#blood spot swimmer crab
daily-crabbys · 2 years
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Today's crab is: three in a row
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hal-o-ween · 2 months
Map Spotlight #2: Sharq-Tooth Beach
Just south of the Research Outpost lies Sharq-Tooth Beach, named for both the pointed peninsula it forms, as well as a series of jagged rock formations just off-shore. This region is where the guild ships first landed, but in-depth exploration of the area was postponed due to a lack of experienced hunters.
The Lake
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Dotted all over the Beach are tide pools, and in the center lies a large saltwater lake. This lake hosts a wide variety of life, similar to the tide pools, while its large size and relative security compared to the open waters makes it the preferred home of the Ludroth and their leader, the Royal Ludroth, who, despite being a large monster, often struggles to compete with the more powerful leviathans of the ocean.
The Gulf
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On one side of the Beach's peninsula is the ocean, while on the other lies a large gulf. Several rivers feed into this gulf, creating a more murky and brackish environment, particularly when the tide flows out, removing the clearer ocean water. This environment, with its soft sediment and nonstop flow of both freshwater and saltwater prey, is perfectly suited for ambush predators such as the Gobul and Barlagual.
Gobul nestle themselves beneath the muddy bed closer to the beach, and use the soft blue glow and plant-like appearance of their lure and barbels to entice prey towards them, at which point they open their gaping maw to create an inescapable vacuum.
Barlagual seem to prefer the craggy rock formations towards the east, where the gulf is bordered by cliffs. Waiting amongst the crags for prey such as the herbivore Epioth, they will launch their long, powerful tongue at their target, using a special formation on the tip to then drain the blood of their unfortunate prey.
Many land-based monsters from the regions bordering the gulf can also be spotted along its coast. One such example is the Qurupeco, which can be spotted along the portion of the coast bordering the Verdant Expanse, and on occasion may also be found on the Beach itself, hunting for fish.
The Palm Grove and The Coastal Caves
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The western portion of the Beach hosts two notable locations. The Palm Grove is a common resting spot for many monsters seeking shelter from the sun, but is also the permanent home of Gogomoa. The trees provide comfortable shade and protection, making it a relatively safe place to raise their young, the Kokomoa. These monkey-like monsters are large, with long claws they use readily to defend themselves and their young, but their most notable ability is their use of the silk they produce. Much like a spider, Gogomoa produce a strong silk, and they use this silk to enhance their mobility, swinging between trees or pulling themselves up into them. They are usually relatively docile large monsters, however, they become extremely aggressive when protecting the young Kokomoa.
Just north of the Grove is a small series of Caves. These damp Caves, like the Grove, are frequently used as shelter by a variety of monsters, but also houses its own resident monster, the Taikun Zamuza. This bulky carapaceon covers itself in rock and other debris to create a highly durable armor, protecting both its natural armor and the soft body beneath it. Without the rock armor, Taikun Zamuza's shell resembles that of a horseshoe crab, and should that armor be broken, its ghostly pale blue body will be revealed, along with organs on its back which produce electricity. Taikun Zamuza are typically combat avoidant, preferring to rest and conserve energy, as moving their heavy armor requires a lot of energy. They are primarily scavengers, feeding on carcasses of monsters that either retreated to the Caves to die, or were taken there by another monster.
The Shore
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The Shore of Sharq-Tooth Beach is where one is most likely to encounter its most dangerous residents. Sharq patrol the waters, but are the least of a swimmer's worries. The accepted apex of this region is Lagiacrus, lord of the seas. This thunder wielding leviathan is known to sun itself on the Beach, while maintaining a largely uncontested domain of the waters directly around it, aside from when Plesioth stray away from their territory around the Jagged Island and come into conflict with them.
However, despite this seemingly clear top predator, strange signs indicate something may be hiding near the reef between the Island and the Beach. Monsters, both small and large, with unidentified bite marks; boats reporting large shadows underwater that don't quite look like any known monster in the area. Some members of the outpost suggest there may be an extant population of a monster known only as "The Ancient Leviathan". Considered the split-off between piscine wyverns and leviathans, thus monster is, oddly enough, not officially considered extinct. It's extancy status is typically listed as "unknown", due to a combination of factors, such as it having no definitive cut-off point in the fossil record, and purely aquatic monsters and environments being particularly difficult for the guild to research (in part due to the very limited number of hunters authorized for underwater hunts). Thus, it is unlikely, yet possible, that this ancient monster still lives off the coast of this continent, a living glimpse into the very beginnings of the leviathans.
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dinofelissnow1985 · 1 year
by DinofelisSnow1985
Fearless Prey meets non-aggressive Predator. One needs the help of the other. What shall become of it?
Dust had no idea where he was. It had been two weeks now, that he had been wandering the ocean alone.
Stupid storm.
At first he had tried to follow the storm, that'd swept his pod away, in an attempt to find them. But the storm dissolved and Dust had no idea where to look for the others.
Begrudgingly he had to accept that he was on his own now. At least until he could join another pod.
He was a fast swimmer and quite fearless. He had never had any problems to be accepted by other mer, since he could provide protection. He never hesitated to distract or even fight predators to give the pod the chance to escape.
Sometimes he didn't manage to rejoin his pod and would wander alone for a while until he eventually met other mer.
But he had never been alone for this long. A few days, yeah, but two weeks? If it came simply to survival Dust would've been fine. But there was the mating season every year. He never found interest in someone so far, but his instincts still dragged him to the breeding grounds to at least seek out the company of potential mates.
Dust sighed and looked around. Apparently he had wandered into shallower waters. The ground rose up and the sand was soon replaced by rocks and cliffs, littered with crevices and nooks where smaller fish and crustaceans might find shelter.
In hope of finding a good hunting spot and a cave or crevice big enough for him to rest he swam alongside the cliff. He caught some crabs and small fry to snack on until he smelled blood in the water.
Blood and Magic.
There was an injured mer nearby!
Dust kept closer to the cliffs so any predators wouldn't be able to sneak up on him at least from one side.
A bullshark - an actual one, not a mer - passed by, obviously following the smell of blood. Dust gulped and moved even more carefully. He could fight, yes, but a bunch of bullsharks in a feeding frenzy would mean suicide.
He rounded a corner where the stench of blood and Magic became overwhelming and needed a moment to get a grip on himself.
When he looked closer he saw something hanging from the cliffside, entangled in the corals and some sharp rocks. It looked like a fishing net, seemed like some unlucky fishermen lost their catch and the sharks were now feasting on it. But that wouldn't explain the Magic in the water.
A fresh cloud erupted from the bundle of crazed sharks and one of the predators abruptly retreated from its place, giving way to the view of another mer trapped in the net.
Dust caught a glimpse of sharp teeth and red Eye Lights. The other merskeleton was a predator themself.
Dust's rational thought told him to leave and not challenge the sharks, the other mer would most likely do the same.
They were another mer. And Dust had spent most of his adult life so far with the duty to protect others.
What should he do? If hesitated any longer the other mer would die.
Dust took a deep breath, focused on his Magic and summoned his pilot fish. He sent them to distract and provoke the sharks which snapped at the small nuisances and eventually, one by one, then more and more, left their meal be to charge at the pilot fish. During the scramble between the sharks and the pilot fish made of Magic one of the predators hit the mer with its tail on the skull, smashing it into the rocky surface and breaking the skull open.
Dust made sure the sharks were gone for good before he neared the other mer.
They were breathing heavily and their Eye Lights were dim. Dust saw several horribly deep gashes along the other's body. He could only tell the other was a shark mer, but not what kind of shark, the red magic flesh showed no pattern and the fins were reduced to their bases and some strands of bloody flesh and fiber. There were also several harpoons from a spearfishing weapon stuck in their tail, shoulder and back. And the head wound looked horrible from closer up.
Dust decided he needed to get the other to a safe place first. He summoned a sharp bone and cut the net free from the rocks and corals. He used it to carry his new charge without touching him, what would've been difficult because of their many wounds. He swam upward to the top of the cliffside and found a colony of sponges in a deep crevice with a small opening. He lay the shark mer on the sponges and freed them from the net.
He looked for the most dangerous wounds and used what Healing Magic he had to stop the bleeding. Then he pulled the, thankfully not barbed, harpoons out and tended to the wounds left behind by them. Finally he wrapped the tail and bones in seaweed bandages, he'd noticed the plants outside when he brought the other mer in search for a safe place.
While he was treating the other's injuries Dust found them terribly malnourished. Their bones were brittle and grayish, and way too thin. What was left of their tail fin spoke of a shark species on the bigger side, despite them being at least two handlengths smaller than him. Most smaller sharks had either an overly long upper tail fin or short, rounded ones. As well as broad bands or some kind of spots or speckles decorating their bodys.
During all this the shark mer never even tried to move, despite being conscious. Maybe they were dazed?
After he finished wrapping up the wounds of the other Dust decided to look for food. Anything he could get his claws on would strengthen the other's chances.
He left one of his pilot fishes behind to watch over the injured mer and left the crevice. Before he went hunting Dust made sure there were no traces for any predator to find the hideout.
- time skip -
Dust had been in luck. He'd found plenty of different sorts of prey for him and his charge.
When he returned to the crevice the other, who seemingly had fallen asleep or unconscious during his absence, stirred as soon as they smelled food.
As soon as Dust got near the other they tensed as far as they were able to and growled weakly. Their Lights were tiny pinpricks.
Dust paused and took the time to think. The other was starved, weak and gravely injured. They were alone, and found themself at the mercy of a stranger.
He took a deep breath and scooted back a little. Then he summoned a pilot fish and made it bring the food within reach of the other mer, piece by piece.
At first the shark mer growled at the pilot fish but fell silent when it only dropped the small fish it was carrying and returned to Dust for the next bit of food. They watched it swimming to and fro a few times before they trained their Eye Lights on Dust while reaching out for the food.
Dust just sat there and tried to look as unthreatening as possible.
The first bite they took changed the game dramatically. As if a switch had been flipped the shark mer yeeted every ounce of waryness out the metaphorical window and chowed down every piece of food the pilot fish brought them.
Dust watched with a mix of satisfaction, worry and sadness, himself just eating a few shrimps and a small crab the other most likely wouldn't be able to crack.
When most of the food was gone Dust cleared his throat. The other paused immediately, as if they just now remembered the other was there.
Dust gave them a lazy smile and made himself comfy on the soft sand. "Heya, buddy. I'm Dust. Looks like you had a lot of bad luck lately."
The only answer he received was a growl.
"Easy bud. I won't hurt you. If i wanted to i would have done so earlier. Or just left you to the bullsharks."
That made the other pause.
"Then... what'cha wan' from me?" Dust wasn't sure if the slurring in the other's speach came from his head injury or not. And it made him worried.
"I don't want anything. I'm a mer, you're a mer. That's reason enough for me to help you. And yeah, i noticed you're a shark mer, but i don't give a shit about it. Even if you weren't mauled half to death i could take you on easily. Or outswim you.
So, uh... you gonna tell me your name?"
The injured mer remained silent for a few seconds, seemingly thinking about Dust's words. "'M Cr'nberry," they- he finally answered.
"May i ask what kind of shark you are?"
"...sand tiger... 'm a runt. Tha's why m' shiv'r kick'd me ou'," he explained bitterly.
Dust felt genuinely sorry for the poor fellow. As far as he knew shivers usually were tight knit and the members looked out for each other. He never heard before of shivers abandoning one of their members. Either he just didn't know and this actually was a thing that happened or Cranberry's shiver had been a shitty one.
He decided not to pry.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Wh'tev'r... Wha're ya g'nna do wi' me?"
Dust shrugged. "For now, treating your wounds and fatten you up until you're able to take care of yourself again. After that? I don't know yet. Didn't think that far ahead... Maybe i'll go look for a pod to join."
"I still dun ge' why ya help'n' me. Ya no' worried i migh' kill ya 'soon as i'm s'rong 'nough?"
Dust grinned wildly. "Wanna see you try. I've fought way larger predators than you to protect my pod."
"Ye' here ya are lef' behin' by de po' ya prot'ct'd."
Dust only shrugged again. "They weren't my original pod and neither were they the first nor last i joined and get seperated from. Sooner or later i'll find a new pod. They always take in mer that can protect them."
"So ya on yer own too." Dust cocked a browbone at that. "Wanna say yer pod hoppin' mean' ya ne'er s'ay long 'nough ta bon' wi' de o'er podm'mbers. In a way ya 'lways alone, ev'n when wi' a pod."
Dust stared at Cranberry. He never thought about it that way. But he didn't want to admit that the other struck a nerve.
He sent out some pilot fish to keep watch and made himself comfortable. "We should sleep. I'm tired and you need to rest to recover. Night."
Cranberry watched Dust laying down on the soft sand before he himself lay back down and shut his eyes. "Nigh'."
- Some days later -
Cranberry had gotten a little better. He turned out to be pretty resilient. And grateful. It would take some time for him to heal and regain his strength but Dust was in no rush. The mating season had just passed shortly before he got seperated from his pod.
