#blues ijuin
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the-gears-of-fate · 4 months ago
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BN AU - Gears of Fate
#002 - Protoman.EXE - Character Ref
Blues Ijuin
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cylikaart · 1 year ago
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I love the time around Christmas Eve. That Blues calls himself out by it hjdchjhj
Someone needs to draw Santa Blues jhdcjhfc
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imasallstars · 1 year ago
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SR/SR+ 【Summer Moment】Megumi Ijuin
FOCUS STAT     6008 VISUAL at max Level, Max Bond, 0 Potential TOTAL APPEAL     13 057 Skill:「Blue Memory」     (Coordinate) For every 9 seconds, there is a 40~60% chance that PERFECT notes will receive a 8% SCORE BONUS, and you will gain an extra 12% COMBO BONUS for 4~6 seconds Center Skill:「Cool Makeup」    All COOL-type cards gain a 60% boost in their VISUAL stat.
※ this card is available through scouting in the PLATINUM AUDITION BOX box starting 22.07.2023
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just-absolutely-super · 1 year ago
MMBN/ Fullmetal Alchemist crack
Lan: What I don't get is why Colonel Ijuin always sends that Chaud guy to talk to us instead of giving us missions himself.
Hub: Maybe it's because Chaud was there himself back home. Or maybe it's because he's just too busy to see us.
Lan: But Chaud's annoying! And he's always got that Blues guy following him around, and he's always bragging about his flame alchemy, and he always nitpicks our missions, and-
Hub: Here we go again…
Lan: -he's always pointing out he's taller than me, and a year older than me, but that doesn't make a difference whatsoever! I can do alchemy without a circle, and I've got the cooler companion!
(Unless stated in an interview somewhere, I don’t think Chaud is a year older than Lan. I HC he is some months older than him but I haven’t decided a birthday)
Chaud: Hikari, welcome back
Lan: Fuck you too
Hub: LAN! That was uncalled for!
Lan: Nah it’s very called for
Chaud: Are you going to keep acting childish like this? It’s not very becoming of a state alchemist
Lan: *flips his off*
Hub and Proto: *exasperated sigh*
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2022f · 1 year ago
aisiteimas360:冨田ラボ - 「さあ話そう feat. 藤巻亮太」(Lyric Video) youtu.be/AtROcCgtloc [https://twitter.com/aisiteimas360/status/1683852458307768321] ryosasuke39:それと藤巻亮太の渾身の一曲「大地の歌」のMVも❗️  せっかく石巻に行くなら近くの海岸で、モノクロな感じで波打ち際🌊でギター🎸かき鳴らすみたいなカッコいいやつ撮影しては?  石巻で藤巻📹  大地の歌/藤巻亮太 youtu.be/CVpVvSIr2aU  (藤巻亮太プロモーション協議会)😳 [https://twitter.com/ryosasuke39/status/1683851258531319808] ryosasuke39:「サヨナラ花束」はメッチャいい曲だからMV作ってほしいなぁ🎵 野口健さんにお許しいただいて、絵子さんに出演してもらうとか❓ 可憐🌸で物怖じせず世界🌎を旅する彼女に合うんじゃないかな☺️ (話題性も大事❗️)  サヨナラ花束/藤巻亮太 youtu.be/Ezha0pS17g0 [https://twitter.com/ryosasuke39/status/1683851256308326400] ryosasuke39:"恋のスキル 風の工場 夏の真ん中をくぐり抜けてく 甘い夢は花火の上がる様 二人で見ていた"  マウフジ夢みる"なつの真ん中"❓ 今回は線香花火で始まり、打ち上げ花火でシメ🎆❗️ 大金持ち💰ならMt.FUJIMAKIのエンディングで花火ブチ上げたいな���😆 #FM藤巻 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/ryosasuke39/status/1683846283793141761] ryosasuke39:幼稚園の頃おばあさまのカラオケキット🎤で歌う喜びを知ったとのことなので意外と昭和に造詣が深い⁉️ (美輪明宏さんと同じ誕生日とか🎂)  昭和/レミオロメン youtu.be/gZEHwG6XcgU 昭和/藤巻亮太 youtu.be/uE3FbbFdDNc  