zymruk · 2 months
Can you stop? [Shang-Chi x Reader]
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AN: I received this request and honestly thanks for asking me to write it. I don't know how much it's gonna take me to write it, but I'll try. sorry for any grammar mistakes
Y/A/N: Your agency's name
Warning: none, really.
Synopsis: Shaun wasn't always a door guy. He used to work as a bodyguard.
I'm probably gonna follow up with a one-shot
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It was Tuesday third of October, when you woke up to the sound of pounding at your door. It took you a while to remember the cause of the noise. You had an appointment today for a promotional ad for some cream. And judging by the time you were late.
"Come on Y/N, you don't want another one of Lelie's scoldings!" Said Shawn outside your door. Shawn was the bodyguard you'd gotten since the renewal of your contract at Y/A/N. The previous one had just closed down, so you were in dire need of a new one, fortunately, Les still wanted you as a client. The both of you, then, decided on holding your own fort. Still, you needed a bodyguard, the previous one had been hired by someone by the time you'd found a compromise with Les. Coincidentally, Shawn had all the qualifications, thus, was hired.
Leslie was your agent. She could be a bit cranky on bad days, but the worst ones were when you were late to your appointments. And you were. In less time than you planned, you had been showered, dressed and ready to go. After all, you would change once again at the shooting set when you' would 'd arrive. The clothes you were supposed to be wearing already picked out by dear Leslie.
"Thanks. I think I forgot to put on my alarm." You turned to Shawn, whom had already bought you coffee. You would need it today. Not only did you have to shoot an ad, later in the day you were needed at the inauguration of a theater funded by the Stark Relief Foundation.
You'll smile, take pictures for two hours and even go through four more hours watching a documentary on the creation of the Stark industries. Apparently, the theater director had insisted on it being projected during the inauguration, though many had wanted to watch something else. Thanks to Leslie, however, you wouldn't suffer alone, as she'd been able to snatch another ticket for Shawn. He would watch the terribly long documentary with you. Not that he really had a choice. I mean, he was paid to do it.
Now in the car, going to the set location, you couldn't help but get lost in the sights of the road. You often didn't have the time to stop and admire what was around you. More often than you'd want, you needed to be at ten places at the same time. It was tiring, but, like everybody, you had a job to do and your mouth to feed. Also, your job wasn't as terrible as it could've been. You were lucky. You had, comfortably, a thing that few could claim and, money. In terms, you couldn't really complain.
"What are you thinking about?" Shawn's voice took you out of your reverie. He was looking at you through the rearview mirror. You'd almost forgotten him with how quiet he'd been.
"Everything and nothing at once. Why?" Now that he was looking at the road again, you could observe him without any restraint. He was a handsome young man, the same age as you if you were not mistaken, maybe a bit older. But handsome, no less. He'd seen a lot of things with you in this one year of 'partnership'. He'd protected you from weirdos trying to break into your changing rooms, had shielded you from someone trying to snatch you at a signing event.You'd been vulnerable with during this year, he'd seen you break down more times than you could count and still found it in himself to be comprehensive about it. You were safe with him, so much so that you'd considered him an ally; a friend, if you will.
Once the shooting was done, you two were on your way back to your hotel, where you'd go back to your respective rooms and change clothes. You were given a y/f/c garment that complimented your body in the best of ways. You could thank Leslie and the stylist she'd gotten you for that. Though you weren't feeling the event as much as you should've, you still felt better knowing you wouldn't be alone. Shawn would be with you.
"Hey, are you ready?" You could hear his voice outside your door as you were staring at your reflection.
"Yeah, I'm coming." You were content with the way you looked. Plus, you wouldn't stay all night. After the screening, or during, you'd find a way to take your leave without anyone noticing. You had faith in that.
Once out of the room, you almost bumped with him, by how close he was to the entrance. The suit he was wearing was remarkably perfect in him. It was as if he was the one blessed by a fairy or something. Also, it was worth noting that his faced had been done. Probably Leslie and her need for every picture to be perfect. You were all the more enthralled by his eyeshadow.
Or rather, his eyes, to be more precise. Whomever Leslie had hired had truly mastered their craft. All in all, the makeup suited him, you'd go as far as to say it really complimented his face.
"Maybe we should get moving." He said, his voice above a whisper. You hadn't realized the two of you had been standing in this hallway for a while now. You didn't know what could've happened if anything had happened in the tiny moment.
"Yeah, definitely. Do you have any plans after tonight?" The words escaped your mouth before you could even hold them back. It was true that Shawn would be free later in the night. He'd be done with his shift. Elsa would take hers right after him. You didn't know why you needed a nocturn security guard; but Leslie knew what she was doing, you trusted her too.
"No, I was planning on watching a movie and falling asleep to it." You felt stupid for even asking the question, obviously the guy wanted to relax and chill after this day of running around.
"Do you have any plans for tonight?" You hadn't even gotten the time to engage with his answer that he'd already asked you a question.
"No, I'm probably gonna stay in my room late and wait for sleep to find me."
"Why don't we both watch a movie and fall asleep to it then?" You had to agree the suggestion was appealing. You wanted to have fun and maybe that would be the one fun thing you'd be doing this week. In less than a minute you'd made your mind.
"Yeah, sure. Did you have movie picked out already?" The both of you had already taken the direction of your room. It was in all honesty the biggest of the two.
"Yeah, I had an inkling for ratatouille by scary movie is also kinda good." He'd say his hands in his pockets. You couldn't see it but her was smiling.
"I'm more of a scary movie type of gall." You said turning your head towards him as you were unlocking your room.
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not-ur-boy-toy · 1 month
Hartbreak Ranch Chapter 1
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AN: FINALLY Chapter 1 of Hartbreak Ranch, I really hope you enjoy it! (btw I'm bad at explaining plots so apologies :,) )
Plot: Shawn is a famous model on his way to a new photoshoot. However, he finds himself getting stuck in the middle of nowhere. Luck just has it though as he finds himself staying with the Hart family, finding himself being drawn to a certain Bret Hart.
TW: Foul language, Alcohol mentioned
Word count: 3.6K
Next >>>
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Blond hair flowed freely through the wind as the bright, cherry-red Ferrari 308 drove down the desolate Arizona road. Music blared from the car as it raced through the empty route. The driver of it didn’t have a care in the world as he held a phone to his ear, his free hand on the steering wheel.
“Diesel! Trust me here, I’m doin’ fine, I know where I’m going!”, a laugh rang through the car, as the man spoke, his grin large as he kept his eyes on the road. 
“I know you know where you’re going, Shawn... But you’re in the middle of nowhere” the other voice rang through the phone before continuing, “You’ve already said you’re taking a ’shortcut’ but I just don’t think It’s a good idea!” the voice argued back, trying to reason with the stubborn man.
Shawn rolled his eyes before a soft huff left his lips, he was used to his bodyguard being overprotective, they always traveled together! Wherever Shawn went, a 6’10, hunk-of-a-man followed him. But not this time. The young 30-year-old man wanted to travel by himself! He knew the area reasonably well… maybe just enough to get him to the closest town and ask for directions. But Diesel didn’t have to know! 
“Diesel, Hun, Big Daddy Coolio, I’ll be fine, I’ll be there for Ramon’s photoshoot with what's-his-face…” Shawn hummed to himself, rambling softly to himself as he tried to figure out who he was working with again. Before he could even figure out the guy’s name, Diesel’s deep voice rang through his phone again.
“You’re working with Kid, Ramon’s toyboy or whatever.”
“Riight… That guy, yeah, I won't miss it, anyway, gotta go, phone is gonna die, Byyee!” And just like that, with a small click, Shawn hung up the phone before Diesel could say goodbye. He carefully tossed his phone to the empty passenger seat before adjusting the thick, black sunglasses on his face, humming along to the music on the radio. It had been a glorious drive so far. No traffic, the sun was hot, there were no clouds in the sky… and there was nobody to annoy him- other than Diesel every 15 minutes. 
It was definitely a perfect drive, yet there was one small problem. Fuel. Shawn’s trusty lady was running low, and the next gas station was a good 50 miles out, but there was a small town coming up in a few miles. It was a risk to turn off into the town. There was the chance there was no gas station in the town in the middle of nowhere. But there was just a nagging feeling, something that just drew Shawn’s attention to this town. It just seemed to call his name, and who was he to ignore that feeling? Shawn stepped on the gas, dust blowing behind the wheels as he sped up, going way past the speed limit before he reached the town that seemed to hypnotize him.
Shawn wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he drove through the town. He was used to the luxurious life, like main cities from New York to Los Angeles… but this was beyond different. It was small, tiny, barely anything compared to what he was accustomed to. There wasn’t anything branded, no hotels with infinity pools, no Prada stores, nothing! There was barely anything in this town other than small boutiques, a few restaurants and a few small businesses, as well as a few houses.
“There has to be a gas station in this place…” Shawn mumbled to himself, trying to distract himself away from the feeling he had awhile ago.
Driving around aimlessly didn’t seem to get Shawn anywhere, there wasn’t a gas station in sight, and his car didn’t have enough fuel by the sounds of it as it seemed to hiss and moaning from his beloved Ferrari. However, what Shawn didn’t expect though was the sight of smoke appearing from underneath the hood of his car. He hadn’t realized how hot it was in this place. 
“Shit, Shit, SHIT!” Shawn gasped out, quickly pulling up to the side, and turning off his car. He scrambled to get out of his car with urgency, slamming the door shut. Shawn quickly moved to the front of the car, lifting the hood with a slight hiss of pain from how hot the metal was and how smokey the engine was. He drafted away most of the dark smoke with a small cough before moving back.
“Son of a bitch!” he hissed out in anger, kicking his car slightly with his black leather boot. Oh, how Diesel was right about taking this shitty shortcut. He could see Diesel’s smug face in his mind, which pissed him off more. He hated being wrong. He couldn’t stand it. Rubbing the stubble on his face in frustration, Shawn paced in circles in front of his car, kicking slightly at the dirt on the floor. What the fuck was he supposed to do? Shawn’s blue eyes glanced around, looking at the almost empty street, seeing a few people staring his way before looking away as he looked at them. They weren’t gonna help, clearly. Shawn grunted slightly before slamming the hood down. He had to figure something out, but calling Diesel was not one of them. He could try to find a mechanic, but it meant he had to leave his sweet, beloved Ferrari behind for now… with a reluctant, annoyed huff, Shawn grabbed what he needed from his car, his phone, wallet and keys, before starting his walk to find a mechanic.
Instantly, Shawn knew he was out of place as he walked down the street. He was dolled up in his finest clothes, that being a white, open-shirt bought from Polo Ralph Lauren, khaki brown pants from the same place, his favorite Gucci belt in black and gold and finally his favorite pair of black leather boots, ones with a small heel. Of course, he had a few accessories, like a gold watch and matching earrings. He wouldn’t leave the house without them! This was one of his more ‘casual’ outfits, something he would wear to go shopping in New York. But being in this town? It looked like he was overdressed and everyone walking by gave him a second look. Now, Shawn loved the attention. He loved having people’s eyes on him. People would even say he craved it, but the looks he was being given now, it was more looks of judgment. Shawn mindlessly messed with his shirt, trying to flatten down invisible creases, trying to distract himself from the looks. A mechanic couldn’t be too far away.
A few minutes' walk eventually turned into a 15-minute walk into the town. He had passed more small shops including a bakery (which looked heavenly, from the strawberry cakes that looked freshly made to the croissants that Shawn would have loved to buy), a few cafes, a general store and even a liquor store which he kept in mind. Luckily, he had eventually found the town's repair shop. It looked like an older building, the corners of the building being rusted, yet a new sign in black and neon pink stood out on the building, reading out ‘Hart & Co. Auto Repair’. Loud country music was blasting, and the smell of oil and rubber burnt Shawn’s nose slightly, something he definitely wasn’t used to. As he entered the small shop, he noticed a pair of blue overall cover legs underneath a truck and humming coming from the person. He glanced around the shop, trying to spot anyone else in there, but no one else was in the small space, not even a customer. Shawn cleared his throat, trying to get the person’s attention, but it didn’t seem to catch the guy's attention.
“Excuse me? Hey” Shawn spoke up, moving closer, yet there was still no response. “Hey!” he continued in a louder tone, which seemed to catch the person’s attention.
“Shoot, hold on!” The mechanic yelled out from under the truck, finally rolling out from under the truck. The man who rolled out was quite young-looking, younger than Shawn, and had a baby face. He had blonde hair up to his shoulders and bright blue eyes. Of course, his sun-kissed skin was dotted with some splotches of oil and some sort of grime, and the blue jumpsuit he wore was covered in oil and dirt. Shawn looked at the name tag the other wore, barely seeing the name ‘Owen’ under an oil splotch.
Owen carefully stood up, wiping his hands on a cloth he had in his pocket before smiling at the man in his shop and holding a hand to him.
“Hi! Sorry about that. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long. I’m Owen. What can I help you with?” Owen asked, his voice surprisingly soft and surprisingly, not an Arizona accent either.
Shawn eyed up Owen’s hand beneath his sunglasses before looking back at the man’s face before taking off the shades. He gave Owen one of his charming smiles before speaking.
“No, not at all, just got here actually,” he began, licking his lips slightly before continuing, “I need help with my car- Obviously-, It broke down a few streets back, smokin’ and all… and no fuel” Shawn explained as he watched Owen lower his hand.
Owen looked slightly hurt about the man not shaking his hand, a pout on his face slightly. He hummed slightly before grinning and nodding.
“Should be easy! Luckily, it’s been a slow day, so let me put my truck down and we can go grab your car and tow it with the truck,” the mechanic agreed eagerly after his slow day.
By the time Owen and Shawn had towed the cherry-red car back to the shop, Owen had realized it wasn’t exactly the easiest job… It was a newer car, one he had seen no one in the town drive before… but he wasn’t gonna let this new customer down! Owen had lifted the hood of the car, already knowing it would take a few days to fix from the parts he could see, knowing it would take a few days to order parts… and then a few additional days to actually fix it. 
“So… How long are you here for, Mr?...” 
“Michaels, Shawn Michaels… and I was only coming here to fuel up. "
Now that was an issue. Owen pulled a face, wincing at the thought that he’d have to give this guy bad news.
“Well, Mr. Michaels, I… I uh, suggest you plan your stay here for a few days, I don’t have parts for a car like this,” the mechanic explained, as he glanced over to Shawn who stood nearby with his arms crossed.
“A few days? You have to be kidding me, right? Fuck… Diesel is gonna kill me!” Shawn groaned out, pacing around. “Shit, there’s a decent hotel nearby… right?” he asked, raising a brow as he looked over to Owen. 
Owen winced again. Even more bad news to give the guy…
“Well… There’s a motel nearby… but it is a good 45-minute drive from town.”
Shawn ran a hand through his long, wavy locks in frustration. His day couldn’t get any worse. First, his car breaks, and now the closest place to stay is too far away for him! Diesel appeared in his mind again. That annoying, smug face. Shit, he needed a drink… or something stronger.
Owen could see the annoyance on the guy's face. He truly felt for him. He had a soft heart and couldn’t stand to see a customer disappointed.
“But! If it helps, you could stay at my family ranch for a few days? I can keep you updated on your car and you won’t need to worry about how you’d get back to my shop!” Owen offered. The family ranch had enough space to help the guy out for a few days.
At the sound of the ranch, Shawn instantly hated the idea. He imagined the place being muddy and just plain dirty! However, it meant he would have somewhere to sleep, and he wouldn’t have to worry about trying to get back to this hellhole, which was now his nightmare. He took in a deep breath, trying to calm his annoyance.
