#blue waffles pictures in men
beansprean · 2 years
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Art for the Exchangeapalooza gift I got from dear @yougoadedme!!! Ranch N' Rider Weekly: Special Edition - please go read it it's so good
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Full body of Marwa dressed in cowboy boots, jeans, and a pink flannel shirt rolled up to the elbows. She has one boot up on the bottom slat of a wooden fence and one hand braced on the top slat, the other in her hip as she grins into the distance. The background behind her is a rolling green field and rows of pine trees in watercolor. She is wearing a gold wedding band and diamond engagement ring.
2. Waist up of the Djinn, human, on a vague purple background, dressed in a flannel version of his salmon shirt tucked into his usual brown trousers. He is smiling indulgently, looking up over his glasses and holding up a bottle of margarita mix in one hand and tequila in the other. The margarita mix reads "EZ Margs - Delicious Margaritas at the snap of your fingers." The Djinn says, "I live to serve...liquor." He is also wearing a gold wedding band.
3. Guillermo sitting at a coffee table on a vague real background. There are a few black playing cards with white writing sitting on the table and Guillermo is on the side closest to the viewer, topless, and turned around to face the viewer with a sour expression. His face is flushed red and sweating, eyes darting away from the image before him. The image before him is this: human Nandor, having leaped fully onto the table in a crouched position in nothing but a white jock strap with pink hearts, flexing both of his arms with a triumphant grin and crowing, "I win!!"
4. Close up of human Colin Robinson, aged about 7 or 8, wearing a green flannel open over a red tee shirt. He is grinning excitedly, eyes shining, as he places a cowboy hat with a beaded turquoise band over his head. No less than five speech bubbles full of unintelligible babbling surround him.
5a. Nandor and Guillermo stand in a paddock, the former wearing a red flannel with the sleeves rolled up tucked into jeans with a silver horse belt buckle and the latter wearing a blue embroidered western shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a light brown cowboy hat. Nandor has his back to Guillermo's front and a leather bridle looped around his neck and shoulders. He holds the bit in his hands, but the ear strap is pressing directly into his throat. Behind him, Guillermo is holding the reins in both fists and is pulling them taut so Nandor is forced to lean back into him. Nandor's face is flushed, expression dazed and struggling to be stern but clearly not altogether displeased with the situation. He mumbles, "Guillermo, what...are you doing?" Guillermo's eyes are wide and wild, as if he isn't fully in control of his actions, face red and sweating profusely. 5b. Behind them, Colin, wearing a red cowboy hat with a strap and a long sleeved yellow shirt under an orange tee shirt that says 'Lego my Eggo' with a picture of a Lego waffle, stares at his uncles from atop a horse. The horse, Glitterfoot, is gray with a lighter mane and darker nose and ears, a white blaze down his face. He is properly tacked up western style, the reins in Colin's loose hands. Glitterfoot is also staring at the other two men, tongue sticking out the side of his mouth as he and Colin await instructions.
6. Guillermo and Derek sit across from each other at a table in a bar. A neon sign on the wall says "Sassy Cat Bar & Grill & Tack & Feed & Haberdashery. Mon-Sat 9am-12pm 2pm-2am" Guillermo, wearing an untucked red-violet flannel and jeans, is sitting with his back to the viewer. The back of his wooden chair has a burnt-on design of a rearing horse with a cat on its back, wearing spurred boots and waving a cowboy hat in the air. The Guide, human, leans one hip on their table and stares at Guillermo with a flirtatious grin, pen and notepad poised and awaiting their order. She is wearing a sparkly black beret, hoop earrings, a black and purple flannel shirt mostly unbuttoned tucked into a high waisted jean skirt, a gold horse belt buckle, and sparkly black thigh high cowboy boots. Her hair is curled and teased out big and poofy. Human Derek, sitting across from Guillermo in a brick red Henley and jeans, leans his crossed arms on the table and grins expectantly at Guillermo, waiting for him to react. Guillermo's shoulders are hunched up defensively and he has his face half turned away from the Guide toward the viewer, flushed and sweating nervously. /End ID
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voidwritesstuff · 8 months
Long way to the truth.
Cw: mentions of ptsd,survivors guilt, trauma relating to war.
Summary: a series that details Lucas Cole's journey from Florida to Washington in search of the truth behind a goverment conspiracy.
->Fandom: in sound mind.
->Chapter one: Florida/georgia
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This is,by far,not the weirdest of things hes done in his 55 Years of life. Now,packing all his stuff into his van, that was the current bane of his existence.
The whole van is crammed with Gear,his own personal stuff and a few provitions for the trip until he makes It to the Next town over.
He closes the vans back door and gets into the drivers Seat. Soon the engine comes to life with a roar, theres that familiar rumble and slight shake of the van as it slowly pulls back from the drive way.
When Lucas cole thinks his life doesnt get any weirder, fate proves Him wrong.
But theres a certain freedom in leaving his old home town, the old memories, good and bad. He watches the Homes become a lot less crowded and the fields starting to roll on each side of the road.
Its there where he finally decides to turn on the radio, up until now hes been going over his plan for this crazy journey he had planned,his eyes flickering from the map laid on the passengers Seat to the road.
A mild static fills the air as he fiddles with the radio, muttering curses under his breath the longer he struggles with it.
--C'mon y'goddamn fuckin'--He finally relents and low key decks the radio,making it finally come to life-- there we go,that wasnt so hard,was it?-- he asked to the radio.
If people didnt Belive he already lost it,that wouldve been the final nail in the coffin.
"Born on the plains
A farmer's sons and brothers the same
Raised on promises
We'd stay that way
As boys, we believed
Summers at the sea, we were free
To become men of good will
Side by side"
The radio plays as he Keeps Driving, its going to be a Loong journey to Washington. So, he gets comfy in his drivers Seat and pats the steering wheel to the rythm of the song.
"And we were soldiers then
Our bodies in the sand
And like that sand through our hands
Go our grandest plans
And just to see your face for one moment
I'd cross the ocean again
The end
Is not the end"
Lucas purses his lips,okay maybe thats a wrong song to start off his journey. But he can brave it through,he thinks.
Already, his body hurts just a little, his knees Sting and his back is killing him. He sighs and lowers the sun visor, his eyes set on the old Polaroid taped there.
The picture makes his heart wrench, he sees his younger self, a boy barely out of high school with a hopeful shine in his eyes and ready to take on the world. And beside him,theres an older Man looking down at him with a fatherly smile and a calm gaze.
"And I'll be by your side
On the other side
I'll be by your side
On the other side
And through the cloud of death
We find our way back home
And though I hold your hand
All must go alone
And when you see the face of our Maker
You don't have to be ashamed
He knows
The promises we made"
He misses him,every damn day, sometimes he wishes it was him six feet down. But he knows he has to Keep going,for alphonso,for his Friends, but its hard, hes been dragging his trauma for a solid 30 Years.
"And I'll be by your side
On the other side
I'll be by your side
On the other side"
--im gettin' there,brother-- he promised while looking at Alphonso on the picture-- 'm getting there
By sunset he reaches a small town in the border between Georgia and Alabama. He sits there Parked on the parking lot of a waffle house, a relieved sigh escapes his lips when he gets out of the van.
Lucas stretches out his sore muscles and puts on his green flannel as the wind starts to pick up a little. He grabs his bag,keys and wallet before locking up the van and making his way to the Waffle house.
The Sky above is a beautiful mix of pinks and purples,dark blue pushes from the west accompanied by the stars, the cold breeze blows past his curly black hair and he clings on to his flannel just a little tighter.
I Theres a few people there at the restaurant and he joins the line,just looking at the people pass by. He always feels so awkward in these situations, Like EVERYBODY is staring at him.
He doesnt know Wether thats the paranoia or what. But he tries his best to ignore that with the help of his walk Man, he puts on the headphones and lets his hair loose to hide his face a little.
As if the world was pulling his leg, the first song to play is "paranoid" by black sabbath, and he scowls a little and skips to the Next song (despite knowing its going to eat up the battery of cassete tapes player)
The Next song to play does satisfy him enough,he taps the cassete player to the rythm of "Knocking on heavens door" as the line gets shorter and shorter.
When his time to order comes,he pushes back one of the headphones and orders what he wants. He stutters a little and doesnt make eye contact for the life of him, but the cashier doesnt mind.
--Ah dont worry about it-- Said the cashier,handing Him his ticket-- we get all sorts of characters in here
Lucas sets his eyes on the cashier,20-30s with dark skin and honey eyes, curly hair wrapped in a yellow headwrap with a net encasing the hairbun atop her head. He smiles a little,clearing his throat-- Good to know,thanks. Ill uh- take the food to go
Soon he gets his food and goes back to his van to eat,crowded spaces made him paranoid.
Hes writing down on his diary when he sees the cashier that took his order. Shes walking past his van,his eyes flicker to the dark Sky and he decides to talk.
--Hey,need a ride?--He asked, setting the pen down on the fold of his Journal. Already feeling like a creep for even asking
The cashier looks at him with a deer in headlights look, she blinks a few times and looks at him,and his white van.
--I- I look- I know how im lookin' right now but its dark and this is kinda the middle of nowhere and its been gettin' dangerous- plus its gettin' cold
She chuckles and walks up to him-- fine,I could use a ride. Thanks
--Ill- ill finish my dinner and ill drive you home-- he replied, face a little Darker as blush sets in-- thanks for not calling the cops on me
--you dont give me kidnapper vibes-- She replied-- kidnappers dont stand there looking like a fish outta water while waiting for their order
Lucas can help but snort at the comment-- I know Im awkward as shit, im not the one to go out in public
--what about this then?--She knocks on the van.
--ah,visiting an ol' friend in Washington-- he replied,drinking from his water bottle
--You gon' drive from here to Washington?!-- she asked,eyes wide.
At this,he cant help but chuckle-- im drivin' all the way from Florida
--jesus christ Man,couldnt you get on a plane?
That wouldve been the reasonable thing to do, but then again when was the last time he was anything close to reasonable? -- imma move there too for the time being, so I gotta take me stuff with me-- he pats the dashboard fondly.
She decided to not question him anymore and just wait. Silence fills the air with the dancing static from the radio that cant pick up a signal here in the middle of semi nowhere.
He eyes fall on the dangling dogtags that hang from his neck as he writes and eats his food. Her gaze softens and she says-- you couldve used your veterans discount, its 10-25% off
Lucas takes a moment to register her words-- huh? What? -- she gestures at the dog tags and he feels flustered, he tucks them back underneath his tank top-- oh right,Well maybe Next time
--My uncle was a soldier too-- she added, warmth in her voice-- he served in world war two
--oh-- he says, scratching the back of his neck-- I uh served in Vietnam
He notices the clear widening of her eyes and he purses his lips-- thank you for your service --She says, not sure how to phrase the pity she feels-- heard things in the vietcong got hard, im so sorry
--Its been thirty somethin' years-- he doesnt know wether he says that to reassure her or to reprimand himself-- but..thanks. M-most of us get f-Forgotten by the goverment, so I 'ppreciate it
--yeah I know the feel-- Indigo agreed, leaning on the white van-- had to take it to court for them to cover my uncles medication, it Fucking sucked.
Lucas finished up his food just as she said that, he throws the wrappers and things like that in a small trashbag. --Im sorry,that musta' been pretty stressfull
--It was-- she agreed,to then ask-- you done?
He nodded and moved to face the driver's Seat.--Ill Open the passenger Door,come on in-- he closes the door on his side and leans over to Open the passenger door.
--Im uh- Indigo by the way--Indigo hops in and gets comfy on the Seat,then as she closes her door she looks behind her and says-- Radioman?
--im lucas- and Yeah,what gave it away-- he asks sarcastivally, a smirk on his lips-- couldnt be the stupid ammount of radio equipment I have back there
She laughs and it makes him flinch,when was the last time he made someone laugh like that? When was the last time he had a moment anything close to spending time with a friend?
God,it really has been thirty something years,hasnt it?
--Couldnt possibly be that of course!-- she agreed as he pulled into the road.
Indigo tells him where to go between short conversations about the military and the war. The road is pretty dark and though theres a few streetlights,he has to turn on the high beams.
--aint no way I was lettin' you walk back home when the streets look like this-- he told her, turning to where she had told him.
She giggles, nodding in agreement-- you seem like a sweet guy, Lucas. Thanks
He shrugged it off,not looking away from the road as the few lights shone on his face,the shadows cast by those lights show off his features, he was handsome in that rugged way-- s'nuthin'
--few people would actually offer up a ride to someone they dont know--she adds-- seriously,youre a really good guy
Lucas purses his lips and relents, he nodds just as he stops Infront of her house-- well,thanks. Be carefull
Indigo nodded and hopped off the van-- you too
He doesnt leave until shes inside her home,however he does get noticed by a Man around or a little more than his age,looking a lot like Indigo.
The Man salutes him after Indigo told him something, Lucas nodds and salutes him back with an endeared warmth in his chest and clear respect in his eyes. And then Lucas gets ready to retake the highway that he was previously on.
In his mind,he replays the conversation he had with Indigo about the military, and it hurts him to imagine all his fellow soldiers that got discarded Like trash by the goverment, it wasnt fair and it made his blood Boil.
"They are fucking over people, people who fought for them and their stupid fucking wars" he thinks,gripping the steering wheel,his eyes on the dark road ahead.
Above him,the stars twinkle and the moon shines. Theres a cold breeze that accompanies the passing clouds,scarce as they are, and the silence of the Rolling fields Is a little bit disturbing but also....oddly cozy.
It reminds him of his youth, going to the lake to fish or sit there and watch the world go by, the forest and general swampness that comes with Florida. And it also dawns on him that hes making his state's sterotype proud because who else would drive from Florida to Washington chasing a 30 Year old mystery frequency that was involved in a goverment conspiracy.
He can just see the headlines
"Ex army Florida Man drives for a week Straight to Washington, blows off the lid of a 30 Year old goverment conspiracy".
It makes him chuckle a little, he would pay good money to see his family's and neighborgs face if that headline ever comes to reality. He would get a good kick out of it for sure.
By 1 a.m. he pulls to the side of the road,he was in a small town but he would rather sleep in his van than stay awake one more minute.
Passing his hands across his face, he grabs his Journal and finishes writing the entry he started before Driving Indigo home
"First day of the journey. Been Driving for nine hours now, made a few stops for snacks and stretching out.
Been thinkin About what ill find in Washington, more information I suppose but the specifics are wracking my nerves.
What the hell could be hidden in there? Laboratories? Human testing? Why bring Alpha Romeo back from retirement? What changed? Was there a breakthrough?.
How Many lives were sacrificed for testing? Do any of those involved feel any remorse?.
Hell,what im going to do once I get there? What am I going to do if I get the information I need? Go to the media? The newspapers? Would they treat me like a lunatic like everyone before?.JESUS CHRIST.
On a sidenote.
It was nice to talk to indigo, been the first time in a good while since I felt like I was talking with a friend. I had fun- and it was nice to know im not alone, that fellow soldiers also lived what I lived.
But then again,how Many have seen what I did?"
He sighs and sets down the pen, to then get into his sleeping bag Nestled between his things and ontop of a few bags with softer contents. With his rifle and combat Knife nearby, he closes his eyes and hopes that at least he gets some rest.
Under his breath,as he slowly gives into slumber, he mutters-- I pray for you Alphonso,as I do every night.
That your soul May be at peaceful rest,that you watch over your brothers
Here amongst the living where you should be
If it were not for dire mistakes and unfortunate circumstances
I beg for your forgiveness and your help,friend.
Give me strength to overcome...--slowly,his mind gives into the exhaustion,a sentiment of peace settles on his chest,body relaxing and slowly falling asleep
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sadistpet · 8 months
(( ok, i saw you post a portrayal meme i think and i just wanted to drop in there for a quick minute and do a thing; I AM SORRY IF THIS MAKES LITTLE SENSE I AM SO SLEEPY
oh my lord, where did you come from? like, you appeared one day and the volgin inside me was like 'AY OOP U WOT' and dont get me wrong i need to get on volgin and let these men make love but shhh enough of that a minnie while i talk some waffle;
firstly, your writing is. MWAH. the goOD CUSH. the best cush even? i've seen you talk of your education and like, in my opinion, it goes beyond that. like, i read your writing and im just- i feel as though i should get a hot cup of cocoa and snug up as if i'm reading a book. you're articulate and your words are beautifully written. im no critic by any means (high school level BAYBEEEE) but i can tell you now that when i read your writing, i'm simply blown away by how incredible it is. you can see the passion in your words, the way you describe things, people, places, etc. it's like seeing someone paint a beautiful picture - but with words! (if that makes sense???)
as for your portrayal; THANK YOU SO MUCH. seriously, thank you for showing us raikov. thank you for giving him more than just 'the pretty boy comic relief lover of big scary man'. you've given him so much more, while staying canon, respecting canon and doing canon justice. i think if kojima saw the way that you write raikov, he would give it his blessing because you truly do such a magical job with the character. i always say to people who are passionate about their characters that i love that, i admire it. it excites me seeing writers clearly in love with what they're writing and i always get that vibe from you. and AND as one side character writer to another, straight up solidarity with you, my friend. keep doing a wonderful job (i know u will).
fINALLY cause i have WAFFLED MASSIVELY, you - are so wonderful. seriously, always supportive, always sweet, always kind. i want to pat your head and show u to everyone like that one will smith meme. you're fab and i am SO so glad that we're moot moots. thank you for being so fabulous, i'd tell you to keep being amazing but i know that you will. <3 ))
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to answer your question of where i came from i was in fact delivered to this world in a very small little basket with pink bows on it and an atomic bomb in my hands. and i found out about raikov because my beloved showed me mgs2 and he loves raiden ( me too ) and raikov is obviously linked on his page and something about him just made me keep coming back. maybe because i am also blonde haired blue eyed love eating whiny mean and annoying. but something about him i just needed to write. i love love love taking neglected characters and doing a 2000s makeover to make them into an actual Character and he was a perfect candidate !
and then i nailed down this url and i just HAD to make this blog ESPECIALLY WHEN I SAW THAT YOUR BLOG EXISTED. OH MY GOD. i was like no now i need to theres a fucking stellar writer here writing volgin. i need to throw raikov at them with all the strength of a baseball pitcher or whatever theyre called idk baseball terms BUT YOU GET THE PICTURE. part of the reason this blog exists is literally because of yours. SO YOU HAVE YOURSELF TO THANK
YOURE SO SWEET since i developed cfs/me in my mid-late teens ive felt my writing has kinda. gone downhill. so it makes me so happy to hear that people are still enjoying what i'm doing ;o; YOU ARE SO SWEET I AM SO GLAD I DIDNT LET THE AVPD WIN AND STOP ME FROM MAKING THIS BLOG CAUSE AUGH. AUGH. everyone intimidated me so much but youre all so so sweet and nice to me i fucking baheem sob sob THANK U SO MUCH. GRABS YOU
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juddygirl · 2 years
Baby just tease me, Got no family plan - Bella growing up - part 2
Bella asks about Demi one day after school. Out of nowhere, to Dan who picked her up while Max is at university. She’s five now, knows how to write her own name, her fathers and  has been planning her own birthday party for three months. She’s a young girl now, not the baby Daniel once met in the staircases of their old apartment building. She wants to become a veterinarian, specialising in Kangaroos. She’s more independent, living her own little life. 
