#blooming in kalos
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He keeps trying to kill the reflections of the lights in the snow.
#dizzy the eevee#blooming in kalos#art#my art#eevee#spinda#pokemon irl#pokeblogging#pkmn irl#pokemon
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{° Video File Attached; Lumiose City, Kalos; 15:45 °}
We begin focused on Amy and Jaycé, both worn and weary from their trip. Despite this tiredness, Jaycé is lively chatting on and on about something, hands gesturing along with their words. Amy listens and watches on, a small smile on their face and the occasional nod sprinkled in here or there. Eventually Amy pipes up with something, but Jaycé’s attention is pulled elsewhere. There’s a pause. With Jaycé dropping their bag to the floor and running. The camera pans and hurriedly follows to show Augustine waving, before placing a foot behind himself to brace for impact. When they crash into him, he winces in pain, but tightly wraps his arms around them. The camera comes to an abrupt stop, with a small glance from Augustine being cast towards it.
“Merci, Papa.” Is all that escapes from Jaycé’s lips as they hold onto him tightly. There’s a small drop in Augustine’s smile before he speaks.
“I told you I’d wait for you, Skiddo.” Jaycé nods as they pull away.
“I-I know. I know. It’s always just, uncertain, with you.” They sigh softly, starting to walk back to grab their bag and meet up with Amy.
“I’m sorry, Skiddo. I am-” Augustine sighs before being cut off as his eyes fall onto the smaller Professor. For a brief second, there’s a grimace from him, before being replaced with a smile. Jaycé meanwhile, picks up their bag and slings it over their shoulder and rests a hand on Amy’s own shoulder. They give a small smile towards Augustine.
“Papa, you remember Amy, yes?” They hiss through gritted teeth, hand tightening its grasp.
There’s an energy that you could almost cut that overtakes this small group. It’s disrupted for a brief moment as Amy pipes up.
“Ah, hello again Professor! It’s been quite some time since we last met, hm? When was that again?” Amy probes, leaning onto their cane and smiling. Jaycé lets go of their shoulder to instead nudge their elbow into him. The energy is back, heavy enough that one could cut it with a knife.
“Professor Amaryllis... What a surprise!” Augustine grits his teeth lightly as he speaks, but keeps his smile. He glances at Jaycé, who has taken a break from smiling to instead glare lightly at Augustine. He quickly slips into Kalosian to say something to Jaycé, which causes them to break away from next to Amy and pulls off to the side, where the two start to really ramp up back and forth in rushed kalosian. Amy just sort of stands there, watching the two and registering nothing, until the name “Casimir” is dropped. Everyone pauses and Jaycé shrugs, crossing their arms.
“I don’t know, I don’t have much control over him.” They shrug again. Augustine tenses slightly and sighs, mumbling something in Kalosian.
“Y’know. Maybe he’s in our luggage. I wouldn’t put it past him, Papa.” Augustine sighs again as Amy lets out a small laugh.
“Oh? Did Casi tag along? We’ll have to be real careful now. Precious cargo and all.” They grin as he perpetuates the lie, which causes Augustine to sigh again and straighten up.
“Bien... Let’s just get home now, yes? I’m sure you’re tired from your trip.” He focuses more on Jaycé, ignoring the smaller of the two for the most part and pulls them a little closer before humming softly.
“Avez-vous reçu mes messages sur la PS5?” Jaycé hums in response and nods, glancing over at Amy before focusing back.
“Oui, mais déposons Amy et allons au laboratoire. Je veux le voir de mes propres yeux…” Augustine nods, patting them on the shoulder before walking. The two quickly follow suit as the camera cuts.
{° Video File End °}
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Chatting Some More about AZ
This will be brief, I think... maybe
But I wonder, did AZ happen to plant more than just this tree [ and that flower] while searching for his best friend?
He spent a chunk of his eternal life prior to the events of XY looking for a pokemon that loves and has specific tastes in flowers. Did he travel from region to region, specifically looking for gardens, fields, forests, nurseries?
Floette's general dex blerbs are interesting to me.
Apologize in advance for those with vision problems if this particular screen clip of bulbapedia is difficult to read. There's a lot I can say about the different texts that may add some flavor or context to AZ's story and his previously damaged relationship with her, but I'll focus on this one: "When the flowers of a well-tended flower bed bloom, it appears and celebrates with an elegant dance." The Flabebe line of pokemon, individuals of this species, pick a favorite kind of flower. Perhaps, you'd want to plant as much of that favorite flower as you can, and tend to them well to gain their attention. AZ loves her so deeply I consider Floette his soul mate, so surely, a king such as he, would know how his pokemon's favorite flower is taken care of. I don't doubt he would have ordered a special space made for her where she could indulge, or maybe even tended to a flower bed with her.
I mean...He looks like he's wearing a gardener/carpenter's knee pad or brace. He's tall [ NO SHIT ], so he probably has to lower himself often. But it's a detail about his character design that really sticks out to me. It's just a theory, of course. I'm still not sure of it's purpose.
But... I'm under the assumption that after the end of that terrible war, Eternal Floette's favorite flower went, or 'was' extinct. Did AZ have an unfortunate hand in that? Did his own man-made, mechanical flower, the ultimate weapon, scar the earth so badly that the real flower its power and appearance imitated, could no longer bloom? Dreadfully Ironic. I imagine, [ or I hope] AZ did learn how, where, and when to nurture certain kind of plants to make the most optimal meeting places. Maybe stayed in a region a few decades, left to live in and survey another, and then returned to check on previously started gardens after they had some time to establish. It makes sense to me that he would try to 'lure' her in somewhere. Or give her places where she could comfortably appear.
Maybe working on bringing some life to the world also assuaged some of his immense guilt.
I wonder how difficult it was to acquire blubs/seeds of her favorite flower to experiment with? Or did he already have them in hand, but could never manage to get them to grow anywhere until recenly.