At least Cranberry's appetite was quite healthy. Dust spent most of the day hunting, taking for himself only what he needed and giving everything else to the shark.
When Dust asked him about the slurring in his speech Cranberry told him it had always been like that, the head injury only worsened it.
Bit by bit Cranberry learned that he could trust Dust. In the beginning he went stiff as a board when Dust changed the seaweed bandages once a day. But since Dust never tried to hurt him and stayed patient with him, Cranberry relaxed and eventually even allowed Dust to groom him. Under Dust's careful ministrations Cranberry became 'boneless' and started purring.
Dust cheered internally but didn't show it on the outside. Cranberry could have gotten selfconscious about it and stop, and Dust didn't want that to happen.
He liked to hear the other purr. It was relaxing, and made his Soul feel warm. He liked that feeling.
While Cranberry got stronger his wounds healed slowly. And soon after Dust noticed new soft cartilage and tissue growing from the remains of Cranberry's fins when he changed the bandages. To not disturb the regrowth of the fins Dust didn't rebandage them.
At this point it had already been several weeks since he saved Cranberry's life. And he thought of the other as some kind of friend.
"Now that your fins are growing in again, we should get you mobile again. You're a sand tiger shark after all, not a flounder. Let's start tomorrow."
"Soun's goo' ta me."
And that was that.
The next morning Dust encouraged Cranberry to move his tail, to stretch the unused muscles. His movements were jerky and clumsy after not moving for so long.
But his wounds were still healing and he was still in pain because of that. So Dust didn't push him too hard, yet kept encouraging him to try later again. Then he left to go hunting.
In the days and weeks that followed Cranberry kept getting stronger and his movements became more fluently.
One day Dust returned from hunting to see a bigger sand tiger mer swimming circles over the crevice. Thankfully they were too big to get to Cranberry.
Dust ducked behind a colony of different corals and summoned his pilot fish to sneak up and listen to the other mer, who seemed to talk to Cranberry in the safety of the crevice.
"You're just prolonging the inevitable, runt. The best thing you can do with your miserable existence is to feed your shiver."
"Ya ditch'd me 'soon as ya no'iced de fishboa'. Ya din' ev'n warn me. Ya jus' go' ya own asses ta saf'ty an' lef' me fer dead. An' now ya 'xpec' me ser'sly ta le' ya ea' me? How 'bout 'NO'?!! Piss off an' leave me de fuck alo'e!!"
The other shark jumped back, but got themself under control again in an instant. "And how do you plan to survive on your own, you little leech?" The other leered. "We both know you never even killed the smallest shrimp. You wouldn't have survived this long if it hasn't been for the rest of us doing the killing and feeding you. You can't hunt on your own and you can't eat algae or kelp either. You're not a plant eater. Instead of starving meaninglessly you would at least serve a purpose by letting me, your brother, put you out of your misery."
"Chok' on a sea u'chin!! Ya ungra'fu' jell'fishbrain! I a'ways foun' da bes' hun'in' groun's, had a'ways de bes' nose fer fin'in' prey! An' now tha' ya thin' 'm no' g'nna be usefu' to da shiver, tha' already di'ch'd me an' lef' me fer dead, ya thin' ya hav any righ' ta claim mah life ta fill ya gree'y maw?! Ge' ya ugly mug ou'a here! I'll rip eve'ythin' offa ya ya dare ta stick in here! Try if ya dare!!"
Dust decided that he had seen enough.
He summoned a swarm of his pilot fish to distract and confuse the intruder while he himself summoned a sharpened bone and charged. He struck the other across their shoulders, right above their upper dorsal fin.
The other shrieked in outrage and whirled around, snapping blindly at their attacker, only to catch nothing but bubbles between their teeth.
Dust quickly turned around and charged again, attacking the tail of his enemy and slashing the lower dorsal fin to shreds. That ripped another shriek from the bigger mer.
The angry shark whirled around and paused at seeing Dust. "This has to be a bad joke. A rainbow mackerel? You must have a death wish, attacking me. Come here immediately and i'll grant you the mercy of a quick death, bait."
Dust just pointed his bone at the other. "Come and get me, sea slug. If you dare. I've fought way more predators than a red octopus lays eggs. And i killed more than you have teeth in your rotten ugly mug right now."
The other spat curses and venom and charged at Dust. The fearless mer rolled out of the way and landed another hit on his opponent, enraging them even more.
The attacks took up speed and ferocity, the large shark mer lashing out at Dust with everything they had. Teeth, claws and tail. Dust countered with swiftness, bravery, his pilot fish and bones.
Eventually the ruckus of their fight, as well as both their blood and Magic in the water, attracted other predators and scavengers in hope of easy prey.
Dust hid in a cloud of his pilot fish that dispersed when the shark mer shot right through it, only to reveal that Dust had disappeared.
Growling angrily the shark mer looked around for Dust, only now noticing that they had made it onto the menu themself.
Knowing that they couldn't fight of that many potential enemies the other mer turned tail and sped off, followed by all the other predators.
At the same time Dust laid in the crevice, panting from exhaustion and pressed into Cranberry's side.
It was on the small shark mer now to keep watch. Dust hadn't gotten out of the fight unscathed. His body was littered with numerous smaller and deeper scratches.
When he was sure they were alone again Cranberry took a closer look at Dust and began to lick the wounds clean. With that he applied his own kind of healing Magic to the wounds and sealed them at the same time to stop the bleeding.
Despite being a shark Cranberry felt no urge to feast on the source of the blood in the water. Even if he had been able to bring himself to kill, Dust was his friend and he felt closer to him than he had ever to his own family. Plus, Dust had gotten hurt because he'd fought to protect Cranberry. Nobody had ever done this for him before.
While he treated Dust's injuries Cranberry noticed how skinny his friend had become.
Cranberry felt a lump in his throat. Dust had starved himself to feed Cranberry as much as possible.
"S'upid idio'," he choked out. "Why woul' ya do tha'? 'Spec'lly fer someone like me." He hugged an unconscious Dust close to him and let his feelings run free for a moment.
When Dust came to, Cranberry finally managed to get a grip on himself again and wiped his eyes.
He pushed Dust down on the sponges and, after making sure noone else was around, he slipped out of the crevice to look for food.
When he had his hands full with crabs, clams and other kinds of shellfish he returned to the crevice to drop of his catch, before swimming off again to look for more.
While Cranberry came back and went off again several times Dust started cracking the clams and killing the crustaceans that could run off otherwise.
Finally Cranberry returned with a few small fish in his hands, still alive.
Dust simply reached over and dug his claws into the gills of each fish. Cranberry lowered his gaze, ashamed of his inability to kill. He felt like a failure as a predator.
As if Dust had read his thoughts he leaned closer and nuzzled Cranberry's face. "Don't think about what this wanna-be Great White told you. You can leave the killing to me. Doesn't mean you can't hunt. Like you've proved just now."
Cranberry looked up at Dust. "Wha' ya mean? Ya plan on stayin' wi' me or som'th'n?"
Dust looked down at his hands, peeling the broken pieces of a cracked crab shell away to get to the soft sweet meat. "Would you mind? Us staying together, i mean."
Cranberry thought for a moment about it. "No, act'lly tha' soun's pre'y good."
Dust perked up at that. He pulled the meat out of a crab claw and held it out to Cranberry without thinking.
Cranberry blushed before eating the offered morsel right out of Dust's hand. Then he offered Dust a piece of fish in the same way.
Dust looked at it nervously, before he smiled and ate it.
While they shared the food Cranberry fussed over Dust and Dust showed him how to open clams and crack hard crab shells.
They would need to be careful because of Cranberry's vengeful brother. But Cranberry knew the area, every good hunting spot, every possible hiding place and the habits of his former shiver.
They would keep each other safe and Dust could finally stop travelling from one place to the other, and settle down.
And maybe, just maybe, Cranberry would like to spend the mating season with him?
Dust was hopeful.
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elencelebrindal · 3 years
Saw the passive abilities question, so now we have to ask: what passives would all the golds have?
I am SO sorry this took me so long to answer, but here I go!
Of course, I went the "creature the zodiac sign is linked to" way.
You know how rams headbutt each other to assert dominance? The Aries Saint has the ability to headbutt people without gaining brain damage as a result. Well, jokes aside, rams can charge at incredible speed before attacking and have considerable endurance, so maybe the latter is what I can give the Aries Saint as an innate ability? Fights between rams can last for hours, so I bet the Aries Saint can keep fighting for much longer than a Saint normally can.
Rather than an ability, I would say the Taurus Saint has a tendency of being red-green colorblind, as bulls generally have dichromacy. In addition to that, I'd say the Taurus Saint is always the strongest, at least on a physical level, because bulls have incredible strength.
Well, I don't know? The gemini zodiac sign literally represents twins, so... I have no idea what kind of ability I could give the Gemini Saint, aside from an innate capability of bickering with their twin.
Okay, I'm done joking. Gemini represents Castor and Pollux, the Dioscuri, who are known for being excellent hunters and horsemen. With this in mind, I'd say the innate ability of the Gemini Saint is exactly that: riding and hunting. And this Saint can hunt anything.
... I thought I had no idea of what do write here, because, well, the constellation is literally just the crab that bit Hercules while he was fighting the Hydra. There's nothing associated with it, save for this fact, and that it was placed among the stars by Hera. But then I remembered that I'm supposed to take into account the animal itself as well, and crabs? They can themselves so well you can't notice them even if you walk right past their hiding spot. So this is what the Cancer Saint's ability. Hiding. Which, if you ask me, is an extremely useful ability, no matter how proud the Gold Saints are.
I wanted to say "the Leo Saint has the ability to run after a laser pointer" so bad, but then I remembered that one video I watched of lions being completely uncaring of laser pointers so... guess the joke died before existing. Anyway, the Leo Saint is probably known for ability to deliver short but powerful attacks, just like real lions. They don't have much in terms of stamina - remember, we're still in the superhuman category here - but they are powerful by default. Also, using the Nemean lion to my advantage, I'll say the Leo Saint can't be wounded easily. Just for a silly comparison: if another Saint lands face-first into the ground, there's going to be blood right away; is a Leo Saint lands face-first into the ground, there's still going to be blood right away, but only because Leo would kick in the teeth whoever slammed him on the floor. Basically, it takes effort to draw blood from a Leo Saint.
Also, a Leo Saint that's also a woman has a more refined hunting instinct, because I watched way too many documentaries in my life and I know that a lioness does 99% of the hunting work and it's better at it.
Does the ability of never getting laid count?
This one is tricky, because Virgo represents Astrea, the celestial virgin and goddess of innocence, purity, and precision. Since these don't really qualify as abilities, I looked into her mythology and remembered that she's closely associated with Earth. Because of this, I believe the Virgo Saint's ability is to communicate on a deep, spiritual level with the essence of Earth and its creatures. Which is not too far from what's actually depicted in canon, after all.
The Libra Saint can always find the perfect balance. Doesn't matter if it's physical or metaphorical, Thanos would die of envy for how perfectly balanced everything is for this Saint. Aside from this, which is more of a practical ability, the Libra Saint has also the amazing capability of being always able to find loopholes in laws (Libra represents justice and law, so... yeah), and can always know if someone is innocent or guilty.
Oh, here I go, let me butcher my sign completely. My first thought was that the Scorpio Saint is actually venomous (god, I hope I used the right word, we only have ONE in Italian for poisonous and venomous). Not like a certain Pisces Saint we know and love, of course. Just like with Taurus, it's a characteristic and not a passive ability, but I do have something else as well.
And that something else is an ability to survive even in the worst, most dire conditions. Scorpions, unless you straight up crush them under your foot, are extremely difficult to kill. They have a tremendous immune system, they literally don't drown, they can slow down their metabolism when there's no food around, you can freeze them completely and they'll just walk away once thawed, and they can live in harsh climates with no issues. In light of this, the Scorpio Saint is extremely difficult to kill, and can resist most life-threatening conditions with ease. I'd say is a good passive ability to have, for sure.
It goes by itself that the Sagittarius Saint has the innate ability to be absolutely amazing with bow and arrow, but another passive ability they have is horse riding. Lastly, since the constellation actually represents Chiron, the Sagittarius Saint is an excellent mentor and teacher, better than anyone else.
Goats can climb near vertical surfaces, and so can the saint of this constellation. It's a really useful ability, especially when it comes to stealthy missions and the like. Alongside this, the Capricorn Saint is probably a really good swimmer, since the constellation is half goat and half fish, although not as good as the Pisces Saint.
Oh, here we have some troubles. The Aquarius constellation represents Ganymede, Zeus' freaking cup-bearer. He's a hero, yes, but he's known for having enchanted Zeus enough to gain a place in the Olympus as an immortal. What does this leave me with? A Saint that has the air association of the sign, the water association of the constellation, and the fascinating beauty of the myth.