“I… I suppose it isn’t a bad idea…” He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck, “... Yeah, fine. I’ll stay at this ranch of yours.”
“Let me close up and we can be on our way then!”.
It was common sense to not take a stranger's offer to stay at their house, but what was there for Shawn to lose? He could simply tell a small lie to Diesel, just saying that he’s spending the night at a hotel… And the day after say he was stuck in traffic and then tell him his car has broken down, just to calm the man's nerves. That and Owen just seemed so… sweet. His personality was so genuine and that was so rare to see in Shawn’s life. Yeah, he had a social life as a model, but most of the people he had met never seemed genuine. The only ones he got that feeling from were Hunter, Chyna and Diesel. Shawn truly felt as if Owen did want to help him out. 
Owen hadn’t taken too long to finish locking up. It did leave plenty of time for Shawn to have a quick look around the place. He quickly noticed that Owen was clearly a family kind of guy. There were plenty of pictures scattered around the workroom of Owen with different people, some he assumed to be his parents, others he assumed were probably his brothers and sisters, and maybe even some aunts and uncles. There were even a few pictures of a few kids- one that looked like a younger version of Owen- In some snow. But either way, it was a big family. 
The ride to this ranch was rather quiet. Yeah, there was some small talk, such as where they were both from which Shawn found out that the man was actually from Canada, which was ironic. Another question had arisen as well, the question of Shawn’s job.
“So… You’re a model? I would have thought you were an actor or something,” Owen chuckled.
“That’s sweet of you, I did want to be one, but modeling? Being all dolled up, partying… It’s the life!” Shawn grinned out, not mentioning the bad side of the job. 
“Ah, so you get paid to be pretty and to party… I wish life was that easy” Owen joked. He knew his older brother, Bret, hated that lifestyle. He was always talking about working hard for a good life, which Owen had to agree with. But the thought of partying every so often sounded like a great time. When was the last time he, Jeff Jarrett, Davey and Brian went out for drinks… It had been too long.
“I wish it was that easy,” the model started, “Strict diets, working with people you might not like with… The list is long, but the positives do outdo the negatives in my eyes”. The downfalls of being a model were clearly a touchy subject as Shawn’s grin seemed to disappear. The excited glint in his eyes after the compliment disappeared. Owen knew not to push further on that.
Owen hummed in response, nodding his head slightly, “Well, we’re almost here”.
Seeing a rather rustic house in the distance after seeing cactus after cactus was rather refreshing. The place looked rather peaceful in Shawn’s eyes. It had its own charm to it. The wooden fences that seemed to carry on for ages were cared for, the wood seemed almost new, even if grass tangled and vined itself around the posts. A sign soon came up as they drove along the side of the property. Shawn eyed it up, raising a brow as he saw the name ‘Hart Ranch’. Very creative. 
Entering the beginning of the ranch, Shawn could already see a few animals around in different pastures. There were a few horses, even cows… It reminded Shawn of an old photoshoot he did, one which he enjoyed a lot. He got to dress up like he was a cowboy, the hat, boots and even chaps, the whole shebang! Hunter and Chyna were there as well and they looked amazing in their getup… even if Hunter’s horse he had to ride kept stealing his hat. A small, reminiscent smile graced his face.
The house seemed to grow as they traveled down the long, dirt road. From a while back it looked tiny, something that an old couple would live in. Yet now being so close to it, he noticed how huge it was. It must have been handbuilt, there were uneven grooves in the woods of the walls and fences in front of the house, something that showed how much hard work was put into it. There were even some stone bricks that decorated the oak wood. Bright, fresh vines climbed through the maze of bricks in the house, adding more color to the home. This must have been built years ago, even before Shawn was born. 
Owen and Shawn exited the truck. Owen helped his guest by grabbing the large bag that they had lugged into the truck before they left.
“I’m not too sure who will be in… I know my Ma will be in, my dad will probably be working with Bret, my older brother, somewhere on the ranch… probably fixing something” Owen laughed, “and my sister Diana will be probably looking after the horses… So it should be luckily quiet for you, just for now at least”.
Quietly, Shawn followed Owen up the steps to the patio before opening the screen door, which had a beautiful panel at the bottom that had been engraved by hand into a tree, and entering the rather cool home, the door closing with a soft bang. The home was decorated with even more pictures than what was at the auto repair home, some that were in black and gray, their corners torn and frayed from age which confirmed Shawn’s thought of the place being handbuilt, while others were newer and fresher. There were a few shoes scattered around by the front door being in different sizes and styles, some being boots, some were flats and even a few heels. Owen placed down Shawn’s bag by the oak stairs that stood in front of them before moving into the large, spacious room to the right of them which Shawn slowly followed after.
“Ma! I’m home! I have a guest!” Owen hollered out into the rather silent home, the only noise he could hear after was the sound of the cicadas that buzzed louder. Owen continued to walk towards the kitchen, which Shawn assumed it was. 
Instead of following the young man, Shawn looked around the cozy looking living room. There were a few brown leather couches that surrounded a fireplace, a few blankets were carefully and almost lovingly lined up over the top. Handmade throw pillows laid untouched in the corners by the arms of the couches, embroidery were neatly laced throughout the rather soft looking material which had quotes such as ‘Home Sweet Home’ and ‘Welcome to our happy place’. It was rather sickeningly sweet to see, yet it seemed to suit the home rather well. A large, thick cow rug of brown, black and white laid underneath an oak table, a mug left on a coaster, clearly left and forgotten by accident in the clean house. Bookcases lined the back walls of the living room, full of leather bound books of different colors and sizes before more newer kids books littered between well used and loved books. Finally, Shawn noticed more family pictures, one of a whole family that was framed above the fireplace in front of a different house. 
Shawn wasn’t the type to get homesick. He had a pretty close relationship with his mom, but that was it. He’d phone her every so often. But even in his parents home, there were barely any photos of them as a family, as Shawn grew up, the pictures dwindled down until there was nothing new. Seeing these pictures though, it tugged at Shawn’s heart, the feeling of homesickness being more apparent. He quickly shook his head, trying not to get sentimental.
The perfect distraction eventually came, pulling Shawn out of his thoughts as he heard the front door open again. Shawn glanced over his shoulder, his eyes landing on a taller man. Now, Shawn may not have been the type to be homesick, but he was the type to be a hopeless romantic, and when this guy walked into the house? Shawn could feel blood rush to his cheeks.
The guy had curly, deep brown hair that reached his shoulders. His skin was tanned much like a god, the sheen of sweat clung to the man's brows and neck. His eyes were a dark, melted chocolate color that held warmth in them. And his outfit? Shawn was loving it. A black cowboy hat sat upon his head like a halo, his blue, checkered shirt hugged around his strong, muscular chest perfectly, his jeans hugged oh-so-perfectly around his legs. This man was something Shawn wanted and needed.
Silence filled the room as the man stared down Shawn, staring down his outfit before looking around the living room. It was an awkward silence, one that Shawn could tell that this guy was trying to figure out who Shawn was and why he was just standing there. 
Before Shawn could even speak, the mans low voice filled the room, “Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my home?”.
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fritz-federleicht · 1 year
You should do Corey, Joey, and Jim with reader who’s a model!
... with reader who's a model (Corey, Joey & Jim)
Words: 968
- you remember many years ago when the first headline came up: Model Y/N and singer Corey Taylor a couple?
- that was the first time you were photographed together, Corey grinning and holding your hand while you laughed at one of his jokes
- he accompanied you to your apartment
- after that there were more and more rumors, positive and negative. Whereby it was more negative against Corey
- there were articles about your relationship. Why is a model like you with a bad boy like Corey Taylor? Or what do you see in him? Your relationship was not official yet
- you were not too famous as a model. You got jobs you liked to do. But there was one person you liked modeling for the most. And you do it over and over again. For Corey... well actually Slipknot. At some point he asked you if you could model for the store. Of course you didn't hesitate and said yes right away. Since then you model for every new collection
- when people suddenly saw you on the website it was clear that you and Corey are a couple. You officially confirmed your relationship
- all the attention didn't hurt you no. On the contrary. You got more jobs for designers that never considered you before
- whenever possible Corey accompanies you to fashion shows, sits in the audience and looks at you in love
- part of all the headlines were true. Corey was a bad boy. That's how you came to know and love him. But he quickly changed, became calmer and more relaxed because he finally had the love of his life with him
- eventually, all the headlines about you guys died down. The next ones were years later when you got married and later had your first child
- despite the fact that you are often far away from each other your relationship has lasted over the years and you are happy together
- Slipknot fans only know you as a couple
- It is unusual to have a metal band as a guest at a fashion show, this night was probably the first time ever (maybe just because you begged the promoter to invite Joey)
- Slipknot is standing in front of the building, masks on and giving interviews
- you just wanted to check if they are already there, Joey sees you out of the corner of his eye and grins proudly under his mask
- next to him is Shawn answering a reporter's question
- you can't help it. You scurry to Joey and kiss the cheek of his mask, you can literally feel his smile
- as quickly as you came you are gone, the reporter and Shawn look confused. "Was that Y/N?"
- later the show starts, you look like a decorated Christmas tree
- you are supposed to end the show with your walk
- when it's finally time, you step onto the catwalk
- all nine members are sitting in the front row, Joey is sitting at the head
- it looks a bit funny, the men are sitting there bored in suits and masks
- when they see you they straighten up in their seats and watch your performance
- you pose at the end of the runway and turn around, wink at your boyfriend and disappear behind the wall
- Joey is speechless. How can you move so gracefully and seductively at the same time?
- Chris leans toward Joey, the long nose of his mask touching Joey's shoulder. He whispers. "You're really lucky." He pats your boyfriend's shoulder appreciatively
- after the show, pictures are taken with the models. Slipknot comes up to you immediately. They congratulate you on the successful performance
- Joey puts his arm around you. "You were wonderful honey."
- the photographer comes to your group and asks if he can take pictures, you agree
- Joey pulls you to his chest, the other members stand next to your sides like bodyguards
- days later the pictures appear in different fashion magazines, you find the strong contrast between your colorful outfit and the black suits funny
- in the future Joey accompanies you whenever he can
- he really tries to be at every photo shoot or fashion show, to support you
- in the beginning he was not liked by the photographers because... well he is in Slipknot. But once they get to know him they find him quite nice. What should he do? Yell at everyone for no reason and destroy everything?
- when you're elegantly lolling in front of the camera he cheers you on, says things like "You look fantastic babe."
- in the breaks he comes to you immediately, asks if you are well, if you have eaten and drunk enough
- sometimes it happens that you model in your underwear, which Jim likes the most
- when you come out of the dressing room and are perfectly made up, he stands there with his mouth open
- when he first saw you like this, he came to you and said softly in your ear. "I think I'm in heaven. I just saw an angel."
- you slap his arm laughing, you've never heard such a corny line from his mouth before
- today he just stares at you, when you stand in front of a white wall and the light caresses you perfectly, nothing makes him happier than to see you like this
- when he then sees the resulting pictures... according to him they should be 'forbidden', no one else should get to see something like that except him...
- Jim keeps all the articles and pictures about you, he says he wants to show them to your kids later so they know how beautiful you are, but you know he just keeps them so he always has something of you with him on tour
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tameodesza · 10 days
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Bodyguard!Kevin x Male Escort!Shawn 
₊˚ʚ Summary: Diesel understood that Shawn had some kinky clients, but he’d never seen Shawn so battered after a session. AO3
₊˚ʚ a/n: sooo these two have been stuck on my mind. this is the aftermath of shawn’s night with bret mentioned in this post. TW for mentioned/implied noncon
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Shawn became a shell of himself, too numb to register the hot bath water stinging against his skin. He wanted nothing more than to shed his outer layer like a reptile in the barren desert, starting anew with skin that had yet to be corrupted by the hands of others. But the water would never be hot enough to wash away the pain, the discomfort, and the embarrassment of what happened to him that night.  
Shawn was silent, had been ever since Diesel found him discarded on the floor of his hotel room. But his mind continued to race with questions: How had things gone so wrong? Why couldn't he handle himself? Why did Diesel, yet again, have to put him back together like a broken toy? 
The answer was simple – because that's all he ever would be. A filthy sex toy, patched together with flimsy duct tape that would hold only until he was misused again. 
Diesel sat perched on the edge of the tub, lightly dabbing a soapy rag across Shawn’s abused chest. He glanced at Shawn to check that he wasn’t hurting him, but was met with empty eyes, any remnants of the man’s usual sparkle long gone. An uneasy pit set into Diesel's stomach as he remembered the wreck of a man he found lying on the floor like a dying carcass. 
Shawn had been inconsolable - thrashing at Diesel’s touch, begging him to stop, pleading that he would be a ‘good boy.’ He seemed to be having a severe sub drop, and it took a moment of Diesel holding him, of Shawn recognizing the familiar scent of his cologne, for the blond to come out of it. The session was over. Diesel was there. Diesel meant safety. Diesel meant protection. Diesel would never let anyone hurt him.  
It was when the bodyguard took a good look at Shawn that he realized it was more than just bdsm gone wrong.  
Shawn’s tear-stained cheeks were reddened from being slapped too hard. Bruises darkened around his neck from where he’d been choked. Light cuts grazed his wrists from where handcuffs had dug into his skin. A patch of hair had been ripped out of his scalp, evidenced by the loose blond strands on the floor. Most alarming had been the bloodied scratches and raised welts scattered across Shawn’s body as if he’d been whipped.  
Diesel understood that Shawn had some kinky clients, but he’d never seen him so battered after a session. It was now starting to make sense why Bret darted out of the room at the speed of light. 
There was no doubt that Shawn would be out of commission for at least a few weeks. The guilt ate at Diesel knowing it was all his fault. He’d had one job – keep Shawn safe – and he failed. 
After getting out of the tub and drying off, Shawn threw on a plush robe, not having the energy to put on clothes. He just wanted to sleep, to pretend like the night never happened. Because pretending was easy. It was the only way he knew how to cope. Thinking meant he had to acknowledge that there was a problem. He'd rather be oblivious. 
But shutting off his brain was no easy feat when he sat on the bed looking around the room and recalling the nightmare he’d endured. He backed himself against the headboard, hugging his knees tightly as if to protect himself from the outside world.  
Diesel approached slowly, cautiously sitting beside Shawn on the edge of the bed before reaching for the blond’s robe. He stopped abruptly when Shawn tensed up, and the sinking pit in Diesel’s stomach sank even lower. 
He let out a breath, saying with a gentle tone, “You need to put this on.” He motioned over to the ointment sitting on the nightstand.  
There was a slight moment of hesitation that Shawn didn't want to admit. He unwrapped his arms from his legs, reminding himself that this was Diesel. Diesel would never hurt him.  
He allowed Diesel to loosen the knot on his robe, slipping it down his shoulders until it pooled at his waist. Shawn followed every movement as Diesel’s hands roamed his body. Except this time, it wasn’t out of lust, but out of necessity to clean up the mess that Bret had left behind.  
Shawn had never felt more inferior, like a child that was too incompetent to take care of himself. Being tended to by Diesel was nothing new, but this time it felt different. Like a punishment. A consequence of his actions. It made Shawn want to bury his head in the sand and pretend like he didn't exist. 
Diesel tugged Shawn’s robe back on when he was finished, tying a tight knot to make Shawn feel more secure. There was a lull, the hum of the air conditioner being the only sound in the room. That was until it shut off, leaving them in an echo of silence. 
