#bloody elle musical
I've started reading Jealousy by @chinateacup recently. I should have done it sooner. It goes without saying as an Ishimondo fan I love it. It's holding my attention and reading doesn't usually do that so that speaks to the quality of it.
SPOILERS and implied SPOILERS beyond this point, both for the Danganronpa fanfic Jealousy and the musical Bloody Elle.
I have made this post because the whole thing reminds me of a musical called Bloody Elle. It's about a woman getting a crush on the new girl at her workplace and slowly realising that she is gay. It's available on Bandcamp but I can put songs here so I will because, if you like Jealousy, I may be able to provide you with some new songs for your favourite blorbo:
1)Stop the World:
This reminds me of Taka realising he's got a crush on Mondo. It has the lines "I don't know what I've been feeling but it hasn't gone away" and "what the f**k is happening?" to give you an idea of what the general idea of the song is. Makes me think of early Jealousy Taka as he's having realisations.
2)What Am I Feeling?
This one reminds me of Mondo's reaction to Taka and Aoi being touchy feely at the carnival and finding out they kissed. The entire thing takes place while the singing character (Elle) is stress smoking, and Mondo does smoke in Jealousy. The song has the lyric "When he grabbed her hand, I couldn't understand... And then he kissed her... F**king Hell." And "My heart just spat out my chest and I realize I'm shaking I'm a right f**king mess, don't know what to do with my hands." It's very Mondo but also slightly Taka, just to a lesser extent, mostly the urgency and quick rhythm and, as a fellow sensory buddy, this feels like when I'm overstimulated.
I don't know if Mondo realizes he's crushing on Taka don't spoil it please I'm only on chapter 5.
3) You and Me
Literally either of them. They are enamoured. They are in love. The song is great and cute. If your a fan of Mondo using slang there's some at the end. Basically they entire musical features it. Granted, it's British slang but it counts. "I think you're mint, I'd put your name in gold print, I'd buy you a car if I wasn't skint."
That's all I've associated with Jealousy for now. I may find more as I keep reading but if you want to listen to the whole album you can. It's all very ishimondo, it's just these are like direct parallels I've noticed. Just trying to my bit for my fellow Ishimondo lovers.
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teoriaespacial · 1 year
i was today years old when i found out que cuando dormis del club audiovisual era un cover de mbv
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franabz · 2 days
★ Band 141 AU !fem user (part 2)
(part 1)
Ghost wasn't very sure why he was suddenly so drawn to the absolutely bonnie young woman on stage, but something about her was like a moth to a flame to him in ways he couldn't really understand.
Maybe it wad the way she seemed absolutely terrified, practically hitching with every step she took on stage in front of rows of (mostly drunken) bar patrons. You'd almost feel sorry for how she was practically shaking like a leaf as the stage manager handed off her own mic and her eyes nervously darted over the crowds with a tremble in her knees.
The lead vocalist, Vixen, didn't seem as amused as the rest though. She subtly took a step back and nudged you with her elbow, snapping you a "Don't fuck up" look that made you swallow thickly. One by one each member of the band got to their respective places, then Vixen's voice pitched into the mic through the speakers. "Thank you all for having us here tonight!" She grinned widely, obviously thinking highly of herself in the moment.
"How 'bout tae brunette? She looks like'a bonnie lass." Soap commented, resting his forearms over the wooden table as he nodded towards one of the other female band members, the bassist stage named Robin. "We're lookin' for a vocalist, not 'nother bassist." Price sighed, taking another drag of his cigar before tapping it against an ashtray to take a sip of his whiskey. Gaz and Ghost were mostly silent, simply observing the potential candidates. At least Gaz seemed alive in his thoughts, his brows raised slightly in curiosity as the music finally began. Ghost however, ever the stone-faced man, was completely unreadable, per usual.
An upbeat and funky rhythm sounded through the speakers as each band member performed their parts with practiced ease, everyone giving it their all. Vixen's captivating alto voice being the main focus. You did your best to stay on-par with the rest of the band, yet remained significantly quieter. Ghost kept his eyes trained on you with laser focus, seemingly keeping a mental note of every flat, shaky note you managed to spew out like he was some sort of critic. "She's good." Gaz uttered quietly while resting his chin in his palm, subtly head bobbing to the beat. "Ah dinnae ken... Ye can barely even hear 'er over the blonde." Soap gestured a hand towards Vixen, watching as she was blatantly trying to steal the spotlight over the other band members, her voice considerably louder than the instruments. Price simply watched with a critical eye. You could practically hear the gears moving in his head.
Little by little you finally started breaking from that timid shell you were curled in and your true colors began to shine, your captivating soprano vocals mixing with Vixen's alto tone rather nicely, though it was obvious she was still trying to overpower you. Nonetheless you delivered with such soulful grace that rang out in the ears of patrons even after the song ended. Almost like a siren drawing in unsuspecting victims.
Though Price didn't say anything, it was obvious his face said it all. "I have to talk to her."
"Soprano and baritone? Not a bad combo." Gaz chipped in. "Wot's what mean?" Ghost finally spoke up, gruffly scowling as he tapped his foot against the wooden flooring below.
"Bloody 'ell, pipe down." Price grunted, waving away his smoke as well as waving away the chatter of the boys.
The rest of the performance the boys were relatively quiet, each going through their own inner turmoil. Well, everyone but Soap. He couldn't care less who joined as long as they were a decent person. As the band finally finished and the final notes rang in the air, the band roared in applause and cheers, some drunken bar-goers even going as far as to throw catcalls. As soon as the band finished and Vixen began addressing the audience while the others began loading off stage— "Be right back." Price put out his cigar and took one last swig of his drink before weaving his way through crowds with a small occasional "S'cuse me" or "Pardon me" just to get a chance to talk with you.
Sure she was as timid as a butterfly, but nothing some good practice and encouragement couldn't fix.
As Price disappeared into the crowd, Soap stood up to head back towards the bar to order some more drinks, leaving just Ghost and Gaz.
"So, what'd ya think, Si?" He smirked, his eyes flickering back up to meet Ghost's own gaze. Ghost stayed silent for a moment, avoiding Gaz's gaze slightly. He actually did enjoy the performance, though he would never admit that out loud. "T'was fine." He replied quietly, tapping a blunt fingernail against his empty glass. "Fine? That's all you can say? The girl gotta voice of siren. Bloody captivating."
He leaned back in his booth, the slight sound of denim rubbing against leather could be heard over the distant bar chatter. "Only the first band n' Price already has his eyes on a bird." Ghost subtly eye-rolled and met Gaz's brown eyes for a second, before drifting his gaze away as his eyes roamed over the crowds again, trying to find the girl Price went to talk to.
Meanwhile with Price, he managed to stop you in your tracks with his usual straight to the point charm, one that made you cock a brow subtly.
"Hey- I jus' wanted to say you hav'a lovely singin' voice, mate. A true talent." Price smiled respectfully, tucking a hand into his jeans pocket as his gaze stayed trained over you. "Ah... Thank you, sir." You replied with a small sheepish chuckle, idly fiddling with a loose string on the hem of your jeans at the compliment. Price could notice your unease and chuckled gruffly, finding it a bit amusing how sheepish you were. "Don' worry, lass. I don't bite." He reassured, a small amused huff escaping his lips. "Look, I won't sugarcoat this. I thin ya 'ave true potential, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in a little meeting, eh?" He pulled a small business card from his pocket and held it out for you between his rough fingers.
You glanced down at the card and could feel your face warming at the offer. "A business offer? Hell- I could barely hold a steady note..." You thought to yourself, before quickly snapping out of your stray thoughts and swallowed thickly, hesitantly reaching for the card. "We're currently lookin' for a secondary singer 'nd thought you'd fit in nicely. All of my details're on the card." Price added, handing the card off to you before folding his arms over his chest, watching your reaction.
You accepted the card in shaky hands, your eyes roaming over the "141" label in jagged fonts. "Right... I'll think about it." You muttered, before placing the card into your own pocket and looking back up at the man, exhaling deeply to release some nerves. "Thank you." You added quietly, shifting your weight from one foot to the other.
"F'course, lass. Hey, you have a true talent. We could use s'meone like you on our side." Price hummed, satisfaction crossing over his face at your acceptance.
You both respectfully bid farewells and went your separate ways, Price returning to the secluded booths and you being left to stand against the wall with your own thoughts. You couldn't lie, the offer was something that definitely caught your attention, but then again you were still technically in a band. Would they even notice if you left? You were barely even noticeable on stage anyways... Maybe if you—
"Y/N!" A familiar voice snapped you out of your inner turmoil, that of Vixen; better known as Crystal. "Where were you? We're packing up for the night." She sneered, placing her hands on her hips as she looked at you, almost silently judging you. "You're lucky you didn't completely blow it tonight. Everyone was too focused on me to care, anyways." Her comments definitely tugged at your gut, but you decided not to say anything about it.
"Right, sorry." You sighed, silently resenting Crystal for her constant jabs, though you couldn't say you didn't expect it. "Damn right you are. Now hurry up, Jayce is paying our tab." She stuck her nose up subtly, before turning on her heel to walk away. Your expression stiffened as she walked away, a small exhausted exhale leaving your lips.
You took one last look around the bar, your eyes falling over the booths where 141 was currently sitting, laughing it up and sharing drinks and smokes while other bands were loading on stage, before your eyes returned to the front of the bar where Crystal and the others were waiting. You patted the pocket that Price's business card was in and let out a controlled inhale, before slowly weaving through the crowds to get to them.
Though the thought of the offer hadn't left your mind yet.
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the-raging-tempest · 1 month
Thank you for the tag Dujour 💕 @dujour13
As you know I can’t pick favorites so I’m going to do them both. An excuse to post about songs in my frankly insufferably long playlists for them. This is such a long post that I will let the song and lyrics choices be unexplained. Unless people are truly curious haha
I’ll tag @aelyosos @bearvanhelsing @thesolemnhour @amatres @undyingembers
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following:
1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End credits song
1. Hey, Who Really Cares - Linda Perhacs
"Hey now, who really cares Hey, won't somebody listen Let me say what's been on my mind Can I bring it out to you I need someone to talk to And no one else would spare me the time"
2. People Are Strangers - Zella Day
"You're only alone for a little while So do what you can to sit back and smile They tell you that they'll never tell you a lie Put you in a spell to get you on their side They're trying to hide, but they're crossing the line And it's bad behavior"
3. Run Devil Run - Haunted Like Human
"Call her prophet, call her priestess, call her witch or patron saint But we know Jesus ain’t around no more and there’s people needing saved Don’t think God’s got any part of it, no holy books or ancient tongues There’s bottle of fire in her hand, and there’s fire in her lungs"
4. Closer - The Tiny, Elle-Kari
"Then you're close enough to lose Close to the point where you know that your mind It can not choose Close enough to lose Close enough to lose Your heart"
5. Simmer - Hayley Williams
"Control There's so many ways to give in Eyes closed Another way to make it to ten Oh, how to draw the line between wrath and mercy? Gotta simmer, simmer, simmer, simmer, simmer down"
6. You in a Place for a While by Yourself - Voice Coils
"Sometimes I find myself hearing verses from other songs Melodies I heard in a dream where your eyes turned white And I felt like loosening off of the centaurs in me And those songs sustained through our minds until we were silent Hooves heard by the drift outside"
1. Favoured Son - The Mechanisms
"I can pay your way If your part you’ll play In service to the family As my favoured son" Buy a life eternal with my (your) bloodied hands In service to the family as the favoured son"
2. Rex - Brutus II - The Buttress
"Mothers will kill their own daughters And friend will kill friend It's not cruel or loveless or hatred Cause even if it means I must erase you I do so for the good of the many of those who must remain so please forgive me!"
