#blue plays dao
fatcowboys · 2 years
i am simple guy. i have a cute romance scene with zevran. and then i reload to find out which dialogue options are the Cutest
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13skeletons · 2 months
The more I think about it, the more I think I should've paired a mage Hawke with Tobias Cousland. (Knight Enchanter so he spent most of the game fighting with sword and shield.)
Like, your family has had to move constantly your whole life because of magic. But you've finally settled outside Lothering and tried to just stay in one place for a while, but then the Blight comes and you have to flee with your lives, barely making it out in time. You're refugees in a templar-controlled city and you have to hide your magic harder than ever, but you're determined to make it work this time. Then the Hero of Ferelden ends the Blight in record time and rises to the throne. The official word out of Denerim is that he's a warrior of great skill, but certainly no mage. Certainly no apostate. The noble Couslands hiding their son's magic? CERTAINLY not. And what Ferelden would refute that? They owe everything to him, what's a little blasphemy to a hero? But the rumors persist.
("I have a cousin who saw the Hero crush the life right out of a hurlock with magic!" "Well my sister was living in Denerim during the final battle and she swears she saw him in a field of frozen genlocks and there were no other mages anywhere NEAR him." "Me nan lives in Amaranthine and she saw him walking around with a staff on his back, bold as you please!")
The rumors reach your ears and you think, "if he can do it, why not me?" And for a while it even seems to be working out that way. You regain your family's estate. You save the city from the qunari, you defeat the Arishok himself in single-combat.
But it all falls apart. Champion you may be, but the Arishok is no Archdemon, and you have no queen in your corner, no ancient and respected family name. The mage-templar war erupts right there in your city, and no amount of magic can stop it.
History will remember Tobias Cousland as a warrior and a Hero, but you're just another apostate - a danger to yourself and everyone around you.
Like. OoF? Ow? Pour that salt directly into my fucking wounds??
And also the more I think about it, the more I think I want to completely swap out my canon. Like. I LOVE the narrative circle of starting Jasper Mahariel's journey by being corrupted by this ancient relic of his people and ending it by following his lover through the same. And I LOVE that the first human Merrill ever met took Jasper, one of her only friends away, and she never saw him again. Then the second human she ever meets ends up falling for her and taking care of her and giving a her real home and supporting her unconditionally for the first time. I love that through-line, that's why I did it.
But also I set it up years ago and I'm slowly finding that other stories are more compelling in my old, depressed state. [weary emoji]
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detectiveneve · 1 year
going 4 for 4 I hope I get dumped again in dragon age 4. every single protagonist before has gotten horrendously ditched at least once and I need to keep those good vibes going. if that game is even a real game, and not a long-running joke they've been telling the public
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felassan · 3 months
A user asked if there are instances wherein Rook will be referred to by their last name. "Yes, there are places where we refer to Rook by their last name. It's very contextual - we don't want to awkwardly insert a reference in where it doesn't make sense - but it does happen, though it is going to be more common with some backgrounds than others."
Q. "Does Solas have a type of tea he doesn't mind as much as others? Or are all of them equally detestable?" A. "Orange zinger."
A user asked about the ages of the companions. "We're not getting into specifics right yet, but the companions cover a broad range of ages and experience. They're all pretty established in the world and in their expertise by the time you meet them, though. You are recruiting a team of experts after all."
You can have body tattoos!
John Epler: "Echoing Corinne, the last few weeks have been an absolute whirlwind but also incredibly rejuvenating. I'm so excited to share more with y'all."
A user stated "There are no restrictions on lineage/faction/class combinations other than dwarves cannot be mages". Corinne added "Correct. I've really been enjoying the different combinations."
Q. "Will the gender identity of a trans/non-binary Rook be acknowledged in game by other characters? (beyond just pronouns I mean)". A. "There are moments when you can disclose and discuss, however, disclosure remains the right of the individual so you have to make that choice for yourself." (!!)
Re: release date. ''Exact date has not yet been revealed. Fall 2024 is as much as we can say right now.''
''Lots of great cameos in the game, but I'm not going to spoil anything. You'll have to play to see who shows up for yourself.''
''We can't reveal our upcoming marketing beats or media presence just yet. Stay tuned.''
Q. ''Can companion AI be customized - ie. DAO/DA2 style tactics or even something like Aggressive -> Defensive'' A. ''Very different system this time around. In the skill trees you can affect their behaviors, like setting you up for combos, or auto-healing you when health gets low. Each Companion is a little different mechanically.''
Q. ''Will we get the option to give our Rook more fantastical hair colors, like purple, blue, pink?''. A. ''Yes''
Q. ''How about heterochromatic eyes?'' A. ''Yes''
Corinne: ''We're so excited too! As much as I've played, I absolutely cannot wait to do my first playthrough when the game is out. Also cannot wait to hear about all of your decisions and experiences.''
