#aemond is going crazy
sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Fanfic Idea! (Lucemond, where Aemond believes Lucerys to be a creature of unknown origin)
Aemond thinks that Lucerys is odd. No, not think, know. He knows that the brat was odd, odder than even his sister, bless her heart, for a multitude of reasons.
Now, Aemond knows of Lucerys' story. How he almost died in childbirth, how "weak and sickly" he was (that must be a lie, for he has never seen him sick, and he doubts a boy who could lift Ser Criston's morning star could ever be called weak), and how much everyone doted on him, in fear of losing him to the Stranger. But here's the thing. Lucerys is still odd, and Aemond wholeheartedly believes it.
The most glaringly obvious reason would be the fact that he has scales on his legs. Not the kind of scales the dragons have, hard and rough, but the type of scales akin to a fish. He saw them, he knows he did, on the beach way back then. Aegon picked him up and threw him in the water, and ran, leaving him to help the boy. It was only a few seconds, but as the boy crawls back to the shore, pulling his pants up, he saw them clearly. However, when he tried to see them again, they weren't there. Just normal skin, a bit pale, but the boy had always been rather pale, paler than even Helaena, who stays inside to play with bugs. He knows what he saw, though. He may not be able to prove it yet, but he knows he saw it. The second most obvious reason would be his teeth.
Again, he saw them, before his mother told him to start wearing veils to cover half his face. They weren't like any other person, they were like a dog, a mutt. Yes, they quite fit him, the little beast that he is. Again, when he "accidentally" pulled the veil off from his face, all they saw were the perfectly normal teeth. He knows what he saw, damned it all! He wasn't crazy!
Then there was the necklace. A rather ugly thing, always around his neck. He overheard their grandfather, Corlys, telling him to keep it with him it with him at all times. His mother informed him it was a Velaryon heirloom. He scoffed at that. An ugly heirloom given to a non-Velaryon, how that house has fallen.
But this wasn't the only strange thing about Lucerys "Velaryon". Not only does he wear the ridiculous veil everyday, he also seems to fear the sun with how much he covers up. High necked, long sleeved blouses, hells he wore gloves during the hottest summer in King's Landing! It was a wonder why he never fainted. Aemond believes he was hiding his scales. In these sorts of instances, Aegon became useful. A few unrelated words about Lucerys being rumored to be a girl, and Aegon immediately rushed to embarrass the boy, pulling his pants down to reveal...smooth, pale, scale-less legs. Aemond is disappointed there were no scales to prove his words, Aegon is disappointed their nephew has a cock between his legs (a small one, but a cock nonetheless), and Alicent is beside herself in anger, screaming at Aegon for doing something like that in front of nobles and knights alike. Not only did she scold him, their half-sister, Lucerys's grandfather, and even their not so present father each showed their displeasure for Aegon's actions. Corlys in particular managed to make Aegon's wine red face turn a few shades paler once he told him of what he would do if he ever does that again, something about tying Aegon to the front of the ship and ramming it into a pile of sharp rocks? He doubts Aegon would pull that stunt on their little nephew again.
Another thing about Lucerys is his strange liking to fish. Even Aemond knows that at that age, he would have chosen desserts over the meal itself, but Lucerys seemed to think fish is the most wonderful thing to have ever existed with the way he swallows them up, ignoring the cake his "father" secretly placed on his plate when he thought no one else was looking. He heard rumors of freshly caught fish disappearing from the kitchen, with only the fishbones left behind. Aemond believes Lucerys had something to do with it. He can just picture it, Lucerys, the "little cherub faced prince" ripping apart raw fish with his sharp teeth, swallowing its blood and meat, and leaving behind the bones, the only thing he couldn't eat. It seems more and more likely that he imagines the veil hiding blood stained lips.
Then there was the fact that he disappears every morning, missing training from Ser Criston and lessons from the maesters, and returning in the afternoon wet and smelling of sea water. Aemond tried following him once, but the gods seem to pick Lucerys' side, for he is often blocked by something, or someone, and never gets to find out where the little brat keeps going to. Hells, he's waited on the beach just to be blocked by some blood white bird! And that wasn't all, he has done so many strange things Aemond believes he could write an entire book and would still miss a few key facts!
And despite everything, despite him being so obviously hiding something, despite being obviously strange and secretive, he still doesn't get questioned. No one questions why he wears those types of clothing, no one questions why he likes fish so much, no one questions the ugly heirloom around his neck, no one questions the disappearances, no one questions anything! In fact, they seem to blatantly ignore it! Even Ser Criston, who has shown his great dislike for the "Velaryon" boys, didn't question Lucerys not showing up to training, and he often scolds Jacaerys for being even one second late! Gods is he sick of it! He hates having to listen about how good of a boy Lucerys was, or how adorable he is, or how sweet and kind he was. He was clearly not a boy, but a creature from lands unknown. Mayhaps his sister laid not with the Commander of the City Watch, like his mother presumes, but a different being altogether. Mayhaps it might not even be human, but a creature. Because clearly something is wrong with that boy, and he is determined to know what it is.
