itsmariejanel · 2 years
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noble, scoff
vlad bloodvein makeover by @gunthermunch <3
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dead-lights · 7 months
1910s // ballroom bloodsuckers
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tfw no one wants to dance with your master so she makes you do it
cc below the cut
kat cave
hat: rose's boarding hat by @happylifesims
hair: estella by @clumsyalienn
dress: rose jump dress by @happylifesims
caleb vatore
hat: fedora shape no. 2 by @happylifesims
lilith vatore
hat: jullie hat by @rustys-cc
hair: aelia by @clumsyalienn
dress: rose dinner dress by happylifesims
markus crow
jacket: karl's jacket by @happylifesims
miss hell
hat: feather hat by @lilis-palace
dress: rose swim dress by @happylifesims
elle devampiro
hat: rather rosy hat by @gilded-ghosts
hair: hair: bertha with hat chop by @buzzardly28
earrings: ambrosine drop earrings by @rustys-cc
dress: miss scarlet evening gown by @linzlu
poses from dramatic dance poses by @samssims and let's waltz!!! by @pandorassims4cc
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fangs-trait · 2 years
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vampires vampires vampires vampires | GP04 renders + s2 contessa
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fledermausbend · 11 days
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Kids say the darndest things. Special thank you to Angela Pleasant for playing the role of 'unfortunate maiden'.
(forest lot by nicolitschi on the Gallery!)
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vaethryn · 4 months
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jerias bloodvein my beloved
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red-simulation · 1 year
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Vlad Bloodvein
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dusksimulacre · 5 days
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The Noble Vampires
Dupes: William Fangmann/ Elle DeVampiro/ Rose Bloody / Vlad Bloodvein/ Vicki Vampiress/ Inna Cents/ Armando Vatore
Originals: Count Cooper Baena/ Contessa Shannon Copur/ Contessa Arcadia Andrews/ Count Vladislaus Straud/ Lady Victoria Goth/ Duchess Lucine / Count Armando Roennigke
There was once a group of spellcasters who grew bored of affluence and waving wands, and began experimenting with blood magic, calling themselves Ordo Sanguis.
They were disillusioned with Magic Town, and the rules it held, so they set sail for a far away shore. With only 9 servants as crew, it became clear that they were expected to chip in- so of course they created duplicates of themselves to do all the hard work.
Quite quickly they realized that their food stores would not last the journey if they had to feed the new extra mouths, so Ordo Sanguis began feeding them potions instead... mixing in a little bit of blood to maintain their control.
But, you see, Duchess Lucine had long been suffering from a rare Porphyria-like disease [in another timeline, this blood-mixing would have turned the Ordo themselves, but alas] so when the duplicates drank their sustenance potions they were overwhelmed with insatiable hunger and madness.
By the time their ship touched shore in a forgotten hollow, the servants were all dead, and Ordo Sanguis spent their last few days trembling in the magically-constructed Straud Manor, being picked off one by one.
The Dupes tore through the magic communities, decimating whole families of Magicians, witches and wizards, absorbing their magick and slowly gaining a small semblance of control and power.
Vlad was guilt ridden; all his friends were dead and there was more blood on his hands than he ever expected. He swore to Greg and the other Mooncasters that he would fight these horrifying creatures until the bitter end, but eventually he just gave up.
He was the first Spellcaster to be turned, and that made him the most powerful.
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This is the GIF i made last year of these guys, before I used G-Shade.
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lovelysims-yt · 11 months
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"My heart only beats for you..."~ 💔✨
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aquadestinyswriting · 7 months
Hour of Denial
Summary: The Anvil of Souls has, presumably been mended and sent back to the heavens. But what of the Shaper responsible for this miracle?
Words: 941
Tags: @druidx @flashfictionfridayofficial, @blind-the-winds, @thesorcerersapprentice, @sparrow-orion-writes, @ashirisu, @philosophika, @the-down-upside-finch
Warnings: Major character death. And Grief, a lot of grief.
Notes: This is going to be part of a series telling the alternate story of mending the Anvil of Moradin. This section was written for the Flash Fiction Friday prompt 'Hour of Denial'. Please note the warnings, this one's pretty heavy.
Elowyn blinked back her vision and shook out the ringing in her ears. She took stock of her surroundings, trying to make sense of what had happened. Slowly, the memory came back to her. Meredith had been using her ability to Shape the Anvil, but something was going wrong. Elowyn and Yoruk had moved up to see how they could help, and then…
Elowyn’s eyes snapped wide open and she jerked her head up. The Anvil was gone and Meredith was –
“Merri!” Elowyn yelped, scrambling to her feet and rushing over next to the crumpled form of her best friend. Aurianna’s claws dug into her shoulder at the sudden movement, but the young dragon-turned-kitten managed to stay put. Yoruk was already at Meredith’s side, his hands shaking as he laid one of them on his wife’s shoulder,
“M– Merri?” he called softly, his voice quavering. “Come on, love. Now’s not the time –” he broke off as his voice cracked. He looked up at Elowyn, his face white under his beard, tears brimming but not yet falling from disbelieving eyes.