Songbardsの皆さん初山梨❗️亮太さん、山梨のワイン🍷 [https://twitter.com/ryosasuke39/status/1683846275396153344] ryosasuke39:いつか終わりが来るからこそ今を大切に、という「フィラメント」 藤巻亮太「サヨナラ花束」と通ずるかも💐 "僕たちはたった一つ約束がある   それはいつか必ず   別れの時間が訪れて" youtu.be/Ezha0pS17g0  ミニギターを携えて旅する上野さんはインド🇮🇳亮太さんはヒマラヤ⛰️ [https://twitter.com/ryosasuke39/status/1683846271239606273] ryosasuke39:「ニクい男」藤巻亮太❗️  梅雨明けして夏本番☀️  "季節がめぐって熱い夏がきた" 裸のOh Summer youtu.be/GfaDPS1MrUM  亮太さんはエアコンと扇風機併用で効率よく暑さ対策💨  ゲストは #TheSongbards 上野皓平さん、松原有志さん、岩田栄秀さん🎶 上野さんとはフットサルで [https://twitter.com/ryosasuke39/status/1683846264348344320] ryosasuke39:7月23日 #FM藤巻 復習❗️  #藤巻亮太   オンエア曲♪ 線香花火feat.幾田りら/佐藤千亜妃 フィラメント/The Songbards 夏の重力/The Songbards  オープニング曲は堺のイベントでご一緒する予定だった、きのこ帝国・佐藤千亜妃さんから🎵 そういう優しい心遣い、野口健さん曰く [https://twitter.com/ryosasuke39/status/1683846261605269505] egaode119:藤巻亮太 「3月9日」 (カロリーメイトCM『夢の背中』篇フルバージョン) youtu.be/0t62AbOiKLg @YouTubeより pic.twitter.com/x8Cq6PqPjy [https://twitter.com/egaode119/status/1683770699444527104] askaofficial921:【#ASKA ラジオ】 JFN全国38局ネット 日曜 10:00~10:30  『ASKA Terminal Melody』毎週O.A中!  今回も #藤巻亮太 さんをお迎えしてお送りしてます🎵  #radiko タイムフリーで聴くことができます!!!  #ASKA #小山ジャネット愛子 #ASKA_Terminal_Melody  radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… [https://twitter.com/askaofficial921/status/1683761185815171072] misuzu_0402:藤巻亮太さん  (⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠♪♪♪  Blue Jet  youtu.be/L6iWkStiruE [https://twitter.com/misuzu_0402/status/1683739921633406976] AshleyJeong0112:#REMIOROMEN  #remioromen  #レミオロメン #藤巻亮太 #前田啓介 #神宮司治 #今日の曲  🎼レミオロメン🎵🎶🎧 Have a nice day😍 ▪️▪️▪️with Remioromen ▪️▪️▪️  🔸️song of the day🔸️ 🔹️今日の曲🔹️ ▪️アカシア▪️  youtu.be/vmRYryu0NAo [https://twitter.com/AshleyJeong0112/status/1683679165684539392] AshleyJeong0112:#REMIOROMEN  #レミオロメン #藤巻亮太  #前田啓介  #神宮司治   🎼レミオロメン🎵🎶🎧 Have a nice day 😍 ▪︎▪︎▪︎with Remioromen▪︎▪︎▪︎  📻OH MY RADIO "THURSDAY " 📻OH MY REMIO  🔸️4th Single:20040519🔸️ ▪️アカシア▪️  #allthebest pic.twitter.com/l5g6nRhzx0 [https://twitter.com/AshleyJeong0112/status/1683674636037525505] cheb0211:石巻 川開き 藤巻亮太 リバーサイドスペシャルLIVE は事前予約が必要です pic.twitter.com/H42F5V4877 [https://twitter.com/cheb0211/status/1683651675691823105] kiuyu200309:夜祭はなしと考え 10〜11月を探してたら また山梨と遭遇😅 久しぶりの再会 川嶋あいさん レミオロメン生まれの 息子へ贈る 藤巻亮太さん ラブシャ行かないから あのロケーションも味わいたい 粗確定✌️  mtfujimaki.com/#artists [https://twitter.com/kiuyu200309/status/1683597756110360576] tackism1:まさか「藤巻亮太コンサートに #サンドのぼんやり~ぬTV #萬みきお 参戦」  #jolf #tbc夏まつり2023 #サンドラジオショー 期待しながら、また来週 #ijuin #深夜の馬鹿力 twitter.com/tackism1/statu… [https://twitter.com/tackism1/status/1683538190010052608]
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chuunibyou-showdown · 11 months ago
Someone submitted Zehek which is a weird case because he's not so Chuuni in the main game (he has his moments, e.g. every time he catches a cold and him calling Drang his sworn brother) but he definitely is in Grand Blues, the noncanon gag manga.
He’s definitely a character inspired by Evil Eye chuuni, but his behavior is entirely plausible, while his “mistaking colds for his curse” thing is for comic relief, it speaks to how much it has affected his life to the point that he’s surprised when his pain isn’t caused by it. He rarely has the feel of acting this way for attention or to seem cool, for the most part he could be the type of character Evil Eye chuunis are trying to emulate through their antics.
