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nadiwi · 1 year ago
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bllsbailey · 2 months ago
RedState Weekly Briefing: Kamala's Privilege, Ben's Mastery, Trump's Hilarity
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Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger as we head into the homestretch of election season), and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!
#1 - Kamala Harris Got Into Law School Via a Program She Didn't Qualify For — by Jim Thompson
At the start of the program in the early 70s, new students admitted through LEOP did not fare well. The dropout rate was high, so the school instituted a more “hands-on” routine assigning one-on-one tutors to help navigate law school for LEOP students. On paper, the program wasn’t intended for one of her social position of privilege.  Harris was immersed in Indian culture growing up in Montreal. Her family traveled the world. Her mother was taken aback when a Head Start teacher was “shocked” that Harris wasn’t from the poor side of Oakland. Harris’s mother told him that Kamala was the daughter of privilege. Harris didn’t fit into the intended target demographic that LEOP was designed for – but she fully took advantage of her ethnic heritage. At least one side of it. Once admitted under the program Haris joined the BLSA (Black Law Students Association). Raised by her Indian mother, Harris found more currency in being black.  
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#2 - Ben Shapiro Took on 25 Kamala Harris Voters in a Debate, and the Results Were Incredible — by Bonchie
It just keeps going from there, but I needed to stop transcribing it before my brain rotted. To summarize, what that woman was trying to do is what pro-abortion fanatics always do: They seek to invent any argument that avoids dealing with the moral issue of ending a human life. As Shapiro notes, no one could care about abortion if it only included c-sections in which the babies live. The entire point of the argument is over the termination of human life.  Pro-abortion radicals always seek to deflect because deep down, they know what is happening is morally wrong. Thus, they hang onto "exceptions" and the redefining of basic terms instead of just owning what they claim to support. It's transparent, and that Shapiro was able to keep his cool in that exchange is a credit to him.
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#3 - MSNBC Goes Into Full Meltdown Mode As Trump Gets Huge Crowd and Cheers at McDonald's — by Nick Arama
What's unstable about working at McDonald's? Are they really going that route to insult the people who work there? Every politician running for office does things like this traditionally.  MSNBC also tried to float Kamala's desperate last-ditch propaganda that Trump was "unstable," which was a silly rebuttal, seeing as he just worked with the folks at McDonald's to serve folks. They really are clueless. Plus, the claim that he doesn't have an economic plan is just laughable, when it's really Kamala Harris who has offered up nothing up but word salads. And they had to slip in the "threat to democracy" mantra, which is a little hard to sell when he's handing out food at the drive-thru.  Bottom line? They just can't deal -- and it's a beautiful thing to see.
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#4 - Holy Crap: Josh Hawley Shows No Mercy After Shooting Event Hosted by Democrat Opponent Goes Wildly Wrong — by Sister Toldjah
For some, the incident brought to mind the infamous 2006 hunting accident involving then-Vice President Dick Cheney, who "accidentally shot and wounded a companion during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, spraying the fellow hunter in the face and chest with shotgun pellets." Thankfully, Gamboa was okay after being treated and released from the hospital. Meanwhile, Kunce's tweet about the incident, where he focused on how he tended to Gamboa's wound, got some attention from Hawley and some of his senior Senate staffers:
#5 - Kamala Harris 'Town Hall' With Liz Cheney Blows Up on the Launch Pad, and Just Gets Worse From There — by Bonchie
Nothing says "town hall" like pre-determined questions, no doubt submitted by the campaign itself. The statement from the Shriver that she might "ask some questions that might be in your head" is especially great. Sure, people showed up hoping to actually garner tangible information from Harris, but isn't hoping that the moderator might ask a question somewhat related to something you care about basically the same thing? Keep in mind that we are still in the middle of a Democrat freak-out over Donald Trump visiting a McDonald's, with left-wingers letting it be known the event was "staged." Well, is a "town hall" in which no one can ask questions "staged?" Asking for a friend.
