#blue lock taiga tsunzaki
venny19 · 2 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ WARNING:
SFW|| Rivalry|| Teasing
This is my FIRST fic on this APP so please bare with it and mind the spelling mistakes that are made, I'm not a professional at this so please if there's any tips or tricks to make this nicer then don't hesitate to ask me! I must know how to make this more smoother!
I understand mine is not the best compared to others but I do hope others enjoy this and send positive feedback and reviews. Now please don't let me hold you here from your reading, hope you enjoy 🙏.
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Akira Endoji: Red with star eyes
Taiga Tsunzaki: Orange with stripes
Miyazaki Sanzuku: OC that wears glasses and has black hair with heterochromia eyes
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Miyazaki was clutching her bloody nose for the fourth time this week. After Raichi punched her on the nose, she has been bleeding since then. The blood started to leak everywhere on her lips and hands, trying her best not to make it spill on the ground as it already stained her jersey.
"Me and my terrible lady luck! Goddamn you Raichi! The most terrible luck I could get!"  She quickly rushed to the nurse office to get it checked out and cleaned.
Finally she made it to the nurse's office and had it checked out with some water, bandages to cover up her injury, and added healing cream to clean off the excess.
She was given a note to visit them again but she was ordered to stay in the med bay to rest up, even though she didn't need to but didn't want to go against their word and listen to them.
The medic needed to go for an appointment and will be back, so the only Miyazaki can do is rest up for her nose to fully heal. At least she was given pain killers and water to ease her nerves.
"This sucks…." She rubbed her bandaged nose as she hissed at the stinging pain in her nerve system. "Ow!"
She thought she was the only one but she heard an added unfamiliar voice in the med bay.
"Well I be damned! It really is true that a girl is in blue lock, and here I thought things would just get more boring." 
A enthusiastic male voice called out catching the girl by surprise. She looked towards the scours of the voice and met eyes with red star ones.
"Hmm? Oh… uh hi!" She waved at him. He was resting his body on the medical bed, while having one hand supporting his head, and the other one had bandages wrapped around and supporting his hip. He had more of a tan-ish pigment while his hair was black he had a highlight of red in the front. 
He had his bodysuit sleeves rolled up to where it met his shoulders giving full view of his toned muscles, and last but not least he had a v shaped smile while winking at Miyazaki.
"Hiya! The name's Akria Endoji!"
He said pointing at himself with his bandage hand. Miyazaki smiled and also introduced herself. "Nice to meet ya Endoji -kun, names Sanzuku Miyazaki! But you can call me Miyazaki!" She smiled.
"Hah! You use your first name already?! That's alright you can call me Akria then!" He got up from his bedding and approached the sitting girl. Miyazaki nervously looked at him, as she tried to look away from him with a bashful face. "O-okay Akira…"
Akria scoffed and sat next to her on the medical bed. Miyazaki looked at him, seeing his shining starry eyes reflecting off her bicolor ones. She gulped and wanted to break this awkward silence 
"Eh… So what happened to you getting into the nurse's office?" She asked, pointing at his injured wrist. Akira acknowledged her stare and lifted up his bandage hand. "Oh this? My hand hit the goalie pole while we were in a match. Dumbass Taiga laughed at me."
She didn't know who this Taiga character was but she can only presume that it was one of his teammates. "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear, I hope it gets better." She worriedly said, but Akria just shrugged it off.
"It's not your fault! Shit like this bound to happen when you're having it rough out there on the football field, no one said it was going to be easy play." He scratched the back of his head with a little red on his face.
"Yeah, no sport is easy to master. Everyone has their flaws." Miyazaki suggested to which Akria agreed on.
Akria took notice of the dried up blood on her stained jersey and some still on her face, he couldn't help but ask "So… what happened to you? Looks like you came out of a Friday the thirteenth trailer!" He joked as Miyazaki rolled her eyes at his choice of words.
"Thanks, but to answer your question, a teammate hit me on the face after our last game."  She rubbed her nose but the nerve system still didn't heal which caused an audible 'ow' coming from her.
"Yikes, that's the worst kind of pain, are you sure you're okay?" He asked in a worried tone. Miyazaki just snickered. "Heh, yeah. This wasn't the first time this happened to me, and besides it's bound to happen like you said, nothing is easy." 
