#the wind beneath his wings 💖🐦
Ship: Revali x April | Word Count: 3,456 | Warnings/Tags: First Person POV, food mention/description, a little suggestive at parts (nothing explicit - more flirty)
A/N: ...I forgot how long this fic was, oops. So! Here's the fic for our anniversary <33 I do adore this bird boy of mine~ I hope you all enjoy this!
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The faint sound of birds chirping greets me when I wake. The hammock is as comfy as usual, though I note the lack of warmth under me. I have been swaddled up in the blanket, no doubt in an attempt, successful as it was, to keep me warm.
I feel a little disappointed that he wasn't here when I woke up, even though I can feel a piece of paper tucked into my hand. I bring it up to my face and unfold it, smiling instinctively at seeing his familiar handwriting.
Good morning, songbird,
Do not worry your pretty head. If I am not there when you're reading this, you'll only need to wait a few moments. Once everything's prepared, I will come get you.
Happy anniversary.
It's not signed, but there's no one else who was close enough to leave this with me. So, he's prepping something for our anniversary. I refold the paper and lounge in the hammock. It's too high off the ground for me to get out of it without me injuring myself somehow so I'll wait.
It's not long before he returns and he's whistling some tune when he enters, making me smile. He's in a good mood. It's cute for him to be in such a good mood because of our anniversary.
"Good morning, darling." He says and I smile wider, peeking over the edge of the hammock.
"Good morning, Vali." He flies up to the hammock to gently bring me back down to the ground.
"Get dressed." He says and I giggle softly, overcome with excitement as I see how much he's looking forward to this. I nod and head over to the dresser filled with my things.
"How cold is it?" I ask while I'm digging through my things. I want to know so I can see how dressed up I can afford to get. It's a little chilly in the hut, but it's early morning.
"It could be warmer, especially with you and your lack of body heat." He says and I giggle. As much as he complains about it, he's never minded having to cuddle me to keep me warm. "Why do you ask?"
Heat fills my face and it must spread to my ears since he starts chuckling. "Are you wanting to get dressed up for me, my love?" He asks, sounding like he's trying to be teasing but he's too awed to make it sound right.
"Yeah." I say softly, sighing in contentment as I feel him press up against me, warmth chasing away the slight chill from before.
"How about this? For now, you dress warm. Then once it's later in the day, I'll take you back here and you can get dressed up as much as you want. It's supposed to be a warm day today." He says and I smile, turning to look up at him.
"Okay." I say, cupping his face with one hand. He leans into it, shutting his eyes and my heart melts. I stay in that position, gently rubbing the feathers under his eye with my thumb, before I turn back to the dresser to pick out some warm clothes.
I get dressed, blushing a little at the way he doesn't turn away this time. He's grown more confident in watching me ever since our discussion a few weeks ago. I don't really mind the attention, but it's still flustering.
"Come on, get on my back." Revali says once I'm done lacing up my boots. I smile and crawl up onto his back, nuzzling my cheek against his neck now that I'm in an easy position to do so. His feathers ruffle and he has to clear his throat before asking, "Are you secure?"
I tap out our signal on his shoulder and he nods. "Hold on." With that he takes flight and flies out of the hut.
The sight of Rito Village in the early morning brightness makes me suck in a breath. I still can't believe that I'm going to live somewhere this beautiful. I haven't officially moved in with Revali, but it's only a matter of time.
Revali turns towards one of the nearby peaks and I smile as we land on the highest bit of flat land. A picnic has been set up, a soft blue blanket spread out over the stone adorned with a simple wooden basket that I recognize.
I sit down on the blanket and Revali sits beside me, close enough to keep a wing tucked around me. Sure, I may have dressed warm but the high elevation is a little cooler than I prepared for. I love how I don't even have to ask for him to keep me warm.
Revali opens up the basket with his free wing and he spreads out everything. No wonder he had to get up before me. There's a huge spread mostly consisting of baked goods and omelets. I grab a muffin and bite into it, humming contently at the taste of Revali's cooking.
"Thank you, Vali." I say softly, shivering when he leans over and gently moves some hair back behind my ear.
"It's only what you deserve, dove." He murmurs and heat floods my face as butterflies fill my stomach. Revali makes a satisfied 'hm' sound and picks out what he wants to eat.
The view more than makes up for the chill in the air. I wonder if Revali's still trying to show off his home region to me or if he takes me for sights like this simply because he knows I like them?
