#bloomie petals
juniepops · 1 year
Hey. Let’s be deertaurs together
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saytrrose · 5 months
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im-s0rry · 5 months
Random Chapter Three Secret Boss Ideas I Threw Together For No Reason.
Hi Y'all! It's been a good bit since I've made a new secret boss. Actually, now that I think about it, it hasn't. The latest one was. . .MIKE-MAYHEM TWENTY-THREE DAYS AGO??? I must of lost track of time. In that case, why don't I show off a collection of designs based on some ideas I had, some theories I enjoy, and some horror movies that I find interesting.
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Up first we have Shioreta! Shioreta is my take on what I'd like to call Dragon Theory. It's basically just that the Secret Boss of Chapter Three will be the How To Draw Dragons Book and may explore the themes of Asriel's True Nature. For Shioreta's Design, I based it off of the description of the dragon, Susie, stereotypical Japanese school girl attire, and a bit of inspiration from Sailor Moon. My idea for her lore is that she was abandoned by Asriel and has become a bit of an psycho who desperately wants a friend. She lives in a singular grayscale room with filled with flowers and a cherry Blossom tree, the petals of which would be blood red.
The next design on the choppin' block is Mirrorscare! This design is based on the one and only Scream franchise and is based on the "faker" trope that I've seen quite a bit in Secret Boss circles. Mirrorscare pretends to be Asriel or Ralsei or one of the goat people and eventually tries to attack the Fun Gang. That is honestly all of the lore I have for them.
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And now we have the one and only RIPley! Listen, I freakin' love Evil Dead. It is stupid gorey fun that can get REALLY dark and messed up. My idea for RIPley came from the bouquet given to Toriel. I'd say that the flowers eventually wilted which gave rise to something sinister. . .something evil and dead. . .RIPley's design is based on flowey (specifically one of his creepy faces), Ash Williams, the Deadites, and their arm is suppost to be made of lost assets. I guess you could say that they were assets that died in production, ayy? AYY???
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Also, yes. They have the Necronomicon.
Finally for this batch of designs, we have an idea that was brought to my attention by my lovely friend Glitch! So, without further adieu, please welcome Saudade!
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Saudade is supposed to be an old family recording of a happy memory of the Dreemurr Family. This now acts as her hitlist, as she stalks the land searching to find the 4 Remaining. . . She's inspired by The Ring and all of the creepy VHS tape goodness that comes with it! Her fight would probably have her come out of a TV to fight the Fun Gang.
And that, my friends, wraps up this collection of designs. I hope you found at least a few of them enjoyable and that you had just as much fun as I did designin' these freaks. To be totally honest with y'all, Mari absolutely popped off with RIPley. I may never recover from how sick they were able to make that freak. If you made it this far, you my friend get to have some bonus content featuring Buddy Bloomy!
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Buddy Bloomy was made by @glitch-the-artist , who also gave me the idea for Saudade!
Have a wonderful day and I hope to see y'all some time in the future!
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boosari · 11 months
utopia - k.sy
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- utopia: an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.
pairings: soonyoung x reader
genre: fluff, angst, slight fantasy
warnings: parallel world (an imaginary place)
wk: 1,3k
summary: soonyoung and you are in a beautiful place, just like you dreamt of.
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When Soonyoung’s eyes open, he’s met with a very bright light, making him squint his eyes back shut. Slowly he would get used to it and finally lift his half stiff body. He feels something soft yet biting on his skin and when he looks around, he realizes that he was laying on fresh green grass.
The place looks surreal: along with the grass are some colorful flowers, all of them are bloomy and smell fruity. The sky is clear, in a soft baby blue color.
“Soonyoung! Here you are”. The voice makes him snap his head, looking towards the sound.
His eyes widened at the sight - it was you. Standing there and looking down at him, with a tilted head, the sides of your lips curved upwards, forming that beautiful smile of yours. He smiles as well and gets up, his body towering you.
You look around, your eyes are dreamy, sparkling. “Isn’t it beautiful? This place?” You mutter and bring your gaze up to his face again.
Soonyoung takes a look at the place once again before giving a short, obvious reply: “Yes, it really is''. He turns his head back to you, a puzzled expression setting up on his face. “But…Where are we?”, his hand - which was resting on his side -, lifts slightly to take yours into his.