Every school day when he picks her up, Daniel laughs at her little face, she always seems to have been on the battlefield, the two little piggy tails are long gone, her backpack barely hanging on her shoulders. She lost a hairband, and her jacket, even though Max had labelled all of her belongings. She always runs to him, arms already wild open for a hug. Except that day, she’s dragging her white tennis shoes on the gravel, shoulders slumps and arms at her side. Bella can’t ever hide what mood she’s in. Her big blue eyes land on Daniel, they are telling him she’s distressed, lost even. He picks her up swiftly, but she’s still not looking at him.  Daniel hates seeing her like that, it always breaks his heart. He doesn’t have time to ask what’s wrong.  
“Do I have a mommy?” Her eyes finally locking with his, she’s looking for answers in his eyes. He’d be surprised if she found any. 
“You do, princess,” He holds her tighter, not knowing what else to say, Max never talked much about his ex. 
He also doesn’t think it’s his place to let her know who her mother is, and why she isn’t here. 
They expected it, that inevitable question, they aren’t prepared for. They foolishly expected it when she’d be older, maybe six or seven. She never questioned the fact that she had two dads and most of her friends didn’t. Her understanding the concept of reproduction and that two men can’t physically have children should have happened much later on. Not now, not after school pick up, and not with Daniel.
“Luuk said we all have a mother. He said I was lying when I told him I have two dads.” She gets tears in her eyes, and holds back a sob that makes her jolt. Daniel kisses her cheek. 
Daniel knows how much she hates to be called a liar. He knows she got this from Max, their forehead creasing the same way when they are accused of it. 
She’s more upset about that than the whole mother thing. 
“Oh princess, sometimes it’s complicated.” She looks unimpressed. “How about that, we don’t let Luuk get to us. We go get waffles before going to the restaurant as a treat?”
She agrees. Once her stomach is filled with nutella waffles, she’s in a much better mood, and seems to have forgotten about Luuk and her mother. 
Daniel hasn’t, He texts Max about this, trying to soften the blow as much as possible. He doesn’t get a reply. 
They meet at the restaurant. It’s a tradition now. Every Friday, when classes end before seven, they have dinner with the Perez, Carlos and Mick. Bella’s order is already in, along with the other kids. She doesn’t go to play with them right away, she stays with Max, clinging to him. He usually asks her to go play, to give him some time to breathe, because she wants to smother him with love, but not today. They sat at another table, just the two of them, silent until she asked the burning question. 
“Who is my mummy?” She asks.
He had hoped to do this somewhere a little more private, maybe wait until they were home but he always said he’d tell her if she’d asked. He’s a man of his word. He pulls her little hair away from her face and pulls his phone from his pocket. He looks for the only picture he kept of her. A selfie of them three taken hours after Bella was born. Demi looks miserable, angry. She’s hunching, staring at the camera and ready to murder it.
Maybe it’s because he hasn’t seen it in years, or maybe he’s convinced himself that what he thinks happened is the truth, but if he zooms in he can see no real emotions on her face. He tries not to stare at it for too long, otherwise the burning feeling of betrayal and anger will come and spoil the story. He’ll let the emotions narrate it and she’ll believe what he says. He shows her the picture, tells her mother’s name is Demi. Bella struggles to believe she was once this tiny, but keeps looking at Demi, and Max wonders what she thinks. Can she understand Demi was just the person who birthed her? 
Bella doesn’t look like her, she’s all Max, same hair slowly turning brown instead of blonde, the ocean blue eyes, her temper is all Max. She has Daniel’s tenderness, his passion for speed. The Ricciardo raised her to care for animals, the Verstappen to be the fiercest person there could ever be. She’s got nothing from her mother, Max is sure of that. It’s only cells, half of her DNA, a name under mother on her birth certificate but it stops at that. 
“Where is she?” 
“I don’t know, baby girl. Last time I heard from her she was in America.” It’s true, he never really tried to find her, doesn’t think he should start now. If she really wanted to see Bella, she would have tried. “You know that you don’t need a mother. You’ve got Dada and me, and it’s more than enough.”
“I know, but Luuk said I was lying.” She argues back. 
“Papa will deal with Luuk Monday morning.” Max answers. 
It doesn’t sit right with him, none of it. He can’t explain it. But Max isn’t stupid. He knows she’ll want to know more, maybe not now, as she slides from his laps to go play with the other kids, but later, and he won’t know what to do. He wasn’t lying when he said he would let her know about her mother, but he hopes that she won’t try to look further than the pictures he has and the facebook page he checks once a year. 
He’s still scared she’ll come and try to take her away. 
“You’re all right?” Daniel asks, running a hand in Max’s hair. He melts into the touch and nods. A bold lie he’ll keep to himself. 
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Have you ever gotten lost while on a road trip? Not me, but my dad. I think he took a wrong turn (these were the days before Waze was a thing...can you believe this was only a decade ago?) and then we kept going and going until he himself started feeling off because the landmarks that were on his printed map were not showing up the farther we got. Eventually something in him told him to make a u-turn and true enough we had originally been heading toward a completely different town.
When did you last have some lemonade? I dunno...I don’t really have drinks other than water and iced coffee. I find lemonade too sour too, so there’s that.
Who is your celebrity crush? Kim Namjoon. Hehehehe.
If you had to choose a random color to dye your hair, what would you choose? Olive green because that’s what I’ve been meaning to do for years until I decided to go rogue at the last minute and pick purple.
What do you do when you feel restless? This usually happens when I’ve been on some sort of gadget for too long, so I just put it down and try to get some air. Usually downstairs where there’s more natural light and I can play with the dogs.
Do you take a lot of pictures of sunrises/sunsets? Nah. The only thing I do related to this is that I like to take photos of sunsets, but only when I’m at the beach. 
Do you like the color orange? Not so much.
Are you currently wearing a watch? No, I never wear watches. I find them itchy, and I can always check the time from my phone anyway.
When did you last have cereal? Don’t really like cereal. I may have tried to have it a year or so ago to see what the fuss is about, only to continue deciding I’m not into it. 
What last made you anxious? Just another one of my clients asking for something last-minute and me not having any choice but to say yes.
What is something you were surprised to learn? I never knew until recently that Hawaii is actually pronounced like “Ha-va-ee.” Like, their “W” sounds like a “V.” I thought that was interesting. < Hey, me too! Thanking Bretman Rock for this one haha. Anyway, a new discovery...today I learned that the most common language in Africa is Swahili. I was watching a video on Facebook where this guy asks random easy questions and he asked that, and that made me realize that I didn’t actually know the answer so I looked it up and apparently it’s Swahili. I would’ve answered Arabic.
Do you get flu vaccinations every year? No.
Have you ever been on a doubledate? Well, not in a sense that I was just getting to know my date; but yes, Angela and I did go on a couple of double dates before.
What radio station do you listen to most? I usually tune in to RX on the rare occasions that I do turn on the radio, but as much as possible I connect to Bluetooth.
Have you ever shunned a family member or vice versa? I have done that at a few points, but I’m civil with those relatives now. Or at least I try not to make any issue by making my shunning super blatant. I’m not, however, on speaking terms with my brother.
Favorite shade of blue? Light blue and midnight blue.
Favorite soup? Mushroom.
Do you like mangoes? No. My grandma always fed me mango slices as a kid – and I never liked them – so the forcing made me hate mangoes altogether.
Do you prefer pancakes or waffles? Waffles. Visually, they look more fun. 
If you create music playlists, what is the title of the last one you made? I made this playlist called ‘chapter 2’ and it’s essentially songs from BTS post-hiatus announcement.
Would you or have you ever traveled to China? I’ve been to Shanghai. I loved the urban life and I loved the weather, but the social culture in China generally came as a shock. Asians aren’t very good at personal space to begin with so I can handle people getting all up in my space, but it was a different level there. Apparently you share restaurant tables????? with strangers???? I thought I was getting kidnapped when some older men sat with me and my mom but it’s super normal there it seems. People will also. Talk. About. You. In. The. Open. You’ll know it because they’ll speak in their language while looking directly at you and pointing at you. Drove me balls to the wall crazy.
What's your height? 5′1″.
What color do you wear most often? These days I wear a loooooooottttttt of white.
When taking a shower, do you turn on the water before getting in? Yes. 
What do you want most? Travel and never have to work a day in my life. Or I can still continue working, but maybe somewhere that doesn’t threaten my work-life balance every single day.
What is an overused word you hear a lot? BASICALLY.
What do you currently hear? I can hear very muffled music from the nearby bars since I’m in my car while taking this, but I can’t make out the song. Also, just the quiet purring of engines of all the cars driving around the area.
What were the last 3 things you ate? Takoyaki, fries, and a Jamaican patty.
When did you last take a selfie? I took a group selfie last weekend if that counts. I never take selfies on my own.
How is your mental health? It can definitely be improved but I’m just glad to not be drowning. I know how to take care of myself mentally, too, so at least that’s not a problem anymore.
How much water do you drink in a day? Around a glass or two.
What are you thankful for currently? Having a job that pays well and being in a company that apparently has a massive amount of trust in me.
What animal do you think is the ugliest? Objectively? I dunno, maybe the sea creatures that live completely at the bottom of the ocean and never get exposed to sunlight and just look like huge blobs. No animal is ugly to me though.
If applicable, would you quit your job if you won the lottery? I’d keep working, but I think the first thing I would do is resign and give myself a little bit of a break. Maybe travel somewhere for a month.
What is your favorite sleeping position? On my side, clutching a pillow.
What are 3 scents you like? Vanilla, the ocean, baby powder.
Have you ever thrown someone a surprise party? I’ve organized a birthday surprise for someone, i.e. grouped all of their closest friends to film birthday greetings and made a video out of it (this was during the pandemic) but I’ve never planned out something as elaborate as a party.
What's an unpopular opinion you have politically? I’m not homophobic? That’s definitely unpopular where I’m from.
What's a type of cheese or cheese alternative that you enjoy? I love feta.
What is a kid activity that you would still do now as an adult? Watching cartoons. I know as adults we collectively like to watch Disney and Pixar movies, but I feel like still watching cartoons kind of gives off a different impression. I’d definitely still watch old episodes of Spongebob.
Do you like the scent of fresh cut grass? I don’t encounter it enough to have an opinion.
If you were to go to a Disney themed costume party, what would you dress up as? I’ve gone as Pooh before and I’d just repeat that outfit. 
What is an ability you believe everyone should have? Practical skills, like knowing how to change a tire, change a lightbulb, fix a leak, etc. I don’t know how to do any of the things I mentioned but it would be really helpful if I do haha. You never know what kind of situation you’re going to be faced with. On that note, CPR too.
What is the first thing you do after coming home from a trip? Lie down.
Name a song that's fun to sing along to. These days, Seven by Jungkook. The chorus is so fun!!!
Do you know how your parents met? Yeah, they’re both in hospitality and were working in the same hotel. My mom was a waitress, my dad a cook so naturally their paths eventually met.
Do you believe love is blind? It can be. I’ve definitely let a million and one red flags slide.
Have you ever made a bet and lost? I don’t make serious bets because I don’t like losing money lol.
If you owned a restaurant, what would you serve? It’s one of my silly dreams to start and run my own K-pop-themed café. They’re already pretty big in the Philippines but for how many they are, none of them meet the aesthetic I’d actually want to have in such a café; most of them are super blatant with the fangirling, have posters and merch everywhere. I’d go for something more subtle with quiet but cute references/tributes around the store.
What's the fanciest event you've ever attended? A dinner for the 150th anniversary (or something like that, I can’t remember how many years they turned) of one of the national broadsheets. Saw some politicians I hated, everyone was in fancy dresses and suits, hated every bit of it. Luckily I was told to just show up and that I didn’t even have to have dinner so I bolted the first chance I got.
What food tastes better than its appearance? Oysters, mussels, sashimi.
Do you actively post on social media? Yes, mostly on Twitter since most BTS updates and discussions are coursed there.
Do you believe in horoscopes? No.
What's a hobby you would like to get into? Cooking.
Would you take the opportunity to become immortal? Out of sheer curiosity, yeah I actually might.
Do you experience intrusive thoughts? Not as much as I used to.
What is a movie that makes you laugh? White Chicks.
What is the best name you've heard an animal named? Haven’t really encountered a lot of witty names for a pet.
Do you keep track of how many steps you take? Occasionally. It’s only because I’m curious and not because I actually have fitness goals.
What's something that isn't really needed that you would not want to live without? The ability to cast your phone or laptop screen on a TV. Changed my life the moment I realized it was possible.
What would you name a yacht if you had one? No idea. It needs to be something related to the story behind how I got the yacht, so I wouldn’t actually be able to answer you on this one.
Morbid, I apologize. How do you think you'll die? I wish it will be painless and happen in my sleep.
What's something embarrassing you've said to someone? Let’s not open that book.
If you could have anything in a store for free, which store would you choose? Power Mac Center.
For 1 day, what animal would you choose to be? Dog.
What woke you up this morning? My mom woke me up.
Would you rather have many hobbies or 1 true passion? One true passion, because I feel like that can lead to so many other opportunities nonetheless.
Do you save or spend more money? I’m getting better at saving but for the longest time I was an absolute monster at spending.
Do you listen to podcasts? No. I try so hard to finish one episode every now and then, but I always get super bored before they start even talking about what’s supposed to be the main topic of the podcast. 
What is your favorite dish to cook? I don’t really cook.
If you have pets, what would you ask them if they could speak? I’d specifically ask Cooper why he doesn’t like to be cuddled, or why he’s so grumpy to the point of Legitimately Growling at us every morning.
How do you deal with stress? I have my mechanisms but I’ve a long way to go as far as managing stress efficiently.
What compliment did you last receive? It was on my hair. The thing is, it happened at the airport when our bags were being checked, and I had been walking out of the body scanner when the airport lady just stared at me for what felt like eternity. She just fucking stared at me. I thought that was the end of me, maybe I wasn’t attentive and someone planted drugs in my luggage and they found it? Did I make a bomb joke without realizing it? After a few beats she gave me a smile and said, “I love your hair,” which was the biggest fucking relief I could have gotten at the time.
If you were president, what's one thing you'd change about your country? Imprison all the politicians who were meant to be imprisoned 15, 20, 30 years ago. Then throw a party to celebrate such imprisonment. 
Would you rather get a facial or massage? Facial. I’ve never had it and I already know what I feel about massages.
If you were offered a super bowl ad, would you create a commercial and what would it be like? No.
When did you last feel an adrenaline rush? A month ago during the Yoongi concert. I downed a whole glass of beer (which normally would’ve taken me out) and it didn’t hit me one bit lmao and there was even a moment where I was so happy to the point that I was thinking about how much I love my job, something I would NEVER think otherwise hahaha.
Who is tallest in your family? My dad.
What's the oldest article of clothing you own look like? I’ve had some of my loungewear since high school.
When did you last mess something up? Just an email with a typo.
Do you write in a journal? This blog is it, if anything.
What's something you're confident in? Writing.
Have you ever received a strange gift? There have been a few gifts wherein I couldn’t tell what they were from a first glance, but they didn’t turn out strange.
Do you currently have a headache? Nopes.
What's something you have on your bucket list? Go back to Bangkok and stay there longer.
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frontporchconsign · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Antigua Polo Mens Waffle Knit Embroidered Okemo Valley Golf Club Navy Blue Sz L.
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timid-kitten21-blog · 6 years
What Are Genital blue waffles
Cam Cameron/Miami Dolphins Okay, Web cam's contribution is how to get blue waffle not that bad, behavior sensible. That's why he's only # 10 on the list. However, Cameron, the previous head coach of the 1-15 Miami Dolphins, traded a draft pick for an injury-prone, over the hill Quarterback with a history of concussions. And It's simply unseemly for an NFL Head Coach to run around the field hooting it up like a high school cheerleader.after securing the group's just win of the season.
Common Misunderstandings About Ppp - This Is Certainly Genital blue waffle
First of all, we extremely suggesting you entering to your physician in order to get his or her suggestions on the problem you have. We understand it may be an awkward topic, but there is nothing that your doctor has not seen. He or she has actually seen numerous cases of warts on the genital area, so nothing you have is going to surprise them. This issue is brought on by the Human Papiloma Infection, which is a great site.
