#boc one my favorites bands ever
jarofalicesgrunge · 4 months
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Cliff Burton in San Francisco,CA, Circa 1977
📸©️ ??? credits to the photographer!!!!)
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discluded · 2 years
I’m having heart spasms as I type this down bc I just read a cute post about the fact that Mile went to so many concerts last month on his own bc he was (maybe) scouting bands for the end of the year show that BOC produced. It would make so much sense given the fact that Mile went to one of the concerts of one of the bands that ended up performing there. Turns out Apo is a big fan of said band 😫..and the lead singer was serenading Apo…to the point of being mesmerized by Apo’s beauty 😭….like i know this is all speculation, but no one is going to get it out of my head the fact that maybe Apo had mentioned before that he loved that band…and someone said ( you know what I won’t lose anything if I extend an invitation to this band and make this individual happy) And my heart is about to burst out of my chest bc Apo was so happy like genuinely HAPPY ..and the people around him were teasing him bc of how excited and happy he was. And wow it hits me once again…the words that Mile told Apo at that FH event… “I just want you to be happy” …..like all he wants for Apo is Happiness and wow Love like this wow. To MA Please my beloveds don’t ever let anyone take this away from you be as protective of this love and don’t let outsiders dictate how you guys love one another.
I wish and manifest only Great things for both MA. May this year be even better than the last, and may this year bring loads of blessings into both of their lives. ❤️✨
This is so cute, the lead singer of Tattoo Colour was clearly serenading Apo specifically for a lot of the performance.
Here's another thread I saw about it!
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Yeah, it did occur to me Mile was probably scouting when I saw Tattoo Colour on the NYE Countdown poster. Mile does a lot of work we don't see until later on (which is why fandom needs to calm down sometimes). I actually thought it was maybe cause he might be looking for collaborators for BOC's new series too. I never saw the interview about Apo's favorite band being them so this is soooo cute.
I'm glad Apo had a great time. Love to see fanboy Apo's dreams come true, love that Mile made his dreams come true 🥰
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velvetvexations · 3 months
OMG YOU'RE BACK! :D Also are those Icon For Hire lyrics I see? 👀
It and Make a Move are the only songs of theirs I know lol. There are bands I like a lot but a huge percentage of my saved music is like one percent of any given band's discography because for a very long time I didn't actively seek out music other bands did and with few exception mostly listened to whatever just waltzed into view and that's still kinna my default mode.
I remember really being into Michael Jackson and Tub Ring when I was in my preteens or thereabouts, and then Blue Oyster Cult awhile after that. Blue Oyster Cult and Tub Ring are still very important to me, Michael Jackson is more difficult for obvious reasons but coincidentally all his songs on my playlist are covers - I swear I didn't even do that on purpose, I just really like those specific versions.
I was a huge fan of Hollywood Undead but Day of the Dead was a disappointment that deflated a lot of my interest.
I fell in love with Falling in Reverse around the same time and their first three albums before Radke leaned more into rap will always be a core part of who I am despite him betraying me personally as a trans woman with the things he's said.
MSI is more difficult - I loved them for years (having found them because they had a minor connection to Tub Ring) and then Jimmy Urine getting sued for what he did was pretty bad, especially since just before it happened I was describing to someone how his unique and distinctive voice in particular was a major part of their appeal.
The Orion Experience I discovered was the center of grooming allegations literally like a day or two after discovering them and being like "holy fuck this could be my new favorite band ever". I had to just sit there, slowly process the information, then take a deep sigh and resolve to separate the art from the artist.
But most stuff I like doesn't come with those issues.
I think if I were to list my "favorite" bands/musical artists, it'd be something like, in no particular order, BOC, Eminem, Poppy, Lemon Demon, Britney Spears, Three Days Grace, Tub Ring, and Ronnie Radke (which I phrase that way because my favorite of his is actually Situations from when he was with Escape the Fate). But that only gets across a very small slice of the music I like, you know?
For some reason I'm especially picky about rap. There are rappers I like, certainly, not only am I a huge fan of Eminem but - as unfortunate as it is in retrospect, the rap equivalent of FIR/MSI/TOE - getting real into Kanye in, I think, 2014-16? Somewhere around there? Was a lovely experience. But generally, I can give you a lot of rap I like and almost none of it is by the same artist.
Anyway, I started listening to Get Well specifically because I wanted to branch out because Make a Move inspired a character (or at least the direction I've taken her in, she was kinna a minor NPC before this) in my writing. She's a singer in a band and I was like, oh, in this universe Melody Priest wrote Make a Move and it was a really big hit for her band, the Gods of Pegāna.
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itwas50yearsagotoday · 9 months
Happy New Year 2024!!
1/1/24: So here we are, the last New Year of this blog. I do intend to carry on after my 50th birthday in a couple weeks, but not after a long break... I've been doing this for free for six and a half years and I have other things I need to attend to. Regarding 1974, it's kind of a lousy year for both Pop and Rock... I think the Boomers just kinda gave up thinking and gave in to the lounge life, getting high, drunk, and everything in between... sort of a Disco mentality before Disco. Interestingly, it was quite the opposite year for film, with some of the greatest movies ever made coming out in 1974 (Blazing Saddles, Chinatown, Godfather Part II, etc.). Anyway, the MUSIC... like I said everyone seemed to be coasting: Zeppelin took a year off, as did The Who and Pink Floyd; the Stones put out maybe their first 'meh' record since the mid-1960s (when record companies were breaking up their records for maximum profit). McCartney was still riding high with Band on the Run, as was Black Sabbath with Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath... Prog in the UK was dying a prolonged death (whose sound began spawning imitators over in this hemisphere, most of which sucked pretty hard) as Yes would put out a lousy record and EL&P took three years off. The best stuff came from a lot of second tier artists: Blue Oyster Cult, Aerosmith, Grateful Dead, Joni Mitchell, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Queen, Roxy Music, Steely Dan, Neil Young, David Bowie (his last as Ziggy), ELO, and Budgie. Perhaps the best album of 1974 belongs to the British Prog-ish group Supertramp, whose third album Crime of the Century most certainly drew Dark Side of the Moon comparisons... a must listen, if you listen to anything from this year at all. Second best: BOC's Secret Treaties. Third best: Steely Dan's Pretzel Logic (not as good as Countdown but still excellent). Fourth best: Aerosmith Get Your Wings. Alex Chilton of Big Star would have quite a productive year as well, releasing one Big Star record (we'll do it) and creating tunes for another (that wouldn't be released until 1978). Some of the new kids on the block include: Rush, although this is before Neil Peart joins for their second album on drums and lyrics, so here you are dealing with mostly a Canadian Zeppelin copycat band (although 'Working Man' and 'In the Mood' are bona-fide Rock Classics); Bad Company, which is basically Free reborn with better production and was the first non-Zeppelin band on Swan Song records... tis okay; Kiss, whose legend speaks for itself; and the bassist for the Stones, Bill Wyman, with a surprisingly excellent solo debut, Monkey Grip. Some of my favorite songs from this year include 'Doraville' by the Atlanta Rhythm Section, 'In For the Kill' by Budgie, 'Dreamer' by Supertramp, 'Fingerprint File' by the Stones, 'Astral Man' by Nektar, '(theme from) Death Wish' by Herbie Hancock, and 'Feel Good' by Fancy (whose instrumental bridge was used on many '80s rap samples)... kind of a mish-mosh, eh? Perhaps the worst offender of 1974 was 'The Night Chicago Died' by Paper Lace... P.U.!!!... recommend you watch YouTuber Todd In the Shadows' take on this tune; 'You're Having My Baby' by Paul Anka is a close second in disgraceful tunes. This year we hear perhaps the first true Disco singles, including 'The Hustle' by Van McCoy, 'Pick Up the Pieces' by the Average White Band, 'Machine Gun' by the Commodores, and 'TSOP' by MFSB. Also, more proto-Punk and just overall weirdness by the likes of the New York Dolls, Sparks, and the Residents. I could go on and on... it's like the malaise President Jimmy Carter spoke about later in the decade kinda starts here, particularly with the economy (first real recession since late 1950s) and politics (see: Nixon, Richard... Watergate). The year also spawns some of the most ridiculous fashion of the era, as well as very long hair for mainstream men and mustaches... lots of mustaches, which men really hadn't worn stylishly since the late 1940s (even then they were very thin... see Walt Disney). Okay out of space... enjoy!
