#blouse is by alice girl
dabigothic · 3 months
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sleepy rainy morning before work
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misseviehyde · 1 month
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“I already told you - fuck you bitches and you better stay away from my friends too, or else. You know I don’t give a fuck and my uncle is one of the school governors, I can make things very difficult if you don’t leave me alone.”
Alice Brown calmly folded her arms and looked at the three biggest bullies at her school with a level, unconcerned gaze. She radiated stoic resolve and even an air of quiet menace. She was smaller, less popular and less powerful than any of the bitchy girls in front of her - but she did possess a lot of bravery and backbone.
Keisha, Mia and Chelsea all sneered and pouted their pretty pink lips, but there was also rage and frustration behind their eyes. The three bitches towered over their would-be-victim and usually had no problem dominating and bullying little loser nerds like this one - but in Alice they had finally found a victim not willing to break.
Keisha’s long acrylic nails flexed like bitchy claws as she contemplated just grabbing the little loser by her hair and dragging her down the corridor. She was the head cheerleader and her tanned toned body rippled with muscle and athletic strength. It would feel so GOOD to physically dominate Alice and wipe that smug nerdy smile off, but she knew that unlike the other girls she bullied - this bitch would tell on her and probably be believed. Keisha’s Daddy was powerful, but Alice had her own connections and it could cause problems.
Meanwhile Chelsea leaned forward in annoyance, her massive tits heaving against her blouse. Her perfect teenage titties usually were intimidating for other girls, her body was ripe and mature in a way that put the other girls here to shame and she loved being a cocktease. Her pink lips were perfect at sucking cock and her tight pussy was like heaven. She was an evil horny slut, and if she hadn’t have been so popular and powerful she’d have probably been called out for it.
The last of the three, Mia was their leader. She was smart - super fucking smart - but she used her intelligence for evil. She was a twisted evil bitch who seemed to get off on breaking other girls and had the most deliciously twisted mind. Mia could always think of a cruel put down, an insulting nickname and a plan to get what she wanted. She knew how to manipulate people and she was pretty and innocent looking, but with the dirtiest most depraved mind you could imagine. Mia’s black book was legendary as a source of blackmail material. Her burn book gave her power over everyone else - no one would cross her, not even Keisha and Chelsea.
All three girls were rich, pretty, talented and totally evil. A lifetime of having a silver spoon, pretty privilege and the power to get whatever they wanted had ruined them and made them into mega-bullies. Everyone either wanted to be like them, or was so afraid they wouldn’t dare challenge their power.
Everyone except Alice.
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Alice had moved to the school a few months ago and the bullies had tried their usual tactics to assess, then dominate the new girl. Once they realised she was a nerd, they had assumed it would be easy to turn her into another one of their victims - but to their shock and horror, Alice had fought back.
Although she was small, studious and lacking in their popularity or resources - her quiet determination and kind heart had allowed her to confound the bullies power. She was now the leader of a small faction of nerds, losers and outcasts that she had brought under her protection. The bullies power was waning as the rest of the school began to see it WAS possible to stand up to them. This was a situation that could not be allowed to continue.
“Girls, let’s leave this little smug bitch to wallow in her pathetic loser lifestyle. We have more important things to do,” sneered Mia - clicking her fingers and indicating the others should follow her.
Alice watched them walk away with a palpable sense of relief. It wasn’t easy to stand up to these horrible bitches, and her heart was hammering. Hopefully they’d finally get the message and give up soon. After all, she wasn’t going to let them walk over her and her friends anymore.
Mia clicked her tongue in annoyance against her perfect white teeth as she idly ran a finger up and down the expensive silver necklace she held on the palm of her hand. The other girls were arguing and shouting; Keisha pushing Chelsea away as the other girl shoved her boobs into her face and they battled for dominance. Alice’s defiance was already causing their bullying friendship group to splinter and collapse. Mia needed to act fast.
“Why didn’t you just pick up that loser and ram her head down the toilet like we did to everyone else who ever stood in our way? Are you scared or something?” mocked Chelsea as she tossed back her hair and gazed defiantly into Keisha’s blue eyes.
“I don’t know bitch, I’m surprised you haven’t found a way to fuck her boyfriend and cuck her like you usually would. What’s the matter? Losing your slut appeal?”
“Shut up both of you,” commanded Mia quietly - experiencing a thrill of control as the other girls immediately obeyed. “Alice is a threat we must neutralise, but the usual tactics won’t work. We’re going to have to get creative. The only way to deal with a snake like Alice, is to make her destroy her own reputation and I have a plan.”
The other girls moved closer, hypnotised by Mia’s delivery and the sneering confidence in her voice. She held up the silver necklace. “This beautiful little thing has been passed through my family for generations. It allows the wearer to enter the body of another person and possess them. With this necklace we’re going to take control of Alice and make her destroy her own life. By the time we’re done, she’ll be a broken shell of who she is now.”
The three girls began to laugh, their eyes gleaming with malicious hunger as Mia began to tell them the full plan. Ohhhh yes, this was going to be so fucking good.
The sliver necklace tingling round her neck, Chelsea watched from around a corner, a big grin on her slutty face. Alice and her nerdy boyfriend Nathan were walking down the corridor. He was a quiet and shy boy, a total loser in Chelsea’s estimations. How could any self-respecting girl date a pathetic nerd like that?
Kissing Nathan on the cheek, Alice laughed to see him blush and she playfully bumped him on his shoulder. “What are you getting so embarrased about?” she giggled.
“I’ve never had a girlfriend before,” he shyly shrugged. “It’s kind of nice.”
Chelsea felt like she wanted to be sick as the two love birds looked into each others eyes like they were in love. Pathetic. She’d soon deal with this.