Your smile fades a little and that makes Soonyoung’s confusion grow even more. You’re blank for a few minutes, before you smile again. “It’s our favorite place, Soonyoung. Come here, let me show you!”
The hold on his hand tightens and you start walking, guiding him through the unknown place. He’s confused, but he quickly shrugs it off, looking at the locks of your hair that are swaying each step.
It seemed like you knew this place as you walked confidently in the grass. It felt like a dream, both of you walking freely, totally in love. Soonyoung always dreamt of living with you, scattered somewhere, where no one could find you. And a house, big enough for you two and maybe even a family over time.
His thoughts are cut short when you stop your tracks and turn to him. “Soonyoung, look”, your hand raises, your finger pointing forward.
His gaze lifts looking at where your finger is pointing, and his eyes widen once again. A beautiful tree, hovering the both of you: a cherry blossom with its pinky flowers. Soonyoung feels a light breeze on his skin, making him get goosebumps.
The gentle wind waves the petals of those pink cherry blossoms. He smiles and looks down at you. “This sight is so pretty…” he slowly brings his hand on your cheek, caressing it softly, “Just like you”. His words make your cheeks heat up as you smile. 
It felt like a dream, like you both were floating, surrounded by love and the smell of flowers. Everything was perfect - too perfect. His eyes gazed at yours and the only thing you could see in them was adoration. Soonyoung adored you, in a way no one has before.
When Soonyoung breaks eye contact and glances behind you, he lets out a small gasp. “A waterfall”, he mutters, making you turn as well. “Oh!” you smile. “Let’s go?” you look at him, waiting for his reply.  Soonyoung simply nods, excitement filling his body.
You both ran towards the waterfall and when you reached there, the both of you were both speechless. If the cherry blossom looked pretty, this was indeed delightful.
Green surrounded the water as it quickly fell in the small forming lake, the water looked clean, like pristine.
You walk besides Soonyoung, going forward. He looks at you, both in admiration and panic. “Y/n?” He calls out, but you keep walking, allured by nature's beauty. “You’re not going to jump in the water, are you? It’s dangerous” He warns you, but you were hypnotized, as if all of the sounds were muffled. The only thing that would ring in your ears was the sound of the water.
You stop in front of the small lake and finally turn to look at your lover, who’s looking at you, panic visible on his face. “How about we take a bath? The water looks so nice…” You smile at him and he looks down.
“But, we will get wet. And we have no spare clothes”. You just keep smiling: “It’s okay, we will deal with it later. Now come here, let’s jump in together” You wave your hand, signaling him to come over. He lets out a little sigh and slowly walks towards you.
One of the particularities of you to which Soonyoung has fallen for is your braveness. You never had fear of trying new things, of discovering the world, of being curious. He loved how you would always suggest things to do, and he would always give in because of his extremely unavoidable love for you.
After taking your shoes off, you intertwine your fingers with his and look up at him. “Are you ready? I’m going to countdown from three” He turns his head and looks at you for a few seconds before nodding. You smile and take a deep breath in: “One, two…Three!”.
Soonyoung jumps, squinting his eyes. But he panics when he feels you releasing the hold on his hand while jumping.
Eventually, he lands in the water, floating in it. What makes him panic more, is the anxious feeling scattering through his chest. He feels empty, as if something is missing.
When his body is pushed upward by the water, he takes a deep breath and wipes his face quickly. Opening his eyes, he looks forward, expecting you, laughing at him for falling into your trap. Meanwhile, he’s met with the sight of no one.
You weren’t there. It was you who was missing. Soonyoung breathes slowly, thinking that it’s one of your torturing pranks again. “Y/N, enough joking! The water’s cold. It’s not fair, you should jump in too!” His tone is whiny. But when he hears no reply, the panic starts to rise again. “Y/n?” He’s now looking around, his brows arching. No reply.
That’s when he decides to get out of the water, his feet touching the ground once again. Too busy trying to find you, he doesn’t mind being barefoot. Soonyoung starts to walk around, calling out your name while checking all of the angles of the dreamy place he’s in.
You were nowhere to be found. He feels a sting on his heart, his breath getting heavier. Your prank was getting too much. “Y/n, please it’s not funny anymore. Just come out!” He yells, hoping desperately for a reply from you. Still nothing.
