#bob marshall wilderness
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imlivingmylife · 5 months ago
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The Bob
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ghost--gost · 7 months ago
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This is still the only berry I've found for the season and it's really cheesin' me off
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betweenapitchandacast · 1 year ago
10 Reasons Why Montana Should Be Your Next Outdoor Adventure
Nestled between the Canadian border and the states of Idaho and Wyoming lies Montana, also known as the Treasure State. The name is fitting for a state adorned with granite mountain ranges, cavernous badlands, vast grassy expanses of the Great Plains, and glittering rivers – making it a perfect destination for outdoors enthusiasts who appreciate untouched natural beauty. Despite Montana’s…
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cinemaocd · 11 months ago
Movies I watched in March 2024
Under the Cherry Moon (1986)** I'm Not There (2007)*** Jingle All the Way (1996)* Three Graves to Cairo (1943)** Hitchcock (2012) ** Silent Partner (1978)** Possession (2002)** Oppenheimer (2023)** Oscar Wilde (1960)** Turning Point: The Cold War and the Bomb (2024)** Anselm (2023)*** 24 Hour Party People (2002)** Two of Us (1999)*** Remains of the Day (1993)*** Doubt (2008)*** Dune (1984)*** Dune Part II (2024)***
Under the Cherry Moon (1986)** Absolute bobbins of a script is still beautiful to look at, very gay and of course mainly a vehicle for Prince's music. Under the Cherry Moon was the follow up to Purple Rain. It was a box office flop, a critical failure that earned Razzie nominations, but is a worth another look. Prince and Jerome Beton are sex workers with a rich female clientele on the French Riviera, the kind of career that only exists in movies. Kristin Scott Thomas makes her film debut as the debutante who comes between the friends and threatens to part them. Prince's death scene, harkens back to Camille with Prince playing Garbo. Like Garbo, Prince was happy to exploit his own androgyny and like Garbo, he was doomed to only explore that in a way that could be squeezed into heteronormative films.
I'm not There: (2007)*** A fascinating look at Bob Dylan, dividing him into six personae played by six different actors. Haynes uses different film styles, the Cate Blanchett mid Sixties Dylan of Bringing it All Back Home and Blonde on Blonde is matched in style with the black and white cinematography of D.A. Pennebaker's Don't Look Back. It also has elements of the Italian Surrealists like Felinni or Antonioni with a scoch of A Hard Day's Night. The soundtrack is particularly good, avoiding for the most part, the licensing pitfalls that plagued Haynes' Bowie biopic, Velvet Goldmine. Some of the most effective moments of I'm Not There, pair landscape shots with Dylan's music. Given the catalogue and the array of talent, Haynes has gathered, one perhaps expects a bit more , but then that has always been Dylan's nature, he's mysterious and aloof, leaving us wanting more.
Jingle All the Way (1996)* We watched this Christmas movie in March because we recently learned that part of it was filmed at my son's elementary school. It had Jake Lloyd somehow being more annoying than he was in the Phantom Menace as a bonus. Phil Hartman got dragged into this unfunny mess as well.
Three Graves to Cairo (1943)** Tense war time drama about a British officer who gets trapped behind the lines and ends up hiding out in a hotel working as a waiter for Field Marshall Rommel. Billy Wilder ratchets up the tension, his script giving all the best lines to Rommel, played by Erich Von Stroheim who really owns the film though Anne Baxter and Franchot Tone nominally "star."
Hitchcock (2012)** Hichcock's struggle to make Pyscho dramatized with fantasies where he hangs out with Ed Gein, while Alma Hitchcock gets involved in a Hitchcockian romance with a hack writer. Scarlett Johannson plays an almost deliberately obtuse Janet Leigh and James Darcy captures pre-Psycho Tony Perkins. It's a bit silly but I'll never turn down Helen Mirren and Anthony Hopkins in anything. This has a slight, arch feel to it, like many of Hitchcock's pictures, but lurking underneath are the ordinary hates and passions of a man who fears being left behind, at the height of his career. For his long-suffering wife's part, she too feels she's being replaced by the young actresses that Hitchcock is obsessed with at the moment. The conclusion is sweet enough for the Hayes office: husband and wife rediscover the magic of their working relationship, which was always the rock upon which their relationship was built.
