#blue flames in the dark 💖🔥
Night Before Christmas - How did you and your f/o meet? What is your life like now with them? What do think the future holds for you guys?
For Shigaraki!
So we met when I joined the League of Villains. It was a pretty smooth meeting since my quirk lines up well with stealth missions (so of course, they'd let me join).
Currently, life's pretty good. There are a lot of missions for the League that I'm sent out on but I always can come back to Shiggy and Dabi so it's pretty nice <3 We play video games together a lot too ^-^
For the future... More fighting definitely (not each other but the heroes) but hopefully a decent life together. We'll be with each other no matter what happens.
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elluia · 7 months
Little gems of the French localisation of Fire Emblem
Hi! I wanted to share a few nice details of the French localisation of the Fire Emblem games with you all 😊
First, I’ll cover the tome names (using Radiant Dawn’s ranks, as it goes all the way to SS), name changes in Tellius, then the Houses names in Three Houses, and finally a baffling line censored (?) in Radiant Dawn that puzzles me to this day.
✨Let’s start with magic tomes. They all have a unique name, and do not follow the El-Arc-Rex English naming convention. The final rank, SS, is called S+ in French. And probably in all of Europe, for obvious historical reasons. I sure hope so.
Descriptions will go like this:
RANK: French name (translation, lit. translation = English name)
🍃 WIND MAGIC (Magie du Vent)
E: Vent (=Wind, same) C: Tempête (Storm = Elwind), A: Ouragan (Hurricane = Arcwind) S: Tornade (=Tornado, same) SS: Fimbulvetr (= Rexcalibur) Siege: Blizzard (same)
Note that the wind rises with each rank…
The SS wind tome uses ice animations, Fimbulvetr makes perfect sense as a name!
Fimbulvetr is generally the high to highest tier of wind magic in the French localisation: A in the GBA games, S in PoR, SS in RD, A in Awakening, B in Three Houses, Emblem Soren’s spell… and just C in Fates.
🔥 FIRE MAGIC (Magie du Feu)
E: Feu (= Fire, same) C: Inferno (self-explanatory = Elfire) A: Embrasement (blaze, burning, or blazing up = Arcfire) S: Bolganone (same) SS: Brasier (lit. raging fire, inferno = Rexflame) Siege: Météorite (=Meteor, same) Cymbeline is unchanged.
💡 Fun fact: The Hunger Games’ second novel, “Catching Fire”, is called “L’Embrasement” in French.
⚡ LIGHTNING MAGIC (Magie de la Foudre)
E: Foudre (Lightning = Thunder) C: Éclairs (Lightning bolts = Elthunder) A: Feu du Ciel (Heaven’s Might, lit. Heaven’s Fire = Arcthunder) S: Thoron (same) SS: Mjölnir (= Rexbolt) Siege: Fulguration (Fulguration, lit. a flash lightning = Bolting)
Lightning magic is the most interesting.
Two synonyms are used for ranks E and C. “Thunder” is “Tonnerre” in French, which refers to sound only. The translators chose the visual representation instead.
🔮 For the SS rank, they went back and used the name of the Jugdral Holy Weapon! Again, Fates makes Mjölnir a C rank tome…
🌞 LIGHT MAGIC (Magie du Jour, lit. Day Magic)
E: Lumière (=Light, same) C: Éclat (Spark, Brilliance = Ellight) A: Flash (self-explanatory = Shine) S: Aura toxique (Toxic aura = Valaura) SS: Aura (Aura = Rexaura) Siege: Châtiment (Punishment = Purge) Creiddylad, Thani, and Nosferatu are unchanged.
In my opinion, Valaura’s name change is very weird and makes the two late-game tomes sound too similar.
💖 The siege tome is used in the phrase “châtiment divin” (divine punishment), it’s absolutely fitting to smite your enemies!
🌚 DARK MAGIC (Magie de la Nuit, lit. Night Magic)
C: Larve (= Worm, same) B: Carreau (same) S: Verrine (same) SS: Balberith (same) Siege: Fenrir (same)
Nothing changed! C rank is a literal translation.
I love the increasing intensity with each new rank! It gives Fire Emblem magic some… personality 💪
Now for name changes in Radiant Dawn!