Q. ''Will I be able to make a short qunari and a tall dwarf or are there limits to that? Do the qunari have to be buff?'' A. ''There are limitations, of course... but yes, you can make a Dwarf that is tall or a Qunari that is short, relative to their lineage. We stan the skinny Qunari''
Corinne: ''Need to get back to it, all. But it's always a pleasure to check-in and see the great questions. We'll do this again soon :)''
[source: the official BioWare Discord]
(emphasis mine)
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purplephloxpress · 1 month
Another year, another Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day!!!! If you are a writer of fanfic, please know just how appreciated you are!! Fandom would be such a different space without your creativity and labors of love. 💜
Holidays are all about making traditions, and the bookbinding friends with @renegadeguild once again came together to bind copies of fics for their authors as a show of our appreciation. This year I had the absolute joy of binding Emergency Help Wanted by the wonderful @piyo-13 and even got to collaborate with her on some of the design elements! It's a Modern AU Jiang Cheng/Lan Xichen fic that starts with a "help wanted" ad.
I lied when I got my job. I told them I had a kid so I could leave early from work to pick him up from daycare, take him to doctor's appointments, and occasionally miss a day when he's sick. Long story short, I'm in too deep. I didn't think it through. Looking to rent a kid for bring your child to work day. Must be a boy ages four to six, longish dark hair, likes soccer. Must also be artistic as the macaroni noodle paintings I made seem a little advanced for his age. Also, I will pay extra for someone willing to play the role of husband when dropping him off. He's a prosecuting attorney who often brings his work home. Message me for further details. Serious inquiries only.
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Ok. So. I may have gone a little feral with this one. Online "help wanted" ad spiraled into loading wheel scene dividers, spiraled into fake Google search result headers, spiraled into FULLY committing to those authentic looking text messages. In full color. (There are so many. I typeset in MS Word. It was SO worth it, but god what a struggle at some points.) And don't forget the "recent searches" title page! Or the computer cutout on the cover! (It's bluescreening, just like Lan Xichen through this entire fic!) Also that cover/title page image that I just kept adding details to. (It's supposed to be Lan Xichen's desk, so it simply didn't feel right until it had sticky notes on the computer, #1 dad on the mug, scissors and measuring tape, scribbles on the sticky notes) Did I have a ton of fun designing this one? Perhaps. Couldn't say. Maybe just a tad. (This is a lie I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!)
Historically, I've waited until I finish at least the typeset before reaching out to the author, but not so with this one! I got the idea for the fake google search results from Piyo's authors notes, teasing the contents of the next chapter. But! Those didn't start until about chapter 4! So I reached out and asked if we could collaborate and I'm forever glad I did! Not only does this have teasers for each chapter, I also got to bounce design ideas off of her, including what shade of blue and purple for the text messages. Because my friends, that is a serious matter and changed SEVERAL times throughout the process.
Also shoutout to all my Renegade friends who gave input and encouragement over the past year while I worked on this (what endpages to use? how to make this shade of green perfectly Nie Huaisang? how do we feel about this text message design? or how about this one?) - I love you all dearly and appreciate you so much for putting up with my nonsense at all times.
Binding details below the cut!
Fandom: The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi
Pairing: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin / Lan Huan | Lan Xichen
Bookcloth: Aqua/Purple Dubletta from Colophon Book Arts
Endpapers: Craft Consortium Ink Drops - Ocean pack
Textblock paper: short grain cream from Church Paper
Titling: We R Memory Keepers foil quill
Endbands: leather cording core, DMC embroidery floss for the bands
Body Font: EB Garamond
Title Font: Berlin Sans FB
Text Messages: Roboto
Additional fonts: Times New Roman, Kunstler Script, Magis Authentic
Title page image from Rawpixel and designed in Canva
Various computer graphics from The Noun Project
Tumblr insists on eating and doubling text in this section at its own whim, so if there's something missing that you're curious about, feel free to DM me an ask!
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thepublishingpress · 7 months
In The Midnight
It all started when Katara and Aang decided to play match maker.
“Hey, Sokka, why don’t you tell Zuko about your crush?” Aang said teasingly.
“Oh, yes,” Katara agreed, grinning, “We all know about him! At least let Zuko in on the secret.”
Sokka turned bright red. Zuko (aka said object of admiration) tilted his head curiously at Sokka. Oh, no. Absolutely not. “I-I do not have a crush on him!” Sokka instantly denied. “It’s just admiration for a capable fighter!”
Toph smirked. Dread instantly filled Sokka. “Oh, really, Snoozles? Your heart rate says something entirely different…”
“Shut up, Toph!” Sokka shrieked.
“Uh, you know,” Zuko said, “It’s kinda confusing not knowing what’s going on.”
Sokka coughed. “Uh, sorry, Zuko, but we’re talking about… er…” Oh, Yue save him, how is Sokka supposed to say they were talking about Zuko?
Toph rolled her eyes. “Since Sokka won’t say it, I’ll fill it in for him,” She offered. When Zuko nodded, she continued, much to Sokka’s horror. “Who we’re talking about is the Blue Spirit.”
“Who I most definitely do not have a crush on!” Sokka hastily added.
Zuko blinked, his cheeks reddening a little bit. Sokka wanted to scream. “O-oh…” He said. This just made the rest of team’s grins widen. 
Oh, how he regretted ever confiding in them about the Blue Spirit.
“So, Zuko, what do you think? Does Sokka have a shot?” Katara asked him, raising eyebrow. Sokka glared at her.