Shawn shifted uncomfortably, feeling Diesel’s eyes on him. He looked up to see his bodyguard eying his hairline with a conflicted expression. Shawn cleared his throat, saying roughly, “It’ll grow back.”  
It came out nonchalantly, Shawn hoping his indifference would put Diesel at ease. But his bodyguard was left with more questions. “What happened?” 
Shawn had been avoiding answering that question all night, so the silence that followed was expected, albeit disappointing. 
Diesel exhaled. “I’m not going to force you to tell me. But can I ask you something?” He waited for Shawn to look at him with those foggy blue eyes. “Whatever happened...did you consent?” 
Consent. The word hung heavy between them. It was a conversation they should've had a long time ago, but Shawn had never been too eager to initiate.  
Shawn looked elsewhere, avoiding Diesel’s intense gaze. “I didn’t say no.” 
“That’s not what I asked.” 
Shawn closed his eyes with a defeated sigh. “I-I don’t know, ok? I mean, I don’t think he did anything wrong. I just...I thought I could handle it. I always can with Bret, but tonight...tonight was different.”  
“Different how?” 
Shawn’s voice caught in his throat, shaking his head as if to deny himself the memory. “He wouldn’t stop. I just need a break, a minute and I would’ve been fine. But...he wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t. He-” Shawn's voice cracked, head dropping in his hands as he repeated, “He wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t fucking stop.” 
Tears he’d been fighting all night had won the battle and a wave of emotions hit Shawn like a punch to the gut. His chest grew tighter, heart racing as his eyes darted in no real direction. Each breath he took felt like razors cutting his throat. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to keep himself grounded, but he quickly spiraled when his fingers brushed against the thin patch on his scalp. 
It was all too much, too real, and the more he thought about it, the more overwhelmed he became. 
Diesel pulled Shawn into his arms as soon as he realized what was happening. “Shawn. Hey, it’s ok.” He buried Shawn’s head into his chest, engulfing him in warmth as he whispered, “Breathe, Shawn. Breathe. Follow my breaths, ok? Slower.” 
“I-I can’t-” 
“Shh, you can, ok? Just keep breathing. In and out. There you go. Everything’s fine, ok? He’s not coming back. You’re safe now. Focus on me. Focus on the sound of my heart.” 
Shawn tightened his hands on Diesel’s shirt, gripping for dear life as he listened to Diesel’s heart pounding through his chest. What felt like hours was just mere minutes as Shawn’s breath evened out. The tight feeling in his chest slowly lifted as he calmed down. 
With a shaky voice, Shawn said, “Shit. Sorry-” 
“Don’t be. That’s what I'm here for.” 
Shawn let out a long sigh, his whiplash of emotions weighing him down. “No, you’re here to be my bodyguard. Not my babysitter.” 
“I’m here to protect you, even if it’s from yourself. Though I haven’t done a good job of it lately.” 
Shawn pulled himself from Diesel’s chest with a frown. With as stern of a voice he could muster, he said, “Hey. You’re a damn good bodyguard, ok? I wouldn’t want anyone else in my corner besides you.” 
Diesel had a hard time believing that. How could he when Shawn looked the way he did? It’s a wonder why Shawn hadn’t fired him by now. But with the state of mind Shawn was in, Diesel decided to leave it alone. 
He placed a light hand on Shawn’s bruised cheek, softly wiping at a tear that was stuck on his bottom lash. He felt a faint pang in his chest as he looked into Shawn’s misty eyes. Even like this, Shawn was one of the most beautiful men he’d laid eyes on. He couldn’t understand why someone would treat him so badly. 
“Why didn’t you come get me, Shawn? Why? You could’ve called out for me, shouted my name. Anything to stop this from happening to you.” 
Shawn looked down at his fidgeting hands, too ashamed to look Diesel in the eyes. “The money-” 
“Fuck the money. Look at you.” His voice raised out of frustration. Shawn’s reasoning didn't make up for the danger he put himself in. “If you need money this badly, I’ll take care of you myself. This shit isn't worth it.” 
It’s moments like this where the line between friends/boss/employee became even thinner. 
Shawn kept his head down, swallowing the lump in his throat. This was what he’d been afraid of – logic. He knew Diesel would break down his argument as soon as he heard his reasoning, and Shawn was too exhausted to fight back.  
“You’re right,” came Shawn’s meek voice. “I’m sorry.” 
Diesel instantly softened. He lifted Shawn’s head to see his face. “I’m not trying to lecture you.” 
“I know. But still, you’re right. Just...please don’t be mad at me.” Shawn had already put Diesel through more than any bodyguard should have to deal with. He was honestly surprised the man hadn’t quit by now. It was a thought that scared Shawn more than anything. 
Diesel gently guided Shawn back into his chest, the blond closing his eyes and melting into the familiar safety of his arms. “I’m not mad at you, ok? Just pissed at myself that shit got this far. We need to make some changes, Shawn. This can’t happen again.”  
“It won’t. I promise.” 
“I’m going to need more than a promise. We need safe words. Clients don’t get to do whatever the hell they want with you just because they’re paying.” 
Shawn took a deep breath, breathing out, “Ok. Safe words. We can work on that tomorrow. I’m too tired to think right now.” 
“And no more locked doors when you’re alone with clients. I need to be able to enter if I feel that something’s off.” 
Shawn slowly opened his eyes, contemplating the thought. A few of his clients wouldn’t be happy about that. “Ok. Anything else?” 
“You’re not seeing him again.” Shawn furrowed his brows as he shot his head up, ready to protest. “I don’t care if I’m overstepping. I’m not letting him get the chance to do this again.” 
Shawn wanted to push, to remind Diesel how much money they’d be losing by cutting business with Bret. But he held his tongue at seeing Diesel’s tense expression. He’d worried the man enough tonight. 
“Alright. Fine. No more Bret. He’s gonna be pissed, though. Probably want his shit back.” Bret may have been cold, but he’d been nice enough to gift Shawn a few things over the year they’d seen each other. Shawn had no doubt Bret's bitter ass would hold that over his head. 
“I’ll handle it.” 
“But what if he pops up? He knows where I stay.” A rookie mistake Shawn learned to never let happen again. 
“Then he’ll deal with me. I’ll camp out at your place if I have to.” Diesel raised his sleeve to show off his bicep. “These muscles aren't just for show, you know.” 
Shawn’s smile was faint, but it was still a smile, nonetheless. “My hero. I don't know what I’d do without you, big guy.” 
There was a warmth that spread through Diesel’s chest. Feeling needed by Shawn – a man who could have anyone he wanted, who surrounded himself by men with money and status far surpassing Diesel – awakened an emotion in him that he couldn’t articulate. 
Before he could think too much on it, Shawn said, “I know I’m damaged goods now, but...do you think I’m still pretty?” 
Shawn tried to play it off as a joke, but Diesel knew how much Shawn’s appearance meant to him. It was not only how he made his money, but it was the only thing Shawn thought he had going for himself. 
“You will always be pretty to me.” 
Shawn didn’t even bother to hide his blush. He trusted Diesel to not lie to him, which led Shawn to ask, “Did you mean what you said earlier? If all of this came to an end, you’d really take care of me?” 
Without a moment’s hesitation, Diesel answered, “Of course. No questions asked.” It’d probably be a downgrade in lifestyle for him since Diesel couldn’t provide as much as Shawn’s rich clients, but at least he’d be safe. Safe and happy. 
“Good to know.” Shawn smiled, this one bigger than the last. “Thanks, Kev-” 
Diesel held Shawn closely that night as he listened to him doze off in slumber. He looked down at the blond, wondering if he’d ever learn the full story of what happened with Bret. Shawn didn’t seem ready to tell, and Diesel wasn’t sure if he could stomach hearing it. What he did know was that he couldn't imagine a life without Shawn Michaels, and he’d do anything he needed to protect him. 
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sinful-lanterns · 3 days
I’m curious about your Sugar Mommy/Baby list especially the dynamics of Court Chelsea & Cinnabar.
Although Cinnabar was very reluctant to accept Chelsea’s proposals of becoming her sugar baby, Cinnabar is also very weak to the pleas of beautiful women, so she found herself being dragged to the Sugar Mommy’s Club rather effortlessly 😅
Going further into their dynamics, Cinnabar served as Chelsea’s bodyguard (she still does) before becoming her sugar baby, so it was only bound for this relationship to happen as Chelsea firmly believes that Cinnabar should be spoiled for her efforts. It’s cute to see Cinnababy get so flustered whenever she’s surrounded by pretty women who want to spoil her and have a good time (especially whenever it involves you) <3
Also yes, Eleven has a surprising amount of sugar babies indeed! It was somewhat inspired by posts on Twitter where everyone was shipping Eleven with various women (usually Shawn and Angell, tho I added Bianca in there because why not) so Eleven now has 3 sugar babies of her own that she acquired!
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blowflyfag · 9 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: 1995 THE YEAR IN WRESTLING. March 1996
The day after WrestleMania XI, “Psycho” Sid Vicious attacked Shawn Michaels, the man who was employing him as a bodyguard. What happened next put Michaels on the road to winning our Most Popular Wrestler of the Year award for the first time.
When Shawn’s good friend Diesel, who had been his enemy for several months before this incident, saved “The Heartbreak Kid” from further punishment and chased Sid away, fans responded with cheers for both men that set Michaels on a course toward unprecedented popularity. Those who once enjoyed despising him became eager to embrace him. And even before Michaels became a full-fledged fan favorite, he had his share of fans. 
“Michaels always struck me as being extremely arrogant,” wrote Nate Suarez of Montreal. “But now I'm seeing a different side of him. He’s more appreciative of the fans. He’s still cocky, but I can overlook that now.”
What Michaels has in abundance is charisma. He is naturally a very attractive personality, and the fans responded to that.
“He’s very charming,” wrote Sandra Trell of Cheyenne, Wyoming. “He’ll do something that’s really rotten, but then he’ll give the crowd a certain look, and everybody will think his opponent deserved exactly what Shawn did to him. It’s like I cheer in spite of myself.”
It doesn’t hurt, of course, that Michaels is a handsome man. For some of his supporters, that is more significant than any wrestling maneuver he uses.
“My heart skips a beat everytime I see him on TV or at the arena,” gushed Roberta Ashanti of St. Paul Minnesota. “How could you not love him?”
However, it isn’t Michaels’ good looks that have carried him to the peak. He is without question one of the sport’s outstanding technical wrestlers. ”That’s why I like him,” wrote Sam Gray of North Bergen, New Jersey. “Forget all that glitz and the hype; the guy isa terrific wrestler. He could beat anybody in the world.”
Clearly, Michaels is the most popular wrestler in the WWF, and one who doesn’t mind sharing the spotlight with his friend Diesel. After the Sid fiasco, Michaels displayed no jealousy toward “Big Daddy Cool” while he was World champion. It is an attitude that added to his popularity.
Next year could be different. Michaels could turn rulebreaker again. But for now, Shawn deserves all the favorable attention he gets.
STING: 17,728 votes
First runner-up: Last year’s winner is the most popular athlete in his federation, WCW. Sting even hears a few more cheers than his friend Hulk Hogan. One possible reason: He seems more sincere and reachable than the “Hulkster.” Supporters respect Sting for always playing by the rules and for not abandoning WCW for other opportunities. 
DIESEL: 13,450 votes
Second runner-up: He isn’t quite as popular as Michaels, but “Big Daddy Cool” still has a wildly enthusiastic following. Aside from displaying vastly improved skills, Diesel has proved himself quite articulate in the talk-show circuit, and that doubtless has won him fans who don’t normally watch on TV or travel to the arenas.
HULK HOGAN: 11,831 votes
Third runner-up: a decade ago, Hogan was more popular than any professional wrestler ever had been. Today he hears a few more boos, but there are still thousands of loyal “Hulkamaniacs” who believe there’s nobody better than their man. It is a popularity that persists on the strength of what he has done on the movie set, but in the ring.
Some of the top vote-getters who did not capture a runner-up spot include: Bam Bam Bigelow, Tommy Dreamer, Bret Hart, Public Enemy, Razor Ramon, Randy Savage, Tracey Smothers, and The Undertaker.
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salemshotspot · 2 months
I can't stop thinking about the episode of RAW where Shawn appoints Sid as his bodyguard and now I want to write Shawn x Sid fics, somebody sedate me please
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magnoliacharmed · 5 months
Hurtin' But It's Happy Hour
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18+, Shawn Michaels x Sycho Sid one shot
[Also available on Archive on Our Own!]
[There's also a part 1 to this-- not necessary to read before this one but here it is: Awakening]
Tags: Drunk sex, mild painplay, rough sex, jealousy (kinda), spanking, biting, rough oral sex, choking, scratching, creampie, shawn is kind of a brat
Word count: 3709
Sid loses control himself while out at the bar with Shawn.
Shawn was feeling especially cute tonight. He took some extra time to get ready before his date-- well, not really a date… his outing with Sid. Looking in the bathroom's mirror, he shook his head from side to side to fluff his recently touched up hair. A good majority of his afternoon was spent at the salon where middle-aged women who'd never heard his name (they assumed he was one of the Chippendale's boys and he wasn't going to tell them any different) oohed-and-awed over his soft, pretty locks. Sid wasn't in the mood for the love-fest and Shawn was sure no one was going to try to kick his ass, so Sid left him to his own devices. How one man could need that much adoration and attention, Sid would never understand. As long as he didn't have to be the only one who gave it to him he was happy.
A hard succession of knocks on the hotel room door made Shawn rush out of the bathroom. According to the steady green glow of the nightstand alarm clock, his big dope of a bodyguard was ten minutes early. Didn't he know by now that Shawn needed every second of primp time? Shawn hopped around the room while he put on his black cowboy boots, searching for his shiny new gold Rolex. He had a few different expensive watches, but this one was particularly special to him. The band of smooth metal wrapped snugly around his wrist and he knew he was ready to go-- wait! The final piece of his outfit sat carefully on top of the dresser. He put it on and bounded over to the door, opening it so quickly that the wind of it made strands of it fly into his face.
"You're early."
"What if I wasn't ready yet?"
"Well, you are."
A crimson bloom spread across Shawn's cheeks. He hoped that wasn't the only thing Sid would say about his look.
Sid let his eyes roam down Shawn's body. "Man in black tonight, huh? You look nice. You don't wear that cowboy hat often enough."
"Thank you." Shawn's voice came out a lot softer than even he expected to. "You smell nice."
"Oh yeah? It's some kind of fancy cologne someone got for me."
Sid finally let a small smile color his features. It was hard for him to accept gifts, but Shawn just kept giving them to him. First was the cologne, then a nice bottle of champagne. That was really a gift for the both of them, Sid figured. Shawn watched the movement of Sid's big hand as he reached up to scratch at his chin. There it was, his matching Rolex shining pretty on his wrist. 
"You're wearing it!"
"'Course I am." The watch was a little loud for Sid's taste, but the gesture was appreciated. Shawn was a fidgety mess when he watched Sid open it, hoping such a pricey gift didn't scare him away. When Sid let it slide down his wrist and clicked the solid clasp closed with no words, he breathed a sigh of relief.
"You ready for tonight? I wanna get fucked up."
One of Sid's blond eyebrows arched up in question. Shawn always wanted to get fucked up, what was any different about tonight?
"And you are gonna get fucked up with me." 
"Eh, I don't think that's a good idea."
"Hey, I'm not payin' you to think."
Sid chewed at his lower lip, a pang of anger hitting him in the chest like a flash of lightning. Just because he'd gotten used to Shawn calling him stupid didn't mean he liked it.
