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sun-aries · 8 months ago
All Through the Night
Hey everyone!
I wrote this because I'm craving TP Zelink angst. I want yearning. So here we go.
This fits in Broken Mirrors and Their Reflections somewhere at the end of chapter 13, but like most of my fics, can also be read as a one-shot! Follow Reflections for more TP Zelink fics!
He heard her voice first.
Over the twitter of songbirds, the rustle of leaves in the breeze, and the clatter of his commander's greaves with every heavy footfall, Link heard Queen Zelda's laugh.
It sounded like twinkling glass or wind chimes; it was ethereal just like her, light and fleeting and beautiful. And when she came into sight, Link's breath hitched, stopping him dead in his tracks.
Zelda appeared through one of the stone gateways, aglow in the sunlight that flitted through the foliage of the trees. She was breathtaking in the daylight, as if the sun itself burned just to shine on her. Her braided dark hair gleamed, her eyes sparkled with laughter, and her smile was small but bright.
Link was yanked out of his reverie at the sight of the prince of Labrynna, stepping out from behind the topiary. Percival stood tall in a dark green royal jacket that matched her gown, with broad shoulders under gold pauldrons like hers, and ginger hair that was oiled and swept back.
But the way Zelda's twinkling eyes were on his face, the way she was laughing at something he said, and her arm was looped into the crook of his elbow was altogether more painful. Link felt it like a kick in the gut.
When Commander Eagus noticed his second's hesitation, he followed his gaze to the junction that they were all approaching. He spotted the queen and simply went, "Ah," before calling out, "Afternoon, Your Majesty!"
His formidable voice caught their attention immediately, causing both royals to turn and look at the commanders. Zelda's brows lifted when she saw the hero, but her gaze quickly flitted back to Eagus.
"Good afternoon, commanders," she greeted.
"Fine weather we're having, isn't it?" Percival chimed in.
"Sure is," Eagus replied.
Link chose not to comment. A beastly urge to rip the prince off her arm surged through him, and he clenched his jaw. Resolutely, he tore his gaze from Zelda and stared straight ahead instead.
She noticed, of course. There was the slightest pout of her lips, the slightest dip of her brows, while Percival remained unbothered - or perhaps more likely, blissfully unaware of their exchange of glances.
With a courteous nod, she swept the prince down another path. It wasn't until they were out of earshot that Link expelled a heavy breath, as if he hadn't breathed throughout the entire interaction.
Eagus slapped the hero on the back, forcing him to stagger forward. "Ya got it bad, dontcha?"
Link's eyes widened moments before they flew to his superior. "What?"
The burly man chortled from somewhere deep in his chest while he marched ahead. Link was frozen long enough for Eagus to make it to the gateway and so he hastened to follow.
"C'mon, m'boy. Those councillors might beat around the bush, but I won't. It's clear ya fancy the queen."
Link's heart stopped for a second. Goddess, he wasn't that obvious, was he?
"She – She's the queen," he spluttered, though he could feel his face betray him by heating up a few degrees.
"I don't give a damn about titles. She's a woman; yer a man. That's how it goes sometimes."
He didn't quite know what to say to that. It was sweet, kind of, if he was able to look past the embarrassment. But Eagus didn't seem to care much either way.
"I don't blame ya. The queen's somethin' special, all right. It's a shame they got her all paired up with that prince." He frowned deeply and scratched the side of his head. "But I guess it's not the lad's fault. He seems nice enough, if not a tad lily-livered."
"Do you -" Link hesitated, and then continued in a small voice, "Do you think she likes him?"
That stopped Eagus in his tracks. He turned back to the hero and was surprised by the vulnerable look on his face.
In training, Link was the toughest warrior he'd ever known. He was able to give orders, to march proudly and fight fiercely, as if he knew no fear. And yet here in the gardens, he was quiet and flustered.
He looked like he was in pain.
The sight softened Eagus's ironclad heart. "Yer askin the wrong man about the inner workings of a woman's mind. Especially if that woman is Queen Zelda."
Link's head tilted as his eyes wandered off to a side, almost like his saddened gaze was an anchor.
"But I can tell ya," he continued with a hand to his chin, "I've known Her Majesty since she was a tyke. Deep down, she's not as tough as she seems. I think part of her wants love just like the rest of us."
Link's eyes flashed back to Eagus, and something unidentifiable shimmered in them. Almost like hope.
