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Be My Princess Social // Yakov Chernenkov, Season 1, Episode 1
// The Great Prince of the Country of Ice
o wats this, self-indulgent crap?? haha the joke is that all the translations i post are self-indulgent crap, thank you for coming to the press conference
This is going to be part of a translation of the Yakov Chernenkov route for the Be My Princess Social Platforms (GREE, Joshige, Eternal Kiss, etc.)
I figured this should be… relatively all right given that it seems like Voltage is done with BMP Social games forever in terms having English versions. tbh kinda surprised no one ever took the task of doing it. publicly at least? i searched a bit, found nothing. if someone already did it pls tell me lol …..but i guess something like this is a stan’s job to do, right (゚▽゚*)
idk, we’ll see how this goes… only did 1 ep as a test run to see if i feel like doing this rn lol this is lengthy endeavor
Image-heavy!! Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*)
Intro & Legend
This route is similar to Zain’s in that they wipe just about everything from the Paid version (the one with Sergei and the Anastasia backstory…lol that was wild thinking abt it) and start anew with the character. But Yakov is different from all the other BMP1 characters in that they also changed his personality almost completely. This is reflected in his profile when they change his blood type and age from the Paid version (B → O, 25 → 31)
If you’re familiar with the Social Zain route, you can kinda see through his bits how they changed him. A BMP fansite master describes him as “high-handed, but charismatic - a person with the character of a king” which sums it up better than anything I could ever think up
So I guess it would be a good idea to not carry over expectations from the Paid app route to this route because that’s just a recipe for disappointment lol. i know a lot of people like the Yakov from the Paid route, so I wanted to put that out there. It’s a shame bc that character is effectively “gone” but… the yakov i stan is the social one, so if that had to happen so my 2d man could come into existence…well…
thank u for ur sacrifice
➤ are my own commentary.
➢ are the choices that pop up. For the most part I have both (iirc I don’t have one near the end bc I forgot I was trying to pick the wrong ones on purpose lol). Note that all my wrong answers are from the original version’s text and thus they may have been changed for EK. Correct answers are labeled with ❆
➼ at the end of a line signals that the choice text has “ended” and it returns back to the general text. The general text resumes on the line that begins with a ➼. This is mostly just for organization on my part - the docs I type+format these on get very, very annoying to scroll through, so
Bolded dialogue reflect the screencaps.
I hope you enjoy some part of it! ( ´◡` ) Thanks for reading
Episode 1 // The Great Prince of the Country of Ice
➤ Interestingly, the original title they used for GREE and Joshige is The Cold, Rational Prince of Sanct Sybil Kingdom. I dunno why they would change it except maybe it was too long for the title card to look pretty lol
When I opened the door at the sound of the chime, there stood a man wearing a gentle smile on his face. Taking note of my presence, he places his hand to his breast and gracefully bows.
[Zain]: “You must be Miss Kara Go. I am Zain, the personal steward of Nobel Michel Castle.” [Zain]: “As promised, I have come to pick you up.” [Kara]: “Y-Yes. I am indeed Kara Go.” [Kara]: “To go out of your way to come here - thank you so much.” (Am I really… not just dreaming here?) Pulling a letter out from my pocket, I recall the events over the past few days that had led up to today.
I had torn the seal of a blank-white envelope that had no written return address, and my eyes widened in shock. “I want you to become an exclusive designer.” In the enclosed message - along with a bit of contact information, the end of the letter had been signed by Nobel the XIII, the lord of Nobel Michel Castle. (This must be some sort of mistake… A-Anyhow, I should try to verify it.) Thinking that, I call the contact number on the letter…
But, indeed - the letter was not a mistake, and they spoke to me about wanting to have a proper consultation about the position. I was told that Lord Nobel wanted some time to talk in-person with me, and eventually the promised day where I felt that my dreams were coming over the horizon… finally came. (Even when it’s finally here, in front of me of like this, I still can’t believe it…) [Zain]: “Thus, His Grace awaits. Let us depart.” [Kara]: “O-Okay…” With a spring to my step, I get onto the limousine with Zain.
(It would’ve never crossed my mind that I’d be going to Nobel Michel Castle for a second time.) (And on top of that, I’ve been called here in terms of being a designer of all things…) I was pretty nervous the time I had come here for Jean Pierre’s errand, but now I’m even more nervous compared to that day. I felt my heart noisily thumping as I waited for Lord Nobel, and eventually the parlor door opened.
[Zain]: “My Lady, we must deeply apologize.” [Zain]: “His Grace’s conference is going longer than expected, so it seems you will have to wait a few moments longer.” [Kara]: “I see…” [Zain]: “Since you took your most valued time to come here― Would you like to take a look around the castle gardens until the conference is over?” [Kara]: “Castle gardens… you say?” [Zain]: “Indeed. Several varieties of the rare flowers we raise are currently in bloom– so if it pleases you, I can guide you around.” (You don’t get the chance to tour the Nobel Castle gardens everyday.) [Kara]: “Then, if you may.” [Zain]: “Very well. Shall we go now?” With Zain as my guide, I get to visit the castle gardens.
[Kara]: “Wow… it’s absolutely stunning.” [Zain]: “Thank you. Everyone who visits these gardens tend to voice similar sentiments about it.” The courtyard stretched over a vast space, and it was a feast for the eyes even with a simple glance. (In a way, it’s as if I’ve been sucked into a fairy tale.) As Zain explained the parts and features within it, I was completely enamored by the beautiful garden― When an teenage boy clad in a butler’s uniform comes running to us from the castle.
[???]: “Zain! So this is where you were.” [Zain]: “…Theo, you are before a guest.” [Zain]: “I must apologize, My Lady.” [Zain]: “This is Theo, who is training in this castle as an apprentice steward.” The boy called Theo – at being scolded by Zain, straightened his posture accordingly.
➤ i can’t believe bmp2 stans denied us from having the wacky family sitcom a theo route would have smh my head bro
[Theo]: “…I am Theo.” [Kara]: “I’m Kara. Nice to meet you, Theo.” [Theo]: “M-Mhm…” Theo, whose face still held remnants of childlike youth, averted his eyes shyly. Then Zain, who had witnessed all of this, lightly presses the boy in a gentle tone. [Zain]: “Theo, did you have any matters to discuss with me?” [Theo]: “Ah-, right! I was sent by His Grace to relay this message to you.” [Theo]: “He urgently wants your input on something, so you gotta come to the conference room.” [Zain]: “His Grace does?” [Zain]: “But, right now…” His eyebrows knit together, as if troubled. With a smile I turn to him. [Kara]: “I’ll be all right by myself. Though while I wait, may I take a look around the garden?” [Zain]: “Yes, of course.” [Zain]: “I apologize for being unable to guide you around myself for now– but if you could meet with me afterwards…” [Zain]: “Can you wait just a moment?” [Kara]: “All right.” Sounding apologetic in his words, he then goes with Theo towards the castle. (Being the exclusive butler to Lord Nobel must be quite the busy job…) I thought about that as I took a stroll around the calm gardens, sunlight beaming… When―
[Man]: “Please, at least, once more– Please consider thinking about it…!” The cries of a man at his wits’ end cut through the silence of the courtyard. (Is something going on…?) Looking in the direction of the voice, I find three men standing from the other side of the building. The shouting from earlier seems to have come from a man who looked slightly older from other two, and said man also seemed to be desperately calling for something. [Man]: “…The state of the administration right now still is unstable.” [Man]: “If we act too carelessly, the balance of the three nations could collapse once more!” [???]: “…I have long past made a decision.” The words that had answered the aggravated man were bound to a terribly icy voice. As this man stood with his back facing me, I was unable to see his face; but from pitch alone he seemed to be a young man. With his long, platinum-blond hair having been pleated into a single braid, he silently rebuffs the rage of the older one.
[???]: “Even if you did indeed manage to chase me all the way here― Decisions are not something to turn back from.” [???]: “That is all that need be said, so I shall leave first.” [Man]: “…Yakov–Sir, why are you this impatient?!” [Man]: “It can't be that you don’t realize that now is a crucial time for the country, is it…?!” In pure exasperation, the older man grabs onto the man called Yakov. But in doing so, a man in a butler’s uniform that had stood across from him swiftly yanks the man off.
[Butler]: “What are you thinking in that head of yours, grabbing onto someone of his (Yakov’s) status?” [Butler]: “Even if you get imprisoned for disrespecting the state, this is an inexcusable situation you’ve found yourself in.”
