#bm botanica
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blueikeproductions · 3 months ago
So an unexpected lore drop for the Robots in Disguise 2015 cast cropped up.
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The Transformers series has an RPG game, though I have no idea if many actually play of it or even know if it.
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There’s three books so far.
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The third one being the most recent, and a particular surprise that it’s heavily based on Beast Wars, Beast Machines and other series that have included beast characters like both RiDs.
One thing I find funny is the named Maximals are surprisingly small: Optimus Primal, Dinobot, Cheetor, Rattrap, Botanica, Silverbolt and BlackArachnia. The Predacons and Vehicons are much more robust, with Skold from IDW Beast Wars specifically mentioned as a Predacon. Maximal Nyx, as far as I can tell, isn’t mentioned, which is funny because she was treated as IDW BW’s mascot, but was pry the most forgettable character from it. Forgettable to the point she doesn’t appear to be acknowledged here.
What’s most surprising is Beast Machines in general being acknowledged since the struggles between the Maximals and Vehicons aren’t a popular idea to return to. Acknowledging a techno organic Cybertron is almost considered apocryphal to some, but with how increasingly Earth like Cybertron has become in modern stories, perhaps Hasbro is just more accepting of Cybertron’s inevitable evolution into a pseudo organic state.
The book starts out with Cheetor, post Beast Machines, speaking to a human colony on New Earth about the history of the Beast Wars he fought in and other Beast Wars he is aware of such as the events of RotB and RiD01.
Nightshade is listed as a lesser known beast Transformer, and going by the growing apathy towards EarthSpark and it continuing to be a rallying point in grifter spaces, I think that’s gonna remain that way unfortunately. Curiously, as Cheetor is the one that name drops Nightshade, I’m unsure if this is supposed to be the EarthSpark version, or retroactively this is a post BM Maximal version. Going by other chapters that seem to identify characters as belonging to G1/Beast Wars canon, it seems likely this Nightshade is a Maximal rather than a Terran.
Maximal and Predacon biology has never been definitively nailed down before, but this guidebook specifically declares that Maximals and Predacons evolved from Pretender technology and Micromaster technology, something ancillary media suggested before but never set it as hard fact.
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The next story features Simacore as part of a Decepticon think tank led by Shockwave, as they discuss what seems to be the modern versions of “Beast Mode” technologies.
Of particular note is what the animal Decepticons in RiD15 are retroactively labeled as: Hybridizors. Hybridizors are apparently a breed of Transformer that has an animal like Robot Mode that converts into a Vehicle Mode. It seems this evokes Fuzors from Beast Wars: Maximals and Predacons who transform into hybrid mutant animals like Silverbolt’s wolf with eagle wings and claws.
Mechanimals are also referenced, a term that’s cropped up in ancillary media that refers to Cybertron’s native fauna: the difference is it now specifically refers to fauna and Transformers who convert from humanoid Robot Modes to robotic Beast Modes like the Dinobots.
With this in mind, we now have two distinct races that make up the RiD15 Decepticons:
Hybridizors: Guys like Steeljaw, Clampdown, Ped, Bisk, Quilfire, Underbite, Scatterspike, Groundpounder, Simacore, RageByte & Springload. While not specified, presumably this also includes Cyclone & Torpedo Mini-Cons.
Mechanimals: Guys like Scowl, Grimlock, Nightstrike, Chop Shop, Filch, Saberhorn, Glowstrike, Scorponok, Scuzzard, Shadow Raker & Zizza.
The crash of the Alchemore is also an event that occurred in this G1/Beast Wars version of events, further solidifying these characters into the general mythos as accounted by Thunderhowl, based on the Cyberverse version funny enough. Thunderhowl does retroactively fit nicely as an RiD15 character, but his defining role in CV is serving Onyx Prime and getting trapped in alien crystals until the end of the Great War. He’s frankly an odd pick as the narrator of the third part of the book, when he’s not a remarkable character and to better fit with the Beast Machines theme, he could’ve been BM Nightscream or TFP Predaking looking at old data trax about Cybertronian history. Just a thought.
What makes the Hybridizor idea most interesting is the writers of the RPG book consulted with RiD15 staff writers to have Steeljaw and company fit in the RPG gameplay. I’m personally excited, since RiD is my favorite series, and getting new lore related to it by the staff is so cool. My only complaint is I kinda wish they thought of this name back then, as it probably would’ve saved a lot of headaches as to what the RiD15 Decepticons are supposed to be. Despite the show making it clear all the animal dudes are naturally occurring species on Cybertron, a lot of fans tended to view them as augmented experiments of Shockwave’s, similar to the Insecticons and Predacons. This does include the Dinobots, but because RiD also states Dinobots are a common reoccurring mechanimal on Cybertron, with RiD Grimlock, Scowl, Velocirazor and Tricerashot examples of this, it makes FoC Grimlock’s Dinobots retroactively bizarre, as why would Shockwave rebuild Grimlock’s unit into Earth Dinosaurs, when Earth Dinosaurs exist on Cybertron anyway? Works if you squint, my actuator.