While it’s rather well-known that Mist is called Alja in German, there are two names localised differently in French!
First is Ena, called Ina instead. Could work as a diminutive, but quite unnecessary in my opinion.
Then, there is Gatrie, who becomes Gatorie. I think they tried to avoid “Gatrie”, a homonym of “gâterie”, which can mean "treat" or can be a slang for… a blowjob. For a character who likes women so much, that’s quite unfortunate (and hilarious!). Even funnier, Gatorie almost sounds like “rice cake”… (or is it just me?)
Finally, there is Ike’s own epithet of “Radiant Hero” or “Hero of the Blue Flames”. In newer games, it’s always translated as “Héros de l’Aube”, meaning Hero of Dawn. It pairs well with Micaiah (“la Fille/Prêtresse de l’Aube” = the Maiden/Priestess of Dawn). Only his ending card calls him “Héros de la flamme”, or Hero of the flame.
In Engage and Heroes, Tellius is still called “Monde de Radiance” (World of Radiance), instead of using Dawn, the common name for its two heroes.
🔎 Another neat change we have is the Houses names in Three Houses, in fact.
Colours sound silly for a class name in French (it’s mostly fine for naming kindergarten classes), so the localisation team switched to precious metals and gemstones. You can even check in the artbook, they stand out compared to all the other languages!
Black Eagles = Aigles de Jais = Jet Eagles (as in, the jet-black gem)
Blue Lions = Lions de Saphir = Sapphire Lions
Golden Deer = Cerfs d’Or = Golden Deer (same, and the precious theme is kept!)
Ashen Wolves = Loups Cendrés = Ashen Wolves (same, and no gem because the name is justified by Nabatean lore in-game)
It’s neat! And absolutely necessary in French. Great localisation right there.
🤦‍♀️ Now let me mention a particularly failed translation, twice in a row.
In Part I Chapter 7 of Radiant Dawn, Izuka and Sothe exchange two lines with an aside in parenthesis, showing their inner thoughts. And for some reason, it’s the only big deviation in the whole localisation.
Izuka (EN): But Laguz... They're powerful! (and expendable...) Just what we need. By all means, invite them to join! Izuka (FR) : Car les Laguz sont très puissants (et extrêmement flexibles) ! C’est tout à fait ce dont a besoin notre armée ! Dites-leur de se joindre à nous ! Izuka (literal) : Because Laguz are very powerful (and extremely flexible)! This is exactly what our army needs! Tell them to join us!
(Flexible can be taken as stretchable or adaptable here, but we’re nowhere close the cruel original intent…)
Sothe (EN) : They're good friends. I'm sure they'll agree to help if I ask (you mumbling creep). Sothe (FR) : Ce sont de bons amis. Ils accepteront de nous rejoindre si je leur demande (moi aussi je peux faire des apartés). Sothe (literal) : They’re good friends. They’ll join us if I ask them (I can also do asides).
WTF happened here? We lost two important pieces of information in the asides…
Izuka’s comment sounds almost goofy, not ominous!
Do I have to assume French!Sothe became self-aware for a split second? He’s supposed to question Izuka’s character, not make meta quips.
There are a few possibilities for Izuka:
(The most likely) The translator took “expendable” literally = it’s expansible in French, synonymous with flexible. The second word is shorter and more common.
Is it meant to censor Izuka’s cruelty?
Or is it meant to hide his motives to the player?
A better translation could have been: (et facilement remplaçables) = (and easily replaceable).
But for Sothe...
(The most likely) Did the translator want to censor an insult?
Did they want to make the situation lighter with a meta joke?
Did they think the aside was unnecessary considering Sothe’s obvious suspicion of Izuka?
Did they run out of characters to translate the insult in that text box? (It is full.)
The translation could have been: (ce type est louche) = (that shifty guy). And indeed, finding an appropriate insult for a Teen rating was hard…
Truly a mystery for the ages.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. 🙇‍♀️
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Ember McLain Redesign Discussion🔥
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Ember McLain is very iconic especially her design. I wanted my design to not differ too much from her OG style. Tbh I feel like she'd be wearing different outfits a lot. I’ll probably have her enjoy experimenting with her fashion and change time to time.