The Silent Partner (1978)** With Elliott Gould, Christopher Plummer and Susannah York in the cast, this should have been better. Decent heist plot that devolves into slasher film . Christopher Plummer takes on the dubious mantels of playing a villain in a piss-poor American action film and a cross-dressing murderer.
Possession (2002)** A rather thin adaptation of a great novel, A.S. Byatt's story of two modern academics who disover a previous hidden romance between two Victorian poets. The film lacks the poetry of the novel, which I think is necessary for the story to have its full impact, but the film is full of plenty of jabs at academia as well as burning passions. Gweneth Paltrow and Aaron Ecklund play the young couple, while Jeremy Northam and Jennifer Ehle play the poet/lovers. Tom Hollander has a small but memorable part as does Toby Stephens.
Oppenheimer (2023)** My least favorite half of Barbenheimer still damn good and the physics nerd in me reveled in seeing my dead physicist boyfriends on screen. There are better films about Oppenheimer's life (BBC did a mini series starring Sam Waterston and it's on youtube) but something about the dreamy quality of Nolan's film captures that quantum mystery kinda vibe and put it in a blockbuster package. Cool.
Oscar Wilde (1960)** Preceded the landmark film Crisis by one year, without the world shaking honesty that film managed, around the topic of homosexuality and the law. Both films hinged on blackmail of a gay man but Oscar Wilde is careful to skirt around explicit mentions of sexuality, using tricks like showing the dictionary definition of "sodomy" briefly on camera. More was needed and more was achieved a year later. Ralph Richardson contributes to the courtroom scenes admirably and Morley is a terrific Wilde, who would rather make point for style than save himself from prison.
Turning Point: The Cold War and the Bomb (2024)** Fascinating background to our current situation, most of which is terrifying and now I'm worrying about the bomb again. I took off a star for the sheer number neo-con/Reaganite talking heads in this...
Anselm (2023)*** Wim Wenders stirring mostly visual documentary about Anselm Kiefer, a German artist who has explored his childhood memories of post war Germany in a frank and intimidatingly in your face way, on a massive scale combining sculpture, painting and physical spaces, many of which he has engineered himself. As a middle aged person who feels estranged and terrified to look more deeply into her own childhood, Anselm was something to sit with for two hours.
24 Hour Party People (2002)** Steve Coogan plays Tony Wilson, the Manchester TV personality and club owner who helped launch the careers of Joy Division, New Order and The Happy Mondays. Coogan has a tendency to make all his characters Alan Partridge and this is no exception, but it kind of works? It did more to get me to listen to Joy Division that numerous goth roommates ever could...
Two of Us (1999)*** I can't stop watching this made for VH-1 fanfiction of a movie starring Jared Harris and Aidan Quinn as John Lennon and Paul McCartney, dramatizing a probably apocryphal tale that John and Paul met up in NYC in the 70s when Paul was playing Madison Square Garden. Pure fluff and nonsense. I need it like air.
Remains of the Day (1993)*** Revisiting this old favorite and finding that it's kind of pacey and funny for a Merchant Ivory pic. The movie that made me love Tony Hopkins as an actor, his Stevens is really such a fascinating, ostensibly tragic character and yet there is a weird kind of triumph to living one's life so completely to a schedule and a code, and yet never being to eliminate desire and feeling.
Doubt (2008)*** This is the second Philip Seymour Hoffman movie I've watched in the last few months that has left me utterly haunted. Like The Master, Hoffman creates a villain who charms the audience at the same time you know that he's probably done unforgivable things and is only at the start of a long career of doing unforgivable things. Meryl Streep gives a heavy handed performance (Streep never met a colloquial accent that she didn't wear like a Groucho Marx nose) that certainly gets the point across that unpleasant people usually aren't the bad guys you want them to be. Amy Adams plays a naive young nun who, like the audience, is left wondering what to believe.
Dune (1984)*** Unapologetic Lynch Dune lover here. I love the cheesy acting, the wild tonal shifts, and the attempts to put this sprawling multibook epic in the Star Wars shaped box that the studio wanted him to use. My favorite scene has become Lynch's cameo, he seems so happy just pretending to be a spice miner, in his little spice mining suit in his little unconvincing space ship. I love him and this whole stupid mess. Sorry Frank Herbert.
