#bobby reyes one shots
thebiggerbear · 3 months
Bobby Reyes One Shots List
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Moving Forward Little By Little - You knew you shouldn’t have let him in that first night he showed up with alcohol in hand to talk about Jamie. But you had and now your partner never fails to show up at your door. The bad thing is, you don’t really want him to stop though you know you should.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
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bigskydreaming · 2 months
Supernovas anon again- im definitely more of a samberto/bobbyjohnny shipper myself but something about Sam and Bobby's specific dynamic just. Compels me. Especially when you look at their very different backgrounds (tho not so different in some ways) but the way their personalities complement each other so well- they're both impulsive but about different things and typically in ways where one of them is able to stop and think when the other one is ready to pop off.
That's an interesting point about how their personalities complement, as they're not really the most obvious characters to compare and contrast in that way.
I think for me, one of the things that's most interesting about them is how most of their dynamic (at least in their earlier interactions, throughout the nineties) was informed by the generational gap between the two DESPITE the fact that they're actually very close in age.
What I mean by that is despite the fact that Sam was plenty experienced and even had years of leadership under his belt by the time he joined the main X-Men team in the 90s, it had been among a totally different generation of mutants with very different adventures and villains, so even though they weren't that far off age-wise, Bobby tended to take a more mentoring role with Sam while still being one of the closest in age TO Sam.
And that was such an interesting role reversal for BOTH of them, specifically because Sam as I said had always been cast in leadership roles in the New Mutants, X-Force, etc....and even how parentified he was in having to help raise his nine younger siblings after his dad died. While at the same time, Bobby, just by virtue of being the youngest of the 05, had always been inevitably cast in the youngest sibling role of his former team found family dynamics, with him kinda getting typecast in non-leadership roles solely because there was never really an opportunity FOR him to step into any other kind of role when surrounded by Scott, Jean, Warren, Hank, and then later with Ororo, Logan, etc.
Add to this the fact that despite how rarely it comes up, when Bobby IS given the opportunity to step into leadership roles, he's actually always consistently been very good at it - he was the go to mentor for the X-Terminators (Rictor, Rusty, Skids, Taki and Tabitha) during the X-Factor years, since Scott and Jean were focused on stuff revolving around their relationship and baby Christopher, Hank was preoccupied with his transformations and fluctuations in his intelligence and Warren was self-isolating due to the Archangel stuff....and then of course one of his most famous arcs is O:ZT, where he stepped into a leadership role with Marrow and Cecilia Reyes and confronted Bastion solo....
And then even more recently in Aaron's WATXM, Logan specifically approached him to go with him back to Westchester after the Schism because while Logan was the de facto leader of his faction that others gathered around, he needed Bobby to be the one handling the actual work of putting together the new school and being someone people actually y'know, trusted with their kids while Ororo and the others who might usually fill that role were still with Scott's faction.
And then the flip side of THAT is that Sam, for all that he's BEEN the leader of multiple iterations of the New Mutants, X-Force, and other X-Men squads and more.....Sam has never liked that role? He hates it actually - at most he'll begrudgingly share the role with Dani, who he's always the first to put forward as the better candidate for any team he's on, but he second guesses himself and doesn't trust himself with the responsibilities of leadership and his teammates' safety....he doesn't WANT it, really. He's always far more comfortable just being one of the lineup...happy to step up and fill a gap if and when needed, but preferring to always have the option of stepping back down and let someone else call the shots as long as someone else is available.
So from that angle, its really interesting to see how Bobby and Sam interacted in the 90s and the mentoring/welcome to the team/showing the new guy the ropes kinda dynamic they fell into despite the fact that Sam did have plenty of experience already, just in different spheres of mutantdom than those the X-Men typically operate in. And I'm kinda fascinated by wondering how much their respective positioning within their generation of mutants affected their development and the roles they usually ended up taking....especially given how close in age they actually are.
Like if Bobby's recruitment had been delayed til around when Xavier was first gathering the New Mutants, so he was one of the oldest of THAT generation, would he have been the one to more naturally slot into a leadership role alongside Dani, and if Sam had been recruited as the youngest member of one of the other generations of X-Men, would he never have really tried out that role for himself but just been more naturally comfortable with being the surrogate little brother of his generation, as a welcome change from having to take on the responsibility of helping to raise all his younger siblings before he joined the team?
And then you take those various contrasting angles of development and positioning among their peers, the roles that lent them to most organically.....and mix it all up by later bringing them BACK together on an X-Men lineup, almost a decade after they first were on a team together....and now they're both depicted as colleagues and peers of an equivalent 'level' and experience, though even then, at times throughout Carey's run they would occasionally fall back into their former dynamic of Bobby taking the lead and Sam being happy to see where that goes.
Only by then, due to how much they'd changed since their first time as teammates, it tended to come across more as just a natural extension of Bobby being the more aggressive, proactive, even hot-tempered one whereas Sam for the most part is more mild-mannered and agreeable, not someone who HAS to follow for lack of an ability to lead or decide things for himself, but not someone who's got any hangups about it....while Bobby, the eternal little brother of the original generation will always feel he has at least SOMETHING to prove, so he's not forever in the shadow of the Greatest Tactictician of Modern Mutantdom (Scott), the Literal Cosmic Force (Jean), the Nobel Prize-Winner by Age 19 (Hank) and the Publicly Beloved Millionaire Playboy Who Looks Like A Literal Angel (Warren) - lol and people are shocked that the kid recruited while several years younger than all of them and consistently upheld as nothing special compared to all of the above grew up to have self esteem issues, hahahaha who could've seen that one coming, surely not the world's greatest telepathic child psychologist and educator -
Anyway. I just think there are a lot of interesting facets to Bobby and Sam's dynamic given their history both with each other and with their respective original generations, and wish we could see them on a team together again which literally hasn't happened SINCE Carey's run almost fifteen years ago. They really are a fascinating duo to explore.
Plus, there's the chemistry.
And now Sam's got his infant son Josh added into the mix, and combine that with my beloved trope slash headcanon of Robert Tanaka Jr. absolutely is Bobby's son and Opal just lied about saying he wasn't because she'd literally been kidnapped just because she was Bobby's girlfriend, why WOULDN'T she be concerned what might happen to her kid if they knew her omega-level ex was in fact his biological father.....
And I'm just saying, Bobby and Sam reconnecting and awkwardly trying to navigate a relationship while raising their ten and two year old sons that they co-parent with their ex-girlfriend, the Yakuza princess, and ex-wife, the Shi'ar Imperial Guardswoman, respectively.....
Now THAT'S the kind of X-Men soap opera drama I miss the CRAP out of!
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thejacksmit · 1 year
First Take: Blue Beetle - how and why did film Twitter write it off that early?
