#bnha black whip
bakudekublogblog · 3 months
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kacchan getting jealous that izuku is starry eyed over someone else and izuku giggling knowingly oh my GOD
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emeraldotter · 8 months
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baby boy
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avis-fictional-world · 2 months
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This one is fun for him 😊
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mettywiththenotes · 7 months
Best feature? His fangies
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touyafootfetish · 24 days
I’m in love with him, Your Honor 😓
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zee-nith · 3 months
I Watched the First 15 Minutes of MHA Movie 4: You're Next
I just went to Anime Expo 2024 in Los Angeles today and watched the MHA panel! The seiyuus of Midoriya, All Might, Giulio (red-haired guy with the eye patch), and Anna (blonde girl with the red headband) talked to the audience for a bit, and we got to watch the first 15 minutes of the new MHA movie! Here's my breakdown of what we saw:
Dark Might watches the fight between All Might and All For One (S3 E11) on his TV in a room by himself. It's the same video as we see in the anime rather than the helicopter footage that was broadcasted to the MHA world. This could just be a recap for us, but it could potentially also be hinting that Dark Might lives in some alternate universe (though the latter seems unlikely)
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When All Might points to the camera and says "You're next", Dark Might answers as if that message was for him, saying he will take over All Might as the new Symbol of Peace
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Two men carrying guns discuss the kidnapping of Anna, and how Giulio seems unfit to find her (his objective seems to be to assassinate Anna). Meanwhile, Giulio is preparing tea a ways away from the two men. I'm assuming they work together, though it's never explicitly addressed
An emergency alarm is sounded, warning that Tartarus jailbreakers have been spotted, and Giulio speeds away on a red motorcycle
Class A (minus Aoyama) has split into 3 teams to detain all jailbreakers. Team 1 includes Midoriya, Jiro, Uraraka, Hagakure, Ojiro, and Sero. Team 2 includes Bakugou, Ashido, Tokoyami, Koda, Sato, and Kirishima. Team 3 includes Todoroki, Tsuyu, Iida, Shoji, Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and Mineta. Team 1 captures 2 or 3 jailbreakers (I forgot), Team 2 captures 4, and Team 3 captures 6
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(midoriya uses float, air force, full cowl, and blackwhip to capture the jailbreakers and it's so badass, we love to see it)
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After checking in with each other via radio, they're alerted of another jailbreaker who I cannot remember the name of. All teams converge to that location, with Midoriya splitting up from his team using Float to pursue the jailbreaker
The jailbreaker is running away with Anna as his hostage, monologuing about how he's unstoppable with Anna by his side
Midoriya catches up to them and tells Anna to grab his hand, and she immediately tries to stop him. He grabs her hand regardless, and is suddenly surrounded by flower petals. His body erupts in pain, nearly leaving him prone
We also see a flower fully bloom on Midoriya's back, but it wasn't addressed again in the preview
The jailbreaker breaks into a building and tries to take another hostage, but Midoriya restrains him using Blackwhip
Something?? happens?? Idk I think I got distracted because the seiyuus were IN THE AUDIENCE but. anyways
Somehow??? they end up outside and it's nighttime. As Midoriya continues restraining the jailbreaker, Giulio catches up and begins shooting at Anna using his prosthetic arm that apparently turns into a gun. We also notice that the roots of Anna's hair are turning black
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As the bullets are about to hit, a man creates a force field that drastically slows movement around Anna and the jailbreaker
Midoriya tries to restrain Giulio using Blackwhip, but Giulio begins aiming to shoot Midoriya. Despite this, Danger Sense doesn't activate in response
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Meanwhile, the rest of Team 1 catch up, and ask what's going on. Midoriya says he has no idea, which honestly same
I'll post the rest in a reblog because I'm reached the image limit hhh
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jackdaniel69nice · 3 months
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@khonaker I finally did The Race but this looks odd to me so I’m going to ink one of your other prompts instead!
A race between the two fastest 1-a students who will win?
