#bobby ikon fanfic
eviebyme · 2 years
can u do ikon’s kinks pls? thank u:)
Thank you so much for requesting ikon!!!! I’ve been wanting to write about them for so long!🥲
iKON Kinks
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Undercover freak
Likes dirty talk (giving AND receiving) - he is mean and vulgar though, so get ready lol
Having his hair pulled
Sexting, phone sex (loves receiving nudes and - side note - is REALLY good at keeping your nudes private)
Neck kisses, hickeys, biting
Probably enjoys humiliating you (but not publicly bc he needs to keep up his respectable reputation)
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Loves to be teased physically and verbally
Really likes lapdances and strip teases - basically really into dry humping
I wouldn’t say he’s a submissive but he likes when his partner is dominant and tells him what to do 🤷‍♀️
Likes thick thighs, especially in a short skirts (if he catches a glimpse of your butt or panties he will explode)
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Likes rough sex
Really into deepthroating and breathe play
Likes to push you to your limit - consensually ofc
Turned on if you have a “hidden” tattoo on your ribs or back or if you are generally seen as a “good girl” but have a secret wild side
Even though he’s a dom he gets turned on by other doms. Really likes the power play dynamic
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The biggest freak (but we all knew that, didn’t we)
The type to try out anything just to discover new kinks he might have
Likes role playing ( and is really good at it), sometimes takes the role play beyond the bedroom
Favorite scenario is teacher punishing student - he enjoys playing both roles
Likes shower sex
Enjoys having sex outdoors or in public (but he doesn’t do this with just anyone)
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All the kinks? - boy is horny all the time
Also likes rough sex but is less confident than Bobby, so he hardly ever reaches the point of roughness he desires
Likes cleavage and tight clothing
Really attracted to confidence, although he prefers to be the dom, he loves when his partner takes charge and commands him in the bedroom
REALLY likes boobs
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Like petite partners (it’s a dom thing)
Choking his partner
Likes waking up with scratch marks (a sign of a job well done)
Basically turned on by the size difference between him and his partner, loves to assert his dominance
Also likes role playing, but he always plays the same role no matter what the scenario (the bratty one)
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REALLY likes aegyo
Loves everything that is cute and will swoon for your baby voice (if you use a baby voice in the bedroom he will lose his mind)
Really likes crop tops, short shorts, and mini skirts
Is literally turned on by the idea of someone who dresses really sexy but is shy and demure
In a turn of events - prefers older women
His kinks are more thought-based (if that makes any sense lol)
Requests Open!
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kgyeomiex · 1 year
Diamond & Regrets
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“Sometimes people leave before we’re done needing them.”
Humiliation is what you’ve experience… You had two options either fight through it or let it go and start over. You did what you thought was best and decided to start over… You were tired of looking like the bad guy because of the decisions you make. For once everything was working in your favor until the past comes back and bit you in the ass. Is there anyway you can ever move on or is there a reason behind this?
*Trying something new and adding gifs throughout the story*
Previous story: Just For A Little Bit (M) Part 1
Previous Chapter: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Part 5
Your Point of View
To be honest you weren't sure whether telling Jiyong that you spent time with Mino today was important... You two don't hold secrets, but you were afraid that if you were to briefly mention this minor detail it will blow out of proportion.
You looked at him and debated with yourself...
Maybe it's best if you do mention it regardless if it's a big deal or not. It's better if he hears it come out of your mouth than someone else.
"What did you do today?" You asked as Jiyong continued to drive looking directly at the road.
"I have been running back and forth with meetings, I was getting ready to run out of there." Jiyong has been telling you about his intention of possibly coming out with a new solo album but he's still in the process of putting everything together before doing so.
"Have you started to work on any new songs," you ask him. He glanced over at you and smiled.
"Of course, I have 2 new songs written already,"
"When will I be able to hear them," you ask, and he just smiles.
"Soon... Maybe."
you glanced over and noticed the small notebook he keeps for his song lyrics sitting there in front of you. Even though you were beyond curious to see what he's been working on, you were going to wait until he showed you the final product.
"How about you? How was your day? Tell me all about it," there was no way you couldn't mention Mino as part of your day... After all, you did spend time with him.
The last thing you wanted was for him to find out about this information from anyone else.
"Well, I was taking advantage today and used my time to shop. However, I couldn't get much shopping done because before I knew it, I suddenly bumped into Jihoon and Mino, and they asked if I wanted to go out and eat with them. I couldn't be rude, so I went out to eat with them, we went to the bar for a little but now here I am," you said as you stretched over to hold his hand.
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He glanced over at you and nodded his head.
"Well, I'm glad that there isn't going to be any awkward tension if I take you to more parties," Jiyong says and you just nod your head.
To be honest this wasn't the reaction you were expecting to come out of Jiyong. For some odd reason, you were kind of hoping he would have been bothered at least a little by the idea of Mino and you hanging out...
The only reason you wished he would have shown a little more of a reaction is because you wanted that reassurance that he likes you... But you know what, maybe it's better he doesn't show that he's bothered. He must trust you and that's all that matters.
"Well, you already know my views on parties," you reminded Jiyong and he smiled.
"I'll change your mind eventually,"
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"We will see about that," you said smiling and he smiled in return.
Maybe Jiyong being unbothered about the situation is for the best? Did you want a jealous boyfriend again? Look what happened between Mino and you...
After comforting yourself you suddenly felt relieved that this relationship was different. 
After being out the whole day, you were finally back at home. As you walked over to your bedroom, you dropped off your keys on your nightstand. As you were about to remove your coat, you stopped and looked over at the collection of vinyl.
It's weird...
Before you even went to that party, these vinyl’s did not affect you. To be honest you had forgotten that vinyl’s were something Mino and you used to share. But after seeing him buy more... The memory of the two of you going shopping for vinyl began to appear in your head. How the two of you would play your favorite album, lay in bed and talk, laugh, and absorb the music that was playing in the background.
You weren't necessarily missing Mino, but the memories the two of you hold were suddenly revisiting your mind. It's inevitable to prevent yourself from being some type of way.
All that's in the past, it doesn't matter anymore. You were in a whole new relationship... At least you think it's a relationship. Jiyong hasn't technically asked you to be his girlfriend officially...
You shook your head and ignored your thoughts.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and touched your cheek. Instead of overthinking like you usually do, you should probably relax, have a self-care day, and mask it... Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.
One thing about you is if you miss breakfast, and you remain the rest of the day hungry, you happen to be one of the crankiest people on this planet. If you don't eat you catch yourself getting ready to fight everyone and everything.
Even though you were running late to head to your office, you didn't care. Right now, the only thing you were worried about is making sure you got your morning coffee and some kind of bagel, a sandwich... SOMETHING.
You walked into your favorite coffee shop and luckily since you have become a regular, one of the workers took one look at you and started to prepare your usual order.
At this point, they should just have your picture on the wall.
You felt your phone vibrate. You pull out your phone from your pocket and there you see your assistant already calling.
Should you pick up the phone? Maybe it's something important?
Just as you were about to answer, you don't know what made you look around the cafe but when you did, you took one look to your right, and you spotted a familiar face.
Maybe if you look away you won't get noticed...
You were spotted.
It was Jinhwan. You have no problem with him whatsoever. You just didn't know what to expect anytime you encountered him and that was the only thing that had you worried.
As you tried looking away, from the corner of your eye you noticed him approaching you. You decided to completely ignore your phone call and wait till Jinhwan approached you.
As he caught up, you looked over at him and smiled.
“I knew it was you. I wasn’t sure for a second” Jinhwan says as he caught up and you smiled.
“I thought the same thing when I saw you.” Lies, you knew it was him.
“Well, I’m glad I ran into you. I wanted to ask you something” You were slightly scared of what his question was going to be, but you nodded your head.
“What’s up?”
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He looked over at you and smiled.
"Well, I know this is probably weird for me to ask out of the blue especially since we haven't had an opportunity to catch up... But I am having a birthday party tomorrow night in Octagon. I was going to invite Jiyong but now that you're here I was hoping you can let him know and the both of you come along."
You already weren't much of a party person... But you felt bad to decline such an offer.
"Sounds like a good time... I'll let Jiyong know." Jinhwan smiled.
"Perfect. I hope to see the two of you there," you nodded your head and both exchanged goodbye with one another.
It's amazing how the world works... You went from going MIA to everyone in YG after breaking up with Mino and didn't come across a single soul until you started to date someone else from YG again...
Now you see them left and right... And see them anywhere you go.
After the day you had, you came straight home and didn't hesitate to get comfortable quick. You grabbed a pair of sweats, a T-shirt, and your slippers. You threw your hair in a bun and sat down on the couch ready to watch a movie until you decided to go to sleep.
Just as you were slowly dozing off the movie you felt your phone vibrate right next to you. As you grabbed a hold of your phone, without looking you answered the phone.
“Hello,” you mumbled into the phone.
“Did I wake you up beautiful?” You hear Jiyong's voice on the other side of the phone.
“No, I was still awake,” you sat up and decided to wake yourself up.
“Babe,” you know he had something to tell you.
“Yes? What’s up?”
“I have to head over to Tokyo for a photo shoot,” well that’s great. You were planning to ask him about Jinhwan's party but now that he can’t seem to make it… what was the point of telling him?
“That’s short notice,” but you weren’t surprised. Jiyong always had events that would occur at the last minute because of his job.
“I know, they told me I have to catch a flight tonight.”
“How long will you be gone?” You asked him and he sighed.
“I think they said a week,” he was going to leave you for a whole week… wonderful.
You weren’t planning on telling Jiyong about Jinhwan's party but for some reason you felt like you were holding a secret back from him. So, although you had no intentions of saying a thing you decided to tell him anyway.
“Oh… I know it’s pointless to tell you now, but this morning I bumped into Jinhwan. He invited both of us down for his birthday party tomorrow night but since you won’t be in town, I’ll just let him know we can’t go,” you said waiting for Jiyong to respond.
To be honest you were expecting him to agree and the conversation to end from there, but you were wrong.
"Why don't you go?" Jiyong encouraged the idea, and you froze.
It's not like Jinhwan was your ex or anything but Jinhwan is friends with Bobby and there is 99.9% that Bobby was going to be at that party. On top of that, you were pretty sure Mino was going to be there as well.
Although you ended the tension with Mino, you still felt like it would be awkward and weird for you to go to an event where you will be in the same room as your ex and someone you had a situationship with.
“Why would I go?" You were curious to hear what Jiyong was going to say.
"Well, why not? Aren't you friends with Jinhwan?" you were still surprised. I was about to comment on your ex being there and Bobby, but you didn’t bother.
To be fair you weren’t even sure that he even knew about Bobby…
“I mean… you know how I feel at parties.”
“Just got for a little. I feel bad I can’t attend but you can go on both of our behaves” You were speechless to see the support you were receiving coming from Jiyong, but you decided what the heck… what could go wrong?
Mino and you have officially cleared the air and then Bobby and you well… That’s a whole other story.
Eventually, you both began to talk about other things until you ended the convo and caught yourself falling asleep. 
There you were standing in front of Octagon with a gift in your hands.
After Jinhwan invited you to his party you were hesitant about coming. But what did you have to lose? You are all civilized adults who can come together as one and be around one another without wanting to kill each other...
Plus, everything that happened was in the past. You were fortunate enough to clear the air with Mino but not so much with Bobby.
Who knows if Bobby has any hatred toward you... It appears to be only one way because on your end you didn't hate the guy. What happened and there was not a thing you could do about it.
You took a deep breath and walked in.
Neon lights were flashing left and right from all sorts of directions. The music was loud enough to hear the bass go off. You saw many different faces hoping to spot someone you knew.
Just with your luck the first person you happened to spot was Mino at the bar.
You were hoping to find Jihwan, but it was hard when there were people all around... Maybe you should approach Mino and have him help you find Jinhwan.
You slowly made your way to the bar.
As you approached Mino you noticed that he was in the middle of a conversation with one of his members. You were planning to walk off and look for Jinhwan yourself but as you were getting closer, they both stopped talking.
Mino's back was facing you so the person talking to him could see you approaching. As you were there and close to the two his friends looked at you and then at Mino.
"It appears that you have a guest,"
"Guest?" Mino says extremely confused, he looked over his shoulder and you were awkwardly standing there feeling bad for interfering with the conversation.
"Y/N, hey," he stood up from his seat and smiled as he saw you right in front of him.
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"Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," you blurted out and Mino's bandmate Lee Seung-soon shook his head.
"No, not at all! Y/N, right?" He asked and you nodded your head.
This isn't the first time you're meeting Mino's bandmate. When the two of you were exclusive at one point, you met them a few times but never really had much of a conversation with their hectic schedule. It was more like hi and bye and that was about it.
"Yes, I'm surprised you remember," to be honest you were expecting to have to reintroduce yourself to his friends, but it seemed like they remembered exactly who you were.
"Of course! After all, Mino wouldn't shut up about you," after that go blurted out, you glanced over at Mino and noticed his eyes widened at the sudden confession that way.
Mino wouldn't shut up about you? Is this recent or was this when you broke up?
You were becoming slightly curious, but you could see just from Mino's facial expression how uncomfortable he was starting to become. To avoid creating an awkward environment in today's party you just smiled and looked at Lee Seung-soon.
"It's a pleasure to see you again," Mino noticed how you didn't ask any further questions and seemed relieved.
If this was the old you, then you probably would have asked him questions or made remarks to get an answer but that's all in the past. You're with Jiyong and that's all that matters.
"Where is Jiyong?" Mino asks you and you look over at him.
"He had to travel for work, but I am here on behalf of both Jiyong and I... By the way, have you seen Jinhwan? I want to give him his gift," you said as you lifted your gift bag and he looked at the bag and then looked around.
"I did see him, but then he disappeared."
You took one look to your right and there you see Bobby and Jinhwan talking to one another.
"There is the birthday boy, I'll see you around," you told Mino, and he nodded his head and you approached Jinhwan and Bobby.
You watched the two talk to one another as you approached them.
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At least as you walked up to them, they stopped talking and immediately noticed your presence.
"Y/N! You made it. Jiyong texted me telling me he wasn't going to make it and I was afraid you were going to bail on me," Jinhwan says smiling from ear to ear and you shook your head.
Even though you were hesitant to come to the party in the first place, you still decided to come because, at the end of the day, Jinhwan was never rude to you in any way. He always managed to make you feel welcome and included.
"I had to make an appearance even if it's for a little. Which by the way before I forget. . . "You lifted your hand and showed him his present in your hands, "Happy birthday."
You handed him his present and he smiled.
"You didn't have to!"
"But I wanted to, it's the least thing I can do after all you invited me here," you said and then looked over at Bobby who had his eyes on you.
"Hey, Bobby,"
"Hey Y/N," for some reason there was still awkward tension between the two of you and you were hoping that this tension would clear up sooner or later.
"Well since it's my birthday, you have no choice but to take a drink with me," Jinhwan says, and you hesitated a bit.
You weren't much of a drinker, if anything you tend to get nice easily, but one drink won't hurt anyone.
"Just one drink,"
Jinhwan nodded and you followed both Jinhwan and Bobby to the bar.
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What ends up being one drink leads to a few more than you anticipated. After allowing the drinks to help you loosen up and allow you to forget all your problems you were genuinely enjoying yourself.
You ended up meeting new people and before you knew it you happened to make new friends and were out on the dance floor dancing to each song that came out.
"Do you want another drink?" Hyeryeon asks you and you shake your head.
"If I take another drink, who knows what I am capable of doing," you weren't in your five senses, however you were still in a sense aware of what you were doing.
"Aw come on just one drink," Subin insisted but you decline the drink.
"What I need is water,"
You excused yourself from the girls and walked over to the bar hoping to get a cup of water to sober you up.
"Excuse me," you tried to get the bartender's attention, but it was crowded by the bar, and it was hard to get service. Awesome.
"Y/N," You looked to your left and noticed Mino right next to you.
This man has been popping up out of nowhere.
"Mino, how are you enjoying yourself?" You asked him and he shrugged.
"Can't complain, but I am not having as much fun as you are," He commented, and you smiled.
"It's nice to loosen up for a change. Sometimes I feel like I feel too uptight and care about what people think...." you realized you were starting to blab a lot more than you probably should.
