#blood moon pyke
popawritter12 · 5 months
Could I request headcanons for
Yandere blood moon pyke with a male reader who is a singer.
Author's notes: These days were… somewhat complex for me, sorry if I left everything for a few days, I'm trying to come back <3.
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Yandere! Bloodmoon! Pyke Headcanons x Male! Singer! Reader
Chances of your loved ones being killed
I mean, you would have a better chance of killing them-
Don't get me wrong, this demon is a great danger to the world itself. However, my dear anon, I don't see that he is interested in the death of those close to you.
Will he lead you to murder them? Possibly.
Now, would he kill them? Nah.
First impressions
You were a singer belonging to a cult that was basically the complete opposite of the Blood Moon in general. What do I mean by this?
The cult was not centered on the Blood Moon, but on a human being called “Angel of the Andes.”
That angel was no one but you, reader; The cult tried to show itself as a perfect being, from the finest fabrics to your skin or the best skin care were provided to you only for each appearance on stage; your voice honed with inhuman hours of training and a love in every word that could only be described as pure.
An angel on earth that was extracted from a remote town far from civilization, one called “The Andes”
Of course the whole story could have been a lie but oh well.
To give you an idea; an image that bordered on the divine due to excess perfection, all your appearances were so calculated and perfected that they bordered on the inhuman, the seams in each costume, the affection expressed in each lyric of all the songs; You were called “the angel on earth,” and rightly so, you were loved in many nations.
You were so superficially loved, so resoundingly acclaimed as a deity, so… horribly idealized, everything was so superficial that in your mind you were… empty. You felt like that shell that looks so perfect on the outside, but inside has so little happiness that it feels empty, tremendously empty.
And so, you tried to look for something to fill that void, and you found that in books. Soon, in your long travels across Runeterra, you found the darkest part in the books.
The Blood Moon summoning rituals were very new, and in fact it was incredibly difficult to get a copy of information about the demons or cultists attacking Runeterra. However, even with everything you had done, it took you a long time to get a copy, and even longer to hide it from your parents and friends.
So, Pyke met you when you summoned him.
It was a funny night, actually.
Fall in love
He was beyond confused, I mean, anyone would be if a singer who is revered as perfect out of nowhere SUMMONS A DEMON.
He asked you what you wanted, and when your response was a measly “I was curious” he was three times as confused, I mean, anyone would be-
You insisted that you were interested in talking to him; You didn't want to make sacrifices or anything, you just needed a friend.
And in part, he felt that you were screwing him, mostly because he was obviously not used to talking to humans but his job was simply to take demons to their next bodies to occupy.
But just as he was about to leave, he noticed the great amount of sacrifices you had made; They were more than necessary.
“Will you summon me again?” he asked.
“As many times as necessary,” you responded.
And he snorted, angry.
And, as the days passed, you invoked him, again and again and again…
And when you invoked him, you only talked about everyday things, you showed that side of yourself that no one had seen.
This is not going to end well…
Beginning of Yanderism
They had a very strange friendship, and obviously it didn't take long until it became routine for him to see you, even going so far as to greet you on several of the occasions when you called on him.
But suddenly, you stopped doing it.
At first he thought you were looking for more sacrifices, and it was normal that he even felt relieved not to have a human calling him every damn week.
But, as the weeks went by, he became intrigued to know what was going on with you. And he decides to go by his will to see you.
He encounters a scenario… very strange.
Chained to a bed, a look of penury on your face… It was obvious that something had happened.
And it didn't take long for him to enter your room, ask, and see that your eyes were practically almost bursting into tears when you saw him.
He, out of curiosity, asked you what happened, why was there a chain? Or why were you so broken that your dark circles were noticeable? And why weren't you smiling anymore?
He got no response, as you just sobbed, the emotions that you had held so tightly to your soul had consumed you to the point that… you weren't the same person.
When he dared to ask what had happened, he only got the most obvious answer; His parents, and the rest of the cult found the book of invocations, and the sacrifices you had used.
You had sacrificed people, their people, you had used people's corpses, their corpses, and you used them as sacrifice, their sacrifices. What kind of monster had you become?
No, they could not allow the representative figure of so many people to be shown as corrupt, committing such heresies. And that's why they locked you up, separated you from the entire world, and tried not to let you out.
And believe me, a person who has had the privilege of interacting with someone like Pyke only means that… those who make him suffer will pay in blood.
And there you have it.
First murder or Yandere act
Eye by eye, tooth by tooth.
He murders those primarily responsible for your confinement, and it is worse if something on the level of physical abuse or worse, sexual level occurs.
Weeks passed until the service returned to normal; new people, new ideas, they even let you choose which places to go and sing!
You don't think there was anyone else involved, do you?
Relationship or kidnapping
The relationship between the two of you became beyond strange; Now you didn't invoke him, it was he who was chasing you. He would show up in your room at unexpected hours, temporarily abandon his “job,” and dedicate himself to making sure that no one, absolutely NO ONE dared to do anything else.
However, you weren't complaining; not because you knew he had done it for your good or your safety, or even if it was because you meant more than just a friend to him. It was because you were afraid of him, very afraid.
You were as touchy as possible, and even on stage, it took a lot of getting used to knowing he was there; observing, always attentive to any movement of yours.