It depends on the time of day I suppose~
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After the leaks, I wanted to show this off
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gsminerva · 8 months
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Fanart del nuevo capítulo en tradicional y en birome chota porque no estoy en casa.
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thedevilsfamiliar · 1 year
All Might really did say “I’m adopting my kids fighting styles and you can’t stop me, old man” at All For One
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nicehairnerd · 2 years
izuku not realizing he has a crush on katsuki for the longest time, thinking that mumbling and writing in his journal is just the Normal way to like something
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littlemusic-muse · 2 years
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The what if Bakugou death with Izuku holding him.
Been in a lull recently, so angst it is.
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catboytenya · 2 months
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My bnha tarot deck sneak peek for you all 👀
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mettywiththenotes · 9 months
This series really is just Izuku attempting to drag Tomura into a therapy session while he claws at the floor screaming. Refusing to let go of the doorframe as Izuku tries to pull him off, the therapist just sat there stunned as Izuku assures them he's got it handled
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texhnos-son1800 · 2 months
I feel like the grappling hook thingy that Ochako had made based off of Izuku's Blackwhip should have gotten some more focus in the time it was made to the end of the show, I feel like we never saw her do much that really involved it, and I haven't watched season 7 so she might have used it more there but I still think it could have been focused on more, we never really got to see her train with it or use it, so how did she come to master it? How does she get to utilize it?
I understand training and school still continue after the war, but I still wish we could have seen more especially since it was based off of Izuku's blackwhip, and we know how Izuku uses blackwhip, I wanna know how Ochako would utilize it and use it like Izuku does his Blackwhip.
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justatalkingface · 2 years
What are your thoughts about One For All?
By that, I mean the power itself, the story surrounding it, the connections to All For One, the person, all of it. You spoke extensively about Izuku and now I'd like to hear your thoughts about his quirk. Yoichi Shigaraki seemed very suspicious, and his quirk being a death curse at first seemed like it was setting up for a really morally ambiguous OFA. But it turns out the guy's a saint and he's trying to take down the devil. As far as I can tell, One For All kills people just to justify Izuku being the current holder and to make him special. We also got the typical shōnen power escalation of Izuku ending up with a bunch of new powers out of nowhere. Many of which seemed to exist just to have him surpass All Might quickly enough so he could handle fights against super powerful foes, because this series takes places within a year. The story rushed this dude's development, so his powers had to rush him to where he could handle things. And he also became a genius who could master a bunch of new quirks in a very short amount of time. Many of the abilities felt very redundant with his power set or go mostly unused, such as smokescreen. Float and Black Whip were cool and added a lot to Izuku's kit. The OFA vs AFO plot line eventually took over the series. I prefer the battles against AFO's forces in comparison to the earlier parts of the series, where the kids fought each other in battles with no stakes. The academia part of MHA was always the weakest part, but some people preferred it. What do you think?
One For All... well, let me get this almost mandatory part out of the way: he suffers for being introducing during The War Arc, and by dint of it means we'll probably never have a satisfying amount of information on him.
Quirk wise... it actually tracks? If family Quirks are similar, both AFO and OFA both, then, have a Quirk that is based around 'transfering Quirks', the same way that Asu's family all have Quirks based around frogs, yet they are all expressed in different ways.
I've seen people argue that the mysterious door he's helping hide is AFO, since the stockpiling Quirk passed through AFO himself first.
I just, let me.... alright. Honestly? I could see it. I really wouldn't be that surprised at this point if they did that. Logically? That makes no sense. The power stockpiling Quirk was just that, stockpiling power. It was only special when it got fused with OFA's nameless Quirk, and they fused into something more, a Quirk that is apparently specialized to act as a mental arc, in his body. Moreover, it should mean that AFO would have a Vestige there, and I just... really hope they don't do that, because I can't see a way it ends well, you know?
More recently, I'm wondering if that BIg Mystery they're clearly hiding has to do with why AFO was crying when he was killing(?) the Second; did The Second kill OFA? Was that a revenge kill? Did OFA plan that? Did he go, 'My brother is too powerful to stop, so we must sacrifice ourselves until someone is strong enough to do so, and act as fertilizer for their eventual rise' and that's why the first couple of generations are edgy and the later ones, who didn't get that memo, or who were thought to be that theoretic final product, are more open?