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Listed: Cloakroom
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Photo by Vin Romero
Cloakroom are a trio from Indiana who have been making music somewhere in the regions of shoegaze, stoner rock, metal, and even-post hardcore since 2012. Dissolution Wave, their third LP and second on Relapse Records, is a concept album about a future where space miners have to write songs good enough to keep human civilization going, and it rips. Ian Mathers covered the record for Dusted and praised its “mastery of and dexterity with [the band’s] looming, frazzled sound” and said it was “the trio in all-killer-no-filler mode.” Here, Cloakroom’s impressively bearded bassist Bobby Markos lists ten records with personal connections.
Ten Records Tied to Significant Points in My Life
One of my earliest memories in life is accompanying my father as he went shopping for 45s at a local record store. He had a little handwritten list with song titles he was looking for, many of them B-sides and lesser-known cuts from his youth. Once he had a stack, we took them home and he used our home stereo system to dub the singles to cassette tapes, thus exposing me to the art of mixtapes at an early age. When our family would take long road trips to Florida or West Virginia, those tapes were our soundtracks, and before I knew arithmetic, I was learning the ins and outs of Herb Alpert, the Sandpipers, Spanky & Our Gang and other classics from the 1960s.
As a result of this practice, not only have I always had a taste in music beyond my age, but I learned to associate songs with moments. Music and nostalgia go hand-in-hand for me and listening to certain albums can be a transportive experience, taking me back to previous chapters of my life. The following are ten records that have strong links to my past (in alphabetical order):
The Beatles — Rubber Soul
Growing up, I heard a lot of Beatles tracks on the radio, as my father only listened to classic rock stations in the car, but for some reason the only physical Beatles recording we had in the house was a CD copy of Rubber Soul. When I was in high school, I started listening to it frequently, and it was here that I figured out that the band transcended the singles you would hear on the radio. And that they were so gifted in a studio setting. Not to mention, the last four tracks (“In My Life,” “Wait,” “If I Needed Someone” and “Run For Your Life”) are an incredible block of songwriting.
Boards of Canada — The Campfire Headphase
During my senior year of high school, Myspace was roaring and suddenly you could connect with people outside of your immediate city and friend circle. Common practice upon meeting someone new was sharing music, and I credit that time with turning me on to some artists I would have never come across on my own. One of those became my favorite band: Boards of Canada. Someone from Michigan sent me “Dayvan Cowboy”, claiming “this is their only good song.” I listened to that song on repeat for months before I finally dove into the rest of The Campfire Headphase, and the rest is history. Since that first listen, BoC has been my favorite artist and arguably the most influential music I’ve ever heard in my life. For being an instrumental album, it speaks louder than any other record I’ve ever heard, immediately transferring the listener to the 1960s California coast during a sunset drive. I listened to this record going to sleep every remaining night of high school, and much of my early touring years, because it became home.
Broadcast — The Noise Made By People
A dear friend of mine who was living in the Bay Area at the time sent me Broadcast’s Tender Buttons and I was immediately hooked. I was in undergrad and still living at home, using the family computer to house my digital music library. Something about Broadcast’s nostalgic sound took me back to my childhood. It was familiar but new and exciting all at once. I acquired their entire discography, and The Noise Made By People became my favorite. I love Trish Keenan’s lyrics and delivery; she was magnetic through sound waves. “Unchanging Window,” “Come On Let’s Go” and “Until Then” would be career songs for any artist, but the whole album is magnificent. I’ll always associate it with my early college years.
Earth — The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull
Once I had graduated high school and started my old band Native, I was spending more time up in Chicago with friends I’d met through playing shows. I hadn’t listened to much heavy music except my father’s Black Sabbath tapes, so bands like Earth, Sunn, Pelican, etc. were not on my radar. I knew of Dylan Carlson and Earth through his Nirvana connection but hadn’t spent much time with his discography. A friend played The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skulland I had a transformative experience, It was like a chamber in my brain was suddenly unlocked. “Rise to Glory” really stuck with me. There was something in the sound that reminded me of my youth and I became obsessed. I realized that not only could music be slow, but drone music could be beautiful. I also learned the art of ambience. I began really diving into the Southern Lord catalog and found many of my favorite bands because of this. Listening to Earth also helped shape my approach to music thereafter.
José González — In Our Nature
The same person who turned me on to Boards of Canada also showed me Zero 7, and I began listening to them daily on my drives to college campus my freshman year. I really loved the tracks “Left Behind” and “Today,” and realized that José González was singing and playing guitar. I quickly dove into his solo albums and realized he had just released In Our Nature. He had an upcoming date in Chicago, so I bought tickets and went with a friend. It was the first time in my life that I had driven myself to a show that I wanted to see, and I’ll always remember that night. There was something so romantic about the lighting in the city streets. José was mesmerizing on stage, I felt starstruck just being in the room. His presence as an artist is so humble, but larger than life all at the same time.
My Bloody Valentine — MBV
I had gotten into Loveless and the rest of My Bloody Valentine’s discography over the years, so when MBV finally was going to see the light of day, I was part of the mass surge that crashed their website, trying to purchase a copy. That was my first experience with waiting in a “digital line”, constantly refreshing to see if my cart had gone through and eagerly punching in my credit card number, in fear that all the copies would be bought before I could secure one. I’ll never forget downloading the mp3s once I had my copy ordered, and that first listen. While it may be a controversial take, this is my favorite My Bloody Valentine record — probably because I have my own personal memories tied to its release.