The two chuckled as they started to make conversation with one another. Talking about movies, shows, what they like. Anything in particular to get along. 
"No way! Kyoto?! My grandparents live there! It's such a nice and peaceful place too!" Akria said with stars twinkling in his eyes. Considering his eyes are star shaped.
"Mhm! My dad also owns a gym too! He used to be a professional kickboxer but now he retired about 3 years ago but now he's dedicated to his gym that he hoped for! Ah wait! I'm blabbering again! Sorry!" Miyazaki had a flustered face as she covered her mouth but Akria just chuckled.
"Haha! Don't be! I like listening to you! Your life seems so interesting too! Hey, maybe we should hang out after blue lock! I wanna come visit you so we could hangout too! I hear that the matcha there is the best in Kyoto!" He said with a wink.
Miyazaki snickered and agreed. "Of course! I would love to hang out with you some time! But we don't have our phones to contact each other!" She noticed at the last minute. 
"Ah! Don't worry about it! Here I can give you my phone number!" He got up and took a pen and a small note pad, scribbled his phone number and handed it to her, "here! This is my number so you can contact me when we get our phones back! I'm looking forward to meeting you again, Miyazaki!"
Miyazaki thanked him and took the note from his hands.they went back to their conversation until the medic came back.
"Endoji Akria, you may go back to your wing, make sure you apply healing cream and don't put too much pressure on that wrist, with that you're free to leave " he said, giving Akria a pass.
"Anyways Miyazaki! See ya later! Hoping to meet you again" He winked at the girl. Miyazaki smiled and waved at the leaving male. "Of course! I enjoy our time! Hope we can one day meet again!" And with that they parted ways.
Akria had a bashful face, he fist bumped the air in triumph from finally meeting the only girl in blue lock. He enjoyed talking to her and Akira admits that he fell in love with her. Akira was into Tall girls and she had a fun personality too, something that Akira likes the most. And now he can rub it in Taiga's face from not only meeting her first, but also giving his phone number too. 
After Akria left the nurse's office, Miyazaki now was left to ponder about her and Akria's time together, when it was her time to leave all she could think about is Akira in her mind. Those star-like eyes were very unique and she couldn't stop thinking about them. A noticeable blush appeared on her cheeks as she walked back to her dorm room.
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Two days past and all day Akria can only think of him and Miyazaki when they met, a blissful thought appears in his mind with only him and Miyazaki holding hands and touring around Kyoto, just the two of them together. Having his head in the clouds he didn't notice his teammate approaching with a water bottle in hand.
Ever since Akira came back from med bay, he completely had his head in the clouds and became oblivious to his surroundings. He was lying on the grassy ground as he had his hands behind his back while his legs were crossed and eyes closed, so lost in thought that he didn't notice Taiga approaching.
He unscrewed the lid to the water bottle and splashed it on Akria's face, which caused him to shoot up from the unexpected cold water making contact with his skin.
"*Cough cough* Augh! What the hell Taiga! What was that for!" He got up on his feet as Taiga's eye began to twitch.
"Ever since you came back from that med bay you have done nothing but daydream! What the hell happened to make you space out so late!" He argued to the star eyed male. Akira remembered that he was going to tell him about the girl in blue lock to rub it in his face, but since he was daydreaming about him and Miyazaki together that it slipped his mind without noticing.
Akria snickered and faced his tanned teammate. "So you wanna know so bad?!" He smiled at Taiga who just crossed his arms.
"Uh yeah! I wanna know damn well what the hell happened! I didn't just splashed water on you to snap your thoughts out! Now stop stalling and hurry up and answer my question!" He demanded.
Akira was whipping his face off with his jersey as he looked at the striped hair male. "Okay, okay guess I should've said it but I forgot. Okay so like when I was in med bay, I met someone… and that someone was the only girl in blue lock too!"
After those words came out of his mouth. Taiga looked at him in disbelief.
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh hu!"
"Say on God!"
"Bro! You should've seen her!"
Taiga couldn't believe what he's hearing. Akira met the only girl here, and what Akira has been thinking about for the past two days. But the real question is… what did she look like?
"Endoji! Tell me! What was she like?! Was she small and cute?! Tall? Does she have muscles? Does she have a nice ass? How big were her boobs?! How did she talk? Was she shy girly or deep and demanding?! C'mon tell me! Tell me!"