“Babe, I just need to use the toilet, hold my books will you?”
Nathan waited patiently outside whilst Alice went into the washroom. Chelea felt a surge of excitement. It was time. She waited a moment, then struck.
Walking over to the door, she ignored Nathan and walked straight into the bathroom. Her timing was perfect. Alice was at the mirror, her back turned as she washed her hands. It could not have been more perfect.
Walking up behind her victim, Chelsea groaned in pleasure as she simply walked up to Alice and then pushed inside her. She felt her hips and waist slide into Alice with a hot wet pop, she felt herself begin to slide and flow into her victim - filling her up and taking control. The necklace glowed with arcane power and the two girls were surrounded by a bright light. Alice gasped, suddenly panicking as Chelsea flowed and merged into her, her body becoming numb as Chelsea took control. “Yesss, this is my body now,” laughed the bully - sliding her torso into Alice and pushing her legs into the nerds with more sucking wet pops.
“Yessss, that’s it bitch, your body is all mine now,” hissed Chelsea. “Let me fill you up and make you into a real woman.”
With a crack, Alice’s hips pushed out and as the bully flowed into her her ass expanded too. She moaned, a delicious feeling of ecstasy filling her changing body as the superior bully flowed inside her. Chelsea’s big tits and ultra-feminine body was too slutty to be fully contained by her own skinny frame. Alice’s body was stretching and accommodating to suit her bullies sexier body.
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Alice’s tiny tits began to grow and swell as Chelsea’s massive boobs forced them to swell up and grow. Her clothing ripped, but even that was merging with Chelsea - her own designer clothing transforming Alice’s into a tight black jump suit that showed off her massive new cleavage.
Alice’s braided hair untied itself and cascaded down her neck in a soft perfect wave and her features shifted slightly - becoming prettier with thicker lips and hypnotic eyes. Her short stubby nails grew into a perfect manicure as with a final, slurp, Chelsea slid fully into her body. The sliver necklace was now around Alice’s neck and there was no sign that anything had happened, other than her new improved body. The possession had only taken moments.
Chelsea purred as she checked herself out in the mirror. “Not bad loser. Now I’m inside you giving you curves in all the right places, you’re quite the hottie. Mmmmh, boys are gonna want this ass so badly.”
Chelsea could feel Alice’s spirit crushed and subdued deep inside her. This body was hers now and Alice could do nothing to stop her. “Ohhh mmmh, that’s right loser. You’re going to be such a slut today. By the time I’m done, your boyfriend won’t ever speak to you again - your friends will all think you’re a slut and your reputation will be trash.”
Laughing, she turned and swayed out of the washroom, enjoying the feeling of her slutty new body. This was going to be fun.
Alice groaned and opened her eyes, her vision swimming. Where was she? What was happening? The last thing she remembered was washing her hands in the bathroom, then there had been this strange feeling and then it had all gone hazy.
Her body ached, it felt different… strange somehow. Her tits… her tits were bigger. MUCH bigger. She reached up with unfamiliar nails and brushed back long silky hair. Her lips felt swollen and her face different somehow.
Looking around, Alice saw she was in her bedroom. Crawling over to the mirror, she gasped as she saw the girl in the mirror. It was definitely her - but a her that looked like she had been inflated and transformed somehow. Her tits were now huge, her ass rounder and her body generally prettier. Big hooped earrings hung from her ears and her clothing was tighter. She looked just like a…
The words were buzzing on her phone.
Gasping Alice opened her phone and her heart skipped a beat as she saw message after message from everyone at school.
There was a video attached. A social media video that had thousands of views.
In the video a girl was on her knees in the boys locker room. The entire football team surrounding her. Big hard cocks were being pumped by two eager hands, thick blowjob lips sucking another. The girl in the middle was a moaning, eager, fuck-slut. Her top was down, her massive tits swinging free as she gulped and sucked and swallowed. Cum rained down over her giggling, moaning face… a face that Alice recognised.
Her face.
“No… noooooooo,” she groaned, the phone dropping from her numb fingers. This was impossible. This couldn’t be!
Glancing down at the screen, Alice saw that Nathan was now the laughing stock of the school as well. Her relationship with him was over.
Alice began to cry…
“WHAT THE FUCK HAS YOUR STUPID NECKLACE DONE TO ME!” screeched Chelsea as she examined herself in the mirror, her once pretty face contorted in rage.
Mia and Keisha looked at their friend as she raged in front of the mirror. This hadn’t been part of the plan.
Chelsea’s once magnificent chest was now average, the boobs smaller and normal sized. Her ass was flatter, her lips now thinner. She just looked kind of average.
Mia shrugged. “It looks like you left part of yourself inside Alice when you possessed her. I was concerned this might happen. Don’t worry, there will be a way to reverse it. I just need to consult my family records. Meanwhile, the plan worked perfectly. Your little suck-fest in the locker room means Alice is now seen as the biggest slut at school. But we aren’t done yet. There are still those who will stay loyal to her and forgive her. We need to totally isolate her and that’s where you come in Keisha.”
Keisha shook her head, pouting. “No fucking way, not after what has happened to Chelsea.”
“If we don’t follow through our plan,” snarled Mia, “then what has happened to Chelsea will be in vain. We need you to possess Alice next, I’m telling you that this imprinting effect is temporary. I’ll find a way to get Chelsea her assets back.”
“Are you sure?” asked Keisha suspiciously.
“Of course I’m sure,” smiled Mia. “Trust me.”
“Look, I don’t know why I did what I did or how I ended up looking this way,” said Alice as she looked at her friends. None of them would meet her eye at first - but as she spoke they began to listen.
