#bob up AND down? wow is he really? moody guy huh
coquelicoq · 2 months
was trying to think of possible names for river's consort brothers who died in childhood and whose names are never given in the narrative and of course they have to fit with the river theme so i was like okay we got river, branch, drift, how about current...stream...float...bob...wait, bob?! <-legit possible name for a raksura but can u imagine. Bob of Indigo Cloud. these are my children Branch, Drift, River, Current, and Bob. bob my son the raksuran consort bob. bob the consort (can he fix it (intercourt diplomacy problem)) bob the consort (yes he can!)
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cuppalevi · 4 years
Blue Guitar | Chapter 2: Dinner’s On You
Series Summary: Leone Abbacchio's trying his best to get his shit together for Narancia. But when Narancia ends up inviting him to a concert he's playing for, Leone ends up under the sheets of the popstar, Bruno Buccellati. It turns out dating a popstar has complications. Especially when a certain someone named Diavolo has tricks up his sleeves.
Chapter 2 Summary: Leone Abbacchio arrives at Bruno’s concert, only to be completed fascinated by the singer. He promptly meets the band, and gets flirted by Bruno. 
Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Pairing: Leone Abbacchio x Bruno Buccellati
AO3 Link | Previously | Masterlist
“How are we doing so far tonight? Are we good?” Bruno took the microphone off from the stand it was placed and grasped it within his hand. He walks around the stage, waving a hand towards the crowd before him, a bright smile on his lips. The singer was clad in glittered, iridescent, light blue pants. A sheer white suit with ruffles upfront adorned his torso, showing off the black lace of his undergarment. All the while a shiny, heeled, black Christian Louboutin completed the outfit he wore.
Bruno’s under the spotlights, illuminating his whole figure and showcasing the singer to the audience in front of him. He’s charismatic, in words and in movement. When his band had started playing the first tunes to his opening song had started playing and he was waiting for his moment to come out to the stage, he clutched the handle of his microphone- a sleek white with black teardrops design which he had custom made- soft breaths leaving his lips as the rush of adrenaline had slowly come over him. And when it was his cue, all anxiety just drifted away and sheer euphoria flooded his veins as he started singing in sync with the tune.
The crowd before him cheers, waving their hands wildly. Bruno’s chest feels warm at the overwhelming attention he’s getting. Life on stage was the best part of being a musician. The adrenaline he gets from being upstage, hearing the screams of people, singing his songs as he moved to the beat. It was exhilarating.
Although, the handsome man upfront surely caught his attention.
Narancia seemed more anxious about the concert than Leone had expected. A few hours ago, Narancia was frantic. Running from the kitchen, his bedroom, the living room- pretty much the whole apartment basically- to make sure he did not forget anything. Moody Blues grumpily hissed at Narancia when the cat awoke from her nap due to the teenager’s feet shaking the floors of their apartment as if an earthquake was happening. Leone had to reassure Narancia a thousand times, all the while Moody Blues tried to resume her nap.
Leone did not have high expectations for the concert. He just wanted to watch Narancia rock his guitar. Before Buccellati climbed up the stage, the band first settled in. When Narancia had entered the stage with two other guys, his eyes immediately started to scan the crowd- eagerly wanting to see Leone. The teenager had frantically waved with a massive grin on his face when he had spotted Leone’s silver hair among the crowd.
The adult chuckled at Narancia and waved back at him, a warm feeling filling his chest.
But what he didn’t expect was to see the charming man, Bruno- whom he had met in the grocery shop after his squabble with Giorno, upstage singing in front of him. From the moment Bruno had revealed himself onstage with dancing lights above him, least to say he was stunned to see the view before him. Who knew that Bruno from the grocery store was the Buccellati Narancia was working for? Certainly not Leone.
Leone hadn’t been to many concerts. He’d rather put up his headphones and get lost in the music of Monteverdi. But today, this- wholly, beautiful man that’s got Leone into some sort of trance that’s gotten him lost in nothing but Bruno’s voice- it’s exhilarating. He’s irrevocably captivated. The tone of the singer’s voice sends deep chills down his spine and he’s pulled in to listen for more.