After I finish my muffin, I start on one of the omelets, wiggling contently at how delicious it is. Revali watches my happy dance with soft eyes, making some kind of trill. It sounds like he's content at how happy I am.
When I'm done eating, I grab one of the jugs of water and drink, my eyes watching some animals playing with each other in the forest below. I curl up against him as he continues to eat, closing my eyes and smiling as the sun is finally getting high enough to be warm.
"So, what's the plans for today?" I ask, knowing he has it all planned out. He wouldn't tell me anything a couple of weeks ago, but maybe he will now.
"Well, I fly you back and you get dressed up like you want to." Revali says and I pout a little when he leaves it there.
"The rest's still a secret?" I ask, whining softly when he nods.
"Hush, darling, I know you'll like it." Revali says, leaning down and rubbing his cheek against mine. I blush a little, nearly forgetting that he's withholding information from me.
"I better." I say, mostly joking. Revali chuckles and gently nips the tip of my ear.
Revali finishes eating and we stay there a little longer. Now that the sun's risen fully, it's nice and warm, the kind of warmth that sends a lazy feeling through you. I don't want to have to leave the soft cocoon of Revali's wing.
Still, we can't stay here all day, not if I want to get dressed up and continue on with what he has planned, so we pack up the basket. I get onto Revali's back and he grabs the basket with one of his talons before flying back towards Rito Village.
As soon as we're in his hut, I'm digging through my clothes again, hoping to find something suitable. "Hm, what's your favorite color again?" I ask softly, wanting to make absolutely sure that this matches.
"Green." Revali says and I smile, pulling out the green dress I had my eye on. I don't know whether his favorite color has always been green or if it changed after he fell in love with me and the color I always wear, but it makes this easy.
I set the dress aside and pull out some cute heels that match as well as my makeup. Without checking to see if he's watching or not, I pull my sweater over my head and throw it to the side, the rest of my clothes (aside from underwear) following suit.
I then pull the dress on over my head, straightening it out until I'm comfortable. I take my heels and makeup over to the blanket nest on the floor, where I sit down and put on the heels. I start doing my makeup after a moment of thought.
Normally, I'd keep my makeup pretty subdued, hardly any bright colors or anything. But this is mating season for the Rito. As much as I don't have to 'win' a mate when I have Revali committed to me, dialing up the vibrant colors couldn't hurt.
Midway through doing my makeup, while I'm waiting for my eyeliner to dry so I can move on, I glance over at Revali. A small smile spreads across my face at the fact that he's just watching me, like I'm so beautiful that he can't take his eyes off of me.
If he were to catch me openly staring at him, he would no doubt say something cocky or some flirtatious remark, but I just look back at my mirror. I like having his eyes on me. I don't want to say anything that scares him away from looking at me.
I finish up on my makeup and smile at my reflection before standing up to put my things away. "Vali." I say, giggling a little at the fact that he's still essentially frozen. I step up to him, my heart pounding at the way his eyes scan my face and down my body.
"I didn't think it was possible for you to get any more beautiful." Revali murmurs, sending heat flooding to my cheeks. "I almost want to change up our plans so I could worship you."
My face feels like its on fire as my mind helpfully supplies some mental images of that. I shut my eyes and breathe out slowly, "Maybe later tonight." I say, opening my eyes again as I feel a little calmer. "I'm curious about what your plans are."
"I'll hold you to that." Revali says, giving one last slow look from my eyes down and back again. "Hope you're up for a bit of a flight."
I smile, glad that I picked a long enough dress that it should cover me even through the wind. I get onto his back at his request and he takes off, flying away from Rito Village in a direction that I don't expect.
I don't know what I expected really, but for him to go southeast of the village is surprising. I thought we'd stay in the range of Hebra and Tabantha, not leave the region entirely.
It's quickly obvious what he meant by 'a bit of a flight' as it's the longest flight he's ever taken me on. However, it's also the most amazing one by a bit of a longshot. I've never been able to see Hyrule from this height except the few times that Vah Medoh's gone out a little further.
I suck in a breath when I see the castle in the distance, it and the town surrounding it looking so impressive from this height. "Vali, this is amazing…"
Revali just laughs. "This isn't even the surprise."
"It's still amazing." I say, laughing a bit myself.
We head over Hyrule Field and towards Lake Hylia, making my heartrate pick up. Is this where we're heading? When he said a flight, I didn't think he'd take me all the way to Lake Hylia!
