g12abm2group7 · 4 years
"Digital Divide Affects Education"
The incorporation of information technology in learning has drastically transformed the society especially to those who can access the services. On the contrary, to the people who cannot access these services, they remain in the dark, and this has led to a new stratification in the society whereby, the haves get more vibrant with new ideas while the have-nots remain conservant to the old ideologies. The huge disparity in access to information and communication technology can be either geographical or socio-economical, and the education sector is adversely affected by this rift. Impacts of the digital divide are felt in all spheres of life, and we should question how does a digital divide pertain to education. Presently, many universities worldwide are embracing technology, and most activities including assignments and presentation of learning material are made available online. This gives superior students who can access the internet unfair competitive edge over their less privileged counterparts. The poor will remain void of crucial information presented online concerning academia, and thus they will always lag, and this may be summed up by poor performance. In cases where the gradation system is made online, those in the lower divisions will not be able to monitor their progress and strategize hence they often lack the motivation to continue. Steele, C. (2018, November 7). As what I've read in the internet, today's children who are born in this new generation into techonology-based society,it will effect to improved thier education through accesing or learning in virtual but the most important detail here in Digital effect is accesing because it can use of all of our daily life in the future just like education but accesing is the demand of global economic.
The digital divide did widen the gap between the rich and the poor regarding academic performance and later economically. The rich could access the latest technology and get access to the best available learning aids. It is the differences between the traditional classroom and the high-tech, modern classroom that represent the digital divide. The digital divide refers to the inequality in access to technology that exists between communities due to regional and demographic differences, particularly socio-economic groups. The major cause of the digital divide is access. Although this is the major contributing factor, there are other factors that contribute which include the following: cost of technology, access for the disabled, lack of skills, lack of education, lack of information, and lower-performance computers. Effect of digital divide in education is a very real thing, because student can't learn very well in terms of online classes because of the connections that they get in everyday classes thats why it is a burden to all students to have a classes everyday while they have a bad connections sometimes. because they can't listen very well and there is a possibility that they can misinterpret the information given by there teacher. digital divide is a gulf between those who have ready access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not. and that is currently happening now because of the pandemic, and we have a new normal in terms of Online classes. Digital divides effect education. because some students has privileged to buy a gadget but some also are not because of the lack of access and having not access in internet especially now in education that we have a online class not all are privileged to access. and barriers to studies and knowledge
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g12abm1group2 · 4 years
“The Digital Divide”
Digital divide is the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology, and those that don't or have restricted access. When we were having a vacation in Bohol, I really cannot access the internet because of the signal; we stayed in a rural area. People there are not really familiar with the new technology and do not know how to use it. Also, especially right now that we are currently experiencing a pandemic and we cannot go to school so we have to utilize the new technology. There is a great impact felt in the communities where privilege does not extend because of this pandemic. Because of lack of resources, there are students who cannot continue their study. According to UNESCO, around 1.5 billion learners in 188 countries are affected by school closure which represents over 91 percent of the world’s student population. There are also students who are struggling and having difficulty just to cope up with this new way of learning.
And as a student, situations like this can be settle through teaching them on how to use it so that the gap can be lessen and in order for the digital immigrants to appreciate the use of these materials particularly that we are in a modernized generation where technology can be seen everywhere. Let’s equally encourage our friends, families, and accomplices to follow in our footsteps. Let’s understand everyone who is affected by this digital divide. Let us not discriminate or shame those people, because of this inequality but instead appreciate them, teach and educate them on what is digital technology. Also, if you have the privilege and resources you can share it to others who are less privileged. But I am still a student so the best thing that I can do is to educate them on what is digital or new technology, because everyone should experience a better life with the help of technologies.
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hannahrogong · 4 years
Aidng the Gap of Digital Divide
The digital divide is a social issue referring to those who have an access to the internet and have a complete tool and to those who do not have access or complete tools. Without the web, one generally depends on whatever data is accessible. Some just can't bear the cost of the gadgets, applications or data transmission required for virtual guidance significantly less rival other people who can. However not all students are like them some of the students are being friendly and instead they are hating them they are helping them by borrowing the extra gadgets to them but not all students. What's more, the school and government are making an approach to support them. Much the same as the other understudy who don't have a web or advancements internet or technologies they are assign in using modular. According to Genesis, during the time of Babylon’s ego, our language was confounded. With computers and their language translation capabilities, people from all over the world can speak and be understood.