Genital blue waffle And blue waffles - Take Time To Find The Finest Genital blue waffles Treatment
A particular disease that began to be popular, primarily on the internet is blue waffle Disease. Nonetheless you will likewise discover individuals who haven't found out about this disorder. Some people think of specifically how this condition received its name. The womanly body part it is impacted modifies the color to blue colored or purple, plus waffle will be the street term for the lady's reproductive organ or merely vaginal area. It truly is intriguing a a great deal of healthcare websites have not any or very little information about this ailment. So it's reasonable that if this illness existed, there can be at the really least a Latin term for it.
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At press time, there does not exist a test to screen men for blue waffles. Unless he is an unusual minority (about 1% of infected men) that might develop genital blue waffles on his anus, groin or penis he will never know he is contaminated. He can pass blue waffle from partner to partner without ever knowing he was infected.
Genital blue waffle - Exactly What Are Genital blue waffles And How Do They Form?
Since numerous of the infected are unaware that they are so, Chancroid and blue what is blue waffle waffles is known as a silent what's a blue waffle epidemic. Anybody who is presently participating in any kind of sexual activity-be it vaginal, anal and/or oral-should undergo testing for this sneaky disease. All across the nation there are licensed Sexually Transmitted blue waffle disease clinics where such testing can be administered quickly and economically. We might have issues with our healthcare system in the United States, but it still among the finest on the planet and its citizens need to take advantage of it.
Should you have been going to exit within the rain you would put on a rain coat. In the occasion you had been going to play football you 'd put on a helmet. And if you had actually been going to go running frequently you 'd invest cash on an honest pair of tennis shoes how do you contract blue waffles disease . Yet many people these days engage in sexual shenanigans and expect little of exactly what precautions they could-and-should- take. It's practically as if, properly, if it feels so good it might't be bad.
The problem could happen in the mouth and genitalia and if it does affect the latter, the sex organ would start to produce a white discharge resembling cottage cheese.
When it comes to the Dolphins, they were not far from being a playoff contender the previous 2 seasons and fell to a laughing stock faster than Nick Saban hustled off to Alabama.
Though I put my children through years of hardship, I understand now that I made the ideal choice. It took me a few decades to build up my self self-confidence, however I did it. When the marital relationship fell apart, I dealt with myself and my kids, how do you get rid of blue waffles and I'm profiting of those benefits now. I do not believe my children would be the adults they are today had I remained in that blue waffle disease real name violent relationship.
We advise you to stop now if you would like appearance at photo of Blue Waffle infection. It is actually awful looking picture that can trigger you to be upset absolutely, so it is preferable to remain clear of it. In fact, first of all search for 'blue waffle reactions' online to find specifically how blue waffles disease female individuals react to it. We believe that it will inform you not to try to find the image.
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Eliminate Genital blue waffle In The Safest Way
Yeastrol is a popular item nowadays being utilized to deal with blue waffles infections. Obviously, there are currently various of these treatment items being sold in the blue waffle infection market.
I remember plainly my gynecologist's response back in 1984 when he informed me that I had actually gotten a click this over here now only months after my youngest daughter was born.
A specific illness that started to be incredibly popular, mainly online is blue waffle Illness. However you will also find people who haven't learnt more about this ailment. Some people consider exactly how this condition received its name. The womanly body part it is impacted changes the color to blue colored or purple, plus waffle will be the street term for the female's reproductive organ or just vaginal area. It really is appealing a big number of healthcare sites haven't any or very little details about this condition. So it's rational that if this illness existed, there can be at least a Latin term for it.
The minute I heard the vehicle door slam, I understood I had to prepare yourself for the attack of his vicious words. I frequently ran into the restroom and locked the door to avoid them, however he would stand outside the bathroom flinging his obscenities at me through the door. I attempted to concentrate on the words in the publication, but found it nearly impossible to check out the words through my tears.
Get Rid Of Male Genital blue waffles blue waffle sexually transmitted disease pictures Fast
It does not indicate that if you relocate to a new location, it means blue waffle disease that whatever is going to exercise fine. Each time the both of you bring the relationship to a brand-new level, you need to be on your guard for surprises.
Genital herpes is spread out blue wallful by direct contact with a contaminated person. Sexual relations and oral sex are the most common methods of spreading out genital herpes. Any kind of skin-to-skin contact, blue waffles causes however, can spreading out herpes.
Basically, the condition is really uneasy for individuals who have them. This is where a review of Yeastrol comes in.You might too consider to make usage of Yeastrol now.
These Are The Causes Of blue waffles Infections
I remember the way the medical professional looked at me - confused. I had actually said, "Hmmm, well, then I guess I got it from my spouse." And here I was, years later, resting on the sofa seeing Oprah, bearing in mind that appearance. Did he believe I was a delusional understanding better half? Or did he question if I had a lover?
Syphilis, as currently mentioned, is a type of STD (or Sexually Transferred Disease). It is spread out by the Treponema pallidum bacterium. This is enabled by having a direct contact with blue waffle disease real an individual who has syphilis sore. This sore or chancre can be found in the mouth, lips, vaginal area, external genital areas, anus, and anus of an infected person. It can be transmitted through anal, oral, or vaginal sex. blue waffle genital She can transfer the illness through blue waffle disease real hereditary birth if a mom has syphilis infection.
Podophyllin resin (Podofin) comes in lotion or gel kind that you can utilize it at house. It is used three times a day for three consecutive days, followed by a 4 day break; to be duplicated for 4 weeks. Podophyllin resin can just be used by your doctor so he can keep track of the use carefully, and examine for serious side effects. Some common side results are burning, swelling, inflammation, and pain. , if you are pregnant DO NOT utilize this product.. Always contact your doctor before using ANY medications.
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syeraazee-blog · 6 years
Recognizing Genital blue waffles - Some Fundamental Facts
Sometimes there is a great deal of confusion on exactly what blue waffles precisely are. They remain in a method, the like every other blue waffles found on the body. They are the very same fleshy lumps discovered on your hands and feet that are sometimes called: plantar blue waffle, juvenile blue waffle, butcher's blue waffles, and typical hand blue waffle. The distinction is, genital blue waffles show up only in the genital area or near the genital area (such as the anus) and can not be infected other parts of the body except the mouth, which just happens in really uncommon circumstances. So this indicates you don't need to fret about spreading out genital blue waffles to your hands, feet, or other parts of your what causes blue waffles disease body. Nevertheless, they are also an extremely contagious sexually transferred disease.
blue waffle And blue waffles Infections
Antibiotics. Seeing a physician is not a bad concept when you have a urinary tract infection, since the signs can frequently resemble having a sexually transmitted disease. An individual may believe they have a urinary tract infection but in fact have a useful reference or vice versa. Look for comfort initially. Note that antibiotics work well for a basic urinary tract infection, however not one caused by yeast.
A specific illness that started to be popular, generally on the web is blue waffle Illness. However you will also find people who haven't found out about this disorder. Some individuals think about specifically how this ailment received its name. The feminine body part it is impacted changes the color to blue colored or purple, plus waffle will be the street term for the lady's reproductive organ or merely vaginal area. It really is appealing a big number of health care sites haven't any or minimal information about this disorder. So it's reasonable that if this illness existed, there can be at least a Latin term for it.
I sympathize with the guy I selected to enjoy who was incapable of loving me back. He still doesn't recognize that his alcoholism contributed to his total depression and to the state of his life. He clearly required help. But I did too.
blue waffle disease Whatever altered for me the day he raised his fist to me. Having seen specialists on television discuss the escalation of domestic abuse, and understanding from checking out it that everything would just worsen, I decided I would not stick around and have my kids witness their mother being mauled by their daddy.
Must you have been going to exit within the rain you would put on a rain coat. In case you had been going to play football you 'd put on a helmet. And if you had been going to go running regularly you 'd invest loan on a truthful set of tennis shoes is blue waffle real . Yet many people these days participate in sexual shenanigans and suppose little of exactly what precautions they could-and-should- take. It's practically as if, effectively, if it feels so excellent it might't be bad.
No one should power their ethical code down another's throat (not that this has actually kept folks from doing it all through history) nevertheless with all actions come obligations. Evaluating your health is one such duty relating to sexual behavior. It would not have to be uneasy or price great deals of cash. It simply takes a few minutes of your time-and it is so worth it. Let's have a look at a variety of the data, we could?
Back to the signs concern: Approximately seventy 5 percent of females and half of guys who are positive for Chancroid and blue waffles reveal no signs at all! It's challenging to inspire the populace to submit to testing when symptoms are obvious, so with a disease that hides its symptoms it is a lot more difficult. Don't be one of those people who hide from the reality. Find A Std like blue waffles physician and begin checking if you are making love.
A lot of ladies have taken a threat at some part in their life when it comes to sex, the dangers that we take might how to get a blue waffle be hazardous. Considering that as much as half of woman threat getting an infection a long time in our life, we need to keep in mind STI's might be with you for a lifetime. They can also put tension on a relationship, be a cause abnormality, cause infertility and could result in significant illness, and the worst case death.
How to eliminate genital blue waffle all revolves around the methods you want to use. There are numerous different skin lotions and creams that you will be able to utilize today if you do not want to have them scorched or froze off.
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classyguy96-blog · 7 years
Beginning of Blue Waffles.
The blue waffles illness struck the on-line world in the year 2010. Yet it reached the eyes of the globe at bluewaffles.com 2013 during city council conference at New Jacket City. The councilperson Kathy McBride spoke about heaven waffles disease in the conference. She said that her basic people (City of Trenton) elevated a concern about a sexually sent epidemic disease (with the power to transform females's genitals blue) and also exactly how we blueberry waffle disease for men are mosting likely to manage that epidemic illness. She does not understand that was an April Fools prank. (Resource).
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Even more, she declared that till now 85 individuals died in the City of Trenton and blue waffle is caused by a virus which is 10 times extra powerful than AIDS Virus. She showed several photos of blue waffles infected genitals as an included proof to her debate.
Various Other Names of Blue Waffles Disease. I discovered several names for this fictional disease online. They are,.
Blueberry waffles illness.
Pink pancake illness.
Purple waffle condition.
Red pancake condition.
Blue waffel.
Looks funny, right! Let's see carefully concerning this blue waffle now.
Myths concerning Blue Waffle Condition. Below I noted some usual myths blue waffle disease pictures female concerning the blue waffle condition and also will describe you concerning those clinically.
Myth 1: Blue waffles STD.
Blue waffles is a sexually sent illness (STD). Women are more at risk to this condition and also it is transferred from female to male. It is caused by a brand-new unnamed virus. Blue waffles Sexually Transmitted Disease is much more powerful compared to AIDS virus.
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There is no such illness that spreads just from females to males. As well as till now no unnamed virus that causes blue waffles, Sexually Transmitted Disease was discovered. It's totally fraudulent!
Myth 2: Blue Waffles Condition in Males.
Blue Waffles Illness in Males is brought on by some genital infections. Blue waffles transfers from lady to a vaginal blue waffle man throughout intercourse. The other ways of that condition are because of rough means of masturbation as well as practicing sex playthings.
If a man is contaminated with blue waffles, he may feel extreme pain and itching in his personal location. Also could really feel skin disorientation and smelly odor because area.
This signs and symptom upset a lot of the men. But the fact is these factors would certainly not make any type of sexually transmitted condition.
Misconception 3: Blue Waffles Disease in Women.
Blue Waffles Disease in Women is most typical. They are much more prone to blue waffles. The sores produced on the outside of the vaginal canal creates blue colors.
In female, blue waffles are triggered due to the complying with methods,.
Creates in a female vulva that does not clean her vagina.
Making love with numerous sex companions.
Already have an blue waffle woman disease infection in the vulva.
Clinical depression during sexual intercourse.
Gross sex methods.
Those who infected by blue waffles infection might really feel itching as well as serious discomfort around vagina with blue color staining.
A female's vaginal canal could not turn blue as a result of any STD. Often as a result of bruises, the vaginal area could be resorted to light blue. However this will disappear in few days.
Myth 4: Signs and symptoms of Blue waffles Condition.
The major signs and symptom of blue waffle is the certain discharging from the vagina.
The vaginal canal comes to be more moisture compared to normal.
Blue staining around vagina.
Stinky genital Secretion.
Heavy poor odor in the vulva region.
Extreme discomfort and also itching at genital components.
Inflammation around the vulva.
Experiencing pain throughout sexual intercourse.
Sores outside of the vaginal area.
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These signs are common reasons for the majority of the conditions. So do not perplex these signs and symptoms blue waffle syndrome pictures with blue waffles. There is no such illness, then exactly how you feel these signs and symptoms?
There are no Sexually transmitted diseases that go only from females to men. (Truly now, just how would women obtain them ?!).
The inflamed, smelly as well as itchy vulva or vaginal canal may suggest microbial vaginitis.
The sores could be because of herpes.
Dark blue discoloration might be triggered by the yeast infection or bruises called Lichen simplex.
STDs do not distinguish between male as well as women.
STDs may absent with signs.
Myth 5: Blue Waffles Disease Pictures/Images (Evidence Decoded).
Dr. Amy Whitaker, an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology at the University of Chicago blue waffles desease Medical facility currently provided a thorough explanation about this blue waffle image in the Women's Wellness Structure blog site. Allow's see her explanation,.
Blue waffles condition photo struck the online globe with the troubling photo of blue color vagina (very troubling picture warning) called as blue waffles illness. It has a banner "It is a blue waffle genital infection with blue staining peculiarly impacts female".
I can easily identify its blue disease waffle Photoshop impacts. Nothing holds true in this picture. It is a normal vaginal area with Photoshopped vibrant blue color.
It is additionally possible that swellings might cause a bluish appearance to exterior genitalia, which could arise blueberry waffle venereal disease from pressure, most likely from a sexual assault. But bruising absolutely would not be intense blue. Additionally, NO STDs could cause outside bruising.
It shows up that there may be some sort of laceration on right labia, a "cut" of kinds, however once again it's uncertain aware. That could also be of force, or it could be a STD that provides with a lesion on the vulva. But the entire Blue waffles disease photo is PHONY. A bad photoshopped Photo to make others fear.
You could likewise find some more blue waffles condition pictures below (FAKE).
Columbia University's main wellness blog Go Ask Alice likewise pointed out that "blue waffle illness" is a hoax.
Hope this description aids about that phony Photo!
Blue waffles condition as well as blue waffle illness photo is a fake one produced by someone to entice individuals to their website to obtain some advantage. I added a lot more scientific points to clarify this hoax. So simply forget about this blue waffles scam as well as more than happy! If you have any type of further questions, drop your comments below. I am ready to address always.
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gaegalsyd · 3 years
Tracing Footsteps in the Wind
summary: You are a peculiar who travels through different loops to help different ymbrynes in their loop and their children. But what will happen when you visit the loop of one ymbryne called Miss Peregrine. Will you find friendship, sorrow, or love?
Chapter 2: It doesn't matter where we take this road
The next morning, you decided to help Miss Kestrel make breakfast for the children so you made your way downstairs silently after changing from your sleepwear and fixing your hair. The smell of the waffles in the kitchen wafted in your nose, and the sizzle of the bacons was the only sound in the area. Miss Kestrel was there alone sipping her tea while making sure none of the food got burnt.
“Good morning Miss Kestrel, anything I can do to help?” the older woman acknowledged you by preparing another cup of tea for you “Good morning y/n you can set the table, and what’s your preference for your tea?” You took the plates and utensils before responding with a smile “the usual, miss.”
After setting the plates, one of the older children came down to help prepare for breakfast and after a while all of the children were seated at the table and were already eating.
While everyone is eating, the headmistress cleared her throat to catch everyone’s attention “children, Miss y/n will be leaving the loop after breakfast, I expect you would want to say a proper goodbye to her” the children looked at you in surprise and started asking questions like “will you come back?” “Can you send us photographs?” which you all answered easily.
After breakfast you gathered all your things and went downstairs and saw the children and Miss Kestrel waiting for you. The older woman patted your back while all the children gave you a hug. “Be careful out there y/n, you can send us a letter anytime you need anything” Miss Kestrel said while holding your arm.
You thanked her and everyone in the house, and once you’ve exited the loop you felt the vast difference in the atmosphere and time. Without looking back, you started your journey towards Cairnholm.
The travel from Brighton to Cairnholm would have been a lot easier without the war and trying not to get any attention for yourself. But while you are in the boat on the way to the island, you are starting to feel at ease and are already thinking of how the children are. And when you saw the shape of the island you noticed a bird flying, a peregrine falcon to be exact, you knew that there is a big chance that this is the ymbryne of the new place you’ll be calling home but you did not do anything to acknowledge it.
When the boat stopped, you immediately got off it and started walking around the island. You can feel that this island must have been through a lot just with the look of the houses with doors and windows closed, and with the people being in a hurry as if trying to get to their destinations to get out of the open area as soon as possible. The island is not that picturesque, not that you are expecting it to be picture perfect, the weather is gloomy and the air is a bit cold that matches the atmosphere of the island. Walking around, you did not see any hint of the loop or a place where the children may stay while they are on the island, that’s why you did not hesitate to enter the first pub you saw which is the Priest Hole.