I... could see that. It's not something I think would be done well, with MHA as it is now, but I could see that.
Really though, when you think about it the fact that each of them have suicidally went up against AFO in his prime means that there's no way that OFA should have been able to be transferred throughout the generations, because AFO has so much stacked in his favor that he should have easily been able to hunt them down and kill them (and when does he even realize they have that Quirk? Early on, especially, it couldn't have been easy, with how weak it was; it'd probably be easier to identify it based off behavior more than power).
The thing I've realized about OFA is that the early lore for it is really kind of questionable, just because they explicitly went up against AFO with barely any power ups, which is basiclly suicide. Even if AFO wanted them alive to keep the Quirk alive (and why? Before his 'development' you could argue it's because he wanted his brother back, and thus his Vestige in it, and later it's a strong Quirk, but there's a good period where it was a Quirk with potential, not power, and AFO has been developed into a two dimensional caricature who would kill for the lulz, who has no depth or moral attachment to anything. Before his 'development' you could argue that he wanted even a small part of his brother back, and it would explain things, but now? Was he just... letting it live to refine it so he could steal it when it was strong? It'd fit with how everything is AFO's fault these days), it would be dead ass easy for him to capture the current Holder and then keep them imprisoned, maybe after crippling them, until he can get what he wants from them.
The fact it's kind of incompatible with a person with a Quirk... kind of tracks, since, you know, Nomu, but if this was always a thing, under that logic everyone who wasn't Quirkless with this thing should have rendered brain damaged like, you know, the Nomu. The fact that they kind of... fall apart? That feels like bullshit. It has the energy of trying to make Izuku a True Destined Hero in a True Shonen by making him the only one who could use it safely, instead of, you know, just being chosen on his heroic merits, and goes blatantly against the themes the manga was talking about from the start, that everyone can be a hero. Because 'men aren't born equal' is wrong, and even a Quirkless kid can be heroic, can save someone. But, you know... Everything Changed When The War Arc Attacked. I'm not surprised it got fucked up.
May be a little off topic, but I'll point out since AFO has vestiges now (suddenly), that that's going to be important for whatever end game there is, and, you know, that's going to be bullshit, since OFA only has those from a Quirk that was specialized in making them, and even then they only started communicating with him at the War Arc, after generations of that one Quirk being powered up to allow it to happen. Meanwhile, AFO just takes the Quirks, and even if Quirks keep, well, a vestige of their former owner, why did it take so long to happen if it was just a thing that happened when you moved Quirks? Why didn't any OFA user before Izuku have this happen? Why aren't the Nomu filled with the traumatic impulses of their parts; not the main body, but the minds of however many extra Quirks are stuffed inside them? There's no reason for that logic to apply to AFO, since he just takes them, but... yeah. ECWTWAA.
....So, is the reason he's such a two-dimensional character is that he can't get a good night's sleep because god knows how many people are just constantly screaming at him, in a ironic own goal on their part that is making him more and more evil as he slowly loses his mind over the years, doing more and more terrible things they don't want him to? Or is that just me putting more work in AFO's characterization that Hori has actually done?
You want to know my prediction? That was introduced as the way to beat him, in the end: Izuku and OFA are going to lead a revolution in AFO's body/mind and purge him, or... something stupid to beat his mind once and for all, since AFO is apparently studying Orochimaru style immortality and we're reaching a point where killing any one body, and maybe even both, won't be enough to kill him, so they have to go deeper to finish him!
Which totally makes sense.
On the Vestiges, and the powers? In theory, I'm fine with it, Hori clearly was hinting about them way back when, but in practice the way that's been handled is ass. Either A, these guys all have buttons to unlock their Quirks, in which case there should have been a Team Meeting with Izuku rather than him randomly shooting out combat tentacles out of nowhere, when he could have killed someone with them, just like... you're in a fight; surprise super powers! What could go wrong, or B, it just happens, in which case them making noises about proving himself or whatever sounds... dumb when what they think about the situation has nothing to do with it.
