porchswingboss · 3 months
Aus ganz vielen Gründen isses das schönste Dich glücklich zu machen und weit über Deine Wünsche und Träume hinaus. Darum zerbrech ich mir dauernd den Kopf. Dass ich bloß nichts übersehe. Damals hat das nicht hingehauen, ich wollte zu viel für Dich vorbereiten, während ich Deinen Wunsch beherzigt hab, dass ich erst wieder kommen darf wenn ich für immer bleibe. Dass nochmal was schief geht, lass ich nicht mehr zu. Darum möchte ich (🙄also wenn ich mich so kurz halte wird es echt wenig witzig🙄🙉🤮is ja furchtbar) nochmal ganz kurz sagen, dass es 'ne Gratwanderung is ob ich ruhig sein soll oder was außer warmen Worten und Memes machen darf. Ich möchte es wenn's ginge bitte nicht wissen wenn ich noch weiter in die Wüste soll und bleibe da, also hier, auch freundlich wohnen. Aber d.h. auch, dass wenn ich hier raus kann, ein deutliches Zeichen muss. Ja, is nicht gerade Rock'n'roll, aber ich möchte auch dass Du nichts befürchten musst und Dich auf mich verlassen kannst. (Und Rock'n'Roll käme dann noch genug😁). Darum nochmal, ich bleib hier in der Oase in der Wüste bis Du was Du so grob möchtest und falls vielleicht eines Tages, mit einem Tom Hardy Meme kombinierst. Oder nur den. Da der letzte verschwunden war bevor ich einen Screenshot für meine wertvollste Sammlung machen konnte und nicht mehr nachgucken konnte ob Du oder der Blogwart den gelöscht hast, mach ich dann das Daumen hoch Meme wenn ich es kapiert hab. Guck, voll kurz⤴️alles und schschwöre, Thema fertig. Schönes Wochenende, mein Herz🌺
0 notes
Blogwarts // D.M
TW: Eating disorder? and Bullying.
word count: 6254
They were everywhere; Muggle mobile devices. 
Every witch or wizard Draco walked passed held a phone close to their face, so enthralled by the object that they were unaware of the platinum-haired boy’s presence. Usually, as soon as he’d step onto the train, the entire carriage would hush out of fear of being Draco’s next victim. But now mobile phones had become prevalent in Hogwarts, students had started to become less frightened and more engrossed in the stupid device. 
It’s safe to say that this bothered Draco more than it should. Out of all the astonishing magical things the wizarding world has to offer, the students of Hogwarts chose to populate a muggle invention. In the words of Draco Malfoy: it’s ridiculous. 
As Draco neared his designated seating area, he scowled at the sight before him. Every single one of his housemates was glued to a phone, whether it be their own or the person’s sitting next to them. Either way, they had a phone under their nose, angering Draco even further.
After placing a carry-on on the rack above his head, Draco took a seat in silence. He rested both hands on the tabletop, waiting for an acquaintance to acknowledge his appearance.
A while passed, leaving Draco still unseen by many. All except one; Emery Aspen. 
Emery, like Draco, didn’t have a phone. Don't get her wrong, she’d absolutely love to have one but she didn’t have the funds for one. As much as her parents love her, they were only just able to pay for her school supplies – with help from other family members also – so there was no way she’d be presented with one any time soon. But she didn’t mind. She understood.
Emery was sat further back in the carriage beside Aella James. She sat next to the window as Emery sat by the walkway. Despite being beside her best friend, she hated the seating arrangement. Whenever someone walked by her they were always sure to knock into her accidentally. That’s what everyone claimed. Although Emery was sure that each time was purposeful, she chose to ignore it. Of course, she could just simply move seats but that would mean she would be without her best friend and she couldn’t do that. The two are practically joint at the hip and go everywhere together. Two peas in a pod, if you will.
The thought of making conversation with Draco crossed Emery’s mind a few times but decided it was best to stay quiet. Emery has an unspoken rule where she has to wait for someone to talk to her in order for her to talk to them. It’s weird but it worked for her. That way, she knew she wasn’t bothering said person by talking to them first.
‘Enjoying the view?’ Aella chuckled, nudging Emery with her elbow. 
Emery rolled her eye’s with a scoff and sank back in her seat.
‘What – with your ugly mush beside me? Definitely not.’
It was considered brave of Aella to be sitting where she was. This was the compartment that the Slytherin’s had claimed as their own and everyone knows that Slytherins aren’t the nicest of people. Lucky for her, no one had noticed. Which was surprising considering that Aella loved being the centre of attention.
‘Haha. Very funny.’ Mumbled Aella, sarcastically. ‘I’m talking about Draco.’
‘What about him?’ said Emery.
‘Don’t play dumb with me, Em. I saw you staring at him.’
‘Dunno what you’re talking about.’ Emery shrugged, beginning to flick through the pages of her ‘advanced potions making’ book. Although this was the first year Emery needed the text-book, it wasn’t new to her. Of course, she shouldn’t have really had it just yet but when her father found out about Emery’s interest in potions, he searched the entire house for his old one from school. It was packed full of helpful notes and Emery was extremely grateful, to say the least.
‘Just talk to him. What’s the worst that could happen?’ 
Emery looked at Aella as if she had just said the most idiotic thing in the world.
‘Um – I dunno El … maybe tell me to fu –’’ 
‘Malfoy!’ Aella called out of nowhere then proceeded to duck down behind the seat in front of her.
Emery should’ve seen this coming.
Not only did Draco look over. The whole compartment did too. Emery found this rather funny considering that seconds ago, nobody could tear their eyes away from their phones. Now all they could do was stare in her direction.
She scowls at the surrounding people before shooting Draco an apologetic smile. 
‘Sorry,’ Emery apologised, closing her potions book. ‘Just wanted to see if people were aware that there is a world outside of their phones.’
The smirk that spread across Draco’s face was uncontainable. At last! Someone who thought the same way about phones as he did. He was relieved to find out that not everyone had gone brain-dead. 
However, his smirk faded when a familiar voice sounded from beside him. 
‘Didn’t I hear you say the last time we were here that you were hoping to get one? Did Mummy and Daddy not have enough money?’ Pansy Parkinson pouted in a tormenting manner.