Let's just say that the Aquarius Saint has the perfect mastery over ice (which is canon) because air and water? Come on, it's the only thing I cant think about. That's the passive ability, an insane control over water and air that translate in mastery of all ice things. Plus the ability to enchant even the gods, because the Pisces Saint is not the only enticing person of the Sanctuary.
I'd say the passive ability of the Pisces Saint is swimming like a mermaid, aka quickly, efficiently, and without needing as much rest as a normal human. Some powerful Saints can also find themselves able to breathe underwater, but it's a rather rare ability that doesn't show up often, and not many are willing to try breathing underwater just to make sure.
And that's it, since the other somewhat passive ability I love to give every single Pisces Saint (and not only the canon ones) is venomous blood and plant toxins immunity.
I don't know if I nailed or failed this answer. I'm mostly going off of stuff I know out of the top of my head, because I'm a sucker for nature documentaries and documentaries in general, so there might be some stupid things sprinkled here and there.
Doesn't matter.
Once again, sorry for taking so long, and thank you for the interesting ask!
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Argonaut Atalanta
This was supposed to be a fic about body image issues...but then I was writing it...and it didn’t become that at all
This also isn’t my best work. It feels kinda rushed but 🤷‍♀️
Word count: 2596
Prompt: “Look at you… Goodness, you’re so cute.” “Thank you for staying with me.” “Don’t look.” “No, please! No, no no no no no!”
Tw: Blood
A wave roared into the beach and crashed around Howard’s feet. Her toes sank into the wet sand. Her pink and dirty blonde hair billowed in the wind.
She couldn’t really remember whose idea it had been, but someone had decided they were going to spend the week away at a rented beach house. Not that she was complaining. It felt nice to finally get out of the cities and get away from performing.
Suddenly, there was a blur of aquamarine to her left- Maggie crashed into the water a moment later. Howard watched her flounder around in the small, but powerful waves in amusement for a moment before she managed to roll over and get back to her feet. She threw her arms up with a triumphant yell before stomping further into the ocean to go swim. Anne and Maria soon joined her, while the others finished setting up.
“Alright, kids,” Aragon said, flipping on her sunglasses. “Do not bother me for the next four hours. There will be hell to pay if you do. Toodles!” She waved and then loped over to a beach chair, which she promptly lounges her elegant body on. If she was trying to show off her toned stomach and muscles arms in her golden bikini, then it was definitely working.
“Do you have mommy issues?” Cleves strangely asked Joan, who had been caught staring at the queen. “Because isn’t Catalina like your—”
“Shut up! Shut up!” Joan cried. Aragon lifts her sunglasses to peer over at her when she yelled, but resumed sunbathing when she was sure the music director was okay.
Howard shook her head before looking around curiously. It only took her a moment to find who she was looking for.
“There’s my sweet girl,” She cooed, walking over to Bessie, who had been rooting around through the fluffy white sand.
Bessie looked up at her and grinned brightly. She, like Joan, didn’t have a bathing suit showing, instead donning a white sundress. Although Joan was wearing swim trunks and a rash guard because she would fry in the sun. But Howard could assume why Bessie wasn’t taking off her covering.
“Found anything?” Howard asked, crouching down next to her.
“Not yet,” Bessie shook her head. “But we just got here! So I’m sure I will soon!”
Howard ruffled her hair, which was dyed pink at the tips (she had wanted to match with her mother), affectionately.
“Wanna go in the water?” She asked. “Or do you want to keep digging?”
Bessie perked up. “Let’s go in the water!”
Howard laughed and helped the girl to her feet. They both snagged goggles from the beach bag before venturing into the cool water.
“This is freedom, Bessie,” Howard said, taking in a deep breath.
“Freedom smells a lot like fish.” Bessie observed, and Howard splashed her playfully.
They both walked until they were in stomach-deep water. Well, stomach-deep for Howard, closer to her shoulders for Bessie. Still, the shorter girl seemed content as she put her goggles on and then disappeared under the surface. Howard watched her swim down with a loving smile before joining her.
Swimming was a tad difficult to say the least. The current kept trying to shove her back up to the beach and then yank her out again, turning her body into the rope used in a game of aquatic tug-o-war. Bessie, however, didn’t seem phased, as she pulled herself through the water to look at the sea floor. She grabbed at handfuls of sand for grip, but the ground was far too loose to hang onto, and she was left flapping her hands awkwardly as she tried to stand at the ground. Howard laughed as she watched this, flurry of bubbles exploding from her lips, and Bessie stuck her tongue out at her—only to remember she was in saltwater.
“Silly girl,” Howard chuckled when they both resurfaced. Bessie was still spitting and sputtering. “You’re such a good swimmer! Like a little bleached frog.”
Bessie’s face flushed red and she laughed awkwardly, but Howard can tell that comment made her uncomfortable. She could see her arms snake around her stomach in the water, and her theory of why she kept the sun dress on was suddenly proven.
“Hey, hey,” Howard said quickly. “I’m sorry. That was the wrong thing to say. I just meant you were swimming like a frog. You know—they do that kicking thing with their legs. That’s what you were doing.”
That just made Bessie blush harder and she sunk below the water without a word. Bubbles burst on the surface as she sank. And then she’s careening right into Howard’s legs like a cannonball when a vicious current knocked her forward.
“Sorry!” Bessie cried when she came back up. “I’m so sorry, Kat, I didn’t-“
“Shh,” Howard cupped Bessie’s wet cheeks after regaining her balance. “What did I tell you about apologizing for things you didn’t cause?”
“Don’t do it...” Bessie’s shoulders hunched. “Sorry. Argh! Dang it!”
Howard chuckled lightly. She leaned forward and kissed the girl’s forward, then immediately began spitting out the salt that brushed her lips.
“Ew.” She said in distaste. “Anyway, we’ll still work on that. Now...think you can find me a nice shell?”
Bessie lit up. “I’ll find the prettiest one!”
With an excited giggle, she disappears under the surface like an eager dolphin. Howard watched her go with a loving shake of her head, then turned around to observe what everyone else was doing.
Aragon was still lounging on her beach throne, although she was in a different position. The closest person to her was Joan, who sat under an umbrella and was simultaneously reading and drawing. Cathy and Jane were sitting on the bay, letting the tide lick hungrily at their legs as they drizzled mud on their thighs and knees over mild conversation. Maria and Cleves were playing with a volleyball in the shallows, while Anne and Maggie were somewhere further out. Howard thought she saw a flash of her cousin’s emerald green bathing suit a few meters away. Then, there was her wading in the water and her precious Bessie exploring the depths below her.
Where Bessie was, the water was much warmer and bursting with aquatic life. Plain sandy plateaus turned into a petrified forest of pale pink and washed out orange coral. Bessie stared at the underwater jungle with wide eyes before getting another breath of air and paddling over excitedly.
There were so many shells!
She dug her hands into the sand as best as she could after deciding that grabbing onto the coral wouldn’t be the best idea. She gawked at all the shells around her and grabbed a particularly pretty white and grey one. She turned it over and was immediately met by a grumpy hermit crab. It flailed its little legs and pinched its claws in the air angrily until she put it down. The tide captured it almost instantly and Bessie watched it bounce around the sea floor until rolling to a halt a few feet behind her. She giggled, then moved on.
After a bit of searching (with two trips back to the surface for air), she spotted a long, brown and pink-white shell with a pointing end. She picked it up and made sure there was no residence inside before darting back to Howard.
“Oh!” Howard yelped when Bessie suddenly popped up in front of her. “You startled me, baby.”
Bessie giggled, then proudly held up the shell she had found. Howard gave an impressed coo and plucked it up from her palm.
“Pretty?” Bessie asked hopefully.
“Very pretty.” Howard confirmed, smiling at her.
“Yay!” Bessie cheered. “I’m really glad! There’s a lot more over— EEP!!”
The girl suddenly leapt into Howard’s arms, wrapping all her limbs around the woman to cling onto her like a frightened koala. She looked fearfully over her shoulder to peer into the water.
“Something touched my foot!” She cried.
Howard gasped. “How dreadful! I’ll make sure to squash it to tiny pieces so it’ll never do such an evil thing to my princess ever again!”
“Mum,” Bessie groaned, burying her nose against Howard’s wet neck. She giggled when she was given a quick peck on her salty cheek.
“Look at you,” Howard said, bouncing the bassist in her arms. “Goodness, you’re so cute.”
Bessie made a flustered noise and pressed her face further into Howard’s neck. She was lucky the queen didn’t mind her throat being touched or else she surely would have been shoved off.
“What? I never had a daughter, darling. I’m going to gush over you. You know that.” Howard chuckled. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Bessie said back. She peeled away from Howard after a moment, although she felt colder when not in the queen’s arms. She felt like she fit perfectly in them.
They began the short trek back to the beach after that. Howard retired to a towel to tan on, so Bessie bounded off down the shoreline so she could find some more things.
She passed by Joan, who was sculpting a very intricate sandcastle and didn't seem to be aware that her arms and legs were baking in the sun. Bessie winced at the alarming shade of red the skin has already turned to.
Further down the beach, quite a ways away from the little campsite, Bessie found that the sandy bay turned into a rocky shoreline that was dotted with colorful tide pools. Pale pink starfish clung to the edges of the dugouts while schools of bright yellow and orange fish spiral through the enclosure. White and grey oysters and clams sat lazily at the bottoms in the grains of sand.
Bessie stepped carefully over the pools to get to the edge of the shore. The waves were much stronger there, crashing heavily against the sides of the rocks and sending a spray of white foam splattering through the air. The water cascaded over her feet, churning around her ankles, then sucked back jarringly. Bessie stumbled at the force, then fell.
The riptide seized her. She’s pulled into its raging body and smothered with its mass. She struggled when the shock wore off, but something caught her in foot and anchored her back down. Something sharp and pointy, which elicits a despaired wail before salty water rushes down her throat and clogs every passageway.
Howard jolted upwards on her towel. She looked around, then shot to her feet and briskly walked down the beach. Uneasy was prickling through her and she wasn’t sure why. She felt way too restless to just lay in the sand and try to tan.
Something was wrong.
Something was wrong; because she soon spotted a figure convulsing under the water further down the beach.
Her daughter.
Howard broke out into a sprint, adrenaline now pumping through her veins. She dove into the water and swam over to where Bessie was struggling. Flailing limbs whacked Howard several times in the face, and as hard as she tried, she couldn’t get the gel to calm down. She just kept writhing in the angry tide.
Clouds of murky red were billowing around her. Blood. She was bleeding.
Howard took a breath and submerged herself. Despite the horrible sting of salt water, she opened her eyes and began to search, quickly finding what had her daughter ensnared—a fishing wire.
She pulled, but all that did was cause Bessie to make an agonized cry. Howard tried again to no avail. She swam lower, feeling the undertow claw desperately at her waist and legs, and just decided to bite the wire, cutting it in half with her teeth.
Bessie convulsed as she was freed and Howard grappled her body, swimming her to the surface. A wave instantly crashed over them and slammed them both into the rocky shoreline. Howard took the brunt of it, wincing when her waist hit against the rough stone. She shook the pain off and clambered onto the bay, pulling Bessie up with her. She half carried, half dragged the girl back into the sand then set her down. Immediately, Bessie began to cough, and seawater came flooding out of her mouth.
“Get it all out, sweetheart,” Howard encouraged, helping her roll over. She patted her back. “It’s okay. You’re okay now. I’ve got you.”
“Mama,” Bessie sobbed through another watery cough. Her head flopped back miserably against the sand.
“I’m right here, baby girl.” Howard brushed her soaked cheek. “I’m right here. Mama’s here.”
Her eyes slowly gazed down as Bessie continued to struggle with the water she had swallowed. There was a dark stain in the sand around her legs—blood. There was blood on her left foot, too, from where a fish hook was pierced all the way through her flesh.
“Oh no,” Howard muttered.
“What?” Bessie said fearfully. She tried to get up to look, but Howard eased her back down.
“Don’t look.” Howard said. “Just relax and try to breathe for me. Think you can do that?”
Bessie nodded shakily. She rested her head in the sand, doing her best to maintain her breathing, but it was hard after nearly drowning and with the panic he mother was giving off.
“You’ve got a hook in your foot, baby.” Howard told her grimly. She saw Bessie’s entire body tense up and her heart ached for the girl. “I’m going to pull it out.”
“No, please! No, no no no no no!” Bessie begged. “It’s gonna hurt. P-please don’t!”
“I have to, baby,” Howard frowned. She brushed a clump of pink-white hair out of the girl’s face. “It’s going to hurt worse if I leave it in. I’ll be quick, I promise.”
Bessie just made a miserable whimper and screwed her eyes shut. Howard took that as permission to get to work, so she held Bessie’s left ankle down with one hand and carefully grabbed the hook caught on the side of her foot. The tip had gone all the way through and was now sticking out of the top. Howard winced; Bessie was not going to like this.
The cry Bessie made when Howard slid the hook down was heart wrenching. Her body convulsed with pain and she wailed again as Howard continued to pull the hook out of the hole it created until it was free from her foot. She threw it away and then cradled Bessie’s head in her lap as she wept.