Dune Part II (2024)*** My prediction is that Villeneuve's probable trilogy will--like so many franchises--peak in the second film. The first part was a slow-moving visual feast, that only hinted at the potential of this cast. Things actually start moving in the plot and Chalamet's Paul does his best to cope. Unlike MacLachlan's avuncular Atreides, who takes being a Messiah as just being another Tuesday of being the Universe's Most Gifted Child, he actually seems conflicted. Zendaya continues to utterly dominate every time she's on screen. Can Channi be the focus of the movie? Please?
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sophsphotos · 6 months ago
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Sunny the mule. Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana. 2024.
Photo: Sophia Lebowitz
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irishkae · 7 months ago
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Photo by Alyssa Harris
Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana, USA
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stumbleimg · 2 years ago
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Bob Marshall Wilderness [OC] [4272x2848]
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livingobserver · 2 years ago
The Supreme Laws of Nature
Far be it for me as a mortal, to tell anyone what to believe or not to believe. I'm not sure myself anymore. I was trained since my early youth to believe as A Protestant Lutheran as far back as Summer Bible school to have faith in God. Now right off you're thinking this is going to be some attempt at religious conversion. Perhaps quite the opposite, actually. It won't be some Holy Roller mantra. Nor am I an Atheist type who tend to rant about religion as much as the religious often rant about, religion. Nope to both. You see..., I have questions as well, as not only a Thinker but as an Observer in this real world. This mortal world. I've guided many Wilderness trips into places like The Bighorn National Wilderness Area of Northern Wyoming right up to the Yellowstone as well as The Bob Marshal Wilderness area of Montana and The Breaks around Melstone, Montana. This meant I spent a lot of time away from Civilized distraction. My primary job was to scout for the best Hunting and Fishing opportunities for the clients. A hell of a lot of time spent studying Nature close up and personal, long before the first clients even needed to be picked up at the airport or airfield.
Anyway, to the point. I've also studied Human History, Human behavioral patterns as well What strikes me is this..., God's go extinct if they are not able to adapt (or be adapted by mortals) to fit shifting Societal/Cultural pressures. You see it in todays Catholic Church and the schisms in Islamic and other Faiths. God being of many personalities to keep God relevant to whatever mortals need God to be. Either for solace or gain of power or both. But mostly as a refuge for desired Peace of mind. Even in the same church on any Sunday morning, even during a sermon, there can be as many differing Gods as there are people in attendance. Each version of God suiting the individual needs of the congregation. That is a true statement of fact and reality. Obviously since people go on doing what they do pretty much regardless of the sermon. Perhaps that is God. Perhaps that is the intent. I couldn't possibly know for sure. But what I do know for sure is that any God must adapt or that God or God's will go extinct as so many have. It is apparent to me that God if He, She, they or it. do exist that, that God(s) must abide by the Supreme Laws of Nature. It must Adapt. So it begs the questions; is it not then reasonable to assume that Nature itself is the creator of the God(s) through mortals themselves? Are mortals even necessary for God(s) to exist? It would seem so. You and I as mortals, can not in any realistic way answer those questions. Most of us just rely on Faith I suppose that's good enough. But NOT good enough to wage harm in anyway in the name of a God or God's, or lack of God(s). In any regard, I have not seen a greater cathedral, or mosque, or any synagogue, greater than this planet Earth itself. It's Wilderness. I have not experienced many people coming to the wilderness and then going home unchanged. It is one of the Supreme Laws of Nature that you must be changed, you must adapt to the realities. For every Natural Reality observed, or missed..., carries with it equal consequences in being ignored. I thought you might want to hear this from a guy who is not speaking for an organized religion, but for Nature. One who is always deeply awed humbled by it's power to reward and punish all living things. Absent all Human sentiments. In Nature, there is no "Sin", there is only the failure to sense and react to the realities. In ways that best serve security and procreation. Peace of Mind through Peace of Instinct. What I believe is that..., that is what is most real. In Nature you MUST question all things (Risk Assessment), in knowing as best you can what is real and what is not. It means you must question your own condition and conditioning. But that's just me. You will of course take this for what it might be worth to you. You are Mortal after all.