Revali starts to land once we're able to see the Bridge of Eldin and I hold tightly to his shoulders. I climb off of him once we land and I immediately hug him. "Thank you for taking me here!" I say. I mentioned idly that it was one of my favorite places to visit, so it's amazing that he remembered.
"Of course, dear." Revali takes my hand in his wing and we start walking, just looking at the lake and talking to each other.
It's absolutely amazing. I've always wanted to spend time here with him so this is perfect. We walk the perimeter of the lake for a while before finding a spot nearby to sit and watch the water.
I barely notice him moving until I feel something wrap around my neck, making me blink and look down. As he clasps the necklace, the centerpiece falls into place in the middle of my chest and my heart melts. It's a pendant decorated with small bits of jade and sapphire with the center of the pendant having the symbol of the Rito on it.
I reach up and touch it, idly flipping the pendant over and seeing something inscribed in a language I can't quite read. Revali speaks into my ear, no doubt the same language. "It means, 'your love is the wind under my wings.'" He murmurs. "It's a common phrase shared among mated pairs."
How am I supposed to respond to that? If I speak, I'm sure my words would only come out as squeals. So, I just wrap my arms around him and bury my head into the crook of his neck. "I love you so much." I say quietly, hoping he can hear how overwhelmed and happy I am.
His wings wrap around me, cocooning me with warmth. "I love you too." Revali murmurs, sounding so entirely in love with me.
We stay near the lake for a couple more hours until Revali's nudging my shoulder. "Come on, we have to head back."
I nod, knowing we do not want to be out here after dark. That'll put a damper on flying back to Rito Village unharmed. We get up and I climb onto his back, settling in for the flight back.
It's equally as amazing as the flight out here. I might have to ask for longer flights more often.
We land on Revali's landing when we arrive at Rito Village and Revali takes my hand, the two of us walking down to the kitchens. "What do you want to eat tonight?" Revali asks as he's dropping the rupees in at the entrance.
I scan the ingredients that are here, deciding on some kind of stew. We start cooking together and put the finished food into some containers to go -- packing them into another picnic basket. We also take some cookies that it seems someone made recently and a couple jugs of water.
Revali gives me the basket to hold while I climb onto his back at his request. This flight is more familiar as we head up to Vah Medoh, landing on the open area on the tail end of the beast. It's the perfect spot to spread out and eat together, which is exactly what we do.
The sun starts setting while we're eating dinner. I will never not be in awe at Rito Village's sunsets. They're so incredibly beautiful here.
The air starts getting colder with the fading light and Revali wraps a wing around me without even speaking, tugging me up against him and fluffing his feathers up while we both continue to eat. The soft gesture makes my heart flutter and I just curl into him. How did I get so freaking lucky to have him in my life?
After we're done eating, he flies me back down to his hut and we set up a fire together. I smile a little and go over to my things, digging around for the gift I put in there. I pull my harp out and set it aside and smile as I find it.
I hand the canvas over to him, feeling a little bit shy. I may not be the best artist, but I painted a rendition of him flying with me on his back with the sky as our only backdrop. "Happy anniversary." I say softly.
Revali stares down at the painting, his feathers getting more and more ruffled as he looks at it. "This is amazing." He says, setting it gingerly down on a nearby table. He comes over and wraps his wings around me, leaning down and pressing our foreheads together. "Thank you." He says  and I smile.
"That isn't it." I reach for my harp and lead him over to the nest of blankets on the floor, the two of us cuddling up together. I start to play, a sweet little romantic song I wrote for him that incorporates his theme along with Rito Village's.
It loops once and I hear Revali breathe in like he's about to thank me for it but I cut off any attempt when I start to sing. Through the song, he makes small chirps and trills until he just buries his face in my neck.
When the song comes to an end, I set my harp in my lap. "Ever since I was young, I have been in love with the idea of love. I yearned to love someone and have them love me in return. I can't say how much being with you means to me. You make me feel so incredibly special and I can't wait for the years to come." I say softly.
Revali turns me slightly and wraps his wings even more firmly around me. I gasp softly at how firmly he nuzzles his cheek against my neck, my cheeks growing warm.
"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me." Revali says, his voice soft and full of raw emotion. "I didn't think romance was in the cards for me. You came and opened the door to show me all that romance could offer me. I never would have believed a Hylian would 'sweep me off my talons' as it were."
I giggle a little, pulling back a bit so I can see his eyes. "I love you." I say, smiling as he presses our foreheads together.
"As I love you, my darling." Revali says, gently tucking a loose bit of hair back behind my ear with his beak. The sweetness of the motion causes my face to grow warm. "Now, the pendant wasn't my only gift for you this evening."