SYNOPSIS: An alien scarab chooses Jaime Reyes to be its symbiotic host, bestowing the recent college graduate with a suit of armor that's capable of extraordinary powers, forever changing his destiny as he becomes the superhero known as Blue Beetle.
DC'S run of late has been very hit and miss, you just have to look at the box office returns to see how the extended universe has fared post-Snyder to see how fans have taken to it. But with two more films before Mr Gunn takes over fully, Blue Beetle feels like the end of school term summer party, the season finale if you will, that just goes out to have some fun before Aquaman 2 takes us home later in the year.
The Mexican representation is strong with Angel Manuel Soto’s direction, and coming in at 2 hours 7 minutes, it gets the job done with a good pace (the 7 minutes are end credits), although at times feeling a bit cliched for its own good. Saying that, Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer’s script does have some fun with the whole origin story, as it uses the formula that rival Marvel used for Ant-Man 1, which is taking humour and heaviness and blending the two together. Plus on the tech side, we have two names from the indie scene to round it all out- it’s shot well by Pawel Pogorzelski, and fellow Ari Aster collaborator Bobby Krlic handles the score.
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As for the cast, we have Xolo Mariduena as the lead, and it is obvious that he could carry this franchise if DC push on with a sequel under the new Gunn/Safran regime - he handles this role fairly well, and he could easily grow into the character more if he is given the chance to do so. They also leaned into the world of the telenovela while casting, with Bruna Marquezine, Adriana Barraza, Damian Alcazar and Raoul Trujillo representing the local culture, with George Lopez as the comic relief, and Susan Sarandon as a rare villainous character. Sure, Twitter and the comics community might’ve ripped this one apart, but all things considered, with the background of this film’s commissioning (originally being made for HBO Max)... it will find its audience regardless of being a box office bomb in cinemas.
Blue Beetle is a perfectly fine, fun, but predictable DC film that just goes out to have as much of a good time as it can. As a standalone thing, it works. But with the wider restructure of the studio looming, and that box office result, whether it gets a sequel or not remains to be seen- if it does, then this could be a bit of a refreshing new franchise.
RATING: 3.5/5
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shmaptainwrites · 3 years
hi! if you're still taking blurb requests/requests in general, can i ask for a fic/blurb about the reader inviting reggie to something they do(like a dance competition or a sports game or art contest, etc)and him being super supportive and very proud of them? thank you!!
always nonnie! just thought i’d put a little reminder/psa for those who don’t now but i don’t take full fic requests but i do take blurbs every now and again when i open things up :)
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“Is that your boyfriend?” one of your teammates asked, pointing to the black-haired boy in the stands, holding up a sign and cheering probably louder than half of the people in the gymnasium. 
“Yep,” you nodded with a chuckle. “That’s him,” 
“Well just make sure he doesn’t distract you,” they joked, passing you the basketball allowing you to warm up with some dribbling exercises. 
“Yeah let’s hope it doesn’t throw me off my game,” 
Thankfully Reggie’s loud cheering and hand gestures were not enough to distract you, having had plenty of experience with that when your mother would come watch your games when you were younger. 
The game was a close match throughout, your team managing to break the tie within the last minutes of the game along with the help of a foul shot. 
Your coach all rounded you up to congratulate you in the end and reminded you of the next practice, then you finally had the chance to meet with your boyfriend in the stands, sitting down and opening a bottle of water, take a large sip. 
“(Y/N) you were awesome!” he exclaimed. 
“Really?” you chuckled. 
“I mean I was a little lost with some of the calls it’s been a while since I’ve played, but you were so good on defence and those plays you pulled on the wings, I swear you got at least four layups,” he nodded vehemently. 
“You’re too sweet,” you nudged him lightly in the arm. 
“And I’m really proud of you, I mean I remember you were so afraid to try out for the team, but you did and got out of your comfort zone and here you are,” 
He rested a hand on your knee and you leaned in, pressing a quick peck to his lips. 
“I love you Reg,” 
“Love you too, you’re like my little personal Michael Jordan,” 
“Okay, I’m definitely not that good,” 
“Give it time (N/N), trust me, just give it time,” 
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cometsandstardust · 2 years
I’m rewatching Agents of Shield and here is list of things I genuinely forgot happened:
season three
- rosalind encouraged lethal force
- oh i miss joey, i wish we got to see more of him
- they invited elliot rudolph to examine the monolith
- “to the plane!”
- ward kidnapped von strucker’s kid
- hunter is absolutely ecstatic when may tells him that fitz got simmons back and she was alive
- simmons and andrew bonded over trauma and phd’s
- hunter has a little anger problem
- bobbi and may worked together to track down von strucker after the explosion
- andrew was aware of lash, and caused the explosion to eliminate suspicion
- may started figuring out the truth behind lash because of von strucker
- andrew chained up may after she confronted him
- andrew went through terrigenesis because of jiaying’s records on inhumans
- rosalind worked with gideon malick
- malick was giving people fish oil pills with the intention of making more inhumans
- malick told ward about hive
- ward put essentially mustard gas into andrew’s containment module
- ward shot rosalind in the neck (through a window) while her and coulson were having dinner
- ward kidnapped simmons and fitz
- coulson kidnapped ward’s younger brother as bait
- fitz talked to will about hydra and ward’s plans
- “cut off one head and blah, blah, blah, blah”
- yo-yo thought her powers came from god
- “you are my new best friend” - daisy to yo-yo
- talbot was appointed as the new head of the atcu after rosalind
- malick kidnapped talbot’s kid
- the agents couldn’t give bobbi and hunter a proper goodbye without endangering shield
- the watchdogs (like in general)
- coulson still messed up daisy’s name towards the end of the season
- when she goes to save charles
- charles showed daisy lincoln’s death
- daisy killed malick
- daisy convinced coulson, lincoln was the one infected by hive instead of her
- radcliffe was introduced after daisy left with hive
- james threatened watchdogs with a chain on fire (foreshadowing to robbie reyes in the next season)
- lincoln tricked daisy into thinking he trusted her but sent lash instead
- lash freed daisy from hive’s control
- james killed lash
so much happened this season and i remembered like none of it
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
So as mentioned in my previous post about this bingo, my birthday is next month. And for that occasion I wanted to host another bingo! Like my last bingo in October 2021, this one will have moodboards to the squares. You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for inspiration, and can also be used in your fics as a “cover” if you’d like 🥰 I’m gonna have the moodboards up before the bingo starts on Monday 17th of January 😅
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here are some rules:
1. It’ll start on January 17th and ends on February 17th at Midnight (Norwegian time)
2. Write one, ten or all of the fics. But don’t feel like you have to write them, this is a fun little writing exercise
3. You can write a head canon, ficlet, multi-chapter (one moodboard/square per fic) or a one shot. But please, if it’s longer than 500 words, put it under read more.
4. The fics can be fluff, smut, angst, etc if you feel like they would fit with the aesthetic of the moodboard you write for. Please remember to tag the fics with the right warnings before posting it.