3. Heartless - The Weeknd
"'Cause I'm heartless And I'm back to my ways 'cause I'm heartless All this money and this pain got me heartless Low life for life 'cause I'm heartless Said I'm heartless Tryna be a better man but I'm heartless Never be a wedding plan for the heartless Low life for life 'cause I'm heartless"
4. Thank You for the Venom - My Chemical Romance
"You'll never make me leave I wear this on my sleeve Give me a reason to believe So give me all your poison And give me all your pills And give me all your hopeless hearts And make me ill You're running after something That you'll never kill If this is what you want Then fire at will"
5. SLAY!! - Paledusk, Hideyoshi
"SLAY!!SLAY!!SLAY!!SLAY!! I'm your slayer 茶割り飲み We're getting higher SLAY!!SLAY!! あんま気にせんや ニアサイド 飛び込んだコーナー"
6. Sick, Sick, Sick - Queens of the Stone Age
"First thing we succumb to Shall erase and undo Days are unreleased, if there's no release Please just let me do whatever fits you Make something, make someone Beg on a knee, baby, baby please Pout your bottom lip while cracking the whip You know what we want, it's candy to cum to"
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ureternalmajesty · 1 year
My Little Mermaid
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Retired Knight!John Price x mermaid!reader
Authors note: reader is black and will remain black unless said so. The crew is 141 but they left with price and are his crew.
“He left for the ocean, this boy from the land, his spirit soars northward, his heart in her hands.” — Michael Faudet
The ocean holds many wonders and the most beautiful creatures. Merfolk were one of the wonders and beautiful creatures.
The stories of mermaids we lost and were placed by new ones of them luring and killing humans and fishermen. Merfolk haven’t been seen in over eighteen years they’ve went into hiding or have been poached and killed for their scales.
Those are stories and rumors that were spread throughout the kingdom. But fact is what is true and known.
Waves rise and fell rocking the boat that was anchored in the middle of the ocean. A spot that this boat has been frequently sailed through and anchored.
The man aboard was given the boat and land close to the shore when he retired from his knighthood. The shadow the boat casted onto the waters made by the moon had the creatures below curious.
Swimming up to the boat using all your upper body strength to pull yourself into one of the lifeboats peek through the gaps of the boat to see a man and his crew.
Music floated through the air and feet stomped to the rhythm as others danced. “Alright that’s enough outta the lot of ya.” A masked man spoke calming the people that were singing and dancing.
“Aye but it’s the captains day Ghost.” One of the men slurred clearly drunk off his ass as he wrapped an arm around the masked man’s shoulder. The sound of boots made you look towards where the sound was coming. “Let ‘em be ghost bout to turn in anyways.” You looked over the man. He was burly in size his eyes were comforting as you gazed at them still peeking over sliding your tail over the lifeboat ready to jump back in the water if needed. He was handsome and kind toward his men.
Down to every feature on the man including his mutton chops and his voice made your heart flutter. The singing and dancing started again as the captain made his way over to where you were quickly diving into the water looking above at him now leaning over the rail with something poking out his mouth when your eyes caught something shiny. You peeked your head above water and to get a better look.
A necklace. “What is that?” You heard mumbled as you dove back under. Only catching a glimpse of the green and pink scales and tail splashing before being completely submerged in water.
Choosing to believe the it was the lack of sleep and alcohol that was now in his body the captain rubbed his eyes and turned in for the night mumbling curses.
“Bloody ‘ell now I’m fucking see things.”
Humans were always fascinating creatures they had so much incredible things. “Y/n! Wait!” You stopped and floated along side your sister. “We aren’t allowed above water and you went above surface.” S/n rambled.
You giggled and swam slowly ahead of them. “It’s fine s/n nothing happened. Those humans are nice. Especially the captain he treats the others kind.” You looked back at her and gave her a smile.
“Y/n don’t go falling in love now. We aren’t allowed to be above surface so don’t look for love in the above world.” She swam next to you giving you a comforting smile.
You nodded and swam away. ‘I’ll go back for that shiny thing…and maybe see him again.’
I don’t know what I’m doing with this but I’m making this a series and I hope it’s actually going where I hoped it would
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okameeznuts · 2 days
Introducing a self-insert fic! (EPIC FIC ANNOUNCEMENT!)
[Reading this with either Spamton or Caine's vocie]
(Says that dramatically)
THE WORLD WHERE I'M THE PROTAGONIST! WHERE I CAN INTERACT TO MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS! OH LOOK, I CAN SHOW YOU MY WONDERFUL CHARM! [This is a fic parody, because I watch and read fics that the protagonists are self-inserts and has itense charm]
Self-insert: Scyro -> Me
Scyro: "Please step on me!"
Sniper: "What the bloody 'ell mate!? Are ya masochistic!? Hell no I won't do that!"
Scyro: "Please, just one moment."
*Sniper scoffs and leaves Scyro away*
*Scyro kneels down*
Scyro: "Please please please! Humilate me! Torture me! Kill me!"
CBS: "Pfft, do ya have a death wish or sumthin'? Sadly, I won't do it for ya, I want my victims scream, not moan! I dislike masochists."
*Also leaves Scyro away*
*Scyro plays Sexbomb on full volume*
Sniper: "Turn that bloody speaker off! It's hurtin' my ears!"
*Beyond the Grave and Bunji leaves the room*
Sebastian Solace: "KILL YOUSE-"
*CBS and Juji throws their sharp weapons on the speaker, while Sebastian Solace shoots the speaker with his shotgun*
Scyro: "Aw ya guys don't like my music?" Scyro says in a sad tone.
All of them: "Of course!"
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ao3feed-narlie · 4 months
Collision Course
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/D7L1rIA by Iseewhatyourdoing Charlie Spring unexpectedly finds himself living back in his family home in his late 20s wondering where his life is going to go next when a dodgy music cable and an errant fox conspire to send him on a collision course with the new head of French at Truham. Nick Nelson, is single yet again approaching 30 when he finds an opportunity to return to the town of his early childhood. He's desperate to finally find that connection he's been seeking and thinks maybe he might just have located it in a pair of twinkling blue eyes. But will be demoted to the friend zone once more? This is a slow burn due to missed opportunities and misunderstandings and there's a lesson for Nick that sometimes it's worth more closely following Darcy's advice.   "He squeezed the wheel and looked in his rear view mirror. What he saw there made his heart skip a beat. A tall, somewhat ruddy faced man with shining auburn hair, large arms and a broad chest was climbing out of the small vehicle. He ran his fingers through his hair, as if this was some sort of bloody shampoo commercial, and then gripped lightly at the back of his neck before starting walking towards Charlie’s car." Words: 1769, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Isaac Henderson (Heartstopper), Elle Argent, Tao Xu, Darcy Olsson, Tara Jones, Benjamin "Ben" Hope, Victoria "Tori" Spring, Jane Spring Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Romantic Comedy, Light Angst, Sexual Tension, Male Homosexuality, Bisexual Male Character, Gay Sex, Mentions of Cancer read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/D7L1rIA
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catb-fics · 8 months
The Devil Next Door Part 2
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Words: 2.5k
No warnings for this part, things are getting tense though 😬
Story Masterlist Main Masterlist
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"Alright love? Good day at work? Oh, bloody 'ell, doesn't look like it judging by the look on yer face!"
It was becoming too regular to just be a coincidence. You'd come home from your shift at the hospital thoroughly exhausted wanting nothing more than to switch off from everything and submerge yourself in a bath of warm, fragrant bubbles, only to be met by him.
No matter what time of the day or night you returned he always seemed to be there, lingering like a bad smell on your shared driveway, cigarette in hand, propped up against the brickwork by his front door.
You were often too tired to make conversation after a shift, having had a full eight hours of tending to patients and dealing with their friends and family members. Sometimes you felt as much counsellor as nurse, a comforting shoulder to cry on or an unbiased source of advice, a calm and reasoned voice to placate angry or upset patients and their kin. It often drained you so thoroughly that you felt like you had nothing left to give. The last thing you needed was a sarcy comment or a mocking joke at your expense.
So you narrow your eyes as you approach, your nerves already bristling.
The arrival of your new neighbours a week ago had been bittersweet. Sweet because you'd become firm friends with Bondy who was a kind and gentle soul, bitter as Van had completely lived up to the first impression that he'd indelibly left on you.
"A full day's hard, honest work does tend to knacker you out actually Van," you state dryly as you step up to your front door. "Not that you'd know anything about that."
You almost wince as the cutting remark leaves your lips but you keep your head held high, enjoying the effect your perhaps slightly unfair comment is having on the man who's fast becoming the bane of your life. He's said worse to you after all over the past week.
He falters briefly, jaw going slack for a moment until he quickly recovers, that infuriating trademark smirk of his taking shape once again. "Oh that's right. Why don't you go and get yourself a proper job? That's it isn't it? Good one. Like I've not heard that one a million times before."
"Maybe you should try taking the advice then!" You reply with a faux-sweet smile meant to provoke and it does. Van immediately pushes himself off from the wall, flicking his cigarette butt to the floor as he steps closer. Your heart rate increases as you turn and plunge your hand into your bag to find your key.
This goading discourse has become like a game between the two of you, each one trying to incite the other to bite and lose their temper. Van infuriates you. He's loud, arrogant and brash with a fiery temper to match. A typical Leo.
You've told everyone who’ll listen about your new neighbour and how he’s making your life a misery. The loud music that’s a constant disturbance. The sarcastic comments that he fires at you over the garden fence. The parties that carry on until the early hours despite your complaints. He is, quite simply, the neighbour from hell.
You hate him. No... it’s more than hate. You despise him.
But that isn't all. Try as you might to deny it there's something else. Something that lurks beneath that cocky demeanour that makes your pulse race and your cheeks flush and your body feel hot all over. You can feel it now, that familiar spark ignite as he steps up behind you on your front doorstep.
