#blue rose enamel mug
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must-mofasa · 4 months ago
Golden and Blue Rose Mug - Enamel Camping Mug
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This elegant mug features a beautiful design of two roses: one in a deep, rich blue and the other in shimmering gold. The contrasting colors create a striking and sophisticated look. Perfect for adding a touch of luxury to your morning coffee or tea.
Discover a new world of possibilities!
Get your hands on this durable enamel mug that holds 12 ounces of your favorite beverage. Add a personalized touch to your hipster moment with full-color printing of a photo, logo or design. Great for indoors and outdoors activities as it can keep up with the dirt and grunge of campsites. This sturdy and stylish cup is perfect for coffee, tea or even your morning cereal in the wild. Discover a new world of possibilities!
.: 12oz (0.35 l) .: Lightweight stainless steel .: NB! Do not microwave .: Rounded corners .: Lead and BPA-free
Discover a new world of possibilities!
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pabrik215agen · 5 years ago
Enamel Mug Tent 0896•6848•7220[wa]
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enamel mug tent ialah tulisan yg mana barangkali tengah kau telusuri. Sangatlah biasa, sebab enamel mug tent merupakan informasi yg sangat krusial untuk diketahui. Selain dikau, barangkali terdapat banyak orang yg mana juga membutuhkan informasi ini. Kita ingin, makalah kilat ini dapat membantu anda. Jika sempat, harap supaya kamu memberikan saran seputar enamel mug tent di bagian bawah ini. Informasi seputar enamel mug tent barangkali sangat diperlukan oleh sebagian manusia. Dg mendapatkan artikel enamel mug tent, sebagian insan dapat bernafas lega sebab sudah mendapatkan pengetahuan yang diperlukannya. Kerajinan gelas acara ulang tahun kecuali untuk acara peringatan insan meninggal, kerajinan berbentuk gelas ini dapat difungsikan untuk acara ulang tahun putra-putri. Pasti aja anak-anak dikau akan mengundang banyak temannya. Anda dapat menambahkan foto anak kamu pada gelas yang sudah disebutkan. Pasti saja teman-temannya nanti akan terkenang dg pesta ulang tahun putra-putri anda. Kecuali itu, anak-anak mampu menggunakan gelas yang sudah disebutkan guna minum susu atau minuman yg lain juga. Apabila kamu memang tertarik bagi memesan oleh-oleh berikut ini, kamu mampu mencarinya sekarang serta. Pabila kau memesan melalui internet, pastikan daerah yang kamu pilih merupakan daerah terbaik dan rekomendasi. Kau juga bisa memesan oleh-oleh gelas terbaik via web www.
cangkir blirik jogja
Harga gelas jar tersebut bermacam serta perbedaan tarif tersebut acap ditentukan tentang skala kesulitan di pembuatan gelas, kisaran tarif bahan baku yang difungsikan serta teknik pencetakan atau penyajian nama. Untuk gambaran, kisaran tarif gelas jar di jakarta adalah rp 13. 000 sebagai pembelian satuan, rp 75. 000 untuk setengah lusin serta rp 150. 000 sebagai pembelian satu lusin. Esa set pembelian gelas jar umumnya terbuat sekitar 6 buah dan disarankan guna menggunakan packing kayu ketika kamu mebelinya secara online. Proses pembuatan gelas idealnya ialah selama tunggal bulan. Jadi, apabila acara kawin kamu masih lama sebaiknya segera mengerjakan pemesanan kerajinan gelas jar yang diinginkan. Semakin longgar saat yg dimiliki, oleh karena itu akan kian mematangkan persiapan acara nikah. Mungkin berikut ini adalah artikel tentang cangkir enamel bekasi yg sedang kamu butuhkan. Waktu berikut ini era sains makin kedepan, rentang tak lebih masalah bagi satu orang tetap dapat berkomunikasi dengan orang beda pada berbagai daerah lebih-lebih pada bagian dunia. Kecanggihan teknologi berikut ini juga memudahkan kita untuk mengakses berbagai pengetahuan apasaja serta dimanasaja kita terletak. Hanya dengan menggunakan network, kami dapat mengakses artikel yang kami buru. Pada situs yang sudah disebutkan orang yang memakai untuk penelitian, mandat pendidikan misalpun sebatas mendapat wacana baru dapat menemukan bahkan memberikan masukan lebih banyak dg memberikan tinggalan pandangan dikolom yang telah disediakan atau menghubungi via nomor yang sudah disediakan.
custom gelas enamel jakarta
Tiap-tiap di masa-masa akhir studi pelajar perguruan tinggi pasti ada yg banyak memesan souvenir. Para pelajar perguruan tinggi yg udah pusing dg persiapan seminarnya tentu bingung dalam menentukan souvenirnya. Mahasiswa juga tidak jarang lupa bahwa uang yg mereka miliki tidak begitu banyak. Dan berikut ini menimbulkan kepusingan yg baru oleh karena itu membuatnya membentang stress. Dan dengan adanya supplier jasa pembuatan souvenir gelas sablon murah, membuat mahasiswa membentang pula tenang. Pelajar perguruan tinggi tiada perlu lagi pusing-pusing dengan uang yang tersedia di bag dia-dia. Harga yang diberikan cukup terjangkau dengan bonus-bonus yg diberikan oleh per penyedia jasa pembuatan oleh-oleh. Pelajar perguruan tinggi yang bingung bagaimana menggali solusinya, inilah solusi yang tersedia.
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supplier24grosirjual-blog · 5 years ago
Enamel Coffee Cup Mug 0896-6848-7220[wa]
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Jika kau sedang mencari tulisan mengenai enamel coffee cup mug, dikau berada di website yg tepat. Pesatnya perkembangan it belakangan berikut ini menjadi penyebab positif di semua kelompok. Anak perguruan, mahasiswa, ataupun penduduk dapat dengan praktis menemukan pengetahuan yg dia-dia inginkan. Tak perlu sibuk-sibuk hadir ke tertentu lokasi sebagai memiliki wawasan mengenai daerah tersebut. Janji dapat terhubung dengan network www, dimanasaja kami cukup kami dapat mencari segala informasi yang kita butuhkan. Situs berikut ini secara sadar kami cipta bagi memberikan informasi-informasi untuk bagi keperluan penelitian, mandat sekolah, atau yang lainnya. Komentar atau masukan yang mendirikan begitu kita perlukan demi perkembangan wawasan yang kita paparkan Gelas ialah barang yang bersifat bening, tembus pandang secara optik, dengan kekerasan yang muat. Gelas bersifat begitu rapuh, praktis pecah berkembang pecahan yang tajam, simpel dimodifikasi bentuknya dengan proses kimia atau pemanasan, sehingga mempunyai sifat keindahan / keindahan yang tinggi
gelas seng
Musuh utama peralatan dapur enamel merupakan karat. Karat berikut ini muncul pabila lapisan enamel terkelupas akibat tergores atau jatuh. Oleh karenanya cara gampang guna merawatnya ialah mengusahakan jangan sampai terbentur atau jatuh. Setelah dicuci dg cairan sabun hangat, segeralah tiriskan serta lap hingga benar-benar kering. Karna, air yg tersisa pada sela-sela peralatan gampang menimbulkan karat. Jangan lupa, untuk menyimpannya di lokasi yang kering ya! Jika kamu tengah menggali pembahasan mengenai harga gelas blirik, dikau berada pada website yg tepat. Cepatnya perkembangan it ahir-ahir ini menyebabkan positif di seluruh kelompok. Putra-putri sekolah, mahasiswa, ataupun rakyat dapat dg simpel menemukan wawasan yg mereka inginkan. Tak usah repot-repot hadir ke tertentu lokasi untuk memiliki pengetahuan tentang lokasi yang sudah disebutkan. Asalkan dapat terkait dg jaringan internet, dimanasaja kita cukup kita dapat mencari seluruh informasi yg kami butuhkan. Situs ini secara sadar kita buat bagi menyediakan berita-berita sebagai untuk keperluan riset, mandat perguruan, atau yg lainnya. Pandangan / saran yg membangun sangat kita butuhkan agar kemajuan wawasan yg kami jabarkan
gelas piring jadul
Andai anda mengamati gelas yang sudah disebutkan pada tokonya langsung / kau serta bisa melihat gelas di toko internet, disana kamu harapannya mengamati dftar biaya gelas yang bervariatif, sebab setiap gelas berikut ini memiliki banderolan harganya tersendiri. Tiap-tiap tipe gelas ini mempunyai banderolan biaya dimulai tentang yg ter hemat hingga yang paling mahal sekalipun, serta guna dikau yg ingin menambahkan sebagian ilustrasi atau tulisan di gelas yang sudah disebutkan, oleh karena itu dikau harus memberikan tambahan biaya guna membeli gelas yang sudah disebutkan.
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vendor22hargagrosir-blog · 5 years ago
Enamel Mug Vancouver 0896–6848–7220[wa]
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Barangkali ini merupakan ulasan mengenai enamel mug vancouver yg sedang kau butuhkan. Saat berikut ini era tehnologi semakin kedepan, rentang tiada pula soal untuk satu orang senantiasa dapat berbincang dg manusia lain di berbagai daerah lebih-lebih pada bagian dunia. Kerumitan tehnologi ini juga membuat mudah kami sebagai menemukan berbagai referensi apasaja serta dimanapun kami terletak. Hanya dg memakai network, kita bisa mengakses artikel yg kami inginkan. Di situs yang sudah disebutkan insan yang memakai guna penelitian, tugas perguruan ataupun terbatas memperoleh pengetahuan anyar dapat mengakses bahkan berkontribusi pula banyak dg memberikan tinggalan komentar dibagian yg telah tersedia atau menghubungi via kontak yang sudah tersedia. Materi dekorasi enamel berikut ini amat sesuai kapan memakai hiasan sekitar kertas decal, karena daya rekatnya melebihan bahan gelas serta keramik. Kapan menggunakan kertas decal yg hanya dilapisi pilox, paling mudah dan gesit lepas, bilamana ditempel di gelas, yg lagi tahan dan pula kuat bila ditempel di bahan keramik, begini bilamana ditempel di material enamel, sesudah ane test produknya amat kuat, walaupun masih dapat dikerok pakai kuku dengan keras. Tentang ketiga materi tersebut enamel ter tahan bilamana dicelup kedalam cairan.
mug jadul
Cangkir adalah wadah rendah sebagai minum teh / kopi dengan pegangan di keliru tunggal samping yang digunakan sewaktu memegang dengan ibu jari serta jari tangan yg lain. Cangkir kadangkala bermuatan teh atau kopi yang panas jadi pegangan pada cangkir bermanfaat supaya tangan tiada kepanasan sewaktu menjunjung cangkir. Laman berikut ini adalah laman yang mengisi pengetahuan mengenai berbagai macam produk produk mug enamel jadul. Sangat banyak perihal yg menjadikan informasi ini begitu dibutuhkan. Mungkin bagi putra-putri madrasah, riset, tugas ataupun cuma guna memuat waktu lengang saja. Web ini begitu di rekomendasi demi orang gampang pada mengakses barang yang didambakan. Terdapatnya teknologi yang makin canggih saat ini, orang amat simpel guna mengakses sesuatu yg mereka inginkan. Tidak terkecuali orang-orang pedalaman, dia-dia serta dengan gampang mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan, karena sumber tehonologi sudah tercecar diberbagai daerah mana saja. Untuk itu, silakan baca situs berikut ini, dimanasaja atau waktu kapan saja, karena wawasan berikut ini amat cepat, jelas, praktis dipahami, serta tak mengkonsumsi melimpah saat. Andai anda mau menyediakan saran ataupun kritikan, silahkan tulis pada kolom pandangan, karena kami senantiasa berharap kritikan atau masukan sekitar kamu, supaya informasi berikut ini selanjutnya lebih baik. Atau kamu juga dapat menghubungi kita dengan cara telfon sms pada nomor yang sudah terlampir di laman situs kita.
gelas enamel asemka
Sebagai kamu seluruh yang tengah mencari penyedia gelas kaca, anda bisa mampir terhadap keliru tunggal lokasi gorisr gelas kaca yg berada didaerah metro surabaya / jatinegara, jakarta timur. Dibeberapa lokasi pada metro surabaya serta jatinegara, kau akan melihat beberapa supplier gelas kaca yang menyediakan berbagai ragam gelas kaca yg unik, antik dan menarik sehingga kamu dapat menggunakannya untuk hiasan dirumah kamu / anda juga dapat menjadikan gelas kaca berikut ini sebagai kerajinan sekitar acara nikah / syukuran yg lain yang kau selengarakan dirumah kau.
