#bob saginowski oneshot
mlmxreader · 1 year
Home At Last | Bob Saginowski x gn!reader
anonymous asked: Bob Saginowski Hiya! Hope all is good 🖤. May I please request something using the following prompts for Bob Saginowski X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "Get a glass out"
summary: the best place for you to be is home, where you belong.
tws: swearing
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Bob had been at work all evening, and although he wasn't on his best form, he managed to get through his shift without much trouble; it was mostly regulars anyway and they didn't mind that he was a little slow with serving them.
He was thankful for that, really, as he was sure that things would not be the same if he was on a busy shift; but when he locked the bar for the night after everyone had gone home early, he breathed out a sigh of relief. Deciding there was nothing better, Bob headed to the local takeaway on his way home; one extra large pizza, two energy drinks, one large bag of chips, and for Rocco, a jumbo sausage.
He was happy as he carried the boxes and bag home, nearly skipping as he unlocked the door; but all was quiet. Bob was a little confused as he set the food down on the counter, but when he heard snoring, he made his way to the bedroom with careful steps.
There, on his bed, you were sound asleep with Rocco cuddled into your chest; the sound was coming from the medium sized dog, whose tail was smashing against the mattress as it wagged. For a moment, Bob leaned against the door frame and watched with a smile on his face; you had been through a shit time lately.
When you showed up on his doorstep not even a day ago, you were terrified and anxious. Scared and worried. Pleading with him for a place to stay; of course Bob opened his home to you. He loved you.
You were so scared, but now you were snuggled into his dog like a big teddy bear, sound asleep and gone to the world; he smiled, thankful that you finally didn't feel so scared.
But he cleared his throat, and slowly walked over to the bed before sitting down beside you and gently nudging you.
Rocco didn't stir, only rolled onto his back and let his lips fall down, exposing those sharp little needle teeth that had scarred Bob's hands plenty of times during play. The dog let out a snorting, pig-like, snore and Bob almost laughed out loud until you grumbled and slowly sat upright.
"You're back… sorry, I know I said I'd sleep on the sofa and-"
"You shouldn't," he told you gently. "We've been together for so long, you shouldn't sleep on the sofa… I got pizza and chips, though."
"Let me transfer you the money and-"
"No, no," Bob tutted, shaking his head. "My treat for my partner."
You felt guilty for it, of course you did; you and Bob had had the agreement for years that if you stayed the night with each other, then you would take turns paying for treats and takeaways.
But Bob had paid twice in a row, and you felt awful for it; you wanted to give him the cash, but when you reached for your wallet, he tutted and forced your hand away from your pocket gently as he shook his head disapprovingly.
Rocco still didn't stir, but spread his legs out as if he had no shame, which made both of you giggle a little bit. Gently, Bob reached to the dog's mouth, and hooked his finger around a particularly long tooth, softly shaking the dog's mouth to wake him up; upon seeing his master, Rocco jumped up with a wagging tail. Bombarding Bob with licks to the face and yaps in his ear.
"Yeah, yeah, I got you something, too," Bob grinned, gathering the dog in his arms as he stood up. "C'mon, get a glass out, I got drinks, too."
You wanted to argue, to tell Bob that it didn't matter, but you couldn't; you could only follow him from the bedroom to the kitchen, grabbing the food and then heading to the living room. Bob set Rocco down on the floor, and passed the jumbo sausage to him before he stretched out on the sofa with you.
You nodded, opening the pizza box and sighing. "You got my favourite?"
He nodded back, reaching for the remote and turning the television on. "Always."
You wanted to hate him for it, really, you wanted to scorn him and tell him that he never should have done such a thing; but you were ravenous, starving… and Bob was sweet enough to have made sure that you didn't need to worry about food for once.
So you swallowed thickly, sighing heavily as you leaned against him slightly, trying to relax; Bob put his arm around you, flinching when the film started to play. You couldn't help it, laughing softly under your breath. He almost grinned.