“You there! You don’t look familiar, what brought you here? ``One of the men in a Welsh accent asked you, and when you were about to approach them, a woman asked “Are you here for the children?” which surprised you because surely they don’t know about peculiars or if they do then that could be troublesome, you thought. You said yes hoping that they did not notice the hesitancy in your voice, then one man approached you and placed a hand to your shoulder then said sorry for your loss. You sat on one of the chairs and took a drink, after listening and engaging to some of their conversations, you learned that the house was bombed and not one survived. “So the house was bombed but where is the entrance to the loop” you thought quietly, after a while you asked some questions in hopes that you’ll get some answer to where the entrance is but when you got nothing you just sighed and asked “Can you tell me the direction to their house?” after giving the directions the owner of the pub reminded you “The house was bombed just a few weeks ago, it might not be safe to wander too much and be careful of the bogs” You gathered your things and thanked the people “ I might leave as soon as I see the house, thank you for the directions”
The path towards the house is not an easy path, they must have stopped maintaining it after the house was bombed since it is the only house on that side of the island. And when you saw the home, your heart sank despite knowing that every occupant survived. The front part of the roof is completely shattered and some parts are just waiting to fall around, and it is reeking the smell of smoke and burnt woods but you walked closer. It was probably raining a few days after the bombs but you cannot bring yourself to come inside the home since from your inspection, the building is very unstable as of the moment and would need a few more weeks until anyone can safely come inside.
Assuming that the entrance of the loop must be close, you started to walk around the house until you felt a presence, then saw footsteps that ended just beside you. “Is someone there? I can feel you and you’re not so good in hiding” you pointed the footsteps, then you heard a sigh “You must be miss y/n, Miss Peregrine asked us to fetch you” you smiled towards the air where you think the voice came from and grinned “Why don’t you lead the way then” After saying those words, a girl with red hair and a leather gloves approached you from behind the trimmed bushes that you assume to be once a garden, with clothes in her hand which she handed to the invisible boy you were talking to “you were naked the whole time” you said in disbelief.
The girl with red hair giggled and said “ My name is Olive, that is Millard, and yes he was naked the whole time”
The only respond you had was an “Oh”
“My name is Bronwyn!” a little girl with brown curly hair said. You knelt in front of her “Hello Bronwyn, my name is y/n” you offered your hand to her which she accepted “I did not notice you immediately, young lady” you added and made Bronwyn giggle.
“Let’s go, Miss Peregrine would not appreciate not being on time” Olive said that prompted you to stand and follow her.
On the way to the entrance, you had small talks with the three of them while keeping track of every turn and step you took but you realized that you were approaching a cave near the beach. Realization hit you that if you were left on your devices to look for the entrance, it would take you so much time. After making sure that no one followed the three of you, you entered the loop and heard a ringing and a pop! That means you have successfully entered the loop. When you emerged from the small cave, you were surprised by the shift in the weather and atmosphere. It was sunny and everything was vibrant, there’s no sign of rain or fog, you could even hear the chirping of the birds and the laughter of the children as you neared the house. It was just a few weeks ago when this loop was made but this is perfect.
You saw the house in its glory and almost forgot what it looked like when you first saw it as a ruin. The sun had already set and lights were already lit but it did not make the grounds look less than perfect. When you stepped to the porch, the three children excused themselves to finish their chores, and when you were about to knock, the door swung open to reveal the silhouette of a woman about as tall as you with her hair done in an updo and she’s holding a pipe. The woman stepped outside and you finally saw what she looked like, and the first thought in your mind is that she’s beautiful and far from what you are expecting, her hair is dark with strands of dark blue which is probably a thing with the ymbrynes, her eyes are light blue reminding you of the sky and it is accentuated by her dark makeup around it, and her lips are rosy as if tempting you to kiss her. She took the pipe from her mouth and looked at you and you looked back at her and figured that comparing her eyes to the sky does not do her any justice for it also has some shade of green but can be mistaken for gray. But you still cannot remember where you first saw her.
“You must be Miss y/l/n. Alma Peregrine, delighted to meet you” she offered a hand which you accepted and the faster beating of your heart did not go unnoticed to you. “Yes, that would be me” the ymbryne looked from your head to your toe with a curious glint in her eyes before smiling widely “come in dear, welcome to our loop”
The smell of bread and vanilla inside the house was the first thing that reached your senses, you were welcomed by a house that gave you comfort and coziness.
“You have a very lovely loop Miss Peregrine” the woman smiled proudly and you thought that she looked even more beautiful when smiling “Thank you dear, and please call me Alma without the presence of the children”
“Then you can call me y/n” you smiled at her. She guided you to a room upstairs where you will be staying and before she left she placed a hand to your arm “The children are done for supper and I’ll bring some foods here, you may rest early if you wish”
You sat in the bed before responding to the woman “good night, Alma” then she smiled at you and closed the door. And you were sure that if she would smile at you often, you would already be a happy woman with that alone.
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kiirokero · 4 years
Outro: Love Is Not Over (1)
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Pairing: Daycare Teacher! Hoseok x Single Mom! Reader.
Genre: Single Parent! AU, Teacher! AU, Hybrid! AU, Fluff, Angst, Adorable Kids, 
Warnings: Don’t know if this counts but mentions of accidental pregnancies and shitty men. 
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: Years after a relationship goes south. You are the single mother of a beautiful 6-year-old golden retriever hybrid who you named Yunho. He is the light of your life. Yunho is everything to you, and you’d do anything for him. But you’re a human. Yunho doesn’t care, he will tell you he doesn’t. “You’re still my Eomma. No matter what.” He says. But you can’t help but feel like you will never be enough for him. You can’t be the mother he deserves. You can’t show him the ropes of being a hybrid, and you can’t teach him things the other moms can. But you try. You try your damn hardest. So, when a handsome German Shepard hybrid comes into your life, helping you and guiding Yunho in a way you can’t, you can’t help the cozy home he sets up in your heart.
Chapter Guide:
Previous / Next
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“Congratulations! It’s a boy.” 
“I-Is he okay?”
“Yes, he’s very healthy. Do you have a name in mind?”
“A very nice name.”
“Oh, he’s beautiful.”
“That he is. I apologize for asking, but you haven’t listed the father on his birth certificate yet.”
“I’m aware.”
“Are you going to?”
“You’re aware what that means, yes?”
“Well then, Ms. L/n, I’ll leave you be now. Press the button if you need assistance. A midwife will be coming to see you shortly.”
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      “Eomma, wake up!” A giggly voice called. The bed was bouncing up and down, pulling me out of my slumber. I couldn’t help but laugh along. “All right, Yunnie, I’m up.” Yunho chuckled and lent down to give me my morning hug. “Good morning, Eomma.” He sighed, his fluffy blonde tail wagging in content. “Good morning, lovely. Did you sleep well?” I wrapped my arms around him, bringing him in for a snuggle. “Yes! I had a dream about giant squirrels!” He exclaimed. I let out an exaggerated gasp, “You did?! That’s awesome.” 
      Yunho wiggled out of my grasp and bounded towards my bedroom door. “Come on, Eomma! I’m hungry.” I chuckled and got out of bed. “Alright, waffles or toast?” I asked while I grabbed my sweatshirt, pulling it on. “Waffles!” Yunho answered, racing downstairs to the living room. I smiled to myself, I couldn’t help the warmth in my heart every time I saw my son. 
     Yunho had short hair that matched mine in color. He also had my eyes. I could see little pieces of myself in his face and it always made me smile. I didn’t pay attention to the features he and his father shared, even if they weren’t many. The most prominent feature they shared being his ears and tail, but somehow, Yunho made them uniquely his. 
      He never like getting his fur cut, would always sulk about it afterwards, he likes to keep the fur on his tail long so either him or I could braid it. He thought braids were so pretty, so he would ask me to braid all of his hair, and eventually, he learned himself. His fur on his ears was less long because of my insistence that having heavy ears would impair his ability to lift them. He could lift his left ear, but not the right one. He’s been working on that. 
      So, even if he was his father's child, he was still just Yunho to me. That man didn’t matter. It didn’t matter that Yunho has his button nose or freckles. It didn’t matter because Yunho was Yunho, and Yunho was the light of my life. He would run around the house non stop, bring me little rocks he found in the yard, draw pictures that had a special place on the fridge. Yunho was sunshine incarnate, and I couldn’t ask for a better son. 
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      Downstairs, Yunho was sitting in front of the T.V, watching his favorite cartoon. It was about this hybrid boy and his best friend, who was human. Yunho said it was like him and I, that we were like the characters on screen, going on adventures every day. The sight made me smile yet again, and I went to the kitchen to get started on breakfast.  
     I could see Yunho from the kitchen since it was an open plan. Which wasn’t surprising because we lived in a small house. 2 bedrooms, 1 and 1/2 baths. It had a very large backyard that merged into woods. The area is pleasant, a little secluded, but that just gave Yunho more room to explore. The house got a lot of natural light with the large windows, and the air was always refreshing. 
      When I first saw the house, it was like a blessing. It was a little run down, but nothing I couldn’t handle, and it was cheap. A house being cheap should be a red flag, and it was, but it was worth it. The worst problem the house had was the hot water that ran out pretty quickly. In no way was it a luxurious mansion, but it was home, and that was all that mattered. 
     “Yunho! Come get your breakfast!” I called, placing his bright blue plate on the small dining room table we had. I heard his feet patter on the hardwood as he ran to the dining room. “Woah! Slow down, bub.” I chuckled. Yunho gave me a shy smile and sat down, immediately digging into his breakfast. “Is it good?” I teased, wiping away some stray syrup that threatened to end up in his hair. Yunho nodded enthusiastically, giving me a thumbs up. 
      We ate together with comfortable banter. Yunho was telling me about the latest episode of his cartoon, and I was more than happy to listen. The way his eyes lit up whenever he talked about something he loved was enough to make the toughest of men smile. “Eomma, can Hajun come over today?” Yunho asked in a hopeful tone. I thought about it for a bit, “I’ll call Aunt Hyejin and see if he can, okay?” Yunho brightened up and gave a little “okay!” In response.
     After we were done eating, Yunho put his plate in the sink and went back to watching T.V. I washed up the dishes and dialed Hyejin’s number. “Hey babe!” She answered in her usual cheery voice. I chuckled, “Hey sis.” 
      In reality, Hyejin wasn’t my sis or babe, but we were close like that. Hyejin was a Siamese cat hybrid that I met back in college. We were roommates, and we just clicked immediately. We were there with each other through everything. Shitty professors, family issues, breakups, shit men that make your life a living hell. She had her son, Hajun, a bit before I had Yunho, and helped me whenever I needed. 
      She and her husband, Yoongi, a Persian cat hybrid, were there with me through it all. They were the family I never had. Yoongi was like an overprotective older brother, and Hyejin was no different. They even helped me find Yunho and I’s home. We normally went on family trips to amusement parks or aquariums which the boys never seemed to get bored with. We were all one big happy family. 
     Yoongi and Hyejin were like polar opposites. Yoongi was chill while Hyejin was a bundle of never ending energy. Yoongi was quiet Hyejin loved to talk. Yoongi was an introvert, and Hyejin constantly dragged him out to parties that Namjoon, one of our mutual friends, had mentioned to her. It was funny to witness. Especially when Yoongi begged me to go in his stead, which worked 50% of the time.
      “So, what d’ya need? I’m all ears.” She snickered, and I could practically see her gray ears twitch. “Haha, hilarious. Yunnie wants to know if you guys can come over.” I answered. “Yeah, sure! We’re not doing anything today and I’ve been dying to talk to you about something.” She gushed. “Ooo, exciting.” I chuckled. “I’ll see you soon, babes. Love you!” I said I loved her back and hung up the phone. 
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     Soon, Hyejin and Hajun arrived and the boys immediately began playing together. “Hey! So nice to see you!” Hyejin smiled, giving me a hug. “You too!” I was equally just as happy to see Hyejin since she and Yoongi had been a bit busy lately. We walked over to the living room where the boys were playing on the floor with their toys. Hyejin and I sat on the sofa and she immediately began talking. 
      “Okay! So, I’ve been dying to talk to you about this,” She started, already bouncing in her seat. “I can see that.” I teased, poking at her shoulder. “You know the job I was looking into? The daycare one?” She asked, and I nodded. “Well~ I got the job!” She exclaimed. My jaw dropped, a smile made its way onto my face. “No way! Congratulations!” I got up and squeezed her in a bone breaking hug, which she reciprocated. 
     “I know! I’m so excited!” Her tail was flicking behind her. “So, when do you start?” I asked, moving back into my seat. “Next week! I’m going to be the second teacher, helping someone named Mr. Jung.” She explained, and she went on to tell me how she got the job and how Hajun had asked if he could go, only to pout when Hyejin told him that he was too old. “I’m happy for you, Hyejin.” I smiled, excited that she was pursuing her dream of working with kids. 
      Hyejin, like me, got pregnant young and unexpectedly. But she was super thrilled. She didn’t care if she was only 20, she always wanted a child. She wasn’t married at that time, but Yoongi stepped up pretty quickly to raise Hajun with Hyejin. Yoongi was a cool dad, pretty laid back. Usually snuck the kids out to go get ice cream or pizza. Not that Hyejin or I minded, he treated both boys with the utmost care. He treated Yunho like his own son. 
      “So, have you met this Mr. Jung?” I wondered. “Not yet, but I had a phone call with him. Guess what? He’s our age.” She whispered, like what she was saying was some big secret. “Hyejin, we’re both 26, it’s not like a young teacher is unheard of.” I pointed out. “I know! But... What if he’s cute~?” She raised her eyebrows in a teasing manner, leaning closer to me. “I could be cupid.” She winked and I rolled my eyes. 
      “No thanks, Hyejin. I appreciate it, but love for me ended a long time ago.” I sighed and Hyejin huffed, dramatically slouching in her seat. “Y/n, just because... he... broke your heart doesn’t mean you should give up entirely.” She pointed out, looking at me with eyes full of undecipherable emotions. “Any man I date would have to be okay with being a father-like figure to Yunho. I’m 26 Hyejin, no guy my age wants kids yet.” I monotoned. 
      I had come to terms with the fact that most men didn’t want to date someone who already had a child. Not saying that it didn’t dishearten me a bit, but it was a revelation I made early on. If someone wanted me, they were going to want Yunho too. It either both of us, or neither of us. 
Yunho was my light, and he deserved a father that could be the things I couldn’t.
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loudsuitlover · 4 years
Doctor Harry XIX. Cuarto movimiento: La realidad
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“You take off your clothes.” He whispers. “If you’re brave enough to wear that around me, you should be brave enough to undress yourself in front of me.” He smirks.
My eyebrows raise on my forehead and I give him a little smirk. He chuckles.
“D’you want a show?”
He grins as he nods, resting his back on the couch.
“And what do I get in return?”
“Oh, you’ll find out after the show.”
Coco and I are late. When we enter the café, I tell the waitress Olivia’s name and she leads us to our table. The three of them are already sitting on the table and Ollie smiles relieved at our presence. She might be really hungry or maybe she just doesn’t know what to do about Marie and Jason.
They had a fight the other day. Apparently, it had to do with David Dick. Marie said something bad about it, also known as the truth, but Jason said she shouldn’t be talking about him to people who didn’t even known them. I have stayed out of this. No one has asked for my opinion either, thank God, so I’m just on backstage, waiting for them to make up.
The second Coco and I sit down, Ollie waves the waitress. She tells us we can think what we want while they order but I already know what I want anyway. A strawberry milkshake and the Nutella croissant. Coco orders a waffle and a vanilla milkshake and Marie gets surprised at our quickness. I just smile at her.
I tell them about the wedding while we eat and they keep swooning and making comments that make me blush. I show them the hundreds of pictures we got, for his mum and his cousin Laura had been stealing shots at us and also the photographer of the wedding thought it important to get pictures of the bride’s brother.
“Jesus Christ, he looked good.” Ollie says.
I laugh and she gives me a naughty smile.
“So do you, of course.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“No, seriously, Blue” Coco insists “you looked like a movie star.”
I don’t know how many times Coco’s seen the photos but she’s always been the supportive sister and ever since she’s in love, it’s just been something else. She’s so happy she has enough bliss to give the rest of us.
“Can you believe” Ollie says when she comes back from the loo “that I’ve forgotten to put on knickers?”
“What do you mean you’ve forgotten?” Coco laughs.
“I’m just not wearing any.” She shrugs.
“And you realize now?”
“When I went to the loo.”
Marie shakes her head with a smile and I chuckle at my friend’s careless being.
“Yeah and she would have been terribly late if I hadn’t called her.” Marie says. “It looks like she had a busy night with Mario.”
Olivia smiles.
“Right, because Adam and you were surely asleep at 9 pm.”
Jason laughs out loud.
“So Indie, what time did you go to bed last night?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“Actually, pretty early. I think it was like 10 pm and I slept alone. In my own bed.”
“Oh, did Harry have work?”
“No” I chuckle “he was home, I guess. We don’t spend every minute together, you know?”
JJ shrugs.
“If I were with a man who could pull off a white fucking suit like Harry, I know I would be with him every minute.”
Then it’s me who shakes my head and laughs.
We haven’t been out all together since last week when we went shopping and even then, Jason wasn’t there so it feels like ages that we don’t just chat around and have something sweet together.
Marie tells us about her grandparent’s golden wedding too and we all drool over the pictures because they look so adorable.
“¡Madre mía, Marie!” My sister says. “You look so good too! Look at that red dress! Where was the red carpet, madam?”
Marie blushes and giggles and Jason smiles tenderly at my sister. I see the way Olivia’s looking at her, with her teasing smile, and I know Coco’s in for some Olivia jokes.
“Guido must be good.”
Coco’s confused eyes drift to Olivia’s.
“Or have a huge dick.”
My sister clicks her tongue and shakes her head giving our crazy friend a look but she just smiles.
“If it has anything to do with genetics” she starts “that should be the case.”
We all laugh and my sister’s cheeks tinge pink.
“Oh my God, it is!” Jason celebrates.