Somehow, the commander knew he'd said the right thing.
The queen couldn't sleep that night.
She'd always had bouts of insomnia that lasted at least a fortnight, and she accounted her most recent development to all those weeks spent ill in bed. But if Zelda was being honest with herself, which she wasn't, her sleeplessness was more likely due to another matter – or person – entirely.
At some late hour of the night, she threw her hands on the covers with a huff before pushing them off altogether and standing up. Navigating her room with nothing but moonlight, she threw a light cloak over her night things and pulled on a pair of boots. After she fastened the cloak and untucked her hair from its collar, she stole away into the castle corridors.
She didn't have a destination in mind. Some fresh air might be nice, she thought, but she allowed her feet to wander.
The corridors were quiet and empty in the late hour, aside from the patrolling guards, and she savored in the tranquility of it. It was the one time she might afford some peace, the one time when she was not sought out from anyone at all.
In truth, her councillors had been gracious. Since she'd been on the mend of a deadly virus, they'd been very lenient with her schedule, and Zelda was quite honestly surprised. Not that she was audacious enough to call her courtiers cruel: inconsiderate perhaps, at times even rude, but certainly not cruel.
They only had one thing they required of her – a duty they'd given her little to no lenience on. And that was her courtship.
Perhaps she shouldn't think of her courtship as a duty. She was a young woman after all, and Prince Percival of Labrynna was kind, gentle, and fun to be around. He wasn't classically handsome, but he was good looking in his own right: tall with ginger hair and a spatter of light freckles on his nose.
There were worse men to choose from, Zelda thought. She knew from personal experience.
She pushed open a heavy door and stepped onto a rampart. Drawing a deep breath of the brisk air, she allowed her eyes to fall shut. The night was still and calm. There was the rhythmic chirps of crickets, the hoots of a nearby owl, and the distant squeaks of a bat. By the time her eyes opened, a smile was on her lips.
Using the torchlight on the walls to light her path, she made her way down a staircase and cut through the misty fog that stretched over the castle grounds. It was then, in the firelight, that she found herself under the arch perimeter of the training yard. The knights and squires had long retired, along with the commanders, and Zelda was left all alone.
After giving a cursory glance down the pathway she'd come from, her eyes swept over the enclosure. Since completing her training years ago, she'd visited the training yard less often, especially after Zant's invasion and Hyrule's subsequent restoration.
Eagus had trained her well in many different fighting styles and with a variety of weapons, but she'd always been drawn to the bow. Archery allotted her tranquility unlike anything else in her life, and her skill proved quite useful in the battle against Ganondorf.
Her sharp eyes snagged onto one of the targets. There was no harm tiring herself off, she figured. And so, Zelda unhooked a bow from the wall, loaded a quiver and slung it over her shoulder. Then she positioned herself in front of a painted wooden target.
After nocking the arrow, she raised the bow and drew the fletching beneath her jaw. Everything outside of the target faded away, feeding into the fog, as her eyes narrowed in on its center.
With a small breath, she released the arrow. It whistled through the air before lodging itself into the crimson center with a muted thud.
Zelda smiled.
She couldn't tell how long she spent, or how many arrows she loosed, or how many walks she took to retrieve them and start again. But with every shot she took, the tightness in her shoulders relaxed, her breath became steadier, and she felt sleepiness start to rear its head.
When she'd gotten to the last arrow in her quiver once more, she decided to make the last shot count. Her eyes locked in on the fletching lodged in the center.
With another breath, she freed the arrow. It shot through the air before slicing straight through the other arrow's shaft, splintering the wood in the process.
Zelda leapt out of her skin. She spun on her heel to find none other than the hero, awash in the flickering torchlight, under one of the archways. His eyes were locked on the arrow, which had effectively peeled back another, before they moved to find hers. The queen cleared her throat.
After a brief pause, she stepped forward, deciding it was the only rational thing to do. She couldn't exactly justify turning on her heel and walking away any more than she could justify hiding behind one of the straw dummies.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
Her gaze followed Link's while it swept over the training yard, as if confused, either by her foolish question or by the way he lacked an answer to it.
"I come early sometimes. To practice."
"Is it nearly dawn?"
"Well, no, but…"
There was hesitation on his face, maybe even embarrassment, and he scratched the back of his neck. Her brow arched.
"I couldn't sleep." His eyes darted away, but they flicked back to hers briefly.