Nick Drake — Pink Moon
I watched a lot of MTV and VH1 when I was in grade school, and I remember seeing a special about Nick Drake. My friend Zac and I downloaded the song “Black Eyed Dog” because it was featured on the program, and really because we had never heard anything like it before. It took a few years for Nick Drake’s music to truly click with me, but once it did, it was really eye opening. It taught me that music could be minimal but impactful, and that less is more. Pink Moon is such a beautiful record. And now that I’ve become a huge fan of his as an artist, I understand what this record meant to his life. It’s mind-blowing to think that someone in their early 20s wrote music of this caliber. I wish he was still around today. I would have loved to see what the future held for him.
Nirvana — Nevermind
If you’ve ever read interviews I’ve done in the past, I often credit Nirvana with inspiring me to pursue music and shaping me into the person I am today. When I finally had my own television in my room, I can remember seeing imagery of Kurt Cobain on MTV and VH1 while flipping through the channels. I eventually figured out he was the front man of Nirvana, and after hearing “Come As You Are” on the radio one day, I convinced my mom to buy me a cassette copy of Nevermind. I was in fourth grade at the time, and soon, they became the only band I listened to until I got into middle school. Nirvana was everything to me, an obsession of my own. I started air-guitaring during this time, and it was really the first time in my life that playing music had occurred to me as a life path. When my friend Zac first put a guitar in my hands a few years later, we were learning Nirvana songs. Nowadays in Cloakroom, when I approach writing bass lines, I still reference Krist Novoselic’s playing on Nevermind.
Q And Not U — Different Damage
In high school, I was really into punk music and had started a few garage punk bands. But a friend showed me Q And Not U and it really opened my eyes to the underground indie music scene. Soon, I started my first “real” band, and No Kill Beep Beep was a huge influence on our sound. Different Damage ended up being my favorite record from the band though, and I’ll always associate listening to that record with playing my first out-of-town shows. I think this band, and this record especially, was way ahead of its time.
Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks — Sparkle Hard
Over the years, I’ve attempted to write music on my own, outside of a band setting with little success. But a few years back I began making documentary films with my father and I wrote the scores myself. That exercise turned into a side project called Documa, and I’ve been writing music on my own ever since. During that time, Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks released Sparkle Hard and it really spoke to me. I love his guitar playing and approach to songwriting, and I love that he’s had such longevity as an artist. It really inspired me to work on my own guitar playing and take the music I write at home seriously.
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Rules of the Game: Answer these questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better!
Tagged by: @heroinchicwannabe and @prairiemule (Thank you two! <3)
Nickname(s): Hyde, obviously, but kricekrispies is actually another nickname from college.
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5′8″
Time: 7:15pm
Favourite band(s)/artist(s): Styx, Bad Religion, Lizzo, A Day to Remember, Dropkick Murphys, Run the Jewels, First Aid Kit
Song stuck in my head: I don’t really have one right now, thank god. I had an Orville Peck song stuck in my head a few days ago, but I’m afraid to name it for fear it will return.
Last movie I watched: Invader Zim
Last thing I googled: Guava-cream pastries, I wanted to get a nice recipe to make.
Other Blogs: elementhyde is my main, I don’t use it as much anymore since it’s glitched, but that is where I follow and like from.
Do I get asks: I do, most of them art requests, which is fun! But I’m always happy for more :)
Following: 587, I am a very multi-fandom follower, lol
Average amount of sleep: About 5 a night, I don’t sleep much
Lucky number: 13
What am I wearing: purple v-neck shirt and a pair of jeans
Dream job: Story producer or script supervisor for a video game or tv show.
Dream trip: I have been dreaming of visiting Egypt since I was a child, I’ve always been interested in anthropology and archaeology and it’s just a dream to visit the many sites up and down the Nile.
Favorite food: Gnocchi, I think it’s my favorite type of potato, lol. 
Instruments: None, I was the singer not the talented one
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Naturally red, right now Teal, purple, and pink
Aesthetic: leather, woods, light stone, kinda warm, kinda cold, spooky but inviting, clean
Language: English I can understand Spanish and some French, but I butcher both languages speaking.
Most iconic song: Godzilla by BOC, you know I’m right.
Random fact: The largest carnivorous mammal known to ever live was the andrewsarchus, and it’s closest living relative is the hippo.
I’m tagging: @squidproquoclarice @flame0515 @red-dead-and-cry @peacesentinel @mephistia-arts @yeehawjunkie @theiicarus @sebthur @arthurmorganisagoodboy @tex-studmister
Please don’t worry if you don’t want to do them, have fun!
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buckdharma · 5 years
boc babey
thank u cy ur a real one
favourite song: every single one of them baby ice dog and astronomy!!
least favourite song: the great sun jester and imaginos bc having jon rogers sing was a Mistake
have i ever seen them live: YES 3 times and counting
favourite band member: see: my url
least favourite band member: can i say someone irrelevant like jimmy wilcox
how many of their albums i have: every böc album that u could possibly have on vinyl, i have
favourite album: okay it’s physically impossible for me to pick one favorite böc album but for the sake of having an answer i’m gonna say tyranny and mutation and fire of unknown origin
favorite lyrics: i think this is also an impossible question but the line “you’d be by a song, redeemed” from redeemed just strikes a chord with me and idk why! it’s so short and simple but i love it so much
favorite music video: they’re all so bad but joan crawford definitely
ever met any members: kas hugged me at my first show!!! and danny, eric, and richie all know that i Exist and have acknowledged my presence but technically i haven’t met any of them. i will tho. it’s my life goal and it WILL happen
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Tagging game
ASDFGHJK Thank you so much @oftrickstersandmoose for tagging me and saying that about my blog!! That’s sooo sweet <333
I am going to do this thing, even though no one probably cares that much... Still, I will use this opportunity to tell everyone that reads this that THEY ARE AWESOME AND SIMPLY SOME ADORABLE CUTE LITTLE ANGELS ^-^
