#boa op ears
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babylion · 1 year ago
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ringdabel · 1 year ago
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My thoughts on OP ships except im being 100% honest (P.1)
*LuNami - Cute but im not a big fan of it - Autisum and girlboss frfr - idm if its canon! I mean i like their moments of hugging and all, they're all so silly and i absolutely adore them! ^^ *LuHan - Nah... HARD pass... - I do not ship them at all and refuses to - their age gap is 12 and i think personally Boa is just having some kind of highschool crush -if this ship becomes canon...... bro im gonna stare in the distance and cry - If you ship these two...... NO OFFENSE! But What is wrong with you :[ *LuZo/ZoLu - MY EMOTINAL SUPPORT SHIP YIPPIEEEEE - They are so SO CANON u cannot convince me otherwise!!! - Dumb and Dumber. - I love and ADORE their dynamic! their interactions, first meetings, etc... EVERYTHING THEYRE SOOO CUTE AGHHCBSDBIL <3333 - The crew KNOWS they love eachother. They know what they are. - shamelessly kisses eachother goodnight - Zoro will die for Luffy, and Luffy will stop him. *LuSan/Sanlu - ONE OF MY FAV SHIPS EVER!!! Their interactions!! >>>>>> - WE KNOW SANJI LOVES HIM AND ADORES HIM. WE KNOW THAT ALREADY YOU FRENCH FRY - He wants to be Luffy's special boy in the OPLA, c'mon, its so obv - Sanji gets jealous when Luffy compliments other cooks other than him, its canon guys, trust me. MOVIE 6, THAT PHYSILOGICAL HORROR MOVIE OF OP. *ZoSanLu/ZoLuSan -POWER POLY LOVERS ON TOP! -i love them. *cries* -I have 400 pages of fanart featuring these stupid boneheads. - they sleep together and Luffy steals all the blankets - Zoro will def giving them his earings. aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *LuKob/Koblu -Comfort ship of mine!!! THEYRE SO CUTE ITS ILLEGAL!!!! - I want them to reunite again, then hold hands and kiss eachother on the lips then go on cute little dates :[ - LUFFY IS KOBY'S GAY AWAKENING CHANGE MY MIND (i feel like hes more like bi or pan BUT) - Koby owns 6000 wanted posters of Luffy and its canon that he wants more of them. hes such a fanboy omg.... - If they ever date... they will have a matching handmade bracelet... Luffy's red and Koby's pink.... each has letters of eachother... - (ALSO THERES THIS FAV FIC OF THEM FROM AO3, THE AUTHOR IS okiedokeTM (madelinescribbles) AND THE FIC IS CALLED "Koby's Awful No-Good Very Confusing Day" CHECK IT OUT IF YOU CAN!!!!) - im very normal abt them (lie) *LuUso/UsoLu - Very cute ship!!1 - i personally see them as best friends more but its still verey cute! - They bond, they hug, they hit and they danced. yeah i get how ppl ship them!!!!!!!!! *LuLaw/Lawlu -Tbh.... its very cute! - i used to be obsessed with this ship bcs their dyanmic is so interesting, like Black cat and golden retriver! - i still kinda do ndcnas - Luffy reminds Law of Corazon bcs of his goofiness ughh CRIES - I hc Law that he has a soft spot for silly, goofy ppl, his sister, his crew, Corazon, LUFFY????????? He loves them but will never admit smh smh - When he ruins all of your well-planned plans that took you a whole week to make <3333333 *CobyLuLaw/KobyLawLu -AYEEEEEEEEEEE MY NEW FAV SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! - F**K BEING UNDERRATED, I WANT THIS TO BE KNOWN ACROSS THE WHOLE F**KING WORLD!!!!!! - PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ITS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U HAVE TO WRITE FICS ABT IT I NEED MORE OF IT!!!1 - I want to thank @orange-artist for drawing and having KobyLawLu on my breakfast table!!!!!!!!!! - AND FOR YOU THE PPL WHO WRITE THE FICS ILY - me omw to make brainrots of these three stupid peas in a pod, fishes in a bowl, pens in a pencilcase :]]]
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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boasource · 2 years ago
BoA’s look: straight hair + white earrings + mostly white crop tee that showed her belly button + white tweed jacket + jeans. (x)
At one point, all members of KARD and Dreamcatcher hugged BoA one-by-one, so it looked like a Jumping BoA fanmeeting. BoA was getting called “our teacher,” “our mom,” “during K-Pop Star,” etc (x, x, x)
Dreamcatcher Yoohyeon danced ‘My Name’ with BoA! (x)
Dreamcatcher members were talking about how there was a difficult leg move in their choreography. BoA wondered why they had a dance move like that, as it didn’t seem very girl group-esque, to which the guests + the audience pointed out that BoA was probably the one who started it, with her kick move in ‘Girls on Top’ 😂 (x)
KARD Jiwoo confessed that she was a fan of BoA and asked for a hug (x)