According to Liz Soltan, it's about taking control of your digital life, entitled "Digital Divide: The Technology Gap between the Rich and Poor". Even as technology becomes more affordable and internet access seems increasingly ubiquitous, a “digital divide” between rich and poor remains. The digital divide has especially far-reaching consequences when it comes to education. For children in low-income school districts, inadequate access to technology can hinder them from learning the tech skills that are crucial to success in today’s economy. We can say that it's sad reality that in today's education there would be a need of this device in order to be updated in what currently happening in our society even in our school activities. But we believe that in every problem there's always a solution, so to aid this issues especially the gap between this is through helping and sharing our own knowledge and capabilities to those individuals who are not literate enough to handle and use this. Through this we could aid the gap and live with an equal and progressive community.
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baldonojazynooor · 4 years
The Setbacks of Piracy
As our technology advances, internet crime became rampant. The internet has been used as a haven for illegal activities such as piracy in which people download content illegally without the permission of the owner. Even though some people don’t feel that piracy is a crime that affects anybody, it really does. The growth of piracy is actually dangerous that can cause great harm to people. It was also said that piracy is actually killing the film industry. It has been very common everywhere in the world and has always been affecting the film industry in such a negative way.  Pirating is stealing, making money off others products, and financially harming not just the actors, producers, and directors, but all of the professions involved in the making of a movie, from your musical score composer to the make-up artists and film crew are being devalued. Music and films are meant to be bought to be enjoyed by the general public, not to be stolen and used for a profit illegally.
People pirate movies, music and so on and give it out to the public to use. And yes, it is cheaper to get than the regular prices of the product, and people do get really tempted to fall for it, that is how it affects the business of music and film. Instead of watching or listening it in the legal and safe way, many people really prefer the free and cheap ones regardless if it is from a legal or illegal sources. Many people also don’t like the thought of spending too much on films, music and many more that’s why sometimes piracy makes so much profit than the original source. According to Atty. Alonso, “Times bring in change, both bad and good. Technology is now the poster child of change. Even with technology changing the industry, it’s important to recognise the hard work and depth of creativity poured into each film. It is not only the actors producers involved. A lot of unseen individuals, without whom, the work cannot be completed, are being affected too. We should protect all of them”. Pirates should respect all the people behind it, enough to realize how much effort they put into making music and films.
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g12stem3group6 · 4 years
The Nature of Digital Divide
In this modern world technologies and internet is already applicable in any kinds of works or many people are using this. But we can't control if there are still people who can't afford to buy technologies or even smart phones, they struggle everyday because they can't communicate to other people from a far. Digital divide was already a nature to us because lot of filipino can't buy gadgets because of poverty. Specially now that we are having a pandemic, a lot of students are struggling to their modules because they can't join a online class because they haven't enough gadget to used. Digital divide mostly experience at school.Yet the filipino people still strive for the better education for their children they tend to sacrifice themselfes in order for them to get the quality education they need and that is why how filipino people are brave enough to withstood such problems in life and they give it with a humble smile in life.
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Digital divide here in our country is evident since we are a third world country and still developing. Digital divide is a factor that can hinder our advancement towards development. Filipinos have obstacles in digital divide that they need to overcome and they cannot do this alone without the help of the government. If some of us continue to struggle it would result to being left behind in this modern age of ours today. If we Filipinos, our country are unable to address this and time does not stop for no one this digital gap would only get wider and would be a vital issue for our country.Even some parts of the Philippines could not manage the technology right now in this era but it is introduced in some ways that could help educate the unfortunate,like the people on rural areas or far away from the city proper.
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g12stem3group5 · 4 years
Digital Divide: The Gap Between People In This Digital Age
As we live in this world we cannot avoid innovations which aims to aid us and make our lives much easier. One of these said innovations is our technology. Which is created to support, develop, and mainly make things easier for us especially when it comes to communication and information. An example of such technology is our computers that are often dubbed as the key and guide into a more high-tech future. Although some people say that, we cannot ignore the fact that not all people are capable of using these computers and other digital devices that are popular among privileged people. And these said underprivileged people may not be capable of competing with others who are able to utilize both technology and information to their desire. This is what we call as digital divide, which basically means a ‘gap’ in individuals or a large group of people for this matter as they have different social classes, business, countries, economy statuses, culture, and social upbringings. These which are highly influencing their capability to use or access both information and its sources, communication devices, and other technologies. 