The Fire Lord glanced away, still blushing. “Well, he can like who he likes, I suppose. It's an… interesting crush…?”
“It's not a crush!” Sokka shrieked, though he definitely noted how Zuko didn't seem too disapproving about Sokka’s admiration (and only admiration!) for him. 
Toph scoffed at Sokka’s weak denial. “Yeah, we totally believe that.”
Sokka was writing in his diary, bemoaning his predicament to it, when he suddenly flinched from a knock on his window. He slowly stood up and walked over to the curtains.
And when he drew them back, he nearly screamed.
Right there in front of him was a blue mask with white accents, dao blades strapped to his back. Sokka had to proccess for a moment before realizing it was in fact the Blue Spirit.
Also known as Zuko.
Zuko knocked on the window again. Sokka hurriedly opened them, fumbling a little bit in his haste. 
“What are you doing here?” Sokka whispered, confused.
Zuko said nothing, simply extending his hand out to Sokka. Come with me, he seemed to say.
Sokka reached out and clasped his hand with Zuko’s.
It was exhilarating, jumping on rooftop to rooftop, air gushing against Sokka’s face. Also, he was still in shock that Zuko had got through all the trouble to get up in his costume and mask paired with the dao blades just to get Sokka on a da- NO. Sokka meant a trip. Yeah. Like the Boiling Rock.
“Where are you taking me?” Sokka asked Zuko. Zuko didn’t answer, stubbornly sticking to the “silent” bit of silent warrior, instead using one of his dao blades to point to a rooftop with some glowing lanterns.
Tui and La and all the other spirits, did Zuko set this all up?
Sokka was rather flattered.
Unfortunately, they had to make a big jump to reach it. (Sokka may or may not have yelped a little bit like a kicked seal-puppy.) He tried his best to not cling to Zuko too tightly.
They landed peacefully with a small thud.
Zuko sat down cross-legged on the roof, Sokka following suit. 
It was nice and quiet.
Sokka was feeling a bit more bold at this point. So, reaching his hand out, Sokka placed it on top of Zuko’s.
Zuko’s head turned to face Sokka, and Sokka smiled at him.
“You can talk, you know,” He told Zuko. “Or take off your mask. I know it’s you, Zuko.”
There was silence for a few moments. Sokka’s heart raced, wondering if he’d made the wrong move.
Then, Zuko said, “Okay.” His left hand reached up to take of the Blue Spirit’s mask off. “Have you–” Zuko paused. “Have you always known?”
“When you first tried to join our team,” Sokka said. “Aang told us you were the Blue Spirit.”
“And that– and that doesn't change anything?” Zuko asked in a small voice, as if Zuko being the Blue Spirit would ruin everything for Sokka. 
Cursing Ozai in his head, Sokka immediately said, “Oh, Zuko, it doesn't change anything– except for the fact that it might’ve made me like you more.”
Zuko managed a smile. “I got you to say it.” He said. 
Sokka looked at him questioningly. “Say what?” 
“That you like me.”
Sokka jokingly threw his hands up in defeat. “Curses! Foiled again!”
Zuko laughed. Sokka grinned, glad to be able to make him laugh, but there was one question on his mind and he had to ask it. “Do you like me too?”
Zuko stared and stared. Then he burst out laughing even harder. “I set up all of this for you, dress up as my abandoned persona, and you have the audacity to ask me if I like you?”
Sokka glowed red, but he managed to say, “So… we’re together now?”
Zuko nodded, and that was all the confirmation Sokka needed. 
honestly screw ozai i hate him
anyway i hate some of the changes natla made to avatar and it makes me mad just thinking about it and i think ive made my parents think ive gone insane
but do i still want a second season because i want to suffer through the changes just to see toph? yes, absolutely
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mako-neexu · 4 months
love gudako as shes the upbeat genki girl who never gives up but its gudao who pulls the 'soft melancholic gaze' better out of the two of them, (heightened perhaps bc of eye color) it might just be because of the thousand fanarts ive seen but the kinds of gudao i loooove so much is just,, the soft kind. his happiness always tinged in blue, his love expressed through an effort of smiling, bloodstained the side of his mouth would be...just augh the softest kind...maybe with a habit who would play with his bangs and adopt a smile also heavily similar to romani's, a kind of dao that would be bothered or worried much about the implications of initiating intimacy and would just maybe lean on merlin or sanson's shoulder for a quick nap as they waited for the rain to pass... a dao who wouldnt be far too bothered having to expose his body to anyone, a kind of dao that would hum alongside nursery rhyme and janta, a kind of dao that would hold your bloodied hand and nuzzle into it, a kind of dao with that young boyish charm...a kind of dao who would just slowly reach up and eat offered small pieces of mandarin oranges by mouth from arjuna or amakusa and lighting up with that smile that just lights up the room..a slightly playful- a little flustered/panic cute gudao coming into the count of monte cristo's coat to hide from his jack and abby while they play hide and seek...a dao with,hm not an overly bulky build? he still has the abs but is more on the slender sside uhh idk what to call it but its something along those lines... gudao, when portrayed this way makes me love him so much...anyways haha weirdly specific haha have you seen this artist yet omg ha aha they are so great btw its not like im obsessed with their gudao or anythinghaha i just love their gudao/servant dynamic haha
then again theres oohmiya's dao, hes so cute and just more happy his energy is just adorable dumbass you cant help but be confused at kdsnfklsd;ns
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xiakeponz · 1 year
for modern AU fics - what chinese media did diaspora consume?