For a split second, panic began to surge through Emery’s body, making her cheeks flush pink in embarrassment. But that was before Aella nudged her again, mouthing ‘lie’. There was only one thing wrong with that, and Aella knew it too … Emery was awful at lying.
‘No!’ Emery snapped. ‘That’s not true. Why would I want a phone when you look that gormless with one? Think I’ll pass, thank you very much.’
The look on Pansy’s face said it all. She was offended.
Another smirk was plastered onto Draco’s face as he chuckled, looking down towards the table he was sitting at. He wasn’t the only one laughing, either. A few people were and Emery would be lying if she said that it didn’t boost her confidence. Because it did, tremendously.
‘Good one, Em.’ Aella whispered with a smirk. 
Soon enough, everyone went back to their own businesses, talking amongst themselves. 
Emery glanced over to Aella to see that she was back to staring at her phone screen. 
‘I can’t believe you,’ Emery scoffed in disbelief. ‘Did you not hear what I just said?’ 
‘What? Don’t give me that bullshit, Emery. You were saying that you wanted one, not even an hour ago.’ Aella pointed out with a look of confusion. 
‘Yeah, well – I think I’ve changed my mind. You look ridiculous.’
‘Wow – okay, Malfoy.’ 
Emery rolled her eyes at Aella’s comment but laughed, nonetheless. 
Shortly after, Emery opened her book up to where her bookmark was placed.
‘Felix Felicis. Effect: Increases the luck of the drinker …’ 
A firm hand was placed on Emery’s shoulder, interrupting her reading. She glanced up to be met with a pair of glistening silver eyes, looking down on her. Malfoy’s eyes.
It was the first time that Emery had seen the colour of his eyes and she was mesmerised – breathless, even. They glistened so brightly yet appeared so … vacant.
Emery gulped nervously.
‘Hi,’ was all she could muster. Even that came out almost inaudible. 
Draco’s eyes flickered down to the book Emery was holding in her hands before turning it around to look at the front cover.
‘Advanced potion-making –’ he reads, amused. ‘Didn’t know you were into potions, Aspen.’ 
She nodded her head, glancing back up to meet his eyes once again. 
‘I am –’ 
Emery mentally facepalmed as Aella kicked her foot, prompting her to stop being so bashful. Of course, Emery couldn’t help it. It was in her blood. Her father was quite possibly the shyest person to ever walk the face of the earth. Unfortunately, her mother wasn’t the most out-going person either.
‘Are you into p-potions too?’ stuttered Emery, embarrassing herself further.
Draco went silent, triggering her anxiety. She watched as his facial expression transitioned into a cold stare.
‘Wouldn’t you like to know.’ was all he said before walking off, leaving Emery with furrowed brows.
‘What was that all about?’ Questioned Aella, finally looking up from her phone. 
‘No idea.’
The start-of-term banquet was as lonely as anything for Emery. She didn’t have friends to sit with at the Slytherin table because all of her friends were sorted into various houses. Her best friend, Aella James, was sorted into Gryffindor along with Neville Longbottom. The guy she had met on her very first train ride to Hogwarts, Xavier Griswold, was sorted into Hufflepuff whilst Violet De Vil, a girl who miraculously turned up late to professor Snape’s class the exact same time as Emery, was placed into Ravenclaw. 
The full set as everyone liked to call them.
It didn’t really bother Emery that none of her friends were in her house. She admits that it wasn't extremely fun on her first day here, once she found out that she was placed in Slytherin alone, but she adapted to it rather quickly.
Emery was sat playing with the ends of her brown hair as she watched all the new first years getting sorted into their houses. Some had massive gleaming smiles plastered on their faces, overly keen to get their results, whilst others couldn’t care less, just wanting to sit down already and get on this the school year. 
Soon enough, the last student was called up to the front of the Great Hall. Eira Delarosa her name was. She had boisterous white hair that framed her face neatly, cut into a long pixie hairstyle that suited her wonderfully. She was a fairly petite girl and her timid body language practically screamed that she was a Hufflepuff.
Eira perched herself on the stool gingerly as the hall quietens, intimidating her more than she already was.
‘Hufflepuff. How much are you betting?’ a boy mumbled a few feet away from where Emery was sat.
‘One Galleon,’ another boy replied, confidently. 
Slytherins. Always throwing money around like it’s nothing.
Professor McGonagall hovered the sorting hat above Eira’s snow-white hair before lowering it gradually until it roared out ’SLYTHERIN!’
The handful of students that we're still paying attention stared in shock with their mouths agape. Soon enough, gasps turned into cheers as they welcomed their new housemate. 
Emery grows fairly fond of the girl before she had even taken a seat, watching her from a distance. Numerous students began to bombard the poor newcomer with stupid questions and eager greetings, all jumping down her throat at once.
‘Is your hair natural?’
‘You should totally hang out with us –’
‘Do you have siblings in this school?’
‘You’re so pretty –’
‘Are you related to Draco Malfoy?’ 
Emery rolled her eyes in disbelief at the latter inquiry from her fellow housemate. Seriously? A girl, or anyone for that matter, can’t even have white hair without being associated with the Malfoys. It was the same with redheads and the Weasley’s. 
‘Careful Izzie, they’ll interrogate you next,’ Cackled a black-haired girl, sitting opposite Emery. ‘Draco ain’t a part of your family, is he?’
‘I’ve told you before V – no, he isn’t.’ The girl beside her scowled. She, too, had sleek white hair. 
‘Alright! Merlin’s beard! You’re grumpier than Gus the day he was placed in Ravenclaw.’ V pointed out.
‘Because it’s obvious he’s a Slytherin. If I was in his shoes, I’d be grumpy too.’ 
‘Yeah, but you're always grumpy. Nothing new there, Elizabeth.’ 
Izzie warningly shot a glare at V, challenging her to repeat her words.
‘See! You just proved my point, you grumpy goblin–’ 
Professor McGonagall tapped her cutlery on her glass goblet, chiming for the hall to quieten down. Everyone obeyed her command. 