Digital divide are commonly noticeable among students and people who doesn’t have the chance to acquire the set of skills in utilizing technology. In schools and universities, it may not be prevalent but a number of students often lack the knowledge and skills to properly engage technology as part of their learning. It might be because they do not have the upbringing to be used to utilizing these devices or they did not the have the luxury to do so. Which is kind of saddening especially that our era today often focuses on using these digital devices as means of communicating and info gathering. If these will continue, the gap of these individuals will further widen that we may not be able to give solution to anymore. Not to mention that these individuals, specially students, will have a shortage of their  knowledge that might hinder their productivity in studies and negatively impact their motivation, goals, and capacity of learning in their time as a student. Which greatly impact and mold their future. As a student we can take simple steps in order to bridge the gap even in a small manner. We can choose to help our fellow students who do not know how to efficiently use computers or digital devices as part of their learning means until they can fully use it by themselves. Of course not only to our fellow students but even elders that often find using high-techs difficult. We can also create on and off school campaigns or even giving info graphics to the people as part of our advocacy to lessen the knowledge gap and be able to give awareness to others. By doing these, we an lessen the gap between people and spread the learning of these technology we often find difficulties with.
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap as a Student”
Technology nowadays has made our world smaller, connecting people from opposite sides of the world in a single tap of a finger. However, it cannot be denied that not everyone is as technologically up to date as the others as not everyone can afford it. An example that shows a digital divide is the online class, because of the situation of the world right now the only way to resume the classes is through online class, but a lot of students can't afford online class because they don't have the right devices to do so. They don't have phones, laptops and any devices that will allow them to effectively join the online class and that left them with no other choice but to go with the module and learn by themselves. While there are students who are lucky enough to have the devices and a stable internet connection to join the online class and learn.
 The Internet became a necessity to our education, it also creates a gap in the ability of access and use between the students with high-income families and students with low-income families; the gap between these groups is called digital divide. As a student, we can help in bridging the gap of digital divide by giving digital support to students with low-income families, and direct information about school works that requires less or no usage of internet connection and technology to them. Giving digital support to students with low-income families can be done by donating equipment necessary for online class or selling the equipment at a lower price that can be affordable for the students with low-income families. Directing information about school works that require less or no usage of internet connection and technology can be a great help in bridging the gap of digital divide since it can still make students with low-income families to acquire information that does not cost a lot of money.
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g12stem3group2 · 4 years
Digital Divide and Its Benefits To Students
Technology has been the reliable source of Information Technology nowadays. Schools and Universities are now using modern technology as their way of accessing Textbooks and Other Academic purposes. Some students also dosent have modern gadgets to be able to access from the internet to browse for academic related on it. Nowadays, modern technology were the ones we can rely on because of the pandemic that has been happening right now. In our school we have been using gadgets and internet connection as our tool to continue our school year. Students are behind and some are finding their way to learn through first hand books in the library.  Digital divide as the disparities in access to telephones, personal computers, and the internet across certain demographic groups. Different segments have varying levels of access to digital developments due to a number of factors. This can include but are not limited to, race, gender, age, employment, income, location, and religion.Digital divide is where some people can access to internet and computers where they belong in developed world while some people are in underdeveloped world while they don't have access to internet and other information and this is the time where people in developed world started to bully those people who don't have a access on what they have especially in schools.  Social media sometimes leads us to toxicity wherein we encounter the negativity of a social online community ,which we can read inappropriate posts such as cyberbullying, trolling and many more.