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supcrsxnic-cxmct · 2 days ago
🐱⯮he lives in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, probably near the Tears of the Turtle cave system
🐱⯮ i rly need to describe his 'house' at some point
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imlivingmylife · 3 months ago
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Bob Marshall
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alexlacquemanne · 3 days ago
Février MMXXV
Embrasse-moi, idiot (Kiss Me, Stupid) (1964) de Billy Wilder avec Dean Martin, Kim Novak, Ray Walston, Felicia Farr, Cliff Osmond, Barbara Pepper, Doro Merande, Howard Mc Near et Henry Gibson
Mauvaise Graine (1934) de Billy Wilder et Alexander Esway avec Danielle Darrieux, Pierre Mingand, Raymond Galle, Jean Wall, Paul Escoffier, Michel Duran et Marcel Maupi
Top Secret (The Tamarind Seed) (1974) de Blake Edwards avec Julie Andrews, Omar Sharif, Anthony Quayle, Bryan Marshall, Oskar Homolka, George Mikell, Dan O'Herlihy et Sylvia Syms
Psych: The Movie (2017) de Steve Franks avec James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson, Maggie Lawson, Kirsten Nelson, Corbin Bernsen, Zachary Levi, Kurt Fuller, Jimmi Simpson, Robert LaSardo et Jazmyn Simon
Le Nouveau Stagiaire (The Intern) (2015) de Nancy Meyers avec Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway, Rene Russo, Anders Holm, JoJo Kushner, Andrew Rannells, Adam DeVine, Zack Pearlman, Jason Orley et Christina Scherer
Flic ou Voyou (1979) de Georges Lautner, Georges Géret, Marie Laforêt, Jean-François Balmer, Claude Brosset, Julie Jézéquel, Michel Beaune, Tony Kendall, Catherine Lachens, Juliette Mills et Venantino Venantini
Jane (Becoming Jane) (2007) de Julian Jarrold avec Anne Hathaway, James McAvoy, Laurence Fox, James Cromwell, Maggie Smith, Julie Walters, Ian Richardson, Anna Maxwell Martin, Joe Anderson et Jessica Ashworth
Porc royal (A Private Function) (1984) de Malcolm Mowbray avec Michael Palin, Maggie Smith, Denholm Elliott, Richard Griffiths, John Normington, Tony Haygarth, Bill Paterson, Liz Smith et Jim Carter
La Chiasse Américaine (2014) de Lucas Feltain avec Armand Jussman, Charles Jouanic, Clémence Féat, Nicolas Guirlet, Pierre Feltain, Madjid Abba, Erwan Loas, Gaelig Loas et Guillemette Chambon
SOS Fantômes : L'Héritage (Ghostbusters: Afterlife) (2021) de Jason Reitman avec Mckenna Grace, Finn Wolfhard, Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd, Logan Kim, Celeste O'Connor, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Harold Ramis et Sigourney Weaver
Douze Hommes en colère (12 Angry Men) (1957) de Sidney Lumet avec Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, John Fiedler, Lee J. Cobb, E. G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, Ed Binns, Jack Warden, Joseph Sweeney, Ed Begley, George Voskovec et Robert Webber
Le Triporteur (1957) de Jacques Pinoteau avec Darry Cowl, Béatrice Altariba, Pierre Mondy, Roger Carel, Maurice Gardett, Jacques Thébault, Simone Jarnac, Christian Nohel, Jean Ozenne et Pierre Doris
Terreur sur le Britannic (Juggernaut) (1974) de Richard Lester avec Richard Harris, Omar Sharif, David Hemmings, Anthony Hopkins, Shirley Knight, Ian Holm, Roy Kinnear, Jack Watson, Roshan Seth, Freddie Jones et Clifton James
Ghost World (2001) de Terry Zwigoff avec Scarlett Johansson, Thora Birch, Steve Buscemi, Brad Renfro, Illeana Douglas, Bob Balaban, Anna Berger et Stacey Travis