Hogwarts’ headteacher, professor Dumbledore, rose from his seat to stand at the golden owl lectern with a deadpan expression. Ever since his return, after Umbridge took over Hogwarts, he hadn’t appeared the same, in Emery’s opinion. Physically, he looked like himself. But his enthusiastic side just wasn’t there anymore. It was heartbreaking to witness. 
‘Welcome, students!’ Bellowed Dumbledore, just like he did at the beginning of every year. ‘Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Codswallop! Spiffy! Lollygag! Piffle!.’
‘Thank you!’ and with that, he sat back down and began tucking into the start-of-term feast. 
Maybe there was a little bit of enthusiasm still left in him Emery thought to herself.
Once the cheering had calmed down, just like everyone else, Emery began grabbing bits and pieces of food from various platters laid out in the centre of the table. There was everything to fulfil your heart's desire and more. From fudge fly ice-cream to pumpkin pasties, all the way to pork chops and plain boiled potatoes – many kinds of potatoes actually. Boiled, roasted, mashed – you name it. It’s there. 
This place truly was magnificent.
‘Got any more friend requests, Goyle?’ 
Emery looked up from her plate to see Blaise Zabini looking at his lap beneath the table, face illuminated slightly more than usual. Gregory Goyle was mirroring his actions. 
‘No,’ he sighed in disappointment. ‘Not since we were on the train.’
‘Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a sign for you to put your phones down?’ queried Emery, looking around the great hall to see everyone digging into their meals. ‘If no one else is online then neither should you two be. You should put them away before a teacher see’s.’
Blaise glanced up to show a disgusted expression slapped onto his face. 
‘What – are you my mother now?’ 
The students of the Slytherin table snickered quietly, causing Emery’s face to turn crimson in embarrassment. 
‘N-no, I'm just looking out for you is all.’ explained Emery, absentmindedly pushing food around her plate with a fork. 
‘Well, I don’t need your –’ 
‘I’d listen to her if I were you. If Snape catches you with that thing, Merlin knows what’ll happen to you.’ Draco intervened, agreeing.
Emery felt a fluttering sensation erupt in her stomach as her cheeks deepened a shade even more (if that were possible) at the realisation that Malfoy was backing her up somewhat. 
‘You’re defending her?’ Blaise raised a brow in surprise. 
‘Who said I was defending her? All I’m saying is, don’t come crying to us when your phone gets confiscated.’ Draco shrugged, shoveling a fork full of food into his mouth. 
Blaise contemplated for a moment before groaning in annoyance and shoving his phone into one of the inside pockets of his robe.
‘Put your phone away. Now!’ he demanded bitterly, elbowing Goyle in the side to grab his attention. 
‘Alright! Watch it!’ Goyle rolled his eyes before slipping his phone into his trouser pocket. 
Just when Emery was about to put more food into her mouth, the girls opposite her began talking again. 
‘You’re a real ugly eater you know.’ V stated out of nowhere, looking at Emery in revulsion.
‘Um – excuse me?’ 
‘You’re an ugly eater –’ she repeated.
‘Are you aware that you eat like a pig?’ sneered Izzie.
Emery cowered in silence, looking down towards the plate of food positioned on the table in front of her. 
Emery had only eaten 3 forks full of food, the first and only thing she had eaten all day due to her busy schedule. She was excited for the majority of the day, eager to chow down on the delightful food that Hogwarts had to offer. But now she wasn't too sure if she could eat it. 
It's not that she didn't want it. Emery would absolutely love to devour the food that was sat on her plate. But now that she had learnt that people were watching her every move, conveniently enough, she didn't have much of an appetite anymore. 
For the rest of the meal, Emery stared and prodded at the mocking food with her fork, using all of the will power she could muster to not take another bite. 
Finally, much to Emery’s relief, the start-of-term banquet ends resulting in the Prefects leading the first year's to their common rooms to settle in. Considering it was the first night back, and Dumbledore was the greatest headteacher in all of wizarding history, he authorized an extra hour until curfew. 
This was enough time for Emery to greet all of her friends and have a quick catch up before she had to head to the Slytherin common rooms to be lonely, once again. 
Emery didn't hate being alone. Yes, it could get extremely lonely at times but it also has its perks. For instance, if she was to ever fall out with any of her friends and she needed a getaway, the Slytherin common room was her escape. 
‘Oi – Aspen! Over here!’ Aella called out from the other side of the great hall. 
Turning her head, her eyes landed on the blown-haired girl waving a hand frantically in the air with a beaming smile, just like a little kid. 
Smiling, Emery rose to her feet and shook her head at the nincompoop she calls her best friend. 
There’s not a single day gone by where Aella has failed to make Emery smile. According to Emery, it was impossible to not smile around her. Not only was she the class clown but she also had a very contagious laugh. Once Aella starts laughing, the whole of their friend group is done for. 
‘Ugh – she’s giving me the evils, again.’ Violet De Vil scowled as Emery took a seat beside her.
And it was true. Pansy Parkinson was, in fact, watching her – all of them – before Blaise nudged her, causing her to avert her attention back on her fellow Slytherins. 
‘Maybe she fancies you?’ implied Ron, cocking his brow.
‘Ew – I certainly hope not!’ Violet frowned in disgust.
‘That can’t be,’ Harry debunked Ron’s implication. ‘She’s going out with Malfoy.’
‘She is?’ Emery arched her brows in surprise. 
Emery wouldn't ever admit it aloud but she was extremely envious.
‘Of course. It doesn’t take a genius to work that one out. The two are constantly all over one another.’ Hermione chuckled, sipping from her goblet.
Aella sat with her arms folded across her chest, scowling in pansy’s direction. 
‘I don’t like her.’ she voiced, bitterly.
If looks could kill.
‘Nor do i.’ Emery joined her best friend in shooting invisible daggers at the dark-haired Slytherin girl. 
‘Has anyone else noticed that she has the same facial characteristics as a pug?’ queried Neville, looking at Pansy in deep thought.
Emery tried her best to stifle a laugh by placing a hand over her mouth. But Aella, on the other hand, didn’t care at all about attracting attention to herself. Many curious heads turned to face her as she began howling at Neville’s claim. 
‘Neville!’ Hermione began to scold but she too starts sniggering at the realisation that Neville’s claim was true. ‘Though I see what you mean.’
‘Pansy pug-face – HA! That’s comical.’ 