5. Tag me when you post it, so I can keep tracks of the fics that are posted for this challenge and use the hashtag: #adarafaelbarbabirthdaybingo
6. Characters allowed (reader insert, oc, ships)
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds
Nick Amaro
Peter Stone
Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Alex Cabot
Casey Novak
Olivia Benson
Amanda Rollins
Rita Calhoun
Kat Tamin
Elizabeth Donnelly
Other Raúl Esparza Characters:
Jackson Neill
Nevada Ramirez
Jonas Nightingale
Bryan Kneef
Frederick Chilton
Paul Mendelsohn
911 / 911 Lone Star:
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Maddie Buckley
Hen Wilson
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Owen Strand
T.K. Strand
Grace Ryder
Judd Ryder
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Carlos Reyes
Tommy Vega
Mayans MC:
Miguel Galindo
Angel Reyes
Ez Reyes
Bishop Losa
Emily Thomas
Coco Cruz
One Chicago:
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Brian «Otis» Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Stella Kidd
Gabby Dawson
Violet Mikami
Sylvie Brett
Emily Foster
Jessica Chilton
Gianna Mackey
Evan Hawkins
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Vanessa Rojas
Sean Roman
Kim Burgess
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Will Halstead
April Sexton
Crockett Marcel
Jeff Clarke
A Discovery of Witches:
Baldwin Montclair (Trystan and Peter’s version, but specify it 😅)
Matthew de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Diana Bishop
Miriam Shepard
Sophie Norman
Nathaniel Wilson
Satu Järvinen
Juliette Durand
Phoebe Taylor
Hamish Osborn
Chris Roberts
Ransome Fayrweather
Ian Murray
Frank Randall
Jamie Fraser
Clair Fraser
Briana Fraser Randall
Roger Mackenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Newt Scamander
Young Dumbledore
Eggsy Unwin
Roxy Morton
Harry Hart
Charlie Hesketh
Lancelot / James Spencer
Characters from the King’s Men
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Sam Wilson / Falcon / Captain America
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Dr. Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
T’Challa / Black panther (rip Chadwick 🥺)
Shaun / Shang-Chi
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tom, Toby or Andrew. But specify it 😅)
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Wade Wilson / Deadpool
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
Baron Helmut Zemo
Yelena Belova
Monica Rambeau
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Note: If there’s a character/fadom not listed, feel free to DM me.
7. No RPF/real person fic. No underage character (includes reader/ocs)
8. Please signal boost this post, regardless if you participate or not
9. Most important! Have fun! 🥰 Feel free to dm me with any questions or concerns
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Oh I want to know about the Sweet Home Alabama AU!
TK and Carlos, childhood sweethearts, are 18 when gay marriage is legalized in Texas. Caught up in a summer of love they tie the knot in a drunken ceremony.
Fast forward 10 years and TK is a hot shot New York fashion designer who's boyfriend has just proposed
Queue trip back to a tiny Texas town where his husband, former police officer, Carlos Reyes still lives
So yeah it's Sweet Home Alabama but in Texas !
I just want to write Carlos telling TK 'it's ok the have roots and wings' (also just realised I will probably call it Roots and Wings now !)
I really want to have the scene where Paul and Marjan (TK's New York friends) go to Texas and have them make the joke about a gay, a trans and a Muslim walk into a Texas bar - what's the worst that can happen?
I haven't written more than a few snippets tbh but I think it's going to be super fun and won't deviate from the movie too much so it might not be that interesting to anyone else but I just think they can fit so perfectly into the story
The only point I'm a bit stuck on is the Bobby Rae character - because in the movie Melanie outs him and obviously in my AU no one will be outing anyone but I do want to give a character a secret that TK reveals (thinking something about Nancy but not sure what - I am open to suggestions!)
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disasterfandoms · 3 years
Doing this so people on mobile have access as well! pray for me, this one is going to suck.
Last updated: 6/29/22 at 4:24 PM
*** = smutty
Evan “Buck” Buckley:
Dating Evan Buckley ~ Headcannons
Everything Will Be Okay ~ Imagine
Riding Evan Buckley ~ Imagine ***
Evan Buckley x Strand!reader headcanons
Strand!Reader Proposal ~ Headcanons
A Little One of Our Own ~ Imagine
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Evan Buckley Edition
The Scariest Day ~ Imagine
NSFW ABC ~ Evan Buckley Edition ***
Blue Octopus ~ Imagine (Flufftober)
Eddie Diaz and Bobby Nash:
Guilt ~ Imagine
Eddie Diaz:
Smutty Alphabet ***
Dating Eddie Diaz ~ Headcanons
After Hour Diner ~ Strand!Reader imagine
Adult Sleepover ~ Imagine ***
9-1-1 Lone Star
Marjan Marwani
Sibling Surprise ~ Ryder!reader imagine
Judd Ryder:
Being Judd Ryder’s sister ~Headcanons
Judd and Grace:
This is Your Home Now ~ The Ryders x teen!reader imagine
Judd and Grace’s Love Story
Wine Dance ~ Judd x Grace x bestfriend!reader imagine
Mateo Chavez:
Dating Mateo Chavez ~ Headcanons
Nervous!Mateo Asking You Out ~ Headcanons
First Kiss ~ Headcanons
Protective!Mateo ~ Headcanons
Mateo Has A Crush On You ~ Headcanons
Fluff Alphabet: Mateo Chavez
First “I Love You” ~ Headcanons
Birthday Surprise ~ Headcanons
Married To Mateo ~ Headcanons Affectionate!Mateo~ Headcanons
TK Strand:
Being TK’s Twin Headcanons
Carlos Reyes:
Being Carlos’s best friend ~ Headcanons
20-David’s Reactions to Street’s Breakup ~ Preference
20-David + Rocker’s Hobbies ~ Preference
Bad Day ~ Preference
Jim Street:
Fake Social Media
Dating Jim Street ~ Headcanons
NSFW Street Headcanons
Donovan Rocker:
Dating Donovan Rocker ~ Headcanons
Jim Street x Donovan Rocker, aka Dim:
Dim Dating ~ Headcanons
A Letter To You ~ Imagine
It Will All Work Out ~ Imagine
Chris Alonso:
Dating Chris Alonso ~ Headcanons
David “Deacon” Kay:
Dating Deacon ~ Headcanons
Dominique Luca:
Dating Dominique Luca ~ Headcanons
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Dominique Luca Edition
Anniversary Surprise ~ Imagine
Nervous, Can’t Show It~ Headcanons
Victor Tan:
Dating Victor Tan ~Headcanons
Love You Until The End ~ A Bonnie Lonsdale x Victor Tan story
Let’s Make a Family ~ A Victor Tan x Bonnie Lonsdale Story
Jim Street x Victor Tan
I Can’t Lose You ~ A Jim Street and Victor Tan One Shot
Prodigal Son
Malcolm Bright
Dating Malcolm Bright ~ Headcanons
Magnum P.I.