Sooner or later, the bomb is going to explode.
It's horrendously terrifying for you.
Not only in the sense that you were terrified that he would react badly to any of your friends (which it should be noted happens on several occasions), and even if you try to explain it to him, he won't understand it; + He does not understand limits, and he is the focus of fights on this point of coexistence between the two.
Marriage and family
Not to either of them.
In the first because we are literally talking about a DEMON.
And in the second because he simply does not care what your family thinks of him.
In this case, would he adopt?
Nah, I don't think so.
More than the fact that he barely understands what a “friendship” relationship between humans is (and “friendship” take it with a pinch of salt)
Bad ending
Well here comes my favorite part
There comes a point when you can no longer resist what you think; They end up in a very strong fight; You screamed and even sobbed in the middle, you were very terrified and damaged by the “friendship” you had with him. It was painful to know that he had done so many horrendous things for a simple friendship.
Or at least, what you thought was a friendship.
Pyke ends up… walking away from you. You thought that was the end, and that he wasn't going to come back, and that everything was going to go back to “normal.” But, a couple of days later you realized that it was completely the opposite.
He returned to the “temple” that had your cult, but he had gone for a very specific reason;
A demon behind him, looking for a new body to invade, accompanied him.
And when he let the demon go to invade you, the terrifying demon ends up invading your body, corrupting your mind and forcing you to be like him, to be a part of him, to now be someone like him.
That night, the blood flowed, it disappeared as so many people died that your memories are blurred of those you murdered or those you decided to harm until they never came back to life again.
When you came to, you tried to kill Pyke, he had hurt you so much and ruined your life in such a horrendous way that it caused you to be changed forever. And you thought you could make him pay.
However, someone like him couldn't die, and he refused to fight you; He had fulfilled his purpose, and also, he had made sure that you were part of that purpose, so that you would live with him too.
Reasons to be a Yandere:
-Let's agree that he has no other purpose in life other than bringing demons into his body, so many things can happen if he is given something like a friendship.
-Demons have no scruples, they are quite sadistic and cruel, so they do not know that moral line of what is right or wrong.
Extra data
-Deep down, he likes to listen to you sing.
-After the bad ending, he resorts to following you everywhere; Not to make sure he's okay, but to take care of you. He knows how hard it is to be a demon for a newly arrived human!
-You are like his “weak point”, he cannot get angry or fight with you, you are his human, he cannot get angry with the only one who accepted him as a friendship.
-He probably spent DAYS researching which demon to bring to invade your body; either they were too stupid or too gross for you.
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surfervelocity · 11 months
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So excited for Nexus Blitz that it revived my joy of drawing Pyke.
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c-malice · 1 year
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The Blood Moon rises
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rain-waifu · 3 months
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rezwrites · 6 months
Shin hati brainrot
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Shin Hati/Reader
Summary: Shin gets injured on a mission, luckily you’re there with her.
Warnings: injury, blood
a/n: slight au where shin gets off of peridea, and works as a mercenary instead of joining thrawn.
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The wind harshly blew through the forest trees, crisp, dry air biting at your nose and fingertips despite the thick furs covering you. Snow crunching under your footsteps, muffling any sound coming from you and your blonde companion.
A few moons ago, she boarded your ship, seeking your services for her mercenary work. She rarely spoke, but you soon found solace in the quiet late-night games of holochess or cards; enjoying the way her eyes danced across the board, strategizing her way to win.
Her work took you across the galaxy, from the Outer Rim Territories to the lower levels of Coruscant. This current mission brought you to Kijimi, where Shin was returning spice to some Pykes in Kijimi City. Usually, Shin would leave you on the ship, but this time she handed you a small blaster and insisted on backup. Despite having seen her skillful handling of a lightsaber, disbelieving she needed help, you followed her up the mountain.
Unexpectedly, backup was needed. At the drop-off point, you were ambushed by thieves and heavily outnumbered. As you were fleeing, a stray bolt ricocheted off of a crate hitting Shin’s torso. Carrying her through back alleys, you finally reached the mountainside and descended to the ship.
Shin's ragged breathing and the blood dripping onto the snow were worrying. Wind picking up as she fell to her knees. "We're almost to the ship, Shin. Just a little bit longer," encouraging her, yet, she collapsed.
As you finished bandaging Shin, she startled awake.
"We're in the ship, you're safe now," you assured her, gently stroking her arm. She took in the familiar surroundings of the ship.
“Where are we?” She attempted to sit up, but halted when you lightly grazed her shoulders. Her face flushing as you laid her back down.
Upon her query, you explained, "I landed us on Kinyen for safety, in case anyone was following us." As you disposed of the bloody bandages, Shin relaxes and covers her eyes with her arm, both of you breathing a sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry about your mission,” Sitting on the edge of her bed, you covered her with a blanket.
"There will be more." As you started to leave, she lightly gripped your wrist, hesitating, "please stay with me." Her plea touched you deeply, her eyes holding much pain and vulnerability, it broke your heart. Lying down she rested her head next to your shoulder, hand softly brushing yours. You both soon fell asleep together in the comforting silence.
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dyannawynnedayne · 4 months
Which character parallel is your favorite?