“It’s out, sweetheart. I got it out.” She told her, stroking her hair and face. “You’re okay now. The hook is out.”
Bessie sniffled weakly and opened her teary brown eyes. Howard was smiling down at her warmly.
“I-it is?” She asked. Her foot twitches slightly.
“It is.” Howard assured her. “I promise.”
Bessie took a few deep breaths, then nodded. She squeaked softly when Howard suddenly scooped her up in her arms.
“Wh-what are you doing?” She asked shyly.
“Carrying you,” Howard replied. “You can’t walk in the sand with an open wound!”
“But everyone is gonna laugh at me,” Bessie whined, hiding her face.
“Then I’ll kill them.” Howard simply said and Bessie giggled.
“Thank you for staying with me.” Bessie said softly.
“Of course,” Howard said. “I wouldn’t just leave my princess on the beach with a hook in her foot!”
“I’m glad,” Bessie closed her eyes. The panic of being stuck underwater surfaces for a moment, but then she hears the sound of Howard’s heartbeat and calmed down slightly. “Did you see Joan’s sunburn?”
“Oh yeah. That’s BAD.”
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A short story about mermaids
written for my CW class that I thought I’d share here.
Word Count: 2000+
The first time I met a mer, it came out of nowhere and nearly killed me.
I was just a kid. Playing on the rocks had been my favorite pastime ever since I learned to walk. The tidepools were always filled with interesting creatures to look at, and playing chicken with the waves that crashed up and over the rocks was fun, too.
The catch to playing chicken with the ocean, of course, is that sometimes the ocean catches you. Sometimes, waves roar over the side of the rock you’re playing on, slam into your gangly kid body, and cause you to slip and tumble head over heels into the water. And sometimes, you manage to fall right into a current that drags you away from the rocks you thought you could handle.
I was lucky enough to be that person at the ripe old age of ten.
Every ocean safety lesson my parents had ever drilled into me left my mind like water through a sieve. I started swimming against the current, but I couldn’t keep that kind of effort up for very long. Eventually, I gave up, and let myself float underneath the sun. If the current was going to take me away, the current was going to take me away. When I finally bobbed up and looked around, I was way too far from shore to ever swim back on my own.
Surprisingly, I don’t remember crying or feeling afraid. I had always thought the ocean was beautiful, and now I was in a position to see it from a new angle. The waves were tiny this far from shore, lapping at my neck. The blue of the water was much richer than I had ever seen it, and the loud beach we lived next to was quiet and peaceful from this distance.
I was still admiring the view when I was tugged down underneath the waves faster than I could ever take a deep breath.
Water flooded into my mouth and down my throat, salty and burning. I kicked, struggling to free my ankle from whatever mouth was sinking its teeth into it. Miraculously, it worked, and I peeked open one eye to look around as I swam for surface. What I saw froze my skinny arms and legs in place.
I was staring right into the face of a mer.
It had a mouthful of my blood and sharp teeth. The fins on its bald head had long, dark spines that floated gently with the dip and rise of the waves above us. And its skin was blue, with shimmering silver scales lining its muscular torso and biceps. The mer was deadly and beautiful, but the beauty wasn’t what stopped me from swimming away.
The eyes were what froze me in place. The pupils were just slits, like a snake’s eye. They were fixed on me like a predator that’s found its next meal. And they were silver. Not blue, or green, or brown. Silver.
Not a normal silver, either, but a reflective, hypnotizing color that matched its scales. Staring into them was addictive, and much more important than the stinging, burning pain in my eyes, throat, or ankle. Black spots started to cloud my vision as I stared into those eyes, but I couldn’t bring myself to swim away from them.
Those silver eyes were the last thing I saw before I finally lost consciousness, and I didn’t mind it that way.
I woke up in a hospital, vomiting seawater up through an already sore throat. It was a thoroughly unpleasant feeling that lingered for days as I healed. But the pain in my throat was nothing compared to my newly-stitched ankle. It stun with every heartbeat, and was bad enough that I cried myself to sleep that night.
But after that one bad night, I woke up determined to heal as quickly as I could. And I did. Even at ten years old, I was stubborn as hell. I went to every PT session without fail, until the twisted scars on my ankle barely affected my ability to walk. I would never win a marathon, of course, but I had always been more of a competitive swimmer anyway.
After that, life went back to normal. I went to school, I learned to surf, I made friends, normal teenager stuff. But my encounter with the mer was never far from my mind, to the point where every friend I had knew the story. The only way they knew how to shut me up was to suggest that I go to school to study them.
The night before I left for school, I had my second encounter.
The stress of making such a big decision meant I couldn’t sleep. Instead, I was in my bed, on my phone, listening to the crash of waves through my open window. When a gentle song floated through my window instead, I didn’t think twice. Something in me knew I had to meet that voice.
The memory of that chilly night is crystal clear. The stars were watching me make my way to the rocks with a cold, uninterested stare. The coastal breeze, the one that always smelled like salt and fish, was reaching to grab at the skin underneath my windbreaker. The only sound was the voice wavering through the night air, the one that was using the rumbling of the waves to keep the song on beat.
I remember following the singing to the tidepools. The closer I got, the better I could hear, and the quicker I realized that it wasn’t just one voice singing. There were tens of them, all of them emanating from the silhouetted figures lounging on the rocks.
I remember freezing in place, the terror in my heart drowning out their song. The silhouettes might look human, but each torso was attached to a tail. These were mer.
As soon as I made the connection, memories of that day came crashing back over me. The pain in my shredded ankle, the silver eyes, the taste of salt water, the burning in my throat. Eight years later, the memories were enough to make me gasp.
This was a mistake. I sucked in the gasp, and at least fifteen heads turned from looking up at the moon to over at me.
If I had had any doubts that these were mer, they were erased then and there. They had teeth poking out of their open mouths, and snake’s eyes that reflected the light of the moon back at me. Their song was cut off as they looked at me, and the silence was deafening. Even the ocean seemed to hold its breath, waves refusing to crash.
I remember meeting familiar silver eyes before I flung my body around and started scrambling away.
My heart was in my throat and its beat was in my ears, drowning out any other sounds. I didn't even know I was crying until I made it in the door, my scarred ankle throbbing in protest. And I also don’t know if the mer ever started singing again that night, because I shut my window. More than that—I also plugged in my headphones and volume turned up, and stayed that way until the morning.
My third encounter took about five months after my second, instead of the eight years between my childhood attack and leaving for college. I was home for the first time since going to school. Winter break was a full three weeks, and I was determined to see the mer again at least once in that time period.
The first week was pleasant home life. My parents produced a huge welcome-home feast for my first night back, and I got to play on the beach with people I hadn’t seen in months. Old neighbors and childhood friends showed up throughout the week, asking me how my inhumanities major was going and if I liked my new school.
But after that first week, I started getting restless. I would sit out on the beach until midnight every night, eyes straining for any sign of movement. The first three nights weren’t fruitful at all. I saw crabs, seagulls, sand crawlers, and even a shark fin or two, but I don’t have any real chances of seeing any mer until tonight: the fourth night.
There’s a full moon tonight, and I am probably more excited for a phase of the moon than I’ve ever been before. It’s been well documented that mer gather to sing under the full moon, and if it had happened once a few months ago, well… it could happen again.
I wait for three hours before I start to see movement.
Over the course of an hour, seventeen mers appear, one by one. I never see them crawl onto rocks; instead, a wave crashes over the rocks and when it recedes, there’s a mer sitting there. It’s kind of fascinating to watch, because there’s nothing to watch. You just blink, and all of a sudden the rocks are more crowded than you remember them being.
At midnight precisely, they begin to sing.
More memories take me by force: they sound just like they did five months ago, the first time I ever heard mersong. The song is no less entrancing now than it was then. It pulls me from the chair I’d been sitting in for hours, and I walk on stiff ankles toward the mer-infested rocks.
Just like last time, seventeen heads turn to me as soon as they hear me stumble on a rock. And just like last time, the song cuts off abruptly. The silver-eyed mer that rescued me nearly a decade ago is sitting close by, its silver scales bright in the moonlight.
Unlike last time, I am prepared for this.
I fall to my knees in the cold sand, right at the base of the rocks they are gathered on. I hold my hands out as they look down on me, and I speak in my best non-threatening voice.
“Hello,” I say. My voice was rusty from the three hours of silence I’d been sitting in, but I tried to keep it quiet and soothing. “Can you understand me?”
Time slows down as my question hangs in the air. I am all too aware of the importance of the moment. The intelligence of mers is only theoretical, based on the size of the cranial cavity. It’s generally agreed that they can communicate within their own species, but there are only hypotheses about whether or not they can speak our language.
The silver-eyed mer’s head tilts to the side, and time speeds up again. It nods slowly, and I go light headed with excitement. As far as I know, nobody has ever been this close to a mer and survived. The diagrams we have of their washed-up corpses don’t convey their beauty, only their danger.
But I’ve known the danger all my life. In childhood, I was told stories, cautionary tales meant to keep me from going to the ocean at night. And then there was that summer I nearly drowned. After that, I had my own scars to remind me of the well-established danger of merfolk. By now, I was ready for the beauty.
“Why do you persist?”
The mer’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts. Her voice is light, and hisses around its teeth. The word “creature” doesn’t capture her anymore; she’s clearly intelligent and uncertain. The hunch in her blue shoulders and the prying tilt of her head tell me that much.
“Why do you persist?” she repeats.
Right. Conversation. “Persist? What do you mean?”
“Persist in meeting us. In meeting me.”
My first thought is to say “To study you,” but that doesn’t feel right. It’s probably offensive, and upon further thought, it’s not quite true. And if I don’t tell the truth, I’ll probably be ripped to pieces or dragged under the waves.
So, instead, I say, “When I was a child, you saved me from drowning. I thought you were going to eat me, and you could have. I was unconscious, and you had already bitten me.” I move to show off my ankle, and the movement produces a chorus of hisses and shrieks. But I keep my movements slow, and manage to show them my scars before sitting down on my knees again.
“But you didn’t eat me,” I continue, staring into the silver eyes that have haunted my days and nights. “Instead, you pulled me on shore. You rescued me.” I pause to see if she is understanding, but Silver’s gaze doesn’t change. “So, I guess I persist because I want to know.”
The fins at the end of her tail twitch, like she’s thinking. “Know what?” Silver asks.
“I just want to know,” I confess, aware that I sound desperate. “Who are you? What are you like? Why did you save me?” I cut myself off before eight year’s worth of questions spill out. “So, if you’ll let me,” I finish, “I’d like to know you.”
The other mers shift to look at Silver instead of staring at me. We’re all waiting for her decision, but I doubt that their hearts are pounding away like mine is.
After an eternity of waiting, the mer with blue skin, silver scales, and hypnotizing silver eyes extends a hand out to me. I take it, and she guides me to a safe spot where I can stand in waist deep water that doesn't even feel cold. The song starts again, and I am allowed to stand there until it is finished.
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petitelepus · 6 years
Mer To Die For, Part 3
Pipes and you are torn apart by society. That doesn’t stop you two from meeting like secret lovers. Or protect you two from Megalodon Overlord.
Days went by and Pipes didn’t leave his cave. Many came to pay their respect to little mer and tried to get him back outside, but he didn’t pudge from his little hole between corals. Drift patted his little friend’s back. ”Pipes, you have been here almost a week and you’ve barely eaten any crabs… You’re killing yourself.”
”Each moment away from (Y/n) is killing me!” Pipes cried and buried his face into his arms. Drift scowled. Seeing his friend this hurt really hurt him also. So Drift got an idea and regretfully left his friend alone.
He swam at the edge of Abyss where (Y/n) had told them she was going and tried to look for her. The edge was vast and empty, there wasn’t any places to hide so where were you? He couldn’t see you anywhere and your red colour made you easily spotted.
”(Y/n)? (Y/n)!” Drift shouted your name, wishing for a reply. It was quiet for a moment until suddenly your head popped up from the Abyss’ edge.
”Pipes?” You asked, sounding so hopeful as you swam out from the darkness, but at the sight of Drift and no Pipes you frowned and your mood dropped. ”Oh… It’s you…”
”Look, I know I’m not the mer you were hoping to see, but if I brought Pipes here to see you, would you be here for him?” Drift asked and you cheered up immediately, holding your webbed hands together. ”Yes, I would do anything for him!”
Drift smiled, pleased to hear this. He held up his arms as if waiting for a hug, but not wanting one. ”Great! I’ll bring him here immediately and you can wait here for him!”
”Sounds great! I’ll be here!” You chirped happily, swimming a quick excited circle around Drift and the shark mer left quickly to get his friend. Drift didn’t practice bragging, but he wasn’t called the fastest swimmer in whole Lost Light pod for nothing. He made it to the Pipes’ cave in half an hour and there Pipes was, slumping and curling in the same spot he was when Drift had left.