Bob didn't want to say it, but he really was worried; you weren't your usual self, and he knew it. But he guessed that he should have known that something was up and wrong a while ago; he knew you were safe, and you weren't as scared and terrified and anxious and worried as you had been when you first arrived.
He could relax slightly knowing that. In Bob's mind, if you were safe and warm and dry and fed, and you felt secure, then he didn't really mind much else; everything else would fall into place in its own time, he knew that.
"I, uhm," he cleared his throat, daring to smile a little. "I put Cannibal Holocaust on - I know how much you like it."
Finally, you smiled; Bob breathed out a sigh of relief upon seeing it from the corner of his eye. Everything else would fall into place in its own time. You dared to kiss his cheek, making him blush slightly as he bit back the urge to giggle; tension leaving his body as he signed and nodded slowly to himself.
You were home. You knew that as well as he did; you were in the best place for you. You were loved, supported, safe, secure, protected. You didn't need to worry about food or being warm and dry on the stormy nights. Bob was happy to provide the best he could.
You were home.
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New Character: Bob Saginowski!!!
I finished The Drop today, so Bob is now added to the list! Yay! I'm also probably going to start Peaky Blinders tonight, so Alfie may be joining the list soon!!!
Also, I'll try to add a prompt list in the near future, if I can find one, so that may be easier for requests!
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Just The Sunshine | Bob Saginowski x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Bob Saginowski Hiya! Hope all is good 🖤. May I please request something using the following prompts for Bob Saginowski X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "Get closer, I want to remember the colour of your eyes" Thank you 🖤🖤! 🐍anon
summary: things get a little heated between you and Bob when he spends the day in the garden.
tws: suggestive content, swearing
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Bob was all too aware of your gaze on his back, burning into him so harshly and so hot that it made a cool sweat drip down his exposed skin; it had been a hot day, and it was only natural that he had taken his shirt off.
Exposing his tattoos and his stomach that hung over the edge of his jeans. Exposing his thick arms and his soft back. Flesh your hands and lips had graced a thousand times over, yet now you looked at him as if you had never seen his skin before; your gaze soon turned to hunger when he turned around slightly, giving you a show of his stomach and his chest.
The trail of hair that ran from his navel down, dipping beneath the denim curtain so horribly. You swallowed thickly, bringing your drink loaded with ice to your lips and taking a long, drawn out gulp of it; it clung to the skin above your upper lip as you lost focus, staring at Bob.
Rocco was happy, playing in the garden with his ball on a rope; he tossed it in the air and caught it, chasing it around.
But Bob was busy, chopping back the grass and digging holes for the native flowers that you had picked out together. His hands were rough and dirty, calluses highlighted by the dark mud. Oh, and how the sweat dripped down his body. His skin glistened beneath the thin sheet, the salt of his sweat upon his brow and his hair flat from the dampness.
You squirmed in your seat, suddenly feeling something hot coursing through your veins. Something that wasn't caused by the day's heat. You clenched your jaw, taking in a sharp breath as you let your drink rest on the table, reaching to grab your cigarettes in hope that one would calm you down.
Bob sat on the grass by the table, right in the perfect lighting. The bastard. He took one look at you, and furrowed his wet brows. "You okay?"
You nodded, breath shaky and heart pounding as you did your best to muster the ability to speak. "Yeah, just… just really hot."
"We'll get an umbrella," he shrugged, squinting as he looked at the sky. Sweat on his neck, running down the soft skin. "It's not gonna cool off until later in the week."
You sighed, hoping that your feelings for your boyfriend would fade when it cooled off. But he looked so tempting. The wetness of his skin, glittering. His tattoos all on show and every curve and every bit of chub more than visible. Nothing to the imagination.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you fought back the urge to jump on him then and there. Fuck. Bob could be so tempting even when you didn't want him to be. You cleared your throat, trying to cure the shakiness and the thundering of your own heart.
"Yeah, an umbrella might be a good idea."