Did AZ fuck up the previous condition of the Kalos' region's soil? Seems it recovered, it's plenty green again now, but it'll probably never be the same as it was. Side Note: Again from Floette's dex text: "It gives its own power to flowers, pouring its heart into caring for them. Floette never forgives anyone who messes up a flower bed." Her disgust with him over the ruin and theft of life is more than reasonable. But secondary to that, metaphorically, I think AZ messed up one really big flower bed.
okay sorry this wasn't brief i'm unfortunately in love with him
#AZ pokemon#eternal flower floette#pokemon xy#okay the thoughts arent deranged#this time....#but we will get to that later
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It was on a beautiful moonlit night when the Champion of Kalos had gone missing. No calls. No texts, aside from one to her grandmother. No one knew where she was, but most believed she would be fine. After all, she was the strongest trainer in the region. Who would mess with her? Night Raven College very much did not get that memo. The one to not mess with the non-magic human with scary monsters who would and could raze the school to the ground if it meant getting their ramshackle of a dorm fixed. No, that threat does not (surprisingly) include Grim because he was the normal monster of the bunch.
Chapter 16 is out! Thank you for waiting for the update, everyone!
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[Break My Case] Decoration Laid Upon Silk event and cards translation 💍
Translation by Kalos (@Kumonkunliker on X)
Proofread by Imai (@bunnyandcomet on X and tumblr)
Card translations by Misora (@alcmisoyou on X), Zorao (@yuragi_aporia on X and @okogespaws on tumblr), and Imai
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Takeru R - In Charge of The Makeup Sei SR - Destination of The Bouquet Toss Yu SR - Powder to Finish (By Imai) Shizuka SSR - Light Shining Through Stained Glass (by Zorao) Shinobu SSR - Full Bloom Flower Shower (By Misora) Ai SSR - Veil of Blessing
#break my case#buremai#joseimuke#Fushimi Shizuka#Kosaka Ai#Kise Yuzuru#Mikado Takeru#Ayato Kou#Nina Yu#Aizawa Shinobu#Okiya Sei
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Since you seem to be doing a lot of villain posting, how about this: Villains of your choice with an S/O that fully supports their evil team's goals. Why S/O would feel this way is up to you, but they don't think their lover needs to change; the world does.
nssnns in a way I think I established that with Maxie's and Archie's s/os but not as strongly
cw: supporting these dudes at their worst, angst in lysandre's and cyrus's parts,
characters: Lysandre, Cyrus, Maxie, Archie
☕️ He was aware his ideals were difficult for most to comprehend. Like a strong brew of coffee, most could not bear the intensity of what he believed was best for the world. The Kalosian man simply could not allow for things to continue as they were, however. Greedy, cruel people sought to harm other people and pokemon; to take away the beauty of this world he felt so passionately about. It only made sense that with his passion you, his partner, were well aware of his plans. You were second only to him in Team Flare, even. Even Malva did not dare argue against you, lest she risk the ire of a certain giant.
☕️ The discussion of his plans was something he did without any concerns of your rejecting them. Lysandre had been with you for so long and felt certain that you would understand his ideals even if no one else could. He needed to preserve this world's beauty by committing the ultimate sacrifice. There would be no more struggling over resources, nor would those with ill intentions exist to cause further harm. It would be an unfortunate burden on him forever, however.
☕️ The manner which you came to feel this way may not have been entirely known to Lysandre, but he had heard many different reasons from his members to have an idea. There was an urge to pry into it from him, curious as to what had hurt you so deeply as your caring lover, but he resisted. Forcing one to recount painful things was not something he wished to do. Yet, knowing that something out there had caused you such grave pain spurred him deeper into his plans and ideals. For you, he would easily set the world aflame.
☕️ Admittedly, you have very little to do with the reawakening of the ancient weapon. Team Flare's scientists were the ones who tirelessly worked to bring it out. You, however, were there to comfort and console him through the ups and downs of his operations. Your unwavering support and reassurance made the burden of what he would have to do a bit lighter. It was not long until Geosenge was a mess as the ultimate weapon bloomed in its centre. His hand grasped your own as he watched from the lab. Soon, everything would change forever.
☕️ When everything failed, it felt as if the world had ended for you, but no one else. Lysandre left to unknown status in the rubble of the laboratory as you were forced to live in the world that viewed him as a madman of horrid ideals. Team Flare was remarked a horrible stain on Kalos's already troubled history, and you were left alone and waiting for the day you may see Lysandre again. Desperately, you wished to believe him alive and out in the world. Until that day came, you would continue to hold on to his ideals in his stead.
☄️ Nearly all of his team supports what twisting of the truths he fed to them. Claims of making a better world were eaten up eagerly and believed almost unquestionably, even from his highest of commanders. Saturn had not a clue what his intentions for this new world were, and Mars and Jupiter especially did not. You, however, did. Not that Cyrus would have you involved in Team Galactic officially, but it was well understood you had authority that was only directly surpassed by the Galactic Boss himself.
☄️ You were well aware of his true intentions. He was not lying about creating a world he believed to be superior to this one, but it was nothing for Team Galactic. It was all for himself… And, you, too, he supposed. This world held suffering and strife due to how such an incomplete thing as spirit remains. Cyrus had spoken of these things to you in complete confidence that you would understand. There was still mild surprise on his part when you expressed agreement with his plans. Truthfully, a small amount of doubt had dwelled within him. The way you had cupped his cheeks and leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips told him everything he needed to know.
☄️ You were kindred souls in a way. This world was a cruel and unkind place that was drowned in petty discourse and strife that simply seemed impossible to ever settle. While Cyrus knew not the details that had brought you to the point of wishing spirit gone just as he had, he silently acknowledged the suffering and pain you must have gone through. If there was one thing he could not stand, it was the thought of you in any kind of pain. His original plans had been to keep you ignorant and unaware of his actions, truthfully.
☄️ Ultimately, it helps put him at ease knowing you would unfaltering help him towards his ultimate goal. Cyrus being able to confide in you released some of the burden on him. Plans were more accurately discussed and considered while raking over books of Sinnoh's myths. He felt certain that everything would go to plan, as you both soon had found yourselves at Spear Pillar with the Red Chain in his possession. One look at you reminder him of his certainty as he forced forth both the legendary pokemon of Sinnoh.