"Watch it," Sid grabbed a little bit of Shawn's hair and yanked it hard, causing a yelp to squawk out from his boss.
"Ow! Okay, I'm sorry, geez. So sensitive. You're too big to let little ol' me get in your head like that."
Sid rolled his eyes. Maybe he did need a drink or two to deal with Shawn tonight. Shawn took his hat off to rub at the tender part of his scalp that Sid almost ripped his hair out from and sighed. God, that felt good. As usual, that little act of foreplay alone had him at half-mast. The night was young though, so he placed his hat back on his head and walked out of the room. 
"Close that door and let's go, we've gotta call the cab."
Shawn was halfway down the hallway heading to the elevator as Sid pulled the door to his room shut.
"Keep the whiskey coming, please and thank you!"
Shawn nodded his head along, only slightly off-beat, to the loud music playing in the bar. His eyes were shut as he mumbled along the lyrics to a Motley Crue song. Even this drunk he still knew every word. As the song came to a close (Finally, he thought), another two shots of brown liquor were placed before them. Sid watched his own blurred hand pick his glass up and felt whiskey pour down his throat like lava. 
"Aw man, you drank before we could toast." 
Shawn used all of his might to focus his eyes on his shot glass. It was a Herculean task. He blinked slowly at the glass, and when he opened his eyes it was empty. 
"Whoa. I drank it already?" His accent strengthened significantly when he wasn't sober, Sid had noticed. The slurring probably didn't help either.
"Who's the stupid one now?" 
Sid laughed loudly at his rib towards Shawn. Shawn watched as Sid's head reached up to look at the ceiling, his mouth wide open and joyous tears clumping his eyelashes together. His chest rose and fell as he tried to catch his breath from laughing so hard. If there was one thing Shawn was good at, it was cracking him up. He didn't even have to try, he was just inherently funny.
"Still you!" Shawn burped as he laughed. It was nice to see Sid not scowling for once. He waved over at the bartender, who shut his eyes like a parent running out of patience with an unruly toddler, to order another set of shots.
"More, Shawn?"
"I said I wanted to--" Another burp. "Get fucked up. Can't tap out yet! Oh shit. Tap out." From the way Shawn began to giggle, he thought he was pretty clever for that one.
"Okay. I'll be back, I gotta take a piss. Don't get yourself into trouble while I'm gone." 
Even though Sid sounded like he was joking as he pointed a finger Shawn's way, the hard look in his eyes told a different story. Shawn nodded seriously. When Sid drank this much, he was essentially useless for what Shawn hired him for. Instead of watching his back, Sid was the one getting himself into trouble. Usually they got kicked out of wherever they were at before things really came to a head. A few too many close calls had kept Shawn from making Sid his official drinking partner, though. He could keep to himself for a few minutes while Sid was in the bathroom, right?
A short amount of time passed, it could've been seconds or only a few minutes as far as Shawn knew, before a shadow darkened his left side. He swiveled his body around on the barstool, almost falling off of it in the process, to face the man standing before him. He was cute enough, Shawn thought. Long, brown hair barely brushed his shoulders. A broad chest strained through his tight t-shirt. Brownish-green eyes seemed to sparkle under the dim lighting. Shawn felt like he was in a dream as a Van Halen song started to blast through the speakers, putting him in a trance he would be embarrassed about later.
"Nice hat. You from Texas?"
Shawn nodded his head slowly. This stranger, whoever he was, had a mischievous look in his eyes. Most men that came up to him were either nervous wrecks or putting on a fake-it-'til-you-make-it level of confidence that turned Shawn off. Whoever this guy was though, he seemed very sure of himself. And he was just Shawn's type too. Shawn looked up at the man through his long eyelashes, batting his eyelids at him while he poked his bottom lip out. 
The man's breath hitched in his chest. Shawn may have been way past tipsy, but he could still sniff out attraction from a mile away. His lowered inhibitions made him bolder than usual. He hooked a finger into the belt loop of the man's jeans, pulling him closer a few steps so he could feel his warmth. Something about the word 'trouble' echoed around in his head for one second, but he pushed it away. He was just having a little fun, no big deal.
"San Antonio, to be exact. Where are you from?" 
Shawn lowered his voice down to a molasses sweet slowness that he knew would crack this guy's cool facade. Readjusting himself to sit up straighter on the stool, he also took the time to let his legs spread open. Just as he expected, the man's eyes took a glance down to his zipper…. Hook, line, and sinker.
"I'm from--"
Suddenly, the guy turned his attention away from Shawn's face to look up and over his head. Sid's expression was hard as his breath huffed out from his nostrils, not unlike a bull ready to charge at the red cape. Shawn scooted his body back around away from the man to face Sid's undoubtedly pissed off self. But he could explain!
"I can explain, Sid."
"It's just…"
"I said hush."
With the way Sid's eyes bored into his, drilling right past his skull and into his brain, Shawn decided that being quiet was probably a good idea.
"Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you still here?"
Sid's eyes moved back up to the guy, blinking hard and quick. To his credit, he wasn't cowering in fear. By this point most other men would be running scared. Most of the time Sid didn't even get to show how "psycho" he could be.
"Who the fuck am I? Who are you? I was obviously busy." The man waved his hand absentmindedly in Shawn's direction.
"You're not busy any more. Keep it movin' before I make you move."
An unhinged edge was nipping at Sid's voice. Shawn hoped that for everyone's sake this guy would take the hint and get out of dodge. And yet… he hoped he would keep pressing his luck, too. Selfishly, and Shawn knew it was selfish because he began to get hard at the thought, he hoped the guy would pick a fight that would lead to Sid smacking him around. Sid was scary and mean when he was riled up like this, which turned Shawn on beyond belief. God, forgive him.
"Yeah? You and what army?"
There it is, Shawn thought. It didn't take much to provoke Sid.
The clatter of the barstool Shawn was sitting on falling to the floor made everyone turn to see what the commotion was. Sid had slapped the man so hard he lost his balance. Shawn jetted out from between to avoid any damage while Sid pushed the stool out of his way to continue on. Sid's left fist careened square into the nose of the man who got more than he bargained for. The way his cartilage crumpled and collapsed from Sid's hand made a few people gasp in awe. As the man collapsed onto the floor with blood beginning to pour out from his nostrils, Sid lunged forward to grab the collar of his shirt. A few stiff slams of his body and head into the hardwood floor rattled him into yelling for help. People began to crowd around the scene, a cacophony of loud voices over the music making Shawn remember that he couldn't just stand there and let himself get hot and bothered. There was a very real possibility that if they didn't leave as soon as possible, his bodyguard could end up in jail for the weekend. Vince let Shawn get away with a lot, more than he deserved, but he would have a hard time explaining this jam to him if it went any further.
"Sid, we need to leave. Now."
Shawn tried not to trip over himself as he placed a steadying hand on Sid's shoulder. When he turned away from the sentient glob of snot, blood, and tears that was once Shawn's former suitor, Shawn couldn't help but to widen his eyes. Sid's face was incredibly flushed, his blue eyes widely sitting in his face like two glass marbles. Sweat beaded at his hairline and poured down into his face. Despite it stinging his eyes, he kept them open to stare into and then past Shawn. Very quickly, his anger at this nobody popped like a balloon and was replaced by the urgent need to fuck Shawn until he passed out. 
"Come on, enough!"
Shawn pulled at his shirt in an attempt to get him off of the guy. With one last right hook into the man's cheek, Sid raised himself slowly away. The commotion ceased itself when Sid began to look around at everyone, daring someone to step his way. When no one decided to try it, he grabbed Shawn by the arm and dragged him out of the bar with an unpaid tab and worried mutters.
The short cab ride back to the hotel was silent outside of Sid's heavy breathing. When they exited the taxi, Shawn tossed the money at the driver and ran behind Sid to catch up with him. Oh, he was pissed alright. Steaming mad still, for some reason. Shawn thought for a moment he was so upset he wouldn't come back to his room with him until Sid jabbed his floor number when they stepped in the elevator. He walked ahead of him to open his door, anticipating with jumped up nervousness what was going to happen next. As he turned away from the door to take off his boots and put his hat down, Sid threw him hard onto the bed. He barely had enough time to make sure his hat hadn't gotten dirty in the whole scuffle.
Sid dragged and pulled Shawn's limp, still pretty drunk, body around to pull off his jeans and shirt. Once he was naked below him, Sid took off his own clothes and tilted his head to the side. Shawn raised on to his elbows while he watched Sid think of what he was going to do to him. As he expected, Sid began to climb on top of him. What he didn't expect was Sid continuing to climb until his knees were on either side of Shawn's chest, his dick bobbing right in Shawn's face. Sid pulled Shawn up closer to it by his hair, pressing his lips against the tip. In response Shawn rested his hands on Sid's ass, spurring him on to enter his mouth.
Shawn's mouth was nice and warm. Immediately he took to drooling on Sid's length, sucking lazily at his cock like they had all the time in the world. They kind of did-- by Shawn standards this was an early night. A steady stream of precome dribbled down Shawn's throat while Sid pushed further into his mouth. He was starting to choke him now, speeding up his pace and tugging harder and harder on Shawn's hair with every thrust. Shawn moaned around his cock, the humming sensation making Sid close his eyes in ecstasy. He could come just like this, plunging his dick down Shawn's throat, feeling his tongue slide around the underside of it while he sucked. The angle of Sid on top of him restricted some access to his lower half and it made Shawn frustrated that he couldn't stroke himself while Sid fucked his mouth.
"Hope you can breathe."
Shawn made a little huffing noise that was barely audible over the wet sounds of his own throat. He could breathe a little, which was just enough. Sid's legs stuttered-- he was close. He pulled out of Shawn's mouth to let him catch his breath for a second. Although the warmth of his mouth felt like heaven, it would have been a waste of an orgasm if he came right there. Shawn turned over on to his stomach to give his elbows a break. Just as soon as his face came to rest in the sheets, Sid was raising him up by his hips and palming his ass. His thumb ghosted over the tattoo on his cheek.
The stinging sensation of Sid's hand smacking one cheek made Shawn shiver. He continued to slap the same spot over and over, with more force each time until it was bright red and raw feeling. Shawn thought he was going to go crazy if Sid waited any longer to fuck him.
"You want any lube?"
Shawn's hair flew around him as he shook his head no. Sid pushed himself inside with no hesitation and expected Shawn's arch to falter, but he stayed right up just like the pro he was. Sid drunkenly watched as his cock disappeared inside of Shawn, all the way up into the very base of himself. He felt so good just like this, not even moving. He could fall asleep right here inside of him as the room swirled…
Shawn pushed back against Sid, chasing after his own orgasm since Sid wasn't following through. Nails dug into his hips and scraped down his thighs, the thought of long red scratch marks making him groan. Sid barely moved as Shawn fucked himself on Sid's dick. This wasn't what he wanted but it felt good anyways. He could imagine it, Sid looking down on him with a stupid, empty-headed look on his face. Shawn reached down to stroke his swinging cock at the image when Sid grabbed his wrist and held it against his lower back, pushing his arch down. It was almost as if he'd read his mind, because suddenly Sid was fucking him hard, grabbing him for purchase and rutting inside of him like an animal. He even breathed and panted like one, some kind of renewed energy flowing through his veins. 
Sid could see the fading scars of the last scratches he'd left across his back and decided to freshen them up. Shawn threw his head back when he felt Sid's nails drag roughly down his shoulder blades and to his lower back. Already they were turning red, a nice contrast against Shawn's even tan. Shawn's knees spread farther and farther apart with each thrust and soon enough he was flat against the bed. Somehow he'd managed to go deeper with the change of position making tears well up in Shawn's eyes. He could feel Sid's breath by his ear, hot and loud against the sound of his own heartbeat. Sid gently brushed Shawn's hair away from said ear, lips murmuring into it.
"Hurt enough for you, Shawn?"
Shawn babbled something incoherent back. Every time Sid's hips pistoned, Shawn's own cock rubbed against the sheets. He could feel the wet spot below him starting to build.
"Do you think that guy at the bar could fuck you like this?"
Squeezed out tears rolled down Shawn's cheeks as he yelled out. "No!"
"You liked seeing me whoop his ass, huh?"
"Yes, fuck."
"I liked doing it too. 'Cause I knew it'd turn you on."
Sid grazed his teeth along the shell of Shawn's ear. He felt his body tense up below him and pulled his head up hard by his hair. From the little bit that was revealed to him, Shawn's face was a blushing wet mess, not only from his tears alone but drool that had dribbled out too.  Shawn gasped when Sid's teeth sunk into his ear, a noise that was so loud they both hoped no one would knock on their door to see what was going on. Sid pushed Shawn's face back into the sheets and held it there, muffling his moans and whimpers, fucking him fast and hard until he couldn't take it any more. Sid's come flooded into Shawn's ass in a rush and Shawn followed suit shortly after, his come spreading across his skin and into the sheets. He could've sworn his eyes crossed as his body slackened up after the force of such a strong orgasm. 
The two removed themselves from each other. Shawn rolled off of the bed and slowly made his way to the bathroom. Compared to the sight he saw earlier, he was a wreck. All that work those ladies put into his hair was for nothing as it sat in a tangled mess on top of his head. Pushing some it back, she saw the mark Sid left on his ear and smiled. Then of course was his back, which he wasn't able to get a great look at but was sure was damaged. His ass was sore, the cheek and inside of it. The scratches on his thighs looked rough. It was all so perfect.
"I think this was the best sex I've ever had-- hey!"
Shawn re-entered the bedroom to see Sid fast asleep, snoring lightly while he laid on his back. He was barely gone for five minutes! 
"Wake up, night's not over yet! I'm still kinda drunk, and I'm hungry." Shawn grabbed a pillow and began to hit Sid with it, causing him to open his eyes in a daze. When he finally looked alert, Shawn threw the pillow to the side and crossed his arms over his chest.
"What am I supposed to do about that?" Sid blinked. How did Shawn still have energy?
"I'm gonna order a pizza. You're gonna go downstairs and get it."
"I know you're hungry too. Besides, I can barely walk, which is your fault I must remind you, so you have to be the one to go get it. Don't worry, I'll give you some cash before you head down." 
"Okay, I guess." 
Sid tried not to fall back asleep as he heard Shawn dial away on the bedside telephone. 
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jevilowo · 1 year
Lowkey want to write a batim fic where Sammy decids they should write and perform an Original Musical™ to praise the lord Bendy Christ
It starts off as a regular play but hes a control freak and fired the lost one writers and it became a Hamilton style 100% song thing
Tbh a lot of the musical is Hamilton vibes
Its about Joey and Henry creating the studio together and creating Bendy, Boris and Alice
Henry fucks off end of act one and act two is Joeys descent into madness and ink
Lacie gets to posess the Bendy animatronic as a treat. She plays the part of Bendy in the musical also
Buddy is Boris ofc
Susie is casted as Alice. Tom is hired as a bodyguard to make sure she doesn't maul Buddy or anything.
Susie's starring role doesn't last long
Alison: singing randomly
Sammy: holy shit that is very Lord praising worthy
Allison: huh what
Sammy: susie you're fired
Grant is made to play Joey, against his will. He's only doing it because Shawn's playing Henry and they have great onscreen chemistry
Norman was dragged up from the basement to run lights. He seems fine with it.
Jack does a good portion of the song writing. He isn't credited for this. Rip.
Live music provided by musicians turned lost ones and searchers!
Henry is confused as to why nothing's attacking him this particular loop. He follows the faint music blasting and walks in on a cluster of ink people screeching
What's this place man?
