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History of the Blue Whale King, Part I (66,041,000 BC)
A small, rodent-like mammal scurries among the shrubs in a primeval forest, unnoticed by the giant reptiles roaming nearby. An insignificant creature, but with grandiose dreams.
I want to be beautiful.
The creature is not much to look at.
I want to be powerful.
He lacks both strength and influence.
I want to be fast.
He relies on stealth to evade predatory reptiles, he stands no chance of outrunning them.
I want to be graceful.
At least he's not clumsy, but he holds no records here either.
I want to be magnificent.
Ditto for points 1 and 3.
But most of all...
I want to be
Perhaps the most laughable dream of all.
The sky lights up, and keeps getting brighter. Seemingly without warning, it becomes unbearable, and the forest bursts into flames. The small creature scurries into the ground, protected by the soil while the giant reptiles burn alive. Hours later, rocks, ash, and molten debris rain from the sky, fallout from the distant explosion. An unlikely cosmic collision has altered the course of history.
The tiny mammal survives the disaster. The giant reptiles do not. But as he scurries among their bones for scraps of food, a strange substance from outer space attaches to his soul. When his body eventually dies, his being persists, and moves to a new body. He has a chance to fulfill his dreams.
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Belly growl edit: He's definitely got a pillow to snooze on, but it's the bus ride home and it's dinnertime. Poor guy is shy about it.. Link to artist: Subway's best pillow by blue_whale -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
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Sosyal Medya Hakkında İzlemeniz Gereken En İyi 10 Film
Sosyal Medya Hakkında İzlemeniz Gereken En İyi 10 Film
Sosyal medya 21. yüzyıl itibariyle günlük hayatımızın en vazgeçilmez alanlarından biri olmaya başladı. Öyle ki uyandığımızda, sabah kahvemizi hazırlarken, iş arasında hatta yemek yerken bile sosyal medyada aktif durumdayız. Sadece pasif olarak takip etmekle kalmıyor aynı zamanda hepimiz çılgınlar gibi içerik üretiyoruz. Bu yazı bile sosyal medyada oluşturulan bir içerik niteliğine sahip. Kültürel, bilgilendirici yazıların dışında oldukça zararlı, pratik ya da yararlı içerikler de bulunabilir. Güncel konular toplumsal olgularla yakından ilgilenen hiçbir sanatçının gözünden kaçmaz ve kaçmıyor da. Yönetmenler hayatımızdaki birçok vazgeçilmez noktayı konu aldığı gibi sosyal medyayı da sıklıkla işliyor, beyaz perde de tekrar ve tekrar bize sunuyorlar. Bu yazıda da sosyal medyayı anlatan ve bütün yönleriyle yüzümüze çarpan filmleri sıralayacağız.
Başrollerinde Maya Hawke ve Andrew Garfield’in oynadığı “sanat yapmak mı istiyorsun yoksa yüzü bile olmayan yabancılardan onay mı almak istiyorsun?” sorusu etrafında dönen bir film. Frankie (Maya Hawke) Youtube platformunda estetik videolar paylaşan bir kızdır. Bir video çekimi sırasında hippi olan, kafasına buyruk davranan Link (Andrew Garfield) ile tanışır. Link’i çektiği videosunun patlaması üzerine ikili bir araya gelir ve düzenli olarak değişik videolar çekmeye başlarlar. Çok geçmeden kanalın internette popüler olmasıyla karakterlerin kişiliklerinden ve asıl amaçlarından uzaklaşmasına, yapmayacakları şeyleri popülarite uğruna yapmaya başlamalarına neden olur.
Film, çevrimiçi bir doğruluk ve cesaret oyununu konu alır fakat oyuncuların tek seçeneği cesarettir. Oyunda “izleyiciler” ve “oyuncular” yer alır. Venus (Emily Maede) oyunda pasif izleyicilerden biridir. Arkadaşlarının cesaretlendirmesiyle “oyuncular”dan biri olur. Oyuncular para karşılığında aktif izleyicilerin dediği her şeyi yapmak zorundadır, aksi takdirde hem parasını hem de oyunu kaybederler. Yeni oyuncu olan Venus’e beğendiği bir erkeği 5 saniye öpmesi karşılığında 100 dolar teklif edilir. Böylece Ian (Dav Franco) adlı başka bir oyuncuyu öpmesiyle ikili çevrimiçi oyunda viral olur. Çifte görevler geldikçe Venus oyunun içine iyice dalar, özel hayatının ihlal edilişini önleyemez.
