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blu3-j · 3 months ago
Hello! How are you?? been doing okay?? - Anon
Hello, hello, hello, stranger!
It appears maybe you forgot to put anonymous ask on? Or maybe I turned those off and some of these settings are different on the mobile app and computer, since it showed I had it on when I checked. Either way, stranger with an unrecognized face, hello! Don't be afraid to ask me to take down this post and replace it with one where your username isn't included. I'm more than willing to do so!
Thank you so much for being concerned with my wellbeing! It's greatly appreciated!
Short answer:
No. Dear god no.
Tw: death of animal, chronic pain
Long answer:
I hate to tell you this, but really, the answer is still no. I know I will be in time, with patience with myself and a lot of work, but right now I'm not okely dokely.
To put it all in simple terms with as little words as possible, I lost my best friend of 4 years due to...I don't know. He ghosted me and I didn't realize until about half a year of trying to reach out and his other friends still being in regular contact with him. Not even a single block. It still hurts....and I miss him. A lot. In addition to that, I now have chronic pain! I found out a decade old injury I thought wasn't too bad nor important came back to haunt me in my hard labor job, and now I have to hope to anything and everything alive the department I'm transferring to will hire me so I can keep the benefits of this place. I'm currently relying on a cane and hoping that pain meds will be enough, and half of the time they're not. Not to mention that this will be the first year I will officially not be living at my parents' house for Christmas. Nothing happened to them, I've just officially moved out and it's been a bit hard due to the circumstances of needing to move out. And lastly, this will be the first Christmas that we'll celebrate without an important family member. Our cat that we got way back when I was two, that I thought of as a sister...has passed away. Last time I visited my parents', I'm unsure if they put up her stocking or not. Her death was greatly unexpected just from how quick her body declined in just a few days from being perfectly fine, and she passed only a few days after my birthday. We all took it hard.
End of Tw
For those of you still wondering if I'll ever post fanfiction on here again:
I'm unsure. Life has been hectic and difficult and with my seemingly never-ending interests in hobbies, I'm unsure if I'll come back to it. It took at least half a decade to gain enough courage to even write it in the first place, and I'm unsure if I'll regain that courage or not, haha!
And for those of you still wondering if I'll keep posting art on here:
Also unsure. More than likely yes, seeing as it's been a comfort hobby of mine since I was little, but I've got a lot going on in my life right now. I barely have time to play video games, nonetheless let myself get immersed in drawing. I've got a possible project I've been really looking forward to---well, almost my entire life. My boyfriend has been my rock and number one supporter, and he's been amazing in keeping me going. I'm hoping I'll get it done sooner rather than later, but it's also a hell of a big project, haha! Thank god he's a computer nerd to help me! I got lucky with him.
Alright, well, that's enough rambling and venting on here. I don't wanna end up in a bad picture because my life is currently...'scuse my language---shit right now. Once again, thank you so much for asking. It means more than you'll ever know. To those of you out there, just know I'm rooting for you! Nothing lasts forever, including the bad times! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day, you amazing strangers!
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blu3-j · 1 year ago
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Finally, it is done!
Hello, hello, hello, fellow strangers! Some good news! I haven't passed to the afterlife just yet!
To sum up why I haven't gotten this done and uploaded until now is basically two things: life, and I lost the pen to my drawing tablet. I found it finally last night after months of looking! I'm so excited and happy to finally draw digitally again!
Happy doodles! Happy doodles!
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This also commemorates the final drawing of the living room to the little house I made! Yippie!!
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blu3-j · 2 years ago
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Another bit of the livingroom of the house I made for my Welcome Home OC! I did a lot of research when first making it, and I found I absolutely adore the idea of conversation pits! Maybe I'll add characters another time...
On another note; I'm planning on writing up one last story for all you fellow strangers! This won't be my absolute last, but it may be my last until the week ends. It's my last week of high school, and boyso oh boyso, is it going to be busy!! I'm not sure I'll have the free time to write another. Fortunately, I have today off, so I'll write one while I still can.