“Please guys. There’s something weird happening and I know what I did is wrong and disgusting. But please believe me when I say I wasn’t myself. I know Nathan will never forgive me and maybe you all won’t too, but I promise you I’ll get to the bottom of this.”
Grace, Sarah and Tina all nodded. They were willing to give their friend at least a chance to find out what was happening. “Look we have athletics practice and then after we can talk properly.”
Alice shuddered as she walked into the locker rooms and began to change. She hated how good her new body felt. Her big tits did feel nice on her chest, and she had to admit - now she was prettier - people seemed to want to listen to her and give her more of a chance. Ironically whatever had happened to make her sexier may have led to her being labelled a slut, but it was almost as if being pretty meant it didn’t matter as much.
She didn’t notice as Keisha entered behind her, the silver necklace gleaming round her neck…
Keisha felt good. Really fucking good.
Alice’s body had been so easy to slide into. The changes that Chelsea had already made had made the little nerd hot - but now she was even sexier. Keisha's toned cheerleader body and athletic skills had flowed easily into Alice. Every inch of her body was now tanned and toned. She had a thigh gap and she was taller, more dominant and physically powerful than ever before. Her big tits bouncing with every step, Keisha felt like a Goddess.
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“Hahaha you fucking looooosers,” laughed Keisha as she kicked open the locker room door to find Alice’s friends. The four girls who only minutes before had been considering giving their friend another chance, screamed as she strode into the room.
Grabbing Grace’s hair, Keisha dragged the other girl down and laughing straddled her face.
“I’ve changed my mind you little loser bitches. I don’t need you to forgive me, I just need you to fucking FEAR me. You’re all gonna eat my ass and if you fail to please me - you’re all getting the shit kicked out of you? Understand?”
Keisha laughed as the other girls obediently knelt down. After this they would hate and despise Alice. Mia was a fucking genius, she really was…
Alice gasped as she awoke again from a fog of confusion. Once again her body felt different, once again she was dazed and confused. She was in her bedroom again and she still had the big tits and ass she had woken up with last time. This time though, she also appeared to be several inches taller and she was now perfectly toned and proportioned.
A new grace and athletic ability permeated every limb and as she stood up, muscle memory kicked in. Alice knew if she wanted to, she could now backflip, do the splits and more. She was a cheerleader now, with all the skills and abilities that entailed.
“What the fuck is happening to me,” she groaned walking to the mirror and trying not to be pleased at how she was looking. “I look like a total bitch.”
Her pussy got wet as she said it and without being able to control her actions, she began to touch herself…
"I'm a bitch... oh ffffuck, why does that feel so good to say? Mmmmh I'm a FUCKING BITTTTCH!"
Alice screamed as she began to cum...
“Damn it,” hissed Mia as Keisha and Chelsea screamed at her. “I told you it’s temporary, calm down.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” snarled Keisha who was now a short average looking girl. All of her toned athletic muscle was gone and the former cheerleader was now a nobody.
“Thanks to your dumb necklace, we’re now both average looking losers,” cried Chelsea. “You promised this would let us deal with Alice, not cause us to lose the best bits of ourselves to that useless nerd.”
“She’s hardly a nerd anymore is she?” spat Keisha. “She has your amazing tits and my toned physique. She’s taken everything from us."
“Calm down,” shouted Mia. “I told you - I’ll find a way to get your attributes back. In the meantime our plan has worked perfectly. Alice is now a social outcast and will no longer be able to stand up to us. Now leave things to me. Trust me. I’ll deal with Alice… I’ve had this all planned out from the beginning.”
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Alice had to admit she felt good. She had orgasmed six times before leaving the house and her new stronger, sexier body did make her feel more assertive and powerful. Sure - everyone thought she was a mean cocksucking slut now and she appeared to be losing her mind, but other than that things could be worse.
Her new massive tits wobbling enticingly with every step, she was on her way to school when she saw Mia approaching. Mia was on her own and she obviously wanted to speak to Alice.
“Hello babe,” grinned Mia with a surprisingly friendly expression on her face. “I’m so pleased to see what you have become. My plan has worked perfectly - let’s grab a coffee and let me tell you what has been happening to you…”
Alice felt her mind reel in shock as she found herself obeying her former bully and linking arms with her.
What the hell was happening to her?
A few moments later at the coffee shop - Alice barely touched her latte as she listened to Mia’s insane tale.
Alice shook her head in amazement. “So you’re telling me you sold out your two best-friends in order to groom me as their replacement?”
“That’s right,” smirked Mia. “When you stood up to us, I saw you had the potential to be a powerful bully. You just needed the right assets and I knew I could corrupt you if I made those two idiots use the magic necklace to possess you. Now their hot bodies have imprinted onto you, you are the beautiful dominant bully and they are just average no-bodies. Together we can become besties and rule this school.”
“But you destroyed my reputation!”
“Only amongst nerds. The popular boys are all obsessed with you now. A few blowjobs in the locker room is something your reputation can recover from. Meanwhile the nerdy girls are all frightened and obedient. All you have to do is embrace your new status as a bad bitch and everyone will fall into line. Together we could rule over everyone.”
“You really do have an evil, bitchy mind,” marveled Alice. “You’re totally evil. I could never be like you. Well, not without help.”
Mia suddenly felt a strange snick round her wrist. Looking down she saw the silver necklace. Whilst she had been talking to Alice, the other girl had gotten it out of her handbag and sneaked it around her wrist.
“What are you…?”
Alice grabbed Mia and pulled her in hard for a kiss. The bullies eyes widened in shock and horror. “Yessss, merge into me Mia… give me your bitchy personality and evil mind. I fucking need it.”
Mia groaned as she began to flow into Alice. She couldn’t help it as she was sucked inside with a hot wet pop.