He does have some chuunibyou-as-Ijuin-describes-it behavior in his interactions with Mishra though, but that’s not the type of stuff people think of when thinking of chuunibyou nowadays.
dont think i could categorize gbf azazel as a chuuni (seems to be more of a case of no one around him taking him seriously enough/being too happy-go-lucky) but he is an honorary one to me. there is something wrong with this fallen angel.
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des-shinta · 4 years ago
Shinta Reviews: Rockman.exe Episode 14
In which a Rival properly premieres, as a night out leads to a streetmatch with Enzan and Blues.
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/Des_Shinta
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shadowbanki · 2 years ago
Resonate (My Vocal Synth Group) x Cinderella Girls Drabbles plans:
Each Resonate character meets a voiced or unvoiced Cinderella Girl randomly selected by a generator. Ame- Chiyo Shirayuki Haku- Yume Narumiya Teto- Reina Koseki Uta- Yuzu Kitami Momo- Chie Sasaki Joy- Rumi Wakui Taya- Otoha Umeki Miku- Erika Akanishi Rhona- Megumi Ijuin Nagisa- Sachiko Koshimizu Ritsu- Saya Matsubara Ruko- Anzu Futaba Luana- Honami Nishikawa Koto- Sae Kobayakawa Rie- Ranko Kanzaki ——— Idols from 556 Pro interact with 346 Pro Idols. Ame tries to have the distant Chiyo come out of her shell, once they are grouped together for a bonding exercise. They find out they have the same birthday. They bond over talking about Chitose, lively small talk, their friends and fellow idols, their dreams and wishes… Chiyo turns out to be a kindhearted and cute girl deep down just like Ame. Haku is nervous and breaks down before a her solo part in a live concert. She starts drawing to cheer herself up. Yume, who is backstage, comes across Haku’s drawings and praises her. The two then draw together and talk about their shyness until it is Haku’s time to perform. Reina sees Teto transform into a chimera and wants to recruit her as her partner in crime and diabolical evil! Teto agrees, thinking this it will be fun. But when Reina plans a prank, Teto comically messes it up! Trendsetter Yuzu sees Uta going around and gets a crush on her from afar. She just thinks Uta is so cool with her beret and slightly edgy look. Yuzu goes up to Uta and finds out Uta is actually quite shy. She thinks this is cute. But Uta thinks Yuzu’s clothes are cool too and wishes she could be more outgoing like her. Could this be the beginning of something beautiful? Chie is alone and lost from the rest of her group during a camping trip, and is scared. Eventually she finds Momo in the woods, practicing singing and dancing alone to Taiyou no Enogubako, and grows to trust her. They have a nice conversation find the rest of Chie’s group together. Rumi is in charge of tutoring Joy in math. Joy is very silly, and tries to avoid doing math at all costs because she doubts herself highly in math. Rumi thinks she is hopeless at first, because she is not good at encouraging her. But once she does, she realizes Joy just has her own way of learning and is actually very capable. The two end up getting along, and Joy passes her math test. Otoha hears Taya singing and approaches him, saying his voice has a “unique color.” Taya is interested in Otoha’s synesthesia. Taya says he had it a bit when he was little, but it faded away. Otoha comments that Taya’s voice is a flowing, blue sound, and Otoha hears him sing, it’s like she can visualize an ocean. Taya says the kanji in his last name actually means “blue sound.” They laugh, it’s an incredible coincidence. Miku laughs easily at jokes. Miku laughs easily at everything. Miku laughs easily at Erika, who tells bad jokes. Rhona and Megumi travel together. They secretly embark on a little adventure to the next state, but they get on the wrong plane and end up in… Barcelona? Sachiko gets paired with Nagisa and notices she is a shy little bean. So she teaches Nagisa to be more confident. Cute poses, slay. Be all that. Own it. Saya and Ritsu have to switch personalities on a dare from an anonymous fan. At the end, the fan reveals themself… Ruko and Anzu have a lazy day together. It all started when Anzu saw the gigantic Ruko and asked her to carry her to her room. Kirari was off doing work and Anzu was too lazy to walk to her room herself. So Ruko carried Anzu to her room, and also crashed there as revenge for having carried her. At first Anzu was salty about it, then she found a friend in Ruko. They started eating snacks and watching anime together all day. Honami meets Luana, and professes to her that she is the most obnoxious person she has ever met. But then she goes home and writes passionate lyrics about her. The next day, she has to perform those lyrics on a whim! What if Luana hears…? Sae is quiet. Koto is loud. They both however, share a love of nature and scenery. Koto infodumps to Sae during a walk in the woods, and eventually Sae becomes comfortable enough with Koto to share stuff about her own interests. But then it gets dark, and they get lost. Ranko is very… unique. Rie perceives her as the ultimate weirdo, which is a title she herself wishes to hold! Rie asks Ranko to teach her the ways of weird. Well first of all, Rie should stop calling the divine darkness of the arcane moonless night “weird.” So Rie becomes Ranko’s Little Demon and aspires to understand her language, (basically become a Rangaku Scholar,) but she misinterprets everything Ranko says hilariously.