"I see." After an uncertain pause, Zelda slung her bow and began collecting her arrows. The movement set his gaze back on her.
"What are you doing here?" Then, he added with feeling, "It's cold out."
"I actually find the weather pleasant. It's been too long since I've had the pleasure of being outdoors."
With the last of the arrows in the quiver, she stowed it away alongside the bow and turned back to him. She hesitated for a moment before admitting, "I also had trouble sleeping."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
There was another beat of silence, where neither knew what to say. Then he said, "Did you-" at the same moment she started, "Perhaps I-" Both their mouths shut, eyes meeting in mutual embarrassment.
The tension between them was unnatural. When did it become like this? Only a week ago, they were laughing and confiding in one another. And then Percival –
Well, Percival hadn't done anything either of them didn't expect. He came to Hyrule in pursuit of Zelda's hand in marriage, just like the other princes and aristocrats. Now, he was courting her. He called upon her and brought her flowers and recited poetry.
Admittedly, it was all rather rushed. Percival waited so long for her to recover and nobody wanted to make him wait any longer. Zelda felt especially guilty for inadvertently holding him hostage these last few weeks.
But in doing so, her bond with Link began to strain, like a heavy load on a frayed knot. He surely felt her pulling away and he had to know why. Of course he was unfamiliar with royal courtships, but he wasn't daft. He had to know what was going on.
Zelda desperately wanted to know what he thought of it. Why hadn't he made any objections? Then again, how dare she imagine he would? The last thing he needed was to get into any more trouble with foreign princes.
When she didn't speak, Link tried again. "Will you stay?" He must've realized the vagueness of his question because he elaborated with, "And practice."
She knew she shouldn't; Zelda knew she should probably turn tail and run back to her chambers. After some sleep, she just might be able to harness the skill of a thespian to pretend this interaction never happened in the morning.
With his fingers in his belt loops and a small shrug, he added, "I could use a partner." Somehow, that was enough to unarm her.
"Very well."
It was rewarded by a smile, both genuine and dashing, that sent her heart fluttering. He stepped forward, picked up two rapiers, and with his other hand, reached out and took hers.
And time grinded to a halt.
Zelda's breath hitched. Link froze. The familiar shock of skin against skin trilled up their arms, and a tremor shot from his heart straight to hers.
He hadn't meant to be so forward. He hadn't thought about it at all, really: he simply meant to hand her the hilt. But somehow, after his eyes found her hand, he'd taken it instead.
Now that he had, he couldn't let go. His hand was behind hers, his fingertips brushing her knuckles. Painstakingly slow, it slid up the length of her hand, dancing across the dorsum, and then his fingertips were just a whisper on her wrist.
Their eyes slowly rose to find each other. Zelda swallowed painfully. Even as his eyes travelled over her face in search of something, she didn't move.
Her chest tightened and she shut her eyes. Her feelings were so strong – the moment too intense. It was just a touch. Just a touch, and yet she quivered.
"The rapier," she uttered, strained.
The words seemed to startle him from his daze. He dropped her hand and time snapped back to speed. After passing her the hilt, he looked away.
"I…" Link began, his voice devoid of breath. "I'm sorry."
"It's all right," Zelda said. Perhaps she shouldn't have: it wasn't all right and they both knew it. They shouldn't be holding hands; they shouldn't be touching at all.
Link wasn't courting her, nor was he even eligible as a suitor. It was wrong to touch in that manner, especially when another man's proposal was just on the horizon.
And yet, it felt so right.
Eager to end the thought there, she took a few steps back. Perhaps duelling would be enough to keep her mind occupied, considering how long it'd been since she practiced.
"Shall we begin?"
At his small, distracted nod, she slid into position. Link mirrored her with an idle swing of his blade, a habit she'd noticed in his duel with Ganondorf.
And then it began. Zelda engaged him with a series of precise moves, all of which he easily blocked.
Just by watching his duels, she knew Link's skill was unmatched, but fighting him was another matter entirely. Though they'd technically duelled before, she'd been a puppet under Ganondorf's strings and could remember next to nothing of the encounter.
If it wasn't clear before, his expertise was certainly evident now. He was graceful and swift, his blade an extension of his body. And his body, the way that it moved and twisted - she was entranced.
Her swings began to fall more heavily until Link suddenly ducked, causing her to stagger forward, and he lightly jabbed her on the side.