➤ so the term he uses is specifically for lèse-majesté, which is the fancy term for insulting the ruling sovereign, monarchy, ruling state, etc. etc. but i didn’t want to just throw in that term bc i felt like it’s not… very common? idk i feel like the bmp mc wouldn’t know what that is granted i guess you could do the galaxy brain take and be like “she doesn’t know what that term is and that’s why she couldn’t piece together that yakov is royalty”
[Man]: “Urgh…!” The older man was then pinned to the ground, and as his arms were confined behind his back, he groans in pain. The moment I see the expression on his face, a cry spills out from my lips.
[Kara]: “Ah…!” [Yakov]: “…!” Hearing my voice, the platinum-blond man whips his head around.
His eyes, peeking out from behind his long bangs and deep blue like the sea, then sharply leveled at me. [Yakov]: “…What is your business?” [Kara]: “Uh…”
(What should I answer with?) Menacingly asked to speak, I…
➢ I’m unable to say anything. ➢ “He’s in pain.” ❆
➢ I’m unable to say anything. (This person… has an awfully intimidating air to him.) Unable to say anything particularly impactful, I only turn my eyes to the man held to the ground. ➼
➢ “He’s in pain.” [Kara]: “I don’t know what’s going on here, but you’ve gone too far… He’s in pain.” [Yuri]: “Of course. It’s only natural for it to hurt when you’re bound down like this.” The man in the butler’s uniform answers me with a smile plastered on his face. (What the-… He’s smiling, but it’s honestly quite frightening-) [Kara]: “B-But… if you end up injuring him, that’d be terrible, no…?!” While paralyzed with fear, I managed to raise my voice at him. ➼
➼ With that, the platinum-blond man shifts his eyes to the man in the butler’s uniform. [Yakov]: “―Yuri, release him.” [Yuri]: “…” At his words, the one called Yuri immediately relinquishes his hold.
➤ Yuri’s name might actually be Urey, as one of Ivan’s Birthday Event routes note how Ivan’s wolf Urey and butler Yuri have the same name (by coincidence). But the JPN version always spells it as Yuri so I’m just used to it. Not that you should really be taking the app’s romanization as official though given they have stuff like “Lewis” (Louis), “Jean” (Jan), and the occasional “Robert” for Roberto ( ´_ゝ`)
As the older man staggers back up from the ground, the blond man speaks to the two of them. [Yakov]: “Do not start trouble in the castle grounds of other kingdoms.” [Yakov]: “ ―Regarding what happened here today, I shall overlook it this time. Good?” [Yuri]: “Understood.” [Man]: “…My sincere apologies.” As the two men lower their heads, the man called Yakov then directs his piercing gaze towards me.
[Yakov]: “Forget what you just saw and heard here. Not a word to anyone.” With only those words to me, he leaves with the other two following behind him. (That “Yakov” person, and “Yuri” too… what terrifying people.) Alone in the garden, I was completely petrified to the spot from the overwhelming pressure those men had left me with.
[Theo]: “―Miss Kara, here is where His Grace’s been hanging o– awaiting your presence, rather.” Afterwards, Lord Nobel’s conference had ended and Theo had come to take me to him. While heading to the parlor where His Grace was waiting, Theo’s innocent self causes a smile to crack my features. [Kara]: “Just ‘Kara’ is fine, Theo. On that note, you don’t have to speak so formally with me.” [Theo]: “Uh- But…” [Kara]: “I’ll be more at ease and less nervous that way.” [Kara]: “Besides, I’m in a similar situation as you.” [Theo]: “‘Similar’?” [Kara]: “I’m only a rookie designer.” [Kara]: “So like how you’re an apprentice butler, it’s kind of a similar position.” [Theo]: “Gotcha…” At my explanation, Theo, apparently happy about some part of it, breaks into a smile. [Theo]: “…I get you. Then- When we’re together like this, I’ll be sure to do it.” [Theo]: “Since only super-distinguished people ever come to this castle, I get pretty stressed out.” [Kara]: “Hehe, I’m feeling the same too. Just entering this castle makes me anxious.”
[Theo]: “Right?! Lord Nobel and Zain treat me really well so it’s all right for now, but…” Theo wore a smile that was quite fitting for a young boy like himself. Calmed by his pure sincerity, I enter the reception room.
[Theo]: “…Your Grace, I have brought Miss Kara Go.” [Nobel]: “Thank you for your hard work.” [Nobel]: “Kara, sorry for making you have to wait on me when I was the one who called you up here.” Lord Nobel wears a merry smile on his face as he kindly welcomes me. I bow my head down in gratitude. [Kara]: “I am, indeed, Kara Go.” [Kara]: “Thank you for inviting me to such a meeting.” [Nobel]: “You don’t have to greet me so formally,” [Nobel]: “as the truth still stands that I was the one who summoned you today. I just wanted to talk with ya about something.” [Nobel]: “―So, Kara, do you know of the country of Sanct Sybil?” [Kara]: “Yes. I’m only knowledgeable with news and info that’s been reported to the public, but…”
Sanctis, Sybil, Versurk― Those three countries had united into one, and the resulting nation is apparently called “Sanct Sybil” from what I’ve heard. With this as my sole knowledge of the country, Lord Nobel speeds up the conversation.
[Nobel]: “Then I’ll cut to the chase.” [Nobel]: “The truth is that Sanct Sybil is planning to join the Nobel Michel Alliance.” [Nobel]: “As they’re still a new nation, they’re searching for talent both inside and outside the country.” [Nobel]: “In pursuit of capable individuals, the prince of Sanct Sybil has come to me for some guidance, so…” Cutting his own words short, a smile then markedly graces his features.
[Nobel]: “Kara, you are to be the exclusive designer of Sanct Sybil Castle.” [Nobel]: “I thought that I’d like to go see you work there.” [Kara]: “Uh-…” (I’m… going to be the exclusive designer… for a royal castle?!)
[Nobel]: “Besides yourself, I’ve been in talks with other talented folks in all sorts of industries.” [Nobel]: “It’s only the designer position that’s yet to be decided.” [Nobel]: “I personally wanted to recommend you, but… what do you think?” [Kara]: “Um… I’m truly grateful to be able to have this conversation with you, but…” [Kara]: “Since I’m still new to this, I don’t have any achievements to show for anything.” [Kara]: “Knowing that, why did you call on me for this…?” I can’t hide my own utter confusion from his sudden invitation. Voicing my bewildered thoughts with that question, the corners of his lips quirk up into a smile.
[Nobel]: “I learned about you through a list I asked from Jean Pierre.” Lord Nobel, upon consulting with the prince of Sanct Sybil, requested Jean Pierre to produce a list of designers with promising futures. (Jean Pierre himself put me on that list…) [Nobel]: “Certainly, you don’t have any prior accolades… but within the multitude of applicants, I saw your design sketches,” [Nobel]: “and I was considerably charmed by them.” [Nobel]: “I grew delighted just from simply looking at that design.” [Nobel]: “And for that reason I wish to bring you to Sanct Sybil, a nation newly born into this world.” [Nobel]: “I think that a person full of zeal like yourself is necessary for such a place.” [Kara]: “Your Grace…” [Nobel]: “By all means, please consider it for me.” (I’m simply unworthy to be having this sort of discussion…)
At Lord Nobel’s invitation, I…
➢ “Give me some time.” ❆ ➢ “If it is all right with the other party…”
➢ "Give me some time.” Having heard all of this from Lord Nobel so far, the feeling of wanting to give it a shot comes to me. (But…) [Kara]: “…Could you give me a bit of time to think about it?” [Nobel]: ”Of course. You should go ponder it a great deal before coming to a decision.” ➼
➢ “If it is all right with the other party…” [Kara]: “If it is all right with the other party, I feel that I would like to accept this offer.” [Kara]: “However…” There’s an uneasy feeling in my heart about it, and my words drift off. Then Lord Nobel, as if he understood my thoughts nods his head once. [Nobel]: “It’s all right if you don’t rush yourself to a decision.” ➼
➼ [Nobel]: “Can you give Zain an answer a few days from now?” [Kara]: “Understood.” Putting my answer on hold for a moment, I depart Nobel Castle.
(The chance to be the exclusive designer for a royal castle won’t ever come by me again, but…) (While Jean Pierre is having a hard time, I can’t just leave him like this.) Turning down the offer to be dropped off at my apartment, I head towards the office of Jean Pierre.
[Jean Pierre]: “Oh my, is that ma petite?” [Kara]: “Pierre!” Not expecting to meet him like this, I’m surprised to see him here. As if he had sensed something about me, he smiles.