Elowyn swallowed down the lump in her throat, staring at the unnaturally still form that was her best friend as she kneeled. There was no movement, not even the slightest of breaths. The memory of Meredith lying in a pool of blood at the door to Watchhouse Eight flashed into her head. The woodling touched her badge, set her face into a determined grimace and yelled over her shoulder,
“‘Grut! Get the High Priestess in here!” she snapped, knowing full well that the goblin sneak was sitting right on the other side of the door, despite being told to go to the refectory to wait with the rest of their party. She then turned her attention to Yoruk, taking his face into her hands and forcing the dwarven paladin to look at her,
“Hey, come on, it’ll be alright.” she said, trying to keep her own voice from shaking, “We’ll have her back in no time. Then we can yell at her for being a damn idiot for thinking she was even close to being done.” she babbled. Aurianna leapt from her shoulder and rubbed against the dwarven man, purring. The Emerald Dragon rumbled sympathetically,
“My Lady Elowyn –” she began, but Elowyn shook her head and glared up at the crystalline being,
“We are getting her back.” The woodling snarled, before recalling herself and hanging her head, “My apologies, my Lady, but I – I can’t –” she broke off, sucked in a breath, looked back up into those amethyst eyes and continued, “I need to at least try.” 
Smaragh heaved a sigh and nodded,
“Very well.” She rumbled, gesturing to the door. The slab slid silently to one side, revealing the High Priestess and the shadowed form of a goblin waiting in the shadows behind her. Snotgrut took one look at Elowyn’s face, nodded, and stayed in the shadows, leaving only the high priestess to walk into the cavern. Elowyn was grateful that Snotgrut was a goblin of discretion. There wasn’t any need to alarm the others. Elowyn was getting their dwarven friend back, even if she had to march up to the heavens to drag the damn woman back herself!
It didn’t take long for all the preparations for a Resurrection ritual to be made. Yoruk had insisted on helping, clearly hoping that the sooner this was done, the sooner he would have his wife back. As soon as all the preparations were complete, the Emerald dragon spread her wings, while the high priestess took out her holy symbol and began intoning a prayer in what Elowyn assumed was some dialect of old dwarven. The woodling held Aurianna securely in her arms and bowed her head as a gentle emerald light lit up the cavern.
The thunder above them rumbled ever louder as the high priestess continued her prayer. Elowyn’s face pinched into a frown as several long moments passed with nothing happening. She felt Aurianna tense and clutched the kitten closer, her heart beginning to race. What was taking so long? The last time the dwarf was Resurrected, she’d woken up fairly quickly.
I’m sorry. I love you.
Meredith’s last words echoed disconcertingly in Elowyn’s head, even as a faint smell of forge smoke, damp earth and salt air hit her nose. Her heart squeezed painfully, even as she tried to shove the bubble of grief that rose in her stomach back down. No. This was going to work! It had to. 
Eventually, the emerald light dimmed and the high priestess’ prayer slowed to a stop. There was no rasping gasp for air, only the continuous thunder of the storm outside. The high priestess huffed a weary sigh,
“That’s that. I’m sorry.” she said, her voice hoarse. Yoruk sighed shakily,
“Ye – Ye did what ye could.” he said, his voice tight. 
As soon as Yoruk had spoken, Elowyn felt her heart shatter and her determined resolve fail entirely. She swallowed down her sob as she opened her eyes, let Aurianna go and stumbled to kneel next to Meredith’s body,
“Why?” she sobbed, “After everything – You promised!” she yelled, curling into herself with another sob. Aurianna was quick to attend to her soul-bonded, mewling quietly as she rubbed up against Elowyn as hard as she could. Elowyn picked the kitten up and hugged her tightly, burying her face into the soft, golden fur. As much as she wanted to pretend this was all just some twisted dream and deny it was even happening, the evidence lying in front of her was impossible to refute. Meredith was gone. And she wasn’t coming back.
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idletrait · 6 months
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The Noble Household
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puppycheesecake · 2 years
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dead-lights · 3 months
deadcanons: the vatores (earlyish stuff)
I've been slowly typing up headcanons lately while I'm waiting on renders - I'll put them up as I finish them! These are my ramblings about what I think the vatores' early vampire years were like, starting a bit before Lilith turned and ending around when Caleb was a prime vampire. This is pretty long.