Nickname: Riri (no one actually calls me like that, but I found out it’s another abbreviation of my name so I love it =)) ) Gender: Fangirl (that’s it. That’s my gender. Forget about female, I am a fan-femme ❤︎)    Star Sign: Libra ^^ (the most indecisive person ever, I admit it)  Height: a bit more than 5ft 1′ I think? (I know, I know... I am literally a shrimp! But at least I get to stay in front of tall people and watch better everything XD) Time: time...time is irreversible.. the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole... But, yeah, it’s about midnight here, if that’s the question =)   Birthday: Oct 1st  ❤︎ Favourite Bands: *pulls out powerpoint project* Are you sure of this?? *brings pictures and merchandise* jk XD My favorite band EVER will forever be Fall out boy I love them SO much,my wonderful adorable obsession!! <333 I also love mcr (my babies asdfghjk), p!atd, bvb, Green Day, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Rolling stones, Led Zeppelin, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Skid Row, The Offspring, The Beatles, Journey, Metallica, Gnr, Whitesnake, Foreigner, Boston,CCR, Van Halen, BOC, Asia, lynyrd skynyrd, alice cooper, Eagles... The list can go on till tomorrow :)) Also, a special mentioning would be Abba and Modern Talking <333 and, of course, my second favorite band (I shamelessly admit I have 90 songs of them on my phone device), QUEEN XD Favourite Solo Artists: hard to choose, uggh... My favorite singer used to be Celine Dion, so... I also love Kylie Minogue, Michael Bolton, Cyndi Lauper, Bryan Adams, Barbra streisand, Amy Grant, Bob Dylan, Elvis, too many to think of right now... Could I add Richard too?? =)) (even though he always says he is NOT a musician, his voice is wonderful aaaahh *sighs*)  Song Stuck in My Head: “All star” by Smash Mouth! It’s kind of making me feel more confident though, but it’s annoyingly catchy... Oh and yeah, how could I forget about “anyway you want it” by Journey, it got stuck in my mind for a whole week, I am so glad I got over it  Last Movie I Watched: Forrest Gump =) (watched it today, I admit I have cried a lot to it, and now I have only southern accents stuck in my head heeelp) Last Show I Watched: Big Bang Theory <33 (I adore sitcoms) I was trying to see if I can get to watch more Star Trek on tv, but instead I saw this :) When did I create my blog?: umm...My main one, I think around October last year?? And this secondary little thing that made my life better, I think sometime in May :)) What do I post? Post or reblog?: Both? =)) I reblog brilliant posts and I write anything that comes into my mind about Gabe <3 Also, I just simply adore making photo edits, gifs and stuff like that with him, so... Last Thing I Googled: it’s actually “sunburnt” because I got one during hiking yesterday, so I needed to know how to treat it better XD (I am so glad I didn’t have to do this game earlier, when my last thing was “how to burn people”, I assure you I am not a psychopath hehhe... Even though it was annoying that google was showing results for “good comebacks”, not actually burning people alive...) Any other blogs?: Hells yeah. Not many though. My main one where I haven’t posted anything for six months, a side blog with nice book quotes and nature landscapes that finally turned into a fandom one (oops!!) and one with song lyrics where I make photo edits and post mostly fob and mcr lyrics because when I don’t find them on google I must make them by myself :D  But here I have most of my followers <33 Do you get asks?: Umm...Nope, never got one, only messages, but happily waiting for some =)  The Story Behind My Username: *coughs*......it was, my darlings, the summer of 2017 when me meets the other inner me and I’m like “yo, I know about music” and the other me is like “yo, I know more about music!! ”, “that’s impossible! Do you wanna start a side blog? We’ll call it after your new favorite song ever that makes your heart sing and melt in the same time because of the most adorable mellow sweet feathered golden angel, that small tiny muffin who ruined your life” and I was like “yeah that’s cool” and that’s it XD Actually, I came up with the idea of this blog when I realized how obsessed I was with Gabe and at 2 AM I was creating gifs just to post them here, and the only logical username that came in my mind was this, I just love the heat of the moment!!! <33 *starts humming while eating a candy bar and sobbing in a corner* Following: 155! ;D Followers: 563 AAAHHH MY BEAUTIFUL RAYS OF SUNSHINE I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR BRIGHTENING MY LIFE EVERY TIME YOU PRESS THAT “follow” button I JUST WANT TO WRAP YOU ALL IN WARM BLANKETS  ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ *hug attack to everyone who reads this* Favourite Color: GREEN! Grass green, cyclam, turquoise, that coral red-orange wonderful thing, blue violet, sunflower bright yellow (guess why ;)))... Average Hours of Sleep: probably eight hours. Sometimes 6, sometimes 11... Two weeks ago I slept only one hour, yesterday 12, so it depends XD Lucky Number: 111 <3 Not lucky, but favorite one I guess :)) But usually all my lucky numbers contain “1” so... I also love 21, dunno why Instruments: Fountain pen. JUST KIDDING! If it means musical instruments, I used to play piano and violin, but now I only know a bit to play the national anthem, that’s all... Currently I am into guitar, I have been trying for six months to learn how to play it from youtube tutorials, I can play couple of chords ;D What I’m wearing right now: whoa easy there, tagging game! (just a joke again, sorry ^-^) It’s actually only a dress with green and pink floral print because summer nights when you don’t want to go to sleep, just to stare at the stars, hum songs and spend time on tumblr, that’s why :) I just find dresses easier to wear when the heat outside overwhelms you How many blankets do I sleep with?: umm... Like now, during summer? Only a white sheet, it’s too hot (even though I sometimes want to go back to my warm blanket in case of monster night attacks). But on winter I can sleep with two wool blankets or even more... :)  Dream Job: Cardiothoracic Surgeon or any kind of doctor in general :)) It’s been my dream since I was two, I just love anatomy...<3 (probably I shouldn’t add my temporary dreams too, like becoming an actress, a Broadway singer, a detective or a novel writer and artist, should I?^^)  Dream Trip: aaah hard to say, but I think it would be a road trip in Arizona or any western desert part in general, while driving an old rusty convertible car (preferably an impala, of course), watching the ruby sun going down into the lakes painted on the azure sky and the stars sparkling brightly at night, feeling the freedom air and humming old rock songs (and singing “take it easy” when I get to Winslow, AZ :D)... Also, another dream trip would be in my favorite cities: NYC (to see Tiffany’s and Broadway :)), Paris (mainly the opera house and get to sing “bonjour Paris” like in Funny Face) and Rome (driving  a scouter or riding a vintage bike on the old streets, while picking ruby geraniums and singing Dean Martin songs aahh). Also, a trip to provence where I can dance through the lavender fields, the Alpes with warm small cottages or Greece would be wonderful (as long as I can admire the landscapes and the local culture with not so many people around... ^^) Favourite Food: grilled chicken with french fries and any kind of dessert (chocolate especially)<33 Also a bunch of sour soups, pasta, fish, meat, pizza and hamburgers, jam with butter and honey, cereals with milk, bacon and eggs, meatballs, chicken soup with dumplings, boiled potatoes with butter and parsley, pancakes, and this list could go on and on.... (now I got hungry ugh...) Nationality: Romanian :) (this should explain the “sour soup” thing)  Favourite Song Right Now: umm...*trying to make up my mind while sweating nervously* Probably still the heat of the moment, or Tiffany Blews by fob... But right now, I mean really RIGHT NOW, I think it would be “don’t stop believing” it’s so uplifting and purely...gorgeous :)
Sorry for the long post, in real life I never speak up, yet, here, I am a chatter box oops >.<