☄️ When the dust had settled and Cyrus vanished into the Distortion World, you felt empty. Perhaps even emptier than he claimed to be. Cynthia had spoken to you afterward, attempting to find out more about what Cyrus was doing. She had told you he had chosen to stay in the dimension. You begged her to let you join him, but she simply refused, promising to help you in any way she could. Then, to even more of your upset, one of his commanders decided to make themselves boss of Team Galactic. You quickly quit, uninterested in anything else but Cyrus and his goals. Somehow, you would find your way to him and help him finish the world you both desired.
🪨 The Magma Leader had many supporters. His belief in bettering humanity by providing more land for resources was something noble. Scientists and trainers easily rallied under him as they worked tirelessly in the goal of awakening the super-ancient pokemon Groudon to do their bidding. You, as his partner, were naturally involved in his work. One of his admins, you helped him as he moved along the region to investigate possible leads. Your position was certainly high there, but not overly so as to be unfair to others.
🪨 Maxie was not at all shy about his plans. He and Archie breaking apart from how passionate and dedicated he was to them, even. You had likely heard them before most people had due to your closeness. It was hard to disagree with him. More land did seem like a reasonable way to solve numerous crises that would arise if they had not already. His confidence in his plans easily convinced you, too, alongside just wanting to support him.
🪨 His dedication and planning were something admirable in your eyes. The way he led Team Magma as a firm and capable leader was mostly what led you to support him, outside of finding his concerns about the bettering of humanity something noble. Maxie felt at ease to have your full support, especially when you voiced your utmost trust in him. He hated to consider the possibility of you turning against him and, yet it was something that crossed his mind many times before speaking with you about his plans.
🪨 It was often you aided in whatever research you could to figure out a way to awaken the legendary pokemon from its slumber. Many missions were worked with you at his side for ease of communication and improvisation where it may be required. Your unyielding support bolstered his confidence. It was not long until the Red Orb was in Team Magma's possession alongside a stolen submarine. Soon, he would depart to the seafloor to awaken the slumbering beast for his bidding. Your praises lauded him even deeper into his convictions.
🪨 With everything that followed revolving around Groudon's awakening and the endless drought it brought, you felt confused. Tabitha's subsequent demands and panic about the readings made you horrified at what you had helped bring about. Maxie himself in terror at the idea of mass extinction. When a child had to fix the horrible situation your team had done, there was more salt in your wounds. It was hard to accept all that had happened, but you were forced to. Maxie's goals subsequently shifted to something more reasonable as he changed the direction of Team Magma after it all ended. You remained at his side, still eager to nurture the better side of his ambitions.
💧 Archie had a lot of people on his side. His charisma and genuineness, easily attracting many to his side and believing in his plans of awakening Kyogre to solve the problem that was causing him distress. It was almost impossible for him not have you involved in Team Aqua in some way. Even if you did not have an official title, being the leader's partner held enough authority in general. You did, however, being an admin like Shelly and Matt were. There was certainly some favouritism towards you, but not enough to really warrant any bad feelings among the members. Everyone did know to be respectful to you, though.
💧 The Aqua Leader had told you about his plans before he even had a firm grasp on his end goal. His worries about the ocean growing polluted and uninhabitable for the pokemon alongside just wishing to aid the creatures was something that came from a genuinely kind place. It ended up driving apart he and Maxie, so he leaned more on to you. His plans became solidified and seemingly reasonable enough. Kyogre would turn this world back to a pure state, something obviously needed. It was hard to tell him 'no', too. His smile far too convincing.
💧 Archie was pure hearted in his intentions. You felt it entirely. He hated how humanity had become apathetic to their own effects on this planet and wished to put an end to it to protect nature and pokemon. A certain sadness in his eyes reflected out the turmoil he felt from seeing cruelty that obviously haunted him. There was belief in you that it was kindness that drove him to, what must have seemed to an outsider, such extreme measures. Archie was comforted by the fact you understood his wishes truly, that he had so much support from you and his entire team.
💧 You were by his side through the thick and thin of his missions, aiding him where and when Matt and Shelly could not. Helping with the research into Kyogre late into the nights. Archie could not believe how lucky he was to have you as his partner. The solution of the Blue Orb was soon in your hands, and plans of securing a submarine brewing in the team's plans. He squeezed you into a tight hug as he thanked you endlessly for your support through of all of this. It would not be long until Kyogre's power purified this world.
💧 When the downpour began and Shelly panicked, you knew something was horribly wrong. When Archie re-emerged and was told of the imminent world flooding. All of you felt terrified about what had been unleashed. When a child somehow came to the world's rescue, you could watch the cogs turning in the Aqua Leader's head. After the storm died down and Kyogre was calmed, you could watch as he stood firm and took accountability for his actions. You felt your own responsibility, too, having so thoughtlessly supporting him. The restructuring of Team Aqua's purpose had your full support, and Archie shifting gears for his goals. Now, you felt more aware to call him out, too.
#pokemon x reader#lysandre x reader#cyrus x reader#maxie x reader#archie x reader#pokemon lysandre x reader#pokemon cyrus x reader#pokemon maxie x reader#pokemon archie x reader#lysandre/reader#cyrus/reader#maxie/reader#archie/reader#pokemon/reader
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Happy birthday. 🤍

Haayi cayang!
Aku tau aku bukan orang yang WOA, tapi izinin aku kali ini ngomong panjang lebar se tahun sekali iaa!
(Maaf agak cringe) jadi please jangan di ketawain ya. u____u
Happy birthday Jeyemiah! Favorite man in the world, today is your day! Your happiest day ever today you're one year older, may happiness bloom in your heart all year long, may ur every wish come true, thank you for being a part of my life. 🤍
Thank you for always being my source of happiness, thank you for your hard work, thank you for always share a positive words and Smile to people around you. I hope your special day will surrounded by happiness, blessed with love!