A Simple Favor
Başrollerinde iki başarılı oyuncunun olduğu (Anna Kendrick ve Blake Lively) suç / komedi filmi Darcy Bell’ in aynı adlı kitabının uyarlamasıdır. Stephanie (Anna Kendrick) ve Emily (Blake Lively) kısa süredir tanışmış ve arkadaş olan iki annedir. Hikaye, yemek vloggerlıği yapan Stephanie’nin kanalında son 5 gündür kayıp olan Emily hakkında açıklama yapmasıyla başlar. Yoğun bir iş kadını olan Emily arkadaşına çocuğunu anaokulundan almasını rica eder. Bu küçük ricadan sonra Emily ortadan kaybolur. Stephanie olayın peşini bırakmaz, sevgili arkadaşını bulmak için takipçilerini bile işin içine karıştırır. Asıl sıkıntılar Emily bulunduğunda başlar. Sosyal medyanın ironik yanlarına göndermeler yapan film hem eğlendiren hem de izleyiciyi ekrana bağlayan bir yapıt.
Kurt ne yaparsa yapsın sosyal medyada videolarıyla ünlü olamayan bir gençtir. Kurt (Joe Keery) hayattaki değerinin ne kadar beğeni ve takipçi olduğunla ilgili olduğunu düşünmektedir. Buna rağmen hangi konuda vlog çekerse çeksin bir türlü takipçi veya beğeni alamamıştır. Sonunda bir araba alarak ride-sharing şakaları paylaşmaya başlar. Kurt bazı yolculara şaka yapar ve sadece “kötü” insanları zehirler; bunlar arasında ırkçılar, kadın düşmanları ve sinir bozucu parti kızları vardır. Bu tür çekimler yapmasına rağmen hala yeterince ünlenemeyen Kurt gittikçe daha kötü yollara başvurur.
Film, yıllar önce özellikle ebeveynleri korkutan, çocukları intihara sürükleyen gerçek hayat ile ilişkili bir sosyal oyun olan mavi balinayı konu alır. Dana, neşeli kardeşinin intiharından sonra neden hayatına son verdiğini bulmak için internet geçmişine bakar. Sonucunda gençleri 50 günde 50 görev verip kendilerine zarar vermelerini sağlayan kötücül sanal bir oyun bulur. Oyun birinci aşamasında kurbanları ailelerinden ayırır, gittikçe gençleri dönülmez bir noktaya doğru sürükler. Cevaplara aç olan Dana gizli bir sanal dünyaya giriş yapar. Oyuna girmesiyle Dana ve yakınları hayatı tehlikeye maruz kalacaktır.
The Social Network
Quentiene Tarantino’dan bir çok övgü alan film; Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake ve Armie Hammer gibi oyuncuların oynadığı David Fincher’ın yönettiği Sosyal Ağ birçok ödül aldı. Mark Zuckerberg’in hepimiz bildiği Facebook platformunu bulmasını konu alan aslında biyografik bir film. Her şey Mark’ın (Jesse Eisenberg) kız arkadaşıyla ayrıldıktan sonra eve sarhoş dönmesiyle başlar. Mark üniversitenin veri tabanına sızarak Harvard’daki kız öğrencilerin bilgilerini alır ve Facemash’i oluşturur. Facemash platformunda kız öğrencileri ikili karşılaştırıp bir popülarite testi yapılması sağlanmaktadır. Dahice bir buluş olsa da üniversite Mark’ı disipline verir. Yeteneğinin farkına varan Winklevoss ikizleri ve yakın arkadaşı Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) birlikte çalışmayı teklif etse de Mark tek başına çalışmayı aklına koymuştur. Napster kurucu Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake) ile tanışır ve Facebook sitesini sonunda kurar. Başta sadece Harvard öğrencilerine açık olan site sonunda diğer üniversitelere de yayılır. Kazandığı bu popülerlikten sonra Winklevoss ikizleri ve Eduardo Mark’ın açtığı davalarla film boyunca mücadele edecektir.