Bob pulled his phone out from his pocket, but you were too busy staring at his arms and his chest to even think about it when he opened up the website to a DIY shop and began talking about the prices and sizes of outdoor umbrellas; he had no idea what he was doing to you. He had no idea how tempting he looked.
You knew that most people in the neighbourhood had a crush on him, and that some envied the fact that he was with you and not them, but as you looked at him, you knew that you would feel the same. Bob was everything; charming, sweet, gentle, handsome, and kind. He only ever raised his voice at the dog when he ran off too far and Bob wouldn't be heard otherwise. Bob was great.
You had to admit, you loved him more than anything else in the world… except maybe the way he always made coffee the exact way you liked it. But you couldn't stop yourself, looking him up and down shamelessly.
"What?" He grinned when he noticed you staring, tilting his head to the side innocently. "Something in my teeth?"
You shook your head, licking your lips and internally kicking yourself for being so fucking obvious. "No, just… get closer, I want to remember the colour of your eyes."
Bob didn't question it, dragging himself over so that he could kneel between your legs, a fond smile on his lips. He could be so violent and so cruel, and yet when he was with you, he was peaceful and so gentle. He leaned into the touch when you ran your hand through his damp hair, daring to get up, planting his hands on the arms of your chair. Trapping you and pretending like he didn't notice your hand resting on his chest. He looked at your lips for a moment.
"You're really warm," he said quietly, placing his hand on your cheek. "Anything you wanna tell me?"
You shook your head, swallowing thickly and hoping it wasn't audible when he grabbed your chin between his thumb and forefinger. Your heart skipped a beat as you fought back the urge to whimper. "Bob…"
"Maybe we should go inside," he murmured. "Get you cooled down a little."
You shook your head. "It's just the sun got to me a little bit. I need another drink, that's all."
He nodded slowly, although something told you that he didn't entirely believe that you had just been a little bit dehydrated from the weather; not by the way you were staring at him at least.
"Stay here," he gently kissed your forehead. "I'll get you one."
You nodded, wishing he didn't pull away but still leaning over in your chair to watch him walk away when you were sure he wouldn't notice; you had to fan yourself a little when you leaned back. Fuck, it was great to watch him walk away.
Bob smiled to himself. Even after so long together, you still checked him out and ogled him like it was the first date.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Bleeding Heart (To Be Home) | Bob Saginowski x gn!reader
↳ ❝ anonymous asked: Bob Saginowski Hiya! Hope all is good 🖤. May I please request something using the following prompts for Bob Saginowski X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: “You’re bleeding” ❞
: ̗̀➛ Bob always liked the fact that you were gentle, a bleeding heart. He just never realised that it would mean he was finally home, too.
: ̗̀➛ bleeding, swearing
You had been working all evening, and it was safe to say that by the time you had gotten back to Bob’s place, you were absolutely exhausted; your things were still littered around his little house.
Boxes and bags strewn about in every room, only a few things actually put away here and there, some of the edges of the boxes torn and frayed by little dog teeth that had been ripping and pulling at them in excitement and boredom. Bob had done his best between shifts, as had you, but there were still so many boxes and bags.
It would take days, but at least you were officially home; it had only been a few weeks since Bob had asked you to move in with him after about a year of being together, neither of you could be blamed for the slow progress of things.
You usually took care of it in the evening while Bob often sorted everything out in the morning - both of you were often home in the afternoon so you took care of little pieces here and there when you could; nobody had told you that moving in together would take so long just to unpack everything.
But at least you were home now.
At least when you walked through the door and kicked your shoes off, you knew that you were home. The sight of Bob, hunched over slightly as he focused his efforts on making something to drink - from the smell of it, strong coffee.
Rocco sat at his feet with big wide brown eyes and a wagging tail, not realising that what Bob had was not edible.
It made you grin, all exhaustion and tension built up from work immediately dropping from your shoulders as you hummed, making your way over to him. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around Bob’s waist, and pressed your face against the back of his neck as you leaned into him, sighing contently.
