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ask-void-born-entity · 2 years ago
"Enough of this!"
"You want my time?! You demand my audience so desperately, so much?!.."
"Very well then, Speak you overcomplicated energy maker! For your healthy status might differ from now at any moment if you waste breath towards me."
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(Finally created a separate Ask blog for my Entity OC, supposedly called "The Shadow Entity", interact with her and learn more of this puppet master of shadows. Oh and don't worry about her harming you. It's only like a... 85% chance of happening. So.. Anyway Good luck out there champ!) artwork by: @feliksbyks
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emocxnteddie · 1 year ago
!!Welcome To The Show!!
Send Me Requests Or Chat With Me<3
Small Introduction About Me; Hello, I'm Eddie! I'm 26 years old. I'm Puerto Rican on both my parents, however i'm raised in the UK. I'm a June Cancer. I'm bisexual with a huge preference for men. I have ADHD and Autism.
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Rules & Boundaries>>
The Shadowheart Mini-series.
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Requests; Open.
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unlicensed-field-medic · 1 month ago
-Open Starter-
[Will sits at his little desk in the infirmary, a desk covered in paper that looks wrinkled and folded and much less organized than the ones he usually makes nowadays, though they're still in his handwriting. The papers are stained with old blood from years ago, which is also different than the papers he usually is seen messing with.]
[There are also like three lamps in the room all turned on extremely bright and pointed right at him in contrast with the dark of night outside the infirmary as Will flips through papers, mumbling vaguely to himself, an opague water bottle by his side]
[He doesnt even seem to notice he has company in this room, less of a room and more just curtained off with dark light-blocking sheets]
(What do you do?)
Anyone can interact
Literally please I love any interaction
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another-argo · 23 days ago
>>Open Starter<<
(c'mon, you didn't think I'd stay gone, did you?)
Argo's room had stayed empty for weeks after his death. Only a few people knew where his grave was; so some people took it upon themselves to put offerings in his room instead of on his grave.
It's been a few weeks- to a month or two. The wound still hurts.. but life progresses.
The strangest thing about that is.. any offerings that Argo would've VERY MUCH enjoyed.. disappeared. Any daggers? Gone. Sour candy? Gone aswell.
You think that it's just a coincidence. Maybe- maybe people are actually just bad at this whole offering thing! If Argo was still alive he wouldn't have accepted the gifts anyways.
Because of Argo's room becoming a public tribute, even some kids from camp have managed to slip in- maybe to pay respects, maybe to swear out the bastard one more time, maybe just to pretend they knew him better than they really did.
You thought the noise coming from Argo's room was another camper- or one of his adopted siblings- in there again.
But then there was a crash.
Then another crash.
And something deep- something dark inside you lights. Your immeadiate thought is Eris. Only Theo actually saw the dead body- maybe she didn't die.
You brace yourself for a fight before you open the door and see.. Argo.
Emotions flood you in a giant wave- looking at your dead friend- or enemy- or.. whatever Argo was to you. For a moment, you think it was all a bad dream.
But Argo.. doesn't notice you. He's enamored with this stuffed rabbit.. playing with it like a little kid. He's holding a piece of a wooden block in their other hand, unwilling to let it go.
Argo hums a small tune under their breath. Their hair has gotten longer- and the blonde has grown to be majority of his hair. His eyes are a watercolor of brown and blue now- and he just looks.. transparent?
Argo moves over to some more of the offerings. There are a million different bouquets- but he picks up one that Commodus left for him- tucking a flower into his feather crown.
They put everything down- except they put the wood block in their pocket.
They look at the many daggers that were left to them. Picking some up and inspecting them.
Argo still seems completely oblivious to your presence..
What do you do?
(Seriously, anyone.)
taglist (ask to be added or deleted): @orion-the-hunterpt2 @lilacnightshade @pain-is-forever @reyno-solis-real @faceless-bugger @unlicensed-field-medic @the-great-emperor-commodus @the-eclipsed-sun
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captain-and-crew · 13 days ago
You were walking along the streets of Vegas for a quest- or otherwise just.. in Vegas. And you see.. a pirate?
Their fluffy brown hair flows in the wind- they're holding a bottle of whiskey, they're in.. heels? They have on so much gold jewelry it looks like they would be wrecked by a magnet.
But hey, it's Vegas. It's probably just a street performer. That is, until, you accidentally brush their shoulder and they pull a FUCKING SWORD ON YOU.
"Witch- witches everywhere. Where are we? How long has it been? Where is my crew?" They ask in a heavy British accent.
(ask to be added to tag list!!)