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tachiaku · 6 years ago
Hey! I just got into all of these guys from watching high&low! Can you give me some mvs and maybe vids to learn more about them? Your posts are awesome and I want to learn more!! Thanks!
ooh man... i’m stupid actually and don’t know much about each member of each group, mostly i just follow my select favorites, so if you want to learn about them as people with their personalities and such you should page @apotatowhenever because she knows so much or you can look in the tags i have for each group which are just like, their group names!
but i can give you lots of mvs to watch
the rest of this is under a cut because it got hella long.
a few rapid things: the following groups are managed by an entertainment company known as LDH short for love dream happiness. i’ve listed them as separate groups but there are two larger groups made up of these members known as exile and exile tribe. unlike in kpop, where every member sings and dances, ldh focuses on a model of having vocalists and performers.
vocalists, of course, sing. performers focus on dancing. this allows for a really unique presentation especially in concerts because it allows people to specialize in their skill instead of struggling to sing while dancing complicated routines. all of the groups i follow have at least two vocalists and the rampage has three so there’s still plenty of variety and harmony in the singing and this also ensures the vocalists get more lines as well.
also, members get moved around a lot. some of them leave the groups as well, so in some of the older videos especially for exile, you’re going to see guys who aren’t in the current group. other members are added to different groups. a few guys graduated from the acting troupe to join the performance groups.
quick notes on the members who are actually in high & low:
takahiro plays amamiya masaki of amamiya kyoudai
exile the second
tachibana kenchi plays nikaido of iemura group
akira plays kohaku of mugen
kuroki keiji plays rocky of the white rascals
sandaime j soul brothers
elly plays ice of the mighty warriors
iwata takanori plays cobra of sannoh rengokai
yamashita kenjiro plays dan kazuya of sannoh rengokai
tosaka hiroomi plays amamiya hiroto of amamiya kyoudai
naoto plays jesse of the mighty warriors/prison gang
kobayashi naoki plays kiku genji of kuryu group
shirahama alan plays bernie of the mighty warriors
sekiguchi mandy plays pho of the mighty warriors/prison gang
sano reo plays takeshi of rudeboys
the rampage
likiya plays diddy of the mighty warriors
ryu plays shibaman of oya ko
suzuki takahide plays tsuji of oya ko
kaede plays shiba of ichigo milk
sato harumi plays oshiage of ichigo millk
yamaguchi nonoko plays nonoriki of ichigo milk
fujii shuka (formerly) plays naomi
bando nozomi plays ijuin nika
sato taiki plays chiharu of sannoh rengokai
these are just the musicians actually let me include gekidan exile. gekidan is the acting troupe that are managed by ldh.
gekidan exile
aoyagi sho plays tsukumo of mugen
akiyama shintaro plays takano of doubt
ozawa yuta plays kato shu of daruma ikka
suzuki nobuyuki plays yamato of sannoh rengokai
machida keita plays noboru of sannoh rengokai
onozuka hayato plays kirinji of iemura group
nogae shuhei aka sway plays pearl of the mighty warriors
yagi masayasu plays ijuin kabuto of sannoh rengokai
sato kanta plays tetsu of sannoh rengokai
this is too many people. okay, onto the music videos. if you want to have any hope of keeping up with their releases (which come out without warning 3/4 of the time) subscribe to the youtube channel avex.
high & low music videos
do or die by doberman infinity
jump around by doberman infinity
strawberry sadistic by e-girls
mugen road by sandaime j soul brothers
one time one life by exile the second
run this town by generations
mighty warriors by like 100 fucking artists
sin by ace of spades
style of 24karats
turn back time
this is my life
heads or tails
roman no hoshi (romantic star)
new horizon
choo choo train
i wish for you
my star
ki mi ni mu chu
exile tribe
the revolution
higher ground
24karats tribe of gold
exile the second
yeah yeah yeah
shut up!! shut up!! shut up!!
head bangin’
super fly
think ‘bout it
route 66
wild wild wild
summer lover
sandaime j soul brothers
koi to ai
jsb love
welcome to tokyo
feel so alive
summer madness
jsb happiness
jsb dream
storm riders
unfair world
so right
hard knock days
alright! alright!