He doesn't tell anyone though. Last time he tried to tell his mother about the scales, Alicent beseeched him to no longer obsess over Lucerys, which greatly frustrated Aemond. He was not obsessed! He knows what he saw, knows Lucerys isn't normal, and he can no longer take the fact that everyone treats him as if he was some sweet normal prince of King's Landing. He was not! And Aemond is going to find out what was wrong with him, and reveal to them all that the "sweet little prince" was a creature of unknown origin!
I got inspiration from this:
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pigeon-princess · 2 years
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Aegon: do not make the three-mouth at me Aemond: :3
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collegeboysam · 3 months
aemond at the red keep: why does everyone keep saying i killed rhaenyra's son? the bastard is literally right there...and there...oh and there too
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targaryenfamilywreath · 3 months
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and people wonder why he is the way he is
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I want a modern mafia fic where after the incident at Driftmark everyone in the family starts to treat Lucerys differently. Aemond loses an eye and Viserys actually gives a shit and punishes Luke. Rhaenyra and Jacaerys are horrified at what Luke does, he has always been such a sweet and kind boy and to see him hurt Aemond like that scared everyone. Nevermind that Aegon and Aemond have always picked on Lucerys and always made him feel left out. Funnily enough, this is the incident that fixes the rift between Alicent and Rhaenyra, with Rhaenyra feeling very guilty over what her son did.
So Lucerys grows up isolated and neglected by his own family. Don’t get me wrong, Rhaenyra still wholeheartedly loves Lucerys but years of forcing him to meet psychiatrists and taking meds he doesn’t want to take has taken a great toll on him.
He’s eighteen, severely depressed and anxious downing dozens of meds when he decides that enough is enough and eventually leaves the Red Keep. Like completely disappears, he cuts off both Targaryens and Velaryons and no one ever hears from him again.
Cut to five or ten years later, Aemond meets Lucerys again and he’s surprised to see how different the boy is. Gone was the sweet and shy toddler or the quiet and anxious teen, in front of him was this cold, no-nonsense, calculative man. Unlike Aemond and the rest of the Targaryens, Lucerys has never thought of them again and went on his merry way to live his life of freedom and debauchery.
To Aemond’s horror, Lucerys is now working as a camboy while also occasionally fucking this shady businessman (alleged mafia). Aemond tries to persuade him to come back but he’s like “fuck off” and disappears again. Fortunately FOR Aemond, his uncle Daemon’s the infamous “Rogue Prince” of the Underworld, the scandalous brother of dutiful Viserys Targaryen who refused to work for the company and decided to become a criminal instead. Unfortunately for Lucerys, Aemond is nothing but OBSESSED.
IDK just give me Lucerys growing up abused and neglected and cutting his family off to go and live his life only for Aemond to stalk his ass because according to him Lucerys’ place is with the family, right by his side.
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sakura-haruka · 4 months
On every other social media I go I saw post about people being TEAM BLACK but here, I just love how the majority of the post I saw on tumblr are about the greens. Guys…we understood the assignment.
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visenyaism · 10 months
sure rhaenyra raised the price of a costco hotdog (valid reason to hate) but do believe that aegon ii would pull a iTunes/U2 and force the smallfolk to subscribe to his podcast with logan paul
nah grandpa otto knows too damn well that the entirety of Aegon’s monarchical power is centered around him being an empty vaguely legitimate symbol of a good targaryen king with the sword and the name and the dragon and never ever opening his mouth and letting the people know the things that he has on his mind. they let him record a podcast for enrichment and then larys immediately destroys all copies
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bensolosrey · 2 years
The implications of Aemond coming to her room, Helaena's expression lighten up the moment he enters the room and then trying to conceal it , his soft expression staring her too, the intimacy of it.
The whole framing of this exchange is intentional but subtle focusing on these two although Alicent is right there too.
The way he stands up straight for her.
Their chemistry is ethereal with just barely subtle looks. The subtext is here.
"It is our fate to crave always what's given to anothe. If one possesses a thing, the other will take it away."
This quote itself coming from Helaena, the way it be implemented in more ways than one, the double meaning of it, it is intentional.
Aemond being the father of her children is high likely. Even if he is not, he is definitely the father these children never have.
It will add so much depth, intensity, angst and tragedy in the upcoming seasons.
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jamespottersdaisy · 4 months
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thebonnetway · 2 years
The family dinner is my personal favourite scene of the show. In this scene there are a lot of interesting moments, but my favourite of them is the moment right after Visery’s big “get along speech”. It’s when Aegon is disgusting as usual and Jace slams his fists on the table and stands up and after a moment Aemond stands up, too. At first I thought this is just Aemond taking his brother’s side and getting ready to fight, but he stands up so slowly and deliberate and simply stands there. He doesn’t even look half as threatening as he did in the training scene before. So it is definitely more than him wanting to be intimidating.