making this post because some of us in the diaspora server were having a chat about what Chinese media "Diaspora Chinese" watched in the 90's - 2000's (and even sooner than that) while not having access to satellite chinese media or streaming services - this is in the context of writing modern AU fics based off Chinese media/novels (so your main character's grandpa or uncle is not, in fact, watching an episode of Friends or Shortland Street or something as flavour text because sorry what the hell-)
We generally watched a lot of stuff on VCDs, including bootlegged and non-bootlegged movies, shows, anime/donghua. My household had a whole VCD album of this, and a lot of VCDs (even if they were pirated editions) would have a fancy hardcover box with a magnetic clasp and some artwork representing the show on it.
All of this is Mandarin - so not TVB stuff, because I'm from Northern China and I don't know any cantonese - but Canto friends, please feel free to add to the list! This is mostly stuff my parents liked to watch, or I liked to watch with them, with the exception of a few which I mainly watched with friends/cousins when I was maybe (in most cases) eleven/twelve years old onwards. This is a pretty personal list, meant to give people general idea of a possible "ballpark" of sorts, and by no means exhaustive.
Now, for the list of shows which I can confirm I had or someone I know had on VCD or some kind of offline media format lol (I'll try add release year stamps and links to the EN wikipedia where possible):
Period dramas (mostly Qing Dynasty stuff):
Huan Zhu Gege 还珠格格 (1998, April-) This is a classic, so many memes come from this show; hugely popular series, basically cemented Zhang Tie Lin's face as the face of the Qing Emperor for about a decade. Tie Chi Tong Ya Ji Xiao Lan 铁齿铜牙纪晓岚 (2002-2010) - I loved this show as a kid and watched all four seasons on repeat with family... The "trio" in this show are well known and loved.
Amazing Detective Di Ren Jie / 神探狄仁杰 (2004) A very popular and addictive show. Ok now the Big Four:
Romance of 3 kingdoms 1994 / 三国演义 (1994) - a classic that has had many remakes, my older cousin would play this on repeat...
Hong Lou Meng/红楼梦 (1987) - another classic with many remakes, but I think the most recognised by the public one is the 1987 one.
Journey to the West / 西游记 live action (1986) - I think the 1986 version of the live action is the most recognised one. *Shui Hu Zhuan / 水浒传 (1998) - I am not too familliar with the live action of this one in my household tbh bc my mum doesn't like it lol (she keeps saying it's too depressing) but I'm sure it's up there with the rest of the big four, if anyone has an opinion on this one please let me know!
Modern setting shows:
My dad loved all the Sun Honglei (孙红雷 - actor name) stuff, iirc it was a lot of MinGuo period espionage stuff, your shanghai 1920's sxc aesthetic. This actor has been around since 1999? Qian Fu (潜伏)was very famous, and Ren Jian Zheng Dao Shi Cang Sang (人间正道是沧桑)。 These were around '08 and '09.
Chuang Guan Dong - 闯关东 (2008) (Baidu link, sorry - couldn't get an EN wikipedia one). This show was huge when it was airing, everyone was watching it. I was pretty young but even I watched it and got invested ... and I thought it was such an "old person" show at the time lmao. Xiao Bing Zhang Ga / 小兵张嘎 (2004) (sorry, again Baidu link) - yo, anti-japanese war movies set between 1937-1945 were crazy popular - this is one of them and was very popular):
Donghua/Anime (all the stuff kid me watched and some which I didn't but were popular):
喜羊羊与灰太狼 (2005-) Calabash Brothers / 葫芦兄弟 (1986-1987) Black Cat Detective / Hei Mao Jing Zhang 黑猫警长 (1984-2010) Lan Mao Tao Qi 3000 Wen 蓝蓝猫淘气3000问 AKA 蓝猫 (blue cat) (October 1999 - Present) Legend of Ne Zha 哪吒传奇 (2003) Journey to the West/Xi You Ji 西游记 This was truly the Donghua I grew up on from when I was a bb, the OP song and ED song are classic bangers all kids know. Slam Dunk/ 灌篮高手 - People truly watched a lot of anime that may or may not have been terribly dubbed into mando (possibly canto too). Late 80s and 90s kids were all over this, and Dragon Ball, Crayon Shinchan (labixiaoxin).
Taiwanese Dramas:
This is mid-late 2000's, I would be remiss to not talk about the Taiwanese dramas of this era. Mike He, Rainie Yang, Wu Zun (amongst many, many others) were huge. Stuff like Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao, it started with a kiss, Hua Yang Shao Nv (Taiwanese version of Hana Kimi) were all pretty popular. Not sure if these shows all hold up in 2023, but boy were they popular at the time.