big city rodeo
always with you
hot shot
taiyo mo tsuki mo
love you more
the rampage
hard hit
la fiesta
only one
13 savage
100 degrees
get ready to rampage
knocking knocking
show time
let’s feel high
my way
candy smile
dance all night
dance with me now
follow me
pain, pain
eg summer rider
highschool love
love queen
pink champagne
dance dance dance
let’s go let’s go
diamond only
solo work
neotokyo by crazyboy
the backcourt by crazyboy/loco
private party by crazyboy
double play by crazyboy
tropical paradise by crazyboy
starship by crazyboy
luxe by tosaka hiroomi feat. crazyboy
full moon by tosaka hiroomi
wasted love by tosaka hiroomi
diamond sunset by tosaka hiroomi
end of line by tosaka hiroomi
angel by imaichi ryuji
one day by imaichi ryuji
love hurts by imaichi ryuji
thank you by imaichi ryuji
out of the darkness~ catch my light by imaichi ryuji
eternal love by takahiro
love story by takahiro
memories by takahiro
irish blue by takahiro
just the way you are by atsushi
i think of you by atsushi
i love you by atsushi
precious love by atsushi
never say goodbye by sway
futen boyz by shokichi
the one by shokichi
underdog by shokichi
anytime by shokichi feat. crazyboy
ignition by shokichi
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the-gears-of-fate · 5 months ago
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Since I have almost the shipping week pictures finished! Finally can go back to the AU Here is Blues.EXE domestic form + his eyes!
So sneak peak! >:3c
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cylikaart · 1 year ago
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Long overdue WIP!
I need more Blues/Serenade in my life! Gonna do it myself!
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recentanimenews · 7 years ago
Yuri TV Anime "citrus" 1st PV Reveals January 2018 Premiere, Main Character Voices
The official website for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Saburouta's popular yuri manga citrus opened on September 1, posting a key visual and a 90-second first PV introducing its main character voices. It is also announced that the Passione (Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers)-animated series is set to premiere on Tokyo MX, AT-X, and BS Fuji in January 2018.
  Key visual (via: Comic Natalie)
義理姉妹描く百合アニメ「citrus」新ビジュ&PV、放送は2018年1月 https://t.co/Q8fi3bkBzw http://pic.twitter.com/vJu06V4BDy
— コミックナタリー (@comic_natalie) 2017年9月1日
  1st PV
  TV Anime Main Staff:
   Director: Takeo Takahashi (Spice and Wolf, Hinako Note)
 Series Composition/Scenarios: Naoki Hayashi
 Character Designer/Chief Animation Director: Izuro Ijuin (WORKING!!!, Girlish Number episode animation director)
 Music Production: Lantis
 Produce: Infinite
 Anime Production: Passione (Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers)
  Main Voice Cast:
   Yuzu Aihara: Ayana Taketatsu
 Mei Aihara: Minami Tsuda
 Harumi Taniguchi: Yukiyo Fujii
 Himeko Momokino: Yurika Kubo
 Matsuri Mizusawa: Shiori Izawa
 Kayo Maruta: Ikumi Hayama
    Saburouta's citrus manga has been serialized in Ichijinsha's yuri manga anthology Comic Yuri Hime 
since its January 2013 issue and currently seven tankobon volumes are available in Japan. The story
centers on the relationship between a first grade high school girl Yuzu Aihara and her sister-in-law
Mei Aihara. The four main voice cast of Yuzu, Mei, Harumi and Himeko in the drama CD released in
August 2015 are set to reprise ther roles in the anime.
    Its English editions are released by Seven Seas Entertainment.
The US publisher describes the story as below:
  Yuzuko Aihara, a high school girl whose main interests are fashion, friends and having fun, is about to
get a reality check. Due to her mom’s remarriage, Yuzu has transferred to a new, all-girls school that
is extremely strict. Her real education is about to begin. From Day One, happy-go-lucky Yuzu makes
enemies, namely the beautiful yet stern Student Council President Mei. So what happens when a dejected
Yuzu returns home and discovers the shock of her life: that Mei is actually her new step-sister who has
come to live with her? Even more surprising, when Mei catches Yuzu off-guard and kisses her out of the
blue, what does it all mean?
    1st and 7th volume covers
    Source: TV anime "citrus" official website, Comic Natalie
  © Saburouta, Ichijinsha/citrus Production Committee © Saburouta/Ichijinsha
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cylikaart · 1 year ago
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They are so cute they are so cuuutttee 😭🙏❤️🧡
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cylikaart · 2 years ago
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