everafterwhy · 23 days
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if i was donnas dad and this fucking guy came into my house to sing this stupidass song id have kicked his ass
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everafterwhy · 3 months
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sometimes it's 2024 and you have to draw fanart for a book series you loved as a kid i don't make the rules
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everafterwhy · 7 months
(consumed with lust voice) omg what a fucking weirdo
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everafterwhy · 7 months
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Twin peaks art from last year ft. The Best Character (that llama that was in one (1) scene)
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everafterwhy · 7 months
doctor said i need to be kissed hard. for an hour
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everafterwhy · 7 months
God I miss the days when you could show up to a stranger’s farm and he’d say “What’s your name, boy?” and you’d take off your hat and hold it to your chest to better let him see your face and reply “Why I ain’t got none, sir, on account of my mammy passed on before she could give me one” and he’d tell you he’s real damn sorry to hear that and ask what he can do you for and you’d tell him that you can’t read nor even write neither but you’re mighty good with horses and can mend them fallen fence posts what you saw on your way in and won’t ask for nothing much more than a hot meal and a warm barn to sleep in and he’d keep his wife and daughters inside but send his boy who ain’t got married yet even though his mama tells him he needs a woman out with a lantern and some stew at night and the two of you’d get to talkin and he’d throw you his flask to take a swig from and watch you drinkin from it while he leant against the door frame and when he finally got called back on up to the house again he’d take a sip from it too real slow-like like it weren’t the whiskey what he were tryna savour
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everafterwhy · 8 months
if dale cooper showed up in my town I’d have more important questions for him. like. were you homeschooled? is diane your tape recorder’s name?
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everafterwhy · 10 months
sorry i called you a fucking idiot i was trying to flirt
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everafterwhy · 10 months
got banned from my local record store because I kept fingering the holes in the CDs and moaning
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everafterwhy · 10 months
he's so hot i need to feed him the world's most perfect strawberry
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everafterwhy · 1 year
“we want more weird queer people” you guys can’t handle it/its users
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everafterwhy · 1 year
straight women need to start fetishising sapphic women so there can be more femslash fan fiction. we gotta outsource and get more writers on board. I want it to get to the point where two women cant be on screen together without having a 80k space opera fic written about them. I want show runners to be scared of cancelling sapphic shows because legions and legions of fans will come after them. dont tell me my priorities are wrong.
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everafterwhy · 1 year
when i get all my validation from social media and checking notifications and checking every account every day 😍
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everafterwhy · 1 year
As @staff further refine the polls while they're rolling them out (still haven't gotten mine sadly), here's a suggestion of mine: Polls with a ten year time limit.
As of right now, it's impossible for polls to turn into long-running legendary posts. You can try, sure (see the bug race), but it's a week and then it's locked, fixed, done, and all that's left is for people to reminisce about that time there was a poll.
On the other hand, if a ten year poll gets popular, it can become part of Tumblr lore while still being updated. People can write passionate appeals for their vote and fight in the notes. Others can make graphs to show how the poll's majorities shift with each different US president or Taylor Swift album. People can make memes about "remember 2025, when option 3 was in the lead? That was a crazy time".
Why ten years, though, instead of a hundred or just no time limit? Because that way, the end becomes an event. People who voted in the poll when it was just a few hours old can watch the final countdown together, and there's a new point in Tumblr history: That day when we finally all agreed on the best option, and presumably also some important political stuff happened.
Now, granted, most ten year polls would never reach this level of notoriety. But it only takes a few polls like this to be worthwhile. Maybe this shouldn't be an option for users to select, but something the Tumblr website grants/pushes on you at random?
So, yeah. Ten year polls. They should be a thing.
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everafterwhy · 1 year
reblog if you like girls and pasta
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everafterwhy · 1 year
a couple years ago, i got really ambitious and decided i was going to make a uquiz. it would be the uquiz to end all uquizzes, it would mean i used my history degree and it would be queer with a capital Q. and to be fair to past me, i did all the questions, had chosen what (or who, in this case) the results would be, and just had to write the bios for those results, which i did half of... and then crashed. two years later, i finally convinced myself to finish it off, so i mostly proudly present the 'which historical gay are you?' uquiz. if your result's bio is a little lacking, thats not because youre boring, it's because i'm chronically ill <3
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everafterwhy · 1 year
girl dinner (big fucking plate of carbs and protein) girl math (complex analysis) girl career (trades and engineering and politics and compsci) girl sports (dirtbikes and football and weightlifting) girl instruments (drums and bass guitar and electric) girl personality (loud and opinionated and annoying and brash)
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