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Jaime and Loras: art by @imjustapoorwayfaringgeek (1,2)
Quentyn and Theon: art by @acewithapencil (1,2)
Jaime and Loras
Too Good Too Young
He's me. I am speaking to myself, as I was, all cocksure arrogance and empty chivalry. This is what it does to you, to be too good too young.
Quentyn and Theon
'Fostered' From a Young Age
"I love my brother," said Arianne, though only the moon could hear her. Though if truth be told, she scarcely knew him. Quentyn had been fostered by Lord Anders of House Yronwood, the Bloodroyal, the son of Lord Ormond Yronwood and grandson of Lord Edgar. In his youth her uncle Oberyn had fought a duel with Edgar, had given him a wound that mortified and killed him. Afterward men called him 'the Red Viper,' and spoke of poison on his blade. The Yronwoods were an ancient house, proud and powerful. Before the coming of the Rhoynar they had been kings over half of Dorne, with domains that dwarfed those of House Martell. Blood feud and rebellion would surely have followed Lord Edgar's death, had not her father acted at once. The Red Viper went to Oldtown, thence across to the narrow sea to Lys, though none dared call it exile. And in due time, Quentyn was given to Lord Anders to foster as a sign of trust. That helped to heal the breach between Sunspear and the Yronwoods, but it had opened new ones between Quentyn and the Sand Snakes... and Arianne had always been closer to her cousins than to her distant brother.
TWOW, Arianne I
Theon held his tongue, though not without struggle. So that is the way of it, he thought. As if ten years in Winterfell could make a Stark. Lord Eddard had raised him among his own children, but Theon had never been one of them. The whole castle, from Lady Stark to the lowliest kitchen scullion, knew he was hostage to his father's good behavior, and treated him accordingly. Even the bastard Jon Snow had been accorded more honor than he had. Lord Eddard had tried to play the father from time to time, but to Theon he had always remained the man who'd brought blood and fire to Pyke and taken him from his home. As a boy, he had lived in fear of Stark's stern face and great dark sword. His wife was, if anything, even more distant and suspicious.
ACOK, Theon I
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westeroslive · 1 month
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when the sun rises in the west,   the  gods  eyes  are  drawn.  may  the  seven  have  mercy  upon  you  as  we  welcome  you  to  court,   lady dilara martell, lady narin tarth, lord victarion greyjoy, liege anika moraqos, lord jorah mallister !  now  a  victim  of  the  court,  the  bards  compare your beauty  to  demet özdemir, hafsanur sancaktutan, leo suter, simone ashley, daniel sharmam as  you  play  the  game  in  the  midst  of  seasoned  nobles.
behave  and  follow  the  queen's  word  written  in  our  checklist  and  submit  your  account  within  24 hours.  
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𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         demet özdemir,  34,  demi - woman,  she / they.    announcing  the  arrival  of  DILARA of  house  MARTELL,  the  LADY  of  SUNSPEAR, LEGITIMISED BASTARD OF PRINCE DORAN & LADY EYVA .  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  OBSERVANT and  TEMPERAMENTAL  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  learning other tongues.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  the sun, which burrows itself against the heads of brilliant, yellow flowers ; dark curls, pinned to sun - deep temples, sweat beading from the heat ; gold, copper, ruby tones, wavering as a mirage does in the wind.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HOUSE MARTELL.          (  nikki . )
࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         hafsanur sancaktutan,  22,  ciswoman,  she/her.    announcing  the  arrival  of  NARIN  of  house  TARTH,  the  LADY of  CASTAMERE.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  EAGER  and  PRIDEFUL  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  sewing.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  the roaring ocean filling one's ears when they're trying to think, the sun and the moon together on the skyline, fighting your owns battles with a stolen sword.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with   OTHER.          (  ooc  :  essie,  29,  she/her,  central  ) **aerion and rhaenys' adopted daughter connection!
𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         leo suter,  33,  cis man,  he / him.    announcing  the  arrival  of  VICTARION  of  house  GREYJOY,  the  LORD  of  PYKE.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  PLACID  and  HEDONISTIC  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  sword fighting.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  a reaper disguised as a pious lord, blood dripping from bruised knuckles, boredom in the life of court.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  THE ISLANDS.          (  ooc  :  lex,  25,  she/her,  est  )
࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         simone ashley,  31,  demi woman,  she / her.    announcing  the  arrival  of  ANIKA of  house  MORAQOS,  the  LIEGE  of  MYR.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  STEADFAST  and  PUGNACIOUS  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  knives.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  sweet face disguising the snake underneath, every move for the benefit of her family above all, sugary sweetness that turns to poison on the tongue.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  ESSOS.          (  ooc  :  lex,  25,  she/her,  est  )
࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         daniel sharman,  32,  cis man,  he / him.    announcing  the  arrival  of  JORAH  of  house  MALLISTER,  the  HEIR  of  SEAGARD.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  DECISIVE  and  VINDICTIVE  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  poetry.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  steel on steel hitting around the training yard, hidden beast laying in wait, boyish dimpled grins that disguise real thoughts.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  THE  EMPEROR  OF  ESSOS.  (  ooc  :  lex  ) 
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bledsea · 2 months
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˚            ❛                dev patel     ,     cis man     &     he and him     ,     thirty-four     —      the  king  had  summoned VERON  of   HOUSE  GREYJOY, LORD HEIR  of   PYKE  to  be  judged  upon  their ABRASIVE  and   VOLATILE  nature,  under  his  justice  as  the  ruler  of  the  seven  kingdoms  and  protector  of  the  realm.  while  they  are  notably UPRIGHT  and SPONTANEOUS,  many  at  court  are  at  odds  when  it  comes  to  their  true  nature  and  place  in  king’s  landing,  especially  as  they  remind  them  of  A   HEAD   THAT   IS   BLOODY,   BUT   ETERNALLY   UNBOWED   :   THERE   COULD   BE   NO   MAN   WHO   COULD   TAME   AN   IRONBORN   —   BY   THE   BLESSED   SWORD   OF   THE   DROWNED   GOD   …   WHAT   IS   DEAD   MAY   NEVER   DIE   ;   YOU   ARE   NO   MERE   MAN,   RATHER,   A   REAPER   REBORN   TO   CAST   YOUR   WILL   AGAINST   THOSE   WHO   DEFY   YOU   ;   KRAKEN-BLOODED   SON   OF   THE   SEAS.