[Jean Pierre]: “…With a face like that, looks like you got something to talk about, hmm?” [Jean Pierre]: “Instead of standing around outside to chat, please just come on in.”
Pierre unlocks the door to his office and I come inside. [Jean Pierre]: “You somehow came all the way here… Could it be that you had talked with Lord Nobel?” [Kara]: “…Yes.” [Kara]: “I received an invitation to work as the exclusive designer of Sanct Sybil Castle.” [Kara]: “But for someone like me, who has no experience nor achievements, to take up such a grand job is…” [Kara]: “I don’t really have the confidence that I can do something like that.” [Kara]: “And on top of that, I want to be further taught by you…”
[Jean Pierre]: “What are you saying?! Is this not a good thing? This is your big chance!” He looks at me with a serious expression. [Jean Pierre]: “In that list I submitted to Lord Nobel, there were also designers that had prior achievements.” [Jean Pierre]: “Despite that, I was convinced that you would be the one to be chosen.” [Kara]: “Why… is that?” [Jean Pierre]: “From your designs, I feel this power to them.” [Jean Pierre]: “There are some parts that are rough around the edges, but there’s this energy, one that can completely transform people, hidden within!” [Jean Pierre]: “Lord Nobel definitely sensed that too, I bet.” [Kara]: “Ah…” (Thinking about it, Lord Nobel did say something along those lines…) (He said that the designs- from simply looking at them, he grew delighted…)
[Jean Pierre]: “Please believe in yourself.” [Jean Pierre]: “I, as well as His Grace, would never recommend someone who we’d feel couldn’t do the job.” [Jean Pierre]: “I believe in your potential, ma petite.” [Kara]: “Pierre…” Even though he himself is in a difficult position, he’s so firmly supporting me in this. With my heart overwhelmed with such emotion that I couldn’t speak, Jean Pierre smiles. [Jean Pierre]: “I’m also going to use this moment as a source of encouragement for myself, as I plan to work hard as a designer once more.” [Jean Pierre]: “One day, no doubt in my mind― the offices of Jean Pierre will be restored!” [Jean Pierre]: “And that’s why, ma petite… without worrying about these offices, please just go and try what you want to try.” [Kara]: “…Thank you!” (I can’t let this chance from Jean Pierre and Lord Nobel just pass me by.) Urged on by Jean Pierre, a smile appears on my face as my chest is enveloped in this determination.
―That night. Resolute in accepting the offer of exclusive designer, I contact Zain as soon as I return to the apartment. [Kara]: “Concerning the aforementioned position of Sanct Sybil’s designer… I think that I will accept the invitation.” [Zain]: “Thank you very much. I think that His Grace will be quite pleased to hear that.” In a soft tone - As if thinking for a moment, Zain continues to speak. [Zain]: “If I can be honest with you, the prince of Sanct Sybil himself is actually coming to stay at the castle for official business.” [Zain]: “Normally, we would hold your interview over at Sanct Sybil, but…” [Zain]: “Since the prince will be coming over, how about you two introduce each other here at Nobel Castle instead?” (Is that so?) (Even if Lord Nobel is recommending me, it could become a situation where the prince of Sanct Sybil is not too impressed by me.) [Kara]: “I see… If you could reserve some time for that, that’d be great.” [Zain]: “Then, I shall make the proper arrangements and contact you again.” And with that, it was decided that I would meet the prince of Sanct Sybil.
A few days later―
I’ve been called to Nobel Castle once more. While having a spot of tea with Lord Nobel and Theo, I bow my head again. [Kara]: “―Thank you for granting me an opportunity like this.” [Nobel]: “Ohohoho.” [Nobel]: “At any rate.. you’ve become quite resolute about this.” [Kara]: “…Yes. Your Grace has given me words of immense appreciation, and Jean Pierre has also encouraged me.” [Kara]: “I think, as a designer, I want to take advantage of these chances given to me.” (But… with no achievements of my own, I wonder if the Prince will approve of me…) Anxiety running through my heart, Lord Nobel smiles while stroking his beard. [Nobel]: “I also have hopes for you, Miss Kara.” [Nobel]: “I believe that, surely, the prince of Sanct Sybil will indeed require your power.” [Kara]: “Thank you…!” When I beam at Lord Nobel’s kind words, Theo then cuts into the conversation.
[Theo]: “So Kara… really is a designer, huh.”
[Theo]: “But… if it were possible, I was hoping that you’d become the designer for this castle.” [Kara]: “Hehe, thank you.” [Kara]: “I think that I definitely wouldn’t be able to be the designer for Nobel Michel, but I hope one day I’ll be able to make clothes for you, Theo.” Replying to Theo with a smile, Lord Nobel watches us with a gentle look on face. [Nobel]: “Ho ho, looks like you two have become quite close.” [Nobel]: “As I thought, Kara, you seem to have this charm that just mellows out everything around you.” He laughed heartily when there came a knock on the door. [Zain]: “Please excuse the interruption,”
[Zain]: “For I have brought Prince Yakov of Sanct Sybil.”
➤ “op are u just making excuses to post caps of zain as much as possible” perhaps PERHAPS if im gonna need to break down the blobs of text, zain is nice to look at
(Ah…) I get up from my chair, and face the doorway nervously. But at the next moment, my eyes instinctively open wide. (That, person…) The figures that followed behind Zain were two men I was familiar with―
The platinum-blond man with the air of intimidating beauty, and the man in the butler uniform who had worn a smile on his face―
The people I had witnessed in the courtyard days before.
[Prince Yakov]: “―As I have heard that you have found a candidate for the designer position, I have come.” [Prince Yakov]: “Your Grace, I give you my humble gratitude for granting my request.” [Kara]: “Eh…” [Prince Yakov]: “…” I inadvertently let out a small cry of surprise, and the Prince finally meets my eyes. For a split second his eyes had widened, but almost immediately after it shifts into a sharp gaze. (A person like him is the prince of Sanct Sybil, of all things…)
Steeped in the shocking reality of it all, I stare dumbfounded at Prince Yakov―
➤ now part of me was thinking, do people really need all the screencaps of when he makes the -_- face but honestly him doing the -_- face for half of his portraits on this route is part of the experience
To be continued…
➤ so uh this might be a crapshoot in terms of placement bc there’s diff letters based on the special story you choose, and also i forget where the last few letters go loool but that won’t be a problem until later
From: Yakov Title: (untitled)
…So you are the designer recommended by Lord Nobel? If you come to my country, you will be treated to the finest hospitality. Therefore you should not ponder over unnecessary matters and just bring yourself here. Good?
holy fucc idk why this is more tiring to translate than other stuff. maybe bc this is a slow route where we have exposition and non-romantic chara development we have to tread thru first. also lol translating the bmp writers’ style seems like more work? vs stuff like cybird? idk it’s hard to explain. i’m not a super big fan of what i have rn…. in fact i’m like wtf what is this incomprehensible garbage i made... but i’m too tired to do revisions rn…… aye… but i’ll definitely look over it again in attempt to give it more clarity+readability so yea. there’s nothing’s “wrong” in terms of the literal meaning per se - it’s more like i’d like to make it flow better and actually follow grammar rules instead of cheating with dashes and line breaks hahaaa
anyway guess ill see u at the next part when (if?) i bother to do it. hrmmm i should try to make the chunks larger given that this story is 15 eps + 3 special stories (with ~3 variations for each story) + epilogue but fuuu ill get there when i get there
Next Episode…
“If you wish to hear of my tastes - you will have to ask me in a more alluring voice.”
yea thats rite im hitting u with the azn drama cliffhanger. well now i have to do this translation or else this would be mean….. this is a psychological effort to get me to not leave this unfinished
Again, thanks for reading!