BoA was very funny. The venue was pretty warm, so she yelled, “JTBC, what are you doing?! Turn on the air-con!” When some fans in the audience asked for a hug too [this was presumably when DC and KARD all lined up to get a hug from her], she told them that she’ll give them a hug when they become singers, so they should go and make their debut first 😂 (x)
DC Sua was sat beside BoA during their interview and apparently caught a fly that was buzzing near BoA (x)
DC Sua and BoA were dancing a bit at the back while KARD was performing (x)
OP (an ENGENE) noticed a lot of ENGENEs being stunned by BoA when she first entered the stage (x)
BoA told ENHYPEN Sunghoon that he and Lee Jongsuk look alike, especially since they're both fair-skinned, which suits their vampire concept (x)
Monsta X Jooheon sang BoA’s ‘My Prayer’ (x)
BoA complimented Monsta X Jooheon, and he apparently his face and hands turned really red 😂 (x)
BoA said that she isn’t good at rapping, so Jooheon said that if she ever does a song that needs a rap, they should collaborate together (x)
Monsta X Jooheon and BoA also bonded over the fact that they’ve both released self-produced albums (x)
A LA POEM member said that he used to watch BoA's 'Sara' MV every morning on KMTV (x)
LA POEM Chaehoon said that photography was one of his hobbies, so he took pictures of BoA as his model (x)
LA POEM sang a short acapella version of BoA’s ‘Valenti’ (x)
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 years ago
Horror Villain x Reader || Drabbles
Plot: Having the kid of a Slasher. These have vastly different blurbs though so they have lil’ titles! 
Includes: Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers 
Warnings: Freddy’s one includes the kidnapping of a child by their father (A child killer, to boot). Other then that, what can I say? This is Slasher fanfiction, Freddy is himself. Michael’s is pretty humorous though... :D
I really wanna build on these some more! I plans to write a oneshot where Michael and reader eventually get ‘back together’ sort of? And a prequal to Freddy’s where Maggie visits her half brother and Luke questions her and reader about their father. 
Note: Freddy is going to call you mummy if you are woman, man, or gender neutral. And I’m going to spell it the American way because it just seems more fetishized that way and more like the wrapped up Egyptian dead people the English way. I am not sure how you would accidentally have his child if you have a penis, but who knows in this universe. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! 
Freddy Krueger: Luke // ‘Protecting your child from his father’
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“Hey! How are you?” I call, breathless to the receptionist -Judy, - sitting in school office. She looks up and a haze of confusions crosses her pretty green eyes, and I try not to worry. There could be any reasin this woman is confused to see me that is unrelated to my son’s whereabouts. Deciding not to wait for her to tell me how she is because the anxiety in me clenches around my heart like a boa constrictor, I paste on a bigger smile ask. “Where’s Luke? He didn’t come out when the bell went.”
Maybe he’s in the sick bay, or… I don’t know. What other acceptable reason could there be that my son is not here with me?
Don’t think like that.
My smile must look stiff and sharp at this point, because Judy starts very slowly. Cautious. “… Hi-His Dad picked him up, Miss L/N.”
Dad? My nose scrunches up in utter confusion. I’m absolutely certain that I had Bradley taken off the register as Luke’s secondary emergency contact- I stood right here with this woman for half an hour figuring out how to do that. And besides, why would my ex-husband pick up my son from school and not tell me? Luke doesn’t have a-
His… his Dad? Freddy couldn’t have. I’ve been giving Luke Hypnocil pills since he could take them, crushing them every night and stirring the dust into his dinner. I haven’t heard any signs of Freddy for 8 years and a couple months. Let’s set aside that crazy, ridiculous theory for now. Because its impossible! Even if he did want to do something with Luke, he would try to get to him through his dreams, yes? It would be too risky to come on out here and take him from school. That’s crazy.
“What?” Where is my goddamn son? Who took him?
“U-um, uh. A uh, ‘Fredrick Krueger’ took him about an hour ago. His name was in the system, and they looked a bit alike in the eyes, s-so I-we just assumed it was okay.”
For a moment I think I’m going to die on the spot. Then I spit out. “Is this a joke?!”
Its too horrible, too unthinkable to be true. I’ll say it again; I haven’t heard from Freddy in nearly a fucking decade, and that’s the way I was hoping it would stay. What is this.
“N-No, Miss L/N.”