Alice could feel Mia’s personality taking control, but whereas when she had been possessed before she had been unaware of what was happening this time she was in control.
Using her disciplined mind she greedily sucked up the attributes she wanted from Mia, her bitchiness, her intelligence, her knowledge. She allowed the bullies personality to flow into her and become her own.
“Yessss, fucking change me… make me like you,” hissed Alice, her eyes rolling in ecstasy as she took what she wanted from the bully. Then with a moan, she ripped off the silver necklace from her wrist and felt her body divide and split.
Mia was thrown out of Alice, her personality and mind drained. She too was now just an average loser.
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“Mmmmmh, that’s so much better,” grinned Alice, a slutty smirk appearing on her face. She stretched her perfect bitchy body flexing her manicured claws and enjoying the feeling of being a Goddess.
“Alice… no… what have you done?”
“I’ve taken it all you fucking loser. All your mean, evil, manipulative thoughts exist inside me now. Thanks to your dumb plan, I now have Chelsea’s slutty body, Kenzie’s toned athletic perfection and your cruel bitchy mind. I am a fucking GODDESS!”
Reaching down Alice laughed as she scooped up the silver necklace. “I hope you enjoyed your time inside me like those other bitches did, but I’m tired of being the passenger. I’m in control now and I’m never going back.”
Mia backed away in fear as Alice loomed over her.
“Your reign is over and mine is just beginning…”
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Flanked by her two flunkies Grace and Tina (now perfected after they had drained the attributes of the other girls at school) Alice blew a kiss into the camera. It was six months since she had been fully transformed into an evil bully and she now combined all the worst aspects of her three former tormentors.
“Girls, once we finish here, let’s go find some hard cock to fuck then we can go round up some losers and bully the shit out of them.”
“Hehe, like we do everyday Alice?”
“You bet Grace. Being evil and spoiled never gets old does it?”
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hyallulonelyhime · 6 months
while browsing through livejournal,
i found someone saying there were way too many rabbit ear pieces.
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you might be wondering what that's about, as I was. I bring forth, all the rabbit ears placements. make a rabbit ear coord. go crazy.
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White Rabbit Bunny Ears Bonnet
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Nakayoshi Bunny Bonnet
2. Headresses.
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Usakumya's Ears Headdress (2024)
3. Blouses.
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Alice Meets the White Rabbit Blouse
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Kumya's Strawberry Garden Blouse
4. Skirts.
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Alice Meets the White Rabbit Skirt
5. Wristcuffs.
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Lyrical Bunny Lace Wrist Cuffs
6. Socks.
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Lyrical Bunny Lace Crew Length Socks (2022)
7. Bags.
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Fluffy Bunny Pochette
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Usakumya Heart Window Rucksack
8. Mufflers.
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Fluffy Bunny Muffler
9. Rings.
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Little Bunny Strawberry Ring
10. Brooches.
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Little Bunny Rosette Brooch
11. Masks.
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Usakumya Face Mask
12. Shoes.
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Bunny College Shoes
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Bunny Girl Pumps
is there a place bunny ears haven't been found..? are there bunny ears on petticoats and bloomers?
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lolita-wardrobe · 1 year
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Alice Girl 【-Little Cool Girl-】 Goithic Steampunk Lolita Jumper Dress, Blouse and Accessories
◆ Shopping Link >>> https://lolitawardrobe.com/search/?Keyword=Little+Cool+Girl
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lichdolly · 7 months
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Hiromi Saruya - Shimotsuma Monogatari Stage Costume JSK (2004)
This JSK was a stage costume for the 2004 film, Shimotsuma Monogatari / Kamikaze Girls. We see Momoko style this daisy-embellished stripe JSK quite casually, leaning towards proto-EGL style by pairing it with no blouse, platform sandals, and a BtSSB alice headbow, as well as a BtSSB parasol. Due to being a stage costume, this one-of-a-kind JSK is likely lost in circulation, in the hands of movie and prop storage, or in the hands of a private owner-collector.
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thedeathlysallows · 9 months
Is It Over Now? (3)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon; Aegon Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: Was it over when she laid down on your couch? Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest. Spicy content ahead but no smut
Here's the masterlist containing the other drabbles in the series!
I didn't write the full smut scene because I was worried it would be less of a drabble and more of a full chapter. If y'all want the full smut scene let me know!
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You aren't how Aemond remembers you at all when he runs into you after your arrival. He's in the courtyard, practicing his swordsmanship with Ser Criston and who should walk up but your bastard brothers. They're accompanied by their father, you trailing behind the three men listlessly... bored even. You're eyes flicker about, taking in the sights of the castle you'd hoped to never see again. There's no joy in your gaze. Not anymore. Aemond isn't sure if he should be worried.
When you finally spare a glance at him he's struck by just how different you look. No longer a gangly, awkward princess, you stand in front of him with the body of a woman. All soft curves and delicate Valeryian features. His eyes linger on your hips and tits, and he decides those might be your best features if it weren't for the gentle slope of your lips as you say his name.
Aemond drops his sword immediately, the taunts of his nephews forgotten the second he hears your voice. He lifts your hand to his mouth as he bows, grazing his lips over your knuckles.
"Princess," Aemond says in greeting.
You pull your hand back, fisting it in the silk of your red dress. "Aemond. Have you seen your brother lately? I've been searching for him."
Why? he wants to demand. Why do you want that drunkard when I'm right here? He's probably off picking up some disease on the Street of Silk as we speak.
Instead, he says, "I'm afraid not, Princess."
"Hmm, pity." You look him up and down. "I'll be off then. Lovely to see you, Uncle. Boys," you give Jace and Luke a pointed glare. "Be good."