Appelez Nord 777 (Call Northside 777) (1948) de Henry Hathaway avec James Stewart, Richard Conte, Lee J. Cobb, Helen Walker, Betty Garde, Kaza Orzazewski, Joanne de Bergh et Moroni Olsen
Elle boit pas, elle fume pas, elle drague pas, mais… elle cause ! (1970) de Michel Audiard avec Annie Girardot, Bernard Blier, Sim, Mireille Darc, Catherine Samie, Jean-Pierre Darras, Micheline Luccioni, Jean Le Poulain et Anicée Alvina
Pile ou Face (1980) de Robert Enrico avec Philippe Noiret, Michel Serrault, Dorothée, Guilhaine Dubos, Bernard Le Coq, Fred Personne, André Falcon, Pierre Arditi et Jean Desailly
Le Parfum vert (2022) de Nicolas Pariser avec Sandrine Kiberlain, Vincent Lacoste, Rüdiger Vogler, Léonie Simaga, Arieh Worthalter, Jenna Thiam, Alexandre Steiger, Pascal Rénéric, Thomas Chabrol et Xavier de Guillebon
Rocky 3 : L'Œil du tigre (Rocky III) (1982) de Sylvester Stallone avec Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Mister T., Burt Young, Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Tony Burton, Hulk Hogan, Ian Fried, Al Silvani et Wally Taylor
Astrid et Raphaëlle Saison 4
L'Œil du dragon - Les 1001 nuits - 30 000 pieds - Immortel - Sacrifice du fou - La Passagère du temps - L'Ankou - Coupable
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 24
Le livre des morts - Toutes griffes dehors - Un climat de mort
Kaamelott Livre I, II
Décibels nocturnes - La Fête de l’hiver - Gladiator - La Blessure mortelle - Le Dragon des tunnels - Retour de campagne - L’Escorte - Tel un chevalier - La Pâte d’amande - La Fureur du dragon - Vox populi - Unagi - L’Éclaireur - Lacrimosa - La Quête des deux renards - Agnus Dei - Le Tourment - La Retraite - La Vraie Nature du Graal - Spangenhelm - Les Alchimistes - Le Dialogue de Paix - Le Portrait - Silbury Hill - Le Reclassement - Le Rassemblement du Corbeau - Les Volontaires II - Le Terroriste - La Chambre - Le Message Codé - La Délégation Maure - L’Enlèvement de Guenièvre - Les Classes de Bohort - Le Monde d’Arthur - Les Tuteurs - Les Jumelles du Pêcheur - Sept Cent Quarante-Quatre - L'Absolution - Les Misanthropes - La Cassette - Plus Près de Toi - La Révolte - Sous les Verrous - Séli et les Rongeurs - Un Roi à la Taverne II - L'Ancien Temps - Le Passage Secret - Les Mauvaises Graines - La Garde Royale - L'Ivresse - Mater Dixit - Spiritueux - La Ronde - Merlin l'Archaïque - Les Exploités - L’Escorte II - Le Larcin - La Rencontre - Les Pigeons - O'Brother - La Fête du Printemps - La Voix Céleste - L'Invincible - Amen - Le Cadeau - Le Complot - La Vigilance d’Arthur - Les Chiens de Guerre - Always - Arthur in Love - Excalibur et le Destin - L'Absent - The Game - La Quinte Juste - La Fumée Blanche - Unagi II - La Joute Ancillaire - Le Donneur - Le Jeu du Caillou - L'Alliance - Le Secret d'Arthur
K2000 Saison 1, 2
Amnésie - Cœurs de pierre - La liberté ou la mort - Opération Topaze - Une si jolie petite ville - L'or des Aztèques - L'oiseau blanc - Les pirates de la route - Trafic - Marchandage - Goliath : première partie - Goliath : deuxième partie - Souvenirs d'enfance - Les marchands de mort - Vivre en paix - Retour à Cadiz - Cambriolage - Vol de voiture - Le bon programme - Le cercle de feu
Friends Saison 8
Celui qui découvrait les joies du bain - Celui qui découvrait le placard secret - Celui qui visionnait la vidéo de l'accouchement - Celui qui avouait tout à Rachel - Celui qui voyait dans les feuilles de thé - Celui qui était trop positif - Celui qui se faisait interviewer - Celui qui animait un jeu stupide - Celui qui passait un entretien d'embauche - Celui qui assistait à la première - Celui qui avait un bébé : première partie - Celui qui avait un bébé : deuxième partie