The Hater
Bu kadar Amerikan filminden sonra karşımızda Polonya’dan dikkat çeken bir film var. Jan Komasa birçok filmin aksine sosyal medya kurbanına değil, suçluya odaklanır. Film, Gabi ve onun zengin ailesine kafayı takan Tomek’i konu alıyor. Tomek, bir pazarlama ajansında çalışmaya başlar ve kendini göstermek için bir politikacının imajını yok etme görevini alır. Film bu süreçte Tomek’in sosyal medya üzerinde nasıl dezenformasyonu nasıl kullandığını ve Gabi’yle olan ilişkisini mercek altına alıyor.
The Circle
İnternet üzerinden The Circle isimli bir sitede işe giren genç bir kadın (Emma Watson) işi gereği kullanıcıların e-posta adreslerini, sosyal medya hesaplarını, banka hesaplarını birbirine bağlarken, kullanıcıların evrensel işletim sistemlerini de satın alıyor. Bu bağlamda Eggers’ın kitabı; kişisel bilgilerin toplandığı, ayıklandığı, üzerinden para kazanıldığı dahası gözetleme suretiyle mahremiyetin kullanılamaz hale getirildiği dijital dünyanın vahametini gözler önüne seren modern bir polisiyeye dönüşüyor.
Eighth Grade
Neredeyse hiçbirimizin 8. sınıfı mükemmel geçmemiştir, Kayla’da 8. sınıfı sosyal medyanın da etkisiyle gittikçe karmaşıklaşan gençlerden birisi. Burnham, ergenliğin utanç verici, korkunç yanlarını; Kayla (Elsie Fisher) adlı sessiz ve anksiyete sorunları yaşayan bir kız aracılığıyla yansıtır. Kayla’nın çok arkadaşı yoktur, sosyalleşmek yerine sosyal platformlara kendisi öyle olmasa bile popüler, havalı ve sevilen biri olmakla ilgili içerikler yükler. Sosyal medya herkese yaptığı gibi Kayla’yı da çabucak büyümeye zorlayacaktır. Kayla sosyalleşmek için okulun son bir haftasında yaşıtlarıyla daha fazla sorunlar yaşamaya başlayacaktır.
David Kim’in (John Cho) 16 yaşındaki kızı Margot (Michelle La) birdenbire ortadan kaybolmuştur. Polis babadan da soruşturmanın ilerlemesi için yardım ister, böylece David kızının Tumblr, Venmo gibi sosyal medya hesaplarına, mesaj geçmişine bir şeyler bulmak umuduyla göz gezdirir. Kızı hakkında bir sürü bilmediği şey öğrendikçe, kızının kaybolmasıyla hayatındaki olayların ve kişilerin arasında bağlantılar kurar. Chaganty, filmin çekimlerini webcam üzerinden işler. Böylece filmde sosyal medyanın baskıcı varlığını belli eder.
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really been getting into listening to whale sounds
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Fantasia Film Festival 2021: #Blue_Whale (2021)
Fantasia Film Festival 2021: #Blue_Whale (2021)
#Blue_Whale (2021) Director (and co-writer): Anna Zaytseva Cast: Anna Potebnya, Yekaterina Stulova, Polina Vataga, Timofey Yeletsky After the mysterious suicide of her sister Yulya, Dana discovers something odd in her sister’s laptop which leads to discovering the inexplicable suicides of many teens in the town. As she digs deeper, she discovers that it all links back to a lethal game called…
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Różowa panda
Pewnie słyszeliście już o akcji “niebieski wieloryb”, nie popieram jej. Na szczęście powstała druga, odwrotna akcja o nazwie “Różowa panda”.
Akcja “Różowa panda” plaga na tym, że przez 50 dni codziennie “podopieczny” wykonuje POZYTYWNE zadania od “opiekuna”, które mają uczynić jego świat lepszym. Ideą tej gry jest pomoc innym, motywowanie ich, sprawianie by znów zobaczyli świat w kolorze. Może ta akcja nie uratuje każdego, może nie każdemu pomoże, ale “nie od razu Rzym zbudowano”. Trzeba myśleć pozytywnie.