S/O Injured || Preference
Thomas Magnum
Date Night with Thomas ~ Headcanons
Cuddling Thomas Magnum ~ Headcanons
All I Want ~ Imagine
Juliet Higgins:
Dating Juliet Higgins ~ Headcanons
Gordon Katsumoto:
Dating Gordon Katsumoto ~ Headcanons
Sex with Gordon Katsumoto ~ Headcanons ***
Jack Gibson:
Jack Gibson’s Instagram
Dating Jack Gibson ~ Headcanons
Car Accident ~ Imagine
Seal Team
Seal Team Preference: How they comfort you during a bad and and/or ill
Jealousy ~ Preference
Seal Team Preference: Self-Defense Training
Testosterone Time: A Seal Team Preference
Date Nights ~ A Seal Team Preference
Hurt S/O ~ A Seal Team Preference
Protective Bravo Team ~Seal Team Headcanons
Fallen Eagle ~ A Seal Team Oneshot
Sonny Quinn:
Dating Sonny Quinn- Headcanons
Moving in With Sonny Quinn ~ Headcanons
Going Through Hell ~ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Proposal ~ Sonny Quinn Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet ~ Sonny Quinn Edition***
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Headcanons
Clay Spenser:
Dating Clay Spenser ~ Headcanons
Moving in with Clay ~ Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: Clay Spenser ***
The Proposal ~ Headcanons
Daddy-Daughter Fun ~ Imagine
Stress and Relax ~ Imagine
Fluffy Alphabet: Clay Spenser
Future Home ~ Headcanons
Trent Sawyer:
Dating Trent Sawyer ~ Headcanons
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Trent Sawyer Edition
NSFW Alphabet ~ Trent Sawyer Edition ***
Brock Reynolds:
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Brock Reynolds Edition
Smutty Alphabet ~ Brock Reynolds Edition ***
Meet My Dad ~ Brock x Carter!Reader Imagine
To Deploy, You Go~ A Brock Reynolds x Carter!Reader imagine
Dating Brock Reynolds ~ Headcanon
Eric Blackburn:
Breakfast in Bed ~ An Eric Blackburn imagine
Meet My Love ~ Imagine
Full Metal:
Sex with Full Metal~ Headcanons***
Trent/Full Metal:
Hold On to the Stars~ Imagine
Trent Sawyer & Full-Metal Series:
After Action Argument ~ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Sister Becomes Known
You Shouldn’t Be Alone Part 1
CODA SERIES MASTERLIST The Carter-Sawyer Collection Part 1
The Blackburn Collection
The Reynolds Collection
The Carter Collection
Gil Grissom:
Sex With Gil ~ Headcanons ***
Chicago PD
Jay Halstead:
NSFW Alphabet ~ Jay Halstead Edition***
Criminal Minds
Derek Morgan
Dating Derek Morgan || Headcanons
Spencer Reid
First Date with Spencer Reid
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brattyfics · 3 years
drunk dialing | writer wednesday
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Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black!OFC
Summary: Angel's ex-girlfriend gives him a call one night when she has too much to drink.
Tags: Angst, Toxic!Angel, Unresolved Feelings, Alcohol Consumption.
Word Count: 1.5k
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“She doesn’t need anymore.”
The words barely register over the hustle and bustle of the packed sports bar. Basketball reruns play on the television, old school r&b blaring over the loudspeakers. The bartender takes one look at Summer and the way her frame is slumped over just slightly, the way her dark brown eyes have glazed over, and nods his agreement. From their places on barstools, her friends thank him, not-so-subtly sneaking glances at Summer from the corners of their eyes. She can’t bring herself to care. They don’t understand. She’s drowning in the liquor but also an ocean of misery. The waves steadily pull her down further at each turn.
No one understands, so she takes special care to savor the dark amber liquid as it burns her from the inside out.
Last call in the state of California is 1:30 am for any establishment that sells alcohol. Businesses like the bar that so graciously hosts Summer and her friends can stay open later, and they usually do. Most patrons abide by state law, using the time to sober up by stuffing themselves with greasy foods-- pizza, fries, chicken wings. Instead of drinking, they make plans to come back and meet up with the strangers they have become fast friends with or say goodbye to their college buddies in town for the weekend.
If You Think You’re Lonely Now plays as patrons began to shuffle out. Summer hums along.
If you think you’re lonely now, huh
Wait until tonight, girl (If you think you’re lonely now)
I’ll be long gone (You just wait until tonight girl)
And you’ll never find another man that’ll treat ya’ right
And then there are the lonely.
The ones at the bar every evening without fail, using it as home in place of the one they lack. They slide the servers bribes, crisp and crumpled twenty dollar bills across the bar top. She watches with tired eyes as they slide shot glasses back in exchange. Summer thinks she would try her luck if it weren’t for the mother hens watching over her with careful eyes. Her friends-- Aliyah, Jasmine, and Nia already think she’s a ticking time bomb. The last thing she needs to do is give them the ammunition they need to call her an alcoholic.
It takes a while for the bar to clear out. Nia has to use the bathroom at the last minute, complaining about it being filthy when she returns. Jasmine mutters an obviously while Summer pitifully sips the last remnants of her drink. The melted ice cubes ruin it, she can’t taste the bourbon at all, but every little drop counts, right?
Summer refuses the hand offered to her by Aliyah as they stumble out into the parking lot. Aliyah hovers with her arms poised to catch her just in case. Nia absentmindedly plays a card game on her phone behind them, and Jasmine heads up the group, her keys noisily jingling as she swings them back and forth. She’s the designated driver and the only one sober enough to drive.
It’s a typical summer night in California, dry but cold and windy, so they quicken their pace. With every step, Bobby Womack’s crooning is stuck on replay in Summer’s mind. The lyrics resonate with her…
When it’s cold outside who are you holding?
...and she’s about to voice her thoughts when she sees it.
“Is that a phone booth?!” The words come out more hysterical than probably they should. Sure, it’s been like ten years since she’s seen one in person, and she didn’t know they still existed, so she’s a little excited and a lot drunk, but it’s just a phone booth. One that’s narrow and brightly lit in the midnight blue of the night. Aliyah, who forgot her glasses at home, squints at the white blob until she can make out its shape.
“I think it is.” She sounds a little mystified herself, and that’s all the encouragement Summer needs in her state. One minute she’s cheesing wide, and the next, she’s sprinting across the street towards the phone booth, giggling and tugging her short dress down the whole way.
The girls yell after her, but she tunes them out, snatching the ice cold phone off the hook. She’s even more enamored when she pulls the heavy metal to her ear and hears the dial tone.
It works!