“Did he say where they were going? Did Luke say anything?” My baby. Starting to breathe heavily now from the effort of staying calm and thinking too fast for a clue as to where my son is and what the hell is going on. Did this chick even look at Freddy’s face?! This school is just handing babies over to suspicious men who look like they should be in the burn ward of the intensive care unit?!
“Miss L/N- “This woman is scared, I know, and anxious as she looks with wide eyes all around me instead of at my eyes but she’s really grating on my nerves. A maniac has my son and she is going to give me all the information she has.
“Do you remember your dreams last night? Or the last couple nights?” That’s how assume Freddy got in the system, manipulated Judith here to do it for him. Maybe he left a clue.
“My- my dreams? Um-mm, well I… “My hand slams down on the bench between us so hard the pen attached to a string attached to the early leavers clipboard jumps up a little. My hand shakes, and as she quickly recalls her dream I read through the most recent entries on the board for the early leavers. Right at the bottom, in tiny handwriting that does not belong to Luke is the name Luke Krueger under student and ‘Doctors appointment’ under ‘Reason for leaving’, and a smiley face. I take a deep breath and turn back to Judy with eyes of molten lava. She fumbles with her glasses, on a string around her neck. “I-I remember a junk yard in a couple… “That’s it.
Already flying to the door, I call back. “Have some child’s school exit forms ready for me tomorrow Judy; Goodbye.” And promptly, I fling the door open and run for hell and leather for my car.
“LUKE!” I scream into the old junk yard, hands shaking but courage as strong as an ox. Nothing, not even death itself will stop me from saving my kid. Looking around every corner and trying to listen to any sound over the loud beating of my heart in my ears, I speed walk around, heading towards the burnt down old shed, yelling for Luke every 2 seconds because I’m deluded into thinking any second he might hear e, and come running out safe to me. When the horrible thing, the shed, comes into view, I feel sick. Its still burnt up, and rust litters the ground around its four walls but its standing.
They’ll be in there.
Forcing myself ahead, because I never wanted to see this, the place Freddy was killed -Because it’s something so terrible. Not because I give a fuck about what happened to Freddy, - I open the door and immediately there they are. It takes me a second to catch my bearing’s, because this place has such an awful feeling and I’ve never been in a situation like this and I don’t know what to do, and because theirs a child killer with his filthy hand on my 7 year old son’s shoulder.
“Luke?” My eyes soften as soon as they find his. Glancing from him to Freddy’s other hand to see if he has a weapon, especially that glove to find nothing, and back to him, I gesture for my him to come here. “Come over here, baby. Its okay.”
He doesn’t say anything, just frowns and whimpers, looking wearily up at the man who’s holding onto him and for an awful second I think Freddy’s going to pull a fast one on us and pull out a razor or something… but then one finger at a time he lets go of Luke and Luke rushes to me so fast that the force pushes me back a little when he reaches me, wrapping his little arms around my waist and digging his face, shaking so I’m well aware that he’s crying now, into my stomach. I drop to my knees and look him over thoroughly, searching for any indications that this ‘doctors’ appointment’ that he was taken for occurred, but theirs nothing.
A sick taste wells up in my throat as I realise this, and as Luke burrows into me again for more hugs and I wrap my arms around him I look back to the problem. “What-What’s this doctor’s appointment I read about? Just a cover?”
“Not in the slightest! But I thought we should probably wait for you before starting… Mommy. I got us a good deal- family pack!” With that, Freddy takes out a scalpel and grins madly. I tighten my grip on Luke. “Who should go first, eh?”
“Stay the fuck back.”
“Oh, I think not!” I gently tug Luke back as Freddy advances, wondering if it would be smart to make any sudden moves right now.
“I called the police!” God, I wish I had now. But I was too focused on getting here before something awful happened that I…
Oh my god.
He stops coming towards us, but then an evil, knowing smile creeps across his mouth. He tilts his head, calling my bluff. “No, you didn’t.”
“Uh, yeah I did!” So, I’m buying for time. Main objective: Save Luke. Leverage: Me. Freddy’s a being made completely up on vengefulness and anger at this point, and I escaped him. He hates that.
Stroking the back of Lukes head with my thumb in thought, I know what I have to do and make like him giving him a little, worried head kiss- but really whisper to him that our car’s in the carpark and my phone is in the passenger seat. He clutches me tighter. Oh, baby… I wish I could come with you.
“You called nobody. Don’t try to bullshit Daddy. Now, I think our little bundle of joy should go first, more fun for me! Little blast from the past, ey?” He takes another step towards us, causing me to jolt back violently from fear, because I’m so close to saving Luke and if Freddy makes any sudden movements, we both might be done for, and tats just unacceptable. That scalpel is unnecessarily big. Where the hell did he get a scalpel that big?! What is it for? Crocodile surgery?!