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tabletoptrinketsbyjj · 4 years ago
Trinkets, 37: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A blue steel mask that resembles a face at rest, emotionless and cold to the touch when not worn.
A small silver orb with the word "McGuffin" acid etched into its surface. It is coveted by all who look upon it.
A jar filled with potpourri that smells like their childhood home to each person who smells it.
A charm made from small pieces of whale bone fastened together by metal and leather and etched with strange sigils. The object has been treated with mixtures of rare herbs and other substances and the entire bonecharm hums with power, creating a faint but distinctive ‘song’ that the spiritually perceptive can hear.
A small, polished, fossilized cross-section of wood. The interior cracks have filled with some opalescent material in shimmering blues and green. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as opalized wood.
A double recorder hewn from a strange, pale ivory not of this earth.
An iron pocket watch with the chain extruding from an eagle's mouth mounted into the top of the watch. The clasp at the end of the chain is a talon.
A small, handheld harp made from the wishbone of a celestial griffin. It was alchemically treated with elemental fire, laminated with entsap, and enameled with scenes from myth and legend. The instrument is translucent and slightly opalescent in coloration and strung with mithril wire.
A dozen glass roses are arranged in a lovely bouquet. A ribbon of purple silk around one of them has an ivory card attached. The words on the card say, “Glass thorns cut more deeply, my dear.”
A glass bauble with no visible means of opening it contains blue sand and white insects that resemble ants but have iridescent wings. When they fly, a pleasant and soothing song emanates from the bauble.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A blue steel mask that resembles a face at rest, emotionless and cold to the touch when not worn.
A small silver orb with the word "McGuffin" acid etched into its surface. It is coveted by all who look upon it.
A jar filled with potpourri that smells like their childhood home to each person who smells it.
A charm made from small pieces of whale bone fastened together by metal and leather and etched with strange sigils. The object has been treated with mixtures of rare herbs and other substances and the entire bonecharm hums with power, creating a faint but distinctive ‘song’ that the spiritually perceptive can hear.
A small, polished, fossilized cross-section of wood. The interior cracks have filled with some opalescent material in shimmering blues and green. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as opalized wood.
A double recorder hewn from a strange, pale ivory not of this earth.
An iron pocket watch with the chain extruding from an eagle's mouth mounted into the top of the watch. The clasp at the end of the chain is a talon.
A small, handheld harp made from the wishbone of a celestial griffin. It was alchemically treated with elemental fire, laminated with entsap, and enameled with scenes from myth and legend. The instrument is translucent and slightly opalescent in coloration and strung with mithril wire.
A dozen glass roses are arranged in a lovely bouquet. A ribbon of purple silk around one of them has an ivory card attached. The words on the card say, “Glass thorns cut more deeply, my dear.”
A glass bauble with no visible means of opening it contains blue sand and white insects that resemble ants but have iridescent wings. When they fly, a pleasant and soothing song emanates from the bauble.
A white ceramic mug with an unknown substance or creature that has excess of writhing gray tendrils coming out of it.
A dartboard that has a picture of the local regent on it. The eyes currently have darts sticking out of them.
A dark, mahogany box roughly the size of a dozen coins. The box does not appear to have any obvious hinges or opening mechanisms. A perceptive PC will discover a tiny hidden latch that opens the box. Inside and laid together are a matching set of ten gold coins. Each coin is ornately crafted, but slight variations in the coins suggest that they may have been individually handmade.
A smoky black precious stone. When held up to the light you can see the back of a devil pressed against the gem, but no matter how you turn it, you can never see its face.
A small pouch with a moist eye within it. When you bring it into the light, you see the pupil quickly constrict. A PC well versed in religion can tell that this is the living eye of a dedicated follower of the god of orcs. The original owner can still see from this eye.
An ink dip pen made entirely of tiny bones, complete with matching ink pot.
A mummified baby wrapped in funerary wrappings with a solid silver and gold scarab on its neck on a very tight dried leather thong.
A basilisk egg, tightly bound within a leather pouch and swaddled in a bundle of furs.
A small sack filled with eight gears and springs of incremental sizes that appear to be of the same make or set.
A Gnome’s skull that possesses a distinct odour of wine and gnome blood, faint to a human, but strong to a race with keen noses, like elves or kobolds. Rough garnets the color of clotted blood have been pounded into the skull, along with nails of silver and gold. Around lower edges of the brain-case, the tails of giant weasels have been attached, giving the item a furry fringe. The jaw has been wired to the skull with silver wire and a wispy fringe of beard and mustache cling to the bits of dried skin around the skull’s mouth. Runes of foul power have been chiselled into the bone.
A small bag made of chainmail, tightly tied closed and locked. Found inside is a heart made of glass.
A grossly oversized fist-shaped gauntlet that is a fused amalgamation of plates, spurs, gears, and rivets. It smells of grease and machinery.
A child’s toy chariot with the face made from a stuffed growling dog.
An unsettling ceramic figurine of a whale with a mouth full of victims.
A pair of repulsive metal bells designed like bloated women eating fish.
A drum, set with stretched gargoyle hide and woven with choker sinews. It requires a strong arm to pound the instrument but the sound is unique, like a deep thumping of stone.
A black fan made of kobold skin with graphic images of kobold torment.
A worn-looking box of dark wood, fitted with simple hinges of brass, is roughly the size of a man’s head, and rattles when moved. The interior contains a collection of tiny humanoid bones. The underside of the lid bears writing that appears in the primary language of anyone reading it, and states that the most recent reader is attuned with the box. No further explanation is to be found within.
A masterwork steel lute with a triangular body and a headstock that resembles a carved demon’s skull.
A strand of ten flat black stones on a knotted leather thong, each carved with the “Yr” rune and roughly the size of a typical gold piece.
A gleaming crystal shard that shifts its coloration every few seconds, hurting the eyes of witnesses as it does so.
An eel-hide leather pouch filled with an unspeakably foul-tasting coarse salt.
A grey leather vest is made of the rough, tanned hide of a goblin shark.
Orb of forgetfulness. When touched the orb you will remember the last thing you tried to think about but forgot. You will however forget why you wanted to remember it.
A small silk pillow has split open here to reveal that it has been stuffed entirely with brilliant golden hair.
A handwritten note which reads, in part: “She keeps it in the vanity. Without it, there’s no proof.”
A porcelain mask resembles a skull with its mouth sowed shut.
A box made to resemble a heavily pregnant woman with fangs instead of teeth. Her copious belly contains a rather grotesque image of an infant with three heads, each with an open mouth like a key-hole.
A large hourglass labelled "The World Entire." There isn't much sand left in the top bulb.
A clay pipe with the name "Underhill" inscribed on the side.
A copy of Playdrake magazines. Its pages are filled with lewd images and salacious stories of draconic females. It is not suitable for minors.
A small wooden bowl engraved with the heads of a snarling lion, bear, a screaming eagle, and a fish's face.
A vial of scented oil that can be burned as incense of worn as a perfume. Everyone smells something different but, always something nostalgic and a bit sad.
A cube three inches across, made of thin glass of six different colors, one on each face. When it is placed on a side, the colors shift until they finally settle with one color on top (sometimes the same color that was placed, often a different one). There doesn't seem to be a pattern to which colour ends up where.  
A leather vest with one hundred pockets, divided between the outside inside and a number of secret hidden ones. One of the pockets contains a four leaf clover.
A guitar that, regardless of what string is plucked, will always produce the same set of notes in the same order. Only the speed at which these notes are produced can be changed.
An iron orb that always rolls against gravity, but only while in contact with a solid surface. If not in contact with a solid surface, it has no unusual properties.
A gemstone that takes on the appearance of the birth stone of the last person to touch it.
A chess set that animates and attacks people who attempt to cheat at the game.
A vivid, deep purple crystal that appears to consist of a random assortment of thousands of tiny cubes bound together. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as fluorite.
A small hood for a trained falcon. Any bird wearing the hood does not need to eat or drink as long as the hood remains on.
A pair of small metal rods, each about five inches long and a half inch wide, with bulbs at one end. When held, the bulb transmutes into the proper utensil needed for the current meal.  
A glass jar that automatically separates any liquid poured into it into multiple layers of individual substances, as though a centrifuge had been employed.  
A braided lanyard bearing the words "BEST FRINEDS". When the wearer of this braided lanyard closes their eyes, they experience the sensations of having warm sun shining on their face and a gentle breeze tousling their hair. The scent of campfire smoke can be smelled, and the laughter of children can be heard.
A pen of exquisite craftsmanship with a body like smooth, polished marble and gold trimming. The pen has a small golden leaver where in the tip of the pen can be touched to the shadow of an individual's head and enough ink for a full sheet of paper is extracted.
A leather wallet stamped with the symbol of a mousetrap, containing a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the ratcatcher's guild. The section containing the member's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair colour) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
Mirror of Self-Interest: A small steel mirror that doesn't reflect anything but the face of the person holding it. However, this image of the person is perfect, devoid of any flaws or incongruities with the holder's appearance as though they were the most attractive person in the province. This image is also only visible to the bearer.
A black and purple scale of some enormous horror of the far realm.
A velvet coin purse containing half a dozen egg-sized polished stones in various natural hues.
A skull carved out of charcoal. When burned, the skull will turn into a pile of ash. Within an hour, the skull reforms into charcoal.
A thick caribou skin frontier jacket covered in mythological scenes.
A perfectly preserved human brain, encased in a large dome of clear glass.