High heels click loudly behind her. Summer turns just in time to see the girls come to a stop behind her, out of breath and unamused. Jasmine leans over and rests her forearms on her knees. “What the hell?” She hisses, glaring daggers at her friend. Summer ignores her, punching the chunky silver buttons like she’s in a trance. Even inebriated, she knows them by heart. One number after the other, she dials the one person she knows she shouldn’t.
Angel Reyes.
She vaguely registers her friends telling her to put the phone down. She knows that she’s making a mistake, but the armor she wears to protect herself from the world is too heavy. She strips it away, her inhibitions lowered. All she wants is him.
“She’s been drinking. We should do something.” Sweet Aliyah is always the voice of reason. Nia sounds bored and over the situation. “This is so dumb.” Jasmine tugs on her arm. “Come on. You’re drunk.”
“There’s no harm in a phone call, right?” Aliyah says, but her voice is shaky. She’s wrong, and they all know it.
“Hello?” The reception is shitty, and the volume in the earpiece low, but with one word, Summer’s hooked all over again. She doesn’t say anything for several moments, the sound of her harsh breathing the only thing that transmits. There’s a long, tense moment where Summer tries to convince herself to hang up, but then Angel says, “Baby, is this you?” She hates the sob she releases into the phone from the simple words. She draws her bottom lip into her mouth to quiet the sound. Her girlfriends freeze, unsure of what to do.
“Y-yeah, it’s me.”
“You been drinking, mami?”
“Maybe.” Summer sways, and Aliyah is there, using her arm to prop her best friend up. It’s a silent act of support, a reminder that Angel isn’t and shouldn’t be the center of her universe. She has supportive friends, a loving family. She doesn’t need him.
“Where you at? I’ll come get you.” She doesn’t need him, but she’s tempted to tell him to meet her back at Jasmine’s place. It’s only a ten-minute ride from his place, five minutes if he speeds the way she knows he does.
Speeds the way he did when she caught him at Vicki’s with Adelita. He had been acting shady for months, whispering on the phone, keeping odd hours. She had felt like a crazy woman when she put the tracker on his bike, but her intuition was validated when she saw his location. She followed him, expecting to find him with one of Vicki’s girls. Instead, she found him there with Adelita and her protruding belly, rubbing it with his large, ringed hands like a doting father. Like they were some happy fucking family.
Summer had nearly lost her mind, knocking over furniture, breaking bottles from behind the bar. Luckily for them, EZ caught her wrist and restrained her. The sight of Angel shielding that woman, protecting her when he hadn’t protected her feelings, was ingrained in her mind. Realizing that all the men she regarded highly and looked up to as older brothers and uncles had been lying, and helping Angel hide his cheating, was something she would never forget.
Being betrayed like that should have been enough to make her stop loving him, but... it just wasn’t. Summer often found herself wondering what was wrong with her. Why did she pine after a man that hurt her so badly? Sure, Angel’s handsome, and funny, and sweet, and really, really good in bed, but he’s not good. Not for Summer.
She sniffles into the phone, “I don’t want you to. I don’t want you.” She tries to will the words to be true, but the tears gliding down her face tell a different story.
“Why call me then?”
“Too much liquor.”
He snorts out a laugh but then pauses as if considering something. “Yeah, me too.” Summer swears she can make out the sound of Gilly shouting something in the background, but maybe she’s so drunk that she’s imagining things. Maybe she’s making it all up in her head because she longs for their relationship back. She always finds herself back at square one when it comes to Angel, wishing things could go back to how they were, that she could erase all the bad and keep all the good.
You see the night's the time when the needs come out
When your needs come out to breathe
And the jonesing starts and there ain't no way you can sleep, ooh
“You hurt me.” Summer doesn’t bother to hide her bitterness. She knows Angel won’t acknowledge the words because the only pain he can recognize is his own.
“Summer, why are you calling?” His voice has an edge to it this time. He’s daring her to make a decision, pick a side. Either she wants to be with him, or she doesn’t. His gruff tone, the callousness with which he says the words should make her want to turn away from him.
Instead, it makes her heart lurch.
She feels desperate to hold onto him, so she says, “'Cause I-I...I love you.”
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Notes: The prompt is from @autumnleaves1991-blog Weekly Writing Challenge. Summer Walker - Drunk Dialing...LODT & Bobby Womack - If You Think You’re Lonely Now inspired this fic. Let's all pretend you don't have to pay to use a pay phone lol. Do you like to see moodboards/covers for fics? Please let me know. Hope you all enjoy!
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General Taglist:
@woahitslucyylu @briannab1234 @sheeshgivemeabreak @breakingnewsin-no-oneasked @angelreyesgirl @blessedboo @glimmerglittergirl @apantherinmypastlife @brownsugarcoffy @marvelmaree @starrynite7114 @scuzmunkie @thewarriorprincessxo @sadeyesgf @pearlkitten33 @imanerdychubbyqueen @literaturefeen @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @everyhowlmarksthedead @yourwonkywriter @trulysuccubus @sparklemichele @luckyharley1903
Angel Reyes:
@claytoncardenasbabymama @adaydreamaway08
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
Bobby Reyes Fics List
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One Shots
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Prompt Responses
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Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for this character.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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calamitykaty · 4 years
Julie and The Phantoms:
Add yourself to my taglist 
Invisible String Series: Luke Patterson x OC
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
One Shots: 
Readers Choice Pairing:
Nothing Even Matters-JATP x BTR Crossover
Luke Patterson x Reader
The Beach House
Breathe You In /Breathe Me In
The Story of Us 
Homesick Valentine
 My Whole World 
When It’s Over 
In Sickness Part 1/Part 2
The Last Something That Meant Anything (coming soon)
Summer of '93
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
All I Want
Don’t Forget 
A Twist of Fate 
The Road Trip
Charlie Gillespie x Madison Reyes (Platonic only)
You’ve Got A Friend In Me
Luke Patterson x Julie Molina
Mother Knows Best
Perfect Harmony
Molina Halloween
Owen Joyner x Reader
A Love Like This
A Place We Know
The Wedding Date 
‘Tis The Damn Season 
Held Together 
Reggie Peters x Reader
The Perfect Christmas 
The Girl At The Rock Show
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Remember That Night
Bobby Shaw-Wilson
Muted Blue
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Finally found Marauders 27 scans online (for what it’s worth, I bought a paper copy from my LCS, I just don’t have ready access to a scanner myself.)  Images below, just the Pyro and Bishop stuff for this post, although Lourdes also appears:
First off, the Pyro and Bishop stuff is fire.  It is everything I’ve wanted to see in this series.  It would only be better if it ended with Pyro and Bishop having a victory make-out session, or Pyro texting eggplant emoji’s to Avalanche.
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Look at fashion plate Bishop and Pyro there.  Bishop actually looks good, Pyro looks like he crawled out of a Miami Vice episode like Sadako from Ring.  And not as one of the stars, either, as one of the one-episode criminal lackeys.