"GODDAMNIT TAIGA! SHUT THE HELL UP! AND STOP SHAKING ME!" Akira disarmed Taiga from his shoulders and his constant rant about what the girl looks like.
He dusted himself off and huffed. Taiga just scratched the back of his nape while looking away.
"And for your information…. Y'know what… I'm not going to say it." Akira crossed his hands while having a smug face.
"DUDE YOU CAN'T DO THAT! YOU GOTTA TELL ME WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE!" Taiga begged his friend but Akria just scoffed.
"Nah man, she's only for me to think about. You can meet her when you get the chance." He put his hands behind his head but Taiga continued to egg on. He grabbed him by the shoulders and began to shake him more. "C'MON BRO! AT LEAST TELL ME HER NAME! YOU JUST CAN'T KEEP HIDING HER LIKE THAT!"
"TAIGA! STOP IT!" Akira was trying to shake off the striped hair male off. But he didn't stop until Akria confessed.
"OKAY OKAY! FINE! HER NAME IS SANZUKU MIYAZAKI! THERE HAPPY?!" Akira shouted which made Taiga stop his frantic shaking.
"Sanzuku Miyazaki…. Wow what a beautiful name! Ah I wonder what she looks like! I bet she's a short average girl with blonde hair, OH! I bet she has blue eyes! Or maybe green! Shit maybe she had cute pink ones! Agh! They're the best!"
Akria rolled his eyes at Taiga's wrong description of Miyazaki but he didn't want to ruin his crappy imagination and rolled with it. Hey at least Akria didn't say anything about the phone number thing, Taiga will go INSANE FOR THAT!
But for now, he was thinking about himself and Miyazaki in Kyoto holding hands.
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"Bleh! My throat is so dry."
Taiga complained as he sat up from his futon. It was late at night and the majority of the blue lock was sleeping at this hour, and Taiga groaned in his sleep after the dryness on his mouth. He couldn't sleep with a dry mouth. It's going to be a bother, and it's really annoying to deal with in the morning.
He got up and stretched his limbs before sighing. He looked around to see all the snoring guys, to his left he saw Akria hugging his pillow as if it was a person. Taiga rolled his eyes at him. It's been four days since Akira met Miyazaki and he still didn't say anything about what she was like and that seemed to piss off Taiga more.
"Jerk, you may have met her but at least you haven't gotten her number! I'll be the one to get it then you!" He whispered at a quiet time not to wake up others, but made sure to give angry glares at the star eyed male. He wishes he could grab his pillow and smack it on his face constantly, but that would take too much work and he would rather not do it in the middle of the night.
But first he needed to get himself water to wash away this dryness that antagonized him. With a groan he walked out the door and started to head to the cafeteria to get water and probably something to eat while he's there.
He saw the time on the wall and it was starting to turn at 5am, way too late for anyone to wake up but he didn't care, water was all in his mind for his aching throat.
His hands in his pockets as he walked down the hallway to which it led to the cafeteria. Finally making it to the cafeteria he opened the door to the empty room, looking around he made a few glances to make sure the coast was clear.
He shuffled to where the water bottles were provided, he was going to drab one for himself but a voice called out from behind.
"Um, can you give me a water bottle please?" Miyazaki asked the male In front of her.
Taiga groaned tiredly but complied. "Huh, yeah sure. Here" he handed her an extra water bottle to the person behind him.
"Thanks!" She thanked him. Taiga Opened his water bottle before taking a few gulps before spitting it out.
"HOLY SHIT IT'S YOU!" He turned around to meet the tall dark haired girl that had just finished taking her last gulp of water before looking at the shocked male In Front of her.
"Hm? Oh uh .. hey! Sorry to scare you, I didn't know other people woke up this early other than me," she said as she shrugged taking another sip from her water
Taiga couldn't comprehend what he's seeing right now, tall slim buff body with long black wet hair down, average pale skin tone, she had bicolor eyes that wears red glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, wearing the blue lock sweatpants but had a black tank top while a towel hung around her shoulders.
"What got something on My face?" Miyazaki said as the male just continued to look at her in awe. Taiga couldn't help but point at her.