"I can tell. Coming back for another drink?" Mino asked and I shook my head.
"Well, more like a drink of water. I better sober up or who knows what I am capable of doing," as you said that Mino's eyebrows arched.
"What do you mean?"
The both of you suddenly started to look at one another and for some reason, you caught yourself looking at his lips. Mino's lips were always soft... Now that he has a lip piercing... you were curious how that must feel when kissing him.
You looked back up to his eyes and shook your head and snapped out of thoughts.
"Ooo Nothing... Just ignore me,"
You were pretty sure Mino caught on to what you meant however instead of questioning you he just smiles.
Ah, he is still cute…
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You knew that this was alcohol-speaking. You wouldn’t be thinking this way if you were sober or even if you were with Jiyong.
“Ima head to the bathroom,”
You told Mino and he nodded his head.
You walked over to where the bathroom was and pulled out your phone. Maybe if you hear Jiyong's voice you can ignore this random temptation you have to kiss Mino.
As you approached the bathroom doors, you stepped to the side, leaned against the wall, and began to look through your contacts. Without thinking twice, you clicked on Jiyong's name and began to call him.
The phone began to ring.
One ring…
And then at last you heard his voice.
“Mmm hello?” He sounded like he just woke up… shit.
“Oh! Were you sleeping?” You blurred out.
“I was, but that’s okay. What’s up?”
You now felt bad for selfishly calling him.
“Oh, nothing… I just missed you and wanted to hear your voice… but it’s okay you should go back to sleep,” you tried to rush the call, but Jiyong stopped you.
“You’re fine, I don’t mind ever being woken up by you.” Jiyong always knew what to say.
“Don’t say that you’re going to make me miss you more,” you pouted, and you can hear him chuckle on the other side of the phone.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll be back home in no time.”
You felt so much better hearing that.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to sleep, talk to you tomorrow?”
“Of course, I’ll call you when I wake up,” the both of you exchanged byes and you hung up.
Okay… you have Jiyong.
What you two have is exactly what you need.
As you got off the wall you were about to walk away until you noticed someone leaving the bathroom and you saw Bobby.
You two meet again.
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You could walk away… cross that you should be walking away but you were feeling bold. You walked up to Bobby and looked at him.
“Can I ask you something?” You told Bobby and he nodded his head.
“Do you hate me?”
Wow, you could have asked him anything and the first question that popped into your head was that? Get A GRIP.
“Why do you ask that?” Bobby even seemed surprised by the sudden question.
“I don’t know. I just feel this unnecessary tension between the two of us every time we are in the same room. I know you and I didn’t leave in the greatest terms … and things happen for a reason, but I just feel like maybe you and I should clear the air.” Right now, was not the time to have a conversation like this but it felt like it…
“I mean I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I tried to talk to you before and you walked away.”
“Maybe I am afraid of hearing what you have to tell me,”
Without thinking twice, you blurted that out and your eyes widened.
“I thought you didn’t care what I had to tell you,” Bobby was suddenly confused by your sudden words.
STOP TALKING, you thought to yourself.
“You know what… you’re right. I should probably go.” you were about to walk away but you suddenly hear Bobby begin to speak again.
"Can I be honest with you,"
You looked at Bobby.
"I would be lying if I were to say I didn't miss having you around. . . I mean I know I screwed up in the past and that's my mistake, but I was hoping we could move past that. I know you are with Jiyong and because of this, I know I will be seeing you around a lot more. I was hoping maybe you and I can be friends. . . What we should have been from the very beginning," you were surprised to hear this come out of Bobby's mouth.
After the incident with both Mino and Bobby, you were upset for some time but eventually, you got over the whole situation when you decided to clean up your act and focus on yourself. Fortunately for you throughout your journey, you met Jiyong and have been good since.
You didn't think about Mino and Bobby since you saw them again but now looking at the scenario you wonder if the universe put all three of you in the same room again to fix the relationship between them and you.
They probably aren't supposed to be in your life romantically but maybe they have another purpose.
"Being friends sound good to me," you told him, and believe it or not Bobby finally smiled at you.
It's been a while since you have seen him grin the way he did.
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"Now that we have officially cleared the air, how about we go get a drink for old time take,"
You told yourself you were going to stop drinking for the night but one more drink won't hurt. . . right?
"Let's go,"
You had no intentions of drinking anymore but for some reason when Bobby happened to mention getting a drink you couldn't seem to say no. Instead, it sounded like a great idea, and you went with the flow.
The two of you ended up leaving Jinhwan's party without anyone around you being aware and found yourself in a bar nearby instead.
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Bobby handed you your drink and you smiled.
"Don't you think Jinhwan will notice that we are gone?" You asked Bobby and he shook his head.
"I highly doubt it, if we are being honest, I overheard some of the boys say that they were on a mission to get Jinhwan drunk... So, if they succeed, he won't even remember what happens tonight,"
Aw, poor Jinhwan. You giggled and got a hold of your drink.
"Shouldn't one of us be sober to make sure we get home safely?" you asked Bobby before taking a sip and he shrugs.
"I mean we should but what's the fun in that?"
Bobby grabbed his drink and he looked at you.
The both of you cheered and then took a sip of your drink.
*Bzz Bzz*
You felt the vibration of your phone right by your head. Instead of opening your eyes you stretched out your hand and began to feel around hoping to get a hold of your phone. However, the more you stretched out your hand you felt a body next to you instead.
Jiyong is back?
You opened your eyes, looked up, and automatically realized you weren't home. . .
You looked to your right, and you saw Bobby sound asleep...
To be continued. . .
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chrisbangsbf · 2 years
inflate my ego
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Pairing: Bobby/Jisung
Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 2.6k
Tags and Warnings: Kingdom inspired, studio sex, idol/fan even though they're both idols, anal sex
Jisung cannot fucking believe that this is happening.
He's looked up to Bobby ever since he was a trainee. And now Bobby's mouth is working its way up his jaw.
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schlepped · 5 years
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If You Were The Rain
it’s raining again… not the kind of heavy rain but a drizzle. You extend your hand to the air to let the rain touching your palm, then sighs heavily. But that’s what makes it autumn. It’s always identical with rains, cold, crisp thin air. The rain has never been something you favor, not the cold, wet kind of thing, it’s not your favorite. You hate it when you drenched because of the rain since you easily get cold.
The weather app shows that it is 7 degrees this afternoon, a little bit too cold for autumn but seeing it is raining, it all comes to make sense. The streets are covered in puddles, making sounds of water splash every time you step on it. You don’t like rain, but you always like the smell of solid ground intermingled with rain that gives you a soothing feeling.
Yunhyeong asked you to buy coffee for today’s caffeine runs on the regular cafe you have always been to, near the alley from your office. The scent of freshly brewed coffee tingles your nose once you step into the cafe, with a warm fuzzy atmosphere across the room despite the cold temperature.
The barista greets you with a warm smile when he notices you come in, his face is seemingly unfamiliar because you know every barista that works here. Maybe he’s new? You think to yourself. His smile is the first thing that caught your attention, a contagious smile. A smile that brings a sense of relief to everyone.
“Hi. Can I get your orders?”
“Oh.” you stutter, his voice is pulling you out from your thoughts, “I’ll just have my regular hazelnut latte with an extra caramel sauce. And an americano.”
“Interesting choice.” he said, placing the order, “and your name?”
“(y/n),” you clear your throat, “my name’s (y/n).”
“Well, (y/n), the name’s Jiwon and 23 years old.”
The sudden, blatant way he tells you his name and age brings you to chuckle, and his eyebrows furrowed, “you telling me that when I’m merely just a stranger?”
Jiwon pouts, “technically, we’re not strangers. I know your name and you know mine so that makes us an acquaintance.” He shifts his body to the coffee machine next to him, rolling his sleeves up to his elbow, showing the veins on his arms while he’s fiddling the machine to make the lattes professionally.
“So…you’re a regular here?” He peeks his head out.
You nod, “kind of. You’re new?” the question you’ve been wanting to ask finally came out of your mouth.
He pressed his lips into a thin line, pouring the latte to the cup. “I’m just filling out for my friend since he’s not in a good shape.”
Ah, so he’s not working here. And surprisingly, a slight disappointment sets in your chest.
“Actually today’s my first day as a barista.” He said. Once again, another TMI.
He served your orders on the table, then his finger smoothly moves on the cashier, “okay, that’d be 5 dollars.”
There’s something about his smile. He’s been smiling since the two of you are talking but every smile feels like having a different meaning. And it attacks your mind. How come a smile could have so much meaning?
You give him your card to pay and he returned it afterward. “Since you like the sweet taste, you know, lattes would taste better if you eat black forest gateâu along with it.”
“Huh...black forest?”  
He gives you a reassuring smile, “give it a try sometime.”
You give him a nod, unsure what to say. “You’re coming here every day?” He asks you a question.
“Only if I have time, I’ve been busy.”
He nods a few times rapidly, “I have fun talking to you.”
Fun? The conversation we had was just about unnecessary things. How could it be fun?
A customer behind you clears his throat, and both of you and Jiwon knows the conversation has come to its end. Jiwon winks at you, “it would be great to see you another time soon, (y/n).”
“Yeah, it would be…great.”
Jiwon waves at you as you walk towards the door, his smile seems brighter as his eyes forms into the shape of a crescent moon. And, it makes you think, what does that smile mean this time?
The rain has stopped, the gray cloudy sky is changing into a soft cotton pink color, indicating the sun is starting to set. You drink your latte and notice there’s a note on the cup.
[In case u wondering, I work here ‘til Friday. hv a good night ;)]
Without a doubt, of course, you’ll be going. Up to see his smile, and to learn every meaning of it.
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Re-run, Re-run
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Recap of what has happened since we last visited the island.
The witch as Ikon refers to her, Tina is her given name. Finally convinced her captors to release her, unbeknownst to her at the time they had ulterior motives.
She was just happy and relieved as her wrists were aching and her hands were numb.
They suspiciously watch her, one is always on guard duty.
"The witch must be watched at all times" Hanbin instructs.
"Spells and hex bags" Bobby warned the others.
Tina now has the freedom of the island, constantly monitored but allowing her to do her chores. 
"No ! I refuse to climb this tree" Tina tells Song.
Pointing up into the tree " the coconuts are up there, get them witch!"
"Get your own fucking coconuts" she yells as she walks away returning to basecamp.
Song and Tina argue till they reach the encampment.
"What the fuck is the problem?" Hanbin yells.
"The witch refused a direct order" Song reports.
"I'm not climbing the fucking tree! There  are  coconuts laying all over the frigging island!".
"Is this not Ikon Island?" Jinhwan asks.
"Hanbin is our elected President," adds Junhoe.
"Whatever" Tina mutters.
"Have you caught today's fish yet?" Chanwoo questions.
"No! I have not! I've been busy with all my other chores"
"Maybe you guys could do something for once!"
Gasps of surprise match their shocked expressions.
"Watch your mouth, witch" Hanbin states.
Tina stomps off in search of coconuts, DK close behind.
"Bonanza" she yells triumphantly.
Picking up the coconuts one by one with her guard close by.
Juggling too many at once the coconuts all fall to the ground. 
Tina looks in DK 's hoping he might offer assistance.
"You  know a basket is what you need" he states importantly.
Tina glares at him.
Returning to camp, many coconuts now litter the path.
She tosses them on the makeshift table.
"Fish?" Asks Chanwoo. 
A coconut flies through the air barely missing Chanwoo.
"That's a fucking enough witch" Hanbin growls.
Jinhwan tosses his clothes at her, "laundry".
So her days roll into one another.
Chore after chore. 
What they do all is a mystery to her except follow her and bark out orders.
The day is well honestly who knows what day it is, but approximately a month since they all found themselves on the island.
Lunch, fish, coconut and berries.
"The council has had a meeting," Junhoe informs Tina.
'Council' she laughs to herself. 
Waiting to hear what they would say next.
"We are men! We have needs!" Song declares.
'Fuck' she tells herself.
"It was put forward and agreed. You are a female, it's your job to satisfy us, in all things" Hanbin says. "well bar Bobby  he's a married man".
"I still think there should be leniency due to our circumstances" Bobby moans.
"Here is the schedule"
"Monday Hanbin Day
Tuesday Jinhwan Day
Wednesday Junhoe Day
Thursday Song Day
Friday DK Day
Saturday Chanwoo Day
Sunday, well that's your day off".
Hanbin says.
"Well that's very generous giving me Sunday off, but no, go to hell all of you!".
Tina goes to her hut, "bastards".
"What's her problem? I thought it was a well thought out plan" DK states.
"Maybe she wants just one of us" Junhoe grins.
"That being you?" Chanwoo laughs.
Catchup with the continuing saga at the same time, next week.
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kpopfancommented · 3 years
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kyuala · 4 years
» ikon masterlist
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[a] angst | [f] fluff | [m] mature | all works are gender neutral unless stated otherwise!
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» scenarios
relaxation [m] | hanbin | fem!reader | 1.3k words | after a day of lying around and watching tv, your boyfriend has one more thing in mind for his day off.
» headcanons
ikon as friends with benefits [m] | fem!reader ikon as sugar daddies [m] traveling with ikon [f] ikon as dads [f] ikon as sugar babies ikon as bad boyfriends ikon as college boyfriends [f] ikon as frenemies ikon as college students ikon as ghosts ikon as werewolves ikon as frat boys ikon on truth or drink [a] [+ getting back together after the video] best to worst communicators ikon and fake dating ikon as bad roommates biggest to smallest crybaby about relationship problems ikon waking up with amnesia [a] [+ 50 first dates style] comforting an s/o after they wake up from a nightmare [f] big spoon vs little spoon [f] greatest weaknesses and strengths in a relationship [a] | [f] greatest weaknesses and strengths in bed [m]
» timestamps
03:25 [m] | hanbin
» miscellaneous
thoughts when they’re kissing you for the first time [f] hanbin’s personality
[updated 02.06.21]
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main masterlist
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
Summary: Almost any day now.
Genre: crime au; fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut (spanking and submissive behaviour, amongst others)
Characters: B.I I Kim Hanbin x reader x Bobby I Kim Jiwon
A/N: None of the images in the collage are mine, please refer to here for more; For SF9 writings, read here and for iKON, read here~~
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The place is a motel, straight out of an American movie. You would not see a place like this anywhere else in the world, or even visit one for that matter. But he had insisted. He brought you here, on a whim, spontaneously. The bed is fine, less than clean but not dirty either. Upon first glance, the place is retro. ''Out of an American movie'', you had said out loud. He chuckled, ''I guess it is.''
Now he is balls deep in you. Caressing your side, in a soothing manner, soothing your cries and whimpers because of the stretch he causes. But it's more than that. The cries of his name that fall from your lips is because of how he pleasures you. Surges of arousal rocks you to and from. With every touch he fills you.
Hot and cavernous are his kisses. You only lean away for breath. Ironic that it has to be something so intimate to occur in such a setting. With every kiss, your hot cries are muffled, like he wants you all to himself. So that no one else can hear you. It is the small space between the two of you, within which all the sounds of resulting pleasure come from, that cultivates such precious memories.
Maybe it was the thrill of running away. From the police you were running, gasping for breath. You wonder if you are going to go to jail. That can not happen. There was conflict of the mind. You were scared, when you were running through the barbed-wired gates but for a brief moment, you looked at the two of them and laughed. Such a weird moment it was; you can't stop thinking about it.
''Let's play some music'' he had said. As he kissed your collarbone and fluttered down your breasts, taking a perk bud into his mouth, hot and heavily, music played through the speaker. In between fast- paced and slow-paced, regular maybe, it played in the background. It was like nature, enough to leave an impression but also enough to pass by.
Hanbin sucked on the skin above your breasts, skirting the area with the warm touch of his lips, his mouth doing it's dirty work. He loves tasting you, the smell of your skin would embrace him too, in this act. Without Jiwon. The atmosphere is different, more serious. With Jiwon it would be light, some jokes would be thrown around. Where is Jiwon?
Out taking a risk. He could be caught. You and Hanbin are here, without a care in the world. Finish what you start. A couple of thoughts are involved in this. He absolutely needs to be naked with you, to let go of all his worries. Motivated by his concerns about the three of you getting caught by the police? High off adrenaline? Whatever it is, you push him on his back, straddling him with a bright smile.