Minor quibbles - it’s hard to believe Verendi don’t recognize either of them, especially Bishop, who has personally beaten up and threatened a couple of them, up close and personal.  And they were literally watching a live-feed through Pyro’s eyes for awhile, but maybe they don’t recognize him without the skull tattoo.  It’s also hard to believe that Bishop, the “serious cop” character of the series who is also a Captain of Krakoa, wouldn’t read the mission briefing or know ALL the background details of the characters that they are playing.  But maybe he’s just messing with Pyro.  Their banter through this sequence is delightful.
Also.....Bishop thought background stories for two male characters named Mr. Nobody and The Blade was one of Pyro’s romance novels?  I’ll consider this canon evidence that Pyro also writes gay romance.
Btw, I really want a definitive answer as to whether Bishop has an Australian accent.  He and Pyro are playing Australian criminals here, and I know Bishop is Australian Aboriginal.  But he was raised in the US, and previous depictions of Bishop (like on X-Men TAS) usually give him an American accent.  I think comic writers more frequently give Bishop more of an American accent, and Duggan certainly hasn’t given Bishop little bits of Aussie slang like he has with Pyro.
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Ahahaha, that horrible 80′s mullet gets worse from every angle.  I have to say, I like how Pyro is drawn here.  The artist remembered that he generally has a long, narrow face with a prominent chin.  He’s not ugly, but he’s not suspiciously handsome Backstreet Boy Pyro.  That’s how I like my Pyro.  Not model-handsome, but not an ugly little gremlin, either.  He’s an okay-looking dude who’s a bit awkward, but would probably do well enough on Tindr Grindr.  Also appreciate that the artist made Bishop noticeably taller.  He’s still not as big as he should be, but I appreciate the size difference.
I think Pyro got to talk more in this scene than in the entire run of Marauders, and he sounds reasonably intelligent.  Love him sweet-talking Verendi, and not even missing a beat as one of the Helicarriers drops out of the sky.  From his exchange with Bishop, it sounds like this plan was largely Pyro’s idea, too.  Look at my boy, coming up with criminal schemes without Mystique telling him what to do.
Btw, the French Laundry is a very fancy restaurant in California.  I choose to believe that Pyro is trying to low-key ask Bishop out on a date.
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Whoops!  I’ll choose to believe that Pyro’s awful haircut was so that he could more accurately play Mr. Nobody, not because he has terrible fashion sense.  (I highly suspect that Pyro’s high school year-book picture looked a lot like what he’s wearing now, though.)
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Gotta admit, this is genuinely funny.  I love their expressions.
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Damn, Pyro looks so young here.  He easily could be Bobby’s age.  More proof that resurrection de-ages people, because Pyro had to be at least mid-thirties when he died.  Way to punch that guy in the dick, Pyro.  Always aim for the nads.
The gun misfire is a really clever trick, and I appreciate it.  Pyro’s never done that before.  In fact, there’s an old X-Men issue when he gets shot while robbing a bank and gets treated by Cecilia Reyes, where he says that he usually creates flames hot enough to melt the bullets, so this is maybe something he learned since Krakoa.  I’d like to imagine Bishop or Bobby or Callisto suggested it to him, while kind of “training” and seeing what he could do with his powers.  I can’t imagine Pyro could do that on a grand scale though, like causing 20-odd soldiers to misfire at one.  That would require a lot of concentration.
If I want to give Duggan a LOT of credit for character development (more than he maybe deserves), I’d say Pyro’s gun misfire trick isn’t just him being “cool,” it’s showing how his fighting techniques have changed.  He’s not indiscriminately blasting people with fire or chasing them around with flame animals, he’s using small, subtle, non-violent methods to protect himself.  (Then punching the guy in the dick.)
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Again, I choose to believe that Bishop “forgetting” which characters they’re playing is just him joking around, because Bishop is much smarter than that.  Also, that jump from the Helicarrier to the ship’s deck should have broken both of Pyro’s legs, but whatever, it’s comics!
Yes, Bishop, lift Pyro up with your strong, manly arms.  Pyro’s gonna write a suspiciously similar scene in one of his novels, and Bishop will be side-eyeing him hard. 
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 Really like this group fight scene where everyone gets to participate and talk.  Love Lourdes and Emma just casually sipping champagne while all this is going on.  And Lourdes asks Pyro about his writing, what a polite lady.  Pyro’s abrupt announcement is his last appearance in this book, but I don’t mind.  The book tour isn’t completely out of the blue, since Duggan had a snippet of Pyro’s upcoming book in an earlier issue.  I’d rather see Pyro land on another on-going, but this kind of send-off made sense, and actually felt respectful for his character.  As much as I’ve complained about Duggan’s shallow interpretation of Pyro, at least he remembered that he’s a writer, and even made it part of the story. 
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I have a lot of complaints about Bobby’s departure that I’ll save for the next post, this is the positive post.
Godspeed, Bishop, I hope Orlando actually gives you an arc in the reboot.
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
Ticking Photobomb, T, 1.6k
Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley & TK Strand
TK loves Carlos, and wants their relationship to work out. Before they can recapture even a semblance of the bliss they shared, Carlos needs to fix his mistake and properly introduce TK to his family. Until then... Carlos deserves at least some punishment. He only hopes Buck will forgive him, for involving him in his and Carlos's first big fight as a couple.
Only it's not Buck's forgiveness he'll need.
ao3 link
based off of this post
           He’s wary. He and TK are supposed to be enjoying a delicious meal outside at a nearby park, sun high in the sky, bright but not too cruel, as they sit together on a thin, yellow blanket, and Carlos cannot enjoy any of this beautiful date because a tiny voice in the back of his mind warns him that TK’s silence is a cover for something more sinister. His boyfriend’s smile, aimed at his phone as it has been since they arrived, means trouble. The small, continuous giggles that eke free sound like alarms. Giggles offered with every bite, where he’d type a short message and then set his phone down; only to grab it halfway through its jingling ringtone – TK never usually keeps that on. Carlos remembered him complaining how he hates ringtones, prefers having his phone vibrate. Why is it on now? And why is he texting while they’re on a date? And why does his laughter make Carlos cringe?
           “Who are you texting?” he asks, finally, Carlos pushing the plastic container with his half-finished sandwich to the side.
           TK glances up from his phone. “No one.”
           “No one?”
           “Just a friend,” TK says, pinning Carlos with a strange expression that squeezes his heart. It makes the sweat pricking his temples relocate and journey down, rolling towards his chin. Carlos wipes at his face as TK adds, “seriously, you don’t have to worry.”
           It’s the way he said ‘you’ that does Carlos in. That has him dredging up what he already considered resolved since before they sat down. Discussed, at length, over the phone, with Carlos apologizing repeatedly. TK assured him they were good. “I thought we were good?”