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michellenewyork01 · 11 months ago
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NSA/BLSA/BUGA/SSA/CCA is organizing African/Carribbean Night event by NSA/BLSA/BUGA/SSA/CCA on 2024–02–29 06 PM in Canada, we are selling the tickets for African/Carribbean Night. https://www.ticketgateway.com/event/view/brock-african-caribbean-night
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adnaplays · 1 year ago
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🎮👻 Get ready for a spine-chilling experience! Adnaplays is bringing you a terrifying horror gaming video that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Dare to join us as we venture into the darkest corners of the gaming world, where nightmares come to life. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and join our community of brave souls! Are you brave enough to face the fear? 🕹️���
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mwalimujedi · 1 year ago
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emperorbigdaddydrip · 2 years ago
The News of The People - Episode #168: "FSU BLSA and FSU BFFA are Hosting A Debate Night, Folks!!!" Here's a Word From both the FSU Society of Black Female Future Attorneys (@bffa_fsu ) and the Black Law Student Association (@fsublsa_csd) : "Looking for something eventful to do this Thursday? Join BLSA and BFFA as we host a debate night! 🗣The debate will consist of a variety of controversial topics. We look forward to seeing you there!☺️ #fsu #floridastateuniversity #floridastate #noles #gonoles #fsu24 #fsu23 #fsu22 #fsu21 #fsulaw #care24 #care23 #fsu25 #fsu26 #care26 #BFFA #fsublsacsd" Thank you guys so much for the love and support you all have shown me over time! I greatly appreciate it all! MAKE SURE YOU CATCH THIS MIXTAPE WHEN IT COMES OUT! YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!!" Thank you guys so much for you time! Make sure you pull up to the YouTube Channel (“Zachariah White”) to check out the good stuff! Social Media Links: YouTube - Zachariah White Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2SRMW7OUNCX8dHjdtfwjLg Facebook - Zachariah White Link: https://www.facebook.com/NerdySuperman/ Twitter - @PS3XBOX360Game1 Link: https://twitter.com/PS3XBOX360Game1 NEW Instagram - KingBigDaddyDrip Link: https://www.instagram.com/kingbigdaddydrip/ Snapchat - King Senor Blanco (drpolitician) SoundCloud - Big Daddy Drip Link: https://soundcloud.com/zachariah-white-251981857 Spotify - Zachariah White or "The Royal High Table" Link: https://open.spotify.com/show/5S5V9z2JP5w1UNLbCPhYZT Anchor - Zachariah White or "The Royal High Table" Link: https://anchor.fm/zachariah-white #zachariahwhite #ZachariahTrevonWhite #kingwhite #emperorwhite #MusicKingdom #musicalkingdom #TheMusicKingdom #TheMusicalKingdom #GoldEmpire #TheGoldenEmpire #GoldenEmpire #TheGoldEmpire #theblueempire #blueempire #BigDaddyDrip #KingBigDaddyDrip #EmperorBigDaddyDrip #thenewsofthepeople #TNOTP #thejuiceneverstopsdripping 
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bllsbailey · 3 months ago
Kamala Harris Got Into Law School Via a Program She Didn't Quality For
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Money Talks and BS Walks.
Kamala Harris graduated from Howard University without honors. Harris then applied to law school. She was admitted to Hastings School of Law at the University of California. Hastings is considered a good law school but not “elite." It ranks 80th of America’s ABA schools. 
Admission isn't a "breeze" but it is pretty easy to be accepted for an honors student, with a solid LSAT. Of the total applicants to Hastings, about half are accepted and around a third of that number actually enroll. That means Hasting is a “backup” law school for a lot of the applicants.   
She wasn't an honors student at Howard. There is no information on what Kamala Harris scored on her LSAT. We do know that she didn't pass the Bar on the first try when 80 percent of her classmates did pass. So how did a run-of-the-mill student, and daughter of a “privileged” upbringing get into Hastings School of Law? 
Easy – she fudged her application. Harris was admitted under a program called LEOP. According to the University:  
UC Hastings created the Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP) in 1969 to make an outstanding legal education accessible to those who come from disadvantaged economic and educational backgrounds.    Students are encouraged to submit a “separate LEOP statement describing the adversity they faced and its impact on their academic preparedness for law school. Diagnostic reports documenting disabilities and/or accommodations can be submitted as addenda.”  
In a Politico article from 2021, the author describes Harris at Hastings: 
In the fall of 1986, Harris arrived on campus at Hastings a week before most of her classmates. She was part of the pre-orientation Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP), which had been founded in 1969 to help law students from disadvantaged communities navigate the stringent demands of the first-year curriculum. Harris had come to a predominantly white institution after four years at a historically Black university. Beyond introducing students to Socratic pedagogy, case-briefing and exam-taking, the pre-orientation also gave students of color a sense of community and a hamlet of solidarity in a cut-throat environment. 
Harris, the daughter of two college professors, who grew up attending private schools in Canada, was not, in the least, economically or socially disadvantaged. But there she is, claiming she was. 
At the start of the program in the early 70s, new students admitted through LEOP did not fare well. The dropout rate was high, so the school instituted a more “hands-on” routine assigning one-on-one tutors to help navigate law school for LEOP students. On paper, the program wasn’t intended for one of her social position of privilege. 
Harris was immersed in Indian culture growing up in Montreal. Her family traveled the world. Her mother was taken aback when a Head Start teacher was “shocked” that Harris wasn’t from the poor side of Oakland. Harris’s mother told him that Kamala was the daughter of privilege. Harris didn’t fit into the intended target demographic that LEOP was designed for – but she fully took advantage of her ethnic heritage. At least one side of it. Once admitted under the program Haris joined the BLSA (Black Law Students Association). Raised by her Indian mother, Harris found more currency in being black.  
Students discovered that a bulletin board decorated by the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) to commemorate Black History Month had been vandalized with a racist marking: a grotesque caricature of a Black man with a “forbidden” sign slashing his face.  
Harris told the Hasting newspaper that “It’s what we deal with all the time”. Apparently, no one was ever identified for the act of racism. 36 years ago, race hoaxes weren’t all the rage.  