L'Île aux trente cercueils
Premiers Mystères - Retour aux Sources - La Prédiction - François - Jumeaux - Chantage
Peacemaker Season 1
Monkey Dory - Murn After Reading - Stop Dragon My Heart Around - It's Cow or Never
Affaires sensibles
"Cannibal Holocaust", le film le plus controversé de l'histoire du cinéma ? - 1910, Paris inondé - "Underground", Palme d'Or de la polémique - L’assassinat de Jaurès - Bernard Natan, un génie du cinéma effacé de l’image - Clairvius Narcisse, l’homme-zombie - La communauté de Monte Verità en Suisse
James May : Oh Cook! Saison 1
Comme au pub - Un air d'Asie - Pasta Delisioza
Mademoiselle Holmes Saison 1
On ouvre ses chakras ! - RechercheK-Lista - Sortie de route - Baker Street - -20 degrés - Le dernier problème
Bref. Saison 1
Bref. J'ai dragué cette fille - Bref. Je remets tout à demain - Bref. Je me suis préparé pour un rendez-vous - Bref. J'ai passé un entretien d'embauche - Bref. J'ai fait un repas de famille - Bref. J'ai traîné sur internet - Bref. Je joue de la guitare - Bref. J'ai vu un psy - Bref. J'ai recroisé cette fille - Bref. J'ai un plan cul régulier - Bref. Je suis comme tout le monde - Bref. J'ai eu un job - Bref. J'étais coincé dans un ascenseur - Bref. Mes parents divorcent - Bref. Je suis allé faire les courses avec mon frère - Bref. Je me suis bourré la gueule - Bref. Je suis allé à ce mariage - Bref. J'ai couché avec une flic - Bref. Mon pote s'est fait larguer - Bref. J'ai eu 47 minutes de retard - Bref. Je suis allé au supermarché - Bref. On a enterré Croquette - Bref. Mon coloc a fait l'amour - Bref. J'ai fait un rêve - Bref. J'ai fait un dépistage - Bref. J'ai un pote à conditions générales - Bref. J'ai recouché avec mon ex - Bref. J'aime bien cette photo - Bref. Je suis hypocondriaque - Bref. J'ai pas réussi à dormir - Bref. Je suis allé au cinéma avec cette fille - Bref. Je sais pas dire non - Bref. J'ai couché avec Émilie - Bref. J'ai fait un concert - Bref. J'ai monté un meuble - Bref. J'ai dîné avec cette fille - Bref. J'y pense et je souris - Bref. J'ai voulu partir en vacances - Bref. J'ai déménagé - Bref. J'étais à côté de cette fille - Bref. J'ai pris le métro - Bref. J'ai un nouvel appart. - Bref. Je suis allé aux urgences - Bref. Je me suis fait agresser - Bref. J'ai eu une panne - Bref. J'ai eu 30 ans - Bref. Je suis vieille - Bref. Ma copine travaille dans un sex-shop - Bref. Baptiste est Super Flippant - Bref. J'ai fêté le nouvel an - Bref. Mon frère a quelqu'un - Bref. Je suis en couple - Bref. Y a des gens qui m'énervent - Bref. J'ai aucune mémoire - Bref. Je m'appelle Éric Dampierre - Bref. J'ai grandi dans les années 90 - Bref. On était des gamins - Bref. C'était sa chanson préférée - Bref. Mon père veut être jeune - Bref. Je suis un plan cul régulier - Bref. J'étais dans la merde - Bref. J'étais toujours dans la merde - Bref. J'ai fait un choix - Bref. J'ai fait un dessin - Bref. J'ai un nouveau pote - Bref. Mon frère est gay - Bref. J'ai perdu mes cheveux - Bref. J'ai passé un coup de fil - Bref. C'est la merde - Bref. J'ai fait une connerie - Bref. J'ai fait une soirée déguisée : première partie - Bref. J'ai fait une soirée déguisée : deuxième partie - Bref. J'ai fait une soirée déguisée : troisième partie - Bref. J'ai fait une soirée déguisée : quatrième partie - Bref. J'ai tout cassé - Bref. Je suis en mode survie - Bref. J'ai envoyé un texto - Bref. Je me suis réveillé à côté d'une fille - Bref. Je suis né - Bref. J'ai fait une dépression - Bref. Lui, c'est Kheiron - Bref. Dernier épisode - Bref. J'ai croisé Michel Denisot - Bref. J'ai une voix off - Bref. J'ai pas eu de croquettes - Bref. Nous sommes 2 millions