Zelda recoiled and he smiled in an easy, boyish way that was both frustrating and exhilarating. Eyes locked, they stepped back and began to circle each other.
"Do you practice every night?"
"Sometimes," he admitted with another shrug. "It's a good distraction."
She mulled over his words even as Link engaged her again, their blades ringing like the tolls of a bell. He blocked every slice just as she evaded every thrust.
"Is there a lot on your mind?"
Link didn't answer at first. His eyes had moved from hers to their rapiers, though it seemed he wasn't entirely focused on their movement. She'd seen through his feint and caught his blade's edge just before he could nick her again.
"Something like that."
Link lunged. Upon blocking, she slowly slid the edge of her blade up the length of his and forced it away. The opening allowed her to jab him on the shoulder.
"For me as well."
His gaze flashed back to hers, uncertain and withdrawn, before flitting between her eyes. The tension was nearly palpable.
"Is it," Link finally ventured, his voice in his throat, "the prince?"
With a tight swallow, she dropped her gaze. She didn't answer right away. Instead, she thrusted her rapier, but Link stepped aside just before it could jab him. He batted it away and retaliated, prompting the chiming of steel to once again echo throughout the yard.
"In part," she finally said.
"He likes you."
"It would appear so."
There was another question on his tongue, another unsaid word he wouldn't dare voice, and yet Zelda could feel it hanging in the air.
Do you like him?
Winded, Zelda disengaged and stepped back, settling a hand on her stomach as she tried to catch her breath. They resumed circling one another, as if in a dance.
"Percival possesses a kind heart." She wiped a hand over her dewy brow. "For people in my position, sometimes that's all one needs to ascertain."
"Is that enough?"
"It..." She hesitated. "It must be."
There was a frown set on his face, seemingly unconvinced, that made her feel uneasy. She stepped forward and engaged him once more with a bout of strikes.
With every clash of their rapiers, the space between them dwindled. It was as if a gravitational pull drew them together, as if space itself surrendered so they might get closer.
"What about love?"
She struck down, but it caught the edge of his rapier.
"Love is not always an option."
Their blades locked, forming a saltire between them, their faces unguarded above the intersection.
They went still in the same instant, at the sudden realization of how close they'd gotten. They were breathing heavily and her eyes fluttered, lashes low as they dropped to his lips.
And then Link whispered, "It could be."
Her breath caught. There Link stood, the very essence of all that she desired less than a handspan away, and she was immobilized by three simple words.
Zelda desperately wanted him to elaborate. She wanted him to say that he would love her, if she would only allow him to. It was foolish and improper and impossible, but she wanted it anyway.
It was as if her mind had divested all rationality - as if it willingly surrendered its authority to her heart when it came to him.
"Link," Zelda said, breathless and spellbound.
He seemed equally entranced by her proximity. His chest rose and fell with shuddering breaths; his cheeks were flushed to where she could feel its heat, but he didn't push away. His lips were close - so close.
Zelda couldn't remember thinking much about kissing before Link, but now it was all she could think of. What did he taste like? How would his lips move against hers? Where would he touch her?
"I..." There were a thousand ways she wanted to finish her sentence, a thousand things she wanted to tell him. But what came out instead was, "…I should think that's a stalemate."
The words she spoke, before she could even deliberate them, forced her to step back, and the knot in her chest tightened immediately. Her feelings for him sat thick and heavy in her chest, but her future lied in someone else's hands.
To her surprise, Link stepped after her with his hand out. "Zelda -"
Her eyes flashed up to his. His brows were furrowed, pained. So many unsaid words festered in the space between them. His mouth was shaping words his voice could not find, but still her ears strained to make them out.
"Just…" he took another step towards her, the point of his rapier dropping to the floor, "don't do anything that'll make you unhappy."
Her lips pressed into a tight line. More than anything, Zelda wished that she could take his advice. She wished her marriage didn't have to be discussed with a council; she wished that her decisions held no consequences for anyone else.
But she was the queen, and such choices were never really hers.
With a small dip of her head, she simply said, "Goodnight, Link," and disappeared into the night.
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sun-aries · 1 year ago
Look at this beautiful artwork @between-star did of my fic!! ❤️🥰❤️ thank you so much!!