Aemond wants to stop you, wants to make you turn around and stay by his side, but he can't find the words. Instead, he takes his frustration out on your brothers by way of sparring before taking his own leave and hunting down the serving girl who has been your stand in for months now.
You, on the other hand, search the Red Keep for Aegon. You've already seen and spent time with Helaena, fawning over her and her children even if the reunion was a bit stiff and awkward. You like Helaena, love her even. She's by far the sweetest person you've ever met. How she's lasted in a marriage to Aegon, you'll never know.
He wrote you letters while you were at Dragonstone. As did Aemond. You answered Aegon more often, though. Maybe it was out of some strange, misplaced sense of loyalty that you did so. Aegon was supposed to be your husband after all. Even with his many, many, many... personality defects... you still feel closest to him after all these years.
"Oh, excuse me!" You stop a young serving girl who is in the middle of leaving what you remember to be Aemond's chambers. She's a pretty blonde with a kind smile. "Have you seen Prince Aegon?"
She shakes her head. "No, your highness, I'm sorry. I... I thought I saw the Queen going in his chambers earlier."
You nod. "Thank you..."
"Emma, your highness." She curtsies and looks to the ground.
"Emma. Thank you." You walk further down the hall, counting doors until you come to what you know to be Aegon's chambers.
The décor around the Red Keep has changed immensely since you've been gone. Many of the more obscene tapestries that imprinted themselves in your young mind are gone, replaced with religious imagery of the Seven. You can only imagine the fit Daemon is throwing over the change. Honestly, you don't really feel one way or another about it as long as it was your grandfather's decision, but a large part of you knows it was likely Alicent's doing.
Speaking of, the Queen exits Aegon's chambers right as you're about to announce yourself. She gives you no more than a tight lipped smile, exhaustion and disappointment dimming her eyes.
You cautiously make your way inside. "What was that about?"
Aegon sits on his bed with his head in his hands, a simple white sheet covering his lap. He perks up when he hears your voice and you can't help but return his boyish grin. "Nothing. Something about some serving girl I don't even remember."
"I don't believe you."
"Good. You shouldn't. I'm a bad, bad man."
You pour yourself some wine from the pitcher on his bedside table. "Self deprecation doesn't suit you."
"Who said it was self deprecation? I hurt everyone around me." Aegon sighs and leans back in bed, patting the empty spot beside him.
You know better than to get in Aegon's bed, but he just looks so pathetic. And maybe that's why you favor him so much. You have a soft spot for sad, broken, pathetic things. Aegon knows this. Just as you know he plays on your feelings. What you can't figure out is why you allow it. If anyone else were to treat you the way Aegon does you would feed them to Vermithor... and yet your uncle is allowed to do as he pleases with your heart.
"Remember the game we would play when we were betrothed?" Aegon bunches your skirt in his fist, dragging it up your thigh slowly. The silk tickles against your bare skin.
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest. "Yes."
"Care to play again, niece?"
Aegon is allowed to do as he pleases with your heart just as he is allowed to do as he pleases with your body.
"Yes." The word comes out in an almost whimper and Aegon's smile turns predatory.
"Yes what?"
"Yes, my prince."
Aegon pushes the blanket from his lap and pulls you down on top of him. There's the sound of your dress ripping and Aegon's moan of pleasure.
"Good girl," he whispers in your ear. "You've always been my good girl."
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What’s your favorite chapter/bit in Midnight Sun?
I have to cop out and say I can't pick one.
It's every word of every sentence.
Do I pick where Edward picks up his family (who he ditched with no explanation) in a car smelling distinctly like Bella Swan where he giggles like a maniac while they watch him with wide eyes from the back seat?
Is it Edward cackling gleefully when Rosalie storms out of the room, humiliated, when Edward reads in her thoughts that she's jealous of the attention Edward's giving Bella and refuses to explain this while Esme just sits there listening to his playing piano saying, "Play it again, Sam"?
Is it the fucking vote on whether we should assassinate a seventeen-year-old girl today in which it shockingly (or perhaps not if one follows the blog) looks like the uh vote was hm... not in Bella's favor?
Do I pick Alice making it clear, numerous times, that Edward has less than 50/50 odds of not eating Bella in any given moment and he chooses to hang around her anyway and Alice enables this? Or is it Alice years ago having bought Edward a blouse and him realizing on the day he has to show Bella his sparkle magic that Alice is omniscient because she knew he would wear it someday even though he hates short-sleeves?
Do I pick Edward literally sugar-coating everything to Bella, everything possible, all the time because he knows the second he fesses up she'll bolt.
Is it Edward's constant, violent, fantasies about murdering Mike Newton for the crime of simply existing?
Is it the very noticeable capitalization of the word "son" in dialogue when Carlisle is speaking to Edward?
Look, I genuinely cannot pick, the entire thing is a fucking ride and a mad house.
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ephemeral-lace · 2 years
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To celebrate the brand's 30th anniversary, the lolita brand BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT will hold a fashion show with ALICE and the PIRATES at the Laforet Museum in Harajuku!
First, start with BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT and the legendary collection that forms the basis of ALICE and the PIRATES. Here is one of BABY's representative outfits from the late 90's, based on black and white. A headdress, a blouse with plenty of lace, and a fluffy jumper skirt. Around the end of the 90's, the figure of her holding a stuffed animal became a dream of girls all over the country. Also, this style has become an absolute must when talking about the history of Lolita clothing as well as the history of BABY.