Les cinq dernières minutes Saison 1
L'inspecteur sur la piste - Meurtre par intérim
Voulzy Souchon : Le Concert (2016)
Queen : Hungarian Rhapsody: Live in Budapest (1986)
Face au Public : Les Charlots : 4ème Festival International du Rire de Rochefort (1984)
Le Technicien (2012) d'Éric Assous avec Roland Giraud, Maaïke Jansen, Jean Barney, Martine Mongermont, Zoé Bruneau, Arthur Fenwick, Jean Franco et Jean-Yves Roan
Dos à la mer de Steve Moreau
Astérix, tome 18 : Les Lauriers de César de René Goscinny et Albert Uderzo
Dans les coulisses du Vendée Globe avec Romain Attanasio de Bertrand Parent et Romain Attanasio
Détective Conan : Tome 25 de Gôshô Aoyama
Détective Conan : Tome 26 de Gôshô Aoyama
0 notes
goalhofer · 4 days ago
U.S. daily high temperature records tied/broken 1/15/2025
Klamath National Forest, California: 63 (previous record 61 2018) Unincorporated Lake County, California: 69 (previous record 68 2021) Round Mt. summit, California: 54 (previous record 52 2022) Six Rivers National Forest, California: 62 (previous record 61 2009) Trinity National Forest, California: 62 (previous record 59 2022) Boise National Forest, Idaho: 41 (also 41 1985) Challis National Forest, Idaho: 50 (previous record 43 2022) Clearwater National Forest, Idaho: 48 (previous record 44 2018) Horton Peak summit, Idaho: 50 (previous record 49 2009) St. Joe National Forest, Idaho: 40 (previous record 39 2022) Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho: 47 (also 47 2022) Unincorporated Beaverhead County, Montana: 44 (previous record 43 2022) Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana: 50 (also 50 2015) Deerlodge National Forest, Montana: 47 (also 47 2015) Flathead Reservation, Montana: 45 (previous record 42 2022) Gallatin National Forest, Montana: 38 (previous record 36 2023) Kaniksu National Forest, Montana: 43 (previous record 38 2019) Wolf Point, Montana: 49 (previous record 45 2008) Unincorporated Humboldt County, Nevada: 54 (also 54 2018) Grand Forks, North Dakota: 39 (also 39 2014) Deschutes National Forest, Oregon: 49 (previous record 42 2009) Onion Mt. summit, Oregon: 63 (previous record 57 2022) Umatila National Forest, Oregon: 54 (previous record 52 2018) Umpqua National Forest, Oregon: 63 (previous record 58 2022) Winema National Forest, Oregon: 52 (also 52 1994) Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington: 57 (previous record 55 2014) Lake Chelan National Recreation Area, Washington: 50 (previous record 47 2009) Unincorporated Skamania County, Washington: 55 (previous record 54 2013) Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington: 54 (previous record 50 2009) Wenatchee National Forest, Washington: 56 (previous record 55 2013) Bridger National Forest, Wyoming: 41 (previous record 39 2010) Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming: 38 (previous record 36 2015) Wind River Reservation, Wyoming: 48 (previous record 47 2021)
0 notes
sophsphotos · 6 months ago
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The Bob Marshall Wilderness. Montana. 2024.