#be my princess#yakov chernenkov#bmpYCS1#yea thatll be my tag for this shit so feel free to block it#bmp
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Be My Princess Social // Yakov Chernenkov, Season 1, Episodes 2&3
The Job of the Exclusive Designer // Prince Yakov’s Dance Partner
yeahhh boi 2 eps in one post, trying to do the zoomies with progress so i can get to the better parts in terms of being less judged by ikemen elsa sorry for potentially clogging the tag with this stuff. i’ll see if i can do larger chunks as this goes along to prevent that... but i also don’t really want to make these posts too large tho... i’m noticing with the new dash it just extends the post on the dash directly when you click the read more break, which...........huh
on an unrelated note - tbh there’s not that... much “actual” content going on in the other otome mobage i’m playing rn so i’m more inclined to move this along. sorry for those who follow me for other stuff, but we’re at the boring july lull where it’s just swimsuit/beach stuff. zzz maybe in a week or two i can wake up
Image-heavy!! Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*)
blog link of this post here, if you’d rather read this on my blog directly than on dash. otherwise:
Episode 2 // The Job of the Exclusive Designer
➤ as an aside, i’m going to start using italics on dialogue for emphasis more often. takes less brain power than having to restructure the sentence and the like just to utilize emphasis based on word use and/or adding words or phrases........ i’m not a trained editor ok orz i’ll try not to overkill with it tho.... otherwise it’ll be italics overkill with the (internal thoughts italics)
I had received an invitation from Lord Nobel himself to become the exclusive designer of Sanct Sybil― And earlier, I wholeheartedly decided to accept that offer.
However, I know for sure that the Prince is someone I’ve encountered before. (I would’ve never considered that these two were the prince and steward of Sanct Sybil...) The Prince takes a seat on the couch, and Zain presents a few documents to him.
[Zain]: “Here is Miss Kara’s resume, along with her past design sketches.” [Prince Yakov]: “...I shall take a look.” Taking the documents, he sets the design sketches aside on the table. The face and overall mood the Prince wears as he scans the papers are unreadable. (Ahh...I’m so nervous...) I shift my eyes away from the Prince, breathing out a soft sigh. In doing so, my line of sight stops right at the butler standing next to him. (If I’m remembering correctly, I’m pretty sure his name is Yuri.) (Prince Yakov certainly is terrifying, with an intimidating aura to boot – but... This guy’s scary in a whole different way.) With a sidelong glance at Yuri, the smile he’s been wearing this whole time doesn’t even crack in the slightest. Though it was visually the same smile as the one he wore while pinning down that man in the courtyard, the Yuri before my eyes only has the vibe of a mild-mannered steward today. (Neither of them have said anything out loud regarding that past incident... but, without a doubt, they definitely remember me from that time.)
My body buckled down thinking about it when Prince Yakov then looked up from the papers in his hands. [Prince Yakov]: "I understand that she hails from the offices of the famed Jean Pierre.” [Prince Yakov]: “However... from these documents, it appears that there are no records of previous accolades of any kind – but?” His brows cross slightly as he inquires Lord Nobel about it. With a nod, His Grace turns his gaze to the design sketches on the tabletop.
[Nobel]: “It’s true that given her very brief time under those offices, she has yet to gain any formal accolades for herself.” [Nobel]: “But, you should take a look at these designs. Surely then you can notice her capabilities.” [Prince Yakov]: “...I see.” Paying no heed to the design sketches, the Prince places the resume over the table.
(The work of a designer with no actual accomplishments – it’s something he’d have no interest for, I would think.) (Even though the likes of Lord Nobel and Jean Pierre have especially recommended me... I’m pretty sure I’m going to get rejected.) Feeling uneasy as I look over his expression, the Prince slowly exhales. As if contemplating something, he makes a bit of a troubled face while meeting Lord Nobel’s gaze. [Prince Yakov]: “―If someone like Your Grace is sponsoring her, I suppose that the lack of past achievements will not be a problem.”
[Prince Yakov]: “I shall invite her to be the exclusive designer of Sanct Sybil castle.” (Huh...?) [Nobel]: “I see. Well, when can Kara come to Sanct Sybil?” [Prince Yakov]: “About that... As soon as the formalities have been taken care of, we shall arrange to let her live in the castle at once.” [Prince Yakov]: “―Yuri, proceed with the proper formalities.” [Yuri]: “Understood.” [Yuri]: “With that, Miss Kara, here are the documents detailing the contents of the position.” Yuri, disregarding my surprised state, hands me some papers. (Without looking at even a single one of my designs, he’s decided to accept me as the castle’s designer...) (Is this really okay?)
With my apprehensive thoughts, I...
➢ Question Prince Yakov. ❆ ➢ Question Yuri.
➢ Question Prince Yakov. [Kara]: “P-Please wait...!” I call out to the Prince, who looked like he was about to take his leave. [Kara]: “Um... is this really all right?” [Prince Yakov]: “What of it?” [Kara]: "Without even reviewing my designs, you’ve accepted me as the castle’s designer.” Questioning the Prince, his eyebrows slightly knit. [Prince Yakov]: “The appointment of high-level positions has been entrusted to me by the King himself. There is no problem.” [Prince Yakov]: “―This discussion is over for now. Finish looking over those documents as soon as possible.” ➼
➢ Question Yuri. Seeing at the Prince engaged in conversation with Lord Nobel, I look at Yuri next to me. [Kara]: “Um... Yuri. Am I really the right one for the job?” (Even if Jean Pierre and Lord Nobel have recommended me, this still seems like too much for a fresh newcomer...) [Yuri]: “His Highness made his decision, so there is no need to worry.” With a smile etched over his face, he presses the documents towards me once more. ➼
➼ [Yuri]: “Thus, please do review these documents.” [Yuri]: “First– On the contract, can you sign here?” [Yuri]: “If His Highness ends up also signing this, your position will become official.” [Kara]: “...Understood.” Dissatisfaction wallowing within me, I receive the papers.
Kara, visibly perplexed about something, proceeds with the contract formalities. Lord Nobel, who watched this state of affairs from a distance, then turns to face Yakov.
[Nobel]: “Kara, make no mistake, will be an essential figure for Sanct Sybil.” [Nobel]: “And then I believe that the day you, Prince Yakov, will become a great power will surely come.” [Prince Yakov]: “...Your Grace, you hold her in high regard.” [Nobel]: “I sense this great enthusiasm and potential within her.” Lord Nobel beams, and speaks as if to emphasize its importance. [Nobel]: “I’m earnestly entrusting her with you, all right?” [Prince Yakov]: “...Duly noted, Your Grace.” The Prince nods at Lord Nobel’s words, his expression unchanging.
➤ ok from this moment forward i’m only labeling him as [Yakov] bc i don’t like how it doesn’t line up with the other names when it’s long. the prince title is still there and all ye
(At long last, I've come...) Stepping out of the arranged car, I stop in my tracks and look up at Sybil Castle. The castle differed from that of Nobel Castle in that I was quite overwhelmed by its solemn appearance― When Yakov’s personal steward, Yuri, greets me with a smile on his face.
[Yuri]: “―Miss Kara, we have been awaiting your arrival. Welcome to Sanct Sybil.” [Kara]: “Thank you for everything so far.” While exchanging fellow greetings, I shiver from the chilly air. Yuri then guides me towards the entrance of the castle. [Yuri]: “Your luggage will be brought in by personnel. Over here, come in.” [Kara]: “Ah-...Thank you.” Nervous, I follow Yuri and head into the castle.
[Yuri]: “The climate of Sanct Sybil and Charles are significantly different from each other. It must have given you quite the shock.” [Kara]: “Yes. ...I’m glad that you told me about it in advance.” On those work documents I had received in Nobel Castle, it included an explanation that informed me of the country’s climate. [Kara]: “But I didn’t think it would be this cold.” [Kara]: “If I hadn’t been told, I would’ve came here without preparing for anything like it.” [Yuri]: “It is because we are expecting snowfall very soon around here.” [Yuri]: “Everyone who comes to this country for the first time always is astonished by the cold, too.” Smiling, he urges me to walk ahead of him. [Yuri]: “So to start off, I shall show you around the castle.” [Yuri]: “We will stop by the studio first and then Our Lady’s room right after.” [Kara]: “...Thank you very much.” [Kara]: “Um, Yuri. As we’re both just employees working under the same castle, I’d like it if you didn’t call me ‘Miss’, but...” Expressing my thoughts, Yuri nods, smiling. [Yuri]: “Understood.” [Yuri]: “Then, Kara, let us head to the studio.” [Kara]: “Okay.” (A studio, huh... I wonder what kind of place it is.)