Zapraszam wszystkich chętnych do udziału ^^ Chętnie zostanę opiekunem, napiszcie do mnie w wiadomości, zapytaniu lub komentarzu, napewno się odezwę 😇
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Screamfest Horror Film Festival Announces Initial Lineup for 21st Edition
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b50975b790999abc0f07bbe4c1caa29d/1fb1506170564709-95/s540x810/a3b2a9f1574b8459fafdc14035413bd81345edd5.jpg)
Screamfest® Horror Film Festival, the largest and longest-running horror film festival in the United States, announced their first-wave lineup of competitive features and shorts for its 21st edition. Running October 12th through 21st at the TCL Chinese Theater, Screamfest® welcomes audiences back to the big screen for a collective experience they won’t soon forget. Tickets can be purchased here: https://screamfestla.com
The Retaliators will open Screamfest® LA on October 12th for its North American premiere with a red carpet prior to the screening. The film follows an upstanding pastor who uncovers a dark and twisted underworld as he searches for answers surrounding his daughter's brutal murder. Directed by Bridget Smith and Samuel Gonzalez Jr. and written by the Geare brothers, The Retaliators also features a high-octane original soundtrack and cameos from some of the biggest names in rock music, including Five Finger Death Punch, Tommy Lee, Papa Roach, The Hu, Ice Nine Kills, Escape The Fate, and more appear on screen. Marc Menchaca (Ozark), Michael Lombardi (Rescue Me), and Joseph Gatt (Game of Thrones) star in this horror-thriller which reveals a game of revenge played using a new set of rules.
Considered the "Sundance of Horror," Screamfest® is proud to showcase new work from independent filmmakers from across the globe. Highlights from this year’s program include the World Premieres of Father of Flies, the haunting tale of family life and the supernatural and Teddy Grennan’s Wicked Games where a long weekend at a country estate is turned into a nightmare when a group of masked intruders invades the property. Little do they know one guest has a surprise for them.
Four films will be making their North American debuts at the festival. In addition to The Retaliators, Richard Waters’s dark folk horror Bring Out The Fear traps its protagonists in an unsolvable maze where a sinister presence awaits; Clare Foley stars in the sci-fi horror The Changed where an alien presence takes possession of the hearts and minds of her city; and Isolation depicts nine tales of terror which are woven together as remote people work to survive an increasingly deadly outbreak.
US premieres at the festival include Russia’s #Blue_Whale produced by Timur Bekmambetov, which follows Dana as she works to uncover the truth behind her sister’s suicide; Argentina’s fantasy horror film Nocturna: Side A- The Great Old Man’s Night which depicts one old man’s journey to rethink his past and present and question his reality; and Kratt by Rasmus Berivoo in which children stumble upon an instruction manual to create a supernatural being.
West Coast premieres at the festival include a joint production between the US, Mexico, and Venezuela, Exorcism of God which follows an American priest working in Mexico who, due to a botched exorcism, carries a dark secret with him; hailing from Ireland, Let the Wrong One In dives into the complications of family ties when a vampire is discovered in the family; Erik Bloomquist follows twins who spend a night at a remote inn to investigate their missing father in Night at the Eagle Inn; North American distribution rights to the Argentinian The Returned (Los Que Vuelven) - which follows a woman in 1919 prays to a mythical deity to resurrect her stillborn son - were acquired in a new venture between Peter Block of A Bigger Boat and Seth Nagel, Scott Einbinder and Garrick Dion of 5X Media; What Josiah Saw explores a farmhouse haunted by the past; Alone With You stars Emily Bennett, Emma Myles, and fan-favorite Barbara Crampton in a twisted tale of memory and horror unfolding over a romantic homecoming for a distant girlfriend; and When I Consume You by Perry Blackshear where two siblings get more than they bargained for when hunting a shadowy stalker.
The festival will also feature a Special Presentation of Daniel Farrands’s Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeyman starring Peyton List and Lydia Hearst, which follows the notorious killer through a little known chapter of her life in Deland, Florida.
“After a challenging year for cinema, we are excited to return to our home at the TCL Chinese Theatre for our latest lineup of frights,'' says festival founder Rachel Belofsky. “While last year’s drive-ins allowed us to continue to celebrate horror films as a community, we have missed the magic of the traditional theatrical experience.”