Eum banyak yang mau aku ketik, banyak yang mau aku bilang tapi aku ringkas ya cayang. (Takut kamu pucing baca na)
Jujur kalo di tanya awal kenal kamu, kamu bukan tipe aku banget HEHE suka sama kamu sampe se suka ini bener bener unexpected banget. Tapi aku ga bohong for the first time aku se suka ini sama oran, maaf lebay tapi ini emang beneran.
Makin lama kenal kamu, aku makin kenal kamu aku suka kamu. How soft-spoken you are, ya kadang aku mikir kamu galak karena kamu kalo marah cuma diem sekali nya ngomong kaya serem aja gitu, sampe sekarang aku ga berani sama kamu. 😣
Di ke aneh an aku kamu tetep keep calm, tapi kamu ga pernah buat aku ngerasa aneh karena heboh sendirian. Di saat aku marah, kesel, badmood kamu selalu tenang nge hadepin aku (walaupun kadang sibuk) Timaci yaaa. 🥺
Aku selalu suka kamu yang bilang aku cantik, aku suka di puji kamu *pingcan* kamu juga selalu perduli tentang hal hal kecil yang bahkan aku sendiri aja ga inget, mungkin menurut kamu biasa aja tapi buat aku, it means a looooooot!
Kamu yang selalu berusaha buat kabarin aku walaupun tenaga kamu sisa sedikit kata nya *rolling eyes* makasih ya selalu mau berusaha buat aku hhhh! Kadang juga begadang buat nemenin aku badmood eum. 🥺
Walaupun kamu ga terlalu sering mau cerita atau terbuka sama aku, tapi belakangan ini kadang kamu cerita heum. Makasih ya udah mau berusaha percaya sama aku iaaa! Aku pasti kalo chat sama kamu pasti selalu senyum gini 😁 di balik HP aku.
Am. So. In. Love. With. You. I am in love with the way you take care for me. I'm in love with the way you talk to me. I'm in love with the way you always call me "sayang" at the end of every sentence. I'm in love with the way you say my name. I'm in love with the way you hold me. I'm in love with the way you kiss me. I'm in love with the way you just know how to melt my heart. I'm in love with how much you talk when you're with me. I'm in love with the way you can be so authentically cute and charming when you're with me. I'm even in love with the way you make me mad. I'm in love when you're with me.
I'm in love with the way you love me.
Loving you is calm. Loving you is refreshing. Being loved by you feels like having all my prayers answered.
I know this whole thing's not gonna be easy, I know that there will be times when we argue, and there will be times where we feel like the whole world is against us, but here I am willing to hold your hand through it all.
(Maaf agak alay iaa) tapi aku serius, maaf juga kadang aku suka banyak mau nya, banyak ngeluh nya! Tapi kamu selalu buka tangan kamu buat meluk aku t_____t

Aku tau aku ga pernah ngasih gombalan bahkan ga bisa karena ga ngerti tapi arti Ayat alkitab ini bener an menggambar kan aku betapa bersyukur nya aku bisa ketemu kamu, aku ga nyesel nge DM kamu duluan aku ga nyesel nge iya in kamu duluan.
Aku makasih karena kamu udah ada di dunia ini, makasih bunda udah buat Jeyemiah ada dicini! Terimakasih atas waktu yang kamu kasih selama ini ke aku, aku bisa lewatin hari hari yang aku anggap berat jadi lebih sedikit ringan karena kamu.
And once again Happy birthday, Jeyemiah.
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✍ - a memory of their mother
The second Blake heard a scream from their mother erupting from outside their bedroom window, they practically leapt out of their desk chair with a running start and sprinted through the house.
Pokéball already clutched in hand, they burst through the door in a fight-ready stance and disheveled hair. “What is it?! What’s going on?!”
“Blake!” Their mother, Camryn, cried out, scrambling up the porch steps to cower behind them. “This- this THING just dropped out of the sky, make it go away!”
“What thi-” Blake’s question was answered before they could even finish it when they looked up, greeted by the looming figure of a ginormous red and black bird with curving, knife-sharp horns.
“…Oh! Yveltal!”
Their mother’s face changed from horror to bewilderment as Blake ran down the steps to greet the monstrous creature with an ear-to-ear smile. Yveltal replied with a similar reaction, her white pupils dilating as she lowered her head down to their height.
“Hey, girl!” Blake chuckled, cupping the beast’s face in their hands and rubbing their face against hers lovingly. “What are you doing here?! You flew all the way from Kalos to see me?”
Yveltal chirped, a surprisingly soft and sweet sound coming from a creature so menacing. Tucking her wings closer to her side, she lowered herself to the ground more to let Blake reach her the back of her neck and scratch it.
"I- Wh- How-" Their mother stumbled over her words, utterly dumbfounded by the scene before her.
"Oh!" Blake suddenly backed away from the giant bird, realizing they should probably introduce the deity before their mom fainted right there on the steps. "Mom, this is Yveltal! She's a uh, friend I made in Kalos!"
"Um, I wouldn't pet her though," They added sheepishly. "If you do it might like- uh, hurt. It's fine if I do, but- yeah."
Their words barely registered in Camryn's head. She just continued to stand and gawk there, mouth agape as her eyes flicked between her child and the godly Pokemon she'd only heard about in legends right beside them.
"You remember how I said Auberi and I rescued a Legendary Pokemon from Team Flare a while back?" Blake continued babbling on like this was just another Tuesday for them, as Yveltal began began to preen their hair with her beak like they were a baby bird. "Yveltal was that Pokemon we saved! I caught her but I let her stay in Kalos, but I guess she decided to come visit today!"
Just as they finished that sentence, Yveltal backed up and hovered her head over the cobblestone path as she abruptly began hacking. Blake gave her a concerned eyebrow raise, that was quickly swapped out for a face of disgust as a cluster of what looked like fur and bones slid out from the Legendary's mouth. Once it plopped at her trainer's feet with a gross squelch, Yveltal sat back up and crooned innocently.
"Ohh, I guess she brought gifts too..." They mumbled, awkwardly sliding the pile off to the side with their boot.