[Yuri]: “This here will be your personal studio.” [Yuri]: “You can use anything in here to produce to your heart’s desire.” [Yuri]: “If you ever need more of anything, I can make the proper arrangements for you – So please, tell me when that is the case.” [Kara]: “Y-Yes...” (...You wouldn’t expect anything less from the castle of a royal family; the facilities here are just superb.) Surveying the studio, I sigh in admiration of the room. I had been also shown the more important areas of the castle– and the dignified atmosphere of it all just easily overpowered me entirely. (With this level of equipment prepared, it’ll be even more inappropriate to make anything half-baked.) Feeling the pressure once more, Yuri then grins. [Yuri]: “There’s no need to be so anxious.” [Yuri]: “–I suppose it would have been better if I had handed these to you beforehand.” Yuri pulls out a stack of papers from the studio shelves. [Kara]: “And this is...?” [Yuri]: “These are the documents that you will be taking up from the previous designer.” Accepting the documents, I flip through the pages. (This, is...) On the sheets were essential notes regarding designs used for Prince Yakov in terms of public business, ceremonies and similar matters, along with a compilation of things like patterns that had been used in the past. [Yuri]: “His Highness is not the type to fuss over design details and the like,” [Yuri]: “so it will not be necessary to make any major alterations on the designs we have used so far.” [Yuri]: "Since you just have to follow these references to produce the garments, I do not think it is a difficult task.” (That’s... something that doesn’t require my capability as a designer...) [Kara]: “Um... These documents passed down to me – the previous designer was the one who drew them up, right?” [Yuri]: “Indeed. Because of the replacements we have made nowadays, they have already been forced to resign from this castle, but.” [Kara]: “Uh... Why did that happen?” (If I’m being made to produce solely based on their previous work, the past designer must have been at least recognized for their skill.) (So, given that, why would they be made to retire...?) Thinking how strange that was, I ask Yuri and he gives further explanation. [Yuri]: "It was so they could be replaced with the fresh, new talent that you yourself are included in.” [Yuri]: "Various departments in this castle have undergone massive layoffs.” [Yuri]: "And because of that, several individuals in the castle right now, including yourself, are newly hired.” [Kara]: “Layoffs...” As far as I can see with these old documents, it looks like the previous designer was definitely competent. So, with that– why would they think it was necessary to go out of their way and replace them? (Not only that, but replacing the majority of the castle faculty as well...) Completely stunned by the reality of this place, Yuri clarifies this in an indifferent tone. [Yuri]: ”Those who had been laid off were simply the type of talent the Sybil of today is not looking for.”
[Yuri]: ”...I had been thinking that you were going to learn about such things sooner or later.” He said this to me with that unbreakable smile of his, and I was at a loss for words.
[Yuri]: “―Kara, this will be your room.” [Yuri]: "As soon as His Highness’s conference concludes, I will be coming back to pick you up. Until then, please feel free to spend your time however you wish.” [Kara]: “Got it.” (For now, I might as well unpack...) When Yuri took his leave, I began to organize my luggage; but with my grim mood, it was considerably hard to make any progress with it. [Kara]: “Make the clothes according to the provided diagrams, huh...” Don’t “design”― In other words I was practically told to be a designer, but not to actually work as a designer for the most part. (Something like that is going to be my real job here in this castle...) The documents that had detailed the job read the same as any other designer position, but the actual work ended up being completely different than from what I had initially pictured. (And to think, both Pierre and Lord Nobel took effort to recommend me for this...)
(Well, if they were truly willing to hire someone with no experience... anyone would’ve sufficed, then.) I hung my head with a sigh, when my hand slips and drops the bag I was holding. [Kara]: “Ah-...” My work tools and design sketches scatter all over the floor. (Jeez... What am I doing...) Gathering up my sketches in a fluster, one of the designs then incidentally catches my eye.
It was a sheet of one of the most particularly memorable designs I had made since I became a part of the Jean Pierre offices. (This... Pierre scolded me about it, and then I reworked it several times...) [Kara]: “...Takes me back a bit.” (The first time I received praise for my work, I was so happy that I even forwarded the message to my parents too, I recall.) Going through page by page of my saved designs, they were filled with my personal tender thoughts from those times. The shabbier designs too― every single one was a precious treasure to me. (If I make designs by just following those old documents to a T, I’m certain... that the resulting designs wouldn’t make me feel this same way.) (Besides...)
[Jean Pierre]: “From your designs, I feel this power to them.” [Jean Pierre]: “There are some parts that are rough around the edges, but there’s this energy, one that can completely transform people, hidden within!” [Jean Pierre]: “Lord Nobel definitely sensed that too, I bet.” [Jean Pierre]: “Please believe in yourself.” [Jean Pierre]: “I, as well as His Grace, would never recommend someone who we’d feel couldn’t do the job.” [Jean Pierre]: “I believe in your potential, ma petite.”
(That’s right – I’ve... been recommended by the likes of Jean Pierre and Lord Nobel.) (I want to do work – work that can actually be called that of a designer!) Determined, I hastily round up the design sketches.
[Yuri]: “ ―Pardon me.” [Yuri]: “I have brought the designer, Kara.” At Yuri’s cue, I come into the office and see Prince Yakov surrounded by a great mass of documents. One after another, he scans through each page before giving it his signature – and while in surprise at his current state, I bow my head.
[Kara]: “Starting today, I, Kara Go, will be at your service. ―Pleased to work with you.” [Yakov]: “Mhm.” His eyes continued to focus on the documents as he replied, never looking away.
[Yakov]: “Getting straight to the point― I am calling on you to produce apparel for a party that we are hosting two weeks from now.” [Yakov]: “As it has been planned that you will also attend this party as the castle’s designer, make sure to prepare your own dress.” (Two weeks from now... that sudden?) [Kara]: “Um... Do you have any requests regarding the garments themselves?” [Kara]: “I’d like to hear if you have any preferences concerning things like design, color, material, but...” [Yakov]: “You can design your own dress however you want – however,” [Yakov]: “provided that you do not make anything disgraceful as the exclusive designer of this castle.” Along with these severe demands, he somehow has even more to say. [Yakov]: ”Regarding my own attire, you may refer to the prior templates.” [Yakov]: “After this, you will have to produce clothing meant for official business; but as long as you do not deviate from those templates, that will be adequate.” [Yakov]: “―That is all to be discussed, so you may leave now.” Without looking in my direction, he declared these matters bluntly. Apparently consenting to his demands, Yuri bows with that same perpetual smile. [Yuri]: “Then, please excuse us. Let us depart, Kara.” [Kara]: “...” [Yuri]: “...Kara?” When Yuri had turned to the door to leave, he then tilts his head as he saw me still frozen in place. (If I back down now, I won’t be able to show my face to Jean Pierre and the others who bothered to recommend me...) With that in mind, I...
➢ "I can’t do that.” ➢ “Give me some more of your time.” ❆
➢ "I can’t do that.” [Kara]: “...I cannot.” [Yuri]: “Kara, what are you saying?” [Kara]: “I cannot... produce clothing according to the prior templates.” ➼
➢ “Give me some more of your time.” I take a single step toward the Prince and say this directly to him― [Kara]: “I must deeply apologize for such, but I would like some more of your time.” [Kara]: “There are some things that I would like Your Highness to take a look at.” [Yakov]: “But I do believe that I had said that this discussion is over?” [Kara]: “There are still things I’d like to hear from you about. Please, just give me a little more of your time...!” ➼
➼ With these words, I put the file I was holding onto over his office desk. [Kara]: “These here are some of my best designs.” Opening the file, I spread the design sketches over the desk space. They were a variety of designs I’ve drawn so far. [Kara]: "I’m still lacking a bit, but I shall study more starting today. With that, I'll be able to create a great multitude of clothing.” [Kara]: “So, given that – please tell me about the types of designs that Your Highness likes.” [Yakov]: “...Did you not hear what I had just said?” [Yakov]: “My own preferences are irrelevant. As I said before, you may use a design from the notes of the previous designer.” He finally takes his eyes off the documents and looks at me for the first time. Though I felt like cowering beneath that chilly gaze, I attempt to convey my intentions to him. [Kara]: “So as to not destroy the current image of Sanct Sybil, I will also refer to the previous notes at times.” [Kara]: ”However, I’m thinking that Your Highness would just prefer to continue wearing the designs that have been used until now.” [Kara]: “Is that your preferred fashion style, sir?”
[Yakov]: “...What is your point?” [Kara]: “If that’s indeed the case, then as a designer I will make such designs accordingly.” [Kara]: “But if I’ve gotten the wrong idea, can you please tell me what you actually prefer?” [Kara]: “From now on, rather than to simply just make clothes for Your Highness – I want to know what types of designs you like.” [Kara]: “I’m a designer, so my job is to make clothes that people actually want to wear...!” [Yakov]: “...” At the end of my explanation, the office was greeted by silence. The tension engulfs my body, the prickly sensation almost piercing my skin, when the Prince rises from his chair and approaches me. [Yakov]: “...Giving my opinion here―“
[Yakov]: “In terms of that encounter back at Nobel Castle, and of now… You’re quite the spirited woman.” [Kara]: “Ah…” (As I had previously suspected – he did remember me from the actual first time we met.)