Luckily, we’re closer to the door then Freddy is -oopsie made on his part,- so when I let go of Luke he goes straight out the door and before Freddy can reach the door and slip out after him, and push myself hard against the door, slamming it closed. For a second everything is still, which is a scary thing when it comes to this killer, and I just sit there on the ground and watch his scary face just be still.
His eyes, though, expressive as they are, reveal how utterly furious he is.
Then slowly he looks down his chest at me, aiming that mad anger at me as his shaking hand grips the weapon so tightly that his knuckles go absolutely white. “You bitch.”
Michael Myers (RZ): Rachael // ‘Visitation’
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“Morning Rache!” I exclaim, setting down cheerily on my 12-year-old’s bed as golden early morning light slips through her purple curtains and leaves stripes on my thighs. “It’s Sunday!”
“Why does it always have to be so early with him? Its not church.” She informs me, sleep thick in her voice as she pulls the doona up over her head and rolls over so her back is to me.
“He thinks very highly of himself.” That or this is when visiting hours are.
“I see that.”
“So… “Like I always do on Sunday, I put pluck the blanket away from her face to see her eyes are open and she’s already fully awake. She always is on Sunday morning, it’s because of what she knows is coming. I tuck some of her hair behind her early, and speak gently now, like always. “You wanna go see your Dad?” It always, always, always needs to be her choice. She always says yes, though.
For a moment this time, she pauses. Then deeply rolls her eyes and flicks the blanket back up over her face. “Yeah, okay.”
“Alright. We’ll head off in half an hour, then. Oh- maybe you can tell him about the awkward you got!” I exclaim, brightening immediately because my baby is so smart! Captain of her class, and she just got an award for doing well in maths! Her teacher even told me at parent-teacher interviews that she’s getting the work so much easier than any of the other students. This has been the same since she started Elementary school. Dunno where she got those brains from, but I like to believe if it’s me and not Michael. And I am so proud of her.
“Yeah, I will. Can you get out now so I can get changed, parent?”
“Whatever!” I exclaim cheerfully, like the immature one between us two that I am as I leave the room and shit the door behind me, heading to make her toast. She is more like Michael, in that regard. So focused and serious- I, on the other hand, have Goldfish brain.
Which makes a lot of sense when I ask myself ‘What made you think fucking the Shape of Haddonfield was okay?’ because then I remember ‘Big man, strong hands, big dick’ and I remember.
I’m a moron. Was, a horny moron. But no more! I am a mother now, and mothers don’t get horny! No, no. Ahahaha.
… But that doesn’t mean I regret having Rachael. No fucking way. She’s the mother-fucking light of my life, and I’ll have sex with Michael a thousand more times if that’s what it would take to keep her.
Wait, that doesn’t sound right.
… Ah, oh well. Toast!
When we get to Michael’s cell, Rachael goes straight over to the door and uses her foot to move the little stepping stool they keep right there, specially for her -well, I bought it and made them keep it there, but that’s just semantics,- and hops on so she can peer through the window to her father. I stay back a few feet with Dr Loomis, my jacket hung over my crossed arms. Because I don’t have anything in common with Sam Loomis at all, as we have previously discovered on these visits, I turn bluntly to him and ask, shamelessly. “So, how’s he going Doc?” Even though Michael’s condition hasn’t changed since he was six, that is what I ask.
Loomis offers me a crooked, humourless grin and explains that nothing has changed, but he did make Rachael a new mask. “Oh, that’s nice.” I say, although really, don’t think that’s nice. Does Michael think I have endless wall space for these things? I don’t want my home to look like his sanatorium cell. I have taste!
Hey, don’t judge me. The only way I can get through these visits is by being sarcastic and making jokes to myself.
And to Loomis, but he doesn’t really like me.
Probably because I make sarcastic jokes about his most dangerous patient.
Eh, oh well.
I turn back to Rachael to see her holding up her award to the window so Michael can read it, and after I lean to the left a bit to see inside the cell I see that he is doing so. He’s just sitting in his dressing gown on a desk chair at the other side of his cell- no wonder Rachael has to talk loudly!
He communicates through head shakes and nods, and sometimes even writes on a white board he always has set on his big -big mannnnnn. Oh jeez, the thirst is still strong, despite him now being an irritating part of my life… I have to get up at the ungodly hour of nine on a Sunday for this. Just to get a new stupid mask and stand back here with Doctor humourless, - lap, which I do concede, is pretty sweet. He doesn’t communicate that way to anyone else, as Loomis told me, except for with her.