Still the specific mention of Beast Mode tech does lean pretty heavily into the fan theory Steeljaw and co could’ve been experiments of Shockwave’s, so it’s now officially plausible even though I’m not personally a fan of that idea. Not everything needs to be Shockwave’s fault, I think we learned that the hard way in IDW.
This retroactive labeling is also interesting as the animal Decepticons came about by Hasbro kinda stumbling on it. They didn’t have a clear idea on what RiD’s theme would be so in play testing, they found kids liked to have the Autobot toys fight monster Decepticon looking toys, so that became the defining characteristic.
If you were to go back and rework it to have these Decepticons be a new breed of savage beast and turbo revving machine, equipped with a gimmick like the Energon Ignitors from Bumblebee or the Activator Mini-Cons RiD did use, I think that might’ve helped smooth things over better.
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nicecream · 2 years ago
Do you have any headcannons about BM Nightscream?
do i ever… this is kind of just canon but he definitely likes classic rock. i would love nothing more than to stare at the ceiling and listen to pink floyd with him. i also think he’s kind of a pop culture and subculture nerd in general… like who just quotes planet of the apes as their first line in the show 🤨
i wish he and cheetor got more screen time together, it seems like they only ever talk strategy which idk maybe that really is the extent of their relationship but it could be anything. at the same time i really like that he seems to get along way better with rattrap and blackarachnia, it only makes sense since his personality is more like theirs than cheetor’s (within bm it’s easy to forget he’s actually pretty cheerful and i imagine him going right back to that once the apocalypse is dealt with)
between noble, rav (a toy-only sentient (?) drone) and all the maximals being older than him i think he’s the sort of person who can befriend any type of person
i don’t think he’d be obsessed with them or anything but i think he’d be absurdly, absurdly good at rhythm games. oh and since he can sing the frequency to sever peoples’ sparks from their body (so overpowered and also so interesting to think about irt to megatron whose whole thing is that he took everyone’s sparks out… really any comparison of him and megatron/noble is fascinating) he definitely has perfect pitch
i think being critical comes extremely naturally to him, he’s the sort of person where you can name anything and he can instantly think of 10 things he doesn’t like about it. he’s the roast-on-demand friend
i think he would go to any of the maximals for life advice but blackarachnia would usually be his first choice. it’s probably because i’ve watched terminator 2 and aliens too many times but their relationship is everything to me, and i believe the intent was to have him see her as a mother figure but i like that it turned out more ambiguous and could be aunt or sister-like or something with no human equivalent
i wish he and botanica EVER interacted. if he didn’t already have an interest in science i think being surrounded by only scientists for months would definitely give him one, she can teach him much in the ways of botany. i have also wondered whether his vampirism will be a problem post-canon, like does he need to feed on others’ energy to survive or is that just something he can do? i think probably the latter but in the case that he did, i can see botanica being the one to walk him through that existential crisis
i think his alt mode being a bat suits him perfectly and even though there was no action on his part in adopting it i love how it happened, but if he ever changed it… i think a dragon would be fitting, sort of like a bat but more powerful… a callback to noble…
there’s like never a point where he's actually in charge of something but i bet he’d be a great leader (he is based on john connor after all). i really wish transtech (the planned but cancelled beast machines sequel) happened because i really want to see what he would be like as a young adult, i would want him to take over cheetor’s role as second-in-command since cheetor would take optimus’ place as leader…
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shattered-ass · 2 years ago
if rattrap and botanica are actually real love interests in bm. then dinotrap is extra real to me
that little fucking guy is only into ppl who hate him
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thatboxylady · 2 years ago
It's been a while since I mentally touched up on this so it might be a bit coherent ^^' BUT!!
For a Rattrap Apology arc, I want to expand on what was given to us by canon and see what I can make of it. The Maximals are in a high stress, seemingly hopeless situation, and Rattrap being the "weak link" is unfortunately getting the built up stress taken out on him. And while he's no stranger to mean-spirited banter, I want the stress of the situation to also be seriously affecting him. Cybertron has been reduced to a ghost town, they're outnumbered by the thousands and on top of all that Rattrap is unarmed and he can't transform. He's defenseless in the middle of a life or death situation with no reprieve. And when he does finally transform, it doesn't seem to fix anything. He doesn't have weapons and he still manages to screw up. I think that base concept is fascinating and I really wish it was expanded on in canon so I'm expanding on it hehehe. There's going to be more emotional build up scenes before Rattrap finally snaps and goes off on his own.