[Yakov]: “To start, I will say this to you.” [Yakov]: “I only desire one, and just one thing from you.” [Yakov]: “―It is the very fact that you are a designer that Lord Nobel himself has recommended, and that is all there is to it.” [Kara]: “...So, concerning myself– anything other than that fact is of no value to you, is what you’re saying?” [Yakov]: “Correct. It would have been better if you had prior achievements, but I shall compromise on that.” He takes yet another step closer and levels a sharp gaze at me. [Yakov]: “Of course, you are not the only one under these circumstances. In this castle, all of the human capital assembled here are renowned in their respective fields...” [Yakov]: “By hiring these types of individuals, the reputation of Sanct Sybil will increase dramatically.”
(I was called to this castle for such a reason…) (And this must be why the previous designer, as well as some other employees, had been laid off.)
➤ haha did u think this was gonna be a route where she actually got hired out of genuine appreciation of her work
While I was struck silent in shock, Prince Yakov extends his hand towards me. Tucking his fingers under my chin, he lifts my head so I directly face him.
[Yakov]: “―There is also one more thing.”
[Yakov]: “If you wish to hear of my tastes - you will have to ask me more alluringly.” His blue irises, like brilliant sapphires - narrowed mockingly. Being stared at such a close range made my cheeks flare in an instant. [Kara]: “Th-That’s not what I had meant, so… please excuse me!” (How mortifying... He’s just totally messing with me...!) I swiftly detach from him before hurriedly bowing my head and rushing out of the office.
[Yakov]: “Kara Go, hm…?” With a low murmur, he turns through the pages of design sketches over his office desk. A moment later, having finished looking through them, the memory of his conversation with Lord Nobel a few days ago drifts into his head.
[Nobel]: “Kara, make no mistake, will be an essential figure for Sanct Sybil.” [Nobel]: “And I believe that the day you, Prince Yakov, will become a great power will surely come.” [Prince Yakov]: “...Your Grace, you hold her in high regard.” [Nobel]: “I sense this great enthusiasm and potential within her.”
[Yakov]: “...Someone based on Lord Nobel’s hopes alone is like this, hm?”
Having observed his master’s countenance, Yuri speaks his inner thoughts. [Yuri]: ”When I had first met her, I had thought that she appeared to be the timid type with no self-confidence – but...” [Yuri]: “She seems like quite the intriguing individual, instead.” [Yuri]: “I did not think that she would have that sort of conviction to her character.” [Yakov]: “…” Not responding to Yuri’s comments, Yakov signs a single sheet from the pile of documents on his desk. [Yakov]: “I have finished confirming this. Take it away.” [Yuri]: “Of course.” When Yuri removed the sheet, atop the stack of remaining sheets sat Kara’s official employment documents. On it, was the Prince’s signature of approval―
To be continued...
From: Yuri Title: The Unexpected
You appear to be quite firm in your own beliefs. We do not often come across those who are able to plainly express their own opinions in front of His Highness. ...I am, just a touch, interested to see what comes in the future. From here on out– I look forward to working with you.
Episode 3 // Prince Yakov’s Dance Partner
Two weeks after coming to Sanct Sybil to serve as the royal castle’s exclusive designer― Coming to the party hall, I’m overwhelmed by its extravagance and grand scale. (Such a massive amount of people have gathered here tonight...)
[Guest A]: “It seems that Sanct Sybil has finally started to seriously put their plan to join the Alliance of the Six Kingdoms in motion.” [Guest B]: “Mhm. This time, it looks like they’re holding this party for the announcement, but... famous figures around the world have come here to see.” (Really?... This is a spectacular party, huh.) Along with famous figures from every country, several media outlets have come as well, and once again I sense the sheer level of attention focused on this country right now. (Ah-... If I’m not mistaken, that person’s a famous pâtissier.) In this party, those who had been brought here for this castle, like me, have also been chosen to attend. Within that group of those serving under this castle, several of them are internationally renowned, and each of them respond to the media reporters and journalists in kind. As I watched the crowds at a distance, I overhear them talking about having been hired at around the same time frame as me. [Guest A]: “Since that pastry chef over there was the sole winner of that championship, it’s no surprise they’re getting a lot of attention from the press.” [Guest B]: “Same as the rest of us, the main task they have here is to respond to the media.” [Guest B]: “Well, if I do my work exactly the way the documents told me to, that’s good enough.” [Guest B]: “The rest is just 'fun’ work where we just have to smile in front of the cameras.” (Like I thought, others in the castle have been made to work in the same fashion as I had been directed.) (It’s been the same for me, too... Ever since I came to this castle, I’ve been receiving a lot of media coverage about me.)
It had been decided that my position as Sybil Castle’s designer is to be permanent, and in the studio I promptly flip open my sketchbook. (The deadline is in two weeks... There’s not that much time for me to think up ideas for my own dress.) For the party they’re hosting two weeks from now, I must make both a uniform for Prince Yakov and a dress for myself. Just as I immediately began to start on my designs, Yuri appeared.
[Yuri]: “Please excuse me. Kara, can you come into another room as soon as possible?” [Kara]: “Um... Is there something?” [Yuri]: “Starting today, those who have been brought to this castle are to receive the presence of news reporters and similar outlets.” [Kara]: “News reporters...?” [Yuri]: “Yes. His Highness had also told you about it the other day, I recall.” [Yuri]: “Those appointed to work here as a result of the immense scale of the layoffs have been brought here for the purpose of attracting the media’s attention and to increase our reputation.” (Since that’s yet another part of this job that I was specifically sought out to do, I don’t have a choice here...) [Kara]: ”...I understand.” [Yuri]: "It will be all right. As most of the media’s questions have been chosen in advance, we have also prepared answers for you to use.” And so during the days preceding the party, I had countless interviews with the press.
(With stuff like this, I can’t really call myself a designer, now can I?...) I did somehow manage to sew together the requested garments in-between interviews, but other than that, for the most part, I haven’t done anything that can be considered the work of a designer. Letting a sigh leave me as I stood in the corner of the party hall, the press took notice of this and began to come over in my direction. (...Must be another interview, huh.) I think over the words I had decided on for these sort of media interactions in my head, when Prince Yakov then appeared atop the stage platform. That was enough for the eyes of the everyone in the venue to then gather over in his direction.
[Yakov]: “―Today, I would like to make an announcement to those who have congregated here.” [Yakov]: “Sanctis, Sybil, Versurk...” [Yakov]: “From the unification of these three lands, they were reborn as a brand new nation, the country of Sanct Sybil. [Yakov]: "Of course, not much time has passed since our new country has been founded. However, as of recently, this country has assembled a great number of talented people with promising futures.” The figure of the Prince as he surveyed the large crowd of guests was so gallant and majestic that I was completely entranced.
However, seeing the Prince clad in a uniform that strictly followed the templates that the previous designer had left behind stabbed my chest with a dull pain. (I wanted to make a design that was based on the Prince’s preferred colors and designs, after all.) Since his formal request, I didn’t have much time until the party to begin with, and then there were other things like those interviews― So ultimately, I ended up producing a uniform according to those old notes from the previous designer. (...It’s clothing that I made, but it doesn’t have that sort of feeling to it at all.)
[Yakov]: "Henceforth, Sanct Sybil will now direct its attention towards the early stages of joining the Nobel Michel Alliance.” [Yakov]: "As one nation united, we shall surely endeavor to accomplish joining the Alliance.” Thunderous applause erupts from the crowd of guests. (I have no real connection to this... It’s like I’m listening to a speech for the events occurring in a faraway country...) While further applause was granted to the Prince, the reporters from before begin to move closer again. (I’m not confident that I’ll put out a good interview right now...) As if to escape from this place, I head to the balcony.
(Like you’d think – Even with a dress made for winter, it’s cold out here...) Even wearing a dress and capelet made of thick fabric, the Sybil night still carries a chill of stinging cold. While shivering, I gaze up at the sky above, and there were stars twinkling over the clear horizon. (Prince Yakov’s speech was absolutely magnificent.) (But...) A little before that speech, I realized that I don’t truly feel like I’m the designer of Sanct Sybil Castle. [Kara]: “...With the way things are now, I wonder if the day I can be honestly called the exclusive designer of this castle will actually come,” I murmured as I vacantly stared deep into the sky, when―
[Yakov]: “―It appears that the party is not to your liking.”