           TK sighs, “We are good.” Then, he mumbles, “As good as any two friends can be.”
           Carlos’s frown deepens, mouth resembling a severe gash carved into his face. “I knew it!” Carlos cries, pointing at him. “You’re still mad at me.”
           “I never said I wasn’t!”
           “You said it was settled –“
           “Because it is,” TK insists, a heavy glare drawing all breath out of Carlos’s chest. The façade he wore for their date has been pulled away, and Carlos sees exactly how distressed TK remained after he introduced him to his parents as his ‘friend’. Even with Carlos promising that he would remedy the situation soon, gather his boyfriend and family together and explain the truth of his romantic life, TK clings tight to the pain Carlos caused by letting fear sway his choice, both at the farmer’s market and when he let TK walk out of his home, relationship dangling from a fraying cord. It frays ever closer to breaking. “It’s settled until you work up the nerve to have that dinner you were talking about.”
           Carlos splutters, “That’s not – you know, with the pandemic how hard it’s…”
           His excuses further irritate TK, who retreats into his phone. He texts someone else. Perhaps the same person he’s been texting this entire time. “Then it’s settled.”
           “If it’s so settled,” Carlos asks, “why even bother agreeing to our date today?” He gestures at their unfinished meals, probably cold and stale. If they weren’t, it’s not like Carlos feels like eating anymore.
           TK stops texting, smirking at Carlos. Usually, it riles Carlos up in that he wants to kiss it off of him. Right now, Carlos swallows the urge to shove his boyfriend onto his ass.  “A date?” TK asks, words languid and breezy, spaced out by palpable sarcasm. “Why would you think this was a date,” he continues, phone tapping against his chin, “we are just friends after all…”
           Anger and disappointment converge violently inside Carlos, fighting for release. Neither can, as his vibrating phone pulls his focus from TK. He opens the message on autopilot, confused since it’s from TK. Confusion then drops into the cesspool of his emotions, like Mentos in Coke, and Carlos explodes.
           “Why did you send me this?” he demands, showing TK a picture he sent to Carlos of himself. A picture they took, together, when visiting a lake one weekend long ago during the summer. A picture taken after they spent the entire afternoon swimming, bathing suits forgotten on the pier. A picture where TK’s chiseled physique was on display, skin dazzling as fading sunlight turned water droplets into diamonds, and TK’s sunglasses rested low on his nose as he smiled to the side where Carlos was. Was. As in not anymore. Only his arm, slung around his boyfriend’s shoulder, remained. Saved by being impossible to crop out. “Well?” Carlos asks again.
           TK sighs, “Oh, I must have sent that by mistake.”
           “You wanted to send me something else?”
           “No,” TK clarifies, “I sent that to you by mistake. It was supposed to go to Buck, see?” TK shows Carlos his message thread, with the picture he sent Carlos, timestamped, showing he forwarded it to Buck first, then Carlos.
           “Yeah, Buck,” TK continues, leaving his texts and diving into his photo album. He selects a group shot of the 126, plus a few extra members. He zooms closer on one face, Buck’s, enough that Carlos can distinguish the two birthmark spots above his eyebrows. “I’m sure I told you about him.”
           “You did,” Carlos nods. He tears his gaze from Buck’s smile, fuming. “The firefighter who flirted with you.”
           “I mean, he also helped me save my dad,” TK says, “but, yeah… he also flirted with me.” TK lowers his phone, chuckling, “We’ve just been chatting back and forth – as friends do – when I realized… y’know, I told him I wasn’t interested, because I had this really awesome boyfriend who I love, but since that’s not the case anymore, we’re only friends apparetly, I figured I might as well shoot my shot. Find out if he’s still interested. Maybe once quarantine is done, I can take some time off and… see what Los Angeles has to offer.” The eyebrow wiggle was completely unnecessary. TK communicated exactly what of Los Angeles he intends to see, regardless of how his eyebrows moved.
           He’s better than this. Carlos knows what TK is doing. What the picture, and its delivery, was supposed to accomplish. What it’s succeeding at. He can win this, simply by ignoring TK’s teasing.
           “You are not going to Los Angeles.” Carlos scowls, “Not without me. And especially not if Buck is gonna be there.”
           TK scoffs, “What are you, my boyfriend?”
           “Says who?” he asks, “Your parents?”
           They’re outside. In public, surrounded by people who keep their distance. Unfortunately, their voices carry wide enough they draw a sizeable crowd. Carlos doesn’t notice until TK storms off and leaves him with the blanket, the abandoned food, and their audience.
           Carlos blushes, hiding behind his hands. He wishes he never fumbled back then, in the farmer’s market. He also, briefly, wishes he and Buck switched places. At least then TK would be treating him to risqué pictures. At least Carlos would be having a good time, if he were Buck. He’d be receiving sexy photos from a certified dreamboat instead of suffering because of his own mistakes.
           Buck stumbles over his words, stuttering, rushing out his explanation to a stone-faced Eddie. “Seriously,” he says, “I don’t – I don’t know why TK sent me that picture of him! It’s not like I asked! One second we’re talking about movies and the next thing I know – shirtless TK!”
           “Yeah, I know,” Eddie huffs, arms folded across his chest, “I saw.”
           He shouldn’t have. If Buck hadn’t left his phone on the table to help Bobby in the kitchen. If he didn’t hear his phone beep with an arriving message, almost vibrating off the table from it. If Eddie, along with Hen and Chim, weren’t climbing the stairs at the moment, and if he ignored Buck’s plea to hand him his phone. To punch in the code – which he knew, of course Eddie knew – since Buck was wrist deep in a turkey’s hole.
           Buck washed his hands immediately, drying them on his pants as he chased Eddie the few feet towards the couch.
           “So,” Eddie continues, “you and TK…”
           He and TK? “We’re friends,” he says, repeating himself after Eddie’s disbelieving stare. “Okay, I mean – he did turn me down once, when we were leaving Texas. But he said he had a boyfriend –“
           “He turned you down?” Eddie asks, “You flirted with him?”
           “No!” Buck shrugs, running his hand over his forehead, frowning at the sweat that pooled there. “Well, I didn’t think I was. But he did? And – and he left before I could say anything, but I didn’t think it mattered since he, y’know, had a boyfriend!” He stomps his foot, irritation bubbling from the pit of his stomach and out his mouth. “Besides! Why does it matter if he sends me pictures?” Nice pictures. Distracting pictures that made Buck question exactly why TK misunderstanding his friendliness was a problem. “Why are you so angry?”
           “Because… because…” Eddie looks past Buck, at the peanut gallery assembled by the kitchen. Hen and Chimney watching with interest while Bobby pretends cooking a turkey involves his whole focus. None of the seem keen to jump in and help. “Because… you…” Suddenly, Eddie stands. Buck recoils, stepping backwards. “You know what,” Eddie says, digging into his pocket, “I’m telling Marjan to unfollow you on Instagram.”