"You know you could try being nice to me once in a while. You might be surprised at how nice I could be back to you."
And that's another thing. He doesn't seem to understand the concept of personal space and the boundaries that are normally applied. You keep your head down as you make a show of fumbling in your bag and you can feel his presence behind you, so close that he's almost butting up against you. Just that thought alone makes the spark inside you glow even hotter.
"Oh so the next time I politely ask you to keep the noise down you're going to listen to me and do it then?"
"But you don't ask politely do you Y/N?" He says, his voice tight. "'Shut that awful fucking racket up before I come round there and cut your guitar strings' doesn't count as being polite."
You bite back the grin that's threatening to surface as you picture the scene from two days before. You standing outside in your hospital scrubs pounding Van's door down after a particularly stressful night shift screaming those exact words. Him stumbling to the door obviously inebriated and distractingly shirtless brandishing his guitar. The war of words that had ensued, the fact that you'd prodded and provoked him that much that he'd snapped and practically pinned you up against the open door of his house, his angry panted breaths hot in your ear as he'd unleashed his fury on you.
You'd replayed that scene back many times in your head since then but with a very different outcome. In your version you hadn't shouted back and pushed past him, stalking back into your house. In your version he'd taken it even further, grasping your wrists and pushing them up against your head against the wood, pressing his slim hips against yours as those plush lips of his had attacked your neck.
Fuck... what's wrong with you? You don't want that. You fucking hate him.
"You're a fine one to talk about politeness," you scoff back, locating your key but not making a move to unlock your door. You're too busy enjoying his proximity, the way that you can imagine him pressing you into the door, his breath fanning hot on your neck.
"I can be perfectly polite actually... if people treat me with respect."
He enunciates the last word and that's the final straw. You whirl around, back flattened against the door, finally meeting his penetrating glare.
"Respect? Don't make me laugh! I'll respect you when you start showing me the same! You're so goddamn rude! I didn't ask for you to fucking move in next door did I?"
"Well I certainly didn't ask for it either!" He fires back, outstretching his arms. "But here I am. So why don't we at least try and get along huh? If you weren't so fucking uptight all the time then maybe we could actually have a civil conversation for once!"
And that's it. Your temper which has been simmering like the glowing embers of a lit fuse finally ignites. You have two choices. Carry on the argument which in your aggrieved state will no doubt culminate in you shouting like a crazy woman and then slapping him, or give in, be the bigger person and walk away. Fortunately for Van you're just so bloody exhausted after your shift that you haven't got the energy to fight. So you fix him with a glower, muttering 'fucking prick’ under your breath before you spin around and jam your key in the lock, nearly snapping it in half in the process.
"What did you just call me?" He hisses, both arms shooting out to brace on the doorframe, but you're already wrenching the door open and diving through, slamming it in his face. The last thing you see is those piercing blue eyes flashing at you in a way that makes your heart thud so hard it feels like it's trying to burst free from your chest.
Fuck him!
You're half expecting him to pound on the door or shout curses through your letterbox but he doesn't. You watch as his shadow behind the frosted glass grows more indistinct as he backs away, your breathing finally returning to normal as you turn to make your way into the kitchen for a much needed coffee.
Something's got to give. Every encounter with Van is just getting more and more heated, and you're fully aware that despite his annoying habits it's certainly not just him. He'd even tried to extend the proverbial olive branch a few days previously by inviting you to a gig but you'd shot him down immediately, telling him that he didn't play 'your sort of music'. That was actually a blatant lie. Bondy had given you a demo CD over the fence the day after they'd moved in, a few tracks that the lads had recorded in some studio back home with the other band members you were yet to meet. You couldn't deny the way the rousing guitar had you moving your hips and the way Van's raspy vocals and heart-felt lyrics sent a tingle of intrigue up your spine. In truth you'd love to hear more, but you wouldn't tell Van that. You wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction. That would be like he'd won.
Your foot caught on a piece of card that was lying on your hallway floor and it skidded across the laminate flooring. You bent to pick it up, only half concentrating as you lifted it to read the text.
It was probably junk mail... Why did you get so much junk mail anyway? It was so annoying, and such a waste of paper. Awful for the environment... Maybe you should put one of those signs up at your front door, asking the postman not to deliver any more to your house...
It was one of those Royal Mail cards. The sort that the postman slipped through your letterbox when you were out and therefore not able to take a delivery. The parcel usually got taken to the sorting office where it awaited collection. That - or a helpful neighbour might step in to take delivery of the parcel for you... A certain neighbour who didn't work usual hours and therefore was always around to do just that.
Next door...
You feel the fire rise up to your cheeks instantly as your mind focusses on the only thing you've recently ordered online which just happens to be some racy lingerie and a vibrator from a sex toy company. The thought that that particular parcel is currently sitting somewhere in Van and Bondy's house fills you with shame and embarrassment. Even worse the fact that you know you'll have to make a special journey round there to knock on the door and ask for it.
You can imagine the knowing smirk on Van's face as he hands it over. You can actually see in your mind's eye the salacious wink he'll no likely tip you as he makes some smutty comment which will definitely reduce you to a red-faced, stuttering mess.
Don't be ridiculous Y/N! Your mind reassures you. Companies like the one you ordered from don't just send out their products in a box branded with brazen promises to give you the 'most intense, earth-shattering orgasms you've ever experienced'.  Of course they're discreet, sending everything in plain packaging that ensures their customers' privacy. You're worrying about nothing. Van will likely think that you've just ordered some thoroughly boring household domestic product. Not a five vibration-mode pulsating life-like eight inch cock which you've been eagerly awaiting the delivery of since you'd placed the order a few days previously.
You'd never purchased a sex-toy before. To be honest you'd never ever felt the need, but you'd decided to take the plunge to see if it would sate the constant restless feeling that had been plaguing you of late. And it definitely didn't have anything to do with the arrival of your new neighbours. Not at all. Not one little bit.
You step into the kitchen, flicking on your coffee machine and grabbing a cup. All of a sudden the tiredness that's been afflicting you since you left work seems to have fallen away. You're on a strange kind of high, a simmering pulse between your legs that you try hard to ignore as you load a pod into the coffee machine to make a cappuccino.
The Royal Mail delivery card sits there on the work surface like a wicked temptation and your eyes keep flicking between it and your coffee cup. Back and forth, back and forth whilst you try to shake an image from your mind. The last one you'd seen of Van looming over you in your doorway. Lips pulled into a sneer, eyes blazing at you as he'd leaned in and demanded that you repeat your childish insult. Only now you're imagining him hovering over you instead, only this time he's taking his frustrations out on you with actions rather than words. Wrists secured firmly against the mattress whilst he thrusts into you hard and rough whilst you whimper and moan beneath him.
Stop it Y/N!
This is getting ridiculous. You've got to stop this unsavoury fantasy. You're just a little sex-deprived, having shunned the idea of having a boyfriend since you'd started your nursing job a year ago. And casual hook-ups certainly aren't your style.
You don't really fancy Van. He's just in your mind so often because you detest him, that's all. Somehow the hate and the passion have got mixed up in your tired, over-worked brain.
You reach over for your bag, dipping a hand inside and bringing out your phone, keying in a quick text to Bondy who will probably be only too delighted to deliver your parcel to you in exchange for a cup of tea and a natter in your kitchen.
Hiya, hope you're well! Think you've taken in a parcel for me. I'd come and get it myself but I've just had another run in with Van. Don't suppose you'd mind popping it round now would you? I've got the kettle on! Pretty please!
After a brief pause in which you fill your kettle and switch it on as promised you hear your phone vibrate so you snatch it up quickly, eagerly reading the reply.
Bondy: Hi love, I'm all good! I'd love to help you but I'm back in Newcastle for a few days visiting family. Looks like you'll have to kiss and make up with Van after all!
The message is followed up quickly by another.
Bondy: Tell him to stop being such an arse or give him a slap - that might work! Good luck! See you in a few days x
You groan aloud. A few days? You suppose you could wait but you really don't want to. You've spent a small fortune on your new purchase, and besides, the thought of it sitting there in Van's house is just driving you to distraction.
So you upend the contents of your coffee cup into your mouth, smooth down your work uniform and take a deep breath, heading down your hallway to your front door.
You can do this. Just ask for the parcel and leave straight away. Simple as that.
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legend-collection · 9 months
In European folklore and myth, the Erlking is a sinister elf who lingers in the woods. He stalks children who stay in the woods for too long, and kills them by a single touch.
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Pic by Sammycat17 on deviantart
The name "Erlking" is a name used in German Romanticism for the figure of a spirit or "king of the fairies". It is usually assumed that the name is a derivation from the ellekonge (older elverkonge, i.e. "Elf-king") in Danish folklore. The name is first used by Johann Gottfried Herder in his ballad "Erlkönigs Tochter" (1778), an adaptation of the Danish Hr. Oluf han rider (1739), and was taken up by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in his poem "Erlkönig" (1782), which was set to music by Schubert, among others. Goethe added a new meaning, as "Erl" does not mean "elf", but "black alder" - the poem about the Erlenkönig is set in the area of an alder quarry in the Saale valley in Thuringia. In English translations of Goethe's poem, the name is sometimes rendered as Erl-king.
According to Jacob Grimm, the term originates with a Scandinavian (Danish) word, ellekonge "king of the elves", or for a female spirit elverkongens datter "the elven king's daughter", who is responsible for ensnaring human beings to satisfy her desire, jealousy or lust for revenge. The New Oxford American Dictionary follows this explanation, describing the Erlking as "a bearded giant or goblin who lures little children to the land of death", mistranslated by Herder as Erlkönig in the late 18th century from ellerkonge. The correct German word would have been Elbkönig or Elbenkönig, afterwards used under the modified form of Elfenkönig by Christoph Martin Wieland in his 1780 poem Oberon.
Alternative suggestions have also been made; in 1836, Halling suggested a connection with a Turkic and Mongolian god of death or psychopomp, known as Erlik Chan.
Johann Gottfried von Herder introduced this character into German literature in "Erlkönigs Tochter", a ballad published in his 1778 volume Stimmen der Völker in Liedern. It was based on the Danish folk ballad "Hr. Oluf han rider" "Sir Oluf he rides" published in the 1739 Danske Kæmpeviser. Herder undertook a free translation where he translated the Danish elvermø ("elf maid") as Erlkönigs Tochter; according to Danish legend old burial mounds are the residence of the elverkonge, dialectically elle(r)konge, the latter has later been misunderstood in Denmark by some antiquarians as "alder king", cf Danish elletræ "alder tree". It has generally been assumed that the mistranslation was the result of error, but it has also been suggested (Herder does actually also refer to elves in his translation) that he was imaginatively trying to identify the malevolent sprite of the original tale with a woodland old man (hence the alder king).
