dezent im Geruch 💘gefällt mir sehr gut, bin ein großer Fan von der Bade Fee😍😍😍 ich wünsche allen eine schöne sonnigen Woche noch 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗 Hello My Beauty Friends ⭐️⭐️ Bodypeeling Samtweich from Badefee @badefee_jp great Wellness Product ⭐️⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am a bog Fan & love it ❣❣#bblogger #bbloggers #beautyblogger #peeling #cosmetics #blogger #instablogger #night #germanyblogger #body #hautgefuehl #feeling #newin #girl #instadaily #instapic #bodypeeling #bihbloggercommunity #styleblogger #bosnianblogger #instalike #bosniangirl #croatiablogger #wirliebenkosmetik #blogforyoucosmetic #influencer (hier: Prcavci, Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina, Bosnia And Herzegovina)
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etiennecarter55 · 7 years ago
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AROSHA'S professional BODY line is complemented by a specific and targeted retail line to enhance the results between #spa visits. BODY RESCUE : Following the right daily regimen at home is essential if you are to get the most out of your visits to a professional. -CELLULITE CREAM -STRETCH MARKS CREAM -FIRMING CREAM -BREAST & DÉCOLLETÉ GEL -ENZYMATIC PEELING -TEXTURE CREAM #spa #retail #sales #skincare #cosmetics #beauty #arosha #bodycare #cellulitecream #beautylink #massage #cellulitereduction #bodywraps #slimming #bodycontouring #cosmeceuticals #cosmetics #antiaging #bodypeeling #wellness #inchloss #healthandfitness
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lifeofhein · 8 years ago
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Deadsea was great! #deadsea #travel #explore #adventure #mudd #peeling #spa #salt #skinncare #sun #warm #palestine #israel #floting #swimming #ninjaturtles #strong #muscle #bodypeeling #tourist
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keoshaclinic · 5 years ago
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Beautiful Skin & Beauty Body. Keosha
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