The pungent smell of rot and saliva swiftly consumed the air, forcing Camryn to wince back and pinch her nostrils shut. As she did, she caught a glimpse of the flowers she'd planted alongside the path- only to find the once colorful blooms wilting under the shade of the Pokemon's tail.
"My garden!" She cried out, shocked at the sight of several years of hard work withering away in an instant.
"Oh shit-" Blake cursed, wrapping their arms around the Legendary's neck and gently leading her a few paces back from the house. As Yveltal followed, she left a trail of dead grass wherever she stepped. "Okay, um, sorry- I'm just gonna- I'm just gonna bring her somewhere else! I'll be right back!"
Without another word, they clambered onto Yveltal's back, and with a mighty flap of her wings the goddess of death lifted into the skies. Camryn watched as the Pokemon carried her kid over to an isolated hilltop in the distance, where Blake dismounted and continued conversing with the deity.
With a deep sigh, Camryn shook her head and rubbed her temple with her middle and index finger, the events of the last minute or so still struggling to catch up with her. "What the hell am I gonna do with that kid?"
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Hemerocallis genus
Image by William Curtis, from The Botanist Magazine, 1788
History and Etymology: Daylilies are native to parts of Asia, and have been selectively cultivated and bred for centuries. There are special species that are edible, others that are poisonous, and some species that were bred purely for color. It's name comes from the Greek goddess of the day, Hemera, and the Greek word "kalos", meaning "beautiful".
Flower Symbolism: Most commonly being yellow, daylilies are somewhat associated with the sun and happiness. Another listed meaning I've found is "Chinese emblem of the mother", which I find interesting.
Fun Facts:
The edible species of daylily are often seen in Asian cuisines as snacks, and in many dishes.
There was a daylily cultivar named Pauline Henry, who registered over 400 types of daylilies with the American Hemerocallis Society. The types of daylilies attributed to her are called Siloam daylilies.
A flower on a daylily only blooms for one day! However, each plant can produce many buds.
Sources Below
Image: Botanical Magazine, William Curtis History and Etymology: Daylily Wikipedia Fun Facts: Daylily Wikipedia, Almanac Website, Siloam Daylilies Wiki
#daylily#Hemerocallis#Hemerocallis nana#hilumbarren#academia#etymology#flowers#flower language#flower symbolism#history#light academia#cottagecore#yellow#yellow flower#yellow flowers
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What a beautiful houndoom! Are they a cross? I’ve never seen houndoom with such a light and fluffy coat.
Ah, yes actually. Delirium has quite a bit of Glacial ninetales in her ancestry. It is not a cross that I would recommend to most for many reasons, among which is the likelihood of lethality in 50/50 crosses. While unlikely, ice/fire type offspring rarely make it to adulthood, and those that do may have lasting physical disabilities.
This cross is utilized by some however for specific traits, Loyalty to one particular person, lifespan, quiet, focus and observational skills. They tend to be much more standoffish than their wild counterparts and hold no love for groups or pack dynamics. Delirium I believe would rather if she never saw another canine again, but she has been trained to be quite patient, all things considered.
She is also showing quite an affinity for colder environments, despite her lack of an ice type. She's retained the thick double coat of her ninetales heritage, and her several tails while fur covered retain the dexterity of her houndoom side. She is an interesting creature, and it seems that despite my hesitations I have little choice in the decision of who that loyalty attaches itself to.
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{° Video File Attached: Lumiose City, Kalos; 02:24 °}
The video begins focused on Amy, who sits at a desk muttering softly to themself. The laptop in front of them glows softly, illuminating the small area around them that the tiny lamp doesn’t cover. There are a few curses in Johtonian(?) scattered about as they flip through some paperwork.
“Amy. I didn’t invite you over to do more work. Please, just at least lay down with me?” Jaycé’s tired voice mumbles out. Either they don’t hear them, or they actively choose to ignore them, but Amy doesn’t look away from their work.
“Amy.” Jaycé calls out again. When this elicits no response, they sigh and shuffle into frame, a large blanket wrapped around them. “Ririsu, please take a break.” They reach a hand out and gently rest it on Amy’s shoulder. He jumps slightly at the touch and looks back at Jaycé. His expression is worn, with deep circles under their eyes and a heaviness about their demeanor.
“Tenmei- I’ll join in just a minute. I have one more thing I need to write up.” Amy tiredly sighs, before turning back to face the laptop again.
“When have you last saved your,” Jaycé begins, leaning over to look at the document before them, “Blank document… Ririsu…” They sigh and lean over, reaching for the laptop and quickly shutting it. They hold their hand there, keeping it closed. Amy jumps in response and lets out a small noise of disdain.
“Jaycé!” They’re quick to yelp out, hands flying to try and pry Jaycé’s off the laptop.
“Mhm?” Jaycé hums in response as they wrap their other arm around Amy. They begin to step backwards, pulling chair and them backwards, much to Amy’s chagrin. When Amy’s away enough from the laptop, they lift their hand off of it and then release their grasp on Amy to kneel between them and the desk. They rest their head on Amy’s lap and look up at them with a plea.
“Ririsu, please please please just, at least take a break with me?” There’s a low whine, just barely picked up by the camera, that slips from Jaycé after they speak. Amy sighs and runs a hand through Jaycé’s hair, then smiles tiredly.
“Okay, Tenmei. A small break.” Amy’s hand runs through Jaycé’s hair and trails down along their jaw before pushing himself back. Jaycé grins and gets up, wrapping their arms and the blanket around Amy before both disappear out of frame.
{° End Video File °}
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Terapagos, the Ultimate Weapon, and a 9am Crack Theory.
hi pokémon tumblr community. i need to know if this is something or if i've just absolutely gone insane. I wrote this at 9am after consuming nothing but coffee so it's a real possibility.
may i present my case:
See this thing? The Ultimate Weapon from Pokémon XY. Weird material for it to be made out of! I wonder if we'll see anything like it again -- a white, crystalline material -- perhaps in a nearby region--
Oh. Huh!