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Broken Mirrors and Their Reflections Illustration
For Fic "Broken Mirrors and Their Reflections" by sun_aries
Read here! Ao3 | Fanfiction.net
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photosamateurs · 3 years ago
142 - Austin Healey Frogeye Sprite - ACN_7292 par Andrew C. Noble
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analisajkse · 4 years ago
Seperti biasa, Pagi ini kita screening SUPERATOCK saham pilihan, dimana sedang terjadi big akumulasi. Tentu dengan harga yg masih murah PBV < 1 , dengan resiko kebangkrutan menurut theory altman z-Score sangat aman. Follow this instagram to get daily SUPERSTOCK screen Discussion on telegram @analisajksechannel #kija #bmtr #mpmx #lpkr #luck #lsip #analisasahamharian #jokesaham #analisasahamgratis #analisasahamfundamental #belajarsaham #belajarsahampemula #belajarsahamgratis #belajarsahamindonesia #idxchannelcommunity #idxislamic #idxchannel #tradersaham #traderforexindonesia #binomoindonesia #traderbekasi #traderpemula #pemulatrader https://www.instagram.com/p/COgyWU_DtwP/?igshid=ih999lgsajvw
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bunnywand · 6 years ago
on the way in 2 birmingham there’s a car place called “bmtr” and i guess it probs means like “birmingham motors” or s/t but all i can think of when i see it is *scooby doo voice* “bring me the rorizon” 😭😭
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sun-aries · 3 years ago
Imma add if you like tp zelink i gotta a fic that’s loooong and juicy lol it’s called Broken Mirrors and Their Reflections if you wanna read ❤️
omg please the recssss!!! what are your fave zelink fics i need more oot and tp in my life
Ah well, there aren't many! It's hard to find good-quality stuff.
For Twilight Princess, there's Canine Shenanigans and Ghosts of Twilight by Tired_Twili are two of my faves, but there's also a bunch of other TP Zelink oneshots by them that are also very good! And last but not least, my crowning favorite, Excuses by Stingingcake (it's one of the fics I reread on the regular to sooth my bereaved soul)
For Ocarina of Time, there isn't really any good longfic (😭) that I can find in my bookmarks, but a oneshot I really enjoyed is Ocarina of Time if the Ocarina got Broken, also by Stingingcake. It's short, sweet, fluffy, and with happy endings for all.
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natus82 · 3 years ago
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Моя#кукла#10.08.18💋💋💋😘🌼🌸💋💋 https://www.instagram.com/p/BmTr-2rh1wHtrF3jFNwHZPWOasSDOOZqvh84ro0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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davidfoster215 · 3 years ago
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➡️Just left #happyhour our tab this morning was 17.06 miles❗️ 🚴‍♀️ Zwift - Desireé M Peterkin [MTIR|ARTEMIS|BMTR]'s Meetup - Sprinter's Playground @krtcycling @qrtcycling @phillymtcc #healthISwealth #davidfoster215 #lifebehindbars #shutuplegs #cycopath #bikelife #realtor #wahoo #zwift https://www.instagram.com/davidfoster215/p/CYlwKnyus5S/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sun-aries · 8 years ago
My fic is on here?? Thanks sweetheart ❤️
HI :) do you have any TP Zelink fic recs???
Hey! hooo boy you bet I do! In fact, I created a community on ff.net called Fragments of Twilight. I need to find new fics to update it, tho
Special mention to zeldasdiaries, because they have lots of good stuff! 
a cat-astrophic problem
broken mirrors and their reflections
daisy crowns
something better
the alarm
the way to the heart
one short masterpost I made once, long ago
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norayehyeh · 3 years ago
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養胖晚餐 https://www.instagram.com/p/CUCtlDohe0fK4WxJUfu-BMTR-uy1T-NJNvvBmU0/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
sun-aries · 2 years ago
Weathering the Storm (TP Zelink)
Here's one for the collection! Just some good ole angst for the soul!
Navy flags snapped atop their poles, the glass of the windows shook against the iron grates, and the rain pelted against the shingles of the roof: an unsteady rhythm that harmonized with the crackle of the firewood. It was the kind of night that left the queen reluctant to return home to her empty chambers.  
But soon, her chambers wouldn’t be so empty anymore.
Zelda often wondered what it’d feel like, having him to come home to, to have his things mesh with hers, to crawl into bed beside him and see him dressed less than proper. Her face heated at the thought.
A long while had passed before he came to her study door, a knock so familiar under the weight of his hand that she knew it was him. At her clearance, Link entered with wet hair and a fresh set of clothes, but his boots were crusted with mud and flaking on the carpets. Training must’ve left him a mess during such a storm.