*dramatic thunk*
In the end they just do the musical for him bc the ink demon doesn't even show up
Susie had a hand in this as revenge for having her part stolen
Joey, watching from his house, is so proud he doesn't even care about the loop completely breaking
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ohnowthatsfowl · 6 months
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(Beak -> Normal mouth)
Nobody asked. But I'm in ANOTHER fandom (sparkles here please) Also excuse my lack of info i haven't watched kung fu panda in awhile but i just got into Shen so RELAX- Also also, I haven't drawn her yet because i don't know how bird-anthro's work. So gacha is my medium.
OC lore + other bellow.
To keep short we use bullet points,
She was born at a very inopertune time. Her mother was homeless, and her father had just died of an illness. So, When she was born in an alleyway, her mother used all the strength she could to get her cut and fed, before she bled out with the baby in her arms.
During her years as a baby, people would pass her around gongmen. When she was a toddler, though, somebody eventuality just stopped the chain, leaving her to run around, steal, barter, and do anything she could to get noticed and gain sympathy.
As she grew up, she followed the other kids' actions, including insults, fights, and even flying from other birds.
In her teenage years, she learned that partying could get her the attention she wanted. So much in fact, She would normally use the kung fu she'd picked up from the street to throw the singer off stage, and she would sing with the band instead.
She was so loud, in fact, she got arrested multiple times, not just for assault, but also for major noise complaints.
She does this regularly, so its not really an issue with citizens...unless their the victim.
Though, after Shen gets control of the palace, she is summoned under new (and old) laws to be put in the dungeon instead of the normal city jail. Though...her big mouth got her a much longer scentence.
Though she doesn't have a filter, Shen guiltily finds himself getting attached to her and her numerous escape attempts, making her third in command as his bodyguard. Despite how unethical it sounds, She's very effective, since she constantly gets attention from him.
She's very clingy onto him, but he's learned how to deal with it formally instead of just going nuts.
So with that out of the way, basic information. Since she's my self-insert, her gender and sexuality are the same as mine. Her animal is the Chinese Mwamei (i think that's how its spelled??? Oh yeah Mwamei is her name too.) and that's where she gets her loudness and singing from. She does manage to save Shen, despite the fact that his actions get him banned/exiled from most places, Mwamei still manages even out in the woods if she has to.
Other than that, her personality described in songs is as follows
Machine gun - Gumi
Pusher - Clear ft. Mothica (Shawn wasabi remix)
Die young - Kesha
I need their ship name :<
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Shawn trying to replace his ex boyfriend- I mean bodyguard
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All of my favorite characters are whumpees & there’s so many different kinds. I personally love sassy AND stoic ones best, so here’s a venn diagram of some of my all-time favorites. Reblog with what you think!
-Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
-Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
-Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)
-Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars)
-Sawyer (Lost)
Sassy AND Stoic:
-Bucky Barnes (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
-Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
-Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan, specifically in the prequel OVA A Choice With No Regrets)
-Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
-Aaron “Hotch” Hotchner (Criminal Minds)
-Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
-Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan)
-David Budd (The Bodyguard)
-Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows)
-Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan, main episodes)
-Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS)
-Castiel (Supernatural)
Stoic AND Nerdy Sweetheart:
-Peter Petrelli (Heroes)
Nerdy Sweetheart:
-Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Nerdy Sweetheart AND Sassy:
-Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
-Shawn Spencer (Psych)
-Steve Harrington (Stranger Things, post season 1)
-Peter Parker (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
All of the Above:
-Ash Lynx (Banana Fish)
-Patrick Jane (The Mentalist)
Overall, stoic and sassy combos are my favorite, but most of the shows/books I like are stoic whumpees. What about you?
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not-ur-boy-toy · 9 days
Hartbreak Ranch Chapter 2
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AN: Chapter 2 has finally arrived after a massive delay!! Not much romance going on so far for the two, BUT, it is getting there, I'm trying to not get too impatient, but gotta build it up... ;D If you'd like to be tagged in this series, please let me know as well! :)
TW: foul language, addiction mention as well as drugs mentioned (lightly)
Word count: 3.4k
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“Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my home?”.
The voice rang out through the living room as Shawn stood still as a statue. It was an odd situation. Shawn was in the middle of the room, in the middle of nowhere, by himself. He didn’t exactly blend in either, he couldn’t have been an ‘neighbour’ just coming to borrow some sugar. By any sane person’s mind, they would have thought he was trying to rob them. Shawn knew he should have answered by now, but his mind was elsewhere… Mostly admiring the cowboy in front of him.
“Oh uhh.. I-.. Well..-” Shawn stuttered out before being interrupted by the man who now stood in the doorway, his warm chocolate eyes now holding a dangerous glare. 
“Spit it out, I don’t need a story. Name and what the hell are you doing in my home” the guy repeated with a slight hiss, aggression now starting to build up in his tone as he moved  towards Shawn. 
This was all that Shawn needed to reply back as quick as possible. He had dealt with plenty of fights before. But, that was with a bodyguard who knew about his bad temper and sharp tongue. Cowboys weren’t his forte to fight with either..
“Sorry! Right, I’m Shawn, I’m guessing your brother, Owen, brought me here!” Shawn blurted out quickly, not risking to anger the other.
Shawn was praying that Owen would return fast, especially as the man stared Shawn down. It was hard to figure out what he was thinking, especially as the guy stayed quiet. Was he gonna punch Shawn? Beat him up? Or perhaps Kiss him?... Probably not the last one. The blond really needed to stop watching those romance films at 2AM. 
The doubtful look Shawn was given was surely about to seal his fate. His money winner face (literally) was about to get decked by an attractive, muscular guy and thrown out into the middle of nowhere again. Shawn backed up slightly, trying to give himself a bit of space in case things turned, however, fate was clearly on his side for once as he heard Owen’s chirpy voice from behind.
“Bret! Didn’t know you’d be here yet,” Owen laughed out as he walked over with a grin, oblivious to the growing tension in the room, “Shawn here is just stayin’ with us for a few days, I felt awful leaving him in town… His car had broken down and you know how far the closest motel is”.
Bret, which Shawn just learnt the man-who-was-gonna-beat-his-ass name was, stared at Shawn one last time before those same dangerous eyes softened as they looked at Owen. 
“You have too much of a soft heart, Owen… You know how I feel about bringing strangers home” Bret lightly scolded Owen, although Bret did receive an odd stare from his brother. One that clearly read that he didn’t actually know what the other was talking about at all.
“Don’t be such a grump, Ma and Pa don’t mind people being here.. Or well at least Ma doesn’t,” Owen chuckled out before looking at Shawn, “Oh! Sorry Shawn, this is my brother, Bret, don’t mind him, he can be quite the grouch after a long day”.
Once again, Bret and Shawn stared at each other, the tension building once again. 
“Nice to meet ya, Bret” Shawn hummed out trying to break the ice, however, his attempt was pushed away as Bret walked towards the kitchen instead, mumbling under his breath something about ‘lemonade’. Owen gave Shawn a small pitiful smile,
“Like I said, don’t mind him, I don’t know what’s up with him…”, Owen glanced over his shoulder to look in the direction Bret went before huffing and turning back to the blond, “Anyways.. Let me take you to the guests room!”.
Heading upstairs with suitcase in hand, Shawn followed after the cheerful man. The next floor of the house continued the rustic, homey feeling, having plenty of family photos dotted around, however this time, flowers in vases decorated the hallway on small, pine cabinets. Lavenders, some roses and a few other flowers that Shawn didn’t know were blooming from the elegant vases, filling the area with a soft, relaxing and refreshing aroma. There were five different doors, one on the left that was white with painted pink flowers and ‘Diana’ painted delicately across it, another next to it  was a pine door with painted on sunflowers, the third was a dark mahogany door with simple gold detailing. Across those doors were two other doors, one was a double door, clearly the master bedroom, and the furthest away was just a simple pine door. Owen guided Shawn past the doors until they reached the plain pine door. He opened the door with a soft smile, 
“This will be your room, if you need any blankets let me know… If you need me, my door is the one with the sunflowers”, Owen hummed slightly, trying to think if there was anything else he needed to tell the other. “I’ll knock on when supper is done” With one last smile, Owen left Shawn to get comfortable, heading to his own room.
The black boots Shawn wore clicked softly against the wooden floor as he entered the room that he’d call ‘home’ for the next few days. Compared to the rest of the house that the model had seen, this room felt rather… empty. There weren't any family photos, there weren't any carefully embroidered pillows or even any bright colours. Instead, the room had a simple double bed in the centre of the room, leaned against the right empty wall, the bedding was a cool white with a few fluffy pillows that looked like they were brand new and untouched. Two bedside tables laid beside the bed, both having a pull-cord lamp and one had a singular alarm clock that seemed to echo in the room. Next to the bed, there was another closed door which Shawn assumed was the bathroom. On the opposite side of the room, there were two panel doors, which once again, Shawn assumed was a wardrobe. A lounge chair sat in the corner of the room with a small table next to it, however there was nothing on it. No flowers, no leftover mug of coffee. This room truly felt abandoned, almost lonely compared to the rest of the house that Shawn saw. The only thing that was rather interesting to look at was the window which showed off the large farm from behind. He could see a few roaming animals around as well as an old barn by a few, large trees.
A soft huff left Shawn’s lips as he leaned his suitcase against the wall, admiring the view he had, “Just a few days… that’s all..” he quietly reminded himself.
Getting himself situated in the room didn’t take too long at all. Shawn had hung up his clothes which he deemed weren’t entirely appropriate to wear at a farm, his extra pair of shoes were lined up in the wardrobe, and he had made sure his cigs and bottle of vodka was hidden away in one of the bedside tables. He was gonna save them for when he met up with Ramon, Kid and Diesel, but desperate times called for desperate measures if he needed them. He even had some ‘extra’ measures hidden in his cig packs as well, something that relaxed him more than the cigs. But that was for extreme desperate times. Or fun times. Shawn’s shampoo and conditioner was lined up in the bathroom right next to his cherry and vanilla scented body wash, his hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste was also placed on the sink as well. It felt mostly like home now. Although, there was a small problem. Or well, two small problems. One was that there was no TV, did these people live like cavemen? And the second, his phone was getting pretty low and there was no plug socket.. He had double checked the whole room just to make sure! There was none behind the bedside tables, there was none behind the chair that could be hidden, there wasn’t even one in the bathroom! 
Staring at his phone screen, he weighed out his options. He could ignore his phone, save up the battery… But  having Diesel panic and get on his ass? Yeah, he needed to phone up his bodyguard. Shawn paced around the room as he held the phone to his ear, listening to the ringing before that familiar gruff voice appeared as Diesel picked up.
“Shawn? Everything alright? Are you at your hotel?” The questions instantly rang in from the protective man which made Shawn awkwardly chuckle.
“Yeaah… About that…”
“Shawn, please don’t tell me you’re lost”
The blond chewed on his bottom lip nervously, “Well… Not exactly lost… I mean, I don’t know where the fuck I am…” he started, “But don’t panic! I’m safe, I’m all good, just gonna be late for the photoshoot, y’know?”.
A deep sigh filled Shawn’s ear from the otherside of the phone, he could tell that Diesel was rubbing his temple.
“Telling me to not panic makes me panic more… and how late are you talking about?” the bodyguard questioned.
“Well, maybe a day or two… or more… I don’t know ‘kay?! My damn car broke down, but this guy is fixin’ it up” Shawn mumbled out before moving the phone away from his ear as he knew what was going to happen.
“YOUR CAR BROKE DOWN?! I KNEW I SHOULD'VE DROVE YOU HERE!” the voice bellowed down the phone as Shawn played with a strand of his silky hair. “Jesus fucking Christ Shawn, just-.. Are you at least somewhere safe?” Diesel asked with a loud huff.
Shawn moved the phone back to his ear before speaking, “Yeah, I’m safe, my phone is probably gonna die though, just gotta find somewhere to char-”
A small hiss left Shawn’s lips as Diesel’s voice picked up again, “Let me finish my sentence, asshole! Givin’ me a goddamn headache, I get your point!” Shawn tried to argue back but the model was greeted by silence. “Diesel?” He hummed out, “... Big Sexy??” Shawn continued, believing the other was being petty enough to give him the silent treatment, “Kevin???”. Finally, Shawn glanced at his phone being greeted by a dead screen, “FUCK!” he hissed out in anger, throwing the phone on the bed without a care. Just what he needed. His phone dead, Diesel being pissed off and probably thinking he was dead… Shit, he really needed a smoke.
Grabbing his pack of smokes and his trusty lighter, Shawn made his way out of the room and down the stairs before making his way outside. He had no idea if they let people smoke on their property, they probably didn’t, but he was desperate for a fix. Standing outside of the house, Shawn took out one of the cigs and placed it between his thin lips before flicking his lighter a few times to produce a small flame. He held it under the cig before he breathed in deeply, relishing in the feeling of the harsh smoke filling his lungs before blowing it out of his lungs. The familiar taste of menthol was one that was always calming, something he had always chosen as a young teen, they were the cheapest, but they were perfect in his eyes. Sure, he enjoyed a good cigar, it made him feel confident- almost unstoppable. But a Marlboro blue cigarette? Nothing could beat that feeling of a soft burn, it reached an itch that some would call an addiction, but Shawn called it self-soothing. Another puff of smoke left his lips as he glanced around the farm. The sun was already starting to set. It was rather beautiful to see, watching pinks and oranges blur together as the sun started to dip behind the horizon…
Shawn was thrown out of his thoughts at the sound of footsteps behind him and a low voice filling his ears again.
“If you’re gonna smoke, at least have an ashtray nearby” Bret mumbled out as he placed a ceramic ashtray on the edge of the patio fence, “...Everything alright? I heard yelling” Bret continued as he stood at the top of the patio stairs.
Shawn turned around, cig still gently dangling from his lips, his baby blues meeting the warm chocolate ones in a stare, “I didn’t expect you to have one… But yeah, I’m fine, just peachy..” he huffed out, his eyes going to the floor as he kicked at a bit of dirt on the ground. He took another drag from his cig before moving over near the patio to flick off the ash that lingered on the edge into the ashtray. 
“Mhm, sure, peachy,” Bret answered back, his warm eyes never leaving Shawn’s lean figure. Shawn’s baby blues glanced back up at Bret, fidgeting slightly. He wasn’t one to keep his mouth shut, especially when it came to drama. Even if it was about himself. Or perhaps it was the way Bret looked at him like he was an actual person? Shawn wasn’t sure, but he couldn’t help but let the truth flood out.
“... My phone has died, I don’t know how long I’ll be here for, Diesel is pissed off at me like it’s my fault…” Shawn spat out the truth, his eyes looking back at the ground as he took another puff of the cigarette in his hand. Smoke flooded out his mouth before he continued, “Like, sure, maybe I shouldn’t have taken a small ‘shortcut’... Or actually listened to him… But still, fuck, It’s not my fault” He huffed out. Bret raised a brow. He wasn’t sure which part he was more shocked at, maybe it was the fact that this ‘Diesel’ was pissed off at him, or perhaps it was the way Shawn deflected.
“But anyways, I’ll be out of your lovely hair, you clearly don’t like strangers,” A soft, sarcastic chuckle left Shawn as he pushed the cig against the ashtray, “Thanks for the ashtray and well, that little rant” he thanked quietly.
“It’s fine… And don’t feel like you need to leave fast, you just caught me in a bad time” Bret awkwardly apologised, rubbing the back of his neck, “If you need to phone someone, we’ve got a landline phone you can borrow” he offered with a small shrug. 