Apple of Doubt: A fruit that looks like an apple, it tastes like an apple, it smells like an apple, for all intents and purposes it appears to be an apple, but you are certain it is not an apple.
A blood red mask made from carefully sculpted bone, shaped to look like the face of a grinning demon. The eyes of the mask are the only parts that are open, with the eyes of the bearer appearing bright crimson while looking through it.
A suncatcher in the shape of an evil deity literally catches the light of the sun, forming a hazy space of shadows around it.
A large, round-bottomed flask containing a faintly golden liquid which smells sweet, but overwhelmingly of alcohol.
A deck of cards carefully organized within a small box. The card faces are beautiful but contain a great deal of seemingly meaningless text beneath hand-painted pictures.
A set of windchimes that move though no wind is present. The mellow sounds of their chimes bring back memories that make you ache with anguish and despair.
A scroll that repeats these words endlessly; “Seek out the Gilded Glade and place me upon the pedestal.”
A large painting portraying the wonders of underwater life. The viewer see merfolk, sea elves, and all manner of aquatic creatures going about their lives. The edges of the driftwood frame around the canvas is dripping seawater.
A simple silver fork. Embossed into the handle are the letters “JA.” The tines of the eating implement give off a slight green glow. A crowded inscription on the back of the fork reads: “To King Ragnis, may venom never touch thine lips.”
A small envelope sealed with a wax sigil. If unsealed the letter inside reads: “Meet me at the Red Rose at 7 in the eve. Kill the bearer of this note.”
A tightly rolled cloth that unfurls into a solid black banner, with a faint, hard-to-look-at pattern shimmering in the weave.
A rough-hewn, rust-colored stone filled with half-buried flakes of dark blue crystals forming the semblance of a rose. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as azurite.
A statuette of a six armed man, holding shields in each hand. With a ring-loop for a head, which is looped onto a necklace.  
A large obsidian sphere with jutting shapes carved in and sticking out.  Each surface is intricately carved with a complex script composed of squares.  It is wrapped several times and held inside a smooth pottery sphere.  
A squat metal cylinder of brass that resembles a small compass. When opened, it reveals a dull blue gem.
Neverspill Mug: Any drink poured into this mug can never be spilled accidentally. Someone can be struck upside the head with it, without a single drop escaping.
Unending Chalk: A stick of chalk can be used to draw, but never gets shorter or breaks.
A rolled up canvas painting of a dreary field with dark uninviting woods beyond. The leaves of the trees in the background of the painting seem to sway and there appears to be something moving through the field.
A hilt of what once must have been a magnificent sword but the blade has been removed. When the hilt is picked up, the wielder feels the weight of a whole sword and when the hilt is whipped around, the wielder can hear a blade slicing through the air. But it is just a hilt...
An apple that is the most mouth-watering, beautiful apple you have ever seen...but when you approach within three feet of it you begin to see it rot and spoil right in front of your eyes and even touching it and smelling it confirms that it is indeed rotted. As you back away you see the apple's rot and decay reverse and it becomes the same beautiful apple you saw seconds earlier.
A set of sky blue robes made from a high quality cotton with the Order of Deacons symbol sewn into the chest.
A set of bagpipes made from a rich mahogany wood, artfully carved and well balanced.
A hooded lantern with an adjustable iris to control the light level. Its adamantine casing is covered in stars and concentric circles, as well as text no one seems able to read.
A set of robes primarily red in colour, with subtle green highlights, as well as silver thread embroidery and grey fur lining around the collar, hood and sleeves. Overall it seems to border a fine line between looks and utility, given that the sleeves feature each a strap allowing them to be rolled up and secured, and several leather belts attached to the inside of the robe fill in the role of pockets or holsters. Under direct sunlight, the robes have a very faint, barely noticeable iridescent sheen to them.
A large obsidian sphere with jutting shapes carved in and sticking out.  Each surface is intricately carved with a complex script composed of squares.  It is wrapped several times and held inside a smooth pottery sphere.  
A long and pale wand engraved with several horizontal slits,
A bleached white jawbone once belonging to a dwarf. It shouts insults in dwarven whenever it is touched by an elf.
A pair of golden earrings, with sapphires set in the center. The sapphires always appear to be as if they are catching light, no matter the light condition, giving them a false, glowing appearance.
A marble statuette of a scowling woman with octopus tentacles for arms emerging from dark ocean waves.
A well-made holy symbol of the minor God of Random Domain that when carried or worn by a bearer who is not a devout follower of that God, fills its owner with a sense of dread
A pair of war drum clubs whose handles are made of a dark brown wood with human skulls bound with leather strips on the ends.
A heavy iron mask, intricately carved patterns and runes.
A white porcelain mask, smooth and beautiful, except for the tears of blood coming from the eye sockets.
A small, palm-sized mass of interlocking carvings. The carvings on closer examination resemble five interlocking crescents. The icon is fashioned from what looks to be ancient bone and knowledgeable PC's can determine that the object was fashioned from the knuckles of five different dragons.
Coin of Indecision: A gold coin with the word "YES" on one side and the word "NO" on the other. If it is flipped while asking a question, the coin always lands on edge.
A thin chisel wrought in the shape of a stylized finger, with a perpetually flaking lacquer of dark green.
A leather wallet acid etched with the symbol of an alembic, containing a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the alchemists and apothecaries guild. The section containing the member's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair colour) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
Wand of False Life: An elm wand that if set down on a solid surface, will sprout tiny legs and arms, and move around like a living thing, spontaneously wandering around in a small area and sometimes dancing, particularly if there is music being played. It isn't actually alive and will not move more than three feet from where it was placed. The arms and legs will fold away if the wand is picked up, but it always seems to have an elongated face as part of the grain of the wood at one end.
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the-beeses-kneeses · 3 years ago
11, 18, 38, and 39 for soft asks
poppy - favorite pastel color?
Blue and pink. That trans flag is *chefs kiss* 🏳️‍⚧️
honey - favorite term of endearment?
I'm bais towards "darling" because of an oc. Although "honey" is a classic
roses - what flower do you find most beautiful?
Big tough. Probably got to go with forgot-me-nots or poppies
sweetheart - favorite mug/cup?
Almost any enamel mug. I see metal mug and go smooth brain
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xbreezymeadowsx · 4 years ago
A Telford Tea Party
A/N: Pure, unadulterated FLUFF. Inspired by my favorite thirsty Flanagan obsessed girls and what’s said in our chat.
Chibs x Reader
This has not been proofread and therefore may contain spelling or grammatical errors. Oops.
TW: Nothing should be triggering unless you hate daddies having tea parties with their little girls.
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(this gif just seemed appropriate somehow. Not mine, credit to the maker.)
Dada... Chibs grumbled burying his face in his pillow. "Dada." He cracked one eye open and squint, scanning the bits of room he could see when a little face was suddenly taking up his whole view. "Daddy." The four year old girl said firmly, letting him know he wouldn't be going back to sleep. He smiled sleepily and moved an arm from under his pillow to tuck some of her silky brunette hair from her face. "Mornin', Tilly." He graveled. Her hazel eyes lit up and she giggled. "Goo monin'!" She smiled brightly. Chibs groaned as he rolled to his back again and stretched as his daughter knelt on the bed, the empty half of the bed. "Where's yer Ma?" He asked with a yawn, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Da movie place." She told him. "Aun'ie Lyla as'ed her fo' sum'tin. Baby Mal wen', too." "Oh, okay." He thanked her for explaining it further. "Daddy, can we have a tea party?" She begged, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Do we hafta?" Chibs grumped. "Pweeeeeeease?" The little girl plead and clasped her hands in front of herself. He sighed, it didn't take much for the little one to get her way with him. "Fine." He huffed, scoffing at his lack of will power. "Lemme take a shower quick, okay?" "O'tay!" "Go ge' yer sissy an' set up in the playroom." He told her, tickling her side and making her squeal and jump off the bed. "BRINNNNAAAAAAA!!!" She hollered as she raced out the bedroom door. After showering and quickly dressing in black jeans and black SAMCRO t-shirt, Chibs went into the kitchen to grab a jug of sweet tea and tin of shortbread. However, as he turned the corner, he was greeted with the sight of his six year old standing on the counter next to the fridge, the four year old standing on the chair they'd pushed over there, and their six year old brindled shepherd mix Jameson prancing excitedly in place watching his little humans going after something near the treats he couldn't reach and hoping they'd knock the container down. The pajama clad girls- the pair looked nearly identical save for the elder being a head taller- froze in place and stared wide-eyed at him. "Sabrina Rose. Matilda Mae." Chibs said sternly, setting his fists on his hips. "Uh-oh." They gasped in unison. Chibs scooped them up and set them on the hardwood floor. "Couldn' wait ten minutes, eh?" He asked in amusement. He shook his head, chuckling and ruffled their long hair. He reached on top of the refrigerator and took the blue tin the girls had been after, handing it to his oldest. "I'll get the tea." Y/N opened the truck door and reached in to get the three month old out of his carseat as he babbled and waved his orange rattleball around. The neck of his green dinosaur onesie was covered in slobber and drool. "Yes, yes, yes. We're so happy, aren't we? Yes, we are." Y/N cooed as she picked the baby up and held under his butt as he leaned into her shoulder. "Auntie Lyla and the girls spoiled you, didn't they? I saw them sneaking you whipped cream. All that damn sugar's got you wound up." She slung the Harley Davidson diaper bag over her shoulder and grabbed the bag of groceries she'd picked up on the way home before heading to the front door. Once inside, she set the bags on the kitchen table and shift her son to her other arm. "Now, where's Daddy and the girls, huh?" She asked the baby. He looked at his mother curiously before letting out a shrill scream of joy. Y/N cringed. "Malcolm Robert Telford, you're gonna make my ears bleed." In the playroom, Chibs shift uncomfortably in his tiny, tiny pink chair. He would've liked to have sit on the floor, but his girls insisted he had to sit at the table like a proper gentleman. He watched Tilly- a sky blue fairy costume on over her pajamas including wings with an Anna from Frozen glittery tiara- pick up the little plastic pink teapot in the middle of the round white table and pour nothing into a mismatched tiny purple teacup in front of one of their guests. "Mo' tea, Mr. Bear?" She asked the large teal teddy bear. She turned to her other side and poured some into a large blue teacup for her sister's yellow lab, Jax. "May I have more tea, Daddy?" Brina asked in a horrible attempt at some kind of European accent. While her younger sibling was clearly a typical girly-girl, Sabrina wasn't. She, too, wore a costume dress but her's was black velvet with gold trim. She looked like a regal witch or vampire... if it weren't for the mini felt top hat and the headband that made it look like she had an arrow through her head. "Of course, sweethear'." He replied warmly and picked up the larger stainless steel teapot. Clinking came from inside from ice cubes sloshing around as he poured iced tea into her cup which was actually a black enamel camping mug. "Can I have a'nudder cookie?" Tilly asked sweetly, not bothering to fake an accent. "Haven' ya already 