Revali gets up and crosses the room, grabbing something from a dresser nearby. He swiftly returns to me and settles up against me. "Here." He presses something into my hand and I open my hand, gasping softly at the sight of a beautiful feather quill. In fact the feather seems way too familiar a color…
"You had one of your feathers fashioned into a quill?" I ask softly, holding the feather like it'll break if I hold it too tightly.
"Mhm, my little writer. All I ask is you think of me when you use it." He says with an accompanying little nuzzle.
My heart melts and I snuggle closer to him. "Of course, I will! Thank you so much."
"Now… I seem to recall you saying I could worship you tonight." Revali says, crawling into my lap and looking down at me. I blush at the look in his eyes and quickly set the feather quill and my harp aside, getting them out of the way.
"I did say that, yes." I say, leaning back a little more in the blankets and looking at him with what I hope is a seductive look.
Revali chuckles, the sound low and dangerous and delicious. "You don't know how much power you hold over me." He says softly, chuckling more as my face gets red.
"Lovebird, get over here and love me." I say.
"Yes, ma'am."
"I had planned on taking you out to the hot springs after dinner, but we might try that tomorrow." Revali says and I nod, preferring the closer bathhouses for now anyway. This way he gets to enjoy the water with me without having to worry about flying me back.
The water is still nice and warmer than you'd expect for not being that close to one of the hot springs. Once we're cleaned up and tired of the water, we get out and dry off before heading back to Revali's hut.
He flies me up to the hammock and I smile as I get to cuddle up against him under the covers. "Thank you for today, Vali. It was amazing." I say, nuzzling a little into the feathers on his chest.
His wings wrap a little more securely around me. "I'm glad. You deserve the world, my songbird."
My face heats at that and I nuzzle him again. My heart melts when he starts whistling a soft lullaby, which swiftly lulls me to sleep.
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4, 8, 13! - @solitaireships
I'll answer for Revali :3
4. Gush about your f/o's interest(s) and how they talk about them!
His main interest is archery and of course, he's amazing at it. He's very braggy about how good he is, how many competitions he's won, the whole nine yards. He's also the reason the Flight Range was built in Rito Village as a way to better hone his skills in the air. But when he's not bragging, he literally gets so passionate about it, it's adorable.
8. Gush about how your f/o acts/looks when they're flustered!
He gets so cute!! He's another of my f/os that get all tsundere but he can't exactly hide that he's flustered if you know Rito body language. His feathers fluff up too! <3 But he'll get stuttery and like try to pretend that he's not flustered when it's really obvious, hehe <3 And like there are other tells - slight flapping of his wings for one or he'll subtly pace around <3
13. Gush about your F/O’s personality!
He's such a proud bird. As I've mentioned, he gets very braggy about his skills and he thinks that he should be the one to save Hyrule. In addition to this, he's got a sarcastic side that I just adore. He's very ambitious and is always looking to better himself, so he's constantly training to get better and be as best a champion as he can be. He can be a bit rude and snippy to people (particularly Link - believing him to be unworthy of being the main champion) but when it's not a state of competition for him, he's pretty nice, if a bit formal at times (like with his fellow Rito). Also, he does not know how to admit defeat, which is a bit silly but oh well. [hah, I looked up his personality on the wiki & they said arrogant and sardonic so yea that about sums it up when he's not with me]
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might as well make a post before the anniversary is officially over (we got about two hours for me)
today's been rather chill in terms of celebration but he has managed to stay on my mind pretty much all day so success?
i'll just reiterate that i adore him (honestly should be writing this after i go through and read all the fics I've written about him) and that i look forward to celebrating again in a year <3
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🎟️ 💬 💕
Revali will answer these! <3
🎟Who confessed? What was it like?
"I did, of course. It was a long-drawn-out process that would have gone smoother if I remembered that she didn't know Rito courtship rituals... Ahem. I went through a variety of those rituals (aerial displays, giving her gemstones, etc.) before taking her to an area with a lovely view. I sang her her favorite songs before confessing my feelings there. Thankfully, she felt the same way."
💬You have any pet names for S/I?
"I have quite a few. She's a sucker for sweet pet names, so that's why the variety. Some are simple ones like 'my love,' 'dear,' and 'darling.' I call her 'dove' which she seems to enjoy. And more recently... I've been calling her 'my mate' but only in the Rito tongue. Maybe I'll gain the confidence to tell her in Hylian someday."