Moans and groans ensue from the man underneath you, whose chest you have your hands roam on, freely. Exploring. Your mouth falls open, jaw slacks when you sink onto his hard cock, circling your hips. The two of you are way past any concerns at this point. He caresses your backside, kneading the flesh in his hand.
You fall forward, on his chest. He slapped your backside, rather harshly, eliciting a moan from you. Anything he does would be pleasurable to you right now. Not less than twenty minutes later, Jiwon comes back. Flash of fear radiates throughout your chest. Your first instinct is to freeze but Hanbin's isn't. He covers you with his body, shielding you from view.
You look like you are caught. You can not see much but you relax. It's Jiwon's chuckle, ''You guys are doing this? Go on, it's not like I haven't seen her naked before.''. You mumble something for Jiwon to shut up, which he laughs at, ruffling your hair before dropping off the groceries on the table.
''Shit you scared me man.'' Hanbin murmurs, ''Plus, we were done, just cuddling.'', he motions, wincing as he slips out of you and into his jeans. You lay on the bed for some time, contemplating, looking outside with your limbs splayed all over the sheets. In a moment, you find them in the bathroom.
Jiwon is freshening up, all his clothes removed, hastily placed on the counter. He only wears his boxers. You grab your shirt from the side, putting it on. Jiwon momentarily loses his train of thought when he glances at you. ''What was I saying? Ah'' was what he said, welcoming you with a hug.
The conversation stops short. He hugs you, in relief, I'm back, so to say. He nuzzles himself in your hair, breathing in the scent of home, what it smells like. Committing it to memory just in case he does not come back anymore. Hanbin looks up from his phone, smiling at the two of you. It can not be the same without either of you or something like that, he thinks.
''What happened?'' you ask in the embrace with Jiwon. It sparks a need from him, he's open to the idea since there's a bed big enough to fit the three of you out there. He needs you, but not now. He has something to tell you first.
''Let's get out of here first.'' he motions to the bed that makes up for most of the room.
Hanbin doesn't say anything, he follows you out into the room. ''We have time, we can stay here for sometime. Unless the two of you want to get out of here, which is perfectly fine by me. Actually, I think we should move.'', Jiwon looks out the room, confirming his idea.
Hanbin seats you in between his legs, his chest touching your back and opposite Jiwon who is close enough to touch your knees. He rubs your sides, blowing out air in nervousness. He tries to keep calm. He can't lose his calm now, especially not in front of the two of you. Shit like that is contagious.
''Where should we move?'' Hanbin asks. This has to be thought out carefully. Choices have to be rationalised right now. The more choices the better, but then it would feel as if it was wrong, like this can't be right.
After that conversation, Jiwon takes the two of you to the pool he found earlier. To relax. You feel that he's doing this because you won't be able to rest, maybe for a really long time. Jiwon thinks hard to himself that he wants the three of you to be together. More peacefully as compared to the situation that you currently are in. Maybe in a foreign country, relaxing on the beachside, something like that.
He'll make sure that it happens, just the three of you. He knows that you aren't one for settling down but it's better than going to jail. That's how it is at this point. Alone would endanger you with no help and three is a support but easy to pick off when together. Stuck. Perception?.
He's on the other side of the pool, waddling his legs and leaning against the granite wall. The pool is blue, brightly so. Sun shines throughout the whole area. Hanbin is at the opposite end; you are swimming towards Jiwon. You took off your t-shirt earlier. You are naked right now. What can Jiwon do?. He knows that this was perfect.
Jiwon reaches out for you as do you for him. He switches so that it's you against the wall. You already know how this will play out. But every time is a new experience. Of experience but new? Fresh is the optimal word. You kiss him lightly, giggling some and laughing some.
He reached for your sex, easing a finger or two in without warning. His groin stirs at the scenario. You were already wet from having sex with Hanbin, he had eased you up. But like this? You must have been ready for a second round. You would have done so if Jiwon hadn't come back then.
If he was more than a second late, he would have seen Hanbin ramming your pretty ass into the creaking bed, without a care that the bed should be intact because it's the only one you have. For three people. He could have joined in. But now he had you all to himself. He turns you around, telling you to place your hands on the wall.
You do so excitedly, he can see the flush on your cheeks at his suggestion. ''From the back?'', you ask even though you know. He hums, placing a kiss on your neck, pumping himself a few times before he sinks into your warmth. God, it is glorious. He is lost for words. The feeling of relief after a long day spent running and what not. He always had the energy to do this with you.
He rocks you against the edge of the pool, shifting the water in waves. Hanbin doesn't watch for the first half, but he can hear. And his cock grows hard when he hears. Especially what you say about Jiwon's dick and how it is like an intrusion between your legs. Fuck, he thinks. You cry out in pleasure, like you had moments ago, cutting off your speech short.
It is how hard you were holding onto the edge, grasping the granite, moaning out like the mess you were. Jiwon noticed the red print, like a shake darker than it should have been. The mark on your backside, made by Hanbin. He grits his teeth at that instant. He pulls you back by the neck, asking, ''What were you and Hanbin up to when I was gone huh?''.
His tone is punishing and you know where this is going. You are about to love this. He takes your silence as disobedience. He lets go of your neck, letting you fall back to the edges. Jiwon forces you straight when he fists your hair, printing your backside red. Tears rim your eyes. You will find it hard to sit afterwards.
Jiwon is angry. Unsuccessfully, he had pushed it away earlier. By going out, he was risking his life, your relationship. He could have been caught. But he walked in to see the two of you having the time of your life, of course, it angered him. And this is how it was coming out. Frustration.
He hits till you cry out for him to stop. He goes much more slowly then. He caresses your tummy, avoiding your sore spot altogether, asking, ''You okay? Do you want me to stop?''. You sniff, finding him peering at you with those inquisitive eyes, always inquisitive.
You disagree and he continues on, till he rips your release out of you. Before you can slump, Hanbin catches you, sliding in front of you. You lean on his chest. Jiwon kisses you, leaving the pool. You pull him back, ''Where are you going?''. He kisses your hand, meeting your smile, ''I'll be back.''.
You are a little tired, not by much. Hanbin holds you till Jiwon comes back, with a bottle of lube and a condom. ''Huh?'' you murmur, realising that you are not done, at least not yet. Jiwon slips back into the pool, the warm body of water enveloping his figure.
Two different people, two different scenarios. Perhaps not all the resources are available but you have time. Enough to let both of them fill you up before you leave for the open road.
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kz-i-co · 3 years
Baby Fever
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Request: Hello! I'm new here and I love your works. Can you do a one where Bobby and Y/N are married and was planning on having a baby or not. U can decide their decision on making a baby. Thank you!"
Pairing: Bobby x Reader
Genre: fluffy x soft smut
m.list ╫ ikon masterlist
Words: 1.2k
"Alyssa, hi." You dangled your keys in front of the adorable baby's face. "Hi."
She laughed with a big smile on her face as she waved her arms reaching for your keys.
"I wouldn't give those to her, you'll never see them again." Your friend laughed as she shook the bottle, settling the formula.
She picked up her baby and held her as she feed her the bottle. You stared sweetly watching your friend master motherhood so quickly. You were the last one in your click to be married or have a baby. You were still young and had plenty of time but being surrounded made you feel rushed and needed to move on with life already.
"Is it scary? You know.....being a mom? You know what you're doing already. Alyssa is perfect."
"She has her bad days." She laughed. "I'm still scared honestly but it's a good scared."
"Did you think being a mom would be easy?"
"Yes and no. But you learn as you go." She shrugged. "It's just natural."
"Are you thinking about having a baby?" She said as the realization set in.
"No. I think it's just the baby fever."
"I don't know. You and Bobby been together since highschool, maybe it's time."
"I don't know, we are still trying to get that house and we are still catching up with bills from our wedding."
"That's reasonable. You'll know when you're ready."
Alyssa finished her bottle and your friend leaned her forward and gently patted her back. "I better get going.....bye baby." You waved sweetly.
"Bwaaap." The baby burped causing you both to laugh.
"I'll see you later."
Once you got home, Bobby was sleeping on the couch as the sun was down and another hard day of work from your hubby. You smiled from how cute he was.
"Hey you." You sat down next to him and started rubbing his belly. "You want to go to bed?"
He groaned slowly fluttering his eyes awake. "We can stay here." He pulled you closer for a cuddle.
"Why do that when we have a perfectly comfortable bed?" You teased.
He held you tightly as he started rubbing your back. And then it hit you again. Just picturing having a baby around. Coming home to your beautiful baby girl/boy sleeping on daddy's chest; telling bedtime stories; teaching them to walk. It was a life you knew you wanted but the only problem was, were you ready?
You leaned up kissing Bobby passionately sending his sleepy state awake. He didn't hesitate to respond and as the kiss grew deeper you climbed onto his lap straddling his hips. You began grinding quickly feeling aroused from the new kink you never thought you had. You didn't think Bobby being a father would turn you on so quickly.
You were quick to unbuckle his pants that were already tight against his bulge. You pulled up your shirt and began kissing down his neck.
"Is it my birthday?" He teased from your desperate pleasure.
You sat up and stopped altogether. You couldn't stop your curiosity. You had no idea if the thought even crossed his mind.
"Do you want a family with me?"
"Of course I do." He said it like it was obvious. "I mean we are married."
"I mean like soon?"
"A baby." You bit your lip unsure.
"You want a baby?"
"I don't know, we've been married a year now, don't you think it's time to start taking the next step?"
"I thought the house was our next step?" He said confused but still had a soft smile.
"I know, it is. I just like the thought of having a mini us around." You shrugged.
"Is this because of Heather's baby?" You shrugged once again.
"Maybe it's silly. I probably just have 'baby fever' or whatever's it called."
"Let's do it."
"What?" You looked at him confused.
"Let's have a baby."
"You really want to?"
"Of course. I love you (Y/N)." You smiled and leaned down kissing him once again. He sat up and carried you to the bed room placing you on your bed sweetly.
He wasn't hesitant to tower over you, immediately sneaking his hand under your shirt. He had you pinned down as he began kissing up and down your neck, with his hands continuing to wander making you feel butterflies already.
You felt him playing with your bra strap, eventually loosening up the tight fabric. He had it off quicker then you realized and immediately started messaging your chest, loosely under your shirt. His lips made it's way back up to your lips, feeling more moist then before.
He stopped suddenly and smiled as he felt your hand making it's way inside his jeans. "I love you." He said causing you to blush from the sweet gesture.
"I love you more." You smirked as you continued to rub against his growing member.
When you felt like he had enough, but it was really you who was impatient, you quickly tugged down his jeans as he pulled his shirt up taking it off. You always took your time admiring his toned body before you continued to realize how lucky you were. You pulled off your shirt quickly as he helped you out of the rest of your clothes and was quick to tower over you again both of you being completely exposed.
He leaned forward and began kissing your neck once again before making his way to your swollen lips. You felt him slowly push in, not aware of how tight you were. It was the first time you actually felt him. No protection.
You couldn't help but wince from the slight pain until the feeling subsided to pleasure. His muffled sounds were so beautiful as he began your movements faster. The pleasure was always quick when it came to Bobby, he knew your body more then you knew yourself.
He leaned down kissing you passionately once again as his pace was comfortable. You felt like you were lost in your own world not caring who can hear you. You moved your hand to the front of your folds to guide your pleasure closer to the edge. You felt numbness scattered throughout your body as the climax finally reached its high point. You felt him realize inside giving you a feeling you never knew you needed. Once he reached his high he collapsed to the bed next to you.
You looked over at Bobby and you couldn't help but smile seeing how exhausted he was. He turned on his side facing you as he gently started to close his eyes.
"Ready to go again?"
"Again?" You laughed.
"We need to make sure that baby is in there." He kisses you softly.
"Don't worry. We have plenty of opportunities to try again if it doesn't work the first time." You smiled as he cuddled you into his chest.
You were beyond excited to take the next step in this relationship and to do it with the perfect man.
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ikonic-eve · 3 years
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This story contains of some smut scenes also fluffy cliches. By the way, I'm sorry for the grammars though xo. Wish this story entertain enough to you, let me know if you like it.
Pairings: Bobby x Readers
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Bobby glanced over you, who just cried next to him while you watching the whole drama in front of you. Bobby rolled over his eyes, but his lip can't avoid to made a horizontal C by your behavior. He then gave tissue bag to you, so you take it to clean up your snot that flooding over your nose and lips. You slightly wiping your tears even it keeps coming down because you still feel hurt by the drama you have watched right now.
For ten minutes, you and him didn't talking anymore and the drama has ended happily. You wiped your tears, and sighed after feel relieved to saw the ending.
"Look how swollen your eyes right now,"said Bobby to you.
"I know right,"you answered. You sighed again, then hugged your legs and leaned your head on your knee. You closed your eye, still can't get over the feeling you catched from the drama you've watched.
You didn't realized how Bobby watching you right now. Exactly, he just adoring you even your face swollen and red because crying. He staring at you with his amazed gaze, didn't feel bored anymore to see your face. He feel something strange inside his stomatch while he looking at your red face, made him smile spontaneusly. Bobby really enjoyed himself while he seeing your face.
Then you just opened your eyes.
Both your eyes met and locked instantly, and you felt the beats of your heart increased. You didn't know what happened, but you just love to see his eyes that still looking at you. You really love his eyes, that always give the smile whenever you see them. So you keep looking back, let yourself flowed by his peace sight.
But suddenly Bobby just look away.
Bobby stretched his body and yawned afterwards. He took the remote control, and turn off the TV. "Did you feel hungry?"
You nodded. "I wanna ramyun."
Bobby raised his eyebrow. "We already had it on breakfast."
"I don't care,"you said. "I only just want it, because nothing I want to eat right now."
"I don't think the eggs still available there."
"How much you cooked it last time?"
"Mmm.. about four?"
You grinned, when you realized that you and him really such as starving human since morning. "We ate three ramyun.".
"You ate it alone around two."
You smacked his bicep that shown because he just wore white sleeveless t-shirt. "I didn't."
"You did,"tease Bobby. He grinned.
You rolled your eyes. "No. You the last one who ate it."
"I just cleaned the rest,"said Bobby and smirked. "And what I mean the rest is little."
"Shut up,"you said while you lazily standing and streching your arm. You take your unravelly hair and tying it to make a bun. "Come on, let's cook. I'll take the kimchi—"
"Y/N,"suddenly Bobby calling your name. He looked at you seriously. "Are you on your period right now?"
You frowned didn't understand what Bobby means, untill your eyes bigger as Bobby pointed out your back with his chin. You instantly touch your butt, and you looked over backward to make sure what's happen.
And you see the kind of red stuff underneath.
"Shit,"you cursed again. You tried to close your back, feel little bit embarassed. "I need to take a bath."
"Yeah, you do,"Bobby look so casual, didn't awkward at all after saw your period. He leaned his back on the couch, yawning again. "Is your pad still available?"
"I don't know. I'll check it out later."
You shake your head and running toward your room to clean up yourself. You hurrily take your clothes off, then go shower yourself. While you just cleaned up your thigh that covered by blood of menstruation, you started to nagging. Oh, so that's why you just got very sensitive since yesterday and your stomatch feels not good either.
How could you forget your schedule actually, Y/N?
After you done, you went out with your towel wrapped your body from breast to thigh. You opened your drawer whereas you placed your stocks of period stuff. But nothing was there. You started to panick, think that you just out of stock.
You shouted his name for several times, and he answered gratefully. He opened the door and raised his eyebrow surprisedly. He looked at you that half naked. "Oh, I didn't know that you—"
"My tampon is gone."
"Here,"suddenly Bobby gave the paperbag he brought from outside. "I still don't know which one your favorite but I think you used this?"
You grabbed the paperbag, took out the pack of tampons that Bobby brought. "Oh, God. Blessed to have you here!"
Bobby smile and nodded his head. He then leave you, closed the door to give you some privacy. You feel relieved, because he bought this stuff without any mind initiatively. When you already with your clothes you went out of your room.
No one answered.