'ad three?" Chibs asked, raising an eyebrow and already knowing the answer. "Nooooo." His younger daughter trailed off not looking her father in the eye. Sabrina cackled at her sister's bad acting. Chibs pretend to wipe his face to hide his smirk. "How abou' we split one?" He compromised and picked up a shortbread from the Santa platter the girls had piled them on. Tilly nodded eagerly and held out her little plastic Disney Inside Out Joy dessert plate. Chibs broke the cookie in two pieces as even as he could and set one half on her plate and the other on his red Elmo face plate. "Daddy! Your hat!" Sabrina exclaimed realizing Chibs had taken it off at some point without them noticing. He reached up and felt his head. "Oh no! It's gone!" He cried, faking shock. "Someone stole it!" He shout, so clearly upset at this revelation. Tilly started frantically looking behind the plushies and lifting plates up as if the rainbow striped pinwheel hat would be hiding under them. Brina searched in the nearest toy chest, suspicious. The last two times the hat went missing, that's where it was. She slammed the lid shut hopelessly when her search came up empty. "Sissy, look'it!" Matilda ordered pointing a little index finger across the room. Chibs internally cringed and prayed the hat was destroyed by now. "Jamie, no!" Sabrina rushed the dog and began tugging the hat from him. He growled lightly and tugged back, wagging his tail and thinking she wanted to play. Unfortunately for the mutt, he'd done enough damage already that one more solid yank and the fabric seperated with an audible rrrrrrrip. The little girl flopped on her behind with a thump. "Bad dog!" She reprimanded him. Jameson spit out his half of the rainbow and whimpered, approaching the little girl and snuffling around her head. He licked her cheeks and she scrunched her shoulders, shrieking with laughter at his tickly whiskers and unable to stay mad at the innocent beast. "Wha's Daddy supposed to wear now? He needs a hat!" The young toddler declared before scurrying to the dress-up closet. Chibs whistled and called the dog off his daughter, her face having been slurped on enough. "Go lay down, ya mongrel." He chide goodnaturedly. He helped his daughter wipe her face off with a napkin. "I found a hat, Daddy!" Matilda proclaimed, emerging from the closet and holding something up triumphantly. Chibs face feel momentarily at the sight before changing his expression to something neutral. "Maybe no' tha' one, princess." He denied gently. The green plastic bowler hat was missing a chunk of hat and the white ribbon with four leaf clovers that usually wrapped around it was dangling over the edge of the rim like a graduation cap tassel. The little girl frowned and studied the hat. "I guess not." She agreed sadly and chucked it in the small trash bin between the girls' drawing tables. Seeing her sister on the verge of crying, Sabrina hurried over and ushered her back into the closet to help her find a more suitable hat. Y/N stood in the doorway watching her husband interact with their girls. Malcolm was quietly sucking on his thumb, head laying on her shoulder. It melt her heart every time she saw them all. Filip was always so good with his children and the girls had him wrapped around their little pinkies most of the time. He was stern when he needed to be, but honestly the girls were rarely brats. She swooned when she saw Matilda run to her father and hold up a plastic gold crown with colored jewel beads adorning it. Chibs gushed at how perfect the item was and scooped the girl up, standing her on his knees so she could place it on his head. Thrilled, Tilly set the crown atop his head and declared him king of the tea party. She hopped back to the carpeted floor as Sabrina joined her and the pair curtsied before their king. "Greetings, my liege." Chibs snapped his eyes up and found his wife and baby boy watching them from the doorway. A loving smile gracing Y/N's face. "Miladies," He addressed his daughters. "Look! Tis my Queen returned from her travels!" The girls curtsied to her. Y/N curtsied back with a soft giggle. "I do apologize for missing tea time. I needed to acquire more covers and a rash tincture for Prince Malcolm's royal fanny." Her daughters roared with laughter, falling to the floor in a pile of wiggly court jesters. The baby picked his head up and watched his big sisters before giggling sleepily. Chibs groaned as he stood. He pressed his hands to his lower back, leaning backwards to stretch his aching bones. He carefully skirt around the flopping sillies on the floor and held his hands out with wide eyes and big smile. "There's ma'boy!" He cheered. His smile threatened to split his face in two when he saw the baby boy excited to see him. Malcolm screeched and giggled, trying to fling himself from his mother's arms towards his father. "Hiya! Were ya good fer yer Mama?" He questioned in a voice he reserved for babies. "Didya go see Auntie Lyla? Was she filmin'?" He heard Y/N scoff as she fixed the little one's cotton shorts. "Ha! No. Say we didn't see any of that naughty stuff, Daddy." Y/N told her son to say knowing he'd just babble or blow a spit bubble instead. She looked to her husband as he kissed the light haired, blue-grey eyed bundle of joy all over his head and cheeks. "They were on lunch... brunch, I guess? when we got there. Everyone in robes, dirty bits hidden from innocent eyes." "Tha's a shame." Chibs joked earning a backhand on his free shoulder. He snickered and winked at Y/N before leaning in for a kiss. "Missed ya." He muttered against her lips. "Mm, you missed sleeping till noon." Y/N teased. "Tha', too." He agreed with a cheeky grin. "Daddy, can we go to the park?" Matilda asked, the girls' laughing fit having subsided finally. Chibs turned to his wife. Before Y/N could answer Malcolm started grunting, his face going red before the unpleasant sounds of a much needed diaper change filled their ears. "EEWWW!" The girls exclaimed, faces scrunched up in disgust. "We can go later, okay?" Y/N told them. "It's lunchtime now, then naptime." The girls started whining. "Hey, no whining." "No nap, no park." Chibs said, backing up his wife. The girls scowled, knowing it was too late to try to persuade him otherwise now that he showed he was with Mom. "Keep makin' tha' face an' it'll stick like tha'." He threatened, a sideways glance to Y/N who gave him a mischevious half-grin. "I'll ge' the lad changed an' down fer his nap." He told her, kissing her cheek. Y/N sighed softly, leaning into his lips. "Okay. We'll clean up in here and get lunch going." She decided, stepping aside to let the boys out of the room. "Come along, ya wee bug. We'll get a fresh nappie, read tha' book abou' a wee mouse an' a biscuit, play some o' tha' Celtic lullaby music ya love, an' have a bit o' dreamin'. Sound good?" Chibs spoke softly to his son as he moved down the hallway to the baby's room. Y/N turned to her daughters, taking out her phone and snapping a picture of the dressed up pair before smiling at them. "Shall we have chicken fingers for lunch?" She quiered. The girls nod enthusiastically. "Anything else?" "Neeps an' tatties!" Chibs called down the hallway. Y/N rolled her eyes, but the girls were already getting more excited. The girls loved her homemade mashed potatoes and turnips. "Alright, then. I think we have some mash leftover from dinner." She sighed. "Start cleaning and I'll get the chicken in the oven." She told the girls. "Okay, Mama!" They agreed as she turned and made her way to the kitchen. Once the food was warming up, she was jotting something down on the grocery list on the counter when the sounds in her house distracted her. Sabrina and Matilda were giggling with each other, toys and make believe sets were clattering here and there as the siblings no doubt were throwing everything haphazardly into random toy chests, the rumbles of Chibs' Scottish brogue float down the hallway as he read a bedtime story to their baby, and the sounds of yipping and collar tags jingling were heard from the living room as Jameson dreamed of chasing squirrels. Y/N breathed deeply and sighed, content. This was her favorite thing in the world. The sounds of home.
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quickspinner · 5 years ago
MLHolidays2k19 10. Home
This didn’t turn out very holiday, sorry, but I’m in another one of those ‘second guess everything’ modes so I just went with the flow today for the sake of my sanity. Lukanette 
His home sounds like creaking metal, water slapping on the hull, the calls of river birds, and music of every kind. It rocks with the waves and the doors are too low at the top and too high at the bottom, and it has portholes in weird places that they cover with cheap flowered curtains.  It smells like iron and gasoline and nail enamel, like Juleka’s shampoo mixed with Rose’s perfume and his mother’s cooking. It’s made up of ridges and hard edges and complicated by clutter, but the small size keeps them close and leaves no room for anger or misunderstanding. It looks loud and confused but it feels like the comforting constant of chaos.
Her home smells like bread and sugar and tea. It’s always warm, sometimes too warm as heat from the ovens rises through their home, and full of corners that she skids around and stairs that she trips up. It’s comfortable and steady and welcoming and so full of love and enthusiasm that it’s a wonder there is room for the furniture. It looks traditional but it feels like excitement, like new ideas, like crumbling pastries and airy confections and the slide of cotton and nylon and silk through skillful fingers. It sounds like her father’s laugh and her mother’s squeal, like slamming ovens, the scratch of a pencil, and the occasional squeal of inspiration. 
But sometimes. 
Sometimes her home smells like cheap detergent, nail polish, and old metal, diluted by fresh air and sunshine. 
Sometimes his home sounds like the whirr of a sewing machine, the swish of fabric, a stubbed toe and a startled yelp, the chattering of a thousand ideas that can’t be contained. 
Sometimes home feels like fingers tangled comfortably together and looks like a gentle smile or a pair of bright blue eyes.
Sometimes home tastes like two mugs of hot chocolate, a shared croissant, and a kiss.
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captainamericasbeard · 6 years ago
Pairing: Bucky x Reader Word Count: 1.6k Category: Fluff Warnings: None
A/N: This is my entry for Day 13 of @ibwhellospring ‘s 31 day short story writing challenge. Today’s prompt was bloom. I’ll put links for each day on my masterlist if you want to catch up.
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It was early morning and the sun was streaming in from the skylight above the kitchen island. Most everyone in the tower is still sleeping but as the first one up you fulfill your obligation of fixing a fresh pot of coffee. The smell mingles with dirt as you work. Spread out in front of you are seed packets and old egg cartons, little copper labels you found at Home Depot, a bag of tulip bulbs and a big bright blue pot to plant them in. You pick up a sharpie and begin to artistically scrawl “tulips” along the side of the enameled pot as Bucky comes into the kitchen after his jog. He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge before sitting at the island and looking at you questioningly.
“Why is there a 25 pound bag of dirt on the counter, Y/N?” You look at him with a quirked eyebrow. You don’t know Bucky that well, though you’ve definitely noticed his brooding, towering figure lurking around the tower. At the moment you can’t tell if he’s irritated by the situation or genuinely asking.
“I'm planting herbs and tulips,” you say with a matter of fact shrug. You start loading scoops of sweet smelling earth into the little egg compartments and sprinkling the different seeds on top before finishing up with a little more dirt.
“What for?” Bucky asks, wrapping his hands around the cup of plain black coffee he’s just poured himself.
“I figured the kitchen could use a little green in it. And Sam’s always complaining about the store bought herbs. And the tulips are just my favourite,” you say with a small smile.
“For Sam, huh?” Bucky asks noncommittally.
“Well, he does the bulk of the cooking,” you reply, wondering why that’s what Bucky chose to focus on. You finish up three trays of herbs and stick the little signs into the dirt. Basil, thyme, and oregano. You look happily at your little trays and line them up under the sunlight in front of the sink. Bucky watches you work as you move onto the tulips. You prep five bulbs and lovingly cover them with soil in the large pot you bought for them. You line them up next to your herbs and spritz down all the soil with a spray bottle. You catch Bucky watching you intently as you wash up and you offer him a soft smile, which he returns.