💞How cuddly is S/I? What cuddling position you two like the most?
"Incredibly. She's rather affectionate already but if you combine that with the cold temperatures of the Hebra region, she's nearly always clinging to me. My feathers are rather warm, after all. Our favorite is anything where she's wrapped up in my wings, so usually, she's tucked up against my chest with my wings wrapped around her. It keeps her completely sheltered from the wind plus I get to see her relax against me. A win-win for both of us."
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💫 any of ur zelda f/os!! idk much about the games so id love to know more :3 ~ayatoscupid
Okay! So I'll give a rundown of Breath of the Wild & my champion f/os (I'm gonna also mention Age of Calamity so it'll spoil a bit of that game for those who care ^^ it's recent enough of a game I wanna give that warning)
So, the main thing with Zelda games is Link gets sent out on a journey to save Hyrule for whatever reason - mainly that it's his destiny to be the chosen hero. So in Botw it's the same way, he needs to go to the castle to defeat the calamity there. Unlike other games, the main story happened about 100 years before - back when the champions were alive and prepping to defeat the calamity the next time it showed up. During the game, he can recollect his memories of the past while cleansing the divine beasts of malice so that he can be properly equipped to defeat the calamity (or you can just gather equipment and go straight there since it's the least linear of the games lol)
For the champions! They include Revali, Urbosa, Mipha, and Daruk (and Link). They are the champions of the Rito, Gerudo, Zora, Gorons, and Hylians respectively. They each pilot one of the Divine Beasts and have some kind of magic of their own (Link gains all of their powers over the course of the game). Revali can create a powerful updraft, Urbosa can control lightning, Mipha can heal, and Daruk can create a protective shield. (Keep in mind I don't ship romantically w/ Daruk but I have to mention him if I'm giving details - he's a great friend though! :3)
Uhh, other details... Revali is a skilled archer, Urbosa fights with both her lightning & her scimitar, Mipha fights with a spear, and Daruk fights with a Goron-made weapon that's like the most similar to a claymore) I should note that I do tend to follow Age of Calamity's storyline (it was a prequel game set around when the calamity showed up the first time - aka it's the timeline where the champions don't die and as a result of the game they permanently don't die as it alters what happened during the calamity ^^)
I feel like that's enough info (haha given that the game doesn't exactly give us much - it's mostly exploration w/ a little story)
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Also have photos so you have faces to put to the names. Revali, Urbosa, Mipha from left to right ^-^
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8 15 25
I'll answer for Revali :3
8: What is your S/I’s relationship with their family like? What’s your F/O’s relationship with your S/I’s family? Have there been any memorable incidents or interactions?
Revali doesn't have much of a family for her to be close to... The closest thing would be other champions and she is close to them. On the other hand (wing?), he's fairly close to her family! They can tell how protective he is of her and support the relationship <3 There definitely have been - the most memorable would be the first meeting. As much as they knew she was dating the Rito champion, it didn't really sink in until there was a bird at their door to meet them (lol :3)
15: Where does your S/I live, and what’s their space like? How does where they live and how they keep their space impact their relationship with your F/O?
At the beginning of the relationship, she lived more in castle town (maybe even the castle?) as she would protect Zelda alongside Link. Her space was a little messy but it didn't impact it much since most of the visits with Revali occurred in Rito Village and not there at the castle. Even if they met at the castle, they'd spend time in the gardens and surrounding areas and rarely her own personal room.
Later, she moves in with Revali - first to his hut in Rito Village and then into a hut that he has specially crafted for her. It's still a little on the messy side, but he'll just quietly clean up after her without too many complaints ^.<
25: Are there any views or ideals that your S/I has that they hold very strongly? Does your F/O agree with these views, or do they sometimes clash?
They share pretty much the same ideals. They both want to see the calamity eradicated. There is one minor view that has caused a few smaller clashes and that is Revali's view of Link. Despite him being April's childhood friend, Revali still won't let go of his opinion of Link. April rolls with it for the most part (as she knew what she was getting into when dating him) but it gets a little annoying occasionally. He will tone down his bragging/complaints if she looks annoyed at it, however, which all the champions appreciate.
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Rito Village is always a little on the cold side, especially at night, but now it’s getting even colder. This just makes being snuggled up in Revali’s wings every night even more enjoyable, especially if we have a warm blanket too.
“Yes, I agree. During the summer months, cuddling with April can get hot depending on the weather. Fall is much preferable to that and winter... *sighs* Well, she calls me her personal heater for a reason.”