Caleb, Lily, and Lilith were born in Veronaville in the late 1930s/early 1940s, meaning they came of age as occults in the 1960s.
Lilith met Vlad shortly after her parents, along with Lily’s, died in a horrific car accident back in the good ol’ days before cars were required to have seat belts (which btw, in the US wasn't until 1968). He preyed on her grief and her fear of death and human weakness. At the time, Lily was lost in her own grief and Caleb was jealous of the attention Lilith was getting from Vlad.
While Vlad was absolutely manipulating Lilith, she did ask to be turned.
Caleb was super naive when Lilith first turned. He thought he’d be able to spend time with his sister as usual and didn’t recognize the danger in being the lone mortal barhopping with a bunch of unruly vampires. Lilith used to hang out with the Rebellious Vampires amongst others, soooooo...
Lilith told her new vampire friends that Caleb was off-limits. No feeding, no turning.
Caleb had fairly recently finished culinary school, and was working as a sous chef in an Italian restaurant. He was so stoked.
Though Lilith respected the fact that becoming a vampire would destroy Caleb’s life - you can be a vampire, you can be an Italian chef, but you definitely cannot be both - she quickly realized that she didn’t want to do the occult thing or live the immortal life without the people she loved. Shortly before Caleb was turned, he and Lilith talked it out and decided that he should become a spellcaster, with the hope that he could cure Lily with magic and make her a spellcaster too, and then they could all be immortal together. Miss Hell got to him before he could figure out where the portal was, and their relationship with Lily only got worse from there.
Miss Hell was turned a few years before Lilith was, but they became minor vampires at around the same time. They were rivals for Vlad’s approval, and he had fun playing them off each other. Very much a "Daddy loves ME best!!!" kinda dynamic.
Miss Hell is kind of a shitty vampire - like I get big Team Rocket vibes off of her. Caleb surpassed her within a few decades.
After some petty disagreement between Lilith and Miss Hell, Vlad suggested that turning Caleb would be a hilarious prank and a great way to get back at Lilith. Vlad wanted Caleb turned because it would give him an extra level of control over Lilith, but he didn’t want to do it himself because he thought (correctly) that Lilith would never forgive him, and might even leave the coven.
Caleb felt comfortable around his sister’s new vampire friends because he didn’t think any of them would go against Lilith’s order not to harm him. He didn’t realize that Miss Hell was more of a frenemy than a friend, so one night when she asked him if he’d like to find somewhere a little more private, he really didn’t think it’d be his blood getting sucked.
Lilith was not amused by Miss Hell’s “hilarious prank.” After she found Caleb and got him safely home, she stormed over to Vlad’s mansion and tried to beat Miss Hell to death with her bare hands in front of the entire coven. At this point, Lilith had started to develop supernatural strength, and she would’ve ripped Miss Hell’s shriveled heart right out of her chest if Vlad hadn’t called her off. Vlad was very impressed by Lilith’s ferocity. She gained his favor, but he lost her loyalty. Miss Hell wound up sidelined.
Caleb has always served as Lilith’s moral compass. She is aware that she is selfish and lacks empathy - she has trouble truly caring about anyone except Caleb and Lily - and she doesn’t like that about herself. She deeply loved and respected her parents and feels bad that she struggles to live by the values they taught her. Caleb, on the other hand, has their father’s compassion and patience (as well as his ambitious and materialistic traits), and she generally looks to him as the authority on what their parents would’ve wanted. After Caleb turned, he got fully caught up in the chaos and debauchery, turning his back on the person he was. Without Caleb to moderate her worst impulses, she fully embraced her darker side.
Caleb’s journey back to the light started when he developed his guilty drinker weakness as a minor vampire. I don’t see this as just switching on like it does in-game, but rather developing over time. He had trouble figuring out what was happening to him for a long time, and it’s not like Vlad had any advice for him beyond “stop being a goddamn baby.”
Caleb met Inna at a gala the Bloodvein coven was hosting when he was a minor vampire. Bloodvein, her owner at the time, had her mesmerized and was more or less showing her off like a trophy or pet (like this promotional render). Something about that made Caleb deeply uncomfortable, though he wasn’t entirely sure why.
At that point, Caleb was struggling to maintain his place in the coven - Vlad was increasingly disappointed in him and Caleb badly wanted to win back his approval, so he had the idea to pull a hilarious prank against Bloodvein for some perceived slight. He thought it would make him look cool in front of Vlad. At first he thought about drinking from Inna - feeding on another vampire’s thrall is an enormous mark of disrespect - but something about that made him feel deeply uncomfortable, so he decided to turn her instead, essentially doing to her what Miss Hell did to him. He still feels deeply conflicted about the whole thing - he legitimately was not trying to help her and he didn’t ask permission, and yet it ended up being the best thing that could’ve happened to her. They've remained friends, though he feels incredibly guilty when he's around her.