basic info
given   name       :       veron   greyjoy.     moniker(s)       :       the lord reaper & kraken of the east.     title       :       lord heir   of   pyke.     age   &   date   of   birth       :       thirty4      &       upon   the   first   crescent   of   the   eighth   moon.       gender   &   pronouns       :       cis   man       &       he   ,   him.     orientation       :       heterosexual       &       demiromantic.     religion       :       faith   of   the   drowned   god.     language   spoken       :       the   common   tongue,      accented in the lilt of the iron islands.     allegiance       :       house   greyjoy       &       the   iron islands.     faceclaim       :       dev   patel.
stature       :       mesomorph   —   arms go crazy from all the sailing   !     height       :       182   cms,       six   foot two.     hair       :       raven + eternally dishevelled,       unruly   curls   cut   short   to   ease   in   battle.     eyes       :       onyx,       almond-shaped.       clothing       :       armoured iron   & shades of darkened blue,       always   readied   for an impending battle.     distinguishing   features       :       healed scar cutting across his upper lip,   diagonally cascading from the right       —       remnant   of   a battle during a particularly nasty village raid,         various       scars   littered   across   the   expanse   of   his   back       —       seemingly   neverending,       just   as   one   healed,       another   sprouted   in   its   wake.     ethnicity       :       the   iron   islanders.     
abilities       :       control of krakens       —       lysaria.     moral   alignment       :       chaotic   neutral.     temperament       :       phlegmatic.     mbti       :       istp       ( the virtuoso ) —       love   to   explore   with   their   hands   and   their   eyes,       touching   and   examining   the   world   around   them   with   an   impressive   diligence,       a   casual   curiosity,       and   a   healthy   dose   of   skepticism       …       natural   makers,       moving   from   project   to   project,       building   the   useful   and   the   superfluous   for   the   fun   of   it   and   learning   from   their   environment   as   they   go.     virtues       :       fortitude       &       justice & perseverance.     vices       :           rage       &       pride & gluttony.     proficiency       :       short-ranged   combat       -       often   times   needlessly   violent       …       he   gets   too   carried   away   when   he   wields   his   battle   axe       +       hammer,       but   hey,       it’s   all   he’s   ever   known       .      sailing,       and   expeditions   he   had   travelled   across   most   of   the   known   lands   throughout   westeros       -       even   discovering   a   few   of   his   own    .       old-fashioned       ‘     negotiations       ’       via   his   dagger,       and   lack   of   patience       -       make   of   that   what   you   will.      deity   parallel       :       poseidon,       the   greek   god   of   sea   &   earthquakes       +     montu,       the   egyptian   god   of   war,    &       sun       +     thor,       the   norse   god   of   lightning,       thunderstorms       &       strength.     character   parallels       :      yara greyjoy   (   got  )   .   jon snow   (   got   )   .   bruce wayne   (   dc comics   )   .   geto suguru   (   jujutsu kaisen   )   .   miguel o’hara   (   spiderman   :   across the spiderverse   )   .   tommy shelby   (   peaky blinders   )   .   bucky barnes   (   the mcu   )     often   found       :       anywhere   but   home   until   his   family   would   call,       spending   more   time   trapesing   throughout   the   kingdoms   rather   than   holding   up   in   the   iron islands.
shared   blood       :       house greyjoy & house harlaw.     marital   ties       :       unwed.     children       :       well,   you see ...    allies       :       tba.     foes       :       tba. kraken       :     lysaria       —       darkened   purple,       almost   comparable   to   a   darkened   shadow   when   it   travels   in   swift   motions,       especially   when   it   lurks   within   the   depths   of   the   seas   enveloping   the   iron   islands.    the   size   of   two,       full-fledged   fleets   and   often   roams   the   bounds   of   the   narrow   sea.       born   within   the   third   year   veron’s   birth,       they   had   been   inseparable   the   minute   he   dipped   his   toes   into   the   salted   seas.