Made her outfit more modern. With her whole motive of wanting to be remembered I figure she'd dress what's relevant to the times but at the same time wanted to keep the iconic 70's KISS aesthetic many people see her design have! Especially if she died in the 70's.
Implemented the fire more in her outfit🔥
Went more for a punk rock aesthetic. Pretty popular.
Added tears to her pants. Gave her a belt with an E buckle. E for Ember!
Added a sleeveless jacket vest.
Gave her a shaved side and added white into it.
Incorporated purple more in her design💜
Also added blue into her clothes💙
Made her eyes as well as tongue more teal.
Made her skin more grayish white than grayish teal to separate from her more blue outfit. Talked to @tachvintlogic​ about that. Tach gave really good notes. This is some concept art.
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OG Ember Color Scheme-tealish blue, black, light teal, purple and gray
My Ember Color Scheme-Bright blue, black, gray, light gray, purple, teal, dark teal
Gave her piercings.
Gave her a smaller midriff.
Gave her bracelets on both of her wrists.
Gave her boots more for her fire theme🔥
Added more muscle on her.
Gave her an eyebrow slit.
For this certain picture I gave her her cool swirl makeup again.
Gave her a half heart necklace. It was a gift she got from an old flame when she was alive. It was found in the ashes...
What do u think? How would u redesign Ember? I'd love to know💖
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Scribbles and Drabbles 22 breakdown
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So, I've caved and made a comprehensive, exhaustive list of my entries. They will be organised according to rating. Inside each rating, you'll find the characters/pairings. Sorry for not tagging all the artists, but I think there's a limit to how many people one can tag 😝
It's rather long, so the list will be under the cut!
Love you all!
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All hands on deck
Blood of my blood, bone of my bone
Melkor shenanigans
Heresy (how WAP ruined everything) (Melkor; Varda/Manwë)
The first marring (Melkor x Melkor, I guess)
Utumno Power Hour with @z-h-i-e (Melkor x Balrogs)
Prey and Predator (Maglor x Ungoliant)
Under the cover of darkness / Someone else (multi Finwëan ships)
A blade's tale (Túrin & Anglachel: NSFW for violence)
Temper (NSFW for violence)
💖SFW - Shippy
Crown Jewels
You're an ocean, beautiful, and blue...I wanna swim in you AND Red, the blood of angry men!
Copper and crystal memories
New, and a bit alarming...
A tale of ice (cream) and fire (SFW-ish)
The Golden Flower Emporium
Flowery Words (SamFro)
One day (Daemags)
Moth & Flame (Andreth/Aegnor)
Coming back (Elwing/Eärendil)
🤗SFW - Gen
Eru's instrument (Manwë & Eru)
A good day's work (Manwë & Yavanna)
Lord Oromë in His Forest
Lord Ulmo’s Sea
Feline Frustration (Námo & cats)
I'm Not Locked in Here With You, You're Locked in Here With Me (Námo & Fëanor)
"The JuDgler" or "Ball and chain" (Námo & Fëanor)
Like a satellite (Melkor & space)
The Contest of Finrod and Sauron (Finrod & Sauron)
The House of the Green Siren (Modern!AU Sauron)
Prometheus or the flame that stole itself away (Fëanor)
Full brother in heart (Fëanor & Fingolfin)
Presentation Practice (Fëanor/Nerdanel & baby Mae)
Like bubbles trapped in crystal (Nerdanel & Anairë - sadness)
I know I've loved you before (Maedhros & Maglor)
This is my fightsong (Caranthir & Angrod)
Up and away (Celegorm & Curufin & Celebrimbor)
Postcard from Eregion (Celebrimbor & Galadriel)
Bits and bobs and a tooth (Elrond & cursed objects)
A distant glimmer (Kidnap fam)
Healing (Elrond & Maglor)
Shipwrecked (Voronwë)
Elwing and the Silmaril
A fateful question (Díor & Lúthien)
An ocean that could burn (unknown Noldo)
Campaign 1.0 : The Silmarillion (Túrin, Sauron, Maeglin, & Thorin Oakenshield)
Another forest (Three Hunters -> Hogwarts)
A toast to the groom (Glorestor) 🔥
A sunny day (Russingon) 💖
The Tirion Tattler (Russingon) 💖
Treatises and Truths (page 54) (unknown baby & elves)🤗
Maglor's Masterplan (Maglor & Elrond) 🤗
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4 10 22
I'll answer for my BNHA S/I (so Shigaraki & Dabi :3); TW: death mentions
4: What’s a traumatic memory your S/I has from when they were growing up? How does your F/O react to hearing about the memory?