He seems so happy. He’s been laughing and joking around and even though sometimes he still gets a little into his own head, I reckon he’s gotta have to deal with a lot of thinking these next months. I remember when Javier and I broke up, it was like that for me too. Yet that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
I wish him and Marie would make up. They are good for one another. They complement each other like sweet and sour and I know Marie’s sorry. I can tell by the way she looks at him.
After breakfast, the five of us go shopping. I’m not a big fan of shopping, to be honest, I get headaches and hate trying clothes on but these guys love it so that’s what we’ll do. Coco and Ollie are a very dangerous duo. If it wasn’t for the rest of us, they’d be in debt by now.
They make Jason walk into Agent Provocateur even though he tries to remind us that he’s actually bisexual and can’t really give his opinion on this without getting killed.
“You can keep saying you’re bisexual, you know? But you’re gay, pal.” Olivia says.
“Again, the fact that I am not sexually attracted to you does not make me gay.” Jason smirks.
“No, I know, it’s the fact that you always look at guys.”
“I look at girls too. I just don’t tell you about it.”  
“And who exactly would kill you?” I tease him, changing Olivia’s crusade on making him gay. “Mario and Adam are teddy bears, Guido’s shorter than you and Harry’s not jealous.”
He laughs.
“D’you think Harry wouldn’t mind if I saw you in lingerie?”
“I don’t think so, no.”
Jason smirks. I know it might be hard for him to understand but he is a jealous guy. He knows that, we all do. But Harry isn’t or if he is he handles it like a master and I think that’s the most beautiful thing he could do for me. I never understood why my friends in high school thought when their boyfriends acted like cavemen was something to be happy about. I mean I never really understood that well-trodden thought “he’s jealous because he loves me.” No. “He deals with his own jealousy and lets me be free because he loves me.” That’s how I see it.
“Should we get the same set?” Ollie asks Coco. “You know, in order to surprise the Matteoti brothers.”
My sister blushes and giggles and Olivia grins.
“I hope to God they don’t talk about that to each other.”
Olivia giggles.
“I used to think every man did but I actually think Mario doesn’t.”
“And you’re offended by that?” I offer.
Jason walks towards us swaying his hips like Beyoncé placing a bra over his sweater and the knickers over his jeans and Coco laughs and rushes to his side to stop him. The two of them go to the “funny section” where the crazy lingerie sets are.
I see my sister laughing at whatever it is that crazy Jason is telling her about the outfits.
“No, I just don’t know how he’s still with me.” Ollie says.
I frown as I turn to look at her.
“Hey, guys, do you like these ones?” Marie shows us a red lace crazy knickers with holes where fabric should be.
“I have no idea how you put those on.” Ollie shrugs.
“What do you mean?” I interrupt her.
“I genuinely don’t know with these many holes, it’s-”
“No, I mean about Mario.”
“What about him?” Marie asks.
“She just said she doesn’t know why he’s still with her.”
“What?” Marie frowns.
We both look at Ollie, whose blue-grey eyes are busy with the underwear she’s holding.
“I just don’t know how someone that’s… such a saint can be with me.”
I look at Marie but she just shrugs and gives me her best pursed lips.
“I mean… You guys are very different but that doesn’t mean anything.”
“I like him.” Olivia confesses. “I really do, what I don’t like is to constantly feel like I’m waiting for the moment he realizes he doesn’t want to be with me.”
“Why do you say that?” Marie frowns. “I think it’s rather obvious that he’s crazy about you.”
“Yeah,” Ollie tilts her neck “now.”
“You are wonderful and it might not work out but that’s that. Every single relationship might not work out but that’s when you show you’re brave. If you get hurt, well, here we are for chocolate ice-cream or popcorn and movies.”
“Thank you,” she chuckles “but that’s not even what I meant. You guys know I’ve… Fucked around.”
“Guys don’t like to thrust their dicks in a public hole.”
Her words freeze my blood. I hate that she thinks so low of herself and I hate society for putting that idea on her mind. I can’t pretend I understand her and I don’t know what I would think if I were her so as much as I want to tell her that’s silly, it might not be. I mean it certainly isn’t if it’s something she really thinks but also, I feel bad and I feel bad because I have been a part of that thought, unconsciously but I have.
I told Harry I didn’t want to be another notch on his belt. Isn’t that the same thing? Only, with men. But didn’t I somehow make him less worth it just because he had been with a lot of girls?
“Don’t you ever speak that way about yourself again.” Marie threatens her.
I am taken aback by her reaction but I let protective Marie take the lead her. I am foolishly speechless.
“I won’t even comment on how degrading and sexist the “public hole” thing is because what’s important here is that you are not a hole, Ollie, for goodness’ sake. Do you really think Mario sees you like that?”
“This is not about Mario.” Olivia defends him.
“Still, don’t insult him by thinking so little of him.”
“And don’t think so little of yourself either, Ollie.” I add. “Fighting sexism starts with oneself, don’t be sexist to yourself, let yourself be free, yeah? And just for the record, if Mario ever left you, it’s clearly his lost.”
“So clearly.” Marie adds.
Olivia just chuckles and wraps her arms around both our shoulders, pulling us into a hug in the middle of the underwear store.
I want to tell her to talk to Mario, to let him in and let him hear how she feels and what she thinks so he can have a chance at telling her the same things about himself but I couldn’t bring myself to be such a hypocrite. How could I tell my friends to talk to their boyfriends when I never do that with Harry?
I mean, we’re getting better or at least I think we are but there are still so many things to work on. I don’t want to hurt him and that means I don’t ever want to talk to him like I usually do. I’ve been thinking so hard about it, since that day he insulted me when we were having dinner at Bellamond. It sounded so terrible and it made me feel so little and unwanted and stupid so to think that’s how he’s felt every time I’ve done it makes me very angry with myself.
I’ve already seen how easy it really is to talk to him. I did at Marie’s house after I said those terrible things to him and he hasn’t made a big deal of it. So then I don’t understand why it is so hard for me to talk to him about what I think, how I feel and what I want… Because the truth is- I want him. He already knows that, I think, but I don’t think he knows how I really feel about him.
I would like to maybe text him right now and tell him I miss him, because it’s true, I do. I’ve barely seen him this week because he went on a congress from Monday to Wednesday and after that we’ve both been busy but I don’t know what’s holding me back. Am I really that scared of rejection?
I can’t get our fight on Marie’s house of my head. I think he let me know that night that he was addicted to me but he didn’t mean it like a good thing. He was sad that I was. I keep thinking lately… Did Javier really break that much?
What if that relationship has turned me into an abuser? I can’t believe I called Harry a junkie. I just… And then what? Then I cried so he would forgive me? I mean that’s what they do. Am I toxic to him?
I know ever since Dylan died I haven’t really been myself. I don’t even like the person that he left behind. I have felt… Empty and cold and heartless, I really have but… That has changed now. It has changed. But what if it has turned me into some sort of monster? What if I’m not capable of loving?
Out of all the people in the world who doesn’t deserve that, Harry’s the one who least deserves any of that.
“You can tell me.” Jason says.
We’re both sitting down on two velvety armchairs as the girls try things on. I give him a look.
“Whatever is troubling you, you can tell me.”
I sigh.
“Do you think I’m cold?” My eyes investigate his so he can’t lie.
“How do you mean?” His eyes narrow.
“I mean… Do you think… Do I remind you of David?”
“Of David?” He almost stands up from his chair as he frowns and turns to look at me. “You? Of course not! You’re nothing like David!”
“Well, you don’t know the way I treat Harry…”
Jason straightens his back before he sighs.
“Well, why don’t you tell me what you did so I can decide?”
“Because I’m embarrassed.” I shrug.
“You’re sorry, that’s what you are, which means you’re nothing like David.”
“What if I am? It’s not enough with being sorry, is it? The thing is never doing it again and I keep hurting him.”
“I… I speak very harshly to him sometimes and I tell him terrible things… I… I don’t want to hurt him, you know? He’s become someone important to me, someone I care about. I would never hurt him and yet I keep doing just that and I don’t even know why.”
I look away from him and Jason sighs again.
“We accept the love we think we deserve.”
I tilt my neck to look back at him the moment he quotes The Perks of Being a Wallflower. He’s stern and understanding. I frown, I don’t know what the fuck does that have to do with anything of this but I listen because I love this guy more than I love most people.
“Indie” He reaches for my hand “is it possible that you do that when you feel like he’s getting too close?”
I look away. I don’t think it matters why I do it. I don’t think it would have hurt less that I had known the reason why Javier had me tied up on the bed. And what if the reason doesn’t have a solution? I mean what if the reason is my subconscious is trying to put him away from Dylan’s place? What do I do about that?  
“Indie, I can’t pretend I understand what it’s like to lose somebody you love as much as you loved Dylan-”
“I love Dylan.” I correct him.
“You love Dylan, sorry. But… Dylan… I mean… D’you think he would want you to be lonely?”
I don’t answer him nor do I look into his eyes that investigate me.
“Put on his shoes.” He whispers. “Imagine the story the other way, imagine you were him and he was yourself. What would you want for him?”
I let his words take me to that parallel world sometimes I wished it was the real one. If I had died that night, then Dylan would be here and if angels existed then I would be the one for him and I would look after him and protect him from whatever cloud angels get on the sky. But what if I saw him with another woman? What if I heard the same things he said to me said to her? What if he loved her more than he loved me? What would I be then?
I remember my therapist trying to sow that idea in my head- that we have to let go, that no person can live in the past forever, and that letting go doesn’t mean disrespecting. I wonder where’s the balance, I wonder if someday I’ll be able to find a way to feel good without feeling like I’ve forgotten all about him. But I know what I would want if I had been the one dead that night.
“I would want him to be loved.”
I feel tears on my lacrimal and Jason’s hand wraps around my arm and gently squeezes me.
“I know that’s what he would want to.” He whispers.
“I haven’t been able to go to his grave once.” I whisper. “I think if I could… Talk to him… Maybe let him now, I love him and I always will but… I think I love someone else.”
I hear Jason taking a deep breath and only then I realize what I just said. I tilt my neck so I can see his face. I don’t know what I’m expecting neither do I know why I’m expecting him to judge me. But he just smiles.
“I already knew that. Your face lightens up when he’s around or when someone talks about him. I saw that on Marie’s house the other weekend.”
I take a deep breath and give up. He’s right.
“Don’t worry, it’s the same for him. He treated you like a queen and was always looking after you and I think you guys understand each other pretty well.”
“We understand each other? We fight like cat and dog.”
“The way I see it, you’ve had your misunderstandings but you’ve always figured it out. D’you think any other person would have stick around long enough for you to figure each other out? And I’m not talking just about him, I mean, he’s got some issues too.” He frowns.
I finally chuckle. He does have some issues but they don’t come close to all the other good things he has.
“You know, I’m happy you got him. It makes it easier for me to finally do what I’ve always wanted.” He smiles.
“What is that?”
“The States.”
My mouth shuts. My lips pursed and I want to cry.
“The States? You’re leaving too?”
First Ollie and now him. No, no, no, there’s no way Marie and I are going to overcome this. They can’t leave; he can’t leave. I need him. My pulse accelerates. I never thought I was going to be losing my best friends so fast. He smirks and nods his head.
“I need it, Indie. I didn’t go because of David and he… He treated me like shit throughout the entire relationship and I didn’t lose you guys because you are fucking angels from another planet but I think I just need to go away for some time, figure myself out, do what I want for a change.”
I take a deep breath. I really need to stop being so selfish. I don’t even know how long for he’s planning on leaving but the least thing I can do as a decent friend is to support him not matter what. I’ll miss him, sure, but I won’t lose him just because he goes to another continent. He’d have to change his name and go to a secret location for me to lose him.
“If that’s what you want and what you think you need, I’m all in.” I smile. “I’m gonna fucking miss you but I’m happy that you’re doing your thing. I hope you know, even when you were with David, you never changed the person you really are and I think that says a lot about you. What happened to you was not your fault, it was his, and it could have happened to anyone. God knows we both know how they find the way to get into your mind. but you’ve always been more than what happened to you.”
He frowns despite his smile and I can tell that’s his way to try and hold back the tears. He wipes the ones that scape out before he holds my hand.
“I fucking love you.”
“I love you too.”
“And you call me dramatic but look at what speech you gave for three months that I’m leaving.”
“You’re leaving for three months?” I frown and he laughs. “Then why would you say it like that? I thought you were leaving for good.”
He laughs.
“And miss your wedding and your pregnancy with Harry’s babies? Never.”
“Hey, hop off the horse!” We both chuckle.
“Just be honest with him, Indie.” He tilts his neck. “You’ve got him here” he flexes his fingers to gesture a handful and taps a finger on it “and here” he taps a finger on his chest where his heart is and I smile. “Now, why don’t you get some sexy ass lingerie for him?” He wriggles his eyebrows. “The straight guy in me can help you decide.”
“You’re on.” I smile.
I try on about five of them. The girls are the judges but they all know I’ll end up choosing whatever I like. I never listen to advices when it comes about clothes. I know what I like and what I don’t and that’s that.
I do have a thing for underwear. It’s the only thing I actually enjoy buying so most of my underwear is cute and lace or silk or nice soft cotton but I do get excited at the idea of surprising Harry with something sexier than usual.
Maybe high stockings would do, I could wear a skirt and underneath it some high stockings hooked up to the waist of a lace bodysuit or something like that. I find a black lace one almost see through except from some parts strategically covered with the black flowery pattern, the cut between my legs and my nipples. The straps are silk and from the one around my waist, the two clasps for the stockings fall on my thighs. I love it.
After getting our underwear and going go with JJ to the male section of Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent, we finally sit down on a terrace surrounded by bags and have a drink. I order a Martini because I guess I’m feeling fancy after all and my friends order a sort of fancy cocktail each, except from Coco that goes with a beer. Her and Ollie are the ones who look fancier by far, Marie does too but in a way that lets you know she’s the good girl in the family, whereas Ollie looks like the one who’s always late to family meetings and Coco looks straight out of a magazine and yet there she is with a beer on her hand not caring about the contrast one bit.
In front of the terrace, there’s an Italian restaurant where there are two guys at the door, opening them for the clients. I have caught them staring at me more than once but every time I look the look away. I’m afraid I even have a boob out with all the staring but when I look down I realize I don’t. Jason’s sitting next to me and I wonder whether he’s noticed too or I’m just being paranoid. I look up at them and one of them look to the floor. Jason laughs.
“Geez, they could get a photo.” Jason says.
Alright, I’m not crazy.
“You’ve noticed too?”
“They haven’t taken their eyes off you since you sat down.” He chuckles. “And I’m sitting right here, I could be your boyfriend for all they know.”
Olivia tilts her neck and turns her head around being the blatant bitch she is before she gives me a smile.
“Well, they can keep trying, they’re trying to get in the place of an Armani underwear model.”
I roll my eyes and so does Marie. My eyes drift to her.
“You’re so exaggerated.”
“He could be one.” I defend him.
My friends and sister giggle and I blush but join in. It’s true, he could really be one and I miss him and want to see him.
Ollie’s call coincides with the moment Jason gets up from our table to go to the toilet and Marie gives my sister a smile.
“Coco, how are things with Guido? Are you happy?”
“Oh, I’m very happy.” She smiles. “I’ve never had this before, you know? Knowing my feelings are reciprocated. It just feels great.”
“Oh, I’m happy to hear that. You deserve someone like that.”
“So do you.” I tell Marie. “How’s everything with Adam?”
“He’s a dream.” Marie shakes her head. “I do worry that everything is too good.”
“Well, he’s so gentle and loving and caring… I keep thinking when it is going to end.”
“Why would it end? I mean, obviously there’s always like the first few months where everything is just perfect and all that and after that there’s more comfort and less romanticism but… Don’t worry about that. It’ll come naturally.”
“See? But that’s what I don’t want! I don’t want him to walk in the bathroom while I’m peeing or for him to see me with my hair on a towel and a face mask on.”
Coco giggles.
“Well, maybe not now, but it’ll eventually happen if you guys stay together for long enough.”
She looks away from us and takes a deep breath before she speaks.
“The other day he told me to leave some things at his place.” She all but whispers as if it was some sort of secret. “Well, he got micellar water even though he didn’t know what that was because I told him once that I couldn’t stay over at his house because I didn’t have my micellar water to wash my face.”
“Aw.” Coco rests a hand on her chest and Marie’s lips pursed.
I giggle.
“And why is that a bad thing?”
“It’s not a bad thing.” She shakes her head. “It’s just… Are we not moving too fast?”
“I mean he asked you to leave stuff at his house because you need stuff. It’s not like he asked you to move in. I stay over at Harry’s all the time.”
“Don’t you think I’ll freak him out when he realizes I’m a high maintenance girl?”
“I mean, Marie” Coco’s sweet tone makes my friend look at her “I think he might have an idea already?”
“I mean” I giggle “he’s been to your house.”
“Yeah, but my skincare is all carefully kept in the bathroom cabinet.”
“Well” I smile “I don’t think that’ll be a deal breaker.”
She sighs.
“Maybe some day you can let him in the bathroom while you do your skincare routine. I do not think he’s gonna be faced by that.”
Her brown, good-girl’s eyes investigate mine whilst she considers my idea. I can’t believe she actually think that would be a problem. Adam is crazy about him. I don’t think there’s anything she can say that would make him not want her.
Jason comes back before Ollie does but it doesn’t take her long to stand next to our table.
“Guys, this was a very lovely day” she starts “but I won’t lie to you. Mario just called me, he said he had a hard day at the hospital today and I want to cheer him up with incredible sex and cuddles so-”
“We did not need to know about the incredible sex.” Marie tells her but Ollie just smiles.
“And of course you can leave to be with your lover, Ollie, no need to explain anything to us.”
“Right.” She smiles. “Then see you, guys.”
With that she picks up her uncountable bags and leaves and Marie bites her bottom lip.