“Want some eggs?” You ask pointing to a bowl overflowing with little brown eggs. Bucky chuckles and gives you a nod.
And that’s how you start to get to know Bucky Barnes. He asks you about gardening and you recount the little garden you used to have at your house before you moved into the tower. How you learned from your dad who used to grow prize winning roses. Bucky recalls the little apartment garden his Ma had back in Brooklyn and how she would mend clothes to barter for seeds. And slowly over the mornings your talk strayed from gardening to favorite books to movie suggestions to childhood memories. You’d make him eggs every morning and he’d spritz down your seedlings for you.
You found yourself with a soft spot for this quiet soul. His dark hair and blue eyes and gentle confidence. Now when you saw him in the halls you’d offer him a tender smile instead of just a head nod. He’d borrow books from the small library in your room, frequently waking you up in the wee hours of the morning for the next book in a series. Eventually you told him to just use his assassin skills to sneak in and help himself and he’d leave you post it notes on top of your phone to let you know he’d been there.
Couldn’t put it down, sorry.
It was a cliffhanger, needed the next one.
Too good to wait til morning for the next one. Thanks Doll.
And gradually your seedlings grew.
A few weeks later it was time to repot. This time Bucky stood next to you at the counter with a small trowel and a bag of dirt. You showed him how to pick up the seedlings by the leaves and how far apart to plant them in the large pots you’d chosen. You stood shoulder to shoulder and when his arm would brush yours you’d fumble and spill a bit of dirt on the counter. He showed you his work questioningly and you gave him an approving smile. You spritzed your tulips which had broken through the surface of the soil and turned to making eggs.
“Wanna watch a movie tonight?” Bucky asks without preamble. You look up at him to see his nervous blue eyes. “You’ve recommended so many good ones, I’d love to watch some of them with you,” he says quietly. You nod and say nothing under the pretense of making breakfast but soundlessly, hope is taking root in your heart.
That night it’s blankets and cocoa, popcorn and cookies, and The Fifth Element on the couch in the common room. Your knees touch occasionally as you laugh at the same parts. At one point Nat walks halfway into the common room. But catching the scene gently unfolding before her she smiles and backs away, texting the rest of the team to keep their distance. Your heart stammers when Korben tells Leeloo how much he loves her and you glance at Bucky to find him just as wrapped up in their romance as he was enthralled in the action. The credits roll and Bucky looks over to you.
You’ve fallen asleep and the blanket has fallen off you. Bucky looks at you with such tenderness in his expression. He gently moves the pack of Oreos from your lap and the mug from your hand. He covers you up with the blanket and carefully tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. He stands there watching you for a long moment before cleaning up your mugs and popcorn bowl and heading to bed. He passes Nat’s open door and she catches his soft expression and smiles quietly to herself.
Your herbs are in full bloom. Lush and full, they look so inviting. Your tulips are taking their time. You come into the kitchen late this morning to find Bucky already there, watering your plants. You pause in the doorway and watch him, noticing him muttering under his breath to the tulips.
“… now you guys come along. I know she’s really excited to see what color you’re going to be.” You smile and your heart swells. Everything that’s been stirring beneath the surface finally breaks free and you quietly gasp in shock. Bucky hears you and looks up blushing. “Just giving them a little talking to,” he says as his cheeks grow pink. You step into the kitchen and take the watering can from his hands, brushing his fingers with yours.
“You're not far off. They say it helps to sing to your plants,” you say as you pick off a few errant leaves. You move over to making breakfast for the two of you while your insides are a riot of colour. You crack half a dozen eggs into a bowl and start to whisk. You pluck some oregano out of the pot and chop it finely to release it’s fragrance.  
Stars shining bright above you Night breezes seem to whisper I love you. Birds singing in the sycamore trees Dream a little dream of me.
Bucky has pulled the tulip pot close to him and with his arms wrapped around it, he’s crooning Doris Day. His usually gruff and quiet voice washes over you like sweet caramel.
Say nighty night and kiss me Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me. While I’m alone and blue as can be, Dream a little dream of me.
You’ve put the bowl and whisk down on the counter and you’ve fully stopped breathing at this point. Bucky looks up from the tulips and locks eyes with you. He comes around to your side of the counter and you turn to face him as he extends his hand. You take it, trembling, and he pulls you in close for a slow dance next to the dishwasher.
Stars fading but I linger on dear Still craving your kiss I’m longing to linger till dawn dear Just saying this
Sweet dreams till sun beams on you Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you But in your dreams whatever they be, Dream a little dream of me.
Bucky wraps one hand around your waist and you rest your head on his chest. He smoothly shuffles you around the floor, crooning sweetly in your ear. You have tears at the corner of your eyes and goosebumps all along your flesh. And you still haven’t found your breath. Bucky slows down and drops your hand, cradling your face in his hands. Your tears fall and he gently wipes them away with his thumbs.
“You ok, Doll?” He asks tenderly.
“Just overcome,” you whisper. He nods his head in understanding and leans down, capturing your lips in the sweetest kiss you’ve ever known. Your hands rest on his chest until you weave your arms up around his neck and your hands into his hair. This kiss and this moment have been growing in your hearts for so long and now its finally in full bloom.
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avisisms · 5 years ago
。・:*:・゚☆  Lydia aesthetic #3454 || → Mid to late teens ||   。・:*:・゚☆
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✧・゚ Poofy but crisp white shirts with rolled up sleeves tucked into worn jeans ✧・゚ Smudges of charcoal from pens on her face ✧・゚ Sitting cross-legged on tables when no one’s around ✧・゚ Wearing hair loose less often ✧・゚ A thimble in every pocket ✧・゚Mended socks and stockings ✧・゚Finding old buildings and ruins reclaimed by nature ✧・゚ Howling wind in chimney✧・゚ Astronomy club on Wednesday evenings ✧・゚ Diplomatic ✧・゚ Climbing up trees or large rocks to sit there for hours ✧・゚ Trying to hide the emotions on her sleeve ✧・゚ Braided crown that’s gone messy throughout the day ✧・゚ Spotless clothing but ink-stained fingers ✧・゚Pricked and raw fingers from sewing needles ✧・゚The latest publishing of ‘Stitching and spells’ or ‘Witch weekly’ in her bag ✧・゚
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✧・゚ Bright eyes though usually looking a bit pale and tired ✧・゚Jasmine or rose oil scent on neck and wrists ✧・゚ Dried meadow flowers ✧・゚Leaning into your touch ✧・゚ Stars ✧・゚ Lose pieces of thread stuck to robes ✧・゚Desire to travel ✧・゚ Frugally Fashionable ✧・゚ Swimming on rainy days ✧・゚ Slightly too long and sharp canines ✧・゚ Very animated body-language when excited or she thinks nobody is watching ✧・゚ Using work and studying as a distraction ✧・゚ Short well kept nails ✧・゚Carrying books in hands because bag is full of other things ✧・゚ Umbrellas and sitting in the shade on sunny days ✧・゚Scribbled stars on anything she can get her hands on ✧・゚Innocence lost ✧・゚ Tea with lemon ✧・゚Plain sweaters in neutrals and cool colors ✧・゚Constantly losing bobby pins ✧・゚Snowy forests and mountains ✧・゚ creaking floorboards ✧・゚ Playing with thimble in class ✧・゚Nightmares about being trapped in wildfires ✧・゚Salt ✧・゚
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✧・゚ Too much noise in crowds ✧・゚ Gold locket necklace ✧・゚Alto ✧・゚ Sorting letters in neat stacks by sender ✧・゚Old and weary-looking dress form ✧・゚Screaming into pillow ✧・゚ Dark eyes that penetrate your soul ✧・゚ Old chest filled with fabrics ✧・゚Hugs ✧・゚ Wincing when you-know-who is named ✧・゚ taste of metal ✧・゚All-nighters ✧・゚Crying because of poetry ✧・゚ Bringing a duvet to a chair by the fire and reading ✧・゚Most expensive possession is telescope ✧・゚ “ Sticks and stones…“ ✧・゚Tends to take charge if nobody else does it first ✧・゚ Crowing cracks in relationships ✧・゚ Leather messenger bag with brass monogram ✧・゚ Staring in frustration at loose threads in other’s clothing ✧・゚Alone at home ✧・゚ Engaging eye-contact when threatened ✧・゚Birthmarks ✧・゚Scratching her neck when focused and thinking ✧・゚Feeling betrayed ✧・゚ Purring cat ✧・゚ Lace up shoes and boots ✧・゚Copper pots, kettles and pans ✧・゚ Oval face ✧・゚Prefect’s badge ✧・゚Humming Celestina Warbeck songs ✧・゚Sparse or no makeup ✧・゚ Dimple on right cheek ✧・゚ Willingly spending an unreasonable amount of time in the dungeons ✧・゚ Loves fashion ✧・゚Shares food ✧・゚Waking up in panic ✧・゚”Showing some basic respect and decency never killed anyone” ✧・゚Admires people with integrity and personality ✧・゚
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✧・゚Candlelight and oil lamps ✧・゚ Robes of black or blue wool outside of school ✧・゚Doesn’t enjoy studying but does it very diligently never the less ✧・゚ Sneaking out at night because of sleeplessness ✧・゚Enamel mugs ✧・゚ Slightly lopsided smile ✧・゚ Appetite going from 0 to 100 quickly✧・゚ Lingering gazes   ✧・゚ Secret collection of small animal bones and shells ✧・゚ Confused loyalties ✧・゚Cold breath at the break of a misty dawn ✧・゚Hufflepuff ribbon in hair ✧・゚Touch-starved ✧・゚DIY or die ✧・゚No longer caring much for Frog cards ✧・゚Knee length skirts ✧・゚Selectively organized ✧・゚ Stroking seams with fingers ✧・゚Standing up for others when she think’s it’s necessary ✧・゚ Still struggles somewhat with standing up for herself ✧・゚Adress-book always on her person ✧・゚ Blue and white striped dressing-gown ✧・゚Chess board left in the middle of a game ✧・゚Hats with wide brims ✧・゚Wears socks to bed sometimes ✧・゚Star charts and constellations ✧・゚Buying old Vogue magazines in Muggle thrift shops ✧・゚Scottish accent getting subtly heavier after summer ✧・゚Burning birch wood in a fireplace ✧・゚Placing career advice pamphlets as bookmarks ✧・゚ Back and neck hurting after hours of sewing, drawing or pattern-making ✧・゚Futile attempts at using sunscreen to handle the sun ✧・゚
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besthouseproducts · 5 years ago
Blue Rose Enamel Crystal Cup Flower Tea Glass High-grade Glass Water Cup Flower Mug with Hand grip Perfect Gift For Lover Wedding
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prettyaroace · 5 years ago
This or that - answered
@chris-evans-hemsworth-pratt asked me to do all of these. So I'm doing all of these. Also, you can find the original questions here