After what seemed like hours of walking around that seemingly endless grass, searching for you, Soonyoung stops his tracks. He’s still looking around, oblivious and afraid.
Where could you be? How could you disappear in such a short time? His mind is filled with thoughts and questions. The place was virtually infinite, it would be impossible to find you.
Soonyoung is filled with anxiety, his desperate voice is not calling you out anymore as he just keeps looking around miserably. Then, what comes to his mind is: going to the cherry blossom tree. “What a fool. How come I didn't think of it earlier?”. He makes up his mind and starts walking again.
Countless were the steps he took on that green grass, trying to find that tree. Finally, reaching a particularly fragrant, bright area, he looks up. There it is, the cherry blossom tree. Still with its beautiful pinky color. Some of the flowers were falling on the high grass, slowly, floating in the air.
But still, there was no sight of you.
Soonyoung starts to call out your name again, circling around the trunk of the tree. After a while, he loses hope. He feels himself consumed, his throat tightens and the tears he has held until now start to flaw down his round cheeks. His back is on the trunk, as he slides down, sitting on the soft yet biting grass.
That’s when he realizes that he’s trapped there alone, forever.
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a/n: I know, I know. I've been missing for a whole month...that's not great is it? School really consumed me we could say. I am so busy, that I don't even have the time to complete my regular routine and do regular things. I'm always on my books T^T. I apologise for my absence. My birthday was few days ago, so here's a gift to you from me. Stay safe!
networks: @k-labels
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bridgetswonderfulland · 3 months
"The Bloominess/The Pacifist."
Big Boy Boxing OC??? Hell yeah you got it right. Made this because my brain has been storming for days ago after discovering the game so I decided to make. This is known as The Bloominess.
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The Bloominess is one BIG OL robotic plant monster made by...someone else familiar(Not Hank) and it's one of the few biggest "boxers" of BBB Arena (beside ICK and Titantic 5000). It uses a big tail that wields a glove while showing one big sharp claws as a "extra punch", though it can even uses its "tongue" as a whip but don't worry, it's JUST soft fabric! The petals are metallic but fake, it spins around FURIOUSLY during the fight but when it spins in out-of-control moment then it loses its head! So...about the door you're curious, but you're right when you asked if The Bloominess is actually a robot plant monster made by The Pacifist!
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During the 2nd phase(I think?), The Bloominess would accidentally let the door plates opened by itself which it reveals that The Pacifist is the ONE who controls but it doesn't let her guard down this time! Hence why Pacifist is here in the first place, she's actually a Frankenstein-like daughter revived by Dr Brawn but he took a good care of her before and even taught her about boxing. The Pacifist uses the vines inside The Bloominess that it can controls the movements of the arms and the legs but we didn't know how on earth can she even do that. Our girl Pacifist won't do well in fights but The Bloominess will make sure she'll be inside of it(I'm not making a dumb vore joke, please don't ruin it with intentions.)
That's all for now! Dr Brawn selfship will be there soon on my coping blog!!
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sillyidol · 2 years
hi hi! the doll was wondering if the marionette could provide some name or pronoun suggestions relating to project sekai! she hopes the ghost has a wonderful day~!
~ di ★
NAMES 〜 ୨୧
idolette , melody , note , frill , frille , frillie , frillette , lacie , echo , echoette , lovette , heartsong , adorette , adora , adorie , lovelace , medley , amie , clem , hope , may , mei , mae , spring , petal , petalette , bloomie , mina , mira , miracle , mirette , emmie , elodie , ella , elle , fairie , pixie , bella , mellie , chime , lacelet , fleur
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bloomitea · 1 year
Green Butterfly Pea Flower Tea: Uses, Benefits, and Preparation
Green Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, also known as Blue Tea or Butterfly Pea Tea, has gained popularity as an herbal drink with numerous health benefits. Derived from the deep-blue colored petals of the Butterfly pea plant (Clitoria ternatea).
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Description and Uses:
The Butterfly pea flower is a vine or creeper that produces deep blue flowers with yellow markings. Some varieties of the plant also yield white flowers. The tea made from these flowers is famous for its striking blue color, which can turn into a pink-purple hue when mixed with lemon and honey due to the change in pH levels.
Dyes: Historically, the vibrant blue tint of the Butterfly pea flowers has been used as a natural dye for various items.