Formed in August 2001 by film producer Rachel Belofsky, Screamfest Horror Film Festival is a female-run 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that gives filmmakers and screenwriters in the horror and science fiction genres a venue to have their work showcased in the film industry.
Please find the 2021 Screamfest feature line-up below:
Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeyman (US, 2021) - Special Presentation Written and Directed by Daniel Farrands Produced by Lucas Jarach, Daniel Farrands, Meadow Williams, Swen Temmel, Luke Daniels, Daniel Davila Executive Producer(s) Nicolas Chartier, Jonathan Deckter, Lydia Hearst, Alan Pao Cast Peyton List, Lydia Hearst, Tobin Bell, Nick Vallelonga, Swen Temmel, Meadow Williams, Andrew Biernat Based on a little-known chapter in the life of America's most notorious female serial killer, "Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeyman" takes place in 1976 when 21-year-old Aileen (Peyton List) arrives in Florida attempting to escape her tragic past. Soon she marries wealthy yacht club president Lewis Fell (Tobin Bell) who offers her the chance to become part of Florida's high society. Ultimately, the victimized Aileen surrenders to her murderous impulses and wreaks havoc on the peaceful seaside community of Deland, Florida.
Alone With You (US, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Directed by Emily Bennett & Josh Brooks Written by Emily Bennett & Josh Brooks Produced by Andrew D. Corkin & Theo James Cast Emily Bennett, Emma Myles (ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK), Dora Madison (BLISS, VFX), and Barbara Crampton (RE-ANIMATOR, YOU'RE NEXT) Charlie (Emily Bennett) is setting the atmosphere in her sleek, two-story apartment in Brooklyn for a romantic homecoming for her distant girlfriend Simone (Emma Myles) who’s been away for work. There are past glimpses of visual tension between the two, so we’re led to feel that this meticulous setting of mood may be a peacemaking gesture. Enamored beyond all good sense, Charlie begins to experience a myriad of unsettling incidents, and the horrors of what has transpired are slowly revealed in the shards of Charlie’s resistant memory.
#Blue_Whale (Russia, 2021) - US Premiere Directed by Anna Zaytseva Written by Evgeniya Bogomyakova, Anna Zaytseva, Olga Klemesheva Produced by Timur Bekmambetov, Anna Shalashina, Igor Mishin Cast Anna Potebnya, Timofey Eleckii, Ekaterina Stulova, Diana Shulmina, Olga Pipchenko, Polina Vataga, Daniil Kiselev After her younger sister Julia commits suicide, troubled adolescent Dana decides to find out what led to her death. Examining her sister’s computer, Dana finds a secret chat group where adolescents are encouraged to kill themselves through a challenge called "Blue Whale". Dana’s investigation leads her ever closer to the truth, but to really discover what happened, she herself must play the deadly game. #blue_whale // #I_want_to_play_the_game is inspired by real events that happened in Russia in 2015 and 2017.
Bring Out The Fear (Ireland, 2021) - North American Premiere Written and Directed by Richard Waters Produced by Alison Scarff & Richard Waters Cast Ciara Bailey, Tad Morari, James Devlin Rosie and Dan are a couple in a doomed relationship. While taking a final walk in their favourite forest, they find it has trapped them in an unsolvable maze. The paths lead nowhere, the trees never end, the sun never sets, and a sinister presence stalks and torments them, trying to drive them insane... There is no escape. But what exactly are they hiding? This dark folk horror will leave you questioning what is real and what is malicious trickery.
The Changed (US, 2021) - North American Premiere Written and Directed by Michael Mongillo Produced by Taylor Warren and Eloise Asmuth Cast Clare Foley, Jason Alan Smith, Carlee Avers, Doug Tompos, introducing Olivia Freer, with Kathy Searle, and Tony Todd Something has taken possession of the hearts and minds of the populace. Kim (Clare Foley), Mac (Jason Alan Smith), and Jane (Carlee Avers) try to convince themselves it's paranoia, but before long the city is besieged by the changed. By the time they realize an alien intelligence has merged with their neighbor, Bill (Tony Todd), a horde of changed is amassing outside their suburban home.