After they're reunited with Rattrap, while Rattrap tries to act like his usual self, he's more subdued and aloof, and the Maximals realize they have to earn his trust back and reflect on how they wete handling the stress of the situation nearly made them permanently lose someone they considered family. I also want a personal Rattrap and Nightscream reconcilliation scene, because while I loved their banter later on in the series, I couldn't really forget that Nightscream suggested leaving Rattrap for dead and Rattrap overhearing that. I love the potential for a familial relationship between them, and I think they could really bond over losing people they cared about and their similar sense of humor.
When Botanica arrives, I definitely want them to be nicer to eachother than they were in the show. I really want the Maximals to find hope in the relationships they have with eachother, I am a sucker for found family and friendship. I really want them to all bond by not only working together but also sharing stories about their different experiences during the wars. Loss, healing, and friendship are my favorite themes what can I say 💔
It's not a total rewrite, like I said I just want to expand and twist the things canon gave us because I do really like a LOT of the core concepts given to us! And sorry for the long paragraphs of texts, I really like writing, and Rattrap, and writing Rattrap lol
"I really want the Maximals to find hope in the relationships they have with each other" I feel this on SUCH an intense emotional level. I also have a extremely soft spot for Found Families and like... there was so much potential for it in Beast Machines. That they just never touched on.
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bmhasdeu · 2 years ago
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„Chișinău- oraș verde, oraș eco” este genericul Programului estival „Provocarea verii” care se desfășoară în filialele Bibliotecii Municipale „B.P. Hasdeu”. Timp de o săptămână bibliotecile au organizat diverse activități interactive: întâlniri cu personalități, experți ai domeniului ecologic, excursii și vizite prin parcurile din capitală. Copiii s-au familiarizat cu tipurile de plante și animale, au învățat cum sortăm corectăm deșeurile și cât este de important să menținem un oraș verde, un oraș eco.  
Programul estival „Provocarea verii” este axat pe trei componente: Citește. Descoperă. Acționează. Copiii au citit „Cum funcționează Pământul”, ce este apa și de ce avem nevoie de aer, au descoperit vietățile incluse în Cartea Roșie a Republicii Moldova. Copiii au realizat cutii de sortare a deșeurilor și au fost provocați să planteze flori în grădina bibliotecii.
O surpriză extraordinară a fost prezența dr. Mariana Harjevschi, directorul general al BM „B.P. Hasdeu”, care le-a vorbit  copiilor de la Biblioteca „Transilvania” despre oportunitățile și provocările acestei ediții. La Biblioteca „Transilvania” a avut loc și un dialog cu Anatol Prohnițchi expert în Ecologie. Acesta le-a vorbit copiilor despre necesitatea protejării oraşului.
Biblioteca „Liviu Rebreanu” a organizat lecţia publică: „Ornitofauna orașului Chișinău. Protecția păsărilor” Cu informaţii interesante despre acest subiect a venit Silvia Ursul, ornitolog, vicepreşedinte al Societăţii Pentru Protecţia Păsărilor şi a Naturii.  
La Centrul Academic Internațional „Mihai Eminescu” a avut loc o întâlnire cu Victoria Iordachi, autoarea cărții „Abc-ul reciclării: Ghid pentru pici”. Biblioteca „Ovidius” s-a bucurat de prezența Angelei Ganea, autoarea cărții "Nenea Soare".
Oaspetele bibliotecii „Alba-Iulia” a fost Silvia Cocieru, redactor la revista „Natura”, Invitata le-a vorbit copiilor despre subiectele revistei și despre anul fondării acesteia.
Biblioteca „Maramureș” s-a bucurat de vizita doamnelelor, Veronica Cumpănă, şef/psiholog şi Anastasia Buzina, pediatru, de la Centrul de Sănătate Prietenos Tinerilor Botanica. Activitatea a fost axată pe Rolul plantelor medicinale în sănătatea noastră.
Filialele Bibliotecii Municipale „B.P. Hasdeu” au organizat mai multe excursii și vizite. Patruzeci și cinci de copii de la Biblioteca „Adam Mickiewicz” au fost în excursie la Casa - muzeu „Alexandru Donici”. Copiii din cadrul Programului „Provocarea verii” au avut posibilitatea să viziteze râul Bâc din Chișinău, parcurile Valea Morilor, Dendrarium ,Valea Trandafirilor, Grădina Botanică, etc.