Hehe, sorry, Vali! Can you blame me when your feathers are always so warm??
“I suppose not.” (despite this, he looks rather pleased)
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Rito Headcanons
These aren’t directly related to self shipping, but they’ll pop up in my stories occasionally :3
Show affection in two ways - one can be platonic or romantic and one that is specifically for romantic pairs. (the romantic one will be under romance)
The more platonic one is pressing foreheads together. This can done between a parent and child, really close friends, or romantic partners. Basically the equivalent of a forehead kiss.
Male Rito typically are archers/warriors, while female Rito tend to be musicians.
Have a communal kitchens where they store ingredients and cook and hang out together. Essentially it’s fair to pay for the ingredients you take or make a trade (by bringing ingredients of equal or higher value to the ones you’re taking) - this headcanon was lifted from a fanfic I read linked here. (The Face Under the Mask by ibijau)
They have a lot of bird mannerisms and similar body language. Likely also have different calls that mean different things (like one call for danger, one call for greeting a friend, etc.) 
Preening others can fall under platonic or romantic. Like a parent could preen their child until the child learns and it’s fine. But generally, it’s pretty intimate to preen another.
They molt just like other birds. There’s some variation across Rito as a whole on how often they molt - whether one complete molt a year; one and one partial or two a year.
They throw festivals for their holidays - full of singing and feasts and dancing. Think how Carnival is handled in Rio. Bright colors and cheerful music and a whirlwind of energy.
Once they are committed, they’re committed for life (mate for life).
The minute they know the relationship is serious and are committed to each other - they exchange feathers. Most often the feathers are incorporated into their braids. It’s generally preferred that the feathers contrast so that it’s even more obvious that the Rito is taken.
The romantic form of affection is also split into two parts. One is generally accepted to be done in public: one Rito leans over and rubs their cheek against the cheek of the other. This is basically a kiss on the cheek or a simple peck. The other is preferred to be done when the two are alone: one Rito leans over and rubs their cheek against the other’s neck. Essentially like a neck kiss (which you wouldn’t do in public most likely).
Sexual/Mating: (will not be too specific but is under a cut just in case)
They have a mating season just like other birds. This is split into two sections. They are only fertile during mating season - can still mate otherwise but no children will be produced even with Rito partners.
Section 1: Finding a mate. This is the time where all the courtship displays occur. Rito use a variety of different courtship displays from aerial displays to finding pebbles/shiny stones for their partner, singing, and others.
Section 2: The actual mating period. They have a heat period which usually results in offspring being produced.
They release pheromones when in heat - work mainly on their own species but a varying effect on others. Like some Hylians are super sensitive to the pheromones, some are only mildly affected, and some aren't affected at all.
If Rito don’t have a life-partner, they will find a heat-partner. It’s not a serious relationship, mostly formed just to get through heat together (as heat passes faster with a partner). Usually, the partners will take some kind of contraceptive (since it’s preferred to have children with your life-mate.)
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Kilig Cachinnating saudade
Thanks for the ask! I'll answer for Revali :3
Kilig (n.) the feeling of butterflies in one’s stomach. Can you remember the first time your f/o gave you butterflies?
It was around the beginning of October (2021), and I started reading a bunch of Revali x reader stories so I could get ideas for what to write about him (i was already falling for him then and i wanted to write about him so much). I spent an entire day just reading those stories and I'd get butterflies at every sweet line he'd say <3
Cachinnating (v.) To laugh loudly. Which of your f/o’s lines/moments makes you laugh the most? Bonus points if they aren’t a comedic character.
Okay, one of them is when Terrako comes and starts to bother him and he has to fly away -- I always end up giggling there. Another is any time he makes a bird-related pun, especially the "it defeated me 100 years ago... but only because I was winging it" one.
Saudade (n.) the feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia. Have you had any of your f/os for a long time? How long have they been your f/o? Which one have you had the longest?
If we're talking about me making self-ship content for them? Then it's Sheik and Ghirahim since I started shipping with them in 2018. But if not... Dark Link and Link definitely count since I've been crushing on them since like 2016 (maybe before that) -- for Dark, it was so bad, one of my writer friends knew I was obsessed with him and wrote me an insert fanfic for my birthday (that consisted of Dark, Link, and Ghirahim x Me) :3
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🌸 🦇 🐱
Revali will answer these :3
🌷 - Are you a sweet talker? How do you speak to your s/o when trying to be flirty/romantic?