Exorcism of God (US/Mexico/Venezuela, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Directed by Alejandro Hidalgo Written by Alejandro Hidalgo, Santiago Fernández Calvete Produced by Alejandro Hidalgo, Joel Seidl, Karim Kabche & Antonio Abdo Cast María Gabriela De Faría, Will Beinbrink, Joseph Marcell Peter Williams, an American priest working in Mexico, is considered a saint by many local parishioners. However, due to a botched exorcism, he carries a dark secret that's eating him alive until he gets an opportunity to face his own demon one final time.
Father of Flies (USA/UK, 2021) - World Premiere Directed by Ben Charles Edwards Written by Kirsty Bell Produced by Kirsty Bell, Phil McKenzie Cast Nicholas Tucci, Camilla Rutherford, Davi Santos, Page Ruth, Keaton Tetlow, Colleen Heidemann A haunting tale of family life. A vulnerable young boy finds his mother pushed out of the family home by a strange new woman, and he must confront the terrifying supernatural forces that seem to move in with her.
Isolation (US, 2021) - North American Premiere Directed by Larry Fessenden, Andrew Kasch, Dennie Gordon, Bobby Roe, Alix Austin & Keir Siewert, Christian Pasquariello, Alexandra Neary, Zach Passero, Adam Brown & Kyle I. Kelley Written by Larry Fessenden, Cody Goodfellow, Dennie Gordon, Zack Andrews & Bobby Roe, Kyle I. Kelley & Adam Brown, Keir Siewert, Zach Passero, Alexandrea Neary, Christian Pasquariello Produced by Nathan Crooker, James P. Gannon Cast Larry Fessenden, Dennie Gordon, Graham Denman, Damien Gerard, Bobby Roe Sunny Roe, Bodhi Roe, Adam Brown, Alix Austin, Hannah Passero Marieh Delfino, Alex Weed, Fine Belger, Hans Gurbig Woven together are nine tales of terror that follow isolated citizens from around the world as they confront their darkest fears in an attempt to survive an increasingly deadly outbreak.
Kratt (Estonia, 2020) - US Premiere Written and Directed by Rasmus Merivoo Produced by Rain Rannu, Tõnu Hiielaid Cast Mari Lill, Ivo Uukkivi, Jan Uuspõld, Paul Purga, Nora Merivoo, Harri Merivoo When children are left at Grandma's without smartphones they’re bored to tears. That is until Granny finds them loads to do. She also tells them about a magical creature named KRATT that’ll do whatever its master says. When they stumble upon an instruction on how to build one they don’t hesitate. All they have to do now is to buy a soul from the devil…
Let The Wrong One In (Ireland, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Written and Directed by Conor McMahon Produced by Trisha Flood, Ruth Treacy, Julianne Forde, Michael Lavelle Cast Karl Rice, Eoin Duffy, Anthony Head, Mary Murray Let the Wrong One In follows young supermarket worker Matt, who is a little too nice for his own good. When he discovers that his older, estranged brother Deco has turned into a vampire, he's faced with a dilemma: Will he risk his own life to help his sibling, with blood being thicker than water? Or will he stake him before he spreads the infection further? The film stars upcoming Irish talent Karl Rice and Eoin Duffy, along with Buffy the Vampire Slayer icon Anthony Head, in the role of Henry; a taxi driver with a sideline in vampire hunting.
Night at the Eagle Inn (US, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Directed by Erik Bloomquist Written by Erik Bloomquist, Carson Bloomquist Produced by Erik Bloomquist, Carson Bloomquist Cast Amelia Dudley, Taylor Turner, Beau Minniear, Greg Schweers, Erik Bloomquist Fraternal twins spend a terrifying night at a remote inn to investigate the last known whereabouts of their father. As they dive deeper, the property's dark secrets ensnare them in a hellish labyrinth they must escape before dawn.
Nocturna: Side A - The Great Old Man’s Night (Argentina, 2021) - US Premiere Directed by Gonzalo Calzada Written by Gonzalo Calzada Produced by Alejandro Narváez, Javier Diaz Cast - Pepe Soriano, Marina Artigas, Lautaro Delgado Synopsis - Ulysses is a hundred-year-old man, he lives alone and is on the verge of death. The last night of his life, he will experience something that will force him to rethink his past, his present and his view about his reality.