Unlike at his homestead in Ordon, knights didn't get to stay in on a rainy day. Instead, they worked twice as hard on the slick grounds and through the misty air. Needless to say, the knights were pushed to their limits and as second-in-command, Link was no exception.
“You look exhausted. You don’t want to turn in early?” She said this even though she selfishly wished he wouldn’t; she hadn’t seen him all day.
"Nah," he replied, but the tired undertone of his voice betrayed him. He'd had many worse days, of course, scouring through unforgiving temples and facing ruthless beasts. But a hard day was still a hard day, and even heroes were exhausted from time to time.
But now he had Zelda to return to, and after a nice hot bath, he was just glad to be back in her company. She was perched on the sofa before the fire, with her frayed blanket wrapped around her shoulders and a poetry book open in her palms. Her pale blue eyes were more radiant than the firelight, her small smile warmer than its heat.
The sofa shifted as he slumped into it and the fragrance from his bath oils filled the air. She set the small book aside and lifted the old blanket a touch higher. “Are you cold?”
His face stilled with a fluster. There was a pause before he smiled and carefully scooted closer. Warmth washed through him instantly, but it wasn’t from the blanket. Instead, it was the steady pressure of her shoulder and the accidental brush of her thigh against his. He often wondered what she thought of in a tender moment like this. Did it fluster her too?
Zelda turned her gaze back to the fire; though they were solemn, her eyes sparkled in the flitting flames, and her brown hair spilled over her shoulders, soft and dark in the shadows but gleaming like melted gold in the firelight.
His fingers found the frayed edges of the blanket and fixed it over his other shoulder. “Where’d you get this blanket?”
Zelda tensed. It didn’t seem like much of a question in his head but when he said it out loud, it fell heavy on the room like he’d dropped a brick in a still pond.
They were weeks away from marriage now. But there was still much about one another that they didn’t know: her status as queen had urged them to marry sooner, after all. It wasn’t typically a problem, especially on evenings like these where they could fill the silence with conversation.
But his question felt heavy in a way he hadn’t prepared for. He quickly threw more words out as if it’d ease the tension. “It seems like your favorite. Is it your baby blanket?”
She opened her mouth but nothing came from it. Instead, her pale eyes glazed over, going distant to a place he couldn’t follow. It took a moment for her to say, “No.” There was another pause, long and drawn out, where he thought she might leave it there. But instead Zelda said, “It’s from the tower.”
His mouth fell open then, the word “Oh,” slipping out without him really meaning to say it. It was a sensitive topic, and he’d never intentionally broached it. He’d seen the scars that riddled her body, fading into the smoothness of her skin; he’d heard her voice quiver with an uncharacteristic vulnerability when she spoke of it. “I’m sor-”
“It’s okay,” she interjected, clearly anticipating the apology. “It’s fine.”
But it wasn’t. Her fear still festered. It was in the screech of an iron door and the thud of heavy footsteps and the menacing torchlight pouring through a door or the raise of a hand or a voice. It was in the fall of twilight, when darkness dampened her contentment like a snuffer smothering a candle, and all she had was her blanket to shelter in.
Some irrational part of her was ashamed: thinking how foolish it was for the bearer of wisdom to be afraid of something that’s done and gone, or how inelegant it was for a queen to cower under her blanket at any unexpected noise. But until recently, she’d had the fortune of not disclosing it to anyone, of being alone at the worst of it in the privacy of her bedchambers.
Whether Link understood why or not, he’d already seen her flinch upon awakening in the desert. He’d learned that she’d suffered at the guard’s hands in the tower – and at times, she was certain he was just as fragile at the fall of night. She could share this with him.
“It’s just…one of the few things that brought me comfort. I couldn’t bear parting with it. When the time came to reconstruct the tower, I took it with me.”
Link’s hand fell on hers, sending that familiar trill from the Triforce rolling up her arm, and she suddenly realized she’d been tugging at a loose thread. “I get that,” he said; his voice had been so absent from the room that it almost startled her. But it brought her comfort instead. “I kept everything I found too.”
A skittish smile tugged at her lips. “You do have quite a bit of treasures.” When they worked out the logistics of it, he admitted he didn’t have much to bring when he’d move into her chambers. But he had a rather large trunk of odds and ends that he couldn’t seem to part with, one that started to gather dust in the back of his own closet.