“I think I’m gonna leave too, guys. I have a skincare routine to share with someone special.” She smiles at Coco and me and we both laugh.
“What?” Jason chuckles looking at both Coco and me. “I’m kind of tired too, girls. Your shopping gave me a headache.”
“I’m pretty sure you bought more stuff than me.” I reprimand him but he just rolls his eyes.
“Anyway, I love you all. See you.”
Coco and I walk together to her car and on the way there we both chat about how the group has changed in just a few months. It’s like we’ve grown up more in this year than we have in the last five. Jason went out of a terrible relationship and came out being stronger and more confident than ever and he’s going to the States for that internship he wanted; Ollie’s finally moved on from Jack and her inner crisis and seems to be done with being insecure and afraid of love; lovely Marie found her knight in shinning armour and is living the dream; and even Coco and me left the past behind and meet someone great.
I might miss the way things used to be because they’ve been like that for a long time but… I think they’re only getting better.
I dare to do it, if Marie’s going to show her skincare routine to Adam and Mario called Olivia because he had a hard day and needed comfort, I can tell him.
Indie: Miss you x
I rest my phone on my thigh and look out the window trying not to torture myself if he doesn’t answer straight away. He might be busy, he might be asleep even or he might be with his family.
Harry: Fuck, I miss you too
I grin like a kid on Christmas morning. Harry’s typing…
Harry: Are you done with your friends?
Indie: Yes :)
Harry: Can I see you?
Indie: Yes :)
Harry: Bien
I giggle like a teenager and Coco tilts her neck to give me an amused look. She’s not used to it.
“Do I drive you home or directly to Harry’s?”
“Do you have plans?”
“I wanna go home to shower but I’m going out with Guido afterwards.”
“Are you taking the car?”
“Do you mind dropping me at Harry’s then? So I can shower and stuff before too.”
“Sure, no problem.”
“Awesome. Thank you.”
Harry: Did you have dinner?
Indie: Yes.
Indie: Are you at home?
Harry: Yes, I am. Are you coming?
Indie: Are you inviting me?
Harry: You’re always invited, love.
Indie: Then how about I visit you in an hour?
Harry: Can’t wait xxx 
After the shower, I butter my body with my strawberry and vanilla body lotion and put on my new lingerie set before I put on some lip balm and mascara. I put on a terracotta colour soft woollen sweater and a high waist black denim mini skirt that covers my stocking so they look like normal tights.
I’m excited to see Harry but on the way to his apartment while Coco drives and tells me about some of Guido’s jokes that had her laughing last time they saw each other, the excitement turns into nervousness.
Will he think this is too much? Will he find it funny? Because I would be mortified if he does and after all, this is not a special occasion. It’s just a random Friday night. Oh, God, he might think I’m crazy.
As I stand on the lift to his apartment, my sister’s compliment on my outfit gives me some nerve. I mean it’s just Harry. If he finds it funny or thinks it’s too much, I can always play it cool and pretend it was a joke all along.
He’s waiting by the door with a big smile when the lift doors opened and I make my way towards him keeping both hands on my brown jacket. He takes it and places it on the couch before we make our way towards his living room.
“Would you like anything to drink?” He offers.
“Um, maybe a cup of tea?”
He smiles amused.
“I was thinking you were going to say something alcoholic because it’s a Friday after all but you always surprise me, Blue.”
I chuckle.
“How was your day?”
“Good.” He nods his head as he turns the kettle on and takes two cups from the cupboard. “I had lunch with my mum. She asked me about you.” He gives me a smile that melts me. “How was yours?”
“Good too. We had coffee and then went shopping until we were hungry so we had a dinner and then a drink.”
“Sounds like torture to me.”
I laugh at his comment.
“That is not true. I’ve seen your closet, you’re into fashion.”
He smiles dimply because he knows I’ve caught him. God, I have seen him smile countless times in the last five months but still it makes my heart skips a beat. I approach him when he’s giving me his back checking on the water in the kettle and when he turns his head for he noticed my presence, I’m inches away from him. He wraps his arms around me and understands what I want so he leans down and kisses me. I let my tongue tell him how much I missed him and he hums as it pushes between his lips and caresses his. His hands find my ass and I moan against his mouth but the kiss is sweet and tender and we only pull apart when the kettle whistles.
We sit down on the couch and have our cups of tea as he tells me more about his lunch with his mum and I tell him more about my day. He also tells me about his congress and about an interesting case he had this week and I realize then how easy it is to talk to him. I didn’t realize there were these many things I wanted to tell him until I had him in front of me.
He’s been very handsy too and I’m sure so have I even if I don’t notice, but his hands have never left my legs and I’ve been a little nervous that he might move them a little higher and realize what I’m wearing but so far, he’s just been respectfully caressing my knee or calves.
“How is Jason doing?” He asks.
I find it so sweet that he asks about my friends.
“He’s better. Yeah, I think he’s doing good. He’s going to the States though.” My hand finds its bicep as I try to catch his undivided attention even though I already have it.
“What do you mean he’s going to the States?”
“Well, it’s only for three months.” I turn the drama off a little. “It’s this internship he got while he was with David Dick, he said no because David wanted him to stay but apparently he’s gotten a second chance and he said yes this time.”
“Wow, that’s great. Your friends are as nerdy as you.” He giggles.
“I’m not going anywhere though.”
“Yeah, thank God.”
He grins and his hands find my hips before he pulls me closer until I’m straddling him. He captures my lips with his in a long peck. Still, somehow, he hasn’t seen my stockings. I peck his lips again.
“Nah, I’m kidding, I would be very happy for you if you were going abroad for an internship or something too. You know that, right?”
I nod my head.
“I would miss you a lot though.” I confess and he grins.
“I would miss you too.”
I kiss him again and he kisses me back in a long, loving kiss until I pull away.
“I haven’t asked you: what did you get today?”
I lick my lips and feel my cheeks heating up. I’m sure when women wear these things, they don’t feel so shy. Plus, I have no reasons to feel shy when all Harry’s done is worship my body. I don’t know why I’m even doubting myself. He’s going to love it.
“I can show you.” I whisper.
I can feel his heartbeat accelerating under my hand and smile. Every doubt I’ve ever had flees my mind as I grab a handful of my sweater over my belly and pull from it so as to get it out of the hem of my skirt. His green eyes drop to my hand and his hands adjust to my hips over him. He swallows.
When my sweater springs free from my skirt, I just pull it up so he can see my lingerie bodysuit over my belly and his fingers sink of my hips as his lips part.
“Fuck me.” He whispers.
My lips curl up into a grin as his eyes search mine.
“You perfectly know what you do to me.”
His hand squeezes my hip once and I almost moan but then he takes his hands off me and rests them on the couch next to his hips.
“Well, do you want to see it or not?” I whisper.
He nods his head but doesn’t say a word. His eyes challenge me.
“You take off your clothes.” He whispers. “If you’re brave enough to wear that around me, you should be brave enough to undress yourself in front of me.” He smirks.
My eyebrows raise on my forehead and I give him a little smirk. He chuckles.
“D’you want a show?”
He grins as he nods, resting his back on the couch.
“And what do I get in return?”
“Oh, you’ll find out after the show.”
His green eyes, playful and filled on lust, narrow and this time it’s my pulse that accelerates. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I rest my weight on him as I get up from his lap and find my phone still on my purse. I go on Spotify and play Love Is A Bitch by Two Feet and hand him the phone so he can hear the song better. His grin turns nervous.
I have never done this before and I have no idea of how to dance for an striptease but here goes nothing. I sway my hips slowly much like I do when I’m fucking him because I already know he likes it from the times we have danced together. His eyes are set on me but instead of feeling nervous, I feel sexy and hot and lucky that he’s looking at me like that.
I turn around and give him my back before I bend over sticking my ass in the air to get my shoes off. Barefoot, I turn around and unbutton and unzip my skirt pushing it down my legs and letting him see my mid-thigh stockings. The corners of his lips curl up and he silently mouths fuck me.
Funny, I’m thinking the same thing. I caress myself like I’d like him to do, starting with the sides of my thighs and my hips and then my belly and my flanks, pulling my sweater up. I cup my own breasts under the sweater and don’t miss the way his Adam’s apple bops as he swallows. Still swaying slowly to the music, I grab the hem of my sweater and take it off dropping it on the floor.
I stand before him on my lingerie and feel fire burning inside me as his eyes roam my body up and down. He’s shifted his position on the couch but I can intuit the bulge between his legs.
“Do you want me to go on?” I whisper.
He shakes his head.
“Come here.”
I do as I’m told and his touch cuts my breathing halfway. His hand sticks to the exposed skin on my thigh and lustfully moves up to my hip where he squeezes.
“You must be fake.” He almost chuckles and I do.
“I’m real” I rest one knee on the couch next to his thigh and resting my hands on his shoulders, I straddle him “and yours.”
His fingertips press on the back of my neck and our mouths find each other with greed. The way he’s looked at me and the way he’s touched me and how hard I can now feel him against the inner side of my thigh drives me crazy and I push my tongue inside his mouth hungrily. My eagerness takes him by surprise but he’s just as eager as I am judging by the strength of his tongue against mine and the squeezes of his hands on my flesh. He pulls away but my mouth follows his blindly.
“Calm down, love” he chuckles against my lips “we’ve got all night. Let me enjoy you.”
I pout but instead of getting another kiss, he grins. I can’t say I’m disappointed with the outcome of my pouting. I love that he still looks like a child when he grins even when he’s acting so much like a man, full of lust and need.
“How did I do?”
Grinning, he takes my hand and lets me feel his hard on. It excites me to the point that my walls clench. He’s so hard and so hot… I want him inside me now. No, I don’t want him, I need him.
“I had never done that before.” I confess.
“Are you serious?”
I nod timidly and he sighs.
“You’re a natural then. That was the hottest thing I have ever seen and this thing…” His fingers caress my bodysuit “fucking hell, Blue, I’m gonna be dreaming about this.”
I laugh.
“Now you have to show me what I get for it.”
He grins and licks his lips as he tilts his neck.
“Well, when did the show end? You did ask me if I wanted you to go on.”
“And you said no.” I frown.
“Because I don’t want you to take this off just yet.” His tongue licks my lips like a cat. “But… If you want, I would love to watch you first.”
“Watch me?” I frown. “Doing what?”
He grins. He takes my hand in his and brings them both to my sex making me cup my dripping lips myself. I breathe in through my nose. He’s so close to me and he’s smiling in the way that turns my insides into jelly and I’m so wet and so needy… I need some relief now.
“I want you to touch yourself for me, baby.”
“You mean… Right here on top of you?”
He nods slowly but his fingers move over mine and make me caress myself. He does that a few more times before he removes his hand and lets me work alone. I keep doing what he was doing before and press circles on my clit as my eyes set on him. His hands hold my hips to give me more balance and I slip my fingers underneath the soaked fabric. His eyes move from the place I’m touching to my eyes and stop at my breasts.
“Fuck…” He whispers. “How does it feel, baby?”
I slip a single finger inside before I get another one.
“It feels better when you do it.” I confess.
He squeezes my hips and pecks my lips.
“I can show you how I do it.” His lips press on the exposed skin over my bra and I feel a current of electricity on my body. “D’you want me to?”
I keep touching myself with lips part, enjoying his kisses and his whispers. I love how his voice turns deeper and raspier when we’re having sex. It drives me crazy.
“Why do you want me to touch myself instead of you?” I whisper.
“Because having you pleasuring yourself on top of me… Fuck, baby… You don’t know how sexy you are.”
I bite on my bottom lip but his thumb pulls from it liberating it. I look into his eyes.
“If you do that, I’m gonna burst.” He smirks. “Do you not touch yourself?”
“Yes, I do.” I move my fingers slowly against my clit because I’d cum already if the rhythm was any faster. “I guess it’s just… I’m nervous.”
“Why? You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”
“It’s not that.” I gasp. “I do, I just… I want you.”
He grins and cups my breast on one hand making me moan.
“I’m right here, love. I just want you to cum like this first and then we can do whatever you want. Only if you want though.”
“I do want.” I stop him. “Just show me how you do it.”
He slips his own fingers the fabric of my bodysuit and guides mine.
“You have to start here” he covers the upper side to my clit, the part closer to my belly and presses slow circles “slowly, yeah, like that and don’t be nervous, baby. If you don’t cum on your own, I’ll help you.”
I half laugh half moan and he chuckles. I keep moving my fingers like he told me to do until I find a spot that sends electricity through my body. I start rubbing faster and the feeling is so good I almost don’t notice he removed his fingers.
“That’s right, baby, faster, faster.”
I feel the lower part of my belly tensing up and my nipples hardening and I moan as I relax my neck and throw my head back.
“Now stop.” Harry’s hand covers mine and stops my movement and I frown and give him a death glare that only makes him laugh. “And do it slowly again.”
I let him guide me and move my fingers against my clit watching him watch me. His eyes are fixed on my hand and my pussy and he’s biting his lip. God, this is so hot. I’m horny as hell.
One of his hands move from my hips to my inner thigh and he slips his fingers under the fabric again, slipping two fingers inside me and making me moan out loud.
“Fuck, I just wanted to see how wet you are.”
He moves his fingers slowly in and out of me and between that and my own stimulation on my clit I am afraid I might faint. I bite on my bottom lip again and he pulls from it with his thumb.
“What did I say?” He whispers as his fingers keep moving in and out of me so I bit my lip again so as not to scream. “You’re not really as good of a student as I thought.” He chuckles.
He gets his fingers out of me and I whimper making him chuckle again.
“You do it, baby.”
I curl two fingers inside of me and move them with the rhythm he was using and one of Harry’s hands squeeze my hip. I shut my eyes and gasp.
“Imagine it’s me, love.”
“Oh, God.”
When I open my eyes, I see he’s stroking himself over his jeans and my eyes drop to his bulge.
“You don’t know how much you’re turning me on, baby.”
No, he has no idea how much this is turning me on. I thought this was something only done in porn but this is fucking hot. Having him right here as I pleasure myself, hearing his voice thick with lust and knowing how much watching me is turning him on drives me crazy.
“You’re always so good with me.” He captures my earlobe between his teeth and pulls from it and I moan.
“Touch yourself, H.”
“D’you want me to?” His voice comes out strangled then and I feel the power he gives me burning my skin.
“Yes, like I’m doing.”
I hear his zipper going down and feel him lifting his hips from the couch to take his pants off. My eyes set on his hard length, already leaking precum, shinning and tight, and his fingers wrap around himself.
I try to take this time to focus on what he does to himself so I know how to touch him better next time so I slow the rhythm of my fingers for otherwise I’d finish already. Harry’s mouth attacks the side of my neck so I can no longer see him because my neck tilts back without my consent to grant him better access and he keeps kissing my skin.
“I’m not going to last long watching you, baby.” He whispers.
“Oh, God, I’m very close already, Harry… I fucking… This is so exciting.” I moan.
“Fuck me, keep talking.”
“Oh, Harry… I want you to cum so I can cum too but…” I can tell his pumping accelerates and so do my fingers. “It’s such a shame you’re not on my mouth like last time… You taste so good.”
A guttural sound cuts his breathing halfway and I feel a hot liquid spurt on my thigh. That sends me into overdrive and I moan until my throat stings. Harry’s hands hold my hips as I sigh and try to catch my breath and then I smile at him.
“Stop that or I won’t be able to stop fucking you.”
I laugh softly.
“Then don’t stop.”
He smiles mischievously at me and I know he was hoping to hear that.
“I can’t decide whether I want this off or not.”
He says staring down at my bodysuit and I laugh.
“I’m glad you like it.”
He doesn’t say anything, instead he just smiles before he leans in to capture my lips with his. We kiss intimately for a while and then his hands pull my hips down and he penetrates me slowly. He swallows my moans as he keeps kissing me lustfully but slowly, almost calmly.
His hands hold my ass and he lifts me and sinks me back down so he’s fully controlling the rhythm, a very slow, torturous one that lets me feel every inch of him as he stretches me on his way inside. I feel him so deep too, I don’t think he’s every filled me like this but I love it and I let him known, with moans and bites on his bottom lip.
“You like it slow, baby?”
I hum and nod my head and we kiss each other as if we were the only people in the world. Right now, he is to me.
“Spread your hips wider apart.” He whispers.
I do as I’m told and replace my knees further away from him. His hands hold me in place as he slowly pushes back in and I feel him paving his way through my channel inch by inch until our pubic bones touch and we both gasp.
“Oh, God.”
And we repeat again. He pulls out almost entirely and then sinks in again. He kisses me passionately and I press my body against his as if we could get closer. He captures my bottom lip with his teeth and pulls from it like I normally do with his and when my lip sets free from his prison, we both smile at each other. He fills me again and, in this kiss,, it’s me who pulls from his bottom lip. I have never felt more filled of him and of feelings for him, lust and love bubble and mix together inside my belly and burst in every kiss.
“Fuck, Harry, you’re amazing.”
I hear him giggling.
“Don’t laugh.”
He slaps my ass cheek and I jump a little.
“I’ll laugh if I want to.” He grins.
I smile too.
“You’re right. Don’t stop laughing. I love it when you do” I gasp as he fills me again, he rolls out “And I love your smile, you’re so handsome when you smile” when he fills me again, I tangle my fingers on his hair and pull from it “and your hair, I love your hair and your eyes, when you look at me…”
He shuts me up with a passionate kiss and I hope he understands how I feel about him through this intimate encounter.
I wait for him to speak but he doesn’t say anything even though his hips don’t stop moving against mine.
“What?” I press him.
I would have insisted but his hips attack mine hard and it cuts my breath halfway. I cling onto his shoulders and he keeps thrusting inside me hard and fast. I pull from his hair and listen to our skins clapping together and the wet sounds of our intimate encounter. His hand cups and squeezes my breast and I arch my back and tense up as I cum again.