Everyone chuckled lowly at Xavier Griswold’s joke. Well – everyone except for Aella. 
‘What are you looking at?!’ She spat abruptly across the hall, startling Emery. 
‘Keep on staring and I will not hesitate to hex the fuck out of you!’ Aella warned.
‘Yeah! What she said!’ Xavier joined, backing his friend up.
He loves drama.
With a huff, Pansy twisted herself back around, once again. 
‘Bloody mutt.’ Emery grumbled under her breath.
Finding her best friend's attitude out of character, Aella hooked an arm around her shoulder before pulling her into her side.
‘You good, Em?’ she cooed.
‘Not really.’ admitted Emery, beginning to play with her fingers anxiously.
Concern washed over Aellas features.
‘What’s wrong? You were fine on the train.’
‘I’m hungry.’ 
‘What do you mean you’re hungry? We literally just ate –’ Aella snorted.
‘No – you just ate. I got the mick taken out of me.’ 
And just like that, a switch flicked.
‘Who the fuck was it?!’ Aella snapped, slamming her palms down onto the table in rage before rising to her feet. ‘Was it pug-face?!’ 
By this time, Aella had caught the attention of many students. They were all gawking; catching flies with their mouths.
‘Miss James, please sit –’ demanded Professor McGonagall.
Aella cut Mcgonagall off by raising her hand up, signalling for her to stop. 
‘No can do ma’am! I have some business to take care of.’ she informed as she squinted her eyes, searching for the person responsible from Emery’s upsetting.
Her eyes landed on Blaise Zabini.
‘It was you – wasn’t it?!’ she pointed, accusingly.
‘James –’ McGonagall warned.
Blaise scoffs.
‘And why do you think that?’ he questioned, smugly. 
‘Because you’re an arse, Zabini!’ 
‘And you’re a bitch!’ he retorted bitterly.
‘Oh please!’ Aella scoffed. ‘I’ve been called worse!’
‘Oh yeah? Like what? A dirty mud-blood?!’
Everyone surrounding Blaise erupted into laughter as other students gasped at his insulting words, including Emery.
‘Zabini!’ McGonagal warned again, more sternly this time. ‘This is your final warning – the both of you!’ 
And then, without contemplation, Aella tugged Emery up by her bicep harshly and smirked darkly at Blaise.
‘Your girlfriend.’ She spat, her words laced with venom and hatred.
‘Detention!’ Professor McGonagall snaps.
And with that, both Emery and Aella saunter out of the Great hall with satisfied smiles, leaving everyone sitting in astonishment.
‘You never told me that you and Zabini were going out!’ Emery pouted, playfully holding a hand over her heart. ‘I’m your best friend! You’re supposed to tell me everything!’  
‘Yeah – were ... during the summer holidays. Not anymore. I didn’t tell you because i knew it was just a silly summer fling and –’
Emery interrupted Aella with a dramatic gasp.
‘A fling? You mean – you had sex with him? El, you’re only sixteen!’
‘So?’ Aella shrugged. ‘I’m of age so why does it matter?’
‘At least tell me you were safe –’
Aella felt a pang in her chest, prompting her to halt in place. 
After a few steps, Emery noticed that Aella was no longer walking beside her. She spun around to see hurt etched onto her best friends face.
‘You really think I’m that stupid – don’t you!’ she angrily scoffed.
‘W-what – no! No no no!’ Emery protested, stepping closer to the bitter girl. ‘I didn’t mean –’
‘Just because I haven't got my head shoved so far up a teachers arse, doesn’t mean I’m not smart!’ Aella snarled, shoving Emery into the wall behind her. 
The collision caused the back of her head to pulsate as she let out a wheezy breath. Instantly, she rose a hand up to where the pain was and rubbed it soothingly in an attempt to ease the sting. But it didn’t help. 
‘You're just jealous because the guy I like actually liked me back.’
Emery's vision blurred with white spots making her feel faint. She dropped to the floor cautiously before leaning herself back against the stone wall with her head in her hands. 
‘Look at you! You’re pathetic! Sitting there in hopes that prince charming will march through those double doors and scoop you up into his big strong arms and carry you away into the sunset. Well, I’m sorry to tell you this, Emery but news flash: fairytales aren’t real and Malfoy doesn’t give a fuck about you!’ Aella seethed, thrashing her arms out in frustration.
The ache in her head, alone, was enough to make her cry. But Aella’s heart-wrenching words was the icing on the cake. Emery lost it.
‘Just get away from me!’ she cried, pointing down the corridor. ‘Go!’ 
‘Why? So you can get sympathy from everyone when they come out of the hall? You’d love that, wouldn’t you Emery. You’ve always been a bit of an attention whore.’ 
She knelt down in front of Emery with a tormenting smirk. She knew full well that she was getting under her skin and seeing Emery so vulnerable prompted her to continue.
‘Go fuck yourself.’ snarled Emery.
‘I don't have to. I can get someone to do that for me because I’m not frigid, unlike you.’ 
‘Well, at least I didn’t have to open my legs to pass my O.W.L’s.’ 
Aella gasped in shock at Emery's immediate comeback. 
It was completely out of character for Emery to spit irrational accusations. She had always been exceptionally well behaved throughout the entirety of school. But after a while of being ordered around by people who knew Emery was a blatant pushover, she grew tired and it was only a matter of time before she took matters into her own hands. She wasn’t the only one to blame. 
Aella chose the wrong day to fuck with Emery. 
‘Are you saying that I fucked a teacher?!’ 
‘Finally, caught on, did we?’ smirked Emery. 
‘You fucking –’ Aella irately rummaged through the inside pockets of her robe before whipping her wand out, aiming it at her best friend, threateningly. 
Emery didn’t flinch. Instead, she rose to her feet and edged closer confidently, trying her best to intimidate. 
‘What are you gonna do, El? Hex me?’ suggested Emery, cocking her head to the side as she gradually backed Aella up against the opposite side of the corridor.
Aella pressed the tip of her wand under Emery’s chin in defence. Of course, she wouldn't dream of hurting her. She was only hoping it would intimidate her enough to make her back away. But she didn’t. She stood sternly with a satisfied smirk. No doubt, she was proud of herself.