cacti or succulents- Succulents. They are cute. butterflies or honeybees - Honeybees are so cute, I love them. typewritten or handwritten letters - Handwritten. I like to just sit down and write something personal down, and I think writing it with pen and paper matches the mood. flower crowns or oversized sun hats- flower crowns. I love flower crowns so much, I can’t even. polaroids or film - Polaroids. Small pictures you can always carry around with you? Sign me up!  road tripping in a VW bus down the coast or camping in the woods on summer nights- Road-tripping, I love a good road trip, as long as its with people I love and we have heaps of snack and have internet access at least once a day. cozy beanbags or breezy hammocks - cozy beanbags.  oversized jumpers or fluffy bathrobes - oversized jumpers. I don’t really wear bathrobes, and my oversized jumpers all used to be my mums. banana bread or pumpkin spiced loaf - Banana bread all the way. The bakery close to me makes the best banana bread. the smell of old books or the smell of petrichor - old books. You can tell their loved and have so much history inside of them.  chapstick or matte lipstick - matte lipstick. If you know me personally, then you know that i love to wear bold lipsticks, they really just complete my outfits. macarons or eclairs - eclairs. My mum can make some good ones. a candlelit bath or a naturally lit reading room - naturally lit reading room. I hate candles, they make my anxiety spike. Also, I love natural light. a matinee at a musical or an evening at the art gallery - Manintee at a musical. i love musicals, so much. creamy hot cocoa with marshmallows or dippable hot chocolate with churros - hot cocoa with marshmallows poetry or prose - Poetry. vinyl or cassettes - Cassettes as you can carry them around. antique shops or second-hand stores - second-hand stores. I love to go to second-hand stores. a heavy, rich chocolate cake with ganache and caramel or a light, summer sponge cake with cream and fruit - The sponge cake.  purikuras or photo booths - Photo booths. Idk why. cozy scarfs or warm beanies Cozy scarfs. I love scarfs. rose gold or copper - rose gold. watching the sky at sunset from the beach or watching the city below from an airplane at night - watching from the beach, i love to sit on the beach, and i love sunsets. mason jars or coffee mugs - coffee mugs. puffy clouds and blue skies or thunder and lighting on rainy days - puffy clouds and blue skies, I'm more of a summer gal. a cup of hot tea or a bowl of warm soup - hot tea. I’m not a big fan of soup. picnic on a grassy hill or tea in a flower garden - in a flower garden. I love flowers. silk or lace - silk. very silky. sketching in a museum or journaling in a café - sketching in a museum, i love museums. converse high tops or beaded summer sandals- converse high tops, in fact, pretty much the only shoes I wear are converse’s. sweet crêpes or fluffy pancakes - fluffy pancakes.  galaxies or nebulae - galaxies. cuff-chain earrings or full finger rings - rings. i can’t wear earrings anymore so.. knee socks or leggings - knee socks. in bed or out in the rain - In bed, i would rather have as little as anxiety as possible thank you very much. the muted colors of winter or the vibrant colors of summer- summer colors. they are very pretty.  autumn leaves or spring flowers - spring flowers, as i said before, i love flowers.  summer fruits: peaches, berries, cherries, and apricots or tropical fruits: pineapples, mangos, papaya, and grapefruit. summer fruits all the way, i like a good berry. malt shakes or ice cream floats - ice cream floats. smooth jazz or lo-fi - lo-fi. it has a nice aesthetic. waves lapping at the shore or wind rolling over wheat fields -waves lapping at the shore. very peaceful. sunflowers or lavender - sunflowers, but i like the smell of lavenders enamel pins or embroidered patches - enamel pins, i like to put them on my school bag. fresh cheeses and cured meats or fresh bread and homemade jams - fresh bread and homemade jams all the way babbeeeeyyyy fireworks or sparklers - sparklers, you can control them. bath bombs or scented candles - bath bombs, as I said before, not a big candle fan. library borrower cards or vintage postcards - library cards. library’s are nice. singing and playing the ukulele while walking or singing in the car with the windows down - singing in the car.  filling your passport with stamps from each place you travel to or collecting souvenirs from every place you’ve travelled to - collecting souvenirs, I love little souvenirs. _____ or _____ -I'll do my own one for this, winter or summer - summer all the way.
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pabrik215agen · 5 years ago
Jual Mug Jadul 0896•6848•7220[wa]
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Mungkin ini ialah artikel tentang jual mug jadul yang tengah kau buru. Waktu berikut ini jaman teknologi semakin kedepan, jarak tidak lagi problem sebagai seorang insan tetap bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang beda di aneka lokasi bahkan pada belahan dunia. Kerumitan teknologi ini juga mempermudah kami guna menemukan aneka pengetahuan apasaja dan dimanapun kita berada. Hanya dg memakai jaringan, kita bisa mengakses ulasan yg kita dambakan. Di website tersebut insan yg memakai guna riset, tugas sekolah misalpun sebatas memperoleh wawasan anyar dapat menemukan bahkan berkontribusi lebih banyak dg meninggalkan pandangan dibagian yang telah tersedia / men-japri via kontak yg sudah disediakan. Enamel merupakan keliru esa fitur terbaru dalam peralatan rumah tangga khususnya penggorengan yang mendapatkan banyak satu kali guna. Begini, dibawah ini anda dapat menemukan ekses dan kekurangan peralatan rumah tangga berdasar modal enamel. Bunda, perlu anda ketahui bahwasanya enamel atau disebut juga percelain enamel adalah layer porcelain yg ditempelkan di logam / besi yg manfaatnya memproteksi permukaan produk tentang kerusakan, memperbaiki mutu barang serta serta mempercantik lho! Enamel ini sering diaplikasikan di perabotan-perabotan dapur generasi terbaru meskipun faktanya penerapan enamel telah terdapat sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu. Peralatan rumah tangga berbahan modal enamel merepsentasikan perabotan modern, efektif serta efisien.
enamel mug japan
Guna ibukota negara serta kota metropolitan, pasti tarif produk-produk disana lagi murah ketimbang wahana beda karna langsung dari pabriknya. Keliru satu produk yg digemari oleh rakyat tentang metro lain adalah sovenir gelas hemat pada jakarta yang acap dipakai mereka yg berada pada tempat untuk kerajinan pernikahan. Pada dasarnya gelas murah ini sama dengan yang lain, hanya saja pada jakarta tipenya lagi variatif dg tarif relatif miring. Beriringan berkembangnya zaman, keperluan akan informasi-informasi ke arah segi kebutuhan / kehidupan kian pesat. Keliru satunya adalah produk enamel mug with initial. Kita tahu bahwasanya hasil-hasil kini berikut ini makin banyak dan bermacam. Oleh sebab itu, pembahasan saat ini akan menjunjung perihal mengenai enamel mug with initial alasan mengapa pembahasan ini diperlukan karena berikut ini merupakan salahsatu elemen penting bagi sebagian kalangan. Jadi informasi mengenai aneka macam barang dan fungsinya diharapkan bisa menyumang menyumang banyak orang yang sedang menggali pengetahuan / informasi baru terhubung hal tersebut. Dapat juga menolong para mahasiswa atau siswa yang tengah menggali material untuk penelitian, tugas perguruan / saja menggali entertainmen guna yg suka menonton. Lah faedah yg lain serta demi pembaca lagi gesit mempunyai wacana yang diinginkan. Sebab di orde sains saat berikut ini begitu simpel menemukan pengetahuan dari yg mana aja sampai terhadap pelosok desa sekalipun, janji mampu terkoneksi dg network internet serta mendapatkan alat guna menemukan online. Dg demikian para pemirsa dapat menghadiri web ini kapan saja dan dimanasaja kau mau. Pemirsa juga bisa mengembangkan atau memberikan masukan lagi banyak jika mendapatkan pandangan, ide-ide, atau komentar edan ataupun komentar lain mengenai ulasan yang kita tulis. Pengamat dapat membuat sampai atau menuliskan ide-ide, bantahan, opini pandangan serta semacamnya pada kolom yg sudah tersedia. Mampu serta menghubungi kita via kontak yang telah termaktub pada web berikut ini, yang dapat kami cukup dan kita kembangkan pada penyajian tulisan selanjutnya demi lebih bervariasi serta cocok dengan selera pengamat.
mug enamel grosir
Sebab gelas jar ialah ragam gelas bening / gelas beling oleh karena itu gelas ini bisa difungsikan sebagai daerah minum sehari-hari. Dg begitu gelas jar berikut ini dapat berkembang souvenir yang berguna satu kali guna teman, relasi / keluarga. Dg kata lain, para tamu undangan yg menerima gelas akan merasa senang sebab udah mendapat souvenir yg unik dan bermanfaat, sedang pihak pemberi gelas akan merasa senang serta sebab acara pernikahannya akan senantiasa dikenang melalui souvenir yang sudah disebutkan.
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beyondthetemples · 5 years ago
This or That?
{{ I wanted to do this for Dove, too! Full list taken from this post: https://beyondthetemples-ooc.tumblr.com/post/188181238187/50-cute-this-or-that-questions
cacti or succulents Succulents, though she'd much prefer keeping an herb garden (in memory of her mother’s garden), even if it's just on the kitchen counter.
butterflies or honeybees Butterflies. (Especially in RP!continuity, since she now has a very important moment to associate them with a friend.)
typewritten or handwritten letters Handwritten, especially if she'd be the one who has to type otherwise. (She is very much a hunt-and-peck typist.)
polaroids or film Polaroids, unless she met A Certain Distant-"Family" Teammate who, in Certain Continuities, was involved in photography, and she could learn about the process. It would fascinate her.
road tripping in a VW bus down the coast or camping in the woods on summer nights Camping for sure, she doesn't do great in vehicles.
cozy beanbags or breezy hammocks Ooh, probably cozy beanbags? She'd take awhile to perfect the art of hammock balance, and then probably be too nervous about potentially falling out again (and embarrassed by how many times she already did) to Truly Relax.
oversized jumpers or fluffy bathrobes Fluffy bathrobes for sure, she's always a sucker for soft cozy things.
banana bread or pumpkin spiced loaf Banana bread, though she'd like pumpkin spiced too.
the smell of old books or the smell of petrichor Old books. She likes the rain, but old books just smell like home.
chapstick or matte lipstick Neither, she's not big on makeup and very much Not Used to wearing either. (Though she's more likely to need chapstick if she went somewhere with an actual winter; since she doesn't do very well in the cold, her lips probably would get a little bit chapped.)
macarons or eclairs Ooh, she'd really enjoy them both. If the macaroons are plain, she'd prefer the éclair. But if the macaroons are lighter flavors, like vanilla or fruity flavors especially? Definitely the macaroons.
a candlelit bath or a naturally lit reading room Naturally lit reading room.
a matinee at a musical or a evening at the art gallery Evening at the art gallery, less people and a quieter atmosphere.
creamy hot cocoa with marshmallows or dippable hot chocolate with churros Probably hot cocoa? She'd prefer the pseudo-savory to a Sweet Thing Dipped In More Sweetness.
poetry or prose She reads more prose, though she enjoys poetry too, and does dabble in it a bit herself...