Now, the ceremony of tagging people! *drums beating*... Aaaand the nominees are....LEONARDO DiCAPRIO!! (SOORY just a silly joke ^^) Now, for real, I am tagging :  @scarlettwinchester23  ( ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ) , @sabriel-fanboy-83, @akhuna01, @hunters-hiraeth, @tricksterxangel, @lisiblack, @chaotictrickster, @quaker-wtf-lass and any other cinnamon roll that wants to do this, but I know you won’t do it unless I tag you, so, here you are : @that-sweet-person-who-read-my-ramblings-and-wants-to-do-this-game-too  ❤︎  You have been officially tagged ;) 
I love you all so much!! <3
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richaldis · 6 years
1:A song you like with a color in the title
March of the Black Queen - Queen
2:A song you like with a number in the title
Me Plus One - Kasabian
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
Waterloo Sunset - The Kinks
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
Angie - The Rolling Stones
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
Dominance and Submission - BOC
6:A song that makes you want to dance
She Does it Right - Dr Feelgood
7:A song to drive to
Don’t Bang the Drum - The Waterboys
8:A song about drugs or alcohol
Milk and Alcohol - Dr Feelgood
9:A song that makes you happy
Rudy Can’t Fail - The Clash
10:A song that makes you sad
Your Love Alone is Not Enough - Manic Street Preachers
11:A song that you never get tired of
Stay Beautiful - Manic Street Preachers
12:A song from your preteen years
Blockbuster - The Sweet
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
Know Your Rights - The Clash
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
 Dark Moon, High Tide -  Afro Celt Sound System
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
Gloria - Patti Smith
16:One of your favorite classical songs
Miserere -  Gregorio Allegri:
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
None, just none, if you’d ever heard me sing you’d know why
18:A song from the year that you were born
Louie Louie - Kingsmen
19:A song that makes you think about life
You Stole The Sun from my Heart - Manic Street Preachers
20:A song that has many meanings to you
Motorway City - Hawkwind
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
Mr Crowley - Ozzy
22:A song that moves you forward
Yellow - Coldplay - forward to the radio to turn it off
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
Anthem for a Lost Cause - Manic Street Preachers
24:A song by a band you wish were still together
Police and Thieves - The Clash
25:A song by an artist no longer living
Parisian Walkways - Gary Moore
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
In Thee - BOC
27:A song that breaks your heart
Ride On - AC/DC
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
My Fairy King - Queen
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
Tiger Feet - Mud
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
My Little Empire - Manic Street Preachers
0 notes
highandlowculture · 8 years
A (Sort of) Reappraisal of Metallica’s Load & Re-Load
The much-maligned second disc of Metallica’s Hardwired... To Self-Destruct has grown on me.
A bit.
As such, I thought it only fair to give Load and Re-Load a reappraisal. After all, like many fans, I’ve criticized Hardwired’s second disc for being too sluggish, meatheaded and overall Load-ish (whereas the first disc is Grade A thrash and classic metal). My relationship with Load and Re-Load has been shaky at best. Sometimes I think they’re underrated, but oftentimes I think they’re bloated and drag. When Load was dropped in 1996 I was over Metallica and most mainstream rock music. MTV and the airwaves were glutted with corporate grunge and ska (all of which could be labeled “Alternative” by kids shopping at Hot Topic). It was a shit time for rock music. I had turned to hip-hop and old funk albums. Most of my beloved metal bands from my teen years had turned into trend-followers rather than trend-setters. And even if some of these albums I’ve grown to love in recent years, let’s face it: Megadeth, Testament and even Overkill slowed down their music. Thrash was dead. Metal, for the most part, was dead. Mötley Crüe and Anthrax not only drastically changed their sound, they made it a point to replace their lead vocalists with dudes who didn’t shout “1980s” so much. And, course, Metallica cut their hair and released Load: An album so slow and filled with wah-wah guitar solos, the band was quickly dubbed "Alternallica". Most people blame Nirvana and the Seattle grunge scene on metal’s identity crises in the mid 1990s, but it kind of started with, guess who?
Released months before Nirvana’s Nevermind and Soundgarden’s Bad Motorfinger, Metallica’s eponymous 1991 album (a.k.a. “The Black Album”) was ahead of the curve. The only breakthrough grunge album that predated The Black Album was Alice in Chains’ Facelift. There was a handful of bona fide grunge albums released by underground acts (Mudhoney, The Melvins and Sub-Pop era Nirvana), but the general public didn’t know they existed. To most people, it was Alice In Chains’ first big hit, “Man In The Box”, that lead to rumblings about the Seattle grunge scene (even though the song had more in common with Ozzy Osbourne than Buzz Osborne). Of course the first wave of grunge was initially considered an annex of metal; all of the Seattle bands’ videos had heavy rotation on Headbanger’s Ball right alongside thrash and hair metal bands. Thrash and grunge bands were more in alliance against the popular hair metal of the late 80s than they were against one another; both music scenes incorporated punk and classic metal elements; both were anti-image and strived for authenticity. But whereas grunge was simpler and ultimately more accessible, thrash was complex and sometimes progressive music.
Commercially, and perhaps creatively, Metallica took thrash to its utmost limits with 1989’s ...And Justice For All. Their subsequent decision to embrace slower tempos and more traditional song structures resulted in their biggest commercial success and a watershed moment in popular music. Not only was The Black Album chock-full of MTV hits, it introduced mainstream listeners to music far heavier than anything they had listened to before. The Black Album had set up Nevermind’s success, not the other way around. And you want to talk about grunge? “Sad But True” and “The God That Failed” are almost categorically grunge (the former essentially being a reworking of their 1988 song “Harvester of Sorrow”). So to suggest Metallica was jumping onto any kind of band wagon in 1996 is erroneous at best. They helped construct the wagon. I’d also argue that bands like Megadeth, Testament and Overkill were thinking “Black Album” with their subsequent, less thrashy albums moreso than Nevermind (Overkill’s I Hear Black being the strongest of these post Black Album releases IMO).
So The Black Album helped change popular music and possibly destroyed the burgeoning thrash movement.
Metallica weren’t following trends, they were setting them.
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But does this make Load and Re-Load not suck?
At very least, you might think they suck for different reasons.
Keep in mind, by 1996 grunge had peaked. Kurt Cobain had been dead for a couple years. The first wave of Seattle bands were now being outsold by the likes of No Doubt and Alanis Morissette. If any of those flannel-wearing motherfuckers had a dream, it was over. This was the musical climate in which the Metallicats dropped their big Load on music listeners. It was an album recorded by rich men who had already made the myths (both creatively and commercially) and now could release any damn thing they pleased. Was anyone not going to buy Metallica’s long-awaited follow-up to The Black Album?
I didn’t at the time, but, y’know... most people did.
If Metallica was in any position, it was Guns N’ Roses’ position in 1991: When they released Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II.