Model / Nana Kato
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souwoup · 4 months
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Sou's Ouji Record Blouse : ZJ Story 龙骨墓园 【Graveyard of the Dragons】 Size : M Vest : Alice and The Pirates Mad Hatter Vest Size : Free Shorts : 是只猫原创设计 玫瑰执事 【Rose Butler】 Size : M Wristcuffs : Akuchumu Girls 白昼の梦少女社だった Size : Free Jabot : Thriftflipped Personal Measurements as of time of photo : Shoulder : 35cm Waist : 65 cm Hips : 92 cm Height : 158 cm Weight : 49.8 kg
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emby-m · 3 months
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Mister Mole and Miss Pigeon
Part two of a series fitting Alice into Norton's skin lines...
From PT Barnum's Guide to Animals and Freaks:
Visitors goggle at the sort of affection Mister Mole has for his little dovey, Miss Pigeon: at her appearance from her hiding place, blindfolded and walking so certainly towards her beau’s burrow – a feat hard to believe! – his face cracks into a grin threatening to split his face in half. And the sort of shiny rocks Mister Mole pulls from the ground would make any girl say “Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!”
Design and backstory notes under the cut:
The text/setting:
Based off a real guide Barnum circuses had, which described the animal acts and the freak show acts in the same pamphlet (........)
Mister Mole known for his prospecting
Miss Pigeon known for her homing skills
Norton's design:
Not too much to change other than the (shudder) ZIPPERS....
Kept the military style jacket but changed the lapels and added a waistcoat bc otherwise I was gonna lose it (as a costume nerd and reenactor)
Does he have jodhpurs, who knows.
Alice's design:
A fashionable but practical walking ensemble, with a swallowtail cut, and a pigeon-breasted blouse
Coat meant to emulate the coloration of a common pigeon aka the rock dove, so the feather on her ears and collar are iridescent (pretty!!!)
Pigeons are loyal companions, free-flying yet domesticated birds, and are known for being gentle and affectionate. They are also known for their homing skills, likely through geomagnetism in their brains!!
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Fanfic Idea! (Lucemond, where Aemond believes Lucerys to be a creature of unknown origin)
Aemond thinks that Lucerys is odd. No, not think, know. He knows that the brat was odd, odder than even his sister, bless her heart, for a multitude of reasons.
Now, Aemond knows of Lucerys' story. How he almost died in childbirth, how "weak and sickly" he was (that must be a lie, for he has never seen him sick, and he doubts a boy who could lift Ser Criston's morning star could ever be called weak), and how much everyone doted on him, in fear of losing him to the Stranger. But here's the thing. Lucerys is still odd, and Aemond wholeheartedly believes it.
The most glaringly obvious reason would be the fact that he has scales on his legs. Not the kind of scales the dragons have, hard and rough, but the type of scales akin to a fish. He saw them, he knows he did, on the beach way back then. Aegon picked him up and threw him in the water, and ran, leaving him to help the boy. It was only a few seconds, but as the boy crawls back to the shore, pulling his pants up, he saw them clearly. However, when he tried to see them again, they weren't there. Just normal skin, a bit pale, but the boy had always been rather pale, paler than even Helaena, who stays inside to play with bugs. He knows what he saw, though. He may not be able to prove it yet, but he knows he saw it. The second most obvious reason would be his teeth.
Again, he saw them, before his mother told him to start wearing veils to cover half his face. They weren't like any other person, they were like a dog, a mutt. Yes, they quite fit him, the little beast that he is. Again, when he "accidentally" pulled the veil off from his face, all they saw were the perfectly normal teeth. He knows what he saw, damned it all! He wasn't crazy!
Then there was the necklace. A rather ugly thing, always around his neck. He overheard their grandfather, Corlys, telling him to keep it with him it with him at all times. His mother informed him it was a Velaryon heirloom. He scoffed at that. An ugly heirloom given to a non-Velaryon, how that house has fallen.
But this wasn't the only strange thing about Lucerys "Velaryon". Not only does he wear the ridiculous veil everyday, he also seems to fear the sun with how much he covers up. High necked, long sleeved blouses, hells he wore gloves during the hottest summer in King's Landing! It was a wonder why he never fainted. Aemond believes he was hiding his scales. In these sorts of instances, Aegon became useful. A few unrelated words about Lucerys being rumored to be a girl, and Aegon immediately rushed to embarrass the boy, pulling his pants down to reveal...smooth, pale, scale-less legs. Aemond is disappointed there were no scales to prove his words, Aegon is disappointed their nephew has a cock between his legs (a small one, but a cock nonetheless), and Alicent is beside herself in anger, screaming at Aegon for doing something like that in front of nobles and knights alike. Not only did she scold him, their half-sister, Lucerys's grandfather, and even their not so present father each showed their displeasure for Aegon's actions. Corlys in particular managed to make Aegon's wine red face turn a few shades paler once he told him of what he would do if he ever does that again, something about tying Aegon to the front of the ship and ramming it into a pile of sharp rocks? He doubts Aegon would pull that stunt on their little nephew again.
Another thing about Lucerys is his strange liking to fish. Even Aemond knows that at that age, he would have chosen desserts over the meal itself, but Lucerys seemed to think fish is the most wonderful thing to have ever existed with the way he swallows them up, ignoring the cake his "father" secretly placed on his plate when he thought no one else was looking. He heard rumors of freshly caught fish disappearing from the kitchen, with only the fishbones left behind. Aemond believes Lucerys had something to do with it. He can just picture it, Lucerys, the "little cherub faced prince" ripping apart raw fish with his sharp teeth, swallowing its blood and meat, and leaving behind the bones, the only thing he couldn't eat. It seems more and more likely that he imagines the veil hiding blood stained lips.