The story portrays Sir Oluf riding to his marriage but being entranced by the music of the elves. An elf maiden, in Herder's translation the Elverkonge's daughter, appears and invites him to dance with her. He refuses and spurns her offers of gifts and gold. Angered, she strikes him and sends him on his way, deathly pale. The following morning, on the day of his wedding, his bride finds him lying dead under his scarlet cloak.
Although inspired by Herder's ballad, Goethe departed significantly from both Herder's rendering of the Erlking and the Scandinavian original. The antagonist in Goethe's "Der Erlkönig" is the Erlking himself rather than his daughter. The Erlkönig appears to a young boy in a feverish delirium - his father, however, identifies the apparition as a simple streak of fog. Goethe's Erlking differs in other ways as well: his version preys on children, rather than adults of the opposite sex, and the Erlking's motives are never made clear. Goethe's Erlking is much more akin to the Germanic portrayal of elves and valkyries – a force of death rather than simply a magical spirit.
In Angela Carter's short story "The Erl-King", contained within the 1979 collection The Bloody Chamber, the female protagonist encounters a male forest spirit. Though she becomes aware of his malicious intentions, she is torn between her desire for him and her desire for freedom. In the end, she forms a plan to kill him in order to escape his power.
Charles Kinbote, the narrator of Vladimir Nabokov's 1962 novel, Pale Fire, alludes to "alderkings". One allusion is in his commentary to line 275 of fellow character John Shade's eponymous poem. In the case of this commentary, the word invokes homosexual ancestors of the last king of Zembla, Kinbote's ostensible homeland. The novel contains at least one other reference by Kinbote to alderkings.
In Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files, there is a character called the Erlking, modeled after the leader of the Wild Hunt, Herne the Hunter.
In the author John Connolly's short story collection Nocturnes (2004), there is a character known as the Erlking who attempts to abduct the protagonist.
The New Yorker's "20 Under 40" issue of July 5, 2010 included the short story "The Erlking" by Sarah Shun-lien Bynum.
A version of the Erl-King is mentioned in Zoe Gilbert's Mischief Acts, implied to be a figure related to Herne the Hunter.
In Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher saga, the highest leader of the Folk of the Alder elves, Auberon Muircetach, is also known as the Alder King. In the story, he maintains thematic ties to kidnapping: the Wild Hunt, known for abducting humans, is subordinate to him, and he orchestrates the imprisonment of Cirilla.
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charmsandtealeaves · 8 months
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I managed more reading than I thought this week. I also dropped the first chapter of my latest WIP. So a chunk of my free time has been spent editing.
*Read List does not include @jilymicrofics
Read This Week*:
A Love Unbegotten by Clueless anxious ghost of hayhay (I don’t know why it won’t let me tag) Complete (600), Ladies of HP, Molly/Bellatrix, Rated T
Molly steps up to fight Bellatrix, only to fall apart when all is done and dusted.
Tears of a Gryffindor by @nena-96 Complete (2k), Ladies of HP, Molly Weasley, Rated G
Molly Weasley believes she’s not worthy of being a Gryffindor after the battle of Hogwarts. She doesn’t want to cry, but even the strongest Gryffindor’s cry.
Let me make it up to you by @kay-elle-cee
Complete (3.4K), Order! Jily, Canon Compliant, Rated E
Two weeks ago, James left for a mission in the middle of the night without saying a word. Now he's is back, and Lily's not so quick to forgive.
Noctambulate by @gryffindormischief
Complete (4.5k), Jily Meet Cute, Rated T
Prompt: I somehow took the wrong backpack/suitcase from the (knight) bus, and even if this person seems to have a good taste in (books/music/clothes/embarrassing toiletries;-) , i need to find them to get my own stuff back.
Pillar of Pride by @sunshinemarauder
Complete (3.5k) Jily, mutual pining, Rated G
James Potter is proud. This, she knows. She knows his pride like the back of her hand. She knows it from flying classes and Transfiguration successes and Quidditch games and pompous hair-ruffling. James Potter masquerades behind a pillar of pride, and to witness those pillars crumble is a precious rarity.
I bend like a willow thinking of you by @thequibblah
Complete (7.4K), jily in multiple AUs, Rated T
She wanted to shake him by the shoulders, to ask him point-blank why this seemed to be the only bloody universe in which he couldn’t see how she felt about him—and the only one in which he felt nothing beyond friendship for her.
Added to the ever-expanding TBR List:
Quest for Camelot by @petalsinwoodvale
WIP, Jily Quest for Camelot AU, Rated T
All Lily has ever wanted is to be a knight, like her father, Sir Lionel. After Camelot is attacked and the magical sword Excalibur is stolen, she finds herself teaming up with James, a young blind hermit, as they embark on a quest to find the lost sword. Together, they face the threat of the evil Ruber, navigate challenges with a two-headed dragon and an ogre, and discover that they're more alike than they initially thought. Will they manage to return the sword to Arthur in time, or will they lose not only each other but also their dreams and the precious Excalibur? Based on the 1998 movie Quest for Camelot, but more plot and less singing
^ I wanna watch the film first before I read.
A little to the left by @turanga4
Complete (777), Ladies of HP, Molly Weasley, Rated T
When the Death Eaters leave them, the men re-set the wards. A possible explanation for how, exactly, Molly Weasley née Prewett went from no fighting whatsoever to, um, killing the strongest Dark witch in Britain within 30 seconds of her first joining the fray.
Lioness by @midnightstargazer
Complete (1.3k), Ladies of HP, Molly Weasley, Rated T
Everyone expected Molly Prewett to end up in Hufflepuff, but the Sorting Hat had other ideas.
We won but at what cost? By Lucigoo89
Complete (1.3k), Ladies of HP, Molly Weasley, Rated T
Molly looks at her empty table, a table that should have been full with all 7 of her children (8 with Harry) but now it's empty. She has lost Fred to death, but she had lost her other children to the ravages of grief. So she sits at her empty table as she thinks about what they lost and wonders if it was worth it. If her boy was the price worth paying for "peace."
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beezonia · 9 months
Bend and Snap
| A little vague gabenath thing for you all! I have been listening to bend and snap on repeat and this came to my mind. |
| Little bit of a suggestive ending but that’s it really. |
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She’s had way to many drinks.
Yet she’s still insisting that she’s fine and will be able to brave the walk home when the festivities have died down.
Yeah right, Nathalie was going to regret this so much when she woke up.
But right now the least she could do was enjoy the downtime she had. Because sure as hell she wasn’t going to get another chance for a long time.
Vincent and Josephine sit with her along with some others Nathalie can’t remember the name of, their all enjoying each other’s company and chatting about random things.
Especially that one scene in Legally Blonde where Elle teaches Paulette to Bend and Snap.
The next thing Nathalie knows is Vincent has started to try egg her on to get up and try, knowing very well that his best friend would rather die then do it.
But Nathalie being Nathalie, and someone who wasn’t willing to back down from a challenge easily, with some liquid courage on her side decides to just let loose.
“Fine. I’ll do it but none of you are filming this.”
The cheers nearly deafen her, Josephine is wolf whistling, Vincent is slamming the table with the force of a bull.
Nathalie pulls her jeans up slightly, hoping that she’d feel less embarrassed afterwards. The woman registers the song from the musical playing in the background as she gets up.
Suddenly, Nathalie definitely resonates with Paulette’s statement of being afraid of cheerleaders.
So as the cheers get louder and she straightens her leg, bending forwards before instantly recoiling and snapping back up. Hands just below her breasts on either side.
The least Nathalie expected was her boss appearing out of nowhere.
“What the bloody hell is going on?!”
This was not what she needed or wanted right now, Gabriel Agreste watching her ace the Bend and Snap.
Nathalie knows she’s a blushing mess, instantly grabbing her coat and rushing off before it could get worse.
Although the rowdy cheers from her friends tell her that they know something she doesn’t.
Her head is pounding, and she’s sure she’ll need to be sick in a few moments.
Nathalie groans into the pillow beneath her head. Fucking Christ, she was not letting anyone ever convince her to drink that much again!
It’s then the woman registers she’s not in her own room, this is someone else’s room entirely. And the said someone has their arms around her waist.
Oh fuck.
Nathalie is in Gabriel Agreste’s bedroom, what the actual fuck?!
Well she’d have to do the Bend and Snap more, if it meant she’d wake up happily blissed out with the afterglow of sex with her boss.
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FIND-THE-WORD WIP GAME What @kay-elle-cee wills shall be done. Words: laugh, glance, hand, warm.
Tagging @merlinsbbeard @nodirectionhome-ao3 @joyseuphoria and @itsjamespotter with the words: quiet, reach, light, back.
Laugh (from I Can't Love Him)
James laughed and took a small step closer so as to be heard clearly over the music, asking, “Does this mean you’ll help me out in Potions again?”
Glance (from I Can't Love Him)
Lily and Marlene were hovering by a table near the entrance hole which was positively dripping with mountainous platters of food. Marlene, who was loading up her third plate, didn’t even glance at her friend to reply, “Lily, I’m bloody famished.”
Hand (from Between the Desire and the Spasm)
“It’s absolutely disgusting.” Then he leant down for a kiss—when had he crossed the room?—and she could do nothing but kiss him back. Lashes on cheeks, hands on bent elbows, soft, gentle as was everything else when it came to Timothy McKinnon.
Warm (from I Can't Love Him)
Said 'warm pleasant feelings' were stomped down as James, in the midst of an exchange of cordial greetings, snagged a rasher of bacon from Lily’s plate.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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Anyone want a hint of a fic I want to work on so y'all can tell me yes or no? I've talked to a few people about the idea of an mpreg and my favorite way to get this is... Well... No warnings besides bad come ons and mentions of sexual stuff.
Dom x Colson
Gunpowder and Watermelon
The club was crowded as hell, packed full like fish in a barrel and for Colson it really was that. Getting a bitch was as easy as shooting them at least, though the saying was a little too southern for his taste. He could feel too many eyes on him and the stink of fake pheromones was cloying. Even through that and the thick weed and cigarette smoke when a new scent hit the room his nostrils flared. Too many betas were faking their presentation with knock off perfume and pills and he'd assumed he'd have to just take one of them home but something new was there. Something… something real.
The alpha had never felt his cock get so hard so fast and one of his buddies started laughing. "Kells what the hell man? You good?" He couldn't tell if he actually shook his head or just meant to but he couldn't focus. He could barely even see straight anymore.
It felt like a movie scene as the crowd parted to reveal the real omega in the room, they were so rare of course everyone was scared off. Betas were warned just from the scent because if an alpha caught them together they could end up ripped to shreds. Not that the world was so barbarian anymore. Not really.
He was surprised to see a boy, but that was a stretch honestly. He was clad in a little black skirt and a ripped crop top, thigh high pink socks and black boots. His hair was a wild mess, sticking up everywhere, and that face. That fucking face.