(Like here [x], for instance.)
vinyl or cassettes I actually don't think she's been exposed to either. But she'd probably prefer cassettes, because you have more control over how loud it is on a radio than on a gramophone.
antique shops or second hand stores Antique shops, there are a lot more things to pique her curiosity!
a heavy, rich chocolate cake with ganache and caramel or a light, summer sponge cake with cream and fruit Definitely the summer cake-- with her favorite. You know: Fruit! (And a super-sweet heavy cake wouldn't go over very well.)
purikuras or photo booths Neither, really, unless she's with a friend. Then they'd probably have more fun at the purikura?
cozy scarfs or warm beanies Cozy scarfs! She prefers neck warmth to head warmth. (Not that, as far as I'm aware, she has ever had to try either one...)
rose gold or copper Rose gold, though copper is a comfortingly familiar color to her.
watching the sky at sunset from the beach or watching the city below from an airplane at night Watching the sky at sunset from the beach, for sure! (Feels like home, and hope, and lots of other good things.) But she does not enjoy being on an airplane at all. Rough first experience (in an as-of-yet unpublished and only barely-outlined story, but let's just say it gets "bad" in three ways, and she'd rather never travel by one again).
mason jars or coffee mugs Coffee mugs, though she doesn't like coffee at all.
puffy clouds and blue skies or thunder and lighting on rainy days Blue skies, Definitely blue skies. (She'd prefer a light rain, but thunder? Gods NO.)
a cup of hot tea or a bowl of warm soup Hot tea, though both are nice~
picnic on a grassy hill or tea in a flower garden Tea in a flower garden, it would remind her of her mother, her childhood, her home...
silk or lace Silk, probably? (She's most comfortable in silk because her cloak is made out of a kind of "silk", and thus it's more familiar and comfortable.)
sketching in a museum or journaling in a café She'd probably be journaling in a museum. It's hard, very hard to find Dove in any public place long enough to write a journal entry. She'd linger a bit longer in a museum with a friend, but she's not much of an artist unless something really inspires her.
converse high tops or beaded summer sandals I don't think she'd invest in either, since they're usually more of the higher-priced Fashion Clothes, which she's really not that into? But she's more likely to wear the beaded sandals.
sweet crêpes or fluffy pancakes Either one, really! Unless they're fruit-filled crepes, then definitely the crepes.
galaxies or nebulae Galaxies, probably? Seeing all the stars would remind her of Azarath's skies.
cuff-chain earrings or full finger rings (I don't see her wearing either, actually? But for a costume or something, I can see her wearing the finger cuffs over the ear cuffs. Since, you know, her ears aren't pierced...)
knee socks or leggings Probably knee socks, if she's ever cold enough to wear socks??
in bed or out in the rain In bed listening to the rain, ideally.
the muted colors of winter or the vibrant colors of summer Vibrant colors of summer! (As long as it's not hot enough for her to get heat stroke again.)
autumn leaves or spring flowers Spring flowers. (She prefers the delicate brightness to swaths of red/orange/fiery colors. Though, I don't think she has ever seen Real Autumn Leaves...)
summer fruits: peaches, berries, cherries, and apricots or tropical fruits: pineapples, mangos, papaya, and grapefruit. Honestly? All fruit, all the time, she really just loves it all!
malt shakes or ice cream floats Probably the ice cream float, because that's only One Scoop, but she couldn't even drink half a malt without her intense lactose intolerance acting up.
smooth jazz or lo-fi Probably lo-fi?
waves lapping at the shore or wind rolling over wheat fields Waves lapping at the shore. It's a sound of Home to her now.
sunflowers or lavender She's deathly allergic to lavender (we're talking, one whiff and she can go into anaphylactic shock), so: Sunflowers! Definitely!
enamel pins or embroidered patches She doesn't wear either, but she'd probably like embroidered patches better? Especially if she learned to sew them herself.
fresh cheeses and cured meats or fresh bread and homemade jams Bread and jam, for dietary and preference reasons alike!
fireworks or sparklers Sparklers, definitely sparklers. (Fireworks are so loud, they terrified her the first time. And she has trouble "steeling herself" for them, because you can hardly prepare when the sound comes so much later than the sight...)
bath bombs or scented candles Probably scented candles? I don't think she ever gets into the bath bomb "fandom".
library borrower cards or vintage postcards Library card, for sure.
singing and playing the ukulele while walking or singing in the car with the windows down She doesn't enjoy car rides very much at all, so while the only instrument she knows how to play is something kinda lyre-like, she'd prefer singing and playing while walking.
filling your passport with stamps from each place you travel to or collecting souvenirs from every place you’ve traveled to Souvenirs, I don't even know that Dove has a proper passport? (No social security number, and all that.)
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vendor22hargagrosir-blog · 5 years ago
Cangkir Besar Dari Kaleng 0896.6848.7220[wa]
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Barangkali ini adalah tulisan mengenai cangkir besar dari kaleng yang sedang anda dambakan. Waktu ini jaman tehnologi kian kedepan, jarak tak pula problem sebagai seseorang senantiasa bisa berkomunikasi dg orang beda di berbagai lokasi lebih-lebih di bagian bumi. Kecanggihan teknologi ini juga mempermudah kita sebagai menemukan aneka wacana apapun dan dimanapun kami terletak. Cuma dengan menggunakan network, kami bisa mengakses artikel yg kami buru. Pada web yang sudah disebutkan orang yang memakai sebagai riset, mandat pendidikan ataupun sebatas mendapat referensi baru dapat mengakses bahkan memberikan masukan lebih lanjut dengan memberikan tinggalan komentar dibagian yang telah disediakan atau menghubungi melalui kontak yg telah disediakan. Hampir semua jenis material gelas dapat disablon. Gelas plastik, kaca, keramik semua dapat disablon sama halnya seperti menyablon kaos, ilustrasi / ulasan mampu direquest sesuai kesenangan customer. Yang gemar bola acap menyablon mugnya dg club kesayanganya, guna acara kawin mampu disablon nama kedua mempelai, yg berkehendak punya mug sama dengan milik pasangan juga bisa menyablon gelas couple.
enamel mug with initial
Keunggulan sifat-sifat gelas yang sudah disebutkan memungkinkan hasil-hasil gelas digunakan bagi menunjang keperluan sehari-hari meliputi produk setengah jadi maupun produk gelas yg siap oleh karena itu. Contoh barang produk setengah sehingga merupakan lempengan kaca, pipa kaca, benda kaca berongga untuk bahan membran serta penyaring, dan benda keperluan rumah tangga. Laman berikut ini adalah laman yg mengisi informasi mengenai berbagai ragam barang barang gelas enamel bogor. Begitu banyak perihal yg menjadikan wacana berikut ini sangat dibutuhkan. Mungkin sebagai putra-putri perguruan, penelitian, tugas ataupun cuma bagi mengandung tempo luang aja. Website ini begitu di rekomendasi demi manusia simpel dalam mengakses produk yg diinginkan. Adanya tehnologi yang makin kompleks waktu ini, insan begitu simpel bagi menemukan sesuatu yg dia-dia inginkan. Tak terkecuali orang-orang pedalaman, mereka juga dengan simpel memiliki apa yang dia-dia inginkan, sebab sumber tehonologi sudah tersebar dianeka wahana manapun. Untuk itu, silakan baca situs berikut ini, dimanasaja atau waktu sembarang waktu, karna informasi berikut ini amat singkat, terang, praktis dipahami, serta tiada mengkonsumsi melimpah saat. Apabila kamu berkehendak menyediakan masukan ataupun kritikan, silahkan tulis di tabel opini, karena kita selalu berharap teguran atau masukan tentang anda, supaya wacana berikut ini kedepannya lebih baik. / kau serta bisa men-japri kita dengan cara telfon sms pada nomor yang telah terlampir pada halaman web kita.
gelas mug kaleng
Para supplier usaha souvenir gelas sablon hemat biasanya membentang langganan para pelajar perguruan tinggi di tiap-tiap masa akhir studi para mahasiswa. Para penyedia bisnis berikut ini umumnya meminta para mahasiswa yang memesan barang souvenirnya kepada mahasiswa yg lain. Serta perihal kayak umumnya menyerahkan mahasiswa yang memesan kerajinan diberikan diskon yang menggiurkan. Mulai dg paketan yang diberi harga lagi hemat misalpun jumlah kerajinan yang diberikan tumbuh pula banyak. Sistem yg dilakukan pengusaha sovenir berikut ini bikin para pelajar perguruan tinggi memiliki bonus yg bagus. Serta timbal balik tentang ini bagi pengusaha adalah tercecar luasnya nama pengusaha kerajinan ini. Berikut ini ialah kenyataan simbiosis mutualisme bagi pelajar perguruan tinggi serta pengusaha souvenir.
0 notes
tabletoptrinketsbyjj · 4 years ago
Trinkets, 35: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A mostly full bottle of whisky on which the label has been crossed out with ink and under it is scrawled “Potion of Emotional Healing”.
A silver pocket watch as thick and round as a pomegranate that makes a sound like a bag of coins when moved. The delicate crystal face is shattered, and tiny gears and wheels skitter and jumble randomly within the interior.  
A masterfully executed painting depicting the aftermath of a horrific battle; pain and fear radiates from every living face. In the lower left corner is a familiar signature.
A strange, tiny inkwell, barely large enough to contain more than a few drops of ink, with a pointed, small-diameter needle protruding from its bottom. The needle, if embedded in one's flesh, causes the pot to well with waiting red.
A steel collar set with a coin sized medallion of rare, red flecked obsidian at the front of it. The stone is inscribe with a Necromantic rebuke.
A set of bongos made of elephant hide stretched over alder.
A scrap of paper that says, “Thank you for dealing with this ‘person.’ For a reward, please visit the Dancing Diva Festhall.” Under those words is a smudged, bright red lip imprint.
A marvelous lute of light, tastefully inlaid wood with a slender, engraved neck. The instrument's wood seems to sing on its own, its strings almost alive with wonderful tonality.
A pair of earrings, with red garnet cabochons, rounded on one side, flat on the other, shining prettily.
A hawthorn walking stick. The end stained with mud, and worn from use from walking through cities, deserts, moors, up mountains, and from being used to pry open many windows, and doors.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A mostly full bottle of whisky on which the label has been crossed out with ink and under it is scrawled “Potion of Emotional Healing”.
A silver pocket watch as thick and round as a pomegranate that makes a sound like a bag of coins when moved. The delicate crystal face is shattered, and tiny gears and wheels skitter and jumble randomly within the interior.  
A masterfully executed painting depicting the aftermath of a horrific battle; pain and fear radiates from every living face. In the lower left corner is a familiar signature.
A strange, tiny inkpot, barely large enough to contain more than a few drops of ink, with a pointed, small-diameter needle protruding from its bottom. The needle, if embedded in one's flesh, causes the pot to well with waiting red.
A steel collar set with a coin sized medallion of rare, red flecked obsidian at the front of it. The stone is inscribe with a Necromantic rebuke.