“Ha, thanks for the offer handsome, but I don’t exactly remember phone numbers, got too many to remember” Shawn chuckled out again, he wished he remembered Diesel’s phone number or even Hunter’s… he knew part of Marty’s number, but even if he remember his number, they hadn’t even spoken in years… 
Bret was surprised at the name ‘handsome’, it was very sudden but he shrugged it off quickly, “I can get Owen to take your phone and charge it as the repair shop, I know there isn’t any plugs in this house- Never has been, never will, that’s the old man’s orders, but the shop has one” He offered again, hoping to ease the mans tension as well as an apology for their first meeting.
“I-... I suppose that isn’t a bad idea at all… Thank’s Bret” Shawn smiled softly, “I’ll give you it tomorrow, or Owen, whoever I find first, but thank you” his blue eyes took one more look around the ranch before looking back at Bret, “I’ll see you inside, if I stay out any longer I’ll be tempted to have another cig” Shawn tried to joke, gently shaking the box of cigs he held, but it was the truth. He would have had another cig- Or probably the whole box and his ‘fun sticks’ as he liked to call them as well. He gave Bret another small smile before heading inside of the house, brushing past the bigger man.
Bret glanced over his shoulder, watching as the man made his way inside the house. Questions continued to wrap around his brain about Shawn. Who was Diesel? Why would he be upset with Shawn? Where was he even heading to make a shortcut through the middle of nowhere? Even Bret knew it was a silly mistake to make. His thick brows furrowed together as he huffed, his eyes glancing over towards the sunset. He stayed for another moment, watching as the sun ducked behind the horizon, the sky getting darker and the warm air grew colder. He took a deep breath in, the smell of Shawn’s cheap cigarettes still clinging to the air as one final question ran through his head. Sure he had met other strange characters, like his soon-to-be brother-in-law Davey Boy Smith, but Shawn was a lot more different than him. He didn’t fit in, he didn’t fit in the town nearby nor the farm life itself by the looks of his clothes and the way he held himself. His hair and clothes were too perfect for a man who was stressed about being stranded in the middle of nowhere, there wasn’t any out of place hair in sight or a crease in his clothes… Who the hell was Shawn?... Bret shook his head slightly, he was just simply overthinking about Shawn, that’s all.
Night had quickly arrived by the time Owen knocked on the guest door to announce that supper was done. The dinner table was on the biggerside, having about twelve chairs around the table and only a few of the chairs were being used. He met the patriarch of the Harts, Stu, and his Mrs, Helen. Much like Bret, Stu wasn’t as welcoming, but Helen was his saviour. She had welcomed him with open arms, Owen clearly took after his mother. He had met Diana who was sweet, she was the youngest daughter of the Harts. He had also learnt that the family was rather large, having twelve siblings all together, but most of the kids had moved out. The supper was something he needed, something relaxing, and soul soothing from how fresh and hearty the soup and bread he ate. He did notice Bret missing from the table, which must of been the usual as Owen’s voice perked up,
“Bret usually misses his supper, he’ll be checking on the animals making sure their water is good and they have food” He explained before taking a sip of water, “He’ll have it later”. That eased Shawn’s curiosity, leaving it without another question. 
After the meal, Shawn thanked them, especially for the welcomed hospitality before heading to the guest room. He changed out of his clothes, hanging them up before fully getting ready for bed. Shawn had a strict regime that he followed, he would wash his face before cleansing it, then he would moisturise as well. He had to keep his face looking young, obviously. He would then brush his hair before tying it up into a ponytail, he’d also have a whiskey over ice and even a cigar before brushing his teeth.
Usually after his little routine, he would stay up late in his penthouse, he’d sit on his large, comfy couch that was as soft as clouds and watch a few films before going to bed. On bad nights, he wouldn’t sleep. He’d instead sit outside on his balcony, watching the bright city of New York light up the dark sky, replacing the stars he couldn’t see. It was called the city that never sleeps for a reason. Yet, being in this home, he felt as if he wouldn’t have a bad night, that he could actually rest without an issue.
The guest bed wasn’t exactly as comfy as his bed at home, but he was used to other beds, especially when he travelled. It was the comfiest he had in awhile, he seemed to sink in like his own bed somewhat, and it didn’t feel like stone like a few five star hotel beds did. The room wasn’t fully pitch black either, which didn’t annoy him as much as he thought it would. The curtains that covered the window in the room were thin, letting in the natural light of the moon and stars outside fade in which tempted him to go and admire… but he’d leave that for a sleepless night. Even the sounds of crickets outside didn’t annoy him even if he enjoyed  silence when he slept. They chirped out a symphony that lulled Shawn to a somewhat peaceful sleep.
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tameodesza · 1 month
the bodyguard
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₊˚ʚ Bodyguard!Kevin x Male Escort!Shawn ⁺ॱ˖
₊˚ʚ Summary: Men threw themselves at Shawn all the time, but he felt empty inside. He was an object used to fulfill their needs. And at the end of the day, they went back to their lives, to their loved ones who were unaware of their dirty little secret named Shawn Michaels. AO3
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Shawn’s fingers clawed at soft silk sheets. Moans flowed out of his mouth like a broken faucet as he rode his client until they were both seeing stars. Large hands tightened around his waist before the man took over, thrusting into Shawn at a rate that told him he was close.  
“Come on, daddy. Give it to me,” Shawn encouraged, his voice cracking at the end. 
After another hard thrust, Shawn was sent over the edge. He fell over in a heap, his arms no longer able to hold himself up as he came undone. He laid limp as his body continued to be used, come smearing between their stomachs at the force. It wasn’t long before the man went still, holding Shawn in place with a low groan as he spilled into his condom. 
Their hearts pounded in tandem, breaths ragged from exertion. The dewy sheen of their sweaty skin reflected off the flames of cinnamon-scented candles scattered around the fancy hotel room. Shawn took a deep breath, sighing blissfully at the spicy aroma that collided with the heavy smell of sex. It wasn’t typical for Shawn to linger, but this was his final client of the night – Hunter Helmsley. So, he was in no rush. 
Shawn buried his head into Hunter’s neck, wincing as the man pulled out. He shifted to rest on his elbow, a lazy smile on his lips as he watched Hunter tug off the condom and toss it aside. Just as Hunter reached for his clothes, Shawn said, “Come lay with me.” 
It was a command that had Hunter blinking in surprise, but he was quick to settle back in bed with the blond bombshell. “I thought you didn't do pillow talk.” 
Shawn trailed a finger across Hunter’s broad chest with a sly grin. “I make exceptions for my favorites.” 
“Favorites, huh? How many you got?” 
Shawn’s hand traveled slowly up Hunter’s chest, settling on the side of his neck. “You really wanna know?” 
He didn't. Part of the fun for Hunter was pretending that Shawn only had eyes for him. Hunter raised a hand, placing it softly onto Shawn’s cheek. “How much I gotta pay to be your only one?”  
Shawn lifted a brow in interest. He trailed his hand back down Hunter’s chest, swirling a finger teasingly around Hunter’s left nipple. “Depends on how much you think I’m worth, baby.”  
And there goes that charm that made men puddy in Shawn’s hands, the confidence he’d built since his stripping days.  
He was young, too young – freshly turned 18 – when he first hit the pole. It had been out of pure desperation and sheer survival to make some quick money after getting kicked out of his parents’ house. He knew it was coming. His parents had been counting down the days until Shawn would no longer be their concern. He had a troubled youth, and with his strict religious upbringing, he’d been a disappointment to the family one too many times. But no amount of preparation could've prepared him for how hard life would become. 
From hole-in-the-wall strip joints to discreet gentlemen’s clubs, Shawn went wherever the money was. With a pretty face like his, he became a hot commodity. But in just a short few years, he wanted out. Though stripping paid his bills, it was a cut-throat business. His inexperience had been taken advantage of. Promoters were shady. Dancers would smile in his face and stab him in the back. Men became too handsy. He’d been robbed after leaving the club twice – once at gunpoint. It had gotten scary, and it wasn't worth losing his life. 
Everything changed the night Shawn worked at a gentlemen’s club near the richer part of town. He got approached by a high profiler, Ric Flair. Shawn was used to guys hitting on him, but the request the man made was odd – accompany him to some social event as arm candy. Shawn initially brushed him off, but when Ric pulled out a stack of cash, offering him thousands of dollars for his time, that’s when Shawn learned how much his pretty face was worth. 
Ric was a well-connected man, and through him, Shawn was able to meet some of his most elite clients. Doctors, lawyers, top execs – all wealthy men that funded a lifestyle Shawn could only dream of. He played the game. He learned how to swindle men, how to make them feel special, how to make them fall in love with him. He learned how to adapt and become whoever they wanted him to be. 
They all seemed to have their own reasons for his services. Some were on the down low, married, or just looking for a good time with a cute guy. Shawn never cared to ask. He only cared about the money. He was lucky enough to not have to take his clothes off for most of them. But the more money got thrown his way, the blurrier the line between escorting and prostitution became. 
It was through Ric that Shawn met Hunter. Admittedly, Shawn knew more about him than he should – entertainment exec, closeted bisexual, unhappy marriage, hates his wife, staying in it for the kids. But Hunter was one of the sweeter guys Shawn serviced and one of his top spenders. It became the norm for Shawn to receive Rolexes, diamonds, and expensive cologne that Hunter would request Shawn to only wear for him. He spoiled him rotten, so the blond didn’t mind learning the little details of Hunter’s life that would slip into conversation. 
“You’re worth so much more than you know.” Hunter treaded a hand through Shawn’s hair, pulling the blond closer until their foreheads touched. He whispered, “You have no idea how much I want to make you mine.” 
Shawn’s smirk deepened. Men were too easy. “You have no idea how many times I've heard that. But it means so much more coming from you, daddy.”  
“Oh, yeah?” Hunter’s eyes went to Shawn’s lips, shifting closer until they’re just a breath away.  
Before he could move further, Shawn stopped him. “Ah, ah. You know the rules. Lips are off limits.” Except for one man. 
Just then, they heard a firm knock. Shawn’s eyes flitted to the door before looking back at Hunter. “Time’s up. Make sure to tip Diesel on the way out.” 
Hunter let out a deep sigh. He knew the drill by now, but it didn't make leaving any easier. “Sure thing.” He slinked out of bed and grabbed his boxers from the floor. Shawn made himself comfortable, taking in Hunter’s sculpted body one last time as he got dressed. 
After slipping on his shoes, Hunter pulled his wallet from his pocket, leaving a wad of cash on the nightstand. “Same time next week?” 
Shawn eyeballed the cash, noting that Hunter overpaid. “Whatever you want. I’m yours, Mr. Helmsley.” 
Hunter would’ve melted in a puddle had it not been for the persistent knock on the door reminding him to leave. He nearly jumped back when he opened the door to Shawn’s seven-foot- tall bodyguard looming over him like he was ready to pounce. Hunter slipped him a $100 bill as he exited the room, already thinking of another excuse to tell his wife, Stephanie. 
Diesel shut the door behind him, taking off his dark shades to observe the room. Shawn’s laced lingerie lay discarded on the floor near his skimpy robe. Money sat untouched on the nightstand. Candles still burned as sex lingered in the air. A used condom littered the floor. His boss was sprawled out on the bed, looking completely spent. Nothing out of the ordinary. 
Shawn gave a slack smile when his eyes met Diesel’s, making grabby hands towards his bodyguard. Diesel rounded the bed to Shawn’s side before sitting next to him. He placed a hand on Shawn’s head, tucking away loose hairs that were stuck to his face.  
“Are you good?” Shawn nodded, humming in content as Diesel lightly scratched his scalp. “Did he treat you well?” After another nod, Diesel said, “Use your words.” 
“Yes, big daddy.” A blush rushed to Diesel’s cheeks despite his stoic expression. Shawn snorted, always getting a kick out of making him squirm. But his laughter died down when he noticed Diesel reaching for the comforter. “You don’t believe me?” 
Diesel didn’t respond and Shawn didn’t fight him when he pulled back the comforter. Diesel went still when he saw the light bruises on Shawn’s hips and thighs.  
Shawn sat up with a sigh, hugging his knees to his chest. “Don’t look like that, big guy. I let him do it. Riding dick ain’t for the faint-hearted.” And when you rode dick as good as him, he couldn’t blame Hunter for wanting to keep a tight grip.  
That put Diesel a little at ease. He had to rough up a few of Shawn’s clients in the past who seemed to not understand the concept of consent.  
Diesel reached out a hand, rubbing at the knee that usually gave Shawn trouble. A slow smile spread onto Shawn’s lips. Diesel’s hands were always more tender than anyone who ever touched him. But his smile wavered when Diesel asked, “How long do you plan to keep doing this? You don’t have to-” 
“Hey. No being captain save-a-hoe.”  
“I’m not. I’m just asking. I mean, you’ve been doing this for a while now. You’ve made good money. You should give yourself a break.” 
Shawn was quiet for a moment. “I already told you – when I save up enough money to buy a ranch and get you a truck.” 
“When all of this is over and I’m retired on my ranch, you deserve to focus on yourself for once. Start that trucking company you always wanted and hit the road.” 
It was a sweet gesture, one that made Diesel appreciate Shawn more than the blond knew. But at the moment, Shawn was his main priority. 
“Shawn, I don’t need a truck. I just need for you to be ok.” 
“I am,” Shawn emphasized. “Seriously. Stop worrying so much. You’ll get wrinkles.” 
That got a small smile from Diesel, which Shawn took as a win. “Unlike you, I don’t get paid for my looks. I’m paid to worry about you, blondie. Do you remember the last time you told me not to worry? You ended the session with your hair ripped out.” 
Shawn exhaled, subconsciously touching the spot where his hair had filled in. “Yeah. Bret was a kinky bastard, wasn’t he?” That was putting it lightly. 
It happened in Shawn’s early escorting days. The days before he knew what his boundaries were. Bret had been one of Shawn’s rougher clients. Shawn assumed he had some internalized homophobia based on their interactions. Their sessions were usually filled with gay slurs and hate sex that bordered on sadism.  
There were many times that Shawn should have walked away. But Bret paid really well. Shawn couldn’t afford not to keep up with his new expensive lifestyle. However, Diesel wasn’t happy to see the mess that Bret always left behind.  
The last straw came when Diesel was forced to stand by and hear Shawn’s muffled cries coming through the hotel door. He couldn’t tell if Shawn was really hurt or if it was part of the act, but Shawn never allowed him to enter until the session was over. When Bret left, Diesel hurried inside to find Shawn curled on the floor in the fetal crying, loose strands of hair surrounding him and his body covered in raised welts. It took hours of comforting Shawn to get him out of the poor headspace he was in.  
Shawn never told him what all happened that night, but it was the catalyst for them to create safe words and signals for Diesel to stop the session if things became too much.  
Shawn reached for Diesel’s hand, saying lightly, “Hunter’s one of the good ones, remember? If something went down, I would tell you. Promise.” 
Diesel looked down at their hands. He gave Shawn’s hand a squeeze, which was returned by the blond. “Did you at least finish this time?” 
Shawn answered as if it was obvious. “I always finish with Hunter. That nose of his isn’t the only thing that’s big on him.” 
“Didn’t need the details.” 
Shawn snickered and playfully tugged at Diesel’s arm. “But Kev-” 
“It’s Diesel,” he corrected.  
“Not to me.”  