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god-abandon-me · 3 months ago
{open Starter} run away
*you were walking around the town doing whatever people do, and you saw this teen running for their life they saw you and told you don't tell them you saw me. Then she went into an alley way*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @/anyone )
(my master list)
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pain-is-forever · 3 months ago
TW: Violence (?), mentions of injury
[It's the holiday season, the time people should spend especially close to their loved ones, time to be jolly and surrounded with kindness and love. That isn't the case for Theo. He had lit a small fire from old newspapers in an alleyway and placed a miserable looking tree consisting of a couple branches with dried up leaves stuck to them next to it. He looks like he's just been through hell, with fresh wounds on his arms and face and new bruises on his left cheek and under his right eye, the sword Karla gave him laying beside him, covered in monster dust. There seems to be something in his hand, it looks like a blanket, a very old one with holes and rips and dried up vomit on it.]
Happy Holidays, I fuckin' guess...
[He mutters as he wraps himself in the blanket and stares at the flames as the dried up leaves of his pitiful attempt at a tree catch fire and his creation starts burning, he doesn't seem to care about that though. He just stares blankly.]
TAGLIST (ask to be added or removed!! ^^):
@the-great-emperor-commodus @literally-tinker-bell @another-argo @steve-the-union-man
And everyone who sees this!
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child-of-harpocrates · 3 months ago
{open Starter} where is she?
*Ally has been gone for a month, gone without a trace. There was no note no nothing, that wasn't like her at all since she also left muskie behind which wasn't something she would do. It was a middle of the day and you were just walking around, maybe hoping you can find her. You saw Ally coming closer she was limping, her clothes were torn, she had bruises, cuts, she looked dehydrated, malnourished- wait were those handcuff imprints on her?*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official )
(my master list)
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xolues-child-of-aelous · 4 months ago
{open Starter} different
*after X's trip to tatarus, they have been acting different more reserve and sleeping a lot more. You see X by the river and they're washing their hands a lot as if she was trying to wash away blood that wasn't coming off*
What do you do?
(tags @sourlemon4life @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid )
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ratboyred · 1 year ago
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drew a few pokemon!!! gonna be selling them as stickers near my uni in the next week or so
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indulgentprompts · 2 months ago
send 🌺 to put a flower in my muse's hair.
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glykera · 6 months ago
Open starter
(Tw ptsd, panic attacks, sa, abuse, alcohol.)
Of course, cabin 12 had been able to find themselves booze. Of course, they were throwing a party with kids from almost every cabin. And of course, some of the kids asked her to be a glorified maid for the party, knowing she likely wouldn't protest.
Glykera looked absolutely shaken. She didn't even look fully here. One of the drunken campers had tried flirting with her and was standing a bit too close to her. So far, they were only talking to her. But that didn't change the terror she felt.
This place was far too similar to where she used to live. The party was just like the ones her master would throw. And those guests... those guests were pigs. She couldn't tell if this was the Dionysos cabin or if it was her old home. If these were campers or those old guests.
Tag list:
@love-lightning-forethought @the-prince-telemachus @pink-koi-lovejoy @fire-boy-official @apollos-favorite-child @ariathemortal @cass-sees-the-future @reyna4ever
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that-one-iris-kid · 1 month ago
Open starter: cliff
(Tw for existential crisis if you interact)
Ena is sitting sadly on a cliff feet dangling over the edge. The grass around him is pure white. In fact, the air seemed slightly paler around him.
@minx-o @best-trickster-god @urbestestwindgod
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bow-anon-rikki · 2 months ago
{open starter} alcohol
(TW for alcohol)
(I never been drunk before)
*you saw Rikki with some alcohol, and it looked like she couldn't handle her alcohol*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @notesbyaphrodite @justice-bringer @god-of-smithing-and-cozy-vibes @amber-the-unknown @apollo-ask-blog @/anyone )
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another-argo · 28 days ago
I am not letting you getting in my way
Argo had healed up his wounds for the most part. To the point where he wasn't screaming out in pain every time he moved.
Argo still.. isn't supposed to have weapons. But that doesn't stop him from finding them.
Argo was in the mortal realm, searching for.. something. And because of his track record at camp- once they found out that he was just.. searching for something, they sent you to make sure he doesn't go all crazy again.
Argo treks through the forest, his combat boots crunching twigs and leaves. He has his hood up, the black of the sweater allowing him to blend into the night. He's wearing cargo jeans that have been stained by days of dirt- but he's made significant movement from Commodus's castle in the past few days. He's been moving so fast, in fact, that you can barely keep up.
But when it starts raining in the middle of the night, Argo finally stops walking.
"I know you're here," Argo calls in your general direction. "I'm not any danger right now. I'm just trying to get to my mother's house."
taglist (ask to be added or deleted): @orion-the-hunterpt2 @lilacnightshade @pain-is-forever @reyno-solis-real @faceless-bugger @unlicensed-field-medic @the-great-emperor-commodus @the-eclipsed-sun
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the-young-hecate-kid · 8 days ago
{open starter} who is that
*you were at camp half-blood and saw a new camper, having new campers was usual but this one was about 5 years in age and already had bandages on*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @notesbyaphrodite @justice-bringer @god-of-smithing-and-cozy-vibes @amber-the-unknown @apollo-ask-blog @least-favorite-ares-kid @that-roman-arsonist @thomasofithaka @/anyone )
(my master list)
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