“Before we near the end of today’s show, I wanna give a massive thank you to my incredible, incredible band!” Bruno splayed out a hand and presented the band behind him, multiple spotlights falling on the boys who were bringing life to the instruments they were playing.
A grin is plastered on Bruno’s face as he presented Narancia to the crowd first, “A recent recruit of mine and my wonderful guitarist, Narancia Ghirga!”
The spotlights fell onto Narancia. The teenager waved to the crowd, full of enthusiasm. In return, the audience before him cheered. Leone’s lips twitched into a smile as he looked at Narancia fondly, warmth seeping through his chest. Damn, he’d never felt any prouder than he was before.
Narancia is wearing a black t-shirt which was tucked in grey wide-legged pants and black loafers that had a big, gold ring in front as design. But what really was eye-catching was the glittered light blue bandana he wore on his head. The bandana matched Bruno’s trendy trousers.
Leone looked over to the drummer as Bruno introduced him, “My great and amazing drummer, Guido Mista!”
Guido Mista was sitting behind the array of drums but he stood to his feet and stepped out from his set of drums and bowed with his hand outstretched when Bruno called his name. Mista is dressed in a solid black, cropped turtleneck sweater. A beanie of the same color sat on his head, an arrow pointed downwards on his forehead. However, the turtle-necked collar, the hem of the sleeves, and the color of the arrow of his beanie also happened to be glittered and light blue that also twinned Bruno’s trousers.
“Of course, last but not least. My skilled and marvelous keyboardist, Pannacotta Fugo!”
Pannacotta Fugo had dirty blonde hair that fell behind his back ever so gracefully. His face only showed a twitch of a smile and a gentle wave to the crowd. Leone had to keep a snicker when he saw that Fugo’s black suit was riddled with holes and strawberry earrings dangle freely. He thought that the boy looked ridiculous. And surprisingly, the necktie he adorned matched Bruno’s pants as well.
“Wow, fashionably coordinated, huh.” Leone murmured under his breath.
Bruno walked back in front of the microphone stand and attached the microphone back to its stand before speaking once more. “This is: Adore You.”
The lights dim a little bit, Mista starts thrumming his drums at a pace. Fugo’s fingers start pressing down on the keys and Narancia’s strumming his guitar with the chords of the song. Bruno’s foot starts tapping to the beat, bobbing his head to the sound, eyes shut as he starts singing, “Walk in your rainbow paradise,”
Narancia, Fugo, and Mista sing a back-up of, “Paradise,” and it amazes Leone how their voices mesh together in a perfect melody that accompanied Bruno’s voice so well.
“Blueberry lipstick state of mind,” Bruno’s eyebrows furrow as he sings into the mic.
Then the lyric is followed by the trio harmonizing, “State of mind.”
“I get so lost inside your eyes,” Bruno’s eyes subtly scan the array of people in the area in front of him. It wasn’t that hard to spot the pair of eyes he wanted to see as the owner of those eyes belonged to a man with hair white as snow. “Would you believe it?”
Bruno Buccellati, a kind, and compassionate soul. He was adored by many due to his songs. His overall aura just draws you to him. Bruno lived in the coastal suburbs of Naples with his mother and father. His father worked as a humble fisherman. When his mother had sung him a lullaby instead of the usual bedtime stories, he was instantly enthralled by the way his mother sang. It was then he developed an interest in singing.
“You don’t have to say you love me. You don’t have to say nothing, you don’t have to say you’re mine.”  
Even when his parents divorced, his passion for singing never wavered. His father was determined to give Bruno a good education so he started taking tourists on his boats to earn more. Bruno would entertain the tourists by giving them a song number he practiced the day before. Consequently, it earned him a good amount of lire which he put into his savings.
“ Honey, ” Bruno sang, taking the mic off its stand and walking around the stage.
Collectively, the three band members sang, “ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ”
“ I’d walk through fire for you, just let me adore you, ”
Leone used to think that nobody could match the likes of Monteverdi. Just like how no movie could surpass Sling Blade, in his opinion. But watching Bruno sing his heart out in front of him. And the charming smile the singer puts on his face while he gazes to the crowd. Leone thought, maybe Monteverdi won’t be the only artist he’ll be listening to after this.