”Pipes? Pipes, are you alright?” Drift asked as he kneeled over his friend. Pipes whimpered. ”I’ll never be alright again…!”
”What about if I told you that I just talked to (Y/n)?”
In a flash Pipes raised his head from his arms and looked at his friend with heartbroken expression. ”You did what!? Even if you knew I have feelings for (Y/n)!”
Drift quickly raised his hands and shook his head. ”No no, not like that! I talked to her and she wants to see you!”
Pipes’ red eyes widened. ”She what?”
”She wants to see you! She’s waiting you by the Abyss right now!”
”She is!” Pipes didn’t mean it as question and he didn’t stay to explain anything for his friend before taking off and swimming as fast as he could towards the Abyss. The trip took him longer than his shark friend, taking from 45 minutes to an hour, but when he made Pipes’ energone froze. You looked just as beautiful as you were when he first time saw you.
You squealed as you saw Pipes approach and swam to him. You called his name excitedly, your arms wide open and Pipes called your name and two of you collided in a hug, swimming around and around in happiness.
You pulled back before him and squished his cheeks with your hands. ”Are you alright? They didn’t scold or Unicorn forbid it outcast you?”
”No, but are you okay?” Pipes asked back and you laughed with a bright smile. ”Who cares!”
”I do!” Blue minimer cried back and you both laughed, excited to meet each other after days apart. You two took a seat at the edge of the Abyss, Pipes’ tail swaying in underwater current and your tentacles swaying with his tail.
”I missed you.” Pipes confessed right away. You smiled to him and leaned in to peck him on the cheek, much to minimer's shock.
”I missed you too.” You said and pecked him again. Pipes raised a hand to his cheek and looked at you with hearts in his eyes. You smiled at him, but then you frowned slightly. ”You’re pretty…”
Pipes chirped, surprised. ”Really?”
”No, not pretty, I meant to say pretty—”
”Handsome? Cute? Nice looking?” 
”I was going for something like stupid. Who on Unicron in their right mindset would approach biolights in darkness?” You said, frowning worriedly. ”I could have been a Angler Fish and eaten you or worse.”
Pipes grinned slightly. ”What’s worse than getting eaten?”
”Taken apart one by one and kept alive as long living livestock?” She inquired back. Pipes’ smile dropped. ”Yeah, that sounds bad… But I don’t regret approaching the lights as they lead me to you.”
You didn’t look any better, worry still very evident on your pretty face so he continued. ”I mean… If I hadn’t, I hadn’t met you.”
That made you blush and you averted your gaze from his in shyness. Pipes swore, you were going to be the death of his, you were just so cute. The two of you talked over how much you both enjoyed surface sea and how you enjoyed each others company. Really, if you could have you two could have made one amazing mer together. It was so sweet that even writer’s teeth feel like falling. Yew.
The time went by and sun started to set and ocean turn dark. Pipes had to leave, he couldn’t see so well in darkness and night brought out predators in some mers.
”I need to go… But I’ll be back tomorrow!” Pipes promised. You smiled and waved at him. ”I’ll be waiting!”
Pipes waved at you before leaving and you took your place by the Abyss’ edge. You found a small hole where your nearly nonexistent bones could fit with your tentacles. You got comfortable and ready for dreams of Pipes when you heard something, or rather felt. And underwater earthquake.
You whimpered as you held onto your little hideaway’s edges and you saw a shadow, bigger than anything you had ever seen emerge itself from the darkness of Abyss. A mer, a giant had emerged with a wicked laughter and for the first time since your childhood you felt scared…!
Next day Pipes made his way towards you slowly. He was just so happy, but for a different reason. Pipes hummed happily under his breath, looking at the gift he had gone past his abilities to get to you. An hand mirror, made from beautiful white porcelain, which was as beautiful and delicate as you were to him. With it, you could finally look at yourself and see how he saw you every time his eyes landed on your beautiful form.
Little mer was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice much much larger mer floating in front of him before he collided against other mer’s abdomen. Poor minimer almost dropped the mirror in his webbed hands, but with quick reflexes and clumsy moves he managed to catch it.
”Oh, I’m sorry!” Pipes chirped, craning his neck to look at the giant light blue mer before him. The big mer smiled down at him, but there was something odd in his smile. Something that would have set alarm bells ringing in every other Mer’s mind, but Pipes was too happy to notice. ”I wasn’t looking where I was going and—!”
The sea froze around them as the minimer watched eyes widening in horror how the large mer raised his clawed hand into air and brought it down on him…
The mirror in his hands shattered and energon filled the surrounding waters. Pipes’ eyes were wide in shock and horror as he watched energon stream from your wounded back. Somehow you had appeared out of nowhere and managed to push him out of harms way, but you also took the hit meant to kill him.
The mysterious giant mer grinned sadistically, bringing his energon stained claws before his face, his crimson eyes gleaming as he looked at the blood. ”Beautiful…! I can’t wait to see how much I can make you bleed before you run out of energon…!” His eyes fell on the Pipes in your arms. ”While your little mer watches…!”
Pipes was frozen in horror, but at the threat of killing you he snapped out of it. He had to get you two to safety! Before the minimer could even move a fin he was suddenly moving through water faster than he had ever been.
You were actually carrying him to safety, your tentacles working harder than he had ever seen them as they shot you through the water like a missile. In seconds, you were long gone, but the mysterious giant mer’s sadistic laughter followed after you.
You kept swimming with Pipes in your arms, but the farther and farther you got lower and lower you started to swim, until finally you couldn’t keep up anymore and slammed on bottom of the ocean floor.
Pipes fell from your hands and poor minimer twirled around couple of times, landing meters away from your limp body. The blue mer was quick to recoil and swam to you in a second.
”(Y/n)! (Y/n)!? Are you alright?!” Pipes tried to shake you awake as gently as he could but you wouldn’t wake up and your back kept bleeding. The blue mer looked around if there was someone close by and cried. ”Somebody!? Anybody, please help us! Please, help us!”
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eremiss · 6 years
Gwen peered curiously at Tataru’s choice of clothing as she considered the lalafel’s proposition. While appropriate for Costa del Sol, the bathing suit and cute pink sun hat somehow weren’t what she’d expected to find the coincounter wearing.
She asked slowly, “...Pearls?”
“Blood pearls, to be precise,” Tataru confirmed with a wide grin and a confident twinkle in her eye. “They have a most marvelous red hue. They’re quite expensive on the markets but absolutely free to gather yourself, so I thought I’d do a bit of pearl diving.”
Gwen had heard of pearl diving before, mostly from jewelers hawking their wares, but she’d never fully considered that meant people literally diving for clams. Which, admittedly, sounded silly now that she thought about it. She had thought farming or fishing for clams worked something like fishing for crabs and lobsters, with cages and traps that would be dropped and gathered later, and the term ‘diving’ was just added for the sake of making it sound impressive and difficult.
She looked out at the dazzling aqua waters and crystal sands of the beach, the sky perfectly clear and impossibly blue overhead. She could see a respectable amount of scantily-clad bathers, of both the sun and water varieties, from their perch on the docks, but she couldn’t spy anyone out in the deeper waters. “And those clams can be harvested here?” “Anywhere on the Bloodshore, actually. There’s a promising spot just south of Costa del Sol a man at the Drowning Wench told me about,” she said excitedly, either not noticing or ignoring Gwen’s mild skepticism. “The clams that produce blood pearls can only be harvested this time of year, so we’re in luck! You’d have to be part fish to try harvesting them any other time.”
“How far will you have to dive for the clams?” Gwen asked curiously. Tataru had never seemed like an avid swimmer.
The lalafel peered at her strangely for a long moment before understanding lit her eyes. “Oh, no, no, no diving at all. The clams migrate to shallower waters this time of year, so you just have wade out and dig them up. There’s a fair bit of luck involved, what with having to find a clam in the first place then be lucky enough for it to have a pearl inside, but there’s no diving or anything like that.”
Well, at least she hadn’t been entirely off-base about the ‘diving’ aspect of pearl diving.
Gwen noticed Tataru was watching her with an expression similar to the one she’d wore when she’d declared she would be an Arcanist, a look of confidence with poorly concealed undercurrent of of hope for approval. Expectant and determined, but still trepidatious.
“I’m not much for swimming myself, but it certainly sounds,” Gwen hesitated only slightly, “fun. A bit like treasure hunting, really, and who doesn’t like that?”
Tataru’s grin widened. “Treasure hunting! Exactly! And that’s why I require your assistance.”
Gwen shifted her weight slightly, leaning on her heels. She wasn’t overly fond of water or getting wet outside of bathing, and her swimming ability could best be described as ‘passable’. But Tataru had just finished telling her the clams had moved to shallower waters. “With what, exactly?”
“I can handle gathering the clams and pearls, luck has always been on my side, but they’re also coveted by sea creatures of a rather fierce nature - and since I fared rather poorly in battle last time…” She trailed off, her bright expression drooping briefly before she shook it off and mustered her enthusiasm again, clearing her throat to regain her appropriately chipper tone. “Well, you’re an expert at that sort of thing and all! What do you say?”
Gwen smiled. “Lead the way. Though,” she paused, considering Tataru’s attire, “I suppose I’ll need a bathing suit unless I’m looking to brine my gear.”
Tataru giggled brightly, clapping her hands, “Good thinking! I’ll show you where I bought mine,” she motioned to her white suit and the red wrap around her hips, “I’m sure they’ll have just the thing for you. Just leave the haggling to me!”
Shameless appropriation of a level 50 MSQ is shameless. This one was a little hard, outside pearl diving I wasn’t sure what to write about. Pearl jewelry?? But it came together quickly enough. Probably because I remade an existing thing rather than making something from scratch  
This could probably safely be considered ‘cheating’ in terms of replying to the prompt >.> Ah well. I got something written and posted, and it’s not five pages or something crazy long. Though it started going that way before I decided I didn’t need to reformat and rewrite the entire quest haha.
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kateera-writes-blog · 7 years
Radiance Fic (From Forever Ago)
So, I’m finally posting this! This is my submission to the Radiance Anthology that didn't make it. I wasn't sure I wanted to publish it but then decided to take it and make it dirty, because that’s apparently how I handle rejection letters :P
Thank you so much to the A/B/O KNITTING and RAREPAIR Bar and RECIPE EXCHANGE people for all their help, (love you all).
Once Our Eyes Watered
Summary:  It's a long walk to the beach and back and enough time to make life changing decisions. Will isn't waiting anymore.
Water lapped at the side of the boat while Will lounged in the bright sunlight beating down. He opened his eyes and looked around his small sailboat, scratching at his stomach where a long ragged scar still healed. The sky darkened with rapidly gathering clouds and Will coughed against the sickly sweet smell of vanilla filling his nose and mouth. Something brushed against his skin and Will looked up to see Abigail walk away from him to stand at the railing. Her father joined her and the waves churned, steam rising and swirling around Will as if he stood in one of his father’s crab boils. Randall Tier and Francis Dolarhyde appeared to complete the line-up. Waves rolled higher and the smell of rotting flesh mixed with vanilla, making Will choke at the stench. Trying to stand, Will found himself strapped to the metal dolly of his hospital days; his arms secured in a straitjacket. Abigail clutched at her throat, her eyes wide and accusing as blood flowed from her severed jugular. Will watched as Hobbs, Tier, and Dolarhyde, all sprouted wounds and poured blood onto the polished wood of the deck. They stood in a line, wounds dripping blackness and their eyes full of hatred. The four of them watched him pull at his restraints but Will wasn’t afraid of what they would do if he got free. A shadow fell over Will’s face as he struggled and he looked to watch Hannibal join the line of dead. Something shattered in his mind and Will screamed. Blood poured out of Hannibal’s mouth, turning the raging water red. Will tore at his restraints, catching at skin with his sharp nails, and bright crimson streamed down the white coat.
Tearing free from a swath of strangling sheets, Will choked in lungfuls of air and clutched at his heart. The dream skittered through his mind and he reached for Chester, the shaggy dog curled at the foot of his bed, like a lifeline. Calming himself with the texture of curly hair, Will breathed deep and let the images fade away while Chester licked the sweat from his palm. Like a song stuck on repeat, the dream played in his head every night and ever since they’d settled into this house, it kept him company. It wasn’t a taunt; it wasn’t as if his subconscious thought Hannibal should join those who owed Will for their deaths. The emotional despair at Hannibal’s appearance felt visceral, the sight of him standing and bleeding on that boat bringing Will to tears even now. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, dragging a hand through his hair and tugging at the tangled strands, the pain grounding him in the reality of the morning. He stumbled out of bed and gave Chester another pat as he weaved across his room and into the bathroom to start his day.
