#blue lock sokura tetsu
riririnnnn · 7 months
So, Hiiragi, Niko and Zantetsu lost.
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And we all can correctly predict that it was Zantetsu that was chosen—it was a surprise for me to be honest. I mean, the Nagi trio already had Chigiri with them, so picking up another speed-based player confused me a bit. I have only read that Manga superficially, so I can't say much about Hiiragi but I do think that he was a real good player.
All in all, Niko seemed like a better choice, but I guess we'll get to know why Zantetsu got chosen. Maybe Nagi got nostalgic or something? Lol.
Now, there are 4 members in the Team, and in the match, we'll have Kiyora. Why? Because firstly, Nagi's team was the SECOND team in the second selection to have completed it, so it makes sense that they win again 'cause if they were to lose, then there would make THREE matches in total and that'll delay things, you know.
So now, who is going to be with Kiyora?
An easy prediction is: Karasu, Otoya and Yukimiya.
This prediction makes sense since this trio was the THIRD group to have completed the second selection.
These three already have character developments further in the manga, you know. I think, Kaneshiro-san will use Nagi Spin-off as a chance to showcase other side characters like Hiiragi, low-key, came into the table seemingly out of nowhere.
I can't write ALL the possible teams because, haha, that's HELLA lot, so let's take a small dive individually:
1. Himizu Aiki
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Team: Third with Karasu, Otoya, Yukimiya.
Bro looks so fucking rad! I mean, his character is too fucking pretty to just be a side character, so I think he could be with Kiyora because that way he'd be in the limelight. Honestly, I want more of him, he is just too gorgeous.
2. Yuzu Haruhiko
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Team: Third with Karasu, Otoya, Yukimiya.
He looks like a cutie patootie! I remember one of my Fanfic's reader said that his hair looks like spring onions and I can't unsee, LMAO.
He had been near the focus in some panels during second selection. He, in fact, had a line too when Aryu was asking players to play against them and everybody was refusing, but Anime cut it out—I got a bit mad since he looked adorably funny in the panel.
He has also been seen hanging out with Hiiragi in the background (I'm not quite sure).
3. Tsunzaki Taiga
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Team: Fourth with Nanase and Hiiragi.
A good design to be honest. I don't remember much of him, but yeah, he has been near the focus of panels too.
4. Endoji Akira
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Team: Fourth with Nanase and Hiiragi.
He was present during the match where Shidou got electrocuted and he had some lines too. Idk why but he just seems like a character too good to be thrown out without any screentime.
5. Saramadara Kairu
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Team: Fifth with Niko and Hiori.
He actually has a fair amount of details like he is a surfer and is considered pretty intimidating looking by his peers. He was against Isagi, Rin and Shidou during the tryouts too. Would love to see more of him.
6. Ishikari Yukio
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Team: Fifth with Niko and Hiori.
Tall af—bro is like 2 metres tall. He was one of those characters about whom something was spoken in the JFU building by Isagi or Kira Idk I don't remember. He had lines too and gave a head pass in a match too.
Looks chill af tho.
7. Nishioka Hajime
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Team: Fifth with Hiori and Niko.
He seems like the most probable option because Aomori's Messi, you know. Bro is low-key a meme material in the Fandom tbh.
It seems like the perfect time to showcase his talent which has been hyped up till now. Further, do you remember that Barou, Naruhaya and Nishioka had teamed up and they lost and then Nishi was chosen? What if the choosing team had Kiyora in it?
So it makes perfect sense for Barou to hold a grudge with Kiyora for choosing someone else over him. To add more spice, what if Kiyora had said some outrageous stuffs to Barou? Makes sense!
You getting me, right?
8. Shiguma Kyohei
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Team: Sixth with Raichi, Gagamaru and Wanima.
He is canonically a reserved person—that additional time with Chigiri + Saramadara + him. A gentle giant. His character design doesn't stand out much tho. Also, mathematically, two person with that much Team number difference seems really taxing, but I can't say much since Kurona had a rank of 4 too and yet he was in the last team.
9. Tanaka Shingen
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Team: Sixth with Raichi, Gagamaru and Wanima.
Appeared in an additional time and in that Blue Lock Bible or something, he was ranked as one of the least appealing boys to girls too.
He seems close to Gagamaru tho.
10. Sokura Tetsu
Team: Seventh with Shidou, Reo, Igarashi and Kurona.
Can't seem to be able to add his pic but he seems rather.. plain looking. That's all. I don't remember him in any panels at all too.