Culinary Uses: The plant is commonly used in Southeast Asian cuisines to add color to food items. It is a popular ingredient in dishes from Burmese and Thai cuisines.
Medicinal Uses: The Butterfly pea flower is a key component in Ayurvedic medicine. It is believed to possess anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-diabetic, anti-arthritic, anti-lipidemic, antioxidant, and wound-healing properties.
Health Benefits:
High Levels of Antioxidants: The blue color of the tea comes from anthocyanins, which are natural pigments and potent antioxidants. These antioxidants protect cells from oxidative stress, reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
Reduces High Blood Sugar: The anthocyanins in Butterfly pea flower tea may help manage high blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Promotes Heart Health: Studies suggest that the tea may improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. It may also prevent the formation of blood clots, further benefitting heart health.
Supports Healthy Skin: The tea contains vitamin C, which is crucial for wound healing. Its antioxidant properties protect the skin from oxidative stress, potentially slowing down skin aging.
To make Green Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, dried butterfly pea flowers are steeped in water. The tea can be enjoyed hot or cold. Adding acidic ingredients like lemon or lime can change the tea’s color, providing an element of novelty and surprise.
Cautions and Considerations:
While Butterfly pea flower tea has numerous health benefits, it’s essential to exercise caution. The seeds and roots of the Butterfly pea plant are known to be poisonous and may cause digestive issues like diarrhea and nausea.
Overall, Green Butterfly Pea Flower Tea offers a delightful and visually stunning experience while providing potential health benefits. Its versatility in usage, culinary applications, and health-promoting properties have made it a beloved herbal beverage in various cultures for centuries. To buy the best Green Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Visit us @ Bloomi Tea LLC
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coffeenuts · 3 years
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The inner flower 01 by chris.stringfellow55 https://flic.kr/p/2kTyaAw
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pastelle-petals · 5 years
🌧 How do you like to spend rainy days?
Well, rainy days are a very rare thing here! But on the rare occasion that we do have one, I like to sit in my room with my window open and just watch it hit the asphalt! Very lame, I know.
Thank you for the ask, Bloomy! I hope you stay this time :P
Ask me more!
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vicariousplacebo · 5 years
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spring again by EzyRider Source: http://bit.ly/2V2rwBy
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rh-naturestyles · 6 years
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#botanical #naturephotography #flowers_earth #nature #flower #total_flowers #bestflowerspics #best_moments_flower #top_favourite_flowers #lovely_flowergarden #floral_shots #petal #plants #bloomy #petals #florals #flowers #bloom #blooming #blooms #blossom #blooming_petals #world_bestflower #floral #nature_perfection #nature_brilliance #blumen #blüten #flower_super_pics #bloem https://www.instagram.com/p/BrrwZoWFKU7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e2etebvr1eac
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eda11y · 6 years
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Una Rosa by eli5poll3
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donalddelahaye · 7 years
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#nature : Blue Veins by Abd-Alhafez http://ift.tt/2DiTpcI
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mike13mt · 7 years
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Bright morning ... by FrankFelischak
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keikakudori · 3 years
"It's so dreary in here, can't ya make it nicer?" The whine faded away, Gin was distant for a brief moment as though muffled instead by a shift in power, a memory, a dream. The black abyss bled away, chased by warm candlelight -- off into the storming night, raindrops pattering, a cool breeze. Muken was the night sky off in the distance, star-less, moonless, and here? Here was home. Fresh ink upon paper, a stack of papers organized neatly, a newly scrawled signature; a late night made productive whilst they schemed -- and Gin yawned out. Shifted to sit himself across from Aizen, who sat no longer upon a throne but rather matching cushions, one for each. Steaming tea between them, placed neatly.
"That's better. I never liked when y'sulked, you're like a kid poutin' 'cause he didn't get what he wanted." A hum, and Gin helped himself to one of the two cups of tea between them. The one he lightly held was broken, hardly suitable to carry the beverage defying the odds against a marring crack, unhindered, wrong. It had a cherry blossom painted on it, but the petals were not the right color. Too red. Too much red.
"A valuable lesson, though, ain't it? That y'don't always get whatcha want..."