Her parents' deaths are probably the most traumatic memory of hers (since they were a hero duo she likely saw it on TV). However, she knew that it could happen at any moment, so what was more traumatic for her was how people (especially other heroes) just brushed it off. Think like how Kota feels about the heroes in relation to his parents' deaths. Excusing it like 'it was a good heroic death - they saved a lot of people'
10: Does your S/I have any rivals or enemies? What are they like and how did they meet? What does your F/O think of them? Have there been any serious clashes?
Her enemies are the entire hero commission (obviously as part of the LoV). But specific heroes? Any of the ones who brushed off her parents' deaths and Endeavor (especially once she learns how he was treating his children). Both Shigaraki & Dabi hate her enemies as well (obviously). Dabi's a little touched by how vehemently she hates Endeavor after learning about his past. There have been serious clashes - namely, most of the battles that happen in the show/manga.
22: Has your S/I ever done something that they felt ashamed of afterward? Were they afraid of your F/O finding out, and if so, what would happen if they did find out?
I can't think of anything specific, but she would likely be nervous about Shigaraki or Dabi finding out. However, they're a lot more sympathetic than she'd expect. They've had to do some terrible things as villains, so no matter what it is that she did, they'd understand and reassure her over it.
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My shoulder’s hurting and all I can think about is Diluc warming his hands to act as a make-shift heating pad to make it feel better <3
Honorable mentions: Dabi doing something similar or Mipha healing it the best she can
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❤️ & 🔮 with Revali! 💋 & 💄 with Dabi too, if you’d like!
❤️ [HEART]- What did the confession look like between you two? Who initiated it? Where did it take place?
He confessed! He did so by doing a bunch of different courtship rituals (aerial displays, giving me rocks & gemstones, showing off more, etc.) before taking me to a pretty location around Rito Village where it was just the two of us. He sang for me, a bunch of different songs that were mainly my favorite songs, and gave me a small heart shaped ruby before confessing his feelings.
🔮 [CRYSTAL BALL]- What’s your dream future with you and your F/O (for example, where do you wanna live? would you like kids)? Think of this question as explaining your ideal happily-ever-after with them!
The calamity is over and defeated and we get to live a stress-free life together. We'll live in Rito Village (we already have a cabin there so it works out) most of the time, with some time spent either in castle town or in Hateno. Kids would be interesting if it's possible, but I don't mind either way. I just want to spend time with him and our friends <3
💋 [KISS]- What love language does your F/O have? What about you? And how do y’all express it to each other?
His are words of affirmation and quality time. My main one is physical touch (both giving and receiving). But also, giving through quality time and receiving through gifts (especially well-thought out gifts or handmade ones).
He'll express it to me by spending time with me just the two of us as well as complimenting me once he opens up to me. He'll also allow me to be super cuddly even if he's not fully into that all the time. He'll also steal me gifts when he goes out. I compliment him back and it makes him all flustered <3
💄 [LIP STICK]- What’s your favorite kind of date to go on with your F/O? Or what’s their favorite kind of date to go on with you?
My favorite type of date is a night in with him. We can be doing whatever, playing video games, stargazing through the windows, etc. But as long as it's just us two (or three when Shiggy's involved), everything's perfect <3
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It’s Dabi’s birthday <3 I couldn’t let it go by without some sort of a post :3
I had a pretty busy day, but I tried to adjust it to reflect that it was his birthday (aka like the music I listened to while I played ACNH was more his style (even though our music tastes overlap quite a bit).
Now, I’m gonna go reblog a bunch of pictures of him before reading the stories I have written about him <3
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F/O List!