Bob’s hand rested on yours as he smiled to himself; his house had never really felt like a home without you. Nowhere did. He had never known someone to be his safety and his security, his strength and his weakness, his happiness and his content.
He might have been whole without you, but with you?
He was happier than he could ever admit. Of course, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to admit it - he desperately did, but he could never find the proper words that he was happy enough to use; he kept searching, he always would, but words never came easily when you were pressing your body against him.
Reminding him that he was home, and so were you. Within the embrace of one another, you had found the one thing that mattered above all else: home.
No matter where you were, no matter what you were doing or what was going on, you and Bob would always be home as long as your skin was on his and you could hear his soft breaths.
But then you frowned as you felt the plaster on his finger, concern washing over you as you pulled away, forcing him to turn around; he was trapped between your body and the counter, but he didn’t really care much.
“Bob?” You sounded more than worried, and he despised it. “You okay?”
Bob nodded, working up a smile as he cleared his throat. “Yeah, I, uh, I caught my hand on a latch at work.”
You hummed, bringing his hand up so you could look at it; the plaster was already starting to leak a little. “You’re bleeding.”
“I’m fine,” he promised. “It’s just a nick.”
“At least let me change it,” you told him, flashing the puppy dog eyes that he so often used against you, knowing he wouldn’t resist. “Please?”
He nodded slowly, daring to laugh softly as he took a seat at the table and held his hand up slightly, resting his wrist against the oak; he watched with great gentleness in his eyes as you peeled off the old plaster, but his smile soon faded when he saw how worried and concerned you were. Swallowing thickly, Bob quietly cleared his throat and sighed softly.
“It was just a latch at work,” he explained, “doing stocks, I caught it.”
You were a bleeding heart, Bob knew that from the day he had met you when he saw you take pity on the smallest of worms; picking it up and carrying it all the way over to his house so you could gently set it in the soil instead of the cold and rigid asphalt outside.
It was no wonder that you were so gentle with him when you gently washed his finger out, apologising quietly, riddled with remorse, when you applied the antiseptic. A bleeding heart.
Bob always liked that about you; it was well matched with his quiet violence. So gentle, always so gentle with him even though you knew the things that he had done; you didn’t seem to care, though, it never changed how you looked at him.
Never changed how gentle and tender you were with him; never made your bleeding heart suddenly clot. He smiled, biting at his lip in an attempt not to laugh when you gently kissed his finger before applying the new plaster; he wanted to laugh, but he knew that if he did, you would lose your focus.
He didn’t want that to happen, even if he knew that you would tell him it didn’t matter much. Your touch was so gentle when you ran your fingertip across the plaster to ensure that it was smoothed down. You smiled at him once again, and Bob knew it for more than good the second that his eyes met yours.
You were both home, for good. 
Sure, you would leave in the morning for your shift at work, and he would leave in the evening for his own - but at the end of it all, you were both home the second you were together again. 
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Appreciated Efforts | Bob Saginowski x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Bob Saginowski Hiya! Hope all is good 🖤. May I please request something using the following prompts for Bob Saginowski X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "What's got you in such a bad mood?" Thank you 🖤🖤! 🐍anon
summary: you're absolutely peeved when you think that Bob has forgotten something important. it's a good thing, then, that he hasn't actually forgotten.
tws: swearing
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Getting up from your place at your booth, you sighed heavily and shook your head, ‘Yeah!’ by Usher, Lil Jon and Ludacris was playing, far from your usual type of music but it was something that often made you want to dance and sing with its infectious beat and the nostalgia mixed in - not tonight, though. Tonight, you were on the warpath as you trudged to the bar, planting your hands on the thick oak as you glared at your boyfriend.
He didn’t seem to notice for a while, chatting to one of the regulars - an older person with thinning white hair and a big grey beard, covered in tattoos, one of which you could see, and was a striped flag. The top stripe was yellow, the one below it white, the next one down purple, and the last one black.