I think that, after this whole speech of his father and his mother and sister apologizing so genuinely, he is the elephant in the room. His missing eye is the elephant in the room. When everyone makes amends, he should get at least a proper apology for his eye. So he simply stands there expectantly and EVERYONE looks at him. Even Viserys. So, in my opinion, maybe this was a moment they could have soothed at least just a little bit of his desire for revenge. Maybe he would have been able to let it go eventually, if they had recognized his pain. But no, they chose to completely overlook his loss (again) and Jacerys comes up with some “fond memories of their youth” speech. Jace even glances at Luke and everyone is thinking about Aemond’s eye, but no one addresses it. That’s why Aemond looks so annoyed when he sits down again. He is overlooked, the physical and emotional pain he experienced is brushed over. To top this all Viserys praises Jace for it. His father proving again that he does not want to deal with Aemond’s pain. Then Luke has the nerve to giggle about one of the most horrible jokes of his childhood and Aemond snaps. 
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darkestspring · 2 years
Jacaerys married a complete girl boss who hunts and gives little presents to from the hides or bones from the animals she kills.
Aemond meeting a girl hunting in the Kings Woods amd completely taken with her.
Only to see said girl dressed up in a black and red dress standing with Rheanyra during the Driftmark dispute. Aemond hopefully assumes she is just a lady in waiting or a ward for Rheanyra.
At the family dinner he sees her again, this time in the arms of Jacaerys. Its only later on in the night that he finally gets her name and is told she married Jacaerys 2 years ago.
oh god, the absolute drama of all of this. finally, finally, aemond finds someone he likes genuinely only for her to be married to jace.
it would be easier if you were discontent with jace but you seemed to be so fond of them, so in love. it made him sick.
and you were, you were happy with jace. everything you hunted, a little gift of it was given to jace, a dedication of your victory. you would always give him credit for your victories. for inspiring you, for loving you, for being your husband.
it would have given aemond a sense of satisfaction if rhaenyra and daemon had disliked you, disapproved of you but they both loved you. rhaenyra cared for you as if you were her own child, which you now were. and daemon admired you and your skills. he believed you were a good match for his stepson.
aemond had hoped and prayed that you were just a servant or a lady-in-waiting when you stood next to luke, dressed in black and red. your hand rested on his shoulder in comfort, because that meant there was still a chance. he could still tame your heart as you had tamed his.
but the moment when you stepped in the dining room, hand in hand with jace as you chatted with baela and rhaena about a topic unknown to him, he knew.
You were jace's wife. He didn't deserve you in aemond's eye. He was a bastard, the son of harwin strong.
Aemond couldn't control himself as jace spun you around, giggling as he said something to you quietly. Aemond stood up, the mix of seeing you with someone else and luke laughing at the roasted pig angering him. "Final tribute." He announced, watching as you and jace stopped, staring at him. "to the health my nephews jace, luke, and joffrey. each of them handsome, wise..."
You knew of the whispers, rhaenyra had spoken of them to you but none of that mattered, you loved jace. Your hands grabbed at Jace's arm, fearful of what was to come.
"Strong." Aemond locked eyes with you before looking at jace.
"And to my nephew's beloved wife, I hope you are spared of all disappointments."
Alicent sighed as she looked at aemond in disappointment and got up as you held jace back.
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collegeboysam · 4 months
the Aemond that lives in Ewan's mind will be enough to feed lucemond for another 3 seasons, his delusions coming together with ours <3 mass hallucinations making us hit 10k fics this summer
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missmart3 · 4 days
Got inspired and drew some regina!lucerys lol
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gudvina · 1 year
not to be the one but if you understand the risks of people accusing your children of being bastards (rightfully so), you should also understand the risks of having bastards in the first place.........
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mummer · 7 months
they could never EVER neverrrrrr ever ever do this even ryan condal would never cede such an “iconic” setpiece & “memorable” dialogue and even if he wanted to HBO simply would not allow it but in my minds eye ideal hotd adaptation of the battle of the gods eye completely discards EVERYTHING supposedly recounted/editorialized in fire and blood no anime dialogue no ultra choreographed fight scene no cinematic beautiful shots of the dragons dancing no leaping from dragon to dragon its actually like incredibly fast and loud and incomprehensible to the audience just beasts colliding and ripping each other apart dirt and blood and horrific and disgusting and ultimately super SUPER pathetic ❤️ daemon and aemond dont get to make any epic last stands theres no glorious blaze out, no chilling last words, no grand narrative, in the end it really is just two men thudding to the bottom of a lake and getting eaten by fish. make the craziest climax in the world an anticlimax. ultimate antimoment
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yasminhananis · 2 years
in episode six when larys and alicent are having their dinner, talking about rhaenyra’s boys being bastards and viserys’ willful blind eye, larys says, “do you expect the king to doom his dear daughter to exile or even— it’s a willful blindness, the king. i mean you’d surly suffer the same affliction if it came to it.” alicent interjects, “i would not.”
i know this show has been very purposeful so far but even then surely this is not aegon/helaena/aemond bastard children, married the wrong brother, aegon iv/naerys/aemon foreshadowing right. like surely not. surely we shouldn’t be perceiving this right.
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