Well that's weird! Could just be a similar asset, though. Gamefreak and Pokémon aren't known for their forward thinking, so, alright.
But hang on. Wasn't there something that Xerosic said, after you push the button, and watch the Weapon open up?
Xerosic: “Did you see? The ultimate weapon is reborn! The poisonous flower has bloomed!”
Y'know that's a funny thing to say because in Scarlet and Violet, I just feel like there was a Pokémon, tied to the Terastal Phenomenon and Area Zero, that also happened to look like a poisonous flower. What an oddly specific thing to say-
“…It can latch onto walls to disguise itself as a plant. Should Glimmora sense danger, it will open all its petals to unleash a beam attack in retaliation. Glimmora's petals are filled with crystallized poison.” ( Bulbapedia, Glimmora Biology )
But how could AZ possibly get his hands on crystals, from the bottom of a crater no one was able to reach until the 19th century?
Oh buddy boy do I have something for you.
Terapago’s dex entry says that it used to be quite plentiful before tectonic plate shifts. While this was even before AZ’s time ( shocker, i know ) – this means that more existed around Paldea before they went “extinct” – and could have even extended out into the neighboring landmass that is Kalos! You think those little guys cared about BORDERS? HELL NO.
“Terapagos inhabited the Paldea region in a bygone era. It was thought that this species went extinct, with it said to have been caught up in seismic shifts that occurred about 2,000,000 years ago.” ( Bulbapedia, Terapagos Biology )
Kalos and Paldea aren't that far from each other, if we're going off of real world France and Iberian Peninsula.
SO THIS MEANS: If there were Tera Crystals still in the ground from past Terapagos(es?) inhabiting what would become Kalos, their natural habitat extending Beyond Paldea--
AZ could've used Tera Crystals to build the Weapon, explaining the similarities in crystals and all the funny little coincidences.
( Also it would tie 'Pagos to Mega Evos and Deoxys, as if the little fucker needs to cause more shenanigans )
Anyway. Idk if this is even anything but take it for what it's worth lmao. I had fun with it.
#( abi writes things )#long post#pokemon scvi#pokemon violet#pokemon scarlet#pokemon xy#pokemon x#pokemon y#terapagos#trainer az#but hey that's just a theory#a GAME THEORY- ( shot )
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[File: It's a video. its title is simply the system assigning numbers to a file. Will you watch it?... excellent.]
[from this point the events occurring are non diegetic]
[now loading...]
Jack steps away from the Levincia airport, they take out his Rotom Phone and open the camera app, turning on the "selfie" camera, they look... tired and un-rested. Still, they walk to a less noisy part of the city and begin recording forcing a smile on their face, and yet it looks almost fully narural.
"Here we are in the city of Levincia! This is Jack Aranda starting his report on Paldean Shiny Pokémon and the Herba Mystica 'Sparkling Meal Power' capacity to attract encounters with Shiny Pokémon"
Jack pauses the recording and sighs, their tired face overcomes the smile, when was the last time they slept? ... some questions are better left unanswered. Moving to the center of the city, taking advantage of the currently empty arena, Jack takes out one of his pokéballs and quickly extends his hand into the sky.
"Use fly! ... please!"
The pokéball opens and blue energy is released into the air, the blue light swirls in the air and reconstructs into a charizard with a sparkling dark grey scale-coated skin, who immediately pulls Jack into its back and takes off.
"Towards the circular mountains, big guy, and be careful, it's a big fall from the crater's walls!"
Charcoal nodded and roared, its flame exploding into blue fire while speeding across Paldea, following wind currents to enter the crater with haste. Jack didn't miss the opportunity to keep recording as they flew through the skies of this region, from so high up you could almost see Kalos in the far far distance of the horizon, or maybe it was just a weird cloud formation.
"The Paldea region is blooming with a wonderful and wondrous energy known as Terastal Energy. It's been proposed by Professor Briar of the Blueberry Academy, as well as others before, that the bursts of Tera Energy has a direct impact on the flora and fauna of a region. The most noticeable one is the sparkling Pokémon found across Paldea!"
As if invoked by Jack's words, a small family of Dragonite dashed by on the current that Charcoal was riding. One of them had a glowing aura and almost crystalline skin, it was possible to see a reddish pink heart-shaped gemstone on its head.
"But what many don't immediately correlate is that the Phenomenon of Herba Mystica is, in essence, Floral, rather than Faunal, Teracrystalization. There are six currently known forms of Herba Mystica, five originate from Paldea; Spicy, Salty, Sour, Sweet, and Bitter H.M. One species was only discovered in the Blueberry Academy Terrarium!".
Jack murmurs to himself "though i doubt the Paldean authorities will ever be pleased by Briar's Terrarium Core replicating all of this over at BB." He clears his throat, and is about to continue when a Garchomp tackles Charcoal right as it flew around the ring of the crater. Jack and his Charizard fall towards the depths. Video 1 stops here.]
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I understand that Special Events are non-canon in The Eternal Blooming Flower. But say how would you let Glorious Masquerade play out in your What if?
I love the Glorious Masquerade event, but the way that the event would play out in my What-If goes like this:
The first thing that would happen in this universe is the fact that Soni would definitely look around the City of Flowers and go, "This feels very similar to old Kalosian architecture." Makes sense since the movie was based in Notre Dame, which takes place in France
Obviously, she does a little bit of research into the city before she goes there, mostly because she doesn't want to do a social faux pas in a place that really reminds her too much of Kalos. Either way, Soni looked at the city itself for half a second before she gets dressed in an ensemble that would definitely remind her of her more formal attire as the Grand Duchess of Kalos.
I like the idea of a mixture of dark blue and gold accents with black-purple being the main color of the outfit itself. I feel like Soni wouldn't get a mask (mostly because I can see her just taking it off and not putting it back one because she's not a huge fan of masks in general) and get something like a circlet instead (looks like Xerneas' horns with clear crystals on top of it).