Bridging the gap , this prevents the student s from getting an education, because they don't have access to the right technology .it also gives unfair competitive edges .as a student to bridge the gap of digital divide in simple steps is to find a another resources for scholarly purpose. Having a bad connection  where digital divide  exist to form that all the educational material is feasible to download especially today we're in the middle of pandemic. having a good connection is advantage in digital divide because you don't need to find another way to do your scholarly activities having a good connection is just like one snap of your fingers and then your done. bridging the gap is very active in academic progress.  As a student I've seen that many learners are discovering that advances in technology have helped higher education do a better job of personalizing learning to individual students.   In order for us to bridge the digital divide, we must improve/increase our digital literacy by emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and the used of social media for learning and collaborating in an educational context. Addition to that, an individuals is easier to learn in putting them in place concepts that they can relate with. Social media is the most addictive thing to entertain yourself, it builds opportunities and influences for those people who need attention online to express their feelings.
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“Give concrete situations that you have observed digital divide, and as a student, what simple steps can you do to bridge the gap of this digital divide?”
We are living in this what we called " Modernized World", we are living in a community wherein new technologies and methods are being used as a tool for our daily lives. This new generation brought big changes to each of our communities including economic and methods and because this new methods of life in this generation not all individuals are capable of coping up with it specially our elders wherein they are born way back before that has no new technologies to aid the methods of their lives so it is expected that they will have difficulties on using this new technologies, another reason is they are old enough on engaging this kind of trends wherein they don't really know how these works but for us new Generation of human we are obviously tasked to help our elders on coping up with the new world we are building. Digital Divide doesn't generally mean that one can't use certain technology but it means that the there is a difference between the technology they are using.
There are many situation wherein we experienced Digital Divide but the most common reason I observed is when I am using  my mobile phone my grandmother is always confused of how it works so as a new generation of Individual it is a task to help her cope up of how it works. Another situation is whenever my grandmother wanted to listen some music and because our elders was born way earlier than us it is expected that they are using the old technology that was new to them back then so in order for us to close the gap we should introduce them to the new technologies which performs the same task which is way more better than their old technology.
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g12stem2group3 · 4 years
Greater Path Towards Inclusivity and Embracing Diversity in Digital Era.
In the late 1990s, the term had become widely known by many interested parties, along with scholars, policymakers as well as advocacy organizations. The notion of a "digital divide" relates to the increasing disparity between economically disadvantaged people in society, specifically the impoverished, suburbs, empowerment of persons with disabilities, who may not provide exposure to networked computers. In the Modern era, there are gaps between people who use computers and the internet, and for those who do not because this is due to those years when people in the late centuries that modern technology was not invented and those years that nowadays people experience digital devices which make their lives easier. The existence of the “Digital Divide” affects society in which not all people have access to the internet, there is also a lack of skills in terms of computer literacy and lack of knowledge about the internet. Digital Divide, in this era where people must learn to adapt the internet in their lives whether they like it or not.
In this internet age, accessibility to the internet and technology is more possible, but certain ages or generations of consumers have only limited knowledge of these things. Some don't know that there are better versions than the gadget they had right now and instead they stick to their old devices. Thus this creates a digital divide as some are outdated with the current trend of technology. Another one is when a certain institution is mostly outdated to their devices, that they are finding it difficult to produce their product resulting in it to look cheap and classic. This scenario creates a digital divide with other fellow producers. We can also make the Philippines as an example, Philippines is rich in nature but is quite outdated with the current technology, our government officials are still having difficulty in manipulating the internet that they are too slow to track down some criminals through it, our film productions are also not good with animations, international animators are still better than our animators, and it was because the lack of knowledge and technologies for animating. There are still many factors that are evident for us to say that our country is digitally divided with other certain countries.
As a student, teaching them won't be enough as according to Alvseike and Brønnick (2012) that cognitive deficits and low self-efficacy associated with older age significantly reduced participants' ability to use technology. Teaching them is a difficult idea , so as the future workers of our generation, we are being encouraged to learn and adapt technology and internet, studying them will be a better idea in bridging the gap of the digital divide of our country. With the help of the government's better budget of finances and a group of technology inclined people, bridging the digital divide is possible. If we have the opportunity to help people that are affected by digital divide. We will create a Students group page created to spread information related to the areas or people who have been affected by the digital divide. We will gather information and search, find the certain areas. Once we have our research we will post it to the page and boost it to quickly spread and reach many people especially people working in the government.