A flash of blue, those eyes, cutting -- a deathly glare, piercing, vivid. Red, too much red, it began spilling out from the pottery, dripping down that marred cup, pooling from upturned lips as though crimson his drink of choice rather than tea. Splattering its trail, it continued down a pale chest and kept staining, spreading, growing across white robes. It soaked the mat beneath Gin whilst he sat proper, eyes aglow, locked to Aizen's. The bloodied liquid pooled outward, seeping into the flooring, each crevice soaked, till it threatened to reach Aizen's seat, too. The winds outside howled, the doors rattled.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
The candle nearby went out, cloaking Aizen back into darkness.
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            ❝ is it dreary? i’m sorry, gin. ❞ he always prefers the rain, the thumping on it at the roof overhead. the rain is something he associates with pleasant memories. it’d been raining that night he’d made captain, after all. with warm sake and warmer hands offsetting the chill leaking in through the open shoji that allowed faint spits of mist to drift in over them. it was not uncommon for gin to drop by, to sometimes just opt to come back with him outright. no matter that he was captain of his own division now, aizen certainly wasn’t going to complain. no -- not like this.
            he always preferred these memories to others. did it change outside? a shift seemed to vibrate the world around them, a barely perceptible thing. it was nice, though, wasn’t it? his room was always nice, the air circulating, making that candlelight flicker. their nights together -- yes. when they schemed and talked, filling those lazy hours between work and sleep with one another’s company. sometimes gin would settle himself against his back, arms snaking past his head to reach down and try to interfere with the writing aizen was doing. if it was something personal, sometimes he allowed it and they would fall together, aizen seeking to punish between soft laughs. how gin always could make him laugh. but it didn’t seem that way tonight. it was comfortable -- wasn’t it comfortable?
            the tatami mats were made softer by those cushions, of how gin had fussed and he had neatened things, straightened them up and out. gin always fussed, sometimes, when he wasn’t getting enough attention. but he was turning now, turning to see him, taking in how he looked. beautiful -- always beautiful, when he had stolen one of his yukatas. in the way that he would wear it, the fabric draping differently. he knew if he tried, he could stretch his hands out, slide his palms up those legs, focus on them, on him -- that gin would coo in amusement, snark --
            the teacups. the teacups aren’t right. -- no. not right. the red shouldn’t be like that. it looks -- a blooming, a blossoming. red petals smearing underneath those fingertips, across the cup. when did it get cracked? he knows if he looks, he will see a crack elsewhere. upon gin’s chest, a fissure. no -- the tea cup isn’t supposed to be red like that, isn’t supposed to be seeping. not here. not now.
            ❝ a little kid--? me? ❞ it looked -- no. it was still broken. it isn’t supposed to be broken. not here. not like this. he thought he had fixed that. he wanted a quiet night. wanted to settle in with gin, get told to come sleep. they couldn’t do that if it was broken -- but it refused to unbreak. 
that y’don’t always get whatcha want--
            those eyes on him, bright, vibrant -- distorting -- changing. blood pouring onto the floor, the scene around them btoh seeming to change, to shimmer, his eyes never leaving those of the blood as the vermilion soaked into the tatami mats, his hand moving as if he is going to stop the flow of it, to dam it up. not like this. not tonight. not when it is them and rain and tea, something that he always used to enjoy the noise of. 
            the rain is thumping on the roof. it is thumping, harder, louder -- a growing noise, a roar, a thing of --
            his soul. is it his soul that is the rain? pouring down over the roof, weeping? no. he doesn’t want to remember. he doesn’t want to leave here but the blood is flowing, pouring from gin’s mouth, from his chest, he can see it and smell it, knows that his own hands are covered in it, that HE is covered in it. why would he not be covered in it? it’s only natural. didn’t you end me? didn’t you see fit to ruin it? us? but i ruined us first. i ruined us because of i am what i am. i am a monster, aren’t i? but you never shied away from me. you embraced me. cooed at me. i let you in. i let you close.
            the thumping is there, a pulsing race, a beating -- gin staring at him, eyes locked, his mouth opening, parting --
            his name. he has to say his name. he has to. before he goes, before he leaves-- 
            not again not again please gin not again -- i’m so sorry i’m sorry I’M SORRY--
            teeth in his neck, claws in his chest-- there, the eyes of blue, gazing down into his own, wrathful, furious -- but still he wanted to bare his chest, his neck, if only it would make him stay. IF ONLY IT WOULD MAKE HIM STAY. IF I LET YOU EAT MY HEART, HERE, NOW, WILL YOU STAY? WILL YOU BE CONTENT TO STAY IN ME? WITH ME? 