În cadrul Programului estival „Provocarea verii” au fost organizate și două ateliere de scriere creativă pe teme ecologice. La Biblioteca Centrală copiii au fost ghidați de scriitoarea Victoria Fonari, iar celălalt atelier a fost coordonat de actorul Ronin Terente și s-a desfășurat la Biblioteca „Târgu-Mureș”.
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interstellar-elf · 2 years ago
Prowl has already been confirmed via the upcoming toys, but also
Noble (I just want some BM characters to show up in TF media again!!!!)
As for new skills, I'm wondering if the other Terrans get outlier abilities, such as Hashtag and her internet hacking abilities.
Season 2 update!
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I know I'm super late to post this, sorry about that.
From executive producer Ant Ward: "Season 2 starts with a bang! The heroes are in the middle of an extremely important mission. They have new skills for the job, but many obstacles and foes stand in their way. Amidst the chaos, new relationships develop, new and familiar characters enter the story, and big secrets are exposed. It’s a wild ride from start to finish!"
Most notable is the mention of "new and familiar characters"; which could be referring to potentially new Terrans and/or legacy characters that haven't yet been seen in Earthspark. The new skills mentioned are most likely just referring to the cyber-sleeve skills that Mo and Robby acquired back in S1.
What are your guesses on the new characters? 👀
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seaquestions · 3 years ago
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[ID: a drawing of botanica from transformers: beast machines. she is stylized and redesigned to wear a fancy gown made of leaves and vines. End ID]
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ratgirl112 · 5 years ago
🖤Hey everyone, Vocaloid time! This time it's has multiple Transformers Series 🖤
Audio: Echo
G1/Beast Wars/Beast Machines - Echo - Transformers Vocaloid
Vocaloid Characters(Beast Wars: Transformers/The Transformers/Generation One/Beast Machines)(In Order):
Beast Wars Megatron
Rodimus Prime
💔The Vocaloid does belong to me, the singers and characters do not belong to me. All Transformers shows, Comics, and characters are all owned by Hasbro. The original audio belongs to KawaiiYanderlee💔

Social Media's:
💝Snapchat: rat_girl112💝
💕Instagram: rat_girl112💕
💘Deviant art: ratgirl112💘
💓Wattpad: Rat_girl112💓
💟Twitter: Rat_girl112💟
��Tik Tok: rat_girl112💖
💞YouTube: Rat_girl112💞
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beast-wars · 6 years ago
I admit I really, really do not like Beast Machines. At all. I will say that it did give us some very interesting characters. Botanica is and still remains one of my favorite characters from the Beast Era and one I wish we’d see more of. I’ll even admit to enjoying the relationship she and Rattrap have which is oddly similar to the one he had with Dinobot.
When I look back on the Beast era I’m always disappointed with how it ended show wise with Beast Machines. A lot of the build-up that BW had for its wider universe just gets chucked out the window in favor of the darker, edgier, grittier, BM. Which, let's be real, didn’t make a lick of sense.
But there were good things about the show and Botanica was one of them. I also appreciated how she even gets a mention in TFA as a member of the council. 
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majachee · 2 years ago
Any thoughts on BM Rattrap and Botanica [either their relationship, or just the character interactions in general] you'd like to share? Likes/dislikes, general thoughts, headcanons, anything like that really ^-^'
I must say, my love for Botanica/Rattrap as a pairing comes from the idea of what could've been more than the actual execution.
I felt their pre-relationship stuff was rushed and felt forced, but post-kiss it was really sweet. Now, I suppose this has to do with BM being incredibly short compared to Beast Wars and other TF shows so pacing is definitely an issue... (Beast Machines is exactly half the length of Beast Wars, and was trying to tell a more mature story.)
It felt like they wanted to recreate Dinobot and Rattrap's banter from Beast Wars, but Dinobot is explicitly irreplacable in Rattrap's life and also had more time to develop. Botanica and Rattrap only had, like, 8 episodes iirc? More or less, definitely not an entire season tho.
Also it really felt like they were making Rattrap act OOC at times in s2 so Botanica could have a reason to hate him at first. Like, cmon... Man, they really could've done better exploring Rattrap's mental health post-The Weak Component.
In my little personal fanon, Rattrap has lingering feelings of distress and insecurity after The Weak Component, definitely made worse after the Hate Plague episode. Nightscream is still a jackass, and everyone else is tense and lashing out from the stress of their hopeless situation.
Despite them supposedly "making up" after The Weak Component, after the events of the Hate Plague, Rattrap's insecurities begin to eat at him again and he isolates himself from the group. It's hard to tell since he still covers it up with sass and snark, but if you look closely you can see him contributing his own ideas less when planning, and being more reclusive on base and on patrol.