And this is just one way Load and Re-Load are similar to the Use Your Illusion albums. I think the UYI albums are better than the Load albums. There are enough good songs on UYI I & II to justify two albums IMO. Load and Re-Load: Not so much. Still, there’s no denying the similarities: They’re both essentially a double album that was released in two parts (in Metallica’s case they simply waited a year to release the second part). The UYI and Load albums show both bands echoing 1970s classic rock (I’ll expand on this in a bit). UYI I and Load are both more accessible and hard-rock driven; UYI II and Re-Load are both darker and more experimental. Both set of albums divided fans upon release and they still do. The one area, however, where the UYI and Load eras differ is image. Whereas Guns N’ Roses essentially still looked like Guns N’ Roses, Metallica introduced an entirely new look with Load’s release. No doubt, this was one of the reasons hardcore fans felt betrayed in 1996. Metallica had short haircuts and dressed like the rich rock stars they now were! Obviously this had nothing to do with grunge; if anything it was more metal to dress flashy than it was to wear a flannel. No, the band didn’t look grungy.
They looked positively slick!
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Yes, they were abandoning their anti-image ethos of the thrash era, but hadn’t that ethos already been co-opted by the grunge and subsequent “alternative rock” movement? By 1996, it was more rebellious to dress sharp and smoke cubans than it was to just wear jeans and a muscle shirt. That being said, Lars and Kirk’s decision to wear eyeliner was perhaps a bit much. At very least, it didn’t ring with sincerity, which I suspect is one of the main reasons it rubbed fans the wrong way. Maybe Lars thought it was cool to play Bowie and go theatrical, but James sure as hell didn’t like it (take note he didn’t put on the makeup at the time, only Lars and Kirk did). I’d argue that if the band had reintroduced themselves with “The Memory Remains” video rather than the “Until It Sleeps” video, they wouldn’t have polarized as many fans. Black dress shirts and sunglasses just say slick rocker dudes. They might be rich, but they still drink beer. Eyeliner and Hieronymus Bosch references say art snobs.
So their new image was half cool / half uncool.
And the music followed suit.
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Out of the gate “Ain’t My Bitch” is a different Metallica, but rather than “Alternallica” I’d label them “Hard Rockallica”. This is just straight-up, down & dirty, rock ‘n’ roll. The type of music you can imagine playing in a biker bar. There’s a bluesy element, with even a slide guitar solo, that wasn’t present in their music before. It’s rootsy, but it’s not exactly their roots. James, like a lot of children of the 1970s, listened to Aerosmith, but by the time he was interacting with Lars in the early 80s it was all about the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal. Even Black Sabbath wasn’t a huge influence on Metallica in these early days; their influences were N.W.O.B.H.M. bands like Iron Maiden, Saxon, Venom and especially Diamond Head. That’s until Cliff Burton joined the group. I always find it funny when metalheads declare that Metallica wouldn’t have gone in the musical direction that they did in the 1990s if Cliff had lived. I guess they don’t know much about Cliff and his musical role in the band. In addition to being an innovative bassist who introduced the brash young band to classical music, Cliff also opened their minds to a lot of 1970s bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd and Blue Öyster Cult. Thus, I find it hard to imagine Cliff would take issue with the band diving deeper into southern rock and gonzo biker rock. Maybe the songs would’ve been stronger with him around, but the general direction wouldn’t have changed.
Anyway, “Aint‘ My Bitch” is a catchy enough rocker. Not the strongest track to ever open an album, that’s for sure! It sounds like a better Side Two or Side Three opener. “2 X 4” is my favorite song off Load. This is a song that could easily be mistaken for grunge because it’s slow and sludgy, but I’d argue it’s got too much of a bluesy swing to be grunge. It struts with attitude. Grunge seldom struts. Most of Load is simply 70s influenced hard rock; Metallica’s N.W.O.B.H.M. influences being traded-in completely for the type of music Cliff Burton loved: Skynyrd, Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, and especially Blue Öyster Cult (all of whom were covered on 1998’s Garage Inc.). While most people are familiar with “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper”, it’s the first three Blue Öyster Cult albums that Metallica draws the most from: 1972’s Blue Öyster Cult, 1973’s Tyranny & Mutation and 1974’s Secret Treaties. Bluesy in a strange, deconstructed manner; hard-rocking yet moody; experimental but still grounded enough for that biker bar; these early BOC albums laid much of the groundwork for Load and Re-Load. They’re also damn fine albums. You should go out and buy ‘em!
Back to Metallica…
“2 X 4” is the kind of menacing deep track that should be loved by both metal and hard rock fans. Between that tough-as-nails guitar riff and James shouting “I can’t hear ya, are ya talkin’ ta me!”, it’s a definite throw down song. But it’s also a lousy choice for a second track. Load doesn’t begin with a strong one-two punch like “Enter Sandman” and “Sad But True” on The Black Album. Load’s first two songs are almost, dare I say, subtle?
Well, as subtle as you can get with “Bitch” in the title.
“The House That Jack Built” is a solid Alice In Chains ripoff. Does this give credence to the whole Alternallica thing? Not if you don’t fall for marketing and know Alice In Chains was always a metal band. Regardless, there’s a bigger issue. The first three songs on Load are all accessible, but none of them scream “Hit Song” (and “The House That Jack Built” is way too long for a third track). What’s going on here? Doesn’t Metallica want to rule MTV anymore?
Then “Until It Sleeps” creeps in and it’s Hitsville, USA! A great, brooding, pop dirge (who’d ever believe there was such a thing). Similar to “The Unforgiven”, it manages to be really depressing yet catchy at the same time. In fact, I think it would’ve worked better as a second single (a’la “The Unforgiven”). It doesn’t announce ’96 Metallica the way, say, “Enter Sandman” announced them to the MTV crowd. It shouldn’t come to a surprise by now that I think Load and Re-Load should've been condensed to a single album or at least a tight double album. And like I wrote earlier, I think “The Memory Remains” would’ve been a stronger lead-off single. As a song it just makes much more of a statement. Between the creepy Marianne Faithful nursery-rhyme and its total embrace of classic rock groove, it definitely announces itself. And although Load is the more accessible of the two albums, Re-Load is the one that opens with a one-two punch: “Fuel” and “The Memory Remains”. There’s a reason why they’re the only two songs from this era the band still play in concert. They’re both catchy as hell. And “Fuel” kicks things off like a big, heavy metal party.
But back to Load…
“King Nothing” is decent-enough, but Metallica-By-Numbers (it’s the track that’s most reminiscent of The Black Album). “Hero of the Day” sounds designed for Modern Rock Radio and as such, it’s the song that most warrants the Alternallica stigma. It’s a well-written and catchy tune, even if it doesn’t do much for me personally. I think it would’ve worked better as a stand-alone single, released like a year or two after the album. Y’know, like on a soundtrack or charity album. “Bleeding Me” is a cool, art rock tune in the BOC vein. “Cure”, “Poor Twisted Me” and “Wasting My Hate” are all B-Side material. “Mama Said” is a pretty country song, but since this is a Metallica album, it might not be the best place for it. In my proposed alternate reality, James saves “Mama Said” for a country side project: Dead Bear In My Pickup Truck. I can never remember what “Thorn Within” sounds like, even while I’m listening to it, so it can’t be very good, right? I actually like “Ronnie”. The riff reminds me of AC/DC’s “Gone Shootin’”. A groovy, southern rocker that’s obviously filler, but good filler to these ears. With the album’s closer, “The Outlaw Torn”, they’re again on BOC mode: A gonzo biker rock epic! Apparently they kept jamming at the end, so the over nine minute album version is the short version!