"A- are you Sanzuku Miyazaki?" He asked steadily. Miyazaki smiled and nodded. "Yup, that's me! And who might you be if you don't mind me asking?" She approached him a little.
Taiga coughed and stood up straight to make him presentable to the female. With a smirk he pointed at himself.
"Tsunzaki Taiga! Pleasure to meet ya Sanzuku!"
He said with confidence in his voice. Miyazaki Chuckled a little before realizing this is the same Taiga that Akira was talking about.
"So you're Taiga that Akria was talking about! It's nice to finally meet you Tsunzaki! And I don't mind if you call me Miyazaki, no need for formalities!" She introduced herself to the striped haired male.
Taiga couldn't help but clench his fists from the name of Akria's name leaving her mouth. And a visible vein mark on the side of his head. 'Curse you Endoji! You didn't tell me about her, but you told her about me?! When I get my hands on you!'
"Um… Tsunzaki… are you okay?" Miyazaki asked the visible pissed male before snapping back to the sound of her voice.
"Huh?! Oh uh yeah! Totally!" He bluffed, scratching the back of his nape.
"A-also… you don't have to call me Tsunzaki, you can call me Taiga if you want." He said smiling at her, she nodded with that and thanked him for that.
Taiga blushed by the way the girl approached, she wasn't what he thought of but God Damn was she hot. Curse Akira for hiding this beauty of being for himself. Well there's no more hiding, because now he finally has a chance to be with her since it's only them in the cafeteria.
"Hey Miyazaki, how about I get your number? I wanna get to know you more, and that dick head Endoji didn't introduce me to you. So it's only fair to get to know ya more!" He winked at her trying to impress the girl. Miyazaki's eyes widened from that but chuckled at his attempt.
"Yeah sure! But I don't have my phone on me nor any pen and paper to write it down, are you sure you can remember 10 numbers of my digits?" She lifted a brow with a grin.
'Shit, didn't think this through ' He groaned from the thought but did want to be seen like he was failing so putting his poker face back on he smirked at her.
"Yeah, totally! I can remember anything! 10 numbers is nothing!" He lied, he really didn't know how to remember that much, and remembering a phone number is gonna be a challenge for him.
"Well, alright but how about later? I'm actually here to eat Breakfast early." She said turning around but remember that she didn't have her sweatshirt with her number.
"Aw crap I forgot my sweatshirt, I'll be back to go get it" she was about to leave but Taiga stopped her. She mentally facepalmed herself for forgetting the important thing to get her food from.
"Ah! No worries! Here I can get it for ya! It's the least I can do!" He went out of his way to scan his number to retrieve his breakfast earlier. He usually eats in the morning when everyone else wakes up to eat but since he could make an exception to eat early, better yet with the only girl too. He can't WAIT to rub this in Akria's face.
"Ah! You don't have to do that! I don't ask others for food! That's unprofessional and unnecessary for it-"
"Nah, don't worry about your cute little head of yours," Taiga said as he offered the tray of food to her.
Miyazaki was trying to decline his offer but Taiga insisted and still offered her the food, sighing in defeat she couldn't do anything but accept the food that was offered.
"Fine, better than walking back and forth from here. But to make it fair it'll be best to share," She said, taking the tray from him. Taiga couldn't help but grin.
They sat at a random table and started to eat, and make conversation about each other and crack a few jokes.
"And I told him! 'that isn't just a pig! That's your mom!' And he said 'what's the difference?!' " He cracked a joke and Miyazaki couldn't hold in herself as she let out a full audible laugh coming from her.
"OMG OMG*hiccup!* OMG holy shit! No way! *Hiccup* Augh that was hilarious!" She tried to gain back her composer as she whipped a tear from her eye.
Taiga couldn't help but smile to himself from making her laugh. She didn't fake laugh like those girls who forced a small giggle for a guy, but her laughs were genuine and real, like how she banged the table a few times to make herself stop laughing but couldn't resist.
"*Ahem* Okay okay! My turn! So my family and I travel to Australia to visit our cousins in the summer and one time my uncle told us about the random animals in the wild near the house so when we were all getting to bed my older cousin pulled me aside so we could scare my brother and younger cousins. We shut the lights off and got on all fours so we could chase them upstairs while making weird shouting to scare them, OMG THEY'RE SCREAMS WERE HILARIOUS!"