Botanica, when getting to know her new Maximal teammates, notices how despite Rattrap's snappy remarks he seems far more isolated than the rest. The others are too pre-occupied to notice (not entirely their fault, mind you, they're also dealing with the effects of being in a completely hopeless situation), so Botanica, being the new member, tries reaching out and a relationship starts forming. Cuz I didn't like it when they were bitching at eachother 💔
Botanica will still be sassy and more aloof but also more empathetic in this silly little fanon of mine. She'd take up the role of mediator and also be able to partake in Rattrap's witty banter as an equal.
Rattrap also helps her catch up on what she's missed, and I'd like to think they exchanged stories about their lost comrades.
I want Botanica to be a sigma plant wife who carries Rattrap around like the malewife short king he is, goddammit!
I have a lot to say about these two and half of it is expanding on the tidbits of Beast Machines I liked lmao
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transingthoseformers · 2 months ago
We need to think about Botanica more
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autobot-ratchet · 7 years ago
alright so now Rattrap’s mad at Botanica because *spins a wheel* ...she’s there and Cheetor’s mad at Silverbolt because *spins again* ...he called him a kid
and that’s all for this episode’s completely pointless grievances that will just disappear entirely unresolved save for perhaps a one-line apology, tune in next time where *throws dart at dartboard* Nightscream will be mad at *ouija board spells out* Blackarachnia for *spins wheel* not having wings gOODNIGHT EVERYBODY
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quetzalpapalotl · 3 years ago
Look, I know I said I was gonna try to focus on BM as its own thing and try to forget is technically a sequel, but, Rattrap and Botanica are constantly snapping at each other (for apparently no reason), and yet they're love interests. This confirms that Rattrap is the kind person who antagonizes the people he's attracted to. Yes, that means dinotrap rights, baby.
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fallensfandomblog · 5 years ago
Day 3
Scorponok tries to sleep through the entire day.
Strika explores the arena.
Quickstrike sprains his ankle while running away from Tigatron.
Transmutate poisons Ravage's drink. He drinks it and dies.
Thrust, Nightscream, Dinobot, and Cheetor raid Obsidian 's camp while he is hunting.
Inferno searches for a water source.
Rhinox kills Jetstrorm with a hatchet.
Airazor thinks about home.
Botanica receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Terrorsaur searches for firewood.
Night 3
Transmutate, Rhinox, and Terrorsaur cheerfully sing songs together.
Dinobot convinces Quickstrike to snuggle with him.
Inferno goes to sleep.
Scorponok destroys Cheetor's supplies while he is asleep.
Strika and Thrust run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Nightscream cries himself to sleep.
Obsidian receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Airazor tends to her wounds.
Tigatron receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Botanica receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Not the betrayal that I excepted. But now I'm imaging Terrorsaur seeing DB with Quickstrike and yelling "You hussy! How could you?!"
Deaths: Ravage and Jetstorm
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thatboxylady · 3 years ago
for the shipping asks! 🌹💔💤👀 :]
SINCE WE ARE BOTH into BW/BM that's what I'm gonna do this for iausdohi.
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
Haha Thrust/Jetstorm. There is something very tender about speed-running enemies-to-friends in the way that they did (i.e. attempting to violently murder each other). Their little moment in Fallout sealed the deal, as far as I was concerned. <3
Ship that makes you sad:💔
HAHA THRUST/JETSTORM... Jetstorm's reformatting scene is absolutely horrific, and Thrust spends the rest of the show thinking that Jetstorm left and betrayed him on purpose. When that was 100% not the case. At all. It's awful! It's awful. :)
Ship that is canon but you don’t ship: 💤
SEE THIS ONE IS HARD because there are only so many actual canon relationships in this show. Hhhhh...
I'm just gonna say Botanica/Rattrap for the sole purpose that it felt really shoehorned in at the last minute, I dunno? IT NEEDED MORE TIME? If their relationship spanned a few more episodes and dug more into the chemistry then I'd be 100% okay with it, I am very laid back when it comes to ships iyasdugh.
Ship you’re curious about: 👀
Each and every day that I am trapped on Earth I stray closer from God's light and consider Blackarachnia/Thrust/Jetstorm.
Love triangles that turn into poly ships are fun, yes, and I would love to explore it... but that girl's got more spice than Cameron's version of the Titanic packed full of Carolina Reapers, careening headlong towards an iceberg with a couple of nukes strapped onto it. I don't think I have the strength.
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lost-world-of-gaea · 7 years ago
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BNW Botanica! Because out of all the characters from BM that deserves more love, she’s at the top.
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