Lilith started coming back to herself when she realized just how miserable Caleb was. If feeding on humans made Caleb feel that bad, they must be doing something horrific, even if it didn’t feel that way to her. She started making plans to get her and Caleb out of the coven.
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queeniecook · 9 months
Mid Summer of last year
Ever since the warlock James had paid Inna a surprise visit, thoughts had been swirling around in her mind. She doesn't have any intentions of being a part of his plan, but to say she got curious would be correct. She spent hours searching the internet on this Vera Grant. Of course she found things like a simbook profile and a profile on the new big thing - the social bunny media app. Inna has to have them all due to her career. Smartly, Vera seems to have all her personal stuff hidden to where only her friends can see it. But the more she stared at the profile picture of Vera on simbook, the more she reminded her of someone, she just couldn't put her manicured finger on it until she went on a stroll down on the Del Sol Valley walk of fame. She was casually reading the stars, like she usually does - vowing one day her name will be there too - when she saw it. Right beneath her feet, the star that reads "Evie Grant." It all clicked together. Armed with the new information, she spent even more hours googling Vera Grant and her family. She finally had to stop when the information ran out after Evie married a man named Paka'a Uha and became pregnant with her first child. It seems Evie wanted to drop out of the spotlight for the most part after that. Only a few appearances happened for charity up until her death.
It changed nothing. She just found it interesting, that was all. Nothing more, nothing less.
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"Who is the girl in my kitchen, Vlad?" Inna questions. She had asked him here for information, not to play hostess to someone she doesn't know. Not that she minds playing hostess but she prefers to have a heads up first. 
"Do not mind the child, she is simply cooking." One of her mentors tells her. The other half, Elle DeVampiro, is currently over in Italy at one of the pairs' many Villas. 
"You don't usually travel with witches..."Inna trails off, something isn't right about the situation. 
"Very smart of you to keep food in your kitchen, dear one. Just in case you need to entertain those who require mortal food." Vlad continues in his usual tone. Not bothered by the young vampires' proding. "You wanted information, yes?"
Inna just looks at him and bites her tongue not to make a snarky comment, both Vlad and Elle did a lot for her over the years. She pretty much made it impossible for Lilith to help her after Caleb turned her and Lilith had no choice but to hand her over to Vlad and Elle. They helped her tame her blood lust, which she would always be grateful for. She has never killed anyone, something she feels happy about. Her mentors also taught her about the finer things in life and etiquette, while also opening doors for her in the field she loves - acting. "I would be much obliged."
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"Vera Grant-Uha is her legal name and she is indeed the child of Evie Grant. She also has a brother, Apollo, who lives in Sulani with his wife, Naya and son Apollo Grant Junior. Miss Grant currently resides in the village town of Henford-on-Bagley. Miss Grant and Caleb Vatore are set to wed on September 20th of this year in Windenburg." Vlad supplies, it wasn't hard for him to get someone to gather the information. Money is a great tool at his disposal.
Inna nods and glances at the witch in her kitchen briefly, who was still cooking, before looking back at the vampire in front of her. "Thank you, Vlad. You always come through for me."
This earns a smile from the elder vampire. He's not quite as old as Count Straud himself but close. "I have to ask, out of concern. You know that even though I did not turn you I am quite fond of you, dear one." Vlad pauses before asking"Are you planning to see Caleb Vatore again?"
Inna looks at him and shakes her head. "No. I won't lie and say I'm not curious about who has finally stole his cold undead heart. I'm also a bit worried, does she know what she's getting herself into?"
"If you are concerned he may turn her against her wishes as he did you, you need not." Vlad assures her before speaking again because he can tell Inna is confused. "He can't turn her. Vera comes from a long line of merfolk. "
Inna blinks, truly stunned. She kind of wishes her mentor had lead with that bit of information to start with.
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fledermausbend · 1 month
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Even the adults play pretend too.
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gladyssite · 1 year
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Vlad Bloodvein
The Noble Vampires, of which Vlad is a part of, seem to focus on living lavish lifestyles, partying and having power. This is further supported by their fashion style which is extremely formal.
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sintva · 3 months
﹙ ♡ ﹠.﹚--- closed for @bloodveined
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a quiet chuckle passed through her lips, eyes seeming to brighten under the sun rays. " that's cute. confident, got to give it you but why should i say yes? "
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