‘That’ll impress Zabini. He’ll definitely want you back after doing that.’ 
Fury flooded Aella’s thoughts, wanting nothing more than to hex the Slytherin aggravating her. But she decided against it.
Instead, a mischievous grin emerged across her bronzed face. 
Emery stood perplexed, worry taking over her. 
As if on cue, the great hall’s hefty double doors swung open as many young wizards and witches began flooding the corridors, all hurrying to get to their common rooms to settle down for the night.
Aella shoved Emery back one last time to create distance between them before shoving her wand into her robes inside pocket. 
‘Aella!’ Hermione beamed. ‘We’re now heading back to the tower. Would you care to join us?’ Harry, Ron and Ginny stood behind her, all chatting amongst themselves in a triangle.
Harry flashed a small smile in Emery's direction but she was too infuriated with Aella to respond.
‘Of course,’ Aella responded, smirking towards Emery. ‘I’d love to.’
Emery narrowed her eyes spitefully as her eyes watched the five Gryffindors ramble off down the corridor, leaving her alone to drown in her own thoughts. 
It wasn’t like Aella to walk away from an argument. The two would usually resolve the problem before they had to part ways at the end of the day. But Emery had a gut feeling that Aella was plotting something. Something that would more than likely ruin her entirely and she was beyond terrified. She knew what Aella was capable of and she could, in no way, match her in the slightest.
The next few days were gonna be hell, Emery knew it.
Emery shoved the door to her assigned dorm-room open with an exhausted huff. Unfortunately for her, her drowsy eyes came into contact with three people she hated most throughout the entire school: 
Izzie, V and Pansy ‘pug-face’ Parkinson.
She can see clearly what Neville was talking about, now. It was humorous.
Emery didn’t have a problem with her fourth roommate, at all. She was unphased by Emery’s entry so that was listed as a positive in her books and one less thing for her to worry about. Maybe she would befriend her at some point.
However, the other three girls were as vile as they come.
Pansy Parkinson for obvious reasons. No one really liked her. It was as simple as that. The only thing keeping her so-called friends close to her was the fact that she was a pure-blood and her family was rather wealthy. Her atrocious attitude most definitely didn’t do her any wonders and was the prime reason why Emery couldn’t stand her. 
Well … that and the fact that Pansy snapped her wand in their second year at Hogwarts because Emery asked if her hair was inspired by a toadstool. 
Emery’s parent’s (mother rather) struggled enough as it was to put food on the table every night, so a busted wand was a greater dilemma than you’d imagine.
Not to mention that Pansy was Draco’s love interest and watching the pair together pained Emery more than she’d ever let on.
Now – V and Izzie are both members of the infamous UAC’s. The group of teens consisted of 2 witches and 2 wizards and when together, gave off an ominous vibe that no one dared stick their nose into. It would be such a preposterous thing to do unless you enjoy playing with black magic. 
The UAC’s claimed to be the next big thing in wizarding history. Gustav Nadir – the outcast of Hogwarts and self-proclaimed leader of the four – had a blueprint of a flawless masterplan engraved into his brain. As though his appearance didn't intimidate people enough, his proficient brain was sure to do the trick. All with help from his trustworthy buddy, Jacques Wickliff, of course. 
Altogether, the UAC’s weren't the most welcoming bunch. They like to keep their group closed off but their reputation sky-high and anyone who dares try to change that has one hell of an issue on their hands. 
‘Oh look, Izzie! It's our friend from dinner!’ V nudged into her best friend, interrupting her reading, before pointing to where Emery stood with a blank expression.
‘You look like shit.’ Pansy sniggered from where she was laying on her bed.
‘Fuck off –’ Emery murmured with a scowl as she dragged her feet over to her bed and flopped down onto it. 
‘That's no way to greet your roomies, Aspen.’ said V. She held a hint of amusement in her eyes. ‘I hope those bitter words weren’t aimed at me.’
‘Yeah – she’d have to teach you a lesson, if so,’ Izzie grumbled sarcastically, trying to get back into the book she was reading.
Emery attempted to ignore the confrontation by shrugging her robe off her shoulders and grabbing her wash bag out from her trunk before retracing her steps back to the oak door she had just come through, seconds ago. 
Spending another millisecond in there was going to nudge her over the edge – Emery just knew it. 
The plan was to head to the girls’ bathroom to get ready for bed but just as Emery tugged on the handle to leave, a hand rudely slammed it shut again.
Emery groans in annoyance, throwing her head back. 
‘It’s rude to walk away from people who are talking to you. I’m only trying to be your friend.’ V snapped bitterly, standing in the way of the exit with her arms folded against her chest.
‘Well, you're doing a terrible job of showing it.’ Emery declared, staring down at the furious girl in front of her. 
The perks of being 5’10. 
V narrowed her eyes before stepping to the side. 
‘What are you doing?’ queried Emery, raising a brow in suspicion.
’Nothing,’  V reassured, all too cheerful.
The grin on her face was distrustful. It was no secret that she had a trick wedged up her sleeve.
Emery pushed the thought to the side and went to leave the room again. This time, she managed to successfully open the door fully. But just as she stepped a foot over the door frame, a pair of hands aggressively shoved Emery forward, causing her to tumble down the stairs that were carelessly built only a few foot away from the door.
The person who’s responsible for the layout of this castle clearly didn’t have their head screwed on properly.
With a thud, Emery collided into a railing, fortunately preventing her from falling any further. She sat up with a groan as a giggle sounded from the door-way she was pushed through. 
‘Careful where you’re going, Aspen! Could’ve hurt yourself.’ V winked tormentingly, followed by retreating back into the dorm and slamming the door shut. 
Everything that was in Emery’s wash bag somehow managed to fall out and was now scattered down the stairwell. Emery could feel the rage build up further inside as she rubbed both hands over her face in frustration.
One more unfortunate event and that’ll be it for her. She’ll be kneeling down in front of Dumbledore’s office desk with tears streaming down her face, begging to go home.
Emery was terrible at dealing with her emotions by herself. She always had Aella to help her through it. But now that she’s turned her back on her, she has nobody else trustworthy enough to talk to.