Even though he was up in the VIP section it didn't take him but a moment to vault over the railing to the ground below. If he was showing off a bit for the first omega he'd met in years that was his business. And completely normal. "Hey. You here with anyone or are those DSL's free baby? I don't see a mark on that pretty neck." He purred, cupping the boy's chin to tilt his head side to side. Just to make sure. He barely held himself back from truly scenting him but that was better for shadows or bathrooms or darkened booths. Later.
"Fucking 'ell. I knew American alphas were bastards but you fink tha' shit works?" Oh. He was British. Hot. "Who knew the Machine Gun 'ad such bloody weak game." He huffed, pushing away and Col almost whined. No one dared talk to him like that and he didn't have to try, bitches fell at his feet.
"Fuck fine." He growled, hovering closer. "How about you let me slip n slide in that slick pussy and we'll see how hard I can make you squirt. Better?"
The kid swallowed hard, of course he felt a draw to the bastard in front of him but how could he not? He was a player though and an alpha. Dom didn't get mixed up in that shit. Maybe just one night wouldn't hurt? He'd been feeling a little extra needy and if anyone could scratch his itch… They both cracked smiles, laughing at each other and the punk pushed the taller man playfully. "Ya can't pick someone up to save ya life bruv. Wiv'out ya fame you ain't got it. Sorry luv. Nice to finally meet you in person." He offered his hand but the giant pulled him in for a hug. He hadn't been sure about meeting in public, he could feel the way everyone stared and avoided him but he knew it was safer. He was unmated and Kells was… well… fucking gorgeous and of course he smelled incredible too, even his BO was hot. Under the obvious weed and whiskey was him- gunpowder and leather and something that just screamed sex but underneath it all was something comforting. Almost sweet.
Colson held the smaller man tight, burying his face in that wild hair. They'd met through Instagram, he loved what the kid could do musically and he'd flown him here for a collaboration. He knew what he was but he didn't know it would be this hard to be near him. He smelled like watermelon candy and fresh linen, something free like a summer's day and Col had to force himself back but he couldn't seem to stop touching him. "You really scare people off huh Dom?" He teased, wrapping his arm around those broad shoulders to lead him back to their booth. He could feel the kid looking down, his gaze was as weighted as if he were actually touching his knot. It got worse though when that scent got stronger, the punk was wet. The omega was wet because they were touching and didn't that just prove the alpha right? He wanted them to be friends and work together but… that didn't mean they couldn't fuck right? At least once? Just to get it out of his system. That was all.
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Tagged by @silcoitus and @juniper-sunny
🦆About me🦆
Nickname: Inky
Sign: Virgo
Height: 5ft 6"
Last google search: "Queen Elizabeth thumbs up" (I needed an image to troll @euaveri)
Song stuck in your head: right now it's Happy Together by The Turtles so that's kinda nice
Followers: Yeah I have some of those
Sleep: Yeah I'd like some of that
Dream job: I'd love to be a traditionally published author because I love writing obvs, but more so because I love the idea of doing talks and panels about writing and storytelling at cons and lit-fests etc. I'd also love to be one of those people who clean old oil paintings with a toothbrush because that looks hella satisfying.
Wearing: Turtle neck jumper, mum jeans, red courd jacket, and lace-up boots.
Favourite song: Bat out of Hell - Meatloaf
Favourite instrument: Honestly, the human voice. But I also think oboes are really cool and underrated. I'm a big woodwind stan 🎺🎷
Aesthetic: Tough one to describe. I'd say androgynous academia with an 80s and 90s twist. I wear a lot of tailored waistcoats and trousers, turtle necks, waist-tied shirts, and high-waist jeans. And boots. Always boots, even in summer. (Hi-top converse if it's hot). Normally a cute lil 3-inch heel lace-up or gogo style boot.
Favourite author: Can't name just one I have so many, and I enjoy them all for different reasons. Sarah J Maas, Ursula Le Guin, Patrick Ness, V E Schwab, Jonathan Stroud, Laini Taylor, Kristin Cashore, Katherine Arden, Angela Carter, Madeline Miller, Derek Landy, Elle McNicoll someone make me stop
Favourite animals sounds: I'm a sucker for anything feline. But I particularly love when house cats scream bloody-murder for attention like feral little goblins.
Last song: Apple Music won't tell me but I 100% guarantee it was a Ghost song
Last series: Currently re-watching Breaking Bad 🧪
No pressure tags: @chickenparm @lemonemlyn @sherwood-forests @skywarpie @a-gal-with-taste @designfailure56
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ao3feed-narlie · 4 months
Collision Course
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ySs5Uhk by Iseewhatyourdoing Charlie Spring unexpectedly finds himself living back in his family home in his late 20s wondering where his life is going to go next when a dodgy music cable and an errant fox conspire to send him on a collision course with the new head of French at Truham. Nick Nelson, is single yet again approaching 30 when he finds an opportunity to return to the town of his early childhood. He's desperate to finally find that connection he's been seeking and thinks maybe he might just have located it in a pair of twinkling blue eyes. But will be demoted to the friend zone once more? This is a slow burn due to missed opportunities and misunderstandings and there's a lesson for Nick that sometimes it's worth more closely following Darcy's advice.   "He squeezed the wheel and looked in his rear view mirror. What he saw there made his heart skip a beat. A tall, somewhat ruddy faced man with shining auburn hair, large arms and a broad chest was climbing out of the small vehicle. He ran his fingers through his hair, as if this was some sort of bloody shampoo commercial, and then gripped lightly at the back of his neck before starting walking towards Charlie’s car." Words: 13293, Chapters: 8/25, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Isaac Henderson (Heartstopper), Elle Argent, Tao Xu, Darcy Olsson, Tara Jones, Benjamin "Ben" Hope, Victoria "Tori" Spring, Jane Spring Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Romantic Comedy, Light Angst, Sexual Tension, Male Homosexuality, Bisexual Male Character, Gay Sex, Mentions of Cancer read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ySs5Uhk
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shegavemeroses · 2 years
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look now, the sky is gold
part one: past the pumpkin patch
The Paris Squad hits up the semi-local Fall Festival, complete with games, mazes, pumpkin painting, and plenty of banter and the occasional flirting. Includes group & couple moments.
Elle was driving, partially as she was the oldest of the group, and because she was the only one whose parents would let their teenager borrow their car for a day trip - and it was the only one big enough. Isaac had claimed shotgun, leaving a slightly disgruntled Tao in the middle row. As the shortest, Tara was in the middle seat, with Darcy on her other side. Nick and Charlie sat in the last row, with a stern warning that there was to be no canoodling on the drive. But they needn’t have bothered, as Charlie promptly fell asleep 5 minutes into the 90 minute drive, using Nick as a pillow. Nick held him close, running his fingers through the soft curls as he stared out the window.
“Z! I win again!” Darcy called, grinning in her victory. Tara rolled her eyes.
“Didn’t we say license plates don’t count?” Tara asked, eyeing the car in front of them, which had a license plate starting with that letter. Those that wanted to play the alphabet game had tried to come up with a consensus on the rules at the beginning of the drive, but they still bantered fairly often.
“I agreed to no such rule,” Darcy argued, crossing her arms.
“No fair! I’m still stuck on that bloody ‘J,’” Elle muttered, using the rearview mirror to shoot a glare at her friends behind her.
“It was on that truck that passed us, like, ten minutes ago.” Darcy shrugged.
“Well, forgive me for paying attention to the cars around us instead of the ones on the other side of the road.”
“Gotta keep your eyes on the prize, Argent.”
“I’ll keep my eyes on the road, thank you very much.”
continue reading: ao3 // under the cut
“Isaac, can you add ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ to the music queue?” Tao asked, cutting off the banter.
“Please don’t,” Nick protested, earning himself approvals from everyone else in the car, and a glare from Tao.
“I wasn’t planning on it,” Isaac said, turning with an apologetic look towards Tao.
“Oh, come on! It fits the theme of the day!” he said, throwing up his hands in exasperation.
“That’s what you said last time,” Elle reminded him. Their last road trip for a day at the beach had gone much the same way, with banter and road games between the group as Elle drove. And plenty of arguing over the music, as they each added songs the others didn’t like or know. Including Tao’s current favorite film scores, and as much as they all loved Moonlight, it didn’t quite match. Finally, Elle suggested they all agree on some artists beforehand and build a playlist with their songs.
“You should be on my side!” Tao said, leaning forward slightly. She just briefly turned around to give him a look, one eyebrow raised. “Fine. I may have exaggerated slightly.” He sat back, pulling his beanie down over his eyes.
“Elle! The exit’s coming up!” Isaac said, checking the GPS on his phone. Elle nodded, starting to merge over and slow down.
“Eeeee! We’re almost there!” Darcy yelped, grabbing Tara’s arm. She just smiled, her hand over Darcy’s.
“Do we need a quick pit stop? Snacks, loo break?” Elle questioned noting the petrol station signs as she pulled off the motorway. Everyone shook their heads.
“I’m sure they’ll have plenty there,” Nick said, growing excited. “Although this one might need an energy drink,” he added, starting to gently nudge Charlie awake.
“Did I miss anything?” he asked, trying to stretch his arms in the small space between the rows of seats.
“Not much. We’re almost there,” Tao said, looking out the window as street signs directed them to their destination.
“Yay!” Charlie leaned over Nick to look out the window.
“Excuse you, I think my four victories at the alphabet game are worth noting,” Darcy said, turning to Charlie and holding up four fingers.
“Congrats?” It sounded more like a question.
“We’re all very proud of her,” Tara said solemnly. Darcy turned to glare at her as Charlie giggled.
“We’ll be sure to get you some sort of victory crown at the fair, Darce,” Elle said as she pulled into the parking lot.
“A little acknowledgement is all I ask,” she said, nudging Tara and Tao with her elbows.
“Are we there yet?” Tao asked, his face pinched in annoyance.
Elle laughed. “I literally just pulled into the parking lot, babe. Patience is a virtue.” She pulled into a parking space and turned off the car. Everyone quickly unbuckled and gathered their things, then stood around the car stretching.
“Onward!” Darcy called after a moment. “There are game stands calling my name!” She took Tara’s hand and they began speed walking towards the entrance. The rest of the squad followed them after a moment.
After a semi-lengthy wait in the entrance queue, they were inside the festival grounds. Elle already had her phone out, snapping pictures of the decor and stands around them. Darcy kept trying to jump in them, but Elle had become well-practiced in the art of evading her. Everyone else acquiesced to being in a few photos, both together and with whatever display Elle needed a model for.
“So, uh, do we have a plan?” Charlie asked, after Elle took a photo of him and Nick at one of the picnic tables, a centerpiece of colorful autumn leaves in front of them.
“As I said, I have many games to go win,” Darcy said, plopping next to Charlie on the bench.