Buckle up cause there’s a lot ^^; Also listed on my carrd
Romantic 💖
Link - Legend of Zelda (general) - Tag: ‘my protector 💖🏇‘
Zelda - Legend of Zelda (general) - Tag: ‘a princess’s love 💖👑‘
Sheik - Legend of Zelda (general) - Tag: ‘harp serenade 💖🎼‘
Impa - Legend of Zelda (specifically Hyrule Warriors) - Tag: ‘written in the stars 💖🌟‘
Dark Link - Legend of Zelda - Tag: ‘his angel 💖🗡‘
Ghirahim - Skyward Sword - Tag: ‘glittering diamonds 💖💎‘
Mipha - Breath of the Wild - Tag: ‘iridescent scales 💖🧜‘
Urbosa - Breath of the Wild - Tag: ‘warm safflina 💖⚡‘
Revali - Breath of the Wild - Tag: ‘the wind beneath his wings 💖🐦‘
Sebastian - Stardew Valley - Tag: ‘i’m glad you stayed 💖☂‘
Diluc - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘I'd Melt For You 💖🍷’
Xiao - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘Our love transcends 💖🌥️’
Thoma - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘The Housekeeper's Assistant 💖🍡’
Scaramouche - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘His Right Hand 💖😈’
Ayaka - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘Sakura blossoms 💖🌸’
Albedo - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘A study of love 💖📒 ‘
Kazuha - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘blanketed by autumn leaves💖🍁’
Beidou - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘You’ve stolen my heart💖⚓’
Ningguang - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘I’ll compose us a symphony💖💼’
Beigguang (poly ship) - Tag: ‘A leader; a pirate; and their bard💞🎶’
Heizou - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘You're My New Dream 💖🔎’
Shinobu - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘Our Bond is Strong 💖🔪 ‘
Dabi - My Hero Academia - Tag: ‘blue flames in the dark 💖🔥‘
Shigaraki - My Hero Academia: Tag: ‘decay is natural; just like us 💖✋‘
Crushes 💖
Midna - Twilight Princess - Tag: ‘the moon to my stars 💖🌒‘
Sidon - Breath of the Wild - Tag: ‘your love is sunlight 💖💧’
Elliott - Stardew Valley - Tag: ‘we’ll write a happy ending 💖📝‘
Leah - Stardew Valley - Tag: ‘kissed by the sun 💖🌻‘ 
Raiden Ei - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘An everlasting love 💖🍰’
Yae Miko - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘forever by your side 💖🦊’
EiMiko (poly ship) - Tag: ‘Our love shines eternal 💞🌸’
Candace - Genshin Impact - ‘Tag: love shields us 💖🌊’
Part-Time F/Os 💖
Elsa - Frozen - Tag - ‘another form of true love 💖❄️’
Shirayuki - Snow White with the Red Hair - Tag: ‘royal blue and apple red 💖🌿‘
Zen - Snow White with the Red Hair -
Obi - Snow White with the Red Hair -
Isabela - Encanto - Tag: ‘a love as soft as rose petals 💖🌹‘
Dolores - Encanto - Tag: ‘(I’ll Be Your) Respite from the Noise 💖🔉‘ 
Platonic 💚
Abigail - Stardew Valley
Penny - Stardew Valley
Sam - Stardew Valley
Generic Stardew Tag: ‘home in the valley 💚🌅‘
Generic Genshin Impact Tag: ‘Friends Come From All Over 💚🌐’
Generic Harbingers Tag: ‘Stronger Together 💚⚠️’
Familial 💜
Toga - My Hero Academia - sister
Camilo - Encanto - brother
Childe - Genshin Impact - brother - Tag: ‘I’ve Got Your Back 💜🎣’
Signora - Genshin Impact - sister - Tag: ‘Sisters Born of the Same Flame 💜🦋’
Klee - Genshin Impact - sister - Tag: ‘The Spark Knight's Big Sis 💜💥’
Zhongli - Genshin Impact - brother / father idk yet - Tag: ‘Shine Like Gold 💜🪙‘
Toriel - Undertale - mother
Generic Encanto Tag: ‘Family is a Gift 💜🎁‘
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