With a huff, Emery rose to her feet and brushed the dirt off her uniform aggressively before swiping her toiletries up off the stone steps. 
After she had completed her bathroom routine, Emery Decided to go and have a word with Professor Slughorn: The head of Slytherin house.
Slughorn seemed to have been in a foul mood though because, despite Emery’s tears and pleads, he denied her request to go home.
‘Sir, p-please! You don’t understand I –’ Emery sobbed, attempting to rid of her tears by wiping the sleeve of her cardigan under her puffy eyes.
‘I’m sorry my girl but the Hogwarts Express has already departed back to London. It will not be returning until Christmas I’m afraid.’ He apologised, sipping on a glass of Mead. 
The alcoholic beverage could be smelt from where Emery was stood and to say that she was craving a glass would be an understatement. She needed one. 
Emery knew exactly where she was travelling to on Saturday.
‘Why would you want to leave anyway?’ Slughorn queried with a cocked brow. ‘Not being bullied, are we?’
Emery looked to the ground ashamed as more tears began to well up in her eyes. 
‘Yes,’ she mumbled, wiping underneath her eyes, once again. ‘My dorm-mates – they’re horrible.’
‘Is that why you growing that horn on your forehead? If so, I’ll have to take safety precautions and have a word with Albu – Dumbledore, I mean. Bullying will not be tolerated –’
Panic began to surge through Emery, making her eyes widen in fear.
‘No!’ she abruptly exclaimed, startling the Professor and making him spill his beverage down is attire. 
‘Merlin’s beard!’ 
‘I’m so sorry –’ Emery began frantically apologizing. ‘I didn’t mean to shout. I mean – it just isn’t necessary.’
Slughorn looked a little sceptical so Emery carried on trying to make her lie believable.
‘This is my fault,’ she explains, pointing to the bump on her head. ‘I’m really clumsy, you see. I fell down the stairs.’
Of course, Emery didn’t need to lie. She should’ve said that she was actually pushed down the stairs. But the thought of V finding out that she had told a teacher would add onto her worries. Merlin knows what she would do to her. It just wasn't worth it. 
 Still, Slughorn didn’t seem convinced but he shrugged it off nonetheless as he absorbed the liquid up with a flick of his wand.
He places his Empty glass down on a table and lets out a content sigh.
‘Right. Well – just be more careful in future. Don’t need a trip up to the hospital wing now, do we? Though I dont think Madam Pomfrey would mind a visitor. The poor woman must be lonely.’ chuckled Slughorn. ‘Anyway – you better get going, my dear girl. Don’t want someone to catch you walking around the school at this time. You’ll get into trouble. Off you go now – bye!’
In Slughorns attempts to push Emery out of his office, he’s stopped by her halting in place, reminding him of the conversation they had just shared.
‘But what about my situation?’ 
‘Ah, yes! Uh … Just deal with it for tonight and I’ll do my best to sort something out for you. Good night, Emery!’ 
Emery faced slughorns office in disbelief.
Did he just fob me off? Emery asked herself.
Eventually, she made it back to the Slytherin common room without being caught. Nothing but the crackling of the fire could be heard meaning that everyone was now sleeping. 
Of course, this was good news for Emery. it meant that she could go back into her dorm without any trouble.
Oh, how she was wrong. 
As Emery plonked herself down onto her bed, in fresh pyjamas, she lets out an involuntary gasp. Her entire bed was completely soaked through with water. Her pillow, blanket – everything. 
Examining the damage, she lifted her pillow into the air to see it begin to drip onto the floor beneath it. 
There was no way Emery could sleep in her bed tonight. 
She utters profanities to herself and throws a hateful glare in the direction of where V was sleeping peacefully.
Emery knew it was her. It didn’t take a genius to work that one out. She was known for pranking people. Emery’s just thankful it wasn’t one of her bad ones.
Emery's going to be needing that absorbing spell from Slughorn.
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hogwartscastle · 3 years
Hello, I hope you are well.
I am very intrigued as to your thoughts on my blogwarts house.
I'm very sorry, that was terrible
I think it was charming.
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Adjustment Period Chapter 34 is now live on AO3!
I’m determined to get up to at least chapter 50 so I hope everyone is still enjoying themselves!
Enjoy tonight’s offering! 😁
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“So,” Alan knocked their current monster sideways. “Am I back to being your favourite now?”
Ridley laughed, pulling herself up from the floor after the ‘blogwart’, Alan had told her they were called, had put her down.
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olliepig · 4 years
Waiting in the Wings/Centre Stage
I’ve decided to start a new fic called Centre Stage for my pair of idiots that will immediately pick up after the events of Waiting in the Wings and the first chapter is up now. As always, enormous thanks are due to the amazing @willow-salix for her help, betaing skills and general cheerleading.
I’ve posted a snippet of it, but you can find the whole thing is on AO3 here.
“What fresh hell is this now?” cried Cat, flailing wildly around the living area and narrowly missing taking out Selene in the process.
“It’s just more Blogwarts. Remember, you met them before?” replied Alan, waving his arms around in a much more controlled manner as he fought the beasts, helping them both through to the next room.
Behind his dad’s desk, Scott looked up from his paperwork, raising an eyebrow and smiling fondly at her antics but saying nothing, preferring not to draw attention to himself after his shoulder had spasmed on the way back from the rescue that morning. He was very keen for it to remain under the radar and avoid the attention of Virgil and his heat packs. Confirming Cat’s fears about the dangers of his job was something he wanted to avoid if at all possible, even if the injury in question had been caused simply by looking round sharply and tweaking a muscle.  
“Where are we now? This game makes literally no sense,” Cat complained, making Scott shake his head as he looked back down at the paperwork, wincing slightly as he did so. He had learned his lesson about playing videogames with her when he was younger and had no desire to repeat the experience. Her tactics were what could be described as questionable at best and downright morally reprehensible at their worst.
“Cat, you can’t do that,” Alan exclaimed, as Cat lunged forward no doubt trying some new and unexpected move.
“Watch me!” she challenged, continuing with whatever she was doing, unrepentant and undeterred.
“Oh, it worked!” Alan cried in surprise.
“See, I told you I could do it,” Cat smirked, earning a snort of laughter from Gordon.