Note about CNY:
For CNY, people would try to tune into 春节联欢晚会 (the CCTV official CNY show) at that One Friend Who Had China Satellite TV's house. Zhao Ben Shan / 赵本山 was a comedy staple, and the show would often feature people from the music industry to perform. Eventually these people became more and more relevant to my gen and Jay Chou etc started appearing.
Last but not least Xian Jiaaaan 仙剑:
In 2005 I was all over 仙剑奇侠传 (Chinese Paladin), based off the video game. This show was crazy popular and probably sent me and a whole lot of other kids into Xianxia / Wuxia hell (and Hu Ge hell, and later I came back to love Liu Yifei). Thank you. The OST is a true banger.
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corseque · 2 months
What does your main DA world state currently look like?
DAO - Mahariel or Mage Warden alive, romanced and dumped by King Alistair and ran off with Sten to Seheron, Kieran exists, all the rest goody options
DA2 - I only played this once because I lost access to the PlayStation I played it on (looking forward to playing it again on PC when I’m done with my DAO playthrough)(I am not a DA2 scholar). Basically default appearance lady blue Hawke, chose options that spared people from dying, romanced Anders, though I might change that on playthrough 2
DAI - Emotional/Top right options Lavellan romancing Solas, good/merciful options, Stroud sacrificed lol, Briala rules Orlais, disbanded Inquisition, drank well of sorrows, will totally take that back if it means anything bad in the next game
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kingsandbastardz · 4 months
So I have thoughts regarding DFS' bone contortion skill.
Lemme wind this out slowly - we see here in episode 8, mini DFS (who is NOT played by the same kid as his child-self) starts cycling his inner power and flies up into the air, his clothing exploding into pieces and he lands... fully clothed in this navy outfit with his dao flying down for him to catch a moment later.
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Weeping Guanyin does indeed...
dfs has control over his transformation - he chose not to look like his child-self and, instead, crafted this super cute child instead
...where did the second set of clothes come from? Was he wearing them before he changed into the child version? But the child's clothing exploded everywhere?? So... wouldn't this navy set have just gotten huge and fallen off?
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So ok, let's move onto episode 12 at Caillen Manor where we see LLH and DFS questioning the crazy uncle. DFS is wearing fdb's borrowed clothes this light blue set.
He bone contorts himself into the dead Alliance member they're looking for. And you see as he advances, feet first and the hem of his robe which seems to have both patterned navy and black layers. Pull the camera back and you see... a dfs typical heavy belt.
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Let's go back to episode 8 and look at DFS' post-bone contortion outfit. Patterned/textured navy blue with a heavy belt. It's the SAME OUTFIT.
Back to episode 12 at Caillen manor - they get their information and leave. DFS is back in the light blue outfit.
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Next image - just to prove he's not transforming his clothes into that dead guy's clothes -- this is what dead guy was wearing. Bright dark-teal check pattern.
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Just what is going on here? Both times he bone contorts - he changes into the same navy blue outfit? Is he hiding the clothes inside his bones? Does he just have a random set stuffed in his sleeves somewhere that he whips out every time he uses the skill?
I have a theory!
SO - really quickly - come with me to episode 38 where DFS is in his under layer, tortured and chained up in Jiao Liqiao's hot bath. Oh look at that lovel chain rack thing. I bet it can be raised and lowered~ I mean JLQ has a damn iron box in the floor above her room specifically to bind and trap strong martial artists di feisheng.
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In the novel, he's hanging naked from the ceiling like a rib-rack at the butcher's, sliced up from months of torture (I think it was months? Much, much longer than the week or so in the drama).
We got the blood and Xiao Shunyao's nipple ring at least. But hear me out.
You know how c-dramas have to play things safe because they don't want to risk not being allowed to air if the censorship board gets pissed at them. So they often do symbolic things to represent other events. Like sex will be the camera suddenly cutting to a single flower in a vase, where a petal falls to the table and incense slowly wafting past. It'll be the gentle billowing of silk curtains under moonlight. Violent sex is like... blood droplets in water, a glass falling and smashing on the ground. Etc. you get the idea.
What if the grey underlayer DFS is wearing in JLQ's bedroom is meant to represent his state in the novel?
So if underlayer = unclothed.
Fully clothed means = ???
Here's a shitty 1 min sketch. Yes, all my effort went into his eyelashes and absolutely nothing else.
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texture32 · 6 months
Some things, insight.. full of love… it seems.. but what is true of what is happening. To some joy is a pity.. almost lost in the dust of the ashes, burned cashes and stashes for the sake of what we feel is a better future.. the past is always new.. remember that.
Love found again, is like brand new.. swaying the mind in to the beuatiful blue is nothing new.. but that magic can break hearts.. like lost joy. Real joy
That is what some search. I researched as a past time. Some would pay a dime for that, in other places and other times.
And like lemons, same with limes. I dont spit bars, i make lines. For myself.. sad as it seems, blue was always a hint of the dream.. in all senses..
Romanticism is often plagued by the word love. But like a virus.. if true, only corrupts the bad in us… So keeping the dark hidden and what not, i feel i have a step towards true thought.