You walked to family room but nobody was there so you turn back to kitchen. When you came, you could see the back of Bobby's was facing you. You could see his hand was busy to stirred the thing in the pan on the stove. You smiled then pulled the chair near him.
"You really such as boyfriend material,"you praised.
Bobby looked at you, then smile to show his bunny teeth. "Of course I am, lucky you to have me."
You just rolled over your eyes, regretted a little bit after praised your best friend. You just watched him stirring the ramyun, standing independently with one hand on his waist.
"It must be sad to think that someday you're gonna cooked for someone else,"randomly you said your thought.
Bobby sniffed. "Here we go, the drama line."
You laughed little when you heard his sarcasm. "But I'm serious. Who's the lucky girl gonna be later?"
"It's you,"answered Bobby.
You laughed again. "I am, earlier."
Here is. You always avoid the things you know what exactly Bobby meant to. You never give him such a certain response, because you knew how kinda playboy and flirty Bobby is. And you keep the 'play-safe' role just to avoid things you don't want to ruin.
Or maybe you just love him too much that you don't want to lose him because the thing people called relationship or dating stuff.
"The cooking is done!"
Bobby turned his body with a pot on his hand, walking hurrily to the dinning table and placed the pot onto it. You could see the smoke flied freely, and the smell was coming to your nose. Your stomatch had growling when you smell the ramyun, and you quickly take two empty bowls and chopsticks. Bobby sat in front of you, watching you put the ramyun in busily.
"Thanks,"said Bobby when you placed the bowl that filled with ramyun to him. You nodded, and started to eat yours quickly.
"Hmm.. I'm so fuckin hungry,"said you, while you slurping the noodle happily.
After you two finished, you brought the dishes to the sink. You put the plastic glove on your hand, and started to washing. Bobby opened the fridge to take cold mineral water, and poured it to his glass. He then gulped it down, and put the glass to the sink.
"You shouldn't washing right now. Your stomatch must be hurt right now."
You chuckled while you washing the last chopstick. "I'm just on period, not broke my hand, Bobby."
Bobby sighed. "Whatever, but I don't wanna hear any complains after this like everything suck like—"
"Ssshhh, shut up,"you cut his world and laughing because the fact Bobby spitted out is true. Bobby really know how bitchy and also cringey you are when you on period. You took the glove and then sighed happily. "Finally!"
Suddenly you grinned, when the cramp fulfilling your stomatch and your thigh. You touch your stomatch, and moaned. Bobby sighed, knew what happen right now. "I told you."
Before you replied him, Bobby suddenly held you and carried you in bridal-style. "Bobby!"
You just surprised by the way his act, but you hanging your hand on his neck just to make sure you're not gotta fallen. Bobby walked over to the room, close the door, and put you in the bed. You smiled, without let your hand over his neck. "Move."
You shaked your head, grab him tightly so he lost his balance and fell on you. "Y/N—"
You just laughing to see how funny his panicked face right now. Bobby then rolled over so he lying next to you. He then give you the death-glare. "You really—"
You screamed when you feel the fingers tickling your stomatch, making you laughing so hard. You flinched, move in laughing, tried to hit Bobby. "Stop it! HAHAHAHAHAH! Stop! I'm dying! I'm gonna dying!"
Bobby still tickling you, made you almost die so then you tried to tickling him back but failed. "NO! I GIVE UP! 119 PLEASE!"
Bobby laughing after heard you said that, then he stopped his acted. You two are run of breath, lying calmly. Then you move your head to see him, and you smile.
"It's scared to see you smiled like this when you on period,"said Bobby. "What?"
"Nothing,"then you lied side to face him. You placed your head on his shoulder. You could smell his typical masculine scent upon his skin. It doesn't feel awkward literally yet you feel peace. Then you closed your eyes, calming your soul by his existence. You placed your hand over his chest, feel the hearbeat of his.
"It's beating,"you mumbled randomly.
"Is yours not?"asked Bobby. You chuckled with no reason, don't know why everything so funny right now.
"If the girls know what are we doing right now in my room, they must be mad at me."
"I don't care,"said Bobby shortly. "I think they must know."
"Yeah, if you wanna your best friend die on their hands."
"Haha, no way,"said Bobby as he rolled to you. Now your face was on his chest, you felt his hand on your waist gently. His chain on your head, that he could smell your favorite shampoo. Or maybe his favorite scent of your hair. "Nobody could touch my princess, nobody allowed."
You pinched his hip, make him moaning in awe because it's painful. "It's hurt, Y/N."
You giggled, moved backward so now his position is behind you. You yawning, feel sleepy because you full by the ramyun you ate. You started to close your eyes again, bend your leg to lessed the pain of your stomatch.
"Is it hurt?"
"It's almost hundred time you ask the same question actually."
Bobby called your name with his low voice, made you feel strange but happy at the same time. "I know this is random, but doesn't it strange to have it in yours when you on period?"
"What do you mean by 'it'?"
"For the first time I used that, I feel like I'm gonna die. It's strange to have a thing in my body for 24 hours. It's stressed me out."
"Why don't you just use pad?"
"It's more frustating. It's harder for me to cleaned it after I used. As I tried tampon, I found it's more efficient for me."
"I don't know why but I regretted to asked you this. I shouldn't know that,"said Bobby, sighed on your head. You lifted your head, look at Bobby under his chin.
"Are you disgusted?"
"No, I'm not. I just can't imagine how hurt it is, but I can't do nothing about it to endure your pain."
"Bobby,"you turn your head so you could see his face in few centimeters. "Why don't you get me pregnant?"
You smirked. You really love to tease him, because it's funny to see how surprised he is everytime you said the things like this. "I'm so done to feel this hurt once a month."
His hand was on your waist, then petting your stomatch gently so you feel a little bit good. You feel there is something flying in your stomatch, not sure it caused by cramp or not. You never understand what happen to yourself, or even know what kind of friendship you two had.
Bobby smiled softly while his hand busy petting your stomatch, try to endured the pain you had. Bobby really love this position, because he feel like you already his. He already know what the feeling he had back then but he never try to step forward or make it clear. He just scared that you're gonna rejected him, and you leave him after that.
Someone ever said, you could never being friend forever to opponent sex.
Maybe that's right.
Even Bobby never trying to said his feeling because he really know what are you thinking about him. You always said him such as playboy even fuckboy because Bobby always surrounded by the girls. Bobby really famous when it comes to the girls and there is many girls he dating for. But never long lasting, it always end up when the relationship just 2 days age. Or a week.
So Bobby keep it safe.
Being your best friend. Thanks to destiny that make you and Bobby being friend since childhood because you two are neighbourhood.
"What are we?"
Bobby always asking that question to you, everytime both of you spend the time together like this.
"What's more than best friend?"
You always clearly showed the line, to give him some realization. You and him always do the couple stuff together like cuddle, hugging, etc. But you don't want to involve feelings here because you scared to get hurt by him. So you dcided to being such denial.
"Bobby,"you called him, to make sure he's not sleeping yet. "Is Jennie birthday on sunday?"
"Yes,"replied Bobby, still petting your stomatch. "It's on X ballroom hotel."
"I heard you're gonna perform there?"
"How do you know?"
"Chanwoo said to me earlier,"you grinned.
"That's bastard,"said Bobby. You laughing as you heard him cursed.
"I'll coming."
"Are you serious? You told me before that you don't want to come."
"I will,"you said.
"You can listen my voice on live here, don't need a price to hear it like people do."
"I want to congratulate Jennie, not to see you."
"You mad?"
"No,"you replied him, bothered. "Shut up."
"You do mad."
"I'll kick you if you said that again."
Bobby chuckled again and hug you tightly. You can't breathe by his tight hug, but then Bobby let it go. Bobby still hug you but not tightly yet comfortably. "I'll be here because you sure need something to get on."
"I've been waiting for almost forever to hear you said that. I want ice cream, dude."
"Ten minutes,"then he put his head on yours and you smile so big.
You knew it's sound ridiculous when you and him do this stuff like a couple always do. But here is the concrete proof, you and him lying together on the bed like it was not a big thing. You still not understand if he really loves you or not, so you never asking about it to the point with him. You enjoy the moment with him without questioning, because you scared to be hurt by the fact you don't want to hear.
So you let it keep flowed. You feel grateful at least have the chance to being his best friend, that always be there everytime he needs something. You feel this position enough already, to suport him more and more. Like today, you decided to come to party where your friend is celebrating her birthday in the famous hotel.
""Jennie!"You hugged your friend, touch her back. "Happy birthday."
"Thank you,"said Jennie to you. "Are come here with Bobby?"
You nodded then shrugged your shoulder. "He forced to go along so."
Jennie smile. "I'm still envy to see you have a friend like him, you know."
"What's up!"
You and Jennie suddenly cheered up as someone join the conversation. You guys hugged enthusiastically, then took the drink to enjoy the birthday party. You guys looked so pretty in your outfit, shining that make attention to everyone that passed of you. They give you some stare because how interesting your gang right now.
You did not know while you just laughing and smile cheerily someone is watching you from afar, just to make sure you safe. His eyes following where you go, even though his body definitely still in the same spot with his gang that laugh and dumbing each other.
"Tell me who's the girl with Jennie and Rose?"
"Oh-ho, Mino. You want to close with her?"Suddenly Jinhwan laughing when he heard Mino said that.
"Yeah, do you guys know her?"
"You can ask to Bobby,"said Yunhyeong then he look over Bobby that drink calmly while his eye still watching you. "Also you can ask the permission."
Mino raised his eyebrow did not understand what does Yunhyeong meant. So he mocked Bobby. "Do you know her?"
Bobby turned his head to see his hyung. He did not realize his friends just hold their laughter to heard the conversation about. They watching Bobby expression when Mino asked that. "Oh, yeah."
"Can you...?"
"No,"suddenly Bobby said that with smile that show his big teeth. "She's such a breakdown. You're gonna regret it."
Hanbin and Yunhyeong laughing so hard when they heard Bobby said that. The guys already know what kind of Bobby response is if his friends keep asking him to make them close with you. They just love to teasing Bobby.
Bobby doesn't care as everyone keep calling and labelling him as a playboy wannabe in the school. Neither he doesn't give any damn as everyone keep spread the facts how many girls he slept to in school corridor. He just fine with the bad reputation he had.
But it's different when it comes to you.
Nobody would ever dare to touch you even a little bit from your hair since they know who are you for Bobby. Bobby really act different as someone tried to hurt you even bullied you because you really close to him. He ever broke up with the most popular girl in the school after he saw what the girl done to you in the school toilet.
You still remember how scarier Bobby face was, even though he didn't do something rude to the girl but he only look at her with cold gaze. Bobby holding your wet hands by the water they threw up to your body, his grip just too strong because he tried to handle his emotion.
Everyone held their breathe as they saw the girl caught off guard bullied you in the toilet, and Bobby came in with the anger expression you never had. Bobby didn't yelled or slapped his girlfriend. He only came to you, grabbed your hand then he look at the girl.
"Bobby, are you kidding me? Y/N just—"
"We're done."
Bobby cut fhe word coldly, make the girl shocked with mouth widely opened. The girl try to laugh awkwardly. "You must be kidding! We already dating for six months how could you do this do me? Bobby, listen—"
But when he was done, then he really mean it. Bobby take your hand and walk away past her without say anything. You just did not expected Bobby would broke up with the girl he was dating for long time in the first time. Also you feel respected for how gentleman he is, by not doing something rude physically to the girl. Bobby exactly respected women like a gentleman do eventhough he was a playboy though.
"Oh, my God. Isn't it Bobby on the stage right there?"
Suddenly the girls beside you become so loud, pointing the direction. You and your girls friend stop chatting, turn their head to see what the people mean about. As you can see, suddenly the area of surrounded stage just crowded by the girls who crushing over Bobby. They waiting impatiently, screaming enthusiastically to watch their crush singing.
When the instrument start to play, Bobby smiling while he touch the microphone on him. Everyone cheer up when he give a greeting. He smile widely, his bunny teeth showed while he does. "I'm gonna sing the song that I wrote by my own. You guys must be like it because it's first time I sing in public."
"He wrote song?"Lisa looking at you and shake her head proudy. "He really something."
You admit it in your heart, without say it loud to your girl friends. Bobby really different. Genius. Amazing. Bobby look so handsome over there, with black pushed-back hair that exposed his forehead and a piercing on his left corner eyebrow. He even look so flawless with his dark outfit, make him more attractive like he was superstar.
Come on baby, be my instrument tonight
Your line flows down between my fingers
Suddenly, you startled when you hear his husky voice start filled the room. You lifted your head to see him smile confidently, singing in low rhytm that really different from his usual singing style.
I wanna fall into your alluring eyes. I wanna kiss and hug u all night. I wanna smell your scent.
Cozily, just us two; riverview and red wine
Let me be your fireworks all night, paradise in your arms
Bobby sang it dedicatedly for someone. While he had singing the song, his eyes kept looking over the crowd. Trying to find the girl he is writing song for. He really wish the girl he is singing to listen what he is saying through his song. He want you to know how his feeling.
This is your song baby, I wrote it for you baby, I hope it reaches your ears; I pray.
The song reallly did came to your ears, and it made you frozen because you just don't know how to react to this song. You started to feel like this song made by Bobby's feeling for somone. You just standing there, watching how Bobby sing it sweetly, and you feel something flying in your stomatch.
"Let your emotions explode!"
Everyone screaming happily as Bobby scream the chorus, make the party more brightening. Finally Bobby found you in the middle of crowd, standing and looking at him intensely. Bobby can't keep his smile when he knew that you really watching him there.
Light my fuse
Just stay by my side
Close your eyes and come into my arms
Bobby closed his eye while he repeating the chorus, the moments he had with you playing back in his head unstoppable. He still remember how smooth your skin on his fingertips, how soft and good scent your hair is, how warm your hug and how bright his day because your smile. He just can't hold it any longer. He desperately want you so bad but he doesn't want to push you to accept his feeling.
You just same. You standing there with no reaction as your friends did because you have enchanted to see him looked so desperately in love. You just scared your feeling, still denial and didn't allowed your thought to think that this song is for you. You just start to think, and guessing who is the girl gonna Bobby write the song for.
Is it his exes? Or maybe he just getting with someone else right now?
I wanna see you from closer when our lips touch
Wrap your arms around my neck
Let’s swim as we become one
If it's for someone else but why are you thinking the memories you had been with him back then? You laughing yourself in your heart, feel embarassed to think that your playboy best friend do love you like you do. Impossible.
Bobby almost finished his song. The instrument still keep playing, so he take the mic closer to his mouth. He staring you from afar, and his lips start to open.
"A lot of girls might be thinking this song is about them,"he said.
Your eyes meet his when he said that, and you felt your heart suddenly stop beating like its forget how to do the job. But you can't move away your gaze to him, and he still looking at you seriously. "But let's not get confused. This song is for you, best I ever had."
Then he smiled widely, and the crowd cheering so loud. You still there, watching him go down stage and everyone go after him.
"Does he looked at you?"Rose touch your shoulder and she shaked her head disbelief.
"Y/N, he is so fuckin in love with you,"said Lisa.
"I can tell."Agreed Jennie.
You laughing awkwardly, trying to clear up your mind. "I don't think he was looked at me. There is many people here. It's not me."
"Ah, come on, denial girl,"said Lisa while she shake her short hair. "Why you always being ignorant to him?"
"Excuse me,"suddenly Mino appeared next to you. You and your friends look at him directly. You nodded. "Are you from YG School like Jennie?"
"Yes, I am,"you nodded.
"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Mino, Jennie's cousin."
You give a polite smile and accept his handshake. "Y/N. Nice to meet you too."
"You look so flawless here, and I think I have interest to you. How to get your contact?"
"Oppa, don't you dare to my friend,"Jennie hit Mino slowly. Mino grinned to his cousin, ignored her. Then he grabbed your hand, took the pen from his pocket jacket and started writing something on your palm quickly. In few seconds, you saw a line of number.
"Call me, baby girl?"
You smiled as you see him wink and leave you after give you a kiss on your backhand. Rose and Lisa started to teasing you while Jennie keep cursing his cousin. "So..."
"Do you want to get close with him?"
"Don't let him, Y/N. He such an alligator."