They both laughed at her past. Miyazaki couldn't hold it in and hiccuped.
"Oh- *hiccup* shit!" She continues to laugh even when she hiccup, this made Taiga laugh more.
Then all the laughter begins to die down as they both finally gain back their composer. Miyazaki looked at the time on the clock and gasped at how much time passed from their joking conversation. Already beginning to be 6:36.
"Aw crap we better head back since it's going to be 7 not too soon.” Miyazaki got up from her seat but Taiga stopped her for a moment "wait what about the phone number?!"
"Ah sorry maybe later? I really have to head back! It was nice talking to you Taiga! Hope to meet you again!" And with that she quickly left. Leaving the male all alone.
"Oh…." Saying in a hush tone as he got up and went back to his dorm. He signed while thinking about the girl, "Miyazaki" now he knew why Akria was keeping her a secret, she was too good to be seen by others, he bet the boys in her dorm are very lucky to have a girl like her.
But all he could think about was him and Miyazaki together for that moment. He can't wait to brag about it to Akira.
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A day has gone by through the weekend, and slowly it started to turn at night. All blue lock members are in their rooms slowly sleeping away on this tireless night.
“Like Hell you met her!” Akira threw the pillow at the striped haired male who laughed at his teammate's face “Haha! Are you really Jealous!?” Taiga teased the star eyed male who had a furious blush across his face. He bit his bottom lip from anger, and picked up another pillow and started to chase the male with it.
“Like hell I’m jealous! You don’t know shit about her so cut the bull crap!” He threw the pillow at his head causing Taiga to once again burst in laughter while running away from the fuming male on his back.
“Can you two cut that shit out for god sake?!” A male with a blonde bob haircut that blended with green tips groaned by his teammates loud and obnoxious behavior, he glared at the two throwing at the pillows like they were some slumber party.
‘Geez, what got these guys so excited out of nowhere!’ He was enjoying his quick nap from all the training that had been done but couldn’t due to his teammates immature behavior. It's getting near their bedtime and those two suddenly had a burst of energy like little kids with candy in their veins.
“Aww what’s wrong Yuzu? Couldn't you sleep without your night light? Or do we want you to sing you a lullaby before your bedtime?” Taiga teased the short male in his futon.
“Yeah, for someone short you have quite the temper, and quite bossy” Akira remarked as he threw the pillow at Taiga who luckily caught it and went back to chasing him.
“Well Everyone is trying to get some shut eye around here while you two bozos are goofing around! And stop teasing about my damn height you nitwits!” Yuzu clenched his teeth at the problems of the group.
“I think I know what got those guys so excited is from a girl” A male who yawned and slowly sat up from the commotion that was being dealt with, with white locks and silver eyes he yawns resting his head on his hand while looking at the scene unfold. Yuzu supposedly heard this and turned around to the male half awake.
“The hell you mean girl?” Lifting a brow, Kairu fully sat up and began to explain “Akira spoke about a girl in the infirmary when he was there, and then after that Taiga probably met the girl in blue lock, that’s what all the fuss is about from what I know.”
Yuzu’s eyes widened to hear the only girl in blue lock is still here, and apparently these two bozo’s met her. So what? It’s just a girl, it’s not like it’s a big deal, all girls can play sports, it’s not just for males only. All Yuzu could do is roll his eyes at that information.
“They met a girl, so what? It’s not a big deal, ‘Wow! She can play football!’ Like I never knew! This is just a waste of time to begin with, how bothersome. She’s not anyone special because of her gender.” Yuzu grumbled underneath his breath and went to sleep, hiding underneath the covers and covering his ears with his pillow to muffle the noise. “Whatever you say man.” With another yawn, Kairu went back under his covers and slept the night away.
He was trying to get some shut eye but his mind was occupied by the thought of the mention of the girl. Sure he heard about that girl rumor but he didn’t care about it, but hearing that she’s actually here makes him wonder what she has been up to? Is she really that good to be here? What does she look like?.......... Is she shorter than him?
He scoffed at the last idea, ‘Oh course the girl will be shorter than me, there aren’t many tall girls in japan anyways’ He felt a scene of pride in him to the thought of being taller than someone for a change.
He felt winking himself to slumber but that was ruined when someone tripped on his body making him yelp while the male that tripped on his body clashed down on the ground.