Early mornings smelled like ocean brine, blooming jasmine, and the heat of the air as it warmed beneath the rising sun. Will grabbed the container of homemade dog food from the fridge and fed Chester, his faithful spaniel mix, and Lilah, a newly-aquired battle-scarred australian heeler, while the morning sun weaved into the house and left a faint glimmer around brightly polished wood. Walking into the quickly rising heat, Will released Chester and Lilah, leaving them to run ahead while he slipped into his shoes and closed the front door. The walk to the ocean, a twenty minute journey along a winding footpath of sun baked clay, led Will down to the vacant beach. The smell of rotting seaweed hit his nose, but it was a familiar kind of toxic and he let the scent wash through him until his nose acclimated. Twisted limbs of driftwood dotted the white sand and off in the distance, a palm tree danced in the cool morning breeze. The dogs bounced along the edge of the surf barking at the waves and chasing gulls. Sitting down in his well-worn chair of cobbled-together driftwood, the legs wobbling from his weight, Will wrapped his arms around a bent leg and shifted his attention to the water.
Will scanned the nearby waves until he spotted the reason for his daily walk, a bobbing head in the gray-blue water, headed towards the shore with the broad strokes and clean lines of an accomplished swimmer. Settling further into the rickety chair, Will watched and waited as Hannibal moved into the shallow water, rising to his feet, sluicing water off his arms and hair, and strolling towards Will while Chester and Lilah barked and circled around his legs. Hannibal bent and picked up a small stick, chucking it away from the waves and into the tangles of brush further up the hill. The dogs raced after it and left Hannibal to approach Will on his own. Will watched remnants of the ocean trickle from the ends of Hannibal’s hair, down through his furry chest, to finally disappear in the dark fabric of his swim trunks.
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valeriianz · 7 years
Mermaid-fisherman & werewolf -hunter for Coliver 😀😀😀😀 plzzz
Holy shit I could NOT stop thinking about a coliver mermaid AU and now I’m late for work because, instead of napping between jobs like I should have, I sat down and smashed this out. A part two is a definite possibility! (Sorry I’m only writing the mermaid one, it just... yeah, you get it lol)
Oliver groaned, his head spinning andhis body feeling like lead. He blinked his eyes open and squinted,staring up at a clear blue, sunny sky. Sensing an invisible weightpressing him down, Oliver forced himself to move, rolling onto hisside and promptly coughing up salt water. His fingers pressed down onsand, grabbing handfuls of it in vain to keep himself steady.
His fishing boat had capsized. Afterexploring further than he'd ever been, Oliver ran right into a storm,following after a huge splash in the distance. The last thing Oliverremembered as he tumbled in the treacherous water was a flash ofsilver in the blackened murk that looked like an oversized fish tail.
Oliver thought for sure he'd drown, hislungs screaming for air and his brain turned around, uncertain wherethe surface was. But here he was, safe on land, with the sun abovelike he dreamed up the storm.
He carefully lifted his head from thecoarse ground, surveying the area. It was clear he was on an island,a barrier of trees stood before him, then black rocks and the sand hefelt as if he was glued to. He heard the pleasant sound of the tidecoming in and out over his harsh breathing.
“Get up,” Oliver rasped at himself,his throat burning from the salt. He moved slowly, carefully,checking for injuries and finding none as he sat up, turning his headto face the water.
He blinked at what he saw, wondering ifit was a hallucination. There was a head sticking out of the water,or so Oliver thought he saw... followed by a quick splash and theglint of silver that brought Oliver back to his terror under thewater, knowing he was going to die. That smooth sheen that shotaround him at the time, Oliver thought he was losing his mind then,too.
“Hello?” Oliver tried, his voice ascratchy whisper. He grunted, standing up on shaky legs and steppingheavily to the water's edge, his wet, worn out shoes sinking in thesoaked sand. The tide brushed his ankles, inviting him back into thewater. Yeah right.
Oliver stood still, staring out intothe vast ocean. The waves were calm, a flat expanse of blue as far asthe eye could see. Without even a ripple left over from what Oliverthought he saw. His brows furled, curious and uneasy. He turnedaround and decided to survey the area. He'd need to figure out wherehe was and plan an escape, but first food and shelter.
It happened again a few days later, thesilver splash. Oliver discovered a coral reef just a short swim awayfrom the island, and sat upon a rock, waiting for the return of somecrabs he'd seen scurry away at his presence.
A distant splash snapped Oliver's headup, looking out into the water and seeing nothing. He froze on hisperch, slowly bringing his legs up to crouch over them. He'd be safehere if it was a shark, but Oliver would have to wait out the dangerbefore swimming back to shore.
Oliver's eyes scanned the ocean,holding his breath and waiting. He heard a very faint paddle of waterbehind him and turned around, gasping and smacking a hand over hismouth.
Before him was a man, only hisshoulders and head were exposed, along with his hands, gently drapinga large amount of, what must've been seaweed, over a nearby rock. Hehad gone still, wide brown eyes staring right back at Oliver,unblinking.
Oliver didn't know what to do. Andafter the shock passed of seeing another person when he thought hewas all alone, did Oliver's eyes scan and discover blue, green, andsilver flecks of color down the man's neck-- under his ear-- andalong his wrists. They glimmered in the sun like... scales, like fishscales. Though the majority of what Oliver saw was light colored skinlike his, paler though, if you looked for only a second you'd assumethe man was human.
But his ears were pointed up, long andsharp. Oliver swallowed, moving to lower his hand, but not gettingfar before the man darted back under the water in a flash, startled,spraying water up with a splash from his wide set, silver tail.
Oliver's jaw was still hanging openafter he left. He'd heard about merpeople, of course, remembering thestories from his village growing up. But they were always just amyth, people who claimed to have seen them brushed off as fools who'dstayed out in the sun for too long. They say to spot a mermaid bringsbad fortune, and to interact with one, even worse consequences.Oliver knew it was all just a fairy tale though...
And yet, here Oliver was, maybe anarm-full of fresh seaweed placed before him, replaying that sightover and over again. A mermaid-- merman-- was the onlyexplanation Oliver could come up with. And by gods he wasmagnificent, the most beautiful creature Oliver had even seen, humanor otherwise. His hair a dark brown, wild, long, and curled by thewater, framed his face beautifully. He had a sharp bone structure,pointed nose to go with his ears and a jaw line like a razor's edge.And those scales. Oliver wondered what the rest of thecreature's body looked like. He wondered about his chest and histail, if it was also green and blue, and how long it was.
Oliver could barely sleep that night,but when he did, it was to thoughts of silver.
A week later and Oliver was wonderingif he'd ever see the merman again, or if he'd scared it away. He wasgetting sick of coconut water and knew he should be looking for asource of fresh water but, here he was again, waiting at the coralreef as he ritualistically did every day, hoping the stunning mermanwould bless him with his presence again.
After hours under the mid-day sun,Oliver pondering calling out to it. He never tried before, worriedany sound might spook the creature, but like a sailorman under thespell of a siren, Oliver was becoming desperate for just one morelook.
“Hey...” Oliver called outtentatively, slipping his hand in the water and dragging his fingersback and forth. “Are you there?”
The responding silence made Oliver feelfoolish. He sighed, shaking his head. He really should get back toland and worry about the more pressing issue of water, when, not 20feet away, a familiar head poked out from the water.
Oliver smiled, over joyed at seeing theman again.
“Hi...” Oliver said softly, lickinghis lips afterwards. He wasn't sure how to go about this, but he waselated regardless at seeing such a beautiful sight again.
The head disappeared beneath the wateragain, only to reappear in an instant closer to Oliver, causing himto gasp in surprise, jumping lightly, before laughing at himself.
“You're a fast swimmer.” Oliversmiled, scanning his eyes over what the merman allowed him to see,which was just from the bridge of his nose and up, hiding himself inthe safety of the water.
The creature's eyes were wide again,curious, nervous. He was much closer to Oliver now, so much so thatOliver could see that his eyes were only brown and black, no whitelike in a human eyeball. It was eerie, only in a foreign way becauseit was unnatural, but stunning, captivating. The brown spread out inalmost a gradient, sparkling in the reflection of the water, hisblack irises moving like he was also studying Oliver.
“So gorgeous...” Oliver whispered.He fell silent again as the merman's gaze fell to Oliver's hand,still in the water.
Oliver gulped, heart thumping as hefelt fingers bush his beneath the surface. The creature propelledhimself up further, so his shoulders and neck were exposed, as hebrought Oliver's hand up in his, studying it.
The merman's touch was soft and light,fingers feathering along his skin, brows narrowing in what lookedlike concern, surveying Oliver's hand and up his forearm.
Is he looking for scales? Oliverwondered, remaining silent.
The creature looked back up at Oliver'sface, tilting his head.
“What?” Oliver said, breathless.
He brought one hand back to push thehair around his neck back, revealing a row of slits in his skin;gills.
Oliver was once again renderedspeechless. Amazing. He shook his head, turning it so thecreature could see the side of his neck properly.
The creature shot up from the water,almost making Oliver fall off his rock in surprise, but he wassteadied by two hands around his head, holding him steady.
And face-to-face.
“Oh my God,” Oliver breathed, bloodnow rushing through his veins in a cold mixture of fear andexcitement.
The merman's lips were parted slightly,as if very concerned and speechless. His hands traveled down Oliver'sneck, feeling the smooth skin there without a trace of gills andscales. Oliver shuddered. His touch was warm, despite being in thewater, fingertips gentle and soft instead of pruny and rough.
Oliver couldn't move, but he ached totouch the creature like this, to also feel his skin and the film ofblues and greens that dusted along his neck and shoulders. To run hisfingers through that dark hair, silky and smooth, abnormallytextured. The thoughts were outlandish and incredibly naive butdespite how irrational the urges were, Oliver couldn't help butreturn the gesture anyway.
He only brought his hand up and grazedthe creature's wrist, which had fallen to Oliver's shoulder, but itmade him flinch away like he'd been burned, the water sloshing aroundthem.
“I'm sorry,” Oliver blurted, handsautomatically stretching out, involuntarily seeking out the closenessof his body again. He retracted his arms when he realized what he'ddone, folding his hands in his lap.
Oliver was only happy that the mermanwas still here, not swimming away again. 
They stared at each other, silent. Thetop half of the creature's body was still uncovered from the water,bare chest and stomach like a human's, even with a belly button. Hisfront was lean, hard and firm, truly the body of a swimmer, without aflicker of the colorful specs over his skin. Oliver chuckled after awhile, relaxing finally and looking back into the crystal blue poolof the reef.
“Can you even understand me?”Oliver murmured, tilting his head to the side, gauging the man'sreaction, which remained curiously blank.
He slipped under the water again,swimming around to the other side of the reef and reappearing. Oliversmiled, wondering what the creature was thinking.
He ducked again, swimming in a circlebefore resurfacing, hands on Oliver's rock, close to his feet foldedunderneath him.
“Can I help you?” Oliver grinned,amused.
Then the creature gave a small smile ofit's own, just lifting a corner of his lips up in what could haveprobably been a smirk. It look Oliver's breath away.
He darted under the water like abullet, zooming away from the reef and before Oliver could blink, themerman shot himself completely out of the water, showing off a long,thick tail that shimmered glorious greens and blues at his waist,filtering out to pure silver to his illustrious tail that smacked the surface of the water as he reentered it.
“Holy shit,” Oliver laughed.
The merman's head popped back up,looking to Oliver as if to observe his reaction to the jump. Like itwasn't anything short of amazing.
Oliver was still giggling when theireyes met again, and it only spurred the creature to perform moretricks, jumping, swimming intricately around him, each timeresurfacing to gauge Oliver's reaction and continuing on, as ifseeking validation.
This went on for hours maybe, Oliverwatching the merman perform and praising him. His stomach growlinginformed him that it was time to stop... whatever this was, and findsome food.
“I need to go,” Oliver said,slipping his legs out from under him, dipping them into the water.
The creature floated silently near him,watching Oliver slip into the water.
He was at Oliver's side in an instant,bobbing next to him, but not touching him. Oliver inclined his headto the sandy beach.
“I have to go back, need food.”
Oliver waited to see if the man wouldunderstand him, but was once again greeted with silent curiosity.
“Bye.” Oliver smiled, turning andswimming slowly to shore.
Oliver sensed the creature following,making subtle splashes around him. At one point Oliver nearlyshrieked as he felt the merman swim underneath him once or twice,probably making sure he stayed afloat.
When the water became too shallow, themerman backed off, hovering at the drop off point while Oliverstepped onto land.
“I'll be back tomorrow.” Oliverpointed to the reef, wondering why he was bothering telling thecreature anything.
The merman did a back flip and didn'temerge from the water again. Oliver stood and watched the water wherehe was, and wondered what would happen next.
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wtfzodiacsigns · 8 years
The Signs as Mermaids
Aries- Much like Sirens, Aries’ mermaids are alluring. Though they don’t share the same genetics as the fabled Sirens, whom were part human part bird, they have similar characteristics. They have a ruby red tail that has a fan-like fin, and have many jewels adorning them. They like lavish things, and their suitors will normally try to win their favor by giving them gifts. They are the most hot-headed of the
 mermaid’s, causing some quarrels here and there. They are seen around South America, near the coasts of Venezuela. Aries’ usually have blonde or white hair, but tan skin. They get along well with predatory fish, but aren’t opposed to chatting with any other marine life that happens by. They are the most social of the group and are very passionate about their ideas. They like to tell stories about their adventures or of their families. When they transform their legs have a permanent stain of red.