As a result of these actions, digital divide will slowly contract, having people unite and bridge the gap between them. Digital native people and digital immigrant people will work together teaching each other creating unity and it will no longer be a problem to them. No one will feel left out or feel outdated.
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g12stem2group4 · 4 years
Crossing the Bridge of the Digital Divide
The digital divide or the digital split is a social issue referring to the different amount of information between those people who can access the internet and those people who cannot access. Simple it is described as a gap found between individual people like their social classes, businesses, and even countries with different socioeconomic backgrounds. Usually, the digital divide is being observed nowadays generation to online learning due to the pandemic. The digital divide arises today because many students cannot access online learning due to the lack of technology, that’s why they only using modular second learning. With the rise of new technology like high tech gadgets and mobile smartphones worldwide, this inequality has now become about having more or less cannot access the internet like our grandmother and grandfather. They become part of the digital divide because they don’t have the internet technology skill to know how to utilize it.
As a student that knows the digital divide, the simple steps that we can do to bridge the gap of this digital divide are to give a hand to the needy. By this, we can help awareness to those students or even our classmates that didn’t know how to use technology or they don’t have the technology to use in online learning. There are many ways to help a person and the one thing that we can do is to be generous to the emptiness of the other. Even just a simple guide on how to use technology is a very great help to close the gap of the digital divide. Helping a friend or your classmate can make the world a better place. Then, it will become suitable for everyone the usage of the internet. It is an idea of being no one left behind in digital literacy and to the future generation.
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g12stem3group4 · 4 years
Impeding Digital Gap in the Physical and Digital Realm
The world changes timely and it is inevitable. If the world changes, so do the alteration of norms, values, and beliefs in life even from before our lives were influenced by gadgets and the internet. Historically speaking, minding boundaries such as cultural, socioeconomic status, social classes, language, and physiological appearance from the past is what made the gap between us mainly because we thought of putting a wall or perhaps a diversion would suffice to avoid racism and discrimination. On that note, we can infer that the existence of the internet and gadgets has strengthened these boundaries to the point where even our own family, relatives—our own flesh and blood get to put walls between them and us. Most people from the upper class belittle the people living in the lower class of the society mainly because of the advancement and their superiority over the lower class, thus, results in promoting discrimination with fixed discretion. As a student, equality in every single aspect is what we need to keep us from having thoughts of favoritism in terms of academics and life itself. We keep getting divided digitally because of our social classes and socioeconomic statuses in the way of interacting with other people. We need a law that bridges the gap between inequality, economic pricing that is feasible enough for those living in lower classes, an education system that bridges the gap between scholars and payees, a government that is competent to handle the priorities and necessities of the country, and the consideration of teachers in every kind of situation—virtually or physically. In conclusion, bridging the digital gap depends on the actions of the people, not just the government but from us itself. We need to be literate, considerate, and mindful of our actions to avoid putting walls virtually and physically to people whom we know and to those who are strangers to us. Upholding these three aforementioned leads a step towards a responsible person that’ll help promote equality and equity and impede the digital gap with each other in the physical and virtual realm.
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erickaclairarances · 4 years
The Setbacks of Piracy
Piracy is defined by the dictionary as a practice of a pirate; robbery or illegal violence at sea. The unauthorized reproduction or use of a copyrighted book, recording, television program, patented invention, trademarked product, etc. Recording companies are mostly the victims of this crime. The law against piracy in the Philippines is not strong enough and has a lot of loopholes. The law only covered if the stolen data is stored in physical storage like CDs or DVDs, flash drive, and cassette tapes. If happens that someone shares a link in the Facebook authority can't do anything to it because it is on the internet unless it is uploaded in physical storage. That is why a lot of people doing piracy because the law is not strong enough to stop them from doing it. Also since pirated products cost nothing a lot of people are so engrossed in doing it and selling it to others.
As much as there is a lot of advantages of piracy like, costless, easy to acquire, anonymity, and profit, there are also a lot of disadvantages coming from it. First, it is illegal and if happens that you've been captive you are punishable by Php 200,000 to Php 500, 000 and 20 years in prison this is under cybercrime law. Second, it is risky most pirated software has serious computer viruses that can damage the user's computer system. Lastly, it discourages the recording companies, because their income would be affected, also the element of surprise brought by the product would be ruined. There is a lot of things we could do to stop this illegal activity, first don’t buy pirated products, because by doing so you are encouraging those people to keep doing the illegal activity. Do not pirate anything, any changes should come first from ourselves. Voice out, if you witness someone doing this activity stop them from doing it or report them to the authority. Although government and business companies play an important role in preventing software piracy, it is still up to the user to decide for himself whether he will do piracy or not.