Happiny gets taken along because Deuce can't bear to leave her alone for a few days, which means she gets her own little outfit! A small pink mask with little beads that look like Oval Stones and a small hat that allows her little ponytail to stick up. As much as I would love for Happiny to have a little scarf, it'll definitely drag behind her like a little cape.
I could have Sobble here as well as Morpeko, and they would be wearing something similar to what Azul and Ruggie wear respectively. Obviously, the first half of the day plays out similar to the event itself: invitation, gets shown around the city, and then meeting Rollo makes Soni just feel a little uncomfortable, especially when Rollo himself looked into the students themselves to the point of getting Azul's eye prescription because I'm sure that's looking into someone medical history and I'd be wondering why anyone would do that much and even lightly comments on Soni's lack of information in a roundabout way that set off alarm bells.
Rollo: "When making accommodations for all of you to enjoy yourselves to the fullest, I noticed that Miss Monet has made no additional requests beyond what was stated in the itinerary, despite being the sole magicless person of your group. Do you truly not have anything else to add that you may have forgotten to write down beforehand?"
And even when Soni says that she doesn't, Rollo says, "If anything comes to mind, I do not mind making time to discuss any details with you on anything you wish to say."
Soni finds it weird that he points out that she was magicless when most people outside of NRC didn't know that, but that itself could be chalked up to her shared student status with Grim as a two-in-one student. Also Grim might just say that Soni doesn't have magic from the get-go because "the Great Grim ain't a familiar!"
However, that last bit poked at her the most because it implied that Soni withheld information that she didn't want written down.
Which is exactly what she did, but for the reason of her privacy and safety because people looking into Soni would potentially use it against her. Not to mention, she listed any needed information (i.e. medical, emergency contact, etc.) and the like on the papers themselves, so it's not like she needed more than that for Rollo to see. To imply that she still had more to say when she didn't and that Rollo was subtly pushing for more information about Soni while disguising it as a gesture of goodwill makes Soni think of all the verbal maneuvering that she had to do as Grand Duchess with many businessmen doing the same.
When the dance in the city happens, I like to imagine that Soni is made to come along with the others, awkwardly following along to the steps with Grim just spinning around like he does in the rhythm game. Happiny is being danced with by Riddle and Deuce, bouncing around cheerfully in the process.
That's when Rollo appears with a specific look in his eye when he sees NRC using magic alongside the other magicians:
"When you first came here, magic was truly a baffling mysterious force as a magicless person, was it not?"
Soni looks at the guy, her tone neutral as it could be, "It was, but who am I to tell people on how to live their lives?"
"Does it not trouble you? With how dangerous it is?"
Soni shrugs, "I've dealt with worse."
Then comes the night where all the Crimson Flowers are basically everywhere. Students are falling over because their magic is being drained out of them.
Cue Rollo's big reveal, and suddenly Soni understands why he mentioned that. She very much dislikes the fact that everything looks like it is on fire.
When they all fall downwards, Soni releases Dior and Charlie, the former teleporting everyone within reaching distance to the ground and Charlie snatching as many people as possible.
If we want to do the non-Championship Team, Nimbus, being a large puffy cloud bird, basically released a whole lot of fluff from using Cotton Guard as a cushion. Honestly, the idea that everyone just falling from a huge height, only to flop onto a cloudy-like fluff without having to use any magic was very nice.
When the others have to deal with the Crimson Flowers and pull weeds, Happiny is very enthusiastic about it because Happiny picks wild flowers all the time, so this isn't very different from what she normally does.
Ruggie, yanking Crimson Flowers with dirt flying everywhere: "Put your backs into it!"
Epel veins popping out of his head: "I can pull these weeds faster than you can breathe!"
Happiny, literally pulls off an entire cluster of Crimson Flowers with her bare hands: "Hap Hap!" This is fun!
I imagine that Happiny's given chores in Heartslabyul, and one of them is weeding the garden. It certainly comes in handy now that there's a magic flower that's trying to take people's magic away.
Then comes the plan to storm the tower and ring the Bell of Salvation.
Obviously, everyone's got an entire plan, but Soni goes, "You're all forgetting that I've got no magic. Those flowers can't do anything to me. And from what I've observed, they don't effect Pokemon either."
And what they settled on was for Soni basically leading the charge with her Pokemon taking down as many of the Crimson Flowers as possible. Dior using Psychic to physically pull as many Crimson Flowers away as well as assisting any passerby in the process. Charlie obviously uses his Flamethrower to burn away the Crimson Flowers in larger areas and even provides aerial assistance with Epel when the Crimson Flowers try to capture them both.
And Happiny doing her best to weed as many of the flowers as possible. Obviously, she stays behind with Deuce when he gets hurt and basically starts ripping apart the flowers even more when they start trying to hurt him.
And while it would be more heroic for Soni and the others to try climb the tower like they did in the original game, they could just teleport up to the top with the help of Dior or fly up there with Nimbus and/or with Charlie.
And in the process of catching their breath from the few fights that they engaged with on the way to the top, they stumble into the private area where they find the diary of Rollo.
And of course, they still go up against Rollo in the process, covered in flames and all. Hearing Idia's speech is certainly one that Soni understands the core meaning, but it could've definitely been handled better.
Soni looks at Deuce when seeing Azul use Deuce's UM to punch Rollo: "You did what? When did you do that?"
Deuce: "Back in the main area..."
Soni: "I looked away for five minutes-"
Deuce gestures to his leg: "I wanted to hit him, and Azul offered!"
Soni: "And I would've done it for free. We are talking about this later when we aren't at risk of falling off a tower and being roasted alive."
Malleus dealing the final blow with his lightning magic left the thickest smell of ozone in the air with Soni's arm hairs standing up on end.
And skipping to the song that happens during the party, Soni has her time to dance with the others again, although she's not all that good with it. In the background, Happiny and the other Pokemon are equally enjoying their time together at the party.
Side Notes That I Couldn't Put In:
A comical Pokemon for Soni to bring along in this particular event is her Skiddo because one, it's a little goat and they would see such creatures around. Two, it can eat the Crimson Flowers as a free snack. I cannot confirm whether that the Crimson Flower is fit for Pokemon consumption.