Taurus- Seen around Europe, people think they might be related to Merrows. They have flexible tails that vary from dark greens to olive in color, and they have a extra fin on either flank of their tail. It’s translucent and is used to help them glide smoothly through the water. Taurus’ are connected to nature and often will possess great abilities to make plants grow. They use the mud from the banks to draw designs on their skin and are usually in groups of two or three. They have webbed fingers and slightly sharper nails for hunting. They don’t waste any part of their prey, and bones are used to fashion into jewelry or other accessories. They don’t like being in crowd of humans, and will venture onto land at night by themselves if they desire it. When they change, they are distinguished by their fingers.
Gemini- A love affair, these mermaids are always born in sets of two. They are from the mating of a mermaid and human, and due to this it causes a defect in one of the twins. Only one is able to grow a tail, while the other is merely human with merfolk blood in their veins. They are separated at birth, mermaid going with mermaid, and the human going home with its parent. They are raised differently, and only on their first full moon of their 18th birthday will they meet. The mermaids from this affair are varied in colors, but have never been seen with a black or white tail. They believe that is because of a force similar to yin and yang, light and dark. These mermaids are known to have powers relating to wind manipulation. Gemini’s are forbidden from going on land unless they are willing to give up their tail forever. When they change, their hybrid blood snaps into play and they are unable to return to the water, therefore stranded as a human.
Cancer- Mermaids who lives in tropical climates, like Brazil or places alike. Prefers warmer waters to cold ones, and likes playing in waves.. They are often spotted near coasts but haven’t  been caught on camera, and they seem to be more curious than anything about people. Their tails are normally white or silver, and sometimes they have foam green fins.Cancer’s tails are sleek, and up close the scales are hard and sharp for protection. These particular mermaid’s fins are smaller, but transparent towards the end and are in the shape of a crescent. They seem to bond more with animals that are on the ocean floor, such as crabs and starfish. They like to collect lost trinkets from the sandy reefs. Their gills are located underneath their jaw, and have a pink tinge to them. They don’t like going on the shore, and so they don’t transform unless they have to. Their giveaway is that their legs will have splotches of white or silver.
Leo- Similar to Sirena Chilota, they are generous mermaids. Found in various oceans, they are a peaceseeker to the inhabitants. Usually they are seen with a long golden tail, broad but beautiful that gets darker towards the fins. Their scales shine in light and always seem to be like polished gold. Leo’s are a gorgeous mermaid without doubt, and are often viewed as a beacon of self-confidence and luck when spotted. They are friendly to everyone as long as they haven’t threatened their safety, and do not fear humans. They are known to save children from drowning and bring them to the shore. When they dry, their tails turn into legs. The telltale sign of them being mermaids is that on their legs they will have small patches of shiny scales. These mermaids tend to be reasonably tall and lithe. They like pearls and will commonly use strings of them as hair accessories. Their gills are just below their third ribs.
Virgo- The most calm of the bunch, Virgo’s are freshwater mermaids. Their scales have no set color and are opal-like, showing just the reflections of light around them. These mermaids have short tails with long fins, and scales around their eyes. They have a love for flowers and will decorate themselves with any they can get their hands on. Virgo’s also have serrated teeth, used for easily eating their prey. These mermaids are the most common ones to have humans fall in love with them, and will often allow children to find their bodies of water and let them play with them or weave items into necklaces. They have an attraction to shiny objects, like bottle caps or rings. They do not change into humans, but will often put themselves on shores, rocks, or grass for the enjoyment of the sun on their skin. They are always near a water source though, and if they stay out too long they will become weak, and eventually die if not able to return to their water.
Libra- This species of mermaid is not particular about their homes, and are seen pretty much everywhere. Their tails are average size, and are various shades of blue, usually leaning towards lighter blues. Their fins are in the shape of a horseshoe, and have a clear webbing between the ends of them. Libra’s are not afraid of humans, and will swim alongside them so long as they deem it safe. They often will be heard singing around 5 in the evening, though no one is sure why they choose that time. These mermaids like to stay together, and are rarely seen alone. They’re similar to dolphins, and happen to get along well with the aquatic creatures. Libra’s aren’t the biggest fan of leaving the water, but when they do their giveaway is the clear webbing between their toes. They’re the strongest swimmers and are able to push their way through tsunami’s and other rough water.
Scorpio- These mermaids live in cold waters and often will not go to warm climates. They dwell in caverns and are seen as often transformed as they aren’t. Scorpio’s tails are dark purples, sometimes indigo, with a black stripes just above their fins, which are flowy and sometimes iridescent. This is also how they are distinguished on land, as around their ankles they will have a dark stripe on their skin. These mermaids have thin gills on their necks. They have an odd fascination with the moon, and will usually come together in groups to view a full moon and celebrate a new beginning. They like to carry a bag with them around their waist, usually tied with a reed or string of shells. They use this to grab anything that catches their eye. They are gifted with a great memory and long lifespan, taking on one lover at a time and are assumed to have at least one child. Their communication with other marine life is unknown.
Sagittarius- Sagittarius’ are the faster swimmers; they use their long tail and broad fins to streak through the water like a arrow. Their tails vary between a series of greens and yellows, and have thick scales that hunters aren’t able to penetrate with their weapons. They are wild, but still smart enough to ensure their own safety. They like hot climates best, but some have adapted to arctic waters. They have sharpened nails for protection, and their brow bones and temples are covered in scales. Sagittarius’ are normally patrolling for any signs of trouble, and are quick to ward off any predators from other merfolk. They’re quick problem solvers. They pride themselves in their ability to sustain and protect their family, and are easily one of the easiest mermaids to get along with. They enjoy looking for any items that are clunky and outrageous looking, finding them interesting to study. These mermaids will sometimes go on land, and there is no distinguishing features.
Capricorn- These deep-sea mermaids like to keep to themselves, and are said to be an omen of fortune when they are spotted. Their tails are darker, varying between black and shades of brown, and come in multiple shapes. Their bodies have evolved to their surroundings of darkness, and down the flanks of their tails they have rings that are bioluminescent. This attracts their prey, making it easy for them to acquire. Capricorn’s eyes have adjusted, and have a nightvision-like effect, but when they do go to the surface they’re close to blind. They can comfortably go to the mid of the ocean, but the closer they get to the sun the worse off they are. Many believe that these mermaids are considered one of the most dangerous if caught since they have a higher level of testosterone than others. Capricorn’s will sabotage any man-made equipment if it is uncomfortably close to them, biting through cables and scratching important devices.
Aquarius- Aquarius’ have duo-toned tails, usually between teal and pink with a flexible bottom fin. Their gills are down their ribs, and are protected by a cluster of scales. They’re the most mischievous of the mermaids, and are known to mess with anyone who is swimming near them. These prankster’s like to pinch and poke, but are pretty much harmless. Because of this as well, they will sometimes steal valuables for their own use, even if they don’t really have a use for it. But, they’re very friendly despite this. They just like to hoard things. Aquarius’ spend a lot of time out of water, and have no problem blending in with humans. Their mermaid mark when they transform is a discoloration of the skin in the shape of various seashells. They enjoy listening to music, whether it’s some radio on the beach or the singing of merfolk, it’s a pastime of theirs, though few dabble in it themselves. Pisces- Mermaids who populate the oceans near South Asia, these ones are typically timid. They are the most fish-like of the signs, and have white and orange dappled tails, like a koi fish. Their fins are much more loose than others, making them more flimsy and dainty. Pisces’ have gills on their necks, and have little whiskers that protrude from their cheeks. They travel in groups and are thought of as a beacon of youth and beauty, and though they stray from older humans, they like to play with children. It’s said that if one of these creatures is seen on the morning after a harvest moon, the person who saw them will be given a blessing. They like to collect stones and gems, making them into accessories. To propose a lifelong partnership to another mermaid, Pisces’ will search for the biggest gem in their collection and present it to their partner. When they go on land, its brief and only for a specific reason. Their telltale mark is the whiskers on their face.
source:  justzodiacthings4friends
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tomaiartstudio · 8 years
Zodiac Mermaid Descriptions
As I mentioned in my last post, I had found a post here on tumblr that held descriptions of the Zodiac signs as mermaids. I will be editing this and reblogging it as I post new pictures
The Signs as Mermaids
Aries- Much like Sirens, Aries’ mermaids are alluring. Though they don’t share the same genetics as the fabled Sirens, whom were part human part bird, they have similar characteristics. They have a ruby red tail that has a fan-like fin, and have many jewels adorning them. They like lavish things, and their suitors will normally try to win their favor by giving them gifts. They are the most hot-headed of the mermaid’s, causing some quarrels here and there. They are seen around South America, near the coasts of Venezuela. Aries’ usually have blonde or white hair, but tan skin. They get along well with predatory fish, but aren’t opposed to chatting with any other marine life that happens by. They are the most social of the group and are very passionate about their ideas. They like to tell stories about their adventures or of their families. When they transform their legs have a permanent stain of red.
Taurus- Seen around Europe, people think they might be related to Merrows. They have flexible tails that vary from dark greens to olive in color, and they have a extra fin on either flank of their tail. It’s translucent and is used to help them glide smoothly through the water. Taurus’ are connected to nature and often will possess great abilities to make plants grow. They use the mud from the banks to draw designs on their skin and are usually in groups of two or three. They have webbed fingers and slightly sharper nails for hunting. They don’t waste any part of their prey, and bones are used to fashion into jewelry or other accessories. They don’t like being in crowd of humans, and will venture onto land at night by themselves if they desire it. When they change, they are distinguished by their fingers.
Gemini- A love affair, these mermaids are always born in sets of two. They are from the mating of a mermaid and human, and due to this it causes a defect in one of the twins. Only one is able to grow a tail, while the other is merely human with merfolk blood in their veins. They are separated at birth, mermaid going with mermaid, and the human going home with its parent. They are raised differently, and only on their first full moon of their 18th birthday will they meet. The mermaids from this affair are varied in colors, but have never been seen with a black or white tail. They believe that is because of a force similar to yin and yang, light and dark. These mermaids are known to have powers relating to wind manipulation. Gemini’s are forbidden from going on land unless they are willing to give up their tail forever. When they change, their hybrid blood snaps into play and they are unable to return to the water, therefore stranded as a human.
Cancer- Mermaids who lives in tropical climates, like Brazil or places alike. Prefers warmer waters to cold ones, and likes playing in waves.. They are often spotted near coasts but haven’t  been caught on camera, and they seem to be more curious than anything about people. Their tails are normally white or silver, and sometimes they have foam green fins.Cancer’s tails are sleek, and up close the scales are hard and sharp for protection. These particular mermaid’s fins are smaller, but transparent towards the end and are in the shape of a crescent. They seem to bond more with animals that are on the ocean floor, such as crabs and starfish. They like to collect lost trinkets from the sandy reefs. Their gills are located underneath their jaw, and have a pink tinge to them. They don’t like going on the shore, and so they don’t transform unless they have to. Their giveaway is that their legs will have splotches of white or silver.
Leo- Similar to Sirena Chilota, they are generous mermaids. Found in various oceans, they are a peaceseeker to the inhabitants. Usually they are seen with a long golden tail, broad but beautiful that gets darker towards the fins. Their scales shine in light and always seem to be like polished gold. Leo’s are a gorgeous mermaid without doubt, and are often viewed as a beacon of self-confidence and luck when spotted. They are friendly to everyone as long as they haven’t threatened their safety, and do not fear humans. They are known to save children from drowning and bring them to the shore. When they dry, their tails turn into legs. The telltale sign of them being mermaids is that on their legs they will have small patches of shiny scales. These mermaids tend to be reasonably tall and lithe. They like pearls and will commonly use strings of them as hair accessories. Their gills are just below their third ribs.
Virgo- The most calm of the bunch, Virgo’s are freshwater mermaids. Their scales have no set color and are opal-like, showing just the reflections of light around them. These mermaids have short tails with long fins, and scales around their eyes. They have a love for flowers and will decorate themselves with any they can get their hands on. Virgo’s also have serrated teeth, used for easily eating their prey. These mermaids are the most common ones to have humans fall in love with them, and will often allow children to find their bodies of water and let them play with them or weave items into necklaces. They have an attraction to shiny objects, like bottle caps or rings. They do not change into humans, but will often put themselves on shores, rocks, or grass for the enjoyment of the sun on their skin. They are always near a water source though, and if they stay out too long they will become weak, and eventually die if not able to return to their water.