“Or lose,” Tara said, standing behind her girlfriend with her hands on her shoulders.
“I beg your pardon!” Darcy shrugged Tara’s hands off, then crossed her arms. But she leaned back into Tara. She laughed, kissing the top of her head.
“Tao promised to help me with the pumpkin-painting contest,” Elle said, scrolling through the photos she had taken.
“I thought we could try the corn maze,” Nick said to Charlie, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“Yes, please!” Charlie leaned into Nick’s touch. “Isaac? Any specific requests?”
“You’re looking at it,” Isaac said with a chuckle. He held up the current book in his rotation, a compilation novel of the four Monster Blood installments of the Goosebumps series with a bookmark already near the end.
“Still working through those?” Nick asked.
“I need to see if they still hold up, or if it’s just nostalgia.”
“And the verdict so far?”
“Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, but they’re alright. Good for what they are. Not great literature, but not everything needs to be. Or even should be.” Isaac opened the book and tucked his bookmark in the front for safekeeping, then began reading.
“Well, we all want to do different things,” Elle said, sitting down at the table and looking around the group. “What are we doing first?”
“Do we even have time for everything?” Tao asked. “Aren’t our haunted house tickets for like, eight?”
“It’s already almost four,” Tara said, showing the time on her phone.
“Shoot. We probably won’t have enough time then.” Elle sighed.
“We could split up for a bit, meet back up to eat before the tour?” Charlie suggested.
“That sounds great! Meet back here at 5:30 for food, then we’ll join the house queue?” Nick said with a shrug. Everyone murmured their agreement.
“Alright! Everyone, break!” Darcy declared, then grabbed Tara’s hand and began pulling her towards the game stands.
“We’ll see you guys later!” Tara called over her shoulder.
“Good luck with the painting, Elle,” Charlie said, laughing as he watched them walk away - or rather, run.
“Thanks, Charlie. Isaac, are you sure you’re good alone?”
“Absolutely perfect.”
“Maple latte for Isaac!” a barista working at the food stand called.
“And now I have everything I need,” Isaac said, standing to go get the drink.
“When did he order that?” Elle asked as Tao pulled her to a standing position.
“You are very distracted when you’re taking pictures, love. Now, let’s go. We’re running out of time to paint your masterpiece!”
“Our masterpiece,” she corrected with a kiss on the cheek. He rolled his eyes in response but gave her hand a squeeze. With quick goodbyes tossed over their shoulders, they headed off to the painting station.
“Guess we should get going, too,” Charlie said, looking at a map of the fair. “I’ve heard the maze can be pretty hard, and we don’t want to get that lost.”
“Mmm. I can think of a few other places to get lost,” Nick said, tugging at one of Charlie’s curls. He blushed, brushing Nick’s hand away from his hair. Nick just took his hand and brought it to his lips.
Isaac walked up and cleared his throat, sliding back on the bench.
“Sorry, Isaac,” Nick said with a wince, dropping Charlie’s hand as he giggled.
“Go be cute elsewhere. I have a review to finish,” Isaac said with a shake of his head, but he was smiling too.
“Fine, fine! We’ll get out of your hair. Text us if you need anything!” Charlie said. Isaac, already lost in his book, just lifted his hand in a wave.
Charlie laced his hand with Nick’s and they went off in search of the corn maze.
Elle darted up to the sign-in booth, Tao trailing along behind her.
“Hi! Elle Argent,” she said as the person behind the small table handed her a form. “And this is-”
“Tao Xu,” he said, panting slightly. Elle had practically jogged through the crowds, and he hadn’t gotten any better at keeping up with her. Not that he was going to stop trying anytime soon.
“Fill out this form and bring it up with your pumpkin once you’re done. Sit at any table with a pumpkin and paints. If you need anything else, ask one of the volunteers. I think that’s about it. Any questions?” they droned on, motioning to the sea of tables, most of which were already occupied.
“Not any right now. Thank you,” Elle said, taking the paper with one hand and the end of Tao’s sleeve with the other. It was a nervous habit of hers that never failed to give him a slight blush.
“That spot looks good. Let’s go,” Tao said, wrapping an arm around her waist and pointing to a table near the back. Most of the spots around it were empty as well, so it would feel secluded while they worked. Elle followed his gaze and nodded, so they started walking towards it. Tao threw a quick “thanks” over his shoulder as they walked.
Once they got to the table, Elle sat and began looking over the paints. They were nothing fancy, but she was used to the quality. At least it was a good selection of colors - a full rainbow, plus black, white, and a pretty dark brown. Tao watched for a moment as she fiddled with the tubes, then the pumpkin they had to paint. Or rather, she would paint. He was just here for moral support.
He took an extra chair from a table nearby, hoping it wouldn’t be missed, and sat down right next to Elle. She leaned onto his shoulder, still rotating the small pumpkin in her hands as she studied it, hoping for some ideas.
“Any ideas?” he asked, taking one of the thicker paintbrushes and running his fingers over the bristles.
“I have a few.” She sighed, the pumpkin stilling in her hands.
“Any you want to share with your partner in crime?”
Elle cracked a smile. “Always. I’m just not sure if I want to go for cute or scary.”
Tao pursed his lips, thinking it over. He took the pumpkin from her, setting the paintbrush back on the table. He looked at it, but nothing jumped out to give him any ideas. He set it back down.
“Well, your normal style is a lot of cute stuff,” he finally said. “Which I love, and find fitting. So maybe go out of your comfort zone a bit? Explore your scary side?”
“Scary side?” Elle looked at him with her eyebrows raised and a smirk on her lips. Tao rolled his eyes.
“It’s almost Halloween. Perfect for painting scary things.”
“Right, right,” Elle said, looking back to the pumpkin as her voice trailed off. Then she grabbed a few tubes of the paint and added some of each to the palette.
“I guess you’ve decided on a design?” Tao asked, watching her pick up a medium brush and dip it in the green paint, then the blue. Elle nodded as she started dotting the paint on the pumpkin, mixing it right on the smooth surface. The technique created various streaks and shades of each color. “Want to talk about it?” he added after she didn’t respond further, already lost in the painting. She then dipped her brush in the yellow paint, then added some black to the mix.
“Elle? Elle!” Tao smiled, loving how focused she could get while working. He finally gently rested his hand on her shoulder; a soft touch always brought her back.
“Did I zone out? Sorry,” she said, her paintbrush stilling.
“No need to apologize. You know I love watching you like that.” His voice had gone uncharacteristically soft. Both the words and his tone made her duck her head, smiling. Tao looked at her for a moment, then cleared his throat. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just wanted to ask if there was anything I could do to help.”
“Mmmm? Oh, yeah!” Elle looked up, running her hands over the limited selection of paintbrushes until she found one similar to the one she was already using. She handed it to him, and picked her own back up.
“I’m just working on the background right now,” she explained, dipping her brush in the blue and black paints. “Just kind of take colors at random and mix them on the pumpkin for different green-ish colors. So it looks kind of marbled. Like this.” She demonstrated, mixing the colors into the green she had added earlier, creating a teal and green gradient.
Tao grabbed a tiny amount of blue and green on his brush, and painted them on the surface, watching them mix slightly. Elle watched, her smile refusing to fade.
“Just like that!” she commented, adding more paint to her brush. “Use any of the colors; they’ll all mix together well. And keep your layers thin so they’ll dry fast.”
“You got it, boss,” Tao said, tossing her a wink. Elle just laughed.
They fell silent as they painted, both concentrating on the task at hand. Once the greens layer was mostly finished, Tao went around to smooth over messy transitions and cover any orange that peaked through too-thin layers of paint. Elle added some red and purple paint to their palette, and mixed a dark gray. She began using those colors to add flowers all over the green background. Tao, deciding the work had officially gotten too technical for him, set his brush in the cup of water and sat back, content to watch Elle work.
Eventually, he took out his phone and attached his earphones. Wordlessly, Elle held out her hand for one and tucked it into her ear. It was a well-practiced dance they had already gotten used to in their time together. She did, however, shoot him a long-suffering look when the Scream score began. But she preferred to paint to instrumental music (and had the Spotify stats to prove it) and this was as good as anything.
After Elle decided there was a sufficient number of flowers on the pumpkin, she added more purple and black paint to the palette. This time, she was switching out her paintbrush frequently, using different sizes for certain textures and details. From where he sat, Tao couldn’t really see what she was painting, only the colors she reached for. As she worked, her brows became furrowed in concentration and she seemed to lose track of where they were.
The time passed quickly as she worked. Tao kept himself busy watching her work, and occasionally adding more paint or refreshing the rise water when needed. As it got closer to their designated meeting time with the others, he worried he would have to text the group that they would be late. Fortunately, before it got too close to call, she set down her brushes and stared at the pumpkin, her eyes seeming to glaze over.
“I think… I’m done,” she finally said, as she grabbed her brush to add a few more flecks of paint. Tao chuckled at that.
“Are you sure? Could I see?” he asked, suppressing a grin.
“Yes. And yes.” She smiled at him, dropping all her used brushes in the water. With a dramatic flourish, she flipped the pumpkin so he could see what she had spent most of the time on. Surrounded by the red and purple roses, a black cat stirred something in a cauldron. The cat appeared to be smiling. Smoke drifted off the surface of the cauldron, a faint outline of a cat skull in the wisps. “I went with scary-cute,” she said after a few moments, biting her lip as she watched Tao study her work.
“It’s amazing!” Tao said, a broad grin on his face. “I love the texture and details on the cat’s face. And the smoke looks so realistic. The colors are perfect.”
“Thank you.” She took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Now what?”
“I think we take it back to the front booth? Hold on; I’ll go ask.” Tao stood up and went to hunt down a volunteer. As he went, he unhooked the earbuds from his phone and wrapped them up before shoving both into his pocket. Elle watched him for a moment, then tried to clean up their table a little. Before too long, Tao was back.
“We just need to actually fill out that form, then bring it up, with the painted pumpkin, to the booth we got it from. They’ll take care of everything else, including clean-up,” he explained, taking the form out of his pocket. Elle nodded, so he went to fill it out while Elle took pictures of her work.
“Does it have a name? They ask for the name of the painting.”
“Put whatever.” Elle shrugged, then looked over Tao’s shoulder at the form. “Did you actually write ‘whatever?’” She rolled her eyes.
“No. I wrote ‘Whatever Witch Cat,’” Tao said, scribbling in the last two words.
“You exhaust me.”
“Hurry up.” Elle nudged him with her shoulder. “We have to meet the others in… shoot. Seven minutes.” She stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder, while Tao signed the form and stood too. Elle picked up the pumpkin by the stem, carefully supporting the bottom with her other hand for their walk to the drop-off table.
“Thanks for participating! We’ll contact the winners next week,” the person at the front table said, taking the stuff from them and adding it to the others collected behind them.