Visitation usually lasts an hour and half, if Michael’s feeling ‘chatty’, And he definitely is today, so our visit bleeds into breakfast time so we join him -without a door between us and him,- for breakfast in the cafeteria. Rachael and I sit on one side and Michael and Loomis sit on the other. Mostly Rachael and I chat during this time, but Rachael looks to her father every now and then for his reaction.
“Hey mum, do you want the last pancake?” Rachael asks, eyeing the last fluffy breakfast food just as hungrily as Michael just after Dr Loomis gets up to go check quickly on another patient, leaving us as a ‘family’ for a little bit.
I pat my tummy. “Naw, I’m stuffed! Why don’t you and your dad share it.”
A little smile breaks across her little face, making me grin too. She’s so cute! She’ll always be cute, I don’t know if she’s 37, a pasty scientist and mildly mangled from experiments gone wrong, she’ll still be adorable. I’m sure Michael agrees. “Okay!”
As she goes off to get the pancake, I leap to take the chance alone to have a chat with Michael myself.
Or attack him.
Placing my elbow securely on the table between us, pointing at him, I squint. “Stop making her masks, Michael! Anything else, really!- We’ve had this talk before, multiple times. You know I have no wall space!”
He shoulders jump, like he silently chuckled at me, and my squint-greasy, just enhances.
“You know what you’re doing, don’t you?”
After a moment, he veeeeery purposefully shrugs those huge shoulders of his. He does know, he does. I knew it!
“Ooooooooh… “I nearly shake with annoyance, returning to my seat properly and glaring I hope subtly from my side of the table as Rachael returns and carefully tears the pancake in half for them. As she does, I watch and just sit and take great pleasure in the fact that they wont even trust plastic knives around Michael. Ha!
He see’s the too-happy glint in my eye and drinks all my juice.
Damn him.
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orthographewrites · 6 years ago
🎅 (trash sons gift wrapping a present for sofia or pia, surprise me idkkdk)
“C’mon, it will take basically no time at all and it will be lots of fun styling the paper – they’re going to love it!” An innocent sentence shared between boyfriends, one far above the other with his pleading tone that stated his need for help. Marius’ “sure” came with suspicion, knowing nothing was plain and forward with Robin, but as he found it hard to ignore the multitude of outcomes that could follow leaving Robin alone with scissors and paper, he found himself with a little to no choice. Robin, on the other hand, was nothing but ecstatic as he pulled Marius into his half-naked living room (although somewhat livelier with a Christmas tree decorating the corner near the TV) and pointed at a crafting station he had prepared in the middle.
“So, I kind of haven’t wrapped a present since I was like… fifteen or something, because you know I mostly stuff it into an envelope and send it on its way – thus I kind of didn’t really know what to get but… I think we can figure it out.” And that was a statement that held true, as there was no shortage of wrapping paper with anything from shimmering hues to classic Christmas motives of snowflakes, Santa and Rudolph. On top of that, there also happened to be a massive stack of bows and ribbon in a similar fashion, cards in all sizes, glitter and stamps that all laid bundled together next to the paper. If one had glanced over at Marius in that exact moment in time, a shift among his facial features would have said it all and rang of a much familiar “oh hell no” that filled the room with a sense of dread. However, it was short-lived as Robin spoke up again. “I thought we could maybe do one each? I’ll do Sofia’s and you’ll do Pia’s because that’ll be a hundred times faster than doing them one by one. Just grab for whatever you think she’ll like!” ( @alicemorganwrites )
Robin placed a loving pat on Marius’ shoulder, nudging him forward before he went to shuffle the two presents into the middle and the smile on his face was no late to match his excitement to finally be wrapping gifts again. He had quite often felt cheap and boring in comparison to his family during Christmas and birthdays, all having their share neatly boxed in with love and care – whilst Robin barely had time to get home and settle himself in before the holiday took over. This was a change of pace, much like the rest of his usual routines and he wasn’t about to half-ass it. To him, the coming steps came easy. Sofia was a classic and clean person, she preferred when things seemed in order and therefore Robin went for the classic wrapping paper – the first step. The second step threw him at a halt, instantly turning to Marius who was already busy cutting his, having gone for a gold shimmer. “Um… how much are you supposed to cut? Like do you just fit it around the box or do you need to cut the corners in a specific way?”
“Are you seriously telling me you don’t even know how to actually cut the paper?” Marius arched a brow, staring over in confusion. “How would you have done this if you’d been on your own? Holy – never mind, you make sure it can wrap one and a half times around the package, start with that and then I’ll show you the second step.” This turned to be a process and a half, which Marius constantly needing to stop Robin from placing an excessive amount of tape around the edges, as Robin came concerned they’ll be able to peak through the wrapping if he didn’t secure it enough. There was nothing magic with the ability to steal a first viewing, he argued, and Marius quickly gave up and let him have his way.