There was a pregnant pause as they looked into each other’s softening gazes. Their relationship had been an odd one from the start. They met when Diesel worked security at one of the clubs Shawn stripped at. After Shawn got robbed the second time, Diesel offered to take Shawn home every night. Shawn didn’t have many friends, so he appreciated having someone look after him. When Shawn decided to do escorting full time, Diesel was the only person he trusted to keep him safe. 
They hooked up a few times between then and now, but made sure not to go any further than that. It made escorting much easier when feelings weren’t involved. But it was easier said than done. Shawn was a huge flirt. Diesel was a huge cuddler. Shawn was a good kisser. Diesel was a good fuck. The waters grew murky as they shifted between coworkers, friends with benefits, and something more complicated. 
Diesel glanced at the clock. “It’s getting late. Do you need anything? Water? Snacks?” 
Diesel lifted a brow with a humored breath. “Me? Well, lucky for you, I’m not going anywhere.” He was expecting Shawn to laugh as well, but all he received was a faraway look in Shawn’s eyes. 
“Why do you stay?” Diesel tilted his head, the abrupt question catching him off-guard. But Shawn didn’t give him a chance to respond. “Everyone leaves me, Kev. Family. Friends. Clients. But you? After all of these years, you’re still here. Why?” 
The question floated between them, echoing in Diesel’s head as he searched for an answer. In short, Shawn was his boss. Paid him handsomely. Gave him whatever days off he needed. Why would he ever want to leave the job? 
But that was a copout answer.  
It wasn't about the job. They had history. Diesel was one of few people that saw Shawn for more than his body. They got to know each other beyond the surface. He was more than a bodyguard. He was his friend, his protector, his emotional support human. And on lonely nights, his lover. As much as Shawn depended on him, Diesel depended on the blond just the same. Shawn had a hold on him, except this time it wasn’t a strategic ploy to get money or expensive jewelry like with other men. It was an organic connection between them.  
But that answer was deep, too deep for what they were. So, he said what needed to be said without saying too much. “Because I care about you.” Diesel held his gaze with Shawn, letting those words sink in. “I’m here because I want to be, not because I have to be, Shawn. And the day you decide to leave this lifestyle, I’ll still be here, protecting you from whatever comes your way.” 
Shawn wasn’t sure what he expected to hear, but that was exactly what he needed to hear. Men threw themselves at him all the time, but he still couldn't help but feel empty inside. He was just an object used to fulfill their needs. And at the end of the day, they went back to their lives, to their loved ones who were unaware of their dirty little secret named Shawn Michaels.  
Sometimes, he just needed to be reminded that he wasn’t alone, that he had more to offer than his body. Fortunately, he had Diesel by his side. 
Shawn nodded with a small smile. “Thank you.” And that was all that needed to be said.  
Diesel took a good look at Shawn and knew his role. “Alright, let’s get you nice and clean. It’s been a long night.” 
Shawn reached out his hands with a pout like a greedy child. “Carry me?” 
Diesel had to hold back his eye roll, but he did as he was told. Shawn giggled gleefully when Diesel scooped him out of bed bridal style. “Oh, how I love a man that takes care of me.” 
That’s how their nights usually ended – Diesel tending to Shawn after a session, cleaning him, dressing him, tucking him in bed, counting the money they made for the day. And sometimes, when it got later in the night, Shawn would give Diesel a soft kiss that grew into something more, a kiss that held a secret that neither would acknowledge in the morning. 
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blowflyfag · 1 year
So! I originally wrote this for a friend of mine, and i dont usually focus on fem readers but i wanted to indulge her :) this is probably my... longest fic??? so get ready for a read folks. It is i wrote very early on.. so if it’s not the best i apologize. I also apologize for how much i describe the outfit and such since i did make it for a specific friend. 
anyways i hope you all enjoy it!!!
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Your hands tugged slightly on the skirt you were wearing, hands clenching and uncleaning around the fabric as you sat on the plush red heart shaped bed. A palpable nerve in the air… the tall guy didn’t help much either, he was practically as tall as the doorway. Dressed in a black leather vest and pants and sunglasses even though the room was already dark enough. At least you thought it was. The way he kept adjusting his glove over and over caused a small pit of dread in your stomach, he could fucking snap you like a twig probably. You looked foreword to avoid him from seeing your own prying eyes and you glanced towards the open bathroom door. The only clear gleam of normal light coming from it, breaking up the dark red lights of the room you were in and showing the small fog of cigarette smoke that wafted from the bathroom. Hearing the humming from it revealed to you what waited for you… maybe we should go back a little.
You weren’t really… into wrestling. Sure you’d see it on tv every now and then, glance at a magazine in the store or hear others chat about it but you never really thought about it too much. However when the opportunity to see a showing of Monday Night Raw live presented itself to you? Well why not see what the fuss was about. And boy did you see what the fuss was about, it was… amazing! High flying action, people fighting. Hell someone even almost hit you from the metal gate. It was.. exhilarating! You found yourself quickly becoming a fan, Wrestlers like Double J, Yokozuna, you had a soft spot for heels… They were more interesting than the good guys! But your favorite bad guy… your favorite heel. Shawn Michaels.. he was many people's heart throb and the heartbreak kid maybe had you by the heartstrings. When showings weren’t happening in your town you'd find yourself rushing home to catch Monday Night Raw, just to possibly see the HeartBreak Kid.
But how did you end up in this cheesy love hotel? Well you and your friends decided to take a spontaneous trip. Las Vegas.. while you wouldn’t normally agree to it you had Paid Time off you needed to use and hey your friend offered for the ticket. Why not… and when you learned a showing of Monday Night Raw was happening at a theater near your hotel..? Well the two of you decided to go. It would be a fun memory! So there you two were at ringside, hooting and hollering as the match. You were dressed a bit nicer than usual. Your friend had spoken beforehand about how he knew someone who would be working at the event and could possibly slip the both of you backstage after it all to meet a few of your favorites! Maybe get an autograph signed luckily if possible but best to not push you luck too much. So you were dressed in a cute white top, a pale pink skirt and your favorite pink buckled shoes, walking in them could be a nightmare but god were they cute. The match was everything you could’ve wanted and more. Doink and Dink showed up to fight some new baby face, your friend got squirted by the flower Doink had on him, The Qubecers somehow won another match against the Smoking Guns but… that seemed to be a constant with how dirty they played.. and then the best part of the night show far. The familiar choir of woman’s moaning started and you let out an excited gasp. Shawn Michaels, with his bodyguard Big Daddy Cool Diesel making their way down the walkway and to the ring. The way he walked, the way he carried himself. God it was like being shot with Cupid’s bow and he was the first person you’d laid eyes on. You couldn’t deny that Diesel as well was a physical specimen to be gawked at. The embodiment of strength it seemed at some times, he reminded you almost of a Greek statue. As Shawn was doing his. “Glorified strip tease” to prepare for the match you watched the hat be flung in your direction. Excitedly you reached up to catch it in your grasp looking over to your friend with excitement evident in your face as you clung to the hat tightly in your grasp. For the match Shawn was going up against IRS. It was quite the match. Hell even Diesel walked by you guys for a moment to throw IRS back into the ring after Shawn had kicked him out. In the end Shawn won the match, dancing around as he did when he won that had you staring at every movement in awe.
Once the match had wrapped up you were grabbing your bag and looking towards the stairs before your friend grabbed you to motion for you to go back to your seat. “Hey. Remember what I said? My guy just needs us to wait for it to clear out a bit and then he’ll grab us ok? We just gotta wait.” He whispered to you and you nodded. Still holding onto the hat that had been flung at you with a giddiness in your soul. So you two sat, talking about the exciting match you had watched, your hopes for the next one you’d catch on tv before some came towards the gate. “Hey uh.. guys.” He seemed awkward… but this had to be the guy your friend had been talking about seeing how they got up to high five the guy. 
“Kenny! My man! You hooked us up right? We’re not gonna get you fired or anything?” Your friend asked and this Kenny shook his head. 
“Nahhh. The guys love meeting fans. ‘Specially the chicks.” Kenny said as he looked to you with a half smile. You offered your own weak smile back as you got up. Dusting yourself off before following him and your friend down the ramp, in a way following the footsteps so many wrestlers you were a fan of had. 
There was a bustle and commotion in the backrooms of the arena, staff walking by hurriedly to pack up stuff and others talking loudly on flip phones about… well you didn’t even know what. You stuck close to your friend as your heels clicked against the ground. You felt an excitement boiling and bubbling in your stomach that you couldn’t deny, you were actually gonna be face to face with wrestlers you liked! Who were you even going to talk to first… should you ask questions.. would you- your thoughts were cut off by your nudging you. “Hey. You lost in your mind again or something?”
“Huh..? Yeah I’m sorry! I’m just.. really excited.” You offered with a small giggle and Kenny chuckled.
“It’s no worry! I can imagine how exciting this is. So. Who you wanna see first… wait. Let me guess.” He said with a smirk. Glancing back to you and then down to the hat in your hand. “Could it beeeee… The Heartbreak Kid?” He asked and your eyes widened a bit. 
“Oh I wouldn’t want to be a burden! I know he was just in the ring and-“ Kenny cut you off abruptly. 
“Oh trust me. He’s not gonna mind if it’s you sweetheart.” Kenny snickered before looking at your friend and smirking. “Razor Ramon?”
“What! Am I that predictable?” They asked with a snicker before looking back to you. “Hey… you gonna be ok with them on your own and stuff..? I can always stay with you before I meet Razor and-“ now it was your turn to cut someone off.
“I’ll be fine.” You gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. “Promise. I’m a big girl.” You giggled and your friend rolled his eyes. Shoving you playfully before you both continued to follow after Kenny before he stopped at a door and rapped on it a few times. 
“Hey! You got a fan out here.” Kenny yelled through the door and you raised a brow as you heard what sounded like some stumbling before the door flew open. Shawn Michaels. Shawn Fucking Michaels was less then 3 feet in front of you. God he was even more beautiful up close. He looked at your friend first. Half expecting it to be him who wanted to meet him but your friend simply shook his head, motioning to you with a slight head movement.
You froze for a moment as the spotlight was put on you. You cleared your throat and smiled wide. Telling him your name as you took his hand to shake, except he didn’t. He pulled it to his mouth to place a chaste kiss upon it.. you nerves shot and you felt yourself let out a nervous giggle out of reflex, “you.. uh. Would you like this back?” You said as you offered the hat to him that he had thrown during the set. He looked at it before smirking towards you.
“If it’d make you happy you could keep it.” He offered and you let out a small hum of excitement. Looking at him with such admiration in your eyes.
Kenny cleared his throat as he clapped his hands together. “Alright. Perfect. Since you two are getting along so great. I’m gonna get our man here to his own meetup.” He said as he patted your friend on the chest and they rolled their eyes. 
“You sure you’re gonna be fine?”
“More than fine.” You offered as you went to give your friend a playful nudge. They chuckled and nodded. 
“Alright… just. Keep me in the loop alright?” They offered as you nodded excitedly and they scoffed before turning on their heel to follow after Kenny. You watched them walk off down the hall before feeling an arm wrap around your waist to pull you into their form.
“C'mon in. Be rude to leave you waiting out here in the cold.” Shawn said in a teasing tone that had you giggling like a dumb blond as you followed him into the locker room. He shut the door behind you once you had walked in. You looked around before stopping your movement, you noticed the large man near the locker, leaned against it as he pulled down his fingerless glove. Big Daddy Cool Diesel. Of course you knew him. He was Shawn’s bodyguard… of course he’d be here too.
“Big Daddy!” Shawn started enthusiastically as he placed his hands on your shoulders. “This is our friend (y/n)! She’s a real big fan.” He emphasized real, Causing you to offer a sheepish smile and small wave. 
“It’s very nice to meet you.” You started and only received a glance from over his shades before he looked back up. Shawn rolled his eyes and gave your shoulders a small squeeze. 
“Promise he’s more fun.. especially if we get him a bit warmed up. But what is it you want sweetheart? Photo? Autograph? What can Shawn Michaels do for you?” He asked effortlessly. As if it was a routine he had done a hundred and one times before.. or he was just a charming devil. 
What.. Did you even want out of Shawn Michaels. I mean. You knew what you wanted. But you feared saying that would leave you being hauled away by security and banned from any more shows. You have a nervous smile as you shrug your shoulders. “I’m sorry I just.. I’m very excited to be here right now. It's hard to think straight.” You admitted  and Shawn chuckled slightly. “
Oh I completely understand. I would be in awe in front of the Heartbreak Kid as well.” 
Humble didn’t seem to be a word in Shawn’s dictionary. So for a while you stayed there. Absentmindedly talking about the match, other wrestlers, upcoming events that maybe you shouldn’t have been let on… but the insider knowledge did make you feel special. As the time kept ticking however Shawn eventually stretched. “Say. You got anywhere to be tonight?” He offered and you quickly shook your head.. what. It was only 11:30… and Vegas never seemed to sleep. “How about you come out with me and Diesel tonight? Make you feel real special. We’ll give you the work around.” He offered as he sprung up from his seat on the bench. Going towards the locker to slip his jacket on. 
“Are you sure it won’t be a hassle? I don’t want to be any trouble getting back to my hotel and-“
“You can stay the night with us! It won’t be a burden at all!” Shawn interrupted you as he wrapped a hand around your shoulders to pull you close causing you to giggle. What the hell… why not. When would you ever have this chance again! 
So here you were. After a night of being driven around by a taxi driver to see the lights and sights you found yourself in their hotel room… one bed. An obnoxious heart shaped bed that seemed less and less practical as you thought it over, that red wallpaper, and the smell. A smell of sex that never seemed to have fully escaped the room. Your grip tightened on your skirt as you glanced towards Diesel once again. He himself seemed a bit annoyed by Shawn’s… insistence on fixing himself up... but it had been what. 15 minutes now? But just as you thought it over Shawn came out of the bathroom with that lopsided smile that looked perfect on him. 
“So sorry to keep you waiting sweetheart.” He said with a somewhat sincere tone. Leaning close to bringing your chin up to meet his gaze before glancing at Diesel. “Diesel! Least you could’ve done was warm the lady up bud. Last thing we’d want is for a fan to be uncomfortable right?” He asked with a cocked brow and Diesel grumbled something as he turned his head to the side. 
“Is… is he gonna stay in here during… this?” You asked and Shawn let out a small hum.
“Oh Baby.” He began before smiling. 
“We’re a package deal.” He said before bringing your lips to meet his. His kiss was needy. Desperate almost as his hands went to rest on your hips to pull him closer to him. Your own hands went to reach up to cup his face. A kiss that sent electric shocks through your body. It distracted you enough that you didn’t feel the bed dip from behind you, only feeling the sensation of large hands on your thighs and lips attaching to your neck. You let out a small gasp at the new sensations allowing for Shawn to deepen the kiss with you.
You were practically sandwiched between the two. Your wildest dreams finally coming true this very night. Your hands moved to grasp Shawn’s hair. Giving it a small tug which caused a small whine from him that sent shivers down your spine. Diesel’s hands gripped your thighs a bit tighter before the grip loosened as his hand slowly trailed up to the hem of your shirt. Shawn pulled away from the kiss leaving you panting for air as you raised your arms to help Diesel get you top off. You watched as it was thrown halfway across the room practically before watching as Shawn began to shimmy off the jeans he had been wearing, making a bit of a show out of it.. like he did with everything. However your attention was dragged around as you felt a large hand on your face. Directing you to look to the side where you were met by Diesel who continued where Shawn had left off. Kissing you deeply as his hand slowly trailed down your stomach towards the hem of your skirt. You quickly went to help. Sliding the fabric down your waist to leave you in only your undergarments. Diesel moved to slide his hand inside your underwear, large hands quickly finding that sensitive little Nub that had your hips bucking foreword. 