in depth
the   first   of   four,       you   were   born   in   the   midst   of   salt,   and   rock   during   raging,       torrential   rain       :       ironborn,       and   bred   to   take   what   is   yours       —       whatever   that   may   be,       from   the   hands   of   whoever   it   may   fall.       no   ocean   is   too   treacherous,    and   no   land   is   too   vast   to   not   be   taken   by   those   who   have   sworn   their   faith   to   the   drowned   god.       much   of   your   youth   was   spent   threading   through   uncharted   waters       :       sailing   across   the   the   seas   of   the   kingdoms   to   plant   the   kraken   banner   unto   untouched   lands,       and   pillage   through   those   who   had   come   defiant   against   the   greyjoy   name.       you   do   not   reap,       and   you   do   not   sow       …       you   have   learned   to   take   what   is   yours,       as   is   your   right   as   a   man   born   into   the   ways   of   the   angered   seas   of   westeros.       there   was   no   sea   you   would   not   cross,       and   no   limit   that   could   come   against   you       -       for   you   are   born   to   withstand   raging   storms,       and   to   live,       even   beyond   death       …       as   what   is   dead,       may   never   die.
upon   your   fifteenth   year   was   when   you   forged   through   your   first   expedition   across   the   narrow   sea   by   leading   your   own   fleet   of   fifty   strong.       you   found   yourself   amongst   the   free   cities,       and   made   allies   across   the   bounds   of   nobilities       —       those   who   have   treated   you   in   kind,       and   took   you   in   as   a   friend,       rather   than   a   foe,       had   earned   the   rare   loyalty,       and   faith   of   the   men   of   the   iron   islands.       you   spent   the   last   years   of   your   true   youth   traveling   from   land-to-land,       until   a   raven   fell   into   your   hands,       calling   you   to   return   home   to   take   your   rightful   place   as   the   future   heir   of   the   salt,   and   rock.   the   weight   upon   your   shoulders   is   a   heavy   one,       but   one   you   have   always   worn   in   stride.       while   you   might   not   have   been   the   friendliest   of   faces,       and   your   reputation   does   not   speak   kindly   of   you,       your   showed   your   affection   to   every   member   of   your   family   by   putting   yourself   in   the   frontlines   of   any   battle   fought   upon   your   sworn   lands       :       you   have   always   been   ready   to   pass   first,       as   long   as   your   blood   goes   on.
the   house   of   the   dragon,       and   their   continued   reign   across   the   sveen   kingdoms,        was   not   one   you   believed   to   be   of   true   merit   to   the   seven   kingdoms.       the   tides   are   calm   as   they   are,       but   with   the   brewing   rebellion   whispered   through   the   ranks   of   dissension   within   the   realm,    an   eerie   unease   rumbled   through   the   ranks.       while   it   had   always   been   known   that   your   house   was   far   from   being   trustworthy,       fealty   from   every   house   is   essential   to   regaining   true   stability   within   all   seven       :       perhaps,       rather   unluckily   for   targaryens   of   the   crownlands,       it   would   take   more   than   just   simple   oaths   for   you   to   even   consider   bending   the   knee   again   towards   those   who   use   beasts   to   roam   the   skies.       the   distrust   is   clear,       and   you   will   fight   tooth-and-nail   to   maintain   your   stance       —       unless   a   greater   offer   will   come   into   place,       you   are   certain   that   the   iron   islands   should   remain   as   they   are       :       wholly   ruled   only   by   ironborn.
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sirenalannysgreyjoy · 2 months
Coronation Challenge for A Song of Golden Fire and Black Blood
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Make a moodboard outfit/overall style for the Coronation Ball, then write a breakdown of it's elements!
Alannys had wanted her gown to represent the Iron Islands and her status as a captain of her own ship.  The top being made out of material that resembled rope presented a nautical image she liked.  The section that wrapped around her left thigh also gave her a better range of movement in case she needed to fight.  From her vast collection of accessories she used to adorn her hair, she chose a hairpiece decorated with pearls sourced from the oceans around Pyke.  On her arm, she wore an intricate jewelry cuff her twin sister had given her.  The heart represented their bond as sisters, while the moon represented her sister’s ship Dark Night.  She doubted anyone could gaze upon her and doubt that she was anyone but a girl who took pride in her family and heritage.
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metalichotchoco · 11 months
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Day 7 Shan Hai Scrolls Pyke!
Mostly because I wanted to draw pyke this month and his bald head looked like a moon to me. I really tried hard to make sure he wasn’t overlapping with blood moon
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 1 year
✦–Hello there! Call me Demosthenes.✦
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✦Be my guest on this side blog, where I write about League of Legends and Valorant. // Masterlist
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You can send me anything, anonymous or not, I will gladly check it out as soon as possible. I respond only to those I find interesting though, and write when inspired, therefore watch out for slow responses. Every interaction is appreciated! Don’t be shy and talk to me about lore or your game. I would love to make some League of Legends/Valorant mutuals.