Then there was the fact that he disappears every morning, missing training from Ser Criston and lessons from the maesters, and returning in the afternoon wet and smelling of sea water. Aemond tried following him once, but the gods seem to pick Lucerys' side, for he is often blocked by something, or someone, and never gets to find out where the little brat keeps going to. Hells, he's waited on the beach just to be blocked by some blood white bird! And that wasn't all, he has done so many strange things Aemond believes he could write an entire book and would still miss a few key facts!
And despite everything, despite him being so obviously hiding something, despite being obviously strange and secretive, he still doesn't get questioned. No one questions why he wears those types of clothing, no one questions why he likes fish so much, no one questions the ugly heirloom around his neck, no one questions the disappearances, no one questions anything! In fact, they seem to blatantly ignore it! Even Ser Criston, who has shown his great dislike for the "Velaryon" boys, didn't question Lucerys not showing up to training, and he often scolds Jacaerys for being even one second late! Gods is he sick of it! He hates having to listen about how good of a boy Lucerys was, or how adorable he is, or how sweet and kind he was. He was clearly not a boy, but a creature from lands unknown. Mayhaps his sister laid not with the Commander of the City Watch, like his mother presumes, but a different being altogether. Mayhaps it might not even be human, but a creature. Because clearly something is wrong with that boy, and he is determined to know what it is.
He doesn't tell anyone though. Last time he tried to tell his mother about the scales, Alicent beseeched him to no longer obsess over Lucerys, which greatly frustrated Aemond. He was not obsessed! He knows what he saw, knows Lucerys isn't normal, and he can no longer take the fact that everyone treats him as if he was some sweet normal prince of King's Landing. He was not! And Aemond is going to find out what was wrong with him, and reveal to them all that the "sweet little prince" was a creature of unknown origin!
I got inspiration from this:
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vampiriical · 6 months
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visited btssb and angelic pretty (for the first and possibly only time T-T) whilst in san fran and it was such a treat! got a new jsk and blouse :)
JSK - Chess Alice ~My Memorable Treasure~ JSK II by baby the stars shine bright
blouse - baby the stars shine bright
headpiece - atelier pierrot
socks - atelier pierrot
shoes - madden girl
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Second-hand, thrift and vintage stores are your best friend - especially the aisle that no one can find and the corners that no one is bothered to rummage. First priority is to choose a rock muse style icon. Pattie Boyd’s cut-crease makeup, perfect pout and psychedelic mini skirts, Marianne Faithfull’s thick bangs and love for velvet and snake-skin, Pamela Des Barres’ wild locks and clown makeup, Anita Pallenberg’s chunky belts, hot pants and huge sun hats, Bebe Buell’s 70s cover girl waves and backless halters, Linda Keith’s fur hats, Ginger Gilmour’s golden ringlets and lace bell-bottom sleeve tops, Mary Austin’s skinny scarves and bohemian prints, May Pang’s octagonal sunglasses and straight jet black hair, Linda McCartney’s classy midi skirts, Lori Maddox and Sable Starr’s spandex shorts, wedgie platforms and crazy hair, Charlotte Martin’s baggier effortless Parisian style, Alice Ormsby Gore’s bohemian layering and flowy midi skirts, Jenny Boyd’s medieval-esque dresses and peasant-style, Iggy Rose’s eye crystals and makeup, and of course Miss Priscilla Presley’s perfect feline Egyptian cat-eye, black hair and ivory complexion. Groupie rock muse style ranges from where you’re going to who you’re seeing. If you’re offering your boyfriend arm candy at his Album Launch, you’re not going to be wearing the same pair of hot pants and lace-up boots that you did at his last concert. And if you’re lounging around in the studio at 12am, you’re not going to be wearing that glam paisley dress you wore backstage on tour. Groupie style is all about knowing what to wear and where to wear it. Gigs and concerts will call for a more flamboyant, and ‘out-there’ look. Style staples for concerts and gigs include hot pants, knee-high boots, snake-skin, fur coats and of course afghan coats, chunky jewelry, face gems and body glitter, halter tops and mini skirts and dresses. This is very similar to festival style if your rockstar boyfriend is playing there - however, more flowy and bohemian styles are more welcome and especially face gems and body glitter. Sun hats, lace-up gladiator boots and sandals, and peasant maxi dresses and blouses. 
Stay tuned for part 2 where I will be discussing style staples for album launches and recording sessions.
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which-item-poll · 8 months
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inaloriel · 11 months
✨🦄photo inspired by the Golden Age of Angelic Pretty💗🍬
🎀~AP Dreamy Baby Room with indie-brand blouse & AP Dream Fantasy with Alice Girl blouse~ ~Bonnet: Pony in Sweet Dream BTSSB~ ~Cuffs: old BTSSB~ ~Accessories: my handmade~🎀
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thedeathlysallows · 9 months
Is It Over Now? (3.5)
Pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: Was it over when she laid down on your couch? Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse? Picks up right where part 3 left off.
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest. Smut. Dub-con. Possessive!Aegon, breeding kink, slight blood play, biting, oral (female receiving), loss of virginity, toxic relationship
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The décor around the Red Keep has changed immensely since you've been gone. Many of the more obscene tapestries that imprinted themselves in your young mind are gone, replaced with religious imagery of the Seven. You can only imagine the fit Daemon is throwing over the change. Honestly, you don't really feel one way or another about it as long as it was your grandfather's decision, but a large part of you knows it was likely Alicent's doing.
Speaking of, the Queen exits Aegon's chambers right as you're about to announce yourself. She gives you no more than a tight lipped smile, exhaustion and disappointment dimming her eyes.
You cautiously make your way inside. "What was that about?"
Aegon sits on his bed with his head in his hands, a simple white sheet covering his lap. He perks up when he hears your voice and you can't help but return his boyish grin. "Nothing. Something about some serving girl I don't even remember."
"I don't believe you."
"Good. You shouldn't. I'm a bad, bad man."