A set of bongos made of elephant hide stretched over alder.
A scrap of paper that says, “Thank you for dealing with this ‘person.’ For a reward, please visit the Dancing Diva Festhall.” Under those words is a smudged, bright red lip imprint.
A marvellous lute of light, tastefully inlaid wood with a slender, engraved neck. The instrument's wood seems to sing on its own, its strings almost alive with wonderful tonality.
A pair of earrings, with red garnet cabochons, rounded on one side, flat on the other, shining prettily.
A hawthorn walking stick. The end stained with mud, and worn from use from walking through cities, deserts, moors, up mountains, and from being used to pry open many windows, and doors.
A beautifully polished obsidian carving shaped into a jaguar skull. Those that touch it feel a deep connection to the animal world and the earth itself.
A palm-sized gem wrapped in rune-embroidered cloth that glows with an inner radiance.
A small sliver of crystal that is completely translucent, although it flickers with a weak glow when held by a living creature.
Reveler's mug: A large horn mug that cannot be turned upside down while containing liquid. If one attempts to do so, the mug changes shape in their hands so that it does not spill.
A razor sharp hunting knife with a gut hook.
Beauticians clippers: Once per day the bearer can use the clippers to cause finger or toenails grow as if a month had gone by allowing damaged nails to be trimmed and cleaned much easier.
A pair of padded greaves, back-stitched in a diamond pattern that provides maximum flexibility without diminishing the effectiveness of the leg protection. A pair of buckled straps on the back side fasten the padded greaves while allowing some adjustment of the fit.
A broken lump of dark gray rock that shimmers like a rainbow along its jagged surfaces. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as titanium quartz.
A palm-sized stone, flat and ellipsoidal, made from roughly hewn marble. In the centre is a slight indentation, polished mirror smooth from countless thumbs rubbing circles over the years. Some creatures who uses the worry stone claim that catching their own reflection in this divot brings a sense of serenity and peace of mind.
A fist sized glass orb filled with scintillating colours and pinpoints of light swirling in a nebula.
A well-made backpack that appears to be well used, and quite ordinary. It is constructed of finely tanned leather, and the straps have brass hardware and buckles. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material.
A vibrantly coloured mask, made from the feathers of a variety of rare and beautiful songbirds.
A scroll case containing a scroll scribed with an unfinished spell.
A broken sword hilt with strange runes on the remains of the blade.
A small piece of fabric that holds the scent of a lost love.
A rock with a patch of curious purple moss that occasionally puffs out hallucinogenic spores.
A rough bone carving of a golden dragon and a kobold, etched into the bottom is a name in Draconic: ''Vimrul''.
A curved warhorn bearing engravings of armed men on horseback, charging into battle.
An elaborately braided bicorne made of rich blue felt, embroidered with golden thread. It has a showy badge called a cockade, proclaiming nationality, faith, family crest, and the like.
A small, elaborately carved silver tube is designed to hold a single piece of chalk.
A translucent and oddly shaped prism that seems to fade in and out of existence when seen in daylight.
A black silk robe embroidered with adamantine thread in an elegant waterfall pattern.
A fancy choker made of barbs and black webbing, with nine gray spheres depending from it. Knowledgeable PC's are aware that the decoration is considered high fashion for drow priestesses.
A small wooden case containing a gaming set known as Mazes & Manticores. Inside is a wide variety of items. Maps of made-up continents and cities, sets of polyhedral dice in a variety of colours, quill pens, "Character Sheets", and a set of large books talking about "XP" and "Levels".
A glassy charm in the shape of a moon, with many claw and tooth marks.
An intricately made harp, inlaid with several glassy gray gemstones of various types.
An ivory disk engraved with an image of a grinning skull and inlaid with black enamel to form a shield-shaped background.
A scarlet sash woven of fine red thread and delicate gold wire.
An elaborate, high-necked bustier laced and lined with black silk and adorned with sapphires and beljurils.
A mask, made of a beaten copper-mithril alloy and set with a constellation of seven variegated semi-previous stones, is made to cover the right half on an individual's face. A set of three chains circle round the back of the head and fasten the mask by resting over the cheekbone, the bridge of the nose, and the chin. Any creature wearing the mask feels a sleight tingling sensation in the skin it touches, and has the sensation that he sees sharper, more precise details with the eye looking through the eye hole.
A finger-sized shard of blue crystal that's constantly shedding flakes and chips of crystal without ever getting smaller.
A curved staff made of coiled brass and glass wire.
A cluster of translucent green roughly hexagonal crystals covering the surface of a dark green speckled stone. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as emerald.
A joyfully coloured terracotta rattle with a skull motif subtly woven into the pattern of hues.
A rattle shaped like the skull of a horned creature. Dried blood adds a macabre touch to the horns.
A small and lightweight wooden whistle. Lazily carved, the instrument features a single finger hole to alter its pitch. A childlike carving of a bird has been hewn heavy-handedly into the whistle’s foot. When putting the reed to your lips and forcing a small puff of air through it, a tuneless squawk sets everyone on edge.
A silken veil that glistens in strange colours, like oil on water.
A transparent glass polyhedron about the size of a human fist. Light passing through it tends to blend into white, and to magnify, so that when in the open it glows with pure white bubbles of light.
A three foot tall chalice carved in the shape of an open mawed dragon resting on its curled tail. It is made from petrified dragon bone of mottled purple and blood red hues. It is worked with sharp, horny and scaly looking protrusions that one can quite easily cut themselves on.
A half-mask like one worn to a masquerade party, but the bottom edge has numerous sharp-looking catlike teeth.
A wax paper packet filled with dried rose petals.
A glass hookah with a cap made of gold, its hose of tightly woven silk, and its mouth piece is cunningly carved from a piece of amber that contains an entire tiny scorpion. Even when the hookah is not lit, the interior of its glass body is hazy, as if with smoke.
A flask made of a metal that resembles a light gold with a curious dark iridescence tinting its lustre. The container is cast with a face on four sides, each bearing a different expression. Their eyes glow with a bloody purple light.
A swirling purple gem that if pressed against the forehead and held there for a few seconds, will then float in front of the bearer’s forehead until he is slain or removes it. While the gems floats around the head, the bearer feels a sense of clarity and foresight.
A forgery kit that contains a variety of papers, parchments, pens and inks, seals, sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and other supplies necessary to create convincing forgeries of physical documents.
A forest of tiny bright red crystals emerging from an uneven brown stone that resembles soil. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as crocoite.
A crude wicker doll whose bead eyes glitter in any available light.
A polished marble model of a human heart, nearly the size of a human heart. Although it looks like a single solid piece, it weighs next to nothing.
A convoluted system of brass tubes and dials containing several lenses and polished mirrors. Peering into one end reveals that the entire system does nothing to change what you see through the tube.
A small, inverted L-shaped machine with a hand crank on one end. The crank seems to power a rather intricate system on the other end consisting of several delicate metal plates and a tiny needle.
A shimmering, clean yellow robe made of the lightest silk. Runes skitter across it and vanish. It smells of musk and roses.
A simple razor blade, used for shaving, resting on a pile of ash. A single drop of fresh blood marrs the perfect sheen of the blade.
A damaged ebony case containing a masterful set of pearl and onyx engraving tools in extreme disrepair.
An intricately articulated wooden figure of a multi-headed dog covered in a mouldy gray fur.
An extraordinarily fine miniature saddle, as though for a small dog, worked in supple leather and decorated with gold and silver thread.
A once-beautiful golden clasp, as for a ladies’ travelling cloak. The shape has been bent and distorted and now resembles a sneering face.
A pale gray, formless sculpture. While nothing about the piece gives the impression of movement, you get the vague impression that it has shifted every time you look away.
A small blue glass butterfly attached to a barrette. When the clip is opened, the butterfly stirs and gently flaps its wings.
A plain iron goblet with a cracked rim. It is filled to the brim with a frothy, clear amber substance that resembles a freshly poured lager frozen in place.
A set of fancifully etched translucent yellow wineglasses that flash brilliant fluorescent green when they catch the sun.
A truly ancient clay jug, stoppered with cork and wax. The lower half is caked with dried mud and the upper half is covered in salt and barnacles.
A glass globe that has a winged being dancing on the head of a pin within it.
A padded metal case filled with a hundred tiny figurines depicting warriors of various races, all obviously hand assembled and painted with great care. A half-painted kobold figure on top is especially well-sculpted.
A tortoise shell table snuff-box set with six crow feet.
A funeral urn made of fine porcelain some two feet high.
A slim, blown-glass bottle filled with a shimmering golden liquid. The bottle is sealed with a cork and wax, and the label is hand-written in a language you do not recognize. The fraction 1/500 is neatly penned in the bottom right corner.
A teak camphor chest with grinning, demented angelic handles.
A large stone needle carved with figures running from a pyramid with a single eye floating above it; the eye is made from obsidian and set with a ruby centre.
A funeral urn sealed with a stopper depicting a golden-haired jackal.
An ebony statuette of a sphinx with three faces.
A matte black sphere studded with a thousand tiny gemstones, many of them in the shape of recognizable constellations in reverse. The entire thing twinkles as though it contains a small flame.
A sun token made of pure gold with dried leather headdress fittings still hanging from it.  
An ankh made of carved human bone.
A bronze incense burner with an ibex figure with a human female body.
A single gold earring fashioned to represent a man being eaten by a crocodile.
A travel pouch made of an elephant’s ear.
A shoulder bag of great age with ornate decorations made from human finger bones.
A collection of human lower jaws made into bracelets.
A deeply flawed, translucent blood red cube buried deep within a black stone covered in white calcification that vaguely resemble snowflakes. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as garnet.
A set of juggling balls made from dried lamb heads.
A pair of fancy earrings in the shape of swarming hornets.
A tin case containing a dozen small purple sugar balls that taste like the hottest and sweetest bit of delight you’ve ever had.
A hand fan made of stretched aquatic elf skin decorated in horn and painted with animal scenes of hunger.
A bone and silver corkscrew on a leather thong hung with rabbit’s feet.
Automatic Whetstone: A small  unremarkable whetstone that never wears out and when touched to a dull edge and let go, starts sharpening it automatically. The whetstone stops and falls to the ground when the edge has been sharpened to perfection.
A piece of cloth written with a short prophecy.
A ludicrously flamboyant, oversized hat with a dull metal disk affixed to the front. The hat reads the wearer's emotional state and displays images on the disk to match; an exclamation mark when surprised, a smiling face when happy, a frowning face when angry, and so forth. When the wearer is really angry or frustrated, in addition to displaying an appropriate face on the disk, the hat causes jets of steam to issue from the wearer's ears, accompanied by a whistling noise.
A battered old longcoat that reeks of alcohol and ash.
A clear glass hemisphere containing an arrangement of perfectly preserved rose petals in the shape of a heart.
A leather wallet containing a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a monk of a local monastery who has taken a vow of silence. The papers also include a list of questions people typically ask along with the answers for them so the bearer does not have to speak while still remaining polite. The section containing the monk's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair colour) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
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