"His vibe remind me of Bobby too,"added Rose.
You shrugged your shoulder. "I don't know. Why don't we get a drink?"
"Y/N, it's twelve. Let's go home."
You turned your head as you heard the familiar voice, saw Bobby behind you. You raised your eyebrow, suddenly you felt your face getting red when you see his eyes with no reason.
"Ah, so sad our time is over, Y/N. See you then,"teased Jennie, smirked when she saw Bobby.
You rolled your eyes when you got teased, while Bobby smile attractively to your friends. Rose and Lisa give a high five to Bobby, give him a warm greet. After congratulated and hugged Jennie, both of you quitted the party. You two walking together left the hotel, with his jacket over your small body.
"Honestly I'm surprised you made it on your own."
Suddenly you broke the cold vibes that wrapped both of you. You watched Bobby walked slowly to balancing your step, yet he didn't said anything.
"Did you gave your number to Mino?"
You raised your eyebrow, realized that Bobby saw it. You smirked, trying to teased him. "Is it problem to gave him my number?"
Bobby looked at you seriously. "He such an playboy, you know."
You laughed. "Then what are you worried about? I've been spent my life with a playboy next to me since I was child. I'm immune already, that thing won't affected me at all."
Bobby chuckled, while watching you started to tied your hair down with the hair-tie you had in. You didn't now realize how bright Bobby's eye while he watched you do the stuff, adoring you like you are the prettiest angel being. Then you looked at Bobby, caught him off-guard watched you.
You two already came in your front house. Bobby came closer to you, that you can smell his perfume. You lifted your head because his height, then he staring at you deeply. So deep that you can't move your body and your eye either. Bobby touched and lifted your chin, then he getting close to you. It's only a few centimeters untill your lips meet, but then you move your head.
"Good night, Bobby,"you whispered suddenly.
You moved far from him, leave him just to avoid him. You just can't let him see how red your face right now and how nervous you are unconditionally. You just want to—
But in the second, you already on his hug and your lip was on his.
You frozen, even did not close your eyes while your lips tied up by his lips and tongue. You could feel how gently his tongue moved inside your mouth, that make your stomatch filled with butterflies.
So good.
Then you closed your eyes, got flowed by his kissing. You could feel his hand pushed your back so you can get closer to him while the other hand push your neck so he can go intense with your lips. You startled when his tongue played over your tongue, tied it down till you lost your breath. You lost your breath, when he let go your lip as he know you need oxygen. He leaned his forehead to yours, his hand cupped your cheek to look at him. Your eyes met his again, and you could feel how warm Bobby's breath on your face.
Bobby touched your nose with his nose. You and him sharing the oxygen, give some strange feeling about how close both your face right now. You felt how warm Bobby's hand on your blushing cheek right now, and how deep Bobby's eye right now.
Before you said anything, Bobby placed his head on your shoulder. You felt ticklish by the way Bobby's breath upon your neck, so warm that give you some goosebumps. Also his hair tip touch your cheek softly that you can smell his hair scent familiarly.
"Y/N,"he called your name so soft almost like he whispered.
You realized how tense your shoulder right now by his acted. You gulped your saliva, trying to calm your feeling right now. You tried to touch Bobby's hair even it's shaking because feel nervous after kissing. Then Bobby lifted his head. He staring at you desperately, but didn't said anything. He just bited his tongue, trying to hold his words after his feeling. You still looked at him, then tried to smile like nothing's happen.
"Go home, your aunty must be at home."
Bobby suddenly smile at you, peacefully. He then pat your head softly, then turn back. You watched him cross the street, open the gate. You two staring from metres away, waving goodbye then come in to your own home. You didn't realize your hair-tie had moved to his wrist, since he was kissed you before. While you two close your own door, both of you just can't handle your smile. Without any reason, you feel your cheek hotter than usual. It must be red right now.
Now you two can't denied it was not only a 'friends' thing you used to do.
It's something special, that you two know what's the thing called about. You can also hear it in the silences.
You're in love.
—To Be Continued—
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milkybonya · 3 years
Robin Hood or something
order 007 for anon: large classic milk tea with strawberry popping boba
*this was a request for general fluff, but there is some angst at the beginning and i'm so sorry about that, i got carried away T.T pls anonnie let me know if this is a problem and i can write a different fic with only fluff!!
Warnings: mentions of violence and knives, blood, injuries, explicit language
summary: badboy!Bobby fights a rude man at your café and also falls for how kind, patient and uh... attractive you are
[a/n]: this kind of also turned into a café?? au? since i've started working at a coffee shop ,, i'm getting some inspo heh
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At around 11am, the café you work at gets incredibly busy as people begin trailing in to buy some lunch. All of the faces become a blur as you go into auto pilot, quickly taking orders and making drinks before moving onto the next person.
But you'll never forget one face.
During this rush one day, a boy walked in with baggy pants and a zip-up sweater, hood snug over his head. He had his hands in his pockets and stood slightly slouched over.
When he approached the till to make an order, he spoke quietly and looked down, avoiding your eyes.
"My friend wants a caramel macchiato. Could you get me that please?" he mumbled.
After handing you the payment in the form of loose change, he stood over to one side and waited for your to make his drink. Things seemed to be going okay until an angry customer approached you while you were making a drink.
"What the fuck's the hold up? Why is this taking so damn long?" he shouted, banging his fists against the counter.
"I'm sorry, sir. I'm working on it immediately," you said, shakily grabbing a cup to start his order despite having not started the orders that were before his yet.
"No, this is absolute bullshit. Every time I come in here, my time is wasted on a shitty drink," he grumbled.
He turned to leave, but walked back to push over a pot of hot coffee. Luckily, you were standing away from it so you didn't get burned, but it did spill all over the floor.
He turned to walk away for good this time, and you just stood there, wondering if you should clean up the mess or tend to the customers first.
Amidst your internal debate, you didn't notice the caramel macchiato boy following the angry man until you heard the commotion and looked up. The boy had grabbed the man's arm and turned him around while still tightly holding onto him.
"How dare you disrespect such a lovely worker?" the boy spat out at the man.
"What the hell are you on about?" the man huffed, rolling his eyes at the boy.
"What am I talking about? Why are you here causing a ruckus, spilling coffee when this poor worker is the only one here, trying to fulfill all of these orders? It's clearly busy and they're trying their best!"
You didn't expect such a hip-hop looking boy to defend you like this.
"Now you shut up before I-" the man started, raising his fist.
But the boy held it and pushed it down.
"No, you shut up," he said before punching the man right below his eye.
The man staggered backward before shuffling towards the boy again, who kicked the man in the stomach and shoved him towards the door.
"Get out," the boy growled.
It seemed like the man was going to leave when he stood up, but out of nowhere, he pulled a knife out of his pocket and slashed it across the side of the boy's face. Blood started dripping from the cut on his cheek, and he turned around to the man more angrily now.
"Didn't I tell you," he said, shoving the man back and pushing his knife out of his hands. It fell to the ground with a clank sound.
"To leave."
He shoved the man again.
"This café?"
The boy began repeatedly punching the man at this point, and finally out of your daze, you left the back of the counter and rushed towards the door to pull these two people apart, but the boy held you back.
"Don't worry, love. I'll just take out the trash," he said, grabbing the man by his collar and leaving your café.
You were incredibly flustered, but quickly picked up the knife on the ground and disposed of it before making sure everyone else in the café was okay. Someone offered to call the police, but you politely declined them when you noticed the boy was taking the man to the police station, anyway.
After continuing to fulfill the orders and passing the rush, you were able to clean the floor and return the state of the café to the way it originally was. You noticed many people had left tips for you, probably feeling bad about the rude man.
You leaned against the counter, staring at the caramel macchiato that had now grown cold. You wondered why this boy's friend hadn't come to pick up the drink himself, and began to worry about where this boy even was. But you caught yourself, telling yourself to not worry about strangers and to just continue on with your day.
After about fifteen minutes, the bell to your café chimed as someone stepped in. You told the customer that you were about to close, but stopped speaking when you noticed who it was.
The boy from earlier, the cut now a mess of dried blood on his face, was standing in front of you, reaching for the macchiato.
"Oh, it's gotten cold now! I'll make you a new one," you said, quickly grabbing a cup.
"No, no it's fine! I like it-I mean my friend likes it cold anyway," he said, holding onto the drink tightly.
You didn't listen, though, and quickly made him a new one. Then, you realized that this boy still had blood all over his face, so you rushed to grab the first aid kit, cursing yourself for not doing this sooner, before asking him to sit down so you could treat him.
Even though the cleaning wipes must have hurt for a cut like his, he sat still, taking small sips of the warm macchiato. You smiled.
"So, the drink was for you and not your friend, huh?"
The boy's eyes widened and he tore the drink away from his lips.
"N-no! I just... wanted to taste it," he explained.
"It's okay... you don't have to be so embarrassed! It's just a drink," you said, continuing to clean his cut.
"Ah... but it isn't cool for someone like me to come here and drink coffee."
"Why not?"
"I have a reputation... there's just... reasons."
"Well right now it's just you and me, so you don't have to worry about a thing. Go ahead and have your drink - I won't tell anyone," you told the boy with a smile.
He enjoyed his drink more comfortably now as you reached into your kit for a band-aid... pulling out one that had hello kitty faces all over it. You pressed your lips together and showed him the bandaid.
"Uh... so this is the only band-aid I've got in here... is that okay? It's the only one that's big enough... I can draw over it with a marker if you'd like?" you offered.
The boy laughed, shaking his head, no.
"It's fine. It's dark out, anyway," he said, letting you put the bandaid on.
After you put the kit away, you told the boy to continue drinking his drink as you cleaned the store and put the other chairs away.
"I'm... [y/n], by the way. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier," you said, while mopping the floor.
The boy pointed to the right side of his chest.
"I know. I can see your name tag."
You looked down, embarrassed at forgetting that you did indeed literally have a name tag on.
The boy laughed.
"It's okay. I'm Bobby," he said with a smile.
You nodded, continuing to clean.
"Oh, did things go okay at the police station? You didn't get into trouble, right?"
"No, all was good! Actually... my older brother works there, so he always helps me out. I know it isn't right, but... I always find the bad guys and bring them to him, and he helps me out when I need it."
You nodded along, intrigued by his story.
"So you're like... Robin Hood or something?"
"I don't steal from the rich, but I just turn the bad guys in. Completely different," Bobby said, laughing.
"Ah... right!"
"Hey, do you need any help cleaning?" Bobby asked you, standing up.
"No, no! That's fine... this is literally my job," you pointed out.
"Right... but I'm sorry about that rude man. You really didn't deserve for that to happen to you."
"It's all good. It happens sometimes!"
Bobby walked around the counter and placed his empty cup in the sink, talking to you as he walked back to the door.
"Well thanks for everything, [y/n], and expect me often. I'll definitely be back to see a pretty face like yours again."
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kgyeomiex · 2 years
Diamond & Regrets
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“Sometimes people leave before we’re done needing them.”
Humiliation is what you’ve experience… You had two options either fight through it or let it go and start over. You did what you thought was best and decided to start over… You were tired of looking like the bad guy because of the decisions you make. For once everything was working in your favor until the past comes back and bit you in the ass. Is there anyway you can ever move on or is there a reason behind this?
*Trying something new and adding gifs throughout the story*
(Read at your own risk… 18+)
Previous story: Just For A Little Bit (M) Part 1
Previous Chapter: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Part 4
More Parts: Part 5
Your Point of View
To be honest you still have no idea why you even bothered agreeing to go out and eat with Mino and Jihoon but what could go wrong? Everything that happened between Mino and you was so long ago, Mino probably doesn't even think about it.
It's better if you all just squash any awkward tension there is, especially since Jiyong happens to be friends with Mino.
Mino and Jihoon came back to you with their bought album.
"Ready to go?" Mino asked you and you nodded your head.
This is going to be fun.
When you all arrived at the restaurant, you didn't know how to sit at the table. You were planning to sit next to Mino to avoid sitting in front of one another and make that awkward eye contact, but Jihoon beat you to it. Now here you are sitting across Mino suddenly feeling uneasy...
Maybe this idea wasn't as bright as you thought.
"So tell me Y/N what have you been up to since the last time we spoke," Jihoon says, sparking up the conversation.
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"Well nothing really, just started my fashion line and managed to find a way to get attention, collabs, and been stuck working," you decided to respond vaguely. It seems rude to even mention the person you're currently dating to an ex.
After responding you glanced at Mino and noticed how he was looking at the menu. Not once did he look up at you.
"Mino here was telling me you're dating Jiyong," as soon as he blurted that out, you suddenly noticed the way Mino elbowed him under the table and how Jihoon flinched.
So the topic of who you were dating was brought up... No cross that... The fact that you were even mentioned or talked about is what sparked your curiosity.
This was probably the last thing Mino wanted you to hear about him. You just ignore that comment and instead of questioning him, you went along with the convo.
"Ah right, yeah we are currently dating... Small world isn't it," you said trying to make this into a joking matter but you were the only one smiling at the comment.
Silence and awkward tension began to rise.
"Are we ready to order?" you asked them and they nodded their heads.
You called over the ajumma and you all began to tell her your order.
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Fortunately, after that awkward encounter, the food arrived, and you all were able to have a normal conversation with one another.
The only thing that kept bothering you was the fact that Mino not once has looked at you.
It was clear that Mino didn't want you around, but he could at least act like your presence doesn't bother him.
Although back at the party it seemed like Mino didn't have a problem with... From what you recall the two of you did end on pretty bad terms. What do you possibly expect?
You looked at the time on your phone and noticed it was 4 pm... Right now with this awkward tension going on maybe you need some alcohol in your system.
"Ajumma, do you think I can get a bottle of Soju?" I asked and she nodded her head.
Jihoon and Mino both looked at me suddenly surprised.
"You're drinking?" Mino FINALLY exchanges words with you.
"Yeah, why not."
As soon as I was handed the soju bottle and a cup I opened the bottle with no hesitation and poured the drink into my cup.
"Wow, you're going to drunk without me, how rude,"
Luckily you were handed extra cups in case they wanted to drink. You handed the cup you poured soju into already to him. You looked over at Mino and although he did look hesitant he shrugged and you handed him a cup and poured him a drink.
Maybe what you all were missing was some alcohol in your system.
You open the soju and pour it into Mino and Jihoon's cup, then Mino grabs the Soju from your hand and pours it into your cup.
You looked at him as he poured the cup and didn't say anything.
You all took your first glass of Soju and began to dive into the feast that was presented right in front of you.
"Mino, how has life been for you? Last time we saw each other we didn't have much of a chance to catch up," you told Mino looking him directly in the eyes and he just nodded.
"I've been good, just been busy working... You know the usual," Jihoon could feel the awkward tension between you two so he cuts in.
"If you're wondering if Mino has been seeing someone, no I've been trying to get him to go on dates after you two broke up," You looked over at Jihoon, taken back at his words and Mino looked at him surprised with his choice of words.
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He then grabbed the little wrap he made for himself and shoved it into Jihoon's mouth.
What are you supposed to say? You were surprised to hear that Mino wasn’t dating anyone or attempted to… But this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have a fuck body or something… There was no possible way that Mino didn’t mess around with anyone.
“I’m surprised,” you realized that you blurred that out and your eyes widened. Did you just say that out loud….
Mino looked right at you.
“Why? Did you expect me to get in a relationship with the first person I met?” Mino says in a very monotone way.
“Did I say that?” You didn’t understand why Mino was suddenly responding the way he was.
“Sorry Y/N, we don’t all just look for our ex’s friends and move on the way you do,” when Mino blurted out that your eyes widened.
So this was how Mino was feeling towards you.
“Wow… Where is this coming from?” You always had a feeling that Mino and you had unfinished business to talk about between the two of you but you never expected to ever come across it or even hear him confront you.
"Nothing," Mino says looking down at his food and you just continued to look at him.
This might be the worst time to talk about this and clear the air but is there ever a proper time to talk about this? Jihoon turned to the both of you and said "I'll be right back."
Without saying a single thing he got up and left leaving Mino and you completely alone.
Right now was your chance to talk to Mino without making a scene.
You put down your chopsticks and focused your attention on Mino.
"Alright... So what's up?" Mino looked at you and stood quiet.