"To a select few. Only a few are important enough to have the privilege of me complimenting them that way. April's one of these, of course. I use plenty of pet names (particularly songbird, dove, and darling) and I'll be more affectionate than usual. One of my favorite ways to flirt with her is to enfold her in my wings and whisper sweet nothings to her while pressing our foreheads together."
🦇 - Are you easily spooked? How does your s/o help you (or) how do you help your s/o in scary situations?
"No, I am not. She can be at times, depending on the situation and everything. She's certainly not one to stand down in an actual dangerous situation, but if she were scared. I'd wrap a wing around her and pull her close until she's calm enough to fight or until the threat is over."
😼 - Do you ever get jealous when your s/o pays more attention to a cute pet than you?
"There have been times where she's focused on her horse at the Rito Stable and, while this might seem silly, I was a bit jealous. I mean, she was there to see me after all, but I get that she wanted to make sure her animal would be fine while she stayed in the village. So I didn't comment on it."
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For Revali
2. What compelled you both to keep on seeing each other? Was there already an immediate spark between you two or were there other circumstances they forced you to be together?
At the very beginning (before we started dating), it was the fact that we were both involved in the fight with the calamity that made us keep in contact. His only dislike of me was because I was so close to Link (and once he started disliking Link, that connection made him not like me as well) but after we went on a shared mission together, what prompted us to keep talking was that we found that we got along well! ^^
7. Are there any interests that you don’t share with each other? If yes, what are they and why can’t they seem to get into it? Does this cause any problems for either of you?
Not that I can think of! We share a lot of our interests. I think the only thing we don't share an interest in is that I enjoy going to the desert to visit Urbosa and it's too hot for Revali there but that's it.
18. Who’s the first one to apologize? Are they apologizing first genuinely out of guilt or is there an alternative motive? If one of you struggles to be the first one to apologize, why? Is there any specific reason behind it?
I usually am and it's because I genuinely feel bad - I don't like fighting with him. He struggles a bit due to his pride, but it gets better the longer we're together (he feels less like he has to be so prideful around me as time goes on).
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Soothing Him
F/O: Revali | Word Count: 625 | Warnings/Tags: First Person POV, AoC-based (so kinda spoilery for Age of Calamity)
A/N: It’s been a bit since I’ve posted any of my writing so here! My S/I comforting Revali after he has a nightmare <3
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The faint sound of the wind whistling past is the only sound I hear as I wake up. The world's still dark, likely around midnight or so. It's not that unusual for me to wake up in the middle of the night, so I don't think anything of it.
It's nice and warm being wrapped up in Revali's wings. Even though the blankets have slipped a little, I can't feel the slightest bit of a chill nestled up against his feathers like this. I yawn softly and shift a bit, nuzzling into Revali's neck as I slowly get comfy again.
But I notice something that prevents me from falling asleep as quickly as I desire. As I nuzzle him, his whole body trembles under me. It's a far cry from the usual way my touch makes him shiver, a shuddery-ness that's present that makes me frown.
I prop myself up a little, opening my eyes fully to look over his face. His eyes are open and he's staring up at the top of the hut.
Several breaths pass before it sinks in what must have happened and I'm shifting instantly, covering my body with his. Some of the trembly feeling fades as I put more pressure on him, his wings staying wrapped around me as I move.
My heart melts at the fact that even though he's upset, at the fact that he likely had a nightmare, his first instinct is to keep me comfortable.
I set my hands on his face and gently run my fingers over his feathers, leaning down and trailing kisses over the expanse of his face and neck.
The first sign that it's working is when his eyes meet mine for the first time. I give a soft smile to him and continue pressing soft kisses over his face while gently petting his feathers.
"Nightmare?" I ask softly, cooing softly at him when his crest feather flattens against the top of his head. "No, sweetie, you don't have to tell me about it."
"I… You might already know." He says and I nod. Ever since the battle in the Divine Beasts where he almost died, he's been having nightmares of being alone up on Vah Medoh in the dark before Teba eventually saved him.
I kiss him another couple of times before I rest my forehead on his, brushing my thumbs over the blushy spots on his face. I start humming a soft melody, turning his theme into a sort of lullaby for this.
His eyes slip shut after a while and I keep up my ministrations until I'm certain that he's fallen asleep. I then shift a tiny bit so that I can comfortably sleep on him.
In the morning, I might ask him to wake me the next time he has a nightmare. Who knows how long he was suffering silently in the dark. He told me before that the way he dealt with nightmares was getting out of the house and doing a quick flight, even with the poor night vision he has.