They both threw a quick “cheers!” over their shoulders as they walked away, hands clasped together.
“Do you think I actually have a chance at winning?” Elle asked after a few minutes of silence.
“What? Of course! Your work was beautiful,” Tao said with no hesitation.
“I guess. But so were a lot of the others…”
“Hey.” Tao stopped walking and pulled her off the path, stopping behind a few booths out of the sight of people passing by. He pulled her close. “Listen. I may be biased, but I think yours was the coolest there. And even if it’s not, who cares? You made something cool that you’re proud of, and that’s all that matters.”
Elle smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning into his touch. “You’re right.”
“I usually am.” He smiled, leaving one hand on the small of her back, while the other traveled up to cup her cheek. He stood on tiptoes to pull her into a kiss, carefully leaning against the wall behind them.
“Don’t we have to meet the others?” Elle asked, pulling back just enough to speak; their foreheads were still touching.
“What?” Tao asked, trying to pull her closer again. “Oh, right.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek, then back to her lips, then down her jaw. “Should we go?” he murmured against her skin.
“I think we’re good to be a few minutes late,” Elle said with a small smirk, leaning into his touch.
“Darcy! Darcy, please wait up!” Tara called, trying to keep an eye on the bright blonde head of hair darting away. Darcy looked over her shoulder, a wide smile on her face.
“It’s not my fault you’re slow!” she said, turning back just in time to avoid running into someone passing her. “Sorry!” she called as she stepped to one side and paused, waiting for Tara to catch up with her.
“I swear, one of these days I’m going to get you one of those leash backpacks.”
“Kinky.” Darcy gave an exaggerated waggle of her eyebrows.
“Don’t you have to run off again?” Tara asked, suppressing her smile.
“Yeah! It’s this way!” Darcy grabbed her hand and pulled Tara along. She couldn’t help but laugh at her girlfriend’s antics. She trailed after Darcy, barely catching sight of the games, food, or activities each booth was offering before they passed it.
“Darce, did you have a particular destination in mind?” Tara finally asked, once they passed what looked like a particularly good funnel cake booth.
“We’re almost there!” She slowed slightly, looking around to find the specific game she wanted. “There!” She darted forward, Tara’s hand sliding out of her grasp. She stopped in front of a larger booth. Tara walked forward to join her, looking inside to see what the game was.
“Really?” She furrowed her brows. “This is what we booked it all the way over here for?” The game was simple; the type with a bunch of differently shaped jars and glasses, with the aim of throwing a ball to land in a specific jar. They were arranged in three tiers. It wasn’t anything special, and she didn’t think Darcy was particularly fond of it either. Hence the confusion.
“The game? Technically, yes. But in all actuality, I’m here for that.” With a flourish, she pointed to one of the prizes hanging from the booth’s ceiling. Tara’s jaw dropped when she saw the stuffed koala wearing a vampire costume.
“Oh my god, that’s so cute,” she said in a rush. Darcy smiled broadly, crossing her arms as she looked at Tara in triumph.
“Exactly. They posted it online last week. I saw it, thought of you, and begged them to hold it for us. We’re winning it.”
“You’re too sweet.” Tara giggled, pressing her face into Darcy’s shoulder. “And powerful.”
“Tell me something I don’t know. Come on, we’re on a time limit here.” Darcy patted her back.
“Wouldn’t it be easier - and cheaper -” she added, after seeing the prices per play - “to just find one online?”
“Maybe? But where’s the fun in that?” Darcy reached into her pocket and pulled out a tiny bag full of euros.
“You’re so on,” Tara said, narrowing her eyes. They each grabbed the needed coins and leapt into action.
“Babe, you know the ball is supposed to land in a jar, right?” Darcy asked a few minutes later. They had both already gone through quite a few chances, and neither had gotten close to scoring.
“Like you’re one to talk,” Tara said with a scoff as she tossed another ball. She groaned as it bounced off the edge of a jar, then promptly bounced to the ground and away. She winced as she watched one of the volunteers chase after it. “You know we’re aiming for the top tier, right?” The jars of the game were arranged into three tiers, and the highest tier was where they needed to score to get the coveted koala.
“I am aiming for the top tier!” Darcy sounded indignant as her face drew into a pout.
“Oh, honey.” Tara reached to pat her on the back. She stifled a laugh as Darcy threw another ball with way too high of an arch, leading it to bounce right out of a jar, and around a few others, before it went flying away from the booth. She threw a muffled “sorry!” as they watched it bounce far away from the confines of the game.
“Hold up, maybe I can help,” Tara offered.
“You haven’t gotten one either!”
“I’ve gotten close, thank you very much!” Tara stuck her tongue out at her, earning a laugh from Darcy.
“Fine, show me your ways, princess,” she said, adding extra emphasis to the last word.
“Princess? I could get used to that.” Tara winked, moving to stand behind Darcy. She wrapped her right arm around Darcy’s, taking her wrist. “Be more gentle. You want distance, not height.”
“I think you had an ulterior motive here, Jonsey,” Darcy said, leaning back into her touch.
“Focus, Olsson.” She pressed a kiss to Darcy’s shoulder. “Plenty of time for that later.”
“And how am I supposed to focus now?” Darcy asked. She tried to turn around, but Tara held her in place.
“Gentle throws. Don’t put a lot of muscle into it. Here.” Tara handed her one of the balls from the basket at their feet. “Try one with me.” She gently guided her arms back, then forward. At the height of the throw, she whispered “now” into Darcy’s ear. They watched the ball soar through the air, and bounce right off the top layer of jars.
“Fuck,” Darcy said, her shoulders sagging in defeat.
“Darcy,” Tara admonished with a giggle. “There’s children here.”
“What? I only said it once.” Tara rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face. “We’re getting closer. Let’s try again, with a little more force this time. We make a good team.”
Darcy smiled back, then got in position to make another throw. Unfortunately, the next few were just shy of where they needed to be. Worse still, they were quickly running low on chances, and time.
Both girls took a deep breath before gearing up to throw the next ball, one of three they had left. Tara squinted, staring directly at a particular jar that looked a bit wider than the others. She adjusted their position slightly, then drew back their still-linked arms to throw.
And they watched it sail right into the mouth of the jar, bouncing a few times. But it stayed.
“Yes!” Darcy yelled, punching both fists into the air. Tara laughed, throwing both her arms back around Darcy’s waist.
“Congrats, girls!” a volunteer watching them said. “You can pick any-”
“The koala!” Darcy cut them off, darting up to the booth and pointing towards the stuffed animal.
“Sorry, we’re just really excited because they’re my favorite animal, so…” Tara tried to explain, joining Darcy at the front of the booth. “I think she reserved it online?”
The volunteer laughed. “Happens all the time. Let me get it down for you.” They grabbed a small step stool, and used it to carefully unhook the toy from the ceiling, and carried it back down.
“Here you go! One koala,” they said, handing it to Darcy.
“Thank you!” Tara exclaimed, immediately grabbing it from Darcy.
“Hey! No sharing?” she protested.
“Not this time.” Tara tightly wrapped her arms around it, hugging it close to her chest.
“Fine.” Darcy grabbed their nearly empty bucket and handed it back to the volunteer, thanking them. She nudged Tara’s shoulder with her own. “Now we gotta head back. I bet Nick we would beat him and Charlie back.”
“Must everything be a competition?
“Yes. Yes, it must.”
“I think I regret introducing you two sometimes.” And with that, they ran off back towards the picnic tables.
“Slow down, Char! I’m trying to eat here!” Nick called, jogging after Charlie through the loose crowd. One hand held a plate with a funnel cake loaded with powdered sugar, while the other attempted to eat as he chased his boyfriend down the path.
“We’re not going to have enough time to get through the maze now,” Charlie fretted, tossing a glance over his shoulder towards Nick. He finally caught up to Charlie and abandoned the attempt to eat while they moved, taking his hand instead.
“Sorry, Char. I just had to stop for this!” They kept moving, slowing slightly as they neared the maze site.
“Yeah, yeah. The line looked shorter than it actually was.” But his words were softened with a smile as he squeezed Nick’s hand.
“Those kids just couldn’t make up their mind…”
“Like you weren’t just as bad,” Charlie said, motioning to the plate Nick held in his other hand.
“Funnel cakes are a festival staple, Charles! It’s not my fault the man had so many toppings to choose from!”
“And yet you went with powdered sugar…”
“It’s a classic!” Nick defended his choice. Charlie smirked, but reached out to break off a piece and shoved it in his mouth in lieu of a response. “Sure, sure. Bully me for getting it, and yet.”
“Oi. Who’s bullying you?” Charlie asked, wiping some powdered sugar off his lip. Nick just shook his head, continuing to walk in the direction of the corn maze. Or so he thought.
“You’re going to get us lost in there, aren’t you?” Charlie asked. Nick huffed.
“Jerk. We’re not even there yet, and you’re already doubting my navigational abilities?”
“I absolutely am.” Charlie giggled, giving Nick’s hand a squeeze. Nick retaliated by pulling his hand back.
“Nope. No affection for those that mock me.”
Charlie slowed, one hand going to rest on Nick’s upper arm until both boys stopped walking. His gaze dropped to meet Charlie’s, who was looking at him with a soft smile and his head cocked to one side. “Really? Even me?” he asked, his voice quiet and a little breathy.
Nick swallowed, his eyes unfocusing slightly as he felt his face heat up. Then he glared at Charlie, one arm looping around his waist. “You just love to play dirty, don’t you?” Charlie’s smile grew wider as he took a step closer to Nick.
“I mean, if you’re offering…”
Nick just rolled his eyes and pressed a kiss to Charlie’s forehead before stepping back. “I swear…” He took Charlie’s hand and again began walking towards the maze.
“Uh, baby? You know it’s that way, right?” Charlie said, using their joined hands to point down a path they had just passed. He pressed his lips together to keep from laughing when Nick paused, closed his eyes, and heaved a deep sigh.
“Well that’s not fair; you had me distracted,” Nick exclaimed when he heard a giggle escape Charlie’s lips.
“Oh, I’m distracting?” Charlie asked, pulling Nick down the right path.
“Very.” Nick trailed after Charlie, his eyes on the boy in front of him.
“That’s good to know.” Charlie turned back with a wink. Nick just laughed, caught up in the euphoria of being together.
“I’m starting to think getting lost in there may not be so bad,” Nick admitted with a smile. They were in front of the maze entrance now, waiting for their turn to enter. To keep the maze from getting too crowded, only a few people were let in. It was almost their turn. While they waited, they traded bites of the food, breaking off pieces in between their conversation.
Charlie just raised an eyebrow. “I’m not explaining that one to Tao when he asks why we’re late.”
Nick huffed. “He’ll figure it out,” he muttered. Charlie smiled, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend’s waist.
“Is someone just trying to get out of the haunted house later?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Nick’s face grew flushed as Charlie bit back a laugh.