The regular noticed you looking, and smiled as they waved at you - you waved back just as happily. You knew Cyndi well enough, spoke to them often when Bob wasn’t around or when he was in the back; you counted them as a friend.
You didn’t mind that Bob was talking to them so much - but what you did mind was that Bob had forgotten something, and you weren’t happy about it when he had promised this time that work wouldn’t get in the way. Three years.
Your three year anniversary overall, your first year of marriage. If Bob had not promised that he would remember and he would ensure that he would do something nice for the pair of you, you would not have been pissed; but he forgot, clearly, and you weren’t happy about it at all as you tapped your hand on the bar and pursed your lips. 
Cyndi looked at Bob, and laughed. “You best get over there, your spouse doesn’t look happy at all… you forget an anniversary or something?”
Bob laughed softly, shaking his head before he made his way over to you, folding his arms on the bar and leaning in to kiss you. He frowned and furrowed his brows when you pushed yourself back. “Baby? What’s got you in such a bad mood?”
“It’s the fourth of September,” you told him coldly. “Our anniversary, that you promised you would remember. That you promised we would celebrate.” 
Bob’s face fell as he gawked at you for a moment. Fuck. “It’s the fourth today?”
“Yep,” you nodded curtly.
“I…” he sighed, knowing it was best to just tell the truth. You would see through any lie he told. “I thought it was the third today - I had everything planned. I was gonna take you to dinner at that fucking Dorsia place, I made the reservations!”
He pulled them up on his phone, and you scoffed with laughter when you saw the date on them. “Bob, this is dated for tomorrow. It’s scheduled for the fifth.”
“But I remembered,” he insisted. “I know I fucked up, but I promise I remembered. I had everything planned… just on the wrong day.”
He was genuinely trying, and he had actually put in the effort; you couldn’t be angry at him, it wasn’t his fault that he had gotten his dates mixed up. He was doing his best, and you could tell he meant it by the look in his eyes; so you sighed, deciding to forgive him - it wasn’t like he had lied to you and told you that he had remembered but really hadn’t. No, Bob wouldn’t do that to you.
You nodded, reaching out your hand to his and gently patting it. 
“I’m sorry for being in a piss.”
“It’s fine,” Bob murmured. “We both fucked up.”
“Yeah,” you laughed softly, nodding. “But, y’know, I’d rather have someone who loves me and fucks up - than someone who gets everything perfect and doesn’t love me… you do your best, baby, and that’s what matters.”
“It’s a little late to try and see if we can get a table at Dorsia,” Bob admitted with a frown as he looked at his watch. “I can close up early - we can go home, put on that show you like? About the housewives?”
“Desperate Housewives?”
He nodded. “I’ll order us something to eat and everything.”
“You don’t need to,” you told him with a shake of your head. “I’m not mad at you, at all.”
“No, I know,” Bob hummed. “But I want to.”
You smiled at that, nodding. You knew a long time ago that you definitely fell for the right person with Bob, and every single time, he proved you right; it didn’t matter what he had done, the sins he had committed and could never be forgiven for, it didn’t matter what he had done before he met you, before he had Rocco.
It mattered more that he put in effort when it came to your relationship; it mattered that he knew your coffee order and that he knew which brand of butter you preferred. It mattered more that he knew you as well as you knew him, and that he remembered both the little things - like the year you finished college - and the big things - like your official anniversary, and the anniversary of your ketubah being signed.
Maybe he didn’t remember everything, he didn’t remember the names of shows that you liked or the names of every film you watched together. But that didn’t matter.
Bob put in the effort, constantly, and as you looked at him, you knew what you had to do; as soon as you got home, you had to thank him and make it known that you did appreciate his efforts.
You had to make sure that he knew that you loved and appreciated him as much as he did you, and you knew exactly how you were going to do it - you only needed him to say yes. So you smiled, and gently took his hand in yours, running the pad of your thumb across his knuckles for a moment.
You fucking adored that man. 
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