"From what I remember the last time we spoke, you made it pretty clear how you felt about me. You insinuate that I was the problem. I got the message loud and clear and I even owned up to my mistake. You have every right to hate my guts or whatnot, but don't go up to me one minute and act like everything is okay and then throw low blows as you did just now. I understand Jihoon was the one who invited me here to come and eat with you two but you could have objected if it bothered you so much...." you said and you stood quiet for a second waiting to see If Mino has anything to say but he was still silent...
So you continued.
"I know what I did in the past was so fucked up. But I can't take it back and I can't make any excuses for my actions because I did what I did in the heat of the moment. If after this you want me to never come around, your wish is my command. You and I don't have a reason to interact in the first place anyways... After all, aren't I dead to you?" As you said that you were looking at Mino directly into his eyes and he was shocked.
If you would have said this in the past when Mino and you were arguing you probably would have broken down and cried but it's been a while since this all took place.
Right now you are in a good place and you're happy with Jiyong. You weren't going to allow anyone to fuck you up mentally because, after the break-up with Mino and Bobby rejecting you that same night, it did take a toll on you.
"Listen if it makes you feel any better. I will finish up eating, pay for this whole meal, and leave. The last thing I intended on doing was ruining your day," you grabbed a hold of your chopsticks getting ready to dive in but Mino suddenly spoke up.
"I'm sorry,"
To be honest you were surprised to suddenly hear those words come out of his mouth.
"You're sorry?"
"I don't hate you... Back when we broke up Bobby explained how he would try to make moves but you tried your hardest to distance yourself from him and focus on me... I mean I can't hold it against you... I also feel like I didn't give you the attention you deserve especially since I was always busy with work... So I feel our relationship at the time was wrong timing... Maybe things could have turned out differently if we would have dated another time," hearing Mino suddenly say all this made you slightly confused.
Was Mino trying to hint that he missed you?
No... There is no way...
But hearing that made you feel like maybe this was finally the time you two were finally having closure with one another... Right about now you both were finally saying your peace.
"So... What now? Are we still going to act petty around one another or try to get along?" You asked him and he smiled.
"Friends" he set his chopsticks down and pulled out his hand and looked at you. You looked at his hand and then grabbed his hand and both of you exchanged a handshake.
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As you two pull away Jihoon arrives back from the bathroom and looks at the two of you.
"What did I miss?" you had a feeling Jihoon must have left on purpose to allow the both of you to talk to one another. Regardless you were thankful he did... You two were able to clear the air. Now, this way you don't have any unfinished business with anyone and if Jiyong in the future wants to invite you to another party it won't be as bad.
After that conversation, you all acted like nothing ever happened. You all began to just talk about the crazy fans' experience they had encountered and all you could do was laugh.
"Do you guys ever regret becoming an idol?" You asked both Mino and Jihoon and they looked at each other and shook their heads.
"I mean don't get me wrong. I do get tired of always having the spotlight on me and having to be extra cautious about everything I do. But I mean I can't see myself doing anything else. This was something I wanted to do," Mino says and you nod your head.
"I mean you guys have to have a double life. You have to date someone on the low and have to have your party side on the low... All of it must be exhausting." you said as you crossed your arms feeling slightly cold with the AC in the restaurant.
"See I haven't had a dating scandal or if I did date someone I always thought it was best to keep it a secret. But now that I am thinking about it, I think the moment I get in a relationship I am just going to let everyone know all about it instead of hiding it."
You were shocked to hear this coming from Mino.
"What if it ruins your career?" You asked him and he shrugged.
"I'm not saying that it won't happen... But if they were real fans they would want to see me happy... Don't you think?"
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You couldn't agree more. The problem with being in the public eye is trying to please everyone. A lot of people fail to realize that these idols also have a life of their own...
"You two probably would have been married by now if you didn't break up," Jihoon blurts out and now both Mino and you were looking at him.
"Too soon to make jokes like this?" Jihoon asks as he notices the way you two looked at him.
"Just a little," you didn't mind so much the comments, but you didn't want Mino to feel uncomfortable.
What Mino and you had was two years ago... You were now seeing someone new... Having a career for yourself... And everything was just different.
After going out to eat with the boys, you were expecting to go your separate ways from this point on... But Jihoon had another idea that he wanted all of you to do.
"How about we all get some more drinks?"
"Didn't we just drink in there?" You asked Jihoon and he shrugged.
"What's wrong with heading to the bar and grabbing a few more?" You had the day off and had nothing planned so what could hurt by possibly getting a few more drinks? However, you weren't sure what Mino was thinking since he was suddenly awfully quiet.
"Mino?" you said looking at him and it looked like he snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at Jihoon and you.
"What was that?"
You were suddenly curious to know what he was possibly thinking about, but instead of asking you ignored your curiosity.
"Mino says yes," JIhoon answers for him and he wraps his arm around Mino's neck and dragged him along as he walked. You followed next to the two.
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Today has been an odd day. Here you were expecting to have a simple day where you take yourself out and spoil yourself here and there... But instead, you ended up bumping into an ex and now you are here at the bar with your ex and his best friend...
Yeah, this was the last thing you were expecting.
"At most I'll probably get two drinks and call it a day. I do have work tomorrow," you said as you set your cup down.
"That's fair. I just wanted all of us to hang out, clear the bad air because life is too short for things like that," Jihoon says and you smiled.
"That's fair. Everything happens for a reason. Now we can all sit here like civilized adults and be friends," you say, agreeing with Jihoon and he smiles knowing that you were on the same page as him.
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You were about to take another sip of your drink but you suddenly felt the urge to use the bathroom. However, before you got up you chugged down your drink because you don't trust leaving your drink alone and then got up.
"I'll be back... I need to use the bathroom."
"We'll be here,"
Mino's Point of View
Today had an unexpected twist. I wasn't expecting to bump into Y/N... I didn't expect to spend the rest of the day with her but here we are. I know the only reason why this all even occurred was because of Jihoon.
I looked over at him and noticed him smiling at me.
"Why are you doing all of this?" I asked Jihoon, taking advantage of the fact that we were finally alone.
"Oh come on. You and I both know this is what you wanted. Ever since you two broke up I remember how devastated you were. Although you kept trying to reassure me that you were okay and I had nothing to worry about, I knew you missed her. Then after you mentioned that you saw her at the party, I knew there were a lot of things you wanted to say to her... The only way you can do that is if I bring you two around one another."
I knew Jihoon had good intentions doing all of this...
The only issue with Y/N and I coming together is the fact that this is bringing back memories and suddenly making me wish we had a time machine to go back and fix everything...
I mean it's too late to go back now.
Is it selfish of me to suddenly want Y/N to myself?
"What are you thinking?" Jihoon asks me.
"Well thank you for that... But now I think I like her more than I probably should." I confessed and Jihoon didn't have much of a chance to respond because before I knew it Y/N was coming back.
I noticed she had the phone in her ear. She approached Jihoon and I with a huge smile on her face. My first assumption is that she's probably talking to Jiyong.
"Hey... I'll be leaving first. I'm meeting up with Jiyong," she says as she pulls the phone away from her ear and I nodded my head.
She gathered her things, smiled at Jihoon and I then walked off.
So many thoughts suddenly occurred in my head... Before I knew it I called out her name. She stopped walking and looked back.
"Tell Jiyong I said hi..."
She smiled. Her pink lips curved, and her rosy cheeks glowed.
How did I fall in love? She smiled. She just smiled.
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To Be Continued
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chrisbangsbf · 2 years
pretty lucky
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Pairing: Bobby/Jisung
Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 4k
Tags and Warnings: crossdressing, kink exploration, praise kink, rimming, anal sex
"Is that something you're into? Guys crossdressing?" Bobby asks.
"Would it be weird if I was?"
OR Jisung remembers seeing Bobby dress up for iKON TV and wants to see it again, up close and personal.
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schlepped · 5 years
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Playlist 21
Chapter 2: the fate says so
Ever since your encounter with Jiwon on the campus club fair, you've seen him a lot more often on campus. Either on the class or the hallway. And sometimes you wonder to yourself if you ever been encountered with him right before you met him last week. Weirdly, you have never even noticed him before… or is it because you're too busy to get yourself not involved in another sappy, soppy romance?
He's always with a girl whenever you see him around and the girl is always different each time. So the rumor has it? Or it's just a mask that he used to hide? Sometimes you wish you could just turn your brain off to restraining yourself from thinking too much. A part of yourself always seeks the good thing in people, and of course, your mind won't let go until you discover it.
Clothing Designing class is one of the hardest subjects out of all subjects from fashion design since it requires your knowledge of pattern, proportion, and other elements that are needed to create an item of clothing. Mr. Seo explains the basic materials of those elements and it is a little bit boring. The class is unexpectedly full, the seats are almost seated by the students, only leaving one empty on your right side.
"Okay, listen, everyone." Mr. Seo said, his voice a little bit loud. "Since the day of our finals will be on the day with our campus Fashion Exhibition, it is decided the final for this subject will be negated and you are obligated to join the fashion exhibition project."
Everyone is boo-ing Mr. Seo for the short notice announcement, forcing him to hit the table two times to hush the students. "You can blame the university, not me," he jokes, but then his face becomes serious, "the exhibition is about the futuristic gown, please give your best shot brainstorms any kind of unique idea to the design."
Once again, most of the students are groaning and some of them asking if this is a group project. You heard a chair is being pulled next to you, and someone slides to the desk on your right. "Did I missed out big time?"
Jiwon is on your right, smiling, even though somehow he looked a little sleepy. You shook your head and he nods. "Calm down everyone, this is a group project and you'll do it in pairs."
"How that can be called a group project sir? It only consists of two people?" One of the students asked.
Mr. Seo sighed, "I know this sound hard for all of you, but they don't hold this kind of exhibition for nothing. The one who provides the best gown will be rewarded to show their creation on the exhibition and," he paused for a brief moment, "a trip to Sydney to attend a privately exclusive fashion show there."
Suddenly the class is filled with the sounds of cheering, and Jiwon nudges you, "work with me."
"...Huh?" you hesitated, why is he suddenly asking you to be his partner? Why you out of all people in this class?
He shots you with a look you don't know what it means, “yeah, do you want to work with me on this project? Besides, I see you haven’t got yourself a partner.”
You play your fingers. Jiwon’s face remains calm and his eyes searching for your answer. You look around to see if there's an alternative, like finding someone who hasn't got themselves a partner yet, but there is none. You gulped before nodding to him. "Okay."
The class is dismissed a minute afterward and Jiwon smiles. "Cool. Then I'll see you later."
You look at his back that gradually disappears as he out of the class, is he always like that? Is that the way he surrounds himself with girls around him? Is he always sounded so firm but nice at the same time?
Someone taps your shoulder and you jerk away. It was Ellis, a friend of yours in the fashion department. Also… Jiwon's latest girlfriend. Or ex? You're not sure since you haven't seen them together again for the past 2 months.
"Hi, (y/n)." she said, "um... what's with you and Jiwon?"
"Nothing!" you said quickly, and Ellis laughs with your reaction, "What's with the answer?"
You scratch your neck, "uh…I just don't want you to...misunderstand…" you mumbled.
"Want to grab a coffee with me?" She asks, her smile seemed weak.
Ellis and you walk down to the nearest coffee shop from the campus, only take 5 minutes to walk. She told you to find a seat while she will order the drinks. You find a seat near a window, which is a pretty good seat because not many people in there and you can talk comfortably without worrying people will hear the conversation. Ellis comes back with two glass of Iced Americanos and two plates of tiramisu cake.
"I thought you'd be hungry so I got you a cake."
"Thank you, Ellis." You take a sip of your coffee, "is there something you want to talk about?"
"I just think that we haven't talked for months now since you know, the Jiwon thing?" she said.
"Yeah….right." you answered, "something happened?"
Ellis takes a sip of her Americano, "well, yeah but it's not a big deal."
"You," you trail off, afraid to ask her about her relationship with Jiwon will make her offended but you try to ask it in a nice approach possible, "you're.. not... um, together again?"
She stifles a laugh, "we never date (y/n). No need to feel scared to ask me."
"Huh? You guys didn't date? Then what was that?"
"But you do like him, don't you?" You asked again. How can she still look fine with that? Is she trying to look okay in front of you?
"We're just friends, actually. Well, maybe a little more than friends but we're just friends." She clears her throat, trying to change the topic. "So you're partnering with him for the project?"
You sighed exasperatedly, "yeah, I guess I didn't have any choice earlier."
Ellis giggles, then her giggles turn into laughter and you don't know why but it brings you warmth to hear her laughing. "What? What?!" you frowned.
"It's just very funny to imagine," she wipes her tear from her eyes, "two people with such huge differences working together in this, I can imagine you guys will nag at each other a lot."
You rolled your eyes. "Guess I need to prepare myself big time."
"Yeah, sometimes he can be a little extra." she said, then she looks at you deep, "oh, just so you know, Jiwon may seem like a jerk but he's a good guy. But he's just a little too… complicated when it comes to relationship."
You smile at her, "thank you but you know I'm not looking for a romance."
"I know." Ellis said, squeezing your hand gently, "I hope you find a guy that deserves you better."
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j-a-nuary · 2 years
Date Roulette: Taeyang
Intro Week Start Seungri Week Start Daesung Week Start Previous Next
CW: not overtly explicit smut, but it's there.
Luckily, it didn’t take much to convince Chul that I absolutely did not want his behind the scenes information. Just the fact that the information existed in the first place was already more than I wanted to deal with.
I had heard my phone go off a few times as I tried to sleep, but I had made the conscious decision to ignore it at the time.
But here, in the car, stuck in morning traffic, I had nothing better to do.
From: Zico I think this is what the kids call "later"
From: Zico Okay maybe you're asleep but I'm still going to expect an explanation tomorrow.
I rolled my eyes and decided to come back to that later.
From: Hugeboy Why did Zico just text me "your crush is weird, just find a normal girl"?
From: Hugeboy Oh. He's drunk.
From: Hugeboy Good morning! Good luck with filming today!
Time to return to the other chat, it seemed.
To: Zico Yesterday, I was annoyed with you (a little bit) because of the whole dancers talk to dancers thing
To: Zico You seemed to be crossing some kind of boundary, but I let it go because you appeared to have some sort of good intention
To: Zico This morning however…
To: Zico I'm just plain annoyed with you because you're impatient and immature.
An alert popped up on my screen. I tapped it open.
From: Hugeboy If you're trying to yell at Zico, he's still asleep.
To: Hugeboy I assume he went to yours after drinking?
To: Hugeboy Also, good morning.
From: Hugeboy Yes. He's going to be out for a while.
From: Hugeboy What were you texting him?
To: Hugeboy I just don't like what he texted you that.
To: Hugeboy I'm not weird.
To: Hugeboy I just forgot to text him back
To: Hugeboy He's weird for getting so upset about it
From: Hugeboy Ah, that makes me happy
To: Hugeboy Why ?
From: Hugeboy Because… it's like…
From: Hugeboy You want me to keep liking you
I stared at the message as the car continued its slow trundle through the city. I felt like I should say something, but what?
To: Hugeboy I just don’t like that Zico feels like I owe him something.
From: Hugeboy (¬‿¬ ) whatever you say
I clicked my screen off and crossed my arms, staring out at the slightly gray morning.
“What was all that?”
I glanced at Taeyang, but after catching the little red light of a camera strapped onto the dashboard I just shook my head.
Taeyang gave a snort of a laugh, shaking his head in turn.
“Okay. Just remember that if you’re going to be talking about anything relevant, you need to come over here so we can catch it,” Chul reminded me.
“I know, I know,” I re-tucked my shirt into the billowy pants that wardrobe had given me. “So diligent.”
“I just want to be sure that you know that we will not be able to hear you unless you come over here,” he was nodding a little too much, and his eyes were exaggeratedly wide.
“I am aware, Chul,” I smiled, “thank you for looking out after me.”
He gave me a small smile and nodded.
“My first time being basically off mic and I have nothing to talk about to take advantage of it,” I stretched next to Taeyang.
“Yeah, it’s kind of wasted on me, huh?”
“Basically,” I nodded towards the small group of assorted staff that he had told me contained his girlfriend, “which one is her?”