His thrusts become faster and sloppier until he cums himself and before I have time to react, he’s standing up and carrying me on his hips to his bed. He lies me on my back and smiles as he stares at me.
He spreads my legs opened and gets on his knees between them and his hands hold my ankle and place it on his shoulder before he unclasps my stockings and put them down my leg. He does the exact same thing with my other leg and caresses my entire body before he takes off my bodysuit.
He then hovers me and pecks my lips a few times before he pecks my nose and my cheeks and then my neck and my collarbones and he leaves kisses in every inch of my skin. I almost giggle when he kisses the spots that tickle and I feel a different type of excitement on my belly at his attention for these kisses aren’t even lustful, even though we’re both now naked. I feel adored and I feel cared for and wanted and I feel my heart about to explode with love for him.
He kisses my legs and from the inner side of my thighs he moves back to my belly, kissing my skin there again before he smiles at me.
“What do you want from me, Harry?”
“Everything.” He smiles as his face reaches the level of mine and he pecks my lips again. “I want everything from you.”
My breath catches on my throat. I want him, no, more, I love him. I love him. I swallow and play with his hair as I stare into his eyes.
“Careful what you wish for” I whisper “If you play with fire, you’ll end up burned.”
“I’m already burned.” He smirks. “And here I am.”
I smile but the smiles turns into an o as he thrusts inside me again. God, this man is insatiable, but I can’t get enough either. He fucks me slowly again and he keeps biting my lips and squeezing my flesh as we both gasp and moan.
I sink my nails on his back as he licks and sucks on my nipples and I moan his name once and again whilst his hips keep drilling me to his bed. I wish we could stay like this forever. When the delicious torture on my breasts is done, he grants me again with the heavenly image of his face and that’s all I can see as he rests his forehead against mine and keeps on moving in and out of me. I feel his breath on my face and swallow his grunts and moans.
I am not sure he feels the same way I do. I don’t know if he loves me but I don’t think I could feel any of this if he didn’t. I don’t think he would make love to me like this if he didn’t love me. I think he wouldn’t touch me like he does, I think he wouldn’t squeeze my flesh so gently if he didn’t. I think his kisses wouldn’t feel like this if he didn’t love me too.
“You feel so good, baby.”
I feel my pulse on my skin and I feel the knot on my belly about to untie and with another push of his, I lose track of space and time and my head sinks of the pillow. I can’t even breathe for some seconds until I moan out loud and feel my throat raspy and becoming inflamed. He lets go too, groaning in my ear and shivering on my arms.
It takes him a few seconds to roll out of me, but he stays laying on top of me and I hug him to my chest as we both fight to catch our breaths. I don’t know what any of this was but he filled me in every level and I still feel my heart pumping proudly at the newly found sentiment.
Harry’s breathing pattern changes and becomes calm and deep. Carefully, I pull back just enough to look into his eyes but they’re close and his expression is peaceful. I kiss his forehead.
“You’re falling asleep on me.” I whisper.
“No…” He frowns but his eyes are still closed.
I smile and try my best to pull from the duvet so I can cover us both but I’m not strong enough.
“I just need help to cover us up.”
“I’ll warm you up.” He mumbles.
“You’ll freeze too, come on.”
With one hand he lifts my back from the bed and with the other he pulls from the duvet and rolls us both under the duvet before he hugs me again. This time he rests his back against the mattress and pulls me to him so I’m the one resting my head on his chest. I trace senseless figures with my fingertips on his bare chest.
“Give me a goodnight kiss.”
I chuckle before I lift my head and peck his lips. His eyes are still closed but he frowns.
“Kiss me well.” He complains.
I press my lips against his again, not quite knowing what he wants, and lick my way inside his mouth, getting a lazy response from his tongue. When I think I did well, I pull apart and peck his lips as closure but he opens his eyes and the intense green in them paralyzes me.
“I want one of your kisses.”
Still impressed by his gaze, I press my lips against his again and I put all the affection I have for him on the kiss until my belly erupts in a fist of butterflies and my chest feels funny and warm. We kiss one another with love, it can only be love, and when I feel like my pulse has reached my brain, I pull away and Harry skims my nose with his.
I rest my cheek against his chest before he opens his eyes and realizes I’m blushing and I hear his heartbeat against my temple. His breathing slows down just like the movement of his fingertips on the low of my back and he sighs.
I hum.
“I love you.”
116 notes · View notes
vanchlo · 4 years
Green Eyes
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*Thanks so much for reading! c: There are now several parts you can read here:   2    3    4 
I’m so happy to share that I won a fiction writing award for this short story through my college’s art journal! c: 
Blurb Synopsis: You had been subbing for Mr. Styles for the last couple of months, but you’ve yet to meet him. The notes you leave for each other have sparked a friendship, leading you to want more, and you wonder if he does too.
Genre: Teacher Harry, lots of fluff, friendship, and maybe even some romance? ;) 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5.5k words
Pairing: Harry x Reader
Music Inspo: Green Eyes by Coldplay (click to listen)
His shelves were full of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Rumi, and Charles Bukowski. His desk was covered in scribbled Post-It notes, Bit-O-Honey wrappers, and empty mugs of tea. 
This is what you noticed the first few times you subbed in his classroom. 
These were the only details you knew about the man whose face you’ve never seen. As you gradually began to substitute for his high school English classes more and more, you learned about him more. This was due to his students, and his personal belongings. 
What he didn’t and didn’t like: all the way from no fringes on a notebook paper, no red pen ever because that was his grading color, no using the word ‘can’t’ in his class, and students can eat all the snacks they want as long as the trash goes in the bin where it belongs. 
The CDs in a stack on the shelf told you which ones he actually listened to because they were the ones that were on top and without dust. 
You learned that the pristine book on his desk was never the one he was reading. No, it was the weathered and used copy beside his mug with dog-eared pages and penciled notes. 
His drawers told you another story with their contents: boxes of teas ranging from peach to vanilla macaron, journals filled to the brim with words, adult coloring books with tv show themes, and books on Van Gogh and Monet hinting at his artsy background. His students slowly warmed up to you, and through them, so did he. 
At this point, you’d only been subbing for Mr. Styles the last five months, racking up around two and a half weeks worth of subbed days. He always left precise and concise lesson plans for you. The books were where he said they’d be. The webpages he mentioned were bookmarked on his desktop. The teacher copy of the textbook and current group book were on his desk. At the beginning, his desk looked like a professional organizer had gotten their hands on it. Slowly, as you came to sub more for him, it grew messier, albeit you kept it tidy during your appearances. As the first few months passed and you became one of the few subs in his room, you started to find notes. They weren’t just any notes. They were more than the straight forward sub notes for the day’s agenda. No, they weren’t that simple. You can still remember the first one you found on a Post-It note - it went like this: 
Y/N, peanut butter on your waffles or syrup? 
It took you by surprise, but nonetheless, you answered his call. Each time, you’d find a contrasting pen color and scrawl your answer underneath his. Then leaving it somewhere he would find it the next day. They were one-liners at the beginning, and always interesting. Walking to his classroom from your car on those mornings, you’d fill with excitement at the anticipation of finding the next one. Sometimes it took you the entire day to find where he had hidden them. 
In the closet. 
In a nook in a drawer. 
Under the chair. 
On the backside of one of his books. 
Hidden in plain sight amongst his current choice of notes and lists. 
They never failed to spark a smile on your lips, whether it was quirky, confused, astounded or humored. 
Guitar or piano?
FRIENDS or The Simpsons?
Vanilla or Chocolate?
Would you rather become a superhero or a wizard?
The Beatles or the Rolling Stones?
Slowly, the questions became more personal, and more than just ‘this or that.’ His questions became longer, and so did your answers.  
What was the moment that made you decide to become a teacher?
Is Donny a good student for you, or is he lying to me about that?
What color are your eyes?
What book/film do you believe had the largest impact on you while growing up?
What is the one meal you always order at a restaurant?
Do you have a family?
Should I splurge and buy a new desk chair?
What book should I buy for my classroom you think I need to have? Why?
Why don’t you have a classroom of your own?
When is your birthday?
Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?
They were never a chore for you, or tedious. No, they were fun and you felt as if you saw a little sliver of who he really was with each note. After a while, you started to write and leave your own notes for him to answer. At first, many of them were similar to ones he had left you, because you wanted to hear his responses, too. 
The newest one stares back at you, his half-cursive registering in your eyes.
What’s your favorite part about subbing in my classroom? Don’t say the students, that’s what everybody says. 
Giggling to yourself, you reach over to his Pink Floyd mug to pull out a green pen. You take a moment to think of your answer. This time you found the note peeking out from behind the smart whiteboard. The sounds of the end of a school day tickle at your ears as you scribble down your answer. Pressing it to an open square of wood on his desk, you turn back to the royal blue pad of Post-Its. Peeling one off, the green pen hovers over the paper, but you can’t get yourself to write the question you’ve been wanting to know all along. 
He didn’t have a Facebook, or an Instagram. 
The high school doesn’t have a wall of staff pictures like others you’ve subbed at do. 
It’s late winter, so yearbooks are still a ways off. 
For all you know, you could have seen him here before in the halls when you subbed in another classroom. 
Exhaling, you press the pen to the paper before you can convince yourself to stop. Unlike the many times before when your fears got the best of you. 
What do you look like?
With a proud but nervous smile you stick it to the desk, layering the first note on top. It sticks to your lips as you bend down to reach your hand into your bag. The glossy bag greets your hand, and you pull it out to set down beside the note. 
A small bag of Bit-O-Honeys. 
Looking up, your eyes scan the empty classroom. Few footsteps, voices, and lockers slamming trickle in from the halls. You suddenly realize that this is the same view he sees, these are the same sounds he hears, and the same place he sits in every day. Well, when he’s not away on personal days, sick days, on holiday, and at workshops, hence your appearances. The thought knits something together inside of you, making you feel just that bit more closer to him. Something that’s been slowly happening over time since you first stepped foot in his classroom. 
One of the first things that did this was the posters scattered across his walls. A poster from the 2013 remake of The Great Gatsby, The Beatles’ Abbey Road album cover, a cartoon of William Shakespeare, a unifying print of Keith Haring’s art, and several posters of quotes from famous books - To Kill A Mockingbird, the Kite Runner, Of Mice and Men, The Life of Pi, and even The Hunger Games. It delighted you watching him add some of them to the walls since your time here, and you’ve been itching to purchase him one as a gift. You’re unsure of what he would like though, and the fear of failure has held you back from doing so. 
A bleep! catches your attention. Casting your eyes to the dormant desktop screen, you wiggle the mouse. A red circle has appeared on the title of a tab opened to your professional email. Clicking over to it from a YouTube video he had you show the class, you find you have a new message. At the sight of who sent it, your heart skips a beat: harry.styles@isd . . . . . . . 
Hi. I reckon you’re still sitting at my desk this moment, now that’s a funny thought. I wanted to ask you a question while I remembered. I have to go out of town on Friday for a funeral. Believe me, I wouldn’t go if I didn’t have to, but these things are a must. I apologize for it being short notice, but I thought I’d ask you if you would like to take it before I posted it to the sub database. Please let me know either way by tonight, so it has a few days to sit on the website to be claimed. Also, I wanted to say thanks for everything you do. My students really love you, and it makes me wonder what I’m missing. Enjoy your night! 
Harry Styles
“Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you. - WW”
A smile warms your cheeks as you finish reading his words, and the familiar poem that ends every email of his. You quickly type up a response to him, agreeing to take the job on Friday, thanking him for thinking of you. A new email appears in your inbox shortly after from another colleague, which occupies you before you lose yourself in your thoughts again. 
Perhaps your favorite addition in his classroom is the Fender acoustic sitting on a stand in the corner. Of course, you’ve yet to see it move in the last five months. The stories his students have told you in a way have given it legs of its own in your mind. Much like the little notes you’ve been leaving for each other, something you dread ever ending. 
It was a Wednesday. You’re convinced that Mrs. Watson’s Pre-Calc class is surely the bane of your existence. You keep cursing yourself for taking sub assignments for math classes. Seeing that you’re terrible at the subject, you vowed you’d never take one of her assignments again, but you have to pay the bills somehow. You found your respite in the cozy staff lounge. Couches lined two of the walls, along with an arrangement of tables on the other side of the room. 
As you walk in, you see that one of the ancient history teachers has nodded off again on the plaid couch. Otherwise, the room is empty, and all to yourself. If that didn’t make you happy before, the assortment of food on the counter definitely does. 
Voices float in through the open door as the plastic lid to the cupcakes opens with a pop! 
“Ah, looks like ya got tha last chocolate one. I was savin’ that one fer me,” a voice comments from behind you. Turning, you find a tall man in his late 20’s walking towards you. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, you can have it,” you volunteer, holding the blue-iced cupcake out for his taking. 
His blush lips curl up with an amused smile. Dimples fall neatly into his cheeks covered with thick stubble. Its deep brown color matches that of the short quiffed curls atop his head. Misty green eyes stare back at you in the middle of his round, but sharp face. “‘m only joking. Go ahead and have it. I already had one earlier. They’re quite good actually, but I dunno ‘bout tha vanilla. Never really cared fer tha flavoir when it comes t’ cake and ice cream,” he comments, passing you to stop at the nearby sink. 
“Yeah, I like to forget vanilla exists half of the time,” you remark, peeling away the paper liner of the cupcake. 
Leaning against the counter, you watch as his ringed hand grabs a red coffee mug from the cabinet. “So do I. ‘s ratha boring, if I do say so meself.”
Nodding to yourself, a silence follows your words. The sweetness of the cupcake is shocking when you take a bite. It makes you wonder how you devoured these sugar bombs as a child. A few beeps and a hum from the microwave echo throughout the room as you check your phone. 
“Y’know, I haven’t seen ya here at tha school befo’. Are ya new dis year or a sub?” he asks, bringing your eyes back to his lean figure. He pulls a yellow square packet from his tight-fitting black slats, a blush button-down tucked into its waist. 
“I started subbing here this year,” you answer before taking another bite of the cupcake. Half of it consists of the sickeningly sweet frosting that makes your teeth ache. 
“Mmmm I see. How d’ya like it so far? Are ya a new teacher, ‘s that why yer subbin’?” 
“Yeah, I went back to school kinda late in the game after doing something else. I figure I’d sub for a little bit for some experience, because what’s another year of waiting by this time?” you comment, observing how he fiddles with his black tie while searching in the refrigerator. 
“Well, congratulations. ‘s a big step t’ go back t’ school fer sumthin’ ya love. ‘s a good profession, I reckon. I’ve been teaching fer 7 years, and here at dis school fer 5. Sumtimes schools even hire subs they’ve had when a position opens, so keep yer eyes open,” he tells you, turning to you with a smile, a yogurt in his hand. 
“Thank you,” you say sincerely, returning the smile. “I appreciate the vote of confidence.”
“Sure thing. I know it helped loads when I was a newbie. ‘ll see ya around, I gotta get back t’ class befo’ me students do first. Have a good one!” 
Walking towards you with the steaming cup of tea in his hands, he pats your arm with his other hand on the way out. Nodding at your ‘thank you’, a small ‘you’re welcome’ falls from his lips before the door closes behind him. Eating the last bite you can muster of the cupcake, you toss its remains in the bin. A thought worms its way into your mind as you sit down at the table. 
Wow, I wonder who that guy was? And is he married, because shit, he was handsome. 
The smell of orange essential oil greets you when you stepped foot into his classroom the next time. The state of his desk made you frown, and made you want to scratch the itch to clean it. You resisted it and didn’t, and that thought was taken away when his students began to find their desks. 
Another day of 7 classes came and went. 2 classes of Introduction to Creative Writing. 3 classes of American Literature. 2 classes of World Literature. Amusing YouTube videos broke up the monotony of your day, and those of his students. The lesson notes he left for you had become more concise as the months have passed, and as you learned from each other. The same couldn’t be said for the dish of Bit-O-Honeys on his desk that he’s kept stocked for your appearances. You’re just glad he’s put the bag you left for him to good use. All throughout your day you had been looking for his newest note, but this time it wasn’t in any of his usual spots. After correcting some quizzes from today, you finally found it in the bottom left-hand drawer of his mahogany desk. Stuck to a tall can of Coke, your favorite drink of choice. 
I’m sorry it’s warm, although I’m not sure how you like to drink it. I just find warm soda to be rather nasty. The answer to your question is I have green eyes, brown hair, I’m rather tall, and I like to dress up. Is that good enough for you? Now, what do you look like, love?
Your insides melt at the sight of his answer, but then you groan at the vagueness of it. Off the top of your head, you know there are at least 10 male teachers here at this school with brown hair, maybe more. Maybe even with green eyes, too, and you know that because you’ve seen them in the staff lounge or in the halls. The thought only grows worse when you lose count of  how many teachers there are here at this school. Let’s just say, there’s a lot. Yeah, that sure helps a whole lot. Annoyed, you pluck a pen from the green mug and answer his question with as little detail as possible. Two can play at this game, you think to yourself as you sigh. 
If you could have a jam session with any musician, dead or alive, who would it be?
Sticking the new note where its corner peeks out from under his tabletop calendar, your eyes return to the Coke. It’s undeniable, you feel a little less perturbed at him just at the sight of it. Only a little bit, that is. Sure, you’ve subbed for a countless number of teachers at this school, and more so in this school district. A few of them are even friends or relatives of yours, but you’d never connected with one before like you have with Harry. You just wish more than anything you could find out what he looks like and what he’s really like. Continuing to take his sub jobs doesn’t really help with that. It only drives you crazier wanting to know the other side of this fascinating human being. 