Wish me luck on my finals!!
I hope you all have a fantabulous day!!!
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blu3-j · 2 years ago
Tweezlers Twislers Teasers!!!
Hidy, howdy, hey, fellow strangers!!
As for a celebration of my recent resurrection on this websters website, I have a few teasers of some upcoming works for you all!!
What you will find are small teasers for an upcoming artwork adding to my collection of pieces of a fan-made house, and my next fanfiction. Both are for---of course---Welcome Home!
This right here is another viewpoint of the living room of the fan-made home I've created! I'm very excited to finish this piece, as it will be the last one of the living room! Hopefully if all are viewed together it will lead to a clear view of what the living room looks like in full.
I've been having so much fun on these with adding details and such vibrant colors! It's admittedly a small bit difficult to recreate some of the details in other views, but it pulls it all together in such a way, I can't refuse to add them!
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And next is my next upcoming fanfiction! This is only a small bit of what the work will turn out to be, but for you fanfiction...well, fans out there, I will let you in on this small teaser!
Green with Envy (Howdy x GN! Reader)
It was like a fairytale. And like most, it all started with a wave and a smile.
It was a calm and slow evening---your first one in the neighborhood, in fact---when you were wandering around getting familiar with your new home. Unpacking had been a pain that day, and had taken twice as long as you originally thought it would. You had already met most of your neighbors, but much to their disappointment---and yours---none of them could stay long to chat and help unpack.
The paper in your grip crinkled and waved in the gentle breeze. A small homemade brochure, scrawled in crayon and covered in glitter. The neighborhood's mailman was the first to visit. He greeted you with a tip of the hat, a friendly smile, a letter hand-written from each neighbor greeting you, and a handmade brochure for a play one of your neighbors was hosting tonight. Your gaze travelled down back to it as your eyebrow twitched. While you had only met a few of them, you already found many of your neighbors were quite….unique, in a way. Other than them being puppets, of course. Each with a different major interest and equally as thrilled to have you in the neighborhood. From art, to comedy, being a mailman, and even playing games made up on the spot.
Living here will be quite interesting.
Aaaaaand there you have it! There are your teasers for now! Keep in mind these are very much a work-in-progress, so they may change with time and work!
Alrighty tighty, then! That's all for now, fellow strangers! I dearly hope you all have a fantabulous day, and remember that the world is your oyster! Keep on oystering it up!
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blu3-j · 2 years ago
hello! I was just wondering, how do you get the inspiration that you get when writing the stories?
I’ve been mighty fascinated by the story you have done with chapter 1 and 2, I am looking forward in seeing the next chapter. I create some stories in my free time but I am never able to really put it in a story itself, if you know what I mean, I hope that your stories do very well(which they probably will because they are awesome) hope you have a great day!
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! Thank you thank you thank you so so so much! That means so much more to me than you'll ever know! I'm so glad that you like the story so far!
So, I'm assuming by stories but not full fledged stories, you mean short prompts or stories. As someone that has a full digital document with short story prompts and short stories, I completely relate. I'm not one to write anything longer than a prompt, but I've been wanting to make something longer and more detailed than that for a long while now. I'm not the greatest at it, but it's all part of my learning experience! I do have some advice that could potentially help, but I suggest practicing and having other people you trust to read over it and give constructive critism that you know them telling you wouldn't hurt your feelings. That way, you'll figure out the process that works best for you.
How I personally go about it is I see the story as a simulator. I take the characters I want, get to know them as best as I can (personality, thought patterns, behaviour, etc.), pick out a situation (it can be as simple as just putting them in the same room), have basic milestones you want them to reach, and let them interact in my mind. I try not to tell the story, and rather let the characters do so. It's okay if I intervene a tiny bit by making a small coincident happen to help them reach a milestone in the story, but that's as far as I'm willing to go. And usually, if they're stuck in a situation together where they're forced to be around each other (school, work, being put in a group to save the world, etc.), they usually will have interactions to write about.