But it seems that he didn't want to get up to do the flight just because I'm here and it could have woken me up.
I don't want him suffering when I can take care of him. I know if I had a nightmare that he would want to be woken up immediately so that he could soothe me back to sleep.
I just need to get him to see that the reverse is true.
Still, I fall asleep rather quickly now that I know that he's back to sleep. Maybe, hopefully, with me laying fully on top of him, I could prevent another nightmare from happening. He deserves only the sweetest of dreams.
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Brain Tumbler Experiment glorias theatre bob’s bottles!
For Revali :3
Brain Tumbler Experiment: What’s the most unexpected thing you and your F/O have in common?
We both love reading/writing poetry! I didn't expect it when we first met that we'd have that in common - he just didn't seem the type (at the time, it's so obvious now)
Gloria’s Theater: Is your F/O more outgoing or are they shy?
Outgoing. He wants to be in the spotlight at all times - I don't think he has a shy bone in his body. :3
Bob’s Bottles: What’s your relationship like with the other important people in your F/O’s life, like their family or close friends?
Considering the other people important to him would be his fellow champions, I'm pretty close with everyone! He doesn't have that many people in Rito Village that he's close to, but I'm well-liked there as well.
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❤️ & 🔮 with Revali! 💋 & 💄 with Dabi too, if you’d like!
❤️ [HEART]- What did the confession look like between you two? Who initiated it? Where did it take place?
He confessed! He did so by doing a bunch of different courtship rituals (aerial displays, giving me rocks & gemstones, showing off more, etc.) before taking me to a pretty location around Rito Village where it was just the two of us. He sang for me, a bunch of different songs that were mainly my favorite songs, and gave me a small heart shaped ruby before confessing his feelings.
🔮 [CRYSTAL BALL]- What’s your dream future with you and your F/O (for example, where do you wanna live? would you like kids)? Think of this question as explaining your ideal happily-ever-after with them!
The calamity is over and defeated and we get to live a stress-free life together. We'll live in Rito Village (we already have a cabin there so it works out) most of the time, with some time spent either in castle town or in Hateno. Kids would be interesting if it's possible, but I don't mind either way. I just want to spend time with him and our friends <3
💋 [KISS]- What love language does your F/O have? What about you? And how do y’all express it to each other?
His are words of affirmation and quality time. My main one is physical touch (both giving and receiving). But also, giving through quality time and receiving through gifts (especially well-thought out gifts or handmade ones).
He'll express it to me by spending time with me just the two of us as well as complimenting me once he opens up to me. He'll also allow me to be super cuddly even if he's not fully into that all the time. He'll also steal me gifts when he goes out. I compliment him back and it makes him all flustered <3
💄 [LIP STICK]- What’s your favorite kind of date to go on with your F/O? Or what’s their favorite kind of date to go on with you?
My favorite type of date is a night in with him. We can be doing whatever, playing video games, stargazing through the windows, etc. But as long as it's just us two (or three when Shiggy's involved), everything's perfect <3
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🌻 for revali
🌻 describe what home is like for you and your f/o. (do you live together? would you like to? how do you decorate? what makes it comfortable for you both?)
We do live together - Revali had a cabin built in the area just outside the Flight Range for us both (and before that, we had been living in his hut in Rito Village). It's mostly decorated to be cozy over beautiful (though the artwork on the walls certainly helps to that aspect). The thing that makes it comfortable for him is sleeping in a hammock as well as its proximity to his hometown. What makes it comfortable for me is the number of blankets it has (I get cold easily and this is in the Hebra region after all) and the fireplace as well as the room for my things (when we were living in his hut, it was a bit cramped and I had to leave some stuff behind in Hateno - this new cabin fixes that)
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Mobile is dumb so idk if my previous ask sent. So here we go again!
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For Revali :3
3. Who talks to the waiter when you get the wrong order?
Revali, 100%. My social anxiety does not like any sort of conflict, but he has no such qualms.
5. Who usually wins at (insert game)?
Depends on the game - if it's anything related to speed or archery, he'll win unless I get lucky. For card or board games, we're a lot more evenly matched.
9. Who usually initiates hugs?
Usually me. If I'm upset, he'll initiate them first, but I'm always the one coming up to him for hugs <3
15. Who convinces the other to do things using puppy-dog eyes?
Again, me. Especially if he's being stubborn - the puppy dog eyes work extremely well.
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