I write both SFW and NSFW for champions and agents listed below this paragraph. I do not write for any other characters, just because I don’t enjoy their lore (or I simply don’t know it) or despise their whole being. It might be uptaded in the future. You can request headcanons, Alphabets (NSFW, SFW, Angst) or prompts about the character from the original lore, or one from the alternative universes, which are also listed below. Please specify your pronouns when requesting anything, otherwise I will use whichever will suit the story (which are usually female). In addiction, please let me know if the reader should be dom or sub. Because if not, I will probably write something with a top female character and a submissive man with a mommy kink. (All top reader requests are humbly appreciated, haha.)
Remember that all of this is written for fun, so do not take it seriously and have a nice day.
✦demosthenes organises ; for better accessibility.
✦demosthenes writes ; for my work.
✦demosthenes replies ; usually for expressing how thankful I am for your kind comments.
✦demosthenes talks ; for shitpost and asks from my humble person towards my audience.
✦demosthenes reblogs ; for every of my reblog in case you would want to dive in some League/Valorant content, since I repost only it.
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✧Champions I write for:
Male: Aatrox, Azir, Draven, Graves, Hecarim, Jhin, Kayn, Mordekaiser, Nasus, Pantheon, Pyke, Rakan, Rhaast, Sett, Shen, Swain, Sylas, Talon, Thresh, Varus, Viktor, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
Female: Ahri, Akali, Bel’veth, Briar, Caitlyn, Camille, Cassiopeia, Evelynn, Gwen, Kai’sa, Kalista, Kayle, Lillia, Lissandra, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Nami, Neeko, Qiyana, Rell, Renata Glasc, Sejuani, Senna, Shyvana, Sona, Soraka, Taliyah, Vayne, Vex, Xayah.
✧Alternative Universes/Skinlines:
Battle Queens
Crime City Nightmare (with Debonair)
Event Horizon (Dark Stars, Cosmics)
Fallen World
Guardian of the Sands
High Noon Gothic
Moons Of Ionia (Blood Moon & Snow Moon)
Riot Records (Heartsteel, K/DA, Pentakill, True Damage)
Sentinels of Light
Soul Fighter
Spirit Blossom
Star Guardian
✧Agents I write for:
Male: Breach, Chamber, Cypher, Gekko, Kay/o, Omen, Phoenix, Sova, Yoru.
Female: Fade, Killjoy, Raze, Sage, Skye, Viper, Vyse.
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popawritter12 · 4 months
I am curious can I request this scenario. What if all the darlings in the blood moon au meet.
Author's notes: Don't ask, I explain the reason for so much absence in another publication.
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The world of dreams; so deep, lost, and even confused in their own essence, they were lost, searching for something specific. Something that should never have been seen in itself.
The clash between claws and flesh along with the terror reflected in the faces of others; Is this ostentatious, at the same time disgusting dream, a simple memory of the group's misery?
—So… he's the new one, right? —The question escaped from the one who arrived second —, it doesn't look very… Good.
—I heard that the one who was chasing him was the same one who brought the demons to this world.
—Poor man. —The second hunter mentioned, observing the first, distant memories of his childhood take him back to the day when his demon condemned him.
—He had the worst fate of all. —-The dancer whispered, taking the porcelain cup between his delicate fingers.
—Who would have thought that he would have to become that demon? — Whispered the second arrived, before taking the plate in his hands.
The inveterate fight, stained by the strong emotion suffered by the first hunter, caused, in part, a great surprise on the part of the first.
—Seriously, you're a damn bastard… —The first one whispered, the edge of the blade barely managing to collide with the demon's skin—, not even Talon was as savage as you in fights.
The demon growled, a mitigating memory crashing into his delicate, corrupt mind.
Talon…that name, that nickname, that demon. Why was the hunter mentioning it?
—It seems you recognize his name, huh? —The hunter pushed the demon with a thrust, finally managing to cut his cheek, causing the demon to recoil—you must know a lot about the cult to recognize it.
The demon screamed something unintelligible, before taking his head; wounded, he remembered the countless books he read, the sleepless nights turning each page and researching with as much passion as that of an expert butcher tracing newly arrived calf meat.
—That… damn motherfucker. —his own demonic voice reminded him of what Pyke did to him, causing a scream to escape his lips.
—He's already remembering what he did to him.
—It must hurts him a lot. —the dancer whispered, sighing.
—Especially when someone he trusted ended up doing that to him. —The second hunter mentioned, his gaze traveling over the detailed outline of the demon's body, a grotesque vision for his eyes and a coarse memory of what today was the perpetrator of it.
Was this a simple punishment for them for their previous life or for the sins they had committed? They are not going to know, Or at least none of them know it and much less will the demon who was still committing with claws and teeth looking for an answer looking for a result to what he foolishly thought will end well to what some once he called a friend, now it turned out to be a super nightmare, it turned out to be the person who condemned him to this horrible life and now even in his dreams, which were the only moments in which he could remember his life as a traveling salesman who was guided by singing, it turned out to be a memory. more than what he now was: a demon, a creature that lost all connection with his human side and desperately searches for some trace to become himself again to find that lost side that was taken from him and cruelly killed by that demon.
—I guess we all make the same mistake, —the second whispered, before sighing with some pain, nostalgic, so to speak.
—Don't make me into your mistakes —the first one shouted, before managing to take the chain in his hands, with subtle preparation, he managed to tie the demon, although receiving a scratch on his left eye —, Talon chased me because he's a selfish bastard, if he decided to trust a Blood Moon demon, then he must have paid the price.