If it's just two characters that absolutely refuse to interact at all costs, put another character in there! This could be a new pet, a close friend of one of the characters, or a family member. Even someone like a teacher that could play a bigger role could help immensely to get these two characters interacting. It's also important that they aren't just there to get an interaction going for one time. They could be kind of like a failsafe. I highly suggest keeping them around for future situations just like this or to put more depth into the story.
For example, a teacher of two students notices the tension between the two, and decides to talk directly to one of the students because they care about all of their students, and want to make sure everything's okay. This teacher is very caring, and could almost act like a mentor figure in one or both of their lives. Just have someone point it out and ask "why? Why do you refuse to talk to each other?" This may get the character/s to at least think about each other. This may turn into a bit of a snowball, turning from small interactions like glances and looks, to small talk, to full discussions. It's not just a single interaction you're writing about, or just the characters themselves, it's a full world. So use it to it's full abilities! Think of it like this: they feel emotions and work similarly to us! When someone talks to you about another person you don't really talk to and makes other small comments, it makes you curious, right? What types of comments would get the curiousity flowing for them? A rumor? The other knowing something about the second character the first didn't know? Or maybe just noticing something small the second does that the first didn't notice. Maybe a misunderstanding, like the other noticing the second often looks at the first. Take it from there! Curiosity is what influences a lot of our daily decisions, especially things that could potentially make great changes.
Last thing; when you've run out of ideas, keep that pencil moving! Ideas will come by at some point. Just keep that pencil moving! Go into more depth of a scene, extend it out, write a dull conversation---keep. Writing. You'll get there eventually.
Moving away from the advice a little, I'm going to talk of my personal inspiration of this story, so you can get a better idea of my thought process.
Believe it or not, but nobody likes change in their lives. Even if it's small. In the case of Welcome...Home? it's not a small change at all. When a person goes through a change in their life, they go through the stages of grief. For losing what once was, like a regular routine they had gotten so used to or moving to a different location. This could be minor and barely noticable, or could be much more grand. For the characters of this story, the reader is losing their regular schedule, living with roommates when they haven't lived with anyone in a long time, and their roommates are living puppets. (We'll get back to that later.) For the crew, they're in a completely new world. I have it down that Wally knew about our world, but his knowledge is greatly limited due to only seeing what's on the other side of the screen when an episode is playing and nothing more. But being in that world when he's already so used to living in Home? Even he's going through the stages of grief. All of the puppets are. They have no idea how this world works, most of them don't know what humans are, and they're going to be forced to live in this world until they can go back home.
Going back to reader, they're a person that lives in a world where living puppets don't exist. It literally goes against the logic they've always known. Additionally, the puppets don't really have much of an explanation of how they work, and how they exist in the first place. How are they walking? They don't have muscles, they have a wire or plastic skeleton at most. How are they able to speak? They don't have any voice boxes or vocal chords. How are parts of their body that normally aren't able to move on a puppet---especially the way they were attached to their bodies---move? It shouldn't be possible. None of it is supposed to be possible. So, it kind of breaks the reader's logic. That's huge. No matter what, they'll be constantly trying to figure it out and make it make sense, even if it's just a small thought in the back of their mind. If it doesn't make sense, it creates panic and confusion.