The next step was the ribbon to be placed around the package, something that made it pop and stand out – quite important. Finding the right color to match became the hard part. Did he want a purple? A red? A mix? Maybe some silver? “Ugh! Why is this so hard! Should I just try them all and see which look the best?” Robin knitted his eyebrows as he unrolled a chunk of the ribbon and placed the package on top, quick to second guess and reach out for another one – repeating the process without rolling the ribbon back again, something that soon came to unfold on Marius’ side of the floor. Upon hearing a quick “keep it on your side” Robin looked up, soon to gasp in chock and shuffle himself upwards as he realized what Marius’ was doing with the wrapping for Pia. “No! You can’t just slap a bow on top like that, it looks super boring! This is Pia we are talking about, and considering you’ve known her longer than I have you should know she likes it with pizazz!”
“And?” Marius lowered the package for a minute but kept it secure within his hands to avoid Robin taking over his work. “She’s just going to rip it off and throw it onto the trash anyway, why bother.”
“Because it will look good and make it seem like you really care about them, maybe?” Robin’s voice was filled with disbelief, yet somewhat used to Marius’ typical dismissal of cute gestures – hardly the type to put in an obvious effort that made him seem like he cared. Today, however, was not a day for short-cuts and he darn made sure to make a statement of it as he suddenly reached forward to grab for one of the glitter boxes and held it forward. “At least use some of this to make it pop or something, don’t go bland.”
Marius, on the other hand, gave it one glance before he shook his head. “No, I’m fine with this.”
“Pia deserves better!”
“You’re so boring, I can’t believe it – I’ll do it for you then. Hold on, I’ll just op – “, Robin’s sentence never reached the finish as his nails cut through the tape of the glitter box and tried (at first) open it gently, something that proved impossible and thus force him to pry at the edge until it gave in. And out. As Robin had mentioned, he wanted the gift to “pop” and as a massive cloud of holographic glitter got tossed out and into the air (landing everywhere from the floor to the package and not least all over Marius face and shirt) it was safe to say the bow was no longer the main attraction. His eyes stared wide at the scene in front of him, shifting between Marius and the floor. “Um… well…”, he paused and exhaled, building himself up for the next part. “At least you look pretty adorable in glitter, I’ll give you that much.”
Marius sat silent, his fingers yet gripping the gift as his eyes glared in front of himself, barely capable of staring anywhere else around him. All he could feel was the light tingle from the glitter around his nose, almost as if someone was holding a dust boa to his face, making him wrinkle the area around to keep himself from sneezing right out. “And what else would you suggest I ad?” There was a hint of a sigh hidden between his words, biting his tongue in an attempt to stay civil.
“Else? Oh boy… how about a card? We should definitely be making rhymes and stuff, you can’t have a classic present without making people guess what’s in it.” And just like that, Robin had already moved on from his glitter disaster, instead pointing at the stack of cards he had picked up.
“What? No! I was thinking more in terms of decorations not – “
“It’s a decoration, you string it to the ribbon!” It was a closing statement, not opening any room for further arguments about what should and shouldn’t go on a present. This was Christmas they were talking about, a holiday filled with wonders and delight – Marius was not allowed to downplay it or skip over it for once. Robin merely gained a muffled answer, words mangled and not for his ears to hear as the two continued on their separate accords. The room eventually filled up with the sound of a scribbling pen, as well as Robin’s voice humming along to a Christmas song he recalled from memory – .lost in his work that slowly started to wrap up to completion. 
Once he was done with his own rhyme, he decided to break the silence to declare victory. “It doesn’t look half bad!” Sofia’s present had, sort of, stuck to the tidy section of ideas – having gone with a silver and green ribbon combo, alongside some of the stamps to hold it all in place. The small card dangled from the side, inviting and with Sofia’s name on the front. Marius’ was… as good as it could get, having forced himself to place a few odds and bits around the already glowing paper to avoid getting stuck again. The spilled glitter was the highlight of it all, glimmering and falling off the paper whenever Marius tried to shift the box around. 
“Good enough?” Marius placed it closer to Sofia’s present, his fingers grabbing for the fabric of his short to remind himself of the disaster about to take place the second he removed himself from the floor. 
“Definitely on the better side, I’ll give it a pass.” Robin nodded to show his agreement, right before he hunched closer to Marius, quickly dipping his hand in the glitter spread around them and ruffling it into Marius’ dark locks. “You can borrow one of my shirts for now, because I’m kind of getting into this so we might as well do my dads’ presents as well.” 