           “And!” he yells, phone free and on, “I’m telling her to block you!”
           “What? No – Eddie, no! Don’t!” Buck follows his friend, pleading, “C’mon, she hasn’t even liked any of my photos yet… Eddie… Eddie!”
           Eddie ignores him, furiously typing the end of Buck’s most famous connection online. In his haste, Buck forgets his phone on the counter. Eddie takes precedence over his phone.
           Later, Buck will return to it. He will respond to TK’s picture, sending a tidal wave of texts at the Texan firefighter ranging between the immense trouble that picture landed him in and how TK can repay him by convincing Marjan to follow him again.
           But that’s later. Now Buck slams his fist against the firetruck, yelling for Eddie to unlock the door.
           Eddie doesn’t.
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eclecticmuses · 4 years
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Author: @eclecticmuses Rating: Mature Chapter: 6/11 Relationships/Characters: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Daisy Johnson, Elena Rodridguez, Alphonso Mackenzie, Daniel Sousa, Lincoln Campbell, Antoine Triplett, Robbie Reyes, Miles Lydon, Milton, Background Huntingbird, Background Mackelena, Background Daisy/Lots of People Additional Tags:  Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No SHIELD, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, Fake Dating, Pining, Holidays, Light Angst, Mild Sexual Content, Happy Ending Summary: After coworkers Jemma and Fitz both have miserable Christmases with their families, they realize they have the perfect solution to the same problem they share: pretend to date on major holidays so both their families and their friends will get off their backs about them being single. But as the year goes on, they realize that their platonic setup might be producing more genuine feelings than expected. It might be a problem neither one of them can solve. AU of the Netflix movie of the same name,
Excerpt from Chapter 6:
“So I told Bobbi that it was absolutely foolproof,” Hunter said, walking around the far side of the pool table with his cue stick. “There was no way I would get caught in the act. I’d planned out every little detail, right down to the second. It was going to be the prank to end all pranks.”
Jemma and Fitz were out on another double date with Bobbi and Hunter, this time to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. They’d gone for tacos at one of their favorite Mexican joints, which had been fun, and now they were at a bar for bottomless tequila shots and pool. Fitz was winning, naturally, due to his knowledge of physics and geometry, which Bobbi and Jemma were cheerfully giving him a hard time about. Meanwhile, Hunter was in the middle of regaling them with the tale of a joke he’d played on one of his coworkers at the IT firm he worked at.
“So how did it go?” Jemma asked, watching Hunter move to line up a shot. 
“Horribly,” Bobbi replied, rolling her eyes.
Read the rest on AO3!
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yellowdaisy2023 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Eventually - Relationship Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), TK Strand, Owen Strand, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland (9-1-1 Lone Star), Mateo Chavez (9-1-1 Lone Star), Maddie Buckley, Bobby Nash, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Christopher Diaz (mentioned) Additional Tags: Firehouse 126 Crew as Family (9-1-1 Lone Star), Evan "Buck" Buckley's Lawsuit Against the City of LA, Post-lawsuit, Unrequited Love, Possibly Unrequited Love, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Evan "Buck" Buckley, Angst, Bobby's not great in this, Nobody at the 118 really is tbh Series: Part 41 of Random One-Shots/Short Stories Summary:
After the lawsuit, Buck feels more alone than ever. His best friend won't even talk to him. He decides he's had enough when he's been shunned and everybody refuses to see his side. He decides to take up a past offer and soon finds himself in Austin with a new family.
Based on Break my Heart Again by FINNEAS
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
Writing Challenge - Moodboards
It's almost time for the September writing challenge!
Although I've tried to make it as gender-neutral as possible, it's been kinda hard 😅 That being said, just because there's a man and a woman together in the picture doesn't mean you have to write a straight couple 😅 You can have two men together, two women, a non-binary couple. Relationships with more than two people (poly) is also allowed.
The idea is that you follow the theme of the square/moodboard, not that you've got to include everything in the board. A moodboard is a way to inspire you to write, so write what you took from the board(s) you choose 🥰
Remember: You can plot now, but no posting before September 1st! ❤️
There will be a winner, randomly picked, who’ll get a moodboard of their choosing, made by me 🥰 The winner will be picked the first week of October 🥰
The moodboards are posted in order of the rows on the board. And it goes left to right/top to bottom)
Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5
(set up inspired by @thatesqcrush ’s Bingo introduction set up)
Rules under readmore
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here are some rules:
It’ll start on September 1st, 2021 and end on September 30th, 2021
Write one, ten or all of the fics. But don’t feel like you have to write them, this is a fun little writing exercise
You can write a head canon, ficlet, multi-chapter (one moodboard per fic) or a one shot. But please, if it’s longer than 500 words, put it under read more.
The fics can be fluff, smut, angst, etc if you feel like they would fit with the aesthetic of the moodboard you write for. Please remember to tag the fics with the right warnings before posting it.
Tag me when you post it, so I can keep tracks of the fics that are posted for this challenge and use the hashtag: #adarafaelbarbaseptemberbingo
Characters allowed (reader insert, oc, ships)
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds
Nick Amaro
Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Alex Cabot
Casey Novak
Olivia Benson
Amanda Rollins
Rita Calhoun
Kat Tamin
Elizabeth Donnelly
Other Raúl Esparza Characters:
Jackson Neill
Nevada Ramirez
Jonas Nightingale
Bryan Kneef
Frederick Chilton
911 / 911 Lone Star:
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Maddie Buckley
Hen Wilson
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Owen Strand
T.K. Strand
Grace Ryder
Judd Ryder
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Carlos Reyes
Tommy Vega
Mayans MC:
Miguel Galindo
Angel Reyes
Ez Reyes
Bishop Losa
Emily Thomas
Coco Cruz
One Chicago:
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Brian «Otis» Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Vanessa Rojas
Sean Roman
Kim Burgess
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Will Halstead
April Sexton
Crockett Marcel
Jeff Clarke
A Discovery of Witches:
Baldwin Montclair
Matthew de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Diana Bishop
Miriam Shepard
Sophie Norman
Nathaniel Wilson
Satu Järvinen
Juliette Durand
Phoebe Taylor
Hamish Osborn
Ian Murray
Frank Randall
Jamie Fraser
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Newt Scamander
Young Dumbledore
Eggsy Unwin
Roxy Morton
Harry Hart
Charlie Hesketh
Lancelot / James Spencer
Any of the Avengers is fine 🥰
Note: If there’s a character/fadom not listed, feel free to DM me
7. No RPF/real person fic. No underage character (includes reader/ocs)
8. Please signal boost this post, regardless if you participate or not
9. Most important! Have fun! 🥰 Feel free to dm me with any questions or concerns
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