Libra- This species of mermaid is not particular about their homes, and are seen pretty much everywhere. Their tails are average size, and are various shades of blue, usually leaning towards lighter blues. Their fins are in the shape of a horseshoe, and have a clear webbing between the ends of them. Libra’s are not afraid of humans, and will swim alongside them so long as they deem it safe. They often will be heard singing around 5 in the evening, though no one is sure why they choose that time. These mermaids like to stay together, and are rarely seen alone. They’re similar to dolphins, and happen to get along well with the aquatic creatures. Libra’s aren’t the biggest fan of leaving the water, but when they do their giveaway is the clear webbing between their toes. They’re the strongest swimmers and are able to push their way through tsunami’s and other rough water.
Scorpio- These mermaids live in cold waters and often will not go to warm climates. They dwell in caverns and are seen as often transformed as they aren’t. Scorpio’s tails are dark purples, sometimes indigo, with a black stripes just above their fins, which are flowy and sometimes iridescent. This is also how they are distinguished on land, as around their ankles they will have a dark stripe on their skin. These mermaids have thin gills on their necks. They have an odd fascination with the moon, and will usually come together in groups to view a full moon and celebrate a new beginning. They like to carry a bag with them around their waist, usually tied with a reed or string of shells. They use this to grab anything that catches their eye. They are gifted with a great memory and long lifespan, taking on one lover at a time and are assumed to have at least one child. Their communication with other marine life is unknown.
Sagittarius- Sagittarius’ are the faster swimmers; they use their long tail and broad fins to streak through the water like a arrow. Their tails vary between a series of greens and yellows, and have thick scales that hunters aren’t able to penetrate with their weapons. They are wild, but still smart enough to ensure their own safety. They like hot climates best, but some have adapted to arctic waters. They have sharpened nails for protection, and their brow bones and temples are covered in scales. Sagittarius’ are normally patrolling for any signs of trouble, and are quick to ward off any predators from other merfolk. They’re quick problem solvers. They pride themselves in their ability to sustain and protect their family, and are easily one of the easiest mermaids to get along with. They enjoy looking for any items that are clunky and outrageous looking, finding them interesting to study. These mermaids will sometimes go on land, and there is no distinguishing features.
Capricorn- These deep-sea mermaids like to keep to themselves, and are said to be an omen of fortune when they are spotted. Their tails are darker, varying between black and shades of brown, and come in multiple shapes. Their bodies have evolved to their surroundings of darkness, and down the flanks of their tails they have rings that are bioluminescent. This attracts their prey, making it easy for them to acquire. Capricorn’s eyes have adjusted, and have a nightvision-like effect, but when they do go to the surface they’re close to blind. They can comfortably go to the mid of the ocean, but the closer they get to the sun the worse off they are. Many believe that these mermaids are considered one of the most dangerous if caught since they have a higher level of testosterone than others. Capricorn’s will sabotage any man-made equipment if it is uncomfortably close to them, biting through cables and scratching important devices.
Aquarius- Aquarius’ have duo-toned tails, usually between teal and pink with a flexible bottom fin. Their gills are down their ribs, and are protected by a cluster of scales. They’re the most mischievous of the mermaids, and are known to mess with anyone who is swimming near them. These prankster’s like to pinch and poke, but are pretty much harmless. Because of this as well, they will sometimes steal valuables for their own use, even if they don’t really have a use for it. But, they’re very friendly despite this. They just like to hoard things. Aquarius’ spend a lot of time out of water, and have no problem blending in with humans. Their mermaid mark when they transform is a discoloration of the skin in the shape of various seashells. They enjoy listening to music, whether it’s some radio on the beach or the singing of merfolk, it’s a pastime of theirs, though few dabble in it themselves.
Pisces- Mermaids who populate the oceans near South Asia, these ones are typically timid. They are the most fish-like of the signs, and have white and orange dappled tails, like a koi fish. Their fins are much more loose than others, making them more flimsy and dainty. Pisces’ have gills on their necks, and have little whiskers that protrude from their cheeks. They travel in groups and are thought of as a beacon of youth and beauty, and though they stray from older humans, they like to play with children. It’s said that if one of these creatures is seen on the morning after a harvest moon, the person who saw them will be given a blessing. They like to collect stones and gems, making them into accessories. To propose a lifelong partnership to another mermaid, Pisces’ will search for the biggest gem in their collection and present it to their partner. When they go on land, its brief and only for a specific reason. Their telltale mark is the whiskers on their face.
Reblog and tag your zodiac sign or your favorite description of these, and if anyone knows the original owner of the post, please let me know! I want to credit them but I can’t find the post for the life of me. .-. Send me a message for the next sign you want to see. Until I get messages I’ll be posting the signs in order. I hope you all like the pictures!
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hujjat · 8 years
The Signs as Mermaids Aries- Much like Sirens, Aries’ mermaids are alluring. Though they don’t share the same genetics as the fabled Sirens, whom were part human part bird, they have similar characteristics. They have a ruby red tail that has a fan-like fin, and have many jewels adorning them. They like lavish things, and their suitors will normally try to win their favor by giving them gifts. They are the most hot-headed of the mermaid’s, causing some quarrels here and there. They are seen around South America, near the coasts of Venezuela. Aries’ usually have blonde or white hair, but tan skin. They get along well with predatory fish, but aren’t opposed to chatting with any other marine life that happens by. They are the most social of the group and are very passionate about their ideas. They like to tell stories about their adventures or of their families. When they transform their legs have a permanent stain of red. Taurus- Seen around Europe, people think they might be related to Merrows. They have flexible tails that vary from dark greens to olive in color, and they have a extra fin on either flank of their tail. It’s translucent and is used to help them glide smoothly through the water. Taurus’ are connected to nature and often will possess great abilities to make plants grow. They use the mud from the banks to draw designs on their skin and are usually in groups of two or three. They have webbed fingers and slightly sharper nails for hunting. They don’t waste any part of their prey, and bones are used to fashion into jewelry or other accessories. They don’t like being in crowd of humans, and will venture onto land at night by themselves if they desire it. When they change, they are distinguished by their fingers. Gemini- A love affair, these mermaids are always born in sets of two. They are from the mating of a mermaid and human, and due to this it causes a defect in one of the twins. Only one is able to grow a tail, while the other is merely human with merfolk blood in their veins. They are separated at birth, mermaid going with mermaid, and the human going home with its parent. They are raised differently, and only on their first full moon of their 18th birthday will they meet. The mermaids from this affair are varied in colors, but have never been seen with a black or white tail. They believe that is because of a force similar to yin and yang, light and dark. These mermaids are known to have powers relating to wind manipulation. Gemini’s are forbidden from going on land unless they are willing to give up their tail forever. When they change, their hybrid blood snaps into play and they are unable to return to the water, therefore stranded as a human. Cancer- Mermaids who lives in tropical climates, like Brazil or places alike. Prefers warmer waters to cold ones, and likes playing in waves.. They are often spotted near coasts but haven’t been caught on camera, and they seem to be more curious than anything about people. Their tails are normally white or silver, and sometimes they have foam green fins.Cancer’s tails are sleek, and up close the scales are hard and sharp for protection. These particular mermaid’s fins are smaller, but transparent towards the end and are in the shape of a crescent. They seem to bond more with animals that are on the ocean floor, such as crabs and starfish. They like to collect lost trinkets from the sandy reefs. Their gills are located underneath their jaw, and have a pink tinge to them. They don’t like going on the shore, and so they don’t transform unless they have to. Their giveaway is that their legs will have splotches of white or silver. Leo- Similar to Sirena Chilota, they are generous mermaids. Found in various oceans, they are a peaceseeker to the inhabitants. Usually they are seen with a long golden tail, broad but beautiful that gets darker towards the fins. Their scales shine in light and always seem to be like polished gold. Leo’s are a gorgeous mermaid without doubt, and are often viewed as a beacon of self-confidence and luck when spotted. They are friendly to everyone as long as they haven’t threatened their safety, and do not fear humans. They are known to save children from drowning and bring them to the shore. When they dry, their tails turn into legs. The telltale sign of them being mermaids is that on their legs they will have small patches of shiny scales. These mermaids tend to be reasonably tall and lithe. They like pearls and will commonly use strings of them as hair accessories. Their gills are just below their third ribs. Virgo- The most calm of the bunch, Virgo’s are freshwater mermaids. Their scales have no set color and are opal-like, showing just the reflections of light around them. These mermaids have short tails with long fins, and scales around their eyes. They have a love for flowers and will decorate themselves with any they can get their hands on. Virgo’s also have serrated teeth, used for easily eating their prey. These mermaids are the most common ones to have humans fall in love with them, and will often allow children to find their bodies of water and let them play with them or weave items into necklaces. They have an attraction to shiny objects, like bottle caps or rings. They do not change into humans, but will often put themselves on shores, rocks, or grass for the enjoyment of the sun on their skin. They are always near a water source though, and if they stay out too long they will become weak, and eventually die if not able to return to their water. Libra- This species of mermaid is not particular about their homes, and are seen pretty much everywhere. Their tails are average size, and are various shades of blue, usually leaning towards lighter blues. Their fins are in the shape of a horseshoe, and have a clear webbing between the ends of them. Libra’s are not afraid of humans, and will swim alongside them so long as they deem it safe. They often will be heard singing around 5 in the evening, though no one is sure why they choose that time. These mermaids like to stay together, and are rarely seen alone. They’re similar to dolphins, and happen to get along well with the aquatic creatures. Libra’s aren’t the biggest fan of leaving the water, but when they do their giveaway is the clear webbing between their toes. They’re the strongest swimmers and are able to push their way through tsunami’s and other rough water. Scorpio- These mermaids live in cold waters and often will not go to warm climates. They dwell in caverns and are seen as often transformed as they aren’t. Scorpio’s tails are dark purples, sometimes indigo, with a black stripes just above their fins, which are flowy and sometimes iridescent. This is also how they are distinguished on land, as around their ankles they will have a dark stripe on their skin. These mermaids have thin gills on their necks. They have an odd fascination with the moon, and will usually come together in groups to view a full moon and celebrate a new beginning. They like to carry a bag with them around their waist, usually tied with a reed or string of shells. They use this to grab anything that catches their eye. They are gifted with a great memory and long lifespan, taking on one lover at a time and are assumed to have at least one child. Their communication with other marine life is unknown. Sagittarius- Sagittarius’ are the faster swimmers; they use their long tail and broad fins to streak through the water like a arrow. Their tails vary between a series of greens and yellows, and have thick scales that hunters aren’t able to penetrate with their weapons. They are wild, but still smart enough to ensure their own safety. They like hot climates best, but some have adapted to arctic waters. They have sharpened nails for protection, and their brow bones and temples are covered in scales. Sagittarius’ are normally patrolling for any signs of trouble, and are quick to ward off any predators from other merfolk. They’re quick problem solvers. They pride themselves in their ability to sustain and protect their family, and are easily one of the easiest mermaids to get along with. They enjoy looking for any items that are clunky and outrageous looking, finding them interesting to study. These mermaids will sometimes go on land, and there is no distinguishing features. Capricorn- These deep-sea mermaids like to keep to themselves, and are said to be an omen of fortune when they are spotted. Their tails are darker, varying between black and shades of brown, and come in multiple shapes. Their bodies have evolved to their surroundings of darkness, and down the flanks of their tails they have rings that are bioluminescent. This attracts their prey, making it easy for them to acquire. Capricorn’s eyes have adjusted, and have a nightvision-like effect, but when they do go to the surface they’re close to blind. They can comfortably go to the mid of the ocean, but the closer they get to the sun the worse off they are. Many believe that these mermaids are considered one of the most dangerous if caught since they have a higher level of testosterone than others. Capricorn’s will sabotage any man-made equipment if it is uncomfortably close to them, biting through cables and scratching important devices. Aquarius- Aquarius’ have duo-toned tails, usually between teal and pink with a flexible bottom fin. Their gills are down their ribs, and are protected by a cluster of scales. They’re the most mischievous of the mermaids, and are known to mess with anyone who is swimming near them. These prankster’s like to pinch and poke, but are pretty much harmless. Because of this as well, they will sometimes steal valuables for their own use, even if they don’t really have a use for it. But, they’re very friendly despite this. They just like to hoard things. Aquarius’ spend a lot of time out of water, and have no problem blending in with humans. Their mermaid mark when they transform is a discoloration of the skin in the shape of various seashells. They enjoy listening to music, whether it’s some radio on the beach or the singing of merfolk, it’s a pastime of theirs, though few dabble in it themselves. Pisces- Mermaids who populate the oceans near South Asia, these ones are typically timid. They are the most fish-like of the signs, and have white and orange dappled tails, like a koi fish. Their fins are much more loose than others, making them more flimsy and dainty. Pisces’ have gills on their necks, and have little whiskers that protrude from their cheeks. They travel in groups and are thought of as a beacon of youth and beauty, and though they stray from older humans, they like to play with children. It’s said that if one of these creatures is seen on the morning after a harvest moon, the person who saw them will be given a blessing. They like to collect stones and gems, making them into accessories. To propose a lifelong partnership to another mermaid, Pisces’ will search for the biggest gem in their collection and present it to their partner. When they go on land, its brief and only for a specific reason. Their telltale mark is the whiskers on their face.
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