A huge part of keeping this story as it is, is trying to think of how each character cope with stressful situations. Frank would do as much research as he can to keep himself calm (if he can make it make sense, than he can figure out how to fix it), and if he can't then he breaks down, Julie would be doing her best to ignore the bad emotions and try to put her attention on keeping happy and keeping others happy, reader tries to avoid their emotions and situations completely, Wally attempts to keep it hidden and will only allow himself to feel those emotions when he's alone due to being too worried about how his reaction may affect the others (if he isn't calm when he normally is, how can they be calm?), Howdy tries to keep himself so busy he forgets, Poppy either hides, and when she can't, puts all of her attention on the others, Sally expresses her emotions and situation through her plays and acting, Barnaby either shuts down, or to keep himself from doing so, tells jokes and tries to distract himself and make him feel as though the situation isn't as serious as it actually is, and Eddie has a delayed reaction, but shuts down unless he's absolutely needed. Everyone's trying to keep calm, but most of them attempt to avoid their emotions due to how complicated this situation is. It's not as simple as trying to forgive someone for playing a small prank. It's not as simple as a simple miscommunication issue. It's world-breaking. Their emotions are just as big as the situation itself. Right now, that's what this story is all about. As time goes on, it may change and while they may still go through the grieving process, it may not play as huge of a role as it does currently.
Something that I've noticed is a reoccuring theme of a lot of Welcome Home fanfiction right now is the fish out of water trope. A character is put in a world/situation they're not from or used to, and have to figure out how to live with it. I wanted to give it a try myself because I think it's a fun trope to write about. I've also been wanting to attempt to write a story of characters grieving over a long period of time while life continues on without pause for years. I'm finally going through with it, but I'm keeping it a bit more fun and interactive than my last attempt so it doesn't feel as though I used that time to write it for nothing.
Alright! Long answer, I know, and I sincerely apologize if you weren't interested in a super long post talking about this. But here you go, regardless! I hope that clears everything up for you! Thank you so so much for sending this question in, and once again, thank you so so very much for your kind words! They mean so much to me, truly. I also hope you and everyone else reading this have a fantabulous day! You all deserve it! Make the day yours! (Because it is yours!)
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blu3-j · 2 years ago
Hello, hello, hello, fellow strangers!!
I just wanted to give you all a little life update! (Because I'm sure some of you are wondering "Where in the heck did you go? What's taking so long?")
(And I also kind of think of this as like a personal word of mine to send out into the ocean for somebody to hear and possibly relate instead of keeping it in this dome of mine! After all, the worst that can happen to my posts on here is that no one sees it! :))
So, what's been happening in my life since I graduated? Well, I got my first job! (Professional, anyways.) Additionally, some of you may have noticed in my last fanfic that I wrote how I now have regular interwebs access at my humble abode! So exciting! I can do so much more now! I do have some unfinished and mostly finished artworks here and there I could post. (A good chunk of them are personal doodles, haha!) In fact, here's a sneak peak of one! Just need to do a few last touches!
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At one point I became quite discouraged to continue writing and drawing. I felt as though there was no more spark to it all. While before, there was color and life, at that point, it was now just color. So, I kind of took a small break. Went camping with my family and boyfriend for a few days. In that time I got my spark back! ...Kind of, anyways. But that's personal stuffsies I don't need to let you all in on!
I also got an idea for something new! A video game! Small and simple for the most part. Or...well...at least...that's how it started, haha! Regardless, my elder brother and I have begun creating a video game!
Something I find extremely fascinating is how coding works! I love the idea of taking pretty much nothing and creating something out of it! It amazes me to no end, haha! My elder brother thinks the same, and we've both been wanting to create a video game for quite a while now.
Now for the first time, we have all that we need to do it! So, I've begun working pretty darn hard on it! There won't be a beta or demo for a while, but we're working on it! (Let's just hope this isn't a bust, haha!)
Last part: now that we have interwebs access, I've also been tempted to get Splatoon 3 for a while now! Maybe not for another few weeks, but soon! (There's a good chance I'll be a total noob at it for a good long while, haha! I'm not all too good at shooters and online combat games. But it seems interesting! And fun! I'm so excited to try it out!) Who knows? Maybe I'll make a few friends! Maybe I'll meet some of you on there?