The Retaliators (US, 2021) - North American Premiere - OPENING NIGHT Directed by Bridget Smith, Samuel Gonzalez, JR. Written by The Geare Brothers Produced by Allen Kovac, Michael Lombardi, Mike Walsh Executive Producer(s) Dan Lieblein Cast Michael Lombardi, Marc Menchaca, Joseph Gatt, Jacoby Shaddix, Katie Kelly, Abbey Hefer, Ivan Moody, Zoltan Bathory In THE RETALIATORS, an upstanding pastor uncovers a dark and twisted underworld as he searches for answers surrounding his daughter's brutal murder. A high-octane original soundtrack and cameos from some of the biggest names in rock music set the tone as this horror-thriller reveals a game of revenge played using a new set of rules. Marc Menchaca (Ozark), Michael Lombardi (Rescue Me), and Joseph Gatt (Game of Thrones) star. Five Finger Death Punch, Tommy Lee, Papa Roach, The Hu, Ice Nine Kills, Escape The Fate, and more appear onscreen and on THE RETALIATORS Original Soundtrack, coming soon via Better Noise Music.
The Returned (Los Que Vuelven) (Argentina, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Directed by Laura Casabe Written by Laura Casabe, Paolo Soria, Lisandro Colaberardino Produced by Alejandro Israel Cast Maria Soldi, Lali Gonzalez, Alberto Ajaka South America, 1919; a landowner's wife is desperate for a child of her own, having suffered through multiple miscarriages. She finds hope, however, in a seemingly outlandish plan: she'll pray to a mythical deity to resurrect her stillborn son. The plan works, but along with the child comes something else...something evil.
What Josiah Saw (US, 2021) - LA Premiere Directed by Vincent Grashaw Produced by Ran Namerode, Vincent Grashaw, Bernie Stern, Angelia Adzic Executive Producer(s) Cole Payne, Scott Haze Written by Robert Alan Dilts Cast Robert Patrick, Nick Stahl, Scott Haze, Kelli Garner, Tony Hale, Jake Weber Everyone in town knows about the haunted Graham Farm on Willow Road. You'll hear there's a bad history to it. Josiah and his youngest son, Thomas, are all that remain of this estranged family. But after experiencing terrifying visions from beyond, Josiah decides they must change their ways to right a great wrong. After being away for over two decades, Eli and Mary, Josiah's eldest children, are enticed to sell the property and reunite at the old farmhouse in hopes of closing this haunting chapter of their lives for good. Sins of the past will be paid in full.
When I Consume You (US, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Written and Directed by Perry Blackshear Produced by MacLeod Andrews, Perry Blackshear, Evan Dumouchel, Libby Ewing Cast Libby Ewing, Evan Dumouchel, MacLeod Andres, Margaret Ying Drake Siblings Daphne and Wilson Shaw practically raised one another. They’ve protected each other from everything life has thrown their way. Daphne’s professional life is soaring and she’s looking to adopt a child. Wilson is interviewing for a position at a local school, hoping to become a teacher. But Daphne has an unsettling, dangerous stalker whom she can’t seem to shake, and now threatens to destroy them both. They hunt for their tormentor through the shadowy streets of Brooklyn, honing their bodies and minds for a showdown. But this foe may prove to be more than they can handle. They will break and rebuild themselves if necessary to save each other, and protect the light they know is in this world for them... if only they can persevere.
Wicked Games (US, 2021) - World Premiere Written and Directed by Teddy Grennan Produced by Bennett Krishock, Heath Franklin, Burton Gray, Teddy Grennan, Christopher Walters Cast Christine Spang, Markus Silbiger, Michael Shenefelt, Conner Ann Waterman When Harley joins her new boyfriend for a long Halloween weekend at his country estate, they're invaded by a bank of masked freaks and forced to play a Wicked Game. To the intruders' unpleasant surprise, Harley's hard-boiled history has endowed her with a bag of tricks which give the game a surprise ending.