“ Like it’s the only thing I’ll ever do, ” Bruno finishes the first chorus. He proceeds to walk around the stage, waving to people.
Bruno was found by Polpo who worked for the management, Passione. After being able to save up for his education, Bruno started working a part-time job in a local pub where he would stand in front of tipsy people and sing songs. Coincidentally, Polpo had been looking for a client. He offered Bruno a chance at becoming an artist. It took Bruno a couple of days to consider the man’s offer. He didn’t want to leave his father all alone when he was off chasing his dreams. But his father encouraged him to take it.
“You’d make a proud man,” His father had told him.
So here he was now. Pouring his heart out with every ounce of his being to the songs he had written.
Bruno stops in a particular spot at the stage, which just happened to be right in front of Leone. “ Your wonder under summer skies, ”
“ Summer skies, ” The three band members sing.
“ Fair skin and lemon over ice, ” A twitch overcomes Leone’s lips as he meets Bruno’s eyes.
He feels entranced when Bruno shoots him a subtle wink. Like he can’t seem to take his eyes off of him.
“ Would you believe it? ” Bruno tilts his head in question as if he was asking Leone.
Leone bites back a chuckle, pressing his lips together. He looks around him to see if anyone saw their interaction, but everyone else was lost in Bruno’s singing. Bruno starts his pre-chorus again, but he stays in that particular area of the stage. His body moves to the rhythm of the song, his head is swaying with the melody. The ends of his hair are dancing along with him, whipping against his head back and forth. And his right foot, simultaneously in sync.
“ It’s the only thing I’ll ever do,” Narancia, Fugo, and Mista sing the lyric repeatedly as the song’s bridge. They sing it a number of times as they play their instruments. Bruno’s feet bring him to different parts of the stage as he awaits the finishing lines. But before the bridge finishes, he quickly pulls the microphone stand and drags it toward that spot.
Just as the last chorus began, he swiftly places his microphone back on the stand and opens his mouth. “I'd walk through fire for you, just let me adore you.”
He knows Leone’s eyes are on him, but he doesn’t return the gaze this time. Instead, he shuts his eyes, grasping the thin body of the microphone stand. His other hand stays on the mic. “Oh, honey. I’d walk through fire for you. Just let me adore you.” He continues singing the chorus until it eventually comes to the finishing lyrics.
But for the last lyric of the song, he opens his eyes and it makes contact with Leone’s, “Just let me adore you.” Bruno places a hand on his heart as he sings, then he points. The crowd goes wild at the action- thinking it was meant for them and their proceeding screams are deafening. But Leone knows it was meant for him.
Leone’s pulled by Narancia’s hand through the hallway that led to the lounge where the rest of the band and Bruno retired too when the concert was finished. He was nervous to see Bruno again, especially after the striking stares a pair of blue eyes had given him when the singer was pouring his heart out on the song. Leone felt as though Bruno was indirectly talking to him through the song. Even with a crowd full of people that came to watch and adore Bruno Buccellati, it was like Bruno was playing the song for him.
When Narancia opened the door, Leone first laid eyes on a certain blonde that brought irritation to his veins. He immediately rolled his eyes when the familiarity struck him and the events at the grocery shop came flashing back in his mind.  
Giorno snickered when he saw Leone come through the door being pulled by Narancia while he leaned against Mista who was munching on a slice of strawberry cake.
“Guys! Guys! Meet Leone Abbacchio!” Narancia announced, two of his hands splayed to present the tall goth, “My foster dad!”
The tall goth received a wave from Mista and a nod of acknowledgment from Fugo. Giorno greeted Leone with a small smile, “ Buona serata. ”
“Buona serata my ass,” Leone murmured, but he slowly realized what Narancia had called him earlier on. His eyebrows raised in surprise as he turned to look at Narancia, “Foster dad? What have you been telling these people Narancia-” But he wasn’t able to finish what he was saying because before he could process what Narancia called him, his arm was tugged once more.