Marius’ didn’t gain an opportunity to protest as Robin was quicker up on his feet, placing a loving peck on his cheek that made him swallow his words. “Ugh, fine…”, he sighed in defeat. “Do you have something to drink though? I have a feeling we are going to need it.” 
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swans-anime-ramblings · 7 years ago
“Luffy had no reaction to Boa...doesn’t that mean he won’t have romance?”
I’ve been debating about posting this blog because I was hesitant about the kind of reaction it would receive. But I think this topic is worth discussing logically.
Alright, so let’s dig into this thing.
If we’re going to understand Luffy and his actions (or not actions) towards Boa, then we have to first understand him as being a character that fits the Battle Shonen archetype. The genre, despite people’s complaints about it, is the most popular type of manga/anime genre there is. And One Piece, for all its glorious writing, world building and character development, is perfectly happy to sit in its genre, with Luffy fitting right into the hero archetype.
Where did this archetype even come from? It may surprise you to learn that Dragon Ball is in fact the grandfather of modern Shonen. You know what kind of stories were running in WSJ as DB’s contemporaries? Big burley manly men who never changed or progressed like Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star.
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 And the antithesis of this is Goku, little innocent Goku who takes this character type and flip it on its head.  (Kid Goku is so cute guys! *cries*)
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Toriyama’s writing absolutely can’t be understated here. Nobody had ever seen anything like Dragon Ball. It became a cultural phenomenon. It became a blueprint for success. 
The classic Shonen Hero archetype has evolved into the following:
clueless when it comes to love
loves to fight/ get stronger
has a catch phrase
wants to protect their “Nakama”
thinks before they act
often stupid or a simpleton
gains power ups through training and other means
Within the archetype you’ve got big hitters such as:
Goku— the OG who was so clueless, he couldn’t tell someone’s gender without slapping them in the crotch. Also obsessed with getting stronger to the detriment of, well, everything
Luffy— the uber innocent muffin who will do anything for his crew, and will go out of his way for people if it concerns their dreams. Aware of his weaknesses more than the others, Also really dumb at first
Naruto--- the misfit who starts out peeping at girls but then ends up taking on the burden of the entire world, because he’s THAT concerned about everyone and everything. Definitely the most selfless, has dumb moments, but smarter than the others
Ichigo--- the lovable grump who literally doesn’t give a shit. Coolest one of the bunch
Natsu--- loves his friends so much he gains power ups in the middle of the battle to win through the power of friendship. Probably the funniest one, takes life one job request at a time
Asta— the new kid on the block. Constantly yells to the point of irritation, believes working hard will solve all problems, doesn’t understand how relationships work and that nuns don’t get married
Deku— I know people will ask. Yes, he is a Shonen Hero, But doesn’t fit into the archetype so be will be left out of the discussion (the kid actually suffers from overthinking...complete opposite than these lovable idiots)
So, for fun, let’s throw all these Shonen Heroes into the same situation Luffy found himself in
All of these heroes fall through the ceiling and into Boa Hancock’s bath where they come face to face with the most beautiful woman on the planet who is naked.
Goku: completely unphased by Boa’s beauty. Asks who Boa is, and when she gets pissed, stands there with a “huh?” Look on his face when she shoots the love beam at him. After it has no effect, Goku puts his hand up with a smile and then says, “see ya!” Before flying off. Probably more concerned with where Vegeta went and if he managed to find a new level of Super Saiyan
Naruto: definitely phased by Boa. Would probably turn to stone ahahahaha
Ichigo: after being annoyed because he fell through the roof, would take one look at Boa, and get flustered out of embarrassment. By the time Boa tries to question him, he’s already left and found the exit.
Natsu: upon falling into the bath, he’d also be completely unphased by Boa. Would most likely take note of her earrings and ask about them. He’d probably also end up saying something Boa would find unbelievably rude, but something I would laugh hysterically at. “Woah?! Is that your guild mark?! Cool!!!” 
Asta: I imagine Asta would most likely cover his eyes out of courtesy, and ask for the way out. When Boa gets mad and asks why he’s not head over heals for her, nor why he’s looking at her body, he’d say something like, “sister Lilly is waiting for me” and then leave. *sigh*
So here’s my point. Three of our boys would have the same exact reaction as Luffy. When it comes to the archetype, lusting after girls simply isn’t in their nature. Natsu’s reaction to a naked Lucy was to cover her boobs with his hands “fine I’ll cover them” he sighs in the dub. No lustful reaction whatsoever. I’m pretty sure any normal guy would, um, not react that way. He looks so bored.
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Asta refused to peep at a girls bath (way to shut that down buddy), and Goku’s seen plenty of naked people and he doesn’t care. He even has the same reaction in Dragon Ball Super, after he’s married, when he accidentally sees another woman naked (who is very beautiful).