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publiclandvoter · 1 year ago
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2019 Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation - Schafer Meadows Airfield Weeds Elimination Project - *Complete Photo Album*
#Schafer #Weeds #Wilderness #Stewardship #Airfield #Flathead #GreatBearWilderness #Montana
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stumbleimg · 2 years ago
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Bob Marshal Wilderness [OC] [4272x2848]
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cdt-toomi-vangrizzle · 2 years ago
The Bob July 12-16
Great Bear/Bob Marshall/Scapegoat Wilderness 
This whole area of multiple wilderness designations, within the Lewis & Clark National Forest, is referred to by locals and hikers as “The Bob.” In the middle there is Benchmark (Front Country) Campground and the Benchmark Wilderness Ranch Camp, which accepts hiker boxes for resupplies. Otherwise, it’s a 30-40 mile hitch out to the nearest towns. We hiked five ~20 mile days from Maria’s Pass to Benchmark. 
Day 1
We hitched out from East Glacier to Maria’s Pass then hiked about 5 miles with our friend Pony from the hostel. My ankles were feeling fine in the morning, but by midday they were in a lot of pain. That slowed my pacing considerably. We took our first “alt” to go around a mountain and shave off a few miles. On the alt, we went through Trapper’s Gulch, which had smooth terrain. Because I was still in pain, Owen suggested I try hiking this flat trail in my camp shoes. So I put on my rubber birks and felt significantly better almost immediately! I hiked in those the rest of the way to a lovely pine needle - cushioned campsite.
Day 2 
We started the morning with an uphill, then we made decent time on some cruisy terrain. We started the day in the forest but transitioned into a burn zone for the afternoon. I found a good technique for wrapping my ankles with ace bandages that prevented my shoes from aggravating my Achilles. We made it to our desired mileage around 4:30, and the available camping was in direct, hot sunlight. So, we pushed on. There wasn’t great camping for a while. A big thunder storm rolled in, with particularly cold wind gusts. We braved our way through that and ended up going a little over 23 miles. We didn’t see the trail junction, but started the Spotted Bear Alternate. That was our intended trail anyways. We finally got to a ranger cabin right as the rain let up. There were 3 national forest employees hanging out there on a night off. We envied their fireplace and warm beds. They let us cook and eat dinner on their porch, then we crossed a river to set up camp on an island.
Day 3
This was a VERY COLD morning! Plus, all of our stuff was wet from the night before. We also had to cross a second river to start hiking. There weren’t any good ways to cross the river except to take off our shoes and ford it. It was mid-shin high and FRIGID. As we got hiking, my ankles were in a lot of pain. To add to the rough start, I hit my head on a downed tree.
However, the day turned around as the weather warmed a bit and we climbed up into the mountains. We ate lunch at Dean Lake with a view of Pentagon Peak. Then we continued into a picturesque mountain valley and climbed up Switchback Pass. A woman coming up the other side advised us to look out for the ripe wild huckleberries on the descent. We found them and ate many; we love huckleberries!
We stayed that night at a campground next to a river with a guy named Wonder from the hostel. I also beat Owen at a game of cribbage after dinner.
Day 4
The day started with a 9 mile cruise in the woods, following the Spotted Bear River. We finished the Spotted Bear Alternate and rejoined the “red line” (main trail). We climbed up a ridge and stayed high most of the day. We passed by My Lake, which seemed like a peaceful spot frequented my moose. Eventually we got to the Chinese Wall, which is a 12 mile long escarpment (a rock wall). It was quite stunning and probably the most beautiful feature we’d seen since Glacier. We walked along the wall for 5-6 miles then finally descended to a campground next to a hidden waterfall into a grotto/pool.
Day 5
We started the day with some cruisy woods walking, which made for fast miles. We got to a river and saw a black bear munching and hanging on the other side of the river. He acknowledged us but remained calm, because the river provided a buffer between us. We continued on and left the woods. We ran into a National Park Service volunteer who called himself Ranger Rick. He gave us tootsie rolls. We walked on and got hot and dry in the sun. We passed the time with some singing. It got hotter and drier. FINALLY, we got to a river, where we washed our clothes, filled our water, and ate lunch. We got to the Benchmark Campground and had to walk another 2 miles down the dirt road (in the sun) to the Benchmark Wilderness Ranch Camp. We eventually got a hitch in the back of a pickup. We got our food from the ranch, hitched back to the Straight Creek Trailhead, and walked in to find a camping spot. We found a great place to camp by the river and took a river bath. It was a lovely end to a hot day.
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