But this time, it was pulled in the direction of none other than Bruno Buccellati himself.
Oh shit, Leone thought, stammering in unsensible words as he tried to stop Narancia but alas, it was already too late since they neared Bruno who was stood by the food table.
“Buccellati! Buccellati!” Enthusiastically, Narancia beamed at the adult in front of him.
Bruno turned his head when he heard Narancia’s voice, first glancing at the teenager himself before settling to the tall male next to him. Gently, he smirked at Leone. “And to whom do I have the pleasure of meeting, Narancia?”
Narancia giggled with a cute grin, pulling Leone close to him like glue. “Buccellati, meet Leone Abbacchio! He’s the one who’s been taking care of me. Abba, meet Buccellati!”
Leone inhaled sharply, swimming in the pools of blue he’s staring at. Without the sunglasses (And standing directly in front of him), Bruno looked so handsome at this proximity. Leone’s able to see his pretty face and the full of his sweetly curved lips. He feels his cheeks flush red when he sees Bruno’s eyes check over his body almost sensually. Fuck, Leone feels weak at the knees under his intense stare.
“Is that so? It’s a pleasure to meet you, Leone, ” Bruno smiles endearingly, eyes looking back at Leone’s while he holds out his hand. The way his name falls out of Bruno’s lips is smooth. The tone of his voice is soft yet it’s deep and penetrating.
“Pleasure to meet you too, Buccellati,” Leone replied, taking Bruno’s hand in his for a shake.
Bruno’s hand feels soft against his compared to his calloused ones. The warmth of Bruno’s hand engulfs his own, and he is almost reluctant to let go. “Bruno’s just fine, bello,” Bruno’s thumb softly rubs at Leone’s knuckles- Leone’s hand still grasped in his- as he gave another one of his award-winning smiles. Narancia’s oblivious to the overwhelming tension between the two adults.
“Oi Narancia! If you don’t hurry I’ll finish the cake myself!” Mista’s exclaim echoes in the room.
Gasping offendedly, Narancia shrills, “You wouldn’t dare!” He turned his head to look at the cake which earlier was whole but was now reduced to two slices.
“Oh, I would!” Mista threateningly taunts Narancia.
“You guys get acquainted! I’m gonna get the cake before Mista eats all of it,” The teen says to the two adults who finally let go of each other’s hands when they heard Mista shout. Before the two could say another word, Narancia is shuffling over the food table to grab a plate and a fork before quickly heading to grab a slice of the cake.
“Did you enjoy the show?” Bruno asks Leone, turning to face the food table. He resumes filling up his plate with a slice of prosciutto.
Leone nods his head, picking at his lacquered nails. “It was good, yeah. You were uh- great up there.”
For a moment, Bruno’s head spins to look at Leone and gives him a smirk, “I’m glad you liked it, bello. You should take a seat.” He nudges the legs of the stool beside him with the toe of his foot.
Politely, Leone takes a seat at the stool. He brushes back a strand of hair behind his ear when it falls to the front of his face as he sits down.
"So you’re Narancia’s guardian?”
Leone hums, “Not legally. The kid ran away from home and all. I just gave him a place to stay.”
“Not foster dad then?” An amused smile overcomes Bruno’s lips.
Chuckling Leone answered, “Nope. Not foster dad.”
Bruno leans against the food table with his back away from the array of food and moves beside Leone. He holds a plate of prosciutto in front of him. “Tell me about yourself, Leone.” Bruno takes a forkful of the food in his mouth as he awaits Leone’s reply.
Leone scratches the back of his neck, “There’s not much to tell and besides, I just met you.” He raised a brow pointedly to which Bruno replies with a chuckle.
“Buon punto, Leone. Surely you remember our encounter in the grocery store? You know, orange thief?”
Leone inwardly groans, rolling his eyes as he remembers an annoying blonde brat. “Hardly makes me a thief. You gave them to me at the end, though. Remember?”
When he came home from the grocery shop, he refused to tell Narancia what had gone down to save himself from the teen’s endless bickering. Ugh, the things I do for you, Leone thought as he handed Narancia the pack of oranges hours before. He was rewarded by repetitious thank yous from the teenager.