(Huh…?) Turning my head at hearing a voice behind me, I see Prince Yakov walking over in my direction. [Kara]: “Your Highness…” [Kara]: “Is it all right for an honored prince to sneak out of the party?” [Yakov]: “This is merely a small break. I cannot endure such things without at least resting for a moment.” Replying with an indignant look on his face, he comes up to my side. Leaning against the railing to gaze over the courtyard, a small sigh escapes him. [Yakov]: “Every time I pass by someone, I get asked the same things, and then I’m made to answer with the same things over and over again like some sort of cockatoo.” [Kara]: “That... I feel the same about that.” [Kara]: “Every time I have an interview I get asked the same things, and then I just answer with the replies Yuri had prepared for me, over and over again.” Looking over the courtyard like the Prince was, I think back to the things that have happened since I’ve come to this castle. Even though I should be called a “designer”, it’s just pitiful that I can’t receive the essential work for it. [Kara]: “But... that’s the sort of thing I was brought here to do.” [Yakov]: “Are you contempt with that?” [Kara]: “Ah―“
At the Prince’s question, I reply with...
➢ “It’s more a feeling of helplessness.” ❆ ➢ “It’s frustrating, yes.”
➤ for some reason i don’t have the text for the latter choice, rip. maybe i can try coming across it (and the other missing answers) on my bmp2 alt later idk
➢ “It’s more a feeling of helplessness.” ❆
[Kara]: “Rather than feeling contempt... it’s more that I feel helpless about it.” [Yakov]: “’Helpless’?” [Kara]: “Yes. I can’t express anything in my own words― and while it doesn’t mean I haven’t accomplished absolutely anything here...” [Kara]: “At the very least, if I was able to accomplish just one thing by myself, that’d be all right... but I can’t even manage that and I’m just useless.” [Yakov]: “...I see.” I heard a sense of immediate realization in his voice. (I say all of this, but you didn’t ask for such things.) (After all, you said if Lord Nobel was the one recommending me, then that would be enough...)
Thinking such things, I stay silent, when the Prince gives a trace of a wry smile.
[Yakov]: “Certainly... considering someone like yourself, that is simply absurdity.” (Huh...?) With his unexpected reply, I instinctively turn my head in his direction. Meeting my eyes, the Prince continues to speak in a tone... where I could not tell if it was of admiration or of exasperation.
[Yakov]: “I realized it from before when we had conversed in the office―” [Yakov]: “You are the type of person who thinks for oneself, and acts according to their own beliefs and convictions.” [Yakov]: “You do not intend to gain recognition as a designer by adopting someone else’s brilliance and being a mere imitation of them.” [Kara]: “Th-That’s...” The Prince saw right through the misery I’ve been harboring ever since I came to Sybil, and my eyes widen in surprise. His eyebrows knit in apparent suspicion as he stares straight at me.
[Yakov]: “You look as if you want to say something.” [Kara]: “N-No... Your response was just different from what I had expected, so I was surprised.” (―As I didn’t realize that His Highness, in reality, actually understood me a lot...) [Yakov]: “...It is not like I have been at peace with things either.”
[Yakov]: “As the prince of a country, I believe that I have a good judge of character.” [Yakov]: “From your words and actions up to this point... and also from looking at your designs, anyone would have a firm grasp of your character.” [Kara]: “The design sketches... you looked at them?” [Yakov]: “Incidentally, while confirming your documents.” Asserting haughtily, the Prince’s blue irises subtly glint.
[Yakov]: “I know what must be going on in your head. However, even recognizing that – I cannot afford to end this farce.” [Kara]: “Why... is that so?” [Yakov]: “...Things are not limited to only when the country’s desires and my own thoughts are similar.” (That’s...) Opening my mouth, I was about to ask him what he meant by that― But before I could, a voice speaks up from behind me.
[???]: “―Yakov. So you were over here, in a place like this.” [Yakov]: “The King...” (Eh-...the King?!) Turning around, standing over there was the King and Queen. Prince Yakov’s face stiffens and he suddenly bows his head. I follow his lead and bow as well when the Prince’s voice resounds with a rigid tone. [Yakov]: “My sincere apologies. I was getting a bit of fresh air.” [King]: “Is that right...” The King’s direct line of sight casually falls onto me. The Prince takes note of this and he gives a brief introduction. [Yakov]: “The subject before you is the designer I had hired recently.” [King]: “Ah, the one recommended by Lord Nobel, is it?” [King]: “Having secured a connection with Nobel Castle, we are making more and more progress in opening the path towards becoming an ally.” [Yakov]: “...Yes.” At the Prince’s answer, as if remembering something the King continues to speak. [King]: “By the way, what of the new Minister of Foreign Affairs? I heard that the previous Minister on that seat showed considerable resistance upon the notion of dismissal, but...” [Yakov]: “The newly-appointed Minister is doing a favorable job.” [Yakov]: “As he is well-known in other countries, he performs all according to plan.” [Yakov]: “There is no need for concern.” [King]: “I see. Strive to maintain these conditions.” [Yakov]: “Understood.” Satisfied with the Prince’s words, the King takes his leave with the Queen. (...Even though they’re father and son, it’s much more like a chief and his subordinate.) (The life of royalty is like that, huh...?) From the beginning to the end of their businesslike conversation, the Prince and King did not smile at each other. As I recall the uncomfortable feeling that hung over their entire exchange, Prince Yakov speaks with derision towards some part of himself.
[Yakov]: “...Right now, what this country needs is status – One could also call it ‘brand power’.” [Kara]: “’Brand power’...” [Yakov]: “For this country of mine, a country that only recently came into existence, to be on par with a developed country,” [Yakov]: “brand power that can be boasted among the other countries is necessary... That is the current way of thinking for Sanct Sybil.” (But, it doesn’t seem that His Highness himself wants that...) The “farce” he had mentioned earlier, along with the unspoken words he had purposefully left out, appeared to be of Prince Yakov’s true opinions on the matter. (But... Given his position as a prince, I wonder if he just can’t set things in motion based on his true feelings alone?)
➤ ok i get that it’s supposed to be his future job and all but why does it feel like yakov is doing all the legwork for this alliance while the king is sitting in the back eating some doritos. excuse me u seem pretty alive and well portraitless king what are u doing with everyones taxpayer money
Pondering these complicated thoughts, I look up at the Prince – and noticing me, the corners of his lips quirk up.
[Yakov]: “What’s the discontent face for?” [Yakov]: “If I rejoin the party, bringing in a woman that’s sulking like that – I’ll be quite troubled.” [Kara]: “It’s not that... I’m sulking, precisely...” I was about to refute his statement when he takes my hand to cut me off. [Kara]: “P...Prince Yakov...?” [Yakov]: “The piece has changed.” ➤ musical piece fyi [Yakov]: “Let’s go.” [Kara]: “Huh....?!”
Prince Yakov returns to the party venue, and makes his way to the center of the dance hall. [Guest A]: “My, it seems that Prince Yakov is going to dance!” [Guest B]: “I’m so envious of his partner~!”
➤ mmm idk about that one friend really ot but thinking abt it... i shouldve used that one dance cg as the one for this header bc spoilers, there’s no more formal dancing after this....... fuc i assure u this is very important bc there’s only like negative 7 yakov cgs i can use that aren’t riddled with unrelated clothing (weird knight uniform, yukata, apron, no clothes at all, etc.)
(We’re attracting a significant amount of attention... with me, someone who can’t dance at all...) Feeling under pressure from the eyes of the crowd, I inadvertently hang my head. In doing so, Prince Yakov whispers to me at a volume that the surrounding guests would be unable to hear.
[Yakov]: “Even if it is just for this moment – As my partner, you must face up.” [Kara]: “’Partner’…” [Kara]: “I can’t really dance for the most part... Surely, I will humiliate Your Highness.” Even at this point, I want him to stop. I was about to call for his sympathy when I lifted my head up at him, and unexpectedly see his face so close to mine. (Ah…) Illuminated by the glittering chandelier above, Prince Yakov was the most captivating figure out of everyone in the entire hall. His dignified appearance, along with an expression that was brimming with self-confidence― easily stole away my gaze from looking anywhere, anything else.
[Yakov]: “I already know that you cannot dance and the like.” [Yakov]: “Without thinking about unnecessary matters― if you simply look only at me, and leave your body to me – you will be fine.”