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Overall, I do think Re-Load is more metal than Load. It’s less bluesy and there’s also less wah-wah. Now I like myself a little wah-wah, but what Kirk did on Load could be considered wah-wah abuse. The man is lucky he didn’t get arrested. Right out of the gate with “Fuel”, Re-Load puts some of the metal back into Hard Rockallica. I guess a lot of metalheads take issue with the song because it’s fun. Like Motörhead and Judas Priest were always gloomy or something. Funny, because a lot of metalheads also love AC/DC and God knows they know how to party! Why can’t a band that was once lovingly nicknamed “Alcohollica” write a NASCAR friendly party song? Loosen up, people. I think “Fuel” makes for a better Motörhead tribute than Hardwired’s “Murder One”. Lemmy wrote a few dirges, but he was primarily about speed and “burning hard”. Re-Load’s second track, “The Memory Remains”, is my favorite track and it has to be one of the weirdest hit singles ever. It reminds me, conceptually at least, of BOC’s “Joan Crawford”. See what I did there? I brought it back to BOC. But let’s return to Re-Load and its third track: “Devil’s Dance”. Another great tune. Dark and sludgy metal with the word “Devil” in the title. So that’s three great songs in a row, does this album own Load or what!?
Hold it. I should’t whip out my dick yet.
There’s a drop-off.
And it starts with the fourth track, “The Unforgiven II”. A woefully unnecessary and inferior sequel. It’s essentially “The Unforgiven” in reverse: The heavy guitar verses become clean guitar verses, the clean guitar chorus becomes a heavy guitar chorus. So the most interesting thing about “The Unforgiven”, the way it subverted the clean verse to heavy chorus structure, is replaced with a more formulaic and traditional metal ballad structure. Whose idea was this? “Hey, guys!” Lars walks into the studio, after buying a Picasso, and addresses the band. “Why don’t we do “The Unforgiven” again, but this time around we make it more ordinary!” There’s some nice guitar work, but it’d be better served on a new Skynyrd-esque ballad than an uninspired “Unforgiven” sequel. And to think it was a single!?
“Better Than You” is another dud. A mundane track that makes way too much of a mundane lyric. “Slither” is a lesser “King Nothing”; maybe a good B-side. I can’t believe I like a Metallica song entitled “Carpe Diem Baby”, but I do. The song begins with a thick bluesy riff (they didn’t entirely jettison Load’s bluesyness), then slowly marches to a brilliant curveball of a chorus: It’s bittersweet yet infectious. The kind of tonal shift BOC often pulled-off on their earlier albums (even the song’s title is BOC-ish). I don’t hate “Bad Seed”, but if you’re referencing Sabbath’s mighty “Sweet Leaf” you damn well need a better song than this! “Where The Wild Things Are” is a creepy, experimental ditty. It’s weird enough to charm me, but it’s best tucked towards the end of an album. “Prince Charming” is stupid and wouldn’t even make a good B-side. I love “Low Man’s Lyric”. That’s right: I LOVE IT! A world-weary ballad that wouldn’t have sounded out-of-place on a Led Zeppelin or Thin Lizzy album. I don’t know why 70s hard rock and metal bands are allowed to have ballads, but Metallica are cocksuckers if they show their sensitive side.
“Attitude” might be a generic rocker, but it’s better than “Better Than You” and “Prince Charming”. At least it helps pick up the tempo. And like Load ended with “The Outlaw Torn”, Re-Load ends with a gonzo biker rock epic: “Fixxxer”. Again, like BOC, hard-rocking but vaguely psychedelic. Hippie music for people who don’t like hippies.
So the ratio of good songs versus subpar songs is roughly the same on Load and Re-Load.
It probably should’ve been a single disc, but in 1996 Metallica fans had been waiting five years for a new studio album! Therefore, in my alternate reality, I’ll be generous and make it a tight double album: Eight songs per disc. Overall, I think this version works better:
Disc One
1.) Fuel 2.) The Memory Remains 3.) Devil’s Dance 4.) Until It Sleeps 5.) King Nothing 6.) The House That Jack Built 7.) Bleeding Me 8.) Fixxxer
Disc Two
1.) Ain’t My Bitch 2.) 2 X 4 3.) Ronnie 4.) Low Man’s Lyric 5.) Carpe Diem Baby 6.) Attitude 7.) Where The Wild Things Are 8.) The Outlaw Torn
It’s still called Load, which is a good name for a double album, but the band retain their classic logo.
And this is the album cover…!!
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kickdownthewalls · 7 years
Top 20 Heavy Metal Albums of 2017
While it has been a tragic year in many respects (natural disasters, mass shootings, data breaches, a political hellscape, etc.), there has been more good music unleashed on the world than ever. I’ve spent the past few weeks trying to narrow down just the stuff I have had a chance to listen to to a top 20 list and finally gave up. So, this year, I am splitting my list in two: one of metal releases and one of everything else.
I’ll start with the metal releases. Several of these are new(er) bands I have discovered through Bandcamp and Youtube, but the majority are long-time favorites. Countries represented this year: USA (x7), Germany (x4), Sweden (x2), Japan (x2), Finland, Norway, Italy, Chile, and the U.K.
Without further ado, here are my top 20 fave metal records (and tapes) of 2017…
20. EVIL - Rites of Evil
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Bands that can successfully mix old-school black metal with thrash and/or speed metal always get my attention and Evil from Japan do it pretty damn well. Elements of early (like, REALLY early) Sodom are combined with Hellhammer to great effect, with lots of cool change-ups and a very raw production style.
19. JACK STARR’S BURNING STARR - Stand Your Ground
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From his early work with Virgin Steele and amazing solo album with Rhett Forrester (RIP) back in 1984, Jack Starr has had a long and varied career. I was expecting Stand Your Ground to be good, just based on the last record, but damn it is some really top-notch US power metal. Only a few bands are doing this kind of material justice and it’s great to see one of the scene’s legends still out there and at the top of their game.
18. JAG PANZER - The Deviant Chord
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It’s been, what, six years since the last Jag Panzer record? Damn good to have them back though and worth the wait. The band’s brand of US power metal is still intact, with a good mix of the faster, heavier stuff and more expansive, melodic songs. It’s not the band’s best album, sure, but it is still a strong return after a long break.
17. RAM - Rod
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Ram really knocked it out of the park with their previous album so Rod was bound to be a bit of a disappointment. Still, there are many great songs here and even the six-part conceptual piece that makes up half of the album works remarkably well. Classic heavy metal is alive and well.