“Blue headband.”
“Ah,” I watched her for a moment before continuing, “if you think it would help, you can tell her that she’s more my type than you are.”
“What?” Taeyang looked shocked.
“What?” I shrugged, “she’s way better looking than you.”
“Are you…” he looked uncomfortable, “interested in women?”
“Isn’t everyone?”
I wished I hadn’t said anything. The vibes were off. The amount of reshooting we had to do was completely out of hand.
Or maybe all shoots were like this? It seemed excessive to me though.
When we broke for a late breakfast, Taeyang quickly disappeared. I noticed that Ms. Blue Headband also was nowhere to be seen.
I made my way to a nearby cafe on my own. I was still mic-free, a fact that I hadn’t really thought about until a body hit the chair across from me.
I had pulled a hoodie over the costume when I left. The hood itself was oversized, which I was grateful for as I had been able to pull it up and slightly over my face.
Did I care who it was? I mulled over the question for a moment, still staring directly into my slightly chipped mug of tea.
“Ah, excuse me?” a familiar voice flagged down a waiter, “can I get an americano?”
I looked up from my admittedly extremely slouched position to meet Mino’s gaze.
What a pleasant surprise.
“What are you doing here?”
“What are you talking about?” he shrugged, “I come here all the time.”
He crossed his arms and looked around the restaurant casually before shooting me a sly smile.
“What?” I sat up straighter, “how am I a stalker? I just came here because it had the highest ratings on naver.”
Mino leaned forward, still smiling.
“You don’t remember, do you?”
“Remember what?”
“Ah, really?” He leaned back, gripping the edge of the seat to counterbalance himself.
“What?” I pressed him.
“We first met here,” he nodded towards a booth, “over there.”
I looked around, taking in the restaurant fully for the first time since I had arrived.
“That’s right,” I muttered, “how did I not know that?”
“You’ve met a lot of people - thank you,” he interrupted himself as the waiter returned with his coffee, “and you’ve been to a lot of places recently.”
He paused to sip the drink before finishing, “I’ll try not to take it too personally.”
I just nodded and leaned back in my own chair.
We sat in silence for a while. Mino had a small laptop with him, which he had set up and was tapping at as he sipped at his cup. His knee bounced underneath the table, slightly shaking his entire body with the movement.
For my part, I simply scrolled on my phone. I was on my old twitter account. It was the one I used primarily to keep in contact with my English speaking friends, with a slight sprinkle of Spanish every now and again.
Art post. Fan post. Video games. Video games. Video games. Photo of luggage being packed, captioned “countdown initiated”. Art post. Video games.
For a few minutes I was completely able to forget about the show, the boys, the house, and somehow even the slight problem that was the man sitting across from me. And just how angry Jiyong would get if he knew that this was happening.
“I like this.”
I looked up at Mino. He had his chin on one hand, intently focused on the screen in front of him. At some point he had put on some glasses, but I hadn’t noticed.
He glanced at me, and smiled.
“I like this,” he turned his eyes back to the screen, “sitting with you here.”
I blinked at him a few times, before turning my own attention back to my phone.
“Me too.”
We returned to our silent parallel existence until an alarm went off on my phone.
“Break’s over,” I sighed standing up. I started rifling through my bag, looking for my card to go pay at the counter.
“Just go,” Mino waved me off, “I’ll pay.”
“Are you sure?” I lifted my hand, card now between my fingers, “I’ve got it right here.”
“Go,” Mino nodded.
I must have been wearing one of my doubtful looks, because he repeated himself emphatically as my phone started ringing.
“Go,” he insisted, “let me take care of it.”
“Okay,” I sighed, hefting my bag over my shoulder, “I’ll pay you back next time,” I was now headed towards the door, raising the now answered phone as I left, "I promise."
"Where are you? We need to work," an annoyed Taeyang complained through the phone as Mino laughed and waved me off.
"I'm like two minutes away, the cafe on the corner."
"Alright, well, hurry up."
"Ayyyyyy, the star is here!"
For once, Bobby wasn't immediately on my nerves.
Though that may have had something to do with the woman standing next to him.
Soo-ah excitedly waved as I pulled off the hoodie and let the makeup artist touch me up.
I waved as much as I could without making things harder for the woman dabbing a sponge over my cheeks. Once I was finally given the go-ahead, I practically ran over to her.
"What are you doing here?"
"I told Jiwon-ah that I'm a big fan of the new female dancer at YG and he brought me to watch," Soo-ah broke into laughter at her own joke, giddily grasping my hands in hers.
I shot Bobby a thumbs up, applauding his move. He blushed slightly, but didn't say anything.
"But look at you! This is amazing," she still held my hands as she looked around.
There was a shout for Taeyang and I to get back on the set.
"I have to go, are you staying?"
"Yes," she nodded emphatically, "as long as I'm allowed."
I gave her a quick pat on her head. It was a habit that had started as a joke when she joined my Kung Fu class, but was not just a natural thing at times.
"Good, I'll be back."
“No good!” called the camera operator/director, “Luna?”
“Sorry, sorry,” I called back.
“You’ve got to hit the mark,” was the only response to my placation. “Back in starting positions.”
For what felt like the hundredth time, Taeyang and I returned to our spots while the crew reset the scenery.
“No good!"
“I am going to kill myself if I don’t get this right,” I groaned at Taeyang.
"What is going on you guys?" The director walked onto the set and approached us both, "Luna, what's with the hesitation?"
"Sorry," I shook my head, "I just have to focus."
"Yeah, also…," he turned towards Taeyang  now, "go talk to wardrobe, your shirt got ripped somehow."
"What?" he pulled the hem of his shirt out slightly to take a look.
"On the back, here," the director indicated to his left side.
While waiting for Taeyang to get his shirt stitched, I was dallying in one of the darker corners of the studio space with Soo-ah.
“I think it looked fine. I don’t know why they kept stopping it,” she observed.
“He’s not getting low enough,” I explained, “if he stays that high up, I can’t use his body to roll.”
“Can’t you just flip?” She pointed out.
“What? Front flip? He would be in the way,” I shook my head, “we’d both just end up getting hurt.”
“No,” she protested, “that backwards one that you spent ages trying to teach to Woohyung.”
I stared at her. How had I not considered that?
“The springy one?” I flipped my wrist slightly, mimicking the motion.
“Yeah! Since you burst upwards at the start, he doesn’t have to go as low.”
I approached Taeyang. He raised a hand and shook his head.
“I know,” he started with a sigh, “I ju-”
“I don’t care,” I waved his words away, “you don’t have to change anything. Soo-ah came up with a way to fix it.”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing. And keep going, even if they call for us to stop, okay?” I waited for him to nod, “I just want to get one full go-through before we decide if we want to keep it or not.”
The jump went well. It took two additional shots to get something I thought was good enough, since the crew hadn’t been expecting it, but Taeyang was skeptical. In my opinion, it was much better than the original choreography. Plus it eliminated the need for Taeyang and I to get body-to-body with each other, which I suspected that his girlfriend also appreciated.
The director was delighted with what he called the “new highlight”, but explained that I had just guaranteed that we would need to stay and film either until very late tonight, or come back tomorrow.
“I thought we were filming tomorrow again anyway?” 
“Well, we booked the space just in case,” Taeyang explained, “but it wasn’t exactly necessary.”
“That’s right, but if we make changes like this,” the director shrugged, “it naturally takes longer.”
“Right,” I nodded, “that makes sense. I think I’d prefer to split it, if that’s not a problem.”
“No problem, let’s work until…” Taeyang trailed off, looking at the director for input.
“Ah, it’s,” the director checked his watch, “okay it’s 3pm now…” he tilted his head. I could almost see the mental calculations going on in his head.
“Let’s go until 6pm? Then I can get today’s footage to the editing team, and they’ll tell us what we need for tomorrow.”
“Okay, uh, just give me one second.”
I jogged over to where Bobby and Soo-ah were sitting and talking.
“Hey, we’re going for another three hours. You don’t have to hang around this whole time if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t mind,” Bobby shrugged, “but I am hearing some very concerning stuff from Soo-ah.”
I blinked, fast and repeatedly. I couldn’t really think of what Soo-ah may have been telling him.
“Don’t make it sound like that,” Soo-ah pouted, “I was just talking about you and Minjung’s festival demonstrations.”
“Oh! Um,” I shrugged, “yeah. That’s fine. But listen, I gotta go back. If you guys leave just text me, okay?”
“What do you want to do for dinner?” Taeyang asked from the other side of the wardrobe area.
Several racks of clothes, and about three portable canvas “walls” separated us. However, I thought I could tell that he wasn’t really interested.
“I’m actually getting dinner with Soo-ah,” I called back across the room, “you can come if you want.”
“Ah, I’ll just go ahead. Have fun.”
I heard a door open and close. I suspected that I was now alone in the room.
Half-dressed, I sat down and pulled out my phone.
From: Sooooo-AH! We’re heading out to dinner. You’re as amazing as always!
I smiled at the message. How I had ever been lucky enough to become friends with Soo-ah, I didn’t know.
To: Sooooo-AH! Have fun! I was so happy you came today!
I switched to another waiting message.
From: Zico Okay so I understand I need to apologize
From: Zico I was in a mood last night
From: Zico and I took it out on you
From: Zico which was not fair
From: Zico I’m sorry
I didn’t know what to say to that. I started typing, but decided the energy wasn’t worth it right now. While I was tapping the backspace, another message alert popped up.
From: Hugeboy Are you done? I just saw Taeyang leave.
To: Hugeboy Are you stalking me?
From: Hugeboy I was dropping off something for Seunghoon. I just passed Taeyang in the hallway.
To: Hugeboy Suspicious
To: Hugeboy Yeah, we’re done.
From: Hugeboy Hmm… this doesn’t help my case, but where are you? Did you leave already?
I considered the message. Would it be too much to meet him here? On the other hand, wouldn’t it just be a coincidence?
To: Hugeboy To be honest, I’m being lazy in wardrobe 4
To: Hugeboy I sat down and now I don’t want to get up again
From: Hugeboy Number 4?? I’m not too far from there |ω・)ノ
To: Hugeboy Ah, I guess I have an excuse to just sit for a little while longer then.
He didn’t text back. I supposed he had other things to focus on at the moment.
I stretched backwards, cracking my back against the chair before hauling myself upwards, back to where my remaining normal clothes were sitting on a shelf.
As I picked up my shirt, a business card fluttered onto the floor. I bent to pick it up, curious as to who it could be from.
“Hello?” Mino’s voice echoed through the room.
Spurred into action by no longer being alone, I shoved the card into my pocket and started tugging my shirt on.
“Over here,” I called out.
Mino rounded the corner of the green canvas divider as I was tugging my shirt down over my stomach. His eyes dropped to my waist, then flew upwards as he turned slightly away from me.
“You really were being lazy,” he mumbled.
“You can’t be embarrassed by some stomach skin,” I laughed, “I’ve seen your backup dancers’ outfits.”
“That’s different,” he glanced at me, confirming that I was decent before he turned to face me again.
“Ah, can I say this?” he mumbled in a tone that seemed to be flirtatious.
“Say what?”
“Maybe I should have been faster,” he smiled, eyes flitting briefly down my body before refocusing on my face.
“Yah, be careful,” I scolded him slightly.
“Right, right,” he nodded, then jerked his head towards the exit, “should we go?”
“Sure thing,” I swung my bag over my shoulder, “where to?”
“I know I’ve asked this about six times in the last ten minutes but…” I trailed off.
“And I’ll say the same thing,” Mino patted my leg before returning his hand to the shifter of his car, “it’s fine.”
We stopped at a red light, I pulled the hood of my sweatshirt closer around my face.
Mino’s hand rested on my knee again, this time squeezing reassuringly.
“If you don’t want to come to my house, we can go someplace else.”
“No, it’s fine,” I sighed, “I just… you know I can probably beat you in a fight, right?”
“I have no intention of testing that,” Mino said, once again returning his hand to the shifter as the light turned green.
“Not even for self-preservation,” he craned his neck to check all angles before pulling across three lanes of traffic in a left turn, “I’m not that type.”
I wasn’t sure exactly how to respond to that, so I lifted my phone to distract me. A new message was waiting for me.
From: Llyong Boho Let’s get dinner.
I squinted at the message. I was once again going to have to lie.
I considered asking Bobby and Soo-ah to cover for me, but that felt like it could fall apart pretty easily.
To: Llyong Boho I actually decided to get dinner on my own.
To: Llyong Boho Just taking a minute to myself, you know?
I stared at the screen for a few minutes. I had long ago turned my read receipts off, so I was completely in the dark about what was happening unless the bubbles popped up.
They did not.
I tucked my phone away.
“You okay?” Mino asked.
“Yeah, just,” I sighed, “Jiyong.”
“You seem calmer than usual,” I was sitting in Mino’s kitchen, a wonderfully friendly cat curled up in my lap. Mino was sitting across from me, now empty take-away dishes between us on the table.
“Do I? Maybe it’s just because it’s my house,” Mino shrugged.
“I don’t mean that. I mean…” I took a second to work out what I was trying to say, “like you’re not worried? You’re usually kind of anxious when I see you.”
“Ah,” Mino leaned forward, resting his head on his hand, “I decided to not worry about the show, or Jiyong, or anything like that.”
“Really? It’s that simple?”
Mino nodded, “I figure that as long as you and I are still talking, texting, whatever…” he leaned back again, “that should be enough, right?”
He really did seem relaxed. However, his nerves were betrayed by the way he was staring into space and idly spinning a ring on one of his fingers.
I couldn’t help it.
“Ah, I suppose that’s the first step,” I stood up, much to Jhonny’s annoyance, and started cleaning up the containers on the table, “right?”
Mino looked up at me, cocking his head. The ring stopped.
“First step for what?”
“For you to move on,” I teased him.
“Yah,” he stood up and took the containers out of my hands, dropping them on the counter before turning back to me. He gave me a serious look as he took my hand and pulled me towards him.
“I just don’t want to be another source of stress.”
“I was teasing you,” I explained.
“I know,” he had leaned against the counter, pulling me to lean against his body, “but I know you make jokes as a way to say serious things.”
“How do you know that?” I asked him.
“I pay attention is all. So,” Mino swayed his arms slightly, gently wiggling me back and forth, “are you worried that I’ll stop liking you?”
“Not really.”
His eyebrows dipped slightly.
I lifted my heels slightly, reaching up to quickly kiss his cheek.
“Yah,” he was beginning to blush as I pulled back, “you’re going to make me nervous again.”
I grinned, then leaned up again. This time I pressed my lips to his.
Mino hummed, squeezing me against him a little tighter.
I let myself enjoy it for a moment before pulling back.
“I should head back soon,” I dropped my head onto his chest, “I feel like a child out after curfew.”
“I’ll drop you off,” Mino offered.
“No,” I groaned, trying to take a step back, “I should take the train. I said that I was on my own.”
“At least let me get you a taxi,” Mino held fast around my waist, leaning forward and kissing my forehead. “You know you can’t really take public transport anymore, right?”
“Ah, right, I’m famous by association. But that’s okay, I can pay for it. Besides, you covered my coffee this morning.”
“Just let me get it,” he pressed, “I like doing things for you.”
“I’m home,” I called out as I kicked off my shoes in the entryway.
A flat “good to see you,” echoed from somewhere inside the house. I couldn’t quite tell who had said it, but it felt nice to hear all the same.
I turned into the living room to see Daesung watching some drama. He glanced up as I entered.
“How was your solo dinner?”
“Good,” I fell onto the sofa next to him, letting my legs hang over the side, “what are you watching?”
He clicked a button on the remote to display the show information and read aloud the name of some program that I wasn’t familiar with.
“Any good?”
“Eh,” he shrugged, “how was filming?”
“Busy but also, not? Is that how it usually is?”
“It’s usually even worse,” he explained, “but we’re used to it.”
“Fair…” I stared at the television, not really absorbing anything happening on the screen. After a moment, I realized something.
“Where are the others?”
“I think Jiyong is sulking, Taeyang isn’t back yet, and I don’t know about the other two.”
I sighed, letting my head drop against Daesung’s shoulder.
“Should I go see him?”