The dancer looked at him, a hint of disgust appeared on his face.
—How great did the price have to be, that took even his humanity with it? —The young man questioned, before lowering his gaze. The loneliness he felt throughout his life was such that it forced him to invoke a demon, to look for some humanity behind the superficial life of the stage. The dancer turned around when he saw the hunter, and only had that brave look that few others had. times in his life — and you know well that none of us thought that a demon could fall in love.
—You dealt with cultists —the first hunter complained, before kicking the body of the bound demon —, both he and I dealt with fucking demons.
—And that's why I thought you had a little more empathy —the third whispered, before continuing to drink the tea —, but I was wrong."
—Brave of you to assume that I will have empathy for a moron. —the hunter responded abruptly.
—What did we say about saying bad words?
—Talon lets me say them.
—We are not demons.
As the argument between the first hunter and the dancer intensifies, the second hunter approaches the demon, who, in pain, tr
He tries to push him away by growling, but the second hunter settles down in front of him, ready to speak.
—Don't tell me you're going to try to talk to him.
—Stop being unbearable.
—Only when you stop acting like a mother.
—Shut up —the second hunter complained, before seeing the demon again—, hello, you must be the singer of that religion.
The demon growled, showing its pointed teeth, yellowish and with traces of fresh blood.
—I saw you once, you were known as “the angel of the Andes,” right? —The second hunter asked, his serene voice invading the mind of the corrupted singer —. Truth be told, it seemed like every place you went in Runeterra was unique because of your presence alone.
The second hunter brought back bitter memories for the poor singer, from the first places where people first heard his voice, to the last place he had visited. Bitter smiles on his face countless times, tears from the emotion of each visit, even anger at seeing the state of the people whose leaders were as selfish as that demon, like that son of a bitch who ruined his life.
The more he mentioned it, the more he elaborated or his way of telling what it was like for the hunter to listen to the jugs of pure love for music brings to life the bitter return to the past; knowing that he couldn't come back. And his soul begged to return, to return even for a small second to that place that had brought him so much happiness.
But he only managed to sob; His voice seemed to return slowly, but the clock in the distance announced the time of his farewell; the mental break was over, and now they all had to return to that comic tragedy of life.
And yet, in the distance, a man with a leather backpack on his back and a smile of happiness spread in his eyes as he hummed songs from his childhood, looks at the clock, a rustic shape reminds him of his home, of his city. , but, even more importantly, it reminds him that his search for his destiny was still in the midst of development,
And the farewell began; with a look of some anger, but a certain affection —which the few present there knew how to differentiate—was reflected in that look. They still remember how comforting it was to know that even for a second of their lives, they could rest, they could give their tormented souls a little break from their stressful and painful lives.
While the perpetrators slowly approach their victims again, misnamed "loves", they do not even manage to give words to the poor humans who woke up again.
While the dancer returned to see the burly man with a serene but at the same time always annoyingly calm face, a bitter but resigned grimace spreads across his face full of dark circles. The first hunter wakes up violently because he feels an extra weight on his chest; The demon had jumped like a puppy towards his owner, and when his cursed laughter reached the hunter's ears, he only clicked his tongue, annoyed, but helpless. And the second hunter observed the swordsman, the question of his dream comforts him a little; He knew that of all of them, he had gotten the least invasive of all.
And the last of all, the poor last of all, only woke up to see that, once again, the mysterious demon that had caused him so much pain was almost on top of him, asking again and again how he was doing, or why he was asleep.
It was strange, especially knowing that the dream seemed to revive the human side of him like he had never seen before.
And in a fit of forceful rage, the singer leaped again at the demon, his claws appearing again. And the cooker, the only one who didn't seem to understand the reason for the dream, woke up with a letter next to him; blood stains giving the shape of a heart while a smell of excellent quality perfume adorned with a bouquet of well-cared-for flowers send a chill down your spine.
Who would have put that there?
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
You know how in the third book Catelyn thinks about how much grief might've been avoided if it had been Theon instead of Rickard Karstark's sons to die at Jaime Lannister's hands? Well, let's say this does happen. What if Jaime had kill Theon instead of the Karstark boys? What changes? Does this prevent the fall of Winterfell? And more importantly how does Balon react to losing his last remaining son to the Lannisters? Would he still want to attack the North? Or would he decide to get revenge and attack the Westerlands?
Balon didn't consider Theon a factor in his plans to attack the North. (And I doubt he would have bothered to attack the westerlands in revenge. He had bigger plans, and little love to spare for his last son.)
He was already scheming in that direction well before Theon showed up as Robb's envoy.
A great number of longships, fifty or sixty at the least, stood out to sea or lay beached on the pebbled shore to the north. Some of the sails bore devices from the other islands; the blood moon of Wynch, Lord Goodbrother’s banded black warhorn, Harlaw’s silver scythe. (...) Had Lord Balon anticipated him and called the Greyjoy banners? (.....)