Purified, process or not, direct indirect, both, indirect direction and vice versa.. my boredum may be a sign to myself that i should do something. I dont know what ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ weakness like luck? Hard to care.. when all is confusion to one. Understanding what pain is.. something ive pondered if i should have knowledge of. Something ive.. thought to sought from time.
Path of pain.. suffering understanding how not to blame…
Stay ignorant. Or not. Enlightenment has a dark or.. soft spot. But like a compass without gauss to gauge and navigate the seas, lost adrift, maybe to find a new breeze. A new scent from shrubs and foliage and trees. Blue fruit.. blue weeds..
They say the Dao flows to the lowest place.. im quite simple.. but i know that means searching low is where you find peace. Be that it, i search deep. Desires euphoria is not what i thought it was. Glad to know. Never knew magic existed. Now i must play the true fool, and be caring of the seeds i sow.. and when they grow.. not take them for granted. Thats human to understand.. but what would an inscect think of such a thing.
Humanity brings forth good things. Maybe i should stay in the know. But keep my darkness for those who need it most. Doping the brain with drugs.. id rather not, however im stuck in this rut. Humanity brings good things. Nature and its creator mapped out something… im just a screw lose. Its somewhere out there stranded. I can hold myself together. But i actually feel unhinged, windows got no outside pane, no ledge.
Of itself.. can you go below the Dao.. maybe the blueprint of life is being rebuilt to something high.
Natural true joy and bliss, no needs to be met.. thats the paradise i imagine in my head. But never a memory to forget.. only grateful we met the goals end and start. Maybe build higher things, dream new dreams. Find a higher place in harmonious strings…. Ionic bonds and spag being old things, i cherish the old teachings, taking them literally.
Intelligence… ive always loved.. but my heart is upside down. And the higher parts not so well. Confusion alone isnt so swell. So i keep to myself. Compassion turning on itself.. purify the truth within..
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fatcowboys · 2 years
finished orzammar tonight, the last treaty i had left, which means. landsmeet. which means galaia gets to go Home 🥺
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digitaldoeslmk · 11 months
By The Book AU Timeline
[this will be edited as things progress and the au gets more fleshed out]
less of a timeline and more the a brainstorm chart for the plotbeats i have so far
Prince > Little Sage > Pilgrim > Immortal
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ACT 1, PRINCE: 2 years, S1 plus some of S2
ep0 special, MK becomes Monkie Kid
Fated Feast (tm) and dealing with it
MK learning how to use his powers
pretty much all the episodes of S1
Beijing Opera sideplot
first New Years is a Lion Dancing competition special
Macaque introduces himself
Spider Queens get exorcised, LBD reveal
Nezha and Muzha introduction
some more filler episodes of Monkie gang dealing with small easy stuff
MK gets invited to meet Guanyin
MK learning the Dao and Dharma, starts cultivation
Macaque causes trouble (basically Shadow Play ep but not), Wukong finds out
spicynoodles start becoming a thing late in the arc
S1 finale special, except it's LBD and some henchmen
Celestial Realm sightseeing moment, introduction to several immortals and gods
ACT 2, LITTLE SAGE: about half a year, part of S2 and a lot of changes
Red Son's investigation gets serious, Nezha is helping
Wukong gets more present to teach MK
most of what's left of S2, with some changes
Yingge and Longnü intro
Tang starts helping MK and Mei with magic
Mei starts training her dragon powers in FFM
Guanyin meets the Monkien gang, reveal of Tang's past reincarnations
MK gets deeper on training with his monkey form and powers
"recollections of red and blue" is set in this arc
DBK and PIF start making amends with Red Son
qpr chimera fully established, Red Son and MK get serious enough to tell their parents about it
more LBD shenanigans
S2 season finale, except not
LBD tries to trap him in a pagoda, everyone joins the fray, MK escapes because Macaque underestimates him, Wukong gets kebabed, Megapolis is lost and the gang flees for their lives
ACT 3, PILGRIM: about half a year, S3 in spirit but almost every plot gets scrapped cus its just filler anyway
they aren't on a ""journey to the west"", they are gathering allies and tools to use against LBD and Macaque
plan is, burn the motherfuckers with the Samadhi fire with the help of the four dragon king's armies to spread the fire with rain, and use some artifacts to then control the fire and put it out
drastic measure but it do be drastic times
LBD used the skeleton key to open the gates of the Diyu, so the world is slowly getting overrun by runaway spirits, as well as channeling the waters from it to freeze the land
apparently Macaque wants to consume every living thing he's trapped to fuel something, and nobody is sure what
anyway it's crisis politics time, nobody is having fun, everything sucks
time to check in with the past pilgrims for advice and some tricks they know, Monkie gang power up time
the dragon king of the north and his family are missing, time to find them
Shen Gongbao intro, he's involved but they figure it out
it's also time to draft some immortals, we love owing favors to people in this house amiright??