Bruno nodded, “Sì, you were quite adamant about getting them for your kid and all.” He flicks his eyes to Narancia.
“Okay, okay. Let’s just- forget about the oranges.” The long-haired man sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Another hearty chuckle escapes through Bruno’s mouth. “Don’t fret, Leone. I was only teasing. Anyway, have you formally met the others?”
“Not really. All I know is the brat who claimed that I stole the oranges.” Leone huffs, crossing his arms stubbornly.
“That brat is my publicist,” Bruno answers, finishing his plate of prosciutto. “Giorno’s pretty strict and he can be dogmatic at times. But it’s what makes him a good publicist. I apologize on his behalf.”
Leone shakes his head, “It’s fine. It’s over now anyway.”
Humming, Bruno asked, “Say, Leone, are you busy tonight?”
Shaking his head, Leone answered, “Have lots of free time, why do you ask?”
“Hmm… I have a reservation for Ristorante Don Alfonso 1890 to try out their food. Giorno insists I go and have dinner with a friend for the experience because apparently he and Mista had a date there. He said the food was great.” Bruno poured two glasses with iced tea, offering one to Leone.
Graciously, Leone accepts the glass. “You’re… you want me to go with you?”
“I was going to bring mio padre but he told me he was exhausted from working and he rather I’d bring a friend instead,” Bruno explained.
Leone purses his lips in thought. Staring at the iced tea before him. Bruno Buccellati was inviting him to dinner. “Are- are you asking me out?”
Bruno looks at Leone and hums. He shrugs his shoulders, “Maybe. Maybe not.”
It baffles him that someone like Bruno Buccellati would want to invite him to dinner. Bruno could have anyone he wants but instead, he’s asking Leone out for dinner. Leone wasn’t really a romantic person. He’s reserved and closed off, built up walls. Unlike Bruno’s charming and outgoing personality- which people admire- He’s the complete opposite of Bruno.
Bruno’s had his fair share of lovers. Ranging from men and women. But they were all flings. The only long-term relationship he had didn’t last because the press was being invasive with their relationship. Consequently, that led to a break-up. He coped with the aftermath through songwriting and thus, his new album was born.
“As long as there’s good wine, I’m in.” Said Leone. He agrees because he does want to go. He wants to get to know Bruno. Not Bruno Buccellati the pop star, but just simply Bruno. Even without admitting it to himself, he already likes where this is going.
Bruno smiles, “Di molto bene! Wear something nice, bello. I’d very much like to adore you.”
Leone blushes, he opens his mouth to reply however a sudden thud, crack of an object and a shout interrupts them.
“You shit for brains!”
A distorted, out of tune note erupts from the keyboard due to the clenched fist that belonged to Fugo pounded on the instrument. Bruno and Leone’s eyes widen and survey the scene.
Narancia and Mista lay on the floor groaning, the coffee table that used to be in front of the couch was now in broken pieces scattered around and under the two bodies. Giorno’s face is full of shock as he tries to process what the fuck just happened.
Bruno’s sudden snap makes the room go silent, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!”
< To Be Continued I \ I |
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peachfyzzy · 5 years
☆Abbachio x Reader: 1. Turbo!☆
You drove calmly down the streets of Naples without a single worry. Since you can remember, you’ve been in love with the historic city. The sights you could see, the history behind it, the gang act- wait, gang activity?! 
     As you were driving, someone caught your eye. A man with long, lilac hair and…odd clothing. He was on the street corner, slumped against a nearby brick wall. Three other men stood around him, their eyes spelling trouble. You watched on, hoping the mysterious man would know what to do, but unfortunately…that wasn’t the truth. They threw relentless punches at him. He blocked and defended himself, but eventually got tired and put up less of a fight. Nearby people only watched, not wanting to be the next person found dead in the ocean. An unstoppable sense of justice hit you then…
     Without really thinking, you stopped your car in the middle of the street, your eyes determined. You ran up to the three men, grabbing their attention. In a second, they both whipped around. The mysterious man looked…surprised.