You pour yourself some wine from the pitcher on his bedside table. "Self deprecation doesn't suit you."
"Who said it was self deprecation? I hurt everyone around me." Aegon sighs and leans back in bed, patting the empty spot beside him.
You know better than to get in Aegon's bed, but he just looks so pathetic. And maybe that's why you favor him so much. You have a soft spot for sad, broken, pathetic things. Aegon knows this. Just as you know he plays on your feelings. What you can't figure out is why you allow it. If anyone else were to treat you the way Aegon does you would feed them to Vermithor... and yet your uncle is allowed to do as he pleases with your heart.
"Remember the game we would play when we were betrothed?" Aegon bunches your skirt in his fist, dragging it up your thigh slowly. The silk tickles against your bare skin.
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest. "Yes."
"Care to play again, niece?"
Aegon is allowed to do as he pleases with your heart just as he is allowed to do as he pleases with your body.
"Yes." The word comes out in an almost whimper and Aegon's smile turns predatory.
"Yes what?"
"Yes, my prince."
Aegon pushes the blanket from his lap and pulls you down on top of him. There's the sound of your dress ripping and Aegon's moan of pleasure.
"Good girl," he whispers in your ear. "You've always been my good girl."
You whimper, hiding your face in the crook of his neck before he can see the flush of embarrassment on your cheeks. Aegon has always been able to play your body like a finely tuned instrument and he knows that. You really don’t see a reason to contribute further to his ego.
Aegon grabs a fistful of your hair and yanks your head back, forcing you to look into his red-rimmed eyes. “Don’t hide from me, niece. Never hide from me.”
He flips the two of you over so he now hovers over your body. His hands are rough as he tugs your dress off your body, mouth demanding as he slots his lips over yours. He tastes of wine and ash and childhood, warming your body with his feverish kisses.
“Mmm, just as sweet as I remember,” he murmurs against your skin.
“Aegon,” you whine, tilting your hips up in search of some sort of friction.
His large hands travel down your body, relishing in every dip and curve, until he finds your hips and pins you to the mattress. Aegon looks at you then. His round, violet eyes are blown wide with lust. His chest heaves with each breath he takes, his grip on sanity loosening with each second ticking by.
He wants you.
He’s always wanted you.
He wants to pin you to this bed and fuck you again and again until your belly is swollen with child. His child. No one else’s. Not even Aemond can have you.
You reach up a hand, pressing your palm to his cheek.
That’s what breaks Aegon.
“Fuck that godsdamn game,” he growls out.
Your question ends in a loud gasp when Aegon presses his face between your thighs, licking a long stripe between your folds. He moans and presses his face closer, desperate to drown in the honey sweet taste of your pretty cunt. You drench the lower half of his face, juices flowing down his chin. Aegon doesn’t seem to care. In fact, it seems to spur him forward and you cry out, your hands tugging on his soft hair, when he shoves two fingers inside you.
Aegon circles his tongue around your clit before wrapping his lips around the soft bud and sucking softly. When you arch your back with a loud cry, he grasps one of your tits with his free hand. He hasn’t had time until now to fully appreciate the shape of your body. You’re a woman now, with hips and tits and ass and a cunt he just knows will feel heavenly wrapped around his cock.
Gods, he needs to fuck you.
“Tell me, Aemma.” Aegon pulls his face from your cunt, looking up at you with a sultry smile. “Has my sweet niece saved herself for her husband?”
Your body jerks at the mention of a husband. You have a startling moment of clarity where you can see exactly where Aegon is planning on taking things, and you realize you need to make a decision. Do you let this continue and risk the shame, or do you stop Aegon?
Aegon, who is able to read you best out of anyone, sees you weighing your options and does the only thing he can think of. He drags his hard cock against your clit, teasing you gently. Because he knows when he’s inside you there will be no room for gentleness. He isn’t capable of it.
“We’re inevitable, sweet girl,” he tells you with a voice as smooth as silk. “I’ll have you as my wife no matter the cost.”
With that, Aegon eases his way inside you, pushing past the barrier of your maidenhead as you claw helplessly at his back. It burns as he shoves his way inside you, stretching your walls in an unfamiliar way. Tears prickle at your eyes from the sharp pain and a sob falls from your lips. Aegon shushes you with kisses, peppering them all over your face as his hips push his cock deeper inside you.
“Aegon… stop… please…” You try to adjust, to find a more comfortable position, but Aegon holds you still. “Aegon…”
He groans and nips at your neck. “I’ll make it better, I promise. Just trust me. Need you to trust me.”
You look at him through your tears. You shouldn’t trust him- you know better than to trust him- but you find yourself nodding and clinging to him anyway.
Aegon almost laughs in relief, wrapping an arm around your waist and burying his other hand in your hair. His pace is punishing but his words are sweet as he fucks you.
“I’ll make you my wife,” Aegon promises between thrusts. His teeth sink into your neck, drawing a dot of blood that he licks away. “Would you like that, sweet girl?”
Would you?
You aren’t sure, but you do know you’d rather face familiar cruelty than unfamiliar.
Better the devil you know, you suppose.
And with the burn gone you’re able to focus on the way his cock drags against your walls, stoking a fire building low in your belly.
“Say it,” Aegon prompts as sweat drips down his chest. “Say you’re mine.”
You nod. “I’m… I’m yours…”
His hand goes from your hair to your jaw, gripping your face tightly. “Look at me while I fill your cunt.”
You meet his eyes, losing yourself in the violet of his gaze as that flame in your belly grows before washing through the rest of you. Aegon smiles as your cunt clenches around his cock, milking his orgasm out of him. A manic laugh escapes him.
He actually did it.
He claimed you.
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