Mayor starts to think the henchman career isn't for him, time to dip
he fucks a plan cus he uses a pill of immortality to heal himself but oops the gang needed that
Mayor spills the beans on Macaque's plan, MK gets impulsive and runs off to face LBD
S3 special time except not
MK exchanges himself for the girl LBD got possessed, which builds the group time to wrap up lose ends
final battle time, hoards of the underworld versus whatever immortals got convinced to help despite going against the Jade Emperor's decree
MK sends a clone with his staff before he loses control back to the gang
Mei in dragon form fighting possessed MK, so that Red Son and Nezha can take a shot at MK to exorcise LBD out of him, Erlang and Muzha helping to hold Macaque back
MK gets shot with the Samadhi Fire, to explosive results
MK vs Macaque kaiju monkey battle time
Macaque gets nuked, LBD gets carbonized, Mayor dies saving people from the city before the fires get to them
everything is put back where it belongs, but there's a lot of loose ends to wrap up, ends in a bittersweet note
ACT 4, IMMORTAL: two years, S4 solely in name, basically a full overhaul lmao
oh man oh man shits gonna hit the fan lmao
the city is saved and the bad guys are gone; time for Consequences
Jade Emperor isnt very happy with the amount of unauthorized actions taken just now
MK goes to fucking trial for the crime of saving the world, it goes as well as one would think
luckily Guanyin comes in clutch and gets his sentence lightened to "community service"
there is an absurd amount of undead still walking around, which means MK has to get on that
also yknow. the devastating amount of damage in the mortal AND celestial realm
MK is given an assignment in the heavenly bureocracy, to help keep him in check and accountable to stuff. is great innit.
another part of his job is, dealing with Wukong's past sworn brotherhood cus they've been uppity since Macaque's attack and threatening to break the human-demon truce
Qi "two dads nuclear family" Xiaotian learns to deal with distant extended family relations with very specific social cues. again, goes as well as expected
under all that, Red Son still hasn't been able to get the missing memories situation fixed
also turns out even Wukong doesn't remember who MK was but he used to know. he doesn't anymore. and he doesn't know what happened. Red Son did not like learning that.
the celebration of Ulhambana in the Celestial Realm is approaching, and Red Son thinks he can get himself and MK invited to it so they can yknow, ask Buddha wtf is going on
so yknow, time to earn the trust of the Celestial Realm again, in a year. that's doable right? ahahah
and because he doesn't have enough on his plate, MK traded off a lot of his merits in exchange for LBD and Mayor speedrunning their time in hell so they can be reborn under his care
MK becomes An Uncle, what could possibly go wrong!
oh, jumpscare, Macaque is still around but Different
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ryin-silverfish · 4 months
So, Erlang appears as far as I know in these stories: Him saving his mother, Fengshen Yanyi, Jttw, The Fox spirit of Blue stone mountain, That story when he gets drunk and Lotus lantern
I don't remember the exact names of these stories, but I wanted to ask if he appears in other novels or stories?
Well, since you said "stories", I'll just be listing the ones with a narrative and not the historical records.
There are three Yuan-Ming Zaju plays that featured Erlang as a main character: "Erlang Drunkenly Shot the Demon-Locking Mirror" (二郎神醉射锁魔镜), "Erlang Subdues the Great Sage Equal to Heaven" (二郎神锁齐天大圣) and "Erlang of Guankou Slew the Flood Dragon" (灌口二郎斩健蛟).
Also, all three Erlangs in these stories are Zhao Erlang/Zhao Yu.
In 董永沉香合集, which I used for my Lotus Lantern Summaries, there was also an addendum that featured Erlang's own mom-saving story, called 新出二郎劈山救母全段.
It is based on the Precious Scroll, but with a lot of new twists. Here, Erlang's title is the "Golden Flower Prince", who, after the "carrying the mountains & chasing the suns" thing, got invited to a banquet by JE.
After he got drunk, he asked about why he didn't have parents, and JE tearfully went "Yeah...go ask QMoW about that." So he went, and QMoW revealed his family tree.
His mother is one of nine sisters born of QMoW: the oldest is married to Ao Guang, Dragon King of the East Sea, the second oldest, Devaraja Li Jing, and she was "Third Sister Zhang" (张三姐), who married the mortal Yang Tianyou and gave birth to him.
While washing his diapers, she stirred up the waters of the rivers and four seas, which pissed off Ao Guang and caused him to submit a complaint to the JE, who sent out celestial soldiers to capture her and failed.
Then SWK stepped in and put his mom under a mountain. QMoW then told him to go to Lao Tzu and get the "Mountain-Cleaving Axe", but when Lao Tzu opened up his treasury, he found the axe missing and pointed him to the Lower Realms.
Turns out...the axe had become a demon and was demanding human sacrifices, so he beat up the axe demon, reverted it to its weapon form, and headed straight to his mom's mountain prison to free her.
After that, he was appointed "True Master of Illustrious Sagicity" and was planning to go after SWK in revenge, but the JE told him that SWK had already been subdued and was now accompanying Tripitaka on his westward pilgrimage, so there was no need.
He also appeared in the 19th century 八仙得道传 ("Legends of the Eight Immortal Attaining the Dao"), which is quite a quirky novel that, nonetheless, seemed to have inspired a lot of the things in the Lotus Lantern + Prequel TV shows.
(I'd probably talk about the novel in the final part of the Lotus Lantern Summaries, so stay tuned!)