“We’ve got a lively one huh?” Shawn teased with a wolfish smirk before sinking to his knees in front of you. “Works perfectly for me. I knew you’d warm her up just fine Diesel! Just next time.. why don’t you do it while I’m getting ready Hm? Don’t want it to be awkward for our company.” Shawn raised a brow before pulling your underwear down your leg and smiling wide at the prize presented to him. Diesel rubbing and teasing your clit, having you moan wildly into his mouth, Shawn quickly moved forward to latch onto your weeping cunt, licking eagerly which had you pulling away to cry out in pleasure. Legs shaking before Diesel set his free hand on one.
“Cmon. You can take it. You were doing so well!” His tone was almost teasing as his fingers kept circling your clit, having your stomach knot and coil. Your hands quickly went to grip the leather of Diesel’s pants and you cried out. Honestly the barrage from both of them had you cumming almost instantly, your back arching as you cried out in pleasure. Shawn pulled away from your pussy with a smile on his face. Wiping his lips before looking to Diesel who also withdrew his hand from your clit as he patted your thigh. His gaze met Shawn’s which had a playful nature to it. Holding his hand out expectantly in a fist, Diesel quickly followed suit as well.. were… were they really playing rock paper scissors? Rock beats Scissors, Diesel had won the game. Shawn rolled his eyes. “Best of Thre-“
“Shawn. You said it yourself. We’ve kept the poor girl waiting long enough.” Diesel smirked as he patted your thigh and Shawn relented. 
“Right right. How selfish of me.” He cooed as he tussled your hair before moving back towards the top of the bed. Diesel helped you shift to your stomach. Rubbing a small circle into your lower back before pulling away. Shawn himself sat expectantly. Legs spread as he looked at you with a smile. “You still got energy in you pretty girl?” He asked as he went to place a hand on your head. You nodded before moving a bit closer to take his cock in your mouth, savoring it for a moment before beginning to bob your head slowly along the length, shawn tilted his head back. Letting out a small sigh as he closed his eyes and tightened the grip on your hair. “That’s it sweetheart…. You’ve got it.” He encouraged. But you were brought out of the bubble abruptly.
You felt a heat prodding at your entrance. Big. That was the first thing that came to mind, big, hot, heavy. You glanced back to see Diesel Aligning himself. Teasing a bit with long drags against your pussy that would occasionally graze your clit causing a small whine that caused a groan from Shawn. “Diesel… whatever you’re doing don’t fuckin stop man…” Shawn said before looking to his bodyguard who smirked before finally inserting himself. Your legs shook ever so slightly as he did, back arching as you went to pull away from Shawn to let out a moan. Diesel filled you up in all the right spots, as if he was made perfectly for you. They both were. You almost were sure this was a dream. This couldn’t be possible. But Shawn quickly brought you back to the moment as he cupped your face with one hand. 
“Thought you said you had it in you.” He teased and you gulped. Whining for a moment as Diesel worked on pounding into you. You gripped the sheets tightly before you sunk your head down back to Shawn’s length to continue your earlier work, bobbing your head up and down, running your tongue along his stupid pretty cock. No wonder he was always so showy about it.. about himself. He was an enigma almost, a modern day Dionysus. You moved your hands to grip Shawn’s thighs instead, it helped you feel a bit more grounded in a sense… 
Diesel’s thrusts into you had you seeing stars, he could be so brutal with his grip around your waist… his hands were huge. But it was a good brutal. The kind of brutal you’d think back oh and go man. That was a wild night… 
You pulled away from Shawn’s length for a moment to catch your breath. Your hand going to take the place of your mouth, it was well lubed up enough at this rate, you quickly began to move your hand up and down the length. Looking up to Shawn with pretty doe like eyes. 
“A-am I doing good..?” You asked with a smile. You knew you were doing good. You placed his tip to your ginge as you kept your hand movements going, Shawn gritted his teeth slightly as his hands gripped your hair. 
“Fuck… fuck yeah you’re doing good just..” he let out a small groan, it didn’t take long before he had come undone and was spewing into your mouth. You quickly wrapped your mouth around the tip to try to catch as much as you could, hand still working to pump what was left into your mouth. Once it was over and you pulled away from him, his head slumped as he panted. “Jesus sweetheart…” he began with a smile before looking at you, his eyes softening as he watched Diesel work. Pounding into with a vigor that he had experienced himself. Shawn took his time reaching over towards a heart shaped ashtray to start a smoke for himself,  he might as well enjoy the show. Diesel had hiked one of your legs up to get deeper inside, if that was even possible but you seemed to be enjoying it with the way your eyes rolled back and hands dug into the sheets as if at any moment they’d disappear from under you. It didn’t take long before that coil in you snapped once again causing you to spiral and cry out as you came against Diesel’s length, before Diesel himself finished he pulled out abruptly to furiously rub himself to finish. He ended up spraying his load on your stomach as he panted slightly. Looking down at you before fixing himself to put himself back in his pants.
The rest of the night was a blur. To fucked out of your mind to clearly recall but you remembered bits and pieces, heart shaped bathtub, Shawn and Diesel kissing, how comfy the bed was once you were under the covers… no wonder you passed out so quickly… and when you awoke you were on your own. You looked around for a moment before rubbing your hips.. Diesel had done a number on you. On the bedside table sat a tray.. someone must’ve called room service for you before leaving… it made you feel. Nice that they had thought of that for you. Your clothes were neatly folded and set on one of the chairs with your bag, and the hat on top, and near the tray you noticed a little piece of paper.
‘Call me if you ever need some good fashion lovin~’ 
The flowy handwriting and number made you feel giddy… he left you his number. Shawn Michaels left you his number. You quickly went to put the piece of paper in your bag. Stumbling a bit to get there but once you did your phone began to ring. You stared at the number for a moment before picking up.
“Hey! I was wondering when you’d pick up!” Your friend's voice rang out and you smiled. 
“Sorry just… slept in. That’s all.”
“Slept in. Uh huh. Yeah sure I totally believe it.” They teased, causing you to giggle. 
“Oh whatever… how’d it go last night with Razoooor Ramon.” You said in your own teasing tone and you could hear the snicker from the other line. 
“Oh it went just fine. I won’t get into the nitty gritty… but where are you at? I want to make sure I don’t lose you.”
“I’m at the heartbreak hotel.” You could practically hear your friends gasp in realization at what your night had been like. You snickered, telling your friend to give you a little to get ready before you’d be ready to go…
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james-is-here · 1 year
My Only Hyung…
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imma make myself sad but i’ll try to end this with comfort cause I just can’t make hurt/no comfort, it hurts my precious heart much to not finish without comfort. it’s also my first time writing so much detail, got carried away at the end.
[How did i just now notice the the ‘read more’ thing was on mobile?!]
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Listening to the music, the giddy feeling in his stomach took over Blue’s entire body as he jumped and squealed.
He was currently listening to his first ever album, having only published single songs, with his best friend and partner, Chan.
Happy tears threatened to fall as he settled down and wrapped his arms around the other with a chuckle. “I did it.” He murmured into the others shoulder and tightened his hold. “You did, jagi. I’m so proud.” “Thank you.” He let’s out with a laugh and pulls back, placing a small peck on the other temple.
“Thank you for helping me write my title track.” He said with a sigh. “Plus being in my first duet.” He added with a shy laugh. “You’re welcome, it sounds better then I could’ve imagined. So good!” “May I show it to the boys?” “Of course! They’ve been just as excited as me.” Blue was overwhelmed, smiling like a dork and he couldn’t resist as he leaned forward, all his feelings going into a strong, sweet kiss given to the other.
Pulling back, he placed his forehead on Chan’s and smiled. So happy at where he’s at in life.
“Thank you so much, Chrissy.” “You’re very welcome, Shawnie.”
Jolting awake, Blue looks at his surroundings. He first noticed his manager in front of him, then out the window he sees his destination.
“Morning sleeping beauty.” A small smile graces his face as his manager moves out from his personal bubble. “Ready?” With a groan and a small stretch, he puts his sunglasses on and nods. “I guess.”
As he gets out of the van, he hangs his head down, a few fans gather near the vehicle as he quickly follows his bodyguard inside the venue.
Blue has been asked to perform to start off a k-pop award ceremony. He was glad to be the opening number but when he eventually saw the layout of performances, his mood flipped completely.
Stray Kids was on the list, the third performance of the evening. He should be excited, possibly getting to see his old friends again after two years but he’s nervous.
“W-Would I be able to see him again?” He asked his manager as they looked over the list. “Probably not. They got their own stuff to do tonight.” He replied, missing the part where Blue said ‘him’
His thought were cut off when he was lead to a room, his room for the evening.
“So, What song were you thinking of doing tonight? You said you’d get back to me on that.” His manager asked him as he put his bag on the couch. “I…” He hasn’t thought of that at all. “You haven’t decided?” The other asked again. “N-no, I have, I just…” He stared at the elder for a moment before mentally saying ‘Screw it!’ and answering. “The title track of my first album.”
The manager looked at him with a tilted head and a raised brow. “How come?” “Uh…” Because he’ll be there “Old times sake? It’s my most popular one, even today.” His manager accepted his excuse and nods. “Okay. I’ll let them know while you get ready.”
After he left and closed the door, Shawn sighed and sat in the makeup chair. None of his Makeup or styling staff were there yet so he relaxed and stared at the wall in front of him, thinking of nothing and everything from if he needed a quick snack to his choreography.
The title track didn’t have any dancing to start with until he saw a Live of Hyunjin free styling to his song, proceeding to go to the others and propose if they’d like to help him make a dance for it, happily agreeing.
Then it hit him like a bus. They would be in the audience, he’s performing a song co-written and choreographed by one of the best groups he’s befriended. He quickly snapped out of his zone and grabbed his phone, texting his manager.
Shawn: I want the song to be announced differently
Manager: What do you mean?
S: I want the title to be announced as a different name.
M: . . .
M: That can be done. What is the new name?
S: Stray Away
M: You sure?
S: Yes.
Shawn knew that the new title would be recognized.
He stared at the managers in front of him, mouth agape and tears gathering in his eyes.
“W-We have to split? Th-that’s not fair!” “Your fames are growing and we’re not sure if your relationship can be hidden any longer. We see how connected you are but-“ Shawn’s manager looked at Chan’s then back to him. “We’re sorry.” They give a genuine look of apology then step out so they can process.
“Th-They want- break up? I-I c-can’t- I don’t-“ His hands reached up to his hair as Chan wrapped his arms around him, trying to stop the upcoming panic attack. “Hey, Hey.” Shawn wrapped his arms around the younger and held tightly as he buried his face in the others neck.
“I can’t.” He choked out, tightening his hold and fisting the others hoodie. “I can’t either but we have to.” He whispered.
They stood there in each others arms for what seemed like forever. “C-can’t we just say we did but not actually split?” “They’d find out somehow, Shawnie.” “I can’t. It feels so wrong. I-I can’t live without you, jagi, I just can’t.”
“We can do it. Just, when we do, promise me one thing.” Shawn pulled back and placed his hands on the others face, Chan leaning into it while leaning up and forward to rest his forehead on Shawn’s, his own hands raising to rest on Shawn’s “Anything, Jagi.”
“Don’t stray away from me and the boys.”
He regrets leaving them behind but he still texts them.
Eventually his makeup and stylist arrived and got him ready. They styled him with blues, whites, and a little black.
“Real quick, gotta tell you something.” His manager said while slowing them down on the way to the stage. “While you were getting ready, I managed to find their manager.” He was confused but the other kept going, “We got to talking and eventually that lead to us being on a call with Jyp along with the venue leader.” His eyes widen, mouth falling open slightly. “We talked about nothing bad, i promise. We discussed two things with him and the leader, one being about you and the boys, specifically Chan but all of them were-“ “Blue, you’re up now!!” Someone yelled and he panicked.
“W-what’s the second thing?” He tried to get the answer but he was being pulled away from his manager and over to the stage. “You’ll see!! Don’t worry!!”
He was confused on what that meant but proceeded up the stairs, got help with situating his mic pack, and mentally prepared himself since he’s performing this song as a solo for the first time since the promotions of it.
When the lights dimmed after he was announced, he walked to his place and got set.
The music started and he got lost in his own world. Doing the moves beautifully and smoothly while singing.
After a move of reaching towards the ceiling, preparing to sing the other part of the duet, he goes to turn back and was expecting to ghost a hand on a backup dancers face when he first saw the dancer not wearing the face piece he himself chose for the song.
Locking eyes with the dancer, his singing faulted slightly before his line was over and the other started singing his part.
He stood there, shocked about what was happening at the moment that he was almost late on his line. His brain caught up to him as he began singing again with the other. He tried to look away, tried to be professional, tried to get back to the dancing but not even Chan was pulling away, subtly leaning closer into the hand still hovering, Shawn immediately thumbing over Chan’s cheek. They just sang, in their own little bubble until it ended and clapping snapped him out of his trance.
He smiled and bowed with Chan before walking off stage with him.
They barely made it out of the way of the stage stairs before Shawn engulfed the other in a hug, arms tightly wrapped around the shorter as his face is in his shoulder. Chan accepting it immediately, wrapping his arms around Shawn’s neck and burying his face in the soloists neck.
They stood there together for a few minutes before Shawn’s manager cleared his throat. They pulled away but the soloist kept his arms around the other. “So you told him?” Chan’s manager asks, confusion taking over the silver headed male. “No, he was being pulled to stage before I could.” “W-Was this what you planned with the venue leader?” “Yeah. How’d you like it?” “I-I was shocked. M-Maybe cause i haven’t seen him in person for two years.”
“Glad to see you liked the surprise.” His manager said, pointing out the arms still wrapped around Chan making the other pull away from out of embarrassment.
“What was the other thing? With JYP?” “Well, His members, over the years, have noticed a bit of a drop in his personality since that day we talked to you two and they voiced they’re concerns. Your staff had also noticed a shift in you and told me about it.” He explained. “We’ve been talking about it since about two weeks after you two, uh, split up. We’ve been trying to find ways to still have you two be together seeing as both of you are apart of the others personality, each others other half, inspiration, all that.”
Chan’s manager then spoke. “We talked to Chan recently after, unfortunately, months and months of talking with JYP and figuring stuff out. After talking, Chan proposed to opening a spot in Stray Kids.” Shawn’s eyes widen as the pieces click. Shawn loves being a soloist but he’s also talked in the past about wanting to be in a group, to both Chan and his manager.
“R-Really?” Chan nods. “The boys miss you, I’d also love to have my boyfriend with me all the time.” The soloists breath hitched before turning to his manager. “But-“ “You’ll be integrated into a group known for a lot of physical affection and playful interactions. Fans will just think you’re being playful with Chan, only if you play along with the others to not make it suspicious.”
He nods excitedly with a smile. “Y-Yeah, of course.” “So, Do you want to be a Stray Kid?” Chan asked and Shawn turns towards him, taking the formers left hand into his right, his left hand raising to Chan’s face as he leans in, giving the other a heart fluttering kiss that felt like their first.
If they could stay like that for longer, they would. Chan missing the way the older held him gently but tightly like he might disappear and his soft but slight chapped lips from his bad habit of biting. Shawn missed holding the other along with his soft, full lips.
It was only half a minute before he pulled back and chuckled with a sigh.
“You’ll have a hyung in your group now.” Chan sighed dreamily as he leaned more into the other and giggled, a noise Shawn was happy to hear again.
“My only Hyung.”
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