Daesung stretched his arm out and readjusted in his seat. I let my head slide down to rest on his leg.
“It’s not your responsibility,” he almost hummed the words as he started running his fingers through my hair, “he’s not a child.”
I nodded, letting my eyes close.
“I feel responsible though.”
“Stop. You needed time to yourself, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
I groaned as his fingernails skimmed my scalp.
“You’re going to put me to sleep,” I whined.
“You deserve to rest.”
“Come on,” it was definitely one of the guys talking, though they were speaking so softly, and I was so tired, that I couldn’t quite place who it was.
I grumbled as I felt arms slide under my shoulders and knees.
“But I’m sleeping.”
I felt like my eyes were stuck together. Or maybe I just didn’t want to open them anyway.
“Just come this way a little bit.”
I leaned towards the voice.
“Good girl, ready now?”
I nodded. Beginning to recognize the whisper, I wound one of my hands into his shirt for more security.
My body lifted slowly. I groaned again, involuntarily, annoyed by the cooler air hitting the freshly exposed bits of my arms and legs.
The chest bounced with a laugh.
I was still a little disoriented, not quite able to mentally follow the path that I was being carried along.
“Ah, can you open her door?”
“Sure,” that one was definitely Taeyang.
My body turned, I imagined to get through the doorway without bumping my head on the door frame.
“Okay,” I felt a knee under me as he knelt on my mattress to get me situated, “here you are.”
I groaned and refused to loosen my fingers from the shirt that my face was resting on.
There was a silent laugh. I only knew about it from the tell-tale jump on the chest.
“You have to let go,” it wasn’t a demand or admonishment.
I groaned more adamantly, gripping the cloth even tighter.
A heavy sigh, followed by “ah, fine.”
I loosened my grip slightly, allowing him to adjust his position enough that I was left with my head resting against his chest.
I wound my legs between his, noticing that they were thinner than I had expected.
“Are you always this affectionate when you’re tired?”
I shrugged.
“You weren’t like this at all during my week.’
“I had some fresh, uh…” I thought back to the Weekly Idol interview trying to remember the word I had learned, “trauma?”
“That’s true,” his fingers were back in my hair.
We lay there in a drowsy silence for a while before I spoke up again.
“Ah, you’re still awake? I was just thinking it might be safe for me to leave.”
I tightened my legs around one of his. His chest bounced again with a quiet laugh.
“What’s up?”
“Would you say yes if I chose you?”
My ear vibrated slightly as he hummed before answering.
“What do you think?”
“I can’t tell. You treat me well, but I think you probably treat everyone well.”
“Mm-hmm,” he hummed in agreement.
I loosened myself up from his body a little bit so that I could lean on my elbow to look at him.
“I think you flirt with me, but again…”
I paused. He had lifted a hand to brush my hair out of my face, intently watching me as I spoke. Seeing him pay such close attention, it made my heart ache somehow.
“But…?” He prompted me to continue.
“It seems like just part of your personality.”
“Even when I’m out of character?”
I groaned, letting my head fall back onto his chest.
“Can’t you just tell me yes or no?”
“I could, but I don’t want to influence you.”
“I’m asking though,” I wriggled my legs in annoyance, “I want to know.”
Was that true though? If I wanted to know, I now realized that I could probably just ask Chul. It would doubtless be the easier way to find things out. So why was I bothering with this back and forth?
Besides the fact that it was a little fun, that is.
“Come here,” Daesung moved under me. I sat up, only to have him put a hand on my arm. He slid back, sitting at an angle against the headboard and pillows, and gestured for me to come towards him again.
I tilted my head. Did I want to choose Daesung? This entire time I had been thinking of him as potentially a good hook-up, but nothing more intimate than that.
Which, maybe, was exactly what I needed. Something to flush my system of all my built up hormones and mixed feelings.
“Dae,” I shuffled to kneel next to him.
“Forget the show choice for a second.”
“Okay,” he nodded slowly, eyes narrowing slightly.
“What about just right now?”
“What about it?”
“If I asked you to sleep here tonight, would you say yes?”
Daesung blinked a few times.
I waited, kneeling on my hands to stop myself from fidgeting.
Finally, Daesung tilted his head and chuckled again.
“Are you asking me to?”
I shrugged, “just answer the question.”
He paused again, this time washing his eyes over me. I realized that he was trying to figure out how serious I was.
You and me both, my dude.
“Come here,” he said softly.
I leaned forward slightly.
“No,” he shook his head, then patted a hand against his thigh, “come here.”
I freed my hands from under my knees, supporting myself as I leaned over him.
“Sit down,” another pat on his thigh.
Well, if he insisted.
I straddled his lap and sat up straight. I kept my eyes on him. The corner of his lip slid up slightly.
“So, if I asked you to stay here tonight…?” I left the sentence unfinished.
“I’ll stay as long as you'd like me to, pet.”
My phone chimed.
Daesung grabbed my wrist when I reached for it, pulling my hand to press against his chest.
“It can wait,” he groaned.
“If it’s Jiyong, his next step is knocking on my door,” I explained, “and while we may be able to keep quiet, there are levels to that sort of thing.”
“Ugh, fine,” he let go of my wrist, instead grabbing my thighs to keep me from getting off of him.
From: Llyong Boho Are you back yet?
I sighed.
“What does he want?” Daesung asked.
“Probably this,” I snorted, glancing down to where Daesung was firmly inside me.
Daesung laughed, “you’re not wrong.”
To: Llyong Boho Yes. I’m hanging out with Daesung.
To: Llyong Boho Whatever it is, can it wait until tomorrow?
I leaned over and placed my phone back onto my bedside table.
“All good?”
“I think so,” I leaned down, quickly pressing my lips against his.
“Fuck,” he groaned at the motion, “this is not how I saw my night ending.”
“Me neither,” I sat back up and rocked against him slightly.
Daesung laughed again, then pressed his head back into the pillow with a sigh.
“Okay, okay okay… okay…”
“Okay?” I teased him.
“I have to… come here pet,” he grabbed both of my wrists, pulling me back down against his chest.
“I can’t take this much more,” his hands found my hair and he pulled me against his lips again.
“My turn,” he looked directly into my eyes, “okay?”
He wrapped an arm around my waist. Lifting and rolling, he pulled me into position on the bed and quickly situated himself as well.
“Wait,” he grabbed one of the pillows and lightly tapped my thigh, “lift up for me pet.”
I lifted my hips and he put the pillow under them.
Just a few seconds later, he was leaning down and just barely tracing his teeth against the skin of my breast.
“God damn it, this is going to be embarrassing.”
“Hmm?” I gripped his hair, pulling him up my body so that I could taste his neck.
“I am not going to last much longer,” he groaned, “you feel so good on me pet.”
“That’s fine,” I reassured him, “we’re kind of already pushing our luck on privacy here.”
Daesung looked like he was about to melt into my mattress.
“Okay, so I know what I said,” I rolled onto my side to look at him, “but I don’t think you should actually sleep here.”
I started tracing invisible lines along his chest.
“Of course,” he nodded, “just let me,” he waved a hand, “you know.”
“You should at least get dressed,” I prodded him, “just in case.”
“I’ll get dressed when you do.”
“Fine then,” I stood up and almost immediately my knees buckled.
As if he had precognition, Daesung somehow was already sitting up to grab me and redirect my fall onto the bed.
“How did yo-”
“That usually happens,” he seemed a little embarrassed to say it.
“You slut,” I laughed.
“Excuse me?” Daesung feigned offense, “coming from you.”
I shrugged, then flopped down on the mattress.
“Dae-oppaa~” I whined.
“Yes, my pet?”
“Can you get my shorts for me?”
“Of course.”
We were both fully clothed, and just hanging out showing each other things we were finding on our phones when Jiyong texted me again.
From: Llyong Boho Does it have to wait?
I leaned over and showed the message to Daesung.
“Ah,” he sighed, “I suppose he wants his turn.”
“I didn’t mean like that,” he nudged me with his shoulder, “but he, you know, he likes you. He wants to spend time with you.”
I rolled onto my back and wriggled my way so that I was looking up into Daesung’s face.
“Do you not like me?”
“How can you even ask me that?” He leaned down and kissed me before continuing, “I’m just not possessive.”
“So nothing changes?”
“Not yet,” he smiled down at me, “not until you tell me that something has changed.”
“So you don’t get jealous?”
“I get insanely jealous," he traced a line under my chin with one finger as he spoke, "when it is appropriate to do so.”
“But…?” I urged him to continue.
“I know that we’re not dating. We haven’t made any promises to each other or anything like that. So,” he kissed me again, “there is nothing for me to be jealous about. Text Jiyong.”
I sat up and typed out a not exactly untruthful message.
To: Llyong Boho Yes. We're still hanging out.
I flashed the message to Daesung, who nodded, before I hit send.
“And you’re not going to say anything?”
“What would be the point of me saying something? Just to make people feel bad?”
“You can say Jiyong,” I teased.
Daesung rolled onto his side to fix me with an intense look.
“People,” he said again, emphasizing the plurality. “The only thing that I think will change is that now when I see you I’ll know all the hidden things you’ve done to your body.”
“Yah,” I warned him.
“I might flirt a little bit more,” he pushed himself to sit up, mirroring me, “now that I’m about… let’s say seventy percent sure that you like me a little bit.”
“Seventy? Isn’t that a little high?”
An expression that had just recently been shown to me for the first time flashed across his face.
“Kiss me, pet.”
I leaned forward and easily obliged.
I laughed, this time kissing his cheek.
My phone chimed.
“No no no no no,” he shook his head, “kiss me properly pet.”
I reached up with one hand and combed my fingers into his hair before kissing him again. When I pulled back, I tugged at his lip with my teeth.
“Eighty percent sure.”
“Anyway,” I rolled, both eyes and body, so that I could pick up the phone.
From: Llyong Boho I want to see you, if I can.
“I think he wants me to kick you out.”
“Fair enough,” Daesung hauled himself up from the bed, “it is a bit late for me to be in your room. Who knows what could happen.”
I tried to suppress a laugh.
“By the way,” he paused before opening the door, “yes.”
"I would say yes."
To: Llyong Boho Meet under the deck?
From: Llyong Boho Sure.
I slipped out of the sliding door. Relief washed over me to see that Jiyong was not already there.
I heard the soft whooshing creak of the door opening overhead, followed by slightly stilted footsteps crossing the deck and coming down the stairs.
I could smell him as he approached. The waft of the cigarette in his hand, mixed with cologne and alcohol.
His steps were steady though, so maybe I was wrong.
I thought back to the last time we had been down here. How I had kissed him and left.
I suddenly found the smell of alcohol appealing, in a “ just one shot to steel my nerves” sort of way.
Jiyong leaned against one of the posts, just watching me as he took a drag on his cigarette.
Fine then.
“What’s up?”
He sighed, a long cloud issuing from his lips.
“It’s stupid,” he shook his head, “I’m jealous.”
“What is it this time?” I settled back against the glass that led into my room.
“If you’re tired and need someone to lean on,” he stared at the ground, “I want you to lean on me. That’s what I said, right?”
He laughed, shaking his head again.
“Stupid, like I said,” he finally looked up and met my eye again, “come upstairs with me.”
My eyes narrowed, causing Jiyong to give that self-deprecating laugh again.
“Sorry, I’ve been thinking too much.”
“What about?”
He looked down again. I could see his Adam's apple bob in his throat before he looked back up at me.
“Do you have any feelings left for me?”
As intensely as he had been avoiding eye contact before, he was staring at me now.
I thought of the last month. The grocery shopping, cooking together, spending nights just enjoying having a body next to me in bed, secret kisses, arguments, clothing, warnings…
“I don’t know if I really did to begin with,” I admitted.
Jiyong’s eyes flicked between mine. His eyebrows dipped, and a wry smile tugged at his lips.
“Wh… sorry, what?”
“No, Ji…” I immediately regretted the words. Pushing off the glass, I stepped towards him.
“I don’t mean…” I sighed.
“Then what do you mean?” His voice was sharp, slightly higher than usual. He also stood upright from where he had been leaning.
“Because it sounds to me,” he stepped forward, invading my space enough to make me step back and bump against the glass again, “like what you mean is that I’m the only one who felt anything.”
“Jiyah… I’m,” I shook my head, “I’m not saying that. I just mean that we haven’t really had time to know each other.”
“Time to…?” He hung his head forward as he said it, then shook it again. Rising his eyes to meet mine again, he continued, “I have made time. I even…” he stopped himself. Running his hands through his hair a few times, he gathered himself.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” I insisted.
“No,” that laugh again, “it doesn’t. If you never had any feelings for me, none of this matters.”
“Jiyong,” I took his hand in mine, “listen to me.”
“What? What could you possi-”
I leaned forward and placed my lips on his. He pulled away almost immediately, but at least he was quiet now.
“I said to begin with.”
Jiyong breathed deeply a few times before saying anything else. I knew he would feel compelled to fill the silence, and I was glad to let him do it now that I had pointed out the distinction.
“And now?”
“Now?” I tilted my head, thinking of how to phrase how I felt, “there’s potential.”
“Potential?” He said it like he couldn’t believe I had the audacity.
“What the fuck do you want from me Jiyong? We barely know each other.”
“I don’t want anything from you,” he turned and leaned back against the glass next to me, “I just want you.”
“That’s everything, Ji.”
“Fine, then I want everything.”
We fell into silence, just standing side by side, feeling awful. I was tempted to ask him for a cigarette.
“Why do we keep having this conversation?” is what I asked instead.
“Because you are on my mind all the time,” Jiyong answered, “and I don’t know if I ever even cross yours.”
“Hmm,” I nodded, “you know, and man this is going to sound manipulative…”
Jiyong laughed, a real one this time.
“This whole jealous all the time thing is a pretty big red flag.”
“You’ve mentioned that. Actually,” Jiyong turned to look at my side profile, “you’re not the first woman to tell me that.”
“I need to sleep,” I sighed, “I have more dance filming tomorrow.”
“Come sleep with me.”
I turned my head to look at Jiyong. His eyes were trailing down my body, but lifted to meet mine. “Ji…”
“It was worth a try,” he shrugged.
Standing up straight, he stretched his arms and cracked his neck.
“Well, unless you have any other, um, interruptions to offer me, I guess I’ll head up.”
“Goodnight Jiyong.”
“Alright, alright,” he started towards the stairs, “at least I have potential, right?”
“Goodnight,” I carefully articulated the word.
Jiyong nodded one more time and climbed up the steps.
I checked my phone when I got back into my room.
From: D-Lite I heard some raised tones, are you okay? From: D-Lite He didn’t… figure it out, right? To: D-Lite It’s fine. He just wants everything
I laid on my bed. I could smell Daesung’s cologne on my sheets.
From: D-Lite He gets like that when he likes someone From: D-Lite But you’re okay? To: D-Lite Yes To: D-Lite I am more than okay, actually
I took a picture of my rumpled sheets and sent it to him.
To: D-Lite [image] From: D-Lite If you start flirting with me right now I will come back down there. From: D-Lite And I will make sure that you can not keep quiet this time.
My cheeks immediately heated to approximately the same temperature as the surface of the sun.
To: D-Lite Noted. I will not flirt with you. To: D-Lite Right now.
I quickly set my phone to airplane mode and set it on its charger. Better not to push my luck.
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
iKON masterlist
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👑 iKON: when it becomes difficult for you
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🟧🟥 Kim Jinhwan
👑 'Ambivalence': fluff-fluff; smut-smut
You rest in Jinhwan's room at their dorm, trying to cool from the intensely prevailing summer heat and the enclosure of the heat rekindles gestures of like-wise affections
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🟧🟥 Song Yunhyeong
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🟧🟥 Bobby | Kim Jiwon
👑 Care (feat. B.I I Kim Hanbin): crime au; fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut (spanking and submissive behaviour, amongst others)
Almost any day now.
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🟧🟥 B.I | Kim Hanbin
👑 Care (feat. Bobby I Kim Jiwon): crime au; fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut (spanking and submissive behaviour, amongst others)
Every day spent with each of them is significant
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🟧🟥 Kim Donghyuk | DK
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🟧🟥 Koo Junhoe | Ju-ne
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🟧🟥 Jung Chanwoo
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