Soni using Kalosian and basically finding little to no difference between French and Kalosian; funnily enough, I like to imagine that Soni manages to get better deals this way from people at stalls because she's getting souvenirs for the others (Ace would complain if he didn't get something; Soni bought him a mug that Milcery uses to sleep in).
And that's the general gist of the Glorious Masquerade event!
#ask#what if#glorious masquerade#pokemon x twisted wonderland#soni monet#rollo flamme#happiny#gardevoir#charizard#deuce spade
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"Being the chosen of mon Yveltal, often comes with the energy of a legendary, Not to mention je was revived by mon wife's Xerneas, So je could see why the energy toi feel is so familiar"
Corentin chuckles, he was getting off track.
"Been a chosen for about 27 years now, so the energy of mon Yveltal probably rubbed off on moi."
"ah, a long story tu es asking moi to tell." Corentin scratched the back of his neck, "Are toi sure about listening to moi story?"
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Any care advice for the Flabebe line? I recently caught a Floette of each color and have been letting them roam freely in my flower garden.
The floette line. The pride of Kalos.
General notes: A beautiful fairy type with a lovely nature, it is so beloved in its native home of Kalos that once only the rich and well connected nobles were permitted to keep it. While its certainly not the inciting cause of the subsequent revolution, it certainly didn't help...
General care: This line has a pretty delicate start. Flabebe are small and easily injured, and highly vulnerable without their flower.
Said flower is a vital part of their care. Though in a pinch, any flower will do, the entire line tends to prefer the Fairy flower (chromaanthens fatum). This flower is native to Kalos and has pretty demanding care requirements, as its adapted for very specific forest and glade conditions. The fairy flower has broad, lightweight flowers that catch the wind well and are fairly sturdy and long lasting. These flowers come in around five or so different colours, though they can all cross pollinate well. Flabebe have favourite colours just like people, and will seek out flowers they like.
The fairy flower requires a fair amount of shade, with low to moderate light levels. The soil should be moist, but not damp, and very slightly acidic. You're effectively trying to mimic a small clearing in a forest.
Fun fact: the fairy flower depends on this line to spread its pollen and seeds! Flabebe like to play with pollen and will gather more from other flowers if its one runs low.
Letting them roam freely is very good. This pokemon struggles with being cooped up, and really should be an outdoors pokemon unless its sick and needs its condition monitored. They have a strong connection with living plants, and fade if that is severed.
This line are nectar eaters at the start. Though they'll generally take care of their own feeding if allowed to roam free, during the winter setting up a feeder is a good idea. They tend to go to ground in winter, however. Though they don't truly hibernate, cold makes them drowsy, and they'll often nest in old logs and hollow trees during the worst of the cold, waking up only to grab a sip of nectar. If you have a dead tree or fallen log in your garden and you live in floette territory, you REALLY shouldn't get rid of it unless absolutely necessary.
Fill your garden with flowers. Not just the fairy flower but anything that can grow. In particular, leave as many dandelions growing as you can. When it comes to floette, these are NOT weeds, often being the first flower blooming in spring, and a vital food source. As well, the more flowers, the better the hiding spaces, particularly for newly hatched flabebe who are still learning to control their flower and defend themselves. If you like making things by hand, little wooden boxes can act as shelters for young flabebe.
Florges are larger, and need larger sources of food, being mainly fruit eaters, though they will tap certain trees for sap. Though they look meek and delicate, in their mouth is a rather nasty pair of teeth used mostly for scraping holes in tree bark.
The flowers growing around a florges neck are symbiotic, and allow this pokemon more freedom of exploration, with flowers always close at hand to draw strength from. While the floette in your garden will likely wander inside to explore your house, florges can stay much longer and even cope fairly well with cities. Having said that, if you do live in a city, taking her to the park often is good for her mental health.
This line is VERY smart, easily passing the mirror test. They're estimated to be as intelligent as a four year old child. As such, they'll need enrichment. Hanging toys from tree branches outside will keep them entertained for hours. You can also leave small items outside for them to investigate. And of course, as I mentioned, they'll often wander into your house for a nosy. They aren't strong enough to lift much, so they're not very destructive.
If you want to form a close relationship with one, be prepared to spend a lot of time in the garden. Once they get used to your presence, they'll come over to see what you're up to, and you can start befriending them from there.
Though they can tolerate pokeballs fairly well, as pokeballs simulate a good environment, they should only really be pokeballed if you're travelling somewhere.
Overall, this line tends towards being self sufficient. Though maintaining the garden they need to thrive is where you're going to be putting the bulk of your labours. And it likely won't be cheap. Care rating: Orange
Training: Being incredibly bright and quite friendly and curious, this pokemon takes well to battling. Flabebe are quite delicate, and should ideally start with training dummies, floette can be pretty sturdy when they have their flower.
These pokemon work fantastically alongside grass type pokemon, able to sync their energy up with their flower and share it with others. If you specialize in grass types, it may be worth looking into encouraging floette to visit your garden, in order to bring your battling to the next level.
(If you ever want to cause a fist fight among scientists, ask if this line is part grass type or not.)
Floette don't make good service pokemon. Though smart and sweet natured, they can't be taken away from their gardens for too long before becoming weak and easily distracted. Training rating: Green
Safety: Though the early stages offer little risk other than mild hayfever, florges can be LETHAL. Wild ones in particular are very territorial, and though they'll tolerate hikers walking through their territory, they have been known to severely injure and even kill people who have damaged their plants, even accidently. If you want to evolve one, make SURE you've formed a good bond with your floette and have trained her in commands such as "calm" and "leave it!". Even so, though you might be able to train her out of firing dangerous petal blizzards, remember those teeth she uses to tap trees for sap? Be mindful of those as well. Safety rating: Variable
Overall ranking: A sweet and beautiful fairy type. Though the later evolution can be a Lot, when given a beautiful garden to live in, you'll find them happy to stay. When their need for fresh air and warm sun is respected, the floette line blooms.
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