More than that, though, the way they're being used to power up Izuku? The way that they're just his Stands now, more than actual characters? Only showing up behind him to show how serious Izuku is? The sheer fucking disrespect of it irks me; Hori, if you're going to introduce actual characters who are people, then treat them like people. If you just want to give Izuku powers, don't give him a mindscape full of people with opinions, just give him powers. One or the other Hori; you can just give Izuku a weird Animus style flashback without a personality you actually need to manage being attached.
On the powers themselves, it's clearly something that got dropped on the wayside. Black Whip, obviously, is Hori's favored child, lovingly used at every possible chance and drawn out in great detail (I hear he really likes Spiderman?) but after that? The first couple were utility skills, chosen to give Izuku some soft support while he wandered on his own without readily available support tech, beyond those.... Hori just used them as crutches to skip over all the development Izuku never had the time to do to master AFO itself. No matter how they phrase it, no matter how complicated they make the explanation, they're just there so he can punch harder.
As a person, it's hard to tell much about OFA. He has morals, he opposes his brother, he's keeping secrets from Izuku.... let's be honest here, he's more of a plot device than a human being at this point, and I have zero faith in his future development. It's kind of frustrating since there's a lot of interesting potential there (is he a Good Guy(TM)? Did AFO just go too far, and before that he was fine with his brother the warlord? Was he cowardly like Izuku, but also went through character development once he gained the ability to stand up for himself? There's a lot of ways his characterization could be spun, but that has more to do with his lack of characterization than anything) that I'm sure he'll never live up to than anything.
Beyond that... there's this symbolism with hands that keeps coming up. Shigaraki has it, of course, that's mostly his trauma being expressed with his hand based Quirk (and strengthened by AFO using hands to condition him, actually...), to the point where it became his theme. Later on, though, when they started expanding on AFO and OFA mentally, there's thing where both of them are reaching out to people, with this focus on their hands. Both of them do it, and it's always drawn in this ominous sort of way, even for OFA, the apparent good guy. Sometimes, usually (or only?) for AFO (who also has a Quirk focused around his hands; it's not surprising his mind would orient around that to some extent) it's even the only thing we see of their mental silhouettes. It's... very interesting to me, and makes me think there was probably going to be more to him at some point, that there was going to be some, any, depth to his character.
On the academia part, here's the thing: compared to later on, the early stuff was better, not on the merits of school vs fighting, but because early on, even with its flaws, it's clearly something Hori put a lot thought into, had a plan. The later stuff? Well, there's some sort of plan, but the later we get in the timeline, the more it feels like Hori is backpedaling from some original concept, and changing it to something else as we go along. And in itself, his ideas changing isn't a bad thing, but those changes are still built off the foundation of his older plans, and it leaves more and more plot points hanging out in the wind, without proper support. If this manga was a house, the higher Hori built it, the more floors he added, the more he started shifting the house to one side, while everything he had already built stayed where it was. That's not how you get a solid house, and no matter how much fancier those higher floor may look, it doesn't make up for the fact that it's only barely staying in place.
At the same time though, it's clear that, for all that this series is called My Hero Academia, the actual school part of it is something Hori doesn't seem to be all that interested in, or have put thought into. UA, narratively, isn't a school, it's an excuse, and the times when Hori puts in things like class presidents, or normal, actually academic tests and the like, it's because he has to put them in, and so it's understandable when you look at the actual school parts of this 'school', it feels awkward and out of place.
When people talk about liking it, it was probably less, 'Man, Izuku and friends in school, doing school things, was great' (though, there are are probably plenty of those as well, to be fair; again, My Hero Academia; it's not surprising to see interest in that school setting promised in the actual title) and more that, 'Wow, it was nice to focus on Izuku and the main cast we were introduced to from the beginning, and watch them actually talk to each other and interact!', since the farther we got into the actual hero stuff, the less we had of all that, and of all the characters we got attached to originally, when we first started the story.
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