“I take it back, I think she’s going to beat him,” Gordon commented, turning to Selene, continuing the quiet debate they’d been having since the game had started.
“Not a chance, that was my bet. You’re not getting to jump on it now, no way,” she held firm.
“No, no, no, no! Ah feck!”
“Actually, never mind, I think I’ll keep my bet,” grinned Gordon as Cat’s character blinked out of existence on the screen.
“Stupid bloody game,” Cat ranted, ripping her headset off and flopping down next to Gordon. “I was so sure I had it this time.”
“You’re doing really well for the first time you’ve played it, I can’t get past the Chamber of Tilly-Suk either and I’ve done it in real life,” Alan tried valiantly to soothe her but he was fighting a losing battle. Cavern Quest was not the sort of game Cat was used to playing and her inexperience combined with her competitive nature led to the ballerina loudly declaring to the room at large that she was never playing again.
Scott grinned to himself again as he watched Alan shrug and return to the game, leaving Cat grumbling to Gordon about how unfair it was and asking for pointers. Seeing how well she got on with his family made his heart swell, especially after the events of the previous night. He still couldn’t quite believe his luck at what had happened, every time his mind wandered it took him back to that secluded beach and the overwhelming happiness that had been with him since she admitted how she really felt.
Afterwards, neither wanted the night to end and they had talked until the sky was completely black before finally agreeing that they would have to pack up and head back to the island. But even then they weren’t ready to part, spending what was left of the night lying on Cat’s bed, wrapped up in each other as they talked until sleep overtook them, their decision to take things slowly giving Scott the chance to savour the simple act of holding her as they drifted off to sleep, safe in the knowledge that this was something they both truly wanted and wouldn’t regret in the morning.  
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indiemma · 7 years
Which (if any) of the movies have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book? | June 3
One movie sticks out the most to me. It is actually my favorite book out of the series, but is not my pick of the best made Harry Potter movie. The third one is the only one I truly believe didn’t do the book written by J.K. Rowling justice.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
It was directed by Alfonso Cuarón. He was the director for Prisoner of Azkaban and this movie only which was a good decision for everyone.
I do enjoy watching this movie but when I have all of the movies out in front of me to choose from on a Friday night, this isn’t one I decide upon. I imagine the Harry Potter community of Potterheads presumes this way. This element of the Harry Potter film franchise was a definite step back from the rest. Some may have liked this movie and thought it was their favorite one because it was more focused on Sirius Black and didn’t center around the evility of Voldemort which then I think is awesome. But there were a few qualities from the book that were ignored in the movie which are things that made me love the book so much. I understand that making a movie like Harry Potter can be very difficult because of the length of each book. It must be a hard job as a director to pick and choose what the audience will like more or choose scenes that ties into the bigger picture of the movie itself.
Here are the things I believe would have added more to the movie:
Time Traveling with Harry and Hermione The book is ingeniously written. But even more when J.K. Rowling wrote the time traveling scene towards the end. In the book, Harry and Hermione are very meticulous when it comes to interacting with their past selves, in the movie there are not. Although, I will say movie Hermione is adamant about the negative consequences of time traveling in the hospital before she twists Harry and herself back a few hours to save Sirius and Buckbeak. However, Hermione chucks rocks at the past Harry and Hermione outside if Hagrid’s Hut and she makes a comment about her past hair which almost exposes them. These events never happened in the book. Time travel is pretty tricky to explain in movies in general, I think, but I wish the movie didn’t add things that confused us more.
The Budding Relationship between Sirius and Crookshanks My absolute, 100%, favorite feature of the book is Crookshanks. I love how J.K. Rowling brought that tiny character to life. The movie doesn’t emphasize the cat and which in turn doesn’t utilize the blossoming friendship between Sirius and Crookshanks. Crookshanks, a silly old cat, was a mystery in itself throughout the book. He did what he did because he was helping Sirius. This opportunity would have given the movie so much context. Let’s be honest, Crookshanks pretty much saved everyone.
The Map of Secrets and Memories Marauder’s Map. One of the coolest inventions of J.K. Rowling’s mind. No context in the movie was provided as to how the story of the map came about and no say about the creators of the map. The most frustrating scene from the book that was needed in the movie was Harry’s awareness of Sirius and Lupin’s bond and how their friendship started. In the book, Harry meets Sirius and Lupin in the Shrieking Shack and they tell him about their friendship with his father, James. It all makes sense in the book- the importance of the Shrieking Shack, the Marauder’s Map, the meaning of animagi, all of the marauders- and the movie addresses none of these essential parts.
I am however very greatly for the added small character of the shrunken head hanging from the windshield. That guy had jokes and I admire his use of puns. Everyone loves a good pun. He really should have quit with the jokes while he was ahead.
“For in dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own. Let them swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the highest cloud.”
Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 
  The Importance of Detail | Blogwarts Day 3
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sonatanotwo · 5 years
Episode rambling and pretty darn vague talk of next ep... but double spoiler warning just in case.^^
Realized no real reason to have this bit under the cut lol...
Been a busy weekend so finally sitting down to ramble a bit. XD Doing it here...
1. To thank you guys for all the notes of that one gif post... holy smokes, that was a lot! o.O
2. Also to apologize I didn’t get to more like I said I would.... but...
3. I started to make few gifs of Endgame, but checking out the tag, realized there is no shortage now at all. XD <3333
SO, I’m gonna bow out and go back to my usual occasional Virgil gifs. ^^ I don’t wanna step on toes. <3 I’ll just like... plop most of what I did do at the end of this post so don’t go to waste or something. lol Most cause...
... am gonna separate post some Mini-MAX because MINI-MAX. <333
SO this ep... sharing the sentiment going about that it was a fun ep, but yeah, not as good as the previous. (...Buuuut given pretty sure the next two eps are ones the cast/crew apparently CRIED watching... I’m not surprised we got a lighter ep beforehand. XD) As someone who games though, especially RPGs and MMOs... (as well as have played table-top) yeah. XD I got more than some might outta this. lol (Along with my friend who I watched it with.)