16. SATYRICON - Deep Calleth Upon Deep
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This one almost didn’t make my list because, frankly, I forgot it came out until I started looking back over the year. Which isn’t to say it isn’t memorable, only that I never got a copy of it to really give it a proper listen. Glad that I finally did, though, because it is a huge return to form after the rather disappointing eponymous release of 2013. The smoldering menace of Now, Diabolical is back in all its glory, with the drums possessing a particularly wonderful, organic thump.
15. MIDNIGHT - Sweet Death and Ecstasy
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When it comes to filthy, punky black metal that worships at the altar of Venom, it is hard to beat Midnight. Having said that, No Mercy For Mayhem (2014) was a bit of a let-down after the still-brilliant Satanic Royalty (2011). Sweet Death and Ecstasy is right in between the two, with a couple of slower, more experimental cuts and fairly memorable songs in general.
14. WALPYRGUS - Walpyrgus Nights
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Despite a logo and album art that looks more like black or doom metal, this band from Raleigh play a very potent brand of melodic metal with clean vocals and lots of guitar harmonies. Closest comparison I can think of is Immortal Soul-era Riot. Very catchy vocal lines, killer riffs, and strong songwriting all around make this one of the year’s most underrated albums.
13. ACCEPT - The Rise of Chaos
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Accept pulled off a miracle by reforming without their iconic singer and then proceeding to release and tour 3 amazing albums in 5 years. While Stalingrad was the highpoint, Blind Rage was still a great album and The Rise of Chaos follows in similar fashion. It has a good mix of modern, heavier tracks like “No Regrets” and really classic-sounding cuts like “Analog Man.” One could argue that the band hasn’t progressed at all (and they would probably be the first to agree), but the release of another quality Accept record simply makes the world a better place.
12. KREATOR - Gods of Violence
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Kreator are easy to take for granted, as they deliver an album every few years that is always solid, kick-ass thrash metal with killer production. There are a number of great thrash bands out there (new and old), but I think Kreator are probably the most proficient and dependable of the lot. Gods of Violence is definitely on par with Phantom Antichrist and delivers at least one instant concert classic with “Totalitarian Terror.”
11. MYRKUR - Mareridt
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Multi-instrumentalist Amalie Bruun is really evolving her brand of melodic black metal with this record, her second full-length album. One thing I really appreciate about this one is that each song is very distinctive and incorporates many different instruments and vocal styles. The guest appearance by Chelsea Wolfe doesn’t hurt either. One of the few critical darlings that actually deserves the attention.
10. BOLIDO - Heavy Bombers
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Chile is turning into a real hotbed for quality metal of all genres lately and Bolido is one of my favorite in the classic vein. They have a real talent for coming up with interesting riffs that are offbeat yet 100% metal. Just check out opening track “The Absolute Dominion of the Skies” and get hooked.
9. SATAN'S HALLOW - Satan's Hallow
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The Midwest has been sourcing some great bands in recent years and Chicago’s Satan’s Hallow are right up there with the best of them. Their sound is very reminiscent of the NWOBHM, with plenty of catchy riffs, strong vocals and a healthy dose of speed now and then. More old-school metal for us aging headbangers!
8. ORDEN OGAN - Gunmen
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While power metal as a whole has seen better days, certain bands are still out there delivering the goods and Germany’s Orden Ogan are one of my favorites. They manage to combine super-catchy melodies and huge choruses with fast and heavy riffage. Gunmen isn’t quite as good as 2015’s Ravenhead but it is damn close. Bonus: Liv Kristine guest vocal!
7. EMYN MUIL - Elenion Ancalima
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Following in the footsteps of Summoning, Italy’s Emyn Muil create epic pieces with a Viking metal flair and lyrics and imagery straight from Middle Earth. Grim vocals are used as another instrument to add to the atmosphere and the songs remain engaging throughout, despite their long running times.
6. VENOM INC. - Ave
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I’m not sure exactly what people were expecting from this release but I was actually quite pleased. It continues in the vein of the Prime Evil-era Venom (naturally) but with a bit more of the ferocity of the early years. It is great to see these guys out there playing the classics on stage but I was happy they were also able to deliver a high-quality release of new tunes, too.
5. OUTRAGE - Raging Out
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Long one of my favorite thrash bands, Japan’s Outrage went through some interesting turns in the 90s (who didn’t), but they have really returned to form with the last couple releases and Raging Out is one of their best to date. Pure old-school thrash with modern production. Still has some of the Metallica influence from the early days but it’s much less obvious now.
4. MIDNIGHT RIDER - Manifestation
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I remember getting this band’s first EP about a decade ago and loving their mix of early Priest and Sabbath but then never heard from them again. Until 2017, when this full album comes out of nowhere and not only lives up to the earlier work but exceeds it in every way. If you ever wish Priest had recorded more albums in the vein of Stained Class and Sad Wings of Destiny, this album is for you. The production and mix are perfect, too, coming across as 1978 with more clarity and impact.
3. VAMPIRE - With Primeval Force
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When Vampire first hit the scene, I was skeptical due to the hype and anonymity of the members, plus the debut was kind of underwhelming. Fortunately, their sophomore effort is leaps and bounds better, taking their raw, old-school thrash sound to new levels. They mix speed and brutality with a surprising amount of melody and skilled musicianship and the results are a frenzy of headbanging goodness.
2. MAUSOLEUM GATE - Into a Dark Divinity
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This Finnish outfit has been going for a few years now and never disappoints with their wonderfully eclectic mix of heavy metal, 70s hard rock, doom, and organ-heavy weirdness. Hints of Uriah Heep, BOC, Judas Priest, and Candlemass all shine through, but no description can really capture the band’s unique sound. Every track is epic in feel, even the shorter ones.
1. SANHEDRIN - A Funeral For The World
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The cover and title scream ‘doom metal’ but Brooklyn trio Sanhedrin tend more toward the likes of classic Diamond Head or… I don’t even know what. They cover a lot of ground and, yes, even some doom territory with the title cut, but it’s never anything less than killer, memorable metal. Can’t wait to see what this band does in the future.
On top of that, there were many excellent demos, 7” singles, and EPs this year. My favorites came from BOMBER, COVEN, CRIME, CROWN OF COMMAND, CULT OF EIBON, DREADFUL FATE, FORGED IN BLACK, FREEWAYS, HAUNT, KROSSFYRE, LUCIFER'S HAMMER, MIDNIGHT PREY, ORNASSI PAZUZU, POUNDER, ROCK GODDESS, and SPEEDCLAW. Rock Goddess in particular was nice to see back in action and I hope they manage to release a full album next year because the EP was very promising (despite the less than sterling production).
As good as the year was, I think 2018 has the potential to be a stunner. New albums from the mighty JUDAS PRIEST and SAXON are on the way soon, not to mention MONSTER MAGNET, SUMMONING, WHITE WIZZARD, LOUDNESS, TRIBULATION, POSSESSED, RIOT V, and VOIVOD. Plus… IMMORTAL… maybe? Finally?? It was promised in 2017 so here’s hoping it will finally appear. And maybe a new HADES ALMIGHTY, too? Stranger things have happened…
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