[Yakov]: “―So, do not resist me?” Taking my hand, he drops a kiss along my fingertips. His eyes gazed provocatively up at me, and my heart skipped a beat. [Yakov]: “Your face is red, you know.” [Kara]: “Th-That’s, Prince Yakov’s…” [Yakov]: “With that attitude, it shall be all right.”
The piece began to play, and Prince Yakov pulls my waist towards him before slowly stepping in time to the rhythm. In contrast to his high-handed words and demeanor, he leads me gently. (Amazing… even though I honestly believed that I couldn’t dance…) Just by entrusting myself to him, I’ve somehow transformed into the visage of a dancer. (Something about this is really fun…) Having fun at this party for the very first time tonight, a smile begins to naturally bloom on my face, and I nearly tread on Prince Yakov’s foot. However, the Prince elegantly evades my step before knitting his brows, muttering in a low voice.
[Yakov]: “…You truly cannot dance whatsoever.” [Kara]: “D-Didn’t I tell you that before?” [Yakov]: “But, you have the feel for it.” [Yakov]: “After tonight, be sure to practice your dancing.” [Yakov]: “―As there will be more parties akin to this one from this point forward.” (“From this point forward”…?)
At the prince’s words, I…
➢ “I must refuse.” ➢ “Understood.” ❆
➢ “I must refuse.” [Kara]: “I must refuse.” [Kara]: “The level of anxiety I just experienced was already too much to handle.” [Yakov]: “While dancing with me, the look on your face seemed to be as if you were enjoying yourself– so I am not so convinced.” (Ugh... I definitely was having fun dancing with him, thinking about it...) [Yakov]: “Besides- it has also been a long time for me too, enjoying myself while dancing.” ➼
➢ “Understood.” [Kara]: “…Understood. In-between design work, I’ll be sure to practice.” [Kara]: “Dancing is unexpectedly pretty fun.” We conversed quietly as we danced, and it somehow became even more enjoyable like that. The Prince smiles, and pulls me closer with a single sweep. [Yakov]: “Glad to hear that.” [Yakov]: “If you continued sulking about, there would be no point in you taking the time to dress up beautifully.” ➼
➼ (Huh…?) I was surprised by his unexpected words when the piece concluded. With the end of the dance, a large applause was bestowed to the Prince. (I didn’t mishear what he just said, right...?) As I feel my cheeks heating up, the Prince leaves the dance floor. At that same moment, as if on cue – all of the princes of the other nations come and approach me.
[Roberto]: “Your dancing was soo cute!” [Keith]: “Well, for a commoner it was pretty good, huh?” [Keith]: “But if you took a better look, you could see that Prince Yakov taking the lead salvaged the entire thing.” [Edward]: “Not only the dancing - but the dress is quite stunning too.” [Edward]: “It was just as if a snow fairy came to descend from the clouds.” [Kara]: “Th…Thank you.” The Princes of the Six Kingdoms line side-by-side around me, and the atmosphere becomes especially cheerful. (Everyone– for you to treat me, someone who is just barely associated with you all, so kindly and warmly... I’m happy.) Cherishing this joy of getting to meet with the Princes again, Prince Wilfred then raises his voice.
[Wilfred]: “Now, I only heard this... But apparently, you officially became the exclusive designer for Sanct Sybil Castle.” [Glenn]: “Even though you’re still a rookie, to be suddenly put in a position like that of an exclusive designer– You’re amazing, you know.” [Wilfred]: “I think there will be things that you won’t be familiar with, but I’ll be cheering you on. Do your best.” [Kara]: “…Okay!” (There’s someone out there who’s supporting me like this...)
➤ i love.... wilfred...... this is why wil used to be numba won. his POWER so strong they had to create claude to ruin his love life. to weaken that perfection!!
(Let’s do our best while doing things you can manage, bit by bit, in this country.) The Princes spoke to me warmly, and I strengthen my resolve once more. Prince Roberto then strikes up a conversation with Prince Yakov. [Roberto]: “By the way, I heard that Sanct Sybil will be joining the Alliance, hmm?” [Roberto]: “The Alliance hasn’t had any later additions until now, so I’m really looking forward to it.” [Yakov]: “…Mhm. I think the day Sanct Sybil will be on par with your fellow countries is soon approaching.” With Prince Yakov’s statement, the other Princes show their excitement. [Keith]: “If that happens, we’ll definitely have to celebrate, yeah?” [Roberto]: “We’re suuuper happy that we’re gaining new companions.” [Yakov]: “I am grateful for such words, but the first step is going through the discussion regarding the deliberation.” Prince Yakov’s face hardens. Seeing this, Prince Glenn then brings up something he seemed to have remembered. [Glenn]: “Speaking of which, being a member of the Alliance has all sorts of conditions to meet, right?”
[Joshua]: “That’s right.” [Joshua]: “The terms - like the stability of the economy and of public safety - are fully detailed in the treaty.”
➤ i was this close to just not giving joshua his screencap time bc this boi.... bloody useless this episode- we still stan u riceball king.... but still
[Wilfred]: “First, the most important requisite is that the country must be stable; if a major incident or form of discord comes up, it seems that one will lose their qualification to join.” [Wilfred]: “Well, there hasn’t been a case like that so far, but.” [Joshua]: “I would think that things along the lines of an ‘incident’, and prominent matters that arise, just do not happen, alas.” (Joining the Alliance is a difficult thing, huh...) I think for that reason alone, Prince Yakov thus has no choice but to act in accordance with the country’s policies. I think about that, when I hear Prince Roberto pipe up in a bright tone. [Roberto]: “Well, regardless~ I was really surprised by the cold of Sanct Sybil, but…” [Roberto]: “I was also surprised by how lively the town by this castle was.” [Joshua]: “He’s right. You can feel the passion of the country from it.” [Glenn]: “I think it might be because it hasn’t been that much time since the country unified, but it has an ambiance to it that the other six countries don’t have.” [Keith]: “The people working in this castle too only consist of those who’ve made a name for themselves. It’s to the point where I want that sorta thing for my place.” [Edward]: “I’m looking forward to the day Sanct Sybil joins us.” [Yakov]: “…Mhm.” Prince Yakov nods, and the other Princes encourage him with their smiles. Then, Prince Roberto, looking out the window, cries loudly.
[Roberto]: “Snow…! Everyone, look! There’s snow falling.” (Huh…?) Spurred on by Prince Roberto I shift my eyes to look out the window, and within the darkness, I see snowflakes fluttering about in their descent. [Wilfred]: “I think it only makes sense that it would get this cold. It seems Sanct Sybil has the earliest winter season out of all the other countries.” [Roberto]: “It’ll pile up ‘til tomorrow, right? If so, I wanna have a snowball fight~!” [Glenn]: “I’m not a child, so…”
While the Princes get noisy in their lively chatter – Coming over to my side, Prince Yakov smiles with a light huff. [Yakov]: “As one would expect, it will not accumulate up until tomorrow, but over the next few days, it will all become a snowy landscape.” [Kara]: “How pretty…” [Yakov]: “I am used to such a sight, so I do not feel particularly moved by it in any way.” [Yakov]: “As you live in this country, soon you too will get used to seeing it.” [Kara]: “Is that right… I think I’ll definitely get used to it, soon enough.” (When I had listened to Prince Yakov’s speech, I felt that I was listening to the words regarding a faraway country, but...) Listening to the princes’ conversations and words of encouragement, I now truly feel that I am indeed here to be the designer of Sanct Sybil. Smiling at Prince Yakov, I get to enjoy the first snow with the Princes for this brief moment―
To be continued...
From: Yakov Title: Go Practice
While dancing, I was astonished when it seemed very likely that my feet were going to be trampled on– but you appear to have some sort of potential. Dancing with you was not bad, no. Additionally... your dress was also not too bad. As the designer of Sybil Castle... you have passed.
Next Episode...
“But, why are you in a place like this?”
....how does yuri bother to dye those brows red every time. dedication to the craft i suppose
lol sorry about this one. i feel that ep 3 is even shoddier than what i usually put out, but when i finished ep 2 i already had a good chunk of ep 3 done so i wanted to get it over with bc this ep is mostly bad/awkward vibes ehehe
i think the next chunk will maybe be just ep 4 + special story 1. i want to include each ver of the special story (so 3 versions) so........ might take a good minute to do but idk we’ll see tbh i wanted to put ep 4 in this chunk so special story 1 could be by itself but i figured some of u would prefer to have more frequent updates. it’s been over a week since the last one so i felt like that was a bit long of a wait after just episode 1
Again, thanks for reading!
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