     “Who the fuck is this whore!?”
     “You’re next, you little bitch!”
     The men threw insult after insult at you, but you remained somewhat unphased. You gave the purple hair man the “Get in the fucking car you cuck” look.
     “Me? Next? I wouldn’t even let you pay to touch me.” The words left your mouth, and you felt some crushing sense of regret.
     Damn your feistyness.
     The man with the long, pointy hair rose to his feet, finally finding the opportunity to get up and escape. He ran to your car as you told him so, and prepared to drive off…but he didn’t. He looked at your small figure, holding off three men. His heart tugged towards you.
     “Tch. Women don’t know when to stay out of shit, do they?” He ran out of the car, sweeping you up and jumping in the driver’s seat, pressing the petal to the floor.
     The ride wasn’t quiet. Definitely the opposite of quiet. He white knuckled the steering wheel.
     “Who the fuck are you?”
     “Y/N” you said plainly, as to not piss him off even more.
     “Why the hell did you intervene?!” He yelled, sharply.
      “Was I supposed to let you get your ass kicked?! Did you forget about the part where you were on the floor bleeding?!” You snapped. He got mad at you in your own car. The audacity!
     “Watch your mouth! The only reason I’m not pushing you out is because I can’t go to jail. Remember that, Y/N.”
     “Oh please. Would you give me my fucking car back? Please and thank you?”
     “No.” He said plainly. Your face turned red out of pure anger.
     “What do you mean "no”?!“ You said, leaning over towards him. He took quick glances towards your face and back at the wheel. God, you were cute. And so close. He found himself growing fond of that angry, pouty face. He took a deep breath, and tried to muster the rest of his words.
     "I need to get back to my gang.” His words were less heated now, his deep voice resonated within you.
     “Your gang…? Is that why those men we-”
     “Yes. That’s why those men were attacking me.” He interrupted you, his words more panicked then mean. He must of wanted to get home, badly. You considered his words.
      “Fine. You can drive yourself home. In exchange for a few things.” Annoyance covered his face again. “Tell me…your name.” You said, curiously.
     “Abbachio” he said, hesitantly.
     “That’s a surprisingly fitting name.” You liked it quite a bit. He rolled his eyes. “Last thing.” You checked down at your watch. 9PM. You wouldn’t get home before 11PM, and would rather lie and sleep with gang members then get chewed out by your parents. “You let me meet these gang members.” You  didn’t ask for a sleepover quite yet. You hoped the members would like you enough to ask for you to. You snickered at your own intentions.
      “Fucking fine. I suppose you’ll have to anyways considering they won’t stop asking who’s car this is.” You cheered inside a bit. Part of you genuinely found the stoic man kind of cute, if not a pain in the ass.
      “Sounds like a plan.” You said back, keeping your excitement hidden. 
Abbachio rolled up to a luxurious mansion, his stoic expression not changing. “We’re here, woman.” You smiled to yourself a bit. You stepped out of the car, stretching. An unplanned feeling of shyness began washing over you. What if they were all old, creepy men? Or mean tall guys like Abbachio? Well, maybe the second option wouldn’t be…the worst. At the sound of the car rolling up, a few boys swung open the mansion entrance door. They all looked like an interest cast of characters, you thought. One with a short bob cut approached you first. He raised his eyebrow at abbachio, then at you.
     “Abbachio, who is this girl?”
     “Her name is Y/N. She got in the way of the mission you sent me out on.” He said, crossing his arms. Emo fucker.
      “Hey!” You retorted. “Don’t make it sound like I stopped you. He was getting his ass kicked and I let him take my car to drive himself here.” You heard the rest of the boys behind the bob cut man laugh.
     “Well…My name is Bruno. I want to thank you for helping out my confidant there.” Bruno held out his hand for you to shake, and you took it gladly. He was a far cry from abbachio. Polite and sweet.
     “It’s no problem!” You smiled wide and goofy. Another boy approached, with dark purple eyes and mischievous smile. He held some kind of textbook under his arm.