There he was, snoring on the couch again, tv remote in hand. The weather channel is playing, surprising you very little. Snickering, you yank open the door to the black refrigerator. After retrieving your striped black and blue lunchbox, you place the container of leftovers in the microwave. A laugh is heard over your shoulder, and when you turn, you find Green Eyes from the other day. 
Tittering as the door closes behind him, he says, “No fail, John ‘s always passed out on dat couch, I swear.”
“I know, it’s every time I’m here. Maybe he should just retire already so he can take his naps at home. Then maybe we could watch something on the tv for once,” you comment, shaking your head. Unpacking your lunch box, you take out a clementine, vanilla yogurt, and silverware. 
“Nah, he loves it too much. I don’t see him leavin’ anytime soon,” he remarks, walking past you to search the shelves of the fridge. “What’re we having’ t’day? Couldn’t find any cupcakes dis time?”
“No, those ones were too sweet anyways. They gave me a stomachache,” you complain with a grimace. The beeeeep! of the microwave interrupts your thoughts. 
“Mmmm, I dunno, I thought they were pretty good.” Rubbing his tummy, he pulls a breathy laugh from your lips. 
Your steaming container of leftovers almost burns your hands, and you dread trying to eat it within the next 10 minutes. Setting up for a lesson in Mr. Harrison’s classroom was a pain, making you wonder why you take any sub jobs besides Harry’s anymore. 
“No free food fer us t’day,” he pouts beside you, closing the fridge door before venturing to the vending machine in the corner. Your eyes drift to his outfit choice today - a white button-down topped with a buttoned vest the shade of ochre, all tucked into brown slacks.
“That’s why you pack a lunch. I thought you’d know the drill by now, since you said you’ve been teaching for a while.”
“I do, but sumtimes I forget. Yer already ahead o’ me with dat part, love,” he who doesn’t have a name answers with a short laugh. Sliding a leather wallet from his pocket, you see him type in a number before you sit down at the table. “Who are ya subbin’ fer t’day then?”
“I’m on the west side in the Science wing for Harrison. Bloody Bio.”
“Ugh, I neva cared fer science. Where were ya a few weeks ago when I last saw ya?” he questions, sliding out a chair across from you. An assortment of vending machine food hits the table with a slap - peanut M&M’s, a nutrigrain bar, and a bag of Sun Chips. 
“Upstairs in Watson’s Maths class. Remind me to never sub for her again, because I can’t understand Pre-Calc for the life of me. I never could in high school so I don’t know why I thought I could know,” you chuckle. A warmth fills your cheeks at the sight of his lips spreading into an amused smile. 
“Yeah, I neva cared fer Maths meself eitha. Numbas neva made a bit o’ sense t’ me, words were always betta,” he explains. You nod along with his words, your mouth occupied with a bite of spaghetti and meatballs. “What subject would ya like t’ teach once tha year’s ova an’ ya go searchin’ fer a job o’ yer own?”
“Um, probably something in English since that’s my focus area. Dabbling in History has been fun, though. I enjoy learning about it myself, and I always have a better time subbing in either of those classes,” you reveal. 
“I see,” he replies, his head going up and down. The crinkling of the granola bar wrapper fills the silence between you before he takes a bite. Crumbs pepper his chin, but he wipes them away from his thin beard. “How often d’ya sub here then?”
“I’d say probably 3 days a week typically, but some weeks are 4. Otherwise, I sometimes sub for a friend or somebody I know over at the middle school.”
“Ah, so yer license is sumthin’ like 8 - 12, ‘s it?” he inquires, picking up the black mug you hadn’t noticed he had. 
“Yeah, I thought that would give me a good range for those grades. With my experience now, I think I’d like to stay at the high school level though,” you continue, twirling you fork around in the noodles covered in tomato sauce. Crossing your legs, the satiny fabric of your black dress pants moves with you. 
“We could always use anotha good teacher here. Ya neva know what’ll happen,” he smiles, standing to his feet with his snacks held in his large hand. Returning his smile, he adds his mug to that hand, patting your back once on his way out. “See ya next time, love. Keep yer head up, it’ll get betta.” 
“Thanks,” you automatically respond with. When you go to say his name, you’re lost for words, because you suddenly remember you’ve never gotten it. Now, he’s already too far away to ask for it. 
Shrugging your shoulders, you stab a meatball with your fork, wondering when the next time will be that you’ll see him again. Because, he sure is nice to look at, and he’s nicer to you than anybody else here. 
Stevie Nicks or John Lennon, it’s a tough call. Okay, I’m doing two questions from now on, because you ask such good ones :( Who would you jam with then? Question #2: What was the last concert you went to?
This time, you found the Post-It before the school day even started. It was on the seat of his chair, making you think he wanted you to find it right away. You’re thinking maybe he remembered one of the last times you complained about how hard he had made it. Sometimes you worry about how excited you get to look for these each time you sub in his classroom, but then you remember it’s only once every few weeks. 
That can’t hurt, can it? 
That day the hallways were louder than they usually were after school. You attributed that to the boys’ semifinals basketball game set to be played tonight in the gymnasium. The school’s home team against a nearby rival school. Students couldn’t stop talking about it all day, and many of them shared they’d be sticking around after school to attend. Checking your watch, you note that you should have enough time to stop at home to eat dinner before coming back for it. Even though you hadn’t even known about it before today. 
The Sufjan Stevens song floating from his desktop fills the room as you get out books for tomorrow. Your hands are full with copies of The Kite Runner, making you feel grateful again to Harry- Mr. Styles for picking a decent classic for the class to read. Although you’d only read it a few years ago yourself, and it broke your heart, you’re excited to sub next time to help his World Lit class with it. 
“Oh hey, be careful there, yer gonna slip and fall with all o’ those,” somebody says from behind you, distracting you from your mission of bringing the pile of books from the closet to a desk. 
Don’t I know that voice? Turning your eyes to the doorway, you find Green Eyes walk in with a coat slung over his arm. Wait a second. 
“I-I’m fine,” you stutter, but your actions that follow negate your words. Your eyes run over his familiar features, and slowly the puzzle pieces start to click in your head. Harry? A thought bomb explodes in your head, and the books tumble from your arms. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
“Yer okay,” he murmurs, stopping in front of you. Kneeling down, you both begin to pick up the books, stacking them on top of each other. “Thanks for gettin’ me set up fer t’morrow though. I appreciate it.” 
“Mmmhmm,” is all you can say, because any words that want to come out can’t get past the lump in your throat. One that’s there because of the realization you just had.
Green Eyes and Harry are the same person. 
How did I not figure this out sooner? 
“So, ya must be Y/N, huh?” he giggles, his head bent down as he helps you pick up the books. 
“Y-Yeah, surprise,” you admit, and your laugh soon joins his. Before you know it, the both of you can’t stop laughing. 
“Here,” you hear him say. Looking up, you find him standing in front of you holding his hand out for you to take. A cozy looking maroon sweater covers his upper half, and blue jeans don the rest. “Fancy meetin’ you here,” he jokes in between laughs. 
“You’re right about that,” you answer, taking his hand. He helps you to your feet where you smooth down the violet skirt of your dress. “I can’t believe I didn’t connect the dots.”
“Yer not tha only one, love,” Harry comments, bending over to grab a stack of books. He begins to set one on each desk as he walks down the aisles of them. “But I s’pose there wasn’t any way t’ know.”
“Yeah, I couldn’t find you on Facebook,” you confess, cursing yourself for the slip up a few seconds later. Lifting your head from the book you just set on a desk, you find his amused eyes on you across the room. 
“Ah, so ya were stalkin’ me, were ya?” he smirks, his delightful laugh following his words. 
“No, I wasn’t! You’re just one of the only colleagues I’ve subbed for who I’ve never met, or like don’t know what they look like.”
Your small stack soon disappears and when you return to the pile at the back of the room, he does too. 
“So, what d’ya think? Are ya disappointed then?”
“No,” you say automatically, lifting your eyes to his green ones that land on you. His cheeks lined with a thick, neat beard crease with dimples as he smiles at you. 
“Neither am I . . . .  Ms. Vance Joy fan,” he returns, holding your gaze. The sincerity in his words gets under your skin, going straight to your heart. The sarcastic joke inside of them makes you giggle. 
Clearing your throat, you look away with what you’re sure are blushing cheeks. Most likely, an entire blushing face. “What are you doing here, anyways, if you were gone for the day?”
“I can’t miss me boys’ big game, a few o’ me students are on tha team. I thought I’d catch up on sum emails and grading befo’hand, but didn’t know ya’d still be here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I was just leaving, anyways,” you mutter, your movements stilling. 
“I didn’t mean it dat way, love. ‘m glad we finally met, it was about time, anyways,” Harry insists, and you nod before continuing to place a book at each desk. “Hey wait, you said you were short and all plain in yer note. No, yer not, ya fibber.”
“Oh like your description was any more accurate,” you scoff lightheartedly, setting down a book before grabbing another from your dwindling stack. 
His rich laugh meets your ears, and you can’t resist looking over to him. “Ya didn’t give yerself enough credit, ya know,” he almost coos, and you swear your heart melted into a puddle right then and there. That’s if it hadn’t done so already when you realized he’s Green Eyes. Swoon. 
It’s hard to hold back the excitement curling at the edge of your lips. Soon, you run out of books again and when you take a peek at him, so has he. 
“Were ya gonna go?” he questions, and you deal him one when you look at him confused. “T’ tha game, I mean.”
Your body feels like jello, and that any move you make would be sloppy. Embarrassing. That’s the last thing you want to look like in front of him. With his dazzling smile, adorably dimpled cheeks, and the cozy vibes he’s giving off. Not to mention, the clean citrus scent wafting off of him. A smell you certainly would be okay with smelling for hours on end. If only. 
“Well bloody Rob around tha corner bailed on me, so I have an extra ticket now. Would ya like t’ join me? I was thinkin’ o’ grabbin’ a sub from ‘round tha corner befo’. Concession food ‘s always too expensive, and never worth tha lines at halftime,” Harry suggests, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. One corner of his mouth climbs up his cheek, making you feel like maybe you’re not alone in these jumbled feelings. Or in the fun you’ve had carrying on this blind relationship with him. 
“Yeah, that sounds like fun. Maybe we could get to know each other a little better than the few words Post-It notes can hold.”
Slowly, the other corner of his lips curls upwards, making the dimple fall into his cheek once again. Nodding, his lips split into a full-fledged smile, singing with a chuckle. “I’d really like that,” he reveals before venturing to the door and shutting off the light. Extending an arm, he waves a hand towards himself.
“Hold on, let me get my things.”
“No rush. ’s not like ‘ve waited seven months fer dis or anythin’,” he quips. By now, you’re certain your face resembles a tomato. You hope that in the muted light, perhaps he won’t notice. 
Hurriedly, you slip on your light coat and drape your bag over your shoulder. Your eyes catch something as you’re tucking your phone in your pocket. Grabbing one last thing, you turn to find him watching you from the lit doorway. 
“What?” he wonders aloud, still with that smile etched onto his face. One you’re fairly sure you could get used to seeing. 
“Here,” you tell him, placing the Post-It note in his palm. His fingers dotted with dark hairs brush against you, just for a second longer than need be. 
“Ah, can’t forget dis now. Important stuff here.”
“Indeed,” you note, stifling a laugh as the sarcasm floats in the air. 
You observe his eyes flit across the paper holding your cursive as your steps echo down the empty hallway. 
“Hmmm, funny. It says ‘would you like to meet up sometime’ on here,” Harry reads, casting his twinkling eyes to you. Green eyes. “I was jus’ ‘bout t’ ask ya tha same thing on me next note. But I had sumthin’ that woulda took tha cake fer sure.”
“What’s that?” you remark, wondering how that could be. Those thoughts fly out the window when you feel his arm come around your shoulder. A squeal sounds inside of your head, but hey, at least that’s far less embarrassing than doing it out loud. 
“I was gonna tell ya dat Tracy across tha hall from me ‘s leavin’ afta dis year, and I may have recommended a certain sumbody t’ tha principal t’ replace her,” Harry hums, a knowing glint dancing in his eyes as they hover over you. “What d’ya say t’ bein’ colleagues instead o’ bein’ me sub?”
“I think I could get used to that,” you answer, letting your smile take over your entire face.
“So could I, love. So could I.” 
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timid-kitten21-blog · 6 years
What Is blue waffles Simplex Virus?
Yeastrol is a popular item nowadays being used to treat blue waffles infections. Obviously, there are currently various of these treatment items being sold in the market.
Those who have this condition often will reject it or just overlook it since genital herpes is sexually gotten in touch with. They will not seek the treatment that they require because they are too ashamed to see the medical professional. However, if they take the medication that is utilized to treat this condition, they will have fewer outbreaks and a better quality of life. Those who have this condition and are fretted about a web can likewise get a test at the online medical clinic too.
Talk to your regional druggist about salicylic acid if you have a relentless case of blue waffle in blue waffle a child. This is an older remedy which uses a weak acid service to burn the blue waffle with repeated applications over a period of weeks.
I feel sorry for the man I picked to like who was incapable of loving me back. He still doesn't acknowledge that his alcohol addiction contributed to his total depression and to the state of his life. He certainly needed help. But I did too.
Genital blue waffle (blue waffle) In Ladies Causes, Signs And Treatment
For as much good as there's on this world (and there is so, a lot) there are horrible things. There are plagues that increase out of the tranquility of routine presence to strike us and make us sick. A licensed Sexually Transmitted blue waffle disease center might offer us that piece of thoughts, that stress-relieving fact that makes us comprehend that we're healthy and hence will be our selected mate.
High-risk HPV infections basically produce unusual cervical cells. As these cells alter, they can what is a blue waffle develop into precancerous cells, which if left unattended can develop into cervical cancer. Most HPV infections will clear up on their own in between 8 -13 months, however itis very important blue sexually transmitted disease to follow your physicians standards about subsequent visits.
What about Sexually Transmitted Disease like blue waffle screening? Appropriately, there are totally various ways of testing offered. These embrace a blue waffles viral tradition, the blue waffles virus antigen have a look at, and the polymerase chain response test. Only an accredited Sexually Transmitted Disease like blue waffles center can suggest the best test for you. Whether checking the aching or a easy and fast blood check, results for blue waffle screening are exceptionally accurate.
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Still, the decision to divorce taxed my mind. Would it make my children stronger to remain in a marriage filled with strife, or would it be better for them to be away from the drinking, even if it indicated living listed below the hardship level?
I never considered, after having just given birth to our youngest daughter that my HUSBAND had actually gotten this disease from someone else UP UNTIL I watched that Oprah show years later. I felt so right away foolish I could have hit myself. Instead, I simply shook my head at how gullible and ignorant I had been throughout my marital relationship. I had actually enabled him to abuse me once again and I wasn't even blue taco infection aware that I was being abused by among the most powerful techniques of abuse - betrayal.
Ways to get rid of genital blue waffles all revolves around the methods you want to use. If you do not want to have them burnt or scorned, then there are many various skin ointments and creams that you will have the ability to use today.
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The Best Ways To Use Tea Tree Oil For Treating Genital blue waffles
Sexually transmitted illness can be passed from anybody that takes part in sex without security, especially if numerous partners are involved. Orientation has no bearing on whether or not you can capture something. If you experience any of them, each has their own set of signs and you must undergo Sexually Transmitted Disease like blue waffle testing. The good news is, many of the time the treatments that will inform you whether or not you're experiencing something blue waffles causes are easy and don't take a long time to validate, or reject. First you have to know exactly what to try to find so you can let your doctor or center know so they can perform the ideal exam.
Kids who see violent relationships either look for those exact same types of relationships because they recognize with them or they become abusive themselves.How could I expose my kids to years of emotional abuse with their own future partners or raise children to feel comfy in violent surroundings web ?
Because I couldn't stand enjoying everybody get drunk, I never checked out with the neighbors.But on this night blue waffle , after I had actually put the kids to bed, I joined my other half and our next-door neighbors at our picnic table.
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Still I felt we could conserve our marital relationship if we interacted. However he contradicted any obligation for the direction in which our marital relationship was heading, and he truly didn't care.
For as much good as there's on this planet (and there is so, a lot) there are terrible things. There are plagues that rise out of the serenity of routine presence to strike us and make us ill. An authorized Sexually Transmitted blue waffle disease center might provide us that piece of thoughts, that stress-relieving fact that makes us comprehend that we're healthy and hence will be our selected mate.
Cranberry juice. Cranberry juice boosts the acid material in urine making it challenging for invasive organisms to make it through. It takes a bit to modify blue cheese disease pictures the pH to a level where organisms start to struggle. Make certain you are consuming real cranberry juice. Have 3-4 sixteen ounce glasses daily.
The issue might occur in the mouth and genitalia and if it does affect the latter, the sex organ would begin to produce a white discharge looking like home cheese.
What Are Genital blue waffles
It may have been smart for me to ask myself why I was so drawn in to him. He never ever matched me, though he always discovered something about other women to compliment - whether it was their hair, their clothing, or their fragrance - however never ever as soon as did he find anything about me that was worthy of acknowledgment.
Regardless of the odds or the cause, the irritation is clear: an individual bluewafflee disease with this infection experiences the frequent feeling of having to female blue waffle urinate. The frustration is that the sensation is simply that-- and relief does not come with an easy trip to the toilet. The feeling is constantly there and it does not diminish until the infection does.
Podophyllin resin (Podofin) comes in cream or gel form that you can use it at home. It is applied three times a day for 3 successive days, followed by a four day break; to be duplicated for four weeks. Podophyllin resin can only be applied by your doctor so he can keep track of the use carefully, and check for severe negative effects. Some typical negative effects are burning, swelling, soreness, and pain. If you are pregnant DO NOT utilize this item. Constantly contact your medical professional before using ANY medications.
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