Alrighty tighty, then. That should be all for now! I hope you all have a fantabulous day! You all deserve it! And reminder for you all, don't be afraid to send in requests or asks. I love to make chit chat, even if it's small! You all are so amazing! Have a wonderful day or night, fellow strangers!
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blu3-j · 2 years ago
Hi there! Just a...small idea, but what would happen say, if Home (Wally's House) Ended up possessing/controlling/becoming the house that the overworked reader is in?
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What...what was that..?
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Huff, huff...man....huff...that wall was pretty hard to bust through.
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Hello, hello, hello, fellow stranger!!
Thank you so so very much for sending in the ask!
I love the idea, truly! I've seen a few other fan creators take on this idea, and I adore it! However, I have a little twisties and turnies about Home's whereabouts I have yet to reveal! I'm so excited to get some more of these chapters churned out (...eventually) and develop more of the story and characters with you! I hope you are as so dearly excited as I am! Stay tuned, fellow strangers!
...Your adventure is not over just yet.
You've still got a loooooong ways ahead of you.
Regardless! Once again, I thank you so much for the ask, fellow stranger! And I thank all of you for supporting me and my works, in whichever way and both ways! It means so so so much to me that you all enjoy what I love creating! It may not always be released out to you at the best of times, or always in the best condition, but you support me anyway. Thank you.
I hope you all have the most wonderful of days, my friends and fellow strangers. You all deserve it. Even when you don't think you do. Have a fantabulous day.
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blu3-j · 2 years ago
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Your local artist and fanfic writer just graduated from high school!!!
I drew this in celebration! Something to mark the occasion in history!
I now have some more free time! It will take longer to update the master list due to my interwebs situation I've discussed in a previous post, but I will keep up with the tags! (When I don't forget to put them until after I post, haha!)
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blu3-j · 2 years ago
In light of the NSFW updated policy, I will remind you all that I am still not taking any NSFW requests. It makes me uncomfortable and I don't know how to write or draw that.
However, I am now allowing for yandere requests. Keep in mind that in regards to fanfiction, I've never written yandere before. I do sincerely apologize in advance if I ever write it and it's not the greatest.
Lastly, I ask you all to please be nice to other content creators that decide to take up the updated policy. Clown has made it clear to keep it in one tag so it can be blocked by people that don't want to see it, so if you don't like it, block it. If you see NSFW tagged with normal Welcome Home tags, politely remind them to tag it with the tag specifically for that stuff.
I honestly just woke up to see Clown posting about it and just laughed. It's already causing insanity in the fandom and I find it very humorous.
Oh! Also, I have a few fanfiction requests in my asks. For those of you that sent one in and are worried I won't do it, don't worry! As of now, all of them are being accepted. Due to my situation for interwebs and my busy schedule, I may not be able to get to it for a little bit. I'm still definitely doing it, though, don't you worry!
Alright, with everything being said, remember to be courteous of others, to yourself, and to have a fantabulous day, everyone!
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blu3-j · 9 days ago
Just learned WordPad is no longer usable on my updated windows.
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blu3-j · 8 months ago
With the new hype in the YouTube gaming community (in some corners of the interwebs) for the simulation game where you manage a small grocery store from the ground up, it reminded me so much of my entrepreneurship classes I took back in high school. We used a bit more of a detailed simulation with lessons talking about each function that was carefully put in. In order to start your business you: had to figure out what kind of store you wanted to run, where you wanted to run it depending on your target market and current budget plus estimated income over the next while to pay rent, stock, and other potential various bills, paid for and sent out various advertisements and promotions through various means, and potentially pay for detailed surveys in a specific market to better understand who you could cater to and best how to. Not only that, but you had to manage stock (with keeping an eye on how long current stock and back stock's shelf life was), the prices, learn and utilize the best ways to organize the shelving and products in your store for the most profit, and of course, with every simulation similar, figure out who you wanted to hire to help run the whole thing.