“Don’t worry, baby; I’ll protect you.” Charlie’s tone was only slightly mocking.
“Why do I feel that ‘baby’ there was only partially in the pet name sense?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You are so mean to me.”
“Fine; you can go first in the haunted house and I’ll hang back with Isaac.”
“And you can cuddle yourself on the way home.”
“I will gladly stand between you and any horrifyingly costumed actors.”
“That’s all I ask.” Nick leaned down to give Charlie a chaste kiss on the lips, which he happily returned. A moment after they somewhat reluctantly broke apart, the volunteer ushered them forward.
“Ready to get lost?” Nick asked, gently pulling him forward.
“Not if I have anything to say about it!” Charlie declared, following Nick into the maze. His bravado lasted up until they made a few turns throughout the maze, and only seemed to get deeper into it without any sign of getting closer to the exit.
“I told you we should’ve gone left back there,” Nick said. He was walking behind Charlie now, his expression smug and his arms crossed. Charlie had been steadily leading them through the maze, but he was slowly realizing he didn’t know as much about this as he thought.
“Piss off,” Charlie muttered, studying the path around them. All the walls looked the same.
“We’ve passed that scarecrow twice now,” Nick pointed ahead, where, sure enough, a scarecrow was propped up in a more open area.
“We are not going in circles.”
“I think, technically, we’re going in squares. Or rectangles, more accurately.”
“I will leave you in the maze.”
“At this rate, we’ll both be here quite a while.”
Charlie didn’t respond, just gave an indignant huff as he marched forward. He did turn left where Nick had indicated. Nick followed, a small smirk on his lips as he noticed the change in direction. After the silence between them lasted a beat too long, Nick darted forward to catch up and wrapped his arms around Charlie from behind. Charlie huffed again.
“Cuddles won’t fix everything, you know.” But his words held no heat, and Nick noticed he didn’t try to shrug out of the hold.
“That is a vicious lie I refuse to believe,” Nick said, his voice soft and his lips right next to Charlie’s ear. Charlie giggled.
“Well when you say it like that…” He stopped walking and turned to face Nick, tucking himself into his boyfriend’s chest. Nick grinned and tugged at him slightly, stepping off the path a bit so others could still pass them. Not that there was anyone else around.
“We’re stuck, aren’t we?” Charlie muttered, his voice muffled by Nick’s jumper.
“Afraid so.” He chuckled, running a hand through Charlie’s curls. “But there’s only so many directions to go, right? We’ll figure it out.”
“Stop being logical when I’m lamenting my troubles.”
Nick just laughed, pulling Charlie closer and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He then stepped back, reaching down to take his hand. “Come on baby, let’s get going. We have to meet the others in… fifteen minutes.”
“That ‘baby’ was only partially a pet name, wasn’t it?”
“Let’s keep going this way? I think it’s the way out!” Nick called in lieu of an answer, pulling Charlie behind him as he began walking at a rapid pace through the maze again.
“I cannot believe I put up with this,” Charlie muttered with a roll of his eyes just loud enough for Nick to hear.
“Yeah, yeah. Like you don’t love me.”
“And what if I do?”
Nick paused, taking another turn through the maze. He was greeted with a break in the walls straight ahead; the clear exit to the maze. “Well, you’re certainly about to now.” Nick pointed towards the exit, smiling hugely.
“My hero!” Charlie wrapped his arms around Nick’s waist, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Someone has to be the brains in the relationship.”
“I have to let you feel smart once in a while,” Charlie quipped back as they exited the maze.
“Wow. Hurtful.”
“Looks like we have a few minutes before we need to head back. Any ideas?”
“I can think of a few.” Nick squeezed his hand as they walked away from the maze. He pointed a few spots down, where a group of laughing girls were climbing out of a photo booth, clustering around to view the photos.
“Race you!” Charlie dropped Nick’s hand and took off.
“Oi! No fair!” Nick followed, unable to catch up.
“Not my fault you’re slow,” Charlie quipped as he slid a bill into the machine and climbed in. “Sit with me?”
“Always.” Nick smiled, sliding in right next to Charlie. His favorite place in the world.
“Isaac!” Darcy called as she jogged up to the picnic table he had been camped at for the last hour. She slid onto the table next to him, resting her feet on the bench. He had been typing on his phone, but tucked it away when the two arrived. Tara sat next to Issac on the bench, Darcy’s legs on either side of her.
“Hey Darcy! Tara. How were the games?”
“Just one game. The actual goal was to win this.” Tara held up the stuffed animal she had been holding, then laid it down in her lap.
“That’s definitely worth playing a few rounds of festival games for,” Isaac agreed, looking at the toy.
“Always,” Darcy quickly cut in. “Are we the first ones back?”
Isaac paused, looking around the table that was otherwise empty. “Unless everyone else has turned invisible, it looks like it. I’m sure Nick will be crushed that he lost.”
“Damn right. Now that’s the goal!”
Tara rolled her eyes, but held up her hand to accept the high five from Darcy. “How was your book?”
“Well, I finished it. So I didn’t have much to do other than people-watch.”
“You didn’t bring a second one? Rookie mistake,” Darcy chided him, drawing a laugh.
“I know, I know. I should know better by now. But I was able to start jotting down notes for my review, so that was something.” He shrugged.
“Ooo! How’s that going?” Tara asked. She wasn’t as much of a reader as Isaac, but she loved hearing his thoughts on the books he read. They fell into an easy conversation about the series, a childhood favorite of both of them. Darcy just listened to the conversation, gently playing with Tara’s hair as the two spoke.
As the others were too absorbed in their conversation, Darcy was the first to notice Nick and Charlie speeding towards their table. Nick’s face fell once he saw her, and realized they had not beaten the girls back. Darcy just laughed.
“Nicholas! Charles!” she called, standing up and waving her arms in the air.
“I have no part in this,” Charlie said, dropping Nick’s hand to hold up his own in surrender.
“You had me distracted,” Nick pouted, dropping on the bench opposite Tara. Charlie sat next to him. Darcy laughed again, sitting on the bench next to Tara and putting an arm around her shoulders.
“You’re the one that insisted we do another set of photos after the first ones were all…” he trailed off, his cheeks going pink, and not from the cold.
“I have no idea where that sentence was going. Could you clarify?” Isaac deadpanned.
“My mum’s been asking for a picture of us, okay?” Nick took Charlie’s hand.
“Oh, anything for Sarah.” The others chorused their agreement.
“Where are Tao and Elle?” Nick asked, hoping to get the conversation onto a different topic. “Did they go up for food already?”
“I haven’t seen them,” Isaac said with a shrug.
“They’re late? That’s not like Elle,” Tara said.
Darcy laughed. “Probably just got distracted.”
“I cannot go anywhere with you. Collective you.” Isaac rolled his eyes.
“Hey, we were on time!” Nick defended.
“Barely.” Isaac laughed.
“Well we arrived with plenty of time to spare,” Darcy cut in.
“Yeah, yeah,” Nick grumbled. “Keep bragging.”
“Wanna bet on how much longer they’ll be?”
“You two really have to make everything a competition, don’t you?” Charlie asked, bumping Nick’s shoulder with his own.
“You’re on,” Nick said, like Charlie hadn’t spoken.
“They’ll be at least five more minutes,” Darcy decided, after checking the time on her phone.
“Just one minute is my guess,” Nick countered, barely fighting back a laugh.
“You’re on.”
Charlie rolled his eyes, resting his head on Nick’s shoulder. Darcy began to scan the area around them, looking for the final two to arrive.
“Hey Elle! Hey Tao!” Charlie said just a moment later, as they walked up to the table.
“You saw them coming, didn’t you?” Darcy asked, glaring at Nick.
“I will not reveal my secrets.”
“You’re late back,” Charlie said, cutting off the bickering.
“Sorry, we uh, we…” Tao said, trying to think of an excuse. “We were just looking at some stuff on the way back. And lost track of time. Yeah.”
Darcy laughed. “Is that what they’re calling it now? Did you two get distracted?” She raised her eyebrows, a smirk on her lips.
“Yep!” Elle said cheerily with a shrug. Tao blushed, hiding his face in her curls.
“Alright, alright. Let’s quit picking on each other. I’m hungry,” Isaac said, standing up. A few others murmured their agreement.
“Please,” Nick agreed. “Tara, Darce, do you two want to stay and watch the table? We can grab your food.”
“Ah, my hard-earned rest!” Darcy said, propping her feet up on the bench across from her. Tara just shot her a look.
“Sure. Text you our orders?”
Nick nodded, then grabbed Charlie’s hand and pulled him to his feet and followed Isaac towards the food trucks, Tao and Elle trailing behind them.
While the others waited in line for the food, Tara and Darcy stayed at the table, passing the time by debating names for the new koala. Unfortunately for them, there was a lot of time to kill while waiting, as their plans for the day had them getting dinner along with most other festival attendees. It went quick, as they chatted and took ridiculous photos of themselves and each other, sending them in their already overloaded group chat. After the long wait, everyone had their food, and they headed back to the table.
“Your pizza,” Elle said, placing Tara’s order in front of her on the table.
“And your burger,” Tao finished, handing Darcy the plate. She immediately set it down and went for a big bite of the burger, followed by a handful of chips. Everyone else sat down and began eating their meal.
“How much time until the haunted house?” Nick tried to ask, but it didn’t sound very clear around his mouthful of food. Charlie just gave him a pointed look. Nick winced and quickly swallowed the food, then took a sip of his drink before speaking again. “Sorry. How much time is left?”
“Ten minutes,” Elle answered, after glancing at her watch.
“Shit. Eat fast,” Isaac said, then - taking his own advice - finished off his sandwich in one large bite.
“You gonna be ready, Nicky?” Charlie asked, a teasing tone in his voice.
“Can’t talk right now, gotta finish my food.” He used one hand to gather a mouthful of chips while the other flicked Charlie off.
“Rude,” Charlie said, before taking another bite of his pizza.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” Darcy said with a laugh.
“The power of lesbians,” Tara agreed.
“No one will get between me and Darcy,” Charlie said, giving her a high five.
“What did I get myself into?” Nick asked as he finished his food.
“You’re about to find out, Nelson,” Tao said, standing up as he noticed everyone was done eating. “Now let’s go. We have just enough time to get there.”
Nick groaned, but stood as well and helped gather the trash from the table so they could toss it on their way to the last attraction. Everyone else followed suit, making quick work of cleaning the table.
“Don’t worry, Nick. It’s only an hour long!” Elle said, looping her arm around his shoulders.
“How bad can it really be?” Isaac asked, bumping Nick’s shoulder with his own.
“That sounds like a challenge,” Charlie said, squeezing between the two and taking Nick’s hand.
“Please don’t make it one,” Nick muttered as they joined the queue.
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