He smiled sheepishly. “What else brought you comfort?”
She paused, giving his question a fair deal of thought before answering, “You,” she said. “And Midna of course. Knowing you were both defending this kingdom gave me a great deal of comfort. More than anything, for that matter.”
Guiltily, her words made his heart skip a beat. It killed him to think that she'd suffered all along, that he'd never considered it or done anything about it. They'd left her in the tower, thinking foolishly that she was safe there - as a princess ought to be - and carried on, while she stayed back and anticipated the inevitable abuse from the guard only steps away from her door.
And yet there was a strange consolation in knowing that Zelda thought of him – that thinking of him comforted her, even at the darkest of times. She’d relied on them to save the kingdom and at least in that he hadn’t failed her.
Looking down at their joined hands, he brushed her knuckles idly. “I thought about you too…” he admitted. “Me and Midna would talk about you a lot.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. Sometimes, she’d bring you up out of nowhere, but other times it was like she knew you were on my mind…” He shook his head, eyes fallen downcast, and when the fluster rekindled on his cheeks, he rose his bare hand to scratch it. “But I always worried about you. I just wish -”
She stopped him suddenly with a soft but firm kiss on his cheek. His hand froze against his face, eyes wide and staring blankly at the tapestry over her shoulder. Her lips lingered against his red hot skin; her breath filtered through her lips and carried to the hollow of his ear. “Wish nothing. You saved me.”
Her words sent his hand moving on its own accord, before he even realized that he’d broken free of his stupor, and thread into her hair, grasping her head and drawing her into an embrace. His face buried into her shoulder, catching whiff of her warm, familiar smell and holding it in his throat like it was something tangible.
“You’re safe now,” he agreed, his voice hitched with his breath, but she’d shuddered in his arms as he said it. It was a reminder – half-spoken to himself – a vow abridged to the ones they’d speak at the altar only weeks later.
When she regained some strength, she drew back far enough to find his eyes, alight with firelight - and maybe also his assertion, and said, “I know.”
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megajennyyang0301 · 4 years ago
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Women Fashion Small Polka Dot Floral Fringe Viscose Shawl Scarf Print Voile Wrap Headband Bufandas Muslim Hijab Sjaal BMTR-7
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ewfsmg · 5 years ago
Equityworld Futures Semarang : Investor Asing Beli Saham, IHSG Ditutup Menguat ke 5.233,45
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Equityworld Futures Semarang - Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup menguat pada perdagangan Rabu pekan ini. Sebanyak 171 saham sehingga mendorong IHSG ke zona hijau.
Pada penutupan perdagangan saham, Rabu (12/8/2020), IHSG ditutup naik 43,28 poin atau 0,83 persen ke posisi 5.233,45. Sementara, indeks saham LQ45 juga menguat 1,59 persen ke posisi 825,22.
kunjungi PT. Equityworld Futures | Perusahaan Investasi Berjangka
Selama perdagangan, IHSG berada di posisi tertinggi pada level 5.235,52 dan terendah 5.178,45.
Sebanyak 171 saham menguat sehingga mendorong IHSG ke zona hijau. Sementara 241 saham melemah dan 169 saham diam di tempat.
Transaksi perdagangan saham cukup ramai. Total frekuensi perdagangan saham 853.345 kali dengan volume perdagangan 11,7 miliar saham. Nilai transaksi harian saham Rp 11,3 triliun.
Investor asing beli saham Rp 180 miliar di pasar regular. Posisi dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) berada di kisaran Rp 14.649.
Dari 10 sektor pembentuk IHSG, sebagian besar menghijau. Penguatan dipimpin oleh sektor aneka industri yang naik 2,31 persen. Kemudian disusul sektor keuangan naik 2,22 persen dan sektor konstruksi naik 0,34 persen.
Saham yang menguat diantaranya SGER yang naik 34,36 persen ke Rp 262 per saham, BMTR naik 24,53 persen ke Rp 246 per saham dan BBLD naik 17,80 persen ke Rp 450 per saham.