Standing out as one of the top tastemakers in the genre of horror, Screamfest has been a launchpad for top tier franchises and storytellers. Among the numerous films that have been discovered and/or premiered at the festival include box office hit The Wretched, Tigers Are Not Afraid, We Summons the Darkness, Pledge, The Master Cleanse, Tragedy Girls, American Mary, Paranormal Activity, 30 Days of Night, Trick ‘r Treat, and The Human Centipede.
Screamfest selects award winners at the close of the festival. Film entries are accepted in the categories of Best Feature, Directing, Cinematography, Editing, Special Effects and Musical Score. In addition, there are special categories for Best Animation, Best Short, Best Documentary and Best Student Film as well as a Screenplay competition.
Screamfest® takes the health and safety of its guests seriously and proof of vaccination or negative COVID test with a temperature check will be required for entry. Masks are required at all times while inside the venue. Hand sanitizer stations are placed throughout the theater and lobby with special cleanings in between screenings. Screamfest® will comply with all LA County regulations and policies are subject to change.
For more information or the latest news, visit screamfestla.com
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Now Screaming · Fantasia Festival 2021 (Part 2)
Fantasia Festival 2021: Part 2//
We’re back with Part 2 of our coverage of the 25th annual Fantasia Festival, and it turns out the second half of the fest held some of the year’s very best horror films. The festival itself has come to a close, but that’s why we’re here to talk about a few more gems for you to keep your eye on. Join us as we once again reflect on the state of the trauma metaphor trend in horror and dig into some of the gnarliest and most creative films we’ve seen in years. As always, no spoilers here, but if you’re interested in something specific, you can find the timestamps of each below: DON’T SAY ITS NAME (1:05) WHEN I CONSUME YOU (3:02) MARTYRS LANE (6:58) THE NIGHT HOUSE (9:46) #BLUE_WHALE (14:20) THE SADNESS (22:58) BEYOND THE INFINITE TWO MINUTES (28:44)
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[Fantasia 2021] The Dark, Ugly Realities of Social Media in #BLUE_WHALE
[Fantasia 2021] The Dark, Ugly Realities of Social Media in #BLUE_WHALE
#Blue_Whale. 2021. Directed by Anna Zaytseva. Written by Zaytseva, Evgenia Bogomyakova, & Olga Klemesheva. Starring Anna Potebnya, Yekaterina Stulova, Polina Vataga, & Timofey Yeletsky. Not Rated / 93 minutes Drama / Horror / Thriller ★★★★ (out of ★★★★★) DISCLAIMER: The following essay contains SPOILERS! You’ve been warned. There have been some fun, if not disturbing screenlife horror films over…
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b74fb23c35bb20021bff4c7dca1eda49/770a2f17066597f2-8e/s540x810/888d14dd400c6bec17d7fbcc545b476735f38066.jpg)
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#Anna Zaytseva#Blue Whale#Creepypasta#Cyberbullying#Digital Blackmail#Found footage#horror#Online Predator#Screenlife#Suicide#Urban Legend
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9bbe44274b7c5037bbddbcc75609dcd9/tumblr_ovrs42SVPr1w7ntrro1_640.jpg)
Lovely Chubby Tiger! by blue_whale
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4fcf6158d9beafaedc27b6ee5d59f095/tumblr_pjq3kgZRMO1xmcsmko1_540.jpg)
Blue whale – The largest mammal in the world • 29.9 metres in length • Weighs 173 tons • Can have various shades of bluish-grey • Found in Indian Ocean and South pacific Ocean • 10,000 TO 25,000 blue whales worldwide today, estimation by IUCN • Blue whales mostly feed on Krill, although it varies from ocean to ocean • Can eat up to 40 million krill in a day #grayschool #hyderabad #coachingclasses #crt #ssc #competitivecheer #blue_whale #animal #funfacts #instagood #instadaily #photooftheday #knowledge #instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BrXW-m4hB8E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ai0zk6s4k1al
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#dep_faz #love #Blue_whale (at Iran)
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/abc505d8f3c15e4f8200e565b7e61713/tumblr_ouu1zlh4xy1wyw504o1_400.jpg)
मैंने भी खेला #blue_whale गेम …¶¶ व्हेल ही मर गई यार … :-) :-) . #I_Think (at Blue Whale Media)
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