Although some of her fellow students talked about Harris’s “passion” none spoke of her intellect. One professor said that she was:  
“very polite” and “reserved” demeanor, sitting to the far right of the very last row in the auditorium, listening intently but not saying much.  
California attorney Laura Powell tracked down other information about Harris while Harris was at Hastings. 
During Harris’s time at Hastings, she was, according to her resume, “president” of the BLSA and thus likely sat in judgment of who would get into Hastings via LEOP. Hasting’s dean found out that the committee that selected students was interviewing applicants. He said that he stopped the interview process because it became clear that it wasn't accepting students based on need (or in Harris’s case a lack of need), but based on political leanings. 
When he asked a selector about asking political questions He didn’t like the answer:  
One student at the meeting said “well we don’t ask those questions; we likely would get Clarence Thomases” 
That comment confirmed the Dean’s worst fears. The interview process was stopped but it was obvious that the program was left-leaning and biased.   
To get into law school, Harris was a beneficiary of a program that wasn’t intended for someone of her economic or social status. She almost certainly lied on her application or at a minimum knew that her politics would fit with the LEOP selection committee. Harris was “waved in” because of a lie or because of politics. Harris has consistently used the "system" she decries, and she gained positions that she did not deserve and did not earn. She gamed the system.
 Not very “equitable” of her, it seems.
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riesenfeldcenter · 3 years ago
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Newly Digitized: Senator Julian Bond speaks in Willey Hall auditorium
The Black Law Students Association (BLSA) invited civil rights activist and Georgia Senator Julian Bond to visit the Law School for a Black History Month event in 1986.
Bond was a co-founder of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) who served in both the Georgia House and Senate, and later on served as Chairman of the NAACP.
These recently scanned black-and-white prints from the event include shots of Bond at the podium and of law school students as they listen to him speak.
(And yes, we have the videotape that’s being recorded in the 3rd image!)
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lamajaoscura · 3 years ago
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finiffy · 4 years ago
Aight so I was showing my friend a clefdraki thing right? And my friend said “broski what if kondraki had an Irish accent-“ and now I can’t get that though out of my head -blsa
Kondraki knows like 5 different languages and flips between accents just to fuck with people
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kimberlylovespandas · 6 years ago
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Honored to be apart of this picture of badass, intelligent, hardworking, beautiful women at my law school. They inspire me everyday.
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kimberlyoctober · 6 years ago
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I’ve been trying to come up with the words to describe the feeling of ending my time as a Mock Trial competitor and my last BLSA convention as a law student.. Competing in Mock Trial has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my law school career and played a large part in making me the great lawyer I hope to become. The Black Law Students Association has given me a sense of belonging and community beyond what I could have ever asked for and I couldn’t think of a better way to end my time as an advocate. Thank you to my teammates for making it memorable and more importantly.. putting Seton Hall on the map as a top 8 team in the country!!! #MockTrial #BLSA (at Little Rock, Arkansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvKi3uDl6BidMAuUQyvDnVLKM7izQHkPPah5M80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hyngxf5f7kcu
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our-ewblog · 3 years ago
Behold the Turtle | Bonang Mohale’s True Gospel on Ethical Leadership
Behold the Turtle | Bonang Mohale’s True Gospel on Ethical Leadership
Behold the Turtle- Thoughts on Ethically Principled Leadership by Bonang Mohale- Picture Credit: Thabang Malatji. It is easier to speak about Bonang Mohale and ethical leadership in one sentence. Bonang continues to be a champion and advocate of ethical leadership not only in the public sector, but also in the private sector where he is more involved.  In his second book titled Behold the…
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london08 · 3 years ago
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1eightpromoteam-blog · 6 years ago
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JUST ONE ☝🏽 YES!‼️‼️‼️‼️ Repost from @becomingjd using @RepostRegramApp - You either win or you learn. Plan A is the ONLY option future lawyers. ~BecomingJD Law Coach (@2focused2quit ) . . . . ———— #blsa #futurelawyer #blacklawyers #blackexcellence #lawschool #lawstudent #lawschoolproblems #jd #jdlife #futurelawstudent #futurejd #lawschoollife #lawyerlife #lawschoolgrind #lawschoolbound #futurelawyers #lawstudentlife #prelaw #phialphadelta #lawyerintraining #lawschoolfinals #blackandeducated #blacklawstudent #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlsrock https://www.instagram.com/p/BvlJDarFTPF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o40zvasa927e
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skinks · 5 years ago
why do you say that. dont make me commit crimes against you please joe blease i pebging you blsas
dhdjdhsjhf was this the thing about how. How Richie might naturally assume because of the precedent set by Ben and Bev in 1989, that Eddie had kissed him to wake him from the Deadlights? because honestly u SHOULD crime me for that, it hurts
think though... months afterwards, Richie haltingly asking the others if they saw. What they saw. Did Eddie kiss him? Does he really want to know? Would it be better or worse to know either way? What the fuck do the others tell him, the truth? I long for release
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