It was a pretty detailed simulation, and despite it sometimes taking full hours of playing to get the goal our teacher set for us in some of the assignments and throughout all the heavily detailed insanity it could be, I found it to be very entertaining! Oh, how I miss that simulation...
(For those wondering where you could find this amazingly beautiful simulation, the company that made it and apparently a few more is Knowledge Matters. Though they mostly cater to schools, if you want access to their products you have to contact them directly. Sad, sad, social anxiety hath found me in a time where I need not it.)
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blu3-j · 2 years ago
Table of Contents:
Are Requests Open Currently?
Are Commissions Open Currently?
Request Rules (both fanfiction and art)
How to Request (both fanfiction and art)
Things to Keep in Mind
Link to Writing Master List
Hello, fellow strangers! I'm blu3-j, but you can call me J. I do fanart! (Along with regular art, but you'll have to ask for me to share my other social media with it on there. This account is supposed to remain a secret and irl mutuals follow my other social medias, haha!) I also do fanfiction, apparently! I love writing, truly! It brings me great joy! I only begun after I joined Tumblr, so I'm very happy you all like my writing! (If you want to see my other non-fanfiction works, hit me up, bestie! I'd love to share!)
Are Requests Open Currently?
As of current, yes! Feel free to send them in! Make sure to look over the rules and "Things to Keep in Mind" sections before you do!
Are Commissions Open Currently?
As of current, no, commissions are not open. I'm still in the process of setting them up. I will make a seperate post about them once I open them up, though! (On top of updating this)
Request Rules:
(May be updated in future)
No NSFW (I do not feel comfortable writing it)
No child x character unless it's platonic or familial (they're just a kid, dude.)
No OCs
No racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
Reader will always be gender neutral unless specified otherwise in the request
Keep in mind this is more so just casual stuff, so don't expect it to be full illustrations (I may do so if I feel like it and like the idea well enough, but don't get your hopes high in the chance I don't, okie? I don't want to hurt your feelings if I don't! Your precious heart needs to be cherished! There's no replacement for it, after all!)
K.I.S.S. it! Keep it simple, stupid! (You're not stupid, that's just part of the saying I was taught.)
There may be minor gore allowed (light blood. I will be picky if there's gore.)
No NSFW (only if you were commissioning me, but there's a special fee for that. Commissions are currently not set up. Keep a lookout for that, though!)
How to Request:
Send in an ask through the little ask button on my thingy! (Make sure to read the rules, first!)
Specify characters and if reader is involved
Specify what kind of relationship it is (platonic, familial, romantic, poly, etc.) (If that's what you're requesting, of course! It can just be a general idea or situation.)
If you're more into headcannons, you can send in requests for those, too!
Send in an ask through the little ask button on my thingy! (Make sure to read the rules, first!)
And put in the situation/suggestion/idea! You can also specify characters and if viewer is involved. Simple as that! You've got it down!
Things to Keep in Mind:
Don't be shy about requesting! I do my best not to judge, and if I do, you'll never know. You shouldn't need to know, regardless! It's you, after all! You don't deserve that. If I don't have anything good to say, I won't say anything at all!
If you don't know what I'll take as a request, ask me! I'll gladly answer. I won't bite! Promise, cross my heart! With a pinkie promise, too! You're safe here.
I can, however, deny requests. I'll simply just not do anything with them. I won't talk about them on my blog posts, ilI won't show anybody, nothing. Please don't ask about requests you've already sent in and if I'll do them. If I will, I'll get to it eventually.
I have my own life filled with busy-busy events! I may take a while to get to things, and I may occasionally not have requests or commissions open. I also have to take care of myself and mental wellbeing. I'll let y'all know if I'm taking a break from doing things on Tumblr, okie?
Just want to ask me something general or tell me something cool! Go ahead! I love making conversation! Just because I take requests doesn't mean I don't want to get to know you all better! (You all are so amazing! How could I not?)
Link to Writing Master List
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