Sylvester was also great, as kinda figured he’d be. XD Caught me by surprise a lil’ though he was doing a bit of a voice... and I loved how actually the character was putting on a voice too... XD And was even actually named Sylvester... and his line at the end... lol That got a titch meta. XD
Also lol him explaining basically the Blogwarts are placeholders. (Which, for those not gamers, is something very often used in unfinished games. XD
Loved also how they got a complete party... Tank, dps and a mage. lol
And oh gosh... Kayo’s face...
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That what have I gotten into face. Ah ha. |D
ALSO, MINI-MAX. +o+ Yeah. I really like MAX and mini him is just... even MORE better. ;D ;p;
ANYHOO. So yeah ^^
Knew next week Scott would be returning, but nice to see the pic even confirming it. I am both ready and not ready for these next two eps. lol
So... yeah here’s couple things I gif’d... I hadn’t gotten very far... lol
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That fond eyeroll, lol.
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I loved that cut. lol Gifs really don’t do it justice--at least, not my attempt anyways. lol
Gonna post Mini-MAX then go have a nap... I swear, if it’s not my anxiety chomping on me, it’s my stomach or my head, lately. =3= Oy vey. lol ^^;;;
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its-harrypooter · 8 years
I need a school thats just dedicated to Harry Potter where everyone can sit around and talk about the hc we thought of last night and have a real sorting ceremony with the real Sorting Hat and everyone can eat meals at their table and make new friends
guys I really need Blogwarts right now
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eversnark · 7 years
thank you for tagging me @vdankphantrash 1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better: @welcome-to-blogwarts @in-limerence-for-vr @fanbird1 @popularshipsnope (I don’t have 9 people) 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true APPEARANCE: I am 5"7 or taller • I wear glasses • I have at least one tattoo • I have at least one piercing • I have blonde hair • I have brown eyes • I have short hair • My abs are at least somewhat defined • I have or have had braces ABILITY: I can sing well • I can play an instrument • I can do over 30 pushups without stopping • I’m a fast runner • I draw well • I have a good memory (for long term stuff. I can remember where we ate lunch three years ago, but sometimes in the car I’ll have to ask my mom if we’re heading home or to the store) • I’m good at doing math in my head • I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute • I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling • I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch • I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports • I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else • I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else • I have learned a new song in the past week • I work out at least once a week (haven’t lately though because I’m busy) • I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months • I have drawn something in the past month • I enjoy writing • Fandoms are my #1 passion • I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss • I have had alcohol • I have scored the winning goal in a sports game • I have watched an entire season of a TV show in just one sitting • I have been at an overnight event • I have been in a taxi • I have visited another country • I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” • I live close to my school (homeschooler lol. I love in my school) • My parents are still together • I have at least one sibling (2, but they don’t really count cuz they’re adults and moved out) • There is snow right now where I live • I have hung out with a friend in the past month • I have a smartphone • I have at least 15 CDs RELATIONSHIPS: I am in a relationship • I have a crush on a celebrity (kinda crushing on Daniel Howell and Emeraude Tobia, not sure) • I have a crush on someone I know (yet again not sure if it’s a crush or if I just wanna be friends) • I have been in at least 3 relationships • I have never been in a relationship • I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them • I get crushes easily • I had a crush on someone for over a year • I have been in a relationship for at least a year • I have had feelings for a friend RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced • I know a person named Jamie • I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce (my mom is my teacher and our last name is difficult af. No one gets it right on the first try) • I have dyed my hair • I’m listening to one song on repeat right now • I have punched someone in the past week • I know someone who has gone to jail (my mom for peaceful protesting lol) • I have broken a bone • I have eaten a waffle today • I know what I want to do with my life • I speak at least two languages • I have made a new friend in the past year
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ponyregrets · 7 years
Blogwarts made me lol for real
the social media platform we deserve
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willibald66 · 7 years
Flucht aus Europa
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Altermannblog.de Wer widerspricht, wird nicht widerlegt, sondern zum Schweigen gebracht. (Norbert Bolz) Springe zum Inhalt Startseite Fälschungen Freunde/Links Grammatik Merkel fordert Steinmeier warnt Vortrag/Referat Impressum ← Double Standards oder wenn zwei das Gleiche tun Flucht aus Europa http://www.altermannblog.de/flucht-aus-europa/ Publiziert am 4. Januar 2018 von Blogwart Wer braucht…
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i just wanna say i am already in love with blogwarts and cannot wait for more chapters! you’re writing is just incredible <3
I – 🥺 THANK YOU! ❤️
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korrektheiten · 4 years
Heute ist Sonntag
LePenseur:"»... ich vermisse "ihre Beiträge zur Kultur" .... ein bisschen Mozart, Brahms oder Bach oder so ...« monierte vor einer Woche eine Kommentarposterin. Nun, damit hat sie leider recht, etwas Kultur muß her, bevor dieser Blog in » Frauenfleischbeschau« versinkt, wie eine andere Kommentarposterin kritisierte ... Bleiben wir trotz alledem leicht und galant, wie's der sommerlichen Zeit geziemt – und bringen wir daher die Ouverture zu der heute vor 285 Jahren uraufgeführten ersten Ballettoper des französischen Großmeisters der Barockmusik: Jean-Philippe Rameau  Les Indes galantes Eh voilà – die Kultur ist gerettet ... nach all den Blondinen (und, it's  me  zuliebe: auch Brünetten und Schwarzhaarigen ...). Was tut man als Blogwart nicht alles für seine Leser & Hörer ... http://dlvr.it/Rf9x7W "
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craniacalcrainiac · 7 years
Should we call the Harry Potter fandom on tumblr, "blogwarts"?
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indiemma · 7 years
Why Is It Always Me? | Blogwarts Day 2
What Hogwarts student is better than Hermione? Whhhhattt
Favorite Hogwarts student during Harry’s time | June 2 This student in Harry Potter truly changed the most. When he entered the Great Hall to be sorted into his house, his home for the next seven years, no one would have guessed Gryffindor would be the right fit for him. Neville Longbottom From a timid boy without a courageous bone in his body to a tall man who helped defeat the Dark Lord with…
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its-harrypooter · 6 years
I just saw ur post on blogwarts and fuck I need that 2 happen pLS I NEED 2 CRY ABOUT HARRY POTTER SOMEWHERE
honestly same though!!! 
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