"Do you think I gather my ships to watch them rock at anchor? I mean to carve out a kingdom with fire and sword . . . but not from the west, and not at the bidding of King Robb the Boy. Casterly Rock is too strong, and Lord Tywin too cunning by half. Aye, we might take Lannisport, but we should never keep it. No. I hunger for a different plum . . . not so juicy sweet, to be sure, yet it hangs there ripe and undefended.” (ACOK, Theon I)
But Balon also never intended to take Winterfell as quickly as Theon did. He meant to have Theon cause small disturbances at the Stony Shore near Torrhen's Square, and for Asha to take Deepwood Motte, to provoke a distracting response and then cut off the only land route in and out.
“Victarion,” Lord Balon said to his brother, “the main thrust shall fall to you. When my sons have struck their blows, Winterfell must respond. You should meet small opposition as you sail up Saltspear and the Fever River. At the headwaters, you will be less than twenty miles from Moat Cailin. The Neck is the key to the kingdom. Already we command the western seas. Once we hold Moat Cailin, the pup will not be able to win back to the north . . . and if he is fool enough to try, his enemies will seal the south end of the causeway behind him, and Robb the boy will find himself caught like a rat in a bottle.” Theon could keep silent no longer. “A bold plan, Father, but the lords in their castles—” Lord Balon rode over him. “The lords are gone south with the pup. Those who remained behind are the cravens, old men, and green boys. They will yield or fall, one by one. Winterfell may defy us for a year, but what of it? The rest shall be ours, forest and field and hall, and we shall make the folk our thralls and salt wives.” (ACOK, Theon II)
Theon made a bit of a botch of that when he inspired the remaining northmen to rally against him in one place he didn't have the men to defend:
"If only you'd had the good sense to raze the castle and carry the two little princelings back to Pyke as hostages, you might have won the war in a stroke." (...) "Your prize will be the doom of you. Krakens rise from the sea, Theon, or did you forget that during your years among the wolves? Our strength is in our longships. My wooden pisspot sits close enough to the sea for supplies and fresh men to reach me whenever they are needful. But Winterfell is hundreds of leagues inland, ringed by woods, hills, and hostile holdfasts and castles. And every man in a thousand leagues is your enemy now, make no mistake. You made certain of that when you mounted those heads on your gatehouse." (ACOK, Theon V)
Theon manages to hand the victory over his small ironborn force (and the remaining Stark-loyalist northmen!) to Ramsay Bolton, who burns the castle, which is a big blow to Robb. But the other ironborn remain at Moat Cailin, Deepwood Motte and Torrhen's Square, theoretically keeping to the plan to take over the north.
Of course, all that comes to an end anyway when Balon dies and the kingsmoot is called.
So, given Balon's end, yes, I think Catelyn is right and Theon's death would have prevented the fall of Winterfell and the "subsequent "deaths" of Bran and Rickon at ironborn hands, while the attack on the north itself would still have gone ahead and later stalled due to Balon's death.
Of course, we can't know what other plans Ramsay may have come up with to cause chaos in the North and weaken the Starks. He was happy enough to immediately make brutal moves on the Hornwood lands and was already undercover as Reek at Winterfell when Theon showed up.
So. Potentially a lot of things could still have gone in a similar direction without Theon's involvement.
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c-malice · 2 years
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Adding some old art on here. 
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breaking-atoms · 2 months
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Greyjoy OC for A Song of Ice and Fire! His name is Gormund Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands and Lord Reaper of Pyke. He was created after a Discord conversation where I was talking to someone about creating a transgender character for ASOIAF. I think this is an instance where it could work, or at least it could be very interesting! I will be using she/her pronouns for part of it so the backstory makes some more sense.
She was born sometime between Dalton and Loron, along with elder brother, Gormund. She was a bold 'little girl', often wearing men's clothing and armor, climbing boats, and making the men who worked at Pyke laugh. Gormund, on the other hand, was timid and would grow seasick whenever on ship. Their father despaired of his son. One day Gormund and his 'sister' were hanging out by a rocky beach and he accidentally tripped, bashing his head on the stones.
Their father did not want a girl to take over his seat upon his death, and he did not want to give it over to some nephew, cousin, or uncle. Knowing of his 'daughter's' tendencies, he had her take on the role of her brother, name and gender. But it was kept a secret from most.
Gormund liked his new identity, even if he mourned for his brother. He felt comfortable for the first time in his life. He liked learning about his new duties, he liked fighting, he liked sailing. Above all else, he loved being called 'boy' and 'he' and 'little lord.' He adopted cats for his boat to kill the rats and had a devoted crew. When his moon's blood started, he was given strong moon teas when it was unneeded, just to make him infertile. Once, he was sent far away to Essos to have what would be their equivalent of top surgery, using the riches he had plundered from merchants.
He became lord at a young age, 25, and on his deathbed his father called him "my son" even though no one else was around. Few knew of Gormund's true story. Most assumed he was gay, but didn't care so long as he could lead them to glory. He was seen as 'honorable' for an ironborn by Westerosi standards. He was cautious with the Westerosi lords and secretly despised them. He loved to lead his men to war, and whenever a rebellion struck up somewhere, he would flip a coin to decide which side to join. It was said his favorite Greyjoy was Lord Dalton the Red Kraken.
He died at the age of 44 when a pirate in the Stepstones struck his head. His body was thrown overboard by those who knew him soon after.
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coolsnake · 9 months
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