     “Wow! I’ve never seen abbachio bring a girl home. I almost thought he was ga-” A boy with a tie landed a swift flick to the purple eyed boys forehead. He straightened his posture, sighing. “My name is Narancia.” He smiled similarly to you, youthful and full of huberious.
     “And I’m Fugo” said the man who flicked Narancia. “Y/N…huh? That isn’t from here, is it?” He said, curiously.
     “Oh, no. It’s not, actually. I’m not foreign but it’s not Italian!” You giggled a bit. Having all the attention was fun, even if you didn’t want to admit it. Then, a boy with golden curls stepped to you. His smile was charming, you felt your heart skip a bit. The annoyance from Abbachio was almost palpable. Did he especially dislike this boy?
     “And I’m Giorno Giovanna. It’s truly a pleasure.” He said, his voice smooth. His aura was similar to Bruno’s. He was clever and young, it seemed.
     “She’s pretttty!!”
     “Mista, mista!”
     “Look, finally, a girl!”
     You whipped your head around to see a boy with cheetah print pants. He pretended to be annoyed to hide his embarrassment.
     “S-Shit. Sorry, I’m Mista. That was..uh..” He searched for the words. He didn’t know you were a fellow stand user.
     “Your stand?” You said, curiously. The yellowish humanoids danced around his shoulders. You heard a collective gasp. You scratched the back of your neck, a bit embarrassed. “Oh, yeah. I have one of those! It’s called Heartbreak Hotel. Not many people have stands so I didn’t really say anything.” Mista swallowed, thankful that he didn’t have to take responsibility for his stands words. Abbachio finally let his gaze fall on you. The environment felt a little more…tense.
     “Your a stand user?” He said, summoning his.
     “Yeah. I..I am. But I won’t hurt anyone! I only recently discovered this talent my self.” Your stand was an interesting one. Heartbreak Hotel was able to increase your charm, making it almost impossible to say no. However, the ability loses its power when someone can identify it correctly. Abbachio put his stand away.
     “Hey, guys?” Called out Giorno. “As payment for saving Abbachio, I think we should let her stay over the night. How does that sound to you all?”
     “Fuck no.” Said abbachio, his cold exterior still up. Bruno waved his hand at him, a “calm down” sign.
     “I think the rest of us would love to have you here. I’ll show you inside”
The rest of the evening was lovely. You got to cook for the group and even serve Abbachio with a smile. You still found him on your mind, laying on the guestroom bed. The way he said your name made your heart flutter. But before you could get any further with your imagination, you heard a voice.
Not just any voice.
Your voice. 
You got up, cautiously. Could it have been an enemy stand? You slowly opened your door, peaking through the crack you made. What you saw made you hold your mouth to keep in a gasp. Abbachio, using his Moody Blues to recreate you walking down one of the halls. He studied your bright, happy face carefully. His face showed a hint of softness. Not much, but it was visible. You swung open the door quickly, scaring him.
      “Y/N?! What the fuck?! What are you doing up?! I should-” He stopped mid sentence, noticing that Moody Blues was still there, in your form. He hissed.
     “Doing research?” You said, smugly.
     “Fuck you.” He retorted.
     “Hey, you’re the one giving my copy heart eyes.” He hissed again, rising to his feet. He approached you, his demeanor full of rage. You pretended to not be terrified.
     “I could throw you out of the window, girl.”
     “And? Why are you acting so rude? Not like I was gonna tell anyone.” He took a step back, crossing his arms. “But…why we’re you…?”
     “I wanted to make sure you weren’t an enemy.”
     “You’re lying to me. If you thought I was a threat earlier you would of-” He suddenly slammed his hand down onto the wall, the space right near your head.
     “I…I think you’re pretty.” The words left his mouth like it pained him. He sneered.
      “Pretty?” You repeated. He sneered again, not wanting to clarify. You felt your cheeks hearing up. “W-Well…thank you.” You both shared a quiet moment. Just like before when you first met him, you felt yourself act without thinking. You approached him slowly, cupping the sides of his cheeks. Abbachio could feel his heart thumping. “I…I think you’re handsome, too.”
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