Saham yang melemah antara lain KBAG yang turun 6,87 persen ke Rp 244 per lembar saham, PGLI melemah 6,86 persen ke Rp 190 per lembar saham dan MSKY turun 6,82 persen ke Rp 1.025 per lembar.
news edited by Equityworld Futures Semarang​​​​​
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kooky-love · 7 years ago
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Soldier of Torture "In a world of torture and pain.. love is what brings ease to a soldiers world. A soldier of torture has his talents and shares it through his art and ink...." My 6th submission for @threadless loves tattoo Vote : http://thrdl.es/~/bmtR @kookylove77 X @khairulanam87 #threadless #tattoo #traditionaltattoo #tattooflash #traditionaltattooflash #ink #soldieroftorture #soldier #maketattonotwar #tattooartist #luv #love #romantic #illustration #illustrationoftheday #design #graphicdesign #graphicroozane #thedesigntip #iconoftheday #designoftheday #drawing #quyendinh #qd #kookylove77 #khairulanam87 #indonesiansubculture #subculture
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sun-aries · 1 year ago
This WIP has been sitting in my drafts forever and it’s still not finished but maybe some of you will get a kick out of it. Rated T for suggestive themes. Enjoy!
Heat. It embodied the room that blissful summer afternoon, where the sunbeams fired through the glass windows and cast the queen's study in an idyllic golden glow. Closing the curtains was little to no respite, for there was little light without the hearth burning, and so they opted to leave them open, sacrificing any chance of cold for the light needed to get through their planning.
With the wedding only weeks away, it was crucial for the young couple to go over the plans. Though there were more than a dozen staff working to ensure their wedding ceremony and reception were worthy of royalty, Zelda and Link needed to approve every little detail, from the greenery in the centerpieces to the inlays of dishware and the embroidery of the napery. Though Zelda was well-versed in such drab subjects, Link could hardly care, finding that the heat of the room matching with the utter boredom of the topics made it hard to focus.
Instead, he found himself looking at her. A bead of sweat formed at her hairline, trickling down her temple, heading for her jaw before her hand intercepted. It was swept away by her index finger, dressed in satin gloves, and he absently wondered how she wasn't boiling. She always wore what must've been pounds of cloth, dressed properly and sitting primly, but he hadn't ever thought about what a nuisance it would be on such a hot and heavy day. Not that he was one to talk particularly, dressed in layers beneath his simple tunic, but he reasoned that he was more immune since traversing under the desert's sun.
"Given the surplus of blue samples Chancellor Foster has given me, I'm inclined to believe he has a preference. It is the color of our crest, after all, but I personally admire the simplicity of the ivory," Zelda said, flipping through the square samples of satin. "What do you think?" Receiving no response, she turned to look at her fiancé. She found him staring at her, eyes dazed and lips parted just a little, and she knew he was lost in thought. Her lips twitched as she tried to suppress an amused smile and she shook her head. "Link."
He startled at the sternness of her voice. "Huh?"
"Have you listened to a word I've said?"
"Oh…yeah, something about blue, I think." The queen rose a brow. "I'm sorry. It's just hard to focus…It's so hot. Aren't you hot?"
She placed the samples on her lap and sighed. It was a bit bothersome, the heat, but she typically forged ahead. Hazarding a glance out the window behind them, she squinted at the blinding sunlight pouring in. "Yes, it is quite hot."
Resigned, she gathered her long hair and swept it over her shoulder, inadvertently revealing the stretch of bare skin from her jaw, to her elegant neck and shoulders up until her pauldrons. 
Link tensed, his fists clenching around the hem of his tunic. His eyes were hyper-focused on Zelda's neck, watching another bead of sweat travel down the length of it, down towards her collarbone. He ached to reach out, to sweep it away with his tongue.
It disappeared down the neckline of her dress and it was then that his eyes met hers again. Suddenly, he realized how intently Zelda watched him watching her, and though he was flustered by it, he was locked in on her gaze. He thought he would die if he didn't touch her right then.
"I don't suppose you'd mind if I..." She paused, reaching for the hem of her gloves.
His eyes followed the movement, widening upon realization. Then, shaking his head, he tried to say, "No," but his mouth had gotten dry and it came out embarrassingly hoarse.
There was a flicker of a smile on her lips, perhaps of trick of the light, before she started to peel the glove off. When they got bunched up at the elbow, he habitually reached out to help before he froze, fingers twitching, hot and flustered with the thought of taking her clothes off. It was a measly glove, for goddesses sake, but it made him blush anyways.
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megajennyyang0301 · 4 years ago
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Women Fashion Solid Color Long Soft Cotton Tassel Scarf Wrap Shawl Stole Scarves BMTR-6
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