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                ❝ GIN--! ❞
            a howling in the dark, an echoing, a soul screaming and screaming and screaming -- he had to say his name. he had to say it he had to keep saying it it was his sin to remember it was his sin of hubris of pride of vanity of wrath -- he had to say his name. he had to. let them stopper his eyes, his ears. let them try closing his mouth. his soul would still scream. he would chew on that name until his tongue rotted and fell out. he would carry it inside himself, trying to use it to piece together where his soul had torn, where he had torn, he had not known he was tearing himself and yet he had he had-- 
what did i do to us?
if i don’t say his name, i will forget. i will forget. the color of your hair. the smell of your skin. your teeth in my neck. gin -- gin! come back to me, gin! please-- PLEASE-- 
                           sometimes they said you could hear the howling in muken. howling on and on, endlessly, without cease -- day and night. in the dark.
the screaming of a soul that would be ever eternal. ever remembering.
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bloomitea · 1 year
Exploring the Captivating World of Exquisite Tea Blends: Black Jasmine Chrysanthemum, Green Butterfly Pea Flower, and Black Osmanthus Orange
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1. Black Jasmine Chrysanthemum:
The Black Jasmine Chrysanthemum blend combines the distinct flavors of black tea, jasmine, and chrysanthemum flowers. This blend offers a harmonious balance of robust black tea notes with the delicate floral undertones of jasmine and chrysanthemum. The result is a captivating aroma and a smooth, comforting brew. The antioxidants found in black tea may provide various health benefits, including improved heart health and boosted immune system.
2. Green Butterfly Pea Flower:
The Green Butterfly Pea Flower tea blend is as visually stunning as it is delicious. Made from the vibrant blue petals of the butterfly pea flower, this blend transforms into a mesmerizing shade of purple when steeped in hot water. The flavor profile of this tea is subtly earthy and floral, making it a refreshing choice for tea lovers. Rich in antioxidants, butterfly pea flower tea is believed to promote healthy hair and skin, support digestion, and reduce stress.
3. Black Osmanthus Orange:
The Black Osmanthus Orange tea blend is a delightful combination of black tea, fragrant osmanthus flowers, and zesty orange peel. This blend offers a delightful fusion of bold black tea flavors, floral sweetness, and citrusy notes. The fragrance of osmanthus flowers adds an exquisite touch to the overall experience. Black tea, known for its potential benefits such as increased alertness and improved focus, makes this blend a great choice for those seeking an energizing cup of tea.
Brewing Techniques:
To fully enjoy the flavors and aromas of these tea blends, it’s essential to brew them correctly. Follow these simple steps for a perfect cup of tea:
1. Boil fresh, filtered water.
2. For Black Jasmine Chrysanthemum and Black Osmanthus Orange, steep the tea leaves in hot water for 3–5 minutes.
- For a stronger brew, you can increase the steeping time.
3. For Green Butterfly Pea Flower, steep the petals in hot water for 5–7 minutes.
- To enhance the color, you can add a few drops of lemon juice, which will turn the tea from blue to purple.
4. Strain the tea leaves or petals and pour the tea into your favorite teacup.
5. Enjoy the captivating aromas and flavors of these exquisite tea blends.
Tea has an enchanting ability to transport us to different realms of taste and aroma. The Black Jasmine Chrysanthemum, Green Butterfly Pea Flower, and Black Osmanthus Orange blends from Bloomi Tea offer a captivating experience for tea enthusiasts. Whether you prefer the robustness of black tea, the subtle earthiness of butterfly pea flower, or the floral and citrusy notes of osmanthus and orange, these blends are sure to delight your senses. By exploring the world of tea, we can discover new flavors, embrace wellness, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for this ancient and beloved beverage.
So, why not embark on a journey of flavor and aroma with these exquisite tea blends? Visit Bloomi Tea’s website at https://www.bloomitea.com/ to explore their extensive collection and elevate your tea-drinking experience to new heights. Cheers to the art of tea!
This blog post first published on https://bloomitea.blogspot.com/2023/07/exploring-captivating-world-of.html
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