“Whoa! Hahah! I didn’t see you from how short you were!” Taiga let out a laugh while pointing at the angered male.
A vein mark appeared on his head as he threw his pillow at the male.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Ended
© 2024 Velveteen — do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform !
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riririnnnn · 7 months
So, Hiiragi, Niko and Zantetsu lost.
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And we all can correctly predict that it was Zantetsu that was chosen—it was a surprise for me to be honest. I mean, the Nagi trio already had Chigiri with them, so picking up another speed-based player confused me a bit. I have only read that Manga superficially, so I can't say much about Hiiragi but I do think that he was a real good player.
All in all, Niko seemed like a better choice, but I guess we'll get to know why Zantetsu got chosen. Maybe Nagi got nostalgic or something? Lol.
Now, there are 4 members in the Team, and in the match, we'll have Kiyora. Why? Because firstly, Nagi's team was the SECOND team in the second selection to have completed it, so it makes sense that they win again 'cause if they were to lose, then there would make THREE matches in total and that'll delay things, you know.
So now, who is going to be with Kiyora?
An easy prediction is: Karasu, Otoya and Yukimiya.
This prediction makes sense since this trio was the THIRD group to have completed the second selection.
These three already have character developments further in the manga, you know. I think, Kaneshiro-san will use Nagi Spin-off as a chance to showcase other side characters like Hiiragi, low-key, came into the table seemingly out of nowhere.
I can't write ALL the possible teams because, haha, that's HELLA lot, so let's take a small dive individually:
1. Himizu Aiki
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Team: Third with Karasu, Otoya, Yukimiya.
Bro looks so fucking rad! I mean, his character is too fucking pretty to just be a side character, so I think he could be with Kiyora because that way he'd be in the limelight. Honestly, I want more of him, he is just too gorgeous.
2. Yuzu Haruhiko
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Team: Third with Karasu, Otoya, Yukimiya.
He looks like a cutie patootie! I remember one of my Fanfic's reader said that his hair looks like spring onions and I can't unsee, LMAO.
He had been near the focus in some panels during second selection. He, in fact, had a line too when Aryu was asking players to play against them and everybody was refusing, but Anime cut it out—I got a bit mad since he looked adorably funny in the panel.
He has also been seen hanging out with Hiiragi in the background (I'm not quite sure).
3. Tsunzaki Taiga
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Team: Fourth with Nanase and Hiiragi.
A good design to be honest. I don't remember much of him, but yeah, he has been near the focus of panels too.
4. Endoji Akira
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Team: Fourth with Nanase and Hiiragi.
He was present during the match where Shidou got electrocuted and he had some lines too. Idk why but he just seems like a character too good to be thrown out without any screentime.
5. Saramadara Kairu
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Team: Fifth with Niko and Hiori.
He actually has a fair amount of details like he is a surfer and is considered pretty intimidating looking by his peers. He was against Isagi, Rin and Shidou during the tryouts too. Would love to see more of him.
6. Ishikari Yukio
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Team: Fifth with Niko and Hiori.
Tall af—bro is like 2 metres tall. He was one of those characters about whom something was spoken in the JFU building by Isagi or Kira Idk I don't remember. He had lines too and gave a head pass in a match too.
Looks chill af tho.
7. Nishioka Hajime
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Team: Fifth with Hiori and Niko.
He seems like the most probable option because Aomori's Messi, you know. Bro is low-key a meme material in the Fandom tbh.
It seems like the perfect time to showcase his talent which has been hyped up till now. Further, do you remember that Barou, Naruhaya and Nishioka had teamed up and they lost and then Nishi was chosen? What if the choosing team had Kiyora in it?
So it makes perfect sense for Barou to hold a grudge with Kiyora for choosing someone else over him. To add more spice, what if Kiyora had said some outrageous stuffs to Barou? Makes sense!
You getting me, right?
8. Shiguma Kyohei
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Team: Sixth with Raichi, Gagamaru and Wanima.
He is canonically a reserved person—that additional time with Chigiri + Saramadara + him. A gentle giant. His character design doesn't stand out much tho. Also, mathematically, two person with that much Team number difference seems really taxing, but I can't say much since Kurona had a rank of 4 too and yet he was in the last team.