If my mathematics is correct then Niko played like 6-10 matches during second selection. Bro was DONE by the end of it.
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bluelockblog · 1 year
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𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝑮𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒊 13 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 (𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉) 𝒑𝒕 2
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Part 2 of the blue lock characters in Bleach AU!!
Part 1 is here
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Role: The mass reinforcement division. When any of the other divisions require extra shinigami or reinforcements, the 8th is the division they turn to first.
Characters: Gurimu Igarashi, Junichi Wanima, Jin Kiyora, Reiji Hiiragi, Hajime Nishioka, Akira Endoji, Haruhiko Yuzu, Tetsu Sokura, Aiki Himizu, Shizuka Haiji, Yukio Ishikari, Kyohei Shiguma
Explanation: These characters currently serve as reserve characters in the neo egoist league.
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Role: They prevents information from leaking, as well as information being stolen. They are in charge of dealing with tactics and warfare against intelligent beings and massive hollow gatherings and creating counter tactics when Seireitei is under attack. They also in charge of the Seireitei news magazine.
Characters: Yoichi Isagi, Seishiro Nagi
Explanation: We have already seen how Isagi uses his intelligence to overpower the other players and Nagi wants nothing more than a simple job that does not require hard work. He'll love to work in the publishing department.
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Role: The 10th Division is in charge of planning, coordinating, and executing large missions. They assemble shinigami from other division and send out reinforcements and information regarding the mission.
Characters: Gin Gagamaru, Michael Kaiser
Explanation: Gagamaru's flexibility and Kaiser's stats are both well suited for this division.
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Role: The 11th Division is the frontlines. They are the most skilled in physical combat and are the most powerful and offer the most defense and offense. When Seireitei is under attack, they are first to deal with the enemy.
Characters: Jingo Raichi, Rensuke Kunigami, Shoei Baro, Ryusei Shido
Explanation: These characters are know for their strength and/or aggressive nature, making them a perfect fit for this division.
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Role: The 12th Division develops new technology and spiritual tools. Members are tasked with research and collection of data and samples. They are also in charge of storing a mass amount of information known to Seireitei in their database. 
Characters: Anri Teieri, Jinpachi Ego
Explanation: These characters have done plenty research to create the blue lock project.
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Role: The 13th Division is the ones that actually send out patrols on a daily, frequent basis to survey Seireitei. If a threat occurs, they find and take care of it. They are the part of defence line of the Seireitei.
Characters: Ikki Niko, Aoshi Tokimitsu, Haru Hayate, Oliver Aiku
Explanation: These characters have good defence and are gentle in nature which will go well with this division's environment.
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P.S: Maybe not many people might understand this scenario as you'll need the knowledge of both the anime, but I'll be happy if people could enjoy it^^ I tried to include as many characters as I could but there isn't enough information.
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blue-lock-rocky · 2 years
[SPOILERS] Blue Lock Second Selection Ranking
The wiki has most of them, but there's some confusion around #13 Ishikari. During the third selection, he's shown wearing a #13 jersey but the wiki says that he's supposed to wear a #25.
#1 Itoshi Rin #2 Aryu Jyubei #3 Tokimitsu Aoshi #4 Kurona Ranze #5 Tanaka Shigen ... #7 Nagi Seishiro ... #10 Mikage Reo ... #13 Ishikari Yukio ... #15 Isagi Yoichi #16 Bachira Meguru ... #18 Barou Shouei #19 Haiji Shizuka #20 Sokura Tetsu #21 Kiyora Jin #22 Hiragi Reiji #23 Yukimiya Kenyu ... #27 Hiori Yo ... #29 Nishioka Hajime ... #33 Otoya Eita ... #38 Naruhaya Asahi ... #44 Chigiri Hyoma ... #50 Kunigami Rensuke #51 Saramadara Kairu ... #53 Zantetsu Tsurugi ... #55 Shiguma Kyohei ... #59 Endoji Akira ... #63 Niko Ikki ... #69 Karasu Tabito ... #74 Wanima Junichi ... #77 Himizu Aiki ... #88 Gagamaru gin ... #95 Raichi Jingo ... #98 Yuzu Haruhiko #99 Nanase Nijiro #100 Tsunzaki Taiga ... #108 Igarashi Gurimu ... #111 Shidou Ryusei
P. S. We know that Kuon, Iemon, and Imamura got through the first stage, but we were never shown their numbers.
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