#bluebirdmun talks
bluebirdsmuses · 2 years
Happy new year!
Just popping on for a moment to drop this message here saying merry christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year, hope everyone's been doing alright or at least hanging in there lately. Here's to hoping 2023 is better than '22.
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
Hiatus (I guess...)
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well, enough beating around the bush. I’ve ran out of steam for being here. I’m on hiatus now. I dunno when I’ll be back, but... when I am, I’ll move to a new blog. My sideblogs will be moved over to the new blog too. 
Feel free to catch me on my Discord, if you’re a mutual or we’ve talked a fair amount already. Just make sure I know who you are or else I might ignore it. Also, we can still RP on there too, if y’all would like. 
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Cya all on the flip side. 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
tropical storm warning
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Just gonna cut to the chase and say I’ve got a tropical storm warning on practically my entire state (CT) for Isaiahs, so if I disappear it might be ‘cause the storm was just strong enough to cause a mess up here too. It’s usually hit or miss with tropical storms though, sometimes they can really mess stuff up, other times it’s just fine. So, that remains to be seen. 
Isaiahs is supposed to hit tomorrow afternoon/evening and be gone by Wed morning so it’ll be a quick moving storm. 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
Just did a huge purge of my following list. So many inactive/dead/abandoned blogs or non-mutuals that I know I never had a chance with. (might do another pass tomorrow or soon just to see if I decide on any more to eliminate.)
Still strongly considering going on another hiatus for real. I dunno how long it’ll be when/if I do, but I do need some time away from here once again...
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
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all this suggestive talk and sin on my dash on this fine Friday afternoon... XD 
a shame for me that I can’t partake since I’m not comfortable with writing smut jhfgjhdfjhgfd (at least not beyond very vanilla stuff)
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
Power is back!!
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I’M BACK!! Electricity was restored to my street a few minutes ago, almost right at the top of the hour too. Hooray for no longer being stuck in the stone age anymore XD also thank you electrical crews for working your asses off to get things back up and running in town! 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
Another important note I’d like to reiterate is, when/if I return, I will not be interacting with the R.atchet and C.lank fandom on here, no blogs, no RP partners, no nothing, and I’d like such posts to be tagged. 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
Okay, phew! Finally got to the end of my Likes, I think I must’ve unliked at least 700 posts because I’m p sure I was up to nearly 9k and now I’m down to 8.2k. 
I’ve been thinking, I should probably just move to a new blog when/if I return from my hiatus here. I have a lot of junk on this blog, and in my Likes, and I don’t wanna just get rid of everything, keeping this as more of a time capsule than anything. so if I do move, either I remake into a true multi, or I simply make a new hub and move my sideblogs to it. 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
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tfw road work has been going on for days directly behind your house and it’s been done solely AT NIGHT DFGGHFGFJHFDHJGFJ-- 
I’m being pushed to turn into a night owl because I CANNOT sleep with that noise. I’m a light sleeper. 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
Ok if there’s one thing I just realized, it’s that my blog is woefully outdated (muse/layout wise) and I really need to update it soon. But not tonight. I’ll try to get around to that tomorrow, so things are more accurate. 
Can’t believe I forgot all about that sdfdfgfdg
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
I almost got to the end of my likes tonight (digging through 2.5 years and 8k+ worth of likes is one hell of a mind and finger workout @_@ ), just got a few more months left to dig through and finish purging certain things.  Perhaps tomorrow, I finish up that, and any other loose ends I wanna clean up, and officially go on hiatus. 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
Did another following purge. Down to 186 blogs followed, I think total I’ve cleaned out almost 100. (Edit: an important note, I’ve pretty much unfollowed all Ratchet and Clank blogs, I will no longer RP with or interact with anyone from that fandom, due to the recent incident.)
Also... I really need to get better about talking to my remaining active mutuals more, I’ve been a shitty friend by being too shy to talk to y’all most of the time and I feel guilty about that. If we have each other on Discord, definitely gotta make myself talk to you peeps more. 
Reminder that if you wanna reach out to me to talk more or RP with me (preferably mutuals or you’re someone I’m somewhat familiar with and know who you are), you’re free to add me on my Discord, just make sure I know who you are when you add me. 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
in case I decide to take a permanent hiatus from here... feel free to add me on Discord so we can stay in touch... even if I’m awful at talking to most ppl if we don’t talk all the time or enough... 
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just make sure to let me know it’s you so I can accept the friend request. 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
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my heart is utterly shattered right now... losing a friend really stings a lot...
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
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tfw you reblog the wrong post by mistake and feel absolutely mortified 
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bluebirdsmuses · 4 years
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Seems like everyone is going inactive for the weekend around these parts...
guess it doesn’t matter much if I poof for the weekend too since I’m still struggling to get motivation/energy to RP much...
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