9. Tanaka Shingen
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Team: Sixth with Raichi, Gagamaru and Wanima.
Appeared in an additional time and in that Blue Lock Bible or something, he was ranked as one of the least appealing boys to girls too.
He seems close to Gagamaru tho.
10. Sokura Tetsu
Team: Seventh with Shidou, Reo, Igarashi and Kurona.
Can't seem to be able to add his pic but he seems rather.. plain looking. That's all. I don't remember him in any panels at all too.
If my mathematics is correct then Niko played like 6-10 matches during second selection. Bro was DONE by the end of it.
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bluelockblog · 1 year
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reomikagekin · 2 years
Oh, Hey! I Noticed That You Write For 2nd Selection Characters Too. So Can I Ask For New Year Headcanons With Kiyora, Hiiragi (22) And Tsunzaki (100) ? They're All From 2nd Selection And I Really Liked Them So Much<3
Thanks And Have A Good Day!
happy new year!!
included:kiyora jin,hiiargi,tsunzaki
A/n: happy new year! Its 2023!! (for me atleast) we started off in november or october 2022 and we are know in 2023. Thank you all so so much for your support<3i'll keep writing for you guys,i hope you guys have a happy new year! <3
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-its new year,yayy.
-I personally believe this bby would DESPISE the loud noises,like pls shut the fuck up fireworks,you have been active since morning.
-our man right here would kiss you tho,new years kiss? Hell yeah
-he would like to stay inside,but if you wanted to go outside and look,he would go outside with you just to look.
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-i personally do not know much about him soooo-
-i also would think he hates them loud noises.
-the so mentiond man would probably wanna stay inside with you and cuddle.
-also a new years kiss with him,but only a small peck
-I dont have any more ideas for this man😰
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-mmm i feel like hes raichis long lost brother-
-loves,AND I MEAN LOVES the loud noise.he even buys fire works so you two could enjoy.
-New years kiss? Fuck yeah.rough kiss?fuck yeah.
-Holds you very close during the firework process.
-idk any more,im tired asf-
(happy new year<3)
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luna-3-clips · 1 year
This is just my personal opinion, but I think that the background players in the second selection and later are under appreciated. So, I decided to do a little thing. I decided to trace over and color in one of those characters, Taiga Tsunzaki.
Here is the original:
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And here is mine:
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He's a little goofy looking, but as long as you don't pay attention to his back eye and neck, he looks alright.
This took me four hours to make tho.. 😭 My fingers hurt
I think he doesn't look all that bad though, and I was thinking about doing this same thing with some of the other background players. I was thinking the next one I do is Akira Endoji. Though, it most likely won't be the next thing I post since I wanna give my fingers a break.
(Also I got confused as I was tracing since his back eye was just his iris and pupil and there wasn't any eye white, from what I could tell. So that added about 20 minutes of me trying to figure out how to make it look okay. But I think I did alright with it, it looks pretty normal.)
That's all, have a good day/night!
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blue-lock-rocky · 2 years
[SPOILERS] Blue Lock Second Selection Ranking
The wiki has most of them, but there's some confusion around #13 Ishikari. During the third selection, he's shown wearing a #13 jersey but the wiki says that he's supposed to wear a #25.
#1 Itoshi Rin #2 Aryu Jyubei #3 Tokimitsu Aoshi #4 Kurona Ranze #5 Tanaka Shigen ... #7 Nagi Seishiro ... #10 Mikage Reo ... #13 Ishikari Yukio ... #15 Isagi Yoichi #16 Bachira Meguru ... #18 Barou Shouei #19 Haiji Shizuka #20 Sokura Tetsu #21 Kiyora Jin #22 Hiragi Reiji #23 Yukimiya Kenyu ... #27 Hiori Yo ... #29 Nishioka Hajime ... #33 Otoya Eita ... #38 Naruhaya Asahi ... #44 Chigiri Hyoma ... #50 Kunigami Rensuke #51 Saramadara Kairu ... #53 Zantetsu Tsurugi ... #55 Shiguma Kyohei ... #59 Endoji Akira ... #63 Niko Ikki ... #69 Karasu Tabito ... #74 Wanima Junichi ... #77 Himizu Aiki ... #88 Gagamaru gin ... #95 Raichi Jingo ... #98 Yuzu Haruhiko #99 Nanase Nijiro #100 Tsunzaki Taiga ... #108 Igarashi Gurimu ... #111 Shidou Ryusei
P. S. We know that Kuon, Iemon, and Imamura got through the first stage, but we were never shown their numbers.
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I feel like this list of where the less known Blue Lock character are currently at, is really useful, so I’m sharing it here; I hope others will feels the same.
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luna-3-clips · 1 year
All rivalries aside, this is who I think each Blue Lock character would get along with/are similar to
If that didn't make sense, this will be who I think would get along in and are similar in Blue Lock.
Reo Mikage and Seishiro Nagi - No duh, they're already besties even before Blue Lock.
Hyoma Chigiri, Jyubei Aryu, Kenyu Yukimiya, and Benedict Grim - I dunno why, but I think they'd all bond over good looks, skin care, and all that.
Ranze Kurona, Nijiro Nanase, and Yo Hiori - It's a group of introverts, they'd get along with each other.
Jingo Raichi, Taiga Tsunzaki, and Ryusei Shido - We don't know a lit about Tsunzaki, but he looks like Raichi and looks like they act the same. Plus, they all have the same personalities, except Shido is a bit more... uhm... unhinged?
Jin Kiyora and Rin Itoshi - The emo boys gotta stick together.
Meguru Bachira and Akira Endoji - I know we don't know much about Endoji, but from what he looks like, I think they would get along perfectly.
Ranze Kurona and Alexis Ness - They both have a similar hair color, both like/prefer to assist an important/talented player. (*Cough* Also those happen to be the people they're shipped with *Cough*)
Meguru Bachira and Lavinho - I think it's obvious why.
Kenyu Yukimiya and Meguru Bachira - Two people with eye problems, one's got eye cancer and the other's got schizophrenia. (I'm sorry)
Shizuka Haiji, Pablo Cavazos, and Nijiro Nanase - All I can say is baby faces.
Michael Kaiser and Rin Itoshi - They both think they're better than everyone, which now that I think about it makes it seem like they won't get along, but whatever.
Oliver Aiku, Eita Otoya, and Tabito Karasu - Womanizers 1, 2, and 3
Michael Kaiser and Shoei Baro - Two guys with superiority complexes
Okuhito Iemon and Rensuke Kunigami - Mom and dad (I'll let you decide who's who)
Julian Loki and Gurimu Igarashi - Bald and balder
I couldn't think of any more on the spot and I'm sorry I got a bit lazy at the end.
That's all, have a good day/night!
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luna-3-clips · 1 year
I'm starting a Blue Lock Hunger Games series
I know that I already have another series going on, but that one I'll only be posting updates once a week. I saw someone do this on Youtube (River Shroom) and I decided I wanted to do it as well.
Here are the districts and their tributes:
District 1
Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira, Hyoma Chigiri, Rensuke Kunigami
District 2
Asahi Naruhaya, Gin Gagamaru, Jingo Raichi, Wataru Kuon
District 3
Gurimu Igarashi, Okuhito Iemon, Yudai Imamura, Ryusuke Kira
District 4
Ikki Niko, Hibiki Okawa, Junichi Wanima, Keisuke Wanima
District 5
Zantetsu Tsurugi, Reo Mikage, Seishiro Nagi, Shoei Barou
District 6
Aoshi Tokimitsu, Jyubei Aryu, Rin Itoshi, Taiga Tsunzaki
District 7
Ranze Kurona, Yo Hiori, Nijiro Nanase, Jin Kiyora
District 8
Eita Otoya, Tabito Karasu, Kenyu Yukimiya, Akira Endoji
District 9
Ryusei Shidou, Sae Itoshi, Shuto Sendo, Oliver Aiku
District 10
Adam Blake, Julian Loki, Leonardo Luna, Pablo Cavazos
District 11
Noel Noa, Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness, Lavinho
District 12
Anri Teieri, Jinpachi Ego, Chris Prince, Marc Snuffy
Check out the rest of the series here
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luna-3-clips · 1 year
Blue Lock Hunger Games
Fallen tributes 5
6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance
Junichi Wanima District 4
Julian Loki District 10
Jyubei Aryu District 6
Kenyu Yukimiya District 8
Aoshi Tokimitsu District 6
Taiga Tsunzaki District 6
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