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spacetravels · 1 month
i am so unwell about dragon age and knowing u from the choices fandom i got so excited ur playing soooo what did u think of dao? da2? who did you romance and what was ur character like? how are u liking dai? got pics of ur inky? 🥺 (only if u want!! no pressure to share ofc 💖) i myself am an alistair anders solas girlie 😔
WEHHH thank you… veilguard looks so good i have to speedrun dai but man all of you who’ve been waiting since like 2014 are my heroes cuz i’m just gonna trot in like lalala… (has been here like three months)
dao is my favorite by far i think… i’m easy to please LOL it has my favorite story and i love the cast so much ;_;/ i played warrior lady cousland so i did marry alistair HUHU he’s my favorite romance across all the games but i wanna replay so bad to romance morrigan and have a diff silly little world state (trying not to think about doing this until after dav LOL) but god . HoF is just so so funny and i had so much fun…
da2!! i played blue warrior hawke <3 i liked running around kirkwall LMAO i think it was really fun to just contain the story around this one city and just hang out with my best friends 🥹 but goddamn. no one warned me about everything hawke goes thru LIKE 😭 HAVE A VACATION!!! i didn’t romance anyone though in my first playthru HAHA i kind of regret it though cuz by the end i wanted to romance isabela but i also think for my hawke i was happy to not have had a romance cuz it makes sense for my thoughts about her … like she’s just happy to still be alive and wants to do right by everyone who’s ever believed in her so she never thought about it but maybe after all gets said and done she’d seek out izzy… one of those real Slow burns in my brain heehee.. (pro mage .. btw)
AS FOR DAI !!! i’m terrible with open world games. NFKSJFKSKFKL but i sincerely am enjoying it cuz i’m following a quest guide so i don’t lose my marbles… it’s funny cuz i like. technically knew the most abt dai before playing through the games cuz [gestures at solas] but that’s alright cuz most of it has actually been a treat and a surprise :-) just not. the ending
my inky’s name is deirdre & she’s a human rogue 🙂‍↕️ i don’t have pics rn i’m at work JFKSLDK but ! kind of a little shit. it’s nice that everyone humors her stupid ass. as for romance…. blackwall…. he compels me… something is wrong with him and i like it <3
i’m close to starting wicked eyes & wicked hearts but i’ve been taking the time to explore places and do side quests stuff cuz i wanna be overleveled LOL and i need to switch up my groups more. except for varric. that’s my emotional support companion
BUT WWWWW i wanna draw my inky more & more da fanart when i’m not swamped with other projects and/or playing dragon age & fields of mistria bahahah.. i’ll remember to share more thoughts as i play 🥹🫰
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inquisimer · 6 months
HEY BB if you had to pick 5 fics you’ve written to make a “crash course” and sum up your writing personality, which would they be? I must know.
thank you for the uno reverse, MWAH
it's only fair that I have to turn this lens on myself but DANG was it hard to be like "what is my writing personality?" I think it really boiled down to: platonic relationships, grey wardens, a just a hint of Lore™️
Gen'adahl - Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford, Rated G, 1485 words
this was one of the first ever DA fics I wrote; I remember scrawling it out in a notebook at my last job where I wasn't allowed to keep my phone at my desk. And I was so proud when I finished it! For me, it represents the proof that I can finish pieces, no matter how long it takes
to be seen feeling - Male Mahariel/Morrigan, Rated T, 5039 words, a gift for @dreadfutures as part of the 2023 DAFF DIscord's OC Swap
writing this fic was not only an absolute joy, it was a pinnacle for me: if I could write a fic that captured the depths of Blue's OCs, I could probably do anything. And I did! And I can! It was exactly what I needed at the time and also a reminder that however blase my own knowledge or fandom experience feels to me, it will slot into what even the most knowledgeable fandom personalities know in surprising ways.
Shards of Glass - Female Brosca & Rica Brosca, Rated G, 3304 words
One of my first toe dips into the gray area of lore! It was so fun to imagine an alternative for Brosca's origins, to give her a deeper connection to the Stone, to play in the absolute barren wasteland wide open sandbox of Bioware's dwarven lore. Beyond that, this piece highlights my Sibling Bias™️ and how much i love exploring the DAO origins before the Blight, in general.
nothing hits the ground without an echo - Alistair & Bethany Hawke, Rated G, 1045 words
My first Dragon Age canon/canon fic! Absolutely wild to think that before I got into Dragon Age I was vehemently anti-oc in fanfic 😂 I'm so glad I outgrew that and can love and celebrate all of our OCs. At the same time, it was a joy to return to my canon x canon roots and play up the Grey Warden lore and happenings at Vigil's Keep that seemed to die in game after Awakening ;-;
I carried my own ashes to the mountain - Zevran Arainai & Female Brosca, Rated G, 1202 words
Nothing particularly poetic to say about this one, to be perfectly honest, I just like the Vibes™️. I think the humor and sarcasm suits my writing personality, and the lighthearted overtones that are haunted by unnamed pining and angst are Very Me :3 Also Nika not recognizing her face and yet reluctant to let go of it until someone gives her permission is something deeply personal to me, that I didn't even realize until after I'd written this. I look back on it and go, yep, yeah, I see you now, past mer😅
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