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(Harsh reaction there Goku, lmao)
Luffy’s reaction to Boa is completely in line with the archetype. The innocent nature of the main character is extremely important. Oda even says in the SBS that it would just be plain weird for Luffy to get a nose bleed. I agree.
So, do our boys reactions to Boa mean romance isn’t possible for them? Of course not. Goku got married and had 2 kids. Naruto, who is the most interested in women, got married. Ichigo ended up with someone and had a kid. Natsu’s relationship with Lucy isn’t “canon” yet, buuuttt with this sequel coming and all the art Mashima’s been posting, I think we can all just call it and it’ll be happening. As for Asta, the manga is still young so it’s hard to say, but judging how Tabata is treating romance in his manga, I’d say It’s a distinct possibility. Asta does have a low-key herem going on 🤷‍♀️
When Goku was a kid, he came across a foe who could turn evil (ie bad thoughts) into a weapon and kill you. Goku was the only person to ever survive because he has no impure thoughts. It basically works the same way as Boa’s love-love beam.
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This innocence is why Goku can ride his magical flying cloud the Kinto-Un, aka the Flying Nimbus. That innocence in Goku stays with him forever, too. Goku can ride the cloud after he’s gotten married and created spawns. The idea is, sex isn’t dirty. It’s just how you treat it may or may not make it dirty (ie unwarranted advances). Master Roshi, Goku’s perverted teacher, can’t ride the Kinto-Un. Using Goku as an example, our innocent muffins can still have romance/make babies. Their highly innocent nature doesn’t stop them, but normally with these types, they will only have romance/make babies if it’s with one very special person.
This is important to remember; for this genre, romance is a part of maturing and growing up. Most of these shonen heroes end up with someone once they’ve passed a certain point. 
In One Piece Specifically 
When it comes to Oda’s writing specifically, romance between characters doesn’t really play a huge role in One Piece like the way it does in Naruto and Fairy Tail. Everyone who reads OP should recognize this. Whatever ends up happening at the end of One Piece, there aren’t going to be a zillion pairings and those pairings staring off into the sunset. 
There’s that famous line from Oda where he answered a question in the SBS (from chapter 317)
D: Doesn't anyone on Luffy's crew fall in love? Will there never be a tale of on-board romance? (Sanji is an exception in this case) I'm just wondering.
The SBS is a place where Oda jokes around with his readers. I think his answer is a good answer because it’s true, and when it comes down to it, a deflective answer.  And whatever else Oda has said or hasn’t said in magazines or interviews, Oda can change his mind about what he wants to include or not include in his manga.
The reason I think this is worth bringing up is because I can see a storytelling shift which has changed in his manga. Romance in any capacity used to play almost no role in the early story. Just think about the type of characters he was creating. You’ve got Nolan’s descendant who hangs out with guys that look like monkeys. You’ve got the giants of Elbaf, you’ve got the Galley-Law company guys. There’s hardly any blood families in the first half either. Vivi and her Dad are a notable example, but they are the minority, not the majority. The first half of the story was mostly focused on people who were not blood related and were making their own families, like the Franky family. Like the Strawhats. 
Post time-skip and New World, we’ve got a very different story being told. With Kyros and his wife Scarlet, Oda actually gave us the backstory to their romance! Dressrosa was set up a bit for that type of story, but I still find it notable. It wasn’t necessary for character motivations for Kyros. It felt like Oda wrote it because he wanted to.
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You’ve got romance playing a big role in Whole Cake Island, even with Chiffon and Bege. This is a married couple with a young son, and not the type of characters we’d see in the early story. Sanji and Pudding were more of a serious type of relationship, even with Sanji “choosing to feel love” for Pudding. Guys, that’s...mature. We’ve seen a lot more blood ties in the New World, even to the point of the Big Mom pirates, dysfunctional as they are. 
In the end, you write what you know. When One Piece started, Oda was a single guy, now he’s in his early 40′s with a daughter. The types of stories he’s telling now are based on more mature aspects of his own life. 
Does this mean Luffy will most definitely end up with someone? Of course not. There’s a distinct possibility OP will end with Luffy as he is and there be no pairings of any sort.
But to dismiss the possibility of parings based on Luffy’s reaction to women or something Oda said back in some interview, is also too dismissive of a stance to take. Like his Shonen counterparts, romance for Luffy is a possibility. Remember what I said about the genre; romance is sign of growing up and maturing. Luffy is still growing and maturing, so it isn’t out of the cards.
In the end, Only Oda knows. Until One Piece has concluded, we’ll have to wait and see. 
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