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g12abm2group4 · 4 years
Digital Divide: Bridge the Gap
Digital divide is described as the gap between individuals in terms of access to technology and the continuous development of our society wherein not everyone has an easy access from it. As I have observed, there are still a lot of people who are not capable of utilizing technology and Internet. Not everyone is privilege enough to have an access to modern information and communication. The "digital divide" between those with and without the internet leads to unequal access to social services and economic opportunities that change their lives. As a student, we can simply bridge the gap of digital divide through helping students that are struggling because of modernized technology considering the fact that we have an easy access to internet. By this we can able to help them to cope up with the use of technology.
As a student, all we can do is instruct particularly the older folks approximately his new things and help them to adjust to this advanced period. We can offer assistance each other to create each of us understand the user and ways of any media stages, ancient or unused. We can also educate them other things like how they can get to social media effortlessly and how they can connected online. On the off chance that they can at last practice this, the gap between them and the advanced world can be finally associated. And with this little help also, they can gradually lock in with on today’s era in spite of being computerized workers and new to this era, they can gradually be adjusting and it will become their nature. Doing this can be not hurtful however it makes a difference them to be associated  the world through innovations but continuously be beyond any doubt that everything must be in balance and never let them be dependent particularly this computerized time.
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g12abm2group3 · 4 years
Effects of Digital Divide to Students
          In educational system you can find a Digital Divide or gap , today's educational system are dealing with this new normal learning where students are entering their classes by technology used online , this new normal learning is a little difficult for some of the students who do not often use technology and for those students who do not have devices to use for online classes compared to those students who are exposed to different online application and it has enough devices to use ,these students have more access than those students who are not into online and technology because most of the task needs to be accompanied by the computer and application as it is online learning it will test the student ability to use different online application which is not all of us has, I can slowly lessen the bridge of it as a student who also struggles often by retaining my fellow student if they try to contact me about the activities that are provided and also if they have week connectivity. 
     I am also willing to help as long as I can so I am not just helping but also building a good foundation of friendship that has been a controversial issue among educators. This is a requirement of the school: do not let students choose what they want to study for their future. It’s a big issue to force student study specific curriculums, which don’t help them improve, and what they like to create something and it is important role in the society, where the structure of teaching, learning, responsible for the development of people. Education is understand as being an important role in the society, wherein the structure of teaching, learning, and environment is frequently debated as factor of responsibility for the development of people, that is why the education system and the structure for teaching shall be considered seriously.
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
“Bridging the Digital Divide in Education”
         Bridging the digital divide in education allows an individual to be skillful towards technology, especially that we are now in the generation where technology is evolving and is used by many. This will help an individual to be more active and adapts to technology. This individual will eventually learn how the technology works and how it runs, wherein it enables them to be professional in the future. The learning management system is improving and evolving also, school nowadays are trying and making students access through various technologies such as mobile phones, laptops, computers, etc. Where in the learning system is evolving from traditional to technological. As they require internet-connectivity among students. This will help every individual to bridge the gaps able to access to various media in the learning system, it will help to enhance and mastery the technological tools and through technology. It also enables an individual to be an independent exploration in terms of school activities they can require real-time access to such sites as google, youtube, etc. More likely it has benefited us in various ways.
        Especially in the midst of a pandemic, students aren't able to go to school require its requirements but they able to continue the education they encourage the student to engage in the use of digital technology, should access to the internet to learn or to pass the requirements needed and continue the education of students with the use of digital technology as the new normal learning system It is important to put a bridge in the gap in our education. We cannot achieve excellence if we don't have access to the resources that we use in our education. The digital divide prevents people from getting an education because they don't have access to the right technology. By closing the digital divide we will be able to have an equal opportunity. There will be a